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diff --git a/sucl/newfold.icl b/sucl/newfold.icl
index c6646d9..a8afa18 100644
--- a/sucl/newfold.icl
+++ b/sucl/newfold.icl
@@ -69,7 +69,17 @@ Deprecated type
:: FuncDef sym var
- :== [Rule sym var]
+ :== ( [var] // Arguments of function
+ , FuncBody sym var // Right hand side of function
+ )
+:: FuncBody sym var
+ = MatchPattern
+ (Rgraph sym var) // Pattern to match
+ (FuncBody sym var) // Right hand side for matching graph (case branch)
+ (FuncBody sym var) // Right hand side for failed match (case default)
+ | BuildGraph
+ (Rgraph sym var) // Right hand side to reduce to
@@ -101,9 +111,11 @@ fullfold ::
fullfold trc foldarea fnsymbol trace
| recursive
- = recurseresult
-= newextract trc foldarea trace
+ = addlhs recurseresult
+= addlhs (newextract trc foldarea trace)
where (recursive,recurseresult) = recurse foldarea fnsymbol trace
+ addlhs = mapsnd3 (pair (arguments rule))
+ (Trace _ rule _ _ _) = trace
`Recurse foldarea fnsymbol trace' is a pair `(recursive,recurseresult)'.
@@ -119,7 +131,7 @@ recurse ::
((Rgraph sym var)->(sym,[var]))
-> (Trace sym var pvar)
- -> (Bool,([Bool],FuncDef sym var,[Rgraph sym var]))
+ -> (Bool,([Bool],FuncBody sym var,[Rgraph sym var]))
| == sym
& == var
& == pvar
@@ -159,7 +171,7 @@ foldtips ::
-> ([(var,Graph sym var)],[(var,Graph sym var)])
(Trace sym var pvar)
- -> (Bool,([Bool],FuncDef sym var,[Rgraph sym var]))
+ -> (Bool,([Bool],FuncBody sym var,[Rgraph sym var]))
| == sym
& == var
& == pvar
@@ -169,35 +181,41 @@ foldtips foldarea foldcont
where ft hist trace
= case transf
of Stop
- -> foldoptional exres (pair True o addstrict stricts) (actualfold deltanodes rnfnodes foldarea (==) foldcont (snd hist) rule)
+ -> foldoptional exres (pair True o addstrict stricts o mapfst rule2body) (actualfold deltanodes rnfnodes foldarea (==) foldcont (snd hist) rule)
where deltanodes = foldoptional [] getdeltanodes answer
rnfnodes = foldoptional [ruleroot rule] (const []) answer
Instantiate yestrace notrace
- -> ft`` (ft hist yestrace) (ft hist notrace)
- where ft`` (False,yessra) (False,nosra) = exres
- ft`` (yesfound,(yesstricts,yesrules,yesareas)) (nofound,(nostricts,norules,noareas))
- = (True,(stricts,yesrules++norules,yesareas++noareas))
+ -> ft` (ft hist yestrace) (ft hist notrace)
+ where ft` (False,yessra) (False,nosra) = exres
+ ft` (yesfound,(yesstricts,yesbody,yesareas)) (nofound,(nostricts,nobody,noareas))
+ = (True,(stricts,matchpattern answer yesbody nobody,yesareas++noareas))
Reduce reductroot trace
- -> ft`` (ft (fst hist,fst hist) trace)
- where ft`` (False,sra) = exres
- ft`` (found,sra) = (True,sra)
+ -> ft` (ft (fst hist,fst hist) trace)
+ where ft` (False,sra) = exres
+ ft` (found,sra) = (True,sra)
Annotate trace
- -> ft`` (ft hist trace)
- where ft`` (False,sra) = exres
- ft`` (found,sra) = (True,sra)
- where (Trace stricts rule answer history transf) = trace
+ -> ft` (ft hist trace)
+ where ft` (False,sra) = exres
+ ft` (found,sra) = (True,sra)
+ where (Trace stricts rule answer _ transf) = trace
exres = (False,newextract noetrc foldarea trace)
-addstrict stricts (rule,areas) = (stricts,[rule],areas)
+matchpattern ::
+ (Answer sym var pvar)
+ (FuncBody sym var)
+ (FuncBody sym var)
+ -> FuncBody sym var
+matchpattern _ _ _ = undef
+rule2body rule = buildgraph (arguments rule) (ruleroot rule) (rulegraph rule)
+addstrict stricts (body,areas) = (stricts,body,areas)
noetrc trace area = id
pair x y = (x,y)
-only :: [.elem] -> .elem
-only [x] = x
-only xs = abort "only: not a singleton list"
@@ -228,25 +246,25 @@ newextract ::
(Etracer sym var pvar)
((Rgraph sym var)->(sym,[var]))
(Trace sym var pvar)
- -> ([Bool],FuncDef sym var,[Rgraph sym var])
+ -> ([Bool],FuncBody sym var,[Rgraph sym var])
| == sym
& == var
& == pvar
newextract trc newname (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
| recursive
- = (stricts,[recrule],recareas)
+ = (stricts,rule2body recrule,recareas)
= case transf
of Reduce reductroot trace
-> newextract trc newname trace
Annotate trace
-> newextract trc newname trace
Instantiate yestrace notrace
- -> (stricts,yesrules++norules,yesareas++noareas)
- where (yesstricts,yesrules,yesareas) = newextract trc newname yestrace
- (nostricts,norules,noareas) = newextract trc newname notrace
+ -> (stricts,matchpattern answer yesbody nobody,yesareas++noareas)
+ where (_,yesbody,yesareas) = newextract trc newname yestrace
+ (_,nobody,noareas) = newextract trc newname notrace
- -> (stricts,[mkrule rargs rroot stoprgraph],stopareas)
+ -> (stricts,buildgraph rargs rroot stoprgraph,stopareas)
where (recursive,unsafearea)
= if (isreduce transf)
@@ -261,6 +279,13 @@ newextract trc newname (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
deltanodes = foldoptional [] getdeltanodes answer
+buildgraph ::
+ [var]
+ var
+ (Graph sym var)
+ -> FuncBody sym var
+buildgraph _ _ _ = undef
isreduce (Reduce reductroot trace) = True
isreduce transf = False