diff options
5 files changed, 30 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/check.icl b/frontend/check.icl
index 4bfade5..c32e805 100644
--- a/frontend/check.icl
+++ b/frontend/check.icl
@@ -1863,10 +1863,10 @@ checkDclModules imports_of_icl_mod dcl_modules icl_functions macro_defs heaps cs
= get_symbol imp_decl (get_ident imp_decl) state
get_ident :: !ImportDeclaration -> Ident
- get_ident (ID_Function {ii_ident}) = ii_ident
- get_ident (ID_Class {ii_ident} _) = ii_ident
- get_ident (ID_Type {ii_ident} _) = ii_ident
- get_ident (ID_Record {ii_ident} _) = ii_ident
+ get_ident (ID_Function ii_ident) = ii_ident
+ get_ident (ID_Class ii_ident _) = ii_ident
+ get_ident (ID_Type ii_ident _) = ii_ident
+ get_ident (ID_Record ii_ident _) = ii_ident
get_ident (ID_Instance class_ident instance_ident _) = instance_ident
get_symbol :: ImportDeclaration !Ident !*([Ident],Int,[ImportNrAndIdents],*(Heap SymbolTableEntry)) -> ([Ident],Int,[ImportNrAndIdents],.(Heap SymbolTableEntry))
diff --git a/frontend/explicitimports.icl b/frontend/explicitimports.icl
index 8670490..5efb402 100644
--- a/frontend/explicitimports.icl
+++ b/frontend/explicitimports.icl
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ imp_decl_to_string (ID_OldSyntax idents) = "ID_OldSyntax "+++idents_to_string id
idents_to_string [{id_name}:l] = toString id_name+++","+++idents_to_string l
-getBelongingSymbolsFromID :: !ImportDeclaration -> Optional [ImportedIdent]
+getBelongingSymbolsFromID :: !ImportDeclaration -> Optional [Ident]
getBelongingSymbolsFromID (ID_Class _ x) = x
getBelongingSymbolsFromID (ID_Type _ x) = x
getBelongingSymbolsFromID (ID_Record _ x) = x
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ solveExplicitImports expl_imp_indices_ikh modules_in_component_set importing_mod
new_ste = { ste & ste_kind = STE_BelongingSymbol i, ste_previous = ste }
= (i+1, writePtr id_info new_ste cs_symbol_table)
- get_opt_nr_and_ident position eii_ident {ii_ident=ii_ident=:{id_info}} (cs_error, cs_symbol_table)
+ get_opt_nr_and_ident position eii_ident ii_ident=:{id_info} (cs_error, cs_symbol_table)
# ({ste_kind}, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
= case ste_kind of
STE_BelongingSymbol i
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ solveExplicitImports expl_imp_indices_ikh modules_in_component_set importing_mod
eii_declaring_modules visited_modules
= (No, [], eii_declaring_modules, visited_modules)
- search_imported_symbol :: !Int ![ImportNrAndIdents] -> (!Bool, !Optional [ImportedIdent])
+ search_imported_symbol :: !Int ![ImportNrAndIdents] -> (!Bool, !Optional [Ident])
search_imported_symbol imported_symbol []
= (False, No)
search_imported_symbol imported_symbol [{ini_symbol_nr, ini_imp_decl}:t]
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ solveExplicitImports expl_imp_indices_ikh modules_in_component_set importing_mod
= (True, getBelongingSymbolsFromID ini_imp_decl)
= search_imported_symbol imported_symbol t
- belong_ident_found :: !Ident !(Optional [ImportedIdent]) -> Bool
+ belong_ident_found :: !Ident !(Optional [Ident]) -> Bool
belong_ident_found belong_ident No
// like from m import ::T
= False
@@ -393,10 +393,10 @@ solveExplicitImports expl_imp_indices_ikh modules_in_component_set importing_mod
// like from m import ::T(C1,C2)
= is_member belong_ident import_list
- is_member :: !Ident ![ImportedIdent] -> Bool
+ is_member :: !Ident ![Ident] -> Bool
is_member belong_ident []
= False
- is_member belong_ident [{ii_ident}:t]
+ is_member belong_ident [ii_ident:t]
| belong_ident==ii_ident
= True
= is_member belong_ident t
diff --git a/frontend/parse.icl b/frontend/parse.icl
index 17650b4..a3ca6d8 100644
--- a/frontend/parse.icl
+++ b/frontend/parse.icl
@@ -1145,22 +1145,22 @@ wantImportDeclarationT token pState
# (name, pState) = wantConstructorName "import type" pState
(type_id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Type pState
- (ii_extended, token, pState) = optional_extension_with_next_token pState
+ (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
| token == OpenToken
# (conses, pState) = want_names (wantConstructorName "import type (..)") IC_Expression CloseToken pState
- -> (ID_Type { ii_ident = type_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } (Yes conses), pState)
+ -> (ID_Type type_id (Yes conses), pState)
| token == CurlyOpenToken
# (fields, pState) = want_names (wantLowerCaseName "import record fields") (IC_Field type_id) CurlyCloseToken pState
- -> (ID_Record { ii_ident = type_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } (Yes fields), pState)
- -> (ID_Type { ii_ident = type_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } No, tokenBack pState)
+ -> (ID_Record type_id (Yes fields), pState)
+ -> (ID_Type type_id No, tokenBack pState)
# (name, pState) = want pState
(class_id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Class pState
- (ii_extended, token, pState) = optional_extension_with_next_token pState
+ (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
| token == OpenToken
# (members, pState) = want_names want IC_Expression CloseToken pState
- -> (ID_Class { ii_ident = class_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } (Yes members), pState)
- -> (ID_Class { ii_ident = class_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } No, tokenBack pState)
+ -> (ID_Class class_id (Yes members), pState)
+ -> (ID_Class class_id No, tokenBack pState)
# (class_name, pState) = want pState
// (ii_extended, pState) = optional_extension pState // MW: removed but still not ok
@@ -1169,14 +1169,14 @@ wantImportDeclarationT token pState
(class_id, pState) = stringToIdent class_name IC_Class pState
(inst_id, pState) = stringToIdent class_name (IC_Instance types) pState
(context, pState) = optionalContext pState
- -> (ID_Instance { ii_ident = class_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } inst_id (types,context), pState)
+ -> (ID_Instance class_id inst_id (types,context), pState)
IdentToken fun_name
# (fun_id, pState) = stringToIdent fun_name IC_Expression pState
(ii_extended, pState) = optional_extension pState
- -> (ID_Function { ii_ident = fun_id, ii_extended = ii_extended }, pState)
+ -> (ID_Function fun_id, pState)
# (fun_id, pState) = stringToIdent "dummy" IC_Expression pState
- -> ( ID_Function { ii_ident = fun_id, ii_extended = False }
+ -> ( ID_Function fun_id
, parseError "from import" (Yes token) "imported item" pState
@@ -1189,26 +1189,19 @@ where
want_list_of_names want_fun ident_kind close_token pState
# (name, pState) = want_fun pState
(name_id, pState) = stringToIdent name ident_kind pState
- (ii_extended, token, pState) = optional_extension_with_next_token pState
+ (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
| token == CommaToken
# (names, pState) = want_list_of_names want_fun ident_kind close_token pState
- = ([{ ii_ident = name_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } : names], pState)
+ = ([name_id : names], pState)
| token == close_token
- = ([{ ii_ident = name_id, ii_extended = ii_extended }], pState)
- = ([{ ii_ident = name_id, ii_extended = ii_extended }], parseError "ImportDeclaration" (Yes token) ")" pState)
+ = ([name_id], pState)
+ = ([name_id], parseError "ImportDeclaration" (Yes token) ")" pState)
optional_extension pState
# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
| token == DotDotToken
= (True, pState)
= (False, tokenBack pState)
- optional_extension_with_next_token pState
- # (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
- | token == DotDotToken
- # (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
- = (True, token, pState)
- = (False, token, pState)
Classes and instances
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.dcl b/frontend/syntax.dcl
index 331ef76..34001ad 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.dcl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.dcl
@@ -455,16 +455,11 @@ instance toString (Import from_symbol), AttributeVar, TypeAttribute, Annotation
:: ParsedImport :== Import ImportDeclaration
-:: ImportedIdent =
- { ii_ident :: !Ident
- , ii_extended :: !Bool
- }
-:: ImportDeclaration = ID_Function !ImportedIdent
- | ID_Class !ImportedIdent !(Optional [ImportedIdent])
- | ID_Type !ImportedIdent !(Optional [ImportedIdent])
- | ID_Record !ImportedIdent !(Optional [ImportedIdent])
- | ID_Instance !ImportedIdent !Ident !(![Type],![TypeContext])
+:: ImportDeclaration = ID_Function !Ident
+ | ID_Class !Ident !(Optional [Ident])
+ | ID_Type !Ident !(Optional [Ident])
+ | ID_Record !Ident !(Optional [Ident])
+ | ID_Instance !Ident !Ident !(![Type],![TypeContext])
cIsImportedLibrary :== True
cIsImportedObject :== False
@@ -1423,7 +1418,7 @@ instance == ModuleKind, Ident
instance <<< (Module a) | <<< a, ParsedDefinition, InstanceType, AttributeVar, TypeVar, SymbolType, Expression, Type, Ident, (Global object) | <<< object,
Position, CaseAlt, AType, FunDef, ParsedExpr, TypeAttribute, (Bind a b) | <<< a & <<< b,
FieldNameOrQualifiedFieldName, ParsedConstructor, (TypeDef a) | <<< a, TypeVarInfo, AttrVarInfo,
- BasicValue, ATypeVar, TypeRhs, (Import from_symbol) | <<< from_symbol, ImportDeclaration, ImportedIdent, CasePatterns,
+ BasicValue, ATypeVar, TypeRhs, (Import from_symbol) | <<< from_symbol, ImportDeclaration, CasePatterns,
(Optional a) | <<< a, ConsVariable, BasicType, Annotation, SelectorKind, Selection, SelectorDef, ConsDef, LocalDefs, FreeVar, ClassInstance, SignClassification,
TypeCodeExpression, CoercionPosition, AttrInequality, LetBind, Declaration, STE_Kind, BoundVar,
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.icl b/frontend/syntax.icl
index 102b743..7093137 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.icl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.icl
@@ -962,10 +962,6 @@ readable {id_name}
= id_name%(1, size id_name-1)
= id_name
-instance <<< ImportedIdent
- (<<<) file {ii_ident, ii_extended} = file <<< ii_ident <<< ' ' <<< ii_extended
instance == ModuleKind
(==) mk1 mk2 = equal_constructor mk1 mk2