diff options
97 files changed, 48806 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/MAIN_CLM.d b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/MAIN_CLM.d
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a85421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/MAIN_CLM.d
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#if ((defined (__MWERKS__) && !defined (__INTEL__)) || defined (__MRC__)) /* && !defined (MAKE_MPW_TOOL) */
+# define MAIN_CLM
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/apple_main.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/apple_main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2734724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/apple_main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unix.h>
+#include <SIOUX.h>
+#include <quickdraw.h>
+#include <fonts.h>
+#include <events.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <memory.h>
+#include <resources.h>
+#include <menus.h>
+#include <OSUtils.h>
+#include "AppleEvents.h"
+#include "Gestalt.h"
+#include "AERegistry.h"
+#include "system.h"
+#include "path_cache.h"
+#include "compiler.h"
+extern void clear_inline_cache (void);
+#define MW_DEBUG 0
+#define LINKER
+#undef PROFILE
+#if 1
+#define kSleepMax 50000
+static Boolean gAppleEventsFlag, gQuitFlag;
+static long gSleepVal;
+static pascal OSErr DoAEOpenApplication (AppleEvent *theAppleEvent,AppleEvent *replyAppleEvent,long refCon)
+ return noErr;
+static pascal OSErr DoAEOpenDocuments (AppleEvent *theAppleEvent,AppleEvent *replyAppleEvent, long refCon)
+ return errAEEventNotHandled;
+static pascal OSErr DoAEPrintDocuments (AppleEvent *theAppleEvent,AppleEvent *replyAppleEvent,long refCon)
+ return errAEEventNotHandled;
+static pascal OSErr DoAEQuitApplication (AppleEvent *theAppleEvent,AppleEvent *replyAppleEvent,long refCon)
+ gQuitFlag = true;
+ return noErr;
+#include <string.h>
+extern int CallCompiler (int argc,char **argv);
+# ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" { int generate_code (int,char **); }
+ extern int generate_code68 (int,char **);
+# else
+ extern int generate_code (int,char **);
+ extern int generate_code68__FiPPc (int,char **);
+ #define generate_code68 generate_code68__FiPPc
+# endif
+#ifdef LINKER
+# ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" { int link_application_argc_argv (int,char **); }
+# else
+ extern int link_application_argc_argv (int,char **);
+# endif
+char return_error_string[200];
+int do_command (char *command)
+ char *p,*(argv[257]);
+ int argc,result;
+ int redirect_stdout,redirect_stderr;
+ result=0;
+ redirect_stdout=0;
+ redirect_stderr=0;
+ argc=0;
+ p=command;
+ while (*p==' ' || *p=='\t')
+ ++p;
+ while (*p!='\0' && argc<256){
+ if (*p=='>' || *p=='„'){
+ int redirection_char;
+ char *file_name;
+ redirection_char=*p;
+ ++p;
+ while (*p==' ' || *p=='\t')
+ ++p;
+ if (*p=='\0')
+ break;
+ if (*p=='\''){
+ char c,*d_p;
+ ++p;
+ file_name=p;
+ d_p=p;
+ c=*p;
+ while (!(c=='\'' && p[1]!='\'') && c!='\0'){
+ *d_p++=c;
+ if (c=='\'')
+ ++p;
+ c=*++p;
+ }
+ if (*p=='\0'){
+ *d_p='\0';
+ break;
+ }
+ *d_p='\0';
+ ++p;
+ } else {
+ file_name=p;
+ while (*p!=' ' && *p!='\t' && *p!='\0')
+ ++p;
+ if (*p!='\0')
+ *p++='\0';
+ }
+ if (redirection_char=='>' && redirect_stdout==0){
+ freopen (file_name,"w",stdout);
+ redirect_stdout=1;
+ } else if (redirection_char=='„' && redirect_stderr==0){
+ freopen (file_name,"w",stderr);
+ redirect_stderr=1;
+ }
+ if (*p=='\0')
+ break;
+ while (*p==' ' || *p=='\t')
+ ++p;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (*p=='\''){
+ char c,*d_p;
+ ++p;
+ argv[argc]=p;
+ d_p=p;
+ c=*p;
+ while (!(c=='\'' && p[1]!='\'') && c!='\0'){
+ *d_p++=c;
+ if (c=='\'')
+ ++p;
+ c=*++p;
+ }
+ if (*p=='\0'){
+ *d_p='\0';
+ break;
+ }
+ ++argc;
+ *d_p='\0';
+ ++p;
+ } else {
+ argv[argc++]=p;
+ while (*p!=' ' && *p!='\t' && *p!='\0')
+ ++p;
+ if (*p!='\0')
+ *p++='\0';
+ }
+ while (*p==' ' || *p=='\t')
+ ++p;
+ }
+ argv[argc]=NULL;
+/* {
+ int n;
+ for (n=0; n<argc; ++n)
+ printf ("%d %s\n",n,argv[n]);
+ }
+ if (argc>0){
+ if (!strcmp (argv[0],"cocl")){
+ if (argc>=2 && !strcmp ("-clear_cache",argv[1])){
+ result=CallCompiler (argc-2,&argv[2]);
+ clear_path_cache();
+ clear_inline_cache();
+ FreePathList();
+ } else
+ result=CallCompiler (argc-1,&argv[1]);
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp (argv[0],"cg"))
+ result=generate_code (argc,&argv[0]);
+ else if (!strcmp (argv[0],"cg68"))
+ result=generate_code68 (argc,&argv[0]);
+#ifdef LINKER
+ else if (!strcmp (argv[0],"linker"))
+ result=link_application_argc_argv (argc,&argv[0]);
+ else if (!strcmp (argv[0],"clear_cache")){
+ clear_path_cache();
+ clear_inline_cache();
+ FreePathList();
+ } else {
+ result=-1;
+ strcpy (return_error_string,"unknown command");
+ }
+ }
+ if (redirect_stdout)
+ fclose (stdout);
+ if (redirect_stderr)
+ fclose (stderr);
+ return result;
+static char script_string[16001];
+static pascal OSErr do_script_apple_event (AppleEvent *apple_event,AppleEvent *replyAppleEvent,long refCon)
+ DescType returned_type;
+ long actual_size;
+ int error;
+ error=AEGetParamPtr (apple_event,keyDirectObject,'TEXT',&returned_type,&script_string,sizeof (script_string),&actual_size);
+ if (error==noErr && actual_size<=16000){
+ int return_error_string_length;
+ script_string[actual_size]='\0';
+ return_error_string[0]='\0';
+#if !MW_DEBUG
+ error=do_command (script_string);
+ return_error_string_length=strlen (return_error_string);
+ if (return_error_string_length!=0){
+ AEPutParamPtr (replyAppleEvent,keyErrorString,typeChar,return_error_string,return_error_string_length);
+ }
+ }
+ return error;
+static void InitAppleEventsStuff (void)
+ OSErr retCode;
+ if (!gAppleEventsFlag)
+ return;
+ retCode = AEInstallEventHandler (kCoreEventClass,kAEOpenApplication,NewAEEventHandlerProc (DoAEOpenApplication),0,false);
+ if (retCode==noErr)
+ retCode = AEInstallEventHandler (kCoreEventClass,kAEOpenDocuments,NewAEEventHandlerProc (DoAEOpenDocuments),0,false);
+ if (retCode==noErr)
+ retCode = AEInstallEventHandler (kCoreEventClass,kAEPrintDocuments,NewAEEventHandlerProc (DoAEPrintDocuments),0,false);
+ if (retCode==noErr)
+ retCode = AEInstallEventHandler (kCoreEventClass,kAEQuitApplication,NewAEEventHandlerProc (DoAEQuitApplication),0,false);
+ if (retCode==noErr)
+ retCode = AEInstallEventHandler (kAEMiscStandards,kAEDoScript,NewAEEventHandlerProc (do_script_apple_event),0,false);
+ if (retCode!=noErr)
+ DebugStr("\pInstall event handler failed");
+static void do_high_level_event (EventRecord *theEventRecPtr)
+ script_string[0]=0;
+ AEProcessAppleEvent (theEventRecPtr);
+ if (script_string[0]){
+ do_command (script_string);
+ script_string[0]=0;
+ }
+extern short InstallConsole (short fd);
+#ifdef PROFILE
+# include <Profiler.h>
+int /*clean_compiler_*/ main (void)
+ OSErr retCode;
+ long gestResponse;
+ EventRecord mainEventRec;
+ Boolean eventFlag;
+ SetApplLimit (GetApplLimit() - 200*1024);
+ InitGraf (&qd.thePort);
+ InitFonts();
+ FlushEvents (everyEvent,0);
+ InitWindows();
+ InitCursor();
+ InitMenus();
+ _fcreator='3PRM';
+ gQuitFlag = false;
+ gSleepVal = kSleepMax;
+ retCode = Gestalt(gestaltAppleEventsAttr,&gestResponse);
+ if (retCode==noErr && (gestResponse & (1<<gestaltAppleEventsPresent))!=0)
+ gAppleEventsFlag = true;
+ else
+ gAppleEventsFlag = false;
+ SIOUXSettings.autocloseonquit=1;
+ SIOUXSettings.showstatusline=0;
+ SIOUXSettings.asktosaveonclose=0;
+ printf ("\n");
+#if !defined (BACKGROUND) && !defined (STDIO_WINDOW)
+ fclose (stdout);
+ fclose (stderr);
+ InitAppleEventsStuff();
+#ifdef PROFILE
+ if (ProfilerInit(/*collectSummary*/collectDetailed,bestTimeBase,10000,10)!=0)
+ return 0;
+ while (!gQuitFlag) {
+ eventFlag = WaitNextEvent (everyEvent,&mainEventRec,gSleepVal,nil);
+ if (SIOUXHandleOneEvent (&mainEventRec))
+ continue;
+ if (mainEventRec.what==keyDown)
+ break;
+ if (mainEventRec.what==kHighLevelEvent)
+ do_high_level_event (&mainEventRec);
+ }
+#ifdef PROFILE
+ ProfilerDump ("\pProfile");
+ ProfilerTerm();
+ return 1;
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backend.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backend.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..630f19d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backend.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2683 @@
+#define DYNAMIC_TYPE 1
+# include "system.h"
+# include "compiledefines.h"
+# include "syntaxtr.t"
+# include "codegen_types.h"
+# include "statesgen.h"
+# include "codegen.h"
+# include "codegen2.h"
+# include "instructions.h"
+# include "sizes.h"
+# include "set_scope_numbers.h"
+# include "scanner.h" /* InitScanner, ScanInitIdentStringTable */
+# include "checker.h" /* scc_dependency_list, ClearOpenDefinitionModules, AddOpenDefinitionModule */
+# include "comsupport.h" /* CurrentModule */
+# include "buildtree.h" /* TupleSymbol, ApplySymbol */
+# include "backendsupport.h"
+# define Clean(ignore)
+# include "dynamics.h"
+# include "backend.h"
+# include <limits.h>
+BEGetVersion (int *current, int *oldestDefinition, int *oldestImplementation)
+ *current = kBEVersionCurrent;
+ *oldestDefinition = kBEVersionOldestDefinition;
+ *oldestImplementation = kBEVersionOldestImplementation;
+extern PolyList UserDefinedArrayFunctions; /* typechecker.c */
+extern StdOutReopened, StdErrorReopened; /* cocl.c */
+ Strings
+ =======
+static char *
+ConvertCleanString (CleanString string)
+ int length;
+ char *copy;
+ length = string->length;
+ copy = ConvertAlloc (length+1);
+ strncpy (copy, string->chars, length);
+ copy [length] = '\0';
+ return (copy);
+} /* ConvertCleanString */
+ Counting routines
+static short
+CountTypeArgs (BETypeArgP args)
+ short n;
+ n = 0;
+ for (; args != NULL; args = args->type_arg_next)
+ n++;
+ return (n);
+} /* CountTypeArgs */
+static short
+CountArgs (BEArgP args)
+ short n;
+ n = 0;
+ for (; args != NULL; args = args->arg_next)
+ n++;
+ return (n);
+} /* CountArgs */
+ BE routines
+STRUCT (be_module, BEModule)
+ char *bem_name;
+ Bool bem_isSystemModule;
+ unsigned int bem_nFunctions;
+ SymbolP bem_functions;
+ unsigned int bem_nConstructors;
+ unsigned int bem_nTypes;
+ SymbolP *bem_types;
+ SymbolP *bem_constructors;
+ unsigned int bem_nFields;
+ SymbolP bem_fields;
+STRUCT (be_icl_module, BEIcl)
+ ImpMod beicl_module;
+ BEModuleS beicl_dcl_module;
+ // +++ remove this (build deps list separately)
+ SymbDefP *beicl_depsP;
+ unsigned int beicl_previousAncestor;
+STRUCT (be_state, BEState)
+ Bool be_initialised;
+ char **be_argv;
+ int be_argc;
+ int be_argi;
+ BEModuleP be_modules;
+ BEIclS be_icl;
+ unsigned int be_nModules;
+ SymbolP be_allSymbols;
+ SymbolP be_dontCareSymbol;
+ SymbolP be_dictionarySelectFunSymbol;
+ SymbolP be_dictionaryUpdateFunSymbol;
+static BEStateS gBEState = {False /* ... */};
+/* +++ dynamic allocation */
+# define kMaxNumberOfNodeIds 1000
+STRUCT (be_locally_generated_function_info, BELocallyGeneratedFunction)
+ char *lgf_name;
+ int lgf_arity;
+static BELocallyGeneratedFunctionS gLocallyGeneratedFunctions[] = {{"_dictionary_select", 3}, {"_dictionary_update", 4}};
+# define kDictionarySelect 0
+# define kDictionaryUpdate 1
+// +++ put in gBEState
+static NodeIdP gCurrentNodeIds [kMaxNumberOfNodeIds];
+static SymbolP gBasicSymbols [Nr_Of_Predef_FunsOrConses];
+static SymbolP gTupleSelectSymbols [MaxNodeArity];
+static int number_of_node_ids=0;
+static IdentP
+Identifier (char *name)
+ IdentP ident;
+ ident = ConvertAllocType (IdentS);
+ ident->ident_name = name;
+ return (ident);
+} /* Identifier */
+static SymbolP
+PredefinedSymbol (SymbKind symbolKind, int arity)
+ SymbolP symbol;
+ symbol = ConvertAllocType (SymbolS);
+ symbol->symb_kind = symbolKind;
+ symbol->symb_arity = arity;
+ return (symbol);
+} /* PredefinedSymbol */
+static SymbolP
+AllocateSymbols (int nSymbols, SymbolP otherSymbols)
+ int i;
+ SymbolP symbols;
+ if (nSymbols > 0)
+ {
+ symbols = (SymbolP) ConvertAlloc (nSymbols * sizeof (SymbolS));
+ for (i = 0; i < nSymbols; i++)
+ {
+ symbols [i].symb_kind = erroneous_symb;
+ symbols [i].symb_next = &symbols [i+1];
+ }
+ symbols [nSymbols-1].symb_next = otherSymbols;
+ }
+ else
+ symbols = otherSymbols;
+ return (symbols);
+} /* AllocateSymbols */
+static void
+InitPredefinedSymbols (void)
+ int i;
+ gBasicSymbols [int_type] = PredefinedSymbol (int_type, 0);
+ gBasicSymbols [bool_type] = PredefinedSymbol (bool_type, 0);
+ gBasicSymbols [char_type] = PredefinedSymbol (char_type, 0);
+ gBasicSymbols [real_type] = PredefinedSymbol (real_type, 0);
+ gBasicSymbols [file_type] = PredefinedSymbol (file_type, 0);
+ gBasicSymbols [world_type] = PredefinedSymbol (world_type, 0);
+ gBasicSymbols [dynamic_type]= PredefinedSymbol (dynamic_type, 0);
+ gBasicSymbols [array_type] = PredefinedSymbol (array_type, 1);
+ gBasicSymbols [strict_array_type] = PredefinedSymbol (strict_array_type, 1);
+ gBasicSymbols [unboxed_array_type] = PredefinedSymbol (unboxed_array_type, 1);
+ gBasicSymbols [fun_type] = PredefinedSymbol (fun_type, 2);
+ ApplySymbol = PredefinedSymbol (apply_symb, 2);
+ gBasicSymbols [apply_symb] = ApplySymbol;
+ TupleSymbol = PredefinedSymbol (tuple_symb, 2); /* arity doesn't matter */
+ gBasicSymbols [tuple_symb] = TupleSymbol;
+ gBasicSymbols [tuple_type] = PredefinedSymbol (tuple_type, 2);
+ gBasicSymbols [if_symb] = PredefinedSymbol (if_symb, 3);
+ gBasicSymbols [fail_symb] = PredefinedSymbol (fail_symb, 0);
+ gBasicSymbols [nil_symb] = PredefinedSymbol (nil_symb, 0);
+ gBasicSymbols [cons_symb] = PredefinedSymbol (cons_symb, 2);
+ for (i = 0; i < MaxNodeArity; i++)
+ gTupleSelectSymbols [i] = NULL;
+} /* InitPredefinedSymbols */
+static void
+AddUserDefinedArrayFunction (SymbolP functionSymbol)
+ PolyList elem;
+ elem = ConvertAllocType (struct poly_list);
+ elem->pl_elem = functionSymbol;
+ elem->pl_next = UserDefinedArrayFunctions;
+ UserDefinedArrayFunctions = elem;
+} /* AddUserDefinedArrayFunction */
+static void
+DeclareModule (int moduleIndex, char *name, Bool isSystemModule, int nFunctions,
+ int nTypes, int nConstructors, int nFields)
+ BEModuleP module;
+ SymbolP symbols, allSymbols;
+ allSymbols = gBEState.be_allSymbols;
+ allSymbols = AllocateSymbols (nFunctions + nTypes + nConstructors + nFields, allSymbols);
+ Assert ((unsigned int) moduleIndex < gBEState.be_nModules);
+ module = &gBEState.be_modules [moduleIndex];
+ module->bem_name = name;
+ module->bem_isSystemModule = isSystemModule;
+ symbols = allSymbols;
+ module->bem_nFunctions = (unsigned int) nFunctions;
+ module->bem_functions = symbols;
+ symbols += nFunctions;
+ module->bem_nTypes = (unsigned int) nTypes;
+// module->bem_types = symbols;
+ {
+ /* +++ do this lazily */
+ int i;
+ module->bem_types = (SymbolP *) ConvertAlloc (nTypes * sizeof (SymbolP));
+ for (i = 0; i < nTypes; i++)
+ {
+ module->bem_types [i] = &symbols [i];
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ /* +++ change this */
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < nTypes; i++)
+ {
+ SymbDef newSymbDef;
+ newSymbDef = ConvertAllocType (SymbDefS);
+ newSymbDef->sdef_isused = False;
+ symbols [i].symb_def = newSymbDef;
+ }
+ }
+ symbols += nTypes;
+ module->bem_nConstructors = (unsigned int) nConstructors;
+// module->bem_constructors = symbols;
+ {
+ /* +++ do this lazily */
+ int i;
+ module->bem_constructors = (SymbolP *) ConvertAlloc (nConstructors * sizeof (SymbolP));
+ for (i = 0; i < nConstructors; i++)
+ {
+ module->bem_constructors [i] = &symbols [i];
+ }
+ }
+ symbols += nConstructors;
+ module->bem_nFields = (unsigned int) nFields;
+ module->bem_fields = symbols;
+ symbols += nFields;
+ gBEState.be_allSymbols = allSymbols;
+} /* DeclareModule */
+BEDeclareIclModule (CleanString name, int nFunctions, int nTypes, int nConstructors, int nFields)
+ int i;
+ char *cName;
+ SymbolP moduleNameSymbol;
+ ImpMod iclModule;
+ BEIclP icl;
+ cName = ConvertCleanString (name);
+ moduleNameSymbol = ConvertAllocType (SymbolS);
+ moduleNameSymbol->symb_ident = Identifier (cName);
+ Assert (strcmp (gBEState.be_modules [kIclModuleIndex].bem_name, cName) == 0);
+ icl = &gBEState.be_icl;
+ icl->beicl_module = ConvertAllocType (ImpRepr);
+ icl->beicl_dcl_module = gBEState.be_modules [kIclModuleIndex];
+ icl->beicl_previousAncestor = UINT_MAX;
+ scc_dependency_list = NULL;
+ icl->beicl_depsP = &scc_dependency_list;
+ nFunctions += ArraySize (gLocallyGeneratedFunctions);
+ DeclareModule (kIclModuleIndex, cName, False, nFunctions, nTypes, nConstructors, nFields);
+ iclModule = icl->beicl_module;
+ iclModule->im_name = moduleNameSymbol;
+ iclModule->im_def_module = NULL;
+ iclModule->im_rules = NULL;
+ iclModule->im_start = NULL;
+ iclModule->im_symbols = gBEState.be_allSymbols;
+ iclModule->im_imported_objs = NULL;
+ iclModule->im_imported_libs = NULL;
+# endif
+ CurrentModule = cName;
+ for (i = 0; i < ArraySize (gLocallyGeneratedFunctions); i++)
+ {
+ static void DeclareFunctionC (char *name, int arity, int functionIndex, unsigned int ancestor);
+ BELocallyGeneratedFunctionP locallyGeneratedFunction;
+ locallyGeneratedFunction = &gLocallyGeneratedFunctions [i];
+ DeclareFunctionC (locallyGeneratedFunction->lgf_name, locallyGeneratedFunction->lgf_arity, nFunctions-ArraySize(gLocallyGeneratedFunctions)+i, UINT_MAX);
+ }
+ /* +++ hack */
+ {
+ static BESymbolP CreateDictionarySelectFunSymbol (void);
+ static BESymbolP CreateDictionaryUpdateFunSymbol (void);
+ gBEState.be_dictionarySelectFunSymbol = CreateDictionarySelectFunSymbol ();
+ gBEState.be_dictionaryUpdateFunSymbol = CreateDictionaryUpdateFunSymbol ();
+ }
+} /* BEDeclareIclModule */
+BEDeclareDclModule (int moduleIndex, CleanString name, int isSystemModule, int nFunctions, int nTypes, int nConstructors, int nFields)
+ char *cName;
+ SymbolP moduleNameSymbol;
+ DefMod dclModule;
+ cName = ConvertCleanString (name);
+ moduleNameSymbol = ConvertAllocType (SymbolS);
+ moduleNameSymbol->symb_ident = Identifier (cName);
+ DeclareModule (moduleIndex, cName, isSystemModule, nFunctions, nTypes, nConstructors, nFields);
+ dclModule = ConvertAllocType (DefRepr);
+ dclModule->dm_name = moduleNameSymbol;
+ dclModule->dm_system_module = isSystemModule;
+ dclModule->dm_symbols = gBEState.be_allSymbols; /* ??? too many symbols? */
+ if (moduleIndex != kIclModuleIndex)
+ AddOpenDefinitionModule (moduleNameSymbol, dclModule);
+} /* BEDeclareDclModule */
+BEDeclarePredefinedModule (int nTypes, int nConstructors)
+ char *cName;
+ cName = "_predef";
+ DeclareModule (kPredefinedModuleIndex, cName, False, 0, nTypes, nConstructors, 0);
+} /* BEDeclarePredefinedModule */
+BEDeclareModules (int nModules)
+ Assert (gBEState.be_modules == NULL);
+ gBEState.be_nModules = (unsigned int) nModules;
+ gBEState.be_modules = (BEModuleP) ConvertAlloc (nModules * sizeof (BEModuleS));
+} /* BEDeclareModules */
+BEFunctionSymbol (int functionIndex, int moduleIndex)
+ BEModuleP module;
+ SymbolP functionSymbol;
+ Assert ((unsigned int) moduleIndex < gBEState.be_nModules);
+ module = &gBEState.be_modules [moduleIndex];
+ Assert ((unsigned int) functionIndex < module->bem_nFunctions);
+ functionSymbol = &module->bem_functions [functionIndex];
+ Assert (functionSymbol->symb_kind == definition
+ || (moduleIndex == kPredefinedModuleIndex && functionSymbol->symb_kind != erroneous_symb));
+ functionSymbol->symb_def->sdef_isused = True;
+ return (functionSymbol);
+} /* BEFunctionSymbol */
+static void
+GetArrayFunctionType (SymbDefP sdef, TypeNode *elementTypeP, TypeNode *arrayTypeP)
+ TypeAlt *typeAlt;
+ typeAlt = sdef->sdef_rule_type->rule_type_rule;
+ switch (sdef->sdef_arfun)
+ {
+ case BEArraySelectFun:
+ case BEUnqArraySelectFun:
+ case BE_UnqArraySelectFun:
+ case BE_UnqArraySelectNextFun:
+ case BE_UnqArraySelectLastFun:
+ break;
+ case BEArrayUpdateFun:
+ case BE_ArrayUpdateFun:
+ Assert (typeAlt->type_alt_lhs->type_node_arity == 3);
+ *elementTypeP = typeAlt->type_alt_lhs->type_node_arguments->type_arg_next->type_arg_next->type_arg_node;
+ *arrayTypeP = typeAlt->type_alt_lhs->type_node_arguments->type_arg_node;
+ break;
+ default:
+ *elementTypeP = NULL;
+ *arrayTypeP = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+} /* GetArrayFunctionType */
+BESpecialArrayFunctionSymbol (BEArrayFunKind arrayFunKind, int functionIndex, int moduleIndex)
+ Bool isSpecialArrayFunction;
+ BEModuleP module;
+ SymbolP functionSymbol;
+ SymbDefP sdef;
+ SymbDefP originalsdef;
+ TypeAlt *typeAlt;
+ TypeNode elementType, arrayType;
+ Assert ((unsigned int) moduleIndex < gBEState.be_nModules);
+ module = &gBEState.be_modules [moduleIndex];
+ Assert ((unsigned int) functionIndex < module->bem_nFunctions);
+ functionSymbol = &module->bem_functions [functionIndex];
+ Assert (functionSymbol->symb_kind == definition
+ || (moduleIndex == kPredefinedModuleIndex && functionSymbol->symb_kind != erroneous_symb));
+ originalsdef = functionSymbol->symb_def;
+ typeAlt = originalsdef->sdef_rule_type->rule_type_rule;
+ isSpecialArrayFunction = False;
+ switch (arrayFunKind)
+ {
+ case BEArraySelectFun:
+ Assert (originalsdef->sdef_arfun == BEArraySelectFun || originalsdef->sdef_arfun == BEUnqArraySelectFun);
+ break;
+ case BE_UnqArraySelectFun:
+ case BE_UnqArraySelectLastFun:
+ Assert (typeAlt->type_alt_lhs->type_node_arity == 2);
+ elementType = typeAlt->type_alt_rhs;
+ arrayType = typeAlt->type_alt_lhs->type_node_arguments->type_arg_node;
+ isSpecialArrayFunction = True;
+ Assert (originalsdef->sdef_arfun == BEArraySelectFun);
+ break;
+ case BE_ArrayUpdateFun:
+ isSpecialArrayFunction = True;
+ elementType = typeAlt->type_alt_lhs->type_node_arguments->type_arg_next->type_arg_next->type_arg_node;
+ arrayType = typeAlt->type_alt_lhs->type_node_arguments->type_arg_node;
+ /* fall through! */
+ case BEArrayUpdateFun:
+ Assert (originalsdef->sdef_arfun == BEArrayUpdateFun);
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assert (False);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (isSpecialArrayFunction)
+ {
+ SymbolP previousFunctionSymbol;
+ Bool allreadyCreated;
+ previousFunctionSymbol = functionSymbol;
+ functionSymbol = functionSymbol->symb_next;
+ allreadyCreated = False;
+ if (functionSymbol != NULL && functionSymbol->symb_kind == definition)
+ {
+ sdef = functionSymbol->symb_def;
+ allreadyCreated = sdef->sdef_arfun == (ArrayFunKind) arrayFunKind;
+ if (!allreadyCreated && arrayFunKind == BE_UnqArraySelectLastFun && sdef->sdef_arfun == BE_UnqArraySelectFun)
+ {
+ previousFunctionSymbol = functionSymbol;
+ functionSymbol = functionSymbol->symb_next;
+ if (functionSymbol != NULL && functionSymbol->symb_kind == definition)
+ {
+ sdef = functionSymbol->symb_def;
+ allreadyCreated = sdef->sdef_arfun == (ArrayFunKind) arrayFunKind;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!allreadyCreated)
+ {
+ char *functionName, *functionPrefix;
+ TypeAlt *newTypeAlt;
+ IdentP newIdent;
+ SymbDefP newsdef;
+ SymbolP newFunctionSymbol;
+ RuleTypes newRuleType;
+ TypeArgs lhsArgs;
+ TypeNode rhs;
+ newFunctionSymbol = ConvertAllocType (SymbolS);
+ newsdef = ConvertAllocType (SymbDefS);
+ newIdent = ConvertAllocType (IdentS);
+ newTypeAlt = ConvertAllocType (TypeAlt);
+ newTypeAlt->type_alt_type_context = NULL; /* used in PrintType */
+ newTypeAlt->type_alt_attr_equations = NULL; /* used in PrintType */
+ Assert (!arrayType->type_node_is_var);
+ switch (arrayType->type_node_symbol->symb_kind)
+ {
+ case strict_array_type:
+ case unboxed_array_type:
+ elementType->type_node_annotation = StrictAnnot;
+ break;
+ case array_type:
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assert (False);
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (arrayFunKind)
+ {
+ case BE_UnqArraySelectFun:
+ rhs = BENormalTypeNode (gBasicSymbols [tuple_type],
+ BETypeArgs (elementType, BETypeArgs (arrayType, NULL)));
+ lhsArgs = BETypeArgs (arrayType, BETypeArgs (BEAnnotateTypeNode (StrictAnnot, BENormalTypeNode (gBasicSymbols [int_type], NULL)), NULL));
+ functionPrefix = "_uselectf";
+ break;
+ case BE_UnqArraySelectLastFun:
+ {
+ struct clean_string rName = {1, 'r'};
+ TypeNode rType;
+ rType = BEAnnotateTypeNode (StrictAnnot, BEVarTypeNode (&rName));
+ rhs = BENormalTypeNode (gBasicSymbols [tuple_type],
+ BETypeArgs (elementType, BETypeArgs (rType, NULL)));
+ lhsArgs = BETypeArgs (
+ BEAnnotateTypeNode (StrictAnnot, BENormalTypeNode (gBasicSymbols [tuple_type],
+ BETypeArgs (arrayType, BETypeArgs (rType, NULL)))),
+ BETypeArgs (BEAnnotateTypeNode (StrictAnnot, BENormalTypeNode (gBasicSymbols [int_type], NULL)), NULL));
+ functionPrefix = "_uselectl";
+ break;
+ }
+ case BE_ArrayUpdateFun:
+ {
+ struct clean_string rName = {1, 'r'};
+ TypeNode rType;
+ rType = BEAnnotateTypeNode (StrictAnnot, BEVarTypeNode (&rName));
+ rhs = rType;
+ lhsArgs = BETypeArgs (
+ BEAnnotateTypeNode (StrictAnnot, BENormalTypeNode (gBasicSymbols [tuple_type],
+ BETypeArgs (arrayType, BETypeArgs (rType, NULL)))),
+ BETypeArgs (BEAnnotateTypeNode (StrictAnnot, BENormalTypeNode (gBasicSymbols [int_type], NULL)),
+ BETypeArgs (elementType,
+ NULL)));
+ functionPrefix = "_updatei";
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ Assert (False);
+ break;
+ }
+ functionName = ConvertAlloc (strlen (functionPrefix) + 1 + strlen (originalsdef->sdef_ident->ident_name) + 1);
+ strcpy (functionName, functionPrefix);
+ strcat (functionName, ";");
+ strcat (functionName, originalsdef->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ newTypeAlt->type_alt_lhs = BENormalTypeNode (newFunctionSymbol, lhsArgs);
+ newTypeAlt->type_alt_rhs = rhs;
+ newIdent->ident_symbol = newFunctionSymbol;
+ newIdent->ident_name = functionName;
+ newRuleType = ConvertAllocType (struct rule_type);
+ newRuleType->rule_type_rule = newTypeAlt;
+ newsdef->sdef_ident = newIdent;
+ newsdef->sdef_module = gBEState.be_icl.beicl_module->im_name->symb_def->sdef_module; /* phew! */
+ newsdef->sdef_over_arity = 0;
+ newsdef->sdef_isused = True;
+ newsdef->sdef_exported = False;
+ newsdef->sdef_arity = newTypeAlt->type_alt_lhs->type_node_arity;
+ newsdef->sdef_arfun = arrayFunKind;
+ newsdef->sdef_kind = SYSRULE;
+ newsdef->sdef_rule_type = newRuleType;
+ newsdef->sdef_ident = newIdent;
+ newsdef->sdef_mark = 0;
+ newFunctionSymbol->symb_kind = definition;
+ newFunctionSymbol->symb_def = newsdef;
+ functionSymbol = previousFunctionSymbol->symb_next;
+ previousFunctionSymbol->symb_next = newFunctionSymbol;
+ newFunctionSymbol->symb_next = functionSymbol;
+ AddUserDefinedArrayFunction (newFunctionSymbol);
+ functionSymbol = newFunctionSymbol;
+ }
+ }
+ return (functionSymbol);
+} /* BESpecialArrayFunctionSymbol */
+static SymbolP
+CreateLocallyDefinedFunction (int index, char ** abcCode, TypeArgs lhsArgs, TypeNode rhsType)
+ int i, arity, functionIndex;
+ NodeP lhs;
+ BEStringListP instructions, *instructionsP;
+ BECodeBlockP codeBlock;
+ RuleAltP ruleAlt;
+ SymbolP functionSymbol;
+ TypeAlt *typeAlt;
+ ArgP args;
+ functionIndex = gBEState.be_modules[kIclModuleIndex].bem_nFunctions - ArraySize (gLocallyGeneratedFunctions) + index;
+ functionSymbol = BEFunctionSymbol (functionIndex, kIclModuleIndex);
+ functionSymbol->symb_def->sdef_isused = False;
+ instructionsP = &instructions;
+ for (i = 0; abcCode [i] != NULL; i++)
+ {
+ BEStringListP string;
+ string = ConvertAllocType (struct string_list);
+ string->sl_string = abcCode [i];
+ string->sl_next = instructions;
+ *instructionsP = string;
+ instructionsP = &string->sl_next;
+ }
+ *instructionsP = NULL;
+ codeBlock = BEAbcCodeBlock (False, instructions);
+ lhs = BENormalNode (functionSymbol, NULL);
+ arity = CountTypeArgs (lhsArgs);
+ args = NULL;
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++)
+ args = BEArgs (BENodeIdNode (BEWildCardNodeId (), NULL), args);
+ lhs->node_arguments = args;
+ lhs->node_arity = arity;
+ Assert (arity == functionSymbol->symb_def->sdef_arity);
+ ruleAlt = BECodeAlt (0, NULL, lhs, codeBlock);
+ typeAlt = ConvertAllocType (TypeAlt);
+ typeAlt->type_alt_type_context = NULL; /* used in PrintType */
+ typeAlt->type_alt_attr_equations = NULL; /* used in PrintType */
+ typeAlt->type_alt_lhs = BENormalTypeNode (functionSymbol, lhsArgs);
+ typeAlt->type_alt_rhs = rhsType;
+ BERule (functionIndex, BEIsNotACaf, typeAlt, ruleAlt);
+ return (functionSymbol);
+} /* CreateLocallyDefinedFunction */
+static BESymbolP
+CreateDictionarySelectFunSymbol (void)
+ TypeNode rhsType;
+ TypeArgs lhsArgs;
+ struct clean_string aName = {1, 'a'};
+ /* selectl :: !((a e) Int -> e) !(!a e, !r) !Int -> (e, !r) */
+ /* select _ _ _ = code */
+ static char *abcCode[] = {
+ "push_a 1",
+ "push_a 1",
+ "build e_system_dAP 2 e_system_nAP",
+ "buildI_b 0",
+ "push_a 1",
+ "update_a 1 2",
+ "update_a 0 1",
+ "pop_a 1",
+ "build e_system_dAP 2 e_system_nAP",
+ "push_a 3",
+ "push_a 1",
+ "update_a 1 2",
+ "update_a 0 1",
+ "pop_a 1",
+ "update_a 1 4",
+ "update_a 0 3",
+ "pop_a 3",
+ "pop_b 1",
+ };
+ /* actual type simplified to !a !(!a,!a) !Int -> (a,!a) */
+ lhsArgs = BETypeArgs (
+ BEAnnotateTypeNode (StrictAnnot, BEVarTypeNode (&aName)),
+ BETypeArgs (
+ BEAnnotateTypeNode (StrictAnnot, BENormalTypeNode (gBasicSymbols [tuple_type],
+ BETypeArgs (
+ BEAnnotateTypeNode (StrictAnnot, BEVarTypeNode (&aName)),
+ BETypeArgs (
+ BEAnnotateTypeNode (StrictAnnot, BEVarTypeNode (&aName)),
+ NULL)))),
+ BETypeArgs (
+ BEAnnotateTypeNode (StrictAnnot, BENormalTypeNode (gBasicSymbols [int_type], NULL)),
+ NULL)));
+ rhsType = BENormalTypeNode (gBasicSymbols [tuple_type],
+ BETypeArgs (BEVarTypeNode (&aName), BETypeArgs (BEAnnotateTypeNode (StrictAnnot, BEVarTypeNode (&aName)), NULL)));
+ return (CreateLocallyDefinedFunction (kDictionarySelect, abcCode, lhsArgs, rhsType));
+} /* CreateDictionarySelectFunSymbol */
+static BESymbolP
+CreateDictionaryUpdateFunSymbol (void)
+ TypeNode rhsType;
+ TypeArgs lhsArgs;
+ struct clean_string aName = {1, 'a'};
+ /* updatei :: !(*(a .e) -> *(!Int -> *(.e -> .(a .e)))) !(!*(a .e), !*r) !Int .e -> *r // !(!.(a .e), !*r) */
+ /* updatei _ _ _ _ = code */
+ static char *abcCode[] = {
+ " push_a 1",
+ " push_a 1",
+ " build _Nil 0 _hnf",
+ " update_a 0 4",
+ " pop_a 1",
+ ".d 2 0",
+ " jsr e_system_sAP",
+ ".o 1 0",
+ " buildI_b 0",
+ " push_a 1",
+ " update_a 1 2",
+ " update_a 0 1",
+ " pop_a 1",
+ " pop_b 1",
+ ".d 2 0",
+ " jsr e_system_sAP",
+ ".o 1 0",
+ " push_a 4",
+ " push_a 1",
+ " update_a 1 2",
+ " update_a 0 1",
+ " pop_a 1",
+ " build _Nil 0 _hnf",
+ " update_a 0 6",
+ " pop_a 1",
+ ".d 2 0",
+ " jsr e_system_sAP",
+ ".o 1 0",
+ " update_a 3 4",
+ " pop_a 4",
+ };
+ /* actual type simplified to !a !(!a,!a) !Int a -> a */
+ lhsArgs = BETypeArgs (
+ BEAnnotateTypeNode (StrictAnnot, BEVarTypeNode (&aName)),
+ BETypeArgs (
+ BEAnnotateTypeNode (StrictAnnot, BENormalTypeNode (gBasicSymbols [tuple_type],
+ BETypeArgs (
+ BEAnnotateTypeNode (StrictAnnot, BEVarTypeNode (&aName)),
+ BETypeArgs (
+ BEAnnotateTypeNode (StrictAnnot, BEVarTypeNode (&aName)),
+ NULL)))),
+ BETypeArgs (
+ BEAnnotateTypeNode (StrictAnnot, BENormalTypeNode (gBasicSymbols [int_type], NULL)),
+ BETypeArgs (
+ BEVarTypeNode (&aName),
+ NULL))));
+ rhsType = BEVarTypeNode (&aName);
+ return (CreateLocallyDefinedFunction (kDictionaryUpdate, abcCode, lhsArgs, rhsType));
+} /* CreateDictionaryUpdateFunSymbol */
+BEDictionarySelectFunSymbol (void)
+ gBEState.be_dictionarySelectFunSymbol->symb_def->sdef_isused = True;
+ return (gBEState.be_dictionarySelectFunSymbol);
+} /* BEDictionarySelectFunSymbol */
+BEDictionaryUpdateFunSymbol (void)
+ gBEState.be_dictionaryUpdateFunSymbol->symb_def->sdef_isused = True;
+ return (gBEState.be_dictionaryUpdateFunSymbol);
+} /* BEDictionaryUpdateFunSymbol */
+BETypeSymbol (int typeIndex, int moduleIndex)
+ BEModuleP module;
+ SymbolP typeSymbol;
+ if ((unsigned int) moduleIndex >= gBEState.be_nModules)
+ Assert ((unsigned int) moduleIndex < gBEState.be_nModules);
+ module = &gBEState.be_modules [moduleIndex];
+ Assert ((unsigned int) typeIndex < module->bem_nTypes);
+ typeSymbol = module->bem_types [typeIndex];
+/* Assert (typeSymbol->symb_kind == definition
+ || (moduleIndex == kPredefinedModuleIndex && typeSymbol->symb_kind != erroneous_symb));
+ if (moduleIndex == kIclModuleIndex)
+ typeSymbol->symb_def->sdef_isused = True;
+ return (typeSymbol);
+} /* BETypeSymbol */
+BEDontCareDefinitionSymbol (void)
+ SymbolP symbol;
+ symbol = gBEState.be_dontCareSymbol;
+ if (symbol == NULL)
+ {
+ SymbDefP symbDef;
+ symbDef = ConvertAllocType (SymbDefS);
+ symbDef->sdef_kind = ABSTYPE;
+ symbDef->sdef_ident = Identifier ("_Don'tCare"); /* +++ name */
+ symbol = ConvertAllocType (SymbolS);
+ symbol->symb_kind = definition;
+ symbol->symb_def = symbDef;
+ gBEState.be_dontCareSymbol = symbol;
+ }
+ return (symbol);
+} /* BEDontCareDefinitionSymbol */
+BEConstructorSymbol (int constructorIndex, int moduleIndex)
+ BEModuleP module;
+ SymbolP constructorSymbol;
+ Assert ((unsigned int) moduleIndex < gBEState.be_nModules);
+ module = &gBEState.be_modules [moduleIndex];
+ Assert ((unsigned int) constructorIndex < module->bem_nConstructors);
+ constructorSymbol = module->bem_constructors [constructorIndex];
+ /* RWS +++ hack for record constructors, remove this */
+ if (constructorSymbol->symb_kind == erroneous_symb)
+ return (constructorSymbol);
+ Assert (constructorSymbol->symb_kind == definition
+ || (moduleIndex == kPredefinedModuleIndex && constructorSymbol->symb_kind != erroneous_symb));
+ if (moduleIndex != kPredefinedModuleIndex)
+ constructorSymbol->symb_def->sdef_isused = True;
+ return (constructorSymbol);
+} /* BEConstructorSymbol */
+BEFieldSymbol (int fieldIndex, int moduleIndex)
+ BEModuleP module;
+ SymbolP fieldSymbol;
+ Assert ((unsigned int) moduleIndex < gBEState.be_nModules);
+ module = &gBEState.be_modules [moduleIndex];
+ Assert ((unsigned int) fieldIndex < module->bem_nFields);
+ fieldSymbol = &module->bem_fields [fieldIndex];
+ Assert (fieldSymbol->symb_kind == definition);
+ fieldSymbol->symb_def->sdef_isused = True;
+ return (fieldSymbol);
+} /* BEFieldSymbol */
+BEBoolSymbol (int value)
+/* JVG: */
+ if (value)
+ return TrueSymbol;
+ else
+ return FalseSymbol;
+ SymbolP symbol;
+ symbol = ConvertAllocType (SymbolS);
+ symbol->symb_kind = bool_denot;
+ symbol->symb_bool = value;
+ return (symbol);
+} /* BEBoolSymbol */
+BELiteralSymbol (BESymbKind kind, CleanString value)
+ SymbolP symbol;
+ symbol = ConvertAllocType (SymbolS);
+ symbol->symb_kind = kind;
+ symbol->symb_int = ConvertCleanString (value);
+ return (symbol);
+} /* BELiteralSymbol */
+BEPredefineConstructorSymbol (int arity, int constructorIndex, int moduleIndex, BESymbKind symbolKind)
+ BEModuleP module;
+ Assert (moduleIndex == kPredefinedModuleIndex);
+ Assert ((unsigned int) moduleIndex < gBEState.be_nModules);
+ module = &gBEState.be_modules [moduleIndex];
+ Assert ((unsigned int) constructorIndex < module->bem_nConstructors);
+ Assert (module->bem_constructors [constructorIndex]->symb_kind == erroneous_symb);
+ module->bem_constructors [constructorIndex]->symb_kind = symbolKind;
+ module->bem_constructors [constructorIndex]->symb_arity = arity;
+} /* BEPredefineConstructorSymbol */
+BEPredefineTypeSymbol (int arity, int typeIndex, int moduleIndex, BESymbKind symbolKind)
+ BEModuleP module;
+ Assert (moduleIndex == kPredefinedModuleIndex);
+ Assert ((unsigned int) moduleIndex < gBEState.be_nModules);
+ module = &gBEState.be_modules [moduleIndex];
+ Assert ((unsigned int) typeIndex < module->bem_nTypes);
+ Assert (module->bem_types [typeIndex]->symb_kind == erroneous_symb);
+ module->bem_types [typeIndex]->symb_kind = symbolKind;
+ module->bem_types [typeIndex]->symb_arity = arity;
+} /* BEPredefineTypeSymbol */
+BEBasicSymbol (BESymbKind kind)
+ Assert (gBasicSymbols [kind] != NULL);
+ return (gBasicSymbols [kind]);
+} /* BEBasicSymbol */
+BEVarTypeNode (CleanString name)
+ TypeNode node;
+ node = ConvertAllocType (struct type_node);
+ node->type_node_is_var = True;
+ node->type_node_tv = BETypeVar (name);
+ node->type_node_arity = 0;
+ node->type_node_annotation = NoAnnot;
+ node->type_node_attribute = NoUniAttr;
+ return (node);
+} /* BEVarTypeNode */
+BENormalTypeNode (BESymbolP symbol, BETypeArgP args)
+ TypeNode node;
+ node = ConvertAllocType (struct type_node);
+ node->type_node_is_var = False;
+ node->type_node_arity = CountTypeArgs (args);
+ node->type_node_annotation = NoAnnot;
+ node->type_node_attribute = NoUniAttr;
+ node->type_node_symbol = symbol;
+ node->type_node_arguments = args;
+ return (node);
+} /* BENormalTypeNode */
+BEAttributeTypeNode (BEAttribution attribution, BETypeNodeP typeNode)
+ Assert (typeNode->type_node_attribute == NoUniAttr);
+ typeNode->type_node_attribute = (AttributeKind) attribution;
+ return (typeNode);
+} /* BEAttributeTypeNode */
+BEAnnotateTypeNode (BEAnnotation annotation, BETypeNodeP typeNode)
+ Assert (typeNode->type_node_annotation == NoAnnot);
+ typeNode->type_node_annotation = (Annotation) annotation;
+ return (typeNode);
+} /* BEAnnotateTypeNode */
+BENoTypeArgs (void)
+ return (NULL);
+} /* BENoTypeArgs */
+BETypeArgs (BETypeNodeP node, BETypeArgP nextArgs)
+ TypeArgs arg;
+ arg = ConvertAllocType (TypeArg);
+ arg->type_arg_node = node;
+ arg->type_arg_next = nextArgs;
+ return (arg);
+} /* BETypeArgs */
+BETypeAlt (BETypeNodeP lhs, BETypeNodeP rhs)
+ TypeAlt *alt;
+ alt = ConvertAllocType (struct type_alt);
+ alt->type_alt_lhs = lhs;
+ alt->type_alt_rhs = rhs;
+ alt->type_alt_type_context = NULL; /* used in PrintType */
+ alt->type_alt_attr_equations = NULL; /* used in PrintType */
+ return (alt);
+} /* BETypeAlt */
+static Node
+GenerateApplyNodes (Node root, int offarity, int demarity)
+ if (offarity > demarity)
+ {
+ int i;
+ Args lastarg, nextarg;
+ if (demarity != 0)
+ {
+ for (i=1, lastarg = root->node_arguments; i < demarity; i++)
+ lastarg = lastarg->arg_next;
+ nextarg = lastarg->arg_next;
+ lastarg->arg_next = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nextarg = root->node_arguments;
+ root->node_arguments = NULL;
+ }
+ root->node_arity = (short) demarity;
+ for (i=demarity+1; i<=offarity; i++)
+ {
+ Args arg;
+ arg = BEArgs (root, nextarg);
+ nextarg = nextarg->arg_next;
+ arg->arg_next->arg_next = NULL;
+ root = BENormalNode (gBasicSymbols [apply_symb], arg);
+ }
+ }
+ return (root);
+} /* GenerateApplyNodes */
+BENormalNode (BESymbolP symbol, BEArgP args)
+ NodeP node;
+ node = ConvertAllocType (NodeS);
+ node->node_annotation = NoAnnot;
+ node->node_kind = NormalNode;
+ node->node_symbol = symbol;
+ node->node_arity = CountArgs (args);
+ node->node_arguments = args;
+ /* +++ hackerdiehack */
+ if (symbol->symb_kind == definition)
+ node = GenerateApplyNodes (node, node->node_arity, symbol->symb_def->sdef_arity);
+ return (node);
+} /* BENormalNode */
+BEMatchNode (int arity, BESymbolP symbol, BENodeP node)
+ NodeP matchNode;
+ if (symbol->symb_kind == tuple_symb)
+ return (node);
+ matchNode = ConvertAllocType (NodeS);
+ matchNode->node_annotation = NoAnnot;
+ matchNode->node_kind = MatchNode;
+ matchNode->node_symbol = symbol;
+ matchNode->node_arity = arity;
+ matchNode->node_arguments = BEArgs (node, NULL);
+ return (matchNode);
+} /* BEMatchNode */
+BETupleSelectNode (int arity, int index, BENodeP node)
+ SymbolP symbol;
+ NodeP select;
+ if ((symbol = gTupleSelectSymbols [arity-1]) == NULL)
+ {
+ symbol = ConvertAllocType (SymbolS);
+ symbol->symb_kind = select_symb;
+ symbol->symb_arity = arity;
+ gTupleSelectSymbols [arity-1] = symbol;
+ }
+ select = ConvertAllocType (NodeS);
+ select->node_annotation = NoAnnot;
+ select->node_kind = NormalNode;
+ select->node_symbol = symbol;
+ select->node_arity = index+1;
+ select->node_arguments = BEArgs (node, NULL);
+ return (select);
+} /* BETupleSelectNode */
+BEIfNode (BENodeP cond, BENodeP then, BENodeP elsje)
+ NodeP node;
+ node = ConvertAllocType (NodeS);
+ node->node_annotation = NoAnnot;
+ node->node_kind = NormalNode;
+ node->node_symbol = gBasicSymbols [if_symb];
+ node->node_arguments = BEArgs (cond, BEArgs (then, (BEArgs (elsje, NULL))));
+ node->node_arity = 3;
+ return (node);
+} /* BEIfNode */
+BEGuardNode (BENodeP cond, BENodeDefP thenNodeDefs, BEStrictNodeIdP thenStricts, BENodeP then, BENodeDefP elseNodeDefs, BEStrictNodeIdP elseStricts, BENodeP elsje)
+ NodeP node;
+ struct if_node_contents *thenElseInfo;
+ thenElseInfo = ConvertAllocType (struct if_node_contents);
+ thenElseInfo->if_then_node_defs = thenNodeDefs;
+ thenElseInfo->if_then_rules = NIL;
+ thenElseInfo->if_then_strict_node_ids = thenStricts;
+ thenElseInfo->if_else_node_defs = elseNodeDefs;
+ thenElseInfo->if_else_rules = NIL;
+ thenElseInfo->if_else_strict_node_ids = elseStricts;
+ node = ConvertAllocType (NodeS);
+ node->node_annotation = NoAnnot;
+ node->node_kind = IfNode;
+ node->node_contents.contents_if = thenElseInfo;
+ node->node_arguments = BEArgs (cond, BEArgs (then, (BEArgs (elsje, NULL))));
+ return (node);
+} /* BEGuardNode */
+BESelectorNode (BESelectorKind selectorKind, BESymbolP fieldSymbol, BEArgP args)
+ NodeP node;
+ Assert (CountArgs (args) == 1);
+ node = ConvertAllocType (NodeS);
+ node->node_annotation = NoAnnot;
+ node->node_kind = SelectorNode;
+ node->node_symbol = fieldSymbol;
+ node->node_arity = selectorKind;
+ node->node_arguments = args;
+ return (node);
+} /* BESelectorNode */
+BEUpdateNode (BEArgP args)
+ NodeP node;
+ SymbolP recordSymbol;
+ Assert (CountArgs (args) == 2);
+ Assert (args->arg_next->arg_node->node_kind == SelectorNode);
+ Assert (args->arg_next->arg_node->node_arity == BESelector);
+ recordSymbol = args->arg_next->arg_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_symbol;
+ node = ConvertAllocType (NodeS);
+ node->node_annotation = NoAnnot;
+ node->node_kind = UpdateNode;
+ node->node_symbol = recordSymbol;
+ node->node_arity = 2;
+ node->node_arguments = args;
+ return (node);
+} /* BEUpdateNode */
+BENodeIdNode (BENodeIdP nodeId, BEArgP args)
+ NodeP node;
+ node = ConvertAllocType (NodeS);
+ node->node_annotation = NoAnnot;
+ node->node_kind = NodeIdNode;
+ node->node_node_id = nodeId;
+ node->node_arity = CountArgs (args);
+ node->node_arguments = args;
+ return (node);
+} /* BENodeIdNode */
+BENoArgs (void)
+ return (NULL);
+} /* BENoArgs */
+BEArgs (BENodeP node, BEArgP nextArgs)
+ ArgP arg;
+ arg = ConvertAllocType (ArgS);
+ arg->arg_node = node;
+ arg->arg_next = nextArgs;
+ return (arg);
+} /* BEArgs */
+# define nid_ref_count_sign nid_scope
+BEDeclareNodeId (int sequenceNumber, int lhsOrRhs, CleanString name)
+ IdentP newIdent;
+ NodeIdP newNodeId;
+ Assert (sequenceNumber < kMaxNumberOfNodeIds);
+ /* +++ ifdef DEBUG */
+ if (sequenceNumber>=number_of_node_ids){
+ int i;
+ for (i=number_of_node_ids; i<=sequenceNumber; ++i)
+ gCurrentNodeIds[i] = NULL;
+ number_of_node_ids=sequenceNumber+1;
+ }
+ /* endif DEBUG */
+ Assert (gCurrentNodeIds [sequenceNumber] == NULL);
+ /* +++ share idents ??? */
+ newIdent = ConvertAllocType (IdentS);
+ newIdent->ident_name = ConvertCleanString (name);
+ newNodeId = ConvertAllocType (NodeIdS);
+ newNodeId->nid_ident = newIdent;
+ newNodeId->nid_node_def = NULL;
+ newNodeId->nid_forward_node_id = NULL;
+ newNodeId->nid_node = NULL;
+ newNodeId->nid_state.state_kind = 0;
+ newNodeId->nid_mark = 0;
+ newNodeId->nid_mark2 = 0;
+ newNodeId->nid_ref_count_sign = lhsOrRhs==BELhsNodeId ? -1 : 1;
+ newNodeId->nid_refcount = 0;
+/* RWS test ... */
+ newNodeId->nid_ref_count_copy = 0;
+/* ... test */
+ gCurrentNodeIds [sequenceNumber] = newNodeId;
+} /* BEDeclareNodeId */
+BENodeId (int sequenceNumber)
+ NodeIdP nodeId;
+ Assert ((unsigned)sequenceNumber < (unsigned)kMaxNumberOfNodeIds);
+ /* +++ ifdef DEBUG */
+ if (sequenceNumber>=number_of_node_ids){
+ int i;
+ for (i=number_of_node_ids; i<=sequenceNumber; ++i)
+ gCurrentNodeIds[i] = NULL;
+ number_of_node_ids=sequenceNumber+1;
+ }
+ /* endif DEBUG */
+ nodeId = gCurrentNodeIds [sequenceNumber];
+ Assert (nodeId != NULL);
+ nodeId->nid_refcount += nodeId->nid_ref_count_sign;
+ return (nodeId);
+} /* BENodeId */
+BEWildCardNodeId (void)
+ NodeIdP newNodeId;
+ /* +++ share wild card nodeids ??? */
+ newNodeId = ConvertAllocType (NodeIdS);
+ newNodeId->nid_ident = NULL;
+ newNodeId->nid_node_def = NULL;
+ newNodeId->nid_forward_node_id = NULL;
+ newNodeId->nid_node = NULL;
+ newNodeId->nid_state.state_kind = 0;
+ newNodeId->nid_mark = 0;
+ newNodeId->nid_mark2 = 0;
+ newNodeId->nid_ref_count_sign = 0;
+ newNodeId->nid_refcount = -1;
+ return (newNodeId);
+} /* BEWildCardNodeId */
+BENodeDef (int sequenceNumber, BENodeP node)
+ NodeIdP nodeId;
+ NodeDefP nodeDef;
+ Assert ((unsigned)sequenceNumber < (unsigned)kMaxNumberOfNodeIds);
+ /* +++ ifdef DEBUG */
+ if (sequenceNumber>=number_of_node_ids){
+ int i;
+ for (i=number_of_node_ids; i<=sequenceNumber; ++i)
+ gCurrentNodeIds[i] = NULL;
+ number_of_node_ids=sequenceNumber+1;
+ }
+ /* endif DEBUG */
+ nodeDef = ConvertAllocType (NodeDefS);
+ nodeId = gCurrentNodeIds [sequenceNumber];
+ Assert (nodeId != NULL);
+ Assert (nodeId->nid_node == NULL);
+ nodeId->nid_node_def = nodeDef;
+ nodeId->nid_node = node;
+ nodeDef->def_id = nodeId;
+ nodeDef->def_node = node;
+ /* ifdef DEBUG */
+ nodeDef->def_next = NULL;
+ /* endif DEBUG */
+ return (nodeDef);
+} /* BENodeDef */
+BENodeDefs (BENodeDefP nodeDef, BENodeDefP nodeDefs)
+ Assert (nodeDef->def_next == NULL);
+ nodeDef->def_next = nodeDefs;
+ return (nodeDef);
+} /* BENodeDefs */
+BENoNodeDefs (void)
+ return (NULL);
+} /* BENoNodeDefs */
+BEStrictNodeId (BENodeIdP nodeId)
+ StrictNodeId strictNodeId;
+ strictNodeId = ConvertAllocType (struct strict_node_id);
+ strictNodeId->snid_mark = 0;
+ strictNodeId->snid_node_id = nodeId;
+ /* +++ remove this hack */
+ nodeId->nid_refcount--;
+ /* ifdef DEBUG */
+ strictNodeId->snid_next = NULL;
+ /* endif */
+ return (strictNodeId);
+} /* BEStrictNodeId */
+BEStrictNodeIds (BEStrictNodeIdP strictNodeId, BEStrictNodeIdP strictNodeIds)
+ Assert (strictNodeId->snid_next == NULL);
+ strictNodeId->snid_next = strictNodeIds;
+ return (strictNodeId);
+} /* BEStrictNodeIds */
+BENoStrictNodeIds (void)
+ return (NULL);
+} /* BENoStrictNodeIds */
+BERuleAlt (int line, BENodeDefP lhsDefs, BENodeP lhs, BENodeDefP rhsDefs, BEStrictNodeIdP rhsStrictNodeIds, BENodeP rhs)
+ RuleAltP alt;
+ alt = ConvertAllocType (RuleAltS);
+ alt->alt_lhs_root = lhs;
+ alt->alt_lhs_defs = lhsDefs;
+ alt->alt_rhs_root = rhs;
+ alt->alt_rhs_defs = rhsDefs;
+ alt->alt_line = line;
+ alt->alt_kind = Contractum;
+ alt->alt_strict_node_ids = rhsStrictNodeIds;
+ /* +++ ifdef DEBUG */
+ alt->alt_next = NULL;
+ number_of_node_ids=0;
+ /* endif DEBUG */
+ set_scope_numbers (alt);
+ return (alt);
+} /* BERuleAlt */
+BECodeAlt (int line, BENodeDefP lhsDefs, BENodeP lhs, BECodeBlockP codeBlock)
+ RuleAltP alt;
+ alt = ConvertAllocType (RuleAltS);
+ alt->alt_lhs_root = lhs;
+ alt->alt_lhs_defs = lhsDefs;
+ alt->alt_rhs_code = codeBlock;
+ alt->alt_rhs_defs = NULL;
+ alt->alt_line = line;
+ alt->alt_kind = ExternalCall;
+ alt->alt_strict_node_ids = NULL;
+ /* +++ ifdef DEBUG */
+ alt->alt_next = NULL;
+ number_of_node_ids=0;
+ /* endif DEBUG */
+ /* RWS +++ move to code generator ??? */
+ if (codeBlock->co_is_abc_code && codeBlock->co_is_inline)
+ {
+ char *functionName, *instructionLine;
+ Instructions instruction;
+ Assert (lhs->node_kind == NormalNode);
+ Assert (lhs->node_symbol->symb_kind == definition);
+ functionName = lhs->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ /* .inline <name> */
+ instructionLine = ConvertAlloc (sizeof (".inline ") + strlen (functionName));
+ strcpy (instructionLine, ".inline ");
+ strcat (instructionLine, functionName);
+ instruction = ConvertAllocType (Instruction);
+ instruction->instr_this = instructionLine;
+ instruction->instr_next = codeBlock->co_instr;
+ codeBlock->co_instr = instruction;
+ for (; instruction->instr_next != NULL; instruction = instruction->instr_next)
+ /* find last element */;
+ instruction = instruction->instr_next = ConvertAllocType (Instruction);
+ instruction->instr_this = ".end";
+ instruction->instr_next = NULL;
+ }
+# endif
+ return (alt);
+} /* BECodeAlt */
+BERuleAlts (BERuleAltP alt, BERuleAltP alts)
+ Assert (alt->alt_next == NULL);
+ alt->alt_next = alts;
+ return (alt);
+} /* BERuleAlts*/
+BENoRuleAlts (void)
+ return (NULL);
+} /* BENoRuleAlts */
+static void
+DeclareFunctionC (char *name, int arity, int functionIndex, unsigned int ancestor)
+ SymbDefP newSymbDef;
+ Ident newIdent;
+ SymbolP functions;
+ BEIcl icl;
+ BEModule module;
+ icl = &gBEState.be_icl;
+ module = &gBEState.be_modules [kIclModuleIndex];
+ functions = module->bem_functions;
+ Assert (functions != NULL);
+ Assert (icl->beicl_previousAncestor >= ancestor);
+ icl->beicl_previousAncestor = ancestor;
+ Assert (functionIndex < module->bem_nFunctions);
+ newSymbDef = ConvertAllocType (SymbDefS);
+ newSymbDef->sdef_kind = IMPRULE;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_mark = 0;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_over_arity = 0;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_arity = arity;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_module = module->bem_name;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_ancestor = ancestor;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_arfun = NoArrayFun;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_next_scc = NULL;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_exported = False;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_dcl_icl = NULL;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_isused = 0;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_no_sa = False;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_nr_of_lifted_nodeids = 0; /* used in PrintType */
+ newSymbDef->sdef_line = 0; /* used in PrintType */
+ *icl->beicl_depsP = newSymbDef;
+ icl->beicl_depsP = &newSymbDef->sdef_next_scc;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_arfun = NoArrayFun;
+ newIdent = ConvertAllocType (IdentS);
+ newIdent->ident_name = name;
+ newIdent->ident_symbol = &functions [functionIndex];
+ newSymbDef->sdef_ident = newIdent;
+ Assert (functions [functionIndex].symb_kind == erroneous_symb);
+ functions [functionIndex].symb_kind = definition;
+ functions [functionIndex].symb_def = newSymbDef;
+ /* +++ ugly */
+ if (strcmp (newIdent->ident_name, "Start") == 0)
+ {
+ Assert (icl->beicl_module->im_start == NULL);
+ icl->beicl_module->im_start = newSymbDef;
+ }
+} /* DeclareFunctionC */
+BEDeclareFunction (CleanString name, int arity, int functionIndex, int ancestor)
+ /* +++ ugly */
+ if (strncmp (name->chars, "Start;", 6) == 0)
+ name->length = 5;
+ DeclareFunctionC (ConvertCleanString (name), arity, functionIndex, ancestor);
+} /* BEDeclareFunction */
+BERules (BEImpRuleP rule, BEImpRuleP rules)
+ Assert (rule->rule_next == NULL);
+ rule->rule_next = rules;
+ return (rule);
+} /* BERules */
+BENoRules (void)
+ return (NULL);
+} /* BENoRules */
+BERule (int functionIndex, int isCaf, BETypeAltP type, BERuleAltP alts)
+ SymbDefP functionDef;
+ SymbolP functionSymbol;
+ ImpRuleP rule;
+ BEModule module;
+ rule = ConvertAllocType (ImpRuleS);
+ module = &gBEState.be_modules [kIclModuleIndex];
+ functionSymbol = &module->bem_functions [functionIndex];
+ functionDef = functionSymbol->symb_def;
+ functionDef->sdef_rule = rule;
+ rule->rule_type = type;
+ rule->rule_alts = alts;
+ rule->rule_mark = isCaf ? RULE_CAF_MASK : 0;
+ rule->rule_root = alts->alt_lhs_root;
+ /* ifdef DEBUG */
+ rule->rule_next = NULL;
+ /* endif DEBUG */
+ return (rule);
+} /* BERule */
+BEDeclareRuleType (int functionIndex, int moduleIndex, CleanString name)
+ IdentP newIdent;
+ SymbDefP newSymbDef;
+ SymbolP functions;
+ BEModuleP module;
+ module = &gBEState.be_modules [moduleIndex];
+ Assert ((unsigned int) functionIndex < module->bem_nFunctions);
+ functions = module->bem_functions;
+ Assert (functions != NULL);
+ Assert (functions [functionIndex].symb_kind == erroneous_symb);
+ if (module->bem_isSystemModule)
+ /* for inline code */
+ newIdent = PutStringInHashTable (ConvertCleanString (name), SymbolIdTable);
+ else
+ {
+ newIdent = ConvertAllocType (IdentS);
+ newIdent->ident_name = ConvertCleanString (name);
+ }
+ newIdent->ident_symbol = &functions [functionIndex];
+ newSymbDef = ConvertAllocType (SymbDefS);
+ newSymbDef->sdef_kind = NEWDEFINITION;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_exported = False;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_module = module->bem_name;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_ident = newIdent;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_isused = 0;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_line = 0; /* used in PrintSymbolOfIdent */
+ functions [functionIndex].symb_kind = definition;
+ functions [functionIndex].symb_def = newSymbDef;
+} /* BEDeclareRuleType */
+BEDefineRuleType (int functionIndex, int moduleIndex, BETypeAltP typeAlt)
+ SymbolP functionSymbol;
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ RuleTypes ruleType;
+ BEModule module;
+ ruleType = ConvertAllocType (struct rule_type);
+ ruleType->rule_type_rule = typeAlt;
+ module = &gBEState.be_modules [moduleIndex];
+ functionSymbol = &module->bem_functions [functionIndex];
+ sdef = functionSymbol->symb_def;
+ Assert (sdef->sdef_kind == NEWDEFINITION);
+ sdef->sdef_over_arity = 0;
+ sdef->sdef_arity = typeAlt->type_alt_lhs->type_node_arity;
+ sdef->sdef_arfun = NoArrayFun;
+ sdef->sdef_kind = module->bem_isSystemModule ? SYSRULE : DEFRULE;
+ sdef->sdef_rule_type = ruleType;
+} /* BEDefineRuleType */
+BEAdjustArrayFunction (BEArrayFunKind arrayFunKind, int functionIndex, int moduleIndex)
+ SymbolP functionSymbol;
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ BEModule module;
+ module = &gBEState.be_modules [moduleIndex];
+ functionSymbol = &module->bem_functions [functionIndex];
+ sdef = functionSymbol->symb_def;
+ Assert (sdef->sdef_kind == DEFRULE || (moduleIndex == kIclModuleIndex && sdef->sdef_kind == IMPRULE));
+ sdef->sdef_arfun = arrayFunKind;
+ sdef->sdef_mark = 0;
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind == DEFRULE && moduleIndex == kIclModuleIndex)
+ {
+ AddUserDefinedArrayFunction (functionSymbol);
+ sdef->sdef_kind = SYSRULE;
+ }
+} /* BEAdjustArrayFunction */
+BETypes (BETypeP type, BETypeP types)
+ Assert (type->type_next == NULL);
+ type->type_next = types;
+ return (type);
+} /* BETypes */
+BENoTypes (void)
+ return (NULL);
+} /* BENoTypes */
+BEDeclareType (int typeIndex, int moduleIndex, CleanString name)
+ SymbDefP newSymbDef;
+ Ident newIdent;
+ SymbolP *types;
+ BEModuleP module;
+ module = &gBEState.be_modules [moduleIndex];
+ Assert ((unsigned int) typeIndex < module->bem_nTypes);
+ Assert (module->bem_types [typeIndex]->symb_kind == erroneous_symb);
+ types = module->bem_types;
+ Assert (types != NULL);
+ newIdent = ConvertAllocType (IdentS);
+ newIdent->ident_name = ConvertCleanString (name);
+ newIdent->ident_symbol = types [typeIndex];
+/* RWS change this
+ newSymbDef = ConvertAllocType (SymbDefS);
+ newSymbDef = types [typeIndex]->symb_def;
+ Assert (newSymbDef != NULL);
+ newSymbDef->sdef_kind = NEWDEFINITION;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_exported = False;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_dcl_icl = NULL;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_isused = 0;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_module = module->bem_name;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_ident = newIdent;
+ types [typeIndex]->symb_kind = definition;
+ types [typeIndex]->symb_def = newSymbDef;
+} /* BEDeclareType */
+BETypeVar (CleanString name)
+ IdentP ident;
+ TypeVar typeVar;
+ ident = ConvertAllocType (IdentS);
+ typeVar = ConvertAllocType (struct type_var);
+ ident->ident_name = ConvertCleanString (name);
+ ident->ident_tv = typeVar;
+ typeVar->tv_ident = ident;
+ typeVar->tv_argument_nr = 0; /* ??? */
+ return (typeVar);
+} /* BETypeVar */
+BETypeVars (BETypeVarP typeVar, BETypeVarListP typeVarList)
+ TypeVarList typeVarListElement;
+ typeVarListElement = ConvertAllocType (struct type_var_list);
+ typeVarListElement->tvl_elem = typeVar;
+ typeVarListElement->tvl_next = typeVarList;
+ return (typeVarListElement);
+} /* BETypeVars */
+BENoTypeVars (void)
+ return (NULL);
+} /* BENoTypeVars */
+BEFlatType (BESymbolP symbol, BETypeVarListP arguments)
+ FlatType flatType;
+ int i;
+ flatType = ConvertAllocType (struct flat_type);
+ flatType->ft_symbol = symbol;
+ flatType->ft_arguments = arguments;
+ i = 0;
+ for (; arguments != NULL; arguments=arguments->tvl_next)
+ i++;
+ flatType->ft_arity = i;
+ flatType->ft_cons_vars = NULL; /* used in PrintType */
+ return (flatType);
+} /* BEFlatType */
+BEAlgebraicType (BEFlatTypeP lhs, BEConstructorListP constructors)
+ Types type;
+ SymbDefP sdef;
+ int nConstructors;
+ type = ConvertAllocType (struct type);
+ /* ifdef DEBUG */
+ type->type_next = NULL;
+ /* endif */
+ type->type_lhs = lhs;
+ type->type_line = 0; /* ??? */
+ type->type_constructors = constructors;
+ nConstructors = 0;
+ for (; constructors != NULL; constructors = constructors->cl_next)
+ {
+ SymbDef cdef;
+ Assert (!constructors->cl_constructor->type_node_is_var);
+ Assert (constructors->cl_constructor->type_node_symbol->symb_kind == definition);
+ cdef = constructors->cl_constructor->type_node_symbol->symb_def;
+ Assert (cdef->sdef_type == NULL);
+ cdef->sdef_type = type;
+ nConstructors++;
+ }
+ type->type_nr_of_constructors = nConstructors;
+ Assert (type->type_lhs->ft_symbol->symb_kind == definition);
+ sdef = type->type_lhs->ft_symbol->symb_def;
+ Assert (sdef->sdef_kind == NEWDEFINITION);
+ sdef->sdef_over_arity = 0;
+ sdef->sdef_kind = TYPE;
+ sdef->sdef_type = type;
+} /* BEAlgebraicType */
+BERecordType (int moduleIndex, BEFlatTypeP lhs, BETypeNodeP constructorType, BEFieldListP fields)
+ int nFields;
+ Types type;
+ SymbDefP sdef;
+ BEConstructorListP constructor;
+ type = ConvertAllocType (struct type);
+ /* ifdef DEBUG */
+ type->type_next = NULL;
+ /* endif */
+ constructor = ConvertAllocType (struct constructor_list);
+ constructor->cl_next = NULL;
+ constructor->cl_constructor = constructorType;
+ type->type_lhs = lhs;
+ type->type_line = 0; /* ??? */
+ type->type_constructors = constructor;
+ type->type_fields = fields;
+ nFields = 0;
+ for (; fields != NULL; fields = fields->fl_next)
+ {
+ SymbDef fdef;
+ Assert (fields->fl_symbol->symb_kind == definition);
+ fdef = fields->fl_symbol->symb_def;
+ Assert (fdef->sdef_type == NULL);
+ fdef->sdef_type = type;
+ fdef->sdef_sel_field_number = nFields++;
+ }
+ type->type_nr_of_constructors = 0;
+ Assert (type->type_lhs->ft_symbol->symb_kind == definition);
+ sdef = type->type_lhs->ft_symbol->symb_def;
+ Assert (sdef->sdef_kind == NEWDEFINITION);
+ sdef->sdef_over_arity = 0;
+ sdef->sdef_cons_arity = constructorType->type_node_arity;
+ sdef->sdef_checkstatus = TypeChecked;
+ sdef->sdef_kind = RECORDTYPE;
+ sdef->sdef_type = type;
+ sdef->sdef_arity = constructorType->type_node_arity;
+ // +++ change this
+ {
+ int i;
+ BEModuleP module;
+ module = &gBEState.be_modules [moduleIndex];
+ for (i = 0; i < module->bem_nConstructors; i++)
+ if (module->bem_constructors [i] == constructorType->type_node_symbol)
+ break;
+ Assert (i < module->bem_nConstructors);
+ module->bem_constructors [i] = type->type_lhs->ft_symbol;
+ }
+} /* BERecordType */
+BEAbsType (BEFlatTypeP lhs)
+ AbsTypes absType;
+ SymbDefP sdef;
+ absType = ConvertAllocType (struct abs_type);
+ /* ifdef DEBUG */
+ absType->abs_next = NULL;
+ /* endif */
+ absType->abs_graph = lhs;
+ absType->abs_line = 0; /* ??? */
+ Assert (lhs->ft_symbol->symb_kind == definition);
+ sdef = lhs->ft_symbol->symb_def;
+ Assert (sdef->sdef_kind == NEWDEFINITION);
+ sdef->sdef_over_arity = 0;
+ sdef->sdef_checkstatus = TypeChecked;
+ sdef->sdef_kind = ABSTYPE;
+ sdef->sdef_abs_type = absType;
+} /* BEAbsType */
+BEConstructors (BEConstructorListP constructor, BEConstructorListP constructors)
+ Assert (constructor->cl_next == NULL);
+ constructor->cl_next = constructors;
+ return (constructor);
+} /* BEConstructors */
+BENoConstructors (void)
+ return (NULL);
+} /* BENoConstructors */
+BEConstructor (BETypeNodeP type)
+ ConstructorList constructor;
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ Assert (!type->type_node_is_var);
+ Assert (type->type_node_symbol->symb_kind == definition);
+ sdef = type->type_node_symbol->symb_def;
+ constructor = ConvertAllocType (struct constructor_list);
+ /* ifdef DEBUG */
+ constructor->cl_next = NULL;
+ /* endif */
+ constructor->cl_constructor = type;
+ sdef->sdef_kind = CONSTRUCTOR;
+ sdef->sdef_constructor = constructor;
+ sdef->sdef_arity = type->type_node_arity;
+ sdef->sdef_over_arity = 0;
+ /* ifdef DEBUG */
+ sdef->sdef_type = NULL;
+ /* endif */
+ return (constructor);
+} /* BEConstructor */
+BEDeclareField (int fieldIndex, int moduleIndex, CleanString name)
+ SymbDefP newSymbDef;
+ Ident newIdent;
+ SymbolP fields;
+ BEModuleP module;
+ module = &gBEState.be_modules [moduleIndex];
+ Assert ((unsigned) fieldIndex < module->bem_nFields);
+ Assert (module->bem_fields [fieldIndex].symb_kind == erroneous_symb);
+ fields = module->bem_fields;
+ Assert (fields != NULL);
+ newIdent = ConvertAllocType (IdentS);
+ newIdent->ident_name = ConvertCleanString (name);
+ newIdent->ident_symbol = &fields [fieldIndex];
+ newSymbDef = ConvertAllocType (SymbDefS);
+ newSymbDef->sdef_kind = NEWDEFINITION;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_exported = False;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_module = module->bem_name;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_ident = newIdent;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_isused = 0;
+ fields [fieldIndex].symb_kind = definition;
+ fields [fieldIndex].symb_def = newSymbDef;
+} /* BEDeclareField */
+BEField (int fieldIndex, int moduleIndex, BETypeNodeP type)
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ SymbolP fields;
+ BEModuleP module;
+ FieldList field;
+ module = &gBEState.be_modules [moduleIndex];
+ Assert ((unsigned) fieldIndex < module->bem_nFields);
+ Assert (module->bem_fields [fieldIndex].symb_kind == definition);
+ fields = module->bem_fields;
+ Assert (fields != NULL);
+ field = ConvertAllocType (struct field_list);
+ /* ifdef DEBUG */
+ field->fl_next = NULL;
+ /* endif */
+ field->fl_symbol = &fields [fieldIndex];
+ field->fl_type = type;
+ sdef = fields [fieldIndex].symb_def;
+ sdef->sdef_kind = FIELDSELECTOR;
+ sdef->sdef_sel_field = field;
+ sdef->sdef_arity = 1;
+ sdef->sdef_over_arity = 0;
+ sdef->sdef_mark = 0;
+ /* ifdef DEBUG */
+ sdef->sdef_type = NULL;
+ /* endif */
+ return (field);
+} /* BEField */
+BEFields (BEFieldListP field, BEFieldListP fields)
+ Assert (field->fl_next == NULL);
+ field->fl_next = fields;
+ return (field);
+} /* BEFields */
+BENoFields (void)
+ return (NULL);
+} /* BENoFields */
+BEDeclareConstructor (int constructorIndex, int moduleIndex, CleanString name)
+ SymbDefP newSymbDef;
+ Ident newIdent;
+ SymbolP *constructors;
+ BEModuleP module;
+ module = &gBEState.be_modules [moduleIndex];
+ Assert ((unsigned) constructorIndex < module->bem_nConstructors);
+ Assert (module->bem_constructors [constructorIndex]->symb_kind == erroneous_symb);
+ constructors = module->bem_constructors;
+ Assert (constructors != NULL);
+ newIdent = ConvertAllocType (IdentS);
+ newIdent->ident_name = ConvertCleanString (name);
+ newIdent->ident_symbol = constructors [constructorIndex];
+ newSymbDef = ConvertAllocType (SymbDefS);
+ newSymbDef->sdef_kind = NEWDEFINITION;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_exported = False;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_module = module->bem_name;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_ident = newIdent;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_isused = 0;
+ newSymbDef->sdef_no_sa = False;
+ constructors [constructorIndex]->symb_kind = definition;
+ constructors [constructorIndex]->symb_def = newSymbDef;
+} /* BEDeclareConstructor */
+BEDefineRules (BEImpRuleP rules)
+ gBEState.be_icl.beicl_module->im_rules = rules;
+} /* BEDefineRules */
+BEDefineImportedObjsAndLibs (BEStringListP objs, BEStringListP libs)
+ gBEState.be_icl.beicl_module->im_imported_objs = objs;
+ gBEState.be_icl.beicl_module->im_imported_libs = libs;
+} /* BEDefineRules */
+BEString (CleanString cleanString)
+ struct string_list *string;
+ string = ConvertAllocType (struct string_list);
+ string->sl_string = ConvertCleanString (cleanString);
+ /* ifdef DEBUG */
+ string->sl_next = NULL;
+ /* endif */
+ return (string);
+} /* BEString */
+BEStrings (BEStringListP string, BEStringListP strings)
+ Assert (string->sl_next == NULL);
+ string->sl_next = strings;
+ return (string);
+} /* BEStringList*/
+BENoStrings (void)
+ return (NULL);
+} /* BENoStrings */
+BEAbcCodeBlock (int inlineFlag, BEStringListP instructions)
+ CodeBlock codeBlock;
+ codeBlock = ConvertAllocType (CodeBlockS);
+ codeBlock->co_instr = (Instructions) instructions;
+ codeBlock->co_is_abc_code = True;
+ codeBlock->co_is_inline = inlineFlag;
+ return (codeBlock);
+} /* BEAbcCodeBlock */
+BEAnyCodeBlock (BECodeParameterP inParams, BECodeParameterP outParams, BEStringListP instructions)
+ CodeBlock codeBlock;
+ codeBlock = ConvertAllocType (CodeBlockS);
+ codeBlock->co_instr = (Instructions) instructions;
+ codeBlock->co_is_abc_code = False;
+ codeBlock->co_parin = inParams;
+ codeBlock->co_parout = outParams;
+ return (codeBlock);
+} /* BEAnyCodeBlock */
+BECodeParameter (CleanString location, BENodeIdP nodeId)
+ Parameters parameter;
+ parameter = ConvertAllocType (struct parameter);
+ parameter->par_kind = 0;
+ parameter->par_node_id = nodeId;
+ parameter->par_loc = Identifier (ConvertCleanString (location));
+ /* ifdef DEBUG */
+ parameter->par_next = NULL;
+ /* endif */
+ return (parameter);
+} /* BECodeParameter */
+BECodeParameters (BECodeParameterP parameter, BECodeParameterP parameters)
+ Assert (parameter->par_next == NULL);
+ parameter->par_next = parameters;
+ return (parameter);
+} /* BECodeParameters */
+BENoCodeParameters (void)
+ return (NULL);
+} /* BENoCodeParameters */
+static void
+RemoveSpecialArrayFunctionsFromSymbolList (SymbolP *symbolH)
+ SymbolP symbolP;
+ while ((symbolP = *symbolH) != NULL)
+ {
+ SymbDefP sdef;
+ sdef = symbolP->symb_def;
+ if (symbolP->symb_kind == definition && sdef->sdef_kind == IMPRULE && sdef->sdef_arfun != NoArrayFun)
+ *symbolH = symbolP->symb_next;
+ else
+ symbolH = &symbolP->symb_next;
+ }
+} /* RemoveSpecialArrayFunctionsFromSymbolList */
+BEGenerateCode (CleanString outputFile)
+ char *outputFileName;
+ ImpRule rule;
+ if (CompilerError)
+ return False;
+ // RemoveSpecialArrayFunctionsFromSymbolList (&gBEState.be_icl.beicl_module->im_symbols);
+ /* +++ hack */
+ rule = gBEState.be_dictionarySelectFunSymbol->symb_def->sdef_rule;
+ rule->rule_next = gBEState.be_icl.beicl_module->im_rules;
+ gBEState.be_icl.beicl_module->im_rules = rule;
+ rule = gBEState.be_dictionaryUpdateFunSymbol->symb_def->sdef_rule;
+ rule->rule_next = gBEState.be_icl.beicl_module->im_rules;
+ gBEState.be_icl.beicl_module->im_rules = rule;
+ outputFileName = ConvertCleanString (outputFile);
+ CodeGeneration (gBEState.be_icl.beicl_module, outputFileName);
+ return (!CompilerError);
+} /* BEGenerateCode */
+BEExportType (int dclTypeIndex, int iclTypeIndex)
+ BEModuleP dclModule, iclModule;
+ SymbolP typeSymbol;
+ SymbDefP iclDef, dclDef;
+ iclModule = &gBEState.be_modules [kIclModuleIndex];
+ Assert ((unsigned int) iclTypeIndex < iclModule->bem_nTypes);
+ typeSymbol = iclModule->bem_types [iclTypeIndex];
+ Assert (typeSymbol->symb_kind == definition);
+ iclDef = typeSymbol->symb_def;
+ iclDef->sdef_exported = True;
+ dclModule = &gBEState.be_icl.beicl_dcl_module;
+ /* +++ remove -1 hack */
+ if (dclTypeIndex == -1)
+ dclDef = iclDef;
+ else
+ {
+ Assert ((unsigned int) dclTypeIndex < dclModule->bem_nTypes);
+ typeSymbol = dclModule->bem_types [dclTypeIndex];
+ Assert (typeSymbol->symb_kind == definition);
+ dclDef = typeSymbol->symb_def;
+ }
+ Assert (strcmp (iclDef->sdef_ident->ident_name, dclDef->sdef_ident->ident_name) == 0);
+ iclDef->sdef_dcl_icl = dclDef;
+ dclDef->sdef_dcl_icl = iclDef;
+} /* BEExportType */
+BESwapTypes (int frm, int to)
+ BEModuleP module;
+ SymbolP save;
+ module = &gBEState.be_modules [kIclModuleIndex];
+ Assert ((unsigned int) frm < module->bem_nTypes);
+ Assert ((unsigned int) to < module->bem_nTypes);
+ save = module->bem_types [frm];
+ module->bem_types [frm] = module->bem_types [to];
+ module->bem_types [to] = save;
+} /* BESwapTypes */
+BEExportConstructor (int dclConstructorIndex, int iclConstructorIndex)
+ BEModuleP dclModule, iclModule;
+ SymbolP constructorSymbol;
+ SymbDefP iclDef, dclDef;
+ iclModule = &gBEState.be_modules [kIclModuleIndex];
+ Assert ((unsigned int) iclConstructorIndex < iclModule->bem_nConstructors);
+ constructorSymbol = iclModule->bem_constructors [iclConstructorIndex];
+ Assert (constructorSymbol->symb_kind == definition);
+ iclDef = constructorSymbol->symb_def;
+ iclDef->sdef_exported = True;
+ if (0)
+ {
+ dclModule = &gBEState.be_icl.beicl_dcl_module;
+ Assert ((unsigned int) dclConstructorIndex < dclModule->bem_nConstructors);
+ constructorSymbol = dclModule->bem_constructors [dclConstructorIndex];
+ Assert (constructorSymbol->symb_kind == definition);
+ dclDef = constructorSymbol->symb_def;
+ Assert (strcmp (iclDef->sdef_ident->ident_name, dclDef->sdef_ident->ident_name) == 0);
+ }
+ else
+ dclDef = iclDef;
+ iclDef->sdef_dcl_icl = dclDef;
+ dclDef->sdef_dcl_icl = iclDef;
+} /* BEExportConstructor */
+BEExportField (int dclFieldIndex, int iclFieldIndex)
+ BEModuleP dclModule, iclModule;
+ SymbolP fieldSymbol;
+ SymbDefP iclDef, dclDef;
+ iclModule = &gBEState.be_modules [kIclModuleIndex];
+ Assert ((unsigned int) iclFieldIndex < iclModule->bem_nFields);
+ fieldSymbol = &iclModule->bem_fields [iclFieldIndex];
+ Assert (fieldSymbol->symb_kind == definition);
+ iclDef = fieldSymbol->symb_def;
+ iclDef->sdef_exported = True;
+ /* +++ remove -1 hack */
+ if (dclFieldIndex == -1)
+ dclDef = iclDef;
+ else
+ {
+ dclModule = &gBEState.be_icl.beicl_dcl_module;
+ Assert ((unsigned int) dclFieldIndex < dclModule->bem_nFields);
+ fieldSymbol = &dclModule->bem_fields [dclFieldIndex];
+ Assert (fieldSymbol->symb_kind == definition);
+ dclDef = fieldSymbol->symb_def;
+ }
+ Assert (strcmp (iclDef->sdef_ident->ident_name, dclDef->sdef_ident->ident_name) == 0);
+ iclDef->sdef_dcl_icl = dclDef;
+ dclDef->sdef_dcl_icl = iclDef;
+} /* BEExportField */
+BEExportFunction (int dclFunctionIndex, int iclFunctionIndex)
+ BEModuleP dclModule, iclModule;
+ SymbolP functionSymbol;
+ SymbDefP iclDef, dclDef;
+ iclModule = &gBEState.be_modules [kIclModuleIndex];
+ Assert ((unsigned int) iclFunctionIndex < iclModule->bem_nFunctions);
+ functionSymbol = &iclModule->bem_functions [iclFunctionIndex];
+ Assert (functionSymbol->symb_kind == definition);
+ iclDef = functionSymbol->symb_def;
+ iclDef->sdef_exported = True;
+ dclModule = &gBEState.be_icl.beicl_dcl_module;
+ Assert ((unsigned int) dclFunctionIndex < dclModule->bem_nFunctions);
+ functionSymbol = &dclModule->bem_functions [dclFunctionIndex];
+ Assert (functionSymbol->symb_kind == definition);
+ dclDef = functionSymbol->symb_def;
+ Assert (strcmp (iclDef->sdef_ident->ident_name, dclDef->sdef_ident->ident_name) == 0);
+ iclDef->sdef_dcl_icl = dclDef;
+ dclDef->sdef_dcl_icl = iclDef;
+} /* BEExportFunction */
+static void
+CheckBEEnumTypes (void)
+ /* Annotation */
+ Assert (NoAnnot == BENoAnnot);
+ Assert (StrictAnnot == BEStrictAnnot);
+ /* Annotation */
+ Assert (NoUniAttr == BENoUniAttr);
+ Assert (NotUniqueAttr == BENotUniqueAttr);
+ Assert (UniqueAttr == BEUniqueAttr);
+ Assert (ExistsAttr == BEExistsAttr);
+ Assert (UniqueVariable == BEUniqueVariable);
+ Assert (FirstUniVarNumber == BEFirstUniVarNumber);
+ /* SymbKind */
+ Assert (int_type == BEIntType);
+ Assert (bool_type == BEBoolType);
+ Assert (char_type == BECharType);
+ Assert (real_type == BERealType);
+ Assert (file_type == BEFileType);
+ Assert (string_type == BEStringType);
+ Assert (world_type == BEWorldType);
+ Assert (procid_type == BEProcIdType);
+ Assert (redid_type == BERedIdType);
+ Assert (Nr_Of_Basic_Types == BENrOfBasicTypes);
+ Assert (int_denot == BEIntDenot);
+ Assert (bool_denot == BEBoolDenot);
+ Assert (char_denot == BECharDenot);
+ Assert (real_denot == BERealDenot);
+ Assert (Nr_Of_Basic_Denots == BENrOfBasicDenots);
+ Assert (string_denot == BEStringDenot);
+ Assert (fun_type == BEFunType);
+ Assert (array_type == BEArrayType);
+ Assert (strict_array_type == BEStrictArrayType);
+ Assert (unboxed_array_type == BEUnboxedArrayType);
+ Assert (list_type == BEListType);
+ Assert (tuple_type == BETupleType);
+ Assert (empty_type == BEEmptyType);
+ Assert (dynamic_type == BEDynamicType);
+ Assert (Nr_Of_Predef_Types == BENrOfPredefTypes);
+ Assert (tuple_symb == BETupleSymb);
+ Assert (cons_symb == BEConsSymb);
+ Assert (nil_symb == BENilSymb);
+ Assert (apply_symb == BEApplySymb);
+ Assert (if_symb == BEIfSymb);
+ Assert (fail_symb == BEFailSymb);
+ Assert (all_symb == BEAllSymb);
+ Assert (select_symb == BESelectSymb);
+ Assert (Nr_Of_Predef_FunsOrConses == BENrOfPredefFunsOrConses);
+ Assert (definition == BEDefinition);
+ Assert (newsymbol == BENewSymbol);
+ Assert (instance_symb == BEInstanceSymb);
+ Assert (empty_symbol == BEEmptySymbol);
+ Assert (field_symbol_list == BEFieldSymbolList);
+ Assert (erroneous_symb == BEErroneousSymb);
+ /* ArrayFunKind */
+ Assert (CreateArrayFun == BECreateArrayFun);
+ Assert (ArraySelectFun == BEArraySelectFun);
+ Assert (UnqArraySelectFun == BEUnqArraySelectFun);
+ Assert (ArrayUpdateFun == BEArrayUpdateFun);
+ Assert (ArrayReplaceFun == BEArrayReplaceFun);
+ Assert (ArraySizeFun == BEArraySizeFun);
+ Assert (UnqArraySizeFun == BEUnqArraySizeFun);
+ Assert (_CreateArrayFun == BE_CreateArrayFun);
+ Assert (_UnqArraySelectFun == BE_UnqArraySelectFun);
+ Assert (_UnqArraySelectNextFun == BE_UnqArraySelectNextFun);
+ Assert (_UnqArraySelectLastFun == BE_UnqArraySelectLastFun);
+ Assert (_ArrayUpdateFun == BE_ArrayUpdateFun);
+ Assert (NoArrayFun == BENoArrayFun);
+ /* SelectorKind */
+ Assert (1 == BESelector);
+ Assert (SELECTOR_U == BESelector_U);
+ Assert (SELECTOR_F == BESelector_F);
+ Assert (SELECTOR_L == BESelector_L);
+ Assert (SELECTOR_N == BESelector_N);
+} /* CheckBEEnumTypes */
+BEArg (CleanString arg)
+ Assert (gBEState.be_argi < gBEState.be_argc);
+ gBEState.be_argv [gBEState.be_argi++] = ConvertCleanString (arg);
+ // +++ ugly
+ if (gBEState.be_argi == gBEState.be_argc)
+ {
+ char *dummy;
+ extern Bool ParseCommandArgs (int argc, char **argv, char **file_name_p, char **output_file_name_p);
+ (void) ParseCommandArgs (gBEState.be_argc, gBEState.be_argv, &dummy, &dummy);
+ /* FatalCompError ("backend", "BEInit", "FatalCompError in backend"); */
+ /* ErrorInCompiler ("backend", "BEInit", "ErrorInCompiler in backend"); */
+ /* StaticMessage (True, "<backend>", "StaticMessage (True) in backend"); */
+ /* StaticMessage (False, "<backend>", "StaticMessage (False) in backend"); */
+ /* *(int*)0L= 17; */
+ }
+} /* BEArg */
+BEInit (int argc)
+ Assert (!gBEState.be_initialised);
+ CheckBEEnumTypes ();
+ CurrentPhase = "Back End";
+ CurrentModule = "<unknown module>";
+ CurrentExt = "";
+ gBEState.be_argv = ConvertAlloc ((argc+1) * sizeof (char *));
+ gBEState.be_argv [argc] = NULL;
+ gBEState.be_argc = argc;
+ gBEState.be_argi = 0;
+ InitStorage ();
+ /* +++ remove symbol table from backend */
+ ScanInitIdentStringTable ();
+ InitScanner (); /* for inlining */
+ DeltaBId = Identifier ("StdBool");
+ ApplyId = Identifier ("AP");
+ ListId = Identifier ("List");
+ TupleId = Identifier ("Tuple");
+ ConsId = Identifier ("[:]");
+ NilId = Identifier ("[]");
+ SelectId = Identifier ("_Select");
+ IfId = Identifier ("if");
+ FailId = Identifier ("_Fail");
+ DynamicId = Identifier ("Dynamic");
+ UserDefinedArrayFunctions = NULL;
+ InitPredefinedSymbols ();
+ ClearOpenDefinitionModules ();
+ InitStatesGen ();
+ InitCoding ();
+ InitInstructions ();
+ gBEState.be_modules = NULL;
+ gBEState.be_allSymbols = NULL;
+ gBEState.be_dontCareSymbol = NULL;
+ gBEState.be_dictionarySelectFunSymbol = NULL;
+ gBEState.be_dictionaryUpdateFunSymbol = NULL;
+ gBEState.be_initialised = True;
+ return ((BackEnd) &gBEState);
+} /* BEInit */
+BEFree (BackEnd backEnd)
+ Assert (backEnd == (BackEnd) &gBEState);
+ FreeConvertBuffers ();
+ CompFree ();
+ Assert (gBEState.be_initialised);
+ gBEState.be_initialised = False;
+ if (StdErrorReopened)
+ fclose (StdError);
+ if (StdOutReopened)
+ fclose (StdOut);
+} /* BEFree */
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backend.dcl b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backend.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48ad039
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backend.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+definition module backend;
+from StdString import String;
+:: *UWorld :== Int;
+:: *BackEnd; // :== Int;
+:: BESymbolP; // :== Int;
+:: BETypeNodeP; // :== Int;
+:: BETypeArgP; // :== Int;
+:: BETypeAltP; // :== Int;
+:: BENodeP; // :== Int;
+:: BEArgP; // :== Int;
+:: BERuleAltP; // :== Int;
+:: BEImpRuleP; // :== Int;
+:: BETypeP; // :== Int;
+:: BEFlatTypeP; // :== Int;
+:: BETypeVarP; // :== Int;
+:: BETypeVarListP; // :== Int;
+:: BEConstructorListP; // :== Int;
+:: BEFieldListP; // :== Int;
+:: BENodeIdP; // :== Int;
+:: BENodeDefP; // :== Int;
+:: BEStrictNodeIdP; // :== Int;
+:: BECodeParameterP; // :== Int;
+:: BECodeBlockP; // :== Int;
+:: BEStringListP; // :== Int;
+:: BEAnnotation :== Int;
+:: BEAttribution :== Int;
+:: BESymbKind :== Int;
+:: BEArrayFunKind :== Int;
+:: BESelectorKind :== Int;
+:: BEUpdateKind :== Int;
+BEGetVersion :: (!Int,!Int,!Int);
+// void BEGetVersion(int* current,int* oldestDefinition,int* oldestImplementation);
+BEInit :: !Int !UWorld -> (!BackEnd,!UWorld);
+// BackEnd BEInit(int argc);
+BEFree :: !BackEnd !UWorld -> UWorld;
+// void BEFree(BackEnd backEnd);
+BEArg :: !String !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BEArg(CleanString arg);
+BEDeclareModules :: !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BEDeclareModules(int nModules);
+BEDeclarePredefinedSymbols :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BEDeclarePredefinedSymbols(int nConstructors,int nTypes);
+BESpecialArrayFunctionSymbol :: !BEArrayFunKind !Int !Int !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
+// BESymbolP BESpecialArrayFunctionSymbol(BEArrayFunKind arrayFunKind,int functionIndex,int moduleIndex);
+BEDictionarySelectFunSymbol :: !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
+// BESymbolP BEDictionarySelectFunSymbol();
+BEDictionaryUpdateFunSymbol :: !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
+// BESymbolP BEDictionaryUpdateFunSymbol();
+BEFunctionSymbol :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
+// BESymbolP BEFunctionSymbol(int functionIndex,int moduleIndex);
+BEConstructorSymbol :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
+// BESymbolP BEConstructorSymbol(int constructorIndex,int moduleIndex);
+BEFieldSymbol :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
+// BESymbolP BEFieldSymbol(int fieldIndex,int moduleIndex);
+BETypeSymbol :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
+// BESymbolP BETypeSymbol(int typeIndex,int moduleIndex);
+BEDontCareDefinitionSymbol :: !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
+// BESymbolP BEDontCareDefinitionSymbol();
+BEBoolSymbol :: !Bool !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
+// BESymbolP BEBoolSymbol(int value);
+BELiteralSymbol :: !BESymbKind !String !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
+// BESymbolP BELiteralSymbol(BESymbKind kind,CleanString value);
+BEPredefineConstructorSymbol :: !Int !Int !Int !BESymbKind !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BEPredefineConstructorSymbol(int arity,int constructorIndex,int moduleIndex,BESymbKind symbolKind);
+BEPredefineTypeSymbol :: !Int !Int !Int !BESymbKind !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BEPredefineTypeSymbol(int arity,int typeIndex,int moduleIndex,BESymbKind symbolKind);
+BEBasicSymbol :: !Int !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
+// BESymbolP BEBasicSymbol(BESymbKind kind);
+BEVarTypeNode :: !String !BackEnd -> (!BETypeNodeP,!BackEnd);
+// BETypeNodeP BEVarTypeNode(CleanString name);
+BETypeVars :: !BETypeVarP !BETypeVarListP !BackEnd -> (!BETypeVarListP,!BackEnd);
+// BETypeVarListP BETypeVars(BETypeVarP typeVar,BETypeVarListP typeVarList);
+BENoTypeVars :: !BackEnd -> (!BETypeVarListP,!BackEnd);
+// BETypeVarListP BENoTypeVars();
+BENormalTypeNode :: !BESymbolP !BETypeArgP !BackEnd -> (!BETypeNodeP,!BackEnd);
+// BETypeNodeP BENormalTypeNode(BESymbolP symbol,BETypeArgP args);
+BEAnnotateTypeNode :: !BEAnnotation !BETypeNodeP !BackEnd -> (!BETypeNodeP,!BackEnd);
+// BETypeNodeP BEAnnotateTypeNode(BEAnnotation annotation,BETypeNodeP typeNode);
+BEAttributeTypeNode :: !BEAttribution !BETypeNodeP !BackEnd -> (!BETypeNodeP,!BackEnd);
+// BETypeNodeP BEAttributeTypeNode(BEAttribution attribution,BETypeNodeP typeNode);
+BENoTypeArgs :: !BackEnd -> (!BETypeArgP,!BackEnd);
+// BETypeArgP BENoTypeArgs();
+BETypeArgs :: !BETypeNodeP !BETypeArgP !BackEnd -> (!BETypeArgP,!BackEnd);
+// BETypeArgP BETypeArgs(BETypeNodeP node,BETypeArgP nextArgs);
+BETypeAlt :: !BETypeNodeP !BETypeNodeP !BackEnd -> (!BETypeAltP,!BackEnd);
+// BETypeAltP BETypeAlt(BETypeNodeP lhs,BETypeNodeP rhs);
+BENormalNode :: !BESymbolP !BEArgP !BackEnd -> (!BENodeP,!BackEnd);
+// BENodeP BENormalNode(BESymbolP symbol,BEArgP args);
+BEMatchNode :: !Int !BESymbolP !BENodeP !BackEnd -> (!BENodeP,!BackEnd);
+// BENodeP BEMatchNode(int arity,BESymbolP symbol,BENodeP node);
+BETupleSelectNode :: !Int !Int !BENodeP !BackEnd -> (!BENodeP,!BackEnd);
+// BENodeP BETupleSelectNode(int arity,int index,BENodeP node);
+BEIfNode :: !BENodeP !BENodeP !BENodeP !BackEnd -> (!BENodeP,!BackEnd);
+// BENodeP BEIfNode(BENodeP cond,BENodeP then,BENodeP elsje);
+BEGuardNode :: !BENodeP !BENodeDefP !BEStrictNodeIdP !BENodeP !BENodeDefP !BEStrictNodeIdP !BENodeP !BackEnd -> (!BENodeP,!BackEnd);
+// BENodeP BEGuardNode(BENodeP cond,BENodeDefP thenNodeDefs,BEStrictNodeIdP thenStricts,BENodeP then,BENodeDefP elseNodeDefs,BEStrictNodeIdP elseStricts,BENodeP elsje);
+BESelectorNode :: !BESelectorKind !BESymbolP !BEArgP !BackEnd -> (!BENodeP,!BackEnd);
+// BENodeP BESelectorNode(BESelectorKind selectorKind,BESymbolP fieldSymbol,BEArgP args);
+BEUpdateNode :: !BEArgP !BackEnd -> (!BENodeP,!BackEnd);
+// BENodeP BEUpdateNode(BEArgP args);
+BENodeIdNode :: !BENodeIdP !BEArgP !BackEnd -> (!BENodeP,!BackEnd);
+// BENodeP BENodeIdNode(BENodeIdP nodeId,BEArgP args);
+BENoArgs :: !BackEnd -> (!BEArgP,!BackEnd);
+// BEArgP BENoArgs();
+BEArgs :: !BENodeP !BEArgP !BackEnd -> (!BEArgP,!BackEnd);
+// BEArgP BEArgs(BENodeP node,BEArgP nextArgs);
+BERuleAlt :: !Int !BENodeDefP !BENodeP !BENodeDefP !BEStrictNodeIdP !BENodeP !BackEnd -> (!BERuleAltP,!BackEnd);
+// BERuleAltP BERuleAlt(int line,BENodeDefP lhsDefs,BENodeP lhs,BENodeDefP rhsDefs,BEStrictNodeIdP lhsStrictNodeIds,BENodeP rhs);
+BERuleAlts :: !BERuleAltP !BERuleAltP !BackEnd -> (!BERuleAltP,!BackEnd);
+// BERuleAltP BERuleAlts(BERuleAltP alt,BERuleAltP alts);
+BENoRuleAlts :: !BackEnd -> (!BERuleAltP,!BackEnd);
+// BERuleAltP BENoRuleAlts();
+BEDeclareNodeId :: !Int !Int !String !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BEDeclareNodeId(int sequenceNumber,int lhsOrRhs,CleanString name);
+BENodeId :: !Int !BackEnd -> (!BENodeIdP,!BackEnd);
+// BENodeIdP BENodeId(int sequenceNumber);
+BEWildCardNodeId :: !BackEnd -> (!BENodeIdP,!BackEnd);
+// BENodeIdP BEWildCardNodeId();
+BENodeDef :: !Int !BENodeP !BackEnd -> (!BENodeDefP,!BackEnd);
+// BENodeDefP BENodeDef(int sequenceNumber,BENodeP node);
+BENoNodeDefs :: !BackEnd -> (!BENodeDefP,!BackEnd);
+// BENodeDefP BENoNodeDefs();
+BENodeDefs :: !BENodeDefP !BENodeDefP !BackEnd -> (!BENodeDefP,!BackEnd);
+// BENodeDefP BENodeDefs(BENodeDefP nodeDef,BENodeDefP nodeDefs);
+BEStrictNodeId :: !BENodeIdP !BackEnd -> (!BEStrictNodeIdP,!BackEnd);
+// BEStrictNodeIdP BEStrictNodeId(BENodeIdP nodeId);
+BENoStrictNodeIds :: !BackEnd -> (!BEStrictNodeIdP,!BackEnd);
+// BEStrictNodeIdP BENoStrictNodeIds();
+BEStrictNodeIds :: !BEStrictNodeIdP !BEStrictNodeIdP !BackEnd -> (!BEStrictNodeIdP,!BackEnd);
+// BEStrictNodeIdP BEStrictNodeIds(BEStrictNodeIdP strictNodeId,BEStrictNodeIdP strictNodeIds);
+BERule :: !Int !Int !BETypeAltP !BERuleAltP !BackEnd -> (!BEImpRuleP,!BackEnd);
+// BEImpRuleP BERule(int functionIndex,int isCaf,BETypeAltP type,BERuleAltP alts);
+BEDeclareRuleType :: !Int !Int !String !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BEDeclareRuleType(int functionIndex,int moduleIndex,CleanString name);
+BEDefineRuleType :: !Int !Int !BETypeAltP !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BEDefineRuleType(int functionIndex,int moduleIndex,BETypeAltP typeAlt);
+BEAdjustArrayFunction :: !BEArrayFunKind !Int !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BEAdjustArrayFunction(BEArrayFunKind arrayFunKind,int functionIndex,int moduleIndex);
+BENoRules :: !BackEnd -> (!BEImpRuleP,!BackEnd);
+// BEImpRuleP BENoRules();
+BERules :: !BEImpRuleP !BEImpRuleP !BackEnd -> (!BEImpRuleP,!BackEnd);
+// BEImpRuleP BERules(BEImpRuleP rule,BEImpRuleP rules);
+BETypes :: !BETypeP !BETypeP !BackEnd -> (!BETypeP,!BackEnd);
+// BETypeP BETypes(BETypeP type,BETypeP types);
+BENoTypes :: !BackEnd -> (!BETypeP,!BackEnd);
+// BETypeP BENoTypes();
+BEFlatType :: !BESymbolP !BETypeVarListP !BackEnd -> (!BEFlatTypeP,!BackEnd);
+// BEFlatTypeP BEFlatType(BESymbolP symbol,BETypeVarListP arguments);
+BEAlgebraicType :: !BEFlatTypeP !BEConstructorListP !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BEAlgebraicType(BEFlatTypeP lhs,BEConstructorListP constructors);
+BERecordType :: !Int !BEFlatTypeP !BETypeNodeP !BEFieldListP !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BERecordType(int moduleIndex,BEFlatTypeP lhs,BETypeNodeP constructorType,BEFieldListP fields);
+BEAbsType :: !BEFlatTypeP !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BEAbsType(BEFlatTypeP lhs);
+BEConstructors :: !BEConstructorListP !BEConstructorListP !BackEnd -> (!BEConstructorListP,!BackEnd);
+// BEConstructorListP BEConstructors(BEConstructorListP constructor,BEConstructorListP constructors);
+BENoConstructors :: !BackEnd -> (!BEConstructorListP,!BackEnd);
+// BEConstructorListP BENoConstructors();
+BEConstructor :: !BETypeNodeP !BackEnd -> (!BEConstructorListP,!BackEnd);
+// BEConstructorListP BEConstructor(BETypeNodeP type);
+BEDeclareField :: !Int !Int !String !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BEDeclareField(int fieldIndex,int moduleIndex,CleanString name);
+BEField :: !Int !Int !BETypeNodeP !BackEnd -> (!BEFieldListP,!BackEnd);
+// BEFieldListP BEField(int fieldIndex,int moduleIndex,BETypeNodeP type);
+BEFields :: !BEFieldListP !BEFieldListP !BackEnd -> (!BEFieldListP,!BackEnd);
+// BEFieldListP BEFields(BEFieldListP field,BEFieldListP fields);
+BENoFields :: !BackEnd -> (!BEFieldListP,!BackEnd);
+// BEFieldListP BENoFields();
+BEDeclareConstructor :: !Int !Int !String !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BEDeclareConstructor(int constructorIndex,int moduleIndex,CleanString name);
+BETypeVar :: !String !BackEnd -> (!BETypeVarP,!BackEnd);
+// BETypeVarP BETypeVar(CleanString name);
+BEDeclareType :: !Int !Int !String !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BEDeclareType(int typeIndex,int moduleIndex,CleanString name);
+BEDeclareFunction :: !String !Int !Int !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BEDeclareFunction(CleanString name,int arity,int functionIndex,int ancestor);
+BECodeAlt :: !Int !BENodeDefP !BENodeP !BECodeBlockP !BackEnd -> (!BERuleAltP,!BackEnd);
+// BERuleAltP BECodeAlt(int line,BENodeDefP lhsDefs,BENodeP lhs,BECodeBlockP codeBlock);
+BEString :: !String !BackEnd -> (!BEStringListP,!BackEnd);
+// BEStringListP BEString(CleanString cleanString);
+BEStrings :: !BEStringListP !BEStringListP !BackEnd -> (!BEStringListP,!BackEnd);
+// BEStringListP BEStrings(BEStringListP string,BEStringListP strings);
+BENoStrings :: !BackEnd -> (!BEStringListP,!BackEnd);
+// BEStringListP BENoStrings();
+BECodeParameter :: !String !BENodeIdP !BackEnd -> (!BECodeParameterP,!BackEnd);
+// BECodeParameterP BECodeParameter(CleanString location,BENodeIdP nodeId);
+BECodeParameters :: !BECodeParameterP !BECodeParameterP !BackEnd -> (!BECodeParameterP,!BackEnd);
+// BECodeParameterP BECodeParameters(BECodeParameterP parameter,BECodeParameterP parameters);
+BENoCodeParameters :: !BackEnd -> (!BECodeParameterP,!BackEnd);
+// BECodeParameterP BENoCodeParameters();
+BEAbcCodeBlock :: !Bool !BEStringListP !BackEnd -> (!BECodeBlockP,!BackEnd);
+// BECodeBlockP BEAbcCodeBlock(int inline,BEStringListP instructions);
+BEAnyCodeBlock :: !BECodeParameterP !BECodeParameterP !BEStringListP !BackEnd -> (!BECodeBlockP,!BackEnd);
+// BECodeBlockP BEAnyCodeBlock(BECodeParameterP inParams,BECodeParameterP outParams,BEStringListP instructions);
+BEDeclareIclModule :: !String !Int !Int !Int !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BEDeclareIclModule(CleanString name,int nFunctions,int nTypes,int nConstructors,int nFields);
+BEDeclareDclModule :: !Int !String !Bool !Int !Int !Int !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BEDeclareDclModule(int moduleIndex,CleanString name,int systemModule,int nFunctions,int nTypes,int nConstructors,int nFields);
+BEDeclarePredefinedModule :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BEDeclarePredefinedModule(int nTypes,int nConstructors);
+BEDefineRules :: !BEImpRuleP !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BEDefineRules(BEImpRuleP rules);
+BEGenerateCode :: !String !BackEnd -> (!Bool,!BackEnd);
+// int BEGenerateCode(CleanString outputFile);
+BEExportType :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BEExportType(int dclTypeIndex,int iclTypeIndex);
+BESwapTypes :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BESwapTypes(int frm,int to);
+BEExportConstructor :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BEExportConstructor(int dclConstructorIndex,int iclConstructorIndex);
+BEExportField :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BEExportField(int dclTypeIndex,int iclTypeIndex);
+BEExportFunction :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BEExportFunction(int dclFunctionIndex,int iclFunctionIndex);
+BEDefineImportedObjsAndLibs :: !BEStringListP !BEStringListP !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+// void BEDefineImportedObjsAndLibs(BEStringListP objs,BEStringListP libs);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backend.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backend.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8445908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backend.h
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+/* version info */
+# define kBEVersionCurrent 0x02000203
+# define kBEVersionOldestDefinition 0x02000203
+# define kBEVersionOldestImplementation 0x02000203
+# define kBEDebug 1
+/* pointer types */
+Clean (:: *UWorld :== Int)
+typedef struct BackEnd *BackEnd;
+Clean (:: *BackEnd :== Int)
+typedef struct symbol *BESymbolP;
+Clean (:: BESymbolP :== Int)
+typedef struct type_node *BETypeNodeP;
+Clean (:: BETypeNodeP :== Int)
+typedef struct type_arg *BETypeArgP;
+Clean (:: BETypeArgP :== Int)
+typedef struct type_alt *BETypeAltP;
+Clean (:: BETypeAltP :== Int)
+typedef struct node *BENodeP;
+Clean (:: BENodeP :== Int)
+typedef struct arg *BEArgP;
+Clean (:: BEArgP :== Int)
+typedef struct rule_alt *BERuleAltP;
+Clean (:: BERuleAltP :== Int)
+typedef struct imp_rule *BEImpRuleP;
+Clean (:: BEImpRuleP :== Int)
+typedef struct type *BETypeP;
+Clean (:: BETypeP :== Int)
+typedef struct flat_type *BEFlatTypeP;
+Clean (:: BEFlatTypeP :== Int)
+typedef struct type_var *BETypeVarP;
+Clean (:: BETypeVarP :== Int)
+typedef struct type_var_list *BETypeVarListP;
+Clean (:: BETypeVarListP :== Int)
+typedef struct constructor_list *BEConstructorListP;
+Clean (:: BEConstructorListP :== Int)
+typedef struct field_list *BEFieldListP;
+Clean (:: BEFieldListP :== Int)
+typedef struct node_id *BENodeIdP;
+Clean (:: BENodeIdP :== Int)
+typedef struct node_def *BENodeDefP;
+Clean (:: BENodeDefP :== Int)
+typedef struct strict_node_id *BEStrictNodeIdP;
+Clean (:: BEStrictNodeIdP :== Int)
+typedef struct parameter *BECodeParameterP;
+Clean (:: BECodeParameterP :== Int)
+typedef struct code_block *BECodeBlockP;
+Clean (:: BECodeBlockP :== Int)
+typedef struct string_list *BEStringListP;
+Clean (:: BEStringListP :== Int)
+/* constants */
+# define kIclModuleIndex 0
+# define kPredefinedModuleIndex 1
+/* enum types */
+typedef int BEAnnotation;
+Clean (:: BEAnnotation :== Int)
+enum {
+ BENoAnnot, BEStrictAnnot
+typedef int BEAttribution;
+Clean (:: BEAttribution :== Int)
+enum {
+ BENoUniAttr, BENotUniqueAttr, BEUniqueAttr, BEExistsAttr, BEUniqueVariable, BEFirstUniVarNumber
+typedef int BESymbKind;
+Clean (:: BESymbKind :== Int)
+enum {
+ BEIntType, BEBoolType, BECharType, BERealType,
+ BEFileType, BEStringType, BEWorldType, BEProcIdType,
+ BERedIdType,
+ BENrOfBasicTypes,
+ BEIntDenot, BEBoolDenot, BECharDenot, BERealDenot,
+ BENrOfBasicDenots,
+ BEStringDenot,
+ BEFunType, BEArrayType, BEStrictArrayType, BEUnboxedArrayType, BEListType, BETupleType, BEEmptyType,
+ BEDynamicType,
+ BENrOfPredefTypes,
+ BETupleSymb, BEConsSymb, BENilSymb,
+ BEApplySymb, BEIfSymb, BEFailSymb, BEAllSymb,
+ BESelectSymb,
+ BENrOfPredefFunsOrConses,
+ BEDefinition, BENewSymbol, BEInstanceSymb, BEEmptySymbol, BEFieldSymbolList,
+ BEErroneousSymb
+typedef int BEArrayFunKind;
+Clean (::BEArrayFunKind :== Int)
+enum {
+ BECreateArrayFun, BEArraySelectFun, BEUnqArraySelectFun, BEArrayUpdateFun,
+ BEArrayReplaceFun, BEArraySizeFun, BEUnqArraySizeFun,
+ BE_CreateArrayFun,BE_UnqArraySelectFun,BE_UnqArraySelectNextFun,BE_UnqArraySelectLastFun,
+ BE_ArrayUpdateFun,
+ BENoArrayFun
+typedef int BESelectorKind;
+Clean (::BESelectorKind :== Int)
+enum {
+ BESelectorDummy, BESelector, BESelector_U, BESelector_F, BESelector_L, BESelector_N
+typedef int BEUpdateKind;
+Clean (::BEUpdateKind :== Int)
+enum {
+ BEUpdateDummy, BEUpdate, BEUpdate_U
+/* functions */
+void BEGetVersion (int *current, int *oldestDefinition, int *oldestImplementation);
+Clean (BEGetVersion :: (Int, Int, Int))
+BackEnd BEInit (int argc);
+Clean (BEInit :: Int UWorld -> (BackEnd, UWorld))
+void BEFree (BackEnd backEnd);
+Clean (BEFree :: BackEnd UWorld -> UWorld)
+void BEArg (CleanString arg);
+Clean (BEArg :: String BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+void BEDeclareModules (int nModules);
+Clean (BEDeclareModules :: Int BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+void BEDeclarePredefinedSymbols (int nConstructors, int nTypes);
+Clean (BEDeclarePredefinedSymbols :: Int Int BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+BESymbolP BESpecialArrayFunctionSymbol (BEArrayFunKind arrayFunKind, int functionIndex, int moduleIndex);
+Clean (BESpecialArrayFunctionSymbol :: BEArrayFunKind Int Int BackEnd -> (BESymbolP, BackEnd))
+BESymbolP BEDictionarySelectFunSymbol (void);
+Clean (BEDictionarySelectFunSymbol :: BackEnd -> (BESymbolP, BackEnd))
+BESymbolP BEDictionaryUpdateFunSymbol (void);
+Clean (BEDictionaryUpdateFunSymbol :: BackEnd -> (BESymbolP, BackEnd))
+BESymbolP BEFunctionSymbol (int functionIndex, int moduleIndex);
+Clean (BEFunctionSymbol :: Int Int BackEnd -> (BESymbolP, BackEnd))
+BESymbolP BEConstructorSymbol (int constructorIndex, int moduleIndex);
+Clean (BEConstructorSymbol :: Int Int BackEnd -> (BESymbolP, BackEnd))
+BESymbolP BEFieldSymbol (int fieldIndex, int moduleIndex);
+Clean (BEFieldSymbol :: Int Int BackEnd -> (BESymbolP, BackEnd))
+BESymbolP BETypeSymbol (int typeIndex, int moduleIndex);
+Clean (BETypeSymbol :: Int Int BackEnd -> (BESymbolP, BackEnd))
+BESymbolP BEDontCareDefinitionSymbol (void);
+Clean (BEDontCareDefinitionSymbol :: BackEnd -> (BESymbolP, BackEnd))
+BESymbolP BEBoolSymbol (int value);
+Clean (BEBoolSymbol :: Bool BackEnd -> (BESymbolP, BackEnd))
+BESymbolP BELiteralSymbol (BESymbKind kind, CleanString value);
+Clean (BELiteralSymbol :: BESymbKind String BackEnd -> (BESymbolP, BackEnd))
+void BEPredefineConstructorSymbol (int arity, int constructorIndex, int moduleIndex, BESymbKind symbolKind);
+Clean (BEPredefineConstructorSymbol :: Int Int Int BESymbKind BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+void BEPredefineTypeSymbol (int arity, int typeIndex, int moduleIndex, BESymbKind symbolKind);
+Clean (BEPredefineTypeSymbol :: Int Int Int BESymbKind BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+BESymbolP BEBasicSymbol (BESymbKind kind);
+Clean (BEBasicSymbol :: Int BackEnd -> (BESymbolP, BackEnd))
+BETypeNodeP BEVarTypeNode (CleanString name);
+Clean (BEVarTypeNode :: String BackEnd -> (BETypeNodeP, BackEnd))
+BETypeVarListP BETypeVars (BETypeVarP typeVar, BETypeVarListP typeVarList);
+Clean (BETypeVars :: BETypeVarP BETypeVarListP BackEnd -> (BETypeVarListP, BackEnd))
+BETypeVarListP BENoTypeVars (void);
+Clean (BENoTypeVars :: BackEnd -> (BETypeVarListP, BackEnd))
+BETypeNodeP BENormalTypeNode (BESymbolP symbol, BETypeArgP args);
+Clean (BENormalTypeNode :: BESymbolP BETypeArgP BackEnd -> (BETypeNodeP, BackEnd))
+BETypeNodeP BEAnnotateTypeNode (BEAnnotation annotation, BETypeNodeP typeNode);
+Clean (BEAnnotateTypeNode :: BEAnnotation BETypeNodeP BackEnd -> (BETypeNodeP, BackEnd))
+BETypeNodeP BEAttributeTypeNode (BEAttribution attribution, BETypeNodeP typeNode);
+Clean (BEAttributeTypeNode :: BEAttribution BETypeNodeP BackEnd -> (BETypeNodeP, BackEnd))
+BETypeArgP BENoTypeArgs (void);
+Clean (BENoTypeArgs :: BackEnd -> (BETypeArgP, BackEnd))
+BETypeArgP BETypeArgs (BETypeNodeP node, BETypeArgP nextArgs);
+Clean (BETypeArgs :: BETypeNodeP BETypeArgP BackEnd -> (BETypeArgP, BackEnd))
+BETypeAltP BETypeAlt (BETypeNodeP lhs, BETypeNodeP rhs);
+Clean (BETypeAlt :: BETypeNodeP BETypeNodeP BackEnd -> (BETypeAltP, BackEnd))
+BENodeP BENormalNode (BESymbolP symbol, BEArgP args);
+Clean (BENormalNode :: BESymbolP BEArgP BackEnd -> (BENodeP, BackEnd))
+BENodeP BEMatchNode (int arity, BESymbolP symbol, BENodeP node);
+Clean (BEMatchNode :: Int BESymbolP BENodeP BackEnd -> (BENodeP, BackEnd))
+BENodeP BETupleSelectNode (int arity, int index, BENodeP node);
+Clean (BETupleSelectNode :: Int Int BENodeP BackEnd -> (BENodeP, BackEnd))
+BENodeP BEIfNode (BENodeP cond, BENodeP then, BENodeP elsje);
+Clean (BEIfNode :: BENodeP BENodeP BENodeP BackEnd -> (BENodeP, BackEnd))
+BENodeP BEGuardNode (BENodeP cond, BENodeDefP thenNodeDefs, BEStrictNodeIdP thenStricts, BENodeP then, BENodeDefP elseNodeDefs, BEStrictNodeIdP elseStricts, BENodeP elsje);
+Clean (BEGuardNode :: BENodeP BENodeDefP BEStrictNodeIdP BENodeP BENodeDefP BEStrictNodeIdP BENodeP BackEnd -> (BENodeP, BackEnd))
+BENodeP BESelectorNode (BESelectorKind selectorKind, BESymbolP fieldSymbol, BEArgP args);
+Clean (BESelectorNode :: BESelectorKind BESymbolP BEArgP BackEnd -> (BENodeP, BackEnd))
+BENodeP BEUpdateNode (BEArgP args);
+Clean (BEUpdateNode :: BEArgP BackEnd -> (BENodeP, BackEnd))
+BENodeP BENodeIdNode (BENodeIdP nodeId, BEArgP args);
+Clean (BENodeIdNode :: BENodeIdP BEArgP BackEnd -> (BENodeP, BackEnd))
+BEArgP BENoArgs (void);
+Clean (BENoArgs :: BackEnd -> (BEArgP, BackEnd))
+BEArgP BEArgs (BENodeP node, BEArgP nextArgs);
+Clean (BEArgs :: BENodeP BEArgP BackEnd -> (BEArgP, BackEnd))
+BERuleAltP BERuleAlt (int line, BENodeDefP lhsDefs, BENodeP lhs, BENodeDefP rhsDefs, BEStrictNodeIdP lhsStrictNodeIds, BENodeP rhs);
+Clean (BERuleAlt :: Int BENodeDefP BENodeP BENodeDefP BEStrictNodeIdP BENodeP BackEnd -> (BERuleAltP, BackEnd))
+BERuleAltP BERuleAlts (BERuleAltP alt, BERuleAltP alts);
+Clean (BERuleAlts :: BERuleAltP BERuleAltP BackEnd -> (BERuleAltP, BackEnd))
+BERuleAltP BENoRuleAlts (void);
+Clean (BENoRuleAlts :: BackEnd -> (BERuleAltP, BackEnd))
+# define BELhsNodeId 0
+# define BERhsNodeId 1
+void BEDeclareNodeId (int sequenceNumber, int lhsOrRhs, CleanString name);
+Clean (BEDeclareNodeId :: Int Int String BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+BENodeIdP BENodeId (int sequenceNumber);
+Clean (BENodeId :: Int BackEnd -> (BENodeIdP, BackEnd))
+BENodeIdP BEWildCardNodeId (void);
+Clean (BEWildCardNodeId :: BackEnd -> (BENodeIdP, BackEnd))
+BENodeDefP BENodeDef (int sequenceNumber, BENodeP node);
+Clean (BENodeDef :: Int BENodeP BackEnd -> (BENodeDefP, BackEnd))
+BENodeDefP BENoNodeDefs (void);
+Clean (BENoNodeDefs :: BackEnd -> (BENodeDefP, BackEnd))
+BENodeDefP BENodeDefs (BENodeDefP nodeDef, BENodeDefP nodeDefs);
+Clean (BENodeDefs :: BENodeDefP BENodeDefP BackEnd -> (BENodeDefP, BackEnd))
+BEStrictNodeIdP BEStrictNodeId (BENodeIdP nodeId);
+Clean (BEStrictNodeId :: BENodeIdP BackEnd -> (BEStrictNodeIdP, BackEnd))
+BEStrictNodeIdP BENoStrictNodeIds (void);
+Clean (BENoStrictNodeIds :: BackEnd -> (BEStrictNodeIdP, BackEnd))
+BEStrictNodeIdP BEStrictNodeIds (BEStrictNodeIdP strictNodeId, BEStrictNodeIdP strictNodeIds);
+Clean (BEStrictNodeIds :: BEStrictNodeIdP BEStrictNodeIdP BackEnd -> (BEStrictNodeIdP, BackEnd))
+# define BEIsNotACaf 0
+# define BEIsACaf 1
+BEImpRuleP BERule (int functionIndex, int isCaf, BETypeAltP type, BERuleAltP alts);
+Clean (BERule :: Int Int BETypeAltP BERuleAltP BackEnd -> (BEImpRuleP, BackEnd))
+void BEDeclareRuleType (int functionIndex, int moduleIndex, CleanString name);
+Clean (BEDeclareRuleType :: Int Int String BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+void BEDefineRuleType (int functionIndex, int moduleIndex, BETypeAltP typeAlt);
+Clean (BEDefineRuleType :: Int Int BETypeAltP BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+void BEAdjustArrayFunction (BEArrayFunKind arrayFunKind, int functionIndex, int moduleIndex);
+Clean (BEAdjustArrayFunction :: BEArrayFunKind Int Int BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+BEImpRuleP BENoRules (void);
+Clean (BENoRules :: BackEnd -> (BEImpRuleP, BackEnd))
+BEImpRuleP BERules (BEImpRuleP rule, BEImpRuleP rules);
+Clean (BERules :: BEImpRuleP BEImpRuleP BackEnd -> (BEImpRuleP, BackEnd))
+BETypeP BETypes (BETypeP type, BETypeP types);
+Clean (BETypes :: BETypeP BETypeP BackEnd -> (BETypeP, BackEnd))
+BETypeP BENoTypes (void);
+Clean (BENoTypes :: BackEnd -> (BETypeP, BackEnd))
+BEFlatTypeP BEFlatType (BESymbolP symbol, BETypeVarListP arguments);
+Clean (BEFlatType :: BESymbolP BETypeVarListP BackEnd -> (BEFlatTypeP, BackEnd))
+void BEAlgebraicType (BEFlatTypeP lhs, BEConstructorListP constructors);
+Clean (BEAlgebraicType:: BEFlatTypeP BEConstructorListP BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+void BERecordType (int moduleIndex, BEFlatTypeP lhs, BETypeNodeP constructorType, BEFieldListP fields);
+Clean (BERecordType :: Int BEFlatTypeP BETypeNodeP BEFieldListP BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+void BEAbsType (BEFlatTypeP lhs);
+Clean (BEAbsType :: BEFlatTypeP BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+BEConstructorListP BEConstructors (BEConstructorListP constructor, BEConstructorListP constructors);
+Clean (BEConstructors:: BEConstructorListP BEConstructorListP BackEnd -> (BEConstructorListP, BackEnd))
+BEConstructorListP BENoConstructors (void);
+Clean (BENoConstructors:: BackEnd -> (BEConstructorListP, BackEnd))
+BEConstructorListP BEConstructor (BETypeNodeP type);
+Clean (BEConstructor:: BETypeNodeP BackEnd -> (BEConstructorListP, BackEnd))
+void BEDeclareField (int fieldIndex, int moduleIndex, CleanString name);
+Clean (BEDeclareField :: Int Int String BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+BEFieldListP BEField (int fieldIndex, int moduleIndex, BETypeNodeP type);
+Clean (BEField :: Int Int BETypeNodeP BackEnd -> (BEFieldListP, BackEnd))
+BEFieldListP BEFields (BEFieldListP field, BEFieldListP fields);
+Clean (BEFields:: BEFieldListP BEFieldListP BackEnd -> (BEFieldListP, BackEnd))
+BEFieldListP BENoFields (void);
+Clean (BENoFields:: BackEnd -> (BEFieldListP, BackEnd))
+void BEDeclareConstructor (int constructorIndex, int moduleIndex, CleanString name);
+Clean (BEDeclareConstructor:: Int Int String BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+BETypeVarP BETypeVar (CleanString name);
+Clean (BETypeVar:: String BackEnd -> (BETypeVarP, BackEnd))
+void BEDeclareType (int typeIndex, int moduleIndex, CleanString name);
+Clean (BEDeclareType:: Int Int String BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+void BEDeclareFunction (CleanString name, int arity, int functionIndex, int ancestor);
+Clean (BEDeclareFunction :: String Int Int Int BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+BERuleAltP BECodeAlt (int line, BENodeDefP lhsDefs, BENodeP lhs, BECodeBlockP codeBlock);
+Clean (BECodeAlt:: Int BENodeDefP BENodeP BECodeBlockP BackEnd -> (BERuleAltP, BackEnd))
+BEStringListP BEString (CleanString cleanString);
+Clean (BEString:: String BackEnd -> (BEStringListP, BackEnd))
+BEStringListP BEStrings (BEStringListP string, BEStringListP strings);
+Clean (BEStrings:: BEStringListP BEStringListP BackEnd -> (BEStringListP, BackEnd))
+BEStringListP BENoStrings (void);
+Clean (BENoStrings:: BackEnd -> (BEStringListP, BackEnd))
+BECodeParameterP BECodeParameter (CleanString location, BENodeIdP nodeId);
+Clean (BECodeParameter:: String BENodeIdP BackEnd -> (BECodeParameterP, BackEnd))
+BECodeParameterP BECodeParameters (BECodeParameterP parameter, BECodeParameterP parameters);
+Clean (BECodeParameters:: BECodeParameterP BECodeParameterP BackEnd -> (BECodeParameterP, BackEnd))
+BECodeParameterP BENoCodeParameters (void);
+Clean (BENoCodeParameters:: BackEnd -> (BECodeParameterP, BackEnd))
+BECodeBlockP BEAbcCodeBlock (int inline, BEStringListP instructions);
+Clean (BEAbcCodeBlock:: Bool BEStringListP BackEnd -> (BECodeBlockP, BackEnd))
+BECodeBlockP BEAnyCodeBlock (BECodeParameterP inParams, BECodeParameterP outParams, BEStringListP instructions);
+Clean (BEAnyCodeBlock:: BECodeParameterP BECodeParameterP BEStringListP BackEnd -> (BECodeBlockP, BackEnd))
+void BEDeclareIclModule (CleanString name, int nFunctions, int nTypes, int nConstructors, int nFields);
+Clean (BEDeclareIclModule :: String Int Int Int Int BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+void BEDeclareDclModule (int moduleIndex, CleanString name, int systemModule, int nFunctions, int nTypes, int nConstructors, int nFields);
+Clean (BEDeclareDclModule :: Int String Bool Int Int Int Int BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+void BEDeclarePredefinedModule (int nTypes, int nConstructors);
+Clean (BEDeclarePredefinedModule :: Int Int BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+void BEDefineRules (BEImpRuleP rules);
+Clean (BEDefineRules :: BEImpRuleP BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+int BEGenerateCode (CleanString outputFile);
+Clean (BEGenerateCode :: String BackEnd -> (Bool, BackEnd))
+void BEExportType (int dclTypeIndex, int iclTypeIndex);
+Clean (BEExportType :: Int Int BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+void BESwapTypes (int frm, int to);
+Clean (BESwapTypes :: Int Int BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+void BEExportConstructor (int dclConstructorIndex, int iclConstructorIndex);
+Clean (BEExportConstructor :: Int Int BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+void BEExportField (int dclTypeIndex, int iclTypeIndex);
+Clean (BEExportField :: Int Int BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+void BEExportFunction (int dclFunctionIndex, int iclFunctionIndex);
+Clean (BEExportFunction :: Int Int BackEnd -> BackEnd)
+void BEDefineImportedObjsAndLibs (BEStringListP objs, BEStringListP libs);
+Clean (BEDefineImportedObjsAndLibs :: BEStringListP BEStringListP BackEnd -> BackEnd)
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backend.icl b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backend.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4771e55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backend.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
+implementation module backend;
+from StdString import String;
+:: *UWorld :== Int;
+:: *BackEnd :== Int;
+:: BESymbolP :== Int;
+:: BETypeNodeP :== Int;
+:: BETypeArgP :== Int;
+:: BETypeAltP :== Int;
+:: BENodeP :== Int;
+:: BEArgP :== Int;
+:: BERuleAltP :== Int;
+:: BEImpRuleP :== Int;
+:: BETypeP :== Int;
+:: BEFlatTypeP :== Int;
+:: BETypeVarP :== Int;
+:: BETypeVarListP :== Int;
+:: BEConstructorListP :== Int;
+:: BEFieldListP :== Int;
+:: BENodeIdP :== Int;
+:: BENodeDefP :== Int;
+:: BEStrictNodeIdP :== Int;
+:: BECodeParameterP :== Int;
+:: BECodeBlockP :== Int;
+:: BEStringListP :== Int;
+:: BEAnnotation :== Int;
+:: BEAttribution :== Int;
+:: BESymbKind :== Int;
+:: BEArrayFunKind :== Int;
+:: BESelectorKind :== Int;
+:: BEUpdateKind :== Int;
+BEGetVersion :: (!Int,!Int,!Int);
+BEGetVersion = code {
+ ccall BEGetVersion ":VIII"
+// void BEGetVersion(int* current,int* oldestDefinition,int* oldestImplementation);
+BEInit :: !Int !UWorld -> (!BackEnd,!UWorld);
+BEInit a0 a1 = code {
+ ccall BEInit "I:I:I"
+// BackEnd BEInit(int argc);
+BEFree :: !BackEnd !UWorld -> UWorld;
+BEFree a0 a1 = code {
+ ccall BEFree "I:V:I"
+// void BEFree(BackEnd backEnd);
+BEArg :: !String !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BEArg a0 a1 = code {
+ ccall BEArg "S:V:I"
+// void BEArg(CleanString arg);
+BEDeclareModules :: !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BEDeclareModules a0 a1 = code {
+ ccall BEDeclareModules "I:V:I"
+// void BEDeclareModules(int nModules);
+BEDeclarePredefinedSymbols :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BEDeclarePredefinedSymbols a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BEDeclarePredefinedSymbols "II:V:I"
+// void BEDeclarePredefinedSymbols(int nConstructors,int nTypes);
+BESpecialArrayFunctionSymbol :: !BEArrayFunKind !Int !Int !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
+BESpecialArrayFunctionSymbol a0 a1 a2 a3 = code {
+ ccall BESpecialArrayFunctionSymbol "III:I:I"
+// BESymbolP BESpecialArrayFunctionSymbol(BEArrayFunKind arrayFunKind,int functionIndex,int moduleIndex);
+BEDictionarySelectFunSymbol :: !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
+BEDictionarySelectFunSymbol a0 = code {
+ ccall BEDictionarySelectFunSymbol ":I:I"
+// BESymbolP BEDictionarySelectFunSymbol();
+BEDictionaryUpdateFunSymbol :: !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
+BEDictionaryUpdateFunSymbol a0 = code {
+ ccall BEDictionaryUpdateFunSymbol ":I:I"
+// BESymbolP BEDictionaryUpdateFunSymbol();
+BEFunctionSymbol :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
+BEFunctionSymbol a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BEFunctionSymbol "II:I:I"
+// BESymbolP BEFunctionSymbol(int functionIndex,int moduleIndex);
+BEConstructorSymbol :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
+BEConstructorSymbol a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BEConstructorSymbol "II:I:I"
+// BESymbolP BEConstructorSymbol(int constructorIndex,int moduleIndex);
+BEFieldSymbol :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
+BEFieldSymbol a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BEFieldSymbol "II:I:I"
+// BESymbolP BEFieldSymbol(int fieldIndex,int moduleIndex);
+BETypeSymbol :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
+BETypeSymbol a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BETypeSymbol "II:I:I"
+// BESymbolP BETypeSymbol(int typeIndex,int moduleIndex);
+BEDontCareDefinitionSymbol :: !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
+BEDontCareDefinitionSymbol a0 = code {
+ ccall BEDontCareDefinitionSymbol ":I:I"
+// BESymbolP BEDontCareDefinitionSymbol();
+BEBoolSymbol :: !Bool !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
+BEBoolSymbol a0 a1 = code {
+ ccall BEBoolSymbol "I:I:I"
+// BESymbolP BEBoolSymbol(int value);
+BELiteralSymbol :: !BESymbKind !String !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
+BELiteralSymbol a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BELiteralSymbol "IS:I:I"
+// BESymbolP BELiteralSymbol(BESymbKind kind,CleanString value);
+BEPredefineConstructorSymbol :: !Int !Int !Int !BESymbKind !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BEPredefineConstructorSymbol a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 = code {
+ ccall BEPredefineConstructorSymbol "IIII:V:I"
+// void BEPredefineConstructorSymbol(int arity,int constructorIndex,int moduleIndex,BESymbKind symbolKind);
+BEPredefineTypeSymbol :: !Int !Int !Int !BESymbKind !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BEPredefineTypeSymbol a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 = code {
+ ccall BEPredefineTypeSymbol "IIII:V:I"
+// void BEPredefineTypeSymbol(int arity,int typeIndex,int moduleIndex,BESymbKind symbolKind);
+BEBasicSymbol :: !Int !BackEnd -> (!BESymbolP,!BackEnd);
+BEBasicSymbol a0 a1 = code {
+ ccall BEBasicSymbol "I:I:I"
+// BESymbolP BEBasicSymbol(BESymbKind kind);
+BEVarTypeNode :: !String !BackEnd -> (!BETypeNodeP,!BackEnd);
+BEVarTypeNode a0 a1 = code {
+ ccall BEVarTypeNode "S:I:I"
+// BETypeNodeP BEVarTypeNode(CleanString name);
+BETypeVars :: !BETypeVarP !BETypeVarListP !BackEnd -> (!BETypeVarListP,!BackEnd);
+BETypeVars a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BETypeVars "II:I:I"
+// BETypeVarListP BETypeVars(BETypeVarP typeVar,BETypeVarListP typeVarList);
+BENoTypeVars :: !BackEnd -> (!BETypeVarListP,!BackEnd);
+BENoTypeVars a0 = code {
+ ccall BENoTypeVars ":I:I"
+// BETypeVarListP BENoTypeVars();
+BENormalTypeNode :: !BESymbolP !BETypeArgP !BackEnd -> (!BETypeNodeP,!BackEnd);
+BENormalTypeNode a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BENormalTypeNode "II:I:I"
+// BETypeNodeP BENormalTypeNode(BESymbolP symbol,BETypeArgP args);
+BEAnnotateTypeNode :: !BEAnnotation !BETypeNodeP !BackEnd -> (!BETypeNodeP,!BackEnd);
+BEAnnotateTypeNode a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BEAnnotateTypeNode "II:I:I"
+// BETypeNodeP BEAnnotateTypeNode(BEAnnotation annotation,BETypeNodeP typeNode);
+BEAttributeTypeNode :: !BEAttribution !BETypeNodeP !BackEnd -> (!BETypeNodeP,!BackEnd);
+BEAttributeTypeNode a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BEAttributeTypeNode "II:I:I"
+// BETypeNodeP BEAttributeTypeNode(BEAttribution attribution,BETypeNodeP typeNode);
+BENoTypeArgs :: !BackEnd -> (!BETypeArgP,!BackEnd);
+BENoTypeArgs a0 = code {
+ ccall BENoTypeArgs ":I:I"
+// BETypeArgP BENoTypeArgs();
+BETypeArgs :: !BETypeNodeP !BETypeArgP !BackEnd -> (!BETypeArgP,!BackEnd);
+BETypeArgs a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BETypeArgs "II:I:I"
+// BETypeArgP BETypeArgs(BETypeNodeP node,BETypeArgP nextArgs);
+BETypeAlt :: !BETypeNodeP !BETypeNodeP !BackEnd -> (!BETypeAltP,!BackEnd);
+BETypeAlt a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BETypeAlt "II:I:I"
+// BETypeAltP BETypeAlt(BETypeNodeP lhs,BETypeNodeP rhs);
+BENormalNode :: !BESymbolP !BEArgP !BackEnd -> (!BENodeP,!BackEnd);
+BENormalNode a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BENormalNode "II:I:I"
+// BENodeP BENormalNode(BESymbolP symbol,BEArgP args);
+BEMatchNode :: !Int !BESymbolP !BENodeP !BackEnd -> (!BENodeP,!BackEnd);
+BEMatchNode a0 a1 a2 a3 = code {
+ ccall BEMatchNode "III:I:I"
+// BENodeP BEMatchNode(int arity,BESymbolP symbol,BENodeP node);
+BETupleSelectNode :: !Int !Int !BENodeP !BackEnd -> (!BENodeP,!BackEnd);
+BETupleSelectNode a0 a1 a2 a3 = code {
+ ccall BETupleSelectNode "III:I:I"
+// BENodeP BETupleSelectNode(int arity,int index,BENodeP node);
+BEIfNode :: !BENodeP !BENodeP !BENodeP !BackEnd -> (!BENodeP,!BackEnd);
+BEIfNode a0 a1 a2 a3 = code {
+ ccall BEIfNode "III:I:I"
+// BENodeP BEIfNode(BENodeP cond,BENodeP then,BENodeP elsje);
+BEGuardNode :: !BENodeP !BENodeDefP !BEStrictNodeIdP !BENodeP !BENodeDefP !BEStrictNodeIdP !BENodeP !BackEnd -> (!BENodeP,!BackEnd);
+BEGuardNode a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 = code {
+ ccall BEGuardNode "IIIIIII:I:I"
+// BENodeP BEGuardNode(BENodeP cond,BENodeDefP thenNodeDefs,BEStrictNodeIdP thenStricts,BENodeP then,BENodeDefP elseNodeDefs,BEStrictNodeIdP elseStricts,BENodeP elsje);
+BESelectorNode :: !BESelectorKind !BESymbolP !BEArgP !BackEnd -> (!BENodeP,!BackEnd);
+BESelectorNode a0 a1 a2 a3 = code {
+ ccall BESelectorNode "III:I:I"
+// BENodeP BESelectorNode(BESelectorKind selectorKind,BESymbolP fieldSymbol,BEArgP args);
+BEUpdateNode :: !BEArgP !BackEnd -> (!BENodeP,!BackEnd);
+BEUpdateNode a0 a1 = code {
+ ccall BEUpdateNode "I:I:I"
+// BENodeP BEUpdateNode(BEArgP args);
+BENodeIdNode :: !BENodeIdP !BEArgP !BackEnd -> (!BENodeP,!BackEnd);
+BENodeIdNode a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BENodeIdNode "II:I:I"
+// BENodeP BENodeIdNode(BENodeIdP nodeId,BEArgP args);
+BENoArgs :: !BackEnd -> (!BEArgP,!BackEnd);
+BENoArgs a0 = code {
+ ccall BENoArgs ":I:I"
+// BEArgP BENoArgs();
+BEArgs :: !BENodeP !BEArgP !BackEnd -> (!BEArgP,!BackEnd);
+BEArgs a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BEArgs "II:I:I"
+// BEArgP BEArgs(BENodeP node,BEArgP nextArgs);
+BERuleAlt :: !Int !BENodeDefP !BENodeP !BENodeDefP !BEStrictNodeIdP !BENodeP !BackEnd -> (!BERuleAltP,!BackEnd);
+BERuleAlt a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 = code {
+ ccall BERuleAlt "IIIIII:I:I"
+// BERuleAltP BERuleAlt(int line,BENodeDefP lhsDefs,BENodeP lhs,BENodeDefP rhsDefs,BEStrictNodeIdP lhsStrictNodeIds,BENodeP rhs);
+BERuleAlts :: !BERuleAltP !BERuleAltP !BackEnd -> (!BERuleAltP,!BackEnd);
+BERuleAlts a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BERuleAlts "II:I:I"
+// BERuleAltP BERuleAlts(BERuleAltP alt,BERuleAltP alts);
+BENoRuleAlts :: !BackEnd -> (!BERuleAltP,!BackEnd);
+BENoRuleAlts a0 = code {
+ ccall BENoRuleAlts ":I:I"
+// BERuleAltP BENoRuleAlts();
+BEDeclareNodeId :: !Int !Int !String !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BEDeclareNodeId a0 a1 a2 a3 = code {
+ ccall BEDeclareNodeId "IIS:V:I"
+// void BEDeclareNodeId(int sequenceNumber,int lhsOrRhs,CleanString name);
+BENodeId :: !Int !BackEnd -> (!BENodeIdP,!BackEnd);
+BENodeId a0 a1 = code {
+ ccall BENodeId "I:I:I"
+// BENodeIdP BENodeId(int sequenceNumber);
+BEWildCardNodeId :: !BackEnd -> (!BENodeIdP,!BackEnd);
+BEWildCardNodeId a0 = code {
+ ccall BEWildCardNodeId ":I:I"
+// BENodeIdP BEWildCardNodeId();
+BENodeDef :: !Int !BENodeP !BackEnd -> (!BENodeDefP,!BackEnd);
+BENodeDef a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BENodeDef "II:I:I"
+// BENodeDefP BENodeDef(int sequenceNumber,BENodeP node);
+BENoNodeDefs :: !BackEnd -> (!BENodeDefP,!BackEnd);
+BENoNodeDefs a0 = code {
+ ccall BENoNodeDefs ":I:I"
+// BENodeDefP BENoNodeDefs();
+BENodeDefs :: !BENodeDefP !BENodeDefP !BackEnd -> (!BENodeDefP,!BackEnd);
+BENodeDefs a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BENodeDefs "II:I:I"
+// BENodeDefP BENodeDefs(BENodeDefP nodeDef,BENodeDefP nodeDefs);
+BEStrictNodeId :: !BENodeIdP !BackEnd -> (!BEStrictNodeIdP,!BackEnd);
+BEStrictNodeId a0 a1 = code {
+ ccall BEStrictNodeId "I:I:I"
+// BEStrictNodeIdP BEStrictNodeId(BENodeIdP nodeId);
+BENoStrictNodeIds :: !BackEnd -> (!BEStrictNodeIdP,!BackEnd);
+BENoStrictNodeIds a0 = code {
+ ccall BENoStrictNodeIds ":I:I"
+// BEStrictNodeIdP BENoStrictNodeIds();
+BEStrictNodeIds :: !BEStrictNodeIdP !BEStrictNodeIdP !BackEnd -> (!BEStrictNodeIdP,!BackEnd);
+BEStrictNodeIds a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BEStrictNodeIds "II:I:I"
+// BEStrictNodeIdP BEStrictNodeIds(BEStrictNodeIdP strictNodeId,BEStrictNodeIdP strictNodeIds);
+BERule :: !Int !Int !BETypeAltP !BERuleAltP !BackEnd -> (!BEImpRuleP,!BackEnd);
+BERule a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 = code {
+ ccall BERule "IIII:I:I"
+// BEImpRuleP BERule(int functionIndex,int isCaf,BETypeAltP type,BERuleAltP alts);
+BEDeclareRuleType :: !Int !Int !String !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BEDeclareRuleType a0 a1 a2 a3 = code {
+ ccall BEDeclareRuleType "IIS:V:I"
+// void BEDeclareRuleType(int functionIndex,int moduleIndex,CleanString name);
+BEDefineRuleType :: !Int !Int !BETypeAltP !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BEDefineRuleType a0 a1 a2 a3 = code {
+ ccall BEDefineRuleType "III:V:I"
+// void BEDefineRuleType(int functionIndex,int moduleIndex,BETypeAltP typeAlt);
+BEAdjustArrayFunction :: !BEArrayFunKind !Int !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BEAdjustArrayFunction a0 a1 a2 a3 = code {
+ ccall BEAdjustArrayFunction "III:V:I"
+// void BEAdjustArrayFunction(BEArrayFunKind arrayFunKind,int functionIndex,int moduleIndex);
+BENoRules :: !BackEnd -> (!BEImpRuleP,!BackEnd);
+BENoRules a0 = code {
+ ccall BENoRules ":I:I"
+// BEImpRuleP BENoRules();
+BERules :: !BEImpRuleP !BEImpRuleP !BackEnd -> (!BEImpRuleP,!BackEnd);
+BERules a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BERules "II:I:I"
+// BEImpRuleP BERules(BEImpRuleP rule,BEImpRuleP rules);
+BETypes :: !BETypeP !BETypeP !BackEnd -> (!BETypeP,!BackEnd);
+BETypes a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BETypes "II:I:I"
+// BETypeP BETypes(BETypeP type,BETypeP types);
+BENoTypes :: !BackEnd -> (!BETypeP,!BackEnd);
+BENoTypes a0 = code {
+ ccall BENoTypes ":I:I"
+// BETypeP BENoTypes();
+BEFlatType :: !BESymbolP !BETypeVarListP !BackEnd -> (!BEFlatTypeP,!BackEnd);
+BEFlatType a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BEFlatType "II:I:I"
+// BEFlatTypeP BEFlatType(BESymbolP symbol,BETypeVarListP arguments);
+BEAlgebraicType :: !BEFlatTypeP !BEConstructorListP !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BEAlgebraicType a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BEAlgebraicType "II:V:I"
+// void BEAlgebraicType(BEFlatTypeP lhs,BEConstructorListP constructors);
+BERecordType :: !Int !BEFlatTypeP !BETypeNodeP !BEFieldListP !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BERecordType a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 = code {
+ ccall BERecordType "IIII:V:I"
+// void BERecordType(int moduleIndex,BEFlatTypeP lhs,BETypeNodeP constructorType,BEFieldListP fields);
+BEAbsType :: !BEFlatTypeP !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BEAbsType a0 a1 = code {
+ ccall BEAbsType "I:V:I"
+// void BEAbsType(BEFlatTypeP lhs);
+BEConstructors :: !BEConstructorListP !BEConstructorListP !BackEnd -> (!BEConstructorListP,!BackEnd);
+BEConstructors a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BEConstructors "II:I:I"
+// BEConstructorListP BEConstructors(BEConstructorListP constructor,BEConstructorListP constructors);
+BENoConstructors :: !BackEnd -> (!BEConstructorListP,!BackEnd);
+BENoConstructors a0 = code {
+ ccall BENoConstructors ":I:I"
+// BEConstructorListP BENoConstructors();
+BEConstructor :: !BETypeNodeP !BackEnd -> (!BEConstructorListP,!BackEnd);
+BEConstructor a0 a1 = code {
+ ccall BEConstructor "I:I:I"
+// BEConstructorListP BEConstructor(BETypeNodeP type);
+BEDeclareField :: !Int !Int !String !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BEDeclareField a0 a1 a2 a3 = code {
+ ccall BEDeclareField "IIS:V:I"
+// void BEDeclareField(int fieldIndex,int moduleIndex,CleanString name);
+BEField :: !Int !Int !BETypeNodeP !BackEnd -> (!BEFieldListP,!BackEnd);
+BEField a0 a1 a2 a3 = code {
+ ccall BEField "III:I:I"
+// BEFieldListP BEField(int fieldIndex,int moduleIndex,BETypeNodeP type);
+BEFields :: !BEFieldListP !BEFieldListP !BackEnd -> (!BEFieldListP,!BackEnd);
+BEFields a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BEFields "II:I:I"
+// BEFieldListP BEFields(BEFieldListP field,BEFieldListP fields);
+BENoFields :: !BackEnd -> (!BEFieldListP,!BackEnd);
+BENoFields a0 = code {
+ ccall BENoFields ":I:I"
+// BEFieldListP BENoFields();
+BEDeclareConstructor :: !Int !Int !String !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BEDeclareConstructor a0 a1 a2 a3 = code {
+ ccall BEDeclareConstructor "IIS:V:I"
+// void BEDeclareConstructor(int constructorIndex,int moduleIndex,CleanString name);
+BETypeVar :: !String !BackEnd -> (!BETypeVarP,!BackEnd);
+BETypeVar a0 a1 = code {
+ ccall BETypeVar "S:I:I"
+// BETypeVarP BETypeVar(CleanString name);
+BEDeclareType :: !Int !Int !String !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BEDeclareType a0 a1 a2 a3 = code {
+ ccall BEDeclareType "IIS:V:I"
+// void BEDeclareType(int typeIndex,int moduleIndex,CleanString name);
+BEDeclareFunction :: !String !Int !Int !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BEDeclareFunction a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 = code {
+ ccall BEDeclareFunction "SIII:V:I"
+// void BEDeclareFunction(CleanString name,int arity,int functionIndex,int ancestor);
+BECodeAlt :: !Int !BENodeDefP !BENodeP !BECodeBlockP !BackEnd -> (!BERuleAltP,!BackEnd);
+BECodeAlt a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 = code {
+ ccall BECodeAlt "IIII:I:I"
+// BERuleAltP BECodeAlt(int line,BENodeDefP lhsDefs,BENodeP lhs,BECodeBlockP codeBlock);
+BEString :: !String !BackEnd -> (!BEStringListP,!BackEnd);
+BEString a0 a1 = code {
+ ccall BEString "S:I:I"
+// BEStringListP BEString(CleanString cleanString);
+BEStrings :: !BEStringListP !BEStringListP !BackEnd -> (!BEStringListP,!BackEnd);
+BEStrings a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BEStrings "II:I:I"
+// BEStringListP BEStrings(BEStringListP string,BEStringListP strings);
+BENoStrings :: !BackEnd -> (!BEStringListP,!BackEnd);
+BENoStrings a0 = code {
+ ccall BENoStrings ":I:I"
+// BEStringListP BENoStrings();
+BECodeParameter :: !String !BENodeIdP !BackEnd -> (!BECodeParameterP,!BackEnd);
+BECodeParameter a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BECodeParameter "SI:I:I"
+// BECodeParameterP BECodeParameter(CleanString location,BENodeIdP nodeId);
+BECodeParameters :: !BECodeParameterP !BECodeParameterP !BackEnd -> (!BECodeParameterP,!BackEnd);
+BECodeParameters a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BECodeParameters "II:I:I"
+// BECodeParameterP BECodeParameters(BECodeParameterP parameter,BECodeParameterP parameters);
+BENoCodeParameters :: !BackEnd -> (!BECodeParameterP,!BackEnd);
+BENoCodeParameters a0 = code {
+ ccall BENoCodeParameters ":I:I"
+// BECodeParameterP BENoCodeParameters();
+BEAbcCodeBlock :: !Bool !BEStringListP !BackEnd -> (!BECodeBlockP,!BackEnd);
+BEAbcCodeBlock a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BEAbcCodeBlock "II:I:I"
+// BECodeBlockP BEAbcCodeBlock(int inline,BEStringListP instructions);
+BEAnyCodeBlock :: !BECodeParameterP !BECodeParameterP !BEStringListP !BackEnd -> (!BECodeBlockP,!BackEnd);
+BEAnyCodeBlock a0 a1 a2 a3 = code {
+ ccall BEAnyCodeBlock "III:I:I"
+// BECodeBlockP BEAnyCodeBlock(BECodeParameterP inParams,BECodeParameterP outParams,BEStringListP instructions);
+BEDeclareIclModule :: !String !Int !Int !Int !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BEDeclareIclModule a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 = code {
+ ccall BEDeclareIclModule "SIIII:V:I"
+// void BEDeclareIclModule(CleanString name,int nFunctions,int nTypes,int nConstructors,int nFields);
+BEDeclareDclModule :: !Int !String !Bool !Int !Int !Int !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BEDeclareDclModule a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 = code {
+ ccall BEDeclareDclModule "ISIIIII:V:I"
+// void BEDeclareDclModule(int moduleIndex,CleanString name,int systemModule,int nFunctions,int nTypes,int nConstructors,int nFields);
+BEDeclarePredefinedModule :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BEDeclarePredefinedModule a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BEDeclarePredefinedModule "II:V:I"
+// void BEDeclarePredefinedModule(int nTypes,int nConstructors);
+BEDefineRules :: !BEImpRuleP !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BEDefineRules a0 a1 = code {
+ ccall BEDefineRules "I:V:I"
+// void BEDefineRules(BEImpRuleP rules);
+BEGenerateCode :: !String !BackEnd -> (!Bool,!BackEnd);
+BEGenerateCode a0 a1 = code {
+ ccall BEGenerateCode "S:I:I"
+// int BEGenerateCode(CleanString outputFile);
+BEExportType :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BEExportType a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BEExportType "II:V:I"
+// void BEExportType(int dclTypeIndex,int iclTypeIndex);
+BESwapTypes :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BESwapTypes a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BESwapTypes "II:V:I"
+// void BESwapTypes(int frm,int to);
+BEExportConstructor :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BEExportConstructor a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BEExportConstructor "II:V:I"
+// void BEExportConstructor(int dclConstructorIndex,int iclConstructorIndex);
+BEExportField :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BEExportField a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BEExportField "II:V:I"
+// void BEExportField(int dclTypeIndex,int iclTypeIndex);
+BEExportFunction :: !Int !Int !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BEExportFunction a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BEExportFunction "II:V:I"
+// void BEExportFunction(int dclFunctionIndex,int iclFunctionIndex);
+BEDefineImportedObjsAndLibs :: !BEStringListP !BEStringListP !BackEnd -> BackEnd;
+BEDefineImportedObjsAndLibs a0 a1 a2 = code {
+ ccall BEDefineImportedObjsAndLibs "II:V:I"
+// void BEDefineImportedObjsAndLibs(BEStringListP objs,BEStringListP libs);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backendsupport.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backendsupport.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55975b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backendsupport.c
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# include "system.h"
+# include "comsupport.h"
+# include "backendsupport.h"
+ Utilities
+ =========
+# ifdef _WINDOWS_
+# undef _WINDOWS_
+# include <windows.h>
+# define Debugger() DebugBreak();
+# else
+# define Debugger() { * (int *) NULL = 0; }
+# endif
+AssertionFailed (char *conditionString, char *file, int line)
+ FPrintF (StdError, "Error in backend: File %s, Line %d (%s)\n", file, line, conditionString);
+ Debugger ();
+} /* AssertionFailed */
+ Memory management
+ =================
+static enum {kMemoryInitClear, kMemoryInitSet} gMemoryInit = kMemoryInitSet;
+# define kConvertBufferSize (32 * 1024)
+typedef struct convert_buffer ConvertBufferS, *ConvertBufferP;
+struct convert_buffer
+ ConvertBufferP cb_next;
+ char cb_memory [kConvertBufferSize];
+static void
+InvalidateMemory (void *memory, size_t size)
+ char value, *p;
+ int i;
+ switch (gMemoryInit)
+ {
+ case kMemoryInitClear:
+ value = 0;
+ break;
+ case kMemoryInitSet:
+ value = ~0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assert (False);
+ break;
+ }
+ p = memory;
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ *p++ = value;
+} /* InvalidateMemory */
+static ConvertBufferP gFirstBuffer = NULL, gCurrentBuffer = NULL;
+static char *gMemory;
+static long gBytesLeft = 0;
+static void
+AllocConvertBuffer (void)
+ ConvertBufferP newBuffer;
+ newBuffer = (ConvertBufferP) malloc (sizeof (ConvertBufferS));
+ if (newBuffer == NULL)
+ FatalCompError ("backendsupport.c", "AllocConvertBuffer", "out of memory");
+ if (gFirstBuffer == NULL)
+ gCurrentBuffer = gFirstBuffer = newBuffer;
+ else
+ gCurrentBuffer = gCurrentBuffer->cb_next = newBuffer;
+ gCurrentBuffer->cb_next = NULL;
+ gBytesLeft = kConvertBufferSize;
+ gMemory = gCurrentBuffer->cb_memory;
+ InvalidateMemory (gMemory, kConvertBufferSize);
+ if (gFirstBuffer == NULL)
+ gFirstBuffer = gCurrentBuffer;
+} /* AllocConvertBuffer */
+FreeConvertBuffers (void)
+ ConvertBufferP buffer;
+ buffer = gFirstBuffer;
+ while (buffer != NULL)
+ {
+ ConvertBufferP nextBuffer;
+ nextBuffer = buffer->cb_next;
+ InvalidateMemory (buffer, sizeof (ConvertBufferS));
+ free (buffer);
+ buffer = nextBuffer;
+ }
+ gFirstBuffer = NULL;
+ gCurrentBuffer = NULL;
+ gBytesLeft = NULL;
+} /* FreeConvertBuffers */
+void *
+ConvertAlloc (SizeT size)
+ void *memory;
+ size = (size+3) & ~3;
+ if (size > gBytesLeft)
+ AllocConvertBuffer ();
+ Assert (size <= gBytesLeft);
+ memory = gMemory;
+ gBytesLeft -= size;
+ gMemory += size;
+ return ((void *) memory);
+} /* ConvertAlloc */
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backendsupport.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backendsupport.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4ce716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/backendsupport.h
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ Clean string
+ ============
+typedef struct clean_string {int length; char chars [1]; } *CleanString;
+ Debugging
+ =========
+extern void AssertionFailed (char *conditionString, char *file, int line);
+# define Assert(condition) {if (!(condition)) AssertionFailed ("!(" #condition ")", __FILE__, __LINE__);}
+ Memory management
+ =================
+extern void FreeConvertBuffers (void);
+extern void *ConvertAlloc (SizeT size);
+# define ConvertAllocType(t) ((t*) ConvertAlloc (SizeOf (t)))
+# define ArraySize(array) ((unsigned) (sizeof (array) / sizeof (array[0]))) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/buildtree.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/buildtree.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61b6a74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/buildtree.c
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+# include "types.t"
+# include "syntaxtr.t"
+# include "comsupport.h"
+# include "sizes.h"
+# include "buildtree.h"
+# include "checker.h"
+# include "scanner.h"
+SymbolP BasicTypeSymbols [Nr_Of_Basic_Types],
+ ArraySymbols [NrOfArrayInstances],
+ ApplyTypeSymbol, TrueSymbol, FalseSymbol,
+ TupleSymbol, ListSymbol, ConsSymbol, NilSymbol,
+ SelectSymbols [MaxNodeArity], ApplySymbol, IfSymbol, FailSymbol, AllSymbol,
+ EmptyTypeSymbol,
+ TupleTypeSymbols [MaxNodeArity];
+char BasicTypeIds [] = BASIC_TYPE_IDS_STRING;
+IdentP gArrayIdents [NrOfArrayInstances];
+NewRuleType (TypeAlts type_alt, unsigned line_nr)
+ RuleTypes rule_type = CompAllocType (struct rule_type);
+ rule_type->rule_type_rule = type_alt;
+ rule_type->rule_type_line = line_nr;
+ rule_type->rule_type_root = type_alt->type_alt_lhs;
+ return rule_type;
+} /* NewRuleType */
+NewTypeArgument (TypeNode pattern)
+ TypeArgs newarg;
+ newarg = CompAllocType (TypeArg);
+ newarg->type_arg_node = pattern;
+ newarg->type_arg_next = NIL;
+ return (newarg);
+} /* NewTypeArgument */
+NewArgument (NodeP node)
+ Args newarg;
+ newarg = CompAllocType (ArgS);
+ newarg->arg_node = node;
+ newarg->arg_occurrence = NotUsed;
+ newarg->arg_next = NIL;
+ return (newarg);
+} /* NewArgument */
+NewNodeId (IdentP nid)
+ NodeIdP newnid;
+ newnid = CompAllocType (struct node_id);
+ newnid->nid_ident = nid;
+ newnid->nid_refcount = 0;
+ newnid->nid_ref_count_copy = 0;
+ newnid->nid_forward_node_id = NIL;
+ newnid->nid_node_def = NIL;
+ newnid->nid_node = NIL;
+ newnid->nid_scope = 0;
+ newnid->nid_mark = 0;
+ newnid->nid_mark2 = 0;
+ return (newnid);
+} /* NewNodeId */
+static StrictNodeIdP
+NewStrict (StrictNodeIdP next)
+ StrictNodeIdP strictNodeId;
+ strictNodeId = CompAllocType (StrictNodeIdS);
+ strictNodeId->snid_array_select_in_pattern=0;
+ strictNodeId->snid_next = next;
+ return (strictNodeId);
+} /* NewStrict */
+NewStrictNodeId (NodeId nodeId, StrictNodeIdP next)
+ StrictNodeIdP strictNodeId;
+ strictNodeId = NewStrict (next);
+ strictNodeId->snid_mark = 0;
+ strictNodeId->snid_node_id = nodeId;
+ return (strictNodeId);
+} /* NewStrictNodeId */
+NewStrictIdent (Ident ident, StrictNodeIdP next)
+ StrictNodeIdP strictNodeId;
+ strictNodeId = NewStrict (next);
+ strictNodeId->snid_mark = STRICT_NODE_ID_IDENT_MASK;
+ strictNodeId->snid_ident = ident;
+ return (strictNodeId);
+} /* NewStrictIdent */
+NewTypeVar (IdentP nid)
+ TypeVar newnid;
+ newnid = CompAllocType (struct type_var);
+ newnid->tv_ident = nid;
+ newnid->tv_refcount = 0;
+ newnid->tv_argument_nr = 0;
+ newnid->tv_type = NIL;
+ newnid->tv_imp_tv = NIL;
+ newnid->tv_overvar_arity = 0;
+ newnid->tv_mark = 0;
+ return (newnid);
+NewUniVar (IdentP id)
+ UniVar new_uni_var;
+ new_uni_var = CompAllocType (struct uni_var);
+ new_uni_var->uv_ident = id;
+ new_uni_var->uv_mark = 0;
+ new_uni_var->uv_number = 0;
+ new_uni_var->uv_next_uni_var = NULL;
+ new_uni_var->uv_equations = NULL;
+ return (new_uni_var);
+NewNodeIdNode (NodeIdP node_id)
+ NodeP node = CompAllocType (struct node);
+ node->node_annotation = NoAnnot;
+ node->node_number = 0;
+ node->node_kind = NodeIdNode;
+ node->node_node_id = node_id;
+ node->node_arguments = NIL;
+ node->node_arity = 0;
+ node->node_line=-1;
+ return (node);
+} /* NewNodeIdNode */
+NewTypeNode (Annotation annot, AttributeKind attr, SymbolP symb, TypeArgs args, int arity)
+ TypeNode node;
+ node = CompAllocType (struct type_node);
+ node->type_node_annotation = annot;
+ node->type_node_attribute = attr;
+ node->type_node_is_var = False;
+ node->type_node_arguments = args;
+ node->type_node_symbol = symb;
+ node->type_node_arity = arity;
+ if (arity > MaxNodeArity)
+ StaticMessage (True, "<type node>", "\"%S\" %s", symb, "Too many arguments (> 32)");
+#if 0
+ node->type_node_state.state_arity = 1;
+ node->type_node_state.state_kind = OnA;
+ node->type_node_state.state_object = UnknownObj;
+ node->type_node_state.state_type = SimpleState;
+ node->type_node_state.state_mark = 0;
+ return (node);
+} /* NewTypeNode */
+NewTypeVarNode (TypeVar type_var, Annotation annot, AttributeKind attrib)
+ TypeNode node;
+ node = CompAllocType (struct type_node);
+ node->type_node_is_var = True;
+ node->type_node_tv = type_var;
+ node->type_node_arguments = NIL;
+ node->type_node_annotation = annot;
+ node->type_node_attribute = attrib;
+#if 0
+ node->type_node_state.state_arity = 1;
+ node->type_node_state.state_kind = OnA;
+ node->type_node_state.state_object = UnknownObj;
+ node->type_node_state.state_type = SimpleState;
+ node->type_node_state.state_mark = 0;
+ return (node);
+} /* NewTypeVarNode */
+NewSelectorNode (SymbolP symb, Args args, int arity)
+ NodeP node;
+ node = CompAllocType (struct node);
+ node->node_annotation = NoAnnot;
+ node->node_number = 0;
+ node->node_kind = SelectorNode;
+ node->node_arguments = args;
+ node->node_symbol = symb;
+ node->node_arity = arity;
+ node->node_line=-1;
+ return (node);
+} /* NewSelectorNode */
+NewNodeByKind (NodeKind nodeKind, SymbolP symb, Args args, int arity)
+ NodeP node;
+ node = CompAllocType (struct node);
+ node->node_annotation = NoAnnot;
+ node->node_number = 0;
+ node->node_kind = nodeKind;
+ node->node_arguments = args;
+ node->node_symbol = symb;
+ node->node_arity = arity;
+ if (arity > MaxNodeArity)
+ StaticMessage (True, "<node>", "\"%S\" %s", symb, "Too many arguments (> 32)");
+ node->node_line=-1;
+ return (node);
+} /* NewNodeByKind */
+NewNode (SymbolP symb, Args args, int arity)
+ return (NewNodeByKind (NormalNode, symb, args, arity));
+} /* NewNode */
+NewUpdateNode (SymbolP symb, Args args, int arity)
+ return (NewNodeByKind (UpdateNode, symb, args, arity));
+} /* NewUpdateNode */
+NewIdentifierNode (IdentP ident, Args args, int arity)
+ NodeP node;
+ node = NewNodeByKind (IdentNode, NIL, args, arity);
+ node->node_ident = ident;
+ return (node);
+} /* NewIdentifierNode */
+NewApplyNode (NodeP function_node, Args args, int arity)
+ NodeP node;
+ node = NewNodeByKind (ApplyNode, NIL, args, arity);
+ node->node_node = function_node;
+ return (node);
+} /* NewApplyNode */
+NewIfNode (void)
+ NodeP node;
+ struct if_node_contents *then_else_info;
+ node = CompAllocType (struct node);
+ then_else_info = CompAllocType (struct if_node_contents);
+ node->node_annotation = NoAnnot;
+ node->node_number = 0;
+ node->node_kind = IfNode;
+ node->node_contents.contents_if=then_else_info;
+ then_else_info->if_then_node_defs = NIL;
+ then_else_info->if_then_rules = NIL;
+ then_else_info->if_then_strict_node_ids = NIL;
+ then_else_info->if_else_node_defs = NIL;
+ then_else_info->if_else_rules = NIL;
+ then_else_info->if_else_strict_node_ids = NIL;
+ node->node_line=-1;
+ return (node);
+} /* NewIfNode */
+NewSelectNode (SymbolP selectSymbol, NodeIdP selectId, int arity)
+ Args selectArg;
+ selectArg = NewArgument (NewNodeIdNode (selectId));
+ return (NewNode (selectSymbol, selectArg, arity));
+} /* NewSelectNode */
+NewScopeNode (NodeP node, NodeDefP node_defs,ImpRuleS *imp_rules)
+ struct node *sc_node;
+ sc_node=CompAllocType (struct node);
+ sc_node->node_kind=ScopeNode;
+ sc_node->node_annotation=NoAnnot;
+ sc_node->node_node=node;
+ sc_node->node_scope_node_defs=node_defs;
+ sc_node->node_scope_imp_rules=imp_rules;
+ sc_node->node_arguments=NULL;
+ sc_node->node_arity=0;
+ return sc_node;
+} /* NewScopeNode */
+NewNodeDefinition (NodeIdP nid, NodeP node)
+ NodeDefs def;
+ def = CompAllocType (NodeDefS);
+ def->def_mark = 0;
+ def->def_id = nid;
+ def->def_node = node;
+ return (def);
+} /* NewNodeDefinition */
+FreshNodeId (NodeP node, NodeDefs **node_defs_h)
+ NodeIdP nodeId;
+ NodeDefs def;
+ nodeId = NewNodeId (NIL);
+ def = NewNodeDefinition (nodeId, node);
+ **node_defs_h = def;
+ *node_defs_h = &def->def_next;
+ return (nodeId);
+} /* FreshNodeId */
+NewSymbol (SymbKind symbolKind)
+ SymbolP symbol;
+ symbol = CompAllocType (SymbolS);
+ symbol->symb_kind = symbolKind;
+ symbol->symb_infix = False;
+ return (symbol);
+} /* NewSymbol */
+NewIntNode (int value)
+ char buffer [10], *valueString;
+ SymbolP symbol;
+ NodeP node;
+ int length;
+ sprintf (buffer, "%d", value);
+ length = strlen (buffer);
+ valueString = (char *) CompAlloc (length+1);
+ strcpy (valueString, buffer);
+ symbol = NewSymbol (int_denot);
+ symbol->symb_int = valueString;
+ node = NewNormalNode (symbol, NIL, 0);
+ return (node);
+} /* NewIntNode */
+NewTupleTypeSymbol (int arity)
+ SymbolP tuple;
+ if ((tuple =TupleTypeSymbols [arity-1]) == NIL)
+ {
+ TupleTypeSymbols [arity-1] = tuple = NewSymbol (tuple_type);
+ tuple -> symb_arity = arity;
+ }
+ return tuple;
+} /* NewTupleTypeSymbol */
+NewSelectSymbol (int arity)
+ SymbolP select;
+ if ((select = SelectSymbols [arity-1]) == NIL)
+ {
+ select = NewSymbol (select_symb);
+ select->symb_arity = arity;
+ SelectSymbols [arity-1] = select;
+ }
+ return (select);
+} /* NewSelectSymbol */
+NewImpRule (unsigned line_number,TypeAlts typeAlternative,NodeP rule_root)
+ ImpRules impRule;
+ impRule = CompAllocType (ImpRuleS);
+ impRule->rule_alts = NIL;
+ impRule->rule_root = rule_root;
+ impRule->rule_line = line_number;
+ impRule->rule_type = typeAlternative;
+ impRule->rule_depend_functions=NIL;
+ impRule->rule_mark = 0;
+ impRule->rule_next = NIL;
+ return impRule;
+} /* NewImpRule */
+NewRule (unsigned line_number,TypeAlts typeAlternative,NodeP rule_root, ScopeP scope)
+ ImpRules impRule;
+ impRule = NewImpRule (line_number, typeAlternative, rule_root);
+ *(scope->sc_rulesP) = impRule;
+ scope->sc_rulesP = &impRule->rule_next;
+ return (impRule);
+} /* NewRule */
+NewRuleAlt (void)
+ RuleAltP alt;
+ alt = CompAllocType (RuleAltS);
+ alt->alt_kind = Contractum;
+ alt->alt_lhs_root = NIL;
+ alt->alt_lhs_defs = NIL;
+ alt->alt_lifted_node_ids = NIL;
+ alt->alt_rhs_defs = NIL;
+ alt->alt_strict_node_ids = NIL;
+ alt->alt_next = NIL;
+ alt->alt_local_imp_rules = NIL;
+ alt->alt_line = 0;
+ return (alt);
+} /* NewRuleAlt */
+TypeNode NewEmptyTypeNode (void)
+ return NewTypeNode (NoAnnot, NoAttr, EmptyTypeSymbol, NIL, 0);
+} /* NewEmptyTypeNode */
+struct p_at_node_tree {
+ NodeP annoted_node;
+ NodeP at_node;
+ struct p_at_node_tree * left;
+ struct p_at_node_tree * right;
+static struct p_at_node_tree *p_at_node_tree;
+void clear_p_at_node_tree (void)
+ p_at_node_tree=NULL;
+static NodeP reorder_bits (NodeP node)
+ unsigned long n,m;
+ n=(long)node;
+ m=n & 0x000ffffL;
+ n= (m<<16) | ((n^m)>>16);
+ m=n & 0x00ff00ffL;
+ n= (m<<8) | ((n^m)>>8);
+ m=n & 0x0f0f0f0fL;
+ n= (m<<4) | ((n^m)>>4);
+ return (NodeP)n;
+void store_p_at_node (NodeP annoted_node,NodeP at_node)
+ struct p_at_node_tree *tree_node,**tree_node_p;
+ /* without reordering the tree becomes a list */
+ annoted_node=reorder_bits (annoted_node);
+ tree_node_p=&p_at_node_tree;
+ while ((tree_node=*tree_node_p)!=NULL)
+ if (annoted_node < tree_node->annoted_node)
+ tree_node_p=&tree_node->left;
+ else
+ tree_node_p=&tree_node->right;
+ tree_node=CompAllocType (struct p_at_node_tree);
+ tree_node->annoted_node=annoted_node;
+ tree_node->at_node=at_node;
+ tree_node->left=NULL;
+ tree_node->right=NULL;
+ *tree_node_p=tree_node;
+NodeP *get_p_at_node_p (NodeP annoted_node)
+ struct p_at_node_tree *tree_node;
+ annoted_node=reorder_bits (annoted_node);
+ tree_node=p_at_node_tree;
+ while (tree_node!=NULL)
+ if (annoted_node < tree_node->annoted_node)
+ tree_node=tree_node->left;
+ else if (annoted_node > tree_node->annoted_node)
+ tree_node=tree_node->right;
+ else
+ return &tree_node->at_node;
+ ErrorInCompiler (NULL,"get_p_at_node_p",NULL);
+ return NULL;
+NodeP get_p_at_node (NodeP annoted_node)
+ NodeP *node_p;
+ node_p=get_p_at_node_p (annoted_node);
+ if (node_p!=NULL)
+ return *node_p;
+ else
+ return NULL;
+unsigned import_system_functions, import_system_array_functions;
+#ifndef CLEAN2
+UseArrayFunctionId (ArrayFunKind kind)
+ if (import_system_array_functions == 0)
+ import_system_array_functions = gCurrentToken.lineNumber;
+ return (ArrayFunctionIds [kind]);
+} /* UseArrayFunctionId */
+static IdentP EnumFunctionIds [NoEnumFun];
+InitialiseEnumFunctionIds (void)
+ EnumFunctionIds [FromEnumFun] = PutStringInHashTable (kFromPrefix, SymbolIdTable);
+ EnumFunctionIds [FromThenEnumFun] = PutStringInHashTable (kFromThenPrefix, SymbolIdTable);
+ EnumFunctionIds [FromToEnumFun] = PutStringInHashTable (kFromToPrefix, SymbolIdTable);
+ EnumFunctionIds [FromThenToEnumFun] = PutStringInHashTable (kFromThenToPrefix, SymbolIdTable);
+ EnumFunctionIds [MinusEnumFun] = PutStringInHashTable ("_minus", SymbolIdTable);
+ EnumFunctionIds [LessThanEqEnumFun] = PutStringInHashTable ("_lteq", SymbolIdTable);
+ EnumFunctionIds [IncEnumFun] = PutStringInHashTable ("inc", SymbolIdTable);
+ EnumFunctionIds [DecEnumFun] = PutStringInHashTable ("dec", SymbolIdTable);
+} /* InitialiseEnumFunctionIds */
+#ifndef CLEAN2
+UseEnumFunctionId (EnumFunKind kind)
+ if (import_system_functions == 0)
+ import_system_functions = gCurrentToken.lineNumber;
+ return (EnumFunctionIds [kind]);
+} /* UseEnumFunctionId */
+EnumFunctionId (EnumFunKind kind)
+ return (EnumFunctionIds [kind]);
+} /* UseEnumFunctionId */
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/buildtree.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/buildtree.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d91ef3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/buildtree.h
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+typedef enum
+ LazyArrayInstance, StrictArrayInstance, UnboxedArrayInstance, NrOfArrayInstances
+} ArrayInstance;
+typedef enum
+ NoQuantifier, AllQuantifier, ExistQuantifier, ExistAttributeQuantifier
+} Quantifier;
+typedef enum
+ /* defining symbol */
+ kUnknownRuleAlternativeKind, /* ':==', '=:', '=>' or '=' */
+ kUnknownFunctionAlternativeKind, /* '=>' or '=' */
+ kFunctionAlternativeKind, /* '=' */
+ kExplicitFunctionAlternativeKind, /* '=>' */
+ kCAFAlternativeKind, /* '=:' */
+ kArrowAlternativeKind /* '->' */
+} RuleAltKind;
+STRUCT (scope, Scope)
+ ImpRules *sc_rulesP;
+ ImpRule sc_rule;
+ RuleAlts *sc_altP;
+ Symbol sc_ruleSymbol;
+ RuleAltKind sc_altKind;
+ NodeDefP *sc_nodeDefsP;
+ NodeDefP *sc_firstNodeDefP;
+ int sc_scopeMask;
+ StrictNodeIdP *sc_strictDefsP;
+extern Args NewArgument (NodeP pattern);
+extern NodeP NewNode (SymbolP symb, Args args, int arity);
+extern NodeP NewIfNode (void);
+extern NodeP NewSelectorNode (SymbolP symb, Args args, int arity);
+extern NodeP NewNodeIdNode (NodeIdP node_id);
+extern NodeP NewApplyNode (NodeP function_node, Args args, int arity);
+extern NodeP NewUpdateNode (SymbolP symb,Args args,int arity);
+extern NodeP NewIdentifierNode (IdentP ident, Args args, int arity);
+extern NodeP NewNodeByKind (NodeKind nodeKind, SymbolP symb, Args args, int arity);
+# define NewNormalNode(symb, args, arity) NewNodeByKind (NormalNode, (symb), (args), (arity))
+# define NewRecordNode(symb, args, arity) NewNodeByKind (RecordNode, (symb), (args), (arity))
+# define NewMatchNode(symb, args, arity) NewNodeByKind (MatchNode, (symb), (args), (arity))
+# define NewCons(element) NewNormalNode (ConsSymbol, element, 2)
+# define NewNil() NewNormalNode (NilSymbol, NIL, 0)
+# define NewFalse() NewNormalNode (FalseSymbol, NIL, 0)
+# define NewTrue() NewNormalNode (TrueSymbol, NIL, 0)
+extern NodeP NewIntNode (int value);
+extern ImpRules NewRule (unsigned line_number, TypeAlts typeAlternative, NodeP rule_root, ScopeP scope);
+extern NodeIdP NewNodeId (IdentP nid);
+extern StrictNodeIdP NewStrictNodeId (NodeIdP node_id, StrictNodeIdP next);
+extern StrictNodeIdP NewStrictIdent (Ident ident, StrictNodeIdP next);
+extern TypeVar NewTypeVar (IdentP nid);
+extern UniVar NewUniVar (IdentP nid);
+extern NodeDefs NewNodeDefinition (NodeIdP nid, NodeP node);
+extern SymbolP NewSymbol (SymbKind symbolKind);
+extern TypeNode NewTypeNode (Annotation annot, AttributeKind attr, SymbolP symb, TypeArgs args, int arity);
+extern TypeArgs NewTypeArgument (TypeNode pattern);
+extern TypeNode NewTypeVarNode (TypeVar node_id,Annotation annot, AttributeKind attr);
+extern RuleTypes NewRuleType (TypeAlts type_alt, unsigned line_nr);
+extern NodeP NewSelectNode (SymbolP selectSymbol, NodeIdP selectId, int arity);
+extern NodeP NewScopeNode (NodeP node, NodeDefP node_defs,ImpRuleS *imp_rules);
+extern NodeIdP BuildSelect (NodeP node, NodeDefs **node_defs_p);
+extern NodeIdP BuildSelectors (NodeP pattern, NodeP node, NodeDefs **node_defs_p);
+extern SymbolP NewSelectSymbol (int arity);
+extern SymbolP NewTupleTypeSymbol (int arity);
+extern SymbolP NewListFunctionSymbol (void);
+extern ImpRules NewImpRule (unsigned line_number,TypeAlts typeAlternative,NodeP rule_root);
+extern RuleAltP NewRuleAlt (void);
+extern NodeIdP FreshNodeId (NodeP node, NodeDefs **node_defs_h);
+extern TypeArgs ConvertFieldsToTypeArguments (FieldList fields);
+extern char *CopyString (char *to, char *from, int *rest_size);
+extern char BasicTypeIds [];
+#define ConvertBasicTypeToChar(type_symb) BasicTypeIds [(type_symb) -> symb_kind]
+extern TypeNode NewEmptyTypeNode (void);
+extern IdentP DetermineNewSymbolId (char *prefix, TypeNode inst_type, TableKind table);
+extern IdentP gArrayIdents [];
+extern SymbolP BasicTypeSymbols [],
+ ArraySymbols [],
+ TrueSymbol, FalseSymbol, TupleSymbol, ListSymbol, ConsSymbol, NilSymbol,
+ ApplySymbol, ApplyTypeSymbol, SelectSymbols[],
+ FailSymbol, IfSymbol, AllSymbol, EmptyTypeSymbol;
+extern SymbolP TupleTypeSymbols [];
+IdentP UseArrayFunctionId (ArrayFunKind kind);
+void InitialiseEnumFunctionIds (void);
+typedef enum {
+ FromEnumFun, FromThenEnumFun, FromToEnumFun, FromThenToEnumFun,
+ IncEnumFun, DecEnumFun, MinusEnumFun, LessThanEqEnumFun,
+ NoEnumFun
+} EnumFunKind;
+IdentP EnumFunctionId (EnumFunKind kind);
+IdentP UseEnumFunctionId (EnumFunKind kind);
+extern unsigned import_system_functions, import_system_array_functions;
+void clear_p_at_node_tree (void);
+void store_p_at_node (NodeP annoted_node,NodeP at_node);
+NodeP *get_p_at_node_p (NodeP annoted_node);
+NodeP get_p_at_node (NodeP annoted_node);
+# define kCasePrefix "_case"
+# define kLambdaPrefix "_lambda"
+# define kArrayGeneratorPrefix "_array"
+# define kListGeneratorPrefix "_list"
+# define kFromPrefix "_from"
+# define kFromThenPrefix "_from_then"
+# define kFromToPrefix "_from_to"
+# define kFromThenToPrefix "_from_then_to"
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/cginterface.t b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/cginterface.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f5bd48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/cginterface.t
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+typedef enum { MAC_II, SUN_3, MAC_I, MAC_IISANE, MAC_CURRENT = 100 } target_machine_type;
+/* code generator flags */
+#define ASSEMBLY 1
+#define KEEP_ABC 2
+#define STACK_CHECKS 4
+#define DO_PARALLEL 8
+#define CHECK_INDICES 16
+/* application and linker flags */
+#define SHOW_BASIC_ONLY 1
+#define SHOW_STACK_SIZE 4
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/checker.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/checker.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6380ec4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/checker.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#define BIT(n) ((BITVECT) 1 << n)
+#define BITTEST(v,n) (((BITVECT) v >> n) & ((BITVECT) 1))
+#define TCONS_BIT_NR 31
+extern Ident AnnotatedId, ListId, TupleId, ConsId, NilId, ApplyId, SelectId, IfId, FailId, DeltaBId,
+ AndId, OrId, StdArrayId, ArrayFunctionIds [], ArrayId, StrictArrayId, UnboxedArrayId, ArrayClassId;
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+extern Ident DynamicId;
+extern Symbol StartSymbol, UnboxedArrayClassSymbols [], UnboxedArrayFunctionSymbols [];
+extern SymbDef scc_dependency_list,ArrayFunctionDefs[], StdArrayAbortDef;
+extern char * CurrentDefModule;
+extern int rule_count;
+extern SymbDef *scc_dependency_list_p;
+SymbDef BuildNewSymbolDefinition (Ident sid,int arity,SDefKind kind,unsigned line_nr);
+SymbDef MakeNewSymbolDefinition (char * module, Ident name, int arity, SDefKind kind);
+SymbDef NewSymbolDefinition (Symbol symb, int arity, Bool maybedefined, unsigned line_nr);
+char *ConvertSymbolToString (Symbol symb);
+ImpMod ParseAndCheckImplementationModule (char *name);
+void ReadInlineCode (void);
+void InitChecker (void);
+void GenDependencyList (void);
+NodeDefs NewNodeDef (NodeId nid, Node node);
+void GenerateApplyNodesForFullyCurriedApplication (Node node, Node function_node);
+void DetermineRuleComponent (ImpRules rule,SymbDef sdef);
+NodeP DetermineGraphRulesComponent (NodeP node,unsigned *ancest);
+NodeP RemoveAliasNodeIdInDetermineComponent (NodeP node);
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+void ClearOpenDefinitionModules (void);
+void AddOpenDefinitionModule (SymbolP moduleNameSymbol, DefMod definitionModule);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/checker_2.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/checker_2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3502cc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/checker_2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+ Authors: Sjaak Smetsers & John van Groningen
+ Version: 1.2
+#pragma segment checker
+#include "types.t"
+#include "system.h"
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "sizes.h"
+#include "scanner.h"
+#include "buildtree.h"
+#include "comparser.h"
+#include "statesgen.h"
+#include "codegen_types.h"
+#include "codegen1.h"
+#include "codegen2.h"
+#include "instructions.h"
+#include "typechecker.h"
+#include "transform.h"
+#include "checksupport.h"
+#include "checktypedefs.h"
+#include "overloading.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "checker.h"
+#include "macros.h"
+# include "optimise_lambda.h"
+#ifdef applec
+# include <types.h>
+# define IF_DEBUG_REF_COUNT(a) a
+# include "dbprint.h"
+# define IF_DEBUG_REF_COUNT(a)
+#define for_l(v,l,n) for(v=(l);v!=NULL;v=v->n)
+struct def_list {
+ Symbol mod_name;
+ Bool mod_undereval;
+ DefMod mod_body;
+ struct def_list * mod_next;
+typedef struct def_list *DefModList,DefModElem;
+static DefModList OpenDefinitionModules;
+void GenDependencyList (void)
+ DefModList def_mod;
+ for_l (def_mod,OpenDefinitionModules,mod_next)
+ GenDepend (def_mod->mod_body->dm_name->symb_ident->ident_name
+ ,def_mod->mod_body->dm_modification_time
+ );
+void ReadInlineCode (void)
+ DefModList d_mod;
+ for_l (d_mod,OpenDefinitionModules,mod_next){
+ DefMod def_mod;
+ def_mod=d_mod->mod_body;
+ if (def_mod->dm_system_module){
+ Symbol symbol;
+ for_l (symbol,def_mod->dm_symbols,symb_next)
+ if (symbol->symb_kind==definition){
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ sdef=symbol->symb_def;
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==SYSRULE && sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_STRICTLY_MASK)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (symbol!=NULL)
+ /* Get the inline instructions of all the rules that are defined in this module */
+ ScanInlineFile (d_mod->mod_name->symb_ident->ident_name);
+ }
+ }
+Ident AnnotatedId, ListId, TupleId, ConsId, NilId, ApplyId, SelectId,
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+ DynamicId,
+ DeltaBId, IfId, FailId, AndId, OrId,
+ StdArrayId, ArrayFunctionIds [NoArrayFun];
+Symbol StartSymbol;
+SymbDef ArrayFunctionDefs [NoArrayFun],StdArrayAbortDef;
+SymbDef scc_dependency_list;
+SymbDef *scc_dependency_list_p;
+SymbDef MakeNewSymbolDefinition (char * module, Ident name, int arity, SDefKind kind)
+ SymbDef def;
+ def = CompAllocType (SymbDefS);
+ def->sdef_module = module;
+ def->sdef_ident = name;
+ def->sdef_arity = arity;
+ def->sdef_kind = kind;
+ def->sdef_line = 0;
+ def->sdef_mark=0;
+ def->sdef_over_arity=0;
+ def->sdef_exported=False;
+ def->sdef_main_dcl=False;
+ def->sdef_infix=False;
+ def->sdef_arfun = NoArrayFun;
+ return def;
+static NodeDefs FreeDefs;
+NodeDefs NewNodeDef (NodeId nid,Node node)
+ NodeDefs new;
+ if (FreeDefs){
+ new = FreeDefs;
+ FreeDefs = FreeDefs->def_next;
+ } else
+ new = CompAllocType (NodeDefS);
+ new->def_id = nid;
+ new->def_node = node;
+ new->def_mark = 0;
+ return new;
+static Ident SystemFunctionsId,StdArrayAbortId;
+void InitChecker (void)
+ FreeDefs=NIL;
+ free_ldefs=NULL;
+#ifndef CLEAN2
+ free_depend_macros=NULL;
+ AnnotatedId = PutStringInHashTable ("_annotated", SymbolIdTable);
+ ListId = PutStringInHashTable ("[...]", SymbolIdTable);
+ TupleId = PutStringInHashTable ("(...)", SymbolIdTable);
+ ConsId = PutStringInHashTable ("[...|...]", SymbolIdTable);
+ NilId = PutStringInHashTable ("[]", SymbolIdTable);
+ ApplyId = PutStringInHashTable ("AP", SymbolIdTable);
+ SelectId = PutStringInHashTable ("_Select", SymbolIdTable);
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+ DynamicId = PutStringInHashTable ("Dynamic", SymbolIdTable);
+ /* hack RWS */
+ IfId = PutStringInHashTable ("if ", SymbolIdTable);
+ IfId->ident_name = "if";
+ FailId = PutStringInHashTable ("_Fail", SymbolIdTable);
+ StartSymbol = NewSymbol (newsymbol);
+ StartSymbol -> symb_ident = PutStringInHashTable ("Start", SymbolIdTable);
+ AndId = PutStringInHashTable ("&&", SymbolIdTable);
+ OrId = PutStringInHashTable ("||", SymbolIdTable);
+ SystemFunctionsId = PutStringInHashTable ("StdEnum", ModuleIdTable);
+ DeltaBId = PutStringInHashTable ("StdBool", ModuleIdTable);
+ StdArrayId = PutStringInHashTable ("_SystemArray", ModuleIdTable);
+ /* Predefined Array functions */
+ StdArrayAbortId = PutStringInHashTable ("_abortArray", SymbolIdTable);
+ ArrayFunctionIds[CreateArrayFun] = PutStringInHashTable ("createArray", SymbolIdTable);
+ ArrayFunctionIds[UnqArraySelectFun] = PutStringInHashTable ("uselect", SymbolIdTable);
+ ArrayFunctionIds[ArrayReplaceFun] = PutStringInHashTable ("replace", SymbolIdTable);
+ ArrayFunctionIds[UnqArraySizeFun] = PutStringInHashTable ("usize", SymbolIdTable);
+ ArrayFunctionIds[ArrayUpdateFun] = PutStringInHashTable ("update", SymbolIdTable);
+ ArrayFunctionIds[ArraySelectFun] = PutStringInHashTable ("select", SymbolIdTable);
+ ArrayFunctionIds[ArraySizeFun] = PutStringInHashTable ("size", SymbolIdTable);
+ ArrayFunctionIds[_CreateArrayFun] = PutStringInHashTable ("_createArrayc", SymbolIdTable);
+ ArrayFunctionIds[_UnqArraySelectFun]= PutStringInHashTable ("_uselectf", SymbolIdTable);
+ ArrayFunctionIds[_UnqArraySelectNextFun]= PutStringInHashTable ("_uselectn", SymbolIdTable);
+ ArrayFunctionIds[_UnqArraySelectLastFun]= PutStringInHashTable ("_uselectl", SymbolIdTable);
+ ArrayFunctionIds[_ArrayUpdateFun]= PutStringInHashTable ("_updatei", SymbolIdTable);
+ FunTypeClass.tac_uniprop = ALLBITSCLEAR;
+ FunTypeClass.tac_possign = BIT(1);
+ FunTypeClass.tac_negsign = BIT(0);
+ GeneralTypeClass.tac_uniprop = ALLBITSSET;
+ GeneralTypeClass.tac_possign = ALLBITSSET;
+ GeneralTypeClass.tac_negsign = ALLBITSCLEAR;
+ OpenDefinitionModules = NIL;
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+ void ClearOpenDefinitionModules (void)
+ {
+ OpenDefinitionModules = NULL;
+ }
+ void AddOpenDefinitionModule (SymbolP moduleNameSymbol, DefMod definitionModule)
+ {
+ DefModList openModule;
+ openModule = CompAllocType (DefModElem);
+ openModule->mod_name = moduleNameSymbol;
+ openModule->mod_body = definitionModule;
+ openModule->mod_next = OpenDefinitionModules;
+ OpenDefinitionModules = openModule;
+ }
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/checksupport.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/checksupport.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c8b655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/checksupport.c
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+#include "types.t"
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "scanner.h"
+#include "checksupport.h"
+#include "overloading.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "buildtree.h"
+#include "checker.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+ *Earity = "used with wrong arity",
+ *Ecyclicsyn = "cyclic dependencies between synonym types",
+ *EwrongdefS = "differs from the symbol of the first rule alternative",
+ *Einfix_imp_def = "infix specification in the impl module conflicts with the def module",
+ *EImplandDef1 = "definition in the impl module conflicts with the def module",
+ *EImplandDef5 = "should have a type specification in the implementation rule",
+ *Enodeid2 = "multiply defined",
+ *Enodeid3 = "not defined";
+static char
+ *Etuple = "tuples without type checking not allowed";
+unsigned RuleCount,TypeSymbolCount;
+SymbDef StackTop;
+char *ConvertSymbolKindToString (SymbKind skind)
+ switch (skind)
+ {
+ case int_type: return ReservedWords [(int) intsym];
+ case bool_type: return ReservedWords [(int) boolsym];
+ case char_type: return ReservedWords [(int) charsym];
+ case string_type: return ReservedWords [(int) stringsym];
+ case real_type: return ReservedWords [(int) realsym];
+ case file_type: return ReservedWords [(int) filesym];
+ case array_type: return ReservedWords [(int) arraysym];
+ case strict_array_type: return ReservedWords [(int) strictarraysym];
+ case unboxed_array_type:return ReservedWords [(int) unboxedarraysym];
+ case world_type: return ReservedWords [(int) worldsym];
+ case procid_type: return ReservedWords [(int) procidsym];
+ case redid_type: return ReservedWords [(int) redidsym];
+ case fun_type: return ReservedWords [(int) applysym];
+ case list_type: return ListId -> ident_name;
+ case tuple_type: return TupleId -> ident_name;
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+ case dynamic_type: return DynamicId -> ident_name;
+ default: return ReservedWords [errorsym];
+ }
+} /* ConvertSymbolKindToString */
+static void PrintString (char * string, File file, int length, int * const max_length_p)
+ if (*max_length_p >= length)
+ { char del = string [length];
+ *max_length_p -= length;
+ if (del != '\0')
+ { string [length] = '\0';
+ FPutS (string, file);
+ string [length] = del;
+ }
+ else
+ FPutS (string, file);
+ }
+ else if (*max_length_p >= 0)
+ { *max_length_p = -1;
+ FPutS ("(...)", file);
+ }
+ } /* PrintString */
+static void PrintChar (char c, File file, int * const max_length_p)
+ if (*max_length_p > 0)
+ { --*max_length_p;
+ FPutC (c, file);
+ }
+ else if (*max_length_p == 0)
+ { *max_length_p = -1;
+ FPutS ("(...)", file);
+ }
+} /* PrintChar */
+static char *PrintTypesOfSymbol (char *type_repr, File file, ModuleInfo module_info, int * const max_length_p);
+static char *FindTypeName (int type_number, TypeConversionTable types)
+ TypeConversionTable next_type;
+ for (next_type = types; next_type; next_type = next_type -> tct_next)
+ { if (next_type -> tct_number == type_number)
+ return next_type -> tct_type_symbol -> sdef_ident ->ident_name;
+ }
+ Assume (False, "checksupport", "FindTypeName");
+ return "";
+} /* FindTypeName */
+static char *PrintArgumentsOfType (char *type_repr, File file, ModuleInfo module_info, int * const max_length_p)
+ for (; ; ++type_repr)
+ { type_repr = PrintTypesOfSymbol (type_repr,file, module_info, max_length_p);
+ if (*type_repr == cTypeLastArg)
+ break;
+ else
+ PrintChar ('(', file, max_length_p);
+ }
+ return ++type_repr;
+} /* PrintArgumentsOfType */
+static void PrintName (char *name, char *name_end, unsigned line_nr, File file)
+ if (*name == '_')
+ { char *name_tail;
+ for (name_tail = name + 1; name_tail != name_end; name_tail++)
+ if (isdigit (*name_tail))
+ break;
+ if (strncmp (name, kCasePrefix, name_tail - name) == 0)
+ FPutS ("<case expression>", file);
+ else if (strncmp (name, kLambdaPrefix, name_tail - name) == 0)
+ FPutS ("<lambda expression>", file);
+ else if (strncmp (name, kListGeneratorPrefix, name_tail - name) == 0)
+ FPutS ("<list comprehension>", file);
+ else if (strncmp (name, kArrayGeneratorPrefix, name_tail - name) == 0)
+ FPutS ("<array comprehension>", file);
+ else
+ { FPutS (name, file);
+ return;
+ }
+ FPrintF (file, " [line: %u]", line_nr);
+ }
+ else
+ { for (; name != name_end; name++)
+ { if (*name != '.')
+ {
+/* if (*name == ':')
+ FPutC (' ', file);
+ else
+*/ FPutC (*name, file);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} /* PrintName */
+static char *PrintTypesOfSymbol (char *type_repr, File file, ModuleInfo module_info, int * const max_length_p)
+ char first_char = * type_repr;
+ if (islower (first_char))
+ { if (first_char == 'l')
+ { PrintChar ('[', file, max_length_p);
+ if (*(++type_repr) == cTypeFirstArg)
+ type_repr = PrintArgumentsOfType (++type_repr, file, module_info, max_length_p);
+ PrintChar (']', file, max_length_p);
+ return type_repr;
+ }
+ else if (first_char == 't')
+ { int tuparity;
+ ++type_repr;
+ Assume (isdigit (*type_repr),"checksupport","PrintTypesOfSymbol");
+ tuparity = strtol (type_repr, & type_repr, 10);
+ PrintChar ('(', file, max_length_p);
+ if (*type_repr == cTypeFirstArg)
+ { type_repr = PrintArgumentsOfType (++type_repr, file, module_info, max_length_p);
+ PrintChar (')', file, max_length_p);
+ }
+ else
+ { for (; tuparity>1; tuparity--)
+ PrintString ("_,", file, 2, max_length_p);
+ PrintString ("_)", file, 2, max_length_p);
+ }
+ return type_repr;
+ }
+ else if (first_char == 'a')
+ { PrintChar ('{', file, max_length_p);
+ if (*(++type_repr) == cTypeFirstArg)
+ type_repr = PrintArgumentsOfType (++type_repr, file, module_info, max_length_p);
+ PrintChar ('}', file, max_length_p);
+ return type_repr;
+ }
+ else if (first_char == 'd')
+ { PrintString ("<default>", file, 9, max_length_p);
+ return ++type_repr;
+ }
+ else if (first_char == 'h')
+ { PrintString ("-> (", file, 4, max_length_p);
+ ++type_repr;
+ if (*type_repr==cTypeFirstArg)
+ type_repr = PrintArgumentsOfType (type_repr+1, file, module_info, max_length_p);
+ PrintChar (')', file, max_length_p);
+ return type_repr;
+ }
+ else if (first_char == 'u')
+ { int type_number;
+ char *type_name;
+ ++type_repr;
+ Assume (isdigit (*type_repr),"checksupport","PrintTypesOfSymbol");
+ type_number = strtol (type_repr, & type_repr, 10);
+ type_name = FindTypeName (type_number, module_info -> mi_type_table);
+ PrintString (type_name, file, strlen (type_name), max_length_p);
+ if (*type_repr == cTypeFirstArg)
+ { PrintChar ('(', file, max_length_p);
+ type_repr = PrintArgumentsOfType (++type_repr, file, module_info, max_length_p);
+ PrintChar (')', file, max_length_p);
+ }
+ return type_repr;
+ }
+ else
+ { int symbkind;
+ char *symbol_string;
+ for (symbkind = int_type; symbkind < Nr_Of_Basic_Types; symbkind++)
+ { if (BasicTypeIds [symbkind] == first_char)
+ break;
+ }
+ Assume (symbkind < Nr_Of_Basic_Types,"checksupport","PrintTypesOfSymbol");
+ symbol_string = ConvertSymbolKindToString ((SymbKind) symbkind);
+ PrintString (symbol_string, file, strlen (symbol_string), max_length_p);
+ return ++type_repr;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (first_char == '!')
+ { PrintString ("{!", file, 2, max_length_p);
+ if (*(++type_repr) == cTypeFirstArg)
+ type_repr = PrintArgumentsOfType (++type_repr, file, module_info, max_length_p);
+ PrintChar ('}', file, max_length_p);
+ return type_repr;
+ }
+ else if (first_char == '#')
+ { PrintString ("{#", file, 2, max_length_p);
+ if (*(++type_repr) == cTypeFirstArg)
+ type_repr = PrintArgumentsOfType (++type_repr, file, module_info, max_length_p);
+ PrintChar ('}', file, max_length_p);
+ return type_repr;
+ }
+ else if (first_char == cTypeFirstArg)
+ { char *type_end;
+ for (type_end = ++type_repr; *type_end != cTypeLastArg; type_end++)
+ ;
+ PrintString (type_repr, file, type_end - type_repr, max_length_p);
+ return ++type_end;
+ }
+ else
+ { char *type_end;
+ for (type_end = type_repr; *type_end != cTypeDelimiter && *type_end != '\0' && *type_end != cTypeFirstArg && *type_end != cTypeLastArg; type_end++)
+ if (*type_end == '.')
+ type_end++;
+ PrintString (type_repr, file, type_end - type_repr, max_length_p);
+ if (*type_end == cTypeFirstArg)
+ { PrintChar ('(', file, max_length_p);
+ type_end = PrintArgumentsOfType (++type_end, file, module_info, max_length_p);
+ PrintChar (')', file, max_length_p);
+ }
+ return type_end;
+ }
+} /* PrintTypesOfSymbol */
+#define _ANALYSE_IDENT_
+void PrintSymbolOfIdent (Ident sid, unsigned line_nr, File file)
+ char *next_char,*name;
+ int print_length = MAX_SYMBOL_EXTENSION_SIZE;
+ name = sid -> ident_name;
+ if (*name == cTypeDelimiter)
+ { for (next_char = name + 1; *next_char == cTypeDelimiter; next_char++)
+ ;
+ if (*next_char == '\0')
+ { FPutS (name, file);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ next_char--;
+ }
+ else
+ { for (next_char = name; *next_char != cTypeDelimiter && *next_char != '\0'; next_char++)
+ if (*next_char == '.')
+ { next_char++;
+ if (*next_char == '\0')
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ PrintName (name, next_char, line_nr, file);
+ if ((*next_char) == cTypeDelimiter && next_char[1] != '\0')
+ { next_char++;
+ if (isdigit (* next_char))
+ { char *end_name;
+ for (end_name = next_char + 1; *end_name != cTypeDelimiter && *end_name != '\0'; end_name++)
+ ;
+ if (line_nr > 0)
+ { FPrintF (file, " [line: %u]", line_nr);
+ if (*end_name == '\0')
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ { FPutC (cTypeDelimiter, file);
+ PrintName (next_char, end_name, line_nr, file);
+ if (*end_name == '\0')
+ return;
+ }
+ next_char = end_name + 1;
+ }
+ FPutS (" (", file);
+ next_char = PrintTypesOfSymbol (next_char, file, sid -> ident_mod_info, & print_length);
+ for (; *next_char == cTypeDelimiter; )
+ { FPutC (',', file);
+ next_char = PrintTypesOfSymbol (++next_char, file, sid -> ident_mod_info, & print_length);
+ }
+ FPutC (')', file);
+ }
+ FPutS (name, file);
+void CheckWarningOrError2 (Bool error,char *msg1,char *msg2,char *msg3)
+ StaticMessage (error,"%S","%s,%s %s",CurrentSymbol,msg1,msg2,msg3);
+void CheckError (char *msg1,char *msg2)
+ StaticMessage (True,"%S","%s %s",CurrentSymbol,msg1,msg2);
+void CheckNodeError (char *msg1,char *msg2,NodeP node_p)
+ if (node_p->node_line>=0){
+ unsigned old_CurrentLine;
+ old_CurrentLine=CurrentLine;
+ CurrentLine=node_p->node_line;
+ StaticMessage (True,"%S","%s %s",CurrentSymbol,msg1,msg2);
+ CurrentLine=old_CurrentLine;
+ } else
+ StaticMessage (True,"%S","%s %s",CurrentSymbol,msg1,msg2);
+void CheckNodeSymbolError (struct symbol *symbol,char *msg,NodeP node_p)
+ if (node_p->node_line>=0){
+ unsigned old_CurrentLine;
+ old_CurrentLine=CurrentLine;
+ CurrentLine=node_p->node_line;
+ StaticMessage (True,"%S","%S %s",CurrentSymbol,symbol,msg);
+ CurrentLine=old_CurrentLine;
+ } else
+ StaticMessage (True,"%S","%S %s",CurrentSymbol,symbol,msg);
+void CheckSymbolError (struct symbol *symbol,char *msg)
+ StaticMessage (True,"%S","%S %s",CurrentSymbol,symbol,msg);
+void CheckWarning (char *msg1,char *msg2)
+ StaticMessage (False,"%S","%s %s",CurrentSymbol,msg1,msg2);
+void CheckWarningOrError (Bool error,char *msg1,char *msg2)
+ StaticMessage (error,"%S","%s %s",CurrentSymbol,msg1,msg2);
+void CheckSymbolWarning (struct symbol *symbol,char *msg)
+ StaticMessage (False,"%S","%S %s",CurrentSymbol,symbol,msg);
+void CheckSymbolWarningOrError (Bool error,struct symbol *symbol,char *msg)
+ StaticMessage (error,"%S","%S %s",CurrentSymbol,symbol,msg);
+extern Ident TupleId;
+void TupleError (void)
+ CheckError (TupleId->ident_name,Etuple);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/checksupport.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/checksupport.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb70209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/checksupport.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#define cTypeDelimiter ';'
+#define cTypeFirstArg '<'
+#define cTypeLastArg '>'
+extern char *ConvertSymbolKindToString (SymbKind skind);
+extern void CheckError (char *msg1,char *msg2);
+extern void CheckNodeError (char *msg1,char *msg2,NodeP node_p);
+extern void CheckNodeSymbolError (struct symbol *symbol,char *msg,NodeP node_p);
+extern void CheckSymbolError (struct symbol *symbol,char *msg);
+extern void CheckWarning (char *msg1,char *msg2);
+extern void CheckSymbolWarning (struct symbol *symbol,char *msg);
+extern void CheckWarningOrError (Bool error,char *msg1,char *msg2);
+extern void CheckWarningOrError2 (Bool error,char *msg1,char *msg2,char *msg3);
+extern void CheckSymbolWarningOrError (Bool error,struct symbol *symbol,char *msg);
+extern void TupleError (void);
+extern char *Earity,*Enodeid3,*Ecyclicsyn,*Enodeid2,*EwrongdefS,*Einfix_imp_def,
+ *EImplandDef1,*EImplandDef5;
+extern unsigned RuleCount,TypeSymbolCount;
+extern SymbDef StackTop;
+#define PushOnDepStack(sdef) \
+ sdef->sdef_parent=StackTop; \
+ StackTop=sdef
+#define PopFromDepStack(sdef) \
+ sdef=StackTop; \
+ StackTop=sdef->sdef_parent; \
+ sdef->sdef_parent=NULL
+#define IsOnDepStack(sdef) ((sdef)->sdef_parent!=NULL)
+#define NameOfSymbol(symb) ((symb)->symb_def ->sdef_ident->ident_name)
+extern void PrintSymbolOfIdent (Ident sid,unsigned line_nr,File file);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/checktypedefs.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/checktypedefs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ad34b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/checktypedefs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ Version 1.0 10/06/1994
+ Author: Sjaak Smetsers
+ global type defintions
+/* LAST
+typedef enum
+ AlgebraicType, SynonymType, FunctionType, ClassType
+} TypeDefKind;
+typedef struct instance_list
+ SymbDef il_symbol;
+ unsigned long il_basic_instances;
+ struct instance_list * il_next;
+} * InstanceList;
+typedef enum
+{ AlgebraicType, SynonymType, FunctionType, ClassType
+} TypeDefKind;
+ global variables
+extern TypeArgClass FunTypeClass, GeneralTypeClass;
+ global functions
+extern void CheckInstances (Instance instances);
+extern void AdjustFixitiesAndPrioritiesOfInstances (ClassInstance instances);
+extern void CheckTypesImpOfRules (ImpRules imp_rules);
+extern void CheckTypesOfDefRules (RuleTypes def_rules);
+extern void CheckAbsTypes (AbsTypes abstr);
+extern void CheckSynonymTypes (SynTypes syn_type);
+extern void CheckTypes (Types types);
+extern void CheckTypeVars (TypeVarList lhs_vars);
+extern void CheckTypeClasses (ClassDefinition classes, Bool check_icl_file);
+extern Symbol MarkTypeClasses (ClassDefinition classes, Symbol all_symbols);
+extern Symbol MarkTypeClassInstances (ClassInstance instances, Symbol all_symbols, char * def_mod_name);
+extern void CollectInstancesOfTypeClasses (ClassInstance instances);
+extern void CheckInstancesInIclFile (ClassInstance instances);
+extern Symbol CheckInstancesInDclFile (ClassInstance instances, Symbol all_symbols, Bool is_def_mod);
+extern void CheckOverloadedRules (Overloaded overrules);
+extern void ExpandSymbolTypes (Symbol imp_symbols);
+extern void VerifyTypeDefinitions (SymbDef type1,SymbDef type2);
+extern void VerifyRuleTypes (TypeAlts type1,TypeAlts type2, Bool check_exported_instances);
+extern Bool VerifySymbDefs (SymbDef dcl_sdef, SymbDef icl_sdef);
+extern Bool VerifyTypeGraphs (TypeNode root1,TypeNode root2);
+extern Bool VerifyLhsOfTypes (FlatType lhs1, FlatType lhs2);
+extern void CheckExportedInstances (DefMod def);
+extern void CollectBasicClassInstances (Symbol symbs, Bool is_icl_file);
+extern void CollectBasicClassInstancesOfEmptyClasses (Symbol all_symbols);
+extern void VerifyTypeClasses (SymbDef dcl_symb, SymbDef icl_symb);
+extern void VerifyInstances (ClassInstance dcl_instance, SymbDef icl_sdef);
+extern void InitCheckTypeDefs (void);
+extern void ExitCheckTypeDefs (void);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/checktypedefs_2.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/checktypedefs_2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..beb51ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/checktypedefs_2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ Version 1.0 26/08/1994
+ Author: Sjaak Smetsers
+#pragma segment checktypedefs
+#include "types.t"
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "scanner.h"
+#include "comparser.h"
+#include "buildtree.h"
+#include "statesgen.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "sizes.h"
+#include "checker.h"
+#include "checksupport.h"
+#include "checktypedefs.h"
+#include "overloading.h"
+#include "typechecker.h"
+TypeArgClass GeneralTypeClass,FunTypeClass;
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/cmdline.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/cmdline.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d84b9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/cmdline.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ * *
+ * Concurrent Clean Simulator: cmdline.h *
+ * ============================================ *
+ * *
+ * *
+ * Author: Eric Nocker *
+ * At: Department of Computer Science *
+ * University of Nijmegen *
+ * Date: Januari 1991 *
+ * *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+extern Bool DoMainCommand (void);
+extern Bool InCommandInterpreter;
+/* END of cmdline.h */
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/cocl.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/cocl.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b423459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/cocl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+#include "compiledefines.h"
+#include "system.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "compiler.h"
+#include "version.h"
+#include "MAIN_CLM.d"
+/* for interrupts in comsupport.c */
+Bool InCommandInterpreter = False;
+static char usage[]=
+ "Usage: \'cocl [options] [-o file] file\'\n"
+ "Options: [-v] [-w] [-tc] [-d] [-sl] [-p] [-sa] [-lt] [-lset] [-lat] [-lattr]";
+static void Usage (void)
+ FPutS (usage, StdError);
+ FPutC ('\n', StdError);
+static Bool GetInt (char *s, int *i)
+ int j;
+ char *cp;
+ for (j = 0, cp = s; *cp; cp++)
+ { if (!isdigit (*cp))
+ return False;
+ j = (10 * j) + (*cp - '0');
+ }
+ *i = j;
+ return True;
+static Bool SetStrictOption (char *opt)
+{ int i;
+ if (strcmp (opt, "w") == 0)
+ DoStrictWarning = False;
+ else if (strcmp (opt, "wa") == 0)
+ DoStrictAllWarning = True;
+ else if (strcmp (opt, "c") == 0)
+ DoStrictCheck = True;
+ else if (strcmp (opt, "sa") == 0)
+ StrictDoAnnots = True;
+ else if (opt[0] == 'd')
+ { if (GetInt (opt+1, &i))
+ StrictDepth = i;
+ else
+ return False;
+ }
+ else
+ return False;
+ return True;
+char *path_parameter;
+#ifdef _SUN_
+extern int use_clean_system_files;
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+ int StdOutReopened,StdErrorReopened;
+ /* Windows:
+ static int myfreopen (char *fileName, char *mode, FILE *oldFile)
+ {
+ FILE *newFile;
+ newFile=freopen (fileName,mode,oldFile);
+ if (newFile == NULL)
+ return False;
+ return True;
+ }
+ static int myfreopen (char *fileName, char *mode, FILE *oldFile)
+ {
+ FILE *newFile;
+ FILE tmpFile;
+ newFile=fopen (fileName,mode);
+ if (newFile == NULL)
+ return False;
+ tmpFile = *oldFile;
+ *oldFile = *newFile;
+ *newFile = tmpFile;
+ }
+ # define freopen myfreopen
+ */
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+Bool ParseCommandArgs (int argc, char **argv, char **file_name_p, char **output_file_name_p)
+Bool CallCompiler (int argc, char **argv)
+ char *fname,*output_file_name;
+ int i;
+#ifdef OS2
+ extern int window_application;
+ window_application=0;
+ fname = NULL;
+ output_file_name=NULL;
+ path_parameter=NULL;
+#ifdef _SUN_
+ use_clean_system_files=0;
+ DoWarning = True;
+ DoVerbose = False;
+ DoCode = True;
+ DoDebug = False;
+ DoStrictnessAnalysis = True;
+ DoStackLayout = True /* False */;
+ DoParallel = False;
+ DoShowAttributes = True;
+ DoListTypes = False;
+ DoListAllTypes = False;
+ DoListStrictTypes = False;
+ DoStrictCheck = False;
+ DoStrictWarning = True;
+ DoStrictAllWarning = False;
+ DoProfiling=False;
+ DoTimeProfiling=False;
+ DoReuseUniqueNodes=False;
+ StrictDoAnnots = False;
+ StrictDepth = 10;/* 8; */
+ FunctionMayFailIsError = False;
+ NotUsedIsError = False;
+ FunctionNotUsedIsError = False;
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+ StdErrorReopened = False;
+ StdOutReopened = False;
+ for (i = 0; i < argc; i++){
+ if (argv[i][0] == '-' || argv[i][0] == '+'){
+ char *argv_i;
+ argv_i=argv[i];
+ if (strcmp (argv_i, "-v") == 0)
+ DoVerbose = True;
+ else if (strcmp (argv_i, "-w") == 0){
+ DoWarning = False;
+ DoStrictWarning = False;
+ } else if (strcmp (argv_i, "-d") == 0)
+ DoDebug = True;
+ else if (strcmp (argv_i, "-c") == 0)
+ DoCode = False;
+ else if (strcmp (argv_i, "-p") == 0)
+#ifdef OS2
+ window_application=1;
+ DoParallel = True;
+#ifdef _SUN_
+ else if (strcmp (argv_i, "-csf")==0)
+ use_clean_system_files=1;
+ else if (strcmp (argv_i, "-sl") == 0)
+ DoStackLayout = True;
+ else if (strcmp (argv_i, "-sa") == 0)
+ DoStrictnessAnalysis = False;
+ else if (strcmp (argv_i, "-lattr") == 0)
+ DoShowAttributes = False;
+ else if (strcmp (argv_i, "-lt") == 0)
+ DoListTypes = True;
+ else if (strcmp (argv_i, "-lset") == 0)
+ DoListStrictTypes = True;
+ else if (strcmp (argv_i, "-lat") == 0)
+ DoListAllTypes = True;
+ else if (strcmp (argv_i,"-ou") == 0)
+ DoReuseUniqueNodes=True;
+ else if (strcmp (argv_i,"-pm") == 0)
+ DoProfiling=True;
+ else if (strcmp (argv_i,"-pt") == 0)
+ DoTimeProfiling=True;
+ else if (strcmp (argv_i,"-wmt") == 0)
+ WriteModificationTimes=True;
+ else if (strcmp (argv_i,"-emf") == 0)
+ FunctionMayFailIsError=True;
+ else if (strcmp (argv_i,"-enu") ==0)
+ NotUsedIsError=True;
+ else if (strcmp (argv_i,"-efnu") ==0)
+ FunctionNotUsedIsError=True;
+ else if (strcmp (argv_i,"-desc") ==0)
+ DoDescriptors=True;
+ else if (strcmp (argv_i,"-exl") ==0)
+ ExportLocalLabels=True;
+ else if (strncmp (argv_i, "-sa", 3) == 0){
+ if (!SetStrictOption (argv[i]+3)){
+ CmdError ("unknown flag %s", argv[i]);
+ Usage ();
+ return False;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp (argv_i, "-o") == 0){
+ if (++i < argc)
+ output_file_name = argv[i];
+ else {
+ CmdError ("no output file given to option -o");
+ return False;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp (argv_i, "-P") == 0){
+ if (++i < argc)
+ path_parameter = argv[i];
+ else {
+ CmdError ("no path list given to option -P");
+ return False;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp (argv_i, "-RE") == 0){
+ if (++i < argc){
+ freopen (argv[i],"w",StdError);
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+ StdErrorReopened = True;
+ } else {
+ CmdError ("file name expected after -RE");
+ return False;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp (argv_i, "-RAE") == 0){
+ if (++i < argc){
+ freopen (argv[i],"aw",StdError);
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+ StdErrorReopened = True;
+ } else {
+ CmdError ("file name expected after -RAE");
+ return False;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp (argv_i, "-RO") == 0){
+ if (++i < argc){
+ freopen (argv[i],"w",StdOut);
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+ StdOutReopened = True;
+ } else {
+ CmdError ("file name expected after -RO");
+ return False;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp (argv_i, "-RAO") == 0){
+ if (++i < argc){
+ freopen (argv[i],"aw",StdOut);
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+ StdOutReopened = True;
+ } else {
+ CmdError ("file name expected after -RAO");
+ return False;
+ }
+ } else {
+ CmdError ("unknown flag %s", argv_i);
+ Usage ();
+ return False;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* process (non-flag) argument */
+ if (fname){
+ CmdError ("only one input file allowed");
+ return False;
+ }
+ fname = argv[i];
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+ *file_name_p=fname;
+ *output_file_name_p=output_file_name;
+ #ifdef _MAC_
+ GetInitialPathList();
+ #endif
+ InitCompiler();
+ return True;
+ }
+ /*
+ Bool CallCompiler (int argc, char **argv)
+ {
+ char *fname, *output_file_name;
+ if (!ParseCommandArgs (argc,argv,&fname,&output_file_name))
+ return False;
+ */
+ if (fname)
+ return Compile (fname,output_file_name);
+ else if (DoVerbose){
+ FPrintF (StdOut, "\nConcurrent Clean Compiler (Version %d.%d)\n\n", VERSION / 1000, VERSION % 1000);
+ return True;
+ } else {
+ CmdError ("no input file given");
+ Usage ();
+ return False;
+ }
+#if ! defined (MAIN_CLM)
+int main (int argc, char *argv[])
+#ifdef OS2
+ {
+ int length;
+ extern char clean_lib_directory[];
+ length=strlen (argv[0]);
+ if (length<=128){
+ strcpy (clean_lib_directory,argv[0]);
+ while (length>0){
+ --length;
+ if (clean_lib_directory[length]=='\\'){
+ clean_lib_directory[length]=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ clean_lib_directory[0]='\0';
+ }
+ if (CallCompiler (argc-1, & argv[1]))
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return 1;
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e85fc5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1201 @@
+#define for_l(v,l,n) for(v=(l);v!=NULL;v=v->n)
+#define SHARE_UPDATE_CODE 0 /* also in codegen1.c */
+#define SELECTORS_FIRST 1 /* also in codegen2.c */
+#include "system.h"
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "checker.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "sa.h"
+#include "statesgen.h"
+#include "typechecker.h"
+#include "codegen_types.h"
+#include "codegen1.h"
+#include "codegen2.h"
+#include "codegen3.h"
+#include "instructions.h"
+#include "codegen.h"
+#include "optimisations.h"
+#include "pattern_match.h"
+# include "result_state_database.h"
+#include "tuple_tail_recursion.h"
+# endif
+static char *ECodeBlock = "incorrect number of output parameters";
+static Parameters CalculateOffsetsOfParameters (Parameters params,States resultstates,int statearity,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p);
+static Parameters CalculateOffsetsOfParameter (Parameters param,StateS resultstate,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p)
+ if (IsSimpleState (resultstate)){
+ if (param->par_node_id!=NULL)
+ param->par_node_id->nid_state_=resultstate;
+ if (resultstate.state_kind==OnB){
+ if (param->par_node_id)
+ param->par_node_id->nid_b_index_=*bsp_p;
+ *bsp_p -= ObjectSizes [resultstate.state_object];
+ } else {
+ if (param->par_node_id)
+ param->par_node_id->nid_a_index_=*asp_p;
+ *asp_p -= 1;
+ }
+ return param->par_next;
+ } else {
+ if (resultstate.state_type==ArrayState){
+ if (param->par_node_id)
+ param->par_node_id->nid_a_index_=*asp_p;
+ *asp_p -= 1;
+ return param->par_next;
+ } else
+ return CalculateOffsetsOfParameters (param,resultstate.state_tuple_arguments,resultstate.state_arity,asp_p,bsp_p);
+ }
+static Parameters CalculateOffsetsOfParameters (Parameters params,States resultstates,int statearity,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p)
+ int arity;
+ for (arity=0; arity<statearity; arity++){
+ if (params)
+ params = CalculateOffsetsOfParameter (params,resultstates[arity],asp_p,bsp_p);
+ else {
+ StaticMessage (True,CurrentAltLabel.lab_symbol->sdef_ident->ident_name,ECodeBlock);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return params;
+static void GenCodeBlock (CodeBlock code, int asp, int bsp, StateS resultstate)
+ int newasp,newbsp,asize,bsize;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (resultstate,&newasp,&newbsp);
+ if (code->co_is_abc_code){
+ GenInstructions (code->co_instr);
+ GenRtn (newasp, newbsp, resultstate);
+ } else {
+ Parameters nextparam;
+ asize = newasp;
+ bsize = newbsp;
+ if (IsSimpleState (resultstate))
+ nextparam = CalculateOffsetsOfParameter (code->co_parout,resultstate,&asize,&bsize);
+ else {
+ switch (resultstate.state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ nextparam = CalculateOffsetsOfParameters (code->co_parout,resultstate.state_tuple_arguments,
+ resultstate.state_arity,&asize,&bsize);
+ break;
+ case RecordState:
+ nextparam = CalculateOffsetsOfParameters (code->co_parout,resultstate.state_record_arguments,
+ resultstate.state_arity,&asize,&bsize);
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ if (code->co_parout->par_node_id!=NULL)
+ code->co_parout->par_node_id->nid_state_=resultstate;
+ code->co_parout->par_node_id->nid_a_index_=asize;
+ asize -= 1;
+ nextparam=code->co_parout->par_next;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (nextparam)
+ StaticMessage (True,CurrentAltLabel.lab_symbol->sdef_ident->ident_name, ECodeBlock);
+ GenParameters (True, code->co_parin, asp, bsp);
+ GenInstructions (code->co_instr);
+ GenOStackLayoutOfState (newasp, newbsp, resultstate);
+ GenParameters (False, code->co_parout, newasp, newbsp);
+ GenRtn (newasp, newbsp, resultstate);
+ }
+static Bool CodeRuleAlt (RuleAlts alt,int asp,int bsp,unsigned int altnr,StateS resultstate)
+ struct label esclab;
+ struct esc esc;
+ struct ab_node_ids ab_node_ids;
+ ab_node_ids.a_node_ids=NULL;
+ ab_node_ids.b_node_ids=NULL;
+ ab_node_ids.free_node_ids=NULL;
+ esc.esc_asp=asp;
+ esc.esc_bsp=bsp;
+ esc.esc_label=&esclab;
+ MakeSymbolLabel (&esclab,CurrentAltLabel.lab_mod,s_pref,CurrentAltLabel.lab_symbol,altnr+1);
+ LhsComment (altnr, asp, bsp);
+ bind_arguments (alt->alt_lhs_root->node_arguments,asp,bsp,&ab_node_ids);
+ MatchArgs (alt->alt_lhs_root->node_arguments,asp,bsp,asp,bsp,&ab_node_ids);
+ if (alt->alt_kind==Contractum)
+ return generate_code_for_root_node (alt->alt_rhs_root,asp,bsp,&esc,alt->alt_rhs_defs,&resultstate,NULL,&ab_node_ids);
+ else {
+ GenCodeBlock (alt->alt_rhs_code,asp,bsp,resultstate);
+ return False;
+ }
+#ifdef _FRAMECHECK_
+ if (MaxAFrameSize !=0 || MaxBFrameSize != 0 || OfferedAFrame != InitOfferedAFrame)
+ ErrorInCompiler ("codegen2.c", "CodeRuleAlt","inconsistent stack frames");
+static void MoveArgumentFromAToB (StateS argstate,int index,int *current_asp_p,int *old_asp_p,int *dest_asp_p)
+ if (IsSimpleState (argstate)){
+ if (argstate.state_kind==OnB)
+ PushBasicFromAOnB ((ObjectKind)(argstate.state_object),*current_asp_p-index);
+ else if (argstate.state_kind!=Undefined)
+ PutInAFrames (index,dest_asp_p);
+ } else {
+ int arity;
+ arity = argstate.state_arity;
+ switch (argstate.state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ {
+ int locindex,i;
+ States argstates;
+ argstates = argstate.state_tuple_arguments;
+ if (*old_asp_p==index)
+ --*old_asp_p;
+ *old_asp_p += arity;
+ locindex = *old_asp_p;
+ for (i=arity-1; i>=0; --i)
+ MoveArgumentFromAToB (argstates [i],locindex-i,current_asp_p,old_asp_p,dest_asp_p);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RecordState:
+ {
+ int asize,bsize,a_index,element_n;
+ DetermineSizeOfStates (arity,argstate.state_record_arguments,&asize,&bsize);
+ if (*current_asp_p==index){
+ GenReplRArgs (asize,bsize);
+ *current_asp_p += asize-1;
+ } else {
+ GenPushRArgs (*current_asp_p-index,asize,bsize);
+ *current_asp_p += asize;
+ }
+ a_index=*current_asp_p;
+ for (element_n=asize-1; element_n>=0; --element_n)
+ PutInAFrames (a_index-element_n,dest_asp_p);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ArrayState:
+ GenPushArray (*current_asp_p-index);
+ *current_asp_p += 1;
+ PutInAFrames (*current_asp_p,dest_asp_p);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+static void MoveStateArgumentsFromAToB (int n_states,StateP state_p,int index,int *current_asp_p,int *old_asp_p,int *dest_asp_p)
+ int i;
+ for (i=n_states-1; i>=0; --i)
+ MoveArgumentFromAToB (state_p[i],index-i,current_asp_p,old_asp_p,dest_asp_p);
+static void EvaluateArgument (StateS argstate,int *asp_p,int index)
+ if (!IsLazyState (argstate)){
+ switch (argstate.state_type){
+ case SimpleState:
+ case RecordState:
+ case ArrayState:
+ GenJsrEval (*asp_p-index);
+ break;
+ case TupleState:
+ {
+ int i,arity,locasp;
+ arity = argstate.state_arity;
+ if (*asp_p-index > 0){
+ GenPushA (*asp_p-index);
+ GenJsrEval (0);
+ GenReplArgs (arity,arity);
+ } else {
+ GenJsrEval (0);
+ GenReplArgs (arity,arity);
+ --*asp_p;
+ }
+ *asp_p += arity;
+ locasp = *asp_p;
+ for (i=arity-1; i>=0; i--)
+ EvaluateArgument (argstate.state_tuple_arguments[i],asp_p,locasp-i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void EvaluateStateArguments (int n_states,StateP state_p,int *asp_p,int index)
+ int i;
+ for (i=n_states-1; i>=0; i--)
+ EvaluateArgument (state_p[i],asp_p,index-i);
+void EvaluateAndMoveArguments (int arity,StateP argstates,int *locasp_p,int *aselmts_p)
+ int i,index;
+ index=*locasp_p;
+ for (i=arity-1; i>=0; i--)
+ EvaluateArgument (argstates[i],locasp_p, arity-i);
+ for (i=arity-1; i>=0; i--)
+ MoveArgumentFromAToB (argstates[i],arity-i,locasp_p,&index,aselmts_p);
+void EvaluateAndMoveStateArguments (int state_arity,StateP states,int oldasp,int maxassize)
+ int oldaframesize,arity,newasp,i;
+ arity = oldasp;
+ newasp = 0;
+ InitAStackConversions (arity + maxassize + 1,&oldaframesize);
+ for (i=state_arity-1; i>=0; i--)
+ EvaluateArgument (states[i],&oldasp,state_arity-i);
+ for (i=state_arity-1; i>=0; i--)
+ MoveArgumentFromAToB (states[i],state_arity-i,&oldasp,&arity,&newasp);
+ GenAStackConversions (oldasp,newasp);
+ FreeAFrameSpace (oldaframesize);
+static void EvaluateArgumentIfNecesary (StateS argstate,int *asp_p,int index,struct state *state_p)
+ if (!IsLazyState (argstate)){
+ switch (argstate.state_type){
+ case SimpleState:
+ case RecordState:
+ case ArrayState:
+ if (IsLazyState (*state_p))
+ GenJsrEval (*asp_p-index);
+ break;
+ case TupleState:
+ {
+ int i,arity,locasp;
+ arity = argstate.state_arity;
+ if (*asp_p-index > 0){
+ GenPushA (*asp_p-index);
+ if (IsLazyState (*state_p))
+ GenJsrEval (0);
+ GenReplArgs (arity,arity);
+ } else {
+ if (IsLazyState (*state_p))
+ GenJsrEval (0);
+ GenReplArgs (arity,arity);
+ --*asp_p;
+ }
+ *asp_p += arity;
+ locasp = *asp_p;
+ if (state_p->state_type==TupleState){
+ for (i=arity-1; i>=0; i--)
+ EvaluateArgumentIfNecesary (argstate.state_tuple_arguments[i],asp_p,locasp-i,&state_p->state_tuple_arguments[i]);
+ } else
+ for (i=arity-1; i>=0; i--)
+ EvaluateArgument (argstate.state_tuple_arguments[i],asp_p,locasp-i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void EvaluateArgumentsForFunctionWithOneCall (int n_states,StateP arg_state_p,int *asp_p,int index,ArgP call_arg)
+ if (call_arg==NULL)
+ EvaluateStateArguments (n_states,arg_state_p,asp_p,index);
+ else
+ if (n_states>0){
+ EvaluateArgumentsForFunctionWithOneCall (n_states-1,arg_state_p+1,asp_p,index-1,call_arg->arg_next);
+ EvaluateArgumentIfNecesary (*arg_state_p,asp_p,index,state_of_node_or_node_id (call_arg->arg_node));
+ }
+static void EvaluateAndMoveArgumentsForFunctionWithOneCall (StateS *const function_state_p,int oldasp,int maxassize,struct node *call_node)
+ int oldaframesize,arity,newasp;
+ arity = oldasp;
+ newasp = 0;
+ InitAStackConversions (arity + maxassize + 1, &oldaframesize);
+ EvaluateArgumentsForFunctionWithOneCall (arity,function_state_p,&oldasp,arity,call_node->node_arguments);
+ MoveStateArgumentsFromAToB (arity,function_state_p,arity,&oldasp,&arity,&newasp);
+ GenAStackConversions (oldasp,newasp);
+ FreeAFrameSpace (oldaframesize);
+void EvalArgsEntry (StateS *const function_state_p,SymbDef rule_sdef,int maxasize,Label ea_lab,int n_result_nodes_on_a_stack)
+ int asp;
+ asp=rule_sdef->sdef_arity;
+ GenOAStackLayout (asp+n_result_nodes_on_a_stack);
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPN();
+ GenLabelDefinition (ea_lab);
+ if (rule_sdef->sdef_kind==IMPRULE && (rule_sdef->sdef_rule->rule_mark & RULE_LAZY_CALL_NODE_MASK))
+ EvaluateAndMoveArgumentsForFunctionWithOneCall (function_state_p,asp,maxasize,rule_sdef->sdef_rule->rule_lazy_call_node);
+ else
+ EvaluateAndMoveStateArguments (asp,function_state_p,asp,maxasize);
+static void EvaluateArgumentsForFunctionWithUnboxedArguments (int n_states,StateP arg_state_p,int *asp_p,int index,ArgP call_arg)
+ if (n_states==0)
+ return;
+ else {
+ if (call_arg->arg_state.state_type==SimpleState && call_arg->arg_state.state_kind==OnB)
+ EvaluateArgumentsForFunctionWithUnboxedArguments (n_states-1,arg_state_p+1,asp_p,index,call_arg->arg_next);
+ else {
+ EvaluateArgumentsForFunctionWithUnboxedArguments (n_states-1,arg_state_p+1,asp_p,index-1,call_arg->arg_next);
+ EvaluateArgumentIfNecesary (*arg_state_p,asp_p,index,!IsLazyState (call_arg->arg_state) ? &call_arg->arg_state : state_of_node_or_node_id (call_arg->arg_node));
+ }
+ }
+static void MoveArgumentsToBStack (StateS src_state,StateS dest_state,
+ int a_index,int *current_asp_p,int *old_asp_p,int *dest_asp_p,
+ int b_index,int *current_bsp_p,int *dest_bsp_p)
+ if (IsSimpleState (dest_state)){
+ if (dest_state.state_kind==OnB){
+ if (src_state.state_type==SimpleState && src_state.state_kind==OnB)
+ PutInBFrames (b_index,dest_bsp_p,ObjectSizes[dest_state.state_object]);
+ else {
+ PushBasicFromAOnB ((ObjectKind)(dest_state.state_object),*current_asp_p-a_index);
+ *current_bsp_p+=ObjectSizes[dest_state.state_object];
+ PutInBFrames (*current_bsp_p,dest_bsp_p,ObjectSizes[dest_state.state_object]);
+ }
+ } else if (dest_state.state_kind!=Undefined)
+ PutInAFrames (a_index,dest_asp_p);
+ } else {
+ switch (dest_state.state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ {
+ int tuple_a_index,i,arity;
+ States dest_states;
+ arity = dest_state.state_arity;
+ dest_states = dest_state.state_tuple_arguments;
+ if (*old_asp_p==a_index)
+ --*old_asp_p;
+ *old_asp_p += arity;
+ tuple_a_index = *old_asp_p;
+ for (i=arity-1; i>=0; --i)
+ MoveArgumentsToBStack (LazyState,dest_states[i],tuple_a_index-i,current_asp_p,old_asp_p,dest_asp_p,-1000,current_bsp_p,dest_bsp_p);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RecordState:
+ {
+ int asize,bsize,record_a_index,element_n,arity;
+ arity = dest_state.state_arity;
+ DetermineSizeOfStates (arity,dest_state.state_record_arguments,&asize,&bsize);
+ if (*current_asp_p==a_index){
+ GenReplRArgs (asize,bsize);
+ *current_asp_p += asize-1;
+ } else {
+ GenPushRArgs (*current_asp_p-a_index,asize,bsize);
+ *current_asp_p += asize;
+ }
+ *current_bsp_p += bsize;
+ record_a_index=*current_asp_p;
+ for (element_n=asize-1; element_n>=0; --element_n)
+ PutInAFrames (record_a_index-element_n,dest_asp_p);
+ PutInBFrames (*current_bsp_p,dest_bsp_p,bsize);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ArrayState:
+ if (src_state.state_type==ArrayState)
+ PutInAFrames (a_index,dest_asp_p);
+ else {
+ GenPushArray (*current_asp_p-a_index);
+ ++*current_asp_p;
+ PutInAFrames (*current_asp_p,dest_asp_p);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+static void MoveArgumentsForFunctionWithUnboxedArguments (int n_states,StateP state_p,ArgP call_arg,
+ int a_index,int *current_asp_p,int *old_asp_p,int *dest_asp_p,
+ int b_index,int *current_bsp_p,int *dest_bsp_p)
+ if (n_states==0)
+ return;
+ else {
+ int next_a_index,next_b_index;
+ if (call_arg->arg_state.state_type==SimpleState && call_arg->arg_state.state_kind==OnB){
+ next_a_index=a_index;
+ next_b_index=b_index-ObjectSizes[call_arg->arg_state.state_object];
+ } else {
+ next_a_index=a_index-1;
+ next_b_index=b_index;
+ }
+ MoveArgumentsForFunctionWithUnboxedArguments (n_states-1,state_p+1,call_arg->arg_next,
+ next_a_index,current_asp_p,old_asp_p,dest_asp_p,
+ next_b_index,current_bsp_p,dest_bsp_p);
+ MoveArgumentsToBStack (call_arg->arg_state,*state_p,a_index,current_asp_p,old_asp_p,dest_asp_p,b_index,current_bsp_p,dest_bsp_p);
+ }
+static void EvalArgsEntryUnboxed (ImpRuleP rule_p,SymbDef rule_sdef,int strict_a_size,int strict_b_size,int maxasize,Label ea_lab,int n_result_nodes_on_a_stack)
+ int args_a_size,args_b_size,old_a_frame_size,old_b_frame_size,init_a_stack_size;
+ int old_asp,old_bsp,new_asp,new_bsp;
+ StateP function_state_p;
+ NodeP call_node_p;
+ function_state_p=rule_p->rule_state_p;
+ call_node_p=rule_p->rule_lazy_call_node;
+ DetermineSizeOfArguments (call_node_p->node_arguments,&args_a_size,&args_b_size);
+ init_a_stack_size=args_a_size + n_result_nodes_on_a_stack;
+ GenOStackLayout (init_a_stack_size,args_b_size,call_node_p->node_arguments);
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPN();
+ GenLabelDefinition (ea_lab);
+ InitStackConversions (init_a_stack_size+maxasize+1,strict_b_size+1,&old_a_frame_size,&old_b_frame_size);
+ old_asp=args_a_size;
+ old_bsp=args_b_size;
+ EvaluateArgumentsForFunctionWithUnboxedArguments (rule_sdef->sdef_arity,function_state_p,&old_asp,args_a_size,call_node_p->node_arguments);
+ new_asp=0;
+ new_bsp=0;
+ MoveArgumentsForFunctionWithUnboxedArguments (rule_sdef->sdef_arity,function_state_p,call_node_p->node_arguments,
+ args_a_size,&old_asp,&args_a_size,&new_asp,args_b_size,&old_bsp,&new_bsp);
+ GenAStackConversions (old_asp,new_asp);
+ GenBStackConversions (old_bsp,new_bsp);
+ FreeAFrameSpace (old_a_frame_size);
+ FreeBFrameSpace (old_b_frame_size);
+int tail_call_modulo_cons;
+int tail_call_modulo_tuple_cons;
+unsigned long global_same_select_vector;
+int lazy_tuple_recursion=0;
+int call_code_generator_again;
+int function_called_only_curried_or_lazy_with_one_return=0;
+#if 0
+# include "dbprint.h"
+static void CodeRule (ImpRuleP rule)
+ Bool jmp_to_eval_args_entry,root_node_needed;
+ int asize,bsize,maxasize,a_stack_size_of_strict_entry;
+ StateS resultstate;
+ SymbDef rule_sdef;
+ LabDef ea_lab;
+ int init_a_stack_top,init_b_stack_top,rule_may_fail;
+# if 0
+ PrintImpRule (rule,4,StdOut);
+# endif
+ CurrentSymbol=rule->rule_root->node_symbol;
+ CurrentLine=rule->rule_alts->alt_line;
+ resultstate = rule->rule_root->node_state;
+ rule_sdef = CurrentSymbol->symb_def;
+ ConvertSymbolToLabel (&CurrentAltLabel,rule_sdef);
+ if (rule_sdef->sdef_exported){
+ GenExportStrictAndEaEntry (rule_sdef);
+ } else if (!(rule_sdef->sdef_mark & (SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK | SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK | SDEF_USED_STRICTLY_MASK)))
+ return;
+ GenFunctionDescriptorAndExportNodeAndDescriptor (rule_sdef);
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPB (rule_sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ if (rule_sdef->sdef_exported && rule_sdef->sdef_calledwithrootnode && ExpectsResultNode (resultstate))
+ MakeSymbolLabel (&ea_lab,CurrentModule,ea_pref,rule_sdef,0);
+ else
+ MakeSymbolLabel (&ea_lab,NULL,ea_pref,rule_sdef,0);
+ asize = 0;
+ bsize = 0;
+ maxasize = 0;
+ AddStateSizesAndMaxFrameSizesOfArguments (rule->rule_root->node_arguments,&maxasize,&asize,&bsize);
+ function_called_only_curried_or_lazy_with_one_return=0;
+ if (!(rule_sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_STRICTLY_MASK) &&
+ && !rule_sdef->sdef_returnsnode && rule->rule_alts->alt_kind==Contractum && !(rule->rule_mark & RULE_CAF_MASK))
+ {
+ NodeP node_p;
+ node_p=rule->rule_alts->alt_rhs_root;
+ while (node_p->node_kind==PushNode || node_p->node_kind==SwitchNode){
+ if (node_p->node_kind==PushNode)
+ node_p=node_p->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node;
+ else
+ if (node_p->node_arguments->arg_next==NULL)
+ node_p=node_p->node_arguments->arg_node->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ if (node_p->node_kind==NormalNode){
+ if (node_p->node_symbol->symb_kind==tuple_symb ||
+ (node_p->node_symbol->symb_kind==definition && node_p->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE) ||
+ (unsigned)(node_p->node_symbol->symb_kind-int_denot) <= (unsigned)(real_denot-int_denot))
+ function_called_only_curried_or_lazy_with_one_return=1;
+ } else {
+ if (node_p->node_kind==SelectorNode || node_p->node_kind==UpdateNode)
+ function_called_only_curried_or_lazy_with_one_return=1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (rule_sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK)
+ ApplyEntry (rule->rule_state_p,rule_sdef->sdef_arity,&ea_lab,!(rule_sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK));
+ if (rule_sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK)
+ if (rule->rule_mark & RULE_UNBOXED_LAZY_CALL){
+ int args_a_size,args_b_size;
+ DetermineSizeOfArguments (rule->rule_lazy_call_node->node_arguments,&args_a_size,&args_b_size);
+ jmp_to_eval_args_entry = NodeEntryUnboxed (rule->rule_state_p,rule->rule_lazy_call_node,args_a_size,args_b_size,&ea_lab,rule_sdef);
+ } else
+ jmp_to_eval_args_entry = NodeEntry (rule->rule_state_p,rule_sdef->sdef_arity,&ea_lab,rule_sdef);
+ else
+ jmp_to_eval_args_entry = False;
+ init_a_stack_top = asize;
+ init_b_stack_top = bsize;
+ root_node_needed = ! (IsOnBStack (resultstate) ||
+ (IsSimpleState (resultstate) && resultstate.state_kind==StrictRedirection));
+ a_stack_size_of_strict_entry=root_node_needed ? init_a_stack_top+1 : init_a_stack_top;
+ CurrentAltLabel.lab_pref = s_pref;
+ CurrentAltLabel.lab_post = 0;
+ if (rule_sdef->sdef_exported){
+ Bool ext_label_needed;
+ LabDef extlab;
+ extlab = CurrentAltLabel;
+ extlab.lab_post = 0;
+ CurrentAltLabel.lab_mod = NULL;
+ if (rule_sdef->sdef_dcl_icl!=NULL){
+ switch (rule_sdef->sdef_dcl_icl->sdef_kind){
+ case DEFRULE:
+ case SYSRULE:
+ ext_label_needed = ConvertExternalToInternalCall (rule_sdef->sdef_arity,
+ rule_sdef->sdef_dcl_icl->sdef_rule_type->rule_type_state_p,rule->rule_state_p,
+ jmp_to_eval_args_entry,init_a_stack_top, init_b_stack_top, &ea_lab, &extlab, root_node_needed);
+ break;
+ case INSTANCE:
+ ext_label_needed=True;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ErrorInCompiler ("codegen.c","CodeRule","unknown kind of rewrite rule");
+ break;
+ }
+ } else
+ ext_label_needed=True;
+ EvalArgsEntry (rule->rule_state_p,rule_sdef,maxasize,&ea_lab,root_node_needed ? 1 : 0);
+ if (ext_label_needed){
+ GenOStackLayoutOfStates (a_stack_size_of_strict_entry,init_b_stack_top,rule_sdef->sdef_arity,rule->rule_state_p);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&extlab);
+ }
+ } else if (rule_sdef->sdef_mark & (SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK | SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK))
+ if (rule->rule_mark & RULE_UNBOXED_LAZY_CALL)
+ EvalArgsEntryUnboxed (rule,rule_sdef,asize,bsize,maxasize,&ea_lab,root_node_needed ? 1 : 0);
+ else
+ EvalArgsEntry (rule->rule_state_p,rule_sdef,maxasize,&ea_lab,root_node_needed ? 1 : 0);
+ if ((rule->rule_mark & RULE_CAF_MASK) && ! (rule->rule_alts->alt_rhs_root->node_kind==NormalNode &&
+ (unsigned)(rule->rule_alts->alt_rhs_root->node_symbol->symb_kind-int_denot) <= (unsigned)(real_denot-int_denot)))
+ {
+ LabDef caf_label,local_label;
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ GenOStackLayoutOfStates (a_stack_size_of_strict_entry,init_b_stack_top,rule_sdef->sdef_arity,rule->rule_state_p);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&CurrentAltLabel);
+ MakeSymbolLabel (&caf_label,NULL,caf_pref,rule_sdef,0);
+ MakeLabel (&local_label,m_symb,NewLabelNr++,no_pref);
+ DetermineSizeOfState (resultstate,&a_size,&b_size);
+ GenTestCaf (&caf_label);
+ GenJmpFalse (&local_label);
+ GenPushCaf (&caf_label,a_size,b_size);
+ if (root_node_needed){
+ GenFillFromA (0,1,NormalFill);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ }
+ GenRtn (a_size,b_size,resultstate);
+ GenCaf (&caf_label,a_size,b_size);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&local_label);
+ ++CurrentAltLabel.lab_post;
+ GenDStackLayoutOfStates (a_stack_size_of_strict_entry,init_b_stack_top,rule_sdef->sdef_arity,rule->rule_state_p);
+ GenJsr (&CurrentAltLabel);
+ GenOStackLayoutOfState (a_size,b_size,resultstate);
+ GenFillCaf (&caf_label,a_size,b_size);
+ GenRtn (a_size,b_size,resultstate);
+ }
+#if 0
+ if (rule_sdef->sdef_exported || rule_sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_STRICTLY_MASK || rule->rule_mark & RULE_CAF_MASK){
+ if (!function_called_only_curried_or_lazy_with_one_return){
+ GenOStackLayoutOfStates (a_stack_size_of_strict_entry,init_b_stack_top,rule_sdef->sdef_arity,rule->rule_state_p);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&CurrentAltLabel);
+ }
+#if 0
+ }
+ call_code_generator_again=0;
+ {
+ struct saved_node_id_ref_counts *saved_node_id_ref_counts_p;
+ struct saved_case_node_id_ref_counts *saved_case_node_id_ref_counts_p;
+ extern int does_tail_call_modulo_cons (NodeP node_p,NodeDefP node_defs);
+ if (OptimizeTailCallModuloCons && rule->rule_alts->alt_kind==Contractum){
+ tail_call_modulo_cons=does_tail_call_modulo_cons (rule->rule_alts->alt_rhs_root,rule->rule_alts->alt_rhs_defs);
+ if (tail_call_modulo_cons){
+ if (ListOptimizations)
+ printf ("Optimize tail call modulo cons of %s\n",rule_sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ call_code_generator_again=1;
+ }
+ } else
+ tail_call_modulo_cons=0;
+# endif
+ tail_call_modulo_tuple_cons=0;
+ if (rule->rule_alts->alt_kind==Contractum){
+ int has_tuple_tail_call;
+ global_same_select_vector=(unsigned long)-1l;
+ has_tuple_tail_call=0;
+ if (roots_are_tuples_or_calls_to_this_function_and_compute_same_select_vector (rule->rule_alts->alt_rhs_root,rule->rule_alts->alt_rhs_defs,rule_sdef,&global_same_select_vector,&has_tuple_tail_call) &&
+ has_tuple_tail_call!=0)
+ {
+ /* printf ("%x\n",global_same_select_vector); */
+ tail_call_modulo_tuple_cons=1;
+ }
+ }
+# endif
+ if (rule->rule_mark & RULE_CALL_VIA_LAZY_SELECTIONS_ONLY)
+ call_code_generator_again=1;
+# endif
+ if (call_code_generator_again){
+ struct saved_case_node_id_ref_counts **saved_case_node_id_ref_counts_h;
+ saved_node_id_ref_counts_p=save_lhs_node_id_ref_counts (rule->rule_alts->alt_lhs_root,NULL);
+ saved_case_node_id_ref_counts_h=&saved_case_node_id_ref_counts_p;
+ saved_case_node_id_ref_counts_p=NULL;
+ saved_node_id_ref_counts_p=save_rhs_node_id_ref_counts (rule->rule_alts->alt_rhs_root,rule->rule_alts->alt_rhs_defs,
+ saved_node_id_ref_counts_p,&saved_case_node_id_ref_counts_h);
+ }
+ rule_may_fail=CodeRuleAlt (rule->rule_alts,init_a_stack_top,init_b_stack_top,CurrentAltLabel.lab_post,resultstate);
+ if (function_called_only_curried_or_lazy_with_one_return){
+ StateS *function_state_p;
+ function_state_p=rule->rule_state_p;
+ if (IsSimpleState (function_state_p[-1])){
+ if (function_state_p[-1].state_kind==OnB){
+ if (rule_sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK)
+ FillBasicFromB (function_state_p[-1].state_object, 0, 0, ReleaseAndFill);
+ else
+ BuildBasicFromB (function_state_p[-1].state_object,0);
+ GenPopB (ObjectSizes [function_state_p[-1].state_object]);
+ GenRtn (1,0,OnAState);
+ }
+ } else {
+ int asize, bsize;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (function_state_p[-1], &asize, &bsize);
+ if (rule_sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK){
+ switch (function_state_p[-1].state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ BuildTuple (asize,bsize,asize,bsize,function_state_p[-1].state_arity,
+ function_state_p[-1].state_tuple_arguments,asize, bsize, 0, ReleaseAndFill,False);
+ break;
+ case RecordState:
+ BuildRecord (function_state_p[-1].state_record_symbol,asize, bsize, asize, bsize,
+ asize, bsize, 0, ReleaseAndFill, False);
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ GenFillArray (0, 1, ReleaseAndFill);
+ break;
+ }
+ GenPopA (asize);
+ } else {
+ switch (function_state_p[-1].state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ BuildTuple (asize, bsize, asize, bsize, function_state_p[-1].state_arity,
+ function_state_p[-1].state_tuple_arguments,asize,bsize, asize,NormalFill,True);
+ break;
+ case RecordState:
+ BuildRecord (function_state_p[-1].state_record_symbol,asize, bsize, asize, bsize,
+ asize, bsize, asize, NormalFill,True);
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ GenBuildArray (0);
+ break;
+ }
+ GenUpdatePopA (0, asize);
+ GenUpdateA (0, asize);
+ GenPopA (asize);
+ }
+ GenPopB (bsize);
+ GenRtn (1,0,OnAState);
+ }
+ function_called_only_curried_or_lazy_with_one_return=0;
+ }
+ if (rule_may_fail){
+ ++CurrentAltLabel.lab_post;
+ CurrentLine=rule->rule_alts->alt_line;
+ StaticMessage (FunctionMayFailIsError, "%S", "function may fail", CurrentSymbol);
+ MatchError (asize,bsize,rule_sdef,root_node_needed,0);
+ }
+ if (call_code_generator_again)
+ restore_node_id_ref_counts (saved_node_id_ref_counts_p,saved_case_node_id_ref_counts_p);
+ }
+ if (tail_call_modulo_cons)
+ tail_call_modulo_cons=2;
+ if (tail_call_modulo_tuple_cons)
+ tail_call_modulo_tuple_cons=2;
+ if (
+ tail_call_modulo_cons ||
+# endif
+ (rule->rule_mark & RULE_CALL_VIA_LAZY_SELECTIONS_ONLY)){
+# if 0
+ PrintImpRule (rule,4,StdOut);
+# endif
+ call_code_generator_again=0;
+ CurrentAltLabel.lab_post=2;
+ if (rule->rule_mark & RULE_CALL_VIA_LAZY_SELECTIONS_ONLY){
+ int tuple_result_arity;
+ StateS result_state_struct[1];
+ LabDef reduce_error_label;
+ tuple_result_arity=rule->rule_type->type_alt_rhs->type_node_arity;
+ if (tail_call_modulo_tuple_cons){
+ int i,n;
+ n=tuple_result_arity;
+ for (i=0; i<n; ++i)
+ if (global_same_select_vector & (1<<i))
+ --tuple_result_arity;
+ }
+ GenFunctionDescriptorForLazyTupleRecursion (rule_sdef,tuple_result_arity);
+ result_state_struct[0]=OnAState;
+ {
+ LabDef d_lab,n_lab;
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ ConvertSymbolToDandNLabel (&d_lab,&n_lab,rule_sdef);
+ d_lab.lab_post = n_lab.lab_post = 3;
+ if (rule->rule_mark & RULE_UNBOXED_LAZY_CALL){
+ DetermineSizeOfArguments (rule->rule_lazy_call_node->node_arguments,&a_size,&b_size);
+ } else {
+ a_size=rule_sdef->sdef_arity;
+ b_size=0;
+ }
+ b_size+=a_size;
+ a_size=tuple_result_arity;
+ if (b_size!=0)
+ GenNodeEntryDirectiveUnboxed (a_size,b_size,&d_lab,NULL);
+ else
+ GenNodeEntryDirective (a_size,&d_lab,NULL);
+ GenOAStackLayout (0);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&n_lab);
+ GenDAStackLayout (0);
+ GenJmp (ReduceError);
+ reduce_error_label=n_lab;
+ /*
+ reduce_error_label = CurrentAltLabel;
+ reduce_error_label.lab_pref="n";
+ reduce_error_label.lab_post=3;
+ */
+ ReduceError = &reduce_error_label;
+ }
+ ReduceError = &empty_lab;
+ ea_lab.lab_post=2;
+ if (rule->rule_mark & RULE_UNBOXED_LAZY_CALL){
+ int args_a_size,args_b_size;
+ DetermineSizeOfArguments (rule->rule_lazy_call_node->node_arguments,&args_a_size,&args_b_size);
+ NodeEntryUnboxed (&result_state_struct[1],rule->rule_lazy_call_node,args_a_size + tuple_result_arity,args_b_size,&ea_lab,rule_sdef);
+ } else
+ NodeEntry (&result_state_struct[1],rule_sdef->sdef_arity + tuple_result_arity,&ea_lab,rule_sdef);
+ if (DoParallel)
+ ReduceError = &reserve_lab;
+ else
+ ReduceError = &cycle_lab;
+ if (rule_sdef->sdef_arity!=0){
+ int n;
+ for (n=tuple_result_arity; n!=0; --n)
+ GenPushA (tuple_result_arity-1);
+ for (n=0; n<rule_sdef->sdef_arity; ++n)
+ GenUpdateA (n+tuple_result_arity+tuple_result_arity,n+tuple_result_arity);
+ for (n=0; n<tuple_result_arity; ++n)
+ GenUpdateA (n,n+tuple_result_arity+rule_sdef->sdef_arity);
+ GenPopA (tuple_result_arity);
+ }
+ CurrentAltLabel.lab_pref = s_pref;
+ if (rule->rule_mark & RULE_UNBOXED_LAZY_CALL)
+ EvalArgsEntryUnboxed (rule,rule_sdef,asize,bsize,maxasize,&ea_lab,tuple_result_arity);
+ else
+ EvalArgsEntry (rule->rule_state_p,rule_sdef,maxasize,&ea_lab,tuple_result_arity);
+ GenOStackLayoutOfStates (a_stack_size_of_strict_entry + tuple_result_arity,init_b_stack_top,rule_sdef->sdef_arity,rule->rule_state_p);
+ init_a_stack_top += tuple_result_arity;
+ lazy_tuple_recursion=1;
+ } else
+ GenOStackLayoutOfStates (a_stack_size_of_strict_entry,init_b_stack_top,rule_sdef->sdef_arity,rule->rule_state_p);
+ CurrentAltLabel.lab_pref = s_pref;
+ GenLabelDefinition (&CurrentAltLabel);
+ if (CodeRuleAlt (rule->rule_alts,init_a_stack_top,init_b_stack_top,CurrentAltLabel.lab_post,resultstate)){
+ ++CurrentAltLabel.lab_post;
+ CurrentLine=rule->rule_alts->alt_line;
+ MatchError (asize,bsize,rule_sdef,root_node_needed,1);
+ }
+ lazy_tuple_recursion=0;
+ }
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPE();
+void CodeGeneration (ImpMod imod, char *fname)
+ if (! CompilerError){
+ int DoStrictnessAnalysis_and_init_ok;
+ CurrentPhase = NULL;
+#if 0
+ PrintRules (imod->im_rules);
+ DetermineSharedAndAnnotatedNodes (imod->im_rules,&imod->im_symbols);
+ ExitOnInterrupt();
+ GenerateStatesForRecords (imod->im_symbols);
+ {
+ ImpRuleP rule_p;
+ for_l (rule_p,imod->im_rules,rule_next)
+ transform_patterns_to_case_and_guard_nodes (rule_p->rule_alts);
+ }
+#if 0
+ PrintRules (imod->im_rules);
+ DoStrictnessAnalysis_and_init_ok = DoStrictnessAnalysis && init_strictness_analysis (imod);
+ if (DoStrictnessAnalysis_and_init_ok){
+ do_strictness_analysis();
+ ExitOnInterrupt();
+ }
+ ExamineTypesAndLhsOfSymbols (imod->im_symbols);
+ {
+ ImpRuleP rule_p;
+ for_l (rule_p,imod->im_rules,rule_next)
+ determine_failing_cases_and_adjust_ref_counts_of_rule (rule_p->rule_alts);
+ }
+ optimise_strict_tuple_result_functions=DoStrictnessAnalysis;
+ generate_states (imod->im_rules,True);
+ if (DoStrictnessAnalysis_and_init_ok){
+ ExitOnInterrupt();
+ finish_strictness_analysis();
+ }
+ ExitOnInterrupt();
+ ListTypes (imod);
+ ExitOnInterrupt();
+#if 0
+ PrintRules (imod->im_rules);
+ optimise_strict_tuple_result_functions=0;
+ OptimiseRules (imod->im_rules,imod->im_start);
+ ExitOnInterrupt();
+#if 0
+ PrintRules (imod->im_rules);
+ if (DoCode){
+ ImpRuleS *rule;
+ Verbose ("Code generation");
+ if (!OpenABCFile (fname)){
+ StaticMessage (True, "<open file>","Can't create abc file (disk full?)");
+ return;
+ }
+ InitFileInfo (imod);
+ if (DoParallel)
+ ReduceError = &reserve_lab;
+ else
+ ReduceError = &cycle_lab; /* in sequential case we have no reservation mechanism */
+ GenDependencyList();
+ {
+ struct string_list *sl;
+ for_l (sl,imod->im_imported_objs,sl_next)
+ GenImpObj (sl->sl_string);
+ for_l (sl,imod->im_imported_libs,sl_next)
+ GenImpLib (sl->sl_string);
+ }
+ if (WriteModificationTimes){
+ GenModuleDescriptor (imod->im_modification_time);
+ GenEndInfo();
+ } else {
+ GenEndInfo();
+ GenModuleDescriptor (imod->im_modification_time);
+ }
+ GenEndInfo();
+ GenModuleDescriptor();
+ GenSystemImports();
+ FileComment();
+ ExitOnInterrupt();
+ ReadInlineCode ();
+ CreateStackFrames();
+ ImportSymbols (imod->im_symbols);
+ GenerateCodeForConstructorsAndRecords (imod->im_symbols);
+ if (imod->im_start)
+ GenStart (imod->im_start);
+ ExitOnInterrupt ();
+ create_result_state_database (imod->im_rules);
+ update_function_p=&first_update_function;
+ for_l (rule,imod->im_rules,rule_next)
+ if (rule->rule_root->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_over_arity==0){
+ CodeRule (rule);
+ *update_function_p=NULL;
+ if (first_update_function){
+ while (first_update_function){
+ transform_patterns_to_case_and_guard_nodes (first_update_function->rule_alts);
+ determine_failing_cases_and_adjust_ref_counts_of_rule (first_update_function->rule_alts);
+ CodeRule (first_update_function);
+ first_update_function=first_update_function->rule_next;
+ }
+ update_function_p=&first_update_function;
+ }
+ ExitOnInterrupt ();
+ }
+ GenerateCodeForLazyTupleSelectorEntries (LazyTupleSelectors);
+ GenerateCodeForLazyArrayFunctionEntries();
+ WriteLastNewlineToABCFile();
+ CloseABCFile (fname);
+#ifdef _COMPSTATS_
+ PrintCompStats();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7719a4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+void CodeGeneration (ImpMod imod, char *fname);
+void EvalArgsEntry (StateS *const function_state_p,SymbDef rule_sdef,int maxasize,Label ea_lab,int n_result_nodes_on_a_stack);
+void EvaluateAndMoveStateArguments (int state_arity,States states,int oldasp,int maxassize);
+void EvaluateAndMoveArguments (int arity,StateP argstates,int *locasp_p,int *aselmts_p);
+extern int function_called_only_curried_or_lazy_with_one_return; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen1.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen1.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..869c679
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen1.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3738 @@
+ File: codegen1.c
+ Authors:Sjaak Smetsers & John van Groningen
+#pragma segment codegen1
+#define SHARE_UPDATE_CODE 0 /* also in codegen.c */
+#define FREE_STRICT_LHS_TUPLE_ELEMENTS 1 /* also in codegen2.c */
+#include "system.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "sizes.h"
+#include "checker.h"
+#include "codegen_types.h"
+#include "codegen1.h"
+#include "sa.h"
+#include "statesgen.h"
+#include "transform.h"
+#include "codegen.h"
+#include "codegen2.h"
+#include "codegen3.h"
+#include "instructions.h"
+#include "scanner.h"
+#include "buildtree.h"
+#include "pattern_match.h"
+# include "result_state_database.h"
+extern int VERSION;
+#define for_l(v,l,n) for(v=(l);v!=NULL;v=v->n)
+#define RECORD_N_PREFIX c_pref
+#define RECORD_D_PREFIX t_pref
+#define CONSTRUCTOR_R_PREFIX k_pref
+static char c_pref[] = "c";
+static char t_pref[] = "t";
+static char k_pref[] = "k";
+static char r_pref[] = "r";
+char no_pref[] = "";
+char d_pref[] = "d";
+char n_pref[] = "n";
+char ea_pref[] = "ea";
+char l_pref[] = "l";
+char s_pref[] = "s";
+char caf_pref[] = "c";
+char glob_sel[] = "_S";
+char m_symb[] = "m";
+char glob_selr[]= "_Sr";
+char channel_code[] = "_channel_code";
+char hnf_reducer_code[] = "_hnf_reducer";
+char ext_hnf_reducer_code[] = "_HnfReducer";
+char ext_nf_reducer_code[] = "_NfReducer";
+char nf_reducer_code[] = "_nf_reducer";
+static char loc_sel[] = "t";
+ Each label is represented by 4 items, namely, a module name,a prefix (which is a string), the actual name and a postfix
+ (which is a number). Only the third item is always present; all the others are optional (their absence is indicated by resp.
+ 'NULL', 'no_pref' and 'no_num').
+LabDef cycle_lab = {NULL, "", False, "_cycle_in_spine", 0};
+LabDef reserve_lab = {NULL, "", False, "_reserve", 0};
+LabDef type_error_lab = {NULL, "", False, "_type_error", 0};
+LabDef indirection_lab = {NULL, "", False, "_indirection", 0};
+LabDef ind_lab = {NULL, "", False, "_ind", 0};
+LabDef hnf_lab = {NULL, "", False, "_hnf", 0};
+LabDef cons_lab = {NULL, "", False, "_Cons", 0};
+LabDef nil_lab = {NULL, "", False, "_Nil", 0};
+LabDef tuple_lab = {NULL, "", False, "_Tuple", 0};
+LabDef empty_lab = {NULL, "", False, "_", 0};
+LabDef add_arg_lab = {NULL, "", False, "_add_arg", 0};
+LabDef match_error_lab = {NULL, "", False, "_match_error", 0};
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+LabDef select_with_dictionary_lab = {NULL, "", False, "_select_with_dictionary", 0};
+LabDef update_with_dictionary_lab = {NULL, "", False, "_update_with_dictionary", 0};
+LabDef CurrentAltLabel; /* Containing the name of the next rule alternative */
+Label ReduceError;
+static void error_in_function (char *m)
+ ErrorInCompiler ("codegen1.c",m,"");
+void MakeLabel (Label lab, char *name, unsigned num, char *pref)
+ lab->lab_issymbol = False;
+ lab->lab_name = name;
+ lab->lab_post = num;
+ lab->lab_pref = pref;
+void MakeSymbolLabel (Label lab, char *mod, char *pref,SymbDef sdef, unsigned num)
+ lab->lab_mod = mod;
+ lab->lab_pref = pref;
+ lab->lab_issymbol = True;
+ lab->lab_symbol = sdef;
+ lab->lab_post = num;
+void ConvertSymbolToLabel (LabDef *slab,SymbDef sdef)
+ char *modname;
+ if (sdef->sdef_module==CurrentModule){
+ if (sdef->sdef_exported)
+ modname = CurrentModule;
+ else
+ modname = NULL;
+ } else
+ modname = sdef->sdef_module;
+ MakeSymbolLabel (slab,modname,no_pref,sdef, 0);
+void ConvertSymbolToDLabel (LabDef *slab,SymbDef sdef)
+ char *modname;
+ if (sdef->sdef_module==CurrentModule){
+ if (sdef->sdef_exported)
+ modname = CurrentModule;
+ else
+ modname = NULL;
+ } else
+ modname = sdef->sdef_module;
+ MakeSymbolLabel (slab,modname,d_pref,sdef,0);
+void ConvertSymbolToConstructorDLabel (LabDef *slab,SymbDef sdef)
+ char *modname;
+ if (!sdef->sdef_exported && sdef->sdef_module==CurrentModule && !ExportLocalLabels)
+ modname = NULL;
+ else
+ modname = sdef->sdef_module;
+ MakeSymbolLabel (slab,modname,d_pref,sdef,0);
+void ConvertSymbolToDandNLabel (LabDef *d_lab,LabDef *n_lab,SymbDef sdef)
+ char *modname;
+ if (sdef->sdef_module==CurrentModule){
+ if (sdef->sdef_exported)
+ modname = CurrentModule;
+ else
+ modname = NULL;
+ } else
+ modname = sdef->sdef_module;
+ MakeSymbolLabel (d_lab,modname,d_pref,sdef,0);
+ *n_lab = *d_lab;
+ n_lab->lab_pref = n_pref;
+void ConvertSymbolToConstructorDandNLabel (LabDef *d_lab,LabDef *n_lab,SymbDef sdef)
+ char *modname;
+ if (!sdef->sdef_exported && sdef->sdef_module==CurrentModule && !(ExportLocalLabels && (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK)!=0))
+ modname = NULL;
+ else
+ modname = sdef->sdef_module;
+ MakeSymbolLabel (d_lab,modname,d_pref,sdef,0);
+ *n_lab = *d_lab;
+ n_lab->lab_pref = n_pref;
+ if (modname==NULL && ExportLocalLabels)
+ n_lab->lab_mod = CurrentModule;
+void ConvertSymbolToRecordDandNLabel (LabDef *d_lab,LabDef *n_lab,SymbDef sdef)
+ char *modname;
+ if (!sdef->sdef_exported && sdef->sdef_module==CurrentModule)
+ modname = NULL;
+ else
+ modname = sdef->sdef_module;
+ MakeSymbolLabel (d_lab,modname,RECORD_D_PREFIX,sdef,0);
+ *n_lab = *d_lab;
+ n_lab->lab_pref = RECORD_N_PREFIX;
+ if (modname==NULL && ExportLocalLabels)
+ n_lab->lab_mod = CurrentModule;
+void ConvertSymbolToKLabel (LabDef *slab,SymbDef sdef)
+ char *modname;
+ if (!sdef->sdef_exported && sdef->sdef_module==CurrentModule && !ExportLocalLabels)
+ modname = NULL;
+ else
+ modname = sdef->sdef_module;
+ MakeSymbolLabel (slab,modname,CONSTRUCTOR_R_PREFIX,sdef,0);
+void ConvertSymbolToRLabel (LabDef *slab,SymbDef sdef)
+ char *modname;
+ if (!sdef->sdef_exported && sdef->sdef_module==CurrentModule && !ExportLocalLabels)
+ modname = NULL;
+ else
+ modname = sdef->sdef_module;
+ MakeSymbolLabel (slab,modname,r_pref,sdef,0);
+void BuildLazyTupleSelectorLabel (Label slab, int arity, int argnr)
+ if (argnr > NrOfGlobalSelectors){
+ LazyTupleSelectors [argnr - NrOfGlobalSelectors- 1] = True;
+ MakeLabel (slab,loc_sel,argnr,n_pref);
+ } else
+ MakeLabel (slab,glob_sel,argnr,n_pref);
+void BuildLazyTupleSelectorAndRemoveLabel (Label slab,int arity,int argnr)
+ if (argnr > NrOfGlobalSelectors){
+ error_in_function ("BuildLazyTupleSelectorAndRemoveLabel");
+ } else
+ MakeLabel (slab,glob_selr,argnr,n_pref);
+void FileComment (void)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n||\tConcurrent Clean Code Generator (Version %d.%d)",VERSION / 1000, VERSION % 1000);
+void PrintNodeId (NodeId nid)
+ if (nid && nid->nid_ident && nid->nid_ident->ident_name)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s", nid->nid_ident->ident_name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "_");
+void PrintComment (void)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\t\t\t||\t");
+void LhsComment (unsigned int altnr, int asp, int bsp)
+ if (DoDebug){
+ PrintComment ();
+#if 1
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"Match code, stacksizes A: %d B: %d",asp,bsp);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"Match code for alternative %d, stacksizes A: %d B: %d",altnr, asp, bsp);
+ }
+void StrictIdComment (NodeId id)
+ if (DoDebug){
+ PrintComment ();
+ PrintNodeId (id);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, ": strict annotated");
+ }
+void NodeDefComment (NodeDefs nd, char *msg)
+ if (DoDebug){
+ PrintComment ();
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "Node definition ");
+ PrintNodeId (nd->def_id);
+ if (nd->def_node && (nd->def_node->node_kind==NormalNode || nd->def_node->node_kind==SelectorNode)){
+ FPrintF (OutFile, ": ");
+ PrintSymbol (nd->def_node->node_symbol, OutFile);
+ }
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " (%s)", msg);
+ }
+void ContractumComment (int asp, int bsp)
+ if (DoDebug){
+ PrintComment ();
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"Building the contractum, Stacksizes A: %d B: %d",asp, bsp);
+ }
+void RedirectionComment (NodeId nid)
+ if (DoDebug){
+ PrintComment();
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "Redirecting the root to: ");
+ PrintNodeId (nid);
+ }
+void ArgComment (Args arg)
+ if (DoDebug){
+ Node arg_node;
+ arg_node=arg->arg_node;
+ PrintComment();
+ if (arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ PrintNodeId (arg_node->node_node_id);
+ if (arg_node->node_node_id->nid_node){
+ Node node;
+ node=arg_node->node_node_id->nid_node;
+ if (node->node_kind==NormalNode || node->node_kind==SelectorNode){
+ FPrintF (OutFile, ": ");
+ PrintSymbol (node->node_symbol, OutFile);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (arg_node->node_kind==NormalNode || arg_node->node_kind==SelectorNode)
+ PrintSymbol (arg->arg_node->node_symbol, OutFile);
+ }
+void NodeIdComment (NodeId node_id)
+ if (DoDebug){
+ PrintComment();
+ PrintNodeId (node_id);
+ if (node_id->nid_node){
+ Node node;
+ node=node_id->nid_node;
+ if (node->node_kind==NormalNode || node->node_kind==SelectorNode){
+ FPrintF (OutFile, ": ");
+ PrintSymbol (node->node_symbol, OutFile);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void TypeArgComment (TypeArgs arg)
+ if (DoDebug){
+ if (arg->type_arg_node->type_node_is_var){
+ if (arg->type_arg_node->type_node_tv){
+ TypeVar type_var;
+ PrintComment();
+ type_var=arg->type_arg_node->type_node_tv;
+ if (type_var && type_var->tv_ident && type_var->tv_ident->ident_name)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s", type_var->tv_ident->ident_name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "_");
+ }
+ } else {
+ PrintComment();
+ PrintSymbol (arg->type_arg_node->type_node_symbol,OutFile);
+ }
+ }
+void ParComment (Args arg)
+ if (DoDebug){
+ PrintComment ();
+/* if (arg->arg_id)
+ PrintNodeId (arg->arg_id);
+ else
+ PrintSymbol (arg->arg_pattern->node_symbol,OutFile);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, ": parallel subgraph");
+ }
+void DetermineSizeOfStates (int arity, States states, int *asize, int *bsize)
+ *asize=0;
+ *bsize=0;
+ for (; arity; arity--)
+ AddSizeOfState (states [arity-1], asize, bsize);
+static void AddSizeOfStates (int arity, States states, int *asize, int *bsize)
+ for (; arity; arity--)
+ AddSizeOfState (states [arity-1], asize, bsize);
+void DetermineSizeOfState (StateS state, int *asize, int *bsize)
+ *asize=0;
+ *bsize=0;
+ AddSizeOfState (state,asize,bsize);
+void AddSizeOfState (StateS state, int *asize, int *bsize)
+ if (IsSimpleState (state)){
+ if (state.state_kind == OnB)
+ *bsize += ObjectSizes [state.state_object];
+ else if (state.state_kind != Undefined)
+ *asize += SizeOfAStackElem;
+ } else {
+ switch (state.state_type){
+ case RecordState:
+ AddSizeOfStates (state.state_arity, state.state_record_arguments, asize, bsize);
+ break;
+ case TupleState:
+ AddSizeOfStates (state.state_arity, state.state_tuple_arguments, asize, bsize);
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ *asize += SizeOfAStackElem;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void AddStateSizesAndMaxFrameSizes (int arity,States states,int *maxasize,int *asize,int *bsize)
+ for (arity--; arity>=0; arity--)
+ AddStateSizeAndMaxFrameSize (states [arity], maxasize, asize, bsize);
+void AddStateSizeAndMaxFrameSize (StateS state,int *maxasize,int *asize,int *bsize)
+ if (IsSimpleState (state)){
+ if (state.state_kind == OnB)
+ (*bsize) += ObjectSizes [state.state_object];
+ else if (state.state_kind != Undefined){
+ (*asize) += SizeOfAStackElem;
+ (*maxasize) += SizeOfAStackElem;
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch (state.state_type){
+ case RecordState:
+ AddStateSizesAndMaxFrameSizes (state.state_arity,state.state_record_arguments,maxasize,asize,bsize);
+ break;
+ case TupleState:
+ (*maxasize) += state.state_arity;
+ AddStateSizesAndMaxFrameSizes (state.state_arity,state.state_tuple_arguments,maxasize,asize,bsize);
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ (*asize) += SizeOfAStackElem;
+ (*maxasize) += SizeOfAStackElem;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void AddStateSizesAndMaxFrameSizesOfArguments (Args args,int *maxasize,int *asize,int *bsize)
+ for (; args!=NULL; args=args->arg_next)
+ AddStateSizeAndMaxFrameSize (args->arg_state,maxasize,asize,bsize);
+/* The layout of the A and B stack frames are computed compile time. */
+static int *OfferedAFrame, *DefAFrame, *OfferedBFrame, *DefBFrame,
+ *InitOfferedAFrame, *InitDemandedAFrame, *InitDefAFrame,
+ *InitOfferedBFrame, *InitDemandedBFrame, *InitDefBFrame;
+int *DemandedAFrame,*DemandedBFrame,CurrentAFrameSize,CurrentBFrameSize;
+ CreateStackFrames, InitStackConversions, PutInBFrames and PutInAFrames
+ are routines which manipulate the stack frame administration. The latter
+ is used for a rather efficient way of converting one frame to another.
+ At the end of this part the main routine called 'GenStackConversions'
+ is given which generates ABC code for the requested conversion.
+#define AFRAMESIZE 1000
+#define BFRAMESIZE 2000
+void CreateStackFrames (void)
+ CurrentAFrameSize = 0;
+ CurrentBFrameSize = 0;
+ OfferedAFrame = InitOfferedAFrame = (int*)CompAlloc ((SizeT) (AFRAMESIZE * SizeOf (int)));
+ DemandedAFrame = InitDemandedAFrame = (int*)CompAlloc ((SizeT) (AFRAMESIZE * SizeOf (int)));
+ DefAFrame = InitDefAFrame = (int*)CompAlloc ((SizeT) (AFRAMESIZE * SizeOf (int)));
+ OfferedBFrame = InitOfferedBFrame = (int*)CompAlloc ((SizeT) (BFRAMESIZE * SizeOf (int)));
+ DemandedBFrame = InitDemandedBFrame = (int*)CompAlloc ((SizeT) (BFRAMESIZE * SizeOf (int)));
+ DefBFrame = InitDefBFrame = (int*)CompAlloc ((SizeT) (BFRAMESIZE * SizeOf (int)));
+int *AllocTempDemandedAFrame (int size)
+ if (OfferedAFrame + size > InitOfferedAFrame + AFRAMESIZE)
+ FatalCompError ("codegen", "ReserveAFrameSpace", "stack frame too big");
+ return DemandedAFrame + CurrentAFrameSize;
+int *AllocTempDemandedBFrame (int size)
+ if (OfferedBFrame + size > InitOfferedBFrame + AFRAMESIZE)
+ FatalCompError ("codegen", "ReserveBFrameSpace", "stack frame too big");
+ return DemandedBFrame + CurrentBFrameSize;
+static void ReserveAFrameSpace (int size, int *oldsize)
+ if (OfferedAFrame + size > InitOfferedAFrame + AFRAMESIZE)
+ FatalCompError ("codegen", "ReserveAFrameSpace","stack frame too big");
+ DemandedAFrame += CurrentAFrameSize;
+ OfferedAFrame += CurrentAFrameSize;
+ DefAFrame += CurrentAFrameSize;
+ *oldsize = CurrentAFrameSize;
+ CurrentAFrameSize = size;
+void FreeAFrameSpace (int previoussize)
+ CurrentAFrameSize = previoussize;
+ DemandedAFrame -= previoussize;
+ OfferedAFrame -= previoussize;
+ DefAFrame -= previoussize;
+void ReserveBFrameSpace (int size, int *oldsize)
+ if ( OfferedBFrame + size > InitOfferedBFrame + BFRAMESIZE)
+ FatalCompError ("codegen","ReserveBFrameSpace","stack frame too big");
+ DemandedBFrame += CurrentBFrameSize;
+ OfferedBFrame += CurrentBFrameSize;
+ DefBFrame += CurrentBFrameSize;
+ *oldsize = CurrentBFrameSize;
+ CurrentBFrameSize = size;
+void FreeBFrameSpace (int previoussize)
+ CurrentBFrameSize = previoussize;
+ DemandedBFrame -= previoussize;
+ OfferedBFrame -= previoussize;
+ DefBFrame -= previoussize;
+void InitStackFrame (int offframe[],int defframe [],int max)
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i<max; i++){
+ offframe [i] = max;
+ defframe [i] = i;
+ }
+void InitStackConversions (int maxa,int maxb,int *oldamax_p,int *oldbmax_p)
+ ReserveAFrameSpace (maxa,oldamax_p);
+ ReserveBFrameSpace (maxb,oldbmax_p);
+ DemandedAFrame [0] = 0;
+ InitStackFrame (OfferedAFrame, DefAFrame, CurrentAFrameSize);
+ InitStackFrame (OfferedBFrame, DefBFrame, CurrentBFrameSize);
+void InitAStackConversions (int maxa,int *oldamax_p)
+ ReserveAFrameSpace (maxa,oldamax_p);
+ InitStackFrame (OfferedAFrame, DefAFrame, CurrentAFrameSize);
+void ExitStackConversions (int oldamax, int oldbmax)
+ FreeAFrameSpace (oldamax);
+ FreeBFrameSpace (oldbmax);
+#ifdef _FRAMECHECK_
+ static void UpdateAFrame (int frame[], int offset, int index)
+ {
+ if (offset >= CurrentAFrameSize || offset < 0 || index >= CurrentAFrameSize || index < 0)
+ ErrorInCompiler ("codegen1.c", "UpdateAFrame","index out of range");
+ else
+ frame [offset] = index;
+ }
+ static void UpdateBFrame (int frame[], int offset, int index)
+ {
+ if (offset >= CurrentBFrameSize || offset < 0 || index >= CurrentBFrameSize || index < 0)
+ ErrorInCompiler ("codegen1.c", "UpdateBFrame","index out of range");
+ else
+ frame [offset] = index;
+ }
+#define UpdateAFrame(frame,offset,index) ((frame)[offset] = (index))
+#define UpdateBFrame(frame,offset,index) ((frame)[offset] = (index))
+void PutInBFrames (int bsp, int *b_ind, int size)
+ int j;
+ *b_ind += size;
+ for (j=0; j<size; j++){
+ UpdateBFrame (OfferedBFrame, bsp-j, bsp-j);
+ UpdateBFrame (DemandedBFrame, (*b_ind)-j, bsp-j);
+ }
+void PutInAFrames (int asp, int *a_ind)
+ ++ *a_ind;
+ UpdateAFrame (OfferedAFrame,asp,asp);
+ UpdateAFrame (DemandedAFrame,*a_ind,asp);
+#ifdef _FRAMECHECK_
+ static void UpdateFrame (int frame[],int offset,int index, int offframe[])
+ {
+ if (offframe == OfferedAFrame)
+ UpdateAFrame (frame,offset,index);
+ else
+ UpdateBFrame (frame,offset,index);
+ }
+# define UpdateFrame(frame,offset,index,offframe) ((frame)[offset] = (index))
+static void CopyEntry (int offset, int *sp, int offframe [])
+ if (offframe == OfferedAFrame)
+ GenPushA (*sp-offset);
+ else
+ GenPushB (*sp-offset);
+ (*sp)++;
+ UpdateFrame (offframe, *sp, offframe[offset], offframe);
+static void UpdateEntry (int srcoffset, int dstoffset, int sp, int offframe [])
+ if (offframe == OfferedAFrame)
+ GenUpdateA (sp-srcoffset, sp-dstoffset);
+ else
+ GenUpdateB (sp-srcoffset, sp-dstoffset);
+ UpdateFrame (offframe, dstoffset, offframe [srcoffset], offframe);
+static void FillHole (int sp,int offframe[],int demframe [],int defframe [],int offsize,int demsize)
+ do {
+ if (sp > demsize)
+ return;
+ else {
+ int newdef;
+ newdef = defframe [demframe[sp]];
+ UpdateEntry (newdef, sp, offsize, offframe);
+ UpdateFrame (defframe, demframe[sp], sp, offframe);
+ sp = newdef;
+ }
+ } while (offframe[sp] != demframe[sp]);
+static void GenStackConversions (int *sp,int demsize,int offframe[],int demframe[],int defframe[],int hole)
+ int mysp;
+ Bool topused;
+ topused = False;
+ for (mysp = 1; mysp <= *sp; mysp++){
+ if (offframe [mysp] == hole) /* Indicating a hole */
+ FillHole (mysp, offframe, demframe, defframe,*sp, demsize);
+ }
+ for (;mysp <= demsize; mysp++){
+ int olddef;
+ olddef = defframe [demframe [mysp]];
+ CopyEntry (olddef, sp, offframe);
+ if (offframe [olddef] != demframe [olddef]){
+ UpdateFrame (defframe, demframe [mysp], mysp, offframe);
+ FillHole (olddef, offframe, demframe, defframe, *sp, demsize);
+ }
+ }
+ for (mysp = 1; mysp <= demsize; mysp++){
+ if (offframe [mysp] != demframe [mysp]){
+ if (topused)
+ UpdateEntry (mysp, *sp, *sp, offframe);
+ else {
+ topused = True;
+ CopyEntry (mysp, sp, offframe);
+ }
+ UpdateFrame (defframe, offframe [mysp], *sp, offframe);
+ FillHole (mysp, offframe, demframe, defframe, *sp, demsize);
+ }
+ }
+void GenAStackConversions (int sp,int demsize)
+ GenStackConversions (&sp,demsize,OfferedAFrame,DemandedAFrame,DefAFrame,CurrentAFrameSize);
+ GenPopA (sp-demsize);
+void GenBStackConversions (int sp,int demsize)
+ GenStackConversions (&sp,demsize,OfferedBFrame,DemandedBFrame,DefBFrame,CurrentBFrameSize);
+ GenPopB (sp-demsize);
+/* End of the stack frame conversion routines */
+static void JmpEvalArgsEntry (int args_asp,Label ea_lab)
+ GenDAStackLayout (args_asp);
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPN();
+ GenJmp (ea_lab);
+static void CallEvalArgsEntry (int args_a_size,StateP function_state_p,int result_asize,int result_bsize,Label ea_lab)
+ GenDAStackLayout (args_a_size);
+ GenJsr (ea_lab);
+ GenOStackLayoutOfState (result_asize,result_bsize,function_state_p[-1]);
+static void CallEvalArgsEntryUnboxed (int args_a_size,int args_b_size,ArgP arguments,StateP function_state_p,int result_asize,int result_bsize,Label ea_lab)
+ GenDStackLayout (args_a_size,args_b_size,arguments);
+ GenJsr (ea_lab);
+ GenOStackLayoutOfState (result_asize,result_bsize,function_state_p[-1]);
+static void GenerateConstructorDescriptorAndFunction (ConstructorList constructor)
+ Symbol constructor_symbol;
+ SymbDef constructor_def;
+ constructor_symbol=constructor->cl_constructor->type_node_symbol;
+ constructor_def=constructor_symbol->symb_def;
+ if (constructor_def->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR && constructor_def->sdef_strict_constructor){
+ GenStrictConstructorDescriptor (constructor_def,constructor->cl_state_p);
+ if (constructor_def->sdef_exported || (constructor_def->sdef_mark & (SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK | SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK))){
+ LabDef constructor_label,ealab,n_lab,d_lab;
+ int maxasize,asize,bsize;
+ int asp,bsp,arity;
+ asp = constructor_def->sdef_arity;
+ bsp = 0;
+ arity = asp;
+ ConvertSymbolToLabel (&CurrentAltLabel,constructor_def);
+ if (constructor_def->sdef_exported)
+ GenExportEaEntry (constructor_def);
+ GenConstructorFunctionDescriptorAndExportNodeAndDescriptor (constructor_def);
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPB (constructor_def->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ MakeSymbolLabel (&ealab,constructor_def->sdef_exported ? CurrentModule : NULL,ea_pref,constructor_def,0);
+ if (constructor_def->sdef_exported || (constructor_def->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK)){
+ CurrentAltLabel.lab_pref = l_pref;
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPL();
+ GenOAStackLayout (2);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&CurrentAltLabel);
+ GenPushArgs (0,arity-1,arity-1);
+ GenUpdateA (arity,arity-1);
+ GenCreate (-1);
+ GenUpdateA (0,arity+1);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ JmpEvalArgsEntry (arity+1,&ealab);
+ }
+ ConvertSymbolToConstructorDandNLabel (&d_lab,&n_lab,constructor_def);
+ GenNodeEntryDirective (arity,&d_lab,&ealab);
+ GenOAStackLayout (1);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&n_lab);
+ GenPushNode (ReduceError,asp);
+ GenOAStackLayout (arity+1);
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPN();
+ GenLabelDefinition (&ealab);
+ asize=0;
+ bsize=0;
+ maxasize=0;
+ AddStateSizesAndMaxFrameSizes (arity,constructor->cl_state_p,&maxasize,&asize,&bsize);
+ EvaluateAndMoveStateArguments (arity,constructor->cl_state_p,asp,maxasize);
+ ConvertSymbolToKLabel (&constructor_label,constructor_def);
+ GenFillR (&constructor_label,asize,bsize,asize,0,0,ReleaseAndFill,True);
+ GenRtn (1,0,OnAState);
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPE();
+ }
+ } else
+ GenConstructorDescriptorAndExport (constructor_def);
+static void GenLazyRecordEntry (SymbDef rdef)
+ LabDef record_label,d_label;
+ States argstates;
+ int asp,bsp,arity;
+ int maxasize,asize,bsize;
+ argstates = rdef->sdef_record_state.state_record_arguments;
+ asp = rdef->sdef_cons_arity;
+ bsp = 0;
+ arity = asp;
+ ConvertSymbolToRecordDandNLabel (&d_label,&CurrentAltLabel,rdef);
+ if (rdef->sdef_exported)
+ GenExportEaEntry (rdef);
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPB (rdef->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ GenLazyRecordDescriptorAndExport (rdef);
+ GenNodeEntryDirective (arity,&d_label,NULL);
+ GenOAStackLayout (1);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&CurrentAltLabel);
+ GenPushNode (ReduceError,asp);
+ asize=0;
+ bsize=0;
+ maxasize=0;
+ AddStateSizesAndMaxFrameSizes (arity,argstates,&maxasize,&asize,&bsize);
+ EvaluateAndMoveStateArguments (arity,argstates,asp,maxasize);
+ ConvertSymbolToRLabel (&record_label, rdef);
+ GenFillR (&record_label,asize,bsize,asize,0,0,ReleaseAndFill,True);
+ GenRtn (1,0,OnAState);
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPE();
+void DetermineFieldSizeAndPosition (int fieldnr,int *asize,int *bsize,int *apos,int *bpos,States argstates)
+ int i;
+ *asize = *bsize = *apos = *bpos = 0;
+ for (i=0; i < fieldnr; i++)
+ AddSizeOfState (argstates [i], apos, bpos);
+ AddSizeOfState (argstates [i], asize, bsize);
+static void GenLazyFieldSelectorEntry (SymbDef field_def,StateS recstate,int tot_a_size,int tot_b_size)
+ if (field_def->sdef_exported || field_def->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK){
+ LabDef newealab,loclab,ealab,d_lab,n_lab;
+ Bool update_root_node;
+ int fieldnr,apos,bpos,asize,bsize;
+ StateS offfieldstate,demfieldstate;
+ char *record_name;
+ LabDef *ea_label_p;
+ int node_directive_arity;
+ fieldnr = field_def->sdef_sel_field_number;
+ offfieldstate = recstate.state_record_arguments [fieldnr];
+ demfieldstate = field_def->sdef_sel_field->fl_state;
+ DetermineFieldSizeAndPosition (fieldnr,&asize,&bsize,&apos,&bpos,recstate.state_record_arguments);
+ ConvertSymbolToLabel (&CurrentAltLabel,field_def);
+ if (field_def->sdef_exported)
+ GenExportFieldSelector (field_def);
+ GenFieldSelectorDescriptor (field_def,IsSimpleState (offfieldstate));
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPB (field_def->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ update_root_node = ! ExpectsResultNode (offfieldstate);
+ record_name=field_def->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_symbol->symb_def->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ if (field_def->sdef_calledwithrootnode){
+ ealab = CurrentAltLabel;
+ ealab.lab_pref = ea_pref;
+ if (update_root_node){
+ newealab = ealab;
+ newealab.lab_mod = CurrentModule;
+ ealab.lab_mod = NULL;
+ ea_label_p=&newealab;
+ } else
+ ea_label_p=&ealab;
+ } else if (field_def->sdef_returnsnode)
+ ea_label_p=&empty_lab;
+ else
+ ea_label_p=NULL;
+ node_directive_arity = IsSimpleState (offfieldstate) ? (offfieldstate.state_kind!=OnB ? -4 : -3) : field_def->sdef_arity;
+ ConvertSymbolToDandNLabel (&d_lab,&n_lab,field_def);
+ GenFieldNodeEntryDirective (node_directive_arity,&d_lab,ea_label_p,record_name);
+ GenOAStackLayout (1);
+ GenFieldLabelDefinition (&n_lab,record_name);
+ GenPushNode (ReduceError,field_def->sdef_arity);
+ if (field_def->sdef_calledwithrootnode){
+ if (update_root_node){
+ MakeLabel (&loclab, m_symb,NewLabelNr++,no_pref);
+ GenOAStackLayout (field_def->sdef_arity);
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPN();
+ GenLabelDefinition (&loclab);
+ } else {
+ GenOAStackLayout (field_def->sdef_arity+1);
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPN();
+ GenFieldLabelDefinition (&ealab,record_name);
+ }
+ }
+ GenJsrEval (0);
+ if (IsSimpleState (offfieldstate) && offfieldstate.state_kind==OnB && !DoTimeProfiling){
+ LabDef gc_apply_label;
+ gc_apply_label=CurrentAltLabel;
+ gc_apply_label.lab_pref = l_pref;
+ GenOAStackLayout (2);
+ GenFieldLabelDefinition (&gc_apply_label,record_name);
+ }
+ GenPushRArgB (0, tot_a_size, tot_b_size, bpos + 1, bsize);
+ GenReplRArgA (tot_a_size, tot_b_size, apos + 1, asize);
+ if (IsSimpleState (offfieldstate)){
+ if (offfieldstate.state_kind==OnB){
+ FillBasicFromB (offfieldstate.state_object, 0, 0, ReleaseAndFill);
+ GenPopB (ObjectSizes [offfieldstate.state_object]);
+ GenRtn (1,0,OnAState);
+ } else {
+ if (IsLazyState (offfieldstate)){
+ if (ExpectsResultNode (demfieldstate))
+ GenJmpEvalUpdate ();
+ else {
+ GenJsrEval (0);
+ GenFillFromA (0, 1, ReleaseAndFill);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ GenRtn (1,0, OnAState);
+ }
+ } else {
+ GenFillFromA (0, 1, ReleaseAndFill);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ GenRtn (1,0,OnAState);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch (offfieldstate.state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ BuildTuple (asize,bsize,asize,bsize,
+ offfieldstate.state_arity,offfieldstate.state_tuple_arguments,
+ asize,bsize,0,ReleaseAndFill,False);
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ GenFillArray (0,1,ReleaseAndFill);
+ break;
+ case RecordState:
+ BuildRecord (offfieldstate.state_record_symbol,asize,bsize,asize,bsize,
+ asize,bsize,0,ReleaseAndFill,False);
+ break;
+ }
+ GenPopA (asize);
+ GenPopB (bsize);
+ GenRtn (1,0,OnAState);
+ }
+ if (field_def->sdef_calledwithrootnode && update_root_node){
+ GenOAStackLayout (field_def->sdef_arity + 1);
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPN();
+ GenFieldLabelDefinition (&newealab,record_name);
+ GenDAStackLayout (field_def->sdef_arity);
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPN();
+ GenJmp (&loclab);
+ }
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPE();
+ /* generate apply entry for the garbage collector: */
+ if (IsSimpleState (offfieldstate)){
+ LabDef gc_apply_label;
+ gc_apply_label=CurrentAltLabel;
+ gc_apply_label.lab_pref = l_pref;
+ if (offfieldstate.state_kind==OnB){
+ if (DoTimeProfiling){
+ GenOAStackLayout (2);
+ GenFieldLabelDefinition (&gc_apply_label,record_name);
+ GenPushRArgB (0,tot_a_size,tot_b_size,bpos+1,bsize);
+ GenReplRArgA (tot_a_size,tot_b_size,apos+1, asize);
+ FillBasicFromB (offfieldstate.state_object,0,0,ReleaseAndFill);
+ GenPopB (ObjectSizes [offfieldstate.state_object]);
+ GenRtn (1,0, OnAState);
+ }
+ } else {
+ GenOAStackLayout (1);
+ GenFieldLabelDefinition (&gc_apply_label,record_name);
+ GenReplRArgA (tot_a_size, tot_b_size, apos + 1, asize);
+ GenRtn (1,0, OnAState);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void GenLazyArrayFunction (SymbDef arr_fun_def)
+ LabDef ealab;
+ int asize,bsize,maxasize;
+ RuleTypes af_type;
+ int arity;
+ asize = 0;
+ bsize = 0;
+ maxasize = 0;
+ af_type = arr_fun_def->sdef_rule_type;
+ arity = arr_fun_def->sdef_arity;
+ MakeSymbolLabel (&CurrentAltLabel,NULL,no_pref,arr_fun_def,0);
+ ealab = CurrentAltLabel;
+ ealab.lab_pref = ea_pref;
+ AddStateSizesAndMaxFrameSizes (arity,af_type->rule_type_state_p,&maxasize,&asize,&bsize);
+ if ((arr_fun_def->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK) || DoDescriptors || DoParallel)
+ GenArrayFunctionDescriptor (arr_fun_def,&CurrentAltLabel,arity);
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPB (arr_fun_def->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ if (arr_fun_def->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK)
+ ApplyEntry (af_type->rule_type_state_p,arity,&ealab,!(arr_fun_def->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK));
+ if (arr_fun_def->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK)
+ NodeEntry (af_type->rule_type_state_p,arity,&ealab,arr_fun_def);
+ EvalArgsEntry (af_type->rule_type_state_p,arr_fun_def,maxasize,&ealab,0);
+ CallArrayFunction (arr_fun_def,False,&af_type->rule_type_state_p[-1]);
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPE();
+extern PolyList UserDefinedArrayFunctions;
+void GenerateCodeForLazyArrayFunctionEntries (void)
+ PolyList next_fun;
+ for (next_fun = UserDefinedArrayFunctions; next_fun; next_fun = next_fun -> pl_next)
+ { SymbDef fun_def = ((Symbol) next_fun -> pl_elem) -> symb_def;
+ if (fun_def ->sdef_mark & (SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK | SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK))
+ GenLazyArrayFunction (fun_def);
+ }
+void GenerateCodeForConstructorsAndRecords (Symbol symbs)
+ for ( ; symbs; symbs = symbs->symb_next){
+ if (symbs->symb_kind==definition){
+ SymbDef def;
+ def = symbs->symb_def;
+ if (def->sdef_module==CurrentModule){
+ if (def->sdef_kind==TYPE){
+ ConstructorList alt;
+ for_l (alt,def->sdef_type->type_constructors,cl_next)
+ GenerateConstructorDescriptorAndFunction (alt);
+ } else if (def->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE){
+ FieldList fields;
+ int asize, bsize;
+ ConstructorList constructor;
+ constructor = def->sdef_type->type_constructors;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (def->sdef_record_state, &asize, &bsize);
+ GenRecordDescriptor (def);
+ if (def->sdef_strict_constructor && (def->sdef_exported || (def->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK)))
+ GenLazyRecordEntry (def);
+ for_l (fields,constructor->cl_fields,fl_next)
+ GenLazyFieldSelectorEntry (fields->fl_symbol->symb_def,def->sdef_record_state, asize, bsize);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Bool NodeEntry (StateS *const function_state_p,int arity,Label ealab,SymbDef rootsymb)
+ Bool update_root_node;
+ LabDef newealab,loclab,d_lab,n_lab,*ea_label_in_node_directive;
+ ConvertSymbolToDandNLabel (&d_lab,&n_lab,rootsymb);
+ d_lab.lab_post = n_lab.lab_post = CurrentAltLabel.lab_post;
+ update_root_node = ! ExpectsResultNode (function_state_p[-1]);
+ if (update_root_node && DoTimeProfiling && !function_called_only_curried_or_lazy_with_one_return)
+ GenPD();
+ if (rootsymb->sdef_calledwithrootnode){
+ if (update_root_node){
+ newealab = *ealab;
+ newealab.lab_mod = CurrentModule;
+ ea_label_in_node_directive=&newealab;
+ } else
+ ea_label_in_node_directive=ealab;
+ } else if (rootsymb->sdef_returnsnode)
+ ea_label_in_node_directive=&empty_lab;
+ else
+ ea_label_in_node_directive=NULL;
+ GenNodeEntryDirective (arity,&d_lab,ea_label_in_node_directive);
+ GenOAStackLayout (1);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&n_lab);
+ GenPushNode (ReduceError,arity);
+ if (! update_root_node)
+ return True;
+ if (rootsymb->sdef_calledwithrootnode){
+ MakeLabel (&loclab, m_symb, NewLabelNr++, no_pref);
+ GenOAStackLayout (arity);
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPN();
+ GenLabelDefinition (&loclab);
+ }
+ if (IsSimpleState (function_state_p[-1])){
+ if (function_state_p[-1].state_kind==OnB){
+ int result,label_number;
+ if (function_called_only_curried_or_lazy_with_one_return)
+ return False;
+ CallEvalArgsEntry (arity,function_state_p,0,ObjectSizes [function_state_p[-1].state_object],ealab);
+ result=get_label_number_from_result_state_database (type,1,&label_number);
+ if (result==2){
+ LabDef update_label;
+ MakeLabel (&update_label,"u",label_number,no_pref);
+ GenStackLayoutOfState (DemStackDir,0,ObjectSizes [function_state_p[-1].state_object],function_state_p[-1]);
+ GenJmp (&update_label);
+ } else {
+ if (result==1){
+ LabDef update_label;
+ MakeLabel (&update_label,"u",label_number,no_pref);
+ GenOStackLayoutOfState (0,ObjectSizes [function_state_p[-1].state_object],function_state_p[-1]);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&update_label);
+ }
+ FillBasicFromB (function_state_p[-1].state_object, 0, 0, ReleaseAndFill);
+ GenPopB (ObjectSizes [function_state_p[-1].state_object]);
+ GenRtn (1,0,OnAState);
+ }
+ } else if (function_state_p[-1].state_kind==StrictRedirection || function_state_p[-1].state_kind==LazyRedirection){
+ CallEvalArgsEntry (arity,function_state_p,1,0,ealab);
+ GenFillFromA (0, 1, ReleaseAndFill);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ GenRtn (1,0,OnAState);
+ }
+ } else {
+ int asize, bsize;
+ int result,label_number;
+ if (function_called_only_curried_or_lazy_with_one_return)
+ return False;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (function_state_p[-1], &asize, &bsize);
+ CallEvalArgsEntry (arity,function_state_p,asize,bsize,ealab);
+ result=get_label_number_from_result_state_database (type,1,&label_number);
+ if (result==2){
+ LabDef update_label;
+ MakeLabel (&update_label,"u",label_number,no_pref);
+ GenStackLayoutOfState (DemStackDir,asize,bsize,function_state_p[-1]);
+ GenJmp (&update_label);
+ } else {
+ if (result==1){
+ LabDef update_label;
+ MakeLabel (&update_label,"u",label_number,no_pref);
+ GenOStackLayoutOfState (asize,bsize,function_state_p[-1]);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&update_label);
+ }
+ switch (function_state_p[-1].state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ BuildTuple (asize,bsize,asize,bsize,function_state_p[-1].state_arity,
+ function_state_p[-1].state_tuple_arguments,asize, bsize, 0, ReleaseAndFill,False);
+ break;
+ case RecordState:
+ BuildRecord (function_state_p[-1].state_record_symbol,asize,bsize,asize,bsize,
+ asize,bsize,0,ReleaseAndFill,False);
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ GenFillArray (0, 1, ReleaseAndFill);
+ break;
+ }
+ GenPopA (asize);
+ GenPopB (bsize);
+ GenRtn (1,0,OnAState);
+ }
+ }
+ if (rootsymb->sdef_calledwithrootnode){
+ GenOAStackLayout (arity + 1);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&newealab);
+ GenDAStackLayout (arity);
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPN();
+ GenJmp (&loclab);
+ }
+ return False;
+Bool NodeEntryUnboxed (StateS *const function_state_p,NodeP call_node_p,int args_a_size,int args_b_size,Label ealab,SymbDef rootsymb)
+ Bool update_root_node;
+ LabDef newealab,loclab,d_lab,n_lab,*ea_label_in_node_directive;
+ ConvertSymbolToDandNLabel (&d_lab,&n_lab,rootsymb);
+ d_lab.lab_post = n_lab.lab_post = CurrentAltLabel.lab_post;
+ update_root_node = ! ExpectsResultNode (function_state_p[-1]);
+ if (update_root_node && DoTimeProfiling && !function_called_only_curried_or_lazy_with_one_return)
+ GenPD();
+ if (rootsymb->sdef_calledwithrootnode){
+ /* jmp_eval_upd not yet implemented for closures with unboxed elements */
+ if (args_b_size!=0){
+ ea_label_in_node_directive=&empty_lab;
+ } else {
+ if (update_root_node){
+ newealab = *ealab;
+ newealab.lab_mod = CurrentModule;
+ ea_label_in_node_directive=&newealab;
+ } else
+ ea_label_in_node_directive=ealab;
+ }
+ } else if (rootsymb->sdef_returnsnode)
+ ea_label_in_node_directive=&empty_lab;
+ else
+ ea_label_in_node_directive=NULL;
+ if (args_b_size!=0)
+ GenNodeEntryDirectiveUnboxed (args_a_size,args_b_size,&d_lab,ea_label_in_node_directive);
+ else
+ GenNodeEntryDirective (args_a_size,&d_lab,ea_label_in_node_directive);
+ GenOAStackLayout (1);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&n_lab);
+ if (args_b_size!=0)
+ GenPushNodeU (ReduceError,args_a_size,args_b_size);
+ else
+ GenPushNode (ReduceError,args_a_size);
+ if (! update_root_node)
+ return True;
+ if (args_b_size==0 && rootsymb->sdef_calledwithrootnode){
+ MakeLabel (&loclab, m_symb, NewLabelNr++, no_pref);
+ GenOAStackLayout (args_a_size);
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPN();
+ GenLabelDefinition (&loclab);
+ }
+ if (IsSimpleState (function_state_p[-1])){
+ if (function_state_p[-1].state_kind==OnB){
+ int result,label_number;
+# endif
+ if (function_called_only_curried_or_lazy_with_one_return)
+ return False;
+ CallEvalArgsEntryUnboxed (args_a_size,args_b_size,call_node_p->node_arguments,function_state_p,0,ObjectSizes [function_state_p[-1].state_object],ealab);
+ result=get_label_number_from_result_state_database (type,1,&label_number);
+ if (result==2){
+ LabDef update_label;
+ MakeLabel (&update_label,"u",label_number,no_pref);
+ GenStackLayoutOfState (DemStackDir,0,ObjectSizes [function_state_p[-1].state_object],function_state_p[-1]);
+ GenJmp (&update_label);
+ } else {
+ if (result==1){
+ LabDef update_label;
+ MakeLabel (&update_label,"u",label_number,no_pref);
+ GenOStackLayoutOfState (0,ObjectSizes [function_state_p[-1].state_object],function_state_p[-1]);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&update_label);
+ }
+# endif
+ FillBasicFromB (function_state_p[-1].state_object, 0, 0, ReleaseAndFill);
+ GenPopB (ObjectSizes [function_state_p[-1].state_object]);
+ GenRtn (1,0,OnAState);
+ }
+# endif
+ } else if (function_state_p[-1].state_kind==StrictRedirection || function_state_p[-1].state_kind==LazyRedirection){
+ CallEvalArgsEntryUnboxed (args_a_size,args_b_size,call_node_p->node_arguments,function_state_p,1,0,ealab);
+ GenFillFromA (0, 1, ReleaseAndFill);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ GenRtn (1,0,OnAState);
+ }
+ } else {
+ int asize, bsize;
+ int result,label_number;
+# endif
+ if (function_called_only_curried_or_lazy_with_one_return)
+ return False;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (function_state_p[-1], &asize, &bsize);
+ CallEvalArgsEntryUnboxed (args_a_size,args_b_size,call_node_p->node_arguments,function_state_p,asize,bsize,ealab);
+ result=get_label_number_from_result_state_database (type,1,&label_number);
+ if (result==2){
+ LabDef update_label;
+ MakeLabel (&update_label,"u",label_number,no_pref);
+ GenStackLayoutOfState (DemStackDir,asize,bsize,function_state_p[-1]);
+ GenJmp (&update_label);
+ } else {
+ if (result==1){
+ LabDef update_label;
+ MakeLabel (&update_label,"u",label_number,no_pref);
+ GenOStackLayoutOfState (asize,bsize,function_state_p[-1]);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&update_label);
+ }
+# endif
+ switch (function_state_p[-1].state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ BuildTuple (asize,bsize,asize,bsize,function_state_p[-1].state_arity,
+ function_state_p[-1].state_tuple_arguments,asize, bsize, 0, ReleaseAndFill,False);
+ break;
+ case RecordState:
+ BuildRecord (function_state_p[-1].state_record_symbol,asize,bsize,asize,bsize,
+ asize,bsize,0,ReleaseAndFill,False);
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ GenFillArray (0, 1, ReleaseAndFill);
+ break;
+ }
+ GenPopA (asize);
+ GenPopB (bsize);
+ GenRtn (1,0,OnAState);
+ }
+# endif
+ }
+ if (args_b_size==0 && rootsymb->sdef_calledwithrootnode){
+ GenOAStackLayout (args_a_size + 1);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&newealab);
+ GenDAStackLayout (args_a_size);
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPN();
+ GenJmp (&loclab);
+ }
+ return False;
+void ApplyEntry (StateS *const function_state_p,int arity,Label ea_lab,int ea_label_follows)
+ CurrentAltLabel.lab_pref = l_pref;
+ if (arity==0){
+ GenOAStackLayout (1);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&CurrentAltLabel);
+ GenHalt();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (DoTimeProfiling){
+ if ((!IsSimpleState (function_state_p[-1]) || function_state_p[-1].state_kind==OnB) && !function_called_only_curried_or_lazy_with_one_return)
+ GenPLD();
+ else
+ GenPL();
+ }
+ GenOAStackLayout (2);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&CurrentAltLabel);
+ if (IsSimpleState (function_state_p[-1])){
+ if (function_state_p[-1].state_kind==OnB){
+ int result,label_number;
+ GenReplArgs (arity-1,arity-1);
+ if (function_called_only_curried_or_lazy_with_one_return)
+ return;
+ CallEvalArgsEntry (arity,function_state_p,0,ObjectSizes [function_state_p[-1].state_object],ea_lab);
+# if 1
+ result=get_label_number_from_result_state_database (&function_state_p[-1],2,&label_number);
+# else
+ result=get_label_number_from_result_state_database (type,2,&label_number);
+# endif
+ if (result==2){
+ LabDef update_label;
+ MakeLabel (&update_label,"v",label_number,no_pref);
+ GenStackLayoutOfState (DemStackDir,0,ObjectSizes [function_state_p[-1].state_object],function_state_p[-1]);
+ GenJmp (&update_label);
+ } else {
+ if (result==1){
+ LabDef update_label;
+ MakeLabel (&update_label,"v",label_number,no_pref);
+ GenOStackLayoutOfState (0,ObjectSizes [function_state_p[-1].state_object],function_state_p[-1]);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&update_label);
+ }
+ BuildBasicFromB (function_state_p[-1].state_object,0);
+ GenPopB (ObjectSizes [function_state_p[-1].state_object]);
+ GenRtn (1,0,OnAState);
+ }
+ } else if (function_state_p[-1].state_kind == StrictRedirection || function_state_p[-1].state_kind == LazyRedirection){
+ GenReplArgs (arity-1, arity-1);
+ if (!ea_label_follows)
+ JmpEvalArgsEntry (arity,ea_lab);
+ } else {
+ GenPushArgs (0, arity-1, arity-1);
+ GenUpdateA (arity, arity-1);
+ GenCreate (-1);
+ GenUpdateA (0, arity+1);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ if (!ea_label_follows)
+ JmpEvalArgsEntry (arity+1,ea_lab);
+ }
+ } else {
+ int asize, bsize;
+ int result,label_number;
+ GenReplArgs (arity-1, arity-1);
+ if (function_called_only_curried_or_lazy_with_one_return)
+ return;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (function_state_p[-1], &asize, &bsize);
+ CallEvalArgsEntry (arity,function_state_p,asize,bsize,ea_lab);
+# if 1
+ result=get_label_number_from_result_state_database (&function_state_p[-1],2,&label_number);
+# else
+ result=get_label_number_from_result_state_database (type,2,&label_number);
+# endif
+ if (result==2){
+ LabDef update_label;
+ MakeLabel (&update_label,"v",label_number,no_pref);
+ GenStackLayoutOfState (DemStackDir,asize,bsize,function_state_p[-1]);
+ GenJmp (&update_label);
+ } else {
+ if (result==1){
+ LabDef update_label;
+ MakeLabel (&update_label,"v",label_number,no_pref);
+ GenOStackLayoutOfState (asize,bsize,function_state_p[-1]);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&update_label);
+ }
+ switch (function_state_p[-1].state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ BuildTuple (asize, bsize, asize, bsize, function_state_p[-1].state_arity,
+ function_state_p[-1].state_tuple_arguments,asize,bsize, asize,NormalFill,True);
+ break;
+ case RecordState:
+ BuildRecord (function_state_p[-1].state_record_symbol,asize, bsize, asize, bsize,
+ asize, bsize, asize, NormalFill,True);
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ GenBuildArray (0);
+ break;
+ }
+ GenUpdatePopA (0, asize);
+ GenUpdateA (0, asize);
+ GenPopA (asize);
+ GenPopB (bsize);
+ GenRtn (1,0,OnAState);
+ }
+ }
+static void GenExternalLabel (int n_states,StateS *const function_state_p,int asp,int bsp,Label extlab)
+ if (IsOnBStack (function_state_p[-1]) ||
+ (IsSimpleState (function_state_p[-1]) && function_state_p[-1].state_kind==StrictRedirection))
+ GenOStackLayoutOfStates (asp,bsp,n_states,function_state_p);
+ else
+ GenOStackLayoutOfStates (asp+1,bsp,n_states,function_state_p);
+ GenLabelDefinition (extlab);
+static void CoerceArgsFromExtToInt (int n_args,StateP ext_arg_state_p,StateP int_arg_state_p,int aindex,int bindex,
+ int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,int *a_ind_p,int *b_ind_p)
+ if (n_args>0){
+ int asize, bsize;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (*ext_arg_state_p,&asize,&bsize);
+ CoerceArgsFromExtToInt (n_args-1,ext_arg_state_p+1,int_arg_state_p+1,aindex-asize, bindex-bsize,asp_p,bsp_p,a_ind_p,b_ind_p);
+ CoerceArgumentUsingStackFrames (*int_arg_state_p,*ext_arg_state_p,aindex, bindex,asp_p,bsp_p,a_ind_p,b_ind_p,asize,bsize);
+ }
+ When a function is exported to another module it may happen that
+ the exported type differs from the type in the implementation module.
+ This can be the case when one or more instances of abstract types
+ are appearing in the exported type specification. In order to bring
+ the external calls into agreement with the inter call a special entry
+ is generated.
+Bool ConvertExternalToInternalCall (int arity,StateS *const ext_function_state_p,StateS *const int_function_state_p,
+ Bool skip_entry,int intasp,int intbsp,Label ealab,Label extlab,Bool root_node_needed)
+ int arg_n,asp,bsp,asize,bsize,oldamax,oldbmax,a_ind,b_ind;
+ Bool adjust_arg,adjust_result,all_args_lazy;
+ adjust_arg = False;
+ all_args_lazy = True;
+ adjust_result = ! EqualState (ext_function_state_p[-1],int_function_state_p[-1]);
+ for (arg_n=0; arg_n<arity; ++arg_n){
+ if (!IsLazyState (ext_function_state_p[arg_n]))
+ all_args_lazy = False;
+ if (!EqualState (ext_function_state_p[arg_n],int_function_state_p[arg_n]))
+ adjust_arg = True;
+ }
+ asp=0;
+ bsp=0;
+ asize=0;
+ bsize=0;
+ a_ind=0;
+ b_ind=0;
+ if (! (adjust_arg || adjust_result))
+ return True;
+ if (all_args_lazy){
+ if (adjust_result){
+ if (skip_entry)
+ JmpEvalArgsEntry (root_node_needed ? arity+1 : arity, ealab);
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPD();
+ GenExternalLabel (arity,ext_function_state_p,arity,0,extlab);
+ DetermineSizeOfState (int_function_state_p[-1], &asize, &bsize);
+ CallEvalArgsEntry (root_node_needed ? arity+1 : arity,int_function_state_p,asize,bsize,ealab);
+ RedirectResultAndReturn (asize,bsize,asize,bsize,int_function_state_p[-1],ext_function_state_p[-1],asize,bsize);
+ return False;
+ } else {
+ GenExternalLabel (arity,ext_function_state_p,arity,0,extlab);
+ if (DoTimeProfiling){
+ GenPD();
+ JmpEvalArgsEntry (root_node_needed ? arity+1 : arity,ealab);
+ }
+ return False;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (skip_entry)
+ JmpEvalArgsEntry (root_node_needed ? arity+1 : arity, ealab);
+ if (adjust_arg){
+ int maxasize;
+ maxasize=0;
+ for (arg_n=0; arg_n<arity; ++arg_n){
+ AddSizeOfState (ext_function_state_p[arg_n],&asp,&bsp);
+ AddStateSizeAndMaxFrameSize (int_function_state_p[arg_n],&maxasize,&asize,&bsize);
+ }
+ if (adjust_result && DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPD();
+ GenExternalLabel (arity,ext_function_state_p,asp,bsp,extlab);
+ InitStackConversions (asp+maxasize+1, bsp+bsize+1, &oldamax, &oldbmax);
+ CoerceArgsFromExtToInt (arity,ext_function_state_p,int_function_state_p,asp,bsp,&asp,&bsp,&a_ind,&b_ind);
+ GenAStackConversions (asp,a_ind);
+ GenBStackConversions (bsp,b_ind);
+ ExitStackConversions (oldamax, oldbmax);
+ } else {
+ if (adjust_result && DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPD();
+ GenExternalLabel (arity,ext_function_state_p,intasp,intbsp,extlab);
+ }
+ /* now we call the internal strict entry */
+ GenDStackLayoutOfStates (root_node_needed ? intasp+1 : intasp,intbsp,arity,int_function_state_p);
+ if (adjust_result){
+ GenJsr (&CurrentAltLabel);
+ DetermineSizeOfState (int_function_state_p[-1], &asize, &bsize);
+ GenOStackLayoutOfState (asize, bsize, int_function_state_p[-1]);
+ RedirectResultAndReturn (asize,bsize,asize,bsize,int_function_state_p[-1],ext_function_state_p[-1],asize,bsize);
+ } else {
+ if (DoTimeProfiling)
+ GenPT();
+ GenJmp (&CurrentAltLabel);
+ }
+ return False;
+ }
+static char g_pref[] = "g";
+static void GenerateCodeForLazyTupleSelectorEntry (int argnr)
+ LabDef sellab,easellab,descriptor_label;
+ BuildLazyTupleSelectorLabel (&sellab, MaxNodeArity, argnr);
+ GenSelectorDescriptor (&sellab,g_pref);
+ easellab = sellab;
+ easellab.lab_pref = ea_pref;
+ descriptor_label=sellab;
+ descriptor_label.lab_pref=d_pref;
+ GenNodeEntryDirectiveForLabelWithoutSymbol (-1,&descriptor_label,&easellab);
+ GenOAStackLayout (1);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&sellab);
+ GenPushNode (ReduceError, 1);
+ GenJsrEval (0);
+ GenGetNodeArity (0);
+ GenPushArgNr (argnr);
+ GenPushArgB (0);
+ GenJsrEval (0);
+ GenFillFromA (0, 2, ReleaseAndFill);
+ GenPopA (2);
+ GenRtn (1,0,OnAState);
+ GenOAStackLayout (1);
+ sellab.lab_pref = g_pref;
+ GenLabelDefinition (&sellab);
+ GenGetNodeArity (0);
+ GenPushArgNr (argnr);
+ GenPushArgB (0);
+ GenUpdatePopA (0, 1);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 1);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ GenRtn (1,0,OnAState);
+ GenOAStackLayout (2);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&easellab);
+ GenPushArg (0,1,1);
+ GenPushA (2);
+ GenKeep (1,0);
+ GenFill (& ind_lab, -2, & indirection_lab, 2, PartialFill);
+ GenKeep (1,0);
+ GenUpdatePopA (0, 1);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 1);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ GenJsrEval (0);
+ GenGetNodeArity (0);
+ GenPushArgNr (argnr);
+ GenPushArgB (0);
+ GenUpdatePopA (0, 1);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 1);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ GenJmpEvalUpdate();
+void GenerateCodeForLazyTupleSelectorEntries (Bool *selectors)
+ int i;
+ for (i = NrOfGlobalSelectors; i < MaxNodeArity; i++)
+ if (selectors[i - NrOfGlobalSelectors])
+ GenerateCodeForLazyTupleSelectorEntry (i+1);
+#define allocate_function_state(arity) (((StateP)(CompAlloc (sizeof(StateS)*((arity)+1))))+1)
+static StateP create_function_state_for_update_function (StateS record_state,int n_arguments)
+ StateP function_state_p;
+ int arg_n;
+ function_state_p = allocate_function_state (n_arguments);
+ for (arg_n=0; arg_n<n_arguments; ++arg_n)
+ function_state_p[arg_n]=LazyState;
+ function_state_p[-1]=StrictState;
+ function_state_p[-1]=record_state;
+ return function_state_p;
+static StateP create_function_state_for_match_function (void)
+ StateP function_state_p;
+ function_state_p = allocate_function_state (1);
+ function_state_p[0]=StrictState;
+ function_state_p[-1]=StrictState;
+ return function_state_p;
+int next_update_function_n,next_match_function_n;
+ImpRuleP first_update_function,*update_function_p;
+ImpRuleP create_simple_imp_rule (NodeP lhs_root,NodeP rhs_root,SymbDefP function_sdef)
+ ImpRuleS *imp_rule;
+ RuleAltS *rule_alt;
+ rule_alt=CompAllocType (RuleAltS);
+ rule_alt->alt_lhs_root=lhs_root;
+ rule_alt->alt_lhs_defs=NULL;
+ rule_alt->alt_rhs_root=rhs_root;
+ rule_alt->alt_rhs_defs=NULL;
+ rule_alt->alt_strict_node_ids=NULL;
+ rule_alt->alt_next=NULL;
+ rule_alt->alt_line=0;
+ rule_alt->alt_kind=Contractum;
+ imp_rule = CompAllocType (ImpRuleS);
+ imp_rule->rule_alts = rule_alt;
+ imp_rule->rule_root = lhs_root;
+ imp_rule->rule_mark = 0;
+ imp_rule->rule_line = 0;
+ imp_rule->rule_type = NULL;
+ function_sdef->sdef_rule=imp_rule;
+ return imp_rule;
+SymbDef CreateUpdateFunction (ArgS *record_arg,ArgS *first_field_arg,Node node)
+ static char update_function_name[16];
+ SymbDef update_function_sdef;
+ Ident update_function_ident;
+ Symbol update_function_symbol;
+ ArgS *previous_arg,*arg;
+ Node lhs_root,rhs_root;
+ int n_arguments;
+ ImpRuleS *update_imp_rule;
+ StateS record_state;
+ sprintf (update_function_name,"_upd%d",next_update_function_n);
+ ++next_update_function_n;
+ n_arguments=node->node_arity;
+ update_function_ident=PutStringInHashTable (update_function_name,SymbolIdTable);
+ update_function_sdef=MakeNewSymbolDefinition (CurrentModule,update_function_ident,n_arguments,IMPRULE);
+ update_function_sdef->sdef_number=next_def_number++;
+ update_function_sdef->sdef_isused=True;
+ update_function_sdef->sdef_mark |= SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK;
+ update_function_sdef->sdef_returnsnode=True;
+ update_function_sdef->sdef_calledwithrootnode=True;
+ update_function_sdef->sdef_returnsnode=False;
+ update_function_sdef->sdef_calledwithrootnode=False;
+ update_function_symbol=NewSymbol (definition);
+ update_function_symbol->symb_def=update_function_sdef;
+ {
+ NodeId record_node_id;
+ ArgS *lhs_record_arg,*rhs_record_arg,**lhs_arg_p,**rhs_arg_p;
+ record_node_id=NewNodeId (NULL);
+ record_node_id->nid_refcount=-1;
+ record_state=node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_record_state;
+ lhs_record_arg=NewArgument (NewNodeIdNode (record_node_id));
+ lhs_record_arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ rhs_record_arg=NewArgument (NewNodeIdNode (record_node_id));
+ rhs_record_arg->arg_state=record_state;
+ lhs_root=NewNode (update_function_symbol,lhs_record_arg,n_arguments);
+ lhs_root->node_state=StrictState;
+ lhs_root->node_state=record_state;
+ rhs_root=NewUpdateNode (node->node_symbol,rhs_record_arg,n_arguments);
+ rhs_root->node_state=StrictState;
+ rhs_root->node_state=record_state;
+ rhs_root->node_number=0;
+ lhs_arg_p=&lhs_record_arg->arg_next;
+ rhs_arg_p=&rhs_record_arg->arg_next;
+ previous_arg=record_arg;
+ for_l (arg,first_field_arg,arg_next){
+ ArgS *rhs_arg,*lhs_arg,*field_value_arg;
+ NodeId arg_node_id;
+ int field_number;
+ Node field_node;
+ StateS *state_p;
+ field_node=arg->arg_node;
+ field_number=field_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_sel_field_number;
+ arg_node_id=NewNodeId (NULL);
+ arg_node_id->nid_refcount=-2;
+ lhs_arg=NewArgument (NewNodeIdNode (arg_node_id));
+ lhs_arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ field_value_arg=NewArgument (NewNodeIdNode (arg_node_id));
+ state_p=&record_state.state_record_arguments [field_number];
+ field_value_arg->arg_state=*state_p;
+ rhs_arg=NewArgument (NewSelectorNode (field_node->node_symbol,field_value_arg,1));
+ rhs_arg->arg_state=*state_p;
+ *lhs_arg_p=lhs_arg;
+ *rhs_arg_p=rhs_arg;
+ lhs_arg_p=&lhs_arg->arg_next;
+ rhs_arg_p=&rhs_arg->arg_next;
+ field_node->node_arguments->arg_next=NULL;
+ previous_arg->arg_next=arg;
+ previous_arg=arg;
+ }
+ previous_arg->arg_next=NULL;
+ *lhs_arg_p=NULL;
+ *rhs_arg_p=NULL;
+ }
+ update_imp_rule=create_simple_imp_rule (lhs_root,rhs_root,update_function_sdef);
+ update_imp_rule->rule_state_p = create_function_state_for_update_function (record_state,n_arguments);
+ *update_function_p=update_imp_rule;
+ update_function_p=&update_imp_rule->rule_next;
+ return update_function_sdef;
+#define R4(r,f1,f2,f3,f4) (r).f1;(r).f2;(r).f3;(r).f4
+#define U5(r,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5) (r)->f1;(r)->f2;(r)->f3;(r)->f4;(r)->f5
+SymbDef create_select_function (Symbol selector_symbol,int selector_kind)
+ static char select_function_name[16];
+ SymbDef select_function_sdef;
+ Ident select_function_ident;
+ Symbol select_function_symbol;
+ NodeP lhs_root,rhs_root;
+ ImpRuleS *update_imp_rule;
+ SymbDef selector_sdef;
+ ArgP lhs_record_arg,rhs_record_arg;
+ NodeIdP record_node_id;
+ StateP tuple_state_arguments,function_state_p,record_state_p,arg_state_p;
+ StateS selector_arg_state;
+ int fieldnr;
+ selector_sdef=selector_symbol->symb_def;
+ sprintf (select_function_name,"_sel%d",next_update_function_n);
+ ++next_update_function_n;
+ select_function_ident=PutStringInHashTable (select_function_name,SymbolIdTable);
+ select_function_sdef=MakeNewSymbolDefinition (CurrentModule,select_function_ident,1,IMPRULE);
+ U5 (select_function_sdef, sdef_number=next_def_number++,
+ sdef_isused=True,
+ sdef_mark |= SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK,
+ sdef_returnsnode=False,
+ sdef_calledwithrootnode=False);
+ select_function_symbol=NewSymbol (definition);
+ select_function_symbol->symb_def=select_function_sdef;
+ record_state_p=&selector_sdef->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_symbol->symb_def->sdef_record_state;
+ fieldnr = selector_sdef->sdef_sel_field_number;
+ record_node_id=NewNodeId (NULL);
+ record_node_id->nid_refcount=-2;
+ tuple_state_arguments=CompAllocArray (2,StateS);
+ tuple_state_arguments[0]=record_state_p->state_record_arguments[fieldnr];
+ if (selector_kind<SELECTOR_L){
+ tuple_state_arguments[1]=*record_state_p;
+ arg_state_p=record_state_p;
+ } else {
+ StateP selector_arg_tuple_args;
+ tuple_state_arguments[1]=StrictState;
+ selector_arg_tuple_args=CompAllocArray (2,StateS);
+ selector_arg_tuple_args[0]=*record_state_p;
+ selector_arg_tuple_args[1]=StrictState;
+ selector_arg_state.state_type=TupleState;
+ selector_arg_state.state_arity=2;
+ selector_arg_state.state_mark=0;
+ selector_arg_state.state_tuple_arguments=selector_arg_tuple_args;
+ arg_state_p=&selector_arg_state;
+ }
+ lhs_record_arg=NewArgument (NewNodeIdNode (record_node_id));
+ lhs_record_arg->arg_state=*arg_state_p;
+ lhs_root=NewNode (select_function_symbol,lhs_record_arg,1);
+ R4 (lhs_root->node_state, state_type=TupleState,
+ state_arity=2,
+ state_mark=0,
+ state_tuple_arguments=tuple_state_arguments);
+ rhs_record_arg=NewArgument (NewNodeIdNode (record_node_id));
+ rhs_record_arg->arg_state=*arg_state_p;
+ rhs_root=NewSelectorNode (selector_symbol,rhs_record_arg,selector_kind);
+ R4 (rhs_root->node_state, state_type=TupleState,
+ state_arity=2,
+ state_mark=0,
+ state_tuple_arguments=tuple_state_arguments);
+ rhs_root->node_number=0;
+ update_imp_rule=create_simple_imp_rule (lhs_root,rhs_root,select_function_sdef);
+ function_state_p = allocate_function_state (1);
+ function_state_p[0]=*arg_state_p;
+ R4 (function_state_p[-1], state_type=TupleState,
+ state_arity=2,
+ state_mark=0,
+ state_tuple_arguments=tuple_state_arguments);
+ update_imp_rule->rule_state_p=function_state_p;
+ *update_function_p=update_imp_rule;
+ update_function_p=&update_imp_rule->rule_next;
+ return select_function_sdef;
+static SymbDef create_match_function_sdef (void)
+ char match_function_name[16];
+ Ident match_function_ident;
+ SymbDef match_function_sdef;
+ sprintf (match_function_name,"_match%d",next_match_function_n);
+ ++next_match_function_n;
+ match_function_ident=PutStringInHashTable (match_function_name,SymbolIdTable);
+ match_function_sdef=MakeNewSymbolDefinition (CurrentModule,match_function_ident,1,IMPRULE);
+ U5 (match_function_sdef, sdef_number=next_def_number++,
+ sdef_isused=True,
+ sdef_mark |= SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK,
+ sdef_returnsnode=True,
+ sdef_calledwithrootnode=True);
+ return match_function_sdef;
+SymbDef create_match_function (SymbolP constructor_symbol,int constructor_arity,int strict_constructor)
+ SymbDef match_function_sdef;
+ Symbol match_function_symbol;
+ struct arg *lhs_function_arg,**lhs_arg_p;
+ int n;
+ struct node *lhs_root,*rhs_root,*constructor_node;
+ ImpRuleS *match_imp_rule;
+ match_function_sdef=create_match_function_sdef();
+ match_function_symbol=NewSymbol (definition);
+ match_function_symbol->symb_def=match_function_sdef;
+ constructor_node=NewNode (constructor_symbol,NULL,constructor_arity);
+ lhs_arg_p=&constructor_node->node_arguments;
+ for (n=0; n<constructor_arity; ++n){
+ struct arg *lhs_arg;
+ struct node_id *arg_node_id;
+ arg_node_id=NewNodeId (NULL);
+ arg_node_id->nid_refcount=-1;
+ lhs_arg=NewArgument (NewNodeIdNode (arg_node_id));
+ lhs_arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ *lhs_arg_p=lhs_arg;
+ lhs_arg_p=&lhs_arg->arg_next;
+ }
+ *lhs_arg_p=NULL;
+ if (strict_constructor){
+ struct arg **rhs_arg_p,*lhs_arg;
+ StateP constructor_arg_state_p;
+ lhs_function_arg=NewArgument (constructor_node);
+ lhs_function_arg->arg_state=StrictState;
+ rhs_root=NewNode (TupleSymbol,NULL,constructor_arity);
+ rhs_arg_p=&rhs_root->node_arguments;
+ constructor_arg_state_p=constructor_symbol->symb_def->sdef_constructor->cl_state_p;
+ for_l (lhs_arg,constructor_node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ struct arg *rhs_arg;
+ struct node_id *node_id;
+ node_id=lhs_arg->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ --node_id->nid_refcount;
+ rhs_arg=NewArgument (NewNodeIdNode (node_id));
+ rhs_arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ *rhs_arg_p=rhs_arg;
+ rhs_arg_p=&rhs_arg->arg_next;
+ lhs_arg->arg_state=*constructor_arg_state_p++;
+ }
+ *rhs_arg_p=NULL;
+ } else {
+ struct node_id *constructor_node_node_id;
+ constructor_node_node_id=NewNodeId (NULL);
+ constructor_node_node_id->nid_refcount=-2;
+ constructor_node_node_id->nid_node=constructor_node;
+ lhs_function_arg=NewArgument (NewNodeIdNode (constructor_node_node_id));
+ lhs_function_arg->arg_state=StrictState;
+ rhs_root=NewNodeIdNode (constructor_node_node_id);
+ }
+ lhs_root=NewNode (match_function_symbol,lhs_function_arg,1);
+ lhs_root->node_state=StrictState;
+ rhs_root->node_state=StrictState;
+ rhs_root->node_number=0;
+ match_imp_rule=create_simple_imp_rule (lhs_root,rhs_root,match_function_sdef);
+ match_imp_rule->rule_state_p = create_function_state_for_match_function();
+ *update_function_p=match_imp_rule;
+ update_function_p=&match_imp_rule->rule_next;
+ return match_function_sdef;
+SymbDef create_select_and_match_function (SymbolP constructor_symbol,int strict_constructor)
+ SymbDef match_function_sdef;
+ Symbol match_function_symbol;
+ ArgP lhs_function_arg,lhs_arg;
+ NodeP lhs_root,rhs_root,constructor_node;
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ ImpRuleS *match_imp_rule;
+ match_function_sdef=create_match_function_sdef();
+ match_function_symbol=NewSymbol (definition);
+ match_function_symbol->symb_def=match_function_sdef;
+ node_id=NewNodeId (NULL);
+ node_id->nid_refcount=-2;
+ lhs_arg=NewArgument (NewNodeIdNode (node_id));
+ constructor_node=NewNode (constructor_symbol,lhs_arg,1);
+ if (strict_constructor)
+ lhs_arg->arg_state=constructor_symbol->symb_def->sdef_constructor->cl_state_p[0];
+ else
+ lhs_arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ lhs_function_arg=NewArgument (constructor_node);
+ lhs_function_arg->arg_state=StrictState;
+ lhs_root=NewNode (match_function_symbol,lhs_function_arg,1);
+ lhs_root->node_state=StrictState;
+ rhs_root=NewNodeIdNode (node_id);
+ rhs_root->node_state=StrictState;
+ rhs_root->node_number=0;
+ match_imp_rule=create_simple_imp_rule (lhs_root,rhs_root,match_function_sdef);
+ match_imp_rule->rule_state_p = create_function_state_for_match_function();
+ {
+ TypeNode type_node;
+ StateP lhs_type_root_state_p;
+ type_node=constructor_symbol->symb_def->sdef_constructor->cl_constructor->type_node_arguments->type_arg_node;
+ lhs_type_root_state_p=&match_imp_rule->rule_state_p[-1];
+ if (!(type_node->type_node_is_var || type_node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind==apply_symb)
+ && !IsLazyState (constructor_symbol->symb_def->sdef_constructor->cl_state_p[0]))
+ {
+ *lhs_type_root_state_p=constructor_symbol->symb_def->sdef_constructor->cl_state_p[0];
+ } else
+ lhs_type_root_state_p->state_kind=StrictRedirection;
+ lhs_root->node_state=*lhs_type_root_state_p;
+ if (IsSimpleState (*lhs_type_root_state_p)){
+ if (lhs_type_root_state_p->state_kind==OnA || lhs_type_root_state_p->state_kind==StrictOnA){
+ match_function_sdef->sdef_calledwithrootnode = True;
+ match_function_sdef->sdef_returnsnode = True;
+ } else if (lhs_type_root_state_p->state_kind==StrictRedirection){
+ match_function_sdef->sdef_calledwithrootnode = False;
+ match_function_sdef->sdef_returnsnode = True;
+ } else {
+ match_function_sdef->sdef_calledwithrootnode = False;
+ match_function_sdef->sdef_returnsnode = False;
+ }
+ } else {
+ match_function_sdef->sdef_calledwithrootnode = False;
+ match_function_sdef->sdef_returnsnode = False;
+ }
+ }
+ *update_function_p=match_imp_rule;
+ update_function_p=&match_imp_rule->rule_next;
+ return match_function_sdef;
+struct update {
+ int a_from_offset;
+ int a_to_offset;
+ int a_size;
+ int b_from_offset;
+ int b_to_offset;
+ int b_size;
+void bind_tuple_and_record_arguments (ArgP arguments,NodeId tuple_node_id,int a_offset,int b_offset,
+ NodeIdListElementS ***a_node_ids_h,NodeIdListElementS ***b_node_ids_h)
+ NodeIdListElementS **a_node_ids_p,**b_node_ids_p;
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ a_node_ids_p=*a_node_ids_h;
+ b_node_ids_p=*b_node_ids_h;
+ for_l (arg_p,arguments,arg_next){
+ if (arg_p->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ struct node_id *node_id;
+ node_id=arg_p->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ if (tuple_node_id!=NULL){
+ node_id->nid_mark |= NID_STRICT_LHS_TUPLE_ELEMENT_MASK;
+ node_id->nid_lhs_tuple_node_id_=tuple_node_id;
+ }
+ node_id->nid_a_index_ = a_offset;
+ node_id->nid_b_index_ = b_offset;
+ node_id->nid_mark2 |= NID_LHS_PUSHED;
+ node_id->nid_state = *node_id->nid_lhs_state_p;
+ if (IsSimpleState (arg_p->arg_state)){
+ if (arg_p->arg_state.state_kind==OnB){
+ struct node_id_list_element *new_p_node_id;
+ new_p_node_id=CompAllocType (struct node_id_list_element);
+ new_p_node_id->nidl_node_id=node_id;
+ *b_node_ids_p=new_p_node_id;
+ b_node_ids_p=&new_p_node_id->nidl_next;
+ } else {
+ struct node_id_list_element *new_p_node_id;
+ new_p_node_id=CompAllocType (struct node_id_list_element);
+ new_p_node_id->nidl_node_id=node_id;
+ *a_node_ids_p=new_p_node_id;
+ a_node_ids_p=&new_p_node_id->nidl_next;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (node_id->nid_node==NULL){
+ int asize,bsize;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (arg_p->arg_state, &asize, &bsize);
+ if (asize!=0){
+ struct node_id_list_element *new_p_node_id;
+ new_p_node_id=CompAllocType (struct node_id_list_element);
+ new_p_node_id->nidl_node_id=node_id;
+ *a_node_ids_p=new_p_node_id;
+ a_node_ids_p=&new_p_node_id->nidl_next;
+ }
+ if (bsize!=0){
+ struct node_id_list_element *new_p_node_id;
+ new_p_node_id=CompAllocType (struct node_id_list_element);
+ new_p_node_id->nidl_node_id=node_id;
+ *b_node_ids_p=new_p_node_id;
+ b_node_ids_p=&new_p_node_id->nidl_next;
+ }
+ } else {
+ NodeIdListElementS **a_node_ids_p_c,**b_node_ids_p_c;
+ a_node_ids_p_c=a_node_ids_p;
+ b_node_ids_p_c=b_node_ids_p;
+ bind_tuple_and_record_arguments (node_id->nid_node->node_arguments,node_id,a_offset,b_offset,&a_node_ids_p_c,&b_node_ids_p_c);
+ a_node_ids_p=a_node_ids_p_c;
+ b_node_ids_p=b_node_ids_p_c;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!IsSimpleState (arg_p->arg_state)){
+ NodeIdListElementS **a_node_ids_p_c,**b_node_ids_p_c;
+ a_node_ids_p_c=a_node_ids_p;
+ b_node_ids_p_c=b_node_ids_p;
+ bind_tuple_and_record_arguments (arg_p->arg_node->node_arguments,tuple_node_id /* !!!, not NULL */,a_offset,b_offset,&a_node_ids_p_c,&b_node_ids_p_c);
+ a_node_ids_p=a_node_ids_p_c;
+ b_node_ids_p=b_node_ids_p_c;
+ }
+ if (IsSimpleState (arg_p->arg_state)){
+ if (arg_p->arg_state.state_kind==OnB)
+ b_offset -= ObjectSizes [arg_p->arg_state.state_object];
+ else
+ a_offset -= SizeOfAStackElem;
+ } else {
+ int asize,bsize;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (arg_p->arg_state, &asize, &bsize);
+ a_offset -= asize;
+ b_offset -= bsize;
+ }
+ }
+ *a_node_ids_h=a_node_ids_p;
+ *b_node_ids_h=b_node_ids_p;
+static void set_lhs_tuple_node_ids (ArgS *args,NodeId node_id)
+ ArgS *arg;
+ for_l (arg,args,arg_next){
+ Node arg_node;
+ arg_node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ arg_node->node_node_id->nid_mark |= NID_STRICT_LHS_TUPLE_ELEMENT_MASK;
+ arg_node->node_node_id->nid_lhs_tuple_node_id_=node_id;
+ } else
+ set_lhs_tuple_node_ids (arg_node->node_arguments,node_id);
+ }
+void bind_arguments (ArgP arguments,int a_offset,int b_offset,AbNodeIdsP ab_node_ids_p)
+ NodeIdListElementS **a_node_ids_p,**b_node_ids_p,*a_node_ids,*b_node_ids;
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ a_node_ids=ab_node_ids_p->a_node_ids;
+ b_node_ids=ab_node_ids_p->b_node_ids;
+ a_node_ids_p=&ab_node_ids_p->a_node_ids;
+ b_node_ids_p=&ab_node_ids_p->b_node_ids;
+ for_l (arg_p,arguments,arg_next){
+ if (arg_p->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ struct node_id *node_id;
+ node_id=arg_p->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ node_id->nid_mark2 |= NID_LHS_PUSHED;
+ node_id->nid_state = *node_id->nid_lhs_state_p;
+ node_id->nid_a_index_ = a_offset;
+ node_id->nid_b_index_ = b_offset;
+ if (IsSimpleState (arg_p->arg_state)){
+ if (arg_p->arg_state.state_kind==OnB){
+ struct node_id_list_element *new_p_node_id;
+ new_p_node_id=CompAllocType (struct node_id_list_element);
+ new_p_node_id->nidl_node_id=node_id;
+ *b_node_ids_p=new_p_node_id;
+ b_node_ids_p=&new_p_node_id->nidl_next;
+ } else {
+ struct node_id_list_element *new_p_node_id;
+ new_p_node_id=CompAllocType (struct node_id_list_element);
+ new_p_node_id->nidl_node_id=node_id;
+ *a_node_ids_p=new_p_node_id;
+ a_node_ids_p=&new_p_node_id->nidl_next;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (node_id->nid_node==NULL){
+ int asize,bsize;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (arg_p->arg_state, &asize, &bsize);
+ if (asize!=0){
+ struct node_id_list_element *new_p_node_id;
+ new_p_node_id=CompAllocType (struct node_id_list_element);
+ new_p_node_id->nidl_node_id=node_id;
+ *a_node_ids_p=new_p_node_id;
+ a_node_ids_p=&new_p_node_id->nidl_next;
+ }
+ if (bsize!=0){
+ struct node_id_list_element *new_p_node_id;
+ new_p_node_id=CompAllocType (struct node_id_list_element);
+ new_p_node_id->nidl_node_id=node_id;
+ *b_node_ids_p=new_p_node_id;
+ b_node_ids_p=&new_p_node_id->nidl_next;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ NodeIdListElementS **a_node_ids_p_c,**b_node_ids_p_c;
+ a_node_ids_p_c=a_node_ids_p;
+ b_node_ids_p_c=b_node_ids_p;
+ bind_tuple_and_record_arguments (node_id->nid_node->node_arguments,node_id,a_offset,b_offset,&a_node_ids_p_c,&b_node_ids_p_c);
+ a_node_ids_p=a_node_ids_p_c;
+ b_node_ids_p=b_node_ids_p_c;
+ }
+ set_lhs_tuple_node_ids (node_id->nid_node->node_arguments,node_id);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!IsSimpleState (arg_p->arg_state)){
+ NodeIdListElementS **a_node_ids_p_c,**b_node_ids_p_c;
+ a_node_ids_p_c=a_node_ids_p;
+ b_node_ids_p_c=b_node_ids_p;
+ bind_tuple_and_record_arguments (arg_p->arg_node->node_arguments,NULL,a_offset,b_offset,&a_node_ids_p_c,&b_node_ids_p_c);
+ a_node_ids_p=a_node_ids_p_c;
+ b_node_ids_p=b_node_ids_p_c;
+ }
+ if (IsSimpleState (arg_p->arg_state)){
+ if (arg_p->arg_state.state_kind==OnB)
+ b_offset -= ObjectSizes [arg_p->arg_state.state_object];
+ else
+ a_offset -= SizeOfAStackElem;
+ } else {
+ int asize,bsize;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (arg_p->arg_state, &asize, &bsize);
+ a_offset -= asize;
+ b_offset -= bsize;
+ }
+ }
+ *a_node_ids_p=a_node_ids;
+ *b_node_ids_p=b_node_ids;
+void ReduceArgumentToHnf (NodeIdP node_id,StateS state,int offset,SavedNidStateS **ifrule)
+ if (IsSimpleState (state) && state.state_kind==OnA){
+ GenJsrEval (offset);
+ state.state_kind = StrictOnA;
+ if (ifrule && node_id){
+ save_node_id_state (node_id,ifrule);
+ node_id->nid_state_ = state;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ifrule==NULL && node_id!=NULL)
+ node_id->nid_state_=state;
+static void MatchLhsNode (NodeP node,StateS demstate,int aindex,int bindex,int asp,int bsp,struct ab_node_ids *ab_node_ids_p);
+void MatchArgs (Args args,int aindex,int bindex,int asp,int bsp,struct ab_node_ids *ab_node_ids_p)
+ for (; args; args=args->arg_next){
+ Node arg_node;
+ int asize, bsize;
+ arg_node=args->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ ReduceArgumentToHnf (NULL,args->arg_state,asp-aindex,NULL);
+ MatchLhsNode (arg_node,args->arg_state,aindex,bindex,asp,bsp,ab_node_ids_p);
+ } else {
+ NodeId node_id;
+ node_id=arg_node->node_node_id;
+ arg_node=node_id->nid_node;
+ if (arg_node!=NULL){
+ ReduceArgumentToHnf (node_id,args->arg_state,asp-aindex,NULL);
+ MatchLhsNode (arg_node,args->arg_state,aindex,bindex,asp,bsp,ab_node_ids_p);
+ } else
+ {
+ node_id->nid_state_=args->arg_state;
+ }
+ }
+ DetermineSizeOfState (args->arg_state,&asize,&bsize);
+ aindex -= asize;
+ bindex -= bsize;
+ }
+static void MatchLhsNode (NodeP node,StateS demstate,int aindex,int bindex,int asp,int bsp,struct ab_node_ids *ab_node_ids_p)
+ Symbol symb;
+ symb = node->node_symbol;
+ switch (symb->symb_kind){
+ case tuple_symb:
+ if (!IsSimpleState (demstate)){
+ bind_arguments (node->node_arguments,aindex,bindex,ab_node_ids_p);
+ MatchArgs (node->node_arguments,aindex,bindex,asp,bsp,ab_node_ids_p);
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case definition:
+ {
+ SymbDef def;
+ def = symb->symb_def;
+ if (def->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE){
+ if (demstate.state_type==RecordState){
+ bind_arguments (node->node_arguments,aindex,bindex,ab_node_ids_p);
+ MatchArgs (node->node_arguments,aindex,bindex,asp,bsp,ab_node_ids_p);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ error_in_function ("MatchLhsNode");
+ static void BindArgs (Args args,int ara,int arb)
+ {
+ for (; args; args = args->arg_next){
+ if (IsSimpleState (args->arg_state)){
+ if (args->arg_state.state_kind==OnB){
+ if (args->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode)
+ args->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_b_index = arb;
+ arb -= ObjectSizes [args->arg_state.state_object];
+ } else {
+ if (args->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode)
+ args->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_a_index = ara;
+ ara -= SizeOfAStackElem;
+ }
+ } else {
+ int asize,bsize;
+ if (args->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ args->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_a_index = ara;
+ args->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_b_index = arb;
+ }
+ DetermineSizeOfState (args->arg_state, &asize, &bsize);
+ ara -= asize;
+ arb -= bsize;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void jump_false_to_next_alternative (LabDef *esclabel,int remove_a,int remove_b)
+ if (remove_a==0 && remove_b==0)
+ GenJmpFalse (esclabel);
+ else {
+ LabDef to;
+ MakeLabel (&to,m_symb,NewLabelNr++,no_pref);
+ GenJmpTrue (&to);
+ GenPopA (remove_a);
+ GenPopB (remove_b);
+ GenJmp (esclabel);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&to);
+ }
+static void CheckSymbol (Label symblab,int arity,int stackpos,int remove_a,int remove_b,Label esclabel)
+ GenEqDesc (symblab, arity, stackpos);
+ jump_false_to_next_alternative (esclabel,remove_a,remove_b);
+static void GenNoMatchOnApplies (void)
+ GenDumpString ("Runtime Error: left-hand-side application encountered\\n");
+ GenHalt ();
+static void GenNoMatchOnIfs (void)
+ GenDumpString ("Runtime Error: left-hand-side application of IF encountered\\n");
+ GenHalt ();
+static void SetArgumentStates (Args args, States argstates)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; args ; args = args->arg_next, i++)
+ args->arg_state = argstates [i];
+void MatchError (int aselmts,int bselmts,SymbDef sdef,Bool root_node_needed,int string_already_generated)
+ GenLabelDefinition (&CurrentAltLabel);
+ CurrentAltLabel.lab_pref = no_pref;
+ CurrentAltLabel.lab_post = 0;
+ if (sdef->sdef_exported)
+ CurrentAltLabel.lab_mod = CurrentModule;
+ GenNoMatchError (sdef,root_node_needed ? aselmts+1 : aselmts,bselmts,string_already_generated);
+ if (sdef->sdef_exported)
+ CurrentAltLabel.lab_mod = NULL;
+static char case_symb[] = "case";
+static int generate_int_char_or_bool_match (struct arg *first_arg,int *matches_always_p)
+ struct arg *arg;
+ int case_number;
+ case_number=0;
+ for_l (arg,first_arg,arg_next){
+ struct node *case_node;
+ struct symbol *symbol;
+ case_node=arg->arg_node;
+ switch (case_node->node_kind){
+ case CaseNode:
+ {
+ LabDef case_label;
+ symbol=case_node->node_symbol;
+ MakeLabel (&case_label,case_symb,NewLabelNr,no_pref);
+ if (symbol->symb_kind < Nr_Of_Predef_Types){
+ if (symbol->symb_kind==bool_denot && case_number==1){
+ GenJmp (&case_label);
+ *matches_always_p=1;
+ } else {
+ EqBasic (BasicSymbolStates [symbol->symb_kind].state_object,symbol->symb_val,0);
+ GenJmpTrue (&case_label);
+ }
+ } else
+ error_in_function ("generate_int_char_or_bool_match");
+ ++NewLabelNr;
+ break;
+ }
+ case DefaultNode:
+ return 1;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("generate_int_char_or_bool_match");
+ }
+ ++case_number;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int generate_constructor_match (ArgP first_arg,int *matches_always_p)
+ ArgP arg;
+ int case_number;
+ for (arg=first_arg,case_number=0; arg!=NULL; arg=arg->arg_next,++case_number){
+ struct node *case_node;
+ struct symbol *symbol;
+ case_node=arg->arg_node;
+ switch (case_node->node_kind){
+ case DefaultNode:
+ return 1;
+ case CaseNode:
+ {
+ LabDef case_label;
+ symbol=case_node->node_symbol;
+ MakeLabel (&case_label,case_symb,NewLabelNr,no_pref);
+ ++NewLabelNr;
+ if (symbol->symb_kind==definition){
+ LabDef symbol_label;
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ sdef=symbol->symb_def;
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR && sdef->sdef_type->type_nr_of_constructors==case_number+1){
+ GenJmp (&case_label);
+ *matches_always_p=1;
+ } else {
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR && sdef->sdef_strict_constructor && sdef->sdef_arity==case_node->node_arity){
+ ConvertSymbolToKLabel (&symbol_label,sdef);
+ GenEqD_b (&symbol_label,0);
+ } else {
+ ConvertSymbolToConstructorDLabel (&symbol_label,sdef);
+ GenEqD_b (&symbol_label,case_node->node_arity);
+ }
+ GenJmpTrue (&case_label);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("generate_constructor_match");
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+#if 0
+extern char *node_id_name (NodeId node_id);
+static void add_node_id_or_tuple_node_ids_to_list (NodeIdP node_id,NodeIdP push_node_id_p,NodeIdListElementS **free_node_ids_l)
+ if (! (node_id->nid_node!=NULL && !IsSimpleState (node_id->nid_state))){
+ if (!(node_id->nid_refcount<0 && (node_id->nid_mark2 & NID_LHS_PUSHED)==0))
+ add_node_id_to_list (node_id,free_node_ids_l);
+ } else {
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ for_l (arg_p,node_id->nid_node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ NodeP arg_node_p;
+ arg_node_p=arg_p->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node_p->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ NodeIdP node_id_p;
+ node_id_p=arg_node_p->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id_p->nid_refcount==-1 && node_id!=push_node_id_p)
+ if (!(node_id_p->nid_refcount<0 && (node_id_p->nid_mark2 & NID_LHS_PUSHED)==0))
+ add_node_id_or_tuple_node_ids_to_list (node_id_p,push_node_id_p,free_node_ids_l);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void set_local_reference_counts_and_add_free_node_ids (NodeP case_node,NodeIdListElementS **free_node_ids_l)
+ NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ NodeIdP push_node_id_p;
+ if (case_node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_kind==PushNode)
+ push_node_id_p=case_node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ else
+ push_node_id_p=NULL;
+ for_l (node_id_ref_count_elem,case_node->node_node_id_ref_counts,nrcl_next){
+ int local_ref_count;
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ node_id=node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_node_id;
+ local_ref_count=node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count;
+# if 0
+ printf ("global_to_local_ %s %d %d ",node_id_name (node_id),node_id->nid_refcount,node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count);
+# endif
+ if (local_ref_count==-1 && node_id!=push_node_id_p){
+ if (unused_node_id_(node_id)){
+# if 0
+ printf ("global_to_local__ %s %d %d %d ",node_id_name (node_id),node_id->nid_refcount,node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count,node_id->nid_a_index);
+# endif
+ add_node_id_or_tuple_node_ids_to_list (node_id,push_node_id_p,free_node_ids_l);
+ if (! (node_id->nid_node!=NULL && !IsSimpleState (node_id->nid_state)))
+ add_node_id_to_list (node_id,free_node_ids_l);
+ }
+ }
+ node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count=node_id->nid_refcount - local_ref_count;
+ node_id->nid_refcount = local_ref_count;
+ }
+# if 0
+ printf ("\n");
+# endif
+static int generate_code_for_switch_node (NodeP node,int asp,int bsp,struct esc *esc_p,StateP result_state_p,
+ SavedNidStateS **save_states_p,AbNodeIdsP ab_node_ids_p)
+ int has_default,need_next_alternative,matches_always;
+ unsigned int first_case_label_number,case_number;
+ struct node_id *node_id;
+ struct arg *arg,*first_arg;
+ int a_index,b_index;
+ struct esc esc,old_esc;
+ int match_b_stack_top_element;
+ LabDef esc_case_label;
+ node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ a_index=node_id->nid_a_index;
+ b_index=node_id->nid_b_index;
+#if 0
+ ReduceArgumentToHnf (node_id,node->node_state,asp-a_index,save_states_p);
+ if (node_id->nid_state.state_type!=SimpleState || node_id->nid_state.state_kind==OnB){
+ node->node_state=node_id->nid_state;
+ } else
+ ReduceArgumentToHnf (node_id,node->node_state,asp-a_index,save_states_p);
+ first_case_label_number=NewLabelNr;
+ esc=*esc_p;
+ need_next_alternative=0;
+ matches_always=0;
+ has_default=0;
+ first_arg=node->node_arguments;
+ match_b_stack_top_element=0;
+ if (first_arg->arg_node->node_kind==CaseNode && first_arg->arg_next!=NULL && first_arg->arg_next->arg_node->node_kind==CaseNode){
+ if (node->node_state.state_type==SimpleState && (node->node_state.state_kind==OnA || node->node_state.state_kind==StrictOnA)){
+ int first_case_symbol_kind;
+ Symbol symbol;
+ symbol=first_arg->arg_node->node_symbol;
+ first_case_symbol_kind=symbol->symb_kind;
+ if (first_case_symbol_kind==int_denot || first_case_symbol_kind==char_denot || first_case_symbol_kind==bool_denot){
+ PushBasicFromAOnB (BasicSymbolStates [first_case_symbol_kind].state_object,asp-a_index);
+ match_b_stack_top_element=1;
+ has_default=generate_int_char_or_bool_match (first_arg,&matches_always);
+ }
+ else if (first_case_symbol_kind==definition){
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ sdef=symbol->symb_def;
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR){
+ Symbol next_case_node_symbol;
+ SymbDef next_sdef;
+ next_case_node_symbol=first_arg->arg_next->arg_node->node_symbol;
+ if (! (next_case_node_symbol->symb_kind==definition && (next_sdef=next_case_node_symbol->symb_def,
+ next_sdef->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR && next_sdef->sdef_type->type_nr_of_constructors==2)))
+ {
+ GenPushD_a (asp-a_index);
+ match_b_stack_top_element=1;
+ has_default=generate_constructor_match (first_arg,&matches_always);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ++node_id->nid_refcount;
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ NodeIdRefCountListP *node_id_ref_count_elem_h,node_id_ref_count_elem_p;
+ struct node *case_node;
+ case_node=arg->arg_node;
+ node_id_ref_count_elem_h=&case_node->node_node_id_ref_counts;
+ while ((node_id_ref_count_elem_p=*node_id_ref_count_elem_h)!=NULL){
+ if (node_id_ref_count_elem_p->nrcl_node_id->nid_refcount==-1 && node_id_ref_count_elem_p->nrcl_ref_count==-1)
+ *node_id_ref_count_elem_h=node_id_ref_count_elem_p->nrcl_next;
+ else
+ node_id_ref_count_elem_h=&node_id_ref_count_elem_p->nrcl_next;
+ }
+ }
+ --node_id->nid_refcount;
+ if (!match_b_stack_top_element)
+ for (arg=first_arg,case_number=0; arg!=NULL; arg=arg->arg_next,++case_number){
+ struct node *case_node;
+ struct symbol *symbol;
+ case_node=arg->arg_node;
+ switch (case_node->node_kind){
+ case CaseNode:
+ {
+ LabDef case_label;
+ symbol=case_node->node_symbol;
+ MakeLabel (&case_label,case_symb,NewLabelNr,no_pref);
+ switch (symbol->symb_kind){
+ case definition:
+ {
+ LabDef symbol_label;
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ sdef=symbol->symb_def;
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE || (sdef->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR
+ && sdef->sdef_type->type_nr_of_constructors==case_number+1))
+ {
+ if (case_number==0 && arg->arg_next==NULL){
+ SavedNidStateP saved_node_id_states;
+ int need_next_alternative;
+ saved_node_id_states=NULL;
+ ++node_id->nid_refcount;
+ {
+ NodeIdListElementP old_free_node_ids;
+ old_free_node_ids=ab_node_ids_p->free_node_ids;
+ set_local_reference_counts_and_add_free_node_ids (case_node,&ab_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ set_local_reference_counts (case_node);
+ need_next_alternative=
+ generate_code_for_root_node
+ (case_node->node_arguments->arg_node,asp,bsp,&esc,
+ case_node->node_node_defs,result_state_p,&saved_node_id_states ,ab_node_ids_p);
+ set_global_reference_counts (case_node);
+ ab_node_ids_p->free_node_ids=old_free_node_ids;
+ }
+ --node_id->nid_refcount;
+ restore_saved_node_id_states (saved_node_id_states);
+ return need_next_alternative;
+ }
+ GenJmp (&case_label);
+ matches_always=1;
+ } else {
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR && sdef->sdef_strict_constructor
+ && sdef->sdef_arity==case_node->node_arity)
+ {
+ ConvertSymbolToKLabel (&symbol_label,sdef);
+ GenEqDesc (&symbol_label,0,asp-a_index);
+ } else {
+ ConvertSymbolToConstructorDLabel (&symbol_label,sdef);
+ GenEqDesc (&symbol_label,case_node->node_arity,asp-a_index);
+ }
+ GenJmpTrue (&case_label);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case cons_symb:
+ if (case_number==1){
+ GenJmp (&case_label);
+ matches_always=1;
+ } else {
+ GenEqDesc (&cons_lab,case_node->node_arity,asp-a_index);
+ GenJmpTrue (&case_label);
+ }
+ break;
+ case nil_symb:
+ if (case_number==1){
+ GenJmp (&case_label);
+ matches_always=1;
+ } else {
+ GenEqDesc (&nil_lab,case_node->node_arity,asp-a_index);
+ GenJmpTrue (&case_label);
+ }
+ break;
+ case tuple_symb:
+ if (case_number==0 && arg->arg_next==NULL){
+ SavedNidStateP saved_node_id_states;
+ int need_next_alternative;
+ saved_node_id_states=NULL;
+ ++node_id->nid_refcount;
+ {
+ NodeIdListElementP old_free_node_ids;
+ old_free_node_ids=ab_node_ids_p->free_node_ids;
+ set_local_reference_counts_and_add_free_node_ids (case_node,&ab_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ set_local_reference_counts (case_node);
+ need_next_alternative=
+ generate_code_for_root_node
+ (case_node->node_arguments->arg_node,asp,bsp,&esc,
+ case_node->node_node_defs,result_state_p,&saved_node_id_states ,ab_node_ids_p);
+ set_global_reference_counts (case_node);
+ ab_node_ids_p->free_node_ids=old_free_node_ids;
+ }
+ --node_id->nid_refcount;
+ restore_saved_node_id_states (saved_node_id_states);
+ return need_next_alternative;
+ }
+ if (!(arg->arg_next->arg_node->node_kind==DefaultNode))
+ GenJmp (&case_label);
+ matches_always=1;
+ break;
+ case apply_symb:
+ case if_symb:
+ error_in_function ("generate_code_for_switch_node");
+ return 0;
+ case string_denot:
+ if (IsSimpleState (node->node_state)){
+ GenPushArray (asp-a_index);
+ IsString (symbol->symb_val);
+ } else {
+ GenPushA (asp-a_index);
+ IsString (symbol->symb_val);
+ }
+ GenJmpTrue (&case_label);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (symbol->symb_kind < Nr_Of_Predef_Types){
+ ObjectKind denot_type;
+ denot_type = BasicSymbolStates [symbol->symb_kind].state_object;
+ if (node->node_state.state_object==denot_type){
+ if (symbol->symb_kind==bool_denot && case_number==1){
+ GenJmp (&case_label);
+ matches_always=1;
+ } else {
+ if (node->node_state.state_kind==OnB)
+ EqBasic (denot_type,symbol->symb_val,bsp-b_index);
+ else
+ IsBasic (denot_type,symbol->symb_val,asp-a_index);
+ GenJmpTrue (&case_label);
+ }
+ break;
+ } else if (node->node_state.state_object==UnknownObj
+ || node->node_state.state_object==AbstractObj
+ ){
+ IsBasic (denot_type,symbol->symb_val,asp-a_index);
+ GenJmpTrue (&case_label);
+ } else
+ error_in_function ("generate_code_for_switch_node");
+ } else
+ error_in_function ("generate_code_for_switch_node");
+ }
+ ++NewLabelNr;
+ break;
+ }
+ case DefaultNode:
+ has_default=1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("generate_code_for_switch_node");
+ }
+ }
+ if (has_default){
+ MakeLabel (&esc_case_label,case_symb,NewLabelNr,no_pref);
+ ++NewLabelNr;
+ if (!matches_always){
+ if (match_b_stack_top_element)
+ GenPopB (1);
+ GenJmp (&esc_case_label);
+ }
+ old_esc=esc;
+ esc.esc_asp=asp;
+ esc.esc_bsp=bsp;
+ esc.esc_label=&esc_case_label;
+ } else
+ if (/* !has_default && */ !matches_always){
+ int n_pop_a;
+ need_next_alternative=1;
+ n_pop_a=asp-esc.esc_asp;
+ if (n_pop_a>0)
+ GenPopA (n_pop_a);
+ else if (n_pop_a<0){
+ int offset;
+ GenBuildh (&nil_lab,0);
+ offset=0;
+ while (++n_pop_a!=0)
+ GenPushA (offset++);
+ }
+ if (match_b_stack_top_element)
+ GenPopB (bsp+1-esc.esc_bsp);
+ else
+ GenPopB (bsp-esc.esc_bsp);
+ GenJmp (esc.esc_label);
+ }
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ struct node *case_node;
+ LabDef case_label;
+ SavedNidStateP saved_node_id_states;
+ case_node=arg->arg_node;
+ MakeLabel (&case_label,case_symb,first_case_label_number,no_pref);
+ ++first_case_label_number;
+ GenLabelDefinition (&case_label);
+ saved_node_id_states=NULL;
+ ++node_id->nid_refcount;
+ {
+ NodeIdListElementP old_free_node_ids;
+ old_free_node_ids=ab_node_ids_p->free_node_ids;
+ set_local_reference_counts_and_add_free_node_ids (case_node,&ab_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ set_local_reference_counts (case_node);
+ if (case_node->node_kind==CaseNode){
+ if (match_b_stack_top_element)
+ GenPopB (1);
+ if (generate_code_for_root_node
+ (case_node->node_arguments->arg_node,asp,bsp,&esc,case_node->node_node_defs,
+ result_state_p,&saved_node_id_states,ab_node_ids_p) && !has_default)
+ {
+ need_next_alternative=1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (generate_code_for_root_node
+ (case_node->node_arguments->arg_node,asp,bsp,&old_esc,case_node->node_node_defs,
+ result_state_p,&saved_node_id_states,ab_node_ids_p))
+ {
+ need_next_alternative=1;
+ }
+ }
+ set_global_reference_counts (case_node);
+ ab_node_ids_p->free_node_ids=old_free_node_ids;
+ }
+ --node_id->nid_refcount;
+ restore_saved_node_id_states (saved_node_id_states);
+ }
+ return need_next_alternative;
+/* #define unused_node_id(node_id) ((node_id)->nid_refcount!=-1 ? (node_id)->nid_refcount==0 : unused_node_id_ (node_id)) */
+int unused_node_id_ (NodeId node_id)
+ if (!(node_id->nid_mark & NID_STRICT_LHS_TUPLE_ELEMENT_MASK))
+ return True;
+ node_id=node_id->nid_lhs_tuple_node_id;
+ while (node_id->nid_refcount==-1){
+ if (!(node_id->nid_mark & NID_STRICT_LHS_TUPLE_ELEMENT_MASK))
+ return True;
+ node_id=node_id->nid_lhs_tuple_node_id;
+ }
+ return False;
+static int generate_code_for_push_node (NodeP node,int asp,int bsp,struct esc *esc_p,NodeDefs defs,StateP result_state_p,
+ SavedNidStateS **save_states_p,AbNodeIdsP ab_node_ids_p)
+ NodeIdP node_id_p;
+ struct node_id_list_element *arg_node_id_list;
+ int a_index,b_index;
+ struct arg *arguments;
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ int a_remove,b_remove;
+ int source_a_index,source_b_index;
+ int update_stack_size;
+ struct ab_node_ids ab_node_ids;
+ struct update updates[MaxNodeArity];
+ ab_node_ids=*ab_node_ids_p;
+ arguments=node->node_arguments;
+ node_id_p=arguments->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ if (!IsSimpleState (node_id_p->nid_state) && node_id_p->nid_refcount<0 && node_id_p->nid_node!=NULL){
+ for_l (arg_node_id_list,node->node_node_ids,nidl_next){
+ NodeIdP arg_node_id;
+ arg_node_id=arg_node_id_list->nidl_node_id;
+ arg_node_id->nid_mark2 |= NID_LHS_PUSHED;
+ arg_node_id->nid_state = *arg_node_id->nid_lhs_state_p;
+ }
+ return generate_code_for_root_node (arguments->arg_next->arg_node,asp,bsp,esc_p,defs,result_state_p,save_states_p,&ab_node_ids);
+ }
+ a_size=0;
+ b_size=0;
+ a_remove=0;
+ b_remove=0;
+ for_l (arg_node_id_list,node->node_node_ids,nidl_next){
+ NodeIdP arg_node_id;
+ arg_node_id=arg_node_id_list->nidl_node_id;
+ arg_node_id->nid_mark2 |= NID_LHS_PUSHED;
+ arg_node_id->nid_state = *arg_node_id->nid_lhs_state_p;
+ if (arg_node_id->nid_refcount==-1){
+ if (IsSimpleState (arg_node_id->nid_state)){
+ if (arg_node_id->nid_state.state_kind==OnB)
+ b_remove += ObjectSizes [arg_node_id->nid_state.state_object];
+ else
+ a_remove += SizeOfAStackElem;
+ } else
+ AddSizeOfState (arg_node_id->nid_state,&a_remove,&b_remove);
+ }
+ if (IsSimpleState (arg_node_id->nid_state)){
+ if (arg_node_id->nid_state.state_kind==OnB)
+ b_size += ObjectSizes [arg_node_id->nid_state.state_object];
+ else
+ a_size += SizeOfAStackElem;
+ } else {
+ /* added 6-8-1999 */
+ arg_node_id->nid_node=NULL;
+ /* */
+ AddSizeOfState (arg_node_id->nid_state,&a_size,&b_size);
+ }
+ }
+#if FREE_STRICT_LHS_TUPLE_ELEMENTS /* added 26-4-2000 */
+ {
+ NodeIdListElementP removed_free_node_id_p,*removed_free_node_id_h;
+ removed_free_node_id_p=NULL;
+ if (!IsSimpleState (node_id_p->nid_state)){
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (node_id_p->nid_state,&a_size,&b_size);
+ if (unused_node_id (node_id_p) && (a_size==0 || node_id_p->nid_a_index==asp) && (b_size==0 || node_id_p->nid_b_index==bsp)){
+ asp-=a_size;
+ bsp-=b_size;
+ if (ab_node_ids.a_node_ids!=NULL && ab_node_ids.a_node_ids->nidl_node_id==node_id_p)
+ ab_node_ids.a_node_ids=ab_node_ids.a_node_ids->nidl_next;
+ if (ab_node_ids.b_node_ids!=NULL && ab_node_ids.b_node_ids->nidl_node_id==node_id_p)
+ ab_node_ids.b_node_ids=ab_node_ids.b_node_ids->nidl_next;
+ } else {
+ int a_offset,b_offset;
+ a_offset=(asp-node_id_p->nid_a_index)+a_size-1;
+ while (a_size){
+ GenPushA (a_offset);
+ --a_size;
+ }
+ b_offset=(bsp-node_id_p->nid_b_index)+b_size-1;
+ while (b_size){
+ GenPushB (b_offset);
+ --b_size;
+ }
+ node_id_p->nid_node=NULL; /* to prevent codegen2 from using a_index and b_index of elements */
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (node->node_number!=0){
+ if (b_size==0)
+ GenPushArgsU (asp-node_id_p->nid_a_index,a_size,a_size);
+ else
+ GenPushRArgsU (asp-node_id_p->nid_a_index,a_size,b_size);
+ }
+ else if (node->node_record_symbol->symb_kind==definition &&
+ node->node_record_symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE &&
+ (node_id_p->nid_mark2 & NID_HAS_REFCOUNT_WITHOUT_UPDATES)!=0 &&
+ node_id_p->nid_number==-2)
+ {
+ node_id_p->nid_number=-1;
+ if (b_size==0)
+ GenPushArgsU (asp-node_id_p->nid_a_index,a_size,a_size);
+ else
+ GenPushRArgsU (asp-node_id_p->nid_a_index,a_size,b_size);
+ }
+# endif
+ else {
+ if (unused_node_id (node_id_p)){
+ if (node_id_p->nid_a_index==asp){
+ if (b_size==0)
+ GenReplArgs (a_size,a_size);
+ else
+ GenReplRArgs (a_size,b_size);
+ if (ab_node_ids.a_node_ids!=NULL && ab_node_ids.a_node_ids->nidl_node_id==node_id_p)
+ ab_node_ids.a_node_ids=ab_node_ids.a_node_ids->nidl_next;
+#if FREE_STRICT_LHS_TUPLE_ELEMENTS /* added 26-4-2000 */
+ removed_free_node_id_h=&ab_node_ids.free_node_ids;
+ while ((removed_free_node_id_p=*removed_free_node_id_h)!=NULL){
+ if (removed_free_node_id_p->nidl_node_id==node_id_p){
+ *removed_free_node_id_h=removed_free_node_id_p->nidl_next;
+ break;
+ }
+ removed_free_node_id_h=&removed_free_node_id_p->nidl_next;
+ }
+ --asp;
+ } else {
+ if (b_size==0)
+ GenPushArgs (asp-node_id_p->nid_a_index,a_size,a_size);
+ else
+ GenPushRArgs (asp-node_id_p->nid_a_index,a_size,b_size);
+ GenBuildh (&nil_lab,0);
+ GenUpdateA (0,1+a_size+asp-node_id_p->nid_a_index);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (b_size==0)
+ GenPushArgs (asp-node_id_p->nid_a_index,a_size,a_size);
+ else
+ GenPushRArgs (asp-node_id_p->nid_a_index,a_size,b_size);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ asp+=a_size;
+ bsp+=b_size;
+ source_a_index=asp;
+ source_b_index=bsp;
+ a_index = source_a_index-a_remove;
+ b_index = source_b_index-b_remove;
+ update_stack_size=0;
+ {
+ struct node_id_list_element **a_node_ids_p,**b_node_ids_p,*a_node_ids,*b_node_ids;
+ a_node_ids=ab_node_ids.a_node_ids;
+ b_node_ids=ab_node_ids.b_node_ids;
+ a_node_ids_p=&ab_node_ids.a_node_ids;
+ b_node_ids_p=&ab_node_ids.b_node_ids;
+ for_l (arg_node_id_list,node->node_node_ids,nidl_next){
+ int asize,bsize;
+ struct node_id *arg_node_id;
+ arg_node_id=arg_node_id_list->nidl_node_id;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (arg_node_id->nid_state,&asize,&bsize);
+ arg_node_id->nid_a_index_ = a_index;
+ arg_node_id->nid_b_index_ = b_index;
+ if (arg_node_id->nid_refcount==-1){
+ source_a_index -= asize;
+ source_b_index -= bsize;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (IsSimpleState (arg_node_id->nid_state) || arg_node_id->nid_node==NULL){
+ struct node_id_list_element *new_p_node_id;
+ if (asize!=0){
+ new_p_node_id=CompAllocType (struct node_id_list_element);
+ new_p_node_id->nidl_node_id=arg_node_id;
+ *a_node_ids_p=new_p_node_id;
+ a_node_ids_p=&new_p_node_id->nidl_next;
+ }
+ if (bsize!=0){
+ new_p_node_id=CompAllocType (struct node_id_list_element);
+ new_p_node_id->nidl_node_id=arg_node_id;
+ *b_node_ids_p=new_p_node_id;
+ b_node_ids_p=&new_p_node_id->nidl_next;
+ }
+ }
+ if (a_index!=source_a_index || b_index!=source_b_index){
+ struct update *update_p;
+ update_p=&updates[update_stack_size++];
+ update_p->a_from_offset=source_a_index;
+ update_p->a_to_offset=a_index;
+ update_p->a_size=asize;
+ update_p->b_from_offset=source_b_index;
+ update_p->b_to_offset=b_index;
+ update_p->b_size=bsize;
+ }
+ a_index -= asize;
+ b_index -= bsize;
+ source_a_index -= asize;
+ source_b_index -= bsize;
+ }
+ *a_node_ids_p=a_node_ids;
+ *b_node_ids_p=b_node_ids;
+ }
+ while (update_stack_size!=0){
+ struct update *update_p;
+ int to,from,size;
+ update_p=&updates[--update_stack_size];
+ size=update_p->a_size;
+ from=update_p->a_from_offset;
+ to=update_p->a_to_offset;
+ while (size!=0){
+ --size;
+ GenUpdateA (asp-(from-size),asp-(to-size));
+ }
+ size=update_p->b_size;
+ from=update_p->b_from_offset;
+ to=update_p->b_to_offset;
+ while (size!=0){
+ --size;
+ GenUpdateB (bsp-(from-size),bsp-(to-size));
+ }
+ }
+ GenPopA (a_remove);
+ GenPopB (b_remove);
+ asp-=a_remove;
+ bsp-=b_remove;
+ {
+ int r;
+ r=generate_code_for_root_node (arguments->arg_next->arg_node,asp,bsp,esc_p,defs,result_state_p,save_states_p,&ab_node_ids);
+#if FREE_STRICT_LHS_TUPLE_ELEMENTS /* added 26-4-2000 */
+ if (removed_free_node_id_p!=NULL)
+ *removed_free_node_id_h=removed_free_node_id_p;
+ for_l (arg_node_id_list,node->node_node_ids,nidl_next){
+ NodeIdP arg_node_id;
+ arg_node_id=arg_node_id_list->nidl_node_id;
+ arg_node_id->nid_mark2 &= ~NID_LHS_PUSHED;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ return generate_code_for_root_node (arguments->arg_next->arg_node,asp,bsp,esc_p,defs,result_state_p,save_states_p,&ab_node_ids);
+#if FREE_STRICT_LHS_TUPLE_ELEMENTS /* added 26-4-2000 */
+ }
+int generate_code_for_root_node (NodeP node,int asp,int bsp,struct esc *esc_p,NodeDefP defs,StateP result_state_p,
+ SavedNidStateS **save_states_p,AbNodeIdsP ab_node_ids_p)
+ switch (node->node_kind){
+ case SwitchNode:
+ return generate_code_for_switch_node (node,asp,bsp,esc_p,result_state_p,save_states_p,ab_node_ids_p);
+ case PushNode:
+ return generate_code_for_push_node (node,asp,bsp,esc_p,defs,result_state_p,save_states_p,ab_node_ids_p);
+ case GuardNode:
+ while (node->node_kind==GuardNode){
+ SavedNidStateP saved_node_id_states;
+ ArgP arguments;
+ int fail_label_number;
+ LabDef fail_label;
+ struct esc guard_esc;
+ fail_label_number=NewLabelNr++;
+ MakeLabel (&fail_label,"fail",fail_label_number,no_pref);
+ arguments=node->node_arguments;
+ saved_node_id_states=NULL;
+ guard_esc.esc_asp=asp;
+ guard_esc.esc_bsp=bsp;
+ guard_esc.esc_label=&fail_label;
+ {
+ NodeIdListElement old_free_node_ids;
+ old_free_node_ids=ab_node_ids_p->free_node_ids;
+ generate_code_for_root_node (arguments->arg_node,asp,bsp,&guard_esc,defs,result_state_p,&saved_node_id_states,ab_node_ids_p);
+ ab_node_ids_p->free_node_ids=old_free_node_ids;
+ }
+ restore_saved_node_id_states (saved_node_id_states);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&fail_label);
+ defs=node->node_node_defs;
+ node=arguments->arg_next->arg_node;
+ }
+ return generate_code_for_root_node (node,asp,bsp,esc_p,defs,result_state_p,save_states_p,ab_node_ids_p);
+ default:
+ {
+ NodeP else_node;
+ else_node=node;
+ while (else_node->node_kind==IfNode)
+ else_node=else_node->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_next->arg_node;
+ return CodeRhsNodeDefs (node,defs,asp,bsp,save_states_p,*result_state_p,esc_p,ab_node_ids_p->a_node_ids,
+ ab_node_ids_p->b_node_ids,
+ ab_node_ids_p->free_node_ids,
+ !(else_node->node_kind==NormalNode && else_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==fail_symb));
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen1.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen1.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d388317
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen1.h
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+struct esc {
+ int esc_asp;
+ int esc_bsp;
+ struct label * esc_label;
+extern char d_pref[],s_pref[],n_pref[],l_pref[],no_pref[],ea_pref[],caf_pref[],
+ glob_sel[],m_symb[];
+extern char glob_selr[];
+extern char channel_code [],ext_nf_reducer_code[],nf_reducer_code[],hnf_reducer_code[],ext_hnf_reducer_code[];
+extern LabDef
+ cycle_lab, reserve_lab, type_error_lab, indirection_lab, ind_lab,
+ hnf_lab, cons_lab, nil_lab, tuple_lab, empty_lab, add_arg_lab, match_error_lab,
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+ select_with_dictionary_lab, update_with_dictionary_lab,
+ CurrentAltLabel;
+extern Label ReduceError;
+#define ExpectsResultNode(state) ((state).state_type==SimpleState && (state).state_kind>StrictRedirection)
+#define IsSimpleState(state) ((state).state_type==SimpleState)
+extern void FileComment (void);
+extern void PrintNodeId (NodeId nid);
+extern void PrintComment (void);
+extern void LhsComment (unsigned int altnr, int asp, int bsp);
+extern void StrictIdComment (NodeId id);
+extern void NodeDefComment (NodeDefs nd, char *msg);
+extern void ContractumComment (int asp, int bsp);
+extern void RedirectionComment (NodeId nid);
+extern void ArgComment (Args arg);
+extern void NodeIdComment (NodeId node_id);
+extern void TypeArgComment (TypeArgs arg);
+extern void ParComment (Args arg);
+extern void InitStackFrame (int offframe[], int defframe [], int max);
+extern void InitStackConversions (int maxa, int maxb, int *oldamax, int *oldbmax);
+extern void InitAStackConversions (int maxa,int *oldamax_p);
+extern void ExitStackConversions (int oldamax, int oldbmax);
+extern void GenAStackConversions (int sp,int demsize);
+extern void GenBStackConversions (int sp,int demsize);
+extern int *DemandedAFrame,*DemandedBFrame,CurrentAFrameSize,CurrentBFrameSize;
+extern void FreeAFrameSpace (int previoussize);
+extern void ReserveBFrameSpace (int size, int *oldsize);
+extern void FreeBFrameSpace (int previoussize);
+extern int *AllocTempDemandedAFrame (int size);
+extern int *AllocTempDemandedBFrame (int size);
+extern void CreateStackFrames (void);
+extern void PutInBFrames (int bsp, int *b_ind, int size);
+extern void PutInAFrames (int asp, int *a_ind);
+extern void MakeLabel (Label lab, char *name, unsigned num, char *pref);
+extern void MakeSymbolLabel (Label lab, char *mod, char *pref,SymbDef sdef, unsigned num);
+extern void ConvertSymbolToLabel (LabDef *slab,SymbDef sdef);
+extern void ConvertSymbolToDLabel (LabDef *slab,SymbDef sdef);
+extern void ConvertSymbolToKLabel (LabDef *slab,SymbDef sdef);
+extern void ConvertSymbolToRLabel (LabDef *slab,SymbDef sdef);
+extern void ConvertSymbolToDandNLabel (LabDef *d_lab,LabDef *n_lab,SymbDef sdef);
+extern void ConvertSymbolToConstructorDLabel (LabDef *slab,SymbDef sdef);
+extern void ConvertSymbolToConstructorDandNLabel (LabDef *d_lab,LabDef *n_lab,SymbDef sdef);
+extern void ConvertSymbolToRecordDandNLabel (LabDef *d_lab,LabDef *n_lab,SymbDef sdef);
+extern void BuildLazyTupleSelectorLabel (Label slab,int arity,int argnr);
+extern void BuildLazyTupleSelectorAndRemoveLabel (Label slab,int arity,int argnr);
+extern void DetermineSizeOfStates (int arity, States states, int *asize, int *bsize);
+extern void DetermineSizeOfState (StateS state, int *asize, int *bsize);
+extern void AddSizeOfState (StateS state, int *asize, int *bsize);
+extern void AddStateSizeAndMaxFrameSize (StateS state, int *maxasize,int *asize, int *bsize);
+extern void AddStateSizesAndMaxFrameSizes (int arity, States states,int *maxasize, int *asize, int *bsize);
+extern void AddStateSizesAndMaxFrameSizesOfArguments (Args args,int *maxasize, int *asize, int *bsize);
+extern void DetermineFieldSizeAndPosition (int fieldnr, int *asize, int *bsize,int *apos, int *bpos, States argstates);
+extern void GenerateCodeForConstructorsAndRecords (Symbol symbs);
+extern void GenerateStatesForRecords (Symbol symbs);
+extern Bool NodeEntry (StateS *const function_state_p,int arity,Label ealab,SymbDef rootsymb);
+extern Bool NodeEntryUnboxed (StateS *const function_state_p,NodeP call_node_p,int args_a_size,int args_b_size,Label ealab,SymbDef rootsymb);
+extern void ApplyEntry (StateS *const function_state_p,int arity,Label ealab,int ea_label_follows);
+extern Bool ConvertExternalToInternalCall (int arity,StateS *const ext_function_state_p,StateS *const int_function_state_p,
+ Bool skip_entry,int intasp,int intbsp,Label ealab,Label extlab,Bool root_node_needed);
+extern void GenerateCodeForLazyTupleSelectorEntries (Bool *selectors);
+extern void GenerateCodeForLazyArrayFunctionEntries (void);
+extern int next_update_function_n,next_match_function_n;
+extern ImpRuleS *first_update_function,**update_function_p;
+extern SymbDef CreateUpdateFunction (ArgS *record_arg,ArgS *first_field_arg,Node node);
+extern SymbDef create_select_function (Symbol selector_symbol,int selector_kind);
+extern SymbDef create_match_function (struct symbol *constructor_symbol,int constructor_arity,int strict_constructor);
+extern SymbDef create_select_and_match_function (struct symbol *constructor_symbol,int strict_constructor);
+extern void ReduceArgumentToHnf (NodeId node_id,StateS state,int offset,struct saved_nid_state **save_states_p);
+extern void BindArgs (Args args,int ara,int arb);
+extern void MatchArgs (Args args,int aindex,int bindex,int asp,int bsp,struct ab_node_ids *ab_node_ids_p);
+extern void MatchError (int aselmts,int bselmts,SymbDef sdef,Bool root_node_needed,int string_already_generated);
+extern int generate_code_for_root_node
+ (struct node *node,int asp,int bsp,struct esc *esc_p,NodeDefs defs,
+ struct state *result_state_p,struct saved_nid_state **save_states_p ,struct ab_node_ids *ab_node_ids_p);
+extern ImpRuleS *create_simple_imp_rule (struct node *lhs_root,struct node *rhs_root,SymbDefP function_sdef);
+#define unused_node_id(node_id) ((node_id)->nid_refcount!=-1 ? (node_id)->nid_refcount==0 : unused_node_id_ (node_id))
+extern int unused_node_id_ (NodeId node_id);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen2.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dcfd77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5441 @@
+ (Concurrent) Clean Compiler: Code Generator
+ Authors: Sjaak Smetsers & John van Groningen
+ At: University of Nijmegen, department of computing science
+ Version: 1.2
+#pragma segment codegen2
+#pragma options (!macsbug_names)
+#define FASTER_STRICT_IF /* also in statesgen.c */
+#define FREE_STRICT_LHS_TUPLE_ELEMENTS 1 /* also in codegen1.c */
+#define SELECTORS_FIRST 1 /* also in codegen.c */
+#include "system.h"
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "sizes.h"
+#include "checker.h"
+#include "codegen_types.h"
+#include "codegen.h"
+#include "codegen1.h"
+#include "codegen2.h"
+#include "sa.h"
+#include "statesgen.h"
+#include "transform.h"
+#include "instructions.h"
+#include "typechecker.h"
+#include "optimisations.h"
+#include "buildtree.h"
+#define for_l(v,l,n) for(v=(l);v!=NULL;v=v->n)
+#define for_li(v,i,l,n) for(v=(l),i=0;v!=NULL;v=v->n,++i)
+#define for_ll(v1,v2,l1,l2,n1,n2) for(v1=(l1),v2=(l2);v1!=NULL;v1=v1->n1,v2=v2->n2)
+#define for_la(v1,v2,l1,l2,n1) for(v1=(l1),v2=(l2);v1!=NULL;v1=v1->n1,++v2)
+static void error_in_function (char *m)
+ ErrorInCompiler ("codegen2.c",m,"");
+char *Co_Wtype = "incorrect type";
+char *Co_Wspine = "non-terminating rule specified";
+char else_symb[] = "else";
+char then_symb[] = "then";
+char notused_string[] = "notused";
+SymbDef ApplyDef,IfDef;
+unsigned NewLabelNr;
+StateS StrictOnAState;
+static StateS UnderEvalState,ProcIdState;
+StateS OnAState;
+Bool LazyTupleSelectors [MaxNodeArity-NrOfGlobalSelectors];
+LabDef BasicDescriptors [NrOfObjects];
+int ObjectSizes [NrOfObjects];
+static void InitBasicDescriptor (ObjectKind kind,char *name,int size)
+ BasicDescriptors[kind].lab_mod = NULL;
+ BasicDescriptors[kind].lab_pref = no_pref;
+ BasicDescriptors[kind].lab_issymbol = False;
+ BasicDescriptors[kind].lab_name = name;
+ BasicDescriptors[kind].lab_post = 0;
+ ObjectSizes[kind] = size;
+Bool EqualState (StateS st1,StateS st2)
+ if (IsSimpleState (st1) && IsSimpleState (st2))
+ return st1.state_kind==st2.state_kind;
+ switch (st1.state_type){
+ case RecordState:
+ return st2.state_type==RecordState;
+ case TupleState:
+ if (st2.state_type==TupleState && st1.state_arity==st2.state_arity){
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i<st1.state_arity; i++)
+ if (!EqualState (st1.state_tuple_arguments[i],st2.state_tuple_arguments[i]))
+ return False;
+ return True;
+ } else
+ return False;
+ case ArrayState:
+ return st2.state_type==ArrayState;
+ default:
+ return False;
+ }
+/* int InitAStackTop,InitBStackTop; */
+void NewEmptyNode (int *asp_p,int nrargs)
+ GenCreate (nrargs);
+ *asp_p += SizeOfAStackElem;
+void save_node_id_state (NodeId node_id,SavedNidStateS **saved_nid_state_l)
+ SavedNidStateP new_saved_state;
+ new_saved_state=CompAllocType (SavedNidStateS);
+ new_saved_state->save_state=node_id->nid_state;
+ new_saved_state->save_node_id=node_id;
+ new_saved_state->save_next=*saved_nid_state_l;
+ *saved_nid_state_l=new_saved_state;
+void restore_saved_node_id_states (SavedNidStateP saved_node_id_states)
+ while (saved_node_id_states){
+ saved_node_id_states->save_node_id->nid_state_=saved_node_id_states->save_state;
+ saved_node_id_states=saved_node_id_states->save_next;
+ }
+static Bool CopyArgument (StateS demstate,StateS offstate,int aindex,int bindex,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,int offasize,int offbsize,Bool newnode);
+static void GenProcIdCalculation (Node node,Annotation annot,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ if (annot==ParallelAtAnnot){
+ Node procidnode;
+ procidnode=get_p_at_node (node);
+ if (procidnode->node_kind!=NodeIdNode)
+ Build (procidnode,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ else {
+ int asize,bsize;
+ NodeId nid;
+ nid=procidnode->node_node_id;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (nid->nid_state,&asize,&bsize);
+ CopyArgument (ProcIdState,nid->nid_state,nid->nid_a_index,nid->nid_b_index,asp_p,bsp_p,asize,bsize,False);
+ }
+ } else {
+ GenNewP();
+ ++*bsp_p;
+ }
+static void GenRedIdCalculation (Node redidnode,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ if (redidnode){
+ if (redidnode->node_kind!=NodeIdNode)
+ Build (redidnode,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ else {
+ int asize,bsize;
+ NodeId nid;
+ nid=redidnode->node_node_id;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (nid->nid_state,&asize, &bsize);
+ CopyArgument (ProcIdState,nid->nid_state,nid->nid_a_index,nid->nid_b_index,asp_p,bsp_p,asize, bsize, False);
+ }
+ } else
+ GenPushReducerId (-1);
+static char *GetReducerCode (Annotation annot)
+ switch (annot)
+ { case ParallelAnnot:
+ case ParallelAtAnnot:
+ return ext_hnf_reducer_code;
+ case ParallelNFAnnot:
+ return ext_nf_reducer_code;
+ default:
+ return "";
+ }
+void UnpackRecord (int aindex,int *asp_p,int *bsp,Bool removeroot,int arity,States argstates)
+ int asize,bsize;
+ DetermineSizeOfStates (arity, argstates, & asize, & bsize);
+ if (removeroot)
+ GenReplRArgs (asize, bsize);
+ else
+ GenPushRArgs (*asp_p - aindex, asize , bsize);
+ *asp_p += asize;
+ *bsp += bsize;
+static void UnpackArrayOnTopOfStack (void)
+ GenPushArray (0);
+ GenUpdatePopA (0,1);
+ GenUpdateA (0,1);
+ GenPopA (1);
+void UnpackArray (int aindex, int *asp_p, Bool removeroot)
+ if (removeroot){
+ GenPushArray (0);
+ GenUpdatePopA (0,1);
+ GenUpdateA (0,1);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ } else
+ GenPushArray (*asp_p - aindex);
+ *asp_p += SizeOfAStackElem;
+Coercions CoerceStateKind (StateKind dem_state_kind, StateKind off_state_kind)
+ if (dem_state_kind==Undefined)
+ error_in_function ("CoerceStateKind");
+ switch (off_state_kind){
+ case OnB:
+ if (dem_state_kind == OnB)
+ return BToB;
+ else
+ return BToA;
+ case OnA:
+ case SemiStrict:
+ case LazyRedirection:
+ if (dem_state_kind == OnA)
+ return AToA;
+ else
+ return Reduce;
+ case StrictOnA:
+ if (dem_state_kind == OnB)
+ return AToB;
+ else
+ return AToA;
+ case StrictRedirection:
+ if (dem_state_kind == OnB)
+ return AToB;
+ else if (dem_state_kind == StrictRedirection)
+ return AToA;
+ else
+ return AToRoot;
+ case Parallel:
+ if (dem_state_kind == OnA)
+ return AToA;
+ else
+ StaticMessage (False, "","parallel annotation in strict context ignored");
+ return Reduce;
+ case UnderEval:
+ if (dem_state_kind == OnA)
+ return MayBecomeCyclicSpine;
+ else
+ return CyclicSpine;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("CoerceStateKind");
+ return AToA;
+ }
+Bool TypeErrorFound, CycleErrorFound;
+void GenReduceError (void)
+ GenDAStackLayout (0);
+ GenJsr (&cycle_lab);
+ GenOAStackLayout (0);
+ CycleErrorFound = True;
+Coercions CoerceSimpleStateArgument (StateS demstate,StateKind offkind,int aindex,int *asp_p,Bool leaveontop, Bool *ontop)
+ Coercions c;
+ /* Examine the argument states to see whether it has to be reduced */
+ if (IsSimpleState (demstate))
+ c = CoerceStateKind (demstate.state_kind, offkind);
+ else
+ c = CoerceStateKind (StrictOnA, offkind);
+ switch (c){
+ case Reduce:
+ if (leaveontop){
+ GenPushA (*asp_p - aindex);
+ GenJsrEval (0);
+ *asp_p += SizeOfAStackElem;
+ *ontop = True;
+ } else {
+ GenJsrEval (*asp_p - aindex);
+ *ontop = False;
+ }
+ break;
+ case MayBecomeCyclicSpine:
+ GenCreate (-1);
+ *asp_p += SizeOfAStackElem;
+ *ontop = True;
+ break;
+ case CyclicSpine:
+ GenReduceError ();
+ StaticMessage (False,CurrentAltLabel.lab_symbol->sdef_ident->ident_name,Co_Wspine);
+ *ontop = False;
+ break;
+ default:
+ *ontop = False;
+ break;
+ }
+ return c;
+static StateKind AdjustStateKind (StateKind statekind, Coercions c)
+ switch (c){
+ case Reduce:
+ return StrictOnA;
+ case MayBecomeCyclicSpine:
+ return OnA;
+ default:
+ return statekind;
+ }
+static void CoerceArgumentsUsingStackFrames (int arity,States demstates,States offstates,int aindex,int bindex,
+ int *asp_p, int *bsp, int *anext, int *bnext, int asize, int bsize);
+void CoerceArgumentUsingStackFrames (StateS demstate, StateS offstate,int aindex,int bindex,int *asp_p,int *bsp,
+ int *anext,int *bnext,int asize,int bsize)
+ if (IsSimpleState (demstate) && demstate.state_kind==Undefined)
+ return;
+ if (IsSimpleState (offstate)){
+ Coercions c;
+ Bool ontop;
+ StateKind offkind;
+ ontop = False;
+ offkind = offstate.state_kind;
+ c = CoerceSimpleStateArgument (demstate, offkind, aindex, asp_p, False, &ontop);
+ offkind = AdjustStateKind (offkind, c);
+ Assume (! ontop,"codegen","CoerceArgumentUsingStackFrames");
+ if (IsSimpleState (demstate)){
+ switch (CoerceStateKind (demstate.state_kind, offkind)){
+ case AToA:
+ case AToRoot:
+ PutInAFrames (aindex, anext);
+ return;
+ case AToB:
+ PushBasicFromAOnB (demstate.state_object, *asp_p - aindex);
+ *bsp += ObjectSizes [demstate.state_object];
+ PutInBFrames (*bsp, bnext, ObjectSizes [demstate.state_object]);
+ return;
+ case BToA:
+ ++*asp_p;
+ BuildBasicFromB (offstate.state_object,*bsp - bindex);
+ PutInAFrames (*asp_p, anext);
+ return;
+ case BToB:
+ PutInBFrames (bindex, bnext, ObjectSizes [demstate.state_object]);
+ return;
+ default:
+ ;
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch (demstate.state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ /*
+ A tuple is demanded whereas a node is offered.
+ Each argument is converted to its demanded state. Note that
+ the offered state of each argument after pushing it on
+ the stack is 'OnAState'.
+ */
+ {
+ int i,arity,index;
+ States argstates;
+ arity = demstate.state_arity;
+ argstates = demstate.state_tuple_arguments;
+ GenPushArgs (*asp_p - aindex, arity, arity);
+ *asp_p += arity;
+ index = *asp_p;
+ for (i=arity-1; i>=0; i--)
+ CoerceArgumentUsingStackFrames (argstates [i], OnAState,index-i, 0, asp_p, bsp, anext, bnext, 1, 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RecordState:
+ {
+ int asize,bsize,arity;
+ States argstates;
+ arity = demstate.state_arity;
+ argstates = demstate.state_record_arguments;
+ DetermineSizeOfStates (arity, argstates, &asize, &bsize);
+ GenPushRArgs (*asp_p - aindex, asize , bsize);
+ *asp_p += asize;
+ *bsp += bsize;
+ CoerceArgumentsUsingStackFrames (arity, argstates, argstates,*asp_p,*bsp, asp_p, bsp, anext, bnext, asize, bsize);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ArrayState:
+ GenPushArray (*asp_p-aindex);
+ *asp_p += 1;
+ PutInAFrames (*asp_p, anext);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (IsSimpleState (demstate)){
+ switch (offstate.state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ BuildTuple (aindex, bindex, *asp_p, *bsp,offstate.state_arity, offstate.state_tuple_arguments,
+ asize,bsize,*asp_p,NormalFill,True);
+ *asp_p += SizeOfAStackElem;
+ break;
+ case RecordState:
+ BuildRecord (offstate.state_record_symbol,aindex, bindex, *asp_p, *bsp,
+ asize,bsize,*asp_p,NormalFill,True);
+ *asp_p += SizeOfAStackElem;
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ GenBuildArray (*asp_p-aindex);
+ ++*asp_p;
+ break;
+ }
+ PutInAFrames (*asp_p, anext);
+ } else {
+ switch (offstate.state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ CoerceArgumentsUsingStackFrames
+ (demstate.state_arity, demstate.state_tuple_arguments,
+ offstate.state_tuple_arguments, aindex, bindex, asp_p, bsp, anext, bnext,
+ asize, bsize);
+ break;
+ case RecordState:
+ CoerceArgumentsUsingStackFrames
+ (demstate.state_arity,demstate.state_record_arguments,
+ offstate.state_record_arguments, aindex, bindex, asp_p, bsp, anext, bnext,
+ asize, bsize);
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ PutInAFrames (aindex, anext);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+static void CoerceArgumentsUsingStackFrames (int arity, StateS demstates[], StateS offstates[],int aindex, int bindex,
+ int *asp_p, int *bsp, int *anext, int *bnext,int asize, int bsize)
+ int i;
+ aindex -= asize;
+ bindex -= bsize;
+ for (i=arity-1; i>=0; i--){
+ int asize,bsize;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (offstates[i],&asize, &bsize);
+ aindex += asize;
+ bindex += bsize;
+ CoerceArgumentUsingStackFrames (demstates [i],offstates [i],aindex,bindex,asp_p,bsp,anext,bnext,asize,bsize);
+ }
+void AdjustTuple (int localasp,int localbsp,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,int arity,StateS demstates[],StateS offstates[],int asize,int bsize)
+ int a_ind,b_ind,dummy,oldamax,oldbmax,newamax,newbmax;
+ a_ind=0;
+ b_ind=0;
+ dummy = 0,
+ newamax = localasp + 1 + arity;
+ newbmax = localbsp + 1;
+ AddStateSizesAndMaxFrameSizes (arity, demstates, &newamax, &dummy, &newbmax);
+ InitStackConversions (newamax, newbmax, &oldamax, &oldbmax);
+ CoerceArgumentsUsingStackFrames (arity, demstates, offstates, localasp, localbsp,
+ &localasp, &localbsp, &a_ind, &b_ind, asize, bsize);
+ GenAStackConversions (localasp,a_ind);
+ GenBStackConversions (localbsp,b_ind);
+ ExitStackConversions (oldamax, oldbmax);
+ *asp_p += a_ind-asize;
+ *bsp_p += b_ind-bsize;
+void UnpackTuple (int aindex,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,Bool removeroot,int arity,StateS argstates[])
+ int aselmts,oldaframesize,locasp,asize,maxasize;
+ aselmts = 0;
+ locasp = arity;
+ asize = 0;
+ maxasize = arity;
+ if (removeroot)
+ GenReplArgs (arity, arity);
+ else
+ GenPushArgs (*asp_p- aindex, arity, arity);
+ AddStateSizesAndMaxFrameSizes (arity, argstates, &maxasize, &asize,bsp_p);
+ InitAStackConversions (maxasize+1, &oldaframesize);
+ EvaluateAndMoveArguments (arity,argstates,&locasp,&aselmts);
+ GenAStackConversions (locasp,aselmts);
+ FreeAFrameSpace (oldaframesize);
+ *asp_p += aselmts;
+static void MoveArgumentsFromBToA (int arity,States argstates,int aindex,int bindex,int asp_p,int bsp,int asize,int bsize)
+ int i;
+ aindex -= asize;
+ bindex -= bsize;
+ for (i=arity-1; i>=0; i--){
+ DetermineSizeOfState (argstates[i],&asize, &bsize);
+ aindex += asize;
+ bindex += bsize;
+ PackArgument (argstates[i], aindex, bindex, asp_p, bsp, asize, bsize);
+ asp_p++;
+ }
+void BuildTuple (int aindex,int bindex,int asp_p,int bsp,int arity,
+ States argstates,int asize,int bsize,int rootindex,FillKind fkind,Bool newnode)
+ MoveArgumentsFromBToA (arity, argstates, aindex, bindex, asp_p, bsp, asize, bsize);
+ if (newnode)
+ GenBuildh (&tuple_lab,arity);
+ else
+ GenFillh (&tuple_lab,arity,arity+asp_p-rootindex,fkind);
+void BuildRecord (SymbDef record_sdef,int aindex,int bindex,int asp,int bsp,int asize,int bsize,int rootindex,FillKind fkind,Bool newnode)
+ LabDef record_lab;
+ ConvertSymbolToRLabel (&record_lab,record_sdef);
+ if (newnode)
+ GenBuildR (&record_lab,asize,bsize,asp-aindex,bsp-bindex,False);
+ else
+ GenFillR (&record_lab,asize,bsize,asp-rootindex,asp-aindex,bsp-bindex,fkind,False);
+void PackArgument (StateS argstate,int aindex,int bindex,int asp,int bsp,int offasize,int offbsize)
+ if (IsSimpleState (argstate)){
+ if (argstate.state_kind==OnB)
+ BuildBasicFromB (argstate.state_object,bsp - bindex);
+ else
+ GenPushA (asp - aindex);
+ } else {
+ switch (argstate.state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ BuildTuple (aindex, bindex, asp, bsp,argstate.state_arity, argstate.state_tuple_arguments,
+ offasize,offbsize,asp,NormalFill,True);
+ return;
+ case RecordState:
+ BuildRecord (argstate.state_record_symbol,aindex, bindex, asp, bsp,
+ offasize,offbsize,asp,NormalFill,True);
+ return;
+ case ArrayState:
+ GenBuildArray (asp - aindex);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void CoerceArgumentOnTopOfStack (int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,StateS argstate,StateS nodestate,int asize,int bsize)
+ if (IsSimpleState (argstate) && argstate.state_kind==Undefined){
+ GenPopA (asize);
+ *asp_p-=asize;
+ GenPopB (bsize);
+ *bsp_p-=bsize;
+ } else if (IsSimpleState (nodestate)){
+ if (IsSimpleState (argstate)){
+ Coercions c;
+ c = CoerceStateKind (argstate.state_kind, nodestate.state_kind);
+ if (c==Reduce){
+ GenJsrEval (0);
+ c = CoerceStateKind (argstate.state_kind, StrictOnA);
+ }
+ switch (c){
+ case AToB:
+ PushBasicFromAOnB (argstate.state_object, 0);
+ *bsp_p+=ObjectSizes [argstate.state_object];
+ GenPopA (1);
+ *asp_p-=1;
+ return;
+ case BToA:
+ ++*asp_p;
+ BuildBasicFromB (nodestate.state_object,0);
+ GenPopB (bsize);
+ *bsp_p-=bsize;
+ return;
+ case AToA:
+ case AToRoot:
+ return;
+ case BToB:
+ return;
+ default:
+ ;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (CoerceStateKind (StrictOnA, nodestate.state_kind)==Reduce)
+ GenJsrEval (0);
+ switch (argstate.state_type){
+ case TupleState: /* a tuple is demanded but not offered */
+ *asp_p-=1;
+ UnpackTuple (*asp_p,asp_p,bsp_p,True,argstate.state_arity, argstate.state_tuple_arguments);
+ break;
+ case RecordState:
+ *asp_p-=1;
+ UnpackRecord (*asp_p,asp_p,bsp_p,True,argstate.state_arity,argstate.state_record_arguments);
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ UnpackArrayOnTopOfStack();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (IsSimpleState (argstate)){
+ /* a tuple or record is offered but not demanded */
+ switch (nodestate.state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ BuildTuple (*asp_p,*bsp_p,*asp_p,*bsp_p,nodestate.state_arity,nodestate.state_tuple_arguments,
+ asize,bsize,*asp_p,NormalFill,True);
+ *asp_p+=1;
+ break;
+ case RecordState:
+ BuildRecord (nodestate.state_record_symbol,*asp_p,*bsp_p,*asp_p,*bsp_p,
+ asize,bsize,*asp_p,NormalFill,True);
+ *asp_p+=1;
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ GenBuildArray (0);
+ ++*asp_p;
+ break;
+ }
+ GenUpdatePopA (0,asize);
+ GenUpdateA (0,asize);
+ GenPopA (asize);
+ *asp_p-=asize;
+ GenPopB (bsize);
+ *bsp_p-=bsize;
+ } else {
+ if (argstate.state_type==TupleState)
+ AdjustTuple (asize,bsize,asp_p,bsp_p,argstate.state_arity,
+ argstate.state_tuple_arguments, nodestate.state_tuple_arguments,asize, bsize);
+ }
+#define HasBeenReduced(c) ((c)==Reduce)
+static void CopyArguments (States demstates,States offstates,int arity,int aindex,int bindex,int *asp_p,int *bsp,int aszie,int bsize);
+static Bool CopyArgument (StateS demstate,StateS offstate,int aindex,int bindex,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,int offasize,int offbsize,Bool newnode)
+ if (IsSimpleState (demstate) && demstate.state_kind==Undefined)
+ return False;
+ if (IsSimpleState (offstate)){
+ Bool leftontop;
+ Coercions c;
+ StateKind offkind;
+ offkind = offstate.state_kind;
+ c = CoerceSimpleStateArgument (demstate, offkind, aindex, asp_p, True, &leftontop);
+ offkind = AdjustStateKind (offkind, c);
+ if (IsSimpleState (demstate)){
+ StateKind demkind;
+ demkind = demstate.state_kind;
+ switch (CoerceStateKind (demkind, offkind)){
+ case AToB:
+ PushBasicFromAOnB (demstate.state_object, *asp_p - aindex);
+ *bsp_p += ObjectSizes [demstate.state_object];
+ if (leftontop){
+ GenPopA (1);
+ *asp_p -= SizeOfAStackElem;
+ }
+ break;
+ case BToA:
+ if (newnode){
+ ++*asp_p;
+ BuildBasicFromB (offstate.state_object,*bsp_p - bindex);
+ } else
+ FillBasicFromB (offstate.state_object,*bsp_p - bindex,0,NormalFill);
+ break;
+ case BToB:
+ PushBasicOnB (demstate.state_object, *bsp_p - bindex);
+ *bsp_p += ObjectSizes [demstate.state_object];
+ break;
+ case AToA:
+ case AToRoot:
+ if (leftontop){
+ if (!newnode)
+ GenFillFromA (0, 1, NormalFill);
+ } else {
+ if (newnode){
+ GenPushA (*asp_p - aindex);
+ *asp_p += SizeOfAStackElem;
+ } else
+ GenFillFromA (*asp_p - aindex, 0, NormalFill);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (leftontop)
+ *asp_p -= SizeOfAStackElem;
+ switch (demstate.state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ UnpackTuple (aindex, asp_p,bsp_p,leftontop, demstate.state_arity,demstate.state_tuple_arguments);
+ break;
+ case RecordState:
+ UnpackRecord (aindex, asp_p,bsp_p,leftontop, demstate.state_arity,demstate.state_record_arguments);
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ UnpackArray (aindex, asp_p, leftontop);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return HasBeenReduced (c);
+ }
+ else if (IsSimpleState (demstate)){
+ switch (offstate.state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ BuildTuple (aindex, bindex, *asp_p, *bsp_p,offstate.state_arity, offstate.state_tuple_arguments,
+ offasize, offbsize, *asp_p, NormalFill,newnode);
+ if (newnode)
+ *asp_p += SizeOfAStackElem;
+ break;
+ case RecordState:
+ BuildRecord (offstate.state_record_symbol, aindex, bindex, *asp_p, *bsp_p,
+ offasize, offbsize, *asp_p, NormalFill, newnode);
+ if (newnode)
+ *asp_p += SizeOfAStackElem;
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ if (newnode){
+ GenBuildArray (*asp_p - aindex);
+ ++*asp_p;
+ } else
+ GenFillArray (*asp_p - aindex, 0, NormalFill);
+ break;
+ }
+ return False; /** to indicate that the offered object has not been changed **/
+ } else {
+ switch (offstate.state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ CopyArguments (demstate.state_tuple_arguments,
+ offstate.state_tuple_arguments, demstate.state_arity,
+ aindex, bindex, asp_p, bsp_p, offasize, offbsize);
+ break;
+ case RecordState:
+ CopyArguments (demstate.state_record_arguments,
+ offstate.state_record_arguments, demstate.state_arity,
+ aindex, bindex, asp_p, bsp_p, offasize, offbsize);
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ GenPushA (*asp_p - aindex);
+ *asp_p += SizeOfAStackElem;
+ break;
+ }
+ return False;
+ }
+static void CopyArguments (States demstates,States offstates,int arity,int aindex,int bindex,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,int asize,int bsize)
+ int i;
+ aindex-= asize;
+ bindex -= bsize;
+ for (i=arity-1; i>=0; i--){
+ DetermineSizeOfState (offstates[i],&asize, &bsize);
+ aindex += asize;
+ bindex += bsize;
+ CopyArgument (demstates[i],offstates[i],aindex,bindex,asp_p,bsp_p,asize,bsize,True);
+ }
+static void CreateParallelCode (NodeDefs nds,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ switch (nds->def_node->node_annotation){
+ case ParallelAnnot:
+ case ParallelAtAnnot:
+ case ParallelNFAnnot:
+ if (nds->def_id->nid_mark & ON_A_CYCLE_MASK){
+ /* the channel has already been created */
+ GenSendGraph (GetReducerCode (nds->def_node->node_annotation), 0,*asp_p-nds->def_id->nid_a_index);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ *asp_p -= SizeOfAStackElem;
+ } else {
+ GenProcIdCalculation (nds->def_node,nds->def_node->node_annotation,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ GenCreateChannel (channel_code);
+ --*bsp_p;
+ GenSendGraph (GetReducerCode (nds->def_node->node_annotation), 1, 0);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 1);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case InterleavedAnnot:
+ GenNewInterleavedReducer (*asp_p-nds->def_id->nid_a_index, hnf_reducer_code);
+ break;
+ case ContinueAnnot:
+ if (get_p_at_node (nds->def_node)){
+ GenRedIdCalculation (get_p_at_node (nds->def_node),asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ SetContinueOnReducer (*asp_p-nds->def_id->nid_a_index);
+ } else
+ SetContinue (*asp_p-nds->def_id->nid_a_index);
+ break;
+ case ContInterleavedAnnot:
+ GenNewContInterleavedReducer (*asp_p-nds->def_id->nid_a_index);
+ break;
+ case WaitAnnot:
+ GenSetRedId (*asp_p-nds->def_id->nid_a_index);
+ break;
+ case InterleavedNFAnnot:
+ GenNewInterleavedReducer (*asp_p-nds->def_id->nid_a_index, nf_reducer_code);
+ break;
+ }
+void ChangeEvalStatusKindToStrictOnA (NodeId node_id,SavedNidStateS **saved_nid_state_l)
+ if (!IsSimpleState (node_id->nid_state))
+ error_in_function ("ChangeEvalStatusKindToStrictOnA");
+ if (saved_nid_state_l)
+ save_node_id_state (node_id,saved_nid_state_l);
+ node_id->nid_state__.state_kind = StrictOnA;
+static void ChangeEvalStatusKind (NodeId noid, StateKind state)
+ if (noid){
+ if (!IsSimpleState (noid->nid_state))
+ error_in_function ("ChangeEvalStatusKind");
+ noid->nid_state__.state_kind = state;
+ }
+static void ReduceSemiStrictNodes (const NodeDefs nds,int asp)
+ NodeDefs nd;
+ int has_parallel_state;
+ has_parallel_state=0;
+ for_l (nd,nds,def_next){
+ if (IsSimpleState (nd->def_id->nid_state)){
+ switch (nd->def_id->nid_state.state_kind){
+ case SemiStrict:
+ if (nd->def_node->node_state.state_mark & STATE_PARALLEL_MASK){
+ has_parallel_state=1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ ChangeEvalStatusKind (nd->def_id, StrictOnA);
+ /* evaluate strict annotated */
+ GenJsrEval (asp - nd->def_id->nid_a_index);
+ break;
+ case Parallel:
+ StaticMessage (False, "","parallel annotation ignored(?)");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (has_parallel_state)
+ for_l (nd,nds,def_next){
+ if (IsSimpleState (nd->def_id->nid_state)){
+ if (nd->def_id->nid_state.state_kind==SemiStrict){
+ ChangeEvalStatusKind (nd->def_id, StrictOnA);
+ /* evaluate strict annotated */
+ GenJsrEval (asp - nd->def_id->nid_a_index);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void BuildOrFillLazyFieldSelector (SymbDef selector_sdef,StateKind result_state_kind,int *asp_p,NodeId update_node_id)
+ LabDef nsellab,dsellab;
+ char *record_name;
+ int fill_arity;
+ SymbDef record_sdef;
+ StateS *field_result_state_p;
+ ConvertSymbolToDandNLabel (&dsellab,&nsellab,selector_sdef);
+ record_sdef=selector_sdef->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_symbol->symb_def;
+ record_name=record_sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ field_result_state_p=&record_sdef->sdef_record_state.state_record_arguments [selector_sdef->sdef_sel_field_number];
+ fill_arity= IsSimpleState (*field_result_state_p) ? (field_result_state_p->state_kind!=OnB ? -4 : -3) : 1;
+ /* we use a negative arity to indicate lazy selectors */
+ if (update_node_id==NULL)
+ GenBuildFieldSelector (&dsellab,&nsellab,record_name,fill_arity);
+ else {
+ GenFillFieldSelector (&dsellab,&nsellab,record_name,fill_arity,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,result_state_kind==SemiStrict ? PartialFill : NormalFill);
+ *asp_p-=1;
+ }
+void ReplaceRecordOnTopOfStackByField (int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,int apos,int bpos,int asize,int bsize,int rec_a_size,int rec_b_size)
+ int i;
+ rec_a_size -= asize;
+ rec_b_size -= bsize;
+ for (i = asize - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ if (i==0)
+ GenUpdatePopA (apos,rec_a_size);
+ else
+ GenUpdateA (apos + i, rec_a_size + i);
+ for (i = bsize - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ if (i==0)
+ GenUpdatePopB (bpos,rec_b_size);
+ else
+ GenUpdateB (bpos + i, rec_b_size + i);
+ if (asize==0)
+ GenPopA (rec_a_size);
+ *asp_p-=rec_a_size;
+ if (bsize==0)
+ GenPopB (rec_b_size);
+ *bsp_p-=rec_b_size;
+#define ResultIsNotInRootNormalForm(state) (IsLazyState (state) ||\
+ IsSimpleState (state) && (state).state_kind == LazyRedirection)
+void add_node_id_to_list (struct node_id *node_id,NodeIdListElementS **node_ids_l)
+ NodeIdListElementP free_node_id;
+ free_node_id=CompAllocType (NodeIdListElementS);
+ free_node_id->nidl_node_id=node_id;
+ free_node_id->nidl_next=*node_ids_l;
+ *node_ids_l=free_node_id;
+#if 0
+# include "dbprint.h"
+static void add_node_id_or_tuple_node_ids_to_list (NodeIdP node_id,NodeIdListElementS **free_node_ids_l)
+ if (! (node_id->nid_node!=NULL && !IsSimpleState (node_id->nid_state)))
+ add_node_id_to_list (node_id,free_node_ids_l);
+ else {
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ for_l (arg_p,node_id->nid_node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ NodeP arg_node_p;
+ arg_node_p=arg_p->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node_p->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ NodeIdP node_id_p;
+ node_id_p=arg_node_p->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id_p->nid_refcount==-1)
+ add_node_id_or_tuple_node_ids_to_list (node_id_p,free_node_ids_l);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (struct node_id *node_id,NodeIdListElementS **free_node_ids_l)
+ int ref_count;
+#if 0
+ printf ("decrement_reference_count_of_node_id ");
+ DPrintNodeId (node_id,StdOut);
+ printf ("\n");
+ ref_count=node_id->nid_refcount;
+ if (ref_count>0){
+ if (--ref_count==0)
+ add_node_id_to_list (node_id,free_node_ids_l);
+ node_id->nid_refcount=ref_count;
+ } else if (ref_count<-1){
+ ++ref_count;
+ node_id->nid_refcount=ref_count;
+ if (ref_count==-1){
+ if (unused_node_id_(node_id))
+ add_node_id_or_tuple_node_ids_to_list (node_id,free_node_ids_l);
+ if (! (node_id->nid_node!=NULL && !IsSimpleState (node_id->nid_state)) && unused_node_id_(node_id)){
+# if 0
+ printf ("add to free_node_ids list ");
+ DPrintNodeId (node_id,StdOut);
+ printf ("\n");
+# endif
+ add_node_id_to_list (node_id,free_node_ids_l);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void DetermineFieldSizeAndPositionAndRecordSize
+ (int fieldnr,int *asize_p,int *bsize_p,int *apos_p,int *bpos_p,int *rec_asize_p,int *rec_bsize_p,StateS *record_state_p)
+ int i;
+ DetermineFieldSizeAndPosition (fieldnr,asize_p,bsize_p,apos_p,bpos_p,record_state_p->state_record_arguments);
+ *rec_asize_p = *asize_p + *apos_p;
+ *rec_bsize_p = *bsize_p + *bpos_p;
+ for (i=fieldnr+1; i<record_state_p->state_arity; ++i)
+ AddSizeOfState (record_state_p->state_record_arguments[i],rec_asize_p,rec_bsize_p);
+int get_a_index_of_unpacked_lhs_node (ArgS *arg)
+ while (arg!=NULL){
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (arg->arg_state,&a_size,&b_size);
+ if (a_size==0)
+ arg=arg->arg_next;
+ else {
+ Node arg_node;
+ arg_node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ NodeId node_id;
+ node_id=arg->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ if (a_size!=0){
+ if (node_id->nid_refcount<0 && node_id->nid_state.state_type!=SimpleState && node_id->nid_node!=NULL)
+ arg=node_id->nid_node->node_arguments;
+ else
+ return node_id->nid_a_index;
+ }
+ } else
+ arg=arg_node->node_arguments;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int get_b_index_of_unpacked_lhs_node (ArgS *arg)
+ while (arg!=NULL){
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (arg->arg_state,&a_size,&b_size);
+ if (b_size==0)
+ arg=arg->arg_next;
+ else {
+ Node arg_node;
+ arg_node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ NodeId node_id;
+ node_id=arg->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_refcount<0 && node_id->nid_state.state_type!=SimpleState && node_id->nid_node!=NULL)
+ arg=node_id->nid_node->node_arguments;
+ else
+ return node_id->nid_b_index;
+ } else
+ arg=arg_node->node_arguments;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+Bool CopyNodeIdArgument (StateS demstate,NodeId node_id,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p)
+ int a_size,b_size,a_index,b_index;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (node_id->nid_state,&a_size,&b_size);
+ a_index=node_id->nid_a_index;
+ b_index=node_id->nid_b_index;
+ if (node_id->nid_refcount<0 && node_id->nid_state.state_type!=SimpleState && node_id->nid_node!=NULL){
+ ArgS *args;
+ args=node_id->nid_node->node_arguments;
+ if (a_size!=0)
+ a_index=get_a_index_of_unpacked_lhs_node (args);
+ if (b_size!=0)
+ b_index=get_b_index_of_unpacked_lhs_node (args);
+ }
+ return CopyArgument (demstate,node_id->nid_state,a_index,b_index,asp_p,bsp_p,a_size,b_size,True);
+static void FillOrReduceFieldSelection (Node node,SymbDef seldef,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,NodeId update_node_id,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ Node arg_node;
+ Args arg;
+ int fieldnr;
+ arg = node->node_arguments;
+ fieldnr = seldef->sdef_sel_field_number;
+ arg_node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (node->node_arity>=SELECTOR_U){
+ if (IsLazyState (node->node_state)){
+ SymbDef new_select_sdef;
+ LabDef name,codelab;
+ BuildArg (arg,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ new_select_sdef=create_select_function (node->node_symbol,node->node_arity);
+ ConvertSymbolToDandNLabel (&name,&codelab,new_select_sdef);
+ if (update_node_id==NULL)
+ GenBuild (&name,1,&codelab);
+ else {
+ GenFill (&name,1,&codelab,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,node->node_state.state_kind==SemiStrict ? PartialFill : NormalFill);
+ --*asp_p;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (arg_node->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ int asize,bsize,aindex,bindex;
+ StateP record_state_p;
+ BuildArg (arg,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ record_state_p=&seldef->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_symbol->symb_def->sdef_record_state;
+ DetermineFieldSizeAndPosition (fieldnr,&asize,&bsize,&aindex,&bindex,record_state_p->state_record_arguments);
+ if (node->node_arity<SELECTOR_L){
+ int n;
+ for (n=0; n<asize; ++n)
+ GenPushA (aindex+asize-1);
+ *asp_p+=asize;
+ for (n=0; n<bsize; ++n)
+ GenPushB (bindex+bsize-1);
+ *bsp_p+=bsize;
+ } else {
+ int record_a_size,record_b_size;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (*record_state_p,&record_a_size,&record_b_size);
+ ReplaceRecordOnTopOfStackByField (asp_p,bsp_p,aindex,bindex,asize,bsize,record_a_size,record_b_size);
+ }
+ } else {
+ int a_size,b_size,apos,bpos,record_a_size,record_b_size,n;
+ StateS tuple_state,tuple_state_arguments[2],*record_state_p;
+ NodeId arg_node_id;
+ arg_node_id=arg_node->node_node_id;
+ record_state_p=&seldef->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_symbol->symb_def->sdef_record_state;
+ DetermineFieldSizeAndPositionAndRecordSize (fieldnr,&a_size,&b_size,&apos,&bpos,&record_a_size,&record_b_size,record_state_p);
+ CopyNodeIdArgument (*record_state_p,arg_node_id,asp_p,bsp_p);
+ for (n=0; n<a_size; ++n)
+ GenPushA (apos+a_size-1);
+ *asp_p+=a_size;
+ for (n=0; n<b_size; ++n)
+ GenPushB (bpos+b_size-1);
+ *bsp_p+=b_size;
+ tuple_state.state_type=TupleState;
+ tuple_state.state_arity=2;
+ tuple_state.state_tuple_arguments=tuple_state_arguments;
+ tuple_state_arguments[0]=record_state_p->state_record_arguments[fieldnr];
+ tuple_state_arguments[1]=*record_state_p;
+ CoerceArgumentOnTopOfStack (asp_p,bsp_p,tuple_state,node->node_state,record_a_size+a_size,record_b_size+b_size);
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (arg_node_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (arg_node->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ if (IsLazyState (node->node_state)){
+ BuildArg (arg,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ if (!ResultIsNotInRootNormalForm (arg_node->node_state) && update_node_id==NULL){
+ int asize,bsize,apos,bpos,tot_asize,tot_bsize;
+ StateP record_state_p,field_state_p;
+ record_state_p=&seldef->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_symbol->symb_def->sdef_record_state;
+ if (record_state_p->state_type!=RecordState)
+ error_in_function ("FillOrReduceFieldSelection");
+ DetermineFieldSizeAndPositionAndRecordSize (fieldnr,&asize,&bsize,&apos,&bpos,&tot_asize,&tot_bsize,record_state_p);
+ GenPushRArgB (0,tot_asize,tot_bsize,bpos+1,bsize);
+ GenReplRArgA (tot_asize,tot_bsize,apos+1,asize);
+ *asp_p -= 1-asize;
+ *bsp_p += bsize;
+ field_state_p=&record_state_p->state_record_arguments [fieldnr];
+ CoerceArgumentOnTopOfStack (asp_p,bsp_p,node->node_state,*field_state_p,asize,bsize);
+ if (node->node_state.state_kind==OnA && !ResultIsNotInRootNormalForm (*field_state_p))
+ node->node_state.state_kind=StrictOnA;
+ } else
+ BuildOrFillLazyFieldSelector (seldef,node->node_state.state_kind,asp_p,update_node_id);
+ } else {
+ int asize,bsize,apos,bpos,tot_asize,tot_bsize;
+ Build (arg_node,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ DetermineFieldSizeAndPositionAndRecordSize (fieldnr,&asize,&bsize,&apos,&bpos,&tot_asize,&tot_bsize,&arg->arg_state);
+ CoerceArgumentOnTopOfStack (asp_p,bsp_p,arg->arg_state,arg_node->node_state,tot_asize,tot_bsize);
+ ReplaceRecordOnTopOfStackByField (asp_p,bsp_p,apos,bpos,asize,bsize,tot_asize,tot_bsize);
+ CoerceArgumentOnTopOfStack (asp_p,bsp_p,node->node_state,arg->arg_state.state_record_arguments[fieldnr],asize,bsize);
+ }
+ } else {
+ StateS recstate;
+ NodeId arg_node_id;
+ arg_node_id=arg_node->node_node_id;
+ recstate=arg_node_id->nid_state;
+ if (recstate.state_type==RecordState){
+ int a_size,b_size,apos,bpos,record_a_index,record_b_index;
+ StateP field_state_p;
+ DetermineFieldSizeAndPosition (fieldnr,&a_size,&b_size,&apos,&bpos,recstate.state_record_arguments);
+ if (arg_node_id->nid_refcount<0 && arg_node_id->nid_node!=NULL){
+ ArgS *args;
+ args=arg_node_id->nid_node->node_arguments;
+ record_a_index=get_a_index_of_unpacked_lhs_node (args);
+ record_b_index=get_b_index_of_unpacked_lhs_node (args);
+ } else {
+ record_a_index=arg_node_id->nid_a_index;
+ record_b_index=arg_node_id->nid_b_index;
+ }
+ field_state_p=&recstate.state_record_arguments[fieldnr];
+ if (update_node_id==NULL){
+ CopyArgument (node->node_state,*field_state_p,record_a_index-apos,record_b_index-bpos,asp_p,bsp_p,a_size,b_size,True);
+ } else {
+ int locasp;
+ locasp = *asp_p;
+ GenPushA (*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index);
+ *asp_p+=1;
+ CopyArgument (node->node_state,*field_state_p,record_a_index-apos,record_b_index-bpos,asp_p,bsp_p,a_size,b_size,False);
+ GenPopA (*asp_p-locasp);
+ *asp_p=locasp;
+ }
+ if (node->node_state.state_type==SimpleState && node->node_state.state_kind==OnA && !ResultIsNotInRootNormalForm (*field_state_p))
+ node->node_state.state_kind=StrictOnA;
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (arg_node_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ } else if (IsLazyState (node->node_state)){
+ if ((recstate.state_kind==StrictOnA || recstate.state_kind==StrictRedirection) && update_node_id==NULL){
+ int asize,bsize,apos,bpos,tot_asize,tot_bsize,recindex;
+ StateP record_state_p,field_state_p;
+ recindex = arg_node_id->nid_a_index;
+ record_state_p=&seldef->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_symbol->symb_def->sdef_record_state;
+ if (record_state_p->state_type!=RecordState)
+ error_in_function ("FillOrReduceFieldSelection");
+ DetermineFieldSizeAndPositionAndRecordSize (fieldnr,&asize,&bsize,&apos,&bpos,&tot_asize,&tot_bsize,record_state_p);
+ GenPushRArgB (*asp_p-recindex,tot_asize,tot_bsize,bpos+1,bsize);
+ GenPushRArgA (*asp_p-recindex,tot_asize,tot_bsize,apos+1,asize);
+ *asp_p+=asize;
+ *bsp_p+=bsize;
+ field_state_p=&record_state_p->state_record_arguments [fieldnr];
+ CoerceArgumentOnTopOfStack (asp_p,bsp_p,node->node_state,*field_state_p,asize,bsize);
+ if (node->node_state.state_kind==OnA && !ResultIsNotInRootNormalForm (*field_state_p))
+ node->node_state.state_kind=StrictOnA;
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (arg_node_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ } else
+ {
+ BuildArg (arg,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ BuildOrFillLazyFieldSelector (seldef,node->node_state.state_kind,asp_p,update_node_id);
+ }
+ } else {
+ int a_size,b_size,apos, bpos, tot_asize, tot_bsize,recindex;
+ /* the selector is strict but the record is not */
+ recindex = arg_node_id->nid_a_index;
+ DetermineFieldSizeAndPositionAndRecordSize (fieldnr,&a_size,&b_size,&apos, &bpos,&tot_asize,&tot_bsize,&arg->arg_state);
+ if (ResultIsNotInRootNormalForm (recstate)){
+ GenJsrEval (*asp_p-recindex);
+ ChangeEvalStatusKindToStrictOnA (arg_node_id,code_gen_node_ids_p->saved_nid_state_l);
+ recstate.state_kind = StrictOnA;
+ }
+ GenPushRArgB (*asp_p-recindex, tot_asize, tot_bsize, bpos+1,b_size);
+ GenPushRArgA (*asp_p-recindex, tot_asize, tot_bsize, apos+1,a_size);
+ *asp_p+=a_size;
+ *bsp_p+=b_size;
+ recstate = arg->arg_state.state_record_arguments [fieldnr];
+ CoerceArgumentOnTopOfStack (asp_p,bsp_p, node->node_state, recstate,a_size,b_size);
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (arg_node_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ }
+ }
+void FillSelectSymbol (StateKind result_state_kind,int arity,int argnr,Args arg,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,
+ NodeId update_node_id,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ LabDef sellab, nsellab;
+ BuildLazyTupleSelectorLabel (&nsellab,arity,argnr);
+ BuildArg (arg,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ sellab = nsellab;
+ sellab.lab_pref = d_pref;
+ /* we use a negative arity to indicate lazy selectors */
+ if (update_node_id==NULL)
+ GenBuild (&sellab,-1,&nsellab);
+ else {
+ GenFill (&sellab,-1,&nsellab,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,result_state_kind==SemiStrict ? PartialFill : NormalFill);
+ *asp_p-=1;
+ }
+void FillSelectAndRemoveSymbol (StateKind result_state_kind,int arity,int argnr,Args arg,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,
+ NodeId update_node_id,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ LabDef sellab, nsellab;
+ BuildLazyTupleSelectorAndRemoveLabel (&nsellab,arity,argnr);
+ BuildArg (arg,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ sellab = nsellab;
+ sellab.lab_pref = d_pref;
+ /* we use a negative arity to indicate lazy selectors */
+ if (update_node_id==NULL)
+ GenBuild (&sellab,-1,&nsellab);
+ else {
+ GenFill (&sellab,-1,&nsellab,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,result_state_kind==SemiStrict ? PartialFill : NormalFill);
+ *asp_p-=1;
+ }
+extern int lazy_tuple_recursion;
+extern void update_tuple_element_node (StateP state_p,int tuple_element_a_index,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p);
+static void FillOrReduceSelectSymbol (Node node,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,NodeId update_node_id,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ Args arg;
+ int argnr;
+ arg = node->node_arguments;
+ argnr = node->node_arity;
+ if (arg->arg_node->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ if (IsLazyState (node->node_state))
+ FillSelectSymbol (node->node_state.state_kind,node->node_symbol->symb_arity,argnr,arg,asp_p,bsp_p,update_node_id,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ else {
+ Node argnode;
+ int asize,bsize;
+ argnode = arg->arg_node;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (argnode->node_state, &asize, &bsize);
+ Build (argnode,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ CoerceArgumentOnTopOfStack (asp_p,bsp_p,arg->arg_state,argnode->node_state, asize, bsize);
+ }
+ } else {
+ StateS tupstate;
+ NodeId arg_node_id;
+ /* the tuple is shared */
+ arg_node_id=arg->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ if ((arg_node_id->nid_mark2 & NID_CALL_VIA_LAZY_SELECTIONS_ONLY) && update_node_id==NULL){
+ int select_node_index;
+ select_node_index=arg_node_id->nid_a_index-argnr;
+ GenPushA (*asp_p-select_node_index);
+ ++*asp_p;
+ return;
+ }
+ tupstate = arg_node_id->nid_state;
+ if (IsSimpleState (tupstate)){
+ if (IsLazyState (node->node_state)){
+ /* added 10-8-1999 */
+ if (!IsLazyStateKind (tupstate.state_kind)){
+ GenPushArg (*asp_p-arg_node_id->nid_a_index,node->node_symbol->symb_arity,argnr);
+ *asp_p+=1;
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (arg_node_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ } else
+ /* */
+ if (arg_node_id->nid_refcount>0 && (arg_node_id->nid_node_def->def_mark & NODE_DEF_SELECT_AND_REMOVE_MASK)!=0)
+ FillSelectAndRemoveSymbol (node->node_state.state_kind,node->node_symbol->symb_arity,argnr,arg,asp_p,bsp_p,update_node_id,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ else
+ FillSelectSymbol (node->node_state.state_kind,node->node_symbol->symb_arity,argnr,arg,asp_p,bsp_p,update_node_id,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ } else {
+ int arity,tupindex;
+ StateS selectstate;
+ /* the selector is strict but the tuple is not */
+ arity = arg->arg_state.state_arity;
+ tupindex = arg_node_id->nid_a_index;
+ selectstate = arg->arg_state.state_tuple_arguments[argnr-1];
+ if (ResultIsNotInRootNormalForm (tupstate)){
+ GenJsrEval (*asp_p-tupindex);
+ ChangeEvalStatusKindToStrictOnA (arg_node_id,code_gen_node_ids_p->saved_nid_state_l);
+ tupstate.state_kind = StrictOnA;
+ }
+ if (node->node_number!=0){
+ char bits[MaxNodeArity+2];
+ int n;
+ GenPushArgsU (*asp_p-tupindex,arity,argnr);
+ if (argnr>1)
+ GenPopA (argnr-1);
+ *asp_p+=1;
+ for (n=0; n<=arity; ++n)
+ bits[n]='0';
+ bits[arity+1]='\0';
+ bits[argnr]='1';
+ GenBuildh (&nil_lab,0);
+ if (arity<=2)
+ GenFill1 (&tuple_lab,arity,*asp_p+1-tupindex,bits);
+ else
+ GenFill2 (&tuple_lab,arity,*asp_p+1-tupindex,bits);
+ } else {
+ GenPushArg (*asp_p-tupindex,arity,argnr);
+ *asp_p+=1;
+ }
+ GenPushArg (*asp_p-tupindex,arity,argnr);
+ *asp_p+=1;
+ if (!ResultIsNotInRootNormalForm (selectstate))
+ GenJsrEval (0);
+ CoerceArgumentOnTopOfStack (asp_p,bsp_p,selectstate,tupstate,1,0);
+ if (update_node_id!=NULL)
+ update_tuple_element_node (&selectstate,update_node_id->nid_a_index,asp_p,bsp_p);
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (arg_node_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ }
+ } else {
+ int a_size,b_size,i,argasize,argbsize,a_index,b_index;
+ StateS selectstate;
+ a_size=0;
+ b_size=0;
+ for (i=0; i<argnr-1; i++)
+ AddSizeOfState (tupstate.state_tuple_arguments[i],&a_size,&b_size);
+ if (IsSimpleState (arg->arg_state))
+ selectstate = arg->arg_state;
+ else
+ selectstate = arg->arg_state.state_tuple_arguments[i];
+ DetermineSizeOfState (tupstate.state_tuple_arguments[i],&argasize, &argbsize);
+ a_index=arg_node_id->nid_a_index;
+ b_index=arg_node_id->nid_b_index;
+ if (arg_node_id->nid_refcount<0 && arg_node_id->nid_node!=NULL){
+ ArgP args;
+ args=arg_node_id->nid_node->node_arguments;
+ a_index=get_a_index_of_unpacked_lhs_node (args);
+ b_index=get_b_index_of_unpacked_lhs_node (args);
+ }
+ if (update_node_id==NULL)
+ CopyArgument (selectstate,tupstate.state_tuple_arguments[i],
+ a_index - a_size,b_index - b_size,asp_p,bsp_p, argasize, argbsize, True);
+ else {
+ int locasp;
+ locasp = *asp_p;
+ GenPushA (*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index);
+ ++*asp_p;
+ CopyArgument (selectstate,tupstate.state_tuple_arguments[i],
+ a_index - a_size,b_index - b_size,asp_p,bsp_p, argasize, argbsize, False);
+ GenPopA (*asp_p-locasp);
+ *asp_p=locasp;
+ }
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (arg_node_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ }
+ }
+void DetermineArrayElemDescr (StateS elemstate,Label lab)
+ if (elemstate.state_type==SimpleState)
+ *lab = BasicDescriptors [elemstate.state_object];
+ else if (elemstate.state_type==RecordState){
+ ConvertSymbolToRLabel (lab,elemstate.state_record_symbol);
+ } else
+ *lab = BasicDescriptors [UnknownObj];
+#define UNUSED_NODE_ID_INDEX 30000
+#if 0
+#include "dbprint.h"
+void cleanup_stack
+ (int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,int a_size,int b_size,NodeIdListElementS **a_node_ids_l,NodeIdListElementS **b_node_ids_l,
+ NodeIdListElementS **free_node_ids_l,MovedNodeIdP *moved_node_ids_l,int compact_stack_ok)
+ NodeIdListElementP p_node_ids;
+ int asp,bsp;
+ int n_a_elements_popped;
+ if (DoDebug){
+ PrintComment ();
+ FPrintF (OutFile,compact_stack_ok ? "Remove unused stack elements" : "Remove unused stack elements without moving");
+ }
+ asp=*asp_p;
+ bsp=*bsp_p;
+ n_a_elements_popped=0;
+#if 0
+ printf ("cleanup_stack a_node_ids ");
+ for_l (p_node_ids,*a_node_ids_l,nidl_next){
+ DPrintNodeId (p_node_ids->nidl_node_id,StdOut);
+ printf (" ");
+ }
+ printf ("\n");
+#if 0
+ printf ("cleanup_stack b_node_ids ");
+ for_l (p_node_ids,*b_node_ids_l,nidl_next){
+ DPrintNodeId (p_node_ids->nidl_node_id,StdOut);
+ printf (" ");
+ }
+ printf ("\n");
+ p_node_ids=*a_node_ids_l;
+ while (p_node_ids!=NULL && p_node_ids->nidl_node_id->nid_a_index==UNUSED_NODE_ID_INDEX){
+#if 0
+ printf ("cleanup_stack00 ");
+ printf ("%s ",CurrentAltLabel.lab_symbol->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ DPrintNodeId (p_node_ids->nidl_node_id,StdOut);
+ printf ("\n");
+ p_node_ids=p_node_ids->nidl_next;
+ }
+ if (p_node_ids!=NULL && p_node_ids->nidl_node_id->nid_a_index==asp && (unused_node_id (p_node_ids->nidl_node_id))){
+ int n_a_elements,n_b_elements;
+ n_a_elements=0;
+ n_b_elements=0;
+ do {
+#if 0
+ printf ("cleanup_stack01 ");
+ printf ("%s ",CurrentAltLabel.lab_symbol->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ DPrintNodeId (p_node_ids->nidl_node_id,StdOut);
+ printf ("\n");
+ AddSizeOfState (p_node_ids->nidl_node_id->nid_state,&n_a_elements,&n_b_elements);
+ /* free p_node_ids */
+ p_node_ids=p_node_ids->nidl_next;
+ while (p_node_ids!=NULL && p_node_ids->nidl_node_id->nid_a_index==UNUSED_NODE_ID_INDEX){
+#if 0
+ printf ("cleanup_stack02 ");
+ printf ("%s ",CurrentAltLabel.lab_symbol->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ DPrintNodeId (p_node_ids->nidl_node_id,StdOut);
+ printf ("\n");
+ p_node_ids=p_node_ids->nidl_next;
+ }
+ } while (p_node_ids!=NULL && p_node_ids->nidl_node_id->nid_a_index==asp-n_a_elements && (unused_node_id (p_node_ids->nidl_node_id)));
+ *a_node_ids_l=p_node_ids;
+ n_a_elements_popped=n_a_elements;
+ }
+ p_node_ids=*b_node_ids_l;
+ if (p_node_ids!=NULL && (unused_node_id (p_node_ids->nidl_node_id)) && p_node_ids->nidl_node_id->nid_b_index==bsp){
+ int n_a_elements,n_b_elements;
+ n_a_elements=0;
+ n_b_elements=0;
+ do {
+ AddSizeOfState (p_node_ids->nidl_node_id->nid_state,&n_a_elements,&n_b_elements);
+ /* free p_node_ids */
+ p_node_ids=p_node_ids->nidl_next;
+ } while (p_node_ids!=NULL && (unused_node_id (p_node_ids->nidl_node_id)) && p_node_ids->nidl_node_id->nid_b_index==bsp-n_b_elements);
+ *b_node_ids_l=p_node_ids;
+ if (n_b_elements!=0){
+ int i;
+ for (i=b_size-1; i>=0; --i)
+ if (i==0)
+ GenUpdatePopB (0,n_b_elements);
+ else
+ GenUpdateB (i,i+n_b_elements);
+ if (b_size==0)
+ GenPopB (n_b_elements);
+ *bsp_p-=n_b_elements;
+ }
+ }
+ if (compact_stack_ok){
+ NodeIdListElementP free_node_id,keep_node_ids;
+ int node_id_a_size,node_id_b_size;
+ int free_size,used_size,move_free_size,move_used_size;
+ node_id_a_size=0;
+ node_id_b_size=0;
+ asp=*asp_p-n_a_elements_popped;
+ for_l (free_node_id,*free_node_ids_l,nidl_next){
+ struct node_id *node_id;
+ node_id=free_node_id->nidl_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_a_index < asp)
+ AddSizeOfState (node_id->nid_state,&node_id_a_size,&node_id_b_size);
+ }
+ free_size=0;
+ used_size=0;
+ move_free_size=0;
+ move_used_size=0;
+ keep_node_ids=NULL;
+ p_node_ids=*a_node_ids_l;
+ while (p_node_ids!=NULL && p_node_ids->nidl_node_id->nid_a_index==UNUSED_NODE_ID_INDEX){
+#if 0
+ printf ("cleanup_stack03 ");
+ printf ("%s ",CurrentAltLabel.lab_symbol->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ DPrintNodeId (p_node_ids->nidl_node_id,StdOut);
+ printf ("\n");
+ p_node_ids=p_node_ids->nidl_next;
+ }
+#if 0
+ printf ("cleanup_stack1 ");
+ printf ("%s\n",CurrentAltLabel.lab_symbol->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ if (p_node_ids!=NULL && p_node_ids->nidl_node_id->nid_a_index!=asp){
+ printf ("asp=%d nid_a_index=%d ",asp,p_node_ids->nidl_node_id->nid_a_index);
+ DPrintNodeId (p_node_ids->nidl_node_id,StdOut);
+ printf ("\n");
+ }
+ while (p_node_ids!=NULL && p_node_ids->nidl_node_id->nid_a_index==asp){
+ int element_a_size,element_b_size;
+ struct node_id *node_id;
+ node_id=p_node_ids->nidl_node_id;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (node_id->nid_state,&element_a_size,&element_b_size);
+#if 0
+ DPrintNodeId (node_id,StdOut);
+ printf ("\n");
+ if (unused_node_id (node_id)){
+ free_size+=element_a_size;
+ } else {
+ if (free_size+used_size > node_id_a_size+node_id_a_size)
+ break;
+ used_size+=element_a_size;
+ }
+ asp-=element_a_size;
+ p_node_ids=p_node_ids->nidl_next;
+ while (p_node_ids!=NULL && p_node_ids->nidl_node_id->nid_a_index==UNUSED_NODE_ID_INDEX){
+#if 0
+ printf ("cleanup_stack11 ");
+ printf ("%s ",CurrentAltLabel.lab_symbol->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ DPrintNodeId (p_node_ids->nidl_node_id,StdOut);
+ printf ("\n");
+ p_node_ids=p_node_ids->nidl_next;
+ }
+ if (free_size>=used_size){
+ move_free_size=free_size;
+ move_used_size=used_size;
+ keep_node_ids=p_node_ids;
+ }
+ }
+ if (move_free_size!=0){
+ NodeIdListElementP reversed_node_ids;
+ int move_a_offset;
+ int source_asp,dest_asp;
+ move_a_offset=move_free_size;
+ source_asp=*asp_p-n_a_elements_popped-(move_free_size+move_used_size);
+ dest_asp=source_asp;
+ reversed_node_ids=NULL;
+ p_node_ids=*a_node_ids_l;
+ while (p_node_ids!=keep_node_ids){
+ NodeIdListElementP next_p_node_ids;
+ next_p_node_ids=p_node_ids->nidl_next;
+ p_node_ids->nidl_next=reversed_node_ids;
+ reversed_node_ids=p_node_ids;
+ p_node_ids=next_p_node_ids;
+ }
+ while (reversed_node_ids!=NULL){
+ NodeIdListElementP next_reversed_node_ids;
+ int element_a_size,element_b_size;
+ MovedNodeIdP new_moved_node_id;
+ struct node_id *node_id;
+ node_id=reversed_node_ids->nidl_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_a_index!=UNUSED_NODE_ID_INDEX){
+ DetermineSizeOfState (node_id->nid_state,&element_a_size,&element_b_size);
+ new_moved_node_id=CompAllocType (MovedNodeIdS);
+ new_moved_node_id->mnid_node_id=node_id;
+ new_moved_node_id->mnid_a_stack_offset=node_id->nid_a_index;
+ new_moved_node_id->mnid_next=*moved_node_ids_l;
+ *moved_node_ids_l=new_moved_node_id;
+#if 0
+ printf ("cleanup_stack2 ");
+ DPrintNodeId (node_id,StdOut);
+ printf ("\n");
+ if (unused_node_id (node_id)){
+ source_asp+=element_a_size;
+ node_id->nid_a_index_=UNUSED_NODE_ID_INDEX;
+ } else {
+ int n;
+ for (n=element_a_size; n!=0; --n){
+ ++source_asp;
+ ++dest_asp;
+ GenUpdateA (*asp_p+a_size-source_asp,*asp_p+a_size-dest_asp);
+ }
+ node_id->nid_a_index_=dest_asp;
+ }
+ }
+ next_reversed_node_ids=reversed_node_ids->nidl_next;
+ reversed_node_ids->nidl_next=p_node_ids;
+ p_node_ids=reversed_node_ids;
+ reversed_node_ids=next_reversed_node_ids;
+ }
+ *a_node_ids_l=p_node_ids;
+/* *a_node_ids_l=keep_node_ids; */
+ n_a_elements_popped+=move_a_offset;
+ }
+ }
+ if (n_a_elements_popped!=0){
+ int i;
+ for (i=a_size-1; i>=0; --i)
+ if (i==0)
+ GenUpdatePopA (0,n_a_elements_popped);
+ else
+ GenUpdateA (i,i+n_a_elements_popped);
+ if (a_size==0)
+ GenPopA (n_a_elements_popped);
+ *asp_p-=n_a_elements_popped;
+ }
+ {
+ NodeIdListElementP free_node_id;
+ int nil_on_stack;
+ nil_on_stack=0;
+ asp=*asp_p;
+ for_l (free_node_id,*free_node_ids_l,nidl_next){
+ struct node_id *node_id;
+ node_id=free_node_id->nidl_node_id;
+#if 0
+ printf ("cleanup_stack3 ");
+ DPrintNodeId (node_id,StdOut);
+ printf ("\n");
+ if (node_id->nid_a_index < asp){
+ int node_id_a_size,node_id_b_size,a_index;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (node_id->nid_state,&node_id_a_size,&node_id_b_size);
+ if (node_id_a_size>0){
+ a_index=asp+a_size-node_id->nid_a_index;
+ NodeIdComment (node_id);
+ while (node_id_a_size>0){
+ if (!nil_on_stack){
+ GenBuildh (&nil_lab,0);
+ nil_on_stack=1;
+ }
+ GenUpdateA (0,1+a_index);
+ ++a_index;
+ --node_id_a_size;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *free_node_ids_l=free_node_id;
+ if (nil_on_stack)
+ GenPopA (1);
+ }
+static void SubSizeOfState (StateS state,int *a_offset_p,int *b_offset_p);
+static void SubSizeOfStates (int arity,States states,int *a_offset_p,int *b_offset_p)
+ for (; arity; arity--)
+ SubSizeOfState (states [arity-1],a_offset_p,b_offset_p);
+static void SubSizeOfState (StateS state,int *a_offset_p,int *b_offset_p)
+ if (IsSimpleState (state)){
+ if (state.state_kind==OnB)
+ *b_offset_p -= ObjectSizes [state.state_object];
+ else if (state.state_kind != Undefined)
+ *a_offset_p -= 1;
+ } else {
+ switch (state.state_type){
+ case RecordState:
+ SubSizeOfStates (state.state_arity,state.state_record_arguments,a_offset_p,b_offset_p);
+ break;
+ case TupleState:
+ SubSizeOfStates (state.state_arity,state.state_tuple_arguments,a_offset_p,b_offset_p);
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ *a_offset_p -= 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+static void SubSizeOfArguments (ArgS *args,int *a_offset_p,int *b_offset_p)
+ ArgS *arg;
+ for_l (arg,args,arg_next)
+ SubSizeOfState (arg->arg_state,a_offset_p,b_offset_p);
+void DetermineSizeOfArguments (ArgS *args,int *a_offset_p,int *b_offset_p)
+ ArgS *arg;
+ *a_offset_p=0;
+ *b_offset_p=0;
+ for_l (arg,args,arg_next)
+ AddSizeOfState (arg->arg_state,a_offset_p,b_offset_p);
+static void BuildLazyArgs (Args args,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p);
+static Bool BuildNonParArgs (Args args,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p);
+static void BuildParArgs (ArgS* args,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p);
+static void ReorderParallelAndNonParallelArgsWithResultNode (Args args,int *asize_p,int *bsize_p);
+#define BETWEEN(l,h,v) ((unsigned)((v)-(l)) <= (unsigned)((h)-(l)))
+static int ChangeArgumentNodeStatesIfStricter (Args offered_args,States demanded_states)
+ StateP demanded_state_p;
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ for_la (arg_p,demanded_state_p,offered_args,demanded_states,arg_next){
+ Node arg_node;
+ int node_kind;
+ arg_node=arg_p->arg_node;
+ node_kind=arg_node->node_kind;
+ if (node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ if (node_kind==NormalNode && (BETWEEN (int_denot,real_denot,arg_node->node_symbol->symb_kind) || arg_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==string_denot))
+ ;
+ else
+ if (!FirstStateIsStricter (arg_node->node_state,*demanded_state_p))
+ return 1;
+ } else
+ if (!FirstStateIsStricter (arg_node->node_node_id->nid_state,*demanded_state_p))
+ return 1;
+ }
+ for_la (arg_p,demanded_state_p,offered_args,demanded_states,arg_next){
+ Node arg_node;
+ arg_node=arg_p->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node->node_kind==NormalNode &&
+ (BETWEEN (int_denot,real_denot,arg_node->node_symbol->symb_kind) || arg_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==string_denot)
+ ){
+ arg_node->node_state=*demanded_state_p;
+ }
+ arg_p->arg_state=*demanded_state_p;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void BuildArgsWithNewResultNode (Args args,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p,int *a_size_p,int *b_size_p)
+ BuildNonParArgs (args,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ NewEmptyNode (asp_p,-1);
+ BuildParArgs (args,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ ReorderParallelAndNonParallelArgsWithResultNode (args,a_size_p,b_size_p);
+void BuildArgsWithResultNodeOnStack (Args args,NodeIdP free_unique_node_id,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p,int *a_size_p,int *b_size_p)
+ BuildNonParArgs (args,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ GenPushA (*asp_p-free_unique_node_id->nid_a_index);
+ *asp_p+=1;
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (free_unique_node_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ BuildParArgs (args,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ ReorderParallelAndNonParallelArgsWithResultNode (args,a_size_p,b_size_p);
+extern LabDef d_indirection_lab,n_indirection_lab;
+static void FillSymbol (Node node,SymbDef sdef,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,NodeId update_node_id,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ LabDef name;
+ int symbarity;
+ symbarity = sdef->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE ? sdef->sdef_cons_arity : sdef->sdef_arity;
+ if (symbarity==node->node_arity){
+ switch (sdef->sdef_kind){
+ case IMPRULE:
+ case DEFRULE:
+ case SYSRULE:
+ if (IsLazyState (node->node_state)){
+ LabDef codelab;
+ ConvertSymbolToDandNLabel (&name,&codelab,sdef);
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==IMPRULE && (sdef->sdef_rule->rule_mark & RULE_UNBOXED_LAZY_CALL)){
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ if (update_node_id!=NULL)
+ error_in_function ("FillSymbol");
+ DetermineSizeOfArguments (node->node_arguments,&a_size,&b_size);
+ if (b_size!=0)
+ BuildArgs (node->node_arguments,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ else
+ BuildArgs (node->node_arguments,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ if (update_node_id!=NULL){
+ if (a_size+b_size<=2){
+ if (b_size!=0){
+ GenFillU (&name,a_size,b_size,&codelab,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index);
+ *bsp_p -= b_size;
+ } else
+ GenFill (&name,a_size,&codelab,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,NormalFill);
+ *asp_p-=a_size;
+ GenPushA (*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index);
+ *asp_p+=1;
+ } else {
+ if (b_size!=0)
+ GenBuildU (&name,a_size,b_size,&codelab);
+ else
+ GenBuild (&name,a_size,&codelab);
+ *asp_p += 1-a_size;
+ *bsp_p -= b_size;
+ GenFill (&d_indirection_lab,-2,&n_indirection_lab,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,NormalFill);
+ --*asp_p;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ *asp_p += 1-a_size;
+ *bsp_p -= b_size;
+ if (b_size!=0)
+ GenBuildU (&name,a_size,b_size,&codelab);
+ else
+ GenBuild (&name,a_size,&codelab);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ BuildArgs (node->node_arguments,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ if (update_node_id==NULL){
+ *asp_p += 1-symbarity;
+ GenBuild (&name,symbarity,&codelab);
+ } else {
+ if ((update_node_id->nid_mark & ON_A_CYCLE_MASK)!=0 || symbarity<=2){
+ GenFill (&name,symbarity,&codelab,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,PartialFill);
+ *asp_p-=symbarity;
+ } else {
+ GenBuild (&name,symbarity,&codelab);
+ *asp_p+=1-symbarity;
+ GenFill (&d_indirection_lab,-2,&n_indirection_lab,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,NormalFill);
+ --*asp_p;
+ }
+ GenFill (&name,symbarity,&codelab,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,node->node_state.state_kind==SemiStrict ? PartialFill : NormalFill);
+ *asp_p -= symbarity;
+ }
+ } else {
+ int newnode,a_size,b_size;
+ ConvertSymbolToLabel (&name,sdef);
+ newnode=False;
+ if (update_node_id==NULL && ExpectsResultNode (node->node_state)){
+ BuildArgsWithNewResultNode (node->node_arguments,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p,&a_size,&b_size);
+ *asp_p-=a_size;
+ *bsp_p-=b_size;
+ if (! (sdef->sdef_kind==SYSRULE
+ && sdef->sdef_ident->ident_instructions!=NULL
+ && *sdef->sdef_ident->ident_instructions!='\0'
+ && *sdef->sdef_ident->ident_instructions!='.'))
+ {
+ cleanup_stack (asp_p,bsp_p,a_size,b_size,&code_gen_node_ids_p->a_node_ids,&code_gen_node_ids_p->b_node_ids,
+ &code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids,code_gen_node_ids_p->moved_node_ids_l,
+ code_gen_node_ids_p->doesnt_fail);
+ }
+ CallFunction (&name,sdef,True,node);
+ AddSizeOfState (node->node_state,asp_p,bsp_p);
+ return;
+ }
+ DetermineSizeOfArguments (node->node_arguments,&a_size,&b_size);
+ if (update_node_id!=NULL && update_node_id->nid_a_index!=*asp_p){
+ GenPushA (*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index);
+ *asp_p += SizeOfAStackElem;
+ BuildArgs (node->node_arguments,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ *asp_p-=a_size+1; /* changed 20-7-1999, was a_size */
+ *bsp_p-=b_size;
+ if (! (sdef->sdef_kind==SYSRULE
+ && sdef->sdef_ident->ident_instructions!=NULL
+ && *sdef->sdef_ident->ident_instructions!='\0'
+ && *sdef->sdef_ident->ident_instructions!='.'))
+ {
+ cleanup_stack (asp_p,bsp_p,a_size+1,b_size,&code_gen_node_ids_p->a_node_ids,&code_gen_node_ids_p->b_node_ids,
+ &code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids,code_gen_node_ids_p->moved_node_ids_l,
+ code_gen_node_ids_p->doesnt_fail);
+ }
+ CallFunction (&name,sdef,True,node);
+ AddSizeOfState (node->node_state,asp_p,bsp_p);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ *asp_p-=1;
+ } else {
+ if (newnode)
+ ++a_size;
+ BuildArgs (node->node_arguments,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ *asp_p-=a_size;
+ *bsp_p-=b_size;
+ if (! (sdef->sdef_kind==SYSRULE
+ && sdef->sdef_ident->ident_instructions!=NULL
+ && *sdef->sdef_ident->ident_instructions!='\0'
+ && *sdef->sdef_ident->ident_instructions!='.'))
+ {
+ cleanup_stack (asp_p,bsp_p,a_size,b_size,&code_gen_node_ids_p->a_node_ids,&code_gen_node_ids_p->b_node_ids,
+ &code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids,code_gen_node_ids_p->moved_node_ids_l,
+ code_gen_node_ids_p->doesnt_fail);
+ }
+ CallFunction (&name,sdef,True,node);
+ AddSizeOfState (node->node_state,asp_p,bsp_p);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ if (sdef->sdef_strict_constructor){
+ int lazy_fill;
+ ConvertSymbolToLabel (&name,sdef);
+ lazy_fill=IsLazyState (node->node_state);
+ if (lazy_fill)
+ lazy_fill=ChangeArgumentNodeStatesIfStricter (node->node_arguments,sdef->sdef_constructor->cl_state_p);
+ BuildArgs (node->node_arguments,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ if (lazy_fill){
+ LabDef reclab, contlab;
+ ConvertSymbolToConstructorDandNLabel (&reclab,&contlab,sdef);
+ if (update_node_id==NULL){
+ *asp_p+=1-symbarity;
+ GenBuild (&reclab,symbarity,&contlab);
+ } else {
+ if ((update_node_id->nid_mark & ON_A_CYCLE_MASK)!=0 || symbarity<=2){
+ GenFill (&reclab,symbarity,&contlab,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,ReleaseAndFill);
+ *asp_p-=symbarity;
+ } else {
+ GenBuild (&reclab,symbarity,&contlab);
+ *asp_p+=1-symbarity;
+ GenFill (&d_indirection_lab,-2,&n_indirection_lab,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,NormalFill);
+ --*asp_p;
+ }
+ GenFill (&reclab,symbarity,&contlab,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,
+ node->node_state.state_kind==SemiStrict ? ReleaseAndFill : NormalFill);
+ *asp_p-=symbarity;
+ }
+ } else {
+ int asize,bsize;
+ LabDef record_label;
+ DetermineSizeOfArguments (node->node_arguments,&asize,&bsize);
+ ConvertSymbolToKLabel (&record_label,sdef);
+ *asp_p-=asize;
+ *bsp_p-=bsize;
+ if (update_node_id==NULL){
+ GenBuildR (&record_label,asize,bsize,0,0,True);
+ *asp_p+=1;
+ } else {
+ GenFillR (&record_label,asize,bsize,*asp_p+asize-update_node_id->nid_a_index,0,0,node->node_state.state_kind==SemiStrict ? ReleaseAndFill : NormalFill,True);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ ConvertSymbolToConstructorDLabel (&name,sdef);
+ BuildLazyArgs (node->node_arguments,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ if (update_node_id==NULL){
+ *asp_p+=1-node->node_arity;
+ GenBuildh (&name,node->node_arity);
+ } else {
+ GenFillh (&name,node->node_arity,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,
+ node->node_state.state_kind==SemiStrict ? ReleaseAndFill : NormalFill);
+ *asp_p-=node->node_arity;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ ConvertSymbolToLabel (&name,sdef);
+ if (IsSimpleState (node->node_state)){
+ LabDef record_label;
+ int lazy_fill;
+ lazy_fill=sdef->sdef_strict_constructor && IsLazyState (node->node_state);
+ if (lazy_fill)
+ lazy_fill=ChangeArgumentNodeStatesIfStricter (node->node_arguments,sdef->sdef_record_state.state_record_arguments);
+ BuildArgs (node->node_arguments,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ if (lazy_fill){
+ LabDef contlab;
+ ConvertSymbolToRecordDandNLabel (&record_label,&contlab,sdef);
+ if (update_node_id==NULL){
+ *asp_p+=1-symbarity;
+ GenBuild (&record_label,symbarity,&contlab);
+ } else {
+ if ((update_node_id->nid_mark & ON_A_CYCLE_MASK)!=0 || symbarity<=2){
+ GenFill (&record_label,symbarity,&contlab,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,ReleaseAndFill);
+ *asp_p-=symbarity;
+ } else {
+ GenBuild (&record_label,symbarity,&contlab);
+ *asp_p+=1-symbarity;
+ GenFill (&d_indirection_lab,-2,&n_indirection_lab,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,NormalFill);
+ --*asp_p;
+ }
+ GenFill (&record_label,symbarity,&contlab,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,
+ node->node_state.state_kind==SemiStrict ? ReleaseAndFill : NormalFill);
+ *asp_p-=symbarity;
+ }
+ } else {
+ int asize,bsize;
+ ConvertSymbolToRLabel (&record_label,sdef);
+ DetermineSizeOfArguments (node->node_arguments,&asize,&bsize);
+ *asp_p-=asize;
+ *bsp_p-=bsize;
+ if (update_node_id==NULL){
+ *asp_p+=1;
+ GenBuildR (&record_label,asize,bsize,0,0,True);
+ } else {
+ GenFillR (&record_label,asize,bsize,*asp_p+asize-update_node_id->nid_a_index,0,0,node->node_state.state_kind==SemiStrict ? ReleaseAndFill : NormalFill,True);
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ BuildArgs (node->node_arguments,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ return;
+ default:
+ if (update_node_id==NULL)
+ NewEmptyNode (asp_p,-1);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR)
+ ConvertSymbolToConstructorDLabel (&name,sdef);
+ else
+ ConvertSymbolToDLabel (&name,sdef);
+ /* Symbol has too few arguments */
+ BuildArgs (node->node_arguments,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ if (update_node_id==NULL){
+ *asp_p+=1-node->node_arity;
+ GenBuildh (&name,node->node_arity);
+ } else {
+ GenFillh (&name,node->node_arity,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,NormalFill);
+ *asp_p-=node->node_arity;
+ }
+ }
+void GenTypeError (void)
+ GenDAStackLayout (0);
+ GenJsr (&type_error_lab);
+ GenOAStackLayout (0);
+ TypeErrorFound = True;
+static void decrement_reference_count_of_node_ids_in_graph (Node node,NodeIdListElementS **free_node_ids_l)
+ if (node->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ struct arg *arg;
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_ids_in_graph (arg->arg_node,free_node_ids_l);
+ } else
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (node->node_node_id,free_node_ids_l);
+static void increment_reference_count_of_node_ids_in_graph (Node node)
+ if (node->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ struct arg *arg;
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ increment_reference_count_of_node_ids_in_graph (arg->arg_node);
+ } else {
+ struct node_id *node_id;
+ int ref_count;
+ node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ ref_count=node_id->nid_refcount;
+ if (ref_count>=0)
+ node_id->nid_refcount=ref_count+1;
+ else
+ node_id->nid_refcount=ref_count-1;
+ }
+static void build_strict_then_or_else (Node then_or_else_node,Node else_node,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,
+ CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p,StateS result_state)
+ if (then_or_else_node->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ SavedNidStateP saved_node_id_states;
+ struct code_gen_node_ids code_gen_node_ids;
+ MovedNodeIdP moved_node_ids;
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ saved_node_id_states=NULL;
+ moved_node_ids=NULL;
+ code_gen_node_ids.free_node_ids=code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids;
+ code_gen_node_ids.saved_nid_state_l=&saved_node_id_states;
+ code_gen_node_ids.doesnt_fail=False;
+ code_gen_node_ids.moved_node_ids_l=&moved_node_ids;
+ code_gen_node_ids.a_node_ids=code_gen_node_ids_p->a_node_ids;
+ code_gen_node_ids.b_node_ids=code_gen_node_ids_p->b_node_ids;
+ if (else_node!=NULL)
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_ids_in_graph (else_node,&code_gen_node_ids.free_node_ids);
+ Build (then_or_else_node,asp_p,bsp_p,&code_gen_node_ids);
+ if (else_node!=NULL)
+ increment_reference_count_of_node_ids_in_graph (else_node);
+ restore_saved_node_id_states (saved_node_id_states);
+ DetermineSizeOfState (then_or_else_node->node_state,&a_size,&b_size);
+ CoerceArgumentOnTopOfStack (asp_p,bsp_p,result_state,then_or_else_node->node_state,a_size,b_size);
+ } else {
+ NodeId nid;
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ nid=then_or_else_node->node_node_id;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (nid->nid_state,&a_size,&b_size);
+ CopyArgument (result_state,nid->nid_state,nid->nid_a_index,nid->nid_b_index,asp_p,bsp_p,a_size,b_size,True);
+ }
+static void fill_strict_if_node (Node node,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ StateS condition_result_state;
+ LabDef else_label,endif_label;
+ Args arguments,then_arg,else_arg;
+ int else_asp,else_bsp;
+ arguments = node->node_arguments;
+ SetUnaryState (&condition_result_state,OnB,BoolObj);
+ EvaluateCondition (arguments->arg_node,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p,condition_result_state);
+ MakeLabel (&else_label,"else",NewLabelNr,no_pref);
+ MakeLabel (&endif_label,"endif",NewLabelNr++,no_pref);
+ GenJmpFalse (&else_label);
+ then_arg=arguments->arg_next;
+ else_arg=then_arg->arg_next;
+ else_asp=*asp_p;
+ else_bsp=*bsp_p;
+ build_strict_then_or_else (then_arg->arg_node,else_arg->arg_node,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p,node->node_state);
+ GenJmp (&endif_label);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&else_label);
+ build_strict_then_or_else (else_arg->arg_node,NULL,&else_asp,&else_bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p,node->node_state);
+ if (else_asp!=*asp_p || else_bsp!=*bsp_p){
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (node->node_state,&a_size,&b_size);
+ if (else_asp>*asp_p){
+ int difference,i;
+ difference=else_asp - *asp_p;
+ for (i=a_size-1; i>=0; --i)
+ if (i==0)
+ GenUpdatePopA (0,difference);
+ else
+ GenUpdateA (i,i+difference);
+ if (a_size==0)
+ GenPopA (difference);
+ } else if (else_asp<*asp_p){
+ int difference,i;
+ difference=*asp_p - else_asp;
+ if (difference>a_size){
+ int n;
+ GenBuildh (&nil_lab,0);
+ n=(difference-a_size)-1;
+ for (i=0; i<n; ++i)
+ GenPushA (i);
+ for (i=a_size-1; i>=0; --i)
+ GenPushA (difference-1);
+ if (a_size>0){
+ GenBuildh (&nil_lab,0);
+ for (i=0; i<a_size; ++i)
+ GenUpdateA (0,difference+i);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (i=difference-1; i>=0; --i)
+ GenPushA (difference-1);
+ if (difference<a_size){
+ GenBuildh (&nil_lab,0);
+ for (i=difference; i<a_size; ++i){
+ GenUpdateA (i+difference+1,i+1);
+ GenUpdateA (0,i+difference+1);
+ }
+ GenPopA (1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (else_bsp>*bsp_p){
+ int difference,i;
+ difference=else_bsp - *bsp_p;
+ for (i=b_size-1; i>=0; --i)
+ if (i==0)
+ GenUpdatePopB (0,difference);
+ else
+ GenUpdateB (i,i+difference);
+ if (b_size==0)
+ GenPopB (difference);
+ } else if (else_bsp<*bsp_p){
+ int difference,i;
+ SymbValue sv;
+ sv.val_int="0";
+ difference=*bsp_p - else_bsp;
+ if (difference>b_size){
+ int n;
+ PushBasic (IntObj,sv);
+ n=(difference-b_size)-1;
+ for (i=0; i<n; ++i)
+ GenPushB (i);
+ for (i=b_size-1; i>=0; --i)
+ GenPushB (difference-1);
+ if (b_size>0){
+ PushBasic (IntObj,sv);
+ for (i=0; i<b_size; ++i)
+ GenUpdateB (0,difference+i);
+ GenPopB (1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (i=difference-1; i>=0; --i)
+ GenPushB (difference-1);
+ if (difference<b_size){
+ PushBasic (IntObj,sv);
+ for (i=difference; i<b_size; ++i){
+ GenUpdateB (i+difference+1,i+1);
+ GenUpdateB (0,i+difference+1);
+ }
+ GenPopB (1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ int result_a_size,result_b_size;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (node->node_state,&result_a_size,&result_b_size);
+ if (code_gen_node_ids_p->a_node_ids!=NULL){
+ int asp_without_result;
+ NodeIdListElementP a_node_ids,a_node_id_p;
+ asp_without_result=*asp_p-result_a_size;
+ a_node_ids=code_gen_node_ids_p->a_node_ids;
+ /* JVG: changed 28-10-1999 */
+ a_node_id_p=a_node_ids;
+ while (a_node_id_p!=NULL && a_node_id_p->nidl_node_id->nid_a_index>asp_without_result)
+ if (a_node_id_p->nidl_node_id->nid_a_index!=UNUSED_NODE_ID_INDEX){
+ a_node_id_p=a_node_id_p->nidl_next;
+ a_node_ids=a_node_id_p;
+ } else
+ a_node_id_p=a_node_id_p->nidl_next;
+ /*
+ while (a_node_ids!=NULL &&
+ a_node_ids->nidl_node_id->nid_a_index>asp_without_result && a_node_ids->nidl_node_id->nid_a_index!=UNUSED_NODE_ID_INDEX)
+ {
+ a_node_ids=a_node_ids->nidl_next;
+ }
+ */
+ code_gen_node_ids_p->a_node_ids=a_node_ids;
+ }
+ if (code_gen_node_ids_p->b_node_ids!=NULL){
+ int bsp_without_result;
+ NodeIdListElementP b_node_ids,b_node_id_p;
+ bsp_without_result=*bsp_p-result_b_size;
+ b_node_ids=code_gen_node_ids_p->b_node_ids;
+ /* JVG: changed 28-10-1999 */
+ b_node_id_p=b_node_ids;
+ while (b_node_id_p!=NULL && b_node_id_p->nidl_node_id->nid_b_index>bsp_without_result)
+ if (b_node_id_p->nidl_node_id->nid_b_index!=UNUSED_NODE_ID_INDEX){
+ b_node_id_p=b_node_id_p->nidl_next;
+ b_node_ids=b_node_id_p;
+ } else
+ b_node_id_p=b_node_id_p->nidl_next;
+ /*
+ while (b_node_ids!=NULL &&
+ b_node_ids->nidl_node_id->nid_b_index>bsp_without_result && b_node_ids->nidl_node_id->nid_b_index!=UNUSED_NODE_ID_INDEX)
+ {
+ b_node_ids=b_node_ids->nidl_next;
+ }
+ */
+ code_gen_node_ids_p->b_node_ids=b_node_ids;
+ }
+ }
+ GenLabelDefinition (&endif_label);
+static void FillNormalNode (Node node,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,NodeId update_node_id,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ Symbol symb;
+ symb = node->node_symbol;
+ switch (symb->symb_kind){
+ case definition:
+ FillSymbol (node,symb->symb_def,asp_p,bsp_p,update_node_id,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ return;
+ case select_symb:
+ FillOrReduceSelectSymbol (node,asp_p,bsp_p,update_node_id,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ return;
+ case apply_symb:
+ FillSymbol (node,ApplyDef,asp_p,bsp_p,update_node_id,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ return;
+ case if_symb:
+ if (node->node_arity==3 && !IsLazyState (node->node_state) && update_node_id==NULL)
+ fill_strict_if_node (node,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ else
+ FillSymbol (node,IfDef,asp_p,bsp_p,update_node_id,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ return;
+ case tuple_symb:
+ BuildArgs (node->node_arguments,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ if (IsSimpleState (node->node_state)){
+ if (update_node_id==NULL){
+ *asp_p+=1-node->node_arity;
+ GenBuildh (&tuple_lab,node->node_arity);
+ } else {
+ GenFillh (&tuple_lab,node->node_arity,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,
+ node->node_state.state_kind == SemiStrict ? ReleaseAndFill : NormalFill);
+ *asp_p-=node->node_arity;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ case cons_symb:
+ BuildLazyArgs (node->node_arguments,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ if (update_node_id==NULL){
+ *asp_p+=1-node->node_arity;
+ GenBuildh (&cons_lab,node->node_arity);
+ } else {
+ GenFillh (&cons_lab, node->node_arity,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,
+ node->node_state.state_kind == SemiStrict ? ReleaseAndFill : NormalFill);
+ *asp_p-=node->node_arity;
+ }
+ return;
+ case nil_symb:
+ if (update_node_id==NULL){
+ *asp_p+=1;
+ GenBuildh (&nil_lab,node->node_arity);
+ } else
+ GenFillh (&nil_lab,node->node_arity,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,
+ node->node_state.state_kind == SemiStrict ? ReleaseAndFill : NormalFill);
+ return;
+ case string_denot:
+ GenBuildString (symb->symb_val);
+ *asp_p+=1;
+ if (IsSimpleState (node->node_state)){
+ if (update_node_id==NULL){
+ GenBuildh (&BasicDescriptors[ArrayObj],1);
+ } else {
+ GenFillh (&BasicDescriptors[ArrayObj],1,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,ReleaseAndFill);
+ *asp_p-=1;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ default:
+ if (symb->symb_kind<Nr_Of_Basic_Types){
+ if (update_node_id==NULL){
+ *asp_p+=1;
+ GenBuildh (&BasicDescriptors[symb->symb_kind],0);
+ } else
+ GenFillh (&BasicDescriptors[symb->symb_kind],0,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,
+ node->node_state.state_kind == SemiStrict ? ReleaseAndFill : NormalFill);
+ } else {
+ ObjectKind denottype;
+ denottype = (symb->symb_kind < Nr_Of_Predef_Types)
+ ? BasicSymbolStates [symb->symb_kind].state_object
+ : UnknownObj;
+ if (node->node_state.state_object==denottype ||
+ node->node_state.state_object==UnknownObj || denottype==UnknownObj
+ || node->node_state.state_object==AbstractObj || denottype==AbstractObj
+ )
+ {
+ if (node->node_state.state_kind==OnB){
+ *bsp_p += ObjectSizes [denottype];
+ PushBasic (denottype, symb->symb_val);
+ } else {
+ if (update_node_id==NULL){
+ *asp_p+=1;
+ BuildBasic (denottype,symb->symb_val);
+ } else {
+ FillBasic (denottype,symb->symb_val,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,
+ node->node_state.state_kind == SemiStrict ? ReleaseAndFill : NormalFill);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ StaticMessage (False,CurrentAltLabel.lab_symbol->sdef_ident->ident_name,Co_Wtype);
+ GenTypeError();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void RemoveSelectorsFromUpdateNode (ArgS *previous_arg,ArgS *arg)
+ while (arg!=NULL){
+ ArgS *field_arg;
+ field_arg=arg->arg_node->node_arguments;
+ previous_arg->arg_next=field_arg;
+ previous_arg=field_arg;
+ arg=arg->arg_next;
+ }
+ previous_arg->arg_next=NULL;
+void UpdateNodeAndAddSelectorsToUpdateNode
+ (ArgS *record_arg,ArgS *first_field_arg,StateS *field_states,int record_a_size,int record_b_size,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p)
+ ArgS *arg,*previous_arg;
+ int a_offset,b_offset,arg_a_offset,arg_b_offset,previous_field_number;
+ a_offset=0;
+ b_offset=0;
+ arg_a_offset=record_a_size;
+ arg_b_offset=record_b_size;
+ previous_field_number=0;
+ previous_arg=record_arg;
+ for_l (arg,first_field_arg,arg_next){
+ int field_number,arg_a_size,arg_b_size;
+ Node field_node;
+ field_node=arg->arg_node;
+ field_node->node_arguments->arg_next=NULL;
+ field_number=field_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_sel_field_number;
+ while (field_number!=previous_field_number){
+ AddSizeOfState (field_states[previous_field_number],&a_offset,&b_offset);
+ ++previous_field_number;
+ }
+ DetermineSizeOfState (field_states[field_number],&arg_a_size,&arg_b_size);
+ while (arg_a_size){
+ GenUpdateA (arg_a_offset,a_offset);
+ ++arg_a_offset;
+ ++a_offset;
+ --arg_a_size;
+ }
+ while (arg_b_size){
+ GenUpdateB (arg_b_offset,b_offset);
+ ++arg_b_offset;
+ ++b_offset;
+ --arg_b_size;
+ }
+ ++previous_field_number;
+ previous_arg->arg_next=arg;
+ previous_arg=arg;
+ }
+ previous_arg->arg_next=NULL;
+ if (arg_a_offset!=record_a_size){
+ a_offset=record_a_size;
+ while (a_offset>0){
+ --a_offset;
+ --arg_a_offset;
+ if (a_offset==0)
+ GenUpdatePopA (a_offset,arg_a_offset);
+ else
+ GenUpdateA (a_offset,arg_a_offset);
+ }
+ if (record_a_size==0)
+ GenPopA (arg_a_offset);
+ *asp_p -= arg_a_offset;
+ }
+ if (arg_b_offset!=record_b_size){
+ b_offset=record_b_size;
+ while (b_offset>0){
+ --b_offset;
+ --arg_b_offset;
+ if (b_offset==0)
+ GenUpdatePopB (b_offset,arg_b_offset);
+ else
+ GenUpdateB (b_offset,arg_b_offset);
+ }
+ if (record_b_size==0)
+ GenPopB (arg_b_offset);
+ *bsp_p -= arg_b_offset;
+ }
+void compute_bits_and_add_selectors_to_update_node
+ (ArgS *record_arg,ArgS *first_field_arg,StateS *field_states,int record_a_size,int record_b_size,
+ char bits[],int *n_a_fill_bits_p,int *n_b_fill_bits_p)
+ ArgP arg,previous_arg;
+ int a_offset,b_offset,previous_field_number;
+ unsigned int a_bits,b_bits,n,arg_n,n_args;
+ int n_a_fill_bits,n_b_fill_bits;
+ a_bits=0;
+ b_bits=0;
+ n_a_fill_bits=0;
+ n_b_fill_bits=0;
+ a_offset=0;
+ b_offset=0;
+ previous_field_number=0;
+ previous_arg=record_arg;
+ for_l (arg,first_field_arg,arg_next){
+ int field_number,arg_a_size,arg_b_size;
+ Node field_node;
+ field_node=arg->arg_node;
+ field_node->node_arguments->arg_next=NULL;
+ field_number=field_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_sel_field_number;
+ while (field_number!=previous_field_number){
+ AddSizeOfState (field_states[previous_field_number],&a_offset,&b_offset);
+ ++previous_field_number;
+ }
+ DetermineSizeOfState (field_states[field_number],&arg_a_size,&arg_b_size);
+ a_bits |= (~((~0)<<arg_a_size))<<a_offset;
+ b_bits |= (~((~0)<<arg_b_size))<<b_offset;
+ n_a_fill_bits+=arg_a_size;
+ n_b_fill_bits+=arg_b_size;
+ a_offset+=arg_a_size;
+ b_offset+=arg_b_size;
+ ++previous_field_number;
+ previous_arg->arg_next=arg;
+ previous_arg=arg;
+ }
+ previous_arg->arg_next=NULL;
+ bits[0]='0';
+ for (n=0; n<record_a_size; ++n){
+ if (a_bits & (1<<n))
+ bits[n+1]='1';
+ else
+ bits[n+1]='0';
+ }
+ for (n=0; n<record_b_size; ++n){
+ if (b_bits & (1<<n))
+ bits[n+record_a_size+1]='1';
+ else
+ bits[n+record_a_size+1]='0';
+ }
+ bits[record_a_size+record_b_size+1]='\0';
+ *n_a_fill_bits_p=n_a_fill_bits;
+ *n_b_fill_bits_p=n_b_fill_bits;
+static void FillUpdateNode (Node node,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,NodeId update_node_id,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ ArgS *record_arg,*first_field_arg;
+ int record_a_size,record_b_size;
+ record_arg=node->node_arguments;
+ first_field_arg=record_arg->arg_next;
+ RemoveSelectorsFromUpdateNode (record_arg,first_field_arg);
+ if (IsSimpleState (node->node_state)){
+ int n_arguments;
+ LabDef name,codelab;
+ SymbDef new_update_sdef;
+ struct node *record_node;
+ int update_immediately;
+ StateP record_node_id_state_p;
+ record_node=record_arg->arg_node;
+ if (node->node_state.state_kind==StrictOnA){
+ update_immediately=1;
+ record_node_id_state_p=&node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_record_state;
+ } else {
+ update_immediately=0;
+ if (record_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ record_node_id_state_p=&record_node->node_node_id->nid_state;
+ if (record_node_id_state_p->state_type==RecordState){
+ update_immediately=1;
+ if (record_node_id_state_p->state_record_symbol->sdef_strict_constructor){
+ StateS *record_states;
+ record_states=record_node_id_state_p->state_record_arguments;
+ if (!FieldArgumentNodeStatesAreStricter (record_arg->arg_next,first_field_arg,record_states))
+ update_immediately=0;
+ else {
+ ArgP node_arg,field_arg;
+ for_ll (node_arg,field_arg,record_arg->arg_next,first_field_arg,arg_next,arg_next){
+ Node arg_node;
+ int field_number;
+ field_number=field_arg->arg_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_sel_field_number;
+ arg_node=node_arg->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node->node_kind==NormalNode &&
+ (BETWEEN (int_denot,real_denot,arg_node->node_symbol->symb_kind) || arg_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==string_denot))
+ {
+ arg_node->node_state=record_states[field_number];
+ }
+ node_arg->arg_state=record_states[field_number];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (update_immediately){
+ if (node->node_state.state_kind==StrictOnA && record_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ NodeIdP record_node_id;
+ record_node_id=record_node->node_node_id;
+ if ((record_node_id->nid_state.state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_MASK)!=0 &&
+ (record_node_id->nid_mark2 & NID_HAS_REFCOUNT_WITHOUT_UPDATES)!=0 &&
+ record_node_id->nid_number== -1 &&
+ record_node_id->nid_state.state_type==SimpleState &&
+ record_node_id->nid_state.state_kind==StrictOnA &&
+ update_node_id==NULL)
+ {
+ int n_a_fill_bits,n_b_fill_bits;
+ char bits[MaxNodeArity+2];
+ LabDef record_lab;
+ BuildArgs (record_arg->arg_next,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ DetermineSizeOfState (*record_node_id_state_p,&record_a_size,&record_b_size);
+ compute_bits_and_add_selectors_to_update_node (record_arg,first_field_arg,
+ record_node_id_state_p->state_record_arguments,record_a_size,record_b_size,
+ bits,&n_a_fill_bits,&n_b_fill_bits);
+ ConvertSymbolToRLabel (&record_lab,record_node_id_state_p->state_record_symbol);
+ if (record_a_size+record_b_size>2)
+ GenFill2R (&record_lab,record_a_size,record_b_size,*asp_p-record_node_id->nid_a_index,bits);
+ else
+ GenFill1R (&record_lab,record_a_size,record_b_size,*asp_p-record_node_id->nid_a_index,bits);
+ *asp_p-=n_a_fill_bits;
+ *bsp_p-=n_b_fill_bits;
+ GenPushA (*asp_p-record_node_id->nid_a_index);
+ *asp_p+=1;
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (record_node_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ record_arg->arg_state=*record_node_id_state_p;
+ BuildArgs (node->node_arguments,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ DetermineSizeOfState (*record_node_id_state_p,&record_a_size,&record_b_size);
+ UpdateNodeAndAddSelectorsToUpdateNode (record_arg,first_field_arg,
+ record_node_id_state_p->state_record_arguments,record_a_size,record_b_size,asp_p,bsp_p);
+ if (update_node_id==NULL){
+ BuildRecord (record_node_id_state_p->state_record_symbol,*asp_p,*bsp_p,*asp_p,*bsp_p,record_a_size,record_b_size,
+ 0,node->node_state.state_kind==SemiStrict ? PartialFill : NormalFill,True);
+ *asp_p+=1;
+ GenUpdateA (0,record_a_size);
+ } else
+ BuildRecord (record_node_id_state_p->state_record_symbol,*asp_p,*bsp_p,*asp_p,*bsp_p,record_a_size,record_b_size,
+ *asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,node->node_state.state_kind==SemiStrict ? PartialFill : NormalFill,False);
+ GenPopA (record_a_size);
+ *asp_p-=record_a_size;
+ GenPopB (record_b_size);
+ *bsp_p-=record_b_size;
+ return;
+ }
+ record_node=record_arg->arg_node;
+ if (record_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ StateP record_node_id_state_p;
+ record_node_id_state_p=&record_node->node_node_id->nid_state;
+ if (record_node_id_state_p->state_type==SimpleState && record_node_id_state_p->state_kind==StrictOnA)
+ record_node_id_state_p=&node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_record_state;
+ if (record_node_id_state_p->state_type==RecordState){
+ int update_immediately;
+ update_immediately=1;
+ if (record_node_id_state_p->state_record_symbol->sdef_strict_constructor){
+ StateP record_states;
+ record_states=record_node_id_state_p->state_record_arguments;
+ if (!FieldArgumentNodeStatesAreStricter (record_arg->arg_next,first_field_arg,record_states))
+ update_immediately=0;
+ else {
+ ArgP node_arg,field_arg;
+ for_ll (node_arg,field_arg,record_arg->arg_next,first_field_arg,arg_next,arg_next){
+ Node arg_node;
+ int field_number;
+ field_number=field_arg->arg_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_sel_field_number;
+ arg_node=node_arg->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node->node_kind==NormalNode &&
+ (BETWEEN (int_denot,real_denot,arg_node->node_symbol->symb_kind) || arg_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==string_denot))
+ {
+ arg_node->node_state=record_states[field_number];
+ }
+ node_arg->arg_state=record_states[field_number];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (update_immediately){
+ record_arg->arg_state=*record_node_id_state_p;
+ BuildArgs (node->node_arguments,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ DetermineSizeOfState (*record_node_id_state_p,&record_a_size,&record_b_size);
+ UpdateNodeAndAddSelectorsToUpdateNode (record_arg,first_field_arg,
+ record_node_id_state_p->state_record_arguments,record_a_size,record_b_size,asp_p,bsp_p);
+ if (update_node_id==NULL){
+ BuildRecord (record_node_id_state_p->state_record_symbol,*asp_p,*bsp_p,*asp_p,*bsp_p,record_a_size,record_b_size,
+ 0,node->node_state.state_kind==SemiStrict ? PartialFill : NormalFill,True);
+ *asp_p+=1;
+ GenUpdateA (0,record_a_size);
+ } else
+ BuildRecord (record_node_id_state_p->state_record_symbol,*asp_p,*bsp_p,*asp_p,*bsp_p,record_a_size,record_b_size,
+ *asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,node->node_state.state_kind==SemiStrict ? PartialFill : NormalFill,False);
+ GenPopA (record_a_size);
+ *asp_p-=record_a_size;
+ GenPopB (record_b_size);
+ *bsp_p-=record_b_size;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ n_arguments=node->node_arity;
+ BuildArgs (node->node_arguments,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ new_update_sdef=CreateUpdateFunction (record_arg,first_field_arg,node);
+ ConvertSymbolToDandNLabel (&name,&codelab,new_update_sdef);
+ if (update_node_id==NULL){
+ GenBuild (&name,n_arguments,&codelab);
+ *asp_p+=1-n_arguments;
+ } else {
+ GenFill (&name,n_arguments,&codelab,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,node->node_state.state_kind==SemiStrict ? PartialFill : NormalFill);
+ *asp_p-=n_arguments;
+ }
+ } else {
+ BuildArgs (node->node_arguments,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ DetermineSizeOfState (node->node_state,&record_a_size,&record_b_size);
+ UpdateNodeAndAddSelectorsToUpdateNode (record_arg,first_field_arg,
+ node->node_state.state_record_arguments,record_a_size,record_b_size,asp_p,bsp_p);
+ }
+static LabDef selector_m_error_lab = {NULL,"",False,"selector_m_error",0};
+void FillMatchNode (Node node,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,NodeId update_node_id,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ int symbol_arity_eq_one;
+ Symbol symbol;
+ BuildArgs (node->node_arguments,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ symbol=node->node_symbol;
+ if (symbol->symb_kind==definition && symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR && symbol->symb_def->sdef_arity==1)
+ symbol_arity_eq_one=1;
+ else
+ symbol_arity_eq_one=0;
+ if (IsSimpleState (node->node_state) && !(symbol_arity_eq_one && !IsLazyState (node->node_state))){
+ int n_arguments,strict_constructor;
+ LabDef name,codelab;
+ SymbDef new_match_sdef;
+ strict_constructor=0;
+ if (symbol->symb_kind==definition && symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR){
+ if (symbol->symb_def->sdef_strict_constructor)
+ strict_constructor=1;
+ else
+ if (symbol->symb_def->sdef_type->type_nr_of_constructors==1){
+ if (symbol_arity_eq_one){
+ LabDef sellab, nsellab;
+ BuildLazyTupleSelectorLabel (&nsellab,1,1);
+ sellab = nsellab;
+ sellab.lab_pref = d_pref;
+ if (update_node_id==NULL){
+ GenBuild (&sellab,-1,&nsellab);
+ } else {
+ GenFill (&sellab,-1,&nsellab,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,node->node_state.state_kind==SemiStrict ? PartialFill : NormalFill);
+ *asp_p-=1;
+ }
+ } else
+ if (update_node_id!=NULL){
+ GenFillFromA (0,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,node->node_state.state_kind==SemiStrict ? PartialFill : NormalFill);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ *asp_p-=1;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!symbol_arity_eq_one)
+ new_match_sdef=create_match_function (symbol,node->node_arity,strict_constructor);
+ else
+ new_match_sdef=create_select_and_match_function (symbol,strict_constructor);
+ ConvertSymbolToDandNLabel (&name,&codelab,new_match_sdef);
+ n_arguments=1;
+ if (update_node_id==NULL){
+ GenBuild (&name,n_arguments,&codelab);
+ } else {
+ GenFill (&name,n_arguments,&codelab,*asp_p-update_node_id->nid_a_index,node->node_state.state_kind==SemiStrict ? PartialFill : NormalFill);
+ *asp_p-=1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ struct state *demanded_state_array;
+ int demanded_state_arity;
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ struct arg *argument;
+ struct symbol *symbol;
+ int branch;
+ argument = node->node_arguments;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (argument->arg_state,&a_size,&b_size);
+ if (CoerceStateKind (StrictOnA,argument->arg_state.state_kind)==Reduce)
+ GenJsrEval (0);
+ symbol=node->node_symbol;
+ branch=1;
+ switch (symbol->symb_kind){
+ case cons_symb:
+ GenEqDesc (&cons_lab,2,0);
+ break;
+ case definition:
+ {
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ sdef=symbol->symb_def;
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR){
+ if (sdef->sdef_type->type_nr_of_constructors==1){
+ branch=0;
+ } else {
+ LabDef symbol_label;
+ if (sdef->sdef_strict_constructor){
+ ConvertSymbolToKLabel (&symbol_label,sdef);
+ GenEqDesc (&symbol_label,0,0);
+ } else {
+ ConvertSymbolToConstructorDLabel (&symbol_label,sdef);
+ GenEqDesc (&symbol_label,node->node_arity,0);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("FillMatchNode");
+ }
+ if (branch){
+#if 1
+ GenExitFalse (&selector_m_error_lab);
+ LabDef local_label;
+ MakeLabel (&local_label,m_symb,NewLabelNr++,no_pref);
+ GenJmpTrue (&local_label);
+ GenJmp (&selector_m_error_lab);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&local_label);
+ }
+ if (symbol_arity_eq_one){
+ demanded_state_array=&node->node_state;
+ demanded_state_arity=1;
+ } else {
+ demanded_state_array=node->node_state.state_tuple_arguments;
+ demanded_state_arity=node->node_state.state_arity;
+ }
+ if (symbol->symb_kind==definition && symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR && symbol->symb_def->sdef_strict_constructor){
+ StateP constructor_args_state_p;
+ int a_size,b_size,arity;
+ arity=symbol->symb_def->sdef_arity;
+ constructor_args_state_p=symbol->symb_def->sdef_constructor->cl_state_p;
+ DetermineSizeOfStates (arity,constructor_args_state_p,&a_size,&b_size);
+ GenReplRArgs (a_size,b_size);
+ *asp_p -= 1-a_size;
+ *bsp_p += b_size;
+ AdjustTuple (a_size,b_size,asp_p,bsp_p,arity,demanded_state_array,constructor_args_state_p,a_size,b_size);
+ } else {
+ *asp_p-=1;
+ UnpackTuple (*asp_p,asp_p,bsp_p,True,demanded_state_arity,demanded_state_array);
+ }
+ }
+extern int call_code_generator_again;
+static void restore_removed_arguments (ArgP *arg_h,ArgP removed_args,unsigned int argument_overwrite_bits,int node_arity)
+ int arg_n;
+ ArgP not_removed_args;
+ not_removed_args=*arg_h;
+ for (arg_n=0; arg_n<node_arity; ++arg_n){
+ if (argument_overwrite_bits & (1<<arg_n)){
+ *arg_h=not_removed_args;
+ arg_h=&not_removed_args->arg_next;
+ not_removed_args=not_removed_args->arg_next;
+ } else {
+ *arg_h=removed_args;
+ arg_h=&removed_args->arg_next;
+ removed_args=removed_args->arg_next;
+ }
+ }
+# endif
+ ArgP
+ void
+ compute_bits_and_remove_unused_arguments (NodeP node,char bits[],unsigned int argument_overwrite_bits,
+ int *a_size_p,int *b_size_p,int *n_a_fill_bits_p,int *n_b_fill_bits_p)
+ unsigned int a_bits,b_bits,a_size,b_size,n,arg_n;
+ int n_a_fill_bits,n_b_fill_bits,node_arity;
+ ArgS **arg_l;
+ ArgP removed_args,*removed_args_l;
+ removed_args_l=&removed_args;
+ arg_l=&node->node_arguments;
+ node_arity=node->node_arity;
+ a_bits=0;
+ b_bits=0;
+ a_size=0;
+ b_size=0;
+ n_a_fill_bits=0;
+ n_b_fill_bits=0;
+ for (arg_n=0; arg_n<node_arity; ++arg_n){
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ int arg_a_size,arg_b_size;
+ arg_p=*arg_l;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (arg_p->arg_state,&arg_a_size,&arg_b_size);
+ if (argument_overwrite_bits & (1<<arg_n)){
+ a_bits |= (~((~0)<<arg_a_size))<<a_size;
+ b_bits |= (~((~0)<<arg_b_size))<<b_size;
+ n_a_fill_bits+=arg_a_size;
+ n_b_fill_bits+=arg_b_size;
+ arg_l=&arg_p->arg_next;
+ } else {
+ *arg_l=arg_p->arg_next;
+ *removed_args_l=arg_p;
+ removed_args_l=&arg_p->arg_next;
+ }
+ a_size+=arg_a_size;
+ b_size+=arg_b_size;
+ }
+ *removed_args_l=NULL;
+ for (n=0; n<a_size; ++n)
+ bits[n+1]='0' + ((a_bits>>n) & 1);
+ for (n=0; n<b_size; ++n)
+ bits[n+a_size+1]='0' + ((b_bits>>n) & 1);
+ bits[a_size+b_size+1]='\0';
+ *a_size_p=a_size;
+ *b_size_p=b_size;
+ *n_a_fill_bits_p=n_a_fill_bits;
+ *n_b_fill_bits_p=n_b_fill_bits;
+ return removed_args;
+static void FillUniqueNodeWithNode (NodeP update_node,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ unsigned int argument_overwrite_bits,n_args,node_arity,arg_n;
+ char bits[MaxNodeArity+2];
+ NodeIdP free_unique_node_id;
+ NodeP node,push_node;
+ LabDef name,*label_p;
+ SymbolP symbol;
+ ArgS **arg_l;
+ node=update_node->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ push_node=update_node->node_node;
+ free_unique_node_id=push_node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ symbol=node->node_symbol;
+ switch (symbol->symb_kind){
+ case definition:
+ {
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ sdef=node->node_symbol->symb_def;
+ node_arity=node->node_arity;
+ switch (sdef->sdef_kind){
+ if (push_node->node_record_symbol==node->node_symbol && push_node->node_arity==node_arity)
+ bits[0]='0';
+ else
+ bits[0]='1';
+ if (sdef->sdef_strict_constructor){
+ int a_size,b_size,n_a_fill_bits,n_b_fill_bits;
+ ArgP removed_args=
+ compute_bits_and_remove_unused_arguments (node,bits,update_node->node_arguments->arg_occurrence,
+ &a_size,&b_size,&n_a_fill_bits,&n_b_fill_bits);
+ BuildArgs (node->node_arguments,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ if (call_code_generator_again)
+ restore_removed_arguments (&node->node_arguments,removed_args,update_node->node_arguments->arg_occurrence,node->node_arity);
+ ConvertSymbolToKLabel (&name,sdef);
+ if (a_size+b_size>2)
+ GenFill2R (&name,a_size,b_size,*asp_p-free_unique_node_id->nid_a_index,bits);
+ else
+ GenFill1R (&name,a_size,b_size,*asp_p-free_unique_node_id->nid_a_index,bits);
+ *asp_p-=n_a_fill_bits;
+ *bsp_p-=n_b_fill_bits;
+ GenPushA (*asp_p-free_unique_node_id->nid_a_index);
+ *asp_p+=1;
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (free_unique_node_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ ConvertSymbolToConstructorDLabel (&name,sdef);
+ label_p=&name;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ int a_size,b_size,n_a_fill_bits,n_b_fill_bits;
+ ArgP removed_args;
+ if (push_node->node_record_symbol==node->node_symbol && push_node->node_arity==node_arity)
+ bits[0]='0';
+ else
+ bits[0]='1';
+ removed_args=
+ compute_bits_and_remove_unused_arguments (node,bits,update_node->node_arguments->arg_occurrence,
+ &a_size,&b_size,&n_a_fill_bits,&n_b_fill_bits);
+ BuildArgs (node->node_arguments,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ if (call_code_generator_again)
+ restore_removed_arguments (&node->node_arguments,removed_args,update_node->node_arguments->arg_occurrence,node->node_arity);
+ ConvertSymbolToRLabel (&name,sdef);
+ if (a_size+b_size>2)
+ GenFill2R (&name,a_size,b_size,*asp_p-free_unique_node_id->nid_a_index,bits);
+ else
+ GenFill1R (&name,a_size,b_size,*asp_p-free_unique_node_id->nid_a_index,bits);
+ *asp_p-=n_a_fill_bits;
+ *bsp_p-=n_b_fill_bits;
+ GenPushA (*asp_p-free_unique_node_id->nid_a_index);
+ *asp_p+=1;
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (free_unique_node_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ return;
+ }
+ case IMPRULE:
+ case DEFRULE:
+ case SYSRULE:
+ if (IsLazyState (node->node_state)){
+ LabDef codelab;
+ ConvertSymbolToDandNLabel (&name,&codelab,sdef);
+ BuildArgs (node->node_arguments,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==IMPRULE && (sdef->sdef_rule->rule_mark & RULE_UNBOXED_LAZY_CALL)){
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ DetermineSizeOfArguments (node->node_arguments,&a_size,&b_size);
+ if (a_size+b_size>node->node_arity){
+ *asp_p += 1-a_size;
+ *bsp_p -= b_size;
+ if (b_size!=0)
+ GenBuildU (&name,a_size,b_size,&codelab);
+ else
+ GenBuild (&name,a_size,&codelab);
+ } else {
+ if (b_size!=0){
+ GenFillU (&name,a_size,b_size,&codelab,*asp_p-free_unique_node_id->nid_a_index);
+ *bsp_p -= b_size;
+ } else
+ GenFill (&name,a_size,&codelab,*asp_p-free_unique_node_id->nid_a_index,NormalFill);
+ *asp_p-=a_size;
+ GenPushA (*asp_p-free_unique_node_id->nid_a_index);
+ *asp_p+=1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ GenFill (&name,node->node_arity,&codelab,*asp_p-free_unique_node_id->nid_a_index,NormalFill);
+ *asp_p-=node->node_arity;
+ GenPushA (*asp_p-free_unique_node_id->nid_a_index);
+ *asp_p+=1;
+ }
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (free_unique_node_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ ConvertSymbolToLabel (&name,sdef);
+ BuildArgsWithResultNodeOnStack (node->node_arguments,free_unique_node_id,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p,&a_size,&b_size);
+ *asp_p-=a_size;
+ *bsp_p-=b_size;
+ if (! (sdef->sdef_kind==SYSRULE
+ && sdef->sdef_ident->ident_instructions!=NULL
+ && *sdef->sdef_ident->ident_instructions!='\0'
+ && *sdef->sdef_ident->ident_instructions!='.'))
+ {
+ cleanup_stack (asp_p,bsp_p,a_size,b_size,&code_gen_node_ids_p->a_node_ids,&code_gen_node_ids_p->b_node_ids,
+ &code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids,code_gen_node_ids_p->moved_node_ids_l,
+ code_gen_node_ids_p->doesnt_fail);
+ }
+ CallFunction (&name,sdef,True,node);
+ AddSizeOfState (node->node_state,asp_p,bsp_p);
+ return;
+ }
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("FillUniqueNodeWithNode");
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case cons_symb:
+ node_arity=2;
+ if (push_node->node_record_symbol->symb_kind==cons_symb && push_node->node_arity==node_arity)
+ bits[0]='0';
+ else
+ bits[0]='1';
+ label_p=&cons_lab;
+ break;
+ case tuple_symb:
+ node_arity=node->node_arity;
+ if (push_node->node_record_symbol->symb_kind==tuple_symb && push_node->node_arity==node_arity)
+ bits[0]='0';
+ else
+ bits[0]='1';
+ label_p=&tuple_lab;
+ break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("FillUniqueNodeWithNode");
+ return;
+ }
+ arg_l=&node->node_arguments;
+ argument_overwrite_bits=update_node->node_arguments->arg_occurrence;
+ n_args=0;
+ {
+ ArgP removed_args,*removed_args_l;
+ removed_args_l=&removed_args;
+ for (arg_n=0; arg_n<node_arity; ++arg_n){
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ arg_p=*arg_l;
+ if (argument_overwrite_bits & (1<<arg_n)){
+ bits[arg_n+1]='1';
+ arg_l=&(arg_p->arg_next);
+ ++n_args;
+ } else {
+ bits[arg_n+1]='0';
+ *arg_l=arg_p->arg_next;
+ *removed_args_l=arg_p;
+ removed_args_l=&arg_p->arg_next;
+ }
+ }
+ *removed_args_l=NULL;
+ bits[arg_n+1]='\0';
+ BuildLazyArgs (node->node_arguments,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ if (call_code_generator_again)
+ restore_removed_arguments (&node->node_arguments,removed_args,update_node->node_arguments->arg_occurrence,node_arity);
+ }
+ if (node_arity<=2)
+ GenFill1 (label_p,node_arity,*asp_p-free_unique_node_id->nid_a_index,bits);
+ else
+ GenFill2 (label_p,node_arity,*asp_p-free_unique_node_id->nid_a_index,bits);
+ *asp_p-=n_args;
+ GenPushA (*asp_p-free_unique_node_id->nid_a_index);
+ *asp_p+=1;
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (free_unique_node_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+void FillNodeOnACycle (Node node,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,NodeId update_node_id,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ switch (node->node_kind){
+ case NormalNode:
+ FillNormalNode (node,asp_p,bsp_p,update_node_id,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ break;
+ case SelectorNode:
+ FillOrReduceFieldSelection (node,node->node_symbol->symb_def,asp_p,bsp_p,update_node_id,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ break;
+ case UpdateNode:
+ FillUpdateNode (node,asp_p,bsp_p,update_node_id,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ break;
+ case MatchNode:
+ FillMatchNode (node,asp_p,bsp_p,update_node_id,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("FillNodeOnACycle");
+ }
+void Build (Node node,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ switch (node->node_kind){
+ case NormalNode:
+ FillNormalNode (node,asp_p,bsp_p,NULL,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ break;
+ case SelectorNode:
+ FillOrReduceFieldSelection (node,node->node_symbol->symb_def,asp_p,bsp_p,NULL,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ break;
+ case UpdateNode:
+ FillUpdateNode (node,asp_p,bsp_p,NULL,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ break;
+ case MatchNode:
+ FillMatchNode (node,asp_p,bsp_p,NULL,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ break;
+ case FillUniqueNode:
+ FillUniqueNodeWithNode (node,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("Build");
+ }
+void build_and_cleanup (Node node,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ sdef=NULL;
+ if (node->node_kind==NormalNode){
+ switch (node->node_symbol->symb_kind){
+ case definition:
+ sdef=node->node_symbol->symb_def;
+ break;
+ case apply_symb:
+ sdef=ApplyDef;
+ break;
+ case if_symb:
+ sdef=IfDef;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (sdef!=NULL){
+ int sdef_kind;
+ sdef_kind=sdef->sdef_kind;
+ if ((sdef_kind==IMPRULE || sdef_kind==DEFRULE || sdef_kind==SYSRULE) &&
+ sdef->sdef_arity==node->node_arity && !IsLazyState (node->node_state))
+ {
+ LabDef name;
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ ArgP node_args;
+ ConvertSymbolToLabel (&name,sdef);
+ node_args=node->node_arguments;
+ DetermineSizeOfArguments (node_args,&a_size,&b_size);
+#if 1
+ if (ExpectsResultNode (node->node_state))
+ BuildArgsWithNewResultNode (node_args,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p,&a_size,&b_size);
+ else
+ if (ExpectsResultNode (node->node_state)){
+ NewEmptyNode (asp_p,-1);
+ ++a_size;
+ }
+ BuildArgs (node_args,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ *asp_p-=a_size;
+ *bsp_p-=b_size;
+ cleanup_stack (asp_p,bsp_p,a_size,b_size,&code_gen_node_ids_p->a_node_ids,&code_gen_node_ids_p->b_node_ids,
+ &code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids,code_gen_node_ids_p->moved_node_ids_l,
+ code_gen_node_ids_p->doesnt_fail);
+ CallFunction (&name,sdef,True,node);
+ AddSizeOfState (node->node_state,asp_p,bsp_p);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ Build (node,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+void BuildArg (Args arg,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ NodeP node;
+ int asize,bsize;
+ ArgComment (arg);
+ node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (node->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ Build (node,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ DetermineSizeOfState (node->node_state, &asize, &bsize);
+ CoerceArgumentOnTopOfStack (asp_p,bsp_p,arg->arg_state,node->node_state,asize,bsize);
+ } else {
+ NodeId arg_node_id;
+ arg_node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ if (CopyNodeIdArgument (arg->arg_state,arg_node_id,asp_p,bsp_p))
+ ChangeEvalStatusKindToStrictOnA (arg_node_id,code_gen_node_ids_p->saved_nid_state_l);
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (arg_node_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ }
+static Bool LazyStates (StateS states[],int n_states)
+ int n;
+ for (n=0; n<n_states; ++n)
+ if (!IsLazyState (states[n]))
+ return False;
+ return True;
+static Bool PushArgumentLater (StateS demstate,StateS offstate)
+ if (demstate.state_type==SimpleState && demstate.state_kind==Undefined)
+ return False;
+ if (offstate.state_type==SimpleState){
+ Coercions c;
+ StateKind offkind;
+ offkind = offstate.state_kind;
+ if (demstate.state_type==SimpleState){
+ c = CoerceStateKind (demstate.state_kind, offkind);
+ if (c==Reduce || c==MayBecomeCyclicSpine || c==CyclicSpine)
+ return False;
+ else
+ return True;
+ } else {
+ c = CoerceStateKind (StrictOnA, offkind);
+ if (c==Reduce || c==MayBecomeCyclicSpine || c==CyclicSpine)
+ return False;
+ switch (demstate.state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ return LazyStates (demstate.state_tuple_arguments,demstate.state_arity);
+ case RecordState:
+ return LazyStates (demstate.state_record_arguments,demstate.state_arity);
+ case ArrayState:
+ return True;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (demstate.state_type==SimpleState){
+ switch (offstate.state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ /*
+ BuildTuple (aindex,bindex,*asp_p,*bsp_p,offstate.state_arity,offstate.state_tuple_arguments,
+ offasize,offbsize,*asp_p,NormalFill,newnode);
+ */
+ return False;
+ case RecordState:
+ /*
+ BuildRecord (offstate.state_record_symbol,aindex,bindex,*asp_p,*bsp_p,offasize,offbsize,*asp_p,NormalFill,newnode);
+ */
+ return False;
+ case ArrayState:
+ return True;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (offstate.state_type!=demstate.state_type)
+ return False;
+ switch (offstate.state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ {
+ int n,n_states;
+ n_states=demstate.state_arity;
+ for (n=0; n<n_states; ++n)
+ if (!PushArgumentLater (demstate.state_tuple_arguments[n],offstate.state_tuple_arguments[n]))
+ return False;
+ }
+ return True;
+ case RecordState:
+ {
+ int n,n_states;
+ n_states=demstate.state_arity;
+ for (n=0; n<n_states; ++n)
+ if (!PushArgumentLater (demstate.state_record_arguments[n],offstate.state_record_arguments[n]))
+ return False;
+ }
+ return True;
+ case ArrayState:
+ return True;
+ }
+ }
+ return False;
+static Bool BuildNonParArgs (Args args,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ Bool parallel;
+ if (args==NULL)
+ return False;
+ parallel = BuildNonParArgs (args->arg_next,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ if (args->arg_state.state_mark & STATE_PARALLEL_MASK)
+ return True;
+ {
+ Node node;
+ int asize,bsize;
+ node=args->arg_node;
+ if (node->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ if (node->node_kind==NormalNode){
+ switch (node->node_symbol->symb_kind){
+ case int_denot:
+ case bool_denot:
+ case char_denot:
+ case real_denot:
+ case string_denot:
+ args->arg_state.state_mark |= STATE_PARALLEL_MASK;
+ return True;
+ }
+ }
+ ArgComment (args);
+ Build (node,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ DetermineSizeOfState (node->node_state, &asize, &bsize);
+ CoerceArgumentOnTopOfStack (asp_p,bsp_p,args->arg_state, node->node_state, asize, bsize);
+ } else {
+ NodeId arg_node_id;
+ arg_node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ if (PushArgumentLater (args->arg_state,arg_node_id->nid_state)){
+ args->arg_state.state_mark |= STATE_PARALLEL_MASK;
+ return True;
+ } else {
+ ArgComment (args);
+ if (CopyNodeIdArgument (args->arg_state,arg_node_id,asp_p,bsp_p))
+ ChangeEvalStatusKindToStrictOnA (arg_node_id,code_gen_node_ids_p->saved_nid_state_l);
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (arg_node_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return parallel;
+#if 0
+ static void PutArgInFrames (int *anext,int *bnext,int asp,int bsp,StateS state,int asize,int bsize)
+ {
+ if (IsSimpleState (state)){
+ if (state.state_kind == OnB)
+ PutInBFrames (bsp, bnext, bsize);
+ else if (state.state_kind != Undefined)
+ PutInAFrames (asp, anext);
+ } else {
+ int i, arity;
+ arity = state.state_arity;
+ switch (state.state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ { States argstates = state.state_tuple_arguments;
+ asp -= asize;
+ bsp -= bsize;
+ for (i=arity-1; i>=0; i--){
+ DetermineSizeOfState (argstates [i],&asize, &bsize);
+ asp += asize;
+ bsp += bsize;
+ PutArgInFrames (anext, bnext, asp, bsp, argstates [i], asize, bsize);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case RecordState:
+ { States argstates = state.state_record_arguments;
+ asp -= asize;
+ bsp -= bsize;
+ for (i=arity-1; i>=0; i--){
+ DetermineSizeOfState (argstates [i],&asize, &bsize);
+ asp += asize;
+ bsp += bsize;
+ PutArgInFrames (anext, bnext, asp, bsp, argstates [i], asize, bsize);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case ArrayState:
+ PutInAFrames (asp, anext);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void PutParAndNormalArgsInFrames (Args args,int *npar_a_offset_p,int *npar_b_offset_p,int *par_a_offset_p,int *par_b_offset_p,int *aind_p,int *bind_p)
+ if (args!=NULL){
+ int asize,bsize;
+ PutParAndNormalArgsInFrames (args->arg_next,npar_a_offset_p,npar_b_offset_p,par_a_offset_p,par_b_offset_p,aind_p,bind_p);
+ DetermineSizeOfState (args->arg_state,&asize,&bsize);
+ if (args->arg_state.state_mark & STATE_PARALLEL_MASK){
+ if (bsize!=0){
+ *par_b_offset_p+=bsize;
+ PutInBFrames (*par_b_offset_p,bind_p,bsize);
+ }
+ while (asize!=0){
+ ++*par_a_offset_p;
+ PutInAFrames (*par_a_offset_p,aind_p);
+ --asize;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (bsize!=0){
+ *npar_b_offset_p+=bsize;
+ PutInBFrames (*npar_b_offset_p,bind_p,bsize);
+ }
+ while (asize!=0){
+ ++*npar_a_offset_p;
+ PutInAFrames (*npar_a_offset_p,aind_p);
+ --asize;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void ReorderParallelAndNonParallelArgsWithResultNode (Args args,int *asize_p,int *bsize_p)
+ int par_a_size,par_b_size;
+ int npar_a_size,npar_b_size;
+ int asize,bsize;
+ int oldamax,oldbmax;
+ int aind,bind;
+ ArgS *arg;
+ par_a_size=1;
+ par_b_size=0;
+ npar_a_size=0;
+ npar_b_size=0;
+ for_l (arg,args,arg_next)
+ if (arg->arg_state.state_mark & STATE_PARALLEL_MASK)
+ AddSizeOfState (arg->arg_state,&par_a_size,&par_b_size);
+ else
+ AddSizeOfState (arg->arg_state,&npar_a_size,&npar_b_size);
+ asize = par_a_size+npar_a_size;
+ bsize = par_b_size+npar_b_size;
+ *asize_p=asize;
+ *bsize_p=bsize;
+ if ((par_a_size==0 || npar_a_size==0) && (par_b_size==0 || npar_b_size==0))
+ return;
+ InitStackConversions (asize+2,bsize+2,&oldamax,&oldbmax);
+ aind = 0;
+ bind = 0;
+ {
+ int npar_a_offset,npar_b_offset,par_a_offset,par_b_offset;
+ npar_a_offset=0;
+ npar_b_offset=0;
+ par_a_offset=npar_a_size;
+ par_b_offset=npar_b_size;
+ par_a_offset+=1;
+ PutInAFrames (par_a_offset,&aind);
+ PutParAndNormalArgsInFrames (args,&npar_a_offset,&npar_b_offset,&par_a_offset,&par_b_offset,&aind,&bind);
+ }
+ GenAStackConversions (asize,aind);
+ GenBStackConversions (bsize,bind);
+ ExitStackConversions (oldamax,oldbmax);
+static void ReorderParallelAndNonParallelArgs (Args args)
+ int par_a_size,par_b_size;
+ int npar_a_size,npar_b_size;
+ int asize,bsize;
+ int oldamax,oldbmax;
+ int aind,bind;
+ ArgS *arg;
+ par_a_size=0;
+ par_b_size=0;
+ npar_a_size=0;
+ npar_b_size=0;
+ for_l (arg,args,arg_next)
+ if (arg->arg_state.state_mark & STATE_PARALLEL_MASK)
+ AddSizeOfState (arg->arg_state,&par_a_size,&par_b_size);
+ else
+ AddSizeOfState (arg->arg_state,&npar_a_size,&npar_b_size);
+ if ((par_a_size==0 || npar_a_size==0) && (par_b_size==0 || npar_b_size==0))
+ return;
+ asize = par_a_size+npar_a_size;
+ bsize = par_b_size+npar_b_size;
+ InitStackConversions (asize+2,bsize+2,&oldamax,&oldbmax);
+ aind = 0;
+ bind = 0;
+ {
+ int npar_a_offset,npar_b_offset,par_a_offset,par_b_offset;
+ npar_a_offset=0;
+ npar_b_offset=0;
+ par_a_offset=npar_a_size;
+ par_b_offset=npar_b_size;
+ PutParAndNormalArgsInFrames (args,&npar_a_offset,&npar_b_offset,&par_a_offset,&par_b_offset,&aind,&bind);
+ }
+ GenAStackConversions (asize,aind);
+ GenBStackConversions (bsize,bind);
+ ExitStackConversions (oldamax,oldbmax);
+static void BuildParArgs (ArgS* args,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ if (args==NULL)
+ return;
+ BuildParArgs (args->arg_next,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ if (args->arg_state.state_mark & STATE_PARALLEL_MASK){
+/* ParComment (args); */
+ BuildArg (args,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ }
+void BuildArgs (Args args,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ if (BuildNonParArgs (args,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p)){
+ BuildParArgs (args,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ ReorderParallelAndNonParallelArgs (args);
+ }
+static void BuildLazyArgs (Args args,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ if (args==NULL)
+ return;
+ BuildLazyArgs (args->arg_next,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ BuildArg (args,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+static void CreateCyclicExternalReducers (NodeDefs nds,int node_id_number,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ for (; nds && nds->def_id->nid_number==node_id_number; nds=nds->def_next){
+ if (nds->def_node && (nds->def_id->nid_mark & ON_A_CYCLE_MASK) && HasExternalAnnot (nds->def_node)){
+ NewEmptyNode (asp_p,-1);
+ /* fill cycle and start reducer */
+ FillNodeOnACycle (nds->def_node,asp_p,bsp_p,nds->def_id,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ CreateParallelCode (nds,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ ChangeEvalStatusKind (nds->def_id,OnA);
+ }
+ }
+extern NodeP tuple_result_p;
+static void generate_code_for_lazy_tuple_recursive_call (NodeP node,NodeIdP node_id_p,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ unsigned long result_and_call_same_select_vector;
+ NodeIdP first_tuple_call_node_id_p;
+ int n,arity,tuple_arity;
+ LabDef name,codelab;
+ NodeP fill_nodes;
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ fill_nodes=node;
+ while (node->node_kind==FillUniqueNode)
+ node=node->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ result_and_call_same_select_vector=0;
+ first_tuple_call_node_id_p=NULL;
+ if (lazy_tuple_recursion){
+ ArgP tuple_element_p;
+ for_li (tuple_element_p,n,tuple_result_p->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ NodeP node_p;
+ node_p=tuple_element_p->arg_node;
+ if (node_p->node_symbol->symb_kind==select_symb
+ && node_p->node_arguments->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode
+ && n+1==node_p->node_arity
+ && (node_p->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_mark2 & NID_CALL_VIA_LAZY_SELECTIONS_ONLY)
+ ){
+ NodeIdP tuple_call_node_id_p;
+ tuple_call_node_id_p=node_p->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ if (first_tuple_call_node_id_p==NULL)
+ first_tuple_call_node_id_p=tuple_call_node_id_p;
+ if (tuple_call_node_id_p==node_id_p)
+ result_and_call_same_select_vector |= (1<<n);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tuple_arity=node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_rule->rule_type->type_alt_rhs->type_node_arity;
+ if (lazy_tuple_recursion){
+ for (n=tuple_arity-1; n>=0; --n){
+ if (result_and_call_same_select_vector & (1<<n))
+ GenPushA (*asp_p - (tuple_arity-n));
+ else {
+ if (fill_nodes!=node){
+ NodeIdP free_unique_node_id;
+ free_unique_node_id=fill_nodes->node_node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ GenPushA (*asp_p-free_unique_node_id->nid_a_index);
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (free_unique_node_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ fill_nodes=fill_nodes->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ } else
+ GenCreate (-1);
+ }
+ ++*asp_p;
+ }
+ {
+ int offset;
+ offset=tuple_arity-1;
+ for (n=tuple_arity-1; n>=0; --n){
+ if (result_and_call_same_select_vector & (1<<n)){
+ --offset;
+ } else {
+ GenPushA (offset);
+ ++*asp_p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (n=tuple_arity-1; n>=0; --n){
+ GenCreate (-1);
+ ++*asp_p;
+ }
+ for (n=tuple_arity-1; n>=0; --n){
+ GenPushA (tuple_arity-1);
+ ++*asp_p;
+ }
+ }
+ arity=node->node_arity;
+ if (node->node_kind!=NormalNode || node->node_symbol->symb_kind!=definition || node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind!=IMPRULE
+ || arity!=node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_arity || !IsLazyState (node->node_state))
+ error_in_function ("generate_code_for_lazy_tuple_recursive_call");
+ sdef=node->node_symbol->symb_def;
+ ConvertSymbolToDandNLabel (&name,&codelab,sdef);
+ codelab.lab_post=2;
+ name.lab_post=2;
+ BuildArgs (node->node_arguments,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ if (!lazy_tuple_recursion || first_tuple_call_node_id_p!=node_id_p){
+ if (node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_rule->rule_mark & RULE_UNBOXED_LAZY_CALL){
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ DetermineSizeOfArguments (node->node_arguments,&a_size,&b_size);
+ for (n=tuple_arity-1; n>=0; --n){
+ GenPushA (a_size+tuple_arity-1);
+ ++*asp_p;
+ }
+# endif
+ if (b_size!=0)
+ GenBuildU (&name,a_size+tuple_arity,b_size,&codelab);
+ else
+ GenBuild (&name,arity+tuple_arity,&codelab);
+ *bsp_p -= b_size;
+ *asp_p += 1-(a_size+tuple_arity);
+ } else {
+ for (n=tuple_arity-1; n>=0; --n){
+ GenPushA (arity+tuple_arity-1);
+ ++*asp_p;
+ }
+# endif
+ GenBuild (&name,arity+tuple_arity,&codelab);
+ *asp_p += 1-(arity+tuple_arity);
+ }
+ } else {
+ char bits[MaxNodeArity+2],*bits_p;
+ int n,n_updated_tuple_elements;
+ bits_p=bits;
+ *bits_p++='1';
+# else
+ *bits_p++='0';
+# endif
+ n_updated_tuple_elements=0;
+ for (n=0; n<tuple_arity; ++n)
+ if (result_and_call_same_select_vector & (1<<n)){
+ *bits_p++ = '0';
+ } else {
+ *bits_p++ = '1';
+ ++n_updated_tuple_elements;
+ }
+# endif
+ if (node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_rule->rule_mark & RULE_UNBOXED_LAZY_CALL){
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ DetermineSizeOfArguments (node->node_arguments,&a_size,&b_size);
+ {
+ int offset;
+ offset=tuple_arity-1;
+ for (n=tuple_arity-1; n>=0; --n){
+ if (result_and_call_same_select_vector & (1<<n)){
+ --offset;
+ } else {
+ GenPushA (a_size+offset);
+ ++*asp_p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# endif
+ for (n=0; n<a_size; ++n)
+ *bits_p++ = '1';
+ for (n=0; n<tuple_arity; ++n)
+ if (result_and_call_same_select_vector & (1<<n)){
+ *bits_p++ = '0';
+ } else {
+ *bits_p++ = '1';
+ ++n_updated_tuple_elements;
+ }
+# endif
+ for (n=0; n<b_size; ++n)
+ *bits_p++ = '1';
+ *bits_p++='\0';
+ if (b_size!=0)
+ GenFillcpU (&name,a_size+tuple_arity,b_size,&codelab,*asp_p,bits);
+ else
+ GenFillcp (&name,a_size+tuple_arity,&codelab,*asp_p,bits);
+ *asp_p -= a_size+n_updated_tuple_elements;
+ *bsp_p -= b_size;
+ } else {
+ {
+ int offset;
+ offset=tuple_arity-1;
+ for (n=tuple_arity-1; n>=0; --n){
+ if (result_and_call_same_select_vector & (1<<n)){
+ --offset;
+ } else {
+ GenPushA (arity+offset);
+ ++*asp_p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# endif
+ for (n=0; n<arity; ++n)
+ *bits_p++ = '1';
+ for (n=0; n<tuple_arity; ++n)
+ if (result_and_call_same_select_vector & (1<<n)){
+ *bits_p++ = '0';
+ } else {
+ *bits_p++ = '1';
+ ++n_updated_tuple_elements;
+ }
+# endif
+ *bits_p++='\0';
+ GenFillcp (&name,arity+tuple_arity,&codelab,*asp_p,bits);
+ *asp_p -= arity+n_updated_tuple_elements;
+ }
+ GenPushA (*asp_p);
+ ++*asp_p;
+ }
+ {
+ int offset;
+ offset=1;
+ for (n=0; n<tuple_arity; ++n){
+ if (!lazy_tuple_recursion || !(result_and_call_same_select_vector & (1<<n))){
+ LabDef sellab,nsellab;
+ MakeLabel (&nsellab,"_Sel",0,n_pref);
+ sellab = nsellab;
+ sellab.lab_pref = d_pref;
+ GenPushA (0);
+ GenFill (&sellab,1,&nsellab,offset+1,NormalFill);
+ }
+ ++offset;
+ }
+ }
+static int FillNodeDefs (NodeDefs nds,int node_id_number,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,NodeDefs *rest,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ int hasCyclicExternalReducer;
+ hasCyclicExternalReducer=0;
+ for (; nds!=NULL && nds->def_id->nid_number==node_id_number; nds=nds->def_next){
+ Node node;
+ node=nds->def_node;
+ if (node==NULL){
+ NodeId node_id;
+ node_id=nds->def_id;
+ /* we have a strict annotated left hand side nodeid */
+ StrictIdComment (node_id);
+ /* evaluate strict arg */
+ if (node_id->nid_state.state_type==SimpleState)
+ ReduceArgumentToHnf (node_id,node_id->nid_state,*asp_p-node_id->nid_a_index,code_gen_node_ids_p->saved_nid_state_l);
+ } else {
+ struct state *result_state_p;
+ result_state_p=&node->node_state;
+ if (nds->def_id->nid_mark & ON_A_CYCLE_MASK){
+ if (HasExternalAnnot (node)){
+ hasCyclicExternalReducer=1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* fill cycle */
+ FillNodeOnACycle (node,asp_p,bsp_p,nds->def_id,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ } else {
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ NodeDefComment (nds, "shared or annotated");
+ if (nds->def_id->nid_mark2 & NID_CALL_VIA_LAZY_SELECTIONS_ONLY)
+ generate_code_for_lazy_tuple_recursive_call (node,nds->def_id,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ else
+ if (node->node_kind==TupleSelectorsNode){
+ struct arg *arg;
+ struct node *tuple_node;
+ struct state *tuple_state_p;
+ tuple_node=node->node_node;
+ if (tuple_node->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ build_and_cleanup (tuple_node,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ tuple_state_p=&tuple_node->node_state;
+ } else {
+ NodeId node_id;
+ node_id=tuple_node->node_node_id;
+ if (CopyNodeIdArgument (tuple_node->node_arguments->arg_state,node_id,asp_p,bsp_p))
+ ChangeEvalStatusKindToStrictOnA (node_id,code_gen_node_ids_p->saved_nid_state_l);
+ tuple_state_p=&tuple_node->node_arguments->arg_state;
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (node_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ }
+ arg=node->node_arguments;
+ if (arg->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ int a_offset,b_offset,i;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (*tuple_state_p,&a_offset,&b_offset);
+ if (tuple_state_p->state_type!=TupleState)
+ error_in_function ("FillNodeDefs");
+ for (i=tuple_state_p->state_arity-1; i>=0; --i){
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ NodeId node_id;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (tuple_state_p->state_tuple_arguments[i],&a_size,&b_size);
+ a_offset-=a_size;
+ b_offset-=b_size;
+ if (arg!=NULL && arg->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_number==i){
+ node_id=arg->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ arg=arg->arg_next;
+ } else {
+ if (a_size==0 && b_size==0)
+ continue;
+ node_id=NewNodeId (NULL);
+ add_node_id_to_list (node_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ }
+ node_id->nid_a_index_=*asp_p - a_offset;
+ node_id->nid_b_index_=*bsp_p - b_offset;
+ node_id->nid_state_ = tuple_state_p->state_tuple_arguments[i];
+ if (a_size!=0)
+ add_node_id_to_list (node_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->a_node_ids);
+ if (b_size!=0)
+ add_node_id_to_list (node_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->b_node_ids);
+ }
+ if (arg!=NULL)
+ error_in_function ("FillNodeDefs");
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else if (node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ NodeId node_id;
+ node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ if ((node_id->nid_mark & NID_SHARED_SELECTION_NODE_ID)==0 && EqualState (node->node_arguments->arg_state,node->node_state)){
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ nds->def_id->nid_a_index_=node_id->nid_a_index;
+ nds->def_id->nid_b_index_=node_id->nid_b_index;
+ nds->def_id->nid_state_=node_id->nid_state;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (node_id->nid_state,&a_size,&b_size);
+ if (a_size!=0){
+ NodeIdListElementP p_node_id;
+ for_l (p_node_id,code_gen_node_ids_p->a_node_ids,nidl_next)
+ if (p_node_id->nidl_node_id==node_id){
+ p_node_id->nidl_node_id=nds->def_id;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (b_size!=0){
+ NodeIdListElementP p_node_id;
+ for_l (p_node_id,code_gen_node_ids_p->a_node_ids,nidl_next)
+ if (p_node_id->nidl_node_id==node_id){
+ p_node_id->nidl_node_id=nds->def_id;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ result_state_p=&node->node_arguments->arg_state;
+ if (result_state_p->state_type==SimpleState && result_state_p->state_kind==OnA && !ResultIsNotInRootNormalForm (node_id->nid_state))
+ result_state_p->state_kind=StrictOnA;
+ if (CopyNodeIdArgument (*result_state_p,node_id,asp_p,bsp_p))
+ ChangeEvalStatusKindToStrictOnA (node_id,code_gen_node_ids_p->saved_nid_state_l);
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (node_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ }
+ } else
+ build_and_cleanup (node,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ /* IsLazyState (nds->def_node->node_state) ? build shared or annotated : build and reduce */
+ DetermineSizeOfState (*result_state_p,&a_size,&b_size);
+ if (a_size!=0)
+ add_node_id_to_list (nds->def_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->a_node_ids);
+ if (b_size!=0)
+ add_node_id_to_list (nds->def_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->b_node_ids);
+ nds->def_id->nid_a_index_=*asp_p;
+ nds->def_id->nid_b_index_=*bsp_p;
+ }
+ /* start reducer, and (if a node is filled) set eval status */
+ if (IsSimpleState (*result_state_p) && result_state_p->state_kind==Parallel){
+ if (!((nds->def_id->nid_mark & ON_A_CYCLE_MASK) && HasExternalAnnot (node))){
+ CreateParallelCode (nds,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ /* start reducer */
+ ChangeEvalStatusKind (nds->def_id, OnA);
+ }
+ } else
+ nds->def_id->nid_state_=*result_state_p;
+ }
+ }
+ *rest = nds;
+ return hasCyclicExternalReducer;
+Bool NodeOnACycleIsInRootNormalForm (Node node)
+ Symbol symb;
+ symb=node->node_symbol;
+ switch (symb->symb_kind){
+ case select_symb:
+ case apply_symb:
+ return False;
+ case if_symb:
+ return (node->node_arity!=3);
+ case definition:
+ {
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ sdef=symb->symb_def;
+ if (node->node_kind!=NormalNode)
+ return False;
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE)
+ if (!sdef->sdef_strict_constructor)
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+ if (sdef->sdef_arity==node->node_arity)
+ switch (sdef->sdef_kind){
+ if (sdef->sdef_strict_constructor)
+ return False;
+ case DEFRULE:
+ case SYSRULE:
+ case IMPRULE:
+ return False;
+ default:
+ return True;
+ }
+ return True;
+ }
+ default:
+ return True;
+ }
+static void CreateCycleNodesAndChannels (NodeDefs nds,NodeDefs rootdef,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ for (; nds!=NULL; nds=nds->def_next){
+ if (! nds->def_node || nds==rootdef){
+ /* we have a strict annotated left hand side nodeid, or a root (with a node) */
+ continue;
+ } else if (nds->def_id->nid_mark & ON_A_CYCLE_MASK){
+ if (HasExternalAnnot (nds->def_node)){
+ NodeDefComment (nds, "Cycle containing a channel");
+ GenProcIdCalculation (nds->def_node,nds->def_node->node_annotation,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ GenCreateChannel (channel_code);
+ --*bsp_p;
+ nds->def_id->nid_state_=nds->def_node->node_state;
+ } else {
+ NodeDefComment (nds, "OnACycle");
+ if (NodeOnACycleIsInRootNormalForm (nds->def_node))
+ GenCreate (-1);
+ else
+ GenCreate (nds->def_node->node_arity);
+ nds->def_id->nid_state_=OnAState;
+ }
+ ++*asp_p;
+ nds->def_id->nid_a_index_=*asp_p;
+ } else
+ nds->def_id->nid_state_=UnderEvalState;
+ }
+void CodeSharedNodeDefs (NodeDefs nds, NodeDefs rootdef,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ NodeDefs rest,new_rest;
+ CreateCycleNodesAndChannels (nds, rootdef,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ for (rest=nds; rest!=NULL; rest=new_rest){
+ int hasCyclicExternalReducer;
+ hasCyclicExternalReducer=FillNodeDefs (rest,rest->def_id->nid_number,asp_p,bsp_p,&new_rest,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ if (hasCyclicExternalReducer)
+ CreateCyclicExternalReducers (rest, rest->def_id->nid_number,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ }
+ ReduceSemiStrictNodes (nds,*asp_p);
+#if 0
+ static void BuildStackFrameEntry (Args arg,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,int *a_ind,int *b_ind,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ {
+ int asize, bsize;
+ Node pattern;
+ pattern=arg->arg_node;
+ if (pattern->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ Build (pattern,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ DetermineSizeOfState (pattern->node_state, &asize, &bsize);
+ CoerceArgumentOnTopOfStack (asp_p,bsp_p,arg->arg_state,pattern->node_state,asize,bsize);
+ DetermineSizeOfState (arg->arg_state,&asize,&bsize);
+ PutArgInFrames (a_ind,b_ind,*asp_p,*bsp_p,arg->arg_state,asize,bsize);
+ } else {
+ StateS offstate;
+ int aindex;
+ NodeId arg_node_id;
+ arg_node_id=pattern->node_node_id;
+ offstate = arg_node_id->nid_state;
+ aindex = arg_node_id->nid_a_index;
+ if (IsSimpleState (offstate)){
+ Bool leftontop;
+ Coercions c;
+ c = CoerceSimpleStateArgument (arg->arg_state,offstate.state_kind,aindex,asp_p,False, &leftontop);
+ offstate.state_kind = AdjustStateKind (offstate.state_kind, c);
+ if (HasBeenReduced (c))
+ ChangeEvalStatusKindToStrictOnA (arg_node_id,code_gen_node_ids_p->saved_nid_state_l);
+ if (leftontop)
+ aindex = *asp_p;
+ }
+ DetermineSizeOfState (offstate, &asize, &bsize);
+ CoerceArgumentUsingStackFrames (arg->arg_state,offstate,aindex,arg_node_id->nid_b_index,asp_p,bsp_p,a_ind, b_ind, asize, bsize);
+ }
+ }
+ static Bool BuildStackFrameEntries (Args args,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,int *a_ind,int *b_ind,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ {
+ int parallel;
+ parallel = False;
+ if (args){
+ if (BuildStackFrameEntries (args->arg_next,asp_p,bsp_p, a_ind, b_ind,code_gen_node_ids_p))
+ parallel = True;
+ if (args->arg_state.state_parallel)
+ parallel = True;
+ else
+ BuildStackFrameEntry (args,asp_p,bsp_p, a_ind, b_ind,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ }
+ return parallel;
+ }
+ static void BuildParallelStackFrameEntries (Args args,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,int *a_ind,int *b_ind,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ {
+ if (args){
+ BuildParallelStackFrameEntries (args->arg_next,asp_p,bsp_p, a_ind, b_ind,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ if (args->arg_state.state_parallel){
+ ParComment (args);
+ BuildStackFrameEntry (args, asp_p,bsp_p, a_ind, b_ind,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static void CopyToNewFrame (int *demframe, int *newdemframe, int size, int *sp1, int *sp2)
+ {
+ int i, j, k;
+ for (i = 0, j = *sp1, k = *sp2; i < size; i++, j--, k--)
+ newdemframe[k] = demframe[j];
+ *sp1 -= size;
+ *sp2 -= size;
+ }
+ static void AdjustDemandedFrames (Args args)
+ {
+ int *newdemaframe, *newdembframe;
+ int asp, parasp, newasp, bsp, parbsp, newbsp, asize, bsize, parasize, parbsize;
+ Args arg;
+ /* determine sizes of (non) parallel part */
+ asize = bsize = parasize = parbsize = 0;
+ for (arg = args; arg; arg = arg->arg_next){
+ if (arg->arg_state.state_parallel)
+ AddSizeOfState (arg->arg_state, &parasize, &parbsize);
+ else
+ AddSizeOfState (arg->arg_state, &asize, &bsize);
+ }
+ if (parasize == 0 && parbsize == 0)
+ return;
+ /* allocate space for temporary stack frames */
+ newdemaframe = AllocTempDemandedAFrame (CurrentAFrameSize);
+ newdembframe = AllocTempDemandedBFrame (CurrentBFrameSize);
+ /* copy the arguments to the temporary frames */
+ parasp = newasp = asize + parasize;
+ parbsp = newbsp = bsize + parbsize;
+ asp = asize;
+ bsp = bsize;
+ for_l (arg,args,arg_next){
+ int asize,bsize;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (arg->arg_state, &asize, &bsize);
+ if (arg->arg_state.state_parallel){
+ CopyToNewFrame (DemandedAFrame, newdemaframe, asize, &parasp, &newasp);
+ CopyToNewFrame (DemandedBFrame, newdembframe, bsize, &parbsp, &newbsp);
+ } else {
+ CopyToNewFrame (DemandedAFrame, newdemaframe, asize, &asp, &newasp);
+ CopyToNewFrame (DemandedBFrame, newdembframe, bsize, &bsp, &newbsp);
+ }
+ }
+ /* copy the new frame */
+ for (asp = 1; asp <= asize + parasize; asp++)
+ DemandedAFrame[asp] = newdemaframe[asp];
+ for (bsp = 1; bsp <= bsize + parbsize; bsp++)
+ DemandedBFrame[bsp] = newdembframe[bsp];
+ }
+ static void BuildNewStackFrame (ArgS *args,int asp,int bsp,Bool result_node_necessary,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ {
+ int a_ind, b_ind, oldamax, oldbmax, newamax, newbmax, dummy;
+ Args arg;
+ a_ind = 0;
+ b_ind = 0;
+ dummy=0;
+ newamax = asp + 2;
+ newbmax = bsp + 2;
+ for_l (arg,args,arg_next)
+ AddStateSizeAndMaxFrameSize (arg->arg_state,& newamax, & dummy, & newbmax);
+ InitStackConversions (newamax, newbmax, &oldamax, &oldbmax);
+ if (result_node_necessary){
+ NewEmptyNode (&asp, -1);
+ PutInAFrames (asp, &a_ind);
+ }
+ TypeErrorFound = False;
+ CycleErrorFound = False;
+ if (BuildStackFrameEntries (args, &asp, &bsp,&a_ind, &b_ind,code_gen_node_ids_p)){
+ BuildParallelStackFrameEntries (args, &asp, &bsp,&a_ind, &b_ind,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ AdjustDemandedFrames (args);
+ }
+ if (! (TypeErrorFound || CycleErrorFound)){
+ GenAStackConversions (asp,a_ind);
+ GenBStackConversions (bsp,b_ind);
+ }
+ ExitStackConversions (oldamax, oldbmax);
+ }
+static void move_a_stack_pointer (int old_asp,int new_asp)
+ if (old_asp<new_asp){
+ int offset;
+ offset=0;
+ GenBuildh (&nil_lab,0);
+ ++old_asp;
+ while (old_asp<new_asp){
+ GenPushA (offset);
+ ++offset;
+ ++old_asp;
+ }
+ } else
+ GenPopA (old_asp-new_asp);
+void UpdateStackPointers (int old_asp,int old_bsp,int new_asp,int new_bsp)
+ move_a_stack_pointer (old_asp,new_asp);
+ if (old_bsp<new_bsp){
+ int offset;
+ SymbValue sv;
+ offset=0;
+ sv.val_int="0";
+ PushBasic (IntObj,sv);
+ ++old_bsp;
+ while (old_bsp<new_bsp){
+ GenPushB (offset);
+ ++offset;
+ ++old_bsp;
+ }
+ } else
+ GenPopB (old_bsp-new_bsp);
+static void AdjustStacksAndJumpToThenOrElseLabel
+ (Label truelab,Label falselab,Label next_label,int asp,int bsp,int bsize,int then_asp,int then_bsp,int else_asp,int else_bsp)
+ if (then_asp==else_asp){
+ move_a_stack_pointer (asp,then_asp);
+ then_asp = else_asp = asp;
+ }
+ if (then_bsp==else_bsp){
+ if (bsp-bsize<then_bsp){
+ int offset,n;
+ SymbValue sv;
+ offset=0;
+ sv.val_int="0";
+ PushBasic (IntObj,sv);
+ ++bsp;
+ while (bsp-bsize<then_bsp){
+ GenPushB (offset);
+ ++offset;
+ ++bsp;
+ }
+ ++offset;
+ for (n=0; n<bsize; ++n)
+ GenUpdateB (n+offset,n);
+ } else {
+ UpdateBasic (bsize,bsize-1,bsp-then_bsp-bsize);
+ GenPopB (bsp-then_bsp-bsize);
+ }
+ then_bsp = else_bsp = bsp - bsize;
+ }
+ if (asp==else_asp && bsp - else_bsp - bsize == 0){
+#if 1
+ if (falselab==next_label && asp==then_asp && bsp-bsize==then_bsp){
+ GenJmpTrue (truelab);
+ truelab->lab_mod=NULL;
+ } else
+ {
+ GenJmpFalse (falselab);
+ falselab->lab_mod=NULL;
+ UpdateStackPointers (asp, bsp-bsize, then_asp, then_bsp);
+#if 1
+ if (truelab!=next_label)
+ {
+ GenJmp (truelab);
+ truelab->lab_mod=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (asp==then_asp && bsp - then_bsp - bsize == 0){
+#if 1
+ if (truelab==next_label && asp==else_asp && bsp-bsize==else_bsp){
+ GenJmpTrue (falselab);
+ falselab->lab_mod=NULL;
+ } else
+ {
+ GenJmpTrue (truelab);
+ truelab->lab_mod=NULL;
+ UpdateStackPointers (asp, bsp-bsize, else_asp, else_bsp);
+#if 1
+ if (falselab!=next_label)
+ {
+ GenJmp (falselab);
+ falselab->lab_mod=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ LabDef loclab;
+ MakeLabel (&loclab, m_symb, NewLabelNr++, no_pref);
+ GenJmpFalse (&loclab);
+ UpdateStackPointers (asp, bsp-bsize, then_asp, then_bsp);
+ GenJmp (truelab);
+ truelab->lab_mod=NULL;
+ GenLabelDefinition (&loclab);
+ UpdateStackPointers (asp, bsp-bsize, else_asp, else_bsp);
+#if 1
+ if (falselab!=next_label)
+ {
+ GenJmp (falselab);
+ falselab->lab_mod=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+void EvaluateCondition (Node cond_node,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p,StateS resultstate)
+ switch (cond_node->node_kind){
+ case NodeIdNode:
+ {
+ NodeId nid;
+ int boolean_b_size;
+ nid=cond_node->node_node_id;
+ CopyNodeIdArgument (resultstate,nid,asp_p,bsp_p);
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (nid,&code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ boolean_b_size = ObjectSizes [resultstate.state_object];
+ *bsp_p-=boolean_b_size;
+ break;
+ }
+ case NormalNode:
+ case SelectorNode:
+ case MatchNode:
+ {
+ int asize,bsize,boolean_b_size;
+ Build (cond_node,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ DetermineSizeOfState (cond_node->node_state,&asize,&bsize);
+ CoerceArgumentOnTopOfStack (asp_p,bsp_p,resultstate,cond_node->node_state,asize,bsize);
+ boolean_b_size = ObjectSizes [resultstate.state_object];
+ *bsp_p-=boolean_b_size;
+ break;
+ }
+ case IfNode:
+ EvaluateCondition (cond_node->node_arguments->arg_node,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p,resultstate);
+ break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("EvaluateCondition");
+ }
+static Bool IsBooleanValue (Node node, Bool *val)
+ if (node->node_kind==NormalNode && node->node_symbol->symb_kind==bool_denot){
+ *val = node->node_symbol->symb_bool;
+ return True;
+ } else
+ return False;
+void subtract_else_ref_counts (struct node_id_ref_count_list *else_node_id_ref_counts,NodeIdListElementS **free_node_ids_l)
+ struct node_id_ref_count_list *else_node_id_ref_count;
+ for_l (else_node_id_ref_count,else_node_id_ref_counts,nrcl_next){
+ struct node_id *node_id;
+ int ref_count;
+ node_id=else_node_id_ref_count->nrcl_node_id;
+ ref_count=node_id->nid_refcount;
+ if (ref_count>=0){
+ ref_count -= else_node_id_ref_count->nrcl_ref_count;
+ node_id->nid_refcount=ref_count;
+ if (ref_count==0)
+ add_node_id_to_list (node_id,free_node_ids_l);
+ } else {
+ ref_count += else_node_id_ref_count->nrcl_ref_count;
+ node_id->nid_refcount=ref_count;
+ if (ref_count==-1){
+ if (! (node_id->nid_node!=NULL && !IsSimpleState (node_id->nid_state)) && unused_node_id_(node_id))
+ add_node_id_to_list (node_id,free_node_ids_l);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void add_else_ref_counts (struct node_id_ref_count_list *else_node_id_ref_counts)
+ struct node_id_ref_count_list *else_node_id_ref_count;
+ for_l (else_node_id_ref_count,else_node_id_ref_counts,nrcl_next){
+ struct node_id *node_id;
+ node_id=else_node_id_ref_count->nrcl_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_refcount>=0)
+ node_id->nid_refcount += else_node_id_ref_count->nrcl_ref_count;
+ else
+ node_id->nid_refcount -= else_node_id_ref_count->nrcl_ref_count;
+ }
+static void EvaluateThenOrElsePartOfCondition
+ (NodeDefs defs,Node node,int asp,int bsp,StateS resultstate, Label truelab, Label falselab,Label next_label,
+ int then_asp,int then_bsp,int else_asp,int else_bsp,NodeIdListElementP a_node_ids,NodeIdListElementP b_node_ids,
+ struct node_id_ref_count_list *else_node_id_ref_counts,NodeIdListElementP free_node_ids);
+void BranchOnCondition (Node condnode,int asp,int bsp,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p, StateS resultstate,
+ Label truelab,Label falselab,Label next_label,int then_asp,int then_bsp,int else_asp,int else_bsp)
+ switch (condnode->node_kind){
+ case NodeIdNode:
+ case NormalNode:
+ case SelectorNode:
+ case MatchNode:
+ {
+ int boolean_b_size;
+ boolean_b_size = ObjectSizes [resultstate.state_object];
+ AdjustStacksAndJumpToThenOrElseLabel (truelab,falselab,next_label,asp,bsp+boolean_b_size,boolean_b_size,then_asp,then_bsp,else_asp,else_bsp);
+ break;
+ }
+ case IfNode:
+ {
+ Bool bool;
+ Label thenlabel,elselabel;
+ LabDef thenlab,elselab;
+ int new_then_asp,new_then_bsp,new_else_asp,new_else_bsp;
+ Args condpart;
+ new_then_asp = asp;
+ new_then_bsp = bsp,
+ new_else_asp = asp;
+ new_else_bsp = bsp;
+ condpart = condnode->node_arguments;
+ if (IsBooleanValue (condpart->arg_next->arg_node,&bool)){
+ if (bool){
+ thenlabel = truelab;
+ new_then_asp = then_asp;
+ new_then_bsp = then_bsp;
+ } else {
+ thenlabel = falselab;
+ new_then_asp = else_asp;
+ new_then_bsp = else_bsp;
+ }
+ } else {
+ thenlabel = NULL;
+ MakeLabel (&thenlab, then_symb, NewLabelNr++, no_pref);
+ thenlab.lab_mod=notused_string;
+ }
+ if (IsBooleanValue (condpart->arg_next->arg_next->arg_node,&bool)){
+ if (bool){
+ elselabel = truelab;
+ new_else_asp = then_asp;
+ new_else_bsp = then_bsp;
+ } else {
+ elselabel = falselab;
+ new_else_asp = else_asp;
+ new_else_bsp = else_bsp;
+ }
+ } else {
+ elselabel = NULL;
+ MakeLabel (&elselab, else_symb, NewLabelNr++, no_pref);
+ elselab.lab_mod=notused_string;
+ }
+ BranchOnCondition (condpart->arg_node,asp,bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p,resultstate,
+ thenlabel ? thenlabel : &thenlab, elselabel ? elselabel : &elselab,
+ !thenlabel ? &thenlab : !elselabel ? &elselab : next_label,
+ new_then_asp, new_then_bsp, new_else_asp, new_else_bsp);
+ if (!thenlabel){
+ if (thenlab.lab_mod==NULL)
+ GenLabelDefinition (&thenlab);
+ EvaluateThenOrElsePartOfCondition (condnode->node_then_node_defs,
+ condpart->arg_next->arg_node, asp,bsp,resultstate,truelab,falselab,!elselabel ? &elselab : next_label,
+ then_asp,then_bsp,else_asp,else_bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p->a_node_ids,code_gen_node_ids_p->b_node_ids,
+ condnode->node_else_node_id_ref_counts,code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ }
+ if (!elselabel){
+ if (elselab.lab_mod==NULL)
+ GenLabelDefinition (&elselab);
+ EvaluateThenOrElsePartOfCondition (condnode->node_else_node_defs,
+ condpart->arg_next->arg_next->arg_node,asp,bsp,resultstate,truelab,falselab,next_label,
+ then_asp,then_bsp,else_asp,else_bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p->a_node_ids,code_gen_node_ids_p->b_node_ids,
+ NULL,code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("BranchOnCondition");
+ }
+static void EvaluateThenOrElsePartOfCondition
+ (NodeDefs defs,Node node,int asp,int bsp,StateS resultstate, Label truelab, Label falselab,Label next_label,
+ int then_asp,int then_bsp,int else_asp,int else_bsp,NodeIdListElementP a_node_ids,NodeIdListElementP b_node_ids,
+ struct node_id_ref_count_list *else_node_id_ref_counts,NodeIdListElementP free_node_ids)
+ SavedNidStateP saved_node_id_states;
+ MovedNodeIdP moved_node_ids;
+ struct code_gen_node_ids code_gen_node_ids;
+ saved_node_id_states=NULL;
+ moved_node_ids=NULL;
+ if (else_node_id_ref_counts!=NULL)
+ subtract_else_ref_counts (else_node_id_ref_counts,&free_node_ids);
+ code_gen_node_ids.free_node_ids=free_node_ids;
+ code_gen_node_ids.saved_nid_state_l=&saved_node_id_states;
+ code_gen_node_ids.doesnt_fail=False;
+ code_gen_node_ids.moved_node_ids_l=&moved_node_ids;
+ code_gen_node_ids.a_node_ids=a_node_ids;
+ code_gen_node_ids.b_node_ids=b_node_ids;
+ CodeSharedNodeDefs (defs,NULL,&asp,&bsp,&code_gen_node_ids);
+ EvaluateCondition (node,&asp,&bsp,&code_gen_node_ids,resultstate);
+ BranchOnCondition (node,asp,bsp,&code_gen_node_ids,resultstate,truelab,falselab,next_label,then_asp,then_bsp,else_asp,else_bsp);
+ restore_saved_node_id_states (saved_node_id_states);
+ if (else_node_id_ref_counts!=NULL)
+ add_else_ref_counts (else_node_id_ref_counts);
+void InitCoding (void)
+ int i;
+ NewLabelNr = 1;
+ SetUnaryState (& StrictOnAState, StrictOnA, UnknownObj);
+ SetUnaryState (& OnAState, OnA, UnknownObj);
+ SetUnaryState (& UnderEvalState, UnderEval, UnknownObj);
+ SetUnaryState (& ProcIdState, OnB, ProcIdObj);
+ ApplyDef=MakeNewSymbolDefinition ("system", ApplyId, 2, DEFRULE);
+ ApplyDef->sdef_number=0;
+ IfDef=MakeNewSymbolDefinition ("system", IfId, 3, DEFRULE);
+ IfDef->sdef_number=0;
+ InitBasicDescriptor (UnknownObj, "_", SizeOfAStackElem);
+ InitBasicDescriptor (AbstractObj, "_", SizeOfAStackElem);
+ InitBasicDescriptor (IntObj, "INT", SizeOfInt);
+ InitBasicDescriptor (BoolObj, "BOOL", SizeOfBool);
+ InitBasicDescriptor (CharObj, "CHAR", SizeOfChar);
+ InitBasicDescriptor (StringObj, "STRING", SizeOfAStackElem);
+ InitBasicDescriptor (RealObj, "REAL", SizeOfReal);
+ InitBasicDescriptor (FileObj, "FILE", SizeOfFile);
+ InitBasicDescriptor (ArrayObj, "ARRAY", SizeOfAStackElem);
+ InitBasicDescriptor (UnboxedArrayObj, "ARRAY", SizeOfAStackElem);
+ InitBasicDescriptor (WorldObj, "WORLD", SizeOfAStackElem);
+ InitBasicDescriptor (ProcIdObj, "PROCID", SizeOfProcId);
+ InitBasicDescriptor (RedIdObj, "REDID", SizeOfInt);
+ for (i=0; i<MaxNodeArity-NrOfGlobalSelectors; i++)
+ LazyTupleSelectors [i] = False;
+ next_update_function_n=0;
+ next_match_function_n=0;
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen2.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen2.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34bc210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+extern void bind_arguments (ArgS *arguments,int a_offset,int b_offset,struct ab_node_ids *ab_node_ids_p);
+ enum
+ { NormalFill, ReleaseAndFill, PartialFill
+ } FillKind;
+extern StateS OnAState;
+extern LabDef BasicDescriptors [];
+extern unsigned NewLabelNr;
+extern Bool LazyTupleSelectors [];
+extern int ObjectSizes [];
+#define IsOnACycle(nodenum) (nodenum < 0)
+#define IsOnBStack(state) (! IsSimpleState (state) || (state).state_kind == OnB)
+extern void ScanInlineFile (char *fname);
+extern Bool EqualState (StateS st1, StateS st2);
+extern void DetermineSizeOfArguments (ArgS *args,int *a_offset_p,int *b_offset_p);
+extern void BuildTuple (int aindex, int bindex, int asp, int bsp, int arity,
+ States argstates,int asize,int bsize,int rootindex,FillKind fkind,Bool newnode);
+extern void BuildRecord (SymbDef seldef, int aindex, int bindex, int asp, int bsp,
+ int asize, int bsize, int rootindex,FillKind fkind, Bool popargs);
+extern void CoerceArgumentUsingStackFrames (StateS demstate, StateS offstate,
+ int aindex,int bindex,int *asp,int *bsp,int *anext,int *bnext,int asize,int bsize);
+extern void DetermineArrayElemDescr (StateS elemstate, Label lab);
+extern void InitCoding (void);
+/* extern int InitAStackTop, InitBStackTop; */
+extern Bool NeedNextAlternative;
+extern void PackArgument (StateS argstate,int aindex,int bindex,int asp,int bsp,int offasize,int offbsize);
+extern void save_node_id_state (NodeId node_id,struct saved_nid_state **ifrule);
+extern void restore_saved_node_id_states (struct saved_nid_state *saved_node_id_states);
+typedef enum {
+ AToA, AToB, BToA, BToB, Reduce,AToRoot, MayBecomeCyclicSpine, CyclicSpine
+} Coercions;
+STRUCT (moved_node_id,MovedNodeId){
+ struct node_id * mnid_node_id;
+ struct moved_node_id * mnid_next;
+ int mnid_a_stack_offset;
+STRUCT (code_gen_node_ids,CodeGenNodeIds){
+ struct saved_nid_state **saved_nid_state_l;
+ struct node_id_list_element *free_node_ids;
+ struct moved_node_id **moved_node_ids_l;
+ struct node_id_list_element *a_node_ids;
+ struct node_id_list_element *b_node_ids;
+ int doesnt_fail;
+Coercions CoerceStateKind (StateKind dem_state_kind, StateKind off_state_kind);
+void GenReduceError (void);
+void UnpackTuple (int aindex,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,Bool removeroot,int arity,StateS argstates[]);
+void UnpackRecord (int aindex,int *asp_p,int *bsp,Bool removeroot,int arity,States argstates);
+void UnpackArray (int aindex, int *asp_p, Bool removeroot);
+void NewEmptyNode (int *asp_p,int nrargs);
+void AdjustTuple (int localasp,int localbsp,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,int arity,StateS demstates[],StateS offstates[],int asize,int bsize);
+int get_a_index_of_unpacked_lhs_node (ArgS *arg);
+int get_b_index_of_unpacked_lhs_node (ArgS *arg);
+void decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (struct node_id *node_id,NodeIdListElementS **free_node_ids_l);
+void BuildArgs (Args args,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p);
+void build_and_cleanup (Node node,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p);
+#define RECORD_N_PREF c_pref
+#define RECORD_D_PREF t_pref
+#define CONSTRUCTOR_R_PREF k_pref
+extern char *Co_Wtype,*Co_Wspine,else_symb[],then_symb[],notused_string[];
+extern SymbDef ApplyDef,IfDef;
+extern StateS StrictOnAState;
+void FillSelectSymbol (StateKind result_state_kind,int arity,int argnr,Args arg,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,
+ NodeId update_node_id,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p);
+void Build (Node node,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p);
+Coercions CoerceSimpleStateArgument (StateS demstate,StateKind offkind,int aindex,int *asp_p,Bool leaveontop, Bool *ontop);
+void subtract_else_ref_counts (struct node_id_ref_count_list *else_node_id_ref_counts,NodeIdListElementS **free_node_ids_l);
+void add_else_ref_counts (struct node_id_ref_count_list *else_node_id_ref_counts);
+void EvaluateCondition (Node cond_node,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p,StateS resultstate);
+void DetermineFieldSizeAndPositionAndRecordSize
+ (int fieldnr,int *asize_p,int *bsize_p,int *apos_p,int *bpos_p,int *rec_asize_p,int *rec_bsize_p,StateS *record_state_p);
+void CodeSharedNodeDefs (NodeDefs nds, NodeDefs rootdef,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p);
+void FillMatchNode (Node node,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,NodeId update_node_id,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p);
+void BranchOnCondition (Node condnode, int asp, int bsp,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p, StateS resultstate,
+ Label truelab,Label falselab,Label next_label,int then_asp, int then_bsp, int else_asp, int else_bsp);
+void GenTypeError (void);
+void BuildArg (Args arg,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p);
+Bool NodeOnACycleIsInRootNormalForm (Node node);
+void UpdateStackPointers (int old_asp,int old_bsp,int new_asp,int new_bsp);
+void UpdateNodeAndAddSelectorsToUpdateNode
+ (ArgS *record_arg,ArgS *first_field_arg,StateS *field_states,int record_a_size,int record_b_size,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p);
+void RemoveSelectorsFromUpdateNode (ArgS *previous_arg,ArgS *arg);
+void BuildOrFillLazyFieldSelector (SymbDef selector_sdef,StateKind result_state_kind,int *asp_p,NodeId update_node_id);
+void CoerceArgumentOnTopOfStack (int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,StateS argstate,StateS nodestate,int asize,int bsize);
+void ReplaceRecordOnTopOfStackByField (int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,int apos,int bpos,int asize,int bsize,int rec_a_size,int rec_b_size) ;
+Bool CopyNodeIdArgument (StateS demstate,NodeId node_id,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p);
+void add_node_id_to_list (struct node_id *node_id,NodeIdListElementS **node_ids_l);
+void BuildArgsWithNewResultNode (Args args,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p,int *a_size_p,int *b_size_p);
+void BuildArgsWithResultNodeOnStack (Args args,NodeIdP free_unique_node_id,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p,int *a_size_p,int *b_size_p);
+void cleanup_stack
+ (int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,int a_size,int b_size,NodeIdListElementS **a_node_ids_l,NodeIdListElementS **b_node_ids_l,
+ NodeIdListElementS **free_node_ids_l,MovedNodeIdP *moved_node_ids_l,int compact_stack_ok);
+void ChangeEvalStatusKindToStrictOnA (NodeId node_id,SavedNidStateS **saved_nid_state_l);
+void FillNodeOnACycle (Node node,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,NodeId update_node_id,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p);
+#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen3.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen3.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b055dd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen3.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2373 @@
+ File: codegen3.c
+ Authors: Sjaak Smetsers & John van Groningen
+#define FASTER_STRICT_IF /* also in statesgen.c */
+#define for_l(v,l,n) for(v=(l);v!=NULL;v=v->n)
+#define for_li(v,i,l,n) for(v=(l),i=0;v!=NULL;v=v->n,++i)
+#define for_ll(v1,v2,l1,l2,n1,n2) for(v1=(l1),v2=(l2);v1!=NULL;v1=v1->n1,v2=v2->n2)
+#include "system.h"
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "codegen_types.h"
+#include "codegen.h"
+#include "codegen1.h"
+#include "codegen2.h"
+struct saved_node_id_ref_counts {
+ NodeIdP snir_node_id;
+ int snir_ref_count;
+ struct saved_node_id_ref_counts * snir_next;
+struct saved_case_node_id_ref_counts {
+ NodeIdRefCountListP scnir_nrcl;
+ int scnir_ref_count;
+ struct saved_case_node_id_ref_counts * scnir_next;
+#include "codegen3.h"
+#include "instructions.h"
+#include "sizes.h"
+#include "statesgen.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+# include "buildtree.h"
+# include "tuple_tail_recursion.h"
+static void error_in_function (char *m)
+ ErrorInCompiler ("codegen3.c",m,"");
+static void UpdateAAndBStack (int aindex,int bindex,int asize,int bsize,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p)
+ int i,asp,bsp;
+ int a_popped,b_popped;
+ a_popped=0;
+ b_popped=0;
+ asp=*asp_p;
+ bsp=*bsp_p;
+ /* copy the values in the right order ! */
+ if (aindex < asize){
+ for (i=0; i<asize; i++)
+ GenUpdateA (asp - (aindex - i), asp - (asize - i));
+ } else if (aindex > asize){
+ for (i=asize - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ if (i==0){
+ GenUpdatePopA (asp - aindex, asp - asize);
+ a_popped=1;
+ } else
+ GenUpdateA (asp - (aindex - i), asp - (asize - i));
+ }
+ if (bindex < bsize){
+ for (i=0; i<bsize; i++)
+ GenUpdateB (bsp - (bindex - i), bsp - (bsize - i));
+ } else if (bindex > bsize){
+ for (i=bsize - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ if (i==0){
+ GenUpdatePopB (bsp - bindex, bsp - bsize);
+ b_popped=1;
+ } else
+ GenUpdateB (bsp - (bindex - i), bsp - (bsize - i));
+ }
+ if (!a_popped)
+ GenPopA (asp-asize);
+ *asp_p=asize;
+ if (!b_popped)
+ GenPopB (bsp-bsize);
+ *bsp_p=bsize;
+void RedirectResultAndReturn (int asp,int bsp,int source_a_index,int source_b_index,StateS offstate,StateS demstate,int offasize,int offbsize)
+ if (IsSimpleState (offstate)){
+ if (IsSimpleState (demstate)){
+ switch (CoerceStateKind (demstate.state_kind, offstate.state_kind)){
+ case Reduce:
+ if (demstate.state_kind==StrictRedirection){
+ GenUpdatePopA (asp-source_a_index, asp - 1);
+ GenUpdateA (asp-source_a_index, asp - 1);
+ GenPopA (asp - 1);
+ GenPopB (bsp);
+ GenJmpEval ();
+ return;
+ } else {
+ Coercions c;
+ c=CoerceStateKind (demstate.state_kind,StrictOnA);
+ if (c==AToA || c==AToRoot){
+ GenPopB (bsp);
+ if (source_a_index==0){
+ GenPopA (asp);
+ GenJmpEval ();
+ return;
+ } else {
+ GenUpdatePopA (asp-source_a_index, asp - 1);
+ GenUpdateA (asp-source_a_index, asp - 1);
+ GenPopA (asp - 1);
+ if (demstate.state_object!=AbstractObj)
+ GenJmpEvalUpdate();
+ else {
+ GenJsrEval (0);
+ GenFillFromA (0, 1, ReleaseAndFill);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ GenRtn (1,0, OnAState);
+ }
+ GenJmpEvalUpdate();
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ GenPopB (bsp);
+ GenPopA (asp-source_a_index);
+ GenJsrEval (0);
+ PushBasicFromAOnB (demstate.state_object, 0);
+ GenPopA (source_a_index);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case AToB:
+ GenPopB (bsp);
+ PushBasicFromAOnB (demstate.state_object, asp-source_a_index);
+ GenPopA (asp);
+ break;
+ case BToA:
+ GenPopA (asp);
+ if (demstate.state_kind==StrictRedirection){
+ BuildBasicFromB (offstate.state_object,bsp-source_b_index);
+ ++asp;
+ } else
+ FillBasicFromB (offstate.state_object,bsp-source_b_index,0,ReleaseAndFill);
+ GenPopB (bsp);
+ break;
+ case BToB:
+ {
+ int bsize;
+ bsize = ObjectSizes [demstate.state_object];
+ UpdateBasic (bsize,bsp-source_b_index,bsp-bsize);
+ GenPopA (asp);
+ GenPopB (bsp-bsize);
+ break;
+ }
+ case AToA:
+ case AToRoot:
+ GenPopB (bsp);
+ if (demstate.state_kind==StrictRedirection){
+ GenUpdatePopA (asp-source_a_index, asp-1);
+ GenUpdateA (asp-source_a_index, asp-1);
+ GenPopA (asp-1);
+ } else {
+ GenFillFromA (asp-source_a_index, asp, ReleaseAndFill);
+ GenPopA (asp);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CyclicSpine:
+ GenReduceError ();
+ StaticMessage (False,CurrentAltLabel.lab_symbol->sdef_ident->ident_name,Co_Wspine);
+ break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("RedirectResultAndReturn");
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ GenPopB (bsp);
+ switch (CoerceStateKind (StrictOnA, offstate.state_kind)){
+ case Reduce:
+ GenJsrEval (asp-source_a_index);
+ default:
+ GenUpdatePopA (asp-source_a_index, asp-1);
+ GenUpdateA (asp-source_a_index, asp-1);
+ GenPopA (asp-1);
+ asp = 1;
+ switch (demstate.state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ UnpackTuple (0,&asp,&bsp,True,demstate.state_arity,demstate.state_tuple_arguments);
+ break;
+ case RecordState:
+ UnpackRecord (0,&asp,&bsp,True,demstate.state_arity, demstate.state_record_arguments);
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ UnpackArray (0,&asp,True);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (IsSimpleState (demstate)){
+#if 1 /*JVG 29-5-2000 for Clean 2.0*/
+ if (demstate.state_kind==StrictRedirection){
+ switch (offstate.state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ BuildTuple (source_a_index,source_b_index,asp,bsp,
+ offstate.state_arity, offstate.state_tuple_arguments,
+ offasize, offbsize, 0, ReleaseAndFill,True);
+ break;
+ case RecordState:
+ BuildRecord (offstate.state_record_symbol,source_a_index,source_b_index, asp, bsp,
+ offasize, offbsize, 0, ReleaseAndFill,True);
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ GenBuildArray (asp-source_a_index);
+ ++asp;
+ }
+ GenUpdatePopA (0,asp);
+ GenPopB (bsp);
+ } else {
+ switch (offstate.state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ BuildTuple (source_a_index,source_b_index,asp,bsp,
+ offstate.state_arity, offstate.state_tuple_arguments,
+ offasize, offbsize, 0, ReleaseAndFill,False);
+ break;
+ case RecordState:
+ BuildRecord (offstate.state_record_symbol,source_a_index,source_b_index, asp, bsp,
+ offasize, offbsize, 0, ReleaseAndFill,False);
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ GenFillArray (asp-source_a_index,asp,ReleaseAndFill);
+ }
+ GenPopA (asp);
+ GenPopB (bsp);
+#if 1 /*JVG 29-5-2000 for Clean 2.0*/
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch (demstate.state_type){
+ case RecordState:
+ {
+ int asize, bsize;
+ DetermineSizeOfStates (demstate.state_arity, demstate.state_record_arguments,&asize, &bsize);
+ UpdateAAndBStack (source_a_index,source_b_index, asize, bsize,&asp,&bsp);
+ break;
+ }
+ case TupleState:
+ if (EqualState (demstate, offstate)){
+ int asize, bsize;
+ DetermineSizeOfStates (demstate.state_arity,demstate.state_tuple_arguments,&asize, &bsize);
+ UpdateAAndBStack (source_a_index,source_b_index, asize, bsize,&asp,&bsp);
+ } else {
+ GenPopA (asp-source_a_index);
+ GenPopB (bsp-source_b_index);
+ asp = source_a_index;
+ bsp = source_b_index;
+ AdjustTuple (source_a_index,source_b_index, & asp, & bsp,
+ demstate.state_arity,
+ demstate.state_tuple_arguments,
+ offstate.state_tuple_arguments, offasize, offbsize);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ GenUpdatePopA (asp-source_a_index, asp - 1);
+ GenUpdateA (asp-source_a_index, asp - 1);
+ GenPopA (asp - 1);
+ GenPopB (bsp);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!function_called_only_curried_or_lazy_with_one_return){
+ int asize,bsize;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (demstate,&asize,&bsize);
+ GenRtn (asize, bsize, demstate);
+ }
+static void CodeRedirection (NodeId node_id,int asp,int bsp,StateS demstate,NodeIdListElementS **free_node_ids_l)
+ int asize,bsize;
+ int a_index,b_index;
+ StateS offstate;
+ offstate = node_id->nid_state;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (offstate,&asize,&bsize);
+ RedirectionComment (node_id);
+ if (node_id->nid_refcount<0 && node_id->nid_state.state_type!=SimpleState && node_id->nid_node!=NULL){
+ if (asize!=0)
+ a_index=get_a_index_of_unpacked_lhs_node (node_id->nid_node->node_arguments);
+ else
+ a_index=0;
+ if (bsize!=0)
+ b_index=get_b_index_of_unpacked_lhs_node (node_id->nid_node->node_arguments);
+ else
+ b_index=0;
+ } else {
+ a_index=node_id->nid_a_index;
+ b_index=node_id->nid_b_index;
+ }
+ RedirectResultAndReturn (asp,bsp,a_index,b_index,offstate,demstate,asize,bsize);
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (node_id,free_node_ids_l);
+static void FillRhsRoot (Label name,Node root,int asp,int bsp,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ BuildArgs (root->node_arguments,&asp,&bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ GenFillh (name,root->node_arity,asp,ReleaseAndFill);
+ asp-=root->node_arity;
+ GenPopA (asp);
+ GenPopB (bsp);
+ GenRtn (1,0,OnAState);
+static void CreateSemiStrictRootNode (Label name,Label code,Node root,NodeId rootid,int asp,int bsp,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p,StateS demstate)
+ BuildArgs (root->node_arguments,&asp,&bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ GenFill (name,root->node_arity,code,asp-rootid->nid_a_index, NormalFill);
+ asp-=root->node_arity;
+ RedirectResultAndReturn (asp,bsp,rootid->nid_a_index,rootid->nid_b_index,rootid->nid_state, demstate, 1, 0);
+#define IsSemiStrictState(state) ((state).state_type==SimpleState && (state).state_kind==SemiStrict)
+static Bool NoTupleStateAdjustment (StateS st1,StateS st2)
+ if (IsSimpleState (st1) && IsSimpleState (st2))
+ return st1.state_kind==st2.state_kind || (st1.state_kind==OnA && st2.state_kind==StrictOnA);
+ switch (st1.state_type){
+ case RecordState:
+ return st2.state_type==RecordState;
+ case TupleState:
+ if (st2.state_type==TupleState && st1.state_arity==st2.state_arity){
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i<st1.state_arity; i++)
+ if (!NoTupleStateAdjustment (st1.state_tuple_arguments[i],st2.state_tuple_arguments[i]))
+ return False;
+ return True;
+ } else
+ return False;
+ case ArrayState:
+ return st2.state_type==ArrayState;
+ default:
+ return False;
+ }
+static Coercions DetermineResultAdjustment (StateS demstate, StateS offstate)
+ if (IsSimpleState (offstate)){
+ if (IsSimpleState (demstate))
+ return CoerceStateKind (demstate.state_kind,offstate.state_kind);
+ else
+ return AToB;
+ } else if (IsSimpleState (demstate) || ! NoTupleStateAdjustment (demstate, offstate))
+ return BToA;
+ else
+ return BToB;
+static Bool ResultNodeNecessary (Coercions moveact, StateS offstate)
+ return (moveact == AToB && ! (IsSimpleState (offstate) &&
+ (offstate.state_kind == StrictRedirection ||
+ offstate.state_kind == LazyRedirection)));
+static void CodeRootSymbolApplication (Node root,NodeId rootid,SymbDef def,int asp,int bsp,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p,StateS resultstate)
+ LabDef name;
+ int symbarity;
+ symbarity = def->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE ? def->sdef_cons_arity : def->sdef_arity;
+ if (symbarity==root->node_arity){
+ SDefKind symbkind;
+ symbkind = (SDefKind)def->sdef_kind;
+ switch (symbkind){
+ case IMPRULE:
+ case DEFRULE:
+ case SYSRULE:
+ if (IsSemiStrictState (root->node_state)){
+ LabDef codelab;
+ ConvertSymbolToDandNLabel (&name,&codelab,def);
+ CreateSemiStrictRootNode (&name,&codelab,root,rootid,asp,bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p,resultstate);
+ } else {
+ Coercions moveact;
+ ConvertSymbolToLabel (&name,def);
+ moveact = DetermineResultAdjustment (resultstate, root->node_state);
+ /*
+ removal of tail recursion only makes sence when we are sure
+ that at run-time after calling the rhs root function
+ it is not necessary to return to the calling function
+ */
+ if (moveact==AToB || moveact==BToA || moveact==AToRoot){
+ int result_a_size,result_b_size,new_node;
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ /* In this case no removal takes place */
+ new_node=ResultNodeNecessary (moveact,root->node_state);
+ if (new_node)
+ NewEmptyNode (&asp,-1);
+ BuildArgs (root->node_arguments,&asp,&bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ DetermineSizeOfArguments (root->node_arguments,&a_size,&b_size);
+ if (new_node)
+ ++a_size;
+ UpdateAAndBStack (asp,bsp,a_size,b_size,&asp,&bsp);
+ CallFunction (&name,def,True,root);
+ DetermineSizeOfState (root->node_state,&result_a_size,&result_b_size);
+ asp+=result_a_size-a_size;
+ bsp+=result_b_size-b_size;
+ RedirectResultAndReturn (asp,bsp,asp,bsp,root->node_state,resultstate,result_a_size,result_b_size);
+ } else {
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ /* BuildNewStackFrame (root->node_arguments,asp,bsp,ResultNodeNecessary (moveact,root->node_state),code_gen_node_ids_p); */
+ BuildArgs (root->node_arguments,&asp,&bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ DetermineSizeOfArguments (root->node_arguments,&a_size,&b_size);
+ UpdateAAndBStack (asp,bsp,a_size,b_size,&asp,&bsp);
+ CallFunction (&name, def, False, root);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ if (IsSemiStrictState (root->node_state)){
+ LabDef codelab;
+ if (def->sdef_strict_constructor){
+ ConvertSymbolToRecordDandNLabel (&name,&codelab,def);
+ CreateSemiStrictRootNode (&name,&codelab,root,rootid,asp,bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p,resultstate);
+ } else {
+ ConvertSymbolToRLabel (&codelab,def);
+ BuildArgs (root->node_arguments,&asp,&bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ GenFillR (&codelab,root->node_arity,0,asp-rootid->nid_a_index,0,0,NormalFill,True);
+ asp-=root->node_arity;
+ rootid->nid_state__.state_kind=StrictOnA;
+ RedirectResultAndReturn (asp,bsp,rootid->nid_a_index,rootid->nid_b_index,rootid->nid_state, resultstate, 1, 0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ BuildArgs (root->node_arguments,&asp,&bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ DetermineSizeOfArguments (root->node_arguments,&a_size,&b_size);
+ if (IsSimpleState (root->node_state)){
+ LabDef codelab;
+ ConvertSymbolToRLabel (&codelab,def);
+ GenFillR (&codelab,a_size,b_size,asp,0,0,ReleaseAndFill,False);
+ GenPopA (asp);
+ GenPopB (bsp);
+ GenRtn (1,0,OnAState);
+ } else {
+ /*BuildNewStackFrame (root->node_arguments,asp,bsp,ResultNodeNecessary (BToB,root->node_state),code_gen_node_ids_p); */
+ UpdateAAndBStack (asp,bsp,a_size,b_size,&asp,&bsp);
+ if (!function_called_only_curried_or_lazy_with_one_return){
+ int asize,bsize;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (resultstate, &asize, &bsize);
+ GenRtn (asize, bsize, resultstate);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default: /* a USER or a TYPE constructor */
+ if (def->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR && def->sdef_strict_constructor && def->sdef_arity==root->node_arity){
+ if (IsSemiStrictState (root->node_state)){
+ LabDef codelab;
+ ConvertSymbolToConstructorDandNLabel (&name,&codelab,def);
+ CreateSemiStrictRootNode (&name,&codelab,root,rootid,asp,bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p,resultstate);
+ } else {
+ LabDef record_label;
+ int asize,bsize;
+ DetermineSizeOfArguments (root->node_arguments,&asize,&bsize);
+ BuildArgs (root->node_arguments, &asp, &bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ ConvertSymbolToKLabel (&record_label,def);
+ GenFillR (&record_label,asize,bsize,asp,0,0,ReleaseAndFill,False);
+ GenPopA (asp);
+ GenPopB (bsp);
+ GenRtn (1,0, OnAState);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (def->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR)
+ ConvertSymbolToConstructorDLabel (&name,def);
+ else
+ ConvertSymbolToDLabel (&name,def);
+ FillRhsRoot (&name, root, asp, bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Symbol has too few arguments */
+ if (def->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR)
+ ConvertSymbolToConstructorDLabel (&name,def);
+ else
+ ConvertSymbolToDLabel (&name,def);
+ FillRhsRoot (&name, root, asp, bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ }
+static void CodeRootSelection (Node root, NodeId rootid,int asp,int bsp,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p,StateS demstate)
+ Args args;
+ int argnr;
+ args=root->node_arguments;
+ argnr=root->node_arity;
+ if (IsSemiStrictState (root->node_state)){
+ FillSelectSymbol (SemiStrict,root->node_symbol->symb_arity,argnr,args,&asp,&bsp,rootid,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ RedirectResultAndReturn (asp,bsp,rootid->nid_a_index,rootid->nid_b_index,rootid->nid_state,demstate,1,0);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ Node arg_node;
+ int tuparity;
+ tuparity = args->arg_state.state_arity;
+ Assume (tuparity > 1, "codegen","CodeRootSelection");
+ arg_node=args->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ StateS offstate;
+ offstate= arg_node->node_state;
+ Build (arg_node,&asp,&bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ if (IsSimpleState (offstate)){
+ GenPushArg (0, tuparity, argnr);
+ asp += 1;
+ RedirectResultAndReturn (asp,bsp,asp,0,OnAState,demstate,1,0);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ int i,a_offset,b_offset,asize,bsize;
+ a_offset=0;
+ b_offset=0;
+ for (i=0; i<argnr-1; ++i)
+ AddSizeOfState (offstate.state_tuple_arguments[i],&a_offset,&b_offset);
+ DetermineSizeOfState (offstate.state_tuple_arguments[argnr-1],&asize,&bsize);
+ RedirectResultAndReturn (asp,bsp,asp-a_offset,bsp-b_offset,offstate.state_tuple_arguments[argnr-1],demstate,asize,bsize);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ StateS offstate;
+ NodeId arg_node_id;
+ arg_node_id=arg_node->node_node_id;
+ offstate = arg_node_id->nid_state;
+ if (IsSimpleState (offstate)){
+ Bool ontop;
+ CoerceSimpleStateArgument (demstate, offstate.state_kind, arg_node_id->nid_a_index, & asp, False, & ontop);
+ GenPushArg (asp - arg_node_id->nid_a_index, tuparity, argnr);
+ asp += 1;
+ RedirectResultAndReturn (asp, bsp, asp, 0, OnAState, demstate, 1, 0);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ int i,asize,bsize,aindex,bindex,tuple_a_index,tuple_b_index;
+ aindex=0;
+ bindex=0;
+ for (i=0; i<argnr-1; i++)
+ AddSizeOfState (offstate.state_tuple_arguments[i],&aindex, &bindex);
+ if (arg_node_id->nid_refcount<0 && arg_node_id->nid_node!=NULL){
+ tuple_a_index=get_a_index_of_unpacked_lhs_node (arg_node_id->nid_node->node_arguments);
+ tuple_b_index=get_b_index_of_unpacked_lhs_node (arg_node_id->nid_node->node_arguments);
+ } else {
+ tuple_a_index=arg_node_id->nid_a_index,
+ tuple_b_index=arg_node_id->nid_b_index;
+ }
+ DetermineSizeOfState (offstate.state_tuple_arguments[argnr-1],&asize,&bsize);
+ aindex=tuple_a_index-aindex;
+ bindex=tuple_b_index-bindex;
+ RedirectResultAndReturn (asp,bsp,aindex,bindex,offstate.state_tuple_arguments[argnr-1],demstate,asize,bsize);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static int CodeRhsNodeDefsAndRestoreNodeIdStates (Node root_node,NodeDefs defs,int asp,int bsp,StateS resultstate,struct esc *esc_p,
+ NodeIdListElementP a_node_ids,NodeIdListElementP b_node_ids,
+ struct node_id_ref_count_list *else_node_id_ref_counts,int doesnt_fail)
+ SavedNidStateP saved_node_id_states;
+ NodeIdListElementP free_node_ids;
+ int need_next_alternative;
+ saved_node_id_states=NULL;
+ free_node_ids=NULL;
+ if (else_node_id_ref_counts!=NULL)
+ subtract_else_ref_counts (else_node_id_ref_counts,&free_node_ids);
+ need_next_alternative=CodeRhsNodeDefs (root_node,defs,asp,bsp,&saved_node_id_states,resultstate,esc_p,a_node_ids,b_node_ids,
+ free_node_ids,doesnt_fail);
+ restore_saved_node_id_states (saved_node_id_states);
+ if (else_node_id_ref_counts!=NULL)
+ add_else_ref_counts (else_node_id_ref_counts);
+ return need_next_alternative;
+static void CodeNormalRootNode (Node root,NodeId rootid,int asp,int bsp,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p,StateS resultstate)
+ Symbol rootsymb;
+ rootsymb = root->node_symbol;
+ ContractumComment (asp, bsp);
+ switch (rootsymb->symb_kind){
+ case definition:
+ CodeRootSymbolApplication (root,rootid,rootsymb->symb_def,asp,bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p,resultstate);
+ return;
+ case tuple_symb:
+ if (IsSemiStrictState (root->node_state))
+ CreateSemiStrictRootNode (&tuple_lab,&hnf_lab,root,rootid,asp,bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p,resultstate);
+ else {
+ if (IsSimpleState (root->node_state))
+ FillRhsRoot (&tuple_lab, root, asp, bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ else {
+ int asize,bsize;
+ /* BuildNewStackFrame (root->node_arguments,asp,bsp,ResultNodeNecessary (BToB,root->node_state),code_gen_node_ids_p); */
+ {
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ BuildArgs (root->node_arguments,&asp,&bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ DetermineSizeOfArguments (root->node_arguments,&a_size,&b_size);
+ UpdateAAndBStack (asp,bsp,a_size,b_size,&asp,&bsp);
+ }
+ if (!function_called_only_curried_or_lazy_with_one_return){
+ DetermineSizeOfState (resultstate, &asize, &bsize);
+ GenRtn (asize, bsize, resultstate);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ case cons_symb:
+ FillRhsRoot (&cons_lab, root, asp, bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ return;
+ case nil_symb:
+ FillRhsRoot (&nil_lab, root, asp, bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ return;
+ case apply_symb:
+ CodeRootSymbolApplication (root, rootid, ApplyDef, asp, bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p,resultstate);
+ return;
+ case if_symb:
+ if (root->node_arity==3 && !IsLazyState (root->node_state) && rootid==NULL){
+ LabDef elselab,thenlab;
+ Args cond_arg,then_arg;
+ cond_arg = root->node_arguments;
+ EvaluateCondition (cond_arg->arg_node,&asp,&bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p,cond_arg->arg_state);
+ MakeLabel (&elselab,else_symb,NewLabelNr,no_pref);
+ MakeLabel (&thenlab,then_symb,NewLabelNr++,no_pref);
+ thenlab.lab_mod=notused_string;
+ BranchOnCondition (cond_arg->arg_node,asp,bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p,cond_arg->arg_state,&thenlab,&elselab,&thenlab,asp,bsp,asp,bsp);
+ then_arg=cond_arg->arg_next;
+ if (thenlab.lab_mod==NULL)
+ GenLabelDefinition (&thenlab);
+ CodeRhsNodeDefsAndRestoreNodeIdStates (then_arg->arg_node,NULL,asp,bsp,resultstate,NULL,
+ code_gen_node_ids_p->a_node_ids,code_gen_node_ids_p->b_node_ids,NULL,True);
+ GenLabelDefinition (&elselab);
+ CodeRhsNodeDefsAndRestoreNodeIdStates (then_arg->arg_next->arg_node,NULL,asp,bsp,resultstate,NULL,
+ code_gen_node_ids_p->a_node_ids,code_gen_node_ids_p->b_node_ids,NULL,True);
+ return;
+ } else
+ CodeRootSymbolApplication (root,rootid,IfDef,asp,bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p,resultstate);
+ return;
+ case select_symb:
+ CodeRootSelection (root, rootid, asp, bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p,resultstate);
+ return;
+ case fail_symb:
+ error_in_function ("CodeNormalRootNode");
+/* JumpToNextAlternative (asp, bsp); */
+ return;
+ case string_denot:
+ GenPopA (asp);
+ GenPopB (bsp);
+ GenBuildString (rootsymb->symb_val);
+ GenRtn (1, 0, OnAState);
+ return;
+ default:
+ if (rootsymb->symb_kind < Nr_Of_Basic_Types)
+ FillRhsRoot (&BasicDescriptors[rootsymb->symb_kind], root, asp, bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ else {
+ /* in case of a denotation: */
+ ObjectKind denottype;
+ denottype = (rootsymb->symb_kind < Nr_Of_Predef_Types)
+ ? BasicSymbolStates [rootsymb->symb_kind].state_object
+ : UnknownObj;
+ GenPopA (asp);
+ GenPopB (bsp);
+ if (root->node_state.state_object == denottype){
+ if (root->node_state.state_kind == OnB){
+ PushBasic (denottype, rootsymb->symb_val);
+ if (!function_called_only_curried_or_lazy_with_one_return)
+ GenRtn (0, ObjectSizes [denottype], root->node_state);
+ } else {
+ FillBasic (denottype, rootsymb->symb_val,0, ReleaseAndFill);
+ if (!function_called_only_curried_or_lazy_with_one_return)
+ GenRtn (1, 0, OnAState);
+ }
+ } else {
+ StaticMessage (False,CurrentAltLabel.lab_symbol->sdef_ident->ident_name,Co_Wtype);
+ GenTypeError();
+ GenRtn (0, 0, OnAState);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void PushField (StateS recstate,int fieldnr,int offset,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,int *a_size_p,int *b_size_p)
+ int apos,bpos,totasize,totbsize;
+ DetermineFieldSizeAndPositionAndRecordSize (fieldnr,a_size_p,b_size_p,&apos,&bpos,&totasize,&totbsize,&recstate);
+ GenPushRArgB (offset, totasize, totbsize, bpos+1, *b_size_p);
+ GenPushRArgA (offset, totasize, totbsize, apos+1, *a_size_p);
+ *bsp_p += *b_size_p;
+ *asp_p += *a_size_p;
+static void CodeRootFieldSelector (Node root,NodeId rootid,int asp,int bsp,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p,StateS demstate)
+ int fieldnr;
+ SymbDef seldef;
+ ArgP arg;
+ arg = root->node_arguments;
+ seldef = root->node_symbol->symb_def;
+ fieldnr = seldef->sdef_sel_field_number;
+ if (IsSemiStrictState (root->node_state)){
+ BuildArg (arg,&asp,&bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ if (root->node_arity>=SELECTOR_U){
+ SymbDef new_select_sdef;
+ LabDef name,codelab;
+ new_select_sdef=create_select_function (root->node_symbol,root->node_arity);
+ ConvertSymbolToDandNLabel (&name,&codelab,new_select_sdef);
+ GenFill (&name,1,&codelab,asp-rootid->nid_a_index,PartialFill);
+ --asp;
+ } else
+ BuildOrFillLazyFieldSelector (root->node_symbol->symb_def,root->node_state.state_kind,&asp,rootid);
+ RedirectResultAndReturn (asp,bsp,rootid->nid_a_index,rootid->nid_b_index,rootid->nid_state,demstate,1,0);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ int recarity;
+ Node arg_node;
+ recarity = arg->arg_state.state_arity;
+ arg_node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ StateS offstate;
+ offstate = arg_node->node_state;
+ Build (arg_node,&asp,&bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ if (root->node_arity>=SELECTOR_U){
+ int record_a_size,record_b_size,asize,bsize,aindex,bindex,offstate_a_size,offstate_b_size;
+ StateP record_state_p;
+ record_state_p=&seldef->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_symbol->symb_def->sdef_record_state;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (offstate,&offstate_a_size,&offstate_b_size);
+ CoerceArgumentOnTopOfStack (&asp,&bsp,arg->arg_state,offstate,offstate_a_size,offstate_b_size);
+ DetermineFieldSizeAndPositionAndRecordSize (fieldnr,&asize,&bsize,&aindex,&bindex,&record_a_size,&record_b_size,record_state_p);
+ if (root->node_arity<SELECTOR_L){
+ int n;
+ for (n=0; n<asize; ++n)
+ GenPushA (aindex+asize-1);
+ asp+=asize;
+ for (n=0; n<bsize; ++n)
+ GenPushB (bindex+bsize-1);
+ bsp+=bsize;
+ RedirectResultAndReturn (asp,bsp,asp,bsp,root->node_state,demstate,record_a_size+asize,record_b_size+bsize);
+ } else {
+ ReplaceRecordOnTopOfStackByField (&asp,&bsp,aindex,bindex,asize,bsize,record_a_size,record_b_size);
+ DetermineSizeOfState (root->node_state,&offstate_a_size,&offstate_b_size);
+ RedirectResultAndReturn (asp,bsp,asp,bsp,root->node_state,demstate,offstate_a_size,offstate_b_size);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (offstate.state_type==RecordState){
+ int apos,bpos,asize,bsize,aindex,bindex;
+ DetermineFieldSizeAndPosition (fieldnr,&asize,&bsize,&apos,&bpos,offstate.state_record_arguments);
+ aindex = asp-apos;
+ bindex = bsp-bpos;
+ RedirectResultAndReturn (asp, bsp, aindex, bindex,offstate.state_record_arguments[fieldnr], demstate, asize, bsize);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ PushField (arg->arg_state, fieldnr, 0, & asp, & bsp,&a_size,&b_size);
+ RedirectResultAndReturn (asp,bsp,asp,bsp,arg->arg_state.state_record_arguments[fieldnr],demstate,a_size,b_size);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ StateS offstate;
+ NodeId arg_node_id;
+ arg_node_id=arg_node->node_node_id;
+ offstate = arg_node_id->nid_state;
+ if (offstate.state_type==RecordState){
+ int asize,bsize,aindex,bindex,record_a_index,record_b_index;
+ DetermineFieldSizeAndPosition (fieldnr, &asize, &bsize, &aindex, &bindex,offstate.state_record_arguments);
+ if (arg_node_id->nid_refcount<0 && arg_node_id->nid_node!=NULL){
+ record_a_index=get_a_index_of_unpacked_lhs_node (arg_node_id->nid_node->node_arguments);
+ record_b_index=get_b_index_of_unpacked_lhs_node (arg_node_id->nid_node->node_arguments);
+ } else {
+ record_a_index=arg_node_id->nid_a_index,
+ record_b_index=arg_node_id->nid_b_index;
+ }
+ if (root->node_arity>=SELECTOR_U){
+ int record_a_size,record_b_size,n;
+ GenPopA (asp-record_a_index);
+ asp=record_a_index;
+ GenPopB (bsp-record_b_index);
+ bsp=record_b_index;
+ for (n=0; n<asize; ++n)
+ GenPushA (aindex+asize-1);
+ asp+=asize;
+ for (n=0; n<bsize; ++n)
+ GenPushB (bindex+bsize-1);
+ bsp+=bsize;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (offstate,&record_a_size,&record_b_size);
+ RedirectResultAndReturn (asp,bsp,asp,bsp,root->node_state,demstate,record_a_size+asize,record_b_size+bsize);
+ return;
+ }
+ aindex=record_a_index-aindex,
+ bindex=record_b_index-bindex;
+ RedirectResultAndReturn (asp, bsp, aindex, bindex,offstate.state_record_arguments[fieldnr], demstate, asize, bsize);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ Bool ontop;
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ if (root->node_arity>=SELECTOR_U){
+ int asize,bsize,aindex,bindex,offered_a_size,offered_b_size;
+ StateP record_state_p;
+ record_state_p=&seldef->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_symbol->symb_def->sdef_record_state;
+ CopyNodeIdArgument (arg->arg_state,arg_node_id,&asp,&bsp);
+ DetermineFieldSizeAndPosition (fieldnr,&asize,&bsize,&aindex,&bindex,record_state_p->state_record_arguments);
+ if (root->node_arity<SELECTOR_L){
+ int n;
+ for (n=0; n<asize; ++n)
+ GenPushA (aindex+asize-1);
+ asp+=asize;
+ for (n=0; n<bsize; ++n)
+ GenPushB (bindex+bsize-1);
+ bsp+=bsize;
+ } else {
+ int record_a_size,record_b_size;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (*record_state_p,&record_a_size,&record_b_size);
+ ReplaceRecordOnTopOfStackByField (&asp,&bsp,aindex,bindex,asize,bsize,record_a_size,record_b_size);
+ }
+ DetermineSizeOfState (root->node_state,&offered_a_size,&offered_b_size);
+ RedirectResultAndReturn (asp,bsp,asp,bsp,root->node_state,demstate,offered_a_size,offered_b_size);
+ return;
+ }
+ CoerceSimpleStateArgument (demstate, offstate.state_kind,arg_node_id->nid_a_index,&asp,False,&ontop);
+ PushField (arg->arg_state,fieldnr,asp-arg_node_id->nid_a_index,&asp,&bsp,&a_size,&b_size);
+ RedirectResultAndReturn (asp, bsp, asp, bsp,arg->arg_state.state_record_arguments[fieldnr],demstate,a_size,b_size);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void CodeRootMatchNode (Node root,NodeId rootid,int asp,int bsp,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p,StateS demanded_state)
+ if (IsSemiStrictState (root->node_state)){
+ FillMatchNode (root,&asp,&bsp,rootid,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ RedirectResultAndReturn (asp,bsp,rootid->nid_a_index,rootid->nid_b_index,rootid->nid_state,demanded_state,1,0);
+ } else {
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ FillMatchNode (root,&asp,&bsp,NULL,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ DetermineSizeOfState (root->node_state,&a_size,&b_size);
+ RedirectResultAndReturn (asp,bsp,asp,bsp,root->node_state,demanded_state,a_size,b_size);
+ }
+static void CodeRootUpdateNode (Node root,NodeId rootid,int asp,int bsp,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p,StateS result_state)
+ LabDef name;
+ SymbDef record_sdef;
+ record_sdef=root->node_symbol->symb_def;
+ ConvertSymbolToLabel (&name,record_sdef);
+ if (IsSemiStrictState (root->node_state)){
+ ArgS *record_arg,*first_field_arg;
+ int n_arguments;
+ LabDef name,codelab;
+ SymbDef new_update_sdef;
+ record_arg=root->node_arguments;
+ first_field_arg=record_arg->arg_next;
+ n_arguments=root->node_arity;
+ RemoveSelectorsFromUpdateNode (record_arg,first_field_arg);
+ BuildArgs (root->node_arguments,&asp,&bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ new_update_sdef=CreateUpdateFunction (record_arg,first_field_arg,root);
+ ConvertSymbolToDandNLabel (&name,&codelab,new_update_sdef);
+ GenFill (&name,n_arguments,&codelab,asp-rootid->nid_a_index,NormalFill);
+ asp-=n_arguments;
+ RedirectResultAndReturn (asp,bsp,rootid->nid_a_index,rootid->nid_b_index,rootid->nid_state,result_state,1,0);
+ } else {
+ ArgS *record_arg,*first_field_arg;
+ int record_a_size,record_b_size;
+ record_arg=root->node_arguments;
+ first_field_arg=record_arg->arg_next;
+ RemoveSelectorsFromUpdateNode (record_arg,first_field_arg);
+ /* BuildNewStackFrame (record_arg,asp,bsp,False,code_gen_node_ids_p); */
+ {
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ BuildArgs (record_arg,&asp,&bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ DetermineSizeOfArguments (record_arg,&a_size,&b_size);
+ UpdateAAndBStack (asp,bsp,a_size,b_size,&asp,&bsp);
+ }
+ if (IsSimpleState (root->node_state)){
+ LabDef record_label;
+ StateP record_state_p;
+/* error_in_function ("CodeRootUpdateNode"); */
+ record_state_p=&root->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_record_state;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (*record_state_p,&record_a_size,&record_b_size);
+ UpdateNodeAndAddSelectorsToUpdateNode (record_arg,first_field_arg,
+ record_state_p->state_record_arguments,record_a_size,record_b_size,&asp,&bsp);
+ ConvertSymbolToRLabel (&record_label,record_sdef);
+ GenFillR (&record_label,record_a_size,record_b_size,asp,0,0,ReleaseAndFill,False);
+ GenPopA (asp);
+ GenPopB (bsp);
+ GenRtn (1,0, OnAState);
+ } else {
+ DetermineSizeOfState (result_state,&record_a_size,&record_b_size);
+ UpdateNodeAndAddSelectorsToUpdateNode (record_arg,first_field_arg,
+ result_state.state_record_arguments,record_a_size,record_b_size,&asp,&bsp);
+ if (!function_called_only_curried_or_lazy_with_one_return)
+ GenRtn (record_a_size,record_b_size,result_state);
+ }
+ }
+static int CodeRootNode (Node root,NodeId rootid,int asp,int bsp,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p,StateS resultstate,struct esc *esc_p)
+ switch (root->node_kind){
+ case NormalNode:
+ CodeNormalRootNode (root, rootid, asp, bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p,resultstate);
+ return 0;
+ case SelectorNode:
+ CodeRootFieldSelector (root, rootid, asp, bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p,resultstate);
+ return 0;
+ case UpdateNode:
+ CodeRootUpdateNode (root, rootid, asp, bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p,resultstate);
+ return 0;
+ case MatchNode:
+ CodeRootMatchNode (root,rootid,asp,bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p,resultstate);
+ return 0;
+ case IfNode:
+ {
+ LabDef elselab,thenlab;
+ Args condpart,then_arg;
+ struct node *else_node;
+ condpart = root->node_arguments;
+ EvaluateCondition (condpart->arg_node,&asp,&bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p,condpart->arg_state);
+ MakeLabel (&elselab, else_symb, NewLabelNr, no_pref);
+ MakeLabel (&thenlab, then_symb, NewLabelNr++, no_pref);
+ thenlab.lab_mod=notused_string;
+ BranchOnCondition (condpart->arg_node,asp,bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p,condpart->arg_state,&thenlab,&elselab,&thenlab,asp,bsp,asp,bsp);
+ then_arg=condpart->arg_next;
+ if (thenlab.lab_mod==NULL)
+ GenLabelDefinition (&thenlab);
+ CodeRhsNodeDefsAndRestoreNodeIdStates (then_arg->arg_node,root->node_then_node_defs,asp,bsp,resultstate,esc_p,
+ code_gen_node_ids_p->a_node_ids,code_gen_node_ids_p->b_node_ids,
+ root->node_else_node_id_ref_counts,
+ True
+ code_gen_node_ids_p->doesnt_fail
+ );
+ GenLabelDefinition (&elselab);
+ else_node=then_arg->arg_next->arg_node;
+ if (else_node->node_kind==NormalNode && else_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==fail_symb){
+ UpdateStackPointers (asp,bsp,esc_p->esc_asp,esc_p->esc_bsp);
+ GenJmp (esc_p->esc_label);
+ return 1;
+ } else
+ return CodeRhsNodeDefsAndRestoreNodeIdStates (else_node,root->node_else_node_defs,asp,bsp,resultstate,esc_p,
+ code_gen_node_ids_p->a_node_ids,code_gen_node_ids_p->b_node_ids,
+ NULL,code_gen_node_ids_p->doesnt_fail);
+ }
+ case NodeIdNode:
+ if (rootid==NULL){
+ CodeRedirection (root->node_node_id,asp,bsp,resultstate,&code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("CodeRootNode");
+ return 0;
+ }
+static Bool ExamineRootNodeOnACycle (NodeId rhsid,Node rhsroot,int *asp_p,StateS resultstate)
+ rhsid->nid_state_=OnAState;
+ if (IsSimpleState (resultstate)){
+ if (resultstate.state_kind==OnB || resultstate.state_kind==StrictRedirection){
+ NewEmptyNode (asp_p,rhsroot->node_arity);
+ rhsid->nid_a_index_=*asp_p;
+ } else {
+ if (rhsroot->node_arity<=2 || NodeOnACycleIsInRootNormalForm (rhsroot)){
+ rhsid->nid_a_index_=0;
+ } else {
+ NewEmptyNode (asp_p,rhsroot->node_arity);
+ rhsid->nid_a_index_=*asp_p;
+ return True;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (NodeOnACycleIsInRootNormalForm (rhsroot))
+ NewEmptyNode (asp_p,-1);
+ else
+ NewEmptyNode (asp_p,rhsroot->node_arity);
+ rhsid->nid_a_index_=*asp_p;
+ }
+ return False;
+extern int tail_call_modulo_cons;
+static void generate_code_for_tail_call_modulo_cons (NodeP node_p,NodeId node_def_id,NodeP root_node,NodeP push_node,
+ int asp,int bsp,struct code_gen_node_ids *code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ LabDef name;
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ ConvertSymbolToLabel (&name,node_p->node_symbol->symb_def);
+ DetermineSizeOfArguments (node_p->node_arguments,&a_size,&b_size);
+ if (push_node==NULL)
+ BuildArgsWithNewResultNode (node_p->node_arguments,&asp,&bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p,&a_size,&b_size);
+ else
+ BuildArgsWithResultNodeOnStack (node_p->node_arguments,push_node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id,&asp,&bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p,&a_size,&b_size);
+ asp-=a_size;
+ bsp-=b_size;
+ cleanup_stack (&asp,&bsp,a_size,b_size,&code_gen_node_ids_p->a_node_ids,&code_gen_node_ids_p->b_node_ids,
+ &code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids,code_gen_node_ids_p->moved_node_ids_l,code_gen_node_ids_p->doesnt_fail);
+ node_def_id->nid_a_index_=asp+1;
+ node_def_id->nid_b_index_=bsp;
+ node_def_id->nid_state_=node_p->node_state;
+ asp+=a_size;
+ bsp+=b_size;
+ BuildArgs (root_node->node_arguments,&asp,&bsp,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ if (root_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==cons_symb){
+ GenFillh (&cons_lab,root_node->node_arity,asp,ReleaseAndFill);
+ asp-=root_node->node_arity;
+ } else {
+ LabDef constructor_name;
+ if (!root_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_strict_constructor){
+ ConvertSymbolToConstructorDLabel (&constructor_name,root_node->node_symbol->symb_def);
+ GenFillh (&constructor_name,root_node->node_arity,asp,ReleaseAndFill);
+ asp-=root_node->node_arity;
+ } else {
+ int asize,bsize;
+ ConvertSymbolToKLabel (&constructor_name,root_node->node_symbol->symb_def);
+ DetermineSizeOfArguments (root_node->node_arguments,&asize,&bsize);
+ if (asize+bsize>2 && push_node!=NULL && push_node->node_line>=asize+bsize){
+ NodeIdListElementP node_id_list;
+ char bits[MaxNodeArity+2];
+ unsigned int a_bits,b_bits,a_size,b_size,n,arg_n;
+ int n_a_fill_bits,n_b_fill_bits,node_arity;
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ a_bits=0;
+ b_bits=0;
+ a_size=0;
+ b_size=0;
+ n_a_fill_bits=0;
+ n_b_fill_bits=0;
+ arg_p=root_node->node_arguments;
+ node_arity=root_node->node_arity;
+ node_id_list=push_node->node_node_ids;
+ for (arg_n=0; arg_n<node_arity; ++arg_n){
+ int arg_a_size,arg_b_size;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (arg_p->arg_state,&arg_a_size,&arg_b_size);
+ if (arg_n==0 || !(arg_p->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode && arg_p->arg_node->node_node_id==node_id_list->nidl_node_id)){
+ a_bits |= (~((~0)<<arg_a_size))<<a_size;
+ b_bits |= (~((~0)<<arg_b_size))<<b_size;
+ n_a_fill_bits+=arg_a_size;
+ n_b_fill_bits+=arg_b_size;
+ }
+ arg_p=arg_p->arg_next;
+ a_size+=arg_a_size;
+ b_size+=arg_b_size;
+ node_id_list=node_id_list->nidl_next;
+ }
+ for (n=0; n<a_size; ++n)
+ bits[n]='0' + ((a_bits>>n) & 1);
+ for (n=0; n<b_size; ++n)
+ bits[n+a_size]='0' + ((b_bits>>n) & 1);
+ bits[a_size+b_size]='\0';
+ GenPushA (asp-node_def_id->nid_a_index);
+ GenFill3R (&constructor_name,asize,bsize,asp+1,bits);
+ } else
+ GenFillR (&constructor_name,asize,bsize,asp,0,0,ReleaseAndFill,True);
+ asp-=asize;
+ bsp-=bsize;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tail_call_modulo_cons)
+ name.lab_post=2;
+ if (tail_call_modulo_cons==2){
+ GenKeep (asp,a_size-1);
+ ++asp;
+ UpdateAAndBStack (asp,bsp,a_size,b_size,&asp,&bsp);
+ --asp;
+ CallFunction (&name,node_p->node_symbol->symb_def,False,node_p);
+ } else {
+ CallFunction (&name,node_p->node_symbol->symb_def,True,node_p);
+ }
+ asp-=a_size;
+ bsp-=b_size;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (node_p->node_state,&a_size,&b_size);
+ asp+=a_size;
+ bsp+=b_size;
+ if (a_size!=0)
+ add_node_id_to_list (node_def_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->a_node_ids);
+ if (b_size!=0)
+ add_node_id_to_list (node_def_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->b_node_ids);
+ if (tail_call_modulo_cons<2){
+ node_def_id->nid_a_index_=asp;
+ node_def_id->nid_b_index_=bsp;
+ node_def_id->nid_state_=node_p->node_state;
+ GenPopA (asp);
+ GenPopB (bsp);
+ GenRtn (1,0,OnAState);
+ }
+static int is_tail_call_module_cons_node (NodeP node_p)
+ if (node_p->node_kind==NormalNode && node_p->node_symbol->symb_kind==definition){
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ sdef=node_p->node_symbol->symb_def;
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==IMPRULE && sdef->sdef_arity==node_p->node_arity && !IsLazyState (node_p->node_state) &&
+ ExpectsResultNode (node_p->node_state) && node_p->node_state.state_kind!=Parallel)
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+extern int lazy_tuple_recursion;
+NodeP tuple_result_p;
+LabDef d_indirection_lab = {NULL, "", False, "d_indirection", 0};
+LabDef n_indirection_lab = {NULL, "", False, "n_indirection", 0};
+void update_tuple_element_node (StateP state_p,int tuple_element_a_index,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p)
+ if (state_p->state_type==SimpleState){
+ if (state_p->state_kind==StrictOnA){
+ GenFillFromA (0,*asp_p-tuple_element_a_index,ReleaseAndFill);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ --*asp_p;
+ } else if (state_p->state_kind==OnB){
+ int b_size;
+ FillBasicFromB (state_p->state_object,0,*asp_p-tuple_element_a_index,NormalFill);
+ b_size=ObjectSizes [state_p->state_object];
+ GenPopB (b_size);
+ *bsp_p-=b_size;
+ } else {
+ GenFill (&d_indirection_lab,-2,&n_indirection_lab,*asp_p-tuple_element_a_index,PartialFill);
+ --*asp_p;
+ }
+ } else
+ error_in_function ("update_tuple_element_node");
+extern int tail_call_modulo_tuple_cons;
+extern unsigned long global_same_select_vector;
+static void fill_lazy_tuple_result_arguments (Args arg,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,int tuple_element_n,int tuple_element_a_index,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ if (arg==NULL)
+ return;
+ else {
+ NodeP node;
+ int asize,bsize;
+ fill_lazy_tuple_result_arguments (arg->arg_next,asp_p,bsp_p,tuple_element_n+1,tuple_element_a_index-1,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ ArgComment (arg);
+ node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (node->node_kind==FillUniqueNode)
+ node=node->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ if (tail_call_modulo_tuple_cons==2 && global_same_select_vector & (1<<tuple_element_n)){
+ if (node->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ Build (node,asp_p,bsp_p,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ DetermineSizeOfState (node->node_state, &asize, &bsize);
+ CoerceArgumentOnTopOfStack (asp_p,bsp_p,arg->arg_state,node->node_state,asize,bsize);
+ } else {
+ NodeId arg_node_id;
+ arg_node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ if (CopyNodeIdArgument (arg->arg_state,arg_node_id,asp_p,bsp_p))
+ ChangeEvalStatusKindToStrictOnA (arg_node_id,code_gen_node_ids_p->saved_nid_state_l);
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (arg_node_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ }
+ } else
+ if (node->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ NodeIdS update_node_id_struct;
+ update_node_id_struct.nid_a_index=tuple_element_a_index;
+ if (node->node_kind==NormalNode && node->node_symbol->symb_kind==select_symb &&
+ node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode &&
+ tuple_element_n+1==node->node_arity &&
+ (node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_mark2 & NID_CALL_VIA_LAZY_SELECTIONS_ONLY))
+ {
+ ;
+ } else
+ FillNodeOnACycle (node,asp_p,bsp_p,&update_node_id_struct,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ GenPushA (*asp_p-tuple_element_a_index);
+ ++*asp_p;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (node->node_state, &asize, &bsize);
+ CoerceArgumentOnTopOfStack (asp_p,bsp_p,arg->arg_state,node->node_state,asize,bsize);
+ } else {
+ NodeId arg_node_id;
+ arg_node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ if (arg_node_id->nid_state.state_type==SimpleState && arg_node_id->nid_state.state_kind!=OnB){
+ if (CopyNodeIdArgument (arg->arg_state,arg_node_id,asp_p,bsp_p))
+ ChangeEvalStatusKindToStrictOnA (arg_node_id,code_gen_node_ids_p->saved_nid_state_l);
+ } else
+ CopyNodeIdArgument (arg_node_id->nid_state,arg_node_id,asp_p,bsp_p);
+ update_tuple_element_node (&arg_node_id->nid_state,tuple_element_a_index,asp_p,bsp_p);
+ GenPushA (*asp_p-tuple_element_a_index);
+ ++*asp_p;
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (arg_node_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ }
+ }
+static void fill_strict_tuple_result_arguments (Args arg,ArgP *function_result_tuple_elements_p,int *asp_p,int *bsp_p,int tuple_element_n,int tuple_element_a_index,unsigned long result_and_call_same_select_vector,CodeGenNodeIdsP code_gen_node_ids_p)
+ if (arg==NULL)
+ return;
+ else {
+ NodeP node;
+ int asize,bsize;
+ --function_result_tuple_elements_p;
+ fill_strict_tuple_result_arguments (arg->arg_next,function_result_tuple_elements_p,asp_p,bsp_p,tuple_element_n+1,tuple_element_a_index-1,result_and_call_same_select_vector,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ if (!(global_same_select_vector & (1<<tuple_element_n))){
+ node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (!(result_and_call_same_select_vector & (1<<tuple_element_n))){
+ ArgComment (arg);
+ if (node->node_kind==FillUniqueNode)
+ node=node->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ if (node->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ NodeIdS update_node_id_struct;
+ update_node_id_struct.nid_a_index=tuple_element_a_index;
+ if (node->node_kind==NormalNode && node->node_symbol->symb_kind==select_symb &&
+ node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode &&
+ tuple_element_n+1==node->node_arity &&
+ (node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_mark2 & NID_CALL_VIA_LAZY_SELECTIONS_ONLY))
+ {
+ ;
+ } else
+ FillNodeOnACycle (node,asp_p,bsp_p,&update_node_id_struct,code_gen_node_ids_p);
+ GenKeep (*asp_p-tuple_element_a_index,*asp_p-(*function_result_tuple_elements_p)->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_a_index);
+ /*
+ GenPushA (*asp_p-tuple_element_a_index);
+ ++*asp_p;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (node->node_state, &asize, &bsize);
+ CoerceArgumentOnTopOfStack (asp_p,bsp_p,arg->arg_state,node->node_state,asize,bsize);
+ */
+ } else {
+ NodeId arg_node_id;
+ arg_node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ if (arg_node_id->nid_state.state_type==SimpleState && arg_node_id->nid_state.state_kind!=OnB){
+ if (CopyNodeIdArgument (arg->arg_state,arg_node_id,asp_p,bsp_p))
+ ChangeEvalStatusKindToStrictOnA (arg_node_id,code_gen_node_ids_p->saved_nid_state_l);
+ } else
+ CopyNodeIdArgument (arg_node_id->nid_state,arg_node_id,asp_p,bsp_p);
+ update_tuple_element_node (&arg_node_id->nid_state,tuple_element_a_index,asp_p,bsp_p);
+ GenKeep (*asp_p-tuple_element_a_index,*asp_p-(*function_result_tuple_elements_p)->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_a_index);
+ /*
+ GenPushA (*asp_p-tuple_element_a_index);
+ ++*asp_p;
+ */
+ decrement_reference_count_of_node_id (arg_node_id,&code_gen_node_ids_p->free_node_ids);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void CallFunctionWithStackSizes (LabDef name,NodeP node_p,int a_size,int b_size,int no_tail_call)
+ name.lab_post=2;
+ if (name.lab_mod && name.lab_mod==CurrentModule)
+ name.lab_mod = NULL;
+ name.lab_pref = s_pref;
+ GenDStackLayout (a_size,b_size,node_p->node_arguments);
+ if (no_tail_call){
+ GenJsr (&name);
+ } else
+ GenJmp (&name);
+int CodeRhsNodeDefs
+ (Node root_node,NodeDefs defs,int asp,int bsp,SavedNidStateS **saved_nid_state_l,StateS result_state,
+ struct esc *esc_p,NodeIdListElementP a_node_ids,NodeIdListElementP b_node_ids,
+ NodeIdListElementP free_node_ids,int doesnt_fail)
+ int r;
+ MovedNodeIdP moved_node_ids;
+ struct code_gen_node_ids code_gen_node_ids;
+ moved_node_ids=NULL;
+ code_gen_node_ids.free_node_ids=free_node_ids;
+ code_gen_node_ids.saved_nid_state_l=saved_nid_state_l;
+ code_gen_node_ids.doesnt_fail=doesnt_fail;
+ code_gen_node_ids.moved_node_ids_l=&moved_node_ids;
+ code_gen_node_ids.a_node_ids=a_node_ids;
+ code_gen_node_ids.b_node_ids=b_node_ids;
+ if (root_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode && defs==NULL){
+ CodeRedirection (root_node->node_node_id, asp, bsp, result_state ,&free_node_ids);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (root_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode && (root_node->node_node_id->nid_mark & ON_A_CYCLE_MASK)){
+ NodeId root_node_id;
+ NodeDefs rootdef;
+ Bool large_lazy_root;
+ root_node_id=root_node->node_node_id;
+ rootdef=root_node_id->nid_node_def;
+ large_lazy_root=ExamineRootNodeOnACycle (root_node_id, rootdef->def_node, &asp, result_state);
+ if (defs!=rootdef || defs->def_next || large_lazy_root){
+ CodeSharedNodeDefs (defs,rootdef,&asp,&bsp,&code_gen_node_ids);
+ RedirectResultAndReturn (asp,bsp,root_node_id->nid_a_index,0,StrictOnAState,result_state,0,0);
+ r=0;
+ } else {
+ r=CodeRootNode (rootdef->def_node,root_node_id,asp,bsp,&code_gen_node_ids,result_state,esc_p);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (root_node->node_kind==NormalNode && root_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==tuple_symb && defs!=NULL){
+ NodeIdP tuple_call_node_id_p;
+ if (is_tuple_tail_call_modulo_cons_root (root_node,&tuple_call_node_id_p) &&
+ (tuple_call_node_id_p->nid_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_rule->rule_mark & RULE_CALL_VIA_LAZY_SELECTIONS_ONLY))
+ {
+ NodeDefP *last_node_def_h,last_node_def_p;
+ last_node_def_h=&defs;
+ while ((last_node_def_p=*last_node_def_h)->def_next!=NULL && last_node_def_p->def_id!=tuple_call_node_id_p)
+ last_node_def_h=&last_node_def_p->def_next;
+ if (last_node_def_p->def_next==NULL && last_node_def_p->def_id==tuple_call_node_id_p &&
+ last_node_def_p->def_node->node_kind==TupleSelectorsNode &&
+ last_node_def_p->def_node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode)
+ {
+ unsigned long result_and_call_same_select_vector;
+ int n,tuple_arity,result_tuple_arity;
+ int args_a_size,args_b_size;
+ ArgP tuple_element_p,function_result_tuple_element_p;
+ LabDef name;
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ NodeP node,tuple_node;
+ ArgP function_result_tuple_elements_a[MaxNodeArity],*function_result_tuple_elements,*function_result_tuple_elements_p;
+ printf ("Tuple tail call modulo cons %s\n",tuple_call_node_id_p->nid_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ function_result_tuple_elements_p=&function_result_tuple_elements_a[0];
+ for_l (function_result_tuple_element_p,last_node_def_p->def_node->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ *function_result_tuple_elements_p++ = function_result_tuple_element_p;
+ function_result_tuple_elements=function_result_tuple_elements_p;
+ result_and_call_same_select_vector=0;
+ if (tail_call_modulo_tuple_cons==2)
+ for_li (tuple_element_p,n,root_node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ NodeP node_p;
+ node_p=tuple_element_p->arg_node;
+ --function_result_tuple_elements_p;
+ if (node_p->node_kind==NodeIdNode && node_p->node_node_id->nid_refcount>0
+ && node_p->node_node_id==(*function_result_tuple_elements_p)->arg_node->node_node_id)
+ {
+ result_and_call_same_select_vector |= (1<<n);
+ }
+ }
+ tuple_arity=root_node->node_arity;
+ result_tuple_arity=tuple_arity;
+ for_li (function_result_tuple_element_p,n,last_node_def_p->def_node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ NodeIdP function_result_tuple_element_node_id_p;
+ if (!(global_same_select_vector & (1<<(tuple_arity-1-n)))){
+ if (result_and_call_same_select_vector & (1<<(tuple_arity-1-n)))
+ GenPushA (asp-1-n);
+ else
+ GenCreate (-1);
+ ++asp;
+ } else
+ --result_tuple_arity;
+ function_result_tuple_element_node_id_p=function_result_tuple_element_p->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ function_result_tuple_element_node_id_p->nid_a_index = asp;
+ function_result_tuple_element_node_id_p->nid_state = StrictOnAState;
+ }
+ tuple_result_p=last_node_def_p->def_node;
+ *last_node_def_h=NULL;
+ CodeSharedNodeDefs (defs,NULL,&asp,&bsp,&code_gen_node_ids);
+ *last_node_def_h=last_node_def_p;
+ if (tail_call_modulo_tuple_cons==1)
+ for_li (function_result_tuple_element_p,n,last_node_def_p->def_node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ if (!(global_same_select_vector & (1<<(tuple_arity-1-n)))){
+ GenPushA (asp-function_result_tuple_element_p->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_a_index);
+ ++asp;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ struct arg *arg;
+ struct state *tuple_state_p;
+ int a_offset,b_offset,i;
+ ArgP node_args;
+ node=last_node_def_p->def_node;
+ tuple_node=node->node_node;
+ sdef=tuple_node->node_symbol->symb_def;
+ ConvertSymbolToLabel (&name,sdef);
+ node_args=tuple_node->node_arguments;
+ DetermineSizeOfArguments (node_args,&args_a_size,&args_b_size);
+ BuildArgs (node_args,&asp,&bsp,&code_gen_node_ids);
+ asp-=args_a_size;
+ bsp-=args_b_size;
+ if (tail_call_modulo_tuple_cons==1)
+ asp-=result_tuple_arity;
+ cleanup_stack (&asp,&bsp,tail_call_modulo_tuple_cons==1 ? args_a_size+result_tuple_arity : args_a_size,args_b_size,
+ &code_gen_node_ids.a_node_ids,&code_gen_node_ids.b_node_ids,&code_gen_node_ids.free_node_ids,
+ code_gen_node_ids.moved_node_ids_l,code_gen_node_ids.doesnt_fail);
+ if (tail_call_modulo_tuple_cons==1){
+ int n;
+ int result_tuple_a_size,result_tuple_b_size;
+ StateS new_result_state,element_states[MaxNodeArity];
+ tuple_state_p=&tuple_node->node_state;
+ new_result_state=*tuple_state_p;
+ result_tuple_a_size=0;
+ result_tuple_b_size=0;
+ for (n=0; n<root_node->node_arity; ++n)
+ if (global_same_select_vector & (1<<n)){
+ element_states[n]=tuple_state_p->state_tuple_arguments[n];
+ AddSizeOfState (element_states[n],&result_tuple_a_size,&result_tuple_b_size);
+ } else {
+ element_states[n]=OnAState;
+ ++result_tuple_a_size;
+ }
+ new_result_state.state_tuple_arguments=element_states;
+ CallFunctionWithStackSizes (name,tuple_node,args_a_size+result_tuple_arity,args_b_size,True);
+ GenOStackLayoutOfState (result_tuple_a_size,result_tuple_b_size,new_result_state);
+ AddSizeOfState (tuple_node->node_state,&asp,&bsp);
+ asp+=result_tuple_a_size;
+ bsp+=result_tuple_b_size;
+ arg=node->node_arguments;
+ a_offset=result_tuple_a_size;
+ b_offset=result_tuple_b_size;
+ if (new_result_state.state_type!=TupleState)
+ error_in_function ("CodeRhsNodeDefs");
+ for (i=new_result_state.state_arity-1; i>=0; --i){
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ NodeId node_id;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (new_result_state.state_tuple_arguments[i],&a_size,&b_size);
+ a_offset-=a_size;
+ b_offset-=b_size;
+ if (global_same_select_vector & (1<<i)){
+ if (arg!=NULL && arg->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_number==i){
+ node_id=arg->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ arg=arg->arg_next;
+ } else {
+ if (a_size==0 && b_size==0)
+ continue;
+ node_id=NewNodeId (NULL);
+ add_node_id_to_list (node_id,&code_gen_node_ids.free_node_ids);
+ }
+ node_id->nid_a_index_ = asp - a_offset;
+ node_id->nid_b_index_ = bsp - b_offset;
+ node_id->nid_state_ = new_result_state.state_tuple_arguments[i];
+ if (a_size!=0)
+ add_node_id_to_list (node_id,&code_gen_node_ids.a_node_ids);
+ if (b_size!=0)
+ add_node_id_to_list (node_id,&code_gen_node_ids.b_node_ids);
+ } else
+ if (arg!=NULL && arg->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_number==i)
+ arg=arg->arg_next;
+ }
+ if (arg!=NULL)
+ error_in_function ("CodeRhsNodeDefs");
+ } else {
+ asp+=args_a_size;
+ bsp+=args_b_size;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tail_call_modulo_tuple_cons==1){
+ r=CodeRootNode (root_node,NULL,asp,bsp,&code_gen_node_ids,result_state,esc_p);
+ fill_lazy_tuple_result_arguments (root_node->node_arguments,&asp,&bsp,0,tuple_arity,&code_gen_node_ids);
+ UpdateAAndBStack (asp,bsp,args_a_size,args_b_size,&asp,&bsp);
+ for (n=0; n<tuple_arity-1; ++n)
+ GenKeep (tuple_arity-2-n,tuple_arity-1);
+ GenPopA (tuple_arity-1);
+ GenRtn (1,0,OnAState);
+ r=0;
+ } else {
+ fill_strict_tuple_result_arguments (root_node->node_arguments,function_result_tuple_elements,&asp,&bsp,0,tuple_arity,result_and_call_same_select_vector,&code_gen_node_ids);
+ args_a_size+=result_tuple_arity;
+/* ++asp;
+ UpdateAAndBStack (asp,bsp,args_a_size,args_b_size,&asp,&bsp);
+ CallFunctionWithStackSizes (name,tuple_node,args_a_size,args_b_size,False);
+ r=0;
+ }
+ while (moved_node_ids!=NULL){
+ moved_node_ids->mnid_node_id->nid_a_index_=moved_node_ids->mnid_a_stack_offset;
+ moved_node_ids=moved_node_ids->mnid_next;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (OptimizeTailCallModuloCons && root_node->node_kind==NormalNode){
+ if ((root_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==cons_symb && root_node->node_arity==2) ||
+ (root_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==definition && root_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR &&
+ root_node->node_arity==root_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_arity))
+ {
+ ArgP arg_p,arg_p2;
+ arg_p2=NULL;
+ for_l (arg_p,root_node->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ if (arg_p->arg_node->node_kind!=NodeIdNode)
+ if (arg_p2==NULL)
+ arg_p2=arg_p;
+ else
+ break;
+ if (arg_p==NULL){
+ if (arg_p2==NULL){
+ if (defs!=NULL){
+ NodeDefP *last_node_def_h,last_node_def_p;
+ NodeP node_p;
+ last_node_def_h=&defs;
+ while ((last_node_def_p=*last_node_def_h)->def_next!=NULL)
+ last_node_def_h=&last_node_def_p->def_next;
+ node_p=last_node_def_p->def_node;
+ if (node_p!=NULL){
+ NodeIdP node_def_id;
+ NodeP push_node;
+ node_def_id=last_node_def_p->def_id;
+ push_node=NULL;
+ if (node_p->node_kind==FillUniqueNode){
+ push_node=node_p->node_node;
+ node_p=node_p->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ }
+ if (!(node_def_id->nid_mark & ON_A_CYCLE_MASK) && is_tail_call_module_cons_node (node_p)){
+ *last_node_def_h=NULL;
+ CodeSharedNodeDefs (defs,NULL,&asp,&bsp,&code_gen_node_ids);
+ *last_node_def_h=last_node_def_p;
+ generate_code_for_tail_call_modulo_cons (node_p,node_def_id,root_node,push_node,asp,bsp,&code_gen_node_ids);
+ while (moved_node_ids!=NULL){
+ moved_node_ids->mnid_node_id->nid_a_index_=moved_node_ids->mnid_a_stack_offset;
+ moved_node_ids=moved_node_ids->mnid_next;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ NodeP node_p,push_node_p;
+ NodeIdP node_id_p;
+ node_p=arg_p2->arg_node;
+ push_node_p=NULL;
+ if (node_p->node_kind==FillUniqueNode){
+ push_node_p=node_p->node_node;
+ node_p=node_p->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ }
+ if (is_tail_call_module_cons_node (node_p)){
+ NodeP old_arg_node_p;
+ node_id_p=NewNodeId (NULL);
+ node_id_p->nid_refcount=1;
+ old_arg_node_p=arg_p2->arg_node;
+ arg_p2->arg_node=NewNodeIdNode (node_id_p);
+ CodeSharedNodeDefs (defs,NULL,&asp,&bsp,&code_gen_node_ids);
+ generate_code_for_tail_call_modulo_cons (node_p,node_id_p,root_node,push_node_p,asp,bsp,&code_gen_node_ids);
+ while (moved_node_ids!=NULL){
+ moved_node_ids->mnid_node_id->nid_a_index_=moved_node_ids->mnid_a_stack_offset;
+ moved_node_ids=moved_node_ids->mnid_next;
+ }
+ arg_p2->arg_node=old_arg_node_p;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (lazy_tuple_recursion && root_node->node_kind!=IfNode){
+ if (root_node->node_kind==NormalNode && root_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==tuple_symb &&
+ !(IsSemiStrictState (root_node->node_state) || IsSimpleState (root_node->node_state))
+ ){
+ int a_size,b_size,n,tuple_arity;
+ ArgP tuple_element_p;
+ /*
+ unsigned long result_and_call_same_select_vector;
+ result_and_call_same_select_vector=0;
+ for_li (tuple_element_p,n,root_node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ NodeP node_p;
+ node_p=tuple_element_p->arg_node;
+ if (node_p->node_symbol->symb_kind==select_symb
+ && node_p->node_arguments->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode
+ && n+1==node_p->node_arity
+ && (node_p->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_mark2 & NID_CALL_VIA_LAZY_SELECTIONS_ONLY)
+ )
+ result_and_call_same_select_vector |= (1<<n);
+ }
+ */
+ tuple_result_p=root_node;
+ CodeSharedNodeDefs (defs,NULL,&asp,&bsp,&code_gen_node_ids);
+ fill_lazy_tuple_result_arguments (root_node->node_arguments,&asp,&bsp,0,root_node->node_arity,&code_gen_node_ids);
+ tuple_arity=root_node->node_arity;
+ a_size=tuple_arity;
+ b_size=0;
+ /*
+ DetermineSizeOfArguments (root_node->node_arguments,&a_size,&b_size);
+ */
+ if (tail_call_modulo_tuple_cons==0)
+ ++asp;
+ else if (tail_call_modulo_tuple_cons==2){
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ int n;
+ for_li (arg_p,n,root_node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ if (global_same_select_vector & (1<<n)){
+ --tuple_arity;
+ --a_size;
+ AddSizeOfState (arg_p->arg_state,&a_size,&b_size);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ++asp;
+ UpdateAAndBStack (asp,bsp,a_size,b_size,&asp,&bsp);
+ for (n=0; n<tuple_arity-1; ++n)
+ GenKeep (tuple_arity-2-n,tuple_arity-1);
+ GenPopA (tuple_arity-1);
+ if (tail_call_modulo_tuple_cons==2){
+ int n;
+ StateS new_result_state,element_states[MaxNodeArity];
+ new_result_state=result_state;
+ for (n=0; n<root_node->node_arity; ++n)
+ if (global_same_select_vector & (1<<n))
+ element_states[n]=result_state.state_tuple_arguments[n];
+ else
+ element_states[n]=OnAState;
+ new_result_state.state_tuple_arguments=element_states;
+ GenRtn (a_size-(tuple_arity-1),b_size,new_result_state);
+ } else
+ GenRtn (1,0,OnAState);
+ r=0;
+ } else if (root_node->node_kind==NormalNode && root_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==definition
+ && root_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==IMPRULE
+ && (root_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_rule->rule_mark & RULE_CALL_VIA_LAZY_SELECTIONS_ONLY)
+ && root_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_arity==root_node->node_arity
+ && !IsSemiStrictState (root_node->node_state))
+ {
+ int a_size,b_size,tuple_arity,n;
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ LabDef name;
+ CodeSharedNodeDefs (defs,NULL,&asp,&bsp,&code_gen_node_ids);
+ sdef=root_node->node_symbol->symb_def;
+ tuple_arity=sdef->sdef_rule->rule_type->type_alt_rhs->type_node_arity;
+ for (n=0; n<tuple_arity; ++n){
+ GenPushA (asp-(n+1));
+ ++asp;
+ }
+ BuildArgs (root_node->node_arguments,&asp,&bsp,&code_gen_node_ids);
+ DetermineSizeOfArguments (root_node->node_arguments,&a_size,&b_size);
+ UpdateAAndBStack (asp,bsp,a_size+tuple_arity,b_size,&asp,&bsp);
+ ConvertSymbolToLabel (&name,sdef);
+ name.lab_post=2;
+ if (name.lab_mod && name.lab_mod==CurrentModule)
+ name.lab_mod = NULL;
+ name.lab_pref = s_pref;
+ GenDStackLayout (a_size+tuple_arity,b_size,root_node->node_arguments);
+ GenJmp (&name);
+ r=0;
+ } else {
+ error_in_function ("CodeRhsNodeDefs");
+ r=0;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ CodeSharedNodeDefs (defs,NULL,&asp,&bsp,&code_gen_node_ids);
+ r=CodeRootNode (root_node,NULL,asp,bsp,&code_gen_node_ids,result_state,esc_p);
+ }
+ }
+ while (moved_node_ids!=NULL){
+ moved_node_ids->mnid_node_id->nid_a_index_=moved_node_ids->mnid_a_stack_offset;
+ moved_node_ids=moved_node_ids->mnid_next;
+ }
+ return r;
+struct saved_node_id_ref_counts* save_lhs_node_id_ref_counts (NodeP node_p,struct saved_node_id_ref_counts *snir_p)
+ if (node_p->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ struct saved_node_id_ref_counts *new_snir_p;
+ new_snir_p=CompAllocType (struct saved_node_id_ref_counts);
+ new_snir_p->snir_node_id=node_p->node_node_id;
+ new_snir_p->snir_ref_count=node_p->node_node_id->nid_refcount;
+ new_snir_p->snir_next=snir_p;
+ snir_p=new_snir_p;
+ } else {
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ for_l (arg_p,node_p->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ snir_p=save_lhs_node_id_ref_counts (arg_p->arg_node,snir_p);
+ }
+ return snir_p;
+struct saved_node_id_ref_counts* save_rhs_node_id_ref_counts
+ (NodeP node_p,NodeDefP node_defs,struct saved_node_id_ref_counts *snir_p,struct saved_case_node_id_ref_counts ***scnirc_hl)
+ NodeDefP node_def_p;
+ switch (node_p->node_kind){
+ case PushNode:
+ {
+ struct node_id_list_element *arg_node_id_list;
+ for_l (arg_node_id_list,node_p->node_node_ids,nidl_next){
+ struct saved_node_id_ref_counts *new_snir_p;
+ NodeIdP arg_node_id_p;
+ arg_node_id_p=arg_node_id_list->nidl_node_id;
+ new_snir_p=CompAllocType (struct saved_node_id_ref_counts);
+ new_snir_p->snir_node_id=arg_node_id_p;
+ new_snir_p->snir_ref_count=arg_node_id_p->nid_refcount;
+ new_snir_p->snir_next=snir_p;
+ snir_p=new_snir_p;
+ }
+ return save_rhs_node_id_ref_counts (node_p->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node,node_defs,snir_p,scnirc_hl);
+ }
+ case SwitchNode:
+ {
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ for_l (arg_p,node_p->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ NodeP case_node_p;
+ NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_elem_p;
+ case_node_p=arg_p->arg_node;
+ for_l (node_id_ref_count_elem_p,case_node_p->node_node_id_ref_counts,nrcl_next){
+ struct saved_case_node_id_ref_counts *new_scnirc_p;
+ new_scnirc_p=CompAllocType (struct saved_case_node_id_ref_counts);
+ new_scnirc_p->scnir_nrcl=node_id_ref_count_elem_p;
+ new_scnirc_p->scnir_ref_count=node_id_ref_count_elem_p->nrcl_ref_count;
+ new_scnirc_p->scnir_next=NULL;
+ **scnirc_hl=new_scnirc_p;
+ *scnirc_hl=&new_scnirc_p->scnir_next;
+ }
+ snir_p=save_rhs_node_id_ref_counts (case_node_p->node_arguments->arg_node,case_node_p->node_node_defs,snir_p,scnirc_hl);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case GuardNode:
+ {
+ while (node_p->node_kind==GuardNode){
+ snir_p=save_rhs_node_id_ref_counts (node_p->node_arguments->arg_node,node_defs,snir_p,scnirc_hl);
+ node_defs=node_p->node_node_defs;
+ node_p=node_p->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node;
+ }
+ return save_rhs_node_id_ref_counts (node_p,node_defs,snir_p,scnirc_hl);
+ }
+ case IfNode:
+ snir_p=save_rhs_node_id_ref_counts (node_p->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node,node_p->node_then_node_defs,snir_p,scnirc_hl);
+ snir_p=save_rhs_node_id_ref_counts (node_p->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_next->arg_node,node_p->node_else_node_defs,snir_p,scnirc_hl);
+ node_p=node_p->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ break;
+ }
+ for_l (node_def_p,node_defs,def_next)
+ if (node_def_p->def_id!=NULL){
+ struct saved_node_id_ref_counts *new_snir_p;
+ new_snir_p=CompAllocType (struct saved_node_id_ref_counts);
+ new_snir_p->snir_node_id=node_def_p->def_id;
+ new_snir_p->snir_ref_count=node_def_p->def_id->nid_refcount;
+ new_snir_p->snir_next=snir_p;
+ snir_p=new_snir_p;
+ if (node_def_p->def_node->node_kind==TupleSelectorsNode){
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ for_l (arg_p,node_def_p->def_node->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ if (arg_p->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ NodeIdP tuple_element_node_id_p;
+ tuple_element_node_id_p=arg_p->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ new_snir_p=CompAllocType (struct saved_node_id_ref_counts);
+ new_snir_p->snir_node_id=tuple_element_node_id_p;
+ new_snir_p->snir_ref_count=tuple_element_node_id_p->nid_refcount;
+ new_snir_p->snir_next=snir_p;
+ snir_p=new_snir_p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return snir_p;
+void restore_node_id_ref_counts (struct saved_node_id_ref_counts *snir_p,struct saved_case_node_id_ref_counts *scnir_p)
+ while (snir_p!=NULL){
+ snir_p->snir_node_id->nid_refcount=snir_p->snir_ref_count;
+ snir_p=snir_p->snir_next;
+ }
+ while (scnir_p!=NULL){
+ scnir_p->scnir_nrcl->nrcl_ref_count=scnir_p->scnir_ref_count;
+ scnir_p=scnir_p->scnir_next;
+ }
+static int tail_call_modulo_cons_call (NodeP node_p,NodeDefP node_defs)
+ if (node_p->node_kind==NormalNode){
+ SymbolP node_symbol_p;
+ node_symbol_p=node_p->node_symbol;
+ if ((node_symbol_p->symb_kind==cons_symb && node_p->node_arity==2) ||
+ (node_symbol_p->symb_kind==definition && node_symbol_p->symb_def->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR &&
+ node_p->node_arity==node_symbol_p->symb_def->sdef_arity))
+ {
+ ArgP arg_p,arg_p2;
+ arg_p2=NULL;
+ for_l (arg_p,node_p->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ if (arg_p->arg_node->node_kind!=NodeIdNode)
+ if (arg_p2==NULL)
+ arg_p2=arg_p;
+ else
+ break;
+ if (arg_p==NULL){
+ if (arg_p2==NULL){
+ if (node_defs!=NULL){
+ NodeDefP last_node_def_p;
+ NodeP node_def_node_p;
+ last_node_def_p=node_defs;
+ while (last_node_def_p->def_next!=NULL)
+ last_node_def_p=last_node_def_p->def_next;
+ node_def_node_p=last_node_def_p->def_node;
+ if (node_def_node_p!=NULL){
+ NodeIdP node_def_id;
+ node_def_id=last_node_def_p->def_id;
+ if (node_def_node_p->node_kind==FillUniqueNode)
+ node_def_node_p=node_def_node_p->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ if (!(node_def_id->nid_mark & ON_A_CYCLE_MASK) && is_tail_call_module_cons_node (node_def_node_p))
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ NodeP node_p;
+ node_p=arg_p2->arg_node;
+ if (node_p->node_kind==FillUniqueNode)
+ node_p=node_p->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ if (is_tail_call_module_cons_node (node_p))
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int does_tail_call_modulo_cons (NodeP node_p,NodeDefP node_defs)
+ switch (node_p->node_kind){
+ case SwitchNode:
+ {
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ int r;
+ r=0;
+ for_l (arg_p,node_p->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ if (does_tail_call_modulo_cons (arg_p->arg_node->node_arguments->arg_node,arg_p->arg_node->node_node_defs))
+ r=1;
+ return r;
+ }
+ case PushNode:
+ return does_tail_call_modulo_cons (node_p->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node,node_defs);
+ case GuardNode:
+ {
+ int r;
+ r=0;
+ while (node_p->node_kind==GuardNode){
+ if (does_tail_call_modulo_cons (node_p->node_arguments->arg_node,node_defs))
+ r=1;
+ node_defs=node_p->node_node_defs;
+ node_p=node_p->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node;
+ }
+ if (does_tail_call_modulo_cons (node_p,node_defs))
+ r=1;
+ return r;
+ }
+ case IfNode:
+ {
+ int r;
+ ArgP then_arg_p;
+ NodeP else_node_p;
+ r=0;
+ then_arg_p=node_p->node_arguments->arg_next;
+ r=does_tail_call_modulo_cons (then_arg_p->arg_node,node_p->node_then_node_defs);
+ else_node_p=then_arg_p->arg_next->arg_node;
+ if (else_node_p->node_kind==NormalNode && else_node_p->node_symbol->symb_kind==fail_symb)
+ return r;
+ if (does_tail_call_modulo_cons (else_node_p,node_p->node_else_node_defs))
+ r=1;
+ return r;
+ }
+ default:
+ return tail_call_modulo_cons_call (node_p,node_defs);
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen3.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen3.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69af6b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen3.h
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+extern void RedirectResultAndReturn (int asp,int bsp,int aindex,int bindex,
+ StateS offstate,StateS demstate,int offasize,int offbsize);
+extern int CodeRhsNodeDefs
+ (Node root_node,NodeDefs defs,int asp,int bsp,struct saved_nid_state **then_or_else,StateS resultstate,struct esc *esc_p,
+ struct node_id_list_element *a_node_ids,struct node_id_list_element *b_node_ids,
+ struct node_id_list_element *free_node_ids,int doesnt_fail);
+struct saved_node_id_ref_counts* save_lhs_node_id_ref_counts (NodeP node_p,struct saved_node_id_ref_counts *snir_p);
+struct saved_node_id_ref_counts* save_rhs_node_id_ref_counts (NodeP node_p,NodeDefP node_defs,
+ struct saved_node_id_ref_counts *snir_p,struct saved_case_node_id_ref_counts ***scnirc_h);
+void restore_node_id_ref_counts (struct saved_node_id_ref_counts *snir_p,struct saved_case_node_id_ref_counts *scnirc_p);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen_types.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen_types.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..145d43d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/codegen_types.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#define UPDATE_POP 1
+#define BUILD_FREE_NODE_ID_LIST_DURING_PATTER_MATCH 1 /* added 13-4-1999 */
+/* node_id_list: used in PushNode and during code generation */
+STRUCT (node_id_list_element,NodeIdListElement){
+ struct node_id * nidl_node_id;
+ struct node_id_list_element * nidl_next;
+STRUCT (node_id_ref_count_list,NodeIdRefCountList){
+ struct node_id_ref_count_list * nrcl_next;
+ struct node_id * nrcl_node_id;
+ int nrcl_ref_count;
+STRUCT (free_unique_node_ids,FreeUniqueNodeIds){
+ struct node * fnid_push_node;
+ int fnid_node_size;
+ struct free_unique_node_ids * fnid_next;
+STRUCT (ab_node_ids,AbNodeIds){
+ struct node_id_list_element * a_node_ids;
+ struct node_id_list_element * b_node_ids;
+ struct node_id_list_element * free_node_ids;
+STRUCT (saved_nid_state,SavedNidState){
+ StateS save_state;
+ NodeId save_node_id;
+ struct saved_nid_state * save_next;
+typedef struct label {
+ char *lab_mod;
+ char *lab_pref;
+ Bool lab_issymbol;
+ union{
+ char *u_name;
+ SymbDef u_symbol;
+ } lab_u;
+ unsigned lab_post;
+} *Label, LabDef;
+#define lab_name lab_u.u_name
+#define lab_symbol lab_u.u_symbol
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/comparser.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/comparser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0828db8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/comparser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+extern DefMod ParseDefMod (char *name, char *importingModule, char *importingExtension, unsigned importingLine);
+extern ImpMod ParseImplMod (char *name);
+extern void InitParser (void);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/comparser_2.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/comparser_2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a257ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/comparser_2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ Ronny Wichers Schreur
+ University of Nijmegen
+# pragma segment comparser
+# ifdef THINK_C
+# pragma options (!macsbug_names)
+# endif
+# undef H
+# include "types.t"
+# include "syntaxtr.t"
+# include "comsupport.h"
+# include "scanner.h"
+# include "sizes.h"
+# include "checker.h"
+# include "statesgen.h"
+# include "comparser.h"
+# include "buildtree.h"
+# include "comprehensions.h"
+# include "settings.h"
+# include "checksupport.h"
+# include "dbprint.h"
+# endif
+static void *gSymbIdEnv;
+static IdentP gBasicTypeIdents [Nr_Of_Basic_Types], gIfIdent;
+static SymbolP
+NewPredefinedTypeSymbol (SymbKind symbolKind, KeywordKind keyWordKind, IdentP *identPtr)
+ char *symbolName;
+ SymbolP symbol;
+ IdentP ident;
+ symbolName = ReservedWords [keyWordKind];
+ symbol = NewSymbol (symbolKind);
+ ident = PutStringInHashTable (symbolName, TypeSymbolIdTable);
+ ident->ident_symbol = symbol;
+ ident->ident_environ= (char*)gSymbIdEnv;
+ *identPtr = ident;
+ return (symbol);
+} /* NewPredefinedSymbol */
+static SymbolP
+NewPredefinedSymbol (SymbKind symbolKind, KeywordKind keyWordKind, IdentP *identPtr)
+ char *symbolName;
+ SymbolP symbol;
+ IdentP ident;
+ symbolName = ReservedWords [keyWordKind];
+ symbol = NewSymbol (symbolKind);
+ ident = PutStringInHashTable (symbolName, SymbolIdTable);
+ ident->ident_symbol = symbol;
+ ident->ident_environ= (char*)gSymbIdEnv;
+ *identPtr = ident;
+ return (symbol);
+} /* NewPredefinedSymbol */
+InitParser (void)
+ int i;
+ ScanInitialise ();
+#ifndef CLEAN2
+ MakeErrorStructures ();
+ gCurrentContext = NULL;
+ gNodeIdEnv = (char *) 1;
+ /* RWS, hack to avoid name space confusion bug */
+ gAttributeEnv = (char *) (1 << 16);
+ gAttrVarAdmin = NULL;
+ for (i = 0; i < MaxNodeArity; i++)
+ { SelectSymbols [i] = NULL;
+ TupleTypeSymbols [i] = NULL;
+ }
+ BasicTypeSymbols [int_type] = NewPredefinedTypeSymbol (int_type, intsym, & gBasicTypeIdents [int_type]);
+ BasicTypeSymbols [bool_type] = NewPredefinedTypeSymbol (bool_type, boolsym, & gBasicTypeIdents [bool_type]);
+ BasicTypeSymbols [char_type] = NewPredefinedTypeSymbol (char_type, charsym, & gBasicTypeIdents [char_type]);
+ BasicTypeSymbols [string_type] = NewPredefinedTypeSymbol (string_type, stringsym, & gBasicTypeIdents [string_type]);
+ BasicTypeSymbols [real_type] = NewPredefinedTypeSymbol (real_type, realsym, & gBasicTypeIdents [real_type]);
+ BasicTypeSymbols [file_type] = NewPredefinedTypeSymbol (file_type, filesym, & gBasicTypeIdents [file_type]);
+ BasicTypeSymbols [world_type] = NewPredefinedTypeSymbol (world_type, worldsym, & gBasicTypeIdents [world_type]);
+ ArraySymbols [LazyArrayInstance] = NewPredefinedTypeSymbol (array_type, arraysym, &gArrayIdents [LazyArrayInstance]);
+ ArraySymbols [StrictArrayInstance] = NewPredefinedTypeSymbol (strict_array_type, strictarraysym, &gArrayIdents [StrictArrayInstance]);
+ ArraySymbols [UnboxedArrayInstance] = NewPredefinedTypeSymbol (unboxed_array_type, unboxedarraysym, &gArrayIdents [UnboxedArrayInstance]);
+ BasicTypeSymbols [procid_type] = NewPredefinedTypeSymbol (procid_type, procidsym, & gBasicTypeIdents [procid_type]);
+ IfSymbol = NewPredefinedSymbol (if_symb, ifsym, &gIfIdent);
+ BasicTypeSymbols [redid_type] = NewPredefinedTypeSymbol (procid_type, procidsym, & gBasicTypeIdents [redid_type]);
+ ApplyTypeSymbol = NewSymbol (fun_type);
+ TrueSymbol = NewSymbol (bool_denot);
+ TrueSymbol->symb_bool = True;
+ FalseSymbol = NewSymbol (bool_denot);
+ FalseSymbol->symb_bool = False;
+ TupleSymbol = NewSymbol (tuple_symb);
+ ListSymbol = NewSymbol (list_type);
+ ConsSymbol = NewSymbol (cons_symb);
+ NilSymbol = NewSymbol (nil_symb);
+ ApplySymbol = NewSymbol (apply_symb);
+ FailSymbol = NewSymbol (fail_symb);
+ AllSymbol = NewSymbol (all_symb);
+ EmptyTypeSymbol = NewSymbol (empty_type);
+ InitialiseEnumFunctionIds ();
+ clear_p_at_node_tree();
+} /* InitParser */
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/compiledefines.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/compiledefines.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2157bb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/compiledefines.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#define CLEAN2
+#define ABSTRACT_OBJECT 1 /* bug fix */
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/compiler.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/compiler.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe3125f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/compiler.c
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+#undef PROFILE
+#include "system.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "checker.h"
+#include "compiler.h"
+#include "codegen_types.h"
+#include "codegen.h"
+#include "statesgen.h"
+#ifdef _PROFILE_
+/* FROM profile IMPORT */
+ extern DumpProfile ();
+#ifdef _STANDALONE_
+char *CurrentFilePath;
+static Bool RemoveExtension (char *name)
+ int len;
+ len = strlen (name);
+ if (len>=4 && name[len-4]=='.'){
+ name [len-4] = '\0';
+ return True;
+ } else
+ return False;
+static void AddExtension (char *name)
+ name [strlen (name)] = '.';
+static void ExecCompiler (char *fname,char *output_file_name)
+ ImpMod imod;
+/* PrintVersion (); */
+ if (fname){
+#ifdef _STANDALONE_
+ Bool hadext;
+ char *p;
+ CurrentFilePath = fname;
+ hadext = RemoveExtension (CurrentFilePath);
+ for (p=CurrentFilePath; *p!='\0'; ++p)
+# if defined (_MAC_) || defined (_MACUSER_)
+ if (*p == ':')
+# elif defined (_WINDOWS_) || defined (OS2)
+ if (*p == '\\')
+# else
+ if (*p == '/')
+# endif
+ fname = p+1;
+ /* Parse and check */
+ if (! (imod = ParseAndCheckImplementationModule (fname)))
+ return;
+ /* Code generation */
+ if (output_file_name!=NULL){
+ Bool hadext;
+ hadext = RemoveExtension (output_file_name);
+ if (gDumpAndRestore){
+ if (!CompilerError)
+ CoclBackEnd (imod, output_file_name);
+ } else
+ CodeGeneration (imod,output_file_name);
+ if (hadext)
+ AddExtension (output_file_name);
+ } else
+ if (gDumpAndRestore){
+ if (!CompilerError)
+ CoclBackEnd (imod, fname);
+ } else
+ CodeGeneration (imod, fname);
+#ifdef _STANDALONE_
+ if (hadext)
+ AddExtension (CurrentFilePath);
+ } else
+ CmdError ("No source file specified");
+#ifdef PROFILE
+#include "profile.h"
+#ifdef _MAC_
+ extern void GetInitialPathList (void);
+Bool Compile (char *fname,char *output_file_name)
+#ifdef PROFILE
+ InitProfile (900,300);
+ freopen ("Profile","w",stdout);
+#ifdef _MAC_
+ GetInitialPathList();
+ if (setjmp (ExitEnv)==0){
+ InitCompiler ();
+#ifdef _MACUSER_
+ ExecCompiler (fname,NULL);
+ ExecCompiler (fname,output_file_name);
+ } else
+ CompilerError = True;
+ ExitCompiler ();
+#ifdef PROFILE
+ DumpProfile();
+ return ! CompilerError;
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/compiler.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/compiler.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98424ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/compiler.h
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+extern Bool Compile (char *fname,char *ouput_file_name);
+#ifdef _MAC_
+ extern void FreePathList (void);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/comprehensions.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/comprehensions.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bb7c9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/comprehensions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+typedef enum {
+ kGeneratorList,kGeneratorFrom,kGeneratorFromTo,kGeneratorFromThen,kGeneratorFromThenTo,kGeneratorArrayOnly
+} GeneratorKind;
+extern int gGeneratorNumber;
+extern int gListFunctionNumber;
+STRUCT (generator, Generator)
+ GeneratorKind gen_kind;
+ Bool gen_arrayCombined;
+ int gen_array_index_n;
+ NodeP gen_array;
+ NodeP *gen_array_size_node_h;
+ NodeP gen_pattern;
+ union
+ {
+ NodeP val_list;
+ struct
+ {
+ ArgP fbt_from;
+ ArgP fbt_by;
+ ArgP fbt_to;
+ } val_fbt;
+ } val;
+# define gen_list val.val_list
+# define gen_from val.val_fbt.fbt_from
+# define gen_by val.val_fbt.fbt_by
+# define gen_to val.val_fbt.fbt_to
+# define kMaxParallelGenerators 16
+extern unsigned ConvertGenerators (unsigned n, GeneratorS generators[],IdentP updatedArrayIdent,NodeP *arrayNodePtr,
+ int *const array_index_generator_n_p,NodeP result_node_p,NodeP guard_p,ScopeP scope);
+extern void GenerateComprehensionFunction (ImpRules impRule, unsigned n, GeneratorS djennereeturs [], NodeP guard,
+ NodeP result_node_p,int array_index_generator_n,
+ NodeP *begin, NodeP end, NodeP **successP, unsigned line, NodeP *array);
+extern NodeP ComputeNewArrayLength (unsigned n, GeneratorS generators [], ScopeP scope);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/comsupport.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/comsupport.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3e5201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/comsupport.c
@@ -0,0 +1,693 @@
+ (Concurrent) Clean Compiler: Support
+ ========================================
+ This module contains all the compiler supporting routines,
+ such as: the storage administration and the error handling
+ routines and some global variables containing the compiler
+ settings.
+ At the end of this module the version number of the compiler
+ is administered.
+ Author: Sjaak Smetsers
+ At: University of Nijmegen, department of computing science
+ Version: 1.0
+#include "system.h"
+#include "sizes.h"
+#include "cmdline.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "scanner.h"
+#include "buildtree.h"
+#include "comparser.h"
+#include "checker.h"
+#include "typechecker.h"
+#include "statesgen.h"
+#include "codegen_types.h"
+#include "codegen1.h"
+#include "codegen2.h"
+#include "instructions.h"
+#include "overloading.h"
+#include "checksupport.h"
+#include "dbprint.h"
+extern int VERSION;
+/* 'CurrentModule' contains the name of the module that is currently under examination. */
+char *CurrentPhase, *CurrentModule, *CurrentExt;
+unsigned CurrentLine;
+Symbol CurrentSymbol;
+Bool CompilerError;
+jmp_buf ExitEnv;
+char *OutName = (char *) NIL;
+char *InName;
+/* The storage administration. */
+unsigned long NrOfBytes;
+unsigned NrOfLargeBlocks;
+static char *StartStorage, *FirstBlock, *LastBlock, *NextFreeMem;
+static void *AllocLarge (SizeT size)
+ char **newblock;
+ size = ReSize (size);
+ if ((newblock = (char **) Alloc ((unsigned long) size + SizeOf (char *), SizeOf (char)))!=NULL){
+ *newblock = FirstBlock;
+ FirstBlock = (char *) newblock++;
+ NrOfBytes += size;
+ return (char *) newblock;
+ } else {
+ FatalCompError ("comsupport", "AllocLarge", "Insufficient Memory");
+ return (void *) Null;
+ }
+static Bool InitStorageFlag = True;
+void InitStorage (void)
+ if (InitStorageFlag){
+ char **newblock;
+ if ((newblock = (char **) Alloc ((unsigned long) (MemBlockSize + (SizeT) (SizeOf (char *))), SizeOf (char)))!=NULL){
+ *newblock = (char *) NIL;
+ StartStorage = LastBlock = FirstBlock = (char *) newblock;
+ NextFreeMem = SizeOf(char*)+(char*)newblock;
+ InitStorageFlag = False;
+ NrOfBytes = (unsigned long) (MemBlockSize + (SizeT) (SizeOf (char *)));
+ NrOfLargeBlocks = 0;
+ } else
+ FatalCompError ("comsupport", "InitStorage","Insufficient Memory");
+ }
+static unsigned char g_next_garbage_byte=0;
+void *CompAlloc (SizeT size)
+ char *new_block;
+ size = ReSize (size);
+ if (size > KBYTE){
+ NrOfLargeBlocks++;
+ {
+ void *m;
+ unsigned char *p,next_garbage_byte;
+ int i;
+ m=AllocLarge (size);
+ i=size;
+ p=m;
+ next_garbage_byte=g_next_garbage_byte;
+ while (--i>=0)
+ *p++ = next_garbage_byte++;
+ g_next_garbage_byte=next_garbage_byte;
+ return m;
+ }
+ return AllocLarge (size);
+ }
+ new_block=NextFreeMem;
+ if (new_block-LastBlock+size > MemBlockSize+SizeOf(char*)){
+ char **newblock;
+ newblock = (char **) Alloc ((unsigned long)
+ (MemBlockSize + (SizeT) (sizeof (char *))), SizeOf (char));
+ if (newblock!=NULL){
+ *((char **) LastBlock) = (char *) newblock;
+ LastBlock = (char *) newblock;
+ *newblock = (char *) NIL;
+ new_block=LastBlock+SizeOf(char*);
+ NrOfBytes += (unsigned long) (MemBlockSize + (SizeT) (SizeOf (char *)));
+ } else {
+/* FPrintF (StdError,"Allocated %ld bytes\n",(long)NrOfBytes); */
+ FatalCompError ("comsupport", "CompAlloc", "Insufficient Memory");
+ }
+ }
+ NextFreeMem = new_block+size;
+ {
+ unsigned char *p,next_garbage_byte;
+ int i;
+ i=size;
+ p=(unsigned char*)new_block;
+ next_garbage_byte=g_next_garbage_byte;
+ while (--i>=0)
+ *p++ = next_garbage_byte++;
+ g_next_garbage_byte=next_garbage_byte;
+ }
+ return (void *) new_block;
+static HeapDescr FreeHeapDescrList;
+HeapDescr TH_New (void)
+ HeapDescr new_hd;
+ if (FreeHeapDescrList)
+ { new_hd = FreeHeapDescrList;
+ FreeHeapDescrList = FreeHeapDescrList -> hd_next;
+ }
+ else
+ new_hd = CompAllocType (struct heap_descr);
+ new_hd -> hd_start = NULL;
+ return new_hd;
+} /* TH_New */
+void TH_Free (HeapDescr hd)
+ char *next_block;
+ char *currentblock = hd -> hd_start;
+ while (currentblock != NULL)
+ { next_block = *(char**) currentblock;
+ Free (currentblock);
+ currentblock = next_block;
+ }
+ hd -> hd_next = FreeHeapDescrList;
+ FreeHeapDescrList = hd;
+} /* TH_Free */
+void TH_Reset (HeapDescr hd)
+ if (hd -> hd_start)
+ hd -> hd_end = hd -> hd_start;
+ else
+ { char **newblock = (char **) Alloc (TH_BlockSize + SizeOf (char *), SizeOf(char));
+ if (newblock == NULL){
+/* FPrintF (StdError,"Allocated %ld bytes\n",(long)NrOfBytes); */
+ FatalCompError ("comsupport","TH_Reset","Insufficient Memory");
+ }
+ *newblock = (char *) NIL;
+ hd -> hd_end = hd -> hd_start = (char *) newblock;
+ }
+ hd -> hd_free = hd -> hd_start + SizeOf (char *);
+} /* TH_Reset */
+void *TH_Alloc (HeapDescr hd, SizeT size)
+ if (size > 0){
+ char *memory_block;
+ size = ReSize (size); /* word allignment */
+ if (size > TH_BlockSize) /* too large to be handled by the temporary administration */
+ return CompAlloc (size);
+ else if (hd -> hd_free + size > hd -> hd_end + (TH_BlockSize + SizeOf (char *)))
+ {
+ /* the current block if full so a new one has to be allocated */
+ if (*((char**) hd -> hd_end) == NULL)
+ {
+ char *new_block;
+ /* the reference to the next heap block is NIL which implies that
+ a new block has to be allocated in the Memory of the compiler */
+ new_block = (char*)Alloc (TH_BlockSize + SizeOf (char *), SizeOf (char));
+ if (new_block == NULL)
+ {
+/* FPrintF (StdError,"Allocated %ld bytes\n",(long)NrOfBytes);
+ {
+ int n_blocks;
+ char *currentblock;
+ n_blocks=0;
+ for (currentblock=hd->hd_start; currentblock!=NULL; currentblock = *(char**) currentblock)
+ ++n_blocks;
+ FPrintF (StdError,"Allocated %d blocks,%ld bytes\n",n_blocks,(long)n_blocks*(TH_BlockSize+SizeOf (char*)));
+ }
+ TH_Free (hd);
+ FatalCompError ("comsupport","TH_Alloc","Insufficient Memory");
+ }
+ *((char**) hd -> hd_end) = new_block;
+ hd -> hd_end = *((char **) hd -> hd_end);
+ *((char**) hd -> hd_end) = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ hd -> hd_end = *((char **) hd -> hd_end);
+ memory_block = hd -> hd_end + SizeOf(char*);
+ }
+ else
+ memory_block = hd -> hd_free;
+ hd -> hd_free = memory_block + size;
+ return memory_block;
+ }
+ else
+ return NULL;
+extern Bool CS_MemoryCheck (void * ptr);
+Bool CS_MemoryCheck (void * ptr)
+ return (char *) ptr > StartStorage && (char *) ptr <= LastBlock + MemBlockSize;
+extern void finish_strictness_analysis (void);
+void CompFree (void)
+ if (! InitStorageFlag){
+ char *block;
+ for (block = FirstBlock; block; ){
+ char *next_block;
+ next_block=*((char **) block);
+ Free (block);
+ block=next_block;
+ }
+ finish_strictness_analysis();
+ InitStorageFlag = True;
+ }
+/* The environment to leave the compiler if a fatal error occurs */
+void FatalCompError (char *mod, char *proc, char *mess)
+ FPrintF (StdError,"Fatal Error in %s:%s \"%s\"\n", mod, proc, mess);
+ if (OpenedFile){
+ if (ABCFileName){
+ CompilerError = True;
+ CloseABCFile (ABCFileName);
+ } else
+ FClose (OpenedFile);
+ OpenedFile = (File) NIL;
+ }
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+ exit (1);
+ longjmp (ExitEnv, 1);
+void PrintSymbol (Symbol symbol, File file)
+ Ident symb_id;
+ unsigned line_nr;
+ switch (symbol -> symb_kind)
+ {
+ case newsymbol:
+ case instance_symb:
+ symb_id = symbol -> symb_ident;
+ line_nr = 0;
+ break;
+ case definition:
+ symb_id = symbol -> symb_def -> sdef_ident;
+ line_nr = symbol -> symb_def -> sdef_line;
+ break;
+ case int_denot:
+ FPutS (symbol->symb_int, file);
+ return;
+ case bool_denot:
+ FPutS (symbol->symb_bool ? ReservedWords [truesym] : ReservedWords [falsesym], file);
+ return;
+ case char_denot:
+ FPutS (symbol->symb_char, file);
+ return;
+ case string_denot:
+ FPutS (symbol->symb_string, file);
+ return;
+ case real_denot:
+ FPutS (symbol->symb_real, file);
+ return;
+ case tuple_symb:
+ FPutS (TupleId -> ident_name, file);
+ return;
+ case cons_symb:
+ FPutS (ConsId -> ident_name, file);
+ return;
+ case nil_symb:
+ FPutS (NilId -> ident_name, file);
+ return;
+ case select_symb:
+ FPutS (SelectId -> ident_name, file);
+ return;
+ case apply_symb:
+ FPutS (ApplyId -> ident_name, file);
+ return;
+ case if_symb:
+ FPutS (IfId -> ident_name, file);
+ return;
+ case fail_symb:
+ FPutS (FailId -> ident_name, file);
+ return;
+ default:
+ FPutS (ConvertSymbolKindToString ((SymbKind)symbol -> symb_kind), file);
+ return;
+ }
+ PrintSymbolOfIdent (symb_id, line_nr, file);
+} /* PrintSymbol */
+#include <stdarg.h>
+static char *FindFormatSpecifier (char * format_string)
+ for (; *format_string != '\0' && *format_string != '%'; format_string++)
+ ;
+ return format_string;
+#ifdef GNU_C
+void StaticMessage (Bool error, char *symbol_format1, char *message_format1, ...)
+ char *format, format_spec;
+ char symbol_format [256], message_format [256];
+ va_list ap;
+ strcpy (symbol_format, symbol_format1);
+ strcpy (message_format, message_format1);
+ va_start (ap, message_format1);
+void StaticMessage (Bool error, char *symbol_format, char *message_format, ...)
+ char *format, format_spec;
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start (ap, message_format);
+ if (! (error || DoWarning))
+ return;
+ FPutS ("### ",StdError);
+ if (CurrentPhase){
+ FPutS (CurrentPhase, StdError);
+ FPutS (error ? " error [" : " warning [", StdError);
+ } else
+ FPutS (error ? "Error [" : "Warning [", StdError);
+ FPutS ("File ",StdError);
+ FPutS (CurrentModule, StdError);
+ FPutS (CurrentExt, StdError);
+ if (CurrentLine > 0){
+ FPrintF (StdError, "; Line %u", CurrentLine);
+ FPrintF (StdError, ",%u", CurrentLine);
+ }
+ FPutS ("] ", StdError);
+ FPutC (',', StdError);
+ for (format = symbol_format; ;)
+ { char *tail_format = FindFormatSpecifier (format);
+ if (*tail_format == '\0')
+ { FPutS (format, StdError);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ { *tail_format = '\0';
+ FPutS (format, StdError);
+ *tail_format = '%';
+ format_spec = * (++tail_format);
+ if (format_spec == '\0')
+ { FPutC ('%', StdError);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ { switch (format_spec)
+ {
+ case 's':
+ { char * message = va_arg (ap, char *);
+ if (message != NULL)
+ FPutS (message, StdError);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'D':
+ {
+ SymbDef def = va_arg (ap, SymbDef);
+ PrintSymbolOfIdent (def->sdef_ident, def->sdef_line, StdError);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'S':
+ PrintSymbol (va_arg (ap, Symbol), StdError);
+ break;
+ default:
+ FPutC ('%', StdError);
+ FPutC (format_spec, StdError);
+ break;
+ }
+ format = ++tail_format;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FPutS (": ", StdError);
+ FPutS ("]: ", StdError);
+ for (format = message_format; ;)
+ { char *tail_format = FindFormatSpecifier (format);
+ if (*tail_format == '\0')
+ { FPutS (format, StdError);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ { *tail_format = '\0';
+ FPutS (format, StdError);
+ *tail_format = '%';
+ format_spec = * (++tail_format);
+ if (format_spec == '\0')
+ { FPutC ('%', StdError);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ { switch (format_spec)
+ {
+ case 's':
+ { char * message = va_arg (ap, char *);
+ if (message != NULL)
+ FPutS (message, StdError);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'd':
+ { int nr = va_arg (ap, int);
+ FPrintF (StdError, "%d", nr);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'S':
+ PrintSymbol (va_arg (ap, Symbol), StdError);
+ break;
+ case 'N':
+ { Node node = va_arg (ap, Node);
+ int arg_nr = va_arg (ap, int);
+ PrintNodeSymbol (node, arg_nr, StdError);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'T':
+ PrintTCType (va_arg (ap, struct type_cell *),NULL);
+ break;
+ case 'U':
+ {
+ struct type_cell *type,*sub_type;
+ type=va_arg (ap, struct type_cell *);
+ sub_type=va_arg (ap, struct type_cell *);
+ PrintTCType (type,sub_type);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ FPutC ('%', StdError);
+ FPutC (format_spec, StdError);
+ break;
+ }
+ format = ++tail_format;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FPutC ('\n', StdError);
+ va_end (ap);
+ if (error)
+ CompilerError = True;
+void Verbose (char *msg)
+ if (DoVerbose)
+ FPrintF (StdVerboseL, "%s \"%s%s\"\n", msg, CurrentModule, CurrentExt);
+void PrintVersion (void)
+ if (DoVerbose)
+ FPrintF (StdVerboseL, "Concurrent Clean Compiler (Version %d.%d)\n",
+ VERSION / 1000, VERSION % 1000);
+static char Init[] = "Compiler initialization";
+Bool InterruptFlag;
+File OpenedFile;
+static void SetInterruptFlag (void)
+ InterruptFlag = True;
+void ExitOnInterrupt (void)
+ CheckInterrupt ();
+ if (InterruptFlag){
+ if (OpenedFile){
+ if (ABCFileName){
+ CompilerError = True;
+ CloseABCFile (ABCFileName);
+ } else
+ FClose (OpenedFile);
+ OpenedFile = (File) NIL;
+ }
+#ifdef _STANDALONE_
+ if (InCommandInterpreter)
+ FPrintF (StdOut, "<interrupt>\n");
+ longjmp (ExitEnv, 1);
+ }
+static void (*oldhandler) ();
+void InitCompiler (void)
+ InterruptFlag = False;
+ OpenedFile = (File) NIL;
+ CompilerError = False;
+ InName = (char *) NIL;
+ /* Call all the initialization functions */
+ /* InitStorage has to be called first */
+ CurrentModule = Init;
+ CurrentExt = "";
+ FreeHeapDescrList = NULL;
+ InitStorage ();
+ InitScanner ();
+ InitParser ();
+ InitChecker ();
+ InitTypeChecker ();
+ InitStatesGen ();
+ InitCoding ();
+ InitInstructions ();
+#ifdef _COMPSTATS_
+ InitDB ();
+ oldhandler = SetSignal (SetInterruptFlag);
+} /* InitCompiler */
+void ExitCompiler (void)
+ CompFree();
+ SetSignal (oldhandler);
+ OutName = (char *) NIL;
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+void ErrorInCompiler (char *mod, char *proc, char *msg)
+ if (CurrentModule!=NULL)
+ FPrintF (StdError,"Error in compiler while compiling %s.icl: Module %s, Function %s, \"%s\"\n",CurrentModule,mod,proc,msg);
+ else
+ FPrintF (StdError,"Error in compiler: Module %s, Function %s, \"%s\"\n",mod,proc,msg);
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+ exit (1);
+void Assume (Bool cond, char *mod, char *proc)
+ if (! cond)
+ ErrorInCompiler (mod, proc, "wrong assumption");
+void AssumeError (char *mod, char *proc)
+ ErrorInCompiler (mod, proc, "wrong assumption");
+#if D
+void error (void)
+ printf ("error in compiler\n");
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/comsupport.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/comsupport.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4eda41b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/comsupport.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#ifndef _COMSUPPORT_
+#define _COMSUPPORT_
+#ifndef _THE__TYPES_
+#include "types.t"
+#ifndef _SYSTEM_
+#include "system.h"
+#define NoError 0
+#define ErrKind1 1
+#define ErrKind2 2
+#define MINIMUM(a,b) (((a)<(b)) ? (a) : (b))
+#define MAXIMUM(a,b) (((a)>(b)) ? (a) : (b))
+extern void StaticMessage (Bool error, char *symbol_format, char *message_format, ...);
+extern void PrintSymbol (struct symbol *symbol,File file);
+extern Bool CompilerError;
+extern char *CurrentModule, *CurrentExt, *CurrentPhase, *CompilerVersion;
+extern struct symbol *CurrentSymbol;
+extern char *OutName, *InName;
+extern unsigned CurrentLine;
+extern File OpenedFile;
+extern jmp_buf ExitEnv;
+struct heap_descr {
+ char * hd_start;
+ char * hd_end;
+ char * hd_free;
+ struct heap_descr * hd_next;
+typedef struct heap_descr * HeapDescr;
+#define CompAllocType(t) ((t*)CompAlloc (SizeOf (t)))
+#define CompAllocArray(s,t) ((t*)CompAlloc ((s)*SizeOf (t)))
+extern void *CompAlloc (SizeT size);
+extern void InitStorage (void);
+extern void CompFree (void);
+#define TH_AllocType(hd,t) ((t*)TH_Alloc (hd,SizeOf (t)))
+#define TH_AllocArray(hd,s,t) ((t*)TH_Alloc (hd,(s)*SizeOf (t)))
+extern void * TH_Alloc (HeapDescr hd, SizeT size);
+extern void TH_Reset (HeapDescr hd);
+extern void TH_Free (HeapDescr hd);
+extern HeapDescr TH_New (void);
+extern Bool ArgParser (int argc, char *argv[]);
+extern void FatalCompError (char *mod, char *proc, char *mess);
+extern void Verbose (char *msg);
+extern void PrintVersion (void);
+extern void InitSettings (void);
+extern void ExitOnInterrupt (void);
+extern void InitCompiler (void);
+extern void ExitCompiler (void);
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+extern void ErrorInCompiler (char *mod, char *proc, char *msg);
+extern void Assume (Bool cond, char *mod, char *proc);
+extern void AssumeError (char *mod, char *proc);
+#define ifnot(cond) if(!(cond))
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/db_cmdline.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/db_cmdline.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ae830c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/db_cmdline.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+extern void Dump_e (File f, Instruction *instr);
+extern void Dump_e2 (File f, Instruction *instr);
+extern void Dump_n (File f, Instruction *instr);
+extern void Dump_l (File f, Instruction *instr);
+extern void Dump_I (File f, Instruction *instr);
+extern void Dump_B (File f, Instruction *instr);
+extern void Dump_C (File f, Instruction *instr);
+extern void Dump_S (File f, Instruction *instr);
+extern void Dump_R (File f, Instruction *instr);
+extern void Dump_s (File f, Instruction *instr);
+extern void Dump_nn (File f, Instruction *instr);
+extern void Dump_ln (File f, Instruction *instr);
+extern void Dump_sn (File f, Instruction *instr);
+extern void Dump_In (File f, Instruction *instr);
+extern void Dump_Bn (File f, Instruction *instr);
+extern void Dump_Cn (File f, Instruction *instr);
+extern void Dump_Sn (File f, Instruction *instr);
+extern void Dump_Rn (File f, Instruction *instr);
+extern void Dump_nnn (File f, Instruction *instr);
+extern void Dump_snn (File f, Instruction *instr);
+extern void Dump_nll (File f, Instruction *instr);
+extern void Dump_snln (File f, Instruction *instr);
+extern void Dump_ccall (File f, Instruction *instr);
+extern void DebugState (State s);
+/* END of db_cmdline.h" */
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/dbprint.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/dbprint.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e3fc36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/dbprint.c
@@ -0,0 +1,832 @@
+#include "system.h"
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "sizes.h"
+#include "checker.h"
+#include "checksupport.h"
+#include "overloading.h"
+#include "dbprint.h"
+#include "codegen_types.h"
+#define for_l(v,l,n) for(v=(l);v!=NULL;v=v->n)
+#define PrintAnnotation(annot)
+#undef PRINT_alt_lifted_node_ids
+static void PrintUnaryState (StateKind kind, ObjectKind obj, File file)
+ switch (kind)
+ { case OnB: FPutS ("OnB ", file); break;
+ case OnA: FPutS ("OnA ", file); break;
+ case StrictOnA: FPutS ("StrictOnA ", file); break;
+ case SemiStrict: FPutS ("SemiStrict ", file); break;
+ case StrictRedirection: FPutS ("StrictRedirection ", file); break;
+ case Parallel: FPutS ("Parallel ", file); break;
+ case Undefined: FPutS ("Undefined ", file); break;
+ case UnderEval: FPutS ("UnderEval ", file); break;
+ }
+ switch (obj)
+ { case UnknownObj: FPutS ("???", file); break;
+ case IntObj: FPutS ("Int ", file); break;
+ case BoolObj: FPutS ("Bool ", file); break;
+ case CharObj: FPutS ("Char ", file); break;
+ case StringObj: FPutS ("String ", file); break;
+ case RealObj: FPutS ("Real ", file); break;
+ case FileObj: FPutS ("File ", file); break;
+ case TupleObj: FPutS ("Tuple ", file); break;
+ case ListObj: FPutS ("List ", file); break;
+ case ProcIdObj: FPutS ("ProcId ", file); break;
+ }
+static void PrintState (StateS state, File file)
+ return;
+ if (state.state_arity == 1)
+ PrintUnaryState (state.state_kind,state.state_object, file);
+void DPrintOccurrenceKind (OccurrenceKind kind, File file)
+ switch (kind)
+ { case NotUsed: /* FPutS ("NotUsed", file); */ return;
+ case UniquelyUsed: FPutS ("<U> ", file); return;
+ case SelectivelyUsed: FPutS ("<S> ", file); return;
+ case MultiplyUsed: FPutS ("<M> ", file); return;
+ default: FPutS ("<?> ", file); return;
+ }
+void DPrintNodeId (NodeId nid, File file)
+ if (nid){
+ if (nid->nid_ident){
+ FPrintF (file, "%s",nid->nid_ident->ident_name);
+ FPrintF (file, "@i_%lx", (long) nid);
+ } else
+ FPrintF (file, "i_%lx", (long) nid);
+ FPrintF (file, "<%d>", nid->nid_refcount);
+ } else
+ FPrintF (file," 00000000");
+void DPrintNodeIdS (char *s,NodeId node_id,File file)
+ FPrintF (file,"%s",s);
+ DPrintNodeId (node_id,file);
+ FPrintF (file,"\n");
+static void DPrintTypeVar (TypeVar tv, Node follow, File file)
+ if (tv){
+ if (tv->tv_ident)
+ FPrintF (file, "%s",tv->tv_ident->ident_name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (file, "i_%lx", (long) tv);
+ FPrintF (file, "<%d>", tv->tv_refcount);
+ if (follow)
+ FPutS (" = ", file);
+ }
+static void PrintArgument (Args arg,Bool brackets,int n_leading_spaces,File file)
+ PrintState (arg->arg_state, file);
+ if (arg->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode)
+ DPrintNodeId (arg->arg_node->node_node_id,file);
+ else {
+ /* DPrintOccurrenceKind (arg -> arg_occurrence); */
+ PrintRuleNode (arg->arg_node,brackets,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ }
+static void print_spaces (int n_leading_spaces,File file)
+ int n;
+ for (n=0; n<n_leading_spaces; ++n)
+ FPutC (' ',file);
+static void PrintArguments (Args args, char separator, Bool brackets,int n_leading_spaces,File file)
+ if (args!=NULL){
+ PrintArgument (args,brackets,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ for (args = args -> arg_next; args; args = args -> arg_next){
+ FPutC (separator, file);
+ if (separator=='\n')
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file);
+ PrintArgument (args, brackets,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ }
+ }
+void PrintRuleNode (Node node,Bool brackets,int n_leading_spaces,File file)
+ if (IsOnACycle (node -> node_number))
+ FPutS ("<C>", file);
+ PrintState (node -> node_state,file);
+ switch (node -> node_kind){
+ case NormalNode:
+ case PrefixNode:
+ {
+ Symbol node_symb = node->node_symbol;
+ if (node_symb -> symb_kind == tuple_symb){
+ FPutC ('(', file);
+ PrintArguments (node -> node_arguments, ',', False,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ FPutC (')', file);
+ }
+ else if (node_symb -> symb_kind == list_type)
+ { FPutC ('[', file);
+ PrintArguments (node -> node_arguments, ',', False,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ FPutC (']', file);
+ }
+ else if (node_symb -> symb_kind == nil_symb)
+ FPutS ("[]", file);
+ else if (node_symb -> symb_kind == cons_symb)
+ { FPutC ('[', file);
+ PrintArgument (node -> node_arguments, brackets,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ FPutC (':', file);
+ PrintArgument (node -> node_arguments -> arg_next, brackets,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ FPutC (']', file);
+ } else if (node_symb -> symb_kind==select_symb){
+ FPutS ("_sel",file);
+ FPutC ('0'+node->node_arity,file);
+ FPutC (' ',file);
+ PrintArgument (node -> node_arguments,True,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ } else {
+ if (brackets && node -> node_arguments)
+ FPutC ('(', file);
+ PrintSymbol (node_symb, file);
+ FPrintF (file,"#%d",node->node_line);
+ if (node_symb->symb_kind==definition && node_symb->symb_def->sdef_kind==IMPRULE &&
+ (node_symb->symb_def->sdef_rule->rule_mark & RULE_INTERNAL_FUNCTION_MASK))
+ {
+ FPrintF (file,"_%d",node_symb->symb_def->sdef_number);
+ }
+ if (node -> node_arguments)
+ { FPutC (' ', file);
+ PrintArguments (node -> node_arguments,' ', True,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ if (brackets)
+ FPutC (')', file);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case SelectorNode:
+ PrintArgument (node -> node_arguments, True,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ if (node->node_arity>1){
+ FPutC ('!',file);
+ FPutC ('0'+node->node_arity,file);
+ } else
+ FPutC ('.',file);
+ PrintSymbol (node->node_symbol, file);
+ break;
+ case IfNode:
+ {
+ Args elsepart, thenpart, condpart;
+ condpart = node -> node_arguments;
+ thenpart = condpart -> arg_next;
+ elsepart = thenpart -> arg_next;
+ if (brackets)
+ FPutC ('(', file);
+ FPutS ("IF ", file);
+ PrintArgument (condpart, True,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ FPutC ('\n',file);
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file);
+#if 1
+ FPutS ("[ ", file);
+ {
+ NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ for_l (node_id_ref_count_elem,node->node_then_node_id_ref_counts,nrcl_next){
+ DPrintNodeId (node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_node_id,file);
+ printf (" %d ",node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count);
+ }
+ }
+ FPutS ("]\n", file);
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file);
+# else
+ if (node->node_then_strict_node_ids!=NULL){
+ StrictNodeIdP strict_node_id;
+ FPutS ("let! ", file);
+ for_l (strict_node_id,node->node_then_strict_node_ids,snid_next){
+ DPrintNodeId (strict_node_id->snid_node_id,file);
+ FPutS ("; ",file);
+ }
+ FPutC ('\n',file);
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file);
+ }
+# endif
+ PrintArgument (thenpart, True,n_leading_spaces+4,file);
+ if (node->node_then_node_defs!=NULL){
+ FPutC ('\n',file);
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file);
+ FPutS ("{\n",file);
+ PrintNodeDefs (node->node_then_node_defs,n_leading_spaces+8,file);
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file);
+ FPutC ('}', file);
+ }
+ FPutC ('\n',file);
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file);
+#if 1
+ FPutS ("[ ", file);
+ {
+ NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ for_l (node_id_ref_count_elem,node->node_else_node_id_ref_counts,nrcl_next){
+ DPrintNodeId (node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_node_id,file);
+ printf (" %d ",node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count);
+ }
+ }
+ FPutS ("]\n",file);
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file);
+# else
+ if (node->node_else_strict_node_ids!=NULL){
+ StrictNodeIdP strict_node_id;
+ FPutS ("let! ", file);
+ for (strict_node_id=node->node_else_strict_node_ids; strict_node_id!=NULL; strict_node_id=strict_node_id->snid_next){
+ DPrintNodeId (strict_node_id->snid_node_id,file);
+ FPutS ("; ",file);
+ }
+ FPutC ('\n',file);
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file);
+ }
+# endif
+ PrintArgument (elsepart, True,n_leading_spaces+4,file);
+ if (node->node_else_node_defs!=NULL){
+ FPutC ('\n', file);
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file);
+ FPutS ("{\n",file);
+ PrintNodeDefs (node->node_else_node_defs,n_leading_spaces+8,file);
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file);
+ FPutS ("}\n", file);
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file);
+ }
+ if (brackets)
+ FPutC (')', file);
+ break;
+ }
+ case NodeIdNode:
+ {
+ NodeId node_id;
+ node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_ident){
+ FPrintF (file, " %s<%d>",node_id->nid_ident->ident_name,node_id->nid_refcount);
+ FPrintF (file, " i_%lx",(long) node_id);
+ } else
+ FPrintF (file, " i_%lx<%d>",(long) node_id,node_id->nid_refcount);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RecordNode:
+ if (brackets && node -> node_arguments)
+ FPutC ('(', file);
+ PrintSymbol (node->node_symbol, file);
+ if (node -> node_arguments){
+ FPutC (' ', file);
+ PrintArguments (node -> node_arguments,' ', True,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ if (brackets)
+ FPutC (')', file);
+ }
+ break;
+ case IdentNode:
+ if (brackets && node -> node_arguments)
+ FPutC ('(', file);
+ FPutC ('\"',file);
+ FPutS (node->node_ident->ident_name, file);
+ FPutC ('\"',file);
+ if (node -> node_arguments){
+ FPutC (' ', file);
+ PrintArguments (node -> node_arguments,' ', True,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ if (brackets)
+ FPutC (')', file);
+ }
+ break;
+ case UpdateNode:
+ { Args field = node -> node_arguments;
+ FPutC ('{', file);
+ PrintArgument (field, False,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ FPutS (" & ", file);
+ field = field -> arg_next;
+ PrintArgument (field, False,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ for (field = field -> arg_next; field; field = field -> arg_next)
+ { FPutC (',', file);
+ PrintArgument (field, False,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ }
+ FPutC ('}', file);
+ break;
+ }
+ case MatchNode:
+ {
+ FPutS ("Match ",file);
+ PrintSymbol (node->node_symbol,file);
+ FPutC (' ',file);
+ PrintArgument (node->node_arguments,False,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ApplyNode:
+ {
+ FPutS ("Apply ",file);
+ PrintRuleNode (node->node_node, False,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ FPutC (' ',file);
+ PrintArgument (node->node_arguments,False,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ break;
+ }
+ case SwitchNode:
+ FPutS ("Switch ",file);
+ DPrintNodeId (node->node_node_id,file);
+ FPutC ('\n',file);
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file);
+ PrintArguments (node->node_arguments,'\n',True,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ break;
+ case CaseNode:
+ FPutS ("Case: [ ",file);
+ {
+ NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ for_l (node_id_ref_count_elem,node->node_node_id_ref_counts,nrcl_next){
+ DPrintNodeId (node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_node_id,file);
+ printf (" %d ",node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count);
+ }
+ }
+ FPutS ("]\n",file);
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file);
+#if 0
+ if (node->node_strict_node_ids!=NULL){
+ StrictNodeIdP strict_node_id;
+ FPutS ("let! ", file);
+ for_l (strict_node_id,node->node_strict_node_ids,snid_next){
+ if (strict_node_id->snid_mark & STRICT_NODE_ID_IDENT_MASK){
+ FPrintF (file, " %s",strict_node_id->snid_ident->ident_name);
+ } else {
+ DPrintNodeId (strict_node_id->snid_node_id,file);
+ FPutS ("; ",file);
+ }
+ }
+ FPutC ('\n',file);
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file);
+ }
+# endif
+ PrintArgument (node->node_arguments,False,n_leading_spaces+4,file);
+ if (node->node_node_defs!=NULL){
+ FPutC ('\n', file);
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file);
+ FPutS ("{\n",file);
+ PrintNodeDefs (node->node_node_defs,n_leading_spaces+4,file);
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file);
+ FPutS ("}\n", file);
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file);
+ }
+ break;
+ case DefaultNode:
+ FPutS ("Default: [ ",file);
+ {
+ NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ for_l (node_id_ref_count_elem,node->node_node_id_ref_counts,nrcl_next){
+ DPrintNodeId (node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_node_id,file);
+ printf (" %d ",node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count);
+ }
+ }
+ FPutS ("]\n",file);
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file);
+#if 0
+ if (node->node_strict_node_ids!=NULL){
+ StrictNodeIdP strict_node_id;
+ FPutS ("let! ", file);
+ for_l (strict_node_id,node->node_strict_node_ids,snid_next){
+ if (strict_node_id->snid_mark & STRICT_NODE_ID_IDENT_MASK){
+ FPrintF (file, " %s",strict_node_id->snid_ident->ident_name);
+ } else {
+ DPrintNodeId (strict_node_id->snid_node_id,file);
+ FPutS ("; ",file);
+ }
+ }
+ FPutC ('\n',file);
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file);
+ }
+# endif
+ PrintArgument (node->node_arguments,False,n_leading_spaces+4,file);
+ if (node->node_node_defs!=NULL){
+ FPutC ('\n', file);
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file);
+ FPutS ("{\n",file);
+ PrintNodeDefs (node->node_node_defs,n_leading_spaces+4,file);
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file);
+ FPutS ("}\n", file);
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file);
+ }
+ break;
+ case PushNode:
+ {
+ NodeIdListElementP node_id_list;
+ FPutS ("Push ",file);
+ DPrintNodeId (node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id,file);
+ FPutS ("[",file);
+ for_l (node_id_list,node->node_node_ids,nidl_next){
+ DPrintNodeId (node_id_list->nidl_node_id,file);
+ if (node_id_list->nidl_next!=NULL)
+ FPutC (' ',file);
+ }
+ FPutS ("]",file);
+ FPutC ('\n',file);
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file);
+ PrintArgument (node->node_arguments->arg_next,True,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ break;
+ }
+ case GuardNode:
+ FPutS ("Guard ",file);
+ PrintArguments (node->node_arguments,'\n',True,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ break;
+ case TupleSelectorsNode:
+ FPutS ("TupleSelectors (",file);
+ PrintArguments (node->node_arguments,',',True,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ FPutS (") = ",file);
+ PrintRuleNode (node->node_node,True,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ break;
+ case ScopeNode:
+ FPutS ("ScopeNode ",file);
+ PrintRuleNode (node->node_node,True,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ if (node->node_arguments!=NULL){
+ FPutS (" ScopeNodeArguments ",file);
+ PrintArguments (node->node_arguments,' ',True,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ }
+ break;
+ case FillUniqueNode:
+ FPutS ("FillUniqueNode ",file);
+ DPrintNodeId (node->node_node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id,file);
+ FPutC (' ',file);
+ PrintArguments (node->node_arguments,' ',True,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ break;
+ default:
+ FPutC ('?',file);
+ FPrintF (file,"%d",(int)node->node_kind);
+ }
+void PrintNodeDef (NodeDefP def_p,int n_leading_spaces,File file)
+ int n;
+ /* FPrintF (file, "%d: ", (int) def_p->def_number); */
+ for (n=n_leading_spaces; n>0; --n)
+ FPutC (' ',file);
+/* if (def_p->def_has_lhs_pattern)
+ PrintRuleNode (def_p->def_pattern,False,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ else
+ DPrintNodeId (def_p -> def_id, file);
+ if (def_p -> def_node){
+ FPutS (" = ", file);
+ PrintRuleNode (def_p->def_node, False,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ }
+ FPutS ("\n",file);
+void PrintNodeDefs (NodeDefs defs,int n_leading_spaces,File file)
+ for ( ; defs!=NULL; defs=defs->def_next)
+ PrintNodeDef (defs,n_leading_spaces,file);
+STRUCT (lifted_node_id,LiftedNodeId){
+ NodeId lnid_lifted_node_id;
+ NodeId lnid_lhs_node_id;
+ struct lifted_node_id * lnid_next;
+void PrintRuleAlt (RuleAlts rulealt,int n_leading_spaces,File file)
+ PrintRuleNode (rulealt->alt_lhs_root, False,n_leading_spaces,file);
+#ifdef PRINT_alt_lifted_node_ids
+ if (rulealt->alt_lifted_node_ids){
+ LiftedNodeId lifted_node_id_p;
+ FPutS (" <<",file);
+ for_l (lifted_node_id_p,rulealt->alt_lifted_node_ids,lnid_next){
+ FPutC (' ',file);
+ DPrintNodeId (lifted_node_id_p->lnid_lhs_node_id,file);
+ FPutC (':',file);
+ DPrintNodeId (lifted_node_id_p->lnid_lifted_node_id,file);
+ }
+ FPutS (" >>",file);
+ }
+ if (rulealt->alt_lhs_defs){
+ FPutS ("\n", file);
+ PrintNodeDefs (rulealt -> alt_lhs_defs,4,file);
+ FPutS (" = ", file);
+ } else
+ FPutS ("\n = ", file);
+ if (rulealt -> alt_kind==Contractum){
+#if 1
+ if (rulealt->alt_strict_node_ids!=NULL){
+ StrictNodeIdP strict_node_id;
+ FPutS ("let! ", file);
+ for_l (strict_node_id,rulealt->alt_strict_node_ids,snid_next){
+ if (strict_node_id->snid_mark & STRICT_NODE_ID_IDENT_MASK){
+ FPrintF (file, " %s",strict_node_id->snid_ident->ident_name);
+ } else {
+ DPrintNodeId (strict_node_id->snid_node_id,file);
+ FPutS ("; ",file);
+ }
+ }
+ FPutC ('\n',file);
+ print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file);
+ }
+# endif
+ PrintRuleNode (rulealt->alt_rhs_root, False,n_leading_spaces,file);
+ FPutS ("\n", file);
+ PrintNodeDefs (rulealt->alt_rhs_defs,4,file);
+ } else {
+ FPutS (rulealt->alt_rhs_root->node_node_id->nid_ident->ident_name,file);
+ }
+static void PrintRuleAlts (RuleAlts rulealt,int n_leading_spaces,File file)
+ for (; rulealt; rulealt = rulealt -> alt_next)
+ PrintRuleAlt (rulealt,n_leading_spaces,file);
+static void PrintTypeArguments (TypeArgs args, char separator, File file)
+ if (args){
+ PrintTypeNode (args->type_arg_node, file);
+ for (args = args->type_arg_next; args; args = args->type_arg_next){
+ FPutC (separator, file);
+ PrintTypeNode (args->type_arg_node, file);
+ }
+ }
+static char *PrintUniVars = "uvwxyz";
+#define NrOfPrintUniVars 6
+void PrintTypeNode (TypeNode node, File file)
+ if (node->type_node_annotation || node->type_node_annotation == StrictOnA)
+ FPutC ('!', file);
+ if (node->type_node_attribute == UniqueAttr)
+ FPutC ('*', file);
+ else if (node->type_node_attribute > UniqueAttr)
+ { unsigned node_attr = node->type_node_attribute - UniqueAttr;
+ if (node_attr < NrOfPrintUniVars)
+ { FPutC (PrintUniVars[node_attr], file);
+ FPutC (':', file);
+ }
+ else
+ FPrintF (file, "%u:", node_attr);
+ }
+ if (node->type_node_is_var)
+ FPutS (node->type_node_tv->tv_ident->ident_name, file);
+ else if (node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind == tuple_type)
+ { FPutC ('(', file);
+ PrintTypeArguments (node->type_node_arguments, ',', file);
+ FPutC (')', file);
+ }
+ else if (node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind == list_type)
+ { FPutC ('[', file);
+ PrintTypeArguments (node->type_node_arguments,',', file);
+ FPutC (']', file);
+ }
+ else if (node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind >= array_type &&
+ node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind <= unboxed_array_type)
+ { char *delim_chars = ":|#";
+ char array_delim = delim_chars [node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind - array_type];
+ FPutC ('{', file);
+ FPutC (array_delim, file);
+ PrintTypeArguments (node->type_node_arguments,',', file);
+ FPutC (array_delim, file);
+ FPutC ('}', file);
+ }
+ else if (node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind == apply_symb)
+ { FPutC ('(', file);
+ PrintTypeArguments (node -> type_node_arguments, ' ', file);
+ FPutC (')', file);
+ } else
+ { if (node->type_node_arguments)
+ FPutC ('(', file);
+ PrintSymbol (node->type_node_symbol, file);
+ if (node->type_node_arguments){
+ FPutC (' ', file);
+ PrintTypeArguments (node->type_node_arguments,' ', file);
+ FPutC (')', file);
+ }
+ }
+static void PrintAttribute (AttributeKind attr, File file)
+ if (attr == NotUniqueAttr)
+ return;
+ else if (attr == UniqueAttr)
+ FPutC ('*', file);
+ else
+ FPrintF (file, "%d", attr - UniqueAttr, file);
+static void PrintTypeAttrEquations (UniVarEquations equs, File file)
+ for (; equs; equs = equs -> uve_next)
+ { AttributeKindList next;
+ PrintAttribute (equs -> uve_demanded, file);
+ FPutC (':', file);
+ for (next = equs -> uve_offered; next; next = next -> akl_next)
+ { FPutC (' ', file);
+ PrintAttribute (next -> akl_elem, file);
+ }
+ }
+static void PrintTypeContext (TypeContext type_context, File file)
+ SymbolList symbols;
+ for (symbols = type_context -> tyco_symbols; symbols; symbols = symbols -> sl_next)
+ { PrintSymbol (symbols -> sl_symbol -> sdef_class -> cd_symbol, file);
+ FPutC (' ', file);
+ DPrintTypeVar (type_context -> tyco_variable, NULL, file);
+ }
+static void PrintTypeContexts (TypeContext type_contexts, File file)
+ PrintTypeContext (type_contexts, file);
+ for (type_contexts = type_contexts -> tyco_next; type_contexts; type_contexts = type_contexts -> tyco_next)
+ { FPutS (" & ", file);
+ PrintTypeContext (type_contexts, file);
+ }
+void PrintTypeAlt (TypeAlts type_alts, File file, Bool with_equats)
+ TypeNode lhs_root = type_alts -> type_alt_lhs;
+ PrintSymbol (lhs_root -> type_node_symbol, file);
+ FPutS (" :: ", file);
+ PrintTypeArguments (lhs_root -> type_node_arguments, ' ', file);
+ FPutS (" -> ", file);
+ PrintTypeNode (type_alts -> type_alt_rhs, file);
+ if (type_alts -> type_alt_type_context)
+ { FPutS (" | ", file);
+ PrintTypeContexts (type_alts -> type_alt_type_context, file);
+ }
+ FPutC ('\n', file);
+ if (with_equats)
+ { PrintTypeAttrEquations (type_alts -> type_alt_attr_equations, file);
+ FPutC ('\n', file);
+ }
+void PrintImpRule (ImpRules rule,int n_leading_spaces,File file)
+ /*
+ if (rule -> rule_type)
+ PrintTypeAlt (rule -> rule_type, file);
+ */
+ PrintRuleAlts (rule->rule_alts,n_leading_spaces,file);
+void PrintRules (ImpRules rules)
+ ImpRuleS *rule;
+ for_l (rule,rules,rule_next){
+ PrintImpRule (rule,4,StdOut);
+ if (rule->rule_next!=NULL)
+ FPutC ('\n',StdOut);
+ }
+#ifdef _COMPSTATS_
+unsigned long
+ NrNodeCells,
+ NrArgCells,
+ NrTypeNodeCells,
+ NrTypeArgCells,
+ NrExpandedTypeNodeCells,
+ NrExpandedTypeArgCells,
+ NrNodeIdCells,
+ NrSymbolCells,
+ NrBasicNodes;
+void InitDB (void)
+ NrArgCells = NrNodeCells = NrNodeIdCells =0;
+ NrTypeArgCells = NrTypeNodeCells =0;
+ NrExpandedTypeNodeCells = NrExpandedTypeArgCells = 0;
+ NrBasicNodes = NrSymbolCells = 0;
+extern unsigned long NrOfBytes;
+void PrintCompStats (void, File file)
+ FPutC('\n', file);
+ FPrintF (file, "Number of nodes: %lu\n", NrNodeCells);
+ FPrintF (file, "Number of arguments: %lu\n", NrArgCells);
+ FPrintF (file, "Number of type nodes: %lu\n", NrTypeNodeCells);
+ FPrintF (file, "Number of type arguments: %lu\n", NrTypeArgCells);
+ FPrintF (file, "Number of expanded type nodes: %lu\n", NrExpandedTypeNodeCells);
+ FPrintF (file, "Number of expanded type arguments: %lu\n", NrExpandedTypeArgCells);
+ FPrintF (file, "Number of nodeids: %lu\n", NrNodeIdCells);
+ FPrintF (file, "Number of symbols: %lu\n", NrSymbolCells);
+ FPrintF (file, "Number of basic nodes: %lu\n", NrBasicNodes);
+ FPrintF (file, "Total number of bytes: %lu\n", NrOfBytes);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/dbprint.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/dbprint.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e87800e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/dbprint.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#undef _COMPSTATS_
+extern void PrintRuleNode (Node node,Bool brackets,int n_leading_spaces,File file);
+extern void PrintRuleAlt (RuleAlts rulealt,int n_leading_spaces,File file);
+extern void PrintNodeDef (NodeDefP def_p,int n_leading_spaces,File file);
+extern void PrintNodeDefs (NodeDefs defs,int n_leading_spaces,File file);
+extern void PrintImpRule (ImpRules rule,int n_leading_spaces,File file);
+extern void PrintTypeNode (TypeNode node, File file);
+extern void DPrintNodeId (NodeId nid, File file);
+extern void DPrintNodeIdS (char *s,NodeId nid, File file);
+extern void DPrintOccurrenceKind (OccurrenceKind kind, File file);
+extern void PrintTypeAlt (TypeAlts type_alts, File file, Bool with_equats);
+extern void PrintRules (ImpRules rules);
+#ifdef _COMPSTATS_
+extern unsigned long
+ NrNodeCells,
+ NrArgCells,
+ NrTypeNodeCells,
+ NrTypeArgCells,
+ NrExpandedTypeNodeCells,
+ NrExpandedTypeArgCells,
+ NrNodeIdCells,
+ NrSymbolCells,
+ NrBasicNodes;
+extern void InitDB (void);
+extern void PrintCompStats (void);
+#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/docommand.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/docommand.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e9a5db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/docommand.c
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+typedef struct clean_string {int length; char chars [1]; } *CleanString;
+# define Clean(ignore)
+# include "docommand.h"
+ Clean string
+ ============
+extern int do_command (char *command);
+DoCommandNullTerminated (CleanString command)
+ return (docommand (command->chars));
+} /* DoCommandNullTerminated */
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/docommand.dcl b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/docommand.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9eca72d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/docommand.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+definition module docommand;
+from StdString import String;
+:: *DoCommandEnvironment :== Int;
+DoCommandNullTerminated :: !String !DoCommandEnvironment -> (!Int,!DoCommandEnvironment);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/docommand.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/docommand.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af05aa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/docommand.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#pragma export on
+Clean (:: *DoCommandEnvironment :== Int)
+/* Clean (DoCommand command :== DoCommandNullTerminated (command +++ "\0")) */
+Clean (DoCommandNullTerminated :: String DoCommandEnvironment -> (Int, DoCommandEnvironment))
+/* functions */
+int DoCommandNullTerminated (CleanString command);
+Clean (DoCommandNullTerminated :: String DoCommandEnvironment -> (Int, DoCommandEnvironment))
+#pragma export off
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/docommand.icl b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/docommand.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5a1901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/docommand.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+implementation module docommand;
+from StdString import String;
+:: *DoCommandEnvironment :== Int;
+DoCommandNullTerminated :: !String !DoCommandEnvironment -> (!Int,!DoCommandEnvironment);
+DoCommandNullTerminated a0 a1 = code {
+ ccall DoCommandNullTerminated "S:I:I"
+// int DoCommandNullTerminated(CleanString);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/dumprestore.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/dumprestore.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4f201a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/dumprestore.c
@@ -0,0 +1,888 @@
+# include "system.h"
+# include "syntaxtr.t"
+# include "buildtree.h"
+# include "dumprestore.h"
+# include "comsupport.h"
+# include "checker.h"
+# include "backendsupport.h"
+# define Clean(ignore)
+# include "backend.h"
+Bool gDumpAndRestore = True;
+ Utilities
+ =========
+# define CopyContents(from, to) { *(to) = *(from);}
+ Memory management
+ =================
+static CleanString
+ConvertCString (char *string)
+ int length;
+ CleanString cleanString;
+ length = strlen (string);
+ cleanString = (CleanString) CompAlloc (sizeof (CleanString) + length);
+ cleanString->length = length;
+ strncpy (cleanString->chars, string, length);
+ return (cleanString);
+} /* ConvertCString */
+ Forward declarations
+ ====================
+static SymbDefP ConvertSymbDef (SymbDefP sdef);
+static TypeNode ConvertTypeNode (TypeNode node);
+static NodeP ConvertNode (NodeP node);
+static NodeDefP ConvertNodeDefs (NodeDefP nodeDefs);
+static int DefineLhsNode (NodeP node, int sequenceNumber);
+ Symbol
+ ======
+static void
+SetSymbolIndices (SymbolP symbol, int symbolIndex, int moduleIndex)
+ unsigned int indices;
+ Assert (0 <= moduleIndex && moduleIndex <= 0xFFFF);
+ Assert (0 <= symbolIndex && symbolIndex <= 0xFFFF);
+ Assert (symbol->symb_kind == definition);
+ indices = symbolIndex | (moduleIndex << 16);
+ symbol->symb_def->sdef_number = indices;
+} /* SetSymbolIndices */
+static void
+GetSymbolIndices (SymbolP symbol, int *symbolIndexP, int *moduleIndexP)
+ unsigned int indices;
+ Assert (symbol->symb_kind == definition);
+ indices = (unsigned int) symbol->symb_def->sdef_number;
+ *symbolIndexP = indices & 0xFFFF;
+ *moduleIndexP = (indices >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
+} /* GetSymbolIndices */
+static SymbolP
+ConvertSymbol (SymbolP symbol)
+ SymbolP copy;
+ int symbolIndex, moduleIndex;
+ Assert (!IsConverted (symbol));
+ switch (symbol->symb_kind)
+ {
+ case definition:
+ switch (symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind)
+ {
+ case ABSTYPE:
+ copy = BEDontCareDefinitionSymbol ();
+ break;
+ case TYPE:
+ GetSymbolIndices (symbol, &symbolIndex, &moduleIndex);
+ copy = BETypeSymbol (symbolIndex, moduleIndex);
+ break;
+ case TYPESYN:
+ break;
+ case DEFRULE:
+ case IMPRULE:
+ case SYSRULE: /* +++ */
+ GetSymbolIndices (symbol, &symbolIndex, &moduleIndex);
+ copy = BEFunctionSymbol (symbolIndex, moduleIndex);
+ break;
+ GetSymbolIndices (symbol, &symbolIndex, &moduleIndex);
+ copy = BEConstructorSymbol (symbolIndex, moduleIndex);
+ break;
+ break;
+ GetSymbolIndices (symbol, &symbolIndex, &moduleIndex);
+ copy = BEFieldSymbol (symbolIndex, moduleIndex);
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ case INSTANCE:
+ break;
+ case CLASS:
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assert (False);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ /* literals */
+ case int_denot:
+ case char_denot:
+ case real_denot:
+ case string_denot:
+ copy = BELiteralSymbol ((SymbKind) symbol->symb_kind, ConvertCString (symbol->symb_int));
+ break;
+ /* basic symbols +++ some of these should be moved to the predefined module */
+ case int_type:
+ case bool_type:
+ case char_type:
+ case real_type:
+ case file_type:
+ case world_type:
+ case procid_type:
+ case redid_type:
+ case fun_type:
+ case array_type:
+ case strict_array_type:
+ case unboxed_array_type:
+ case tuple_type:
+ case tuple_symb:
+ copy = BEBasicSymbol ((SymbKind) symbol->symb_kind);
+ break;
+ /* symbols from the predefined module */
+ case list_type:
+ copy = BETypeSymbol (0, kPredefinedModuleIndex);
+ break;
+ case nil_symb:
+ copy = BEConstructorSymbol (0, kPredefinedModuleIndex);
+ break;
+ case cons_symb:
+ copy = BEConstructorSymbol (1, kPredefinedModuleIndex);
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assert (False);
+ break;
+ }
+ return (copy);
+} /* ConvertSymbol */
+ TypeArg
+ =======
+static TypeArgs
+ConvertTypeArgs (TypeArgs args)
+ TypeArgs copy;
+ if (args == NULL)
+ copy = BENoTypeArgs ();
+ else
+ copy = BETypeArgs (ConvertTypeNode (args->type_arg_node), ConvertTypeArgs (args->type_arg_next));
+ return (copy);
+} /* ConvertTypeArgs */
+ TypeNode
+ ========
+static TypeNode
+ConvertTypeNode (TypeNode node)
+ TypeNode copy;
+ Assert (!IsConverted (node));
+ if (node->type_node_is_var)
+ {
+ Assert (node->type_node_arguments== NULL);
+ copy = BEVarTypeNode (ConvertCString (node->type_node_tv->tv_ident->ident_name));
+ }
+ else
+ copy = BENormalTypeNode (ConvertSymbol (node->type_node_symbol), ConvertTypeArgs (node->type_node_arguments));
+ Assert (node->type_node_annotation == NoAnnot || node->type_node_annotation == StrictAnnot);
+ copy = BEAnnotateTypeNode (node->type_node_annotation, copy);
+ return (copy);
+} /* ConvertTypeNode */
+ TypeAlt
+ =======
+static TypeAlt *
+ConvertTypeAlt (TypeAlt *typeAlt)
+ TypeAlt *copy;
+ Assert (!IsConverted (typeAlt));
+ copy = BETypeAlt (ConvertTypeNode (typeAlt->type_alt_lhs), ConvertTypeNode (typeAlt->type_alt_rhs));
+ return (copy);
+} /* ConvertTypeAlt */
+ Arg
+ ===
+static ArgP
+ConvertArgs (ArgP args)
+ ArgP copy;
+ if (args == NULL)
+ copy = BENoArgs ();
+ else
+ copy = BEArgs (ConvertNode (args->arg_node), ConvertArgs (args->arg_next));
+ return (copy);
+} /* ConvertArgs */
+ NodeIds
+static int
+DefineNodeIds (NodeDefP nodeDef, int lhsOrRhs, int sequenceNumber)
+ for ( ; nodeDef != NULL; nodeDef = nodeDef->def_next)
+ {
+ NodeIdP nodeId;
+ nodeId = nodeDef->def_id;
+ nodeId->nid_scope = sequenceNumber;
+ /* RWS ??? Assert (nodeId->nid_mark == 0); */
+ BEDeclareNodeId (sequenceNumber, lhsOrRhs, ConvertCString (nodeId->nid_ident->ident_name));
+ sequenceNumber++;
+ }
+ return (sequenceNumber);
+} /* DefineNodeIds */
+static int
+DefineLhsNodeId (NodeIdP nodeId, int sequenceNumber)
+ Assert (nodeId->nid_refcount < 0);
+ Assert (nodeId->nid_node_def == NULL);
+ /* RWS ??? Assert (nodeId->nid_forward_node_id == NULL); */
+ Assert (nodeId->nid_state.state_arity == 0);
+ Assert (nodeId->nid_state.state_kind == 0);
+ Assert (nodeId->nid_state.state_mark == 0);
+ Assert (nodeId->nid_state.state_object == 0);
+ Assert (nodeId->nid_state.state_type == 0);
+ if (nodeId->nid_node == NULL)
+ {
+ nodeId->nid_scope = sequenceNumber;
+ BEDeclareNodeId (sequenceNumber, BELhsNodeId, ConvertCString (nodeId->nid_ident->ident_name));
+ sequenceNumber++;
+ }
+ return (sequenceNumber);
+} /* DefineLhsNodeId */
+static int
+DefineLhsArgs (ArgP arg, int sequenceNumber)
+ for ( ; arg != NULL; arg = arg->arg_next)
+ sequenceNumber = DefineLhsNode (arg->arg_node, sequenceNumber);
+ return (sequenceNumber);
+} /* DefineLhsArgs */
+static int
+DefineLhsNode (NodeP node, int sequenceNumber)
+ switch (node->node_kind)
+ {
+ case NodeIdNode:
+ sequenceNumber = DefineLhsNodeId (node->node_node_id, sequenceNumber);
+ break;
+ case NormalNode:
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assert (False);
+ break;
+ }
+ sequenceNumber = DefineLhsArgs (node->node_arguments, sequenceNumber);
+ return (sequenceNumber);
+} /* DefineLhsNode */
+static NodeIdP
+ConvertNodeId (NodeIdP nodeId)
+ Assert (!IsConverted (nodeId));
+ return (BENodeId (nodeId->nid_scope));
+} /* ConvertNodeId*/
+ RuleAlt
+ =======
+static RuleAlts
+ConvertRuleAlt (RuleAltP alt)
+ RuleAltP copy;
+ int sequenceNumber;
+ Assert (!IsConverted (alt));
+ Assert (alt->alt_kind == Contractum);
+ Assert (alt->alt_strict_node_ids == NULL);
+ sequenceNumber = 0;
+ sequenceNumber = DefineNodeIds (alt->alt_lhs_defs, BELhsNodeId, sequenceNumber);
+ sequenceNumber = DefineNodeIds (alt->alt_rhs_defs, BERhsNodeId, sequenceNumber);
+ sequenceNumber = DefineLhsArgs (alt->alt_lhs_root->node_arguments, sequenceNumber);
+ copy = BERuleAlt (alt->alt_line, ConvertNodeDefs (alt->alt_lhs_defs), ConvertNode (alt->alt_lhs_root), ConvertNodeDefs (alt->alt_rhs_defs), ConvertNode (alt->alt_rhs_root));
+ return (copy);
+} /* ConvertRuleAlt */
+static RuleAlts
+ConvertRuleAlts (RuleAltP alts)
+ RuleAltP copy;
+ if (alts == NULL)
+ copy = BENoRuleAlts ();
+ else
+ copy = BERuleAlts (ConvertRuleAlt (alts), ConvertRuleAlts (alts->alt_next));
+ return (copy);
+} /* ConvertRuleAlts */
+ Node
+ ====
+static NodeP
+ConvertNode (NodeP node)
+ NodeP copy;
+ Assert (node->node_annotation == NoAnnot);
+ switch (node->node_kind)
+ {
+ case NormalNode:
+ copy = BENormalNode (ConvertSymbol (node->node_symbol), ConvertArgs (node->node_arguments));
+ break;
+ case NodeIdNode:
+ copy = BENodeIdNode (ConvertNodeId (node->node_node_id), ConvertArgs (node->node_arguments));
+ break;
+ case SelectorNode:
+ copy = BESelectorNode (ConvertSymbol (node->node_symbol), ConvertArgs (node->node_arguments));
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assert (False);
+ break;
+ }
+ return (copy);
+} /* ConvertNode */
+ NodeDef
+ =======
+static NodeDefP
+ConvertNodeDef (NodeDefP nodeDef)
+ NodeDefP copy;
+ Assert (nodeDef->def_mark == 0);
+ copy = BENodeDef (nodeDef->def_id->nid_scope, ConvertNode (nodeDef->def_node));
+ return (copy);
+} /* ConvertNodeDef */
+static NodeDefP
+ConvertNodeDefs (NodeDefP nodeDefs)
+ if (nodeDefs == NULL)
+ return (BENoNodeDefs ());
+ else
+ return (BENodeDefs (ConvertNodeDef (nodeDefs), ConvertNodeDefs (nodeDefs->def_next)));
+} /* ConvertNodeDefs */
+ ImpRule
+ =======
+static ImpRuleP
+ConvertRule (ImpRuleP rule)
+ ImpRuleP copy;
+ SymbolP functionSymbol;
+ int symbolIndex, moduleIndex;
+ Assert (!IsConverted (rule));
+ Assert (rule->rule_mark == RULE_CHECKED_MASK);
+ functionSymbol = rule->rule_root->node_symbol;
+ GetSymbolIndices (functionSymbol, &symbolIndex, &moduleIndex);
+ Assert (moduleIndex == kIclModuleIndex);
+ copy = BERule (symbolIndex, ConvertTypeAlt (rule->rule_type), ConvertRuleAlts (rule->rule_alts));
+ return (copy);
+} /* ConvertRule */
+static ImpRuleP
+ConvertRules (ImpRuleP rules)
+ ImpRuleP copy;
+ if (rules == NULL)
+ copy = BENoRules ();
+ else
+ copy = BERules (ConvertRule (rules), ConvertRules (rules->rule_next));
+ return (copy);
+} /* ConvertRules */
+static void
+DefineRuleType (int functionIndex, int moduleIndex, RuleTypes ruleType)
+ SymbolP functionSymbol;
+ Assert (!IsConverted (ruleType));
+ // +++ move to count
+ functionSymbol = ruleType->rule_type_root->type_node_symbol;
+ SetSymbolIndices (functionSymbol, functionIndex, moduleIndex);
+ Assert (functionSymbol->symb_kind == definition);
+ BEDeclareRuleType (functionIndex, moduleIndex, ConvertCString (functionSymbol->symb_def->sdef_ident->ident_name));
+ BEDefineRuleType (functionIndex, moduleIndex, ConvertTypeAlt (ruleType->rule_type_rule));
+} /* DefineRuleType */
+static void
+DefineRuleTypes (SymbolP allSymbols, char *moduleName)
+ SymbolP symbol;
+ for (symbol = allSymbols; symbol != NULL; symbol = symbol->symb_next)
+ {
+ if (symbol->symb_kind == definition)
+ {
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ sdef = symbol->symb_def;
+ if ((sdef->sdef_kind == DEFRULE || sdef->sdef_kind == SYSRULE) && sdef->sdef_isused
+ && sdef->sdef_module == moduleName)
+ {
+ int functionIndex, moduleIndex;
+ GetSymbolIndices (symbol, &functionIndex, &moduleIndex);
+ DefineRuleType (functionIndex, moduleIndex, sdef->sdef_rule_type);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} /* DefineRuleTypes */
+static void
+DeclareFunctions (SymbDefP sdefs)
+ int i;
+ SymbDefP sdef;
+ i = 0;
+ for (sdef = sdefs; sdef != NULL; sdef = sdef->sdef_next_scc)
+ {
+ Node root;
+ ImpRuleP rule;
+ Symbol symbol;
+ Assert (sdef->sdef_kind == IMPRULE);
+ rule = sdef->sdef_rule;
+ root = rule->rule_root;
+ Assert (root->node_kind == NormalNode);
+ symbol = root->node_symbol;
+ Assert (symbol->symb_kind == definition);
+ SetSymbolIndices (symbol, i, kIclModuleIndex);
+ Assert (sdef->sdef_kind == IMPRULE);
+ Assert (sdef->sdef_mark == 0);
+ Assert (sdef->sdef_over_arity == 0);
+// Assert (!sdef->sdef_exported);
+ Assert (sdef->sdef_arfun == NoArrayFun);
+ // +++ hack
+ if (sdef->sdef_exported)
+ sdef->sdef_ancestor = -sdef->sdef_ancestor-1;
+ BEDeclareFunction (ConvertCString (sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name), sdef->sdef_arity, i, sdef->sdef_ancestor);
+ i++;
+ }
+} /* DeclareFunctions */
+static TypeVar
+ConvertTypeVar (TypeVar typeVar)
+ return (BETypeVar (ConvertCString (typeVar->tv_ident->ident_name)));
+} /* ConvertTypeVar */
+static TypeVarList
+ConvertTypeVarList (TypeVarList typeVarList)
+ if (typeVarList == NULL)
+ return (BENoTypeVars ());
+ else
+ return (BETypeVars (ConvertTypeVar (typeVarList->tvl_elem), ConvertTypeVarList (typeVarList->tvl_next)));
+} /* ConvertTypeVarList */
+static FlatType
+ConvertFlatType (FlatType flatType)
+ BEFlatType (ConvertSymbol (flatType->ft_symbol), ConvertTypeVarList (flatType->ft_arguments));
+} /* ConvertFlatType */
+static void
+SequenceTypesAndConstructors (Types types, int moduleIndex, int *nTypesP, int *nConstructorsP, int *nFieldsP)
+ int typeIndex, constructorIndex, fieldIndex;
+ typeIndex = 0;
+ constructorIndex = 0;
+ fieldIndex = 0;
+ for (; types != NULL; types = types->type_next)
+ {
+ SymbolP typeSymbol;
+ ConstructorList constructor;
+ typeSymbol = types->type_lhs->ft_symbol;
+ SetSymbolIndices (typeSymbol, typeIndex++, moduleIndex);
+ if (types->type_nr_of_constructors == 0)
+ {
+ SymbolP constructorSymbol;
+ FieldList field;
+ constructor = types->type_constructors;
+ Assert (!constructor->cl_constructor->type_node_is_var);
+ Assert (constructor->cl_fields != NULL);
+ /* Assert (constructor->cl_next == NULL); ??? unitialised */
+ constructorSymbol = constructor->cl_constructor->type_node_symbol;
+ SetSymbolIndices (constructorSymbol, constructorIndex++, moduleIndex);
+ for (field = types->type_fields; field != NULL; field = field->fl_next)
+ {
+ SymbolP fieldSymbol;
+ fieldSymbol = field->fl_symbol;
+ SetSymbolIndices (fieldSymbol, fieldIndex++, moduleIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (constructor = types->type_constructors; constructor != NULL; constructor = constructor->cl_next)
+ {
+ SymbolP constructorSymbol;
+ Assert (!constructor->cl_constructor->type_node_is_var);
+ Assert (constructor->cl_fields == NULL);
+ constructorSymbol = constructor->cl_constructor->type_node_symbol;
+ SetSymbolIndices (constructorSymbol, constructorIndex++, moduleIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *nTypesP = typeIndex;
+ *nConstructorsP = constructorIndex;
+ *nFieldsP = fieldIndex;
+} /* SequenceTypesAndConstructors */
+static int
+SequenceRuleTypes (SymbolP allSymbols, int moduleIndex, char *moduleName)
+ int nRuleTypes;
+ SymbolP symbol;
+ nRuleTypes = 0;
+ for (symbol = allSymbols; symbol != NULL; symbol = symbol->symb_next)
+ {
+ if (symbol->symb_kind == definition)
+ {
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ sdef = symbol->symb_def;
+ if ((sdef->sdef_kind == DEFRULE || sdef->sdef_kind == SYSRULE) && sdef->sdef_isused
+ && sdef->sdef_module == moduleName)
+ {
+ SetSymbolIndices (symbol, nRuleTypes, moduleIndex);
+ nRuleTypes++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (nRuleTypes);
+} /* SequenceRuleTypes */
+static ConstructorList
+ConvertConstructor (ConstructorList constructor)
+ SymbolP constructorSymbol;
+ ConstructorList copy;
+ int constructorIndex, moduleIndex;
+ Assert (!constructor->cl_constructor->type_node_is_var);
+ constructorSymbol = constructor->cl_constructor->type_node_symbol;
+ GetSymbolIndices (constructorSymbol, &constructorIndex, &moduleIndex);
+ BEDeclareConstructor (constructorIndex, moduleIndex, ConvertCString (constructorSymbol->symb_def->sdef_ident->ident_name));
+ copy = BEConstructor (ConvertTypeNode (constructor->cl_constructor));
+ return (copy);
+} /* ConvertConstructor */
+static ConstructorList
+ConvertConstructors (ConstructorList constructors)
+ ConstructorList copy;
+ if (constructors == NULL)
+ copy = BENoConstructors ();
+ else
+ copy = BEConstructors (ConvertConstructor (constructors), ConvertConstructors (constructors->cl_next));
+ return (copy);
+} /* ConvertConstructors */
+static FieldList
+ConvertField (FieldList field)
+ SymbolP fieldSymbol;
+ FieldList copy;
+ int fieldIndex, moduleIndex;
+ fieldSymbol = field->fl_symbol;
+ GetSymbolIndices (fieldSymbol, &fieldIndex, &moduleIndex);
+ BEDeclareField (fieldIndex, moduleIndex, ConvertCString (fieldSymbol->symb_def->sdef_ident->ident_name));
+ copy = BEField (fieldIndex, moduleIndex, ConvertTypeNode (field->fl_type));
+ return (copy);
+} /* ConvertField */
+static FieldList
+ConvertFields (FieldList fields)
+ FieldList copy;
+ if (fields == NULL)
+ copy = BENoFields ();
+ else
+ copy = BEFields (ConvertField (fields), ConvertFields (fields->fl_next));
+ return (copy);
+} /* ConvertFields */
+static Types
+ConvertType (Types type)
+ SymbolP typeSymbol;
+ Types copy;
+ int typeIndex, moduleIndex;
+ typeSymbol = type->type_lhs->ft_symbol;
+ GetSymbolIndices (typeSymbol, &typeIndex, &moduleIndex);
+ Assert (typeSymbol->symb_kind == definition);
+ BEDeclareType (typeIndex, moduleIndex, ConvertCString (typeSymbol->symb_def->sdef_ident->ident_name));
+ if (type->type_nr_of_constructors == 0)
+ copy = BERecordType (BEFlatType (BETypeSymbol (typeIndex, moduleIndex), NULL), ConvertTypeNode (type->type_constructors->cl_constructor), ConvertFields (type->type_fields));
+ else
+ copy = BEAlgebraicType (BEFlatType (BETypeSymbol (typeIndex, moduleIndex), NULL), ConvertConstructors (type->type_constructors));
+ return (copy);
+} /* ConvertType */
+static Types
+ConvertTypes (Types types)
+ Types copy;
+ if (types == NULL)
+ copy = BENoTypes ();
+ else
+ copy = BETypes (ConvertType (types), ConvertTypes (types->type_next));
+ return (copy);
+} /* ConvertTypes */
+ ImpMod
+ ======
+static void
+ConvertIclModule (ImpMod module)
+ SymbDefP sdef;
+ int nFunctions, nTypes, nConstructors, nFields;
+// Assert (module->im_def_module == NULL);
+// Assert (module->im_main);
+ nFunctions = 0;
+ for (sdef = scc_dependency_list; sdef != NULL; sdef = sdef->sdef_next_scc)
+ nFunctions++;
+ SequenceTypesAndConstructors (module->im_types, kIclModuleIndex, &nTypes, &nConstructors, &nFields);
+ BEDeclareIclModule (ConvertCString (module->im_name->symb_ident->ident_name), nFunctions, nTypes, nConstructors, nFields);
+ ConvertTypes (module->im_types);
+ DeclareFunctions (scc_dependency_list);
+ BEDefineRules (ConvertRules (module->im_rules));
+} /* ConvertIclModule */
+ DefMod
+ ======
+static int
+CountDclModules (DefMod module, int moduleIndex)
+ ImportList import;
+ if ((int) module->dm_abs_types == 1)
+ return (moduleIndex);
+ module->dm_abs_types = (void *) 1;
+ module->dm_syn_types = (void *) moduleIndex++;
+ for (import = module->dm_imports; import != NULL; import = import->ilist_next)
+ moduleIndex = CountDclModules (import->ilist_def, moduleIndex);
+ return (moduleIndex);
+} /* CountDclModules */
+static void
+ConvertDclModule (DefMod module, SymbolP allSymbols)
+ int moduleIndex, functionIndex, nTypes, nConstructors, nFields;
+ char *moduleName;
+ ImportList import;
+ if ((unsigned int) module->dm_abs_types == 2)
+ return;
+ Assert ((unsigned int) module->dm_abs_types == 1);
+ module->dm_abs_types = (void *) 2;
+ for (import = module->dm_imports; import != NULL; import = import->ilist_next)
+ ConvertDclModule (import->ilist_def, allSymbols);
+ moduleName = module->dm_name->symb_ident->ident_name;
+ moduleIndex = (int) module->dm_syn_types;
+ functionIndex = SequenceRuleTypes (allSymbols, moduleIndex, moduleName);
+ SequenceTypesAndConstructors (module->dm_types, moduleIndex, &nTypes, &nConstructors, &nFields);
+ BEDeclareDclModule (moduleIndex, ConvertCString (module->dm_name->symb_ident->ident_name), False,
+ functionIndex, nTypes, nConstructors, nFields);
+ DefineRuleTypes (allSymbols, moduleName);
+# if 0
+ functionIndex = 0;
+ functionIndex = DefineRuleTypes (moduleIndex, module->dm_rules, functionIndex);
+ functionIndex = DefineInstances (moduleIndex, module->dm_instances, functionIndex);
+# endif
+ ConvertTypes (module->dm_types);
+} /* ConvertDclModule */
+static void
+ConvertModules (ImpMod module)
+ int n;
+ ImportList import;
+ n = 2; /* 2: icl + predef */
+ for (import = module->im_imports; import != NULL; import = import->ilist_next)
+ n = CountDclModules (import->ilist_def, n);
+ BEDeclareModules (n);
+ // +++ temporary test
+ BEDeclarePredefinedModule (1, 2);
+ BEPredefineTypeSymbol (0, kPredefinedModuleIndex, list_type);
+ BEPredefineConstructorSymbol (0, kPredefinedModuleIndex, nil_symb);
+ BEPredefineConstructorSymbol (1, kPredefinedModuleIndex, cons_symb);
+ for (import = module->im_imports; import != NULL; import = import->ilist_next)
+ ConvertDclModule (import->ilist_def, module->im_symbols);
+ ConvertIclModule (module);
+} /* ConvertModules */
+CoclBackEnd (ImpMod module, char *outputFileName)
+ BackEnd backEnd;
+ backEnd = BEInit (0);
+ ConvertModules (module);
+ CompFree ();
+ InitStorage ();
+ BEGenerateCode (ConvertCString (outputFileName));
+ BEFree (backEnd);
+} /* CoclBackEnd */
+# endif /* DUMP_AND_RESTORE */ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/dumprestore.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/dumprestore.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bf6cc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/dumprestore.h
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+extern Bool gDumpAndRestore;
+void CoclBackEnd (ImpMod modulem, char *outputFileName);
+# endif /* DUMP_AND_RESTORE */ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/dynamics.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/dynamics.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..166c69d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/dynamics.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# define type_code_constructor symbol
+# define type_code_arg arg
+# define type_code node
+typedef struct type_code TypeCodeS, *TypeCodeP;
+typedef struct type_code_arg TypeCodeArgS, *TypeCodeArgP;
+typedef struct type_code_constructor TypeCodeConstructor, *TypeCodeConstructorP;
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/instructions.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/instructions.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6616c8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/instructions.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3403 @@
+ (Concurrent) Clean Compiler: ABC instructions
+ Authors: Sjaak Smetsers & John van Groningen
+#pragma segment instructions
+#include "compiledefines.h"
+#include "system.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "checksupport.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "sizes.h"
+#include "codegen_types.h"
+#include "codegen1.h"
+#include "codegen2.h"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "instructions.h"
+#include "statesgen.h"
+#include "version.h"
+#define BINARY_ABC 0
+#define PutSOutFile(s) FPutS ((s),OutFile)
+#define PutCOutFile(s) FPutC ((s),OutFile)
+static void error_in_function (char *m)
+ ErrorInCompiler ("instructions.c",m,"");
+#ifdef _STANDALONE_
+/* also defined in project.c, only needed for stand alone compiler */
+#define N_DoDebug 0
+#define N_DoReuseUniqueNodes 1
+#define N_DoParallel 2
+#define N_NoDescriptors 3
+#define N_NoMemoryProfiling 3
+#define N_DoStrictnessAnalysis 4
+#define N_NoTimeProfiling 5
+#define N_ExportLocalLabels 6
+#define N_DoVerbose 6
+#define N_DoWarning 7
+#define N_System 8
+static void ConvertOptionsToString (CompilerOptions options,char *optstring)
+ optstring[N_DoDebug] = DoDebug ? '1' : '0';
+ optstring[N_DoReuseUniqueNodes] = !DoReuseUniqueNodes ? '1' : '0';
+ optstring[N_DoParallel] = DoParallel ? '1' : '0';
+ optstring[N_NoDescriptors] = !DoDescriptors ? '1' : '0';
+ optstring[N_NoMemoryProfiling] = !DoProfiling ? '1' : '0';
+ optstring[N_DoStrictnessAnalysis] = DoStrictnessAnalysis ? '1' : '0';
+ optstring[N_NoTimeProfiling] = !DoTimeProfiling ? '1' : '0';
+ optstring[N_ExportLocalLabels] = ExportLocalLabels ? '1' : '0';
+ optstring[N_DoVerbose] = DoVerbose ? '1' : '0';
+ optstring[N_DoWarning] = DoWarning ? '1' : '0';
+ optstring[N_System] = '0';
+ optstring[NR_OPTIONS] = '\0';
+# define N_System 8
+# include "cginterface.t"
+# include "project.h"
+#define D_PREFIX "d"
+#define N_PREFIX "n"
+#define L_PREFIX "l"
+#define EA_PREFIX "ea"
+#define S_PREFIX "s"
+#define R_PREFIX "r"
+#define RECORD_N_PREFIX "c"
+#define RECORD_D_PREFIX "t"
+#define LOCAL_D_PREFIX "d"
+File OutFile;
+char *ABCFileName;
+Bool OpenABCFile (char *fname)
+ OutFile = FOpen (fname, abcFile, "w");
+ if (OutFile!=NULL){
+#if defined (THINK_C) || defined (POWER)
+ setvbuf ((FILE*) OutFile, NULL, _IOFBF, 8192);
+ OpenedFile = OutFile;
+ ABCFileName = fname;
+ return True;
+ } else
+ return False;
+void WriteLastNewlineToABCFile (void)
+ FPutC ('\n',OutFile);
+void CloseABCFile (char *fname)
+ if (OutFile){
+#ifdef THINK_C
+ int file_io_error;
+ file_io_error=ferror (OutFile);
+ if (FClose (OutFile) != 0
+#ifdef THINK_C
+ || file_io_error
+ ){
+ CompilerError = True;
+ CurrentLine = 0;
+ StaticMessage (True, "<open file>", "Write error (disk full?)");
+ }
+ if (CompilerError)
+ FDelete (fname, abcFile);
+ OpenedFile = (File) NIL;
+ }
+static Bool DescriptorNeeded (SymbDef sdef)
+ return (sdef->sdef_exported ||
+ (sdef->sdef_kind!=IMPRULE && sdef->sdef_kind!=SYSRULE) ||
+ sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK) ||
+ ((DoParallel || DoDescriptors) && (sdef->sdef_mark & (SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK | SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK)));
+/* extern Ident StdArrayId; */
+static void GenLabel (Label label)
+ if (label->lab_issymbol){
+ SymbDef def;
+ char *module_name;
+ def=label->lab_symbol;
+/* module_name = def->sdef_arfun<NoArrayFun ? StdArrayId->ident_name : label->lab_mod; */
+ module_name = label->lab_mod;
+ if (module_name!=NULL)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_%s%s",module_name,label->lab_pref,def->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ else if (DoDebug){
+ if (def->sdef_kind==IMPRULE)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s%s.%u",label->lab_pref,def->sdef_ident->ident_name,def->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s%s",label->lab_pref,def->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ } else if (def->sdef_number==0)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s%s",label->lab_pref,def->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ else if (label->lab_pref[0] == '\0')
+ FPrintF (OutFile,LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u",def->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%s%u",label->lab_pref,def->sdef_number);
+ } else {
+ FPutS (label->lab_pref,OutFile);
+ FPutS (label->lab_name,OutFile);
+ }
+ if (label->lab_post!=0)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,".%u",label->lab_post);
+static void GenGetWL (int offset)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tgetWL %d", offset);
+static void GenPutWL (int offset)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tputWL %d", offset);
+static void GenRelease (void)
+ FPutS ("\n\trelease", OutFile);
+static void TreatWaitListBeforeFill (int offset, FillKind fkind)
+ if (DoParallel && fkind != NormalFill)
+ GenGetWL (offset);
+static void TreatWaitListAfterFill (int offset, FillKind fkind)
+ if (DoParallel){
+ switch (fkind){
+ case ReleaseAndFill:GenRelease (); break;
+ case PartialFill: GenPutWL (offset); break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+#define put_instructionb(a) put_instruction(I##a)
+#define put_instruction_b(a) put_instruction_(I##a)
+#define put_directive_b(a) put_directive_(D##a)
+#define put_arguments_i_b(i1) FPrintF (OutFile,"%s",(i1))
+#define put_arguments_in_b(i1,n1) FPrintF (OutFile,"%s %d",(i1),(n1))
+#define put_arguments_n_b(n1) FPrintF (OutFile,"%d",(n1))
+#define put_arguments_nn_b(n1,n2) FPrintF (OutFile,"%d %d",(n1),(n2))
+#define put_arguments_nnn_b(n1,n2,n3) FPrintF (OutFile,"%d %d %d",(n1),(n2),(n3))
+#define put_arguments_nnnn_b(n1,n2,n3,n4) FPrintF (OutFile,"%d %d %d %d",(n1),(n2),(n3),(n4))
+#define put_arguments_nnnnn_b(n1,n2,n3,n4,n5) FPrintF (OutFile,"%d %d %d %d %d",(n1),(n2),(n3),(n4),(n5))
+#define put_arguments_n__b(n1) FPrintF (OutFile,"%d ",(n1))
+#define put_arguments_nn__b(n1,n2) FPrintF (OutFile,"%d %d ",(n1),(n2))
+#define put_arguments__n_b(n1) FPrintF (OutFile," %d",(n1))
+#define put_arguments__nn_b(n1,n2) FPrintF (OutFile," %d %d",(n1),(n2))
+#define put_arguments__n__b(n1) FPrintF (OutFile," %d ",(n1))
+#define put_instructionb(a) put_instruction_code(C##a)
+#define put_instruction_b(a) put_instruction_code(C##a)
+#define put_directive_b(a) put_instruction_code(C##a)
+#define put_instructionb(a) if (DoDebug) put_instruction(I##a); else put_instruction_code(C##a)
+#define put_instruction_b(a) if (DoDebug) put_instruction_(I##a); else put_instruction_code(C##a)
+#define put_directive_b(a) if (DoDebug) put_directive_(D##a); else put_instruction_code(C##a)
+static void put_n (long n)
+ while (!(n>=-64 && n<=63)){
+ FPutC (128+(n & 127),OutFile);
+ n=n>>7;
+ }
+ FPutC (n+64,OutFile);
+static long integer_string_to_integer (char *s_p)
+ long integer;
+ int minus_sign,last_char;
+ minus_sign=0;
+ last_char=*s_p++;
+ if (last_char=='+' || last_char=='-'){
+ if (last_char=='-')
+ minus_sign=!minus_sign;
+ last_char=*s_p++;;
+ }
+ integer=last_char-'0';
+ last_char=*s_p++;;
+ while ((unsigned)(last_char-'0')<10u){
+ integer*=10;
+ integer+=last_char-'0';
+ last_char=*s_p++;;
+ }
+ if (minus_sign)
+ integer=-integer;
+ return integer;
+static void put_arguments_i_b (char *i1)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%s",(i1));
+ else
+ put_n (integer_string_to_integer (i1));
+static void put_arguments_in_b (char *i1,long n1)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%s %d",(i1),(n1));
+ else {
+ put_n (integer_string_to_integer (i1));
+ put_n (n1);
+ }
+static void put_arguments_n_b (long n1)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%d",(n1));
+ else
+ put_n (n1);
+static void put_arguments_nn_b (long n1,long n2)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%d %d",(n1),(n2));
+ else {
+ put_n (n1);
+ put_n (n2);
+ }
+static void put_arguments_nnn_b (long n1,long n2,long n3)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%d %d %d",(n1),(n2),(n3));
+ else {
+ put_n (n1);
+ put_n (n2);
+ put_n (n3);
+ }
+static void put_arguments_nnnn_b (long n1,long n2,long n3,long n4)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%d %d %d %d",(n1),(n2),(n3),(n4));
+ else {
+ put_n (n1);
+ put_n (n2);
+ put_n (n3);
+ put_n (n4);
+ }
+static void put_arguments_nnnnn_b (long n1,long n2,long n3,long n4,long n5)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%d %d %d %d %d",(n1),(n2),(n3),(n4),(n5));
+ else {
+ put_n (n1);
+ put_n (n2);
+ put_n (n3);
+ put_n (n4);
+ put_n (n5);
+ }
+static void put_arguments_n__b (long n1)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%d ",(n1));
+ else
+ put_n (n1);
+static void put_arguments__n_b (long n1)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d",(n1));
+ else {
+ FPutC (' ',OutFile);
+ put_n (n1);
+ }
+static void put_arguments__n__b (long n1)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d ",(n1));
+ else {
+ FPutC (' ',OutFile);
+ put_n (n1);
+ }
+static void put_arguments_nn__b (long n1,long n2)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%d %d ",(n1),(n2));
+ else {
+ put_n (n1);
+ put_n (n2);
+ }
+static void put_arguments__nn_b (long n1,long n2)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d %d",(n1),(n2));
+ else {
+ FPutC (' ',OutFile);
+ put_n (n1);
+ put_n (n2);
+ }
+enum {
+ Cbuild=136,
+ Cbuildh,
+ CbuildI,
+ CbuildB_b,
+ CbuildC_b,
+ CbuildI_b,
+ CbuildR_b,
+ CbuildF_b,
+ Ceq_desc,
+ CeqD_b,
+ CeqI_a,
+ CeqI_b,
+ Cfill,
+ Cfillh,
+ CfillI,
+ CfillB_b,
+ CfillC_b,
+ CfillF_b,
+ CfillI_b,
+ CfillR_b,
+ Cfill_a,
+ Cjmp,
+ Cjmp_false,
+ Cjmp_true,
+ Cjsr,
+ Cjsr_eval,
+ Cpop_a,
+ Cpop_b,
+ CpushB_a,
+ CpushC_a,
+ CpushI_a,
+ CpushF_a,
+ CpushR_a,
+ CpushD,
+ CpushI,
+ Cpush_a,
+ Cpush_b,
+ Cpush_arg,
+ Cpush_args,
+ Cpush_args_u,
+ Cpush_node,
+ Cpush_node_u,
+ Cpush_r_args,
+ Cpush_r_args_a,
+ Cpush_r_args_b,
+ Cpush_r_args_u,
+ Crepl_arg,
+ Crepl_args,
+ Crepl_r_args,
+ Crepl_r_args_a,
+ Crtn,
+ Cupdate_a,
+ Cupdate_b,
+ Cupdatepop_a,
+ Cupdatepop_b,
+ Cd,
+ Co,
+ Cimpdesc,
+ Cimplab,
+ Cn
+#define IbuildB "buildB"
+#define IbuildC "buildC"
+#define IbuildI "buildI"
+#define IbuildR "buildR"
+#define IbuildS "buildS"
+#define IbuildB_b "buildB_b"
+#define IbuildC_b "buildC_b"
+#define IbuildF_b "buildF_b"
+#define IbuildI_b "buildI_b"
+#define IbuildR_b "buildR_b"
+#define IfillB "fillB"
+#define IfillC "fillC"
+#define IfillI "fillI"
+#define IfillR "fillR"
+#define IfillS "fillS"
+#define IfillB_b "fillB_b"
+#define IfillC_b "fillC_b"
+#define IfillI_b "fillI_b"
+#define IfillR_b "fillR_b"
+#define IfillF_b "fillF_b"
+#define IeqB_a "eqB_a"
+#define IeqC_a "eqC_a"
+#define IeqI_a "eqI_a"
+#define IeqR_a "eqR_a"
+#define IeqS_a "eqS_a"
+#define IeqAC_a "eqAC_a"
+#define IeqB_b "eqB_b"
+#define IeqC_b "eqC_b"
+#define IeqI_b "eqI_b"
+#define IeqR_b "eqR_b"
+#define IpushB "pushB"
+#define IpushI "pushI"
+#define IpushC "pushC"
+#define IpushR "pushR"
+#define IpushD "pushD"
+#define IpushB_a "pushB_a"
+#define IpushC_a "pushC_a"
+#define IpushI_a "pushI_a"
+#define IpushR_a "pushR_a"
+#define IpushF_a "pushF_a"
+#define IpushD_a "pushD_a"
+#define Ipush_array "push_array"
+#define Ipush_arraysize "push_arraysize"
+#define Iselect "select"
+#define Iupdate "update"
+#define Ireplace "replace"
+#define Ipush_arg "push_arg"
+#define Ipush_args "push_args"
+#define Ipush_args_u "push_args_u"
+#define Ipush_r_args "push_r_args"
+#define Ipush_r_args_u "push_r_args_u"
+#define Ipush_r_args_a "push_r_args_a"
+#define Ipush_r_args_b "push_r_args_b"
+#define Irepl_arg "repl_arg"
+#define Irepl_args "repl_args"
+#define Irepl_r_args "repl_r_args"
+#define Irepl_r_args_a "repl_r_args_a"
+#define Ipush_node "push_node"
+#define Ipush_node_u "push_node_u"
+#define Ifill "fill"
+#define Ifillcp "fillcp"
+#define Ifill_u "fill_u"
+#define Ifillcp_u "fillcp_u"
+#define Ifillh "fillh"
+#define Ifill1 "fill1"
+#define Ifill2 "fill2"
+#define Ibuild "build"
+#define Ibuildh "buildh"
+#define Ibuild_u "build_u"
+#define IbuildAC "buildAC"
+#define Ifill_r "fill_r"
+#define Ifill1_r "fill1_r"
+#define Ifill2_r "fill2_r"
+#define Ifill3_r "fill3_r"
+#define Ibuild_r "build_r"
+#define Ifill_a "fill_a"
+#define Ipush_a "push_a"
+#define Ipush_b "push_b"
+#define Ijsr_eval "jsr_eval"
+#define Ipop_a "pop_a"
+#define Ipop_b "pop_b"
+#define Ieq_desc "eq_desc"
+#define IeqD_b "eqD_b"
+#define Ijmp_false "jmp_false"
+#define Ijmp_true "jmp_true"
+#define Ijmp "jmp"
+#define Ijsr "jsr"
+#define Icreate "create"
+#define Iprint "print"
+#define Iupdate_a "update_a"
+#define Iupdate_b "update_b"
+#define Iupdatepop_a "updatepop_a"
+#define Iupdatepop_b "updatepop_b"
+#define Iupdate_b "update_b"
+#define Ipop_a "pop_a"
+#define Ipop_b "pop_b"
+#define Iget_node_arity "get_node_arity"
+#define Iget_desc_arity "get_desc_arity"
+#define Ipush_arg_b "push_arg_b"
+#define Irtn "rtn"
+#define Ijmp_eval "jmp_eval"
+#define Ijmp_eval_upd "jmp_eval_upd"
+#define Ihalt "halt"
+#define Itestcaf "testcaf"
+#define Ipushcaf "pushcaf"
+#define Ifillcaf "fillcaf"
+#define Iin "in"
+#define Iout "out"
+static void put_instruction (char *instruction)
+ FPutC ('\n',OutFile);
+ FPutC ('\t',OutFile);
+ FPutS (instruction,OutFile);
+static void put_instruction_ (char *instruction)
+ FPutC ('\n',OutFile);
+ FPutC ('\t',OutFile);
+ FPutS (instruction,OutFile);
+ FPutC (' ',OutFile);
+static void put_instruction_code (int instruction_code)
+ FPutC (instruction_code,OutFile);
+#define Dkeep "keep"
+#define Dd "d"
+#define Do "o"
+#define Dimpdesc "impdesc"
+#define Dimplab "implab"
+#define Dexport "export"
+#define Dn "n"
+#define Dnu "nu"
+#define Dn_string "n_string"
+#define Ddesc "desc"
+#define Ddescn "descn"
+#define Ddescexp "descexp"
+#define Drecord "record"
+#define Dmodule "module"
+#define Ddepend "depend"
+#define Dcomp "comp"
+#define Dcode "code"
+#define Dstart "start"
+#define Dstring "string"
+#define Dcaf "caf"
+#define Dendinfo "endinfo"
+#define Dpb "pb"
+#define Dpd "pd"
+#define Dpn "pn"
+#define Dpl "pl"
+#define Dpld "pld"
+#define Dpt "pt"
+#define Dpe "pe"
+static void put_directive (char *directive)
+ FPutC ('\n',OutFile);
+ FPutC ('.',OutFile);
+ FPutS (directive,OutFile);
+static void put_directive_ (char *directive)
+ FPutC ('\n',OutFile);
+ FPutC ('.',OutFile);
+ FPutS (directive,OutFile);
+ FPutC (' ',OutFile);
+static void put_first_directive_ (char *directive)
+ FPutC ('.',OutFile);
+ FPutS (directive,OutFile);
+ FPutC (' ',OutFile);
+void BuildBasicFromB (ObjectKind kind,int b_offset)
+ switch (kind){
+ case IntObj:
+ case ProcIdObj:
+ case RedIdObj:
+ put_instruction_b (buildI_b); break;
+ case BoolObj:
+ put_instruction_b (buildB_b); break;
+ case CharObj:
+ put_instruction_b (buildC_b); break;
+ case RealObj:
+ put_instruction_b (buildR_b); break;
+ case FileObj:
+ put_instruction_b (buildF_b); break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("BuildBasicFromB");
+ return;
+ }
+ put_arguments_n_b (b_offset);
+void FillBasicFromB (ObjectKind kind, int boffs, int aoffs, FillKind fkind)
+ TreatWaitListBeforeFill (aoffs, fkind);
+ switch (kind){
+ case IntObj:
+ case ProcIdObj: /* we assume proc_id and red_id */
+ case RedIdObj: /* to be integers */
+ put_instruction_b (fillI_b); break;
+ case BoolObj:
+ put_instruction_b (fillB_b); break;
+ case CharObj:
+ put_instruction_b (fillC_b); break;
+ case RealObj:
+ put_instruction_b (fillR_b); break;
+ case FileObj:
+ put_instruction_b (fillF_b); break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("FillBasicFromB");
+ return;
+ }
+ put_arguments_nn_b (boffs,aoffs);
+ TreatWaitListAfterFill (aoffs, fkind);
+void BuildBasic (ObjectKind obj,SymbValue val)
+ switch (obj){
+ case IntObj:
+ put_instruction_b (buildI);
+ put_arguments_i_b (val.val_int);
+ break;
+ case BoolObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IbuildB);
+ if (val.val_bool)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "TRUE");
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "FALSE");
+ break;
+ case CharObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IbuildC);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s", val.val_char);
+ break;
+ case RealObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IbuildR);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s", val.val_real);
+ break;
+ case StringObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IbuildS);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s", val.val_string);
+ break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("BuildBasic");
+ return;
+ }
+void FillBasic (ObjectKind obj, SymbValue val, int offset, FillKind fkind)
+ TreatWaitListBeforeFill (offset, fkind);
+ switch (obj){
+ case IntObj:
+ put_instruction_b (fillI);
+ put_arguments_in_b (val.val_int,offset);
+ break;
+ case BoolObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IfillB);
+ if (val.val_bool)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "TRUE %d", offset);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "FALSE %d", offset);
+ break;
+ case CharObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IfillC);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s %d", val.val_char, offset);
+ break;
+ case RealObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IfillR);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s %d", val.val_real, offset);
+ break;
+ case StringObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IfillS);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s %d", val.val_string, offset);
+ break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("FillBasic");
+ return;
+ }
+ TreatWaitListAfterFill (offset, fkind);
+void IsBasic (ObjectKind obj, SymbValue val, int offset)
+ switch (obj){
+ case IntObj:
+ put_instruction_b (eqI_a);
+ put_arguments_in_b (val.val_int,offset);
+ break;
+ case BoolObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IeqB_a);
+ if (val.val_bool)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "TRUE %d", offset);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "FALSE %d", offset);
+ break;
+ case CharObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IeqC_a);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s %d", val.val_char, offset); break;
+ case RealObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IeqR_a);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s %d", val.val_real, offset); break;
+ case StringObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IeqS_a);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s %d", val.val_string, offset); break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("IsBasic");
+ return;
+ }
+void IsString (SymbValue val)
+ put_instruction_ (IeqAC_a);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s",val.val_string);
+void PushBasic (ObjectKind obj, SymbValue val)
+ switch (obj){
+ case IntObj:
+ put_instruction_b (pushI);
+ put_arguments_i_b (val.val_int);
+ break;
+ case BoolObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IpushB);
+ if (val.val_bool)
+ FPutS ("TRUE", OutFile);
+ else
+ FPutS ("FALSE", OutFile);
+ break;
+ case CharObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IpushC);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s", val.val_char); break;
+ case RealObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IpushR);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s", val.val_real); break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("PushBasic");
+ return;
+ }
+void GenPushReducerId (int i)
+ put_instruction_b (pushI);
+ put_arguments_n_b (i);
+void GenPushArgNr (int argnr)
+ put_instruction_b (pushI);
+ put_arguments_n_b (argnr);
+void EqBasic (ObjectKind obj, SymbValue val, int offset)
+ switch (obj){
+ case IntObj:
+ put_instruction_b (eqI_b);
+ put_arguments_in_b (val.val_int,offset);
+ break;
+ case BoolObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IeqB_b);
+ if (val.val_bool)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "TRUE %d", offset);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "FALSE %d", offset);
+ break;
+ case CharObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IeqC_b);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s %d", val.val_char, offset); break;
+ case RealObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IeqR_b);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s %d", val.val_real, offset); break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("EqBasic");
+ return;
+ }
+void PushBasicFromAOnB (ObjectKind kind,int offset)
+ switch (kind){
+ case IntObj:
+ case ProcIdObj:
+ case RedIdObj:
+ put_instruction_b (pushI_a);
+ break;
+ case BoolObj:
+ put_instruction_b (pushB_a);
+ break;
+ case CharObj:
+ put_instruction_b (pushC_a);
+ break;
+ case RealObj:
+ put_instruction_b (pushR_a);
+ break;
+ case FileObj:
+ put_instruction_b (pushF_a);
+ break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("PushBasicFromAOnB");
+ return;
+ }
+ put_arguments_n_b (offset);
+void GenPushD_a (int a_offset)
+ put_instruction_ (IpushD_a);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%d",a_offset);
+void PushBasicOnB (ObjectKind obj, int offset)
+ int i;
+ for (i = ObjectSizes[obj]; i > 0; i--)
+ GenPushB (offset + ObjectSizes[obj] - 1);
+void UpdateBasic (int size, int srcoffset, int dstoffset)
+ if (srcoffset < dstoffset){
+ int i;
+ for (i=size-1; i >= 0; i--)
+ GenUpdateB (srcoffset+i, dstoffset+i);
+ } else if (srcoffset > dstoffset){
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i < size; i++)
+ GenUpdateB (srcoffset+i, dstoffset+i);
+ }
+static Bool IsDirective (Instructions instruction, char *directive)
+ char *s;
+ s=instruction->instr_this;
+ while (isspace(*s))
+ ++s;
+ if (*s!='.')
+ return False;
+ for (; *directive; ++directive)
+ if (*directive!=*++s)
+ return False;
+ return True;
+static Bool IsInlineFromCurrentModule (SymbDef def)
+ RuleAlts alt;
+ Instructions instruction, next;
+ /*
+ if (def->sdef_kind!=IMPRULE)
+ return False;
+ */
+ alt=def->sdef_rule->rule_alts;
+ if (alt->alt_kind!=ExternalCall || !alt->alt_rhs_code->co_is_abc_code)
+ return False;
+ instruction=alt->alt_rhs_code->co_instr;
+ if (!IsDirective(instruction, "inline"))
+ return False;
+ for (instruction=instruction->instr_next;(next=instruction->instr_next)!=NULL;instruction=next)
+ ;
+ return (IsDirective(instruction, "end"));
+ For ABC to target machine code generation we supply the abc code
+ with special stack layout directives. The routines for doing this
+ are 'GenBStackElems', 'GenStackLayoutOfNode' and 'GenStackLayoutOfState'.
+static char BElems[] = BASIC_ELEMS_STRING;
+static void GenBStackElems (StateS state)
+ if (IsSimpleState (state)){
+ if (state.state_kind == OnB)
+ FPutC (BElems [(int) state.state_object], OutFile);
+ } else {
+ int arity;
+ States argstates;
+ switch (state.state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ argstates = state.state_tuple_arguments;
+ break;
+ case RecordState:
+ argstates = state.state_record_arguments;
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ return;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("GenBStackElems");
+ return;
+ }
+ for (arity=0; arity < state.state_arity; ++arity)
+ GenBStackElems (argstates[arity]);
+ }
+static void GenABStackElems (StateS state)
+ if (IsSimpleState (state)){
+ if (state.state_kind == OnB)
+ FPutC (BElems [(int) state.state_object], OutFile);
+ else
+ FPutC ('a', OutFile);
+ } else {
+ int arity;
+ States argstates;
+ switch (state.state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ argstates = state.state_tuple_arguments;
+ break;
+ case RecordState:
+ argstates = state.state_record_arguments;
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ FPutC ('a', OutFile);
+ return;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("GenABStackElems");
+ return;
+ }
+ for (arity=0; arity < state.state_arity; arity++)
+ GenABStackElems (argstates[arity]);
+ }
+void GenDStackLayout (int asize,int bsize,Args fun_args)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_b (d);
+ if (bsize > 0){
+ put_arguments_nn__b (asize,bsize);
+ while (fun_args!=NULL){
+ GenBStackElems (fun_args->arg_state);
+ fun_args=fun_args->arg_next;
+ }
+ } else
+ put_arguments_nn_b (asize,0);
+ }
+void GenOStackLayout (int asize,int bsize,Args fun_args)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_b (o);
+ if (bsize > 0){
+ put_arguments_nn__b (asize,bsize);
+ while (fun_args!=NULL){
+ GenBStackElems (fun_args->arg_state);
+ fun_args=fun_args->arg_next;
+ }
+ } else
+ put_arguments_nn_b (asize,0);
+ }
+static void CallFunction2 (Label label, SymbDef def, Bool isjsr, StateS root_state, Args fun_args, int arity)
+ int ain,aout,bin,bout;
+ Args arg;
+ ain=0;
+ bin=0;
+ if (fun_args != NULL){
+ for (arg = fun_args; arg; arg = arg -> arg_next)
+ AddSizeOfState (arg -> arg_state, &ain, &bin);
+ } else
+ ain = arity;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (root_state, &aout, &bout);
+ if (IsSimpleState (root_state) && (root_state.state_kind!=OnB && root_state.state_kind!=StrictRedirection))
+ ain++;
+ if (label->lab_mod && label->lab_mod==CurrentModule)
+ label->lab_mod = NULL;
+ label->lab_pref = s_pref;
+ if (def->sdef_kind==SYSRULE){
+ char *instr;
+ instr= def->sdef_ident->ident_instructions;
+ if (instr && *instr!='\0'){
+ char *tail;
+ for (; *instr != '\0'; instr = tail){
+ for (tail = instr; *tail != '\n'; tail++)
+ ;
+ *tail = '\0';
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n%s", instr);
+ *tail++ = '\n';
+ }
+ if (!isjsr)
+ GenRtn (aout, bout, root_state);
+ } else {
+ if (def->sdef_ident->ident_environ && instr==NULL)
+ { char *previous_module = CurrentModule;
+ char *previous_ext = CurrentExt;
+ CurrentModule = def->sdef_module;
+ CurrentExt = GetFileExtension (abcFile);
+ StaticMessage (False, "%D", "no inline code for this rule", def);
+ CurrentModule = previous_module;
+ CurrentExt = previous_ext;
+ def->sdef_ident->ident_environ = (char *) NIL;
+ }
+ GenDStackLayout (ain, bin, fun_args);
+ if (isjsr){
+ GenJsr (label);
+ GenOStackLayoutOfState (aout, bout, root_state);
+ } else
+ GenJmp (label);
+ }
+ } else if (def->sdef_kind==IMPRULE && IsInlineFromCurrentModule (def)){
+ Instructions instruction, last, first, next;
+ instruction=def->sdef_rule->rule_alts->alt_rhs_code->co_instr;
+ instruction=instruction->instr_next;
+ first=instruction;
+ last=NULL;
+ for (;(next=instruction->instr_next)!=NULL;instruction=next)
+ last=instruction;
+ last->instr_next=NULL;
+ GenInstructions (first);
+ last->instr_next=instruction;
+ if (!isjsr)
+ GenRtn (aout, bout, root_state);
+ } else {
+ GenDStackLayout (ain, bin, fun_args);
+ if (isjsr){
+ GenJsr (label);
+ GenOStackLayoutOfState (aout, bout, root_state);
+ } else
+ GenJmp (label);
+ }
+void CallFunction (Label label, SymbDef def, Bool isjsr, Node root)
+ if (def->sdef_arfun<NoArrayFun)
+ CallArrayFunction (def,isjsr,&root->node_state);
+ else
+ CallFunction2 (label, def, isjsr, root->node_state, root->node_arguments, root->node_arity);
+static void GenArraySize (Label elemdesc, int asize, int bsize)
+ put_instruction_ (Ipush_arraysize);
+ GenLabel (elemdesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d %d", asize, bsize);
+static void GenArraySelect (Label elemdesc, int asize, int bsize)
+ put_instruction_ (Iselect);
+ GenLabel (elemdesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d %d", asize, bsize);
+static void GenArrayUpdate (Label elemdesc, int asize, int bsize)
+ put_instruction_ (Iupdate);
+ GenLabel (elemdesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d %d", asize, bsize);
+static void GenArrayReplace (Label elemdesc, int asize, int bsize)
+ put_instruction_ (Ireplace);
+ GenLabel (elemdesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d %d", asize, bsize);
+extern Symbol UnboxedArrayFunctionSymbols [];
+static Label ApplyLabel;
+static StateS ApplyState;
+extern SymbDef ApplyDef; /* from codegen2.c */
+static void ApplyOperatorToArrayAndIndex (Bool is_jsr)
+ GenPushA (0);
+ GenCreate (-1);
+ GenFillArray (3, 0, NormalFill);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 2);
+ BuildBasicFromB (IntObj,0);
+ GenPopB (SizeOfInt);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 4);
+ GenPopA (2);
+ CallFunction2 (ApplyLabel, ApplyDef, True, ApplyState, NULL, 2);
+ CallFunction2 (ApplyLabel, ApplyDef, is_jsr, ApplyState, NULL, 2);
+static void ApplyOperatorToArrayElem (int asize, int bsize, ObjectKind kind)
+ if (asize==0){
+ GenPushA (0);
+ BuildBasicFromB (kind,0);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 2);
+ GenPopB (bsize);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ }
+ CallFunction2 (ApplyLabel, ApplyDef, True, ApplyState, NULL, 2);
+static void UnpackResultTuple (int asize,int bsize,ObjectKind kind)
+ GenReplArgs (2, 2);
+ if (asize==0){
+ PushBasicFromAOnB (kind, 0);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ }
+ GenPushArray (asize);
+ GenUpdateA (0,1+asize);
+ GenPopA (1);
+void CallArrayFunction (SymbDef array_def,Bool is_jsr,StateP node_state_p)
+ LabDef elem_desc;
+ int asize, bsize;
+ Bool elem_is_lazy;
+ StateS array_state;
+ ArrayFunKind fkind;
+ StateP function_state_p;
+ fkind = (ArrayFunKind)array_def->sdef_arfun;
+ function_state_p = array_def->sdef_rule_type->rule_type_state_p;
+ if (function_state_p[0].state_type==SimpleState && function_state_p[0].state_object==UnknownObj){
+ StateS elem_state;
+ switch (fkind){
+ case CreateArrayFun:
+ case _CreateArrayFun:
+ array_state=function_state_p[-1];
+ break;
+ case _UnqArraySelectNextFun:
+ case _UnqArraySelectLastFun:
+ case _ArrayUpdateFun:
+ if (function_state_p[1].state_type==TupleState)
+ array_state=function_state_p[1].state_tuple_arguments[0];
+ else
+ error_in_function ("CallArrayFunction");
+ break;
+ default:
+ array_state=function_state_p[1];
+ }
+ elem_state = array_state.state_array_arguments [0];
+ if (array_state.state_type==ArrayState && (array_state.state_mark & STATE_UNBOXED_ARRAY_MASK)){
+ if (ApplyLabel == NULL){
+ ApplyLabel = CompAllocType (LabDef);
+ ConvertSymbolToLabel (ApplyLabel, ApplyDef);
+ }
+ switch (fkind){
+ case CreateArrayFun:
+ case _CreateArrayFun:
+ GenPushA (0);
+ BuildBasicFromB (IntObj,0);
+ GenPopB (SizeOfInt);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 2);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ CallFunction2 (ApplyLabel, ApplyDef, True, ApplyState, NULL, 2);
+ if (fkind!=_CreateArrayFun)
+ CallFunction2 (ApplyLabel, ApplyDef, True, ApplyState, NULL, 2);
+ GenPushArray (0);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 1);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ break;
+ case ArraySelectFun:
+ if (elem_state.state_kind==StrictOnA)
+ ApplyOperatorToArrayAndIndex (is_jsr);
+ else {
+ ApplyOperatorToArrayAndIndex (True);
+ PushBasicFromAOnB (elem_state.state_object, 0);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case UnqArraySelectFun:
+ DetermineSizeOfState (elem_state,&asize,&bsize);
+ ApplyOperatorToArrayAndIndex (True);
+ if (node_state_p->state_type==TupleState
+ && node_state_p->state_tuple_arguments[1].state_type==SimpleState
+ && node_state_p->state_tuple_arguments[1].state_kind==Undefined)
+ {
+ GenReplArg (2,1);
+ if (asize==0){
+ PushBasicFromAOnB (elem_state.state_object,0);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ }
+ } else
+ UnpackResultTuple (asize,bsize,elem_state.state_object);
+ break;
+ case _UnqArraySelectFun:
+ DetermineSizeOfState (elem_state,&asize,&bsize);
+ ApplyOperatorToArrayAndIndex (True);
+ UnpackResultTuple (asize, bsize, elem_state.state_object);
+ break;
+ case _UnqArraySelectNextFun:
+ case _UnqArraySelectLastFun:
+ DetermineSizeOfState (elem_state,&asize,&bsize);
+ GenCreate (-1);
+ GenFillArray (3, 0, NormalFill);
+ GenCreate (-1);
+ GenFillArray (3, 0, NormalFill);
+ GenBuildh (&tuple_lab,2);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 2);
+ BuildBasicFromB (IntObj,0);
+ GenPopB (SizeOfInt);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 4);
+ GenPopA (2);
+ CallFunction2 (ApplyLabel, ApplyDef, True, ApplyState, NULL, 2);
+ CallFunction2 (ApplyLabel, ApplyDef, True, ApplyState, NULL, 2);
+ UnpackResultTuple (asize, bsize, elem_state.state_object);
+ break;
+ case _ArrayUpdateFun:
+ DetermineSizeOfState (elem_state,&asize,&bsize);
+ GenCreate (-1);
+ GenFillArray (3, 0, NormalFill);
+ GenCreate (-1);
+ GenFillArray (3, 0, NormalFill);
+ GenBuildh (&tuple_lab,2);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 2);
+ BuildBasicFromB (IntObj,0);
+ GenPopB (SizeOfInt);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 4);
+ GenPopA (2);
+ CallFunction2 (ApplyLabel, ApplyDef, True, ApplyState, NULL, 2);
+ CallFunction2 (ApplyLabel, ApplyDef, True, ApplyState, NULL, 2);
+ ApplyOperatorToArrayElem (asize, bsize, elem_state.state_object);
+ GenPushArray (0);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 1);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ break;
+ case ArrayUpdateFun:
+ DetermineSizeOfState (elem_state,&asize,&bsize);
+ ApplyOperatorToArrayAndIndex (True);
+ ApplyOperatorToArrayElem (asize,bsize,elem_state.state_object);
+ GenPushArray (0);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 1);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ break;
+ case ArrayReplaceFun:
+ DetermineSizeOfState (elem_state,&asize,&bsize);
+ ApplyOperatorToArrayAndIndex (True);
+ ApplyOperatorToArrayElem (asize,bsize,elem_state.state_object);
+ UnpackResultTuple (asize,bsize,elem_state.state_object);
+ break;
+ case ArraySizeFun:
+ GenCreate (-1);
+ GenFillArray (2, 0, NormalFill);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 2);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ CallFunction2 (ApplyLabel, ApplyDef, True, ApplyState, NULL, 2);
+ PushBasicFromAOnB (IntObj, 0);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ break;
+ case UnqArraySizeFun:
+ GenCreate (-1);
+ GenFillArray (2, 0, NormalFill);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 2);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ CallFunction2 (ApplyLabel, ApplyDef, True, ApplyState, NULL, 2);
+ UnpackResultTuple (0, SizeOfInt, IntObj);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (! is_jsr){
+ DetermineSizeOfState (function_state_p[-1], & asize, & bsize);
+ GenRtn (asize,bsize,function_state_p[-1]);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ { GenPopA (1);
+ elem_desc = BasicDescriptors [UnknownObj];
+ asize = 1;
+ bsize = 0;
+ elem_is_lazy = elem_state.state_type==SimpleState && elem_state.state_kind==OnA;
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch (fkind){
+ case CreateArrayFun:
+ case _CreateArrayFun:
+ array_state = function_state_p[-1];
+ break;
+ case _UnqArraySelectNextFun:
+ case _UnqArraySelectLastFun:
+ case _ArrayUpdateFun:
+ if (function_state_p[0].state_type==TupleState)
+ array_state=function_state_p[0].state_tuple_arguments[0];
+ else
+ error_in_function ("CallArrayFunction");
+ break;
+ default:
+ array_state = function_state_p[0];
+ }
+ if (array_state.state_type == ArrayState){
+ StateS elem_state = array_state.state_array_arguments [0];
+ DetermineArrayElemDescr (elem_state, & elem_desc);
+ DetermineSizeOfState (elem_state, & asize, & bsize);
+ elem_is_lazy = elem_state.state_type==SimpleState && elem_state.state_kind==OnA;
+ } else
+ error_in_function ("CallArrayFunction");
+ }
+ switch (fkind){
+ case CreateArrayFun:
+ put_instruction_ ("create_array");
+ GenLabel (&elem_desc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d %d",asize,bsize);
+ break;
+ case _CreateArrayFun:
+ put_instruction_ ("create_array_");
+ GenLabel (&elem_desc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d %d",asize,bsize);
+ break;
+ case ArraySelectFun:
+ GenArraySelect (&elem_desc,asize,bsize);
+ if (elem_is_lazy){
+ if (is_jsr)
+ GenJsrEval (0);
+ else {
+ GenJmpEval ();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case UnqArraySelectFun:
+ if (! (node_state_p->state_type==TupleState
+ && node_state_p->state_tuple_arguments[1].state_type==SimpleState
+ && node_state_p->state_tuple_arguments[1].state_kind==Undefined))
+ {
+ GenPushA (0);
+ }
+ GenArraySelect (&elem_desc,asize,bsize);
+ break;
+ case _UnqArraySelectFun:
+ GenPushA (0);
+ GenArraySelect (&elem_desc,asize,bsize);
+ break;
+ case _UnqArraySelectNextFun:
+ case _UnqArraySelectLastFun:
+ {
+ int record_or_array_a_size,record_or_array_b_size;
+ if (node_state_p->state_type!=TupleState)
+ error_in_function ("CallArrayFunction");
+ DetermineSizeOfState (node_state_p->state_tuple_arguments[1],&record_or_array_a_size,&record_or_array_b_size);
+ if (record_or_array_b_size>0){
+ int i;
+ GenPushB (record_or_array_b_size);
+ for (i=record_or_array_b_size; i>=0; --i)
+ GenUpdateB (i,i+1);
+ GenPopB (1);
+ }
+ GenArraySelect (&elem_desc,asize,bsize);
+ break;
+ }
+ case _ArrayUpdateFun:
+ {
+ int i,result_a_size,result_b_size;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (*node_state_p,&result_a_size,&result_b_size);
+ if (asize!=0){
+ for (i=0; i<asize; ++i)
+ GenPushA (result_a_size+asize);
+ for (i=result_a_size-1; i>=0; --i)
+ GenUpdateA (i+asize+1,i+asize+1+asize);
+ for (i=asize-1; i>=0; --i)
+ GenUpdateA (i,i+1+asize);
+ GenPopA (asize);
+ }
+ if (result_b_size!=0){
+ int b_size_with_index;
+ b_size_with_index=bsize+1;
+ for (i=0; i<b_size_with_index; ++i)
+ GenPushB (result_b_size+b_size_with_index-1);
+ for (i=result_b_size-1; i>=0; --i)
+ GenUpdateB (i+b_size_with_index,i+b_size_with_index+b_size_with_index);
+ for (i=b_size_with_index-1; i>=0; --i)
+ GenUpdateB (i,i+b_size_with_index);
+ GenPopB (b_size_with_index);
+ }
+ GenArrayUpdate (&elem_desc,asize,bsize);
+ for (i=0; i<result_a_size; ++i)
+ GenKeep (0,i+1);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ArrayUpdateFun:
+ GenArrayUpdate (& elem_desc, asize, bsize);
+ break;
+ case ArrayReplaceFun:
+ GenArrayReplace (& elem_desc, asize, bsize);
+ break;
+ case ArraySizeFun:
+ GenArraySize (& elem_desc, asize, bsize);
+ break;
+ case UnqArraySizeFun:
+ GenPushA (0);
+ GenArraySize (& elem_desc, asize, bsize);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (! is_jsr){
+ DetermineSizeOfState (*node_state_p,&asize,&bsize);
+ GenRtn (asize,bsize,*node_state_p);
+ }
+void GenNewContext (Label contlab, int offset)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tset_entry ");
+ GenLabel (contlab);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d", offset);
+void GenSetDefer (int offset)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tset_defer %d", offset);
+void GenReplArgs (int arity, int nrargs)
+ if (nrargs > 0){
+ put_instruction_b (repl_args);
+ put_arguments_nn_b (arity,nrargs);
+ } else
+ GenPopA (1);
+void GenReplArg (int arity, int argnr)
+ put_instruction_b (repl_arg);
+ put_arguments_nn_b (arity,argnr);
+void GenPushArgs (int offset, int arity, int nrargs)
+ if (nrargs > 0){
+ put_instruction_b (push_args);
+ put_arguments_nnn_b (offset,arity,nrargs);
+ }
+void GenPushArgsU (int offset, int arity, int nrargs)
+ if (nrargs > 0){
+ put_instruction_b (push_args_u);
+ put_arguments_nnn_b (offset,arity,nrargs);
+ }
+void GenPushArg (int offset, int arity, int argnr)
+ put_instruction_b (push_arg);
+ put_arguments_nnn_b (offset,arity,argnr);
+void GenPushRArgs (int offset, int nr_a_args, int nr_b_args)
+ if (nr_a_args + nr_b_args > 0){
+ put_instruction_b (push_r_args);
+ put_arguments_nnn_b (offset,nr_a_args,nr_b_args);
+ }
+void GenPushRArgsU (int offset,int n_a_args,int n_b_args)
+ if (n_a_args + n_b_args > 0){
+ put_instruction_b (push_r_args_u);
+ put_arguments_nnn_b (offset,n_a_args,n_b_args);
+ }
+void GenPushRArgA (int offset, int tot_nr_a_args, int tot_nr_b_args, int args_nr, int nr_a_args)
+ if (nr_a_args > 0){
+ put_instruction_b (push_r_args_a);
+ put_arguments_nnnnn_b (offset,tot_nr_a_args,tot_nr_b_args,args_nr,nr_a_args);
+ }
+void GenPushRArgB (int offset, int tot_nr_a_args, int tot_nr_b_args, int args_nr, int nr_b_args)
+ if (nr_b_args > 0){
+ put_instruction_b (push_r_args_b);
+ put_arguments_nnnnn_b (offset,tot_nr_a_args,tot_nr_b_args,args_nr,nr_b_args);
+ }
+void GenReplRArgs (int nr_a_args, int nr_b_args)
+ if (nr_a_args + nr_b_args > 0){
+ put_instruction_b (repl_r_args);
+ put_arguments_nn_b (nr_a_args,nr_b_args);
+ } else
+ GenPopA (1);
+void GenReplRArgA (int tot_nr_a_args, int tot_nr_b_args, int args_nr, int nr_a_args)
+ if (nr_a_args > 0){
+ put_instruction_b (repl_r_args_a);
+ put_arguments_nnnn_b (tot_nr_a_args,tot_nr_b_args,args_nr,nr_a_args);
+ } else
+ GenPopA (1);
+void GenPushNode (Label contlab, int arity)
+ put_instruction_b (push_node);
+ GenLabel (contlab);
+ put_arguments__n_b (arity);
+void GenPushNodeU (Label contlab,int a_size,int b_size)
+ put_instruction_b (push_node_u);
+ GenLabel (contlab);
+ put_arguments__nn_b (a_size,b_size);
+void GenFill (Label symblab, int arity,Label contlab, int offset, FillKind fkind)
+ TreatWaitListBeforeFill (offset, fkind);
+ put_instruction_b (fill);
+ if (!symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ put_arguments__n__b (arity);
+ GenLabel (contlab);
+ put_arguments__n_b (offset);
+ if (arity < 0)
+ arity = 1;
+ TreatWaitListAfterFill (offset-arity, fkind);
+void GenFillU (Label symblab,int a_size,int b_size,Label contlab,int offset)
+ put_instruction_ (Ifill_u);
+ if (!symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d %d ",a_size,b_size);
+ GenLabel (contlab);
+ put_arguments__n_b (offset);
+void GenFillcp (Label symblab,int arity,Label contlab,int offset,char bits[])
+ put_instruction_b (fillcp);
+ if (!symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ put_arguments__n__b (arity);
+ GenLabel (contlab);
+ put_arguments__n_b (offset);
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %s",bits);
+void GenFillcpU (Label symblab,int a_size,int b_size,Label contlab,int offset,char bits[])
+ put_instruction_b (fillcp_u);
+ if (!symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d %d ",a_size,b_size);
+ GenLabel (contlab);
+ put_arguments__n_b (offset);
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %s",bits);
+void GenFillh (Label symblab, int arity, int offset, FillKind fkind)
+ TreatWaitListBeforeFill (offset, fkind);
+ put_instruction_b (fillh);
+ if (!symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ put_arguments__nn_b (arity,offset);
+ if (arity < 0)
+ arity = 1;
+ TreatWaitListAfterFill (offset-arity, fkind);
+void GenFill1 (Label symblab,int arity,int offset,char bits[])
+ put_instruction_ (Ifill1);
+ if (!symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d %d %s",arity,offset,bits);
+void GenFill2 (Label symblab,int arity,int offset,char bits[])
+ put_instruction_ (Ifill2);
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d %d %s",arity,offset,bits);
+void GenBuild (Label symblab,int arity,Label contlab)
+ put_instruction_b (build);
+ if (!symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ put_arguments__n__b (arity);
+ GenLabel (contlab);
+void GenBuildh (Label symblab,int arity)
+ put_instruction_b (buildh);
+ if (!symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ put_arguments__n_b (arity);
+void GenBuildU (Label symblab,int a_size,int b_size,Label contlab)
+ put_instruction_ (Ibuild_u);
+ if (!symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d %d ",a_size,b_size);
+ GenLabel (contlab);
+void GenBuildArray (int argoffset)
+ GenPushA (argoffset);
+ GenBuildh (& BasicDescriptors [ArrayObj], 1);
+void GenBuildString (SymbValue val)
+ put_instruction_ (IbuildAC);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s", val.val_string);
+static void GenFieldLabel (Label label,char *record_name)
+ SymbDef def;
+ def = (SymbDef) label->lab_name;
+ if (label->lab_mod)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_%s%s.%s",
+ label->lab_mod,label->lab_pref,record_name,def->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ else if (DoDebug){
+ if (def->sdef_kind==IMPRULE)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s%s.%s.%u",
+ label->lab_pref,record_name,def->sdef_ident->ident_name,def->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s%s.%s",label->lab_pref,record_name,def->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ } else if (def->sdef_number==0)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s%s",label->lab_pref,def->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ else if (label->lab_pref[0] == '\0')
+ FPrintF (OutFile,LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u",def->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%s%u",label->lab_pref,def->sdef_number);
+void GenBuildFieldSelector (Label symblab,Label contlab,char *record_name,int arity)
+ put_instruction_b (build);
+ if (!symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenFieldLabel (symblab,record_name);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ put_arguments__n__b (arity);
+ GenFieldLabel (contlab,record_name);
+void GenFieldLabelDefinition (Label label,char *record_name)
+ FPutS ("\n", OutFile);
+ GenFieldLabel (label,record_name);
+void GenFillFieldSelector (Label symblab,Label contlab,char *record_name,int arity,int offset,FillKind fkind)
+ TreatWaitListBeforeFill (offset,fkind);
+ put_instruction_b (fill);
+ if (!symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenFieldLabel (symblab,record_name);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ put_arguments__n__b (arity);
+ GenFieldLabel (contlab,record_name);
+ put_arguments__n_b (offset);
+ TreatWaitListAfterFill (offset-1,fkind);
+void GenFillR (Label symblab,int nr_a_args,int nr_b_args,int rootoffset,int a_offset,int b_offset,FillKind fkind,Bool pop_args)
+ TreatWaitListBeforeFill (rootoffset, fkind);
+ put_instruction_ (Ifill_r);
+ if (! symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ if (nr_a_args==0)
+ a_offset=0;
+ if (nr_b_args==0)
+ b_offset=0;
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d %d %d %d %d",nr_a_args,nr_b_args,rootoffset,a_offset,b_offset);
+ if (pop_args){
+ GenPopA (nr_a_args);
+ GenPopB (nr_b_args);
+ TreatWaitListAfterFill (rootoffset-nr_a_args, fkind);
+ } else
+ TreatWaitListAfterFill (rootoffset, fkind);
+void GenFill1R (Label symblab,int n_a_args,int n_b_args,int rootoffset,char bits[])
+ put_instruction_ (Ifill1_r);
+ if (! symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d %d %d %s",n_a_args,n_b_args,rootoffset,bits);
+void GenFill2R (Label symblab,int n_a_args,int n_b_args,int rootoffset,char bits[])
+ put_instruction_ (Ifill2_r);
+ if (! symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d %d %d %s",n_a_args,n_b_args,rootoffset,bits);
+void GenFill3R (Label symblab,int n_a_args,int n_b_args,int rootoffset,char bits[])
+ put_instruction_ (Ifill3_r);
+ if (! symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d %d %d %s",n_a_args,n_b_args,rootoffset,bits);
+void GenBuildR (Label symblab,int nr_a_args,int nr_b_args,int a_offset,int b_offset,Bool pop_args)
+ put_instruction_ (Ibuild_r);
+ if (!symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ if (nr_a_args==0)
+ a_offset=0;
+ if (nr_b_args==0)
+ b_offset=0;
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d %d %d %d",nr_a_args,nr_b_args,a_offset,b_offset);
+ if (pop_args){
+ if (nr_a_args>0){
+ GenUpdateA (0,nr_a_args);
+ GenPopA (nr_a_args);
+ }
+ GenPopB (nr_b_args);
+ }
+void GenFillFromA (int src, int dst, FillKind fkind)
+ if (src == dst)
+ return;
+ TreatWaitListBeforeFill (dst, fkind);
+ put_instruction_b (fill_a);
+ put_arguments_nn_b (src,dst);
+ TreatWaitListAfterFill (dst, fkind);
+void GenFillArray (int argoffset, int rootoffset, FillKind fkind)
+ GenPushA (argoffset);
+ GenFillh (&BasicDescriptors [ArrayObj], 1, rootoffset+1, fkind);
+void GenPushArray (int rootoffset)
+ put_instruction_ (Ipush_array);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%d", rootoffset);
+void GenRtn (int asize, int bsize, StateS resultstate)
+ GenDStackLayoutOfState (asize, bsize, resultstate);
+ put_instructionb (rtn);
+void GenPushA (int offset)
+ if (offset<0)
+ error_in_function ("GenPushA");
+ put_instruction_b (push_a);
+ put_arguments_n_b (offset);
+void GenPushB (int offset)
+ if (offset<0)
+ error_in_function ("GenPushB");
+ put_instruction_b (push_b);
+ put_arguments_n_b (offset);
+void GenJsrEval (int offset)
+ put_instruction_b (jsr_eval);
+ put_arguments_n_b (offset);
+void GenJmpEval (void)
+ put_instruction (Ijmp_eval);
+void GenPopA (int nr)
+ if (nr > 0){
+ put_instruction_b (pop_a);
+ put_arguments_n_b (nr);
+ }
+void GenPopB (int nr)
+ if (nr > 0){
+ put_instruction_b (pop_b);
+ put_arguments_n_b (nr);
+ }
+void GenEqDesc (Label symblab,int arity,int offset)
+ put_instruction_b (eq_desc);
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ put_arguments__nn_b (arity,offset);
+void GenEqD_b (Label symblab,int arity)
+ put_instruction_b (eqD_b);
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ put_arguments__n_b (arity);
+void GenExitFalse (Label to)
+ put_instruction_ ("exit_false");
+ GenLabel (to);
+void GenJmpFalse (Label to)
+ put_instruction_b (jmp_false);
+ GenLabel (to);
+void GenJmpTrue (Label to)
+ put_instruction_b (jmp_true);
+ GenLabel (to);
+void GenJmp (Label tolab)
+ put_instruction_b (jmp);
+ GenLabel (tolab);
+void GenJsr (Label tolab)
+ put_instruction_b (jsr);
+ GenLabel (tolab);
+void GenCreate (int arity)
+ if (arity == -1)
+ put_instruction (Icreate);
+ else {
+ put_instruction_ (Icreate);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%d", arity);
+ }
+void GenDumpString (char *str)
+ put_instruction_ (Iprint);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\"%s\"", str);
+ put_instruction (Ihalt);
+void GenLabelDefinition (Label lab)
+ if (lab){
+ FPutC ('\n', OutFile);
+ GenLabel (lab);
+ }
+void GenUpdateA (int src, int dst)
+ if (src != dst){
+ put_instruction_b (update_a);
+ put_arguments_nn_b (src,dst);
+ }
+void GenUpdatePopA (int src, int dst)
+ if (src!=dst){
+ if (dst!=0){
+ put_instruction_b (updatepop_a);
+ put_arguments_nn_b (src,dst);
+ } else {
+ put_instruction_b (update_a);
+ put_arguments_nn_b (src,dst);
+ }
+ } else
+ if (dst > 0){
+ put_instruction_b (pop_a);
+ put_arguments_n_b (dst);
+ }
+void GenUpdateB (int src, int dst)
+ if (src != dst){
+ put_instruction_b (update_b);
+ put_arguments_nn_b (src,dst);
+ }
+void GenUpdatePopB (int src, int dst)
+ if (src!=dst){
+ if (dst!=0){
+ put_instruction_b (updatepop_b);
+ put_arguments_nn_b (src,dst);
+ } else {
+ put_instruction_b (update_b);
+ put_arguments_nn_b (src,dst);
+ }
+ } else
+ if (dst > 0) {
+ put_instruction_b (pop_b);
+ put_arguments_n_b (dst);
+ }
+void GenHalt (void)
+ put_instruction (Ihalt);
+void GenSetRedId (int offset)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tset_red_id %d", offset);
+void GenNewParallelReducer (int offset, char *reducer_code)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tnew_ext_reducer %s %d", reducer_code, offset);
+void GenNewContInterleavedReducer (int offset)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tnew_int_reducer _cont_reducer %d", offset);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tforce_cswitch", offset);
+void GenNewInterleavedReducer (int offset, char *reducer_code)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tnew_int_reducer %s %d", reducer_code, offset);
+void GenSendGraph (char *code, int graphoffs, int chanoffs)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tsend_graph %s %d %d", code, graphoffs, chanoffs);
+void GenCreateChannel (char *code)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tcreate_channel %s", code);
+void GenNewP (void)
+ FPutS ("\n\tnewP", OutFile);
+void SetContinue (int offset)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tset_continue %d", offset);
+void SetContinueOnReducer (int offset)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tset_continue2 %d", offset);
+void GenGetNodeArity (int offset)
+ put_instruction_ (Iget_node_arity);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%d", offset);
+static void GenGetDescArity (int offset)
+ put_instruction_ (Iget_desc_arity);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%d", offset);
+void GenPushArgB (int offset)
+ put_instruction_ (Ipush_arg_b);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%d", offset);
+void GenImport (SymbDef sdef)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ char *name;
+ name = sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ switch (sdef->sdef_kind){
+ case DEFRULE:
+ case SYSRULE:
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & (SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK | SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK)){
+ put_directive_b (impdesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s",sdef->sdef_module,name);
+ }
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_STRICTLY_MASK && sdef->sdef_arfun==NoArrayFun){
+ put_directive_b (implab);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" S_PREFIX "%s",sdef->sdef_module,name);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK){
+ char *record_name;
+ record_name = sdef->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_symbol->symb_def->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ put_directive_b (impdesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s.%s",sdef->sdef_module,record_name,name);
+ put_directive_b (implab);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s.%s",sdef->sdef_module,record_name,name);
+ if (sdef->sdef_calledwithrootnode)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " e_%s_" EA_PREFIX "%s.%s",sdef->sdef_module,record_name,name);
+ else if (sdef->sdef_returnsnode)
+ FPutS (" _",OutFile);
+ }
+ return;
+ put_directive_b (impdesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" R_PREFIX "%s",sdef->sdef_module,name);
+ }
+ if (!sdef->sdef_strict_constructor)
+ return;
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK){
+ put_directive_b (impdesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" RECORD_D_PREFIX "%s", sdef->sdef_module,name);
+ put_directive_b (implab);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" RECORD_N_PREFIX "%s",sdef->sdef_module,name);
+ }
+ return;
+ if (!sdef->sdef_strict_constructor)
+ return;
+ put_directive_b (impdesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" CONSTRUCTOR_R_PREFIX "%s",sdef->sdef_module,name);
+ }
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK){
+ put_directive_b (impdesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s", sdef->sdef_module,name);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK){
+ put_directive_b (implab);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s",sdef->sdef_module,name);
+ if ((sdef->sdef_calledwithrootnode || sdef->sdef_returnsnode) &&
+ !(sdef->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR && !sdef->sdef_strict_constructor))
+ {
+ if (sdef->sdef_calledwithrootnode)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " e_%s_" EA_PREFIX "%s",sdef->sdef_module,name);
+ else
+ FPutS (" _",OutFile);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void GenExportStrictAndEaEntry (SymbDef sdef)
+ char *name;
+ name = sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ put_directive_ (Dexport);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" S_PREFIX "%s", CurrentModule,name);
+ if (sdef->sdef_calledwithrootnode){
+ put_directive_ (Dexport);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_%s%s", CurrentModule, ea_pref, name);
+ }
+void GenExportFieldSelector (SymbDef sdef)
+ char *name;
+ char *record_name;
+ name = sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ record_name=sdef->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_symbol->symb_def->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ put_directive_ (Dexport);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s.%s",CurrentModule,record_name,name);
+ put_directive_ (Dexport);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s.%s",CurrentModule,record_name,name);
+ if (sdef->sdef_calledwithrootnode){
+ put_directive_ (Dexport);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" EA_PREFIX "%s.%s",CurrentModule,record_name,name);
+ }
+void GenExportEaEntry (SymbDef sdef)
+ if (sdef->sdef_calledwithrootnode){
+ put_directive_ (Dexport);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" EA_PREFIX "%s",CurrentModule,sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ }
+void GenDAStackLayout (int asize)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_b (d);
+ put_arguments_nn_b (asize,0);
+ }
+void GenOAStackLayout (int asize)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_b (o);
+ put_arguments_nn_b (asize,0);
+ }
+void GenDStackLayoutOfStates (int asize,int bsize,int n_states,StateP state_p)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_b (d);
+ if (bsize > 0){
+ int i;
+ put_arguments_nn__b (asize,bsize);
+ for (i=0; i<n_states; ++i)
+ GenBStackElems (state_p[i]);
+ } else
+ put_arguments_nn_b (asize,0);
+ }
+void GenOStackLayoutOfStates (int asize,int bsize,int n_states,StateP state_p)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_b (o);
+ if (bsize > 0){
+ int i;
+ put_arguments_nn__b (asize,bsize);
+ for (i=0; i<n_states; ++i)
+ GenBStackElems (state_p[i]);
+ } else
+ put_arguments_nn_b (asize,0);
+ }
+void GenDStackLayoutOfState (int asize, int bsize, StateS resultstate)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_b (d);
+ if (bsize > 0){
+ put_arguments_nn__b (asize,bsize);
+ GenBStackElems (resultstate);
+ } else
+ put_arguments_nn_b (asize,0);
+ }
+void GenOStackLayoutOfState (int asize, int bsize, StateS resultstate)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_b (o);
+ if (bsize > 0){
+ put_arguments_nn__b (asize,bsize);
+ GenBStackElems (resultstate);
+ } else
+ put_arguments_nn_b (asize,0);
+ }
+void GenJmpEvalUpdate (void)
+ put_instruction (Ijmp_eval_upd);
+void GenNodeEntryDirective (int arity,Label label,Label label2)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_b (n);
+ put_arguments_n__b (arity);
+ if (DescriptorNeeded (label->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (label);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ if (label2){
+ FPutC (' ', OutFile);
+ GenLabel (label2);
+ }
+ if (DoProfiling && arity>=0 && !DoParallel){
+ put_directive_ (Dn_string);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"\"%s\"",label->lab_symbol->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ }
+ }
+void GenNodeEntryDirectiveForLabelWithoutSymbol (int arity,Label label,Label label2)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_b (n);
+ put_arguments_n__b (arity);
+ GenLabel (label);
+ if (label2){
+ FPutC (' ', OutFile);
+ GenLabel (label2);
+ }
+ if (DoProfiling && arity>=0 && !DoParallel){
+ put_directive_ (Dn_string);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"\"%s\"",label->lab_name);
+ }
+ }
+void GenNodeEntryDirectiveUnboxed (int a_size,int b_size,Label label,Label label2)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_ (Dnu);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%d %d ",a_size,b_size);
+ if (DescriptorNeeded (label->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (label);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ if (label2){
+ FPutC (' ', OutFile);
+ GenLabel (label2);
+ }
+ if (DoProfiling && !DoParallel){
+ put_directive_ (Dn_string);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"\"%s\"",label->lab_symbol->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ }
+# endif
+ }
+void GenFieldNodeEntryDirective (int arity,Label label,Label label2,char *record_name)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_b (n);
+ put_arguments_n__b (arity);
+ if (DescriptorNeeded (label->lab_symbol))
+ GenFieldLabel (label,record_name);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ if (label2){
+ FPutC (' ', OutFile);
+ GenFieldLabel (label2,record_name);
+ }
+ }
+void GenConstructorDescriptorAndExport (SymbDef sdef)
+ char *name;
+ LabDef *add_argument_label;
+ name = sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ if (sdef->sdef_arity>0)
+ add_argument_label=&add_arg_lab;
+ else
+ add_argument_label=&hnf_lab;
+ if (sdef->sdef_exported || ExportLocalLabels){
+ put_directive_ (Dexport);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s",CurrentModule,name);
+ put_directive_ (Ddesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s %s %s %d 0 \"%s\"",
+ CurrentModule, name, hnf_lab.lab_name, add_argument_label->lab_name,
+ sdef->sdef_arity, name);
+ } else if (DoDebug){
+ put_directive_ (Ddesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, D_PREFIX "%s %s %s %d 0 \"%s\"",
+ name,hnf_lab.lab_name, add_argument_label->lab_name, sdef->sdef_arity, name);
+ } else {
+ put_directive_ (Ddesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u %s %s %d 0 \"%s\"",
+ sdef->sdef_number, hnf_lab.lab_name, add_argument_label->lab_name,
+ sdef->sdef_arity, name);
+ }
+void GenRecordDescriptor (SymbDef sdef)
+ int asize,bsize;
+ char *name;
+ StateS recstate;
+ name = sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ if (sdef->sdef_exported || ExportLocalLabels){
+ put_directive_ (Dexport);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" R_PREFIX "%s",CurrentModule,name);
+ put_directive_ (Drecord);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" R_PREFIX "%s ",CurrentModule,name);
+ } else if (DoDebug){
+ put_directive_ (Drecord);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, R_PREFIX "%s ",name);
+ } else {
+ put_directive_ (Drecord);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, R_PREFIX "%u ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ }
+ recstate = sdef->sdef_record_state;
+ GenABStackElems (recstate);
+ DetermineSizeOfState (recstate,&asize,&bsize);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d %d \"%s\"",asize,bsize,name);
+void GenStrictConstructorDescriptor (SymbDef sdef,StateP constructor_arg_state_p)
+ int asize,bsize,state_arity,arg_n;
+ char *name;
+ name = sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ if (sdef->sdef_exported || ExportLocalLabels){
+ put_directive_ (Dexport);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" CONSTRUCTOR_R_PREFIX "%s",CurrentModule,name);
+ put_directive_ (Drecord);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" CONSTRUCTOR_R_PREFIX "%s ",CurrentModule,name);
+ } else if (DoDebug){
+ put_directive_ (Drecord);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, CONSTRUCTOR_R_PREFIX "%s ",name);
+ } else {
+ put_directive_ (Drecord);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, CONSTRUCTOR_R_PREFIX "%u ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ }
+ FPutC ('d', OutFile);
+ state_arity=sdef->sdef_arity;
+ asize = 0;
+ bsize = 0;
+ for (arg_n=0; arg_n<state_arity; ++arg_n){
+ GenABStackElems (*constructor_arg_state_p);
+ AddSizeOfState (*constructor_arg_state_p,&asize,&bsize);
+ ++constructor_arg_state_p;
+ }
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d %d \"%s\"", asize, bsize, name);
+void GenArrayFunctionDescriptor (SymbDef arr_fun_def, Label desclab, int arity)
+ LabDef descriptor_label;
+ char *name;
+ name = arr_fun_def->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ descriptor_label=*desclab;
+ descriptor_label.lab_pref=d_pref;
+ if (arr_fun_def->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK)
+ put_directive_ (Ddesc);
+ else
+ put_directive_ (Ddescn);
+ GenLabel (&descriptor_label);
+ FPutC (' ', OutFile);
+ GenLabel (&empty_lab);
+ FPutC (' ', OutFile);
+ if (arr_fun_def->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK){
+ LabDef lazylab;
+ lazylab = *desclab;
+ lazylab.lab_pref = l_pref;
+ GenLabel (&lazylab);
+ }
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d 0 \"%s\"", arity, name);
+void GenFunctionDescriptorAndExportNodeAndDescriptor (SymbDef sdef)
+ Ident name_id;
+ char *name;
+ if (!DescriptorNeeded (sdef))
+ return;
+ name_id = sdef->sdef_ident;
+ name = name_id->ident_name;
+ if (sdef->sdef_exported){
+ put_directive_ (Ddescexp);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s e_%s_" L_PREFIX "%s ",
+ CurrentModule,name,CurrentModule,name,CurrentModule,name);
+ } else {
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK){
+ put_directive_ (Ddesc);
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, D_PREFIX "%s.%u ", name,sdef->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u ", sdef->sdef_number);
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK){
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%s.%u ",name,sdef->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%u ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ } else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s ", hnf_lab.lab_name);
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,L_PREFIX "%s.%u ",name,sdef->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile,L_PREFIX "%u ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ } else {
+ put_directive_ (Ddescn);
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, D_PREFIX "%s.%u ", name,sdef->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u ", sdef->sdef_number);
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK){
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%s.%u ",name,sdef->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%u ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ } else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s ", hnf_lab.lab_name);
+ }
+ }
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%d 0 \"", sdef->sdef_arity);
+ PrintSymbolOfIdent (name_id, 0, OutFile);
+ FPutC ('\"',OutFile);
+void GenConstructorFunctionDescriptorAndExportNodeAndDescriptor (SymbDef sdef)
+ Ident name_id;
+ char *name;
+ if (!DescriptorNeeded (sdef))
+ return;
+ name_id = sdef->sdef_ident;
+ name = name_id->ident_name;
+ if (sdef->sdef_exported){
+ put_directive_ (Ddescexp);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s e_%s_" L_PREFIX "%s ",
+ CurrentModule,name,CurrentModule,name,CurrentModule,name);
+ } else if (ExportLocalLabels && (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK)!=0){
+ put_directive_ (Ddescexp);
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s " L_PREFIX "%s ",
+ CurrentModule,name,CurrentModule,name,name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s " L_PREFIX "%u ",
+ CurrentModule,name,CurrentModule,name,sdef->sdef_number);
+ } else {
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK){
+ put_directive_ (Ddesc);
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, D_PREFIX "%s ",name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u ", sdef->sdef_number);
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK){
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%s ",name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%u ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ } else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s ", hnf_lab.lab_name);
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,L_PREFIX "%s ",name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile,L_PREFIX "%u ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ } else {
+ if (ExportLocalLabels){
+ put_directive_ (Dexport);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s",CurrentModule,name);
+ }
+ put_directive_ (Ddescn);
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, D_PREFIX "%s ", name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u ", sdef->sdef_number);
+ if (ExportLocalLabels)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s ",CurrentModule,name);
+ else if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK){
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%s ", name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%u ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ } else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s ", hnf_lab.lab_name);
+ }
+ }
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%d 0 \"", sdef->sdef_arity);
+ PrintSymbolOfIdent (name_id, 0, OutFile);
+ FPutC ('\"',OutFile);
+void GenFunctionDescriptorForLazyTupleRecursion (SymbDef sdef,int tuple_result_arity)
+ Ident name_id;
+ char *name;
+ name_id = sdef->sdef_ident;
+ name = name_id->ident_name;
+ put_directive_ (Ddescn);
+ if (sdef->sdef_exported){
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s.2 ",CurrentModule,name);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s.2 ",CurrentModule,name);
+ } else if (DoDebug){
+ FPrintF (OutFile,D_PREFIX "%s.%u.2 ",name,sdef->sdef_number);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%s.%u.2 ",name,sdef->sdef_number);
+ } else {
+ FPrintF (OutFile,LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u.2 ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%u.2 ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ }
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%d 0 \"",sdef->sdef_arity+tuple_result_arity);
+ PrintSymbolOfIdent (name_id,0,OutFile);
+ FPutC ('\"',OutFile);
+# if 1
+ put_directive_ (Ddescn);
+ if (sdef->sdef_exported){
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s.3 ",CurrentModule,name);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s.3 ",CurrentModule,name);
+ } else if (DoDebug){
+ FPrintF (OutFile,D_PREFIX "%s.%u.3 ",name,sdef->sdef_number);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%s.%u.3 ",name,sdef->sdef_number);
+ } else {
+ FPrintF (OutFile,LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u.3 ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%u.3 ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ }
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%d 0 \"",sdef->sdef_arity+tuple_result_arity);
+ PrintSymbolOfIdent (name_id,0,OutFile);
+ FPutC ('\"',OutFile);
+# endif
+void GenLazyRecordDescriptorAndExport (SymbDef sdef)
+ char *name;
+ int arity;
+ if (!DescriptorNeeded (sdef))
+ return;
+ name = sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ arity = sdef->sdef_cons_arity;
+ if (sdef->sdef_exported){
+ put_directive_ (Ddescexp);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" RECORD_D_PREFIX "%s e_%s_" RECORD_N_PREFIX "%s _hnf %d 1 \"%s\"",
+ CurrentModule,name,CurrentModule,name,arity,name);
+ } else {
+ if (ExportLocalLabels){
+ put_directive_ (Dexport);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" RECORD_N_PREFIX "%s",CurrentModule,name);
+ }
+ put_directive_ (Ddescn);
+ if (DoDebug){
+ FPrintF (OutFile,RECORD_D_PREFIX "%s ",name);
+ if (ExportLocalLabels)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" RECORD_N_PREFIX "%s ",CurrentModule,name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile,RECORD_N_PREFIX "%s ",name);
+ } else {
+ FPrintF (OutFile,RECORD_D_PREFIX "%u ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ if (ExportLocalLabels)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" RECORD_N_PREFIX "%s ",CurrentModule,name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile,RECORD_N_PREFIX "%u ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ }
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%d 1 \"%s\"",arity,name);
+ }
+void GenFieldSelectorDescriptor (SymbDef sdef,int has_gc_apply_entry)
+ char *name;
+ int arity;
+ if (!DescriptorNeeded (sdef))
+ return;
+ name = sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ arity = (sdef->sdef_kind == RECORDTYPE) ? sdef->sdef_cons_arity : sdef->sdef_arity;
+ put_directive_ (Ddesc);
+ if (sdef->sdef_exported){
+ char *record_name;
+ record_name=sdef->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_symbol->symb_def->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ if (has_gc_apply_entry)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s.%s e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s.%s e_%s_%s%s.%s %d 0 \"%s\"",
+ CurrentModule,record_name,name,
+ CurrentModule,record_name,name,
+ CurrentModule,l_pref,record_name,name,
+ arity, name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s.%s e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s.%s _hnf %d 0 \"%s\"",
+ CurrentModule,record_name,name,
+ CurrentModule,record_name,name,
+ arity, name);
+ } else if ((sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK) || has_gc_apply_entry){
+ char *record_name;
+ record_name = sdef->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_symbol->symb_def->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, D_PREFIX "%s.%s ",record_name,name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u ", sdef->sdef_number);
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK){
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, N_PREFIX "%s.%s ",record_name,name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, N_PREFIX "%u ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ } else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s ", hnf_lab.lab_name);
+ if (has_gc_apply_entry){
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s%s.%s ",l_pref,record_name,name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s%u ",l_pref,sdef->sdef_number);
+ } else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s ", hnf_lab.lab_name);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%d 0 \"%s\"", arity, name);
+ } else if (DoDebug){
+ FPrintF (OutFile, D_PREFIX "%s %s %s %d 0 \"%s\"", name, hnf_lab.lab_name,
+ hnf_lab.lab_name, arity, name);
+ } else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u %s %s %d 0 \"%s\"", sdef->sdef_number,
+ hnf_lab.lab_name, hnf_lab.lab_name, arity, name);
+void GenModuleDescriptor (
+ FileTime file_time
+ void
+ )
+ put_directive_ (Dmodule);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "m_%s \"%s\"", CurrentModule,CurrentModule);
+ if (WriteModificationTimes){
+ FPutC (' ',OutFile);
+ FPutC ('\"',OutFile);
+ FWriteFileTime (file_time,OutFile);
+ FPutC ('\"',OutFile);
+ }
+void GenDepend (char *modname
+ ,FileTime file_time
+ )
+#ifndef _STANDALONE_
+ AddDependency (modname);
+ put_directive_ (Ddepend);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\"%s\"",modname);
+ if (WriteModificationTimes){
+ FPutC (' ',OutFile);
+ FPutC ('\"',OutFile);
+ FWriteFileTime (file_time,OutFile);
+ FPutC ('\"',OutFile);
+ }
+void GenStart (SymbDef startsymb)
+ if (startsymb->sdef_module == CurrentModule){
+ int arity;
+ arity = startsymb->sdef_arity;
+ startsymb->sdef_mark |= SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK;
+ put_directive_ (Dexport);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "__%s_Start", CurrentModule);
+ GenOAStackLayout (0);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n__%s_Start", CurrentModule);
+ if (arity!=0){
+ put_instruction_b (buildI);
+ put_arguments_n_b (65536l);
+ }
+ put_instruction_b (build);
+ if (startsymb->sdef_exported)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "Start",CurrentModule);
+ else if (DoDebug){
+ if (DoParallel)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, D_PREFIX "Start.%u",startsymb->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ } else {
+ if (DoParallel)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u",startsymb->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ }
+ put_arguments__n__b (arity);
+ if (startsymb->sdef_exported)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" N_PREFIX "Start",CurrentModule);
+ else if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, N_PREFIX "Start.%u",startsymb->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, N_PREFIX "%u",startsymb->sdef_number);
+ GenDAStackLayout (1);
+ put_instruction_b (jmp);
+ FPutS ("_driver", OutFile);
+ }
+void GenSelectorDescriptor (Label sellab,char *g_pref)
+ put_directive_ (Ddesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, D_PREFIX "%s.%d %s%s.%d %s%s.%d 1 0 \"%s.%d\"",
+ sellab->lab_name, sellab->lab_post,
+ sellab->lab_pref, sellab->lab_name, sellab->lab_post,
+ g_pref, sellab->lab_name, sellab->lab_post,
+ sellab->lab_name, sellab->lab_post);
+void InitFileInfo (ImpMod imod)
+ char option_string[NR_OPTIONS+1];
+ CompilerOptions opts;
+ SymbDef start_sdef;
+ start_sdef=imod->im_start;
+#ifndef _STANDALONE_
+ MakeOptionsFromCurrentOptions (& opts);
+ ConvertOptionsToString (opts,option_string);
+ if (imod->im_def_module!=NULL && imod->im_def_module->dm_system_module)
+ option_string[N_System]='1';
+ put_first_directive_ (Dcomp);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%d %s", VERSION,option_string);
+#ifndef _STANDALONE_
+ AddVersionAndOptions (VERSION, opts);
+ put_directive_ (Dcode);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%7ld %7ld %7ld", (long) 0, (long) 0, (long) 0);
+ put_directive_ (Dstart);
+ if (start_sdef!=NULL){
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "__%s_Start",start_sdef->sdef_module);
+ } else
+ FPutS ("_nostart_", OutFile);
+void GenNoMatchError (SymbDef sdef,int asp,int bsp,int string_already_generated)
+ Bool desc_needed;
+ desc_needed = DescriptorNeeded (sdef);
+ GenPopA (asp);
+ GenPopB (bsp);
+ put_instruction_b (pushD);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "m_%s", CurrentModule);
+ put_instruction_b (pushD);
+ if (!desc_needed)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "x_%u", sdef->sdef_number);
+ else if (sdef->sdef_exported)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s", CurrentModule, sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ else if (DoDebug){
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==IMPRULE)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, D_PREFIX "%s.%u", sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name,sdef->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, D_PREFIX "%s", sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ } else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u", sdef->sdef_number);
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_b (d);
+ put_arguments_nn__b (0,2);
+ FPutS ("ii",OutFile);
+ }
+ GenJmp (&match_error_lab);
+ if (!desc_needed && !string_already_generated){
+ put_directive_ (Dstring);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "x_%u \"",sdef->sdef_number);
+ PrintSymbolOfIdent (sdef->sdef_ident, sdef->sdef_line,OutFile);
+ FPutS ("\"", OutFile);
+ }
+static void GenImpLab (char *label_name)
+ put_directive_b (implab);
+ FPutS (label_name,OutFile);
+static void GenImpLab_node_entry (char *label_name,char *ea_label_name)
+ put_directive_b (implab);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%s %s",label_name,ea_label_name);
+static void GenImpDesc (char *descriptor_name)
+ put_directive_b (impdesc);
+ FPutS (descriptor_name,OutFile);
+void GenEndInfo (void)
+ put_directive (Dendinfo);
+void GenSystemImports (void)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ /* system module labels and descriptors */
+ int selnum;
+ if (DoParallel){
+ GenImpLab (channel_code);
+ GenImpLab (hnf_reducer_code);
+ GenImpDesc (ext_hnf_reducer_code);
+ GenImpLab (nf_reducer_code);
+ GenImpDesc (ext_nf_reducer_code);
+ GenImpLab (reserve_lab.lab_name);
+ }
+ GenImpLab (cycle_lab.lab_name);
+ GenImpLab (type_error_lab.lab_name);
+ GenImpLab (hnf_lab.lab_name);
+ GenImpDesc ("_ind");
+ GenImpLab_node_entry (indirection_lab.lab_name,"_eaind");
+ GenImpDesc ("e_system_dif");
+ GenImpLab_node_entry ("e_system_nif","e_system_eaif");
+ GenImpDesc ("e_system_dAP");
+ GenImpLab_node_entry ("e_system_nAP","e_system_eaAP");
+ GenImpLab ("e_system_sif");
+ GenImpLab ("e_system_sAP");
+ GenImpDesc (cons_lab.lab_name);
+ GenImpDesc (nil_lab.lab_name);
+ GenImpDesc (tuple_lab.lab_name);
+ for (selnum=1; selnum<=NrOfGlobalSelectors; ++selnum){
+ put_directive_b (impdesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,D_PREFIX "%s.%d",glob_sel,selnum);
+ put_directive_b (implab);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%s.%d " EA_PREFIX "%s.%d",glob_sel,selnum,glob_sel,selnum);
+ }
+ for (selnum=1; selnum<=NrOfGlobalSelectors; ++selnum){
+ put_directive_b (impdesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,D_PREFIX "%s.%d",glob_selr,selnum);
+ put_directive_b (implab);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%s.%d " EA_PREFIX "%s.%d",glob_selr,selnum,glob_selr,selnum);
+ }
+ GenImpLab ("_driver");
+ }
+void GenParameters (Bool input, Parameters params, int asp, int bsp)
+ int is_first_parameter;
+ if (params==NULL)
+ return;
+ if (input)
+ put_instruction_ (Iin);
+ else
+ put_instruction_ (Iout);
+ is_first_parameter=1;
+ for (; params!=NULL; params=params->par_next){
+ NodeId node_id;
+ node_id=params->par_node_id;
+ if (!is_first_parameter)
+ FPutC (' ',OutFile);
+ if (IsSimpleState (node_id->nid_state) && node_id->nid_state.state_kind==OnB)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "b%d:%s",bsp-node_id->nid_b_index,params->par_loc->ident_name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "a%d:%s",asp-node_id->nid_a_index,params->par_loc->ident_name);
+ is_first_parameter=0;
+ }
+void GenInstructions (Instructions ilist)
+ for (; ilist; ilist = ilist->instr_next){
+ char *instruction_name;
+ instruction_name=ilist->instr_this;
+ FPutC ('\n',OutFile);
+ if (instruction_name[0]==':')
+ FPutS (&instruction_name[1],OutFile);
+ else {
+ if (instruction_name[0]!='.')
+ FPutC ('\t',OutFile);
+ FPutS (instruction_name,OutFile);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!DoDebug)
+ FPutC ('\n',OutFile);
+void GenTestCaf (Label label)
+ put_instruction_ (Itestcaf);
+ GenLabel (label);
+void GenPushCaf (Label label,int a_stack_size,int b_stack_size)
+ put_instruction_ (Ipushcaf);
+ GenLabel (label);
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d %d",a_stack_size,b_stack_size);
+void GenFillCaf (Label label,int a_stack_size,int b_stack_size)
+ put_instruction_ (Ifillcaf);
+ GenLabel (label);
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d %d",a_stack_size,b_stack_size);
+void GenCaf (Label label,int a_stack_size,int b_stack_size)
+ put_directive_ (Dcaf);
+ GenLabel (label);
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d %d",a_stack_size,b_stack_size);
+void GenPB (char *function_name)
+ put_directive_ (Dpb);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"\"%s\"",function_name);
+void GenPD (void)
+ put_directive (Dpd);
+void GenPN (void)
+ put_directive (Dpn);
+void GenPL (void)
+ put_directive (Dpl);
+void GenPLD (void)
+ put_directive (Dpld);
+void GenPT (void)
+ put_directive (Dpt);
+void GenPE (void)
+ put_directive (Dpe);
+void GenKeep (int a_offset1,int a_offset2)
+ put_directive_ (Dkeep);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%d %d",a_offset1,a_offset2);
+void GenImpObj (char *obj_name)
+ put_directive_ ("impobj");
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%s",obj_name);
+void GenImpLib (char *lib_name)
+ put_directive_ ("implib");
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%s",lib_name);
+void InitInstructions (void)
+ ABCFileName = NULL;
+ SetUnaryState (& ApplyState, StrictRedirection, UnknownObj);
+ ApplyLabel = NULL;
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/instructions.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/instructions.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..423b07a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/instructions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+extern File OutFile;
+extern char *ABCFileName;
+Bool OpenABCFile (char *fname);
+void CloseABCFile (char *fname);
+void BuildBasicFromB (ObjectKind kind,int b_offset);
+void FillBasicFromB (ObjectKind kind, int boffs, int aoffs, FillKind fkind);
+void BuildBasic (ObjectKind obj,SymbValue val);
+void FillBasic (ObjectKind obj, SymbValue val, int offset, FillKind fkind);
+void IsBasic (ObjectKind obj, SymbValue val, int offset);
+void IsString (SymbValue val);
+void PushBasic (ObjectKind obj, SymbValue val);
+void EqBasic (ObjectKind obj, SymbValue val, int offset);
+void PushBasicFromAOnB (ObjectKind kind,int offset);
+void GenPushD_a (int a_offset);
+void PushBasicOnB (ObjectKind state, int offset);
+void UpdateBasic (int size, int srcoffset, int dstoffset);
+void CallFunction (Label label, SymbDef def, Bool isjsr, Node root);
+void CallArrayFunction (SymbDef def,Bool isjsr,StateP node_state_p);
+void GenNewContext (Label contlab, int offset);
+void GenPushArgs (int offset,int arity,int nrargs);
+void GenPushArgsU (int offset,int arity,int nrargs);
+void GenPushArg (int offset,int arity,int argnr);
+void GenPushRArgs (int offset,int nr_a_args,int nr_b_args);
+void GenPushRArgsU (int offset,int n_a_args,int n_b_args);
+void GenPushRArgA (int offset,int tot_nr_a_args,int tot_nr_b_args,int args_nr,int nr_a_args);
+void GenPushRArgB (int offset,int tot_nr_a_args,int tot_nr_b_args,int args_nr,int nr_b_args);
+void GenReplArgs (int arity, int nrargs);
+void GenReplArg (int arity, int argnr);
+void GenReplRArgs (int nr_a_args, int nr_b_args);
+void GenReplRArgA (int tot_nr_a_args, int tot_nr_b_args, int args_nr, int nr_a_args);
+void GenPushNode (Label contlab, int arity);
+void GenPushNodeU (Label contlab,int a_size,int b_size);
+void GenFill (Label symblab, int arity,Label contlab, int offset, FillKind fkind);
+void GenFillcp (Label symblab,int arity,Label contlab,int offset,char bits[]);
+void GenFillU (Label symblab,int a_size,int b_size,Label contlab,int offset);
+void GenFillcpU (Label symblab,int a_size,int b_size,Label contlab,int offset,char bits[]);
+void GenFillh (Label symblab, int arity,int offset, FillKind fkind);
+void GenFill1 (Label symblab,int arity,int offset,char bits[]);
+void GenFill2 (Label symblab, int arity,int offset,char bits[]);
+void GenBuild (Label symblab,int arity,Label contlab);
+void GenBuildh (Label symblab,int arity);
+void GenBuildU (Label symblab,int a_size,int b_size,Label contlab);
+void GenBuildArray (int argoffset);
+void GenBuildString (SymbValue val);
+void GenBuildFieldSelector (Label symblab,Label contlab,char *record_name,int arity);
+void GenFillFieldSelector (Label symblab,Label contlab,char *record_name,int arity,int offset,FillKind fkind);
+void GenFillFromA (int src, int dst, FillKind fkind);
+void GenFillR (Label symblab,int nr_a_args,int nr_b_args,int rootoffset,int a_offset,int b_offset,FillKind fkind,Bool pop_args);
+void GenFill1R (Label symblab,int n_a_args,int n_b_args,int rootoffset,char bits[]);
+void GenFill2R (Label symblab,int n_a_args,int n_b_args,int rootoffset,char bits[]);
+void GenFill3R (Label symblab,int n_a_args,int n_b_args,int rootoffset,char bits[]);
+void GenBuildR (Label symblab,int nr_a_args,int nr_b_args,int a_offset,int b_offset,Bool pop_args);
+void GenFillArray (int argoffset, int rootoffset, FillKind fkind);
+void GenPushArray (int offset);
+void GenRtn (int asize, int bsize, StateS resultstate);
+void GenPushA (int offset);
+void GenPushB (int offset);
+void GenJsrEval (int offset);
+void GenJmpEval (void);
+void GenPopA (int nr);
+void GenPopB (int nr);
+void GenEqDesc (Label symblab, int arity, int offset);
+void GenEqD_b (Label symblab,int arity);
+void GenExitFalse (Label to);
+void GenJmpFalse (Label to);
+void GenJmpTrue (Label to);
+void GenJmp (Label tolab);
+void GenJsr (Label tolab);
+void GenCreate (int arity);
+void GenDumpString (char *str);
+void GenLabelDefinition (Label lab);
+void GenFieldLabelDefinition (Label label,char *record_name);
+void GenUpdateA (int src, int dst);
+void GenUpdateB (int src, int dst);
+#ifdef UPDATE_POP
+void GenUpdatePopA (int src, int dst);
+void GenUpdatePopB (int src, int dst);
+void GenFillArray (int argoffset, int rootoffset, FillKind fkind);
+void GenPushArray (int rootoffset);
+void GenNewParallelReducer (int offset, char *reducer_code);
+void GenNewInterleavedReducer (int offset, char *reducer_code);
+void GenNewContInterleavedReducer (int offset);
+void GenSendGraph (char *code, int graphoffs, int chanoffs);
+void GenCreateChannel (char *code);
+void GenNewP (void);
+void GenPushReducerId (int i);
+void GenSetRedId (int offset);
+void GenSetDefer (int offset);
+void SetContinue (int offset);
+void SetContinueOnReducer (int offset);
+void GenImport (SymbDef sdef);
+void GenExportRecord (SymbDef sdef);
+void GenExportFieldSelector (SymbDef sdef);
+void GenExportStrictAndEaEntry (SymbDef sdef);
+void GenExportEaEntry (SymbDef sdef);
+void GenDAStackLayout (int asize);
+void GenDStackLayoutOfStates (int asize,int bsize,int n_states,StateP state_p);
+void GenDStackLayoutOfState (int asize, int bsize, StateS resultstate);
+void GenOAStackLayout (int asize);
+void GenOStackLayoutOfStates (int asize,int bsize,int n_states,StateP state_p);
+void GenOStackLayoutOfState (int asize, int bsize, StateS resultstate);
+void GenDStackLayout (int asize,int bsize,Args fun_args);
+void GenOStackLayout (int asize,int bsize,Args fun_args);
+void GenNodeEntryDirective (int arity,Label label,Label label2);
+void GenNodeEntryDirectiveForLabelWithoutSymbol (int arity,Label label,Label label2);
+void GenNodeEntryDirectiveUnboxed (int a_size,int b_size,Label label,Label label2);
+void GenFieldNodeEntryDirective (int arity, Label label, Label label2,char *record_name);
+void GenConstructorDescriptorAndExport (SymbDef sdef);
+void GenFunctionDescriptorAndExportNodeAndDescriptor (SymbDef sdef);
+void GenConstructorFunctionDescriptorAndExportNodeAndDescriptor (SymbDef sdef);
+void GenFunctionDescriptorForLazyTupleRecursion (SymbDef sdef,int tuple_result_arity);
+void GenLazyRecordDescriptorAndExport (SymbDef sdef);
+void GenFieldSelectorDescriptor (SymbDef sdef,int has_gc_apply_entry);
+void GenRecordDescriptor (SymbDef sdef);
+void GenStrictConstructorDescriptor (SymbDef sdef,StateP constructor_arg_state_p);
+void GenArrayFunctionDescriptor (SymbDef arr_fun_def, Label desclab, int arity);
+void GenModuleDescriptor (FileTime file_time);
+void GenDepend (char *modname,FileTime file_time);
+void GenModuleDescriptor (void);
+void GenDepend (char *modname);
+void GenEndInfo (void);
+void GenSystemImports (void);
+void GenStart (SymbDef startsymb);
+void InitFileInfo (ImpMod imod);
+/* void GenFileInfo (void); */
+void GenNoMatchError (SymbDef sdef,int asp,int bsp,int string_already_generated);
+void InitInstructions (void);
+void GenHalt (void);
+void GenParameters (Bool input, Parameters params, int asp, int bsp);
+void GenInstructions (Instructions ilist);
+void GenJmpEvalUpdate (void);
+void GenSelectorDescriptor (Label sellab,char *g_pref);
+void GenGetNodeArity (int offset);
+void GenPushArgNr (int argnr);
+void GenPushArgB (int offset);
+void GenTestCaf (Label label);
+void GenPushCaf (Label label,int a_stack_size,int b_stack_size);
+void GenFillCaf (Label label,int a_stack_size,int b_stack_size);
+void GenCaf (Label label,int a_stack_size,int b_stack_size);
+void GenPB (char *function_name);
+void GenPD (void);
+void GenPN (void);
+void GenPL (void);
+void GenPLD (void);
+void GenPT (void);
+void GenPE (void);
+void GenKeep (int a_offset1,int a_offset2);
+void WriteLastNewlineToABCFile (void);
+void GenImpObj (char *obj_name);
+void GenImpLib (char *lib_name);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/mac.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/mac.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b55823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/mac.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ * MAC Dependencies *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifdef THINK_C
+ typedef int TwoBytesInt;
+ typedef long int FourBytesInt;
+ typedef unsigned TwoBytesUnsigned;
+ typedef unsigned long FourBytesUnsigned;
+ typedef short double EightBytesReal;
+ typedef short TwoBytesInt;
+ typedef int FourBytesInt;
+ typedef unsigned short TwoBytesUnsigned;
+ typedef unsigned int FourBytesUnsigned;
+ typedef double EightBytesReal;
+typedef float FourBytesReal;
+#define SizeT unsigned long
+#define SizeOf(A) ((SizeT) sizeof (A))
+#include <limits.h>
+#define _VARARGS_
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifdef THINK_C
+# include <unix.h>
+# include <stdio.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+typedef FILE *File;
+#ifdef THINK_C
+ /* special for MacIntosh command line support */
+ extern void InitIO (void);
+ extern void GetPreferences (char *fname);
+ void GetInitialPathList (void);
+ void FreePathList (void);
+#define StdOut stdout
+#if defined (__MWERKS__) || defined (__MRC__)
+#define StdError stderr
+#define StdError stdout
+#define StdVerboseH stdout
+#define StdVerboseL stdout
+#define StdListTypes stdout
+#define FGetC(f) fgetc(f)
+#define FGetS(s,n,f) fgets(s,n,f)
+#define FPutC(c,f) fputc(c,f)
+extern int open_dcl_file_for_block_reading (char *fname,File *file_p);
+extern int read_next_block_from_dcl_file (char *buffer);
+extern int open_dcl_file_for_block_reading_with_file_time (char *file_name,File *file_p,unsigned long *file_time_p);
+#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/mac_io.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/mac_io.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e169074
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/mac_io.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1088 @@
+#define for_l(v,l,n) for(v=(l);v!=NULL;v=v->n)
+#if defined (applec) || defined (__MWERKS__) || defined (__MRC__)
+# define mpwc
+# define NEWBRIDGE
+#if defined (mpwc) /* && ! (defined (MAKE_MPW_TOOL) && !defined (MAIN_CLM)) */
+# define USE_PATH_CACHE 1
+# define USE_PATH_CACHE 0
+#include "compiledefines.h"
+#ifndef _SYSTEM_
+# include "system.h"
+#if defined (POWER)
+# define USE_SYSTEM_ALLOC 1
+# define USE_SYSTEM_ALLOC 0
+#include <stdio.h>
+#ifndef mpwc
+# include <pascal.h>
+#include <Files.h>
+#include <Memory.h>
+#ifdef mpwc
+# include <strings.h>
+#include <Devices.h>
+#include <Events.h>
+#ifndef mpwc
+# include <unix.h>
+# include "path_cache.h"
+static unsigned char *copy_c_to_p_string (char *c_string,char *p_string)
+ char *s,*d,c;
+ d=p_string+1;
+ s=c_string;
+ while (c=*s++, c!='\0')
+ *d++=c;
+ *p_string=s-1-c_string;
+ return (unsigned char*) p_string;
+static FileTime FindFileTime (char *fname,int wd_ref_num)
+ int err;
+ FileParam fpb;
+ char p_string [256];
+ fpb.ioNamePtr=copy_c_to_p_string (fname,p_string);
+ fpb.ioFDirIndex=0;
+ fpb.ioFVersNum=0;
+ fpb.ioVRefNum=wd_ref_num;
+#ifdef mpwc
+ err = PBGetFInfoSync ((ParmBlkPtr)&fpb);
+ err = PBGetFInfo (&fpb, 0);
+ if (err)
+ return NoFile;
+ else
+ return fpb.ioFlMdDat;
+char *PATHLIST;
+#ifdef mpwc
+struct path_list {
+ short path_wd_ref_num;
+ short path_clean_system_files_wd_ref_num;
+ struct path_list * path_next;
+#if defined (__MWERKS__) || defined (__MRC__)
+ char path_name[];
+ char path_name[0];
+static struct path_list *path_list=NULL;
+static void add_directory_to_path_list (char *path_name,struct path_list **old_path_list_h)
+ short wd_ref_num,clean_system_files_wd_ref_num;
+ struct path_list *new_path,**last_path_p;
+ int path_name_length;
+ char p_string [256];
+ CInfoPBRec fpb;
+ WDPBRec wd_pb;
+ int err,root_path;
+ root_path=0;
+ if (path_name){
+ char *p;
+ for (p=path_name; *p!=':' && *p!='\0'; ++p)
+ ;
+ if (*p=='\0'){
+ root_path=1;
+ p[0]=':';
+ p[1]='\0';
+ }
+ }
+ if (path_name)
+ fpb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr=copy_c_to_p_string (path_name,p_string);
+ else
+ fpb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr=(unsigned char*)"\001:";
+ fpb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum=0;
+ fpb.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex=0;
+ fpb.hFileInfo.ioDirID=0;
+ err = PBGetCatInfoSync (&fpb);
+ if (err!=0){
+ if (path_name)
+ fprintf (stderr,"folder '%s' does not exist\n",path_name);
+# ifdef ADD_NULL_PATH
+ else
+ fprintf (stderr,"folder ':' does not exist\n");
+# endif
+ return;
+ }
+ wd_pb.ioNamePtr=fpb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr;
+ wd_pb.ioWDProcID='ClCo';
+ wd_pb.ioVRefNum=0;
+ wd_pb.ioWDDirID=0;
+ wd_pb.ioVRefNum=fpb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum;
+ wd_pb.ioWDDirID=fpb.hFileInfo.ioDirID;
+ err = PBOpenWD (&wd_pb,0);
+ if (err!=0){
+ if (path_name)
+ fprintf (stderr,"folder '%s' does not exist\n",path_name);
+ else
+ fprintf (stderr,"folder ':' does not exist\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ wd_ref_num=wd_pb.ioVRefNum;
+ if (path_name){
+ if (root_path)
+ strcat (path_name,"Clean System Files");
+ else
+ strcat (path_name,":Clean System Files");
+ } else
+ path_name="Clean System Files";
+ fpb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr=copy_c_to_p_string (path_name,p_string);
+ fpb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum =0;
+ fpb.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex=0;
+ fpb.hFileInfo.ioDirID=0;
+ err = PBGetCatInfoSync (&fpb);
+ if (err!=0){
+ err = PBDirCreateSync ((HParamBlockRec*)&fpb);
+ if (err!=0){
+ fprintf (stderr,"cannot create folder '%s'\n",path_name);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ wd_pb.ioNamePtr=fpb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr;
+ wd_pb.ioWDProcID='ClCo';
+ wd_pb.ioVRefNum=0;
+ wd_pb.ioWDDirID=0;
+ wd_pb.ioVRefNum=fpb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum;
+ wd_pb.ioWDDirID=fpb.hFileInfo.ioDirID;
+ err = PBOpenWD (&wd_pb,0);
+ if (err!=0){
+ if (path_name)
+ fprintf (stderr,"folder '%s' does not exist\n",path_name);
+ return;
+ }
+ clean_system_files_wd_ref_num=wd_pb.ioVRefNum;
+ path_name_length=strlen (path_name)-strlen (":Clean System Files");
+ if (path_name_length<0)
+ path_name_length=0;
+ path_name[path_name_length]='\0';
+ clean_system_files_wd_ref_num=0;
+ if (path_name==NULL)
+ path_name="";
+ path_name_length=strlen (path_name);
+ last_path_p=&path_list;
+ while (*last_path_p)
+ last_path_p=&(*last_path_p)->path_next;
+ /* reuse memory from previous path_list */
+ {
+ struct path_list *old_path_list_p;
+ for (; (old_path_list_p=*old_path_list_h)!=NULL; old_path_list_h=&old_path_list_p->path_next){
+ if (old_path_list_p->path_wd_ref_num==wd_ref_num &&
+ old_path_list_p->path_clean_system_files_wd_ref_num==clean_system_files_wd_ref_num &&
+ !strcmp (old_path_list_p->path_name,path_name))
+ {
+ *old_path_list_h=old_path_list_p->path_next;
+ old_path_list_p->path_next=NULL;
+ *last_path_p=old_path_list_p;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ new_path=(struct path_list*)Alloc (1,sizeof (struct path_list)+1+path_name_length);
+ new_path->path_wd_ref_num=wd_ref_num;
+ new_path->path_clean_system_files_wd_ref_num=clean_system_files_wd_ref_num;
+ strcpy (new_path->path_name,path_name);
+ new_path->path_next=NULL;
+ *last_path_p=new_path;
+extern char *path_parameter;
+void GetInitialPathList (void)
+ char path[MAXPATHLEN];
+ struct path_list *old_path_list;
+ char *s,*path_elem,*p;
+ int c;
+ p = path_parameter;
+ if (p==NULL){
+ PATHLIST="\0";
+ return;
+ }
+ old_path_list=path_list;
+ path_list=NULL;
+ add_directory_to_path_list (NULL,&old_path_list);
+ path_elem =PATHLIST;
+ s=path_elem;
+ for (c = *s;;c = *s){
+ if (c == ',' || c == '\0'){
+ char *from_p,*dest_p;
+ from_p=path_elem;
+ dest_p=path;
+ while (from_p<s)
+ *dest_p++ = *from_p++;
+ *dest_p = '\0';
+ add_directory_to_path_list (path,&old_path_list);
+ if (c == '\0')
+ break;
+ path_elem = ++s;
+ } else
+ ++s;
+ }
+void FreePathList (void)
+ struct path_list *path,*next_path;
+ path=path_list;
+ path_list=NULL;
+ while (path!=NULL){
+ next_path=path->path_next;
+ Free (path);
+ path=next_path;
+ }
+char *GetFileExtension (FileKind kind)
+ switch (kind){
+ case abcFile: return ".abc";
+ case obj00File: return ".obj0";
+ case obj20File: return ".obj1";
+ case obj81File: return ".obj2";
+ case iclFile: return ".icl";
+ case dclFile: return ".dcl";
+ case dumpFile: return ".dmp";
+ case statFile: return ".stt";
+ case stasFile: return ".str";
+ case assFile: return ".a";
+ case sunAssFile: return ".s";
+ case helpFile:
+ case applFile:
+ case otherFile:
+ default: return "";
+ }
+extern char *clean_abc_path; /* imported from clm.c */
+#if defined (mpwc) && WRITE_DCL_MODIFICATION_TIME
+ static Bool find_filepath_and_time (char *file_name,FileKind kind,char *path,FileTime *file_time_p)
+ {
+ char *file_extension;
+ struct path_list *path_elem;
+ file_extension=GetFileExtension (kind);
+ if (file_name[0]!=':'){
+ strcpy (path,file_name);
+ strcat (path,file_extension);
+ if (kind==dclFile){
+ struct search_dcl_path_in_cache_result r;
+ if (search_dcl_path_in_cache (file_name,&r)){
+ strcpy (path,r.path);
+ if (path[0]=='\0'){
+ } else
+ strcat (path,":");
+ if (path[0]!='\0' && path[strlen (path)-1]!=':')
+ strcat (path,":");
+ strcat (path,file_name);
+ strcat (path,file_extension);
+ *file_time_p=r.file_time;
+ return True;
+ }
+ }
+ for_l (path_elem,path_list,path_next){
+ short wd_ref_num;
+ unsigned long file_time;
+ wd_ref_num=path_elem->path_wd_ref_num;
+ file_time=FindFileTime (path,wd_ref_num);
+ if (file_time!=NoFile){
+ strcpy (path,path_elem->path_name);
+ if (path[0]=='\0'){
+ } else
+ strcat (path,":");
+ if (path[0]!='\0' && path[strlen (path)-1]!=':')
+ strcat (path,":");
+ strcat (path,file_name);
+ strcat (path,file_extension);
+ if (kind==dclFile)
+ cache_dcl_path (file_name,path_elem->path_wd_ref_num,
+ path_elem->path_clean_system_files_wd_ref_num,file_time,path_elem->path_name);
+ *file_time_p=file_time;
+ return True;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ strcpy (path,file_name);
+ strcat (path,file_extension);
+ {
+ unsigned long file_time;
+ file_time=FindFileTime (path,0);
+ if (file_time==NoFile)
+ return False;
+ else {
+ *file_time_p=file_time;
+ return True;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef mpwc
+ static Bool findfilepath (char *file_name,FileKind kind,char *path)
+ {
+ char *file_extension;
+ int in_clean_system_files_folder;
+ struct path_list *path_elem;
+ switch (kind){
+ case abcFile:
+ case obj00File:
+ case obj20File:
+ case obj81File:
+ in_clean_system_files_folder=1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ in_clean_system_files_folder=0;
+ }
+ file_extension=GetFileExtension (kind);
+ if (file_name[0]!=':'){
+ strcpy (path,file_name);
+ strcat (path,file_extension);
+ if (kind==dclFile){
+ struct search_dcl_path_in_cache_result r;
+ if (search_dcl_path_in_cache (file_name,&r)){
+ strcpy (path,r.path);
+ if (path[0]=='\0'){
+ if (in_clean_system_files_folder)
+ strcpy (path,"Clean System Files:");
+ } else
+ if (in_clean_system_files_folder)
+ strcat (path,":Clean System Files:");
+ else
+ strcat (path,":");
+ if (path[0]!='\0' && path[strlen (path)-1]!=':')
+ strcat (path,":");
+ strcat (path,file_name);
+ strcat (path,file_extension);
+ return True;
+ }
+ }
+ for (path_elem=(clean_abc_path!=NULL && !in_clean_system_files_folder && path_list!=NULL)
+ ? path_list->path_next
+ : path_list;
+ path_elem!=NULL;
+ path_elem=(clean_abc_path!=NULL && in_clean_system_files_folder)
+ ? NULL
+ : path_elem->path_next)
+ {
+ for_l (path_elem,path_list,path_next){
+ short wd_ref_num;
+ unsigned long file_time;
+ if (in_clean_system_files_folder)
+ wd_ref_num=path_elem->path_clean_system_files_wd_ref_num;
+ else
+ wd_ref_num=path_elem->path_wd_ref_num;
+ file_time=FindFileTime (path,wd_ref_num);
+ if (file_time!=NoFile){
+ strcpy (path,path_elem->path_name);
+ if (path[0]=='\0'){
+ if (in_clean_system_files_folder)
+ strcpy (path,"Clean System Files:");
+ } else
+ if (in_clean_system_files_folder)
+ strcat (path,":Clean System Files:");
+ else
+ strcat (path,":");
+ if (path[0]!='\0' && path[strlen (path)-1]!=':')
+ strcat (path,":");
+ strcat (path,file_name);
+ strcat (path,file_extension);
+ if (kind==dclFile && !in_clean_system_files_folder)
+ cache_dcl_path (file_name,path_elem->path_wd_ref_num,
+ path_elem->path_clean_system_files_wd_ref_num,file_time,path_elem->path_name);
+ return True;
+ }
+ }
+ return False;
+ }
+ if (in_clean_system_files_folder && file_name[0]!=':'){
+ strcpy (path,":Clean System Files:");
+ strcat (path, file_name);
+ } else
+ strcpy (path,file_name);
+ strcat (path,file_extension);
+ return FindFileTime (path,0);
+ }
+ static Bool findfilepath (char *wname, FileKind kind, char *path)
+ {
+ char *s,*pathelem,c,*file_extension;
+ FILE *f;
+ file_extension=GetFileExtension (kind);
+ /* first try current directory */
+ strcpy (path,wname);
+ strcat (path,file_extension);
+ if (FindFileTime (path,0) != NoFile)
+ return True;
+ pathelem = PATHLIST;
+ s = pathelem;
+ for (c = *s;;c = *s){
+ if (c == ',' || c == '\0'){
+ char *from_p,*dest_p;
+ from_p=path_elem;
+ dest_p=path;
+ while (from_p<s)
+ *dest_p++ = *from_p++;
+ *dest_p = '\0';
+ strcat (path, ":");
+ strcat (path, wname);
+ strcat (path,file_extension);
+ if (FindFileTime (path,0) != NoFile)
+ return True;
+ /* if all else fails, exit the loop */
+ if (c == '\0')
+ break;
+ pathelem = ++s;
+ } else
+ ++s;
+ }
+ /* if all else fails, return False, and the current name */
+ strcpy (path,wname);
+ strcat (path,file_extension);
+ return False;
+ }
+File FOpenWithFileTime (char *file_name,FileKind kind, char *mode,FileTime *file_time_p)
+ char path[MAXPATHLEN];
+ Bool res;
+ res=find_filepath_and_time (file_name, kind, path,file_time_p);
+ if (res || mode[0] != 'r')
+ return (File) fopen (path, mode);
+ else
+ return NULL;
+File FOpen (char *file_name,FileKind kind, char *mode)
+ char path[MAXPATHLEN];
+ Bool res;
+#ifdef mpwc
+ if (mode[0]=='r'){
+ findfilepath (file_name,kind,path);
+ return (File) fopen (path, mode);
+ } else {
+ char *p;
+ int full_path_name;
+ for (p=file_name; *p!=':' && *p!='\0'; ++p)
+ ;
+ full_path_name = *p==':';
+ if (full_path_name){
+ strcpy (path,file_name);
+ strcat (path,GetFileExtension (kind));
+ return (File) fopen (path,mode);
+ } else {
+ res = findfilepath (file_name,dclFile, path);
+ if (!res)
+ res = findfilepath (file_name,iclFile, path);
+ if (res){
+ char *p,*after_last_colon;
+ after_last_colon=NULL;
+ p=path;
+ while (*p)
+ if (*p++==':')
+ after_last_colon=p;
+ if (after_last_colon==NULL){
+ after_last_colon=path;
+ *after_last_colon++=':';
+ }
+ strcpy (after_last_colon,"Clean System Files:");
+ strcat (after_last_colon,file_name);
+ strcat (after_last_colon,GetFileExtension (kind));
+ return (File) fopen (path, mode);
+ } else
+ return (File) Null;
+ }
+ }
+ res=findfilepath (file_name, kind, path);
+ if (res || mode[0] != 'r')
+ return (File) fopen (path, mode);
+ else
+ return (File) Null;
+#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024
+struct file_block {
+ int file_block_size;
+ struct file_block * file_block_next;
+ char file_block_data[BUFFER_SIZE];
+static int reading_from_cache;
+File dcl_file;
+static struct file_block **next_file_block_l;
+int open_dcl_file_for_block_reading_with_file_time (char *file_name,File *file_p,FileTime *file_time_p)
+ char path[256];
+ struct file_block **file_blocks_p;
+ file_blocks_p=get_file_blocks_p_and_time_of_dcl_file (file_name,file_time_p);
+ if (file_blocks_p && *file_blocks_p){
+ reading_from_cache=1;
+ next_file_block_l=file_blocks_p;
+ *file_p=NULL;
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ reading_from_cache=0;
+ findfilepath (file_name,dclFile,path);
+ file_blocks_p=get_file_blocks_p_and_time_of_dcl_file (file_name,file_time_p);
+ if (file_blocks_p==NULL){
+ *file_p=NULL;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ next_file_block_l=file_blocks_p;
+ dcl_file=(File) fopen (path,"rb");
+ *file_p=dcl_file;
+ if (dcl_file){
+ setvbuf ((FILE*) dcl_file,NULL,_IOFBF,8192);
+ return 1;
+ } else
+ return 0;
+ }
+int open_dcl_file_for_block_reading (char *file_name,File *file_p)
+ char path[256];
+ struct file_block **file_blocks_p;
+ file_blocks_p=get_file_blocks_p_of_dcl_file (file_name);
+ if (file_blocks_p && *file_blocks_p){
+ reading_from_cache=1;
+ next_file_block_l=file_blocks_p;
+ *file_p=NULL;
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ reading_from_cache=0;
+ findfilepath (file_name,dclFile,path);
+ file_blocks_p=get_file_blocks_p_of_dcl_file (file_name);
+ if (file_blocks_p==NULL){
+ *file_p=NULL;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ next_file_block_l=file_blocks_p;
+ dcl_file=(File) fopen (path,"rb");
+ *file_p=dcl_file;
+ if (dcl_file){
+ setvbuf ((FILE*) dcl_file,NULL,_IOFBF,8192);
+ return 1;
+ } else
+ return 0;
+ }
+int read_next_block_from_dcl_file (char *buffer)
+ if (reading_from_cache){
+ struct file_block *file_block_p;
+ file_block_p=*next_file_block_l;
+ if (file_block_p!=NULL){
+ int n_chars;
+ n_chars=file_block_p->file_block_size;
+ memcpy (buffer,file_block_p->file_block_data,n_chars);
+ if (n_chars>0)
+ next_file_block_l=&file_block_p->file_block_next;
+ return n_chars;
+ } else
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ int n_chars_read;
+ n_chars_read = FRead (buffer,1,1024l,dcl_file);
+ if (n_chars_read>0){
+ struct file_block *new_file_block_p;
+ new_file_block_p=(struct file_block*)Alloc (1,sizeof (struct file_block));
+ new_file_block_p->file_block_size=n_chars_read;
+ memcpy (new_file_block_p->file_block_data,buffer,n_chars_read);
+ new_file_block_p->file_block_next=NULL;
+ *next_file_block_l=new_file_block_p;
+ next_file_block_l=&new_file_block_p->file_block_next;
+ }
+ return n_chars_read;
+ }
+int FClose (File f)
+ return fclose ((FILE *) f);
+extern int FDelete (char *fname, FileKind kind);
+int FDelete (char *fname, FileKind kind)
+ char path[MAXPATHLEN];
+ Bool res;
+ res = findfilepath (fname, kind, path);
+ if (res)
+ return remove (path);
+ else
+ return -1;
+#define OUTSIZE 2048
+int FPrintF (File f, char *fmt, ...)
+{ int n;
+ va_list args;
+ char outbuffer[OUTSIZE];
+ va_start (args, fmt);
+ vsprintf (outbuffer, fmt, args);
+ n = strlen (outbuffer);
+ if (n >= OUTSIZE)
+ { fputs ("FATAL ERROR: out buffer to small\n", stderr);
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ va_end (args);
+ return fputs (outbuffer, (FILE *) f);
+} /* FPrintF */
+size_t FWrite (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t count, File f)
+ return fwrite (ptr, size, count, (FILE *) f);
+} /* FWrite */
+size_t FRead (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t count, File f)
+ return fread (ptr, size, count, (FILE *) f);
+} /* FRead */
+int FPutS (char *s, File f)
+ return fputs (s, (FILE *) f);
+} /* FPutS */
+int FSeek (File f, long offset, int origin)
+ return fseek ((FILE *) f, offset, origin);
+} /* FSeek */
+long FTell (File f)
+ return ftell ((FILE *) f);
+} /* FTell */
+FileTime FGetFileTime (char *fname, FileKind kind)
+ char path[MAXPATHLEN];
+ Bool res;
+ res = findfilepath (fname, kind, path);
+/* FPrintF (StdOut, "timing %s\n", fname); */
+ if (res)
+ return FindFileTime (path,0);
+ else
+ return NoFile;
+} /* FGetFileTime */
+void FWriteFileTime (FileTime file_time,File f)
+ DateTimeRec date_and_time;
+ SecondsToDate (file_time,&date_and_time);
+ fprintf (f,"%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d",
+ date_and_time.year,date_and_time.month,date_and_time.day,
+ date_and_time.hour,date_and_time.minute,date_and_time.second);
+Bool GetOptionsFromIclFile (char *fname, CompilerOptions *opts)
+ return False;
+} /* GetOptionsFromIclFile */
+void DoError (char *fmt, ...)
+{ va_list args;
+ va_start (args, fmt);
+ (void) vfprintf (stderr, fmt, args);
+ va_end (args);
+} /* DoError */
+void DoFatalError (char *fmt, ...)
+{ va_list args;
+ va_start (args, fmt);
+ fputs ("Fatal error: ", stderr);
+ (void) vfprintf (stderr, fmt, args);
+ va_end (args);
+ exit (0);
+} /* DoFatalError */
+void CmdError (char *errormsg,...)
+{ va_list args;
+ va_start (args, errormsg);
+ fputs ("Command line error: ", stdout);
+ vfprintf (stdout, errormsg, args);
+ fputc ('\n', stdout);
+ va_end (args);
+} /* CmdError */
+extern long GetMainModuleVolume (void);
+long GetMainModuleVolume (void)
+ return 0;
+} /* GetMainModuleVolume */
+static void Nothing (void)
+} /* Nothing */
+static void (*interfunct) (void) = Nothing;
+void (*SetSignal (void (*f) (void))) (void)
+{ void (*oldf) () = interfunct;
+ interfunct = f;
+ return oldf;
+} /* SetSignal */
+int CheckInterrupt ()
+#ifndef mpwc
+ EventRecord the_Event; /* holds the event record */
+ GetNextEvent(everyEvent, &the_Event);
+ if (the_Event.what == keyDown && the_Event.modifiers & cmdKey)
+ {
+ char c;
+ c = (unsigned char) the_Event.message;
+ if (c == '.')
+ { (*interfunct) ();
+ return True;
+ }
+ }
+ return False;
+} /* CheckInterrupt */
+void *Alloc (unsigned long count, SizeT size)
+ if (size!=1){
+ if (count >= MAXUNSIGNED / size)
+ DoFatalError ("Allocate: severe memory allocation problem");
+ count *= size;
+ }
+ return (void *) NewPtr ((size_t) (count));
+ return (void *) malloc ((size_t) (count));
+void Free (void *p)
+ DisposePtr ((char*)p);
+ free ((char *) p);
+typedef struct LaunchStruct {
+ char *pfName;
+ int param;
+ char LC[2];
+ long extBlockLen;
+ int fFlags;
+ long launchFlags;
+} *pLanchStruct;
+int System (char *file_name)
+#ifdef mpwc
+ return 0;
+ struct LaunchStruct myLaunch;
+ HFileInfo myPb;
+ int error;
+ char *errmsg = "Could not launch %s\n";
+ CtoPstr (file_name);
+ myPb.ioNamePtr=(StringPtr) file_name;
+ myPb.ioVRefNum=0;
+ myPb.ioFDirIndex=0;
+ myPb.ioDirID=0;
+ error=PBGetCatInfo ((CInfoPBPtr) &myPb,0);
+ if (error)
+ {
+ PtoCstr (file_name);
+ DoError (errmsg, file_name);
+ return error;
+ }
+ error=SetVol (Null,0);
+ if (error)
+ {
+ PtoCstr (file_name);
+ DoError (errmsg, file_name);
+ return error;
+ }
+ myLaunch.pfName=file_name;
+ myLaunch.param=0;
+ myLaunch.LC[0]='L';
+ myLaunch.LC[1]='C';
+ myLaunch.extBlockLen=4;
+ myLaunch.fFlags=myPb.ioFlFndrInfo.fdFlags;
+ myLaunch.launchFlags=0xc0000000;
+ asm
+ {
+ lea myLaunch,A0
+ _Launch
+ move d0,error
+ }
+ PtoCstr (file_name);
+ if (error>=0)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ { DoError (errmsg, file_name);
+ return error;
+ }
+} /* System */
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/macros.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/macros.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9266f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/macros.h
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+extern Node substitute_macro_in_rhs (Macro *macro_p,Node appl,int local_scope,NodeDefs **node_def_p,ImpRuleS ***imp_rule_p);
+extern Node substitute_macro_in_lhs (RuleAltS *alt,Node appl,int local_scope,NodeDefs **node_def_p);
+extern void CheckEqualMacros (RuleAltS *alt1,RuleAltS *alt2);
+extern struct local_def *AllocateLocalDef (void);
+extern struct local_def *free_ldefs;
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/macros_2.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/macros_2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a63a9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/macros_2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ File: macros.c
+ Author: John van Groningen
+#include "types.t"
+#include "system.h"
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "sizes.h"
+#include "buildtree.h"
+#include "checksupport.h"
+#include "macros.h"
+#include "checktypedefs.h"
+struct local_def *free_ldefs;
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/macuser.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/macuser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6189474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/macuser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ * *
+ * Mac User Interface Dependencies *
+ * *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+extern int MACUSERVAR;
+#define CheckVersion if (MACUSERVAR != VERSION) DoFatalError ("Wrong version number")
+typedef int TwoBytesInt;
+typedef long int FourBytesInt;
+typedef unsigned TwoBytesUnsigned;
+typedef unsigned long FourBytesUnsigned;
+#ifdef applec
+typedef double EightBytesReal;
+typedef short double EightBytesReal;
+typedef float FourBytesReal;
+#define SizeT unsigned long
+#define SizeOf(A) ((SizeT) sizeof (A))
+#include <limits.h>
+#define _SCREENFileS_
+#define _CURMOV_
+#define _VARARGS_
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifdef applec
+# include <stdio.h>
+# include <unix.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+this type is not provided by LightSpeed C
+typedef unsigned long time_t;
+typedef FILE *File;
+# define FClose fclose
+# define FPrintF fprintf
+# define FPutC fputc
+# define FPutS fputs
+# define FWrite fwrite
+# define FSeek fseek
+# define FTell ftell
+# define FGetC fgetc
+# define FGetS fgets
+# define FRead fread
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/optimisations.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/optimisations.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d41f1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/optimisations.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3601 @@
+ File: optimisations.c
+ Author: John van Groningen
+#include "system.h"
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "statesgen.h"
+#include "checker.h"
+#include "scanner.h"
+#include "buildtree.h"
+#include "optimisations.h"
+#include "codegen_types.h"
+#include "codegen1.h"
+#include "codegen2.h"
+#include "sa.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "pattern_match.h"
+#define UNTUPLE_STRICT_TUPLES /* also in statesgen.c */
+#define for_l(v,l,n) for(v=(l);v!=NULL;v=v->n)
+#define for_la(v1,v2,l1,l2,n) for(v1=(l1),v2=(l2);v1!=NULL;v1=v1->n,++v2)
+#define for_li(v,i,l,n) for(v=(l),i=0;v!=NULL;v=v->n,++i)
+#define for_l_l(v1,l1,n1,v2,l2,n2) for(v1=(l1),v2=(l2);v1!=NULL;v1=v1->n1,v2=v2->n2)
+#define for_lla(v1,v2,v3,l1,l2,l3,n1,n2) for(v1=(l1),v2=(l2),v3=(l3);v1!=NULL;v1=v1->n1,v2=v2->n2,++v3)
+#define BETWEEN(l,h,v) ((unsigned)((v)-(l)) <= (unsigned)((h)-(l)))
+static void error_in_function (char *m)
+ ErrorInCompiler ("optimisations.c",m,"");
+#define MAX_N_VERSIONS 3
+static int function_changed;
+static int tuple_state_has_more_strictness (StateS *state_p,TypeNode type_node,StateS *function_state_p)
+ StateS *arg_state_p,*function_arg_state_p;
+ TypeArg *type_arg;
+ if (type_node->type_node_is_var || type_node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind!=tuple_type)
+ return 0;
+ if (type_node->type_node_arity!=state_p->state_arity || type_node->type_node_symbol->symb_arity!=state_p->state_arity)
+ return 0;
+ type_arg=type_node->type_node_arguments;
+ arg_state_p=state_p->state_tuple_arguments;
+ function_arg_state_p=function_state_p->state_tuple_arguments;
+ while (type_arg!=NULL){
+ switch (arg_state_p->state_type){
+ case SimpleState:
+ if (! IsLazyStateKind (arg_state_p->state_kind))
+ if (IsLazyState (*function_arg_state_p))
+ return 1;
+ break;
+ case TupleState:
+ if (IsLazyState (*function_arg_state_p))
+ return 1;
+ if (function_arg_state_p->state_type==TupleState)
+ if (tuple_state_has_more_strictness (arg_state_p,type_arg->type_arg_node,function_arg_state_p))
+ return 1;
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ case RecordState:
+ if (IsLazyState (*function_arg_state_p))
+ return 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ type_arg=type_arg->type_arg_next;
+ ++arg_state_p;
+ ++function_arg_state_p;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int equal_strictness_in_types (TypeNode lazy_type_node,TypeNode strict_type_node)
+ TypeArg *lazy_type_arg,*strict_type_arg;
+ if (lazy_type_node->type_node_is_var || lazy_type_node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind!=tuple_type)
+ return 0;
+ for_l_l (lazy_type_arg,lazy_type_node->type_node_arguments,type_arg_next,
+ strict_type_arg,strict_type_node->type_node_arguments,type_arg_next)
+ {
+ TypeNode lazy_type_arg_node,strict_type_arg_node;
+ lazy_type_arg_node=lazy_type_arg->type_arg_node;
+ strict_type_arg_node=strict_type_arg->type_arg_node;
+ if (lazy_type_arg_node->type_node_annotation==StrictAnnot != strict_type_arg_node->type_node_annotation==StrictAnnot)
+ return 0;
+ if (!lazy_type_arg_node->type_node_is_var && lazy_type_arg_node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind==tuple_type)
+ if (!equal_strictness_in_types (lazy_type_arg_node,strict_type_arg_node))
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int type_and_strictness_in_state_equals_type (TypeNode lazy_type_node,StateS *state_p,TypeNode strict_type_node)
+ StateS *arg_state_p;
+ TypeArg *lazy_type_arg,*strict_type_arg;
+ if (lazy_type_node->type_node_is_var || lazy_type_node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind!=tuple_type)
+ return 0;
+ if (lazy_type_node->type_node_arity!=state_p->state_arity || lazy_type_node->type_node_symbol->symb_arity!=state_p->state_arity)
+ return 0;
+ arg_state_p=state_p->state_tuple_arguments;
+ lazy_type_arg=lazy_type_node->type_node_arguments;
+ strict_type_arg=strict_type_node->type_node_arguments;
+ while (lazy_type_arg!=NULL){
+ TypeNode lazy_type_arg_node,strict_type_arg_node;
+ int strict;
+ lazy_type_arg_node=lazy_type_arg->type_arg_node;
+ strict_type_arg_node=strict_type_arg->type_arg_node;
+ strict = lazy_type_arg_node->type_node_annotation==StrictAnnot || !IsLazyState (*arg_state_p);
+ if (strict != strict_type_arg_node->type_node_annotation==StrictAnnot)
+ return 0;
+ if (!lazy_type_arg_node->type_node_is_var && lazy_type_arg_node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind==tuple_type)
+ if (arg_state_p->state_type==TupleState){
+ if (!type_and_strictness_in_state_equals_type (lazy_type_arg_node,arg_state_p,strict_type_arg_node))
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ if (!equal_strictness_in_types (lazy_type_arg_node,strict_type_arg_node))
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ++arg_state_p;
+ lazy_type_arg=lazy_type_arg->type_arg_next;
+ strict_type_arg=strict_type_arg->type_arg_next;
+ }
+ return 1;
+static void add_strictness_in_state_to_type (StateS *state_p,TypeNode type_node)
+ StateS *arg_state_p;
+ TypeArg *type_arg;
+ if (type_node->type_node_is_var || type_node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind!=tuple_type)
+ return;
+ if (type_node->type_node_arity!=state_p->state_arity || type_node->type_node_symbol->symb_arity!=state_p->state_arity)
+ return;
+ arg_state_p=state_p->state_tuple_arguments;
+ type_arg=type_node->type_node_arguments;
+ while (type_arg!=NULL){
+ TypeNode type_arg_node;
+ type_arg_node=type_arg->type_arg_node;
+ switch (arg_state_p->state_type){
+ case SimpleState:
+ if (IsLazyStateKind (arg_state_p->state_kind))
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ case RecordState:
+ if (type_arg_node->type_node_annotation==NoAnnot)
+ type_arg_node->type_node_annotation=StrictAnnot;
+ break;
+ case TupleState:
+ if (type_arg_node->type_node_annotation==NoAnnot)
+ type_arg_node->type_node_annotation=StrictAnnot;
+ if (!type_arg_node->type_node_is_var && type_arg_node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind==tuple_type)
+ add_strictness_in_state_to_type (arg_state_p,type_arg_node);
+ break;
+ }
+ ++arg_state_p;
+ type_arg=type_arg->type_arg_next;
+ }
+static TypeNode copy_type (TypeNode old_type)
+ TypeNode new_type;
+ new_type=CompAllocType (struct type_node);
+ *new_type=*old_type;
+#if 0
+ ConvertAnnotationToStateForTypeNode (new_type);
+ if (!old_type->type_node_is_var){
+ TypeArgs old_arg,*next_p;
+ next_p=&new_type->type_node_arguments;
+ for_l (old_arg,old_type->type_node_arguments,type_arg_next){
+ TypeArgs new_arg;
+ new_arg=CompAllocType (TypeArg);
+ new_arg->type_arg_node=copy_type (old_arg->type_arg_node);
+ *next_p=new_arg;
+ next_p=&new_arg->type_arg_next;
+ }
+ *next_p=NULL;
+ }
+ return new_type;
+static TypeAlts copy_rule_type (TypeAlts old_rule_alt)
+ TypeAlts new_rule_alt;
+ new_rule_alt=CompAllocType (TypeAlt);
+ *new_rule_alt=*old_rule_alt;
+ new_rule_alt->type_alt_lhs = copy_type (old_rule_alt->type_alt_lhs);
+ new_rule_alt->type_alt_rhs = copy_type (old_rule_alt->type_alt_rhs);
+ return new_rule_alt;
+SymbolP copy_imp_rule_and_type (SymbDef old_sdef)
+ SymbDef new_sdef;
+ ImpRuleP new_rule,old_rule;
+ Symbol new_symbol;
+ new_sdef = CompAllocType (SymbDefS);
+ new_symbol=NewSymbol (definition);
+ new_symbol->symb_def=new_sdef;
+ *new_sdef = *old_sdef;
+ new_sdef->sdef_exported=False;
+ new_sdef->sdef_sa_fun=NULL;
+ new_rule = CompAllocType (ImpRuleS);
+ new_sdef->sdef_rule=new_rule;
+ old_rule=old_sdef->sdef_rule;
+ new_rule->rule_type=copy_rule_type (old_rule->rule_type);
+ new_rule->rule_type->type_alt_lhs->type_node_symbol=new_symbol;
+ return new_symbol;
+static Node copy_node (Node old, Bool lhs);
+static NodeId copy_node_id (NodeId old_node_id)
+ NodeId new_node_id;
+ new_node_id = CompAllocType (NodeIdS);
+ *new_node_id = *old_node_id;
+ new_node_id->nid_mark &= ~SHARED_NODES_COLLECTED_MASK;
+ new_node_id->nid_mark2 &= ~NID_CALL_VIA_LAZY_SELECTIONS_ONLY;
+ new_node_id->nid_ref_count_copy_=new_node_id->nid_refcount;
+ new_node_id->nid_exp_=NULL;
+ old_node_id->nid_forward_node_id_ = new_node_id;
+ return new_node_id;
+static NodeDefP copy_lhs_node_ids_of_node_defs (NodeDefs old_node_defs)
+ NodeDefP old_def_p,first_p,*next_h;
+ next_h=&first_p;
+ for_l (old_def_p,old_node_defs,def_next){
+ NodeDefs new_node_def;
+ new_node_def = CompAllocType (NodeDefS);
+ new_node_def->def_id = copy_node_id (old_def_p->def_id);
+ new_node_def->def_node = old_def_p->def_node;
+ new_node_def->def_mark = 0;
+ *next_h=new_node_def;
+ next_h=&new_node_def->def_next;
+ }
+ *next_h=NULL;
+ return first_p;
+static NodeDefP copy_rhs_node_ids_of_node_defs (NodeDefs old_node_defs,NodeDefP **end_node_defs_h)
+ NodeDefP old_def_p,first_p,*next_h;
+ next_h=&first_p;
+ for_l (old_def_p,old_node_defs,def_next){
+ NodeDefs new_node_def;
+ NodeId new_node_id;
+ if (old_def_p->def_node!=NULL)
+ new_node_id = copy_node_id (old_def_p->def_id);
+ else
+ new_node_id = old_def_p->def_id->nid_forward_node_id;
+ new_node_def = CompAllocType (NodeDefS);
+ new_node_def->def_id=new_node_id;
+ new_node_id->nid_node_def_=new_node_def;
+ new_node_def->def_mark=0;
+ new_node_def->def_node = old_def_p->def_node;
+ *next_h=new_node_def;
+ next_h=&new_node_def->def_next;
+ }
+ *next_h=NULL;
+ if (end_node_defs_h!=NULL)
+ if (first_p==NULL)
+ *end_node_defs_h=NULL;
+ else
+ *end_node_defs_h=next_h;
+ return first_p;
+static void copy_nodes_of_node_defs (NodeDefs node_defs,Bool lhs)
+ NodeDefS *node_def;
+ for_l (node_def,node_defs,def_next){
+ if (node_def->def_node!=NULL)
+ node_def->def_node = copy_node (node_def->def_node,lhs);
+ node_def->def_id->nid_node=node_def->def_node;
+ }
+static StrictNodeIdP copy_strict_node_ids (StrictNodeIdP old_strict_node_ids)
+ StrictNodeIdP old_p,first_p,*next_h;
+ next_h=&first_p;
+ for_l (old_p,old_strict_node_ids,snid_next){
+ StrictNodeIdP new;
+ new = CompAllocType (StrictNodeIdS);
+ new->snid_mark = old_p->snid_mark;
+ new->snid_array_select_in_pattern=old_p->snid_array_select_in_pattern;
+ new->snid_node_id = old_p->snid_node_id->nid_forward_node_id;
+ *next_h = new;
+ next_h = &new->snid_next;
+ }
+ *next_h = NULL;
+ return first_p;
+static Node copy_root_node (Node old)
+ if (old->node_kind==IfNode){
+ struct if_node_contents *new_then_else_info,*old_then_else_info;
+ ArgS *previous_arg,*new_arg,*old_arg;
+ Node new;
+ new = CompAllocType (NodeS);
+ *new = *old;
+ DetermineNodeState (new);
+ new_then_else_info = CompAllocType (IfNodeContentsS);
+ old_then_else_info = old->node_contents.contents_if;
+ new->node_contents.contents_if = new_then_else_info;
+ new_then_else_info->if_then_rules = NULL;
+ new_then_else_info->if_else_rules = NULL;
+ old_arg=old->node_arguments;
+ new_arg = CompAllocType (ArgS);
+ new_arg->arg_node = copy_root_node (old_arg->arg_node);
+ new_arg->arg_state = LazyState;
+ new->node_arguments = new_arg;
+ previous_arg = new_arg;
+ old_arg=old_arg->arg_next;
+ new_then_else_info->if_then_node_defs=copy_rhs_node_ids_of_node_defs (old_then_else_info->if_then_node_defs,NULL);
+ new_arg = CompAllocType (ArgS);
+ new_arg->arg_state = LazyState;
+ new_arg->arg_node = copy_root_node (old_arg->arg_node);
+ previous_arg->arg_next = new_arg;
+ previous_arg = new_arg;
+ copy_nodes_of_node_defs (new_then_else_info->if_then_node_defs,False);
+ new_then_else_info->if_then_strict_node_ids=copy_strict_node_ids (old_then_else_info->if_then_strict_node_ids);
+ new_then_else_info->if_else_node_defs=copy_rhs_node_ids_of_node_defs (old_then_else_info->if_else_node_defs,NULL);
+ old_arg=old_arg->arg_next;
+ new_arg = CompAllocType (ArgS);
+ new_arg->arg_state = LazyState;
+ new_arg->arg_node = copy_root_node (old_arg->arg_node);
+ previous_arg->arg_next = new_arg;
+ new_arg->arg_next=NULL;
+ copy_nodes_of_node_defs (new_then_else_info->if_else_node_defs,False);
+ new_then_else_info->if_else_strict_node_ids=copy_strict_node_ids (old_then_else_info->if_else_strict_node_ids);
+ new_then_else_info->if_local_scope=old_then_else_info->if_local_scope;
+ return new;
+ } else if (old->node_kind==SwitchNode){
+ Args *next,old_arg;
+ NodeP new;
+ new = CompAllocType (NodeS);
+ *new = *old;
+ {
+ NodeIdP old_node_id,new_node_id;
+ old_node_id = old->node_node_id;
+ new_node_id=old_node_id->nid_forward_node_id;
+ if (new_node_id==NULL)
+ error_in_function ("copy_root_node");
+ new->node_node_id=new_node_id;
+ }
+ next = &new->node_arguments;
+ for_l (old_arg,old->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ NodeP case_node_p,new_case_node_p;
+ ArgP new_arg,case_node_arg_p,new_case_node_arg_p;
+ new_arg = CompAllocType (ArgS);
+ new_arg->arg_state = LazyState;
+ *next = new_arg;
+ next = &new_arg->arg_next;
+ case_node_p=old_arg->arg_node;
+ new_case_node_p = CompAllocType (NodeS);
+ *new_case_node_p = *case_node_p;
+ new_arg->arg_node = new_case_node_p;
+ new_case_node_arg_p=CompAllocType (ArgS);
+ new_case_node_arg_p->arg_state=LazyState;
+ new_case_node_p->node_arguments=new_case_node_arg_p;
+ new_case_node_arg_p->arg_next=NULL;
+ case_node_arg_p=case_node_p->node_arguments;
+ new_case_node_p->node_su.su_u.u_case=CompAllocType (CaseNodeContentsS);
+ if (case_node_p->node_kind==CaseNode){
+ new_case_node_p->node_node_defs = copy_rhs_node_ids_of_node_defs (case_node_p->node_node_defs,NULL);
+ if (case_node_arg_p->arg_node->node_kind==PushNode){
+ ArgP push_node_arg_1,new_push_node_arg_1,new_push_node_arg_2;
+ NodeP push_node_arg_2_node,push_node,new_push_node;
+ NodeIdListElementP node_id_list,*new_node_id_list_p;
+ push_node=case_node_arg_p->arg_node;
+ new_push_node=CompAllocType (NodeS);
+ *new_push_node=*push_node;
+ new_case_node_arg_p->arg_node=new_push_node;
+ push_node_arg_1=push_node->node_arguments;
+ new_node_id_list_p=&new_push_node->node_node_ids;
+ if (push_node_arg_1->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_node!=NULL){
+ /* unboxable lhs tuple or record */
+ for_l (node_id_list,push_node->node_node_ids,nidl_next){
+ NodeIdListElementP new_node_id_list;
+ new_node_id_list=CompAllocType (NodeIdListElementS);
+ new_node_id_list->nidl_node_id=node_id_list->nidl_node_id->nid_forward_node_id;
+ *new_node_id_list_p=new_node_id_list;
+ new_node_id_list_p=&new_node_id_list->nidl_next;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for_l (node_id_list,push_node->node_node_ids,nidl_next){
+ NodeIdListElementP new_node_id_list;
+ new_node_id_list=CompAllocType (NodeIdListElementS);
+ new_node_id_list->nidl_node_id=copy_node_id (node_id_list->nidl_node_id);
+ *new_node_id_list_p=new_node_id_list;
+ new_node_id_list_p=&new_node_id_list->nidl_next;
+ }
+ }
+ *new_node_id_list_p=NULL;
+ push_node_arg_2_node=push_node_arg_1->arg_next->arg_node;
+ new_push_node_arg_1=CompAllocType (ArgS);
+ new_push_node_arg_1->arg_state=LazyState;
+ new_push_node_arg_2=CompAllocType (ArgS);
+ new_push_node_arg_2->arg_state=LazyState;
+ new_push_node->node_arguments=new_push_node_arg_1;
+ new_push_node_arg_1->arg_next=new_push_node_arg_2;
+ new_push_node_arg_2->arg_next=NULL;
+ copy_nodes_of_node_defs (new_case_node_p->node_node_defs,False);
+ new_push_node_arg_1->arg_node = copy_node (push_node_arg_1->arg_node,False);
+ new_push_node_arg_2->arg_node = copy_root_node (push_node_arg_2_node);
+ } else {
+ copy_nodes_of_node_defs (new_case_node_p->node_node_defs,False);
+ new_case_node_arg_p->arg_node = copy_root_node (case_node_arg_p->arg_node);
+ }
+ } else if (case_node_p->node_kind==DefaultNode){
+ new_case_node_p->node_node_defs = copy_rhs_node_ids_of_node_defs (case_node_p->node_node_defs,NULL);
+ copy_nodes_of_node_defs (new_case_node_p->node_node_defs,False);
+ new_case_node_arg_p->arg_node = copy_root_node (case_node_arg_p->arg_node);
+ } else
+ error_in_function ("copy_root_node");
+ {
+ NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_elem_p,new_node_id_ref_count_elem_p,*node_id_ref_count_elem_h;
+ node_id_ref_count_elem_h=&new_case_node_p->node_node_id_ref_counts;
+ for_l (node_id_ref_count_elem_p,case_node_p->node_node_id_ref_counts,nrcl_next){
+ new_node_id_ref_count_elem_p=CompAllocType (NodeIdRefCountListS);
+ *node_id_ref_count_elem_h=new_node_id_ref_count_elem_p;
+ new_node_id_ref_count_elem_p->nrcl_ref_count = node_id_ref_count_elem_p->nrcl_ref_count;
+ new_node_id_ref_count_elem_p->nrcl_node_id = node_id_ref_count_elem_p->nrcl_node_id->nid_forward_node_id;
+ node_id_ref_count_elem_h=&new_node_id_ref_count_elem_p->nrcl_next;
+ }
+ *node_id_ref_count_elem_h=NULL;
+ }
+ {
+ StrictNodeIdP strict_node_id_p,new_strict_node_id,*strict_node_id_h;
+ strict_node_id_h=&new_case_node_p->node_strict_node_ids;
+ for_l (strict_node_id_p,case_node_p->node_strict_node_ids,snid_next){
+ new_strict_node_id=CompAllocType (StrictNodeIdS);
+ new_strict_node_id->snid_mark=0;
+ *strict_node_id_h=new_strict_node_id;
+ new_strict_node_id->snid_node_id = strict_node_id_p->snid_node_id->nid_forward_node_id;
+ strict_node_id_h=&new_strict_node_id->snid_next;
+ }
+ *strict_node_id_h=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ *next = NULL;
+ return new;
+ } else if (old->node_kind==GuardNode){
+ NodeP new;
+ ArgP arg_1,arg_2;
+ new = CompAllocType (NodeS);
+ *new = *old;
+ arg_1 = CompAllocType (ArgS);
+ arg_1->arg_state = LazyState;
+ arg_2 = CompAllocType (ArgS);
+ arg_2->arg_state = LazyState;
+ new->node_arguments=arg_1;
+ arg_1->arg_next=arg_2;
+ arg_2->arg_next=NULL;
+ arg_1->arg_node = copy_root_node (old->node_arguments->arg_node);
+ new->node_node_defs = copy_rhs_node_ids_of_node_defs (old->node_node_defs,NULL);
+ arg_2->arg_node = copy_root_node (old->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node);
+ copy_nodes_of_node_defs (new->node_node_defs,False);
+ {
+ StrictNodeIdP strict_node_id_p,new_strict_node_id,*strict_node_id_h;
+ strict_node_id_h=&new->node_guard_strict_node_ids;
+ for_l (strict_node_id_p,old->node_guard_strict_node_ids,snid_next){
+ new_strict_node_id=CompAllocType (StrictNodeIdS);
+ new_strict_node_id->snid_mark=0;
+ *strict_node_id_h=new_strict_node_id;
+ new_strict_node_id->snid_node_id = strict_node_id_p->snid_node_id->nid_forward_node_id;
+ strict_node_id_h=&new_strict_node_id->snid_next;
+ }
+ *strict_node_id_h=NULL;
+ }
+ return new;
+ } else
+ return copy_node (old,False);
+static Node copy_node (Node old,Bool lhs)
+ Node new;
+ new = CompAllocType (NodeS);
+ *new = *old;
+ if (old->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ NodeId old_nid,new_node_id;
+ old_nid = old->node_node_id;
+ if (lhs && old_nid->nid_node==NULL)
+ new_node_id=copy_node_id (old_nid);
+ else
+ new_node_id=old_nid->nid_forward_node_id;
+ if (new_node_id==NULL)
+ error_in_function ("copy_node");
+ new->node_node_id=new_node_id;
+ return new;
+ }
+ else if (old->node_kind==IfNode){
+ struct if_node_contents *new_then_else_info,*old_then_else_info;
+ ArgS *previous_arg,*new_arg,*old_arg;
+ DetermineNodeState (new);
+ new_then_else_info = CompAllocType (IfNodeContentsS);
+ old_then_else_info = old->node_contents.contents_if;
+ new->node_contents.contents_if = new_then_else_info;
+ new_then_else_info->if_then_rules = NULL;
+ new_then_else_info->if_else_rules = NULL;
+ old_arg=old->node_arguments;
+ new_arg = CompAllocType (ArgS);
+ new_arg->arg_node = copy_node (old_arg->arg_node,lhs);
+ new_arg->arg_state = LazyState;
+ new->node_arguments = new_arg;
+ previous_arg = new_arg;
+ old_arg=old_arg->arg_next;
+ new_then_else_info->if_then_node_defs=copy_rhs_node_ids_of_node_defs (old_then_else_info->if_then_node_defs,NULL);
+ new_arg = CompAllocType (ArgS);
+ new_arg->arg_state = LazyState;
+ new_arg->arg_node = copy_node (old_arg->arg_node,lhs);
+ previous_arg->arg_next = new_arg;
+ previous_arg = new_arg;
+ copy_nodes_of_node_defs (new_then_else_info->if_then_node_defs,False);
+ new_then_else_info->if_then_strict_node_ids=copy_strict_node_ids (old_then_else_info->if_then_strict_node_ids);
+ new_then_else_info->if_else_node_defs=copy_rhs_node_ids_of_node_defs (old_then_else_info->if_else_node_defs,NULL);
+ old_arg=old_arg->arg_next;
+ new_arg = CompAllocType (ArgS);
+ new_arg->arg_state = LazyState;
+ new_arg->arg_node = copy_node (old_arg->arg_node,lhs);
+ previous_arg->arg_next = new_arg;
+ new_arg->arg_next=NULL;
+ copy_nodes_of_node_defs (new_then_else_info->if_else_node_defs,False);
+ new_then_else_info->if_else_strict_node_ids=copy_strict_node_ids (old_then_else_info->if_else_strict_node_ids);
+ new_then_else_info->if_local_scope=old_then_else_info->if_local_scope;
+ return new;
+ }
+ else if (!lhs)
+ DetermineNodeState (new);
+ if (old->node_arguments!=NULL){
+ Args *next,old_arg;
+ next = &new->node_arguments;
+ for_l (old_arg,old->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ Args new_arg;
+ new_arg = CompAllocType (ArgS);
+ new_arg->arg_node = copy_node (old_arg->arg_node,lhs);
+ new_arg->arg_state = LazyState;
+ *next = new_arg;
+ next = &new_arg->arg_next;
+ }
+ *next = NULL;
+ }
+ return new;
+static void copy_alts (RuleAltP old_alts,RuleAlts *next_p,Symbol new_symbol)
+ RuleAltP old;
+ for_l (old,old_alts,alt_next){
+ RuleAltP new;
+ new = CompAllocType (RuleAltS);
+ new->alt_lhs_defs=copy_lhs_node_ids_of_node_defs (old->alt_lhs_defs);
+ new->alt_lhs_root = copy_node (old->alt_lhs_root, True);
+ new->alt_lhs_root->node_symbol=new_symbol;
+ copy_nodes_of_node_defs (new->alt_lhs_defs,True);
+ new->alt_rhs_defs=copy_rhs_node_ids_of_node_defs (old->alt_rhs_defs,NULL);
+ new->alt_rhs_root = copy_root_node (old->alt_rhs_root);
+ new->alt_rhs_root = copy_node (old->alt_rhs_root, False);
+ copy_nodes_of_node_defs (new->alt_rhs_defs,False);
+ new->alt_strict_node_ids=copy_strict_node_ids (old->alt_strict_node_ids);
+ new->alt_line = old->alt_line;
+ new->alt_kind = old->alt_kind;
+ *next_p = new;
+ next_p = &new->alt_next;
+ }
+ *next_p = NULL;
+void copy_rhs_node_defs_and_root (RuleAltP old_alt_p,NodeP *new_root_node_h,NodeDefP *node_defs_p)
+ NodeDefP new_node_defs,*end_node_defs_h;
+ new_node_defs=copy_rhs_node_ids_of_node_defs (old_alt_p->alt_rhs_defs,&end_node_defs_h);
+ *new_root_node_h = copy_node (old_alt_p->alt_rhs_root,False);
+ copy_nodes_of_node_defs (new_node_defs,False);
+ if (end_node_defs_h!=NULL){
+ *end_node_defs_h=*node_defs_p;
+ *node_defs_p=new_node_defs;
+ }
+void copy_imp_rule_nodes (ImpRuleP old_rule_p,ImpRuleP new_rule_p)
+ copy_alts (old_rule_p->rule_alts,&new_rule_p->rule_alts,new_rule_p->rule_type->type_alt_lhs->type_node_symbol);
+ new_rule_p->rule_line = old_rule_p->rule_line;
+ new_rule_p->rule_root = new_rule_p->rule_alts->alt_lhs_root;
+ new_rule_p->rule_mark = old_rule_p->rule_mark & (RULE_CAF_MASK | RULE_INTERNAL_FUNCTION_MASK | RULE_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_MASK);
+static ImpRules new_strict_result_rules;
+int optimise_tuple_result_function (Node node,StateS demanded_state)
+ Symbol symbol;
+ TypeNode result_type;
+ Symbol new_function_symbol;
+ SymbDef sdef,new_sdef,last_version;
+ ImpRuleP new_rule_p;
+ symbol=node->node_symbol;
+ sdef=symbol->symb_def;
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind!=IMPRULE || sdef->sdef_over_arity!=0 || node->node_arity!=sdef->sdef_arity)
+ return 0;
+ result_type=sdef->sdef_rule->rule_type->type_alt_rhs;
+ if (! tuple_state_has_more_strictness (&demanded_state,result_type,&sdef->sdef_rule->rule_state_p[-1]))
+ return 0;
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_HAS_IMP_RULE_VERSIONS_MASK){
+ while (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_NEXT_IMP_RULE_VERSION_MASK)
+ sdef=sdef->sdef_next_version;
+ last_version=sdef;
+ sdef=sdef->sdef_next_version;
+ } else
+ last_version=sdef;
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_HAS_IMP_RULE_VERSIONS_MASK){
+ SymbDef version;
+ int n_versions;
+ version=sdef;
+ n_versions=0;
+ do {
+ version=version->sdef_next_version;
+ ++n_versions;
+ if (type_and_strictness_in_state_equals_type (result_type,&demanded_state,version->sdef_rule->rule_type->type_alt_rhs)){
+ if (symbol!=version->sdef_rule->rule_type->type_alt_lhs->type_node_symbol){
+ node->node_symbol=version->sdef_rule->rule_type->type_alt_lhs->type_node_symbol;
+ function_changed=1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } while (version->sdef_mark & SDEF_NEXT_IMP_RULE_VERSION_MASK);
+ if (n_versions>=MAX_N_VERSIONS)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ new_function_symbol = copy_imp_rule_and_type (sdef);
+ new_sdef=new_function_symbol->symb_def;
+ new_rule_p=new_sdef->sdef_rule;
+ new_rule_p->rule_next_changed_function=sdef->sdef_rule;
+ new_rule_p->rule_next=new_strict_result_rules;
+ new_strict_result_rules=new_rule_p;
+ add_strictness_in_state_to_type (&demanded_state,new_rule_p->rule_type->type_alt_rhs);
+#if 0
+ /* compute lhs->type_node_state for statesgen, recomputed after strictness analysis */
+ if (new_rule_type->type_alt_rhs->type_node_is_var ||
+ new_rule_type->type_alt_rhs->type_node_symbol->symb_kind==apply_symb)
+ {
+ new_rule_type->type_alt_lhs->type_node_state = StrictState;
+ new_rule_type->type_alt_lhs->type_node_state.state_kind = StrictRedirection;
+ } else
+ ConvertTypeToState (new_rule_type->type_alt_rhs,&new_rule_type->type_alt_lhs->type_node_state,StrictOnA);
+ new_rule_p->rule_state_p=NULL;
+ node->node_symbol=new_function_symbol;
+ function_changed=1;
+ last_version->sdef_next_version=new_sdef;
+ new_sdef->sdef_next_version=sdef;
+ new_sdef->sdef_mark |= SDEF_HAS_IMP_RULE_VERSIONS_MASK;
+ return 1;
+#if 0
+#include "dbprint.h"
+void generate_states (ImpRuleS *rules,int do_strictness_analysis)
+ ImpRuleS *rule,*changed_functions,**last_changed_function_l,**rule_p;
+ new_strict_result_rules=NULL;
+ changed_functions=NULL;
+ last_changed_function_l=&changed_functions;
+ for (rule_p=&rules; (rule=*rule_p)!=NULL; rule_p=&rule->rule_next){
+ function_changed=0;
+ GenerateStatesForRule (rule);
+ if (function_changed){
+ *last_changed_function_l=rule;
+ last_changed_function_l=&rule->rule_next_changed_function;
+ *last_changed_function_l=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ do {
+ ImpRuleS *rule;
+ while (new_strict_result_rules!=NULL){
+ for_l (rule,new_strict_result_rules,rule_next){
+ copy_imp_rule_nodes (rule->rule_next_changed_function,rule);
+#if 0
+ PrintRuleAlt (rule->rule_alts,4,StdOut);
+ }
+ if (do_strictness_analysis)
+ if (StrictnessAnalysisConvertRules (new_strict_result_rules)){
+ for_l (rule,new_strict_result_rules,rule_next)
+ StrictnessAnalysisForRule (rule->rule_root->node_symbol->symb_def);
+ free_unused_sa_blocks();
+ } else
+ do_strictness_analysis=0;
+ for_l (rule,new_strict_result_rules,rule_next){
+#if 0
+ rule->rule_type->type_alt_lhs->type_node_state = LazyState;
+ ExamineTypesAndLhsOfSymbolDefinition (rule->rule_root->node_symbol->symb_def);
+ }
+ rule=new_strict_result_rules;
+ new_strict_result_rules=NULL;
+ *rule_p=rule;
+ while (rule!=NULL){
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ sdef=rule->rule_root->node_symbol->symb_def;
+ function_changed=0;
+ GenerateStatesForRule (rule);
+ if (function_changed){
+ *last_changed_function_l=rule;
+ last_changed_function_l=&rule->rule_next_changed_function;
+ *last_changed_function_l=NULL;
+ }
+ rule_p=&rule->rule_next;
+ rule=*rule_p;
+ }
+ }
+ while (new_strict_result_rules==NULL && changed_functions!=NULL){
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ rule=changed_functions;
+ sdef=rule->rule_root->node_symbol->symb_def;
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies (rule);
+ ExamineTypesAndLhsOfImpRuleSymbolDefinitionAgain (sdef);
+ function_changed=0;
+ GenerateStatesForRule (rule);
+ if (!function_changed)
+ changed_functions=changed_functions->rule_next_changed_function;
+ }
+ } while (changed_functions!=NULL || new_strict_result_rules!=NULL);
+static ImpRules new_rules;
+static int next_function_n;
+static Symbol new_rule_symbol (char *function_name)
+ SymbDef function_sdef;
+ Symbol function_symbol;
+ Ident function_ident;
+ function_ident=PutStringInHashTable (function_name,SymbolIdTable);
+ function_sdef=MakeNewSymbolDefinition (CurrentModule,function_ident,0,IMPRULE);
+ function_sdef->sdef_number=next_def_number++;
+ function_sdef->sdef_isused=True;
+ function_sdef->sdef_mark |= SDEF_OPTIMISED_FUNCTION_MASK;
+ function_sdef->sdef_returnsnode=True;
+ function_sdef->sdef_calledwithrootnode=True;
+ function_symbol=NewSymbol (definition);
+ function_symbol->symb_def=function_sdef;
+ return function_symbol;
+static StateS apply_symb_function_states[3];
+static StateP apply_symb_function_state_p=NULL;
+static void init_apply_symb_function_state_p()
+ SetUnaryState (&apply_symb_function_states[0],StrictRedirection,UnknownObj);
+ SetUnaryState (&apply_symb_function_states[1],StrictOnA,UnknownObj);
+ SetUnaryState (&apply_symb_function_states[2],OnA,UnknownObj);
+ apply_symb_function_state_p=&apply_symb_function_states[1];
+#define cTypeDelimiter ';'
+static int compute_length_before_type_delimiter (char *fname)
+ char *p;
+ unsigned int c;
+ p=fname;
+ --p;
+ do {
+ c=*++p;
+ } while (c!=cTypeDelimiter && c!='\0');
+ return p-fname;
+static char *append_n_chars (char *dest,const char *src,int length)
+ while (length>0){
+ *dest++ = *src++;
+ --length;
+ }
+ return dest;
+#define allocate_function_state(arity) (((StateP)(CompAlloc (sizeof(StateS)*((arity)+1))))+1)
+static int add_n_new_arguments_for_local_function (ArgP arg_p,int n_arguments)
+ for ( ; arg_p!=NULL; arg_p=arg_p->arg_next){
+ NodeP arg_node_p;
+ arg_node_p=arg_p->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node_p->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ if (arg_node_p->node_node_id->nid_mark & NID_LIFTED_BY_OPTIMISE){
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ arg_node_p->node_node_id->nid_mark |= NID_LIFTED_BY_OPTIMISE;
+ arg_node_p->node_node_id->nid_forward_node_id=NULL;
+ n_arguments=add_n_new_arguments_for_local_function (arg_p->arg_next,n_arguments);
+ if (n_arguments>MAX_N_FUNCTION_ARGUMENTS)
+ arg_node_p->node_node_id->nid_mark &= ~NID_LIFTED_BY_OPTIMISE;
+ return n_arguments;
+ }
+ } else if (arg_node_p->node_kind==NormalNode){
+ switch (arg_node_p->node_symbol->symb_kind){
+ case int_denot:
+ case bool_denot:
+ case char_denot:
+ case string_denot:
+ case real_denot:
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ ++n_arguments;
+ }
+ return n_arguments;
+static char *create_arguments_for_local_function (NodeP node_p,ArgS ***arg_h,ArgS ***lhs_arg_h,ArgS **rhs_arg_p,StateP arg_state_p,int *arity_p,char *function_name_p,char *end_function_name,int n_arguments)
+ NodeIdP arg_node_id;
+ StateP call_state_p;
+ ArgP arg;
+ if (function_name_p!=NULL && node_p->node_symbol->symb_kind==definition){
+ int length_before_type_delimiter;
+ char *f_name;
+ f_name=node_p->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ length_before_type_delimiter=compute_length_before_type_delimiter (f_name);
+ if (function_name_p+2+length_before_type_delimiter < end_function_name){
+ *function_name_p++='.';
+ function_name_p=append_n_chars (function_name_p,f_name,length_before_type_delimiter);
+ } else
+ end_function_name=function_name_p;
+ }
+ for_l (arg,node_p->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ ArgP lhs_arg,rhs_arg;
+ NodeP arg_node;
+ arg_node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node->node_kind==NormalNode)
+ switch (arg_node->node_symbol->symb_kind){
+ case int_denot:
+ case bool_denot:
+ case char_denot:
+ case string_denot:
+ case real_denot:
+ {
+ NodeP function_node;
+ ArgP new_arg;
+ function_node=NewNode (arg_node->node_symbol,NULL,arg_node->node_arity);
+ function_node->node_state=LazyState;
+ function_node->node_number=0;
+ new_arg=NewArgument (function_node);
+ new_arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ *rhs_arg_p=new_arg;
+ rhs_arg_p=&new_arg->arg_next;
+ ++arg_state_p;
+ continue;
+ }
+ case definition:
+ {
+ if ((arg_state_p->state_type==SimpleState && arg_state_p->state_kind==OnB)
+ || arg_state_p->state_type==TupleState || arg_state_p->state_type==RecordState || arg_state_p->state_type==ArrayState
+ ){
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ sdef=arg_node->node_symbol->symb_def;
+ if (arg_node->node_arity==(sdef->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE ? sdef->sdef_cons_arity : sdef->sdef_arity)){
+ Bool is_rule;
+ StateP function_state_p;
+ switch (sdef->sdef_kind){
+ case IMPRULE:
+ is_rule=True;
+ function_state_p=sdef->sdef_rule->rule_state_p;
+ break;
+ case DEFRULE:
+ case SYSRULE:
+ is_rule=True;
+ function_state_p=sdef->sdef_rule_type->rule_type_state_p;
+ break;
+ /* added 5-8-1999 */
+ if (sdef->sdef_strict_constructor){
+ is_rule=True;
+ function_state_p=sdef->sdef_record_state.state_record_arguments;
+ } else
+ is_rule=False;
+ break;
+ /* */
+ default:
+ is_rule=False;
+ }
+ if (is_rule){
+ Node function_node;
+ ArgP new_arg;
+ int new_n_arguments;
+ new_n_arguments=add_n_new_arguments_for_local_function (arg_node->node_arguments,n_arguments-1);
+ if (new_n_arguments>MAX_N_FUNCTION_ARGUMENTS)
+ break;
+ n_arguments=new_n_arguments;
+ function_node=NewNode (arg_node->node_symbol,NULL,arg_node->node_arity);
+ function_node->node_state=LazyState;
+ function_node->node_number=0;
+ new_arg=NewArgument (function_node);
+ new_arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ *rhs_arg_p=new_arg;
+ rhs_arg_p=&new_arg->arg_next;
+ function_name_p = create_arguments_for_local_function (arg_node,arg_h,lhs_arg_h,&function_node->node_arguments,
+ function_state_p,arity_p,function_name_p,end_function_name,n_arguments);
+ ++arg_state_p;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case tuple_symb:
+ {
+ if (arg_state_p->state_type==TupleState){
+ NodeP tuple_node;
+ ArgP new_arg;
+ int new_n_arguments;
+ new_n_arguments=add_n_new_arguments_for_local_function (arg_node->node_arguments,n_arguments-1);
+ if (new_n_arguments>MAX_N_FUNCTION_ARGUMENTS)
+ break;
+ n_arguments=new_n_arguments;
+ tuple_node=NewNode (arg_node->node_symbol,NULL,arg_node->node_arity);
+ tuple_node->node_state=LazyState;
+ tuple_node->node_number=0;
+ new_arg=NewArgument (tuple_node);
+ new_arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ *rhs_arg_p=new_arg;
+ rhs_arg_p=&new_arg->arg_next;
+ function_name_p = create_arguments_for_local_function (arg_node,arg_h,lhs_arg_h,&tuple_node->node_arguments,
+ arg_state_p->state_tuple_arguments,arity_p,function_name_p,end_function_name,n_arguments);
+ ++arg_state_p;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case apply_symb:
+ if (arg_state_p->state_type==SimpleState && (arg_state_p->state_kind==StrictOnA || arg_state_p->state_kind==StrictRedirection)){
+ Node function_node;
+ ArgP new_arg;
+ int new_n_arguments;
+ new_n_arguments=add_n_new_arguments_for_local_function (arg_node->node_arguments,n_arguments-1);
+ if (new_n_arguments>MAX_N_FUNCTION_ARGUMENTS)
+ break;
+ n_arguments=new_n_arguments;
+ function_node=NewNode (arg_node->node_symbol,NULL,arg_node->node_arity);
+ function_node->node_state=LazyState;
+ function_node->node_number=0;
+ new_arg=NewArgument (function_node);
+ new_arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ *rhs_arg_p=new_arg;
+ rhs_arg_p=&new_arg->arg_next;
+ if (apply_symb_function_state_p==NULL)
+ init_apply_symb_function_state_p();
+ function_name_p = create_arguments_for_local_function (arg_node,arg_h,lhs_arg_h,&function_node->node_arguments,
+ apply_symb_function_state_p,arity_p,function_name_p,end_function_name,n_arguments);
+ ++arg_state_p;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case select_symb:
+ {
+ NodeP tuple_node_p;
+ NodeDefP node_def_p;
+ if (arg_node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode &&
+ arg_node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_refcount>0 &&
+ IsLazyState ((tuple_node_p=(node_def_p=arg_node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_node_def)->def_node)->node_state) &&
+ tuple_node_p->node_kind==NormalNode &&
+ tuple_node_p->node_symbol->symb_kind==definition &&
+ (tuple_node_p->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==IMPRULE ||
+ tuple_node_p->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==DEFRULE ||
+ tuple_node_p->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==SYSRULE) &&
+ tuple_node_p->node_arity==tuple_node_p->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_arity)
+ {
+ Node function_node;
+ ArgP new_arg;
+ int new_n_arguments;
+ new_n_arguments=add_n_new_arguments_for_local_function (arg_node->node_arguments,n_arguments-1);
+ if (new_n_arguments>MAX_N_FUNCTION_ARGUMENTS)
+ break;
+ n_arguments=new_n_arguments;
+ function_node=NewNode (arg_node->node_symbol,NULL,arg_node->node_arity);
+ function_node->node_state=LazyState;
+ function_node->node_number=1;
+ node_def_p->def_mark |= NODE_DEF_SELECT_AND_REMOVE_MASK;
+ new_arg=NewArgument (function_node);
+ new_arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ *rhs_arg_p=new_arg;
+ rhs_arg_p=&new_arg->arg_next;
+ function_name_p = create_arguments_for_local_function (arg_node,arg_h,lhs_arg_h,&function_node->node_arguments,
+ &StrictState,arity_p,function_name_p,end_function_name,n_arguments);
+ ++arg_state_p;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode && (arg_node->node_node_id->nid_mark & NID_LIFTED_BY_OPTIMISE) && arg_node->node_node_id->nid_forward_node_id!=NULL){
+ arg_node_id=arg_node->node_node_id->nid_forward_node_id;
+ --arg_node_id->nid_refcount;
+ --arg_node_id->nid_ref_count_copy__;
+ } else {
+ arg_node_id=NewNodeId (NULL);
+ arg_node_id->nid_refcount=-2;
+ arg_node_id->nid_ref_count_copy__=-2;
+ if (arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ node_id=arg_node->node_node_id;
+ node_id->nid_forward_node_id_=arg_node_id;
+ arg_node_id->nid_forward_node_id_=node_id;
+ node_id->nid_mark |= NID_LIFTED_BY_OPTIMISE;
+ arg_node_id->nid_mark |= NID_LIFTED_BY_OPTIMISE;
+ if (node_id->nid_refcount<0){
+ call_state_p=node_id->nid_lhs_state_p;
+ } else
+ call_state_p=&node_id->nid_node->node_state;
+ } else
+ if (arg_node->node_kind==NormalNode && BETWEEN (tuple_symb,nil_symb,arg_node->node_symbol->symb_kind)
+ && arg_node->node_state.state_type==SimpleState && arg_node->node_state.state_kind==OnA)
+ {
+ call_state_p=&StrictState;
+ } else
+ call_state_p=&arg_node->node_state;
+ lhs_arg=NewArgument (NewNodeIdNode (arg_node_id));
+ lhs_arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ if (!IsLazyState (*call_state_p)){
+ if (call_state_p->state_type==SimpleState && call_state_p->state_kind==OnB)
+ lhs_arg->arg_state=*call_state_p;
+ else if (call_state_p->state_type==ArrayState)
+ lhs_arg->arg_state=*call_state_p;
+ else
+ lhs_arg->arg_state.state_kind=StrictOnA;
+ }
+ arg_node_id->nid_lhs_state_p_=&lhs_arg->arg_state;
+ ++*arity_p;
+ **lhs_arg_h=lhs_arg;
+ *lhs_arg_h=&lhs_arg->arg_next;
+ **arg_h=arg;
+ *arg_h=&arg->arg_next;
+ }
+ ++arg_state_p;
+ rhs_arg=NewArgument (NewNodeIdNode (arg_node_id));
+ rhs_arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ *rhs_arg_p=rhs_arg;
+ rhs_arg_p=&rhs_arg->arg_next;
+ }
+ *rhs_arg_p=NULL;
+ return function_name_p;
+static void create_new_local_function (Node node,StateP function_state_p)
+ static char function_name[64];
+ Symbol function_symbol;
+ int n_arguments,function_arity;
+ ImpRuleS *imp_rule;
+ ArgS **lhs_arg_p,**arg_p;
+ Node lhs_root,rhs_root;
+ char *function_name_p,*end_function_name;
+ n_arguments = add_n_new_arguments_for_local_function (node->node_arguments,0);
+ if (n_arguments>MAX_N_FUNCTION_ARGUMENTS)
+ return;
+ sprintf (function_name,"_f%d",next_function_n);
+ ++next_function_n;
+ if (DoTimeProfiling || DoProfiling){
+ char *f_name;
+ int length_before_type_delimiter;
+ end_function_name=function_name+sizeof (function_name);
+ function_name_p=&function_name[strlen (function_name)];
+ f_name=CurrentSymbol->symb_def->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ length_before_type_delimiter=compute_length_before_type_delimiter (f_name);
+ if (function_name_p+2+length_before_type_delimiter < end_function_name){
+ *function_name_p++='.';
+ function_name_p=append_n_chars (function_name_p,f_name,length_before_type_delimiter);
+ } else
+ end_function_name=function_name_p;
+ } else {
+ function_name_p=NULL;
+ end_function_name=NULL;
+ }
+ lhs_root=NewNode (NULL,NULL,0);
+/* lhs_root->node_state=LazyState; */
+ lhs_root->node_state=StrictState;
+ rhs_root=NewNode (node->node_symbol,NULL,node->node_arity);
+ rhs_root->node_state=LazyState;
+ rhs_root->node_number=0;
+ function_arity=0;
+ lhs_arg_p=&lhs_root->node_arguments;
+ arg_p=&node->node_arguments;
+ function_name_p = create_arguments_for_local_function (node,&arg_p,&lhs_arg_p,&rhs_root->node_arguments,function_state_p,
+ &function_arity,function_name_p,end_function_name,n_arguments);
+ if (function_name_p!=NULL)
+ *function_name_p='\0';
+ function_symbol=new_rule_symbol (function_name);
+ lhs_root->node_symbol=function_symbol;
+ *lhs_arg_p=NULL;
+ *arg_p=NULL;
+ {
+ ArgP arg;
+ for_l (arg,lhs_root->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ NodeIdP lhs_node_id,rhs_node_id;
+ lhs_node_id=arg->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ if (lhs_node_id->nid_mark & NID_LIFTED_BY_OPTIMISE){
+ rhs_node_id=lhs_node_id->nid_forward_node_id;
+ lhs_node_id->nid_mark &= ~NID_LIFTED_BY_OPTIMISE;
+ rhs_node_id->nid_mark &= ~NID_LIFTED_BY_OPTIMISE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lhs_root->node_arity=function_arity;
+ function_symbol->symb_def->sdef_arity=function_arity;
+ node->node_symbol=function_symbol;
+ node->node_arity=function_arity;
+ imp_rule=create_simple_imp_rule (lhs_root,rhs_root,function_symbol->symb_def);
+ {
+ StateP arg_state_p;
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ arg_state_p=allocate_function_state (function_arity);
+ imp_rule->rule_state_p=arg_state_p;
+ arg_state_p[-1]=StrictState;
+ for_l (arg_p,lhs_root->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ *arg_state_p++ = arg_p->arg_state;
+ }
+ imp_rule->rule_next=new_rules;
+ new_rules=imp_rule;
+static void optimise_normal_node (Node node)
+ Symbol symbol;
+ StateP function_state_p;
+ int arg_n;
+ symbol=node->node_symbol;
+ if (node->node_state.state_type!=SimpleState || node->node_state.state_kind!=OnA)
+ return;
+ if (symbol->symb_kind!=definition){
+ if (BETWEEN (int_denot,real_denot,symbol->symb_kind) || symbol->symb_kind==string_denot){
+ if ((BETWEEN (int_denot,real_denot,symbol->symb_kind)
+ || symbol->symb_kind==string_denot
+ || BETWEEN (tuple_symb,nil_symb,symbol->symb_kind)
+ ) && node->node_state.state_kind==OnA){
+ node->node_state.state_kind=StrictOnA;
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (symbol->symb_kind==apply_symb){
+ if (apply_symb_function_state_p==NULL)
+ init_apply_symb_function_state_p();
+ function_state_p=apply_symb_function_state_p;
+ } else
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ sdef=symbol->symb_def;
+ if (node->node_arity!=sdef->sdef_arity)
+ return;
+ switch (sdef->sdef_kind){
+ case IMPRULE:
+ if (sdef->sdef_rule->rule_mark & RULE_CALL_VIA_LAZY_SELECTIONS_ONLY)
+ return;
+# endif
+ function_state_p=sdef->sdef_rule->rule_state_p;
+ break;
+ case DEFRULE:
+ case SYSRULE:
+ function_state_p=sdef->sdef_rule_type->rule_type_state_p;
+ break;
+ /* added 5-8-1999 */
+ if (sdef->sdef_strict_constructor){
+ function_state_p=sdef->sdef_constructor->cl_state_p;
+ break;
+ } else
+ return;
+ /* */
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ ArgP arg;
+ arg=node->node_arguments;
+ for (arg_n=0; arg_n<node->node_arity; ++arg_n){
+ Node arg_node;
+ arg_node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node->node_kind==NormalNode){
+ NodeP tuple_node_p;
+ if (arg_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==definition){
+ if ((function_state_p[arg_n].state_type==SimpleState && function_state_p[arg_n].state_kind==OnB)
+ || function_state_p[arg_n].state_type==TupleState || function_state_p[arg_n].state_type==RecordState || function_state_p[arg_n].state_type==ArrayState
+ ){
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ unsigned kind;
+ sdef=arg_node->node_symbol->symb_def;
+ kind=sdef->sdef_kind;
+ if (arg_node->node_arity==(kind==RECORDTYPE ? sdef->sdef_cons_arity : sdef->sdef_arity)){
+ if (kind==IMPRULE || kind==DEFRULE || kind==SYSRULE
+ /* added 5-8-1999 */
+ || (kind==RECORDTYPE && sdef->sdef_strict_constructor)
+ /* */
+ )
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (arg_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==tuple_symb && function_state_p[arg_n].state_type==TupleState)
+ break;
+ else if (arg_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==apply_symb && function_state_p[arg_n].state_type==SimpleState &&
+ (function_state_p[arg_n].state_kind==StrictOnA || function_state_p[arg_n].state_kind==StrictRedirection))
+ break;
+ else if (arg_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==select_symb &&
+ arg_node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode &&
+ arg_node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_refcount>0 &&
+ IsLazyState ((tuple_node_p=arg_node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_node_def->def_node)->node_state) &&
+ tuple_node_p->node_kind==NormalNode && tuple_node_p->node_symbol->symb_kind==definition &&
+ (tuple_node_p->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==IMPRULE ||
+ tuple_node_p->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==DEFRULE ||
+ tuple_node_p->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==SYSRULE) &&
+ tuple_node_p->node_arity==tuple_node_p->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_arity)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ arg=arg->arg_next;
+ }
+ if (arg!=NULL)
+ create_new_local_function (node,function_state_p);
+ }
+static int ChangeArgumentNodeStatesIfStricter (NodeP node_p,StateP demanded_states)
+ ArgP offered_args;
+ StateP demanded_state_p;
+ for_la (offered_args,demanded_state_p,node_p->node_arguments,demanded_states,arg_next){
+ Node arg_node;
+ NodeKind node_kind;
+ arg_node=offered_args->arg_node;
+ node_kind=(NodeKind)arg_node->node_kind;
+ if (node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ if (node_kind==NormalNode &&
+ (BETWEEN (int_denot,real_denot,arg_node->node_symbol->symb_kind) || arg_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==string_denot)
+ )
+ ;
+ else if (demanded_state_p->state_type==RecordState
+ && arg_node->node_state.state_type==SimpleState && arg_node->node_state.state_kind==StrictOnA
+ && node_kind==NormalNode && arg_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==definition && arg_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE
+ )
+ ;
+ else
+ if (!FirstStateIsStricter (arg_node->node_state,*demanded_state_p))
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ struct node_id *node_id;
+ node_id=arg_node->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_refcount<0){
+ if (!FirstStateIsStricter (*node_id->nid_lhs_state_p,*demanded_state_p))
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ if (node_id->nid_node==NULL)
+ error_in_function ("ChangeArgumentNodeStatesIfStricter");
+ if (!FirstStateIsStricter (node_id->nid_node->node_state,*demanded_state_p))
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for_la (offered_args,demanded_state_p,node_p->node_arguments,demanded_states,arg_next){
+ Node arg_node;
+ arg_node=offered_args->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node->node_kind==NormalNode){
+ if (BETWEEN (int_denot,real_denot,arg_node->node_symbol->symb_kind) || arg_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==string_denot)
+ arg_node->node_state=*demanded_state_p;
+ else if (demanded_state_p->state_type==RecordState
+ && arg_node->node_state.state_type==SimpleState && arg_node->node_state.state_kind==StrictOnA
+ && arg_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==definition && arg_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE)
+ {
+ arg_node->node_state=*demanded_state_p;
+ }
+ }
+ offered_args->arg_state=*demanded_state_p;
+ }
+ return 1;
+static NodeP replace_node_by_unique_fill_node (NodeP node,NodeP push_node,int node_size)
+ NodeP node_copy;
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ node_copy=CompAllocType (NodeS);
+ *node_copy=*node;
+ arg_p=CompAllocType (ArgS);
+ arg_p->arg_node=node_copy;
+ arg_p->arg_next=NULL;
+ arg_p->arg_occurrence=-1;
+ node->node_kind=FillUniqueNode;
+ node->node_node=push_node;
+ node->node_arguments=arg_p;
+ node->node_arity=1;
+ push_node->node_line=node_size;
+ --push_node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_refcount;
+ push_node->node_number=1;
+ return node_copy;
+static Bool insert_unique_fill_node (NodeP node,FreeUniqueNodeIdsP *f_node_ids,int node_a_size,int node_b_size)
+ FreeUniqueNodeIdsP f_node_id;
+ NodeP push_node,node_copy;
+ ArgP node_copy_arg_p;
+ unsigned long argument_overwrite_bits;
+ NodeIdListElementP node_id_list;
+ unsigned int n,arity;
+ int node_size;
+ node_size=node_a_size+node_b_size;
+ arity=node->node_arity;
+ f_node_id=*f_node_ids;
+ if (f_node_id->fnid_node_size>=node_size)
+ *f_node_ids=f_node_id->fnid_next;
+ else {
+ FreeUniqueNodeIdsP prev_f_node_id;
+ do {
+ prev_f_node_id=f_node_id;
+ f_node_id=f_node_id->fnid_next;
+ if (f_node_id==NULL)
+ return False;
+ } while (f_node_id->fnid_node_size<node_size);
+ prev_f_node_id->fnid_next=f_node_id->fnid_next;
+ }
+ push_node=f_node_id->fnid_push_node;
+ node_copy=replace_node_by_unique_fill_node (node,push_node,f_node_id->fnid_node_size);
+ {
+ int a_size1,b_size1,a_size2,b_size2;
+ int total_a_size2,total_b_size2;
+ total_a_size2=0;
+ total_b_size2=0;
+ for_l (node_id_list,push_node->node_node_ids,nidl_next){
+ AddSizeOfState (*node_id_list->nidl_node_id->nid_lhs_state_p,&total_a_size2,&total_b_size2);
+# else
+ AddSizeOfState (node_id_list->nidl_node_id->nid_state,&total_a_size2,&total_b_size2);
+# endif
+ }
+ argument_overwrite_bits=0;
+ node_copy_arg_p=node_copy->node_arguments;
+ node_id_list=push_node->node_node_ids;
+ a_size1=0;
+ b_size1=0;
+ a_size2=0;
+ b_size2=0;
+ for (n=0; n<arity; ++n){
+ if (node_id_list!=NULL){
+ NodeIdP node_id_p;
+ StateP arg_node_id_state_p;
+ node_id_p=node_id_list->nidl_node_id;
+ if (node_copy_arg_p->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode && node_copy_arg_p->arg_node->node_node_id==node_id_list->nidl_node_id){
+ int e_a_size1,e_b_size1,e_a_size2,e_b_size2;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (node_copy_arg_p->arg_state,&e_a_size1,&e_b_size1);
+ DetermineSizeOfState (*node_id_p->nid_lhs_state_p,&e_a_size2,&e_b_size2);
+# else
+ DetermineSizeOfState (node_id_p->nid_state,&e_a_size2,&e_b_size2);
+# endif
+ if (e_a_size1!=e_a_size2 || e_b_size1!=e_b_size2 ||
+ ((e_a_size1 | e_a_size2)!=0 && a_size1!=a_size2) ||
+ ((e_b_size1 | e_b_size2)!=0 && b_size1+node_a_size!=b_size2+total_a_size2))
+ {
+ argument_overwrite_bits|=1<<n;
+ } else {
+ ++node_id_p->nid_refcount;
+ node_id_p->nid_mark |= NID_EXTRA_REFCOUNT_MASK;
+ }
+ } else
+ argument_overwrite_bits|=1<<n;
+ arg_node_id_state_p=node_id_p->nid_lhs_state_p;
+# else
+ arg_node_id_state_p=&node_id_p->nid_state;
+# endif
+ AddSizeOfState (*arg_node_id_state_p,&a_size2,&b_size2);
+ node_id_list=node_id_list->nidl_next;
+ } else
+ argument_overwrite_bits|=1<<n;
+ AddSizeOfState (node_copy_arg_p->arg_state,&a_size1,&b_size1);
+ node_copy_arg_p=node_copy_arg_p->arg_next;
+ }
+ }
+ node->node_arguments->arg_occurrence=argument_overwrite_bits;
+ return True;
+static Bool try_insert_constructor_update_node (NodeP node,FreeUniqueNodeIdsP *f_node_ids)
+ if (node->node_state.state_type==SimpleState && node->node_state.state_kind!=SemiStrict){
+ switch (node->node_symbol->symb_kind){
+ case definition:
+ {
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ sdef=node->node_symbol->symb_def;
+ switch (sdef->sdef_kind){
+ if (! (node->node_arity>0 && sdef->sdef_arity==node->node_arity))
+ return False;
+ /* else */
+ if (!sdef->sdef_strict_constructor)
+ return insert_unique_fill_node (node,f_node_ids,node->node_arity,0);
+ else if (!IsLazyStateKind (node->node_state.state_kind)){
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ DetermineSizeOfArguments (node->node_arguments,&a_size,&b_size);
+ return insert_unique_fill_node (node,f_node_ids,a_size,b_size);
+ } else
+ return False;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case cons_symb:
+ return insert_unique_fill_node (node,f_node_ids,2,0);
+ case tuple_symb:
+ return insert_unique_fill_node (node,f_node_ids,node->node_arity,0);
+ }
+ }
+ return False;
+static NodeP try_insert_function_update_node (NodeP node,FreeUniqueNodeIdsS **f_node_ids_l)
+ if (!(node->node_state.state_type==SimpleState && node->node_state.state_kind==SemiStrict) &&
+ (IsLazyState (node->node_state) ? node->node_arity<=2 : ExpectsResultNode (node->node_state)) &&
+ node->node_symbol->symb_kind==definition)
+ {
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ sdef=node->node_symbol->symb_def;
+ if (node->node_arity==sdef->sdef_arity)
+ switch (sdef->sdef_kind){
+ case IMPRULE:
+ case DEFRULE:
+ case SYSRULE:
+ {
+ FreeUniqueNodeIdsP f_node_id;
+ NodeP node_copy;
+ f_node_id=*f_node_ids_l;
+ if (f_node_id->fnid_node_size>=2)
+ *f_node_ids_l=f_node_id->fnid_next;
+ else {
+ FreeUniqueNodeIdsP prev_f_node_id;
+ do {
+ prev_f_node_id=f_node_id;
+ f_node_id=f_node_id->fnid_next;
+ if (f_node_id==NULL)
+ return node;
+ } while (f_node_id->fnid_node_size<2);
+ prev_f_node_id->fnid_next=f_node_id->fnid_next;
+ }
+ node_copy=replace_node_by_unique_fill_node (node,f_node_id->fnid_push_node,f_node_id->fnid_node_size);
+ return node_copy;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return node;
+static void optimise_strict_constructor_in_lazy_context (NodeP node,FreeUniqueNodeIdsS **f_node_ids_l)
+ Symbol symbol;
+ symbol = node->node_symbol;
+ if (symbol->symb_kind==definition){
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ sdef=symbol->symb_def;
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR){
+ if (node->node_state.state_type==SimpleState && node->node_state.state_kind==OnA && sdef->sdef_arity==node->node_arity){
+ if (!sdef->sdef_strict_constructor){
+ node->node_state.state_kind=StrictOnA;
+ } else {
+ if (ChangeArgumentNodeStatesIfStricter (node,sdef->sdef_constructor->cl_state_p)){
+ node->node_state.state_kind=StrictOnA;
+ if (*f_node_ids_l!=NULL)
+ try_insert_constructor_update_node (node,f_node_ids_l);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (sdef->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE){
+ if (node->node_state.state_type==SimpleState && node->node_state.state_kind==OnA){
+ if (!sdef->sdef_strict_constructor){
+ node->node_state.state_kind=StrictOnA;
+ } else {
+ if (ChangeArgumentNodeStatesIfStricter (node,sdef->sdef_record_state.state_record_arguments)){
+ node->node_state.state_kind=StrictOnA;
+ if (*f_node_ids_l!=NULL)
+ try_insert_constructor_update_node (node,f_node_ids_l);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (symbol->symb_kind==select_symb && node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ node_id=node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_refcount>0){
+ NodeP tuple_node;
+ tuple_node=node_id->nid_node_def->def_node;
+ if (tuple_node->node_kind==TupleSelectorsNode){
+ ArgP new_arg;
+ new_arg=NewArgument (node);
+ new_arg->arg_next=tuple_node->node_arguments;
+ tuple_node->node_arguments=new_arg;
+ ++tuple_node->node_arity;
+ } else {
+ if (tuple_node->node_state.state_type==TupleState){
+ if (! (tuple_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode && tuple_node->node_arguments->arg_state.state_type!=TupleState)){
+ Node tuple_selectors_node;
+ tuple_selectors_node=NewNodeByKind (TupleSelectorsNode,NULL,NewArgument (node),1);
+ tuple_selectors_node->node_state=tuple_node->node_state;
+ tuple_selectors_node->node_node=tuple_node;
+ tuple_selectors_node->node_number=0;
+ node_id->nid_node_def->def_node=tuple_selectors_node;
+ }
+ } else if (tuple_node->node_kind==NormalNode && tuple_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==select_symb){
+ NodeP select2_node_p,tuple_node2_p;
+ NodeIdP node_id_p;
+ select2_node_p=tuple_node->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ if (select2_node_p->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ node_id_p=select2_node_p->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id_p->nid_refcount>0){
+ tuple_node2_p=node_id_p->nid_node_def->def_node;
+ if (tuple_node2_p->node_kind==TupleSelectorsNode && tuple_node2_p->node_state.state_type==TupleState){
+ int element_n;
+ element_n=tuple_node->node_arity-1;
+ if (tuple_node2_p->node_state.state_tuple_arguments[element_n].state_type==TupleState){
+ NodeP tuple_selectors_node;
+ tuple_selectors_node=NewNodeByKind (TupleSelectorsNode,NULL,NewArgument (node),1);
+ tuple_selectors_node->node_state=tuple_node2_p->node_state.state_tuple_arguments[element_n];
+ tuple_selectors_node->node_node=tuple_node;
+ tuple_selectors_node->node_number=1;
+ node_id->nid_node_def->def_node=tuple_selectors_node;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static unsigned int current_rule_mark;
+static FreeUniqueNodeIdsP free_unique_node_id_list;
+static FreeUniqueNodeIdsP copy_free_unique_node_ids (FreeUniqueNodeIdsP f_node_ids)
+ FreeUniqueNodeIdsP f_node_id,new_f_node_ids,*new_f_node_ids_l;
+ new_f_node_ids_l=&new_f_node_ids;
+ for_l (f_node_id,f_node_ids,fnid_next){
+ FreeUniqueNodeIdsP next_f_node_id;
+ if (free_unique_node_id_list!=NULL){
+ next_f_node_id=free_unique_node_id_list;
+ free_unique_node_id_list=next_f_node_id->fnid_next;
+ } else
+ next_f_node_id=CompAllocType (FreeUniqueNodeIdsS);
+ next_f_node_id->fnid_push_node=f_node_id->fnid_push_node;
+ next_f_node_id->fnid_node_size=f_node_id->fnid_node_size;
+ *new_f_node_ids_l=next_f_node_id;
+ new_f_node_ids_l=&next_f_node_id->fnid_next;
+ }
+ *new_f_node_ids_l=NULL;
+ return new_f_node_ids;
+static FreeUniqueNodeIdsS *free_free_unique_node_ids (FreeUniqueNodeIdsS *f_node_id)
+ while (f_node_id!=NULL){
+ FreeUniqueNodeIdsP next_f_node_id;
+ next_f_node_id=f_node_id->fnid_next;
+ f_node_id->fnid_next=free_unique_node_id_list;
+ free_unique_node_id_list=f_node_id;
+ f_node_id=next_f_node_id;
+ }
+ return f_node_id;
+static void optimise_then_or_else (NodeP node,NodeDefP node_defs,FreeUniqueNodeIdsP f_node_ids,int local_scope);
+static void optimise_then_and_else (NodeP if_node,FreeUniqueNodeIdsP f_node_ids,int local_scope)
+ FreeUniqueNodeIdsP then_f_node_ids,else_f_node_ids;
+ ArgP then_arg;
+ then_arg=if_node->node_arguments->arg_next;
+ then_f_node_ids=copy_free_unique_node_ids (f_node_ids);
+ then_f_node_ids=NULL;
+ optimise_then_or_else (then_arg->arg_node,if_node->node_then_node_defs,then_f_node_ids,local_scope);
+ then_f_node_ids=free_free_unique_node_ids (then_f_node_ids);
+ else_f_node_ids=copy_free_unique_node_ids (f_node_ids);
+ else_f_node_ids=NULL;
+ optimise_then_or_else (then_arg->arg_next->arg_node,if_node->node_else_node_defs,else_f_node_ids,local_scope);
+ else_f_node_ids=free_free_unique_node_ids (else_f_node_ids);
+static FreeUniqueNodeIdsP no_free_unique_node_ids=NULL;
+static void optimise_node_in_then_or_else (NodeP node,FreeUniqueNodeIdsS **f_node_ids_l,int local_scope)
+ switch (node->node_kind){
+ case NodeIdNode:
+ return;
+ case NormalNode:
+ {
+ ArgP arg;
+ if (*f_node_ids_l!=NULL && try_insert_constructor_update_node (node,f_node_ids_l)){
+ unsigned int n,arity,argument_overwrite_bits;
+ NodeP fill_node;
+ fill_node=node;
+ node=fill_node->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ argument_overwrite_bits=fill_node->node_arguments->arg_occurrence;
+ arity=node->node_arity;
+ n=0;
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ if (argument_overwrite_bits & (1<<n))
+ optimise_node_in_then_or_else (arg->arg_node,f_node_ids_l,local_scope);
+ ++n;
+ }
+ } else {
+ optimise_normal_node (node);
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ optimise_node_in_then_or_else (arg->arg_node,f_node_ids_l,local_scope);
+ if (*f_node_ids_l!=NULL)
+ node=try_insert_function_update_node (node,f_node_ids_l);
+ }
+ optimise_strict_constructor_in_lazy_context (node,f_node_ids_l);
+ return;
+ }
+ case SelectorNode:
+ case MatchNode:
+ optimise_node_in_then_or_else (node->node_arguments->arg_node,f_node_ids_l,local_scope);
+ return;
+ case UpdateNode:
+ {
+ ArgP arg;
+ arg=node->node_arguments;
+ if (arg->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode && (arg->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_mark2 & NID_HAS_REFCOUNT_WITHOUT_UPDATES)!=0
+ && arg->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_refcount==-2)
+ ++arg->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_number;
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ optimise_node_in_then_or_else (arg->arg_node,f_node_ids_l,local_scope);
+ return;
+ }
+ case IfNode:
+ optimise_then_and_else (node,*f_node_ids_l,node->node_if_scope+2);
+ optimise_node_in_then_or_else (node->node_arguments->arg_node,&no_free_unique_node_ids,local_scope);
+ return;
+ case TupleSelectorsNode:
+ optimise_node_in_then_or_else (node->node_node,f_node_ids_l,local_scope);
+ return;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("optimise_node_in_then_or_else");
+ return;
+ }
+unsigned long global_result_and_call_same_select_vector;
+static void compute_same_select_vector (NodeP root_node)
+ unsigned long same_select_vector;
+ ArgP tuple_element_p;
+ int n;
+ same_select_vector=0;
+ for_li (tuple_element_p,n,root_node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ NodeP node_p;
+ node_p=tuple_element_p->arg_node;
+ if (node_p->node_symbol->symb_kind==select_symb
+ && node_p->node_arguments->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode
+ && n+1==node_p->node_arity
+ && (node_p->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_mark2 & NID_CALL_VIA_LAZY_SELECTIONS_ONLY)
+ )
+ same_select_vector |= (1<<n);
+ }
+ global_result_and_call_same_select_vector=same_select_vector;
+static FreeUniqueNodeIdsP insert_unique_fill_nodes_for_lazy_tuple_recursive_call (NodeP node,FreeUniqueNodeIdsP f_node_ids)
+ int n,tuple_arity;
+ tuple_arity=node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_rule->rule_type->type_alt_rhs->type_node_arity;
+ for (n=tuple_arity-1; n>=0 && f_node_ids!=NULL; --n){
+ if (!(global_result_and_call_same_select_vector & (1<<n))){
+ FreeUniqueNodeIdsP f_node_id;
+ if (f_node_ids->fnid_node_size>=2){
+ f_node_id=f_node_ids;
+ f_node_ids=f_node_ids->fnid_next;
+ } else {
+ FreeUniqueNodeIdsP prev_f_node_id;
+ f_node_id=f_node_ids;
+ do {
+ prev_f_node_id=f_node_id;
+ f_node_id=f_node_id->fnid_next;
+ if (f_node_id==NULL)
+ break;
+ } while (f_node_id->fnid_node_size<2);
+ prev_f_node_id->fnid_next=f_node_id->fnid_next;
+ }
+ replace_node_by_unique_fill_node (node,f_node_id->fnid_push_node,f_node_id->fnid_node_size);
+ }
+ }
+ return f_node_ids;
+static void optimise_then_or_else (NodeP node,NodeDefP node_defs,FreeUniqueNodeIdsP f_node_ids,int local_scope)
+ NodeDefP node_def;
+ if ((current_rule_mark & RULE_CALL_VIA_LAZY_SELECTIONS_ONLY) && node->node_kind==NormalNode && node->node_symbol->symb_kind==tuple_symb)
+ compute_same_select_vector (node);
+ for_l (node_def,node_defs,def_next)
+ if (node_def->def_node){
+ if (node_def->def_id!=NULL && (node_def->def_id->nid_mark2 & NID_CALL_VIA_LAZY_SELECTIONS_ONLY)){
+ ArgP arg;
+ NodeP node;
+ node=node_def->def_node;
+ optimise_normal_node (node);
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ optimise_node_in_then_or_else (arg->arg_node,&f_node_ids,local_scope);
+ optimise_strict_constructor_in_lazy_context (node,&f_node_ids);
+ if (f_node_ids!=NULL)
+ f_node_ids=insert_unique_fill_nodes_for_lazy_tuple_recursive_call (node,f_node_ids);
+ } else
+ optimise_node_in_then_or_else (node_def->def_node,&f_node_ids,local_scope);
+ }
+ if (node->node_kind==NormalNode){
+ ArgP arg;
+ optimise_normal_node (node);
+ if (node->node_symbol->symb_kind==tuple_symb && (current_rule_mark & RULE_CALL_VIA_LAZY_SELECTIONS_ONLY)){
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ NodeP node;
+ node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (node->node_kind==NormalNode){
+ ArgS *arg;
+ optimise_normal_node (node);
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ optimise_node_in_then_or_else (arg->arg_node,&f_node_ids,local_scope);
+ optimise_strict_constructor_in_lazy_context (node,&no_free_unique_node_ids);
+ } else
+ optimise_node_in_then_or_else (arg->arg_node,&f_node_ids,local_scope);
+ }
+ } else
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ optimise_node_in_then_or_else (arg->arg_node,&f_node_ids,local_scope);
+ optimise_strict_constructor_in_lazy_context (node,&no_free_unique_node_ids);
+ } else
+ optimise_node_in_then_or_else (node,&f_node_ids,local_scope);
+static void optimise_node (NodeP node,FreeUniqueNodeIdsS **f_node_ids_l)
+ switch (node->node_kind){
+ case NodeIdNode:
+ return;
+ case NormalNode:
+ {
+ ArgP arg;
+ if (*f_node_ids_l!=NULL && try_insert_constructor_update_node (node,f_node_ids_l)){
+ unsigned int n,arity,argument_overwrite_bits;
+ NodeP fill_node;
+ fill_node=node;
+ node=fill_node->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ argument_overwrite_bits=fill_node->node_arguments->arg_occurrence;
+ arity=node->node_arity;
+ n=0;
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ if (argument_overwrite_bits & (1<<n))
+ optimise_node (arg->arg_node,f_node_ids_l);
+ ++n;
+ }
+ } else {
+ optimise_normal_node (node);
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ optimise_node (arg->arg_node,f_node_ids_l);
+ if (*f_node_ids_l!=NULL)
+ node=try_insert_function_update_node (node,f_node_ids_l);
+ }
+ optimise_strict_constructor_in_lazy_context (node,f_node_ids_l);
+ return;
+ }
+ case SelectorNode:
+ case MatchNode:
+ optimise_node (node->node_arguments->arg_node,f_node_ids_l);
+ return;
+ case UpdateNode:
+ {
+ ArgS *arg;
+ arg=node->node_arguments;
+ if (arg->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode && (arg->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_mark2 & NID_HAS_REFCOUNT_WITHOUT_UPDATES)!=0
+ && arg->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_refcount==-2)
+ ++arg->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_number;
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ optimise_node (arg->arg_node,f_node_ids_l);
+ return;
+ }
+ case TupleSelectorsNode:
+ optimise_node (node->node_node,f_node_ids_l);
+ return;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("optimise_node");
+ }
+static FreeUniqueNodeIdsP check_unique_push_node (NodeP node,FreeUniqueNodeIdsP f_node_ids,int switch_node_id_refcount)
+ NodeIdP node_id_p;
+ node_id_p=node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ if (switch_node_id_refcount==-1 && (node_id_p->nid_mark & NID_EXTRA_REFCOUNT_MASK)==0){
+ if (node_id_p->nid_lhs_state_p->state_type==SimpleState && (node_id_p->nid_lhs_state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_MASK)){
+# else
+ if (node_id_p->nid_state.state_type==SimpleState && (node_id_p->nid_state.state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_MASK)){
+# endif
+ int a_size,b_size;
+ NodeIdListElementP arg_node_id_list;
+ a_size=0;
+ b_size=0;
+ for_l (arg_node_id_list,node->node_node_ids,nidl_next){
+ NodeIdP arg_node_id;
+ StateP arg_node_id_state_p;
+ arg_node_id=arg_node_id_list->nidl_node_id;
+ arg_node_id_state_p=arg_node_id->nid_lhs_state_p;
+# else
+ arg_node_id_state_p=&arg_node_id->nid_state;
+# endif
+ arg_node_id->nid_mark2|=NID_HAS_REFCOUNT_WITHOUT_UPDATES;
+ arg_node_id->nid_number=arg_node_id->nid_refcount;
+ AddSizeOfState (*arg_node_id_state_p,&a_size,&b_size);
+ }
+ if (a_size+b_size>0){
+ FreeUniqueNodeIdsP f_node_id;
+ f_node_id=CompAllocType (FreeUniqueNodeIdsS);
+ f_node_id->fnid_push_node=node;
+ f_node_id->fnid_node_size=a_size+b_size;
+#if 0
+ printf ("Push unique node of size %d\n",a_size+b_size);
+ f_node_id->fnid_next=f_node_ids;
+ return f_node_id;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ NodeIdListElementP arg_node_id_list;
+ for_l (arg_node_id_list,node->node_node_ids,nidl_next){
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ node_id=arg_node_id_list->nidl_node_id;
+ node_id->nid_number=node_id->nid_refcount;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ NodeIdListElementP arg_node_id_list;
+ for_l (arg_node_id_list,node->node_node_ids,nidl_next){
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ node_id=arg_node_id_list->nidl_node_id;
+ node_id->nid_mark |= NID_EXTRA_REFCOUNT_MASK;
+ }
+ }
+ return f_node_ids;
+static void optimise_root_node (NodeP node,NodeDefP node_defs,FreeUniqueNodeIdsP f_node_ids)
+ switch (node->node_kind){
+ case SwitchNode:
+ {
+ ArgP arg;
+ int switch_node_id_refcount;
+ NodeIdP switch_node_id_p;
+ if (node_defs!=NULL)
+ error_in_function ("optimise_root_node");
+ switch_node_id_p=node->node_node_id;
+ ++switch_node_id_p->nid_refcount;
+ switch_node_id_refcount=switch_node_id_p->nid_refcount;
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ Node case_node;
+ case_node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (case_node->node_kind==CaseNode || case_node->node_kind==DefaultNode){
+ NodeP case_alt_node_p;
+ FreeUniqueNodeIdsP case_f_node_ids;
+ case_f_node_ids=f_node_ids;
+ case_alt_node_p=case_node->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ set_local_reference_counts (case_node);
+ if (case_alt_node_p->node_kind==PushNode){
+ if (DoReuseUniqueNodes){
+ if (case_alt_node_p->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id!=switch_node_id_p)
+ error_in_function ("optimise_root_node");
+ case_f_node_ids=check_unique_push_node (case_alt_node_p,case_f_node_ids,switch_node_id_refcount);
+ }
+ case_alt_node_p=case_alt_node_p->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node;
+ }
+ optimise_root_node (case_alt_node_p,case_node->node_node_defs,case_f_node_ids);
+ set_global_reference_counts (case_node);
+ } else
+ error_in_function ("optimise_root_node");
+ }
+ --switch_node_id_p->nid_refcount;
+ return;
+ }
+ case GuardNode:
+ optimise_root_node (node->node_arguments->arg_node,node_defs,f_node_ids);
+ optimise_root_node (node->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node,node->node_node_defs,f_node_ids);
+ return;
+ case IfNode:
+ optimise_then_and_else (node,f_node_ids,node->node_if_scope+2);
+ optimise_root_node (node->node_arguments->arg_node,node_defs,NULL);
+ return;
+ default:
+ {
+ NodeDefP def;
+ if ((current_rule_mark & RULE_CALL_VIA_LAZY_SELECTIONS_ONLY) && node->node_kind==NormalNode && node->node_symbol->symb_kind==tuple_symb)
+ compute_same_select_vector (node);
+ f_node_ids=copy_free_unique_node_ids (f_node_ids);
+ f_node_ids=NULL;
+ for_l (def,node_defs,def_next)
+ if (def->def_node){
+ if (def->def_id!=NULL && (def->def_id->nid_mark2 & NID_CALL_VIA_LAZY_SELECTIONS_ONLY)){
+ ArgP arg;
+ NodeP node;
+ node=def->def_node;
+ optimise_normal_node (node);
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ optimise_node (arg->arg_node,&f_node_ids);
+ optimise_strict_constructor_in_lazy_context (node,&f_node_ids);
+ if (f_node_ids!=NULL)
+ f_node_ids=insert_unique_fill_nodes_for_lazy_tuple_recursive_call (node,f_node_ids);
+ } else
+ optimise_node (def->def_node,&f_node_ids);
+ }
+ if (node->node_kind==NormalNode){
+ ArgS *arg;
+ optimise_normal_node (node);
+ if (node->node_symbol->symb_kind==tuple_symb && (current_rule_mark & RULE_CALL_VIA_LAZY_SELECTIONS_ONLY)){
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ NodeP node;
+ node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (node->node_kind==NormalNode){
+ ArgS *arg;
+ optimise_normal_node (node);
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ optimise_node (arg->arg_node,&f_node_ids);
+ optimise_strict_constructor_in_lazy_context (node,&no_free_unique_node_ids);
+ } else
+ optimise_node (node,&f_node_ids);
+ }
+ } else
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ optimise_node (arg->arg_node,&f_node_ids);
+ optimise_strict_constructor_in_lazy_context (node,&no_free_unique_node_ids);
+ } else
+ optimise_node (node,&f_node_ids);
+ f_node_ids=free_free_unique_node_ids (f_node_ids);
+ }
+ }
+static ImpRuleS *used_local_functions;
+static Bool IsObservedDef (NodeDefP def_p)
+ NodeP node_p;
+ node_p=def_p->def_node;
+ if (node_p==NULL || (node_p->node_annotation==StrictAnnot && (def_p->def_mark & NODE_DEF_OBSERVE_MASK)))
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+static Bool IsStrictAnnotedAndNotParallelDef (NodeDefs def)
+ Node node;
+ node=def->def_node;
+ if (node==NULL || (node->node_annotation==StrictAnnot && !(node->node_state.state_mark & STATE_PARALLEL_MASK)))
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+Bool HasExternalAnnot (Node node)
+ if (node->node_annotation==NoAnnot)
+ return False;
+ switch (node->node_annotation){
+ case ParallelAnnot:
+ case ParallelAtAnnot:
+ case ParallelNFAnnot:
+ return True;
+ default:
+ return False;
+ }
+static Bool IsExternalNodeDef (NodeDefs def)
+ if (def->def_node)
+ return HasExternalAnnot (def->def_node);
+ return False;
+static Bool IsParallelNodeDef (NodeDefs def)
+ if (def->def_node && def->def_node->node_annotation>StrictAnnot)
+ return True;
+ return False;
+static Bool IsNotParStrictDef (NodeDefs def)
+ if (def->def_node==NULL
+ || !(def->def_node->node_state.state_mark & STATE_PARALLEL_MASK)
+ || IsLazyState (def->def_node->node_state))
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+static Bool IsAnyNodeDef (NodeDefs def)
+#pragma unused(def)
+ return True;
+static void ExamineSymbolApplication (struct node *node)
+ Symbol symbol;
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ symbol=node->node_symbol;
+ if (symbol->symb_kind!=definition)
+ return;
+ sdef=symbol->symb_def;
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==IMPRULE){
+ if (sdef->sdef_arity!=node->node_arity){
+ if (!sdef->sdef_exported){
+ ImpRuleP rule_p;
+ rule_p=sdef->sdef_rule;
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & (SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK | SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK)){
+ rule_p->rule_mark &= ~RULE_LAZY_CALL_NODE_MASK;
+ } else {
+ rule_p->rule_next_used_function=used_local_functions;
+ used_local_functions=rule_p;
+ }
+ rule_p->rule_mark |= RULE_LAZY_CALL_NODE_MASK;
+ rule_p->rule_lazy_call_node = node;
+ }
+ }
+ sdef->sdef_mark |= SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK;
+ } else {
+ if (IsLazyState (node->node_state)){
+ if (!sdef->sdef_exported){
+ ImpRuleP rule_p;
+ rule_p=sdef->sdef_rule;
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & (SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK | SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK)){
+ rule_p->rule_mark &= ~RULE_LAZY_CALL_NODE_MASK;
+ } else {
+ rule_p->rule_next_used_function=used_local_functions;
+ used_local_functions=rule_p;
+ }
+ rule_p->rule_mark |= RULE_LAZY_CALL_NODE_MASK;
+ rule_p->rule_lazy_call_node = node;
+ }
+ }
+ sdef->sdef_mark |= SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK;
+ } else {
+ && !sdef->sdef_exported)
+ {
+ sdef->sdef_rule->rule_next_used_function=used_local_functions;
+ used_local_functions=sdef->sdef_rule;
+ }
+ if (!sdef->sdef_exported){
+ ImpRuleP rule_p;
+ rule_p=sdef->sdef_rule;
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & (SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK | SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK) ||
+ ((sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_STRICTLY_MASK) && !(rule_p->rule_mark & RULE_STRICT_CALL_NODE_MASK)))
+ {
+ } else {
+ if (!(rule_p->rule_mark & RULE_STRICT_CALL_NODE_MASK)){
+ rule_p->rule_mark |= RULE_STRICT_CALL_NODE_MASK;
+ rule_p->rule_strict_call_node = node;
+ } else if (!(rule_p->rule_mark & RULE_STRICT_CALL_NODE2_MASK)){
+ rule_p->rule_mark |= RULE_STRICT_CALL_NODE2_MASK;
+ rule_p->rule_strict_call_node2 = node;
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sdef->sdef_mark |= SDEF_USED_STRICTLY_MASK;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((sdef->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE ? sdef->sdef_cons_arity : sdef->sdef_arity) != node->node_arity)
+ sdef->sdef_mark |= SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK;
+ else
+ if (IsLazyState (node->node_state))
+ sdef->sdef_mark |= SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK;
+ else
+ sdef->sdef_mark |= SDEF_USED_STRICTLY_MASK;
+ }
+static void ExamineSymbolApplicationOfSelectorOrUpdateNode (Symbol symb,StateS symbstate)
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ if (symb->symb_kind!=definition)
+ return;
+ sdef = symb->symb_def;
+ if (IsLazyState (symbstate))
+ sdef->sdef_mark |= SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK;
+ else
+ sdef->sdef_mark |= SDEF_USED_STRICTLY_MASK;
+static void MarkDependentNodeDefs (NodeP node);
+static void MarkTupleSelectorsNode (NodeIdP node_id,NodeP tuple_node)
+ if (tuple_node->node_arity==node_id->nid_refcount){
+ struct arg *arg,**arg_pp;
+ int i,arity;
+ Node select_nodes[32];
+ if (tuple_node->node_number==1){
+ if (tuple_node->node_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode)
+ tuple_node->node_node->node_arguments->arg_state=tuple_node->node_state;
+ else {
+ tuple_node->node_state=tuple_node->node_node->node_state;
+ MarkDependentNodeDefs (tuple_node->node_node);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ arity=tuple_node->node_state.state_arity;
+ for (i=0; i<arity; ++i)
+ select_nodes[i]=NULL;
+ for_l (arg,tuple_node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ int element_n;
+ Node select_node;
+ NodeId element_node_id;
+ struct arg *select_arg;
+ select_node=arg->arg_node;
+ element_n=select_node->node_arity-1;
+ if (select_nodes[element_n]!=NULL){
+ element_node_id=select_nodes[element_n]->node_node_id;
+ element_node_id->nid_mark |= NID_SHARED_SELECTION_NODE_ID;
+ } else {
+ element_node_id=NewNodeId (NULL);
+ element_node_id->nid_number=element_n;
+ element_node_id->nid_node=select_node;
+ element_node_id->nid_scope = node_id->nid_scope;
+ select_nodes[element_n]=select_node;
+ }
+ ++element_node_id->nid_refcount;
+ select_node->node_kind=NodeIdNode;
+ select_node->node_node_id=element_node_id;
+ select_node->node_state=tuple_node->node_state.state_tuple_arguments[element_n];
+ select_arg=select_node->node_arguments;
+ if (!IsSimpleState (select_arg->arg_state))
+ select_arg->arg_state=select_arg->arg_state.state_tuple_arguments[element_n];
+ }
+ arg_pp=&tuple_node->node_arguments;
+ arg=tuple_node->node_arguments;
+ for (i=arity-1; i>=0; --i)
+ if (select_nodes[i]!=NULL){
+ arg->arg_node=select_nodes[i];
+ *arg_pp=arg;
+ arg_pp=&arg->arg_next;
+ arg=arg->arg_next;
+ }
+ *arg_pp=NULL;
+ } else if (tuple_node->node_number==1)
+ tuple_node->node_state=tuple_node->node_node->node_state;
+ MarkDependentNodeDefs (tuple_node->node_node);
+static void MarkDependentNodeDefs (NodeP node)
+ Args arg;
+ switch (node->node_kind){
+ case NodeIdNode:
+ {
+ NodeId node_id;
+ NodeDefS *def;
+ node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_refcount>0){
+ def=node_id->nid_node_def;
+ if (def && (def->def_mark & NODE_DEF_MARKED)==0 && def->def_node){
+ def->def_mark |= NODE_DEF_MARKED;
+ if (def->def_node->node_kind==TupleSelectorsNode)
+ MarkTupleSelectorsNode (node_id,def->def_node);
+ else
+ MarkDependentNodeDefs (def->def_node);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ case NormalNode:
+ if (node->node_symbol->symb_kind==select_symb && node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ NodeId node_id;
+ node_id=node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_refcount>0){
+ MarkDependentNodeDefs (node->node_arguments->arg_node);
+ ExamineSymbolApplication (node);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ ExamineSymbolApplication (node);
+ break;
+ case MatchNode:
+ ExamineSymbolApplication (node);
+ break;
+ case SelectorNode:
+ if (node->node_symbol->symb_kind==definition){
+ if (node->node_arity==1 && IsLazyState (node->node_state))
+ node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_mark |= SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK;
+ else
+ node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_mark |= SDEF_USED_STRICTLY_MASK;
+ }
+ break;
+ case UpdateNode:
+ ExamineSymbolApplicationOfSelectorOrUpdateNode (node->node_symbol,node->node_state);
+ arg=node->node_arguments;
+ MarkDependentNodeDefs (arg->arg_node);
+ while ((arg=arg->arg_next)!=NULL)
+ MarkDependentNodeDefs (arg->arg_node->node_arguments->arg_node);
+ return;
+ case IfNode:
+ break;
+ MarkDependentNodeDefs (node->node_arguments->arg_node);
+ return;
+ case PushNode:
+ break;
+ case FillUniqueNode:
+ break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("MarkDependentNodeDefs");
+ }
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ MarkDependentNodeDefs (arg->arg_node);
+typedef Bool NodeDefFun (NodeDefs);
+static void MarkNodeDefsWithProperty
+#ifdef applec
+ (NodeDefs defs, Bool (*node_def_function)())
+ (NodeDefs defs, NodeDefFun node_def_function)
+ NodeDefS *def;
+ for_l (def,defs,def_next)
+ if ((def->def_mark & NODE_DEF_MARKED)==0 && node_def_function (def)){
+ def->def_mark |= NODE_DEF_MARKED;
+ if (def->def_node){
+ if (def->def_node->node_kind==TupleSelectorsNode)
+ MarkTupleSelectorsNode (def->def_id,def->def_node);
+ else
+ MarkDependentNodeDefs (def->def_node);
+ }
+ }
+static NodeDefs *MoveMarkedNodeDefsToReorderedList (NodeDefs *def_p,NodeDefs *reordered_defs_p)
+ NodeDefs def;
+ while (def=*def_p,def!=NULL)
+ if ((def->def_mark & NODE_DEF_MARKED)!=0){
+ *def_p=def->def_next;
+ *reordered_defs_p=def;
+ reordered_defs_p=&def->def_next;
+ } else
+ def_p=&def->def_next;
+ return reordered_defs_p;
+static void ReorderNodeDefinitionsAndDetermineUsedEntries (NodeDefs *def_p,Node root)
+ NodeDefs reordered_defs,*reordered_defs_p;
+ while (root->node_kind==PushNode)
+ root=root->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node;
+ if (root->node_kind==SwitchNode){
+ struct arg *arg;
+ if (*def_p!=NULL)
+ error_in_function ("ReorderNodeDefinitionsAndDetermineUsedEntries");
+ for_l (arg,root->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ if (arg->arg_node->node_kind!=CaseNode && arg->arg_node->node_kind!=DefaultNode)
+ error_in_function ("ReorderNodeDefinitionsAndDetermineUsedEntries");
+ ReorderNodeDefinitionsAndDetermineUsedEntries (&arg->arg_node->node_node_defs,arg->arg_node->node_arguments->arg_node);
+ }
+ return;
+ } else if (root->node_kind==GuardNode){
+ ReorderNodeDefinitionsAndDetermineUsedEntries (def_p,root->node_arguments->arg_node);
+ ReorderNodeDefinitionsAndDetermineUsedEntries (&root->node_node_defs,root->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node);
+ return;
+ }
+ reordered_defs_p=&reordered_defs;
+ MarkNodeDefsWithProperty (*def_p,&IsObservedDef);
+ reordered_defs_p=MoveMarkedNodeDefsToReorderedList (def_p,reordered_defs_p);
+ MarkNodeDefsWithProperty (*def_p,&IsStrictAnnotedAndNotParallelDef);
+ reordered_defs_p=MoveMarkedNodeDefsToReorderedList (def_p,reordered_defs_p);
+ MarkNodeDefsWithProperty (*def_p,&IsExternalNodeDef);
+ reordered_defs_p=MoveMarkedNodeDefsToReorderedList (def_p,reordered_defs_p);
+ MarkNodeDefsWithProperty (*def_p,&IsParallelNodeDef);
+ reordered_defs_p=MoveMarkedNodeDefsToReorderedList (def_p,reordered_defs_p);
+ MarkNodeDefsWithProperty (*def_p,&IsNotParStrictDef);
+ reordered_defs_p=MoveMarkedNodeDefsToReorderedList (def_p,reordered_defs_p);
+ MarkNodeDefsWithProperty (*def_p,&IsAnyNodeDef);
+ if (root->node_kind!=IfNode)
+ MarkDependentNodeDefs (root);
+ else
+ MarkDependentNodeDefs (root->node_arguments->arg_node);
+ reordered_defs_p=MoveMarkedNodeDefsToReorderedList (def_p,reordered_defs_p);
+ *reordered_defs_p=NULL;
+ *def_p=reordered_defs;
+ if (root->node_kind==IfNode){
+ ReorderNodeDefinitionsAndDetermineUsedEntries (&root->node_then_node_defs,root->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node);
+ ReorderNodeDefinitionsAndDetermineUsedEntries (&root->node_else_node_defs,root->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_next->arg_node);
+ }
+static NodeIdRefCountListP determine_then_or_else_ref_counts (NodeP node,NodeDefP node_defs,int local_scope);
+static NodeIdRefCountListP determine_then_else_ref_counts_of_graph (NodeP node,NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_counts,int local_scope)
+ switch (node->node_kind){
+ case NodeIdNode:
+ {
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ int node_id_scope;
+ node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ node_id_scope=node_id->nid_scope;
+ if (node_id_scope<0)
+ node_id_scope=-node_id_scope;
+ if (node_id_scope<local_scope){
+ if (!(node_id->nid_mark & NID_THEN_ELSE_NON_LOCAL_NODE_ID)){
+ node_id->nid_mark |= NID_THEN_ELSE_NON_LOCAL_NODE_ID;
+ node_id_ref_counts=new_node_id_ref_count (node_id_ref_counts,node_id,1);
+ node_id->nid_node_id_ref_count_element_=node_id_ref_counts;
+ } else
+ ++node_id->nid_node_id_ref_count_element->nrcl_ref_count;
+ }
+ return node_id_ref_counts;
+ }
+ case NormalNode:
+ case UpdateNode:
+ {
+ ArgP arg;
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ node_id_ref_counts=determine_then_else_ref_counts_of_graph (arg->arg_node,node_id_ref_counts,local_scope);
+ return node_id_ref_counts;
+ }
+ case SelectorNode:
+ case MatchNode:
+ return determine_then_else_ref_counts_of_graph (node->node_arguments->arg_node,node_id_ref_counts,local_scope);
+ case FillUniqueNode:
+ {
+ NodeP node_p;
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ unsigned long occurences;
+ int n;
+ node_p=node->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ if (node_p->node_kind!=NormalNode)
+ error_in_function ("determine_then_else_ref_counts_of_graph");
+ n=0;
+ occurences=node->node_arguments->arg_occurrence;
+ for_l (arg_p,node_p->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ if (occurences & (1<<n))
+ node_id_ref_counts=determine_then_else_ref_counts_of_graph (arg_p->arg_node,node_id_ref_counts,local_scope);
+ ++n;
+ }
+ return node_id_ref_counts;
+ }
+ case IfNode:
+ {
+ ArgP cond_arg,then_arg;
+ NodeIdRefCountListP local_node_id_ref_count;
+ int new_local_scope;
+ new_local_scope=node->node_if_scope+2;
+ cond_arg=node->node_arguments;
+ then_arg=cond_arg->arg_next;
+ node->node_then_node_id_ref_counts=
+ determine_then_or_else_ref_counts (then_arg->arg_node,node->node_then_node_defs,new_local_scope);
+ node->node_else_node_id_ref_counts=
+ determine_then_or_else_ref_counts (then_arg->arg_next->arg_node,node->node_else_node_defs,new_local_scope);
+ for_l (local_node_id_ref_count,node->node_then_node_id_ref_counts,nrcl_next){
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ int node_id_scope;
+ node_id=local_node_id_ref_count->nrcl_node_id;
+ node_id_scope=node_id->nid_scope;
+ if (node_id_scope<0)
+ node_id_scope=-node_id_scope;
+ if (node_id_scope<local_scope){
+ if (!(node_id->nid_mark & NID_THEN_ELSE_NON_LOCAL_NODE_ID)){
+ node_id->nid_mark |= NID_THEN_ELSE_NON_LOCAL_NODE_ID;
+ node_id_ref_counts=new_node_id_ref_count (node_id_ref_counts,node_id,local_node_id_ref_count->nrcl_ref_count);
+ node_id->nid_node_id_ref_count_element_=node_id_ref_counts;
+ } else
+ node_id->nid_node_id_ref_count_element->nrcl_ref_count += local_node_id_ref_count->nrcl_ref_count;
+ }
+ }
+ for_l (local_node_id_ref_count,node->node_else_node_id_ref_counts,nrcl_next){
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ int node_id_scope;
+ node_id=local_node_id_ref_count->nrcl_node_id;
+ node_id_scope=node_id->nid_scope;
+ if (node_id_scope<0)
+ node_id_scope=-node_id_scope;
+ if (node_id_scope<local_scope){
+ if (!(node_id->nid_mark & NID_THEN_ELSE_NON_LOCAL_NODE_ID)){
+ node_id->nid_mark |= NID_THEN_ELSE_NON_LOCAL_NODE_ID;
+ node_id_ref_counts=new_node_id_ref_count (node_id_ref_counts,node_id,local_node_id_ref_count->nrcl_ref_count);
+ node_id->nid_node_id_ref_count_element_=node_id_ref_counts;
+ } else
+ node_id->nid_node_id_ref_count_element->nrcl_ref_count += local_node_id_ref_count->nrcl_ref_count;
+ }
+ }
+ return determine_then_else_ref_counts_of_graph (cond_arg->arg_node,node_id_ref_counts,local_scope);
+ }
+ case TupleSelectorsNode:
+ return determine_then_else_ref_counts_of_graph (node->node_node,node_id_ref_counts,local_scope);
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("determine_then_else_ref_counts_of_graph");
+ return node_id_ref_counts;
+ }
+static NodeIdRefCountListP determine_then_or_else_ref_counts (NodeP node,NodeDefP node_defs,int local_scope)
+ NodeIdRefCountListP local_node_id_ref_counts,local_node_id_ref_count;
+ NodeDefP node_def;
+ local_node_id_ref_counts=determine_then_else_ref_counts_of_graph (node,NULL,local_scope);
+ for_l (node_def,node_defs,def_next)
+ if (node_def->def_node)
+ local_node_id_ref_counts=determine_then_else_ref_counts_of_graph (node_def->def_node,local_node_id_ref_counts,local_scope);
+ for_l (local_node_id_ref_count,local_node_id_ref_counts,nrcl_next)
+ local_node_id_ref_count->nrcl_node_id->nid_mark &= ~NID_THEN_ELSE_NON_LOCAL_NODE_ID;
+ return local_node_id_ref_counts;
+static void determine_then_else_ref_counts (NodeP node)
+ switch (node->node_kind){
+ case IfNode:
+ {
+ ArgP then_arg;
+ int local_scope;
+ local_scope=node->node_if_scope+2;
+ then_arg=node->node_arguments->arg_next;
+ node->node_then_node_id_ref_counts=determine_then_or_else_ref_counts (then_arg->arg_node,node->node_then_node_defs,local_scope);
+ node->node_else_node_id_ref_counts=determine_then_or_else_ref_counts (then_arg->arg_next->arg_node,node->node_else_node_defs,local_scope);
+ determine_then_else_ref_counts (node->node_arguments->arg_node);
+ return;
+ }
+ case GuardNode:
+ determine_then_else_ref_counts (node->node_arguments->arg_node);
+ determine_then_else_ref_counts (node->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node);
+ return;
+ case SwitchNode:
+ {
+ ArgP arg;
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ Node case_node;
+ case_node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (case_node->node_kind==CaseNode || case_node->node_kind==DefaultNode){
+ NodeP case_alt_node_p;
+ case_alt_node_p=case_node->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ if (case_alt_node_p->node_kind==PushNode)
+ case_alt_node_p=case_alt_node_p->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node;
+ ++node->node_node_id->nid_refcount;
+ set_local_reference_counts (case_node);
+ determine_then_else_ref_counts (case_alt_node_p);
+ set_global_reference_counts (case_node);
+ --node->node_node_id->nid_refcount;
+ } else
+ error_in_function ("determine_then_else_ref_counts");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+static void mark_shared_strict_tuple_or_record (ArgP arguments)
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ for_l (arg_p,arguments,arg_next){
+ if (arg_p->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode)
+ arg_p->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_mark |= NID_EXTRA_REFCOUNT_MASK;
+ }
+static void mark_shared_strict_tuple_and_record_elements (Args args,int ref_count_one)
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ for_l (arg_p,args,arg_next){
+ Node arg_node;
+ int ref_count_one_for_arg;
+ arg_node=arg_p->arg_node;
+ ref_count_one_for_arg=ref_count_one;
+ if (arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ NodeId node_id;
+ node_id=arg_node->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_refcount<-2 || (node_id->nid_mark & NID_EXTRA_REFCOUNT_MASK))
+ if (node_id->nid_refcount!=-1 || (node_id->nid_mark & NID_EXTRA_REFCOUNT_MASK))
+ ref_count_one_for_arg=0;
+ node_id->nid_number=node_id->nid_refcount;
+ arg_node=arg_node->node_node_id->nid_node;
+ }
+ if (arg_node!=NULL){
+ Symbol symbol;
+ symbol = arg_node->node_symbol;
+ switch (symbol->symb_kind){
+ case tuple_symb:
+ if (!IsSimpleState (arg_p->arg_state)){
+ if (!ref_count_one_for_arg)
+ mark_shared_strict_tuple_or_record (arg_node->node_arguments);
+ mark_shared_strict_tuple_and_record_elements (arg_node->node_arguments,ref_count_one_for_arg);
+ }
+ break;
+ case definition:
+ {
+ SymbDef def;
+ def = symbol->symb_def;
+ if (def->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE){
+ if (arg_p->arg_state.state_type==RecordState){
+ if (!ref_count_one_for_arg)
+ mark_shared_strict_tuple_or_record (arg_node->node_arguments);
+ mark_shared_strict_tuple_and_record_elements (arg_node->node_arguments,ref_count_one_for_arg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static ImpRuleS **OptimiseRule (ImpRuleS *rule)
+ SymbDef rule_sdef;
+ CurrentSymbol = rule->rule_root->node_symbol;
+ rule_sdef= CurrentSymbol->symb_def;
+ if (rule_sdef->sdef_over_arity==0){
+ RuleAlts alt;
+ transform_patterns_to_case_and_guard_nodes (rule->rule_alts);
+ alt=rule->rule_alts;
+ CurrentLine = alt->alt_line;
+ if (alt->alt_kind==Contractum){
+ if (DoReuseUniqueNodes)
+ mark_shared_strict_tuple_and_record_elements (alt->alt_lhs_root->node_arguments,1);
+ current_rule_mark=rule->rule_mark;
+ optimise_root_node (alt->alt_rhs_root,alt->alt_rhs_defs,NULL);
+ ReorderNodeDefinitionsAndDetermineUsedEntries (&alt->alt_rhs_defs,alt->alt_rhs_root);
+ determine_then_else_ref_counts (alt->alt_rhs_root);
+ }
+ while (new_rules){
+ ImpRuleP new_rule;
+ RuleAltP alt;
+ new_rule=new_rules;
+ new_rules=new_rule->rule_next;
+ alt=new_rule->rule_alts;
+ DetermineStatesOfRootNodeAndDefs (alt->alt_rhs_root,&alt->alt_rhs_defs,alt->alt_lhs_root->node_state,0);
+ ReorderNodeDefinitionsAndDetermineUsedEntries (&alt->alt_rhs_defs,alt->alt_rhs_root);
+ new_rule->rule_next=rule->rule_next;
+ rule->rule_next=new_rule;
+ rule=new_rule;
+ }
+ }
+ return &rule->rule_next;
+StateP state_of_node_or_node_id (NodeP node_p)
+ if (node_p->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ return &node_p->node_state;
+ } else {
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ node_id=node_p->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_refcount<0)
+ return node_id->nid_lhs_state_p;
+ else
+ return &node_id->nid_node->node_state;
+ }
+void OptimiseRules (ImpRules rules,SymbDef start_sdef)
+ ImpRuleS **rule_h;
+ next_function_n=0;
+ new_rules=NULL;
+ free_unique_node_id_list=NULL;
+ used_local_functions=NULL;
+ if (start_sdef!=NULL && !start_sdef->sdef_exported){
+ used_local_functions=start_sdef->sdef_rule;
+ used_local_functions->rule_next_used_function=NULL;
+ }
+ for (rule_h=&rules; *rule_h!=NULL; )
+ if ((*rule_h)->rule_root->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_exported)
+ rule_h=OptimiseRule (*rule_h);
+ else
+ rule_h=&(*rule_h)->rule_next;
+ while (used_local_functions!=NULL){
+ ImpRuleS *rule;
+ rule=used_local_functions;
+ used_local_functions=used_local_functions->rule_next_used_function;
+ OptimiseRule (rule);
+ }
+# ifdef THINK_C
+ if (!DoParallel)
+# endif
+ {
+ ImpRuleP rule_p;
+ for_l (rule_p,rules,rule_next){
+ if ((rule_p->rule_mark & RULE_LAZY_CALL_NODE_MASK) &&
+ !(rule_p->rule_root->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK) &&
+ !(rule_p->rule_mark & RULE_CAF_MASK))
+ {
+ NodeP call_node_p;
+ call_node_p=rule_p->rule_lazy_call_node;
+ if (call_node_p->node_number==0 && !(call_node_p->node_state.state_type==SimpleState && call_node_p->node_state.state_kind==SemiStrict)){
+ StateP function_arg_state_p;
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ rule_p->rule_mark |= RULE_UNBOXED_LAZY_CALL;
+ for_la (arg_p,function_arg_state_p,call_node_p->node_arguments,rule_p->rule_state_p,arg_next){
+ if (function_arg_state_p->state_type==SimpleState){
+ if (function_arg_state_p->state_kind==OnB){
+ StateP arg_state_p;
+ arg_state_p=state_of_node_or_node_id (arg_p->arg_node);
+ if (arg_state_p->state_type==SimpleState && arg_state_p->state_kind==OnB){
+ arg_p->arg_state=*arg_state_p;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (function_arg_state_p->state_type==ArrayState){
+ StateP arg_state_p;
+ arg_state_p=state_of_node_or_node_id (arg_p->arg_node);
+ if (arg_state_p->state_type==ArrayState){
+ arg_p->arg_state=*arg_state_p;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ ImpRuleP rule_p;
+ for_l (rule_p,rules,rule_next){
+ if (rule_p->rule_mark & RULE_STRICT_CALL_NODE_MASK){
+ ArgP arg_p1,arg_p2,lhs_arg_p;
+ StateP function_arg_state_p;
+ if (rule_p->rule_mark & RULE_STRICT_CALL_NODE2_MASK)
+ arg_p2=rule_p->rule_strict_call_node2->node_arguments;
+ else
+ arg_p2=NULL;
+ for_lla (arg_p1,lhs_arg_p,function_arg_state_p,
+ rule_p->rule_strict_call_node->node_arguments,rule_p->rule_alts->alt_lhs_root->node_arguments,rule_p->rule_state_p,
+ arg_next,arg_next)
+ {
+ if (function_arg_state_p->state_type==SimpleState && function_arg_state_p->state_kind==OnA){
+ if (lhs_arg_p->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ StateP lhs_arg_state_p;
+ NodeIdP lhs_node_id_p;
+ lhs_node_id_p=lhs_arg_p->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ lhs_arg_state_p=lhs_node_id_p->nid_lhs_state_p;
+ if (lhs_arg_state_p->state_type==SimpleState && lhs_arg_state_p->state_kind==OnA){
+ NodeP call_arg_node1,call_arg_node2;
+ StateP call_arg_state_p1,call_arg_state_p2;
+ call_arg_node1=arg_p1->arg_node;
+ if (call_arg_node1->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ call_arg_state_p1=&call_arg_node1->node_state;
+ } else {
+ struct node_id *node_id;
+ node_id=call_arg_node1->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_refcount<0){
+ if (node_id==lhs_node_id_p)
+ call_arg_state_p1=NULL;
+ else
+ call_arg_state_p1=node_id->nid_lhs_state_p;
+ } else
+ call_arg_state_p1=&node_id->nid_node->node_state;
+ }
+ if (call_arg_state_p1==NULL || !IsLazyState (*call_arg_state_p1)){
+ if (arg_p2!=NULL){
+ call_arg_node2=arg_p2->arg_node;
+ if (call_arg_node2->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ call_arg_state_p2=&call_arg_node2->node_state;
+ } else {
+ struct node_id *node_id;
+ node_id=call_arg_node2->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_refcount<0){
+ if (node_id==lhs_node_id_p)
+ call_arg_state_p2=NULL;
+ else
+ call_arg_state_p2=node_id->nid_lhs_state_p;
+ } else
+ call_arg_state_p2=&node_id->nid_node->node_state;
+ }
+ } else
+ call_arg_state_p2=NULL;
+ if (call_arg_state_p1!=NULL || call_arg_state_p2!=NULL){
+ if (call_arg_state_p2==NULL || !IsLazyState (*call_arg_state_p2)){
+ if ((call_arg_state_p1==NULL ||
+ (call_arg_state_p1->state_type==ArrayState ||
+ (call_arg_state_p1->state_type==SimpleState && call_arg_state_p1->state_kind==OnB))) &&
+ (call_arg_state_p2==NULL ||
+ (call_arg_state_p2->state_type==ArrayState ||
+ (call_arg_state_p2->state_type==SimpleState && call_arg_state_p2->state_kind==OnB))))
+ {
+ StateP new_call_state_p;
+ if (call_arg_state_p1!=NULL)
+ new_call_state_p = call_arg_state_p1;
+ else
+ new_call_state_p = call_arg_state_p2;
+ *lhs_arg_state_p = *new_call_state_p;
+ *function_arg_state_p = *new_call_state_p;
+ arg_p1->arg_state = *new_call_state_p;
+ if (call_arg_node1->node_kind==NodeIdNode &&
+ call_arg_node1->node_node_id->nid_refcount==1 &&
+ call_arg_node1->node_node_id->nid_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode)
+ {
+ call_arg_node1->node_node_id->nid_node->node_arguments->arg_state = *new_call_state_p;
+ }
+ if (arg_p2!=NULL){
+ arg_p2->arg_state = *new_call_state_p;
+ if (call_arg_node2->node_kind==NodeIdNode &&
+ call_arg_node2->node_node_id->nid_refcount==1 &&
+ call_arg_node2->node_node_id->nid_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode)
+ {
+ call_arg_node2->node_node_id->nid_node->node_arguments->arg_state = *new_call_state_p;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ lhs_arg_state_p->state_kind=StrictOnA;
+ function_arg_state_p->state_kind=StrictOnA;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (arg_p2!=NULL)
+ arg_p2=arg_p2->arg_next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/optimisations.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/optimisations.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..206059d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/optimisations.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+void OptimiseRules (ImpRules rules,SymbDef start_sdef);
+SymbolP copy_imp_rule_and_type (SymbDef old_sdef);
+void copy_imp_rule_nodes (ImpRuleP old_rule_p,ImpRuleP new_rule_p);
+int optimise_tuple_result_function (Node node,StateS demanded_state);
+void generate_states (struct imp_rule *rules,int do_strictness_analysis);
+StateP state_of_node_or_node_id (NodeP node_p);
+void copy_rhs_node_defs_and_root (RuleAltP old_alt_p,NodeP *new_root_node_h,NodeDefP *node_defs_p);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/optimise_lambda.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/optimise_lambda.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..015d7f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/optimise_lambda.h
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+NodeP DetermineGraphRulesComponentAndOptimiseLambdas (NodeP root_p,unsigned int *ancest_p);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/overloading.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/overloading.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8113d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/overloading.h
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ Version 1.0 08/25/1994
+ Author: Sjaak Smetsers
+typedef struct member_descriptor
+ SymbDef md_class;
+ Symbol md_rule;
+} * MemberDescriptor;
+typedef struct member_item
+ Bool mi_is_class;
+ union
+ { Overloaded mi_u_rule;
+ SymbDef mi_u_class;
+ } mi_union;
+ struct member_item * mi_next;
+} * MemberItems;
+#define mi_rule mi_union.mi_u_rule
+#define mi_class mi_union.mi_u_class
+ Global variables
+extern unsigned NrOfOverloadedTypeVars, NrOfOverloadedRules, NrOfUntypedImpRules,
+ NrOfTypeClasses;
+ Global functions
+extern int LengthOfPolyList (PolyList list);
+extern PolyList NewPolyListElem (void *elem, PolyList next, HeapDescr hd);
+extern Bool IsSubClass (SymbolList sub_tree, SymbolList whole_list);
+extern void DetermineClassesOfOverloadedTypeVariables (struct type_cell * type_inst);
+extern Bool TryToBindOverloadedTypeVariables (Node appl_node, SymbolList class_symbols, struct type_cell * type_inst);
+extern void CheckInstancesOfTypeClasses (Symbol symbs);
+extern void ConvertTypeClasses (void);
+extern void ConvertTypeContexts (TypeContext type_cont, struct type_cell * typeargs []);
+extern void SetOverloadedTypeVars (int over_arity, TypeContext type_cont, struct type_cell * over_vars []);
+extern void DetermineClassNumber (SymbDef class_symb);
+extern ClassInstance RetrieveSpecificInstance (ClassDefinition class, struct type_cell * inst_type);
+extern SymbDef CopySymbDef (SymbDef old);
+extern SymbDef NewEmptyRule (Symbol rule_symb, int arity, unsigned line);
+extern Bool EqualTypeClasses (int var_nr1, int var_nr2);
+extern void InitOverloading (void);
+extern void AddToInstanceList (ClassInstance class_instance, ClassDefinition class_def);
+extern FieldList RetrieveClassSelector (SymbolList class_symbols, SymbDef class_symbol);
+extern Types DetermineClassRecord (int nr_of_fields);
+extern Bool InstanceIsExported (struct type_cell * inst_types [], struct type_cell * over_vars [], TypeContext type_cont);
+extern struct type_cell * DetermineDefaultInstance (struct type_cell * over_var, Node over_appl_node);
+extern Bool EqualSymbolList (SymbolList class_symbols1, SymbolList class_symbols2);
+extern Bool ClassesHaveAGenericInstance (SymbolList classes);
+extern struct type_cell * DetermineGenericInstance (struct type_cell * over_var);
+extern SymbolList RebuildClassSymbolList (SymbolList class_symbs, void *alloc (SizeT size));
+#define cTakeIclDef True
+#define cDontTakeIclDef False
+extern void InsertSymbolInSymbolList (SymbolList *symbols, SymbDef new_symbol, Bool take_icl_def, void *alloc (SizeT size));
+extern void ConvertClassSymbolTreeToList (SymbolList symbols, SymbolList * result_list, void *alloc (SizeT size));
+extern void CreateRuleType (SymbDef icl_def, TypeAlts imp_type);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/overloading_2.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/overloading_2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed5a04e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/overloading_2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ Version 1.0 - 24 okt 1994
+ Author: Sjaak Smetsers
+#include "system.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "scanner.h"
+#include "comparser.h"
+#include "sizes.h"
+#include "checker.h"
+#include "checksupport.h"
+#include "transform.h"
+#include "sa.h"
+#include "statesgen.h"
+#include "tctypes.t"
+#include "typechecker.h"
+#include "typechecker2.h"
+#include "typeconv.h"
+#include "tcsupport.h"
+#include "refcountanal.h"
+#include "overloading.h"
+#include "buildtree.h"
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+ static char *OV = "overloading";
+PolyList NewPolyListElem (void *elem, PolyList next, HeapDescr hd)
+ PolyList new = TH_AllocType (hd, struct poly_list);
+ new -> pl_elem = elem;
+ new -> pl_next = next;
+ return new;
+} /* NewPolyListElem */
+void InsertSymbolInSymbolList (SymbolList *symbols, SymbDef new_symbol, Bool take_icl_def, void *alloc (SizeT size))
+ SymbolList new_elem;
+ for (; *symbols; symbols = & (*symbols) -> sl_next)
+ { int cmp = strcmp ((*symbols) -> sl_symbol -> sdef_ident -> ident_name, new_symbol -> sdef_ident -> ident_name);
+ if (cmp == 0)
+ return;
+ else if (cmp > 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ new_elem = (SymbolListS *) alloc (SizeOf (SymbolListS));
+ if (take_icl_def && new_symbol -> sdef_main_dcl)
+ new_elem -> sl_symbol = new_symbol -> sdef_dcl_icl;
+ else
+ new_elem -> sl_symbol = new_symbol;
+ new_elem -> sl_kind = SLK_Symbol;
+ new_elem -> sl_next = *symbols;
+ *symbols = new_elem;
+} /* InsertSymbolInSymbolList */
+void ConvertClassSymbolTreeToList (SymbolList symbols, SymbolList * result_list, void *alloc (SizeT size))
+ SymbolList next_symbol;
+ for (next_symbol = symbols; next_symbol -> sl_kind == SLK_TreeOfLists; next_symbol = next_symbol -> sl_next_tree)
+ ConvertClassSymbolTreeToList (next_symbol -> sl_next, result_list, alloc);
+ if (next_symbol -> sl_kind == SLK_ListNumber)
+ next_symbol = next_symbol -> sl_next;
+ for (; next_symbol; next_symbol = next_symbol -> sl_next)
+ InsertSymbolInSymbolList (result_list, next_symbol -> sl_symbol, cTakeIclDef, alloc);
+} /* ConvertClassSymbolTreeToList */
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/path_cache.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/path_cache.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2b0eef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/path_cache.c
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+#include "compiledefines.h"
+#include "system.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "path_cache.h"
+struct path_cache_list {
+ char * pcache_path;
+ short pcache_wd_ref_num;
+ short pcache_clean_system_files_wd_ref_num;
+ FileTime pcache_dcl_time;
+ struct path_cache_list * pcache_next;
+ struct file_block * pcache_file_blocks;
+#if defined (__MWERKS__) || defined (__MRC__)
+ char pcache_file_name[];
+ char pcache_file_name[0];
+#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024
+struct file_block {
+ int file_block_size;
+ struct file_block * file_block_next;
+ char file_block_data[BUFFER_SIZE];
+static struct path_cache_list *path_cache [32]={
+static int simple_hash (char *name)
+ int sum;
+ sum=0;
+ while (*name)
+ sum += *name++;
+ return sum & 31;
+void cache_dcl_path (char *file_name,short wd_ref_num,short clean_system_files_wd_ref_num,
+ unsigned long file_time,char *path)
+ int hash_value,file_name_length;
+ struct path_cache_list **pcache_elem_p,*new_pcache_elem;
+ hash_value=simple_hash (file_name);
+ for (pcache_elem_p=&path_cache[hash_value]; *pcache_elem_p;
+ pcache_elem_p=&(*pcache_elem_p)->pcache_next)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp ((*pcache_elem_p)->pcache_file_name,file_name))
+ return;
+ }
+ file_name_length=strlen (file_name);
+ new_pcache_elem=(struct path_cache_list*)Alloc (sizeof (struct path_cache_list)+file_name_length+1,1);
+ if (new_pcache_elem!=NULL){
+ strcpy (new_pcache_elem->pcache_file_name,file_name);
+ new_pcache_elem->pcache_path=path;
+ new_pcache_elem->pcache_wd_ref_num=wd_ref_num;
+ new_pcache_elem->pcache_clean_system_files_wd_ref_num=clean_system_files_wd_ref_num;
+ new_pcache_elem->pcache_dcl_time=file_time;
+ new_pcache_elem->pcache_next=NULL;
+ new_pcache_elem->pcache_file_blocks=NULL;
+ *pcache_elem_p=new_pcache_elem;
+ }
+int search_dcl_path_in_cache (char *file_name,struct search_dcl_path_in_cache_result *r)
+ int hash_value;
+ struct path_cache_list **pcache_elem_p;
+ hash_value=simple_hash (file_name);
+ for (pcache_elem_p=&path_cache[hash_value]; *pcache_elem_p;
+ pcache_elem_p=&(*pcache_elem_p)->pcache_next)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp ((*pcache_elem_p)->pcache_file_name,file_name)){
+ struct path_cache_list *pcache_elem;
+ pcache_elem=*pcache_elem_p;
+ r->wd_ref_num=pcache_elem->pcache_wd_ref_num;
+ r->clean_system_files_wd_ref_num=pcache_elem->pcache_clean_system_files_wd_ref_num;
+ r->file_time=pcache_elem->pcache_dcl_time;
+ r->path=pcache_elem->pcache_path;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+struct file_block **get_file_blocks_p_and_time_of_dcl_file (char *file_name,FileTime *file_time_p)
+ int hash_value;
+ struct path_cache_list **pcache_elem_p;
+ hash_value=simple_hash (file_name);
+ for (pcache_elem_p=&path_cache[hash_value]; *pcache_elem_p;
+ pcache_elem_p=&(*pcache_elem_p)->pcache_next)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp ((*pcache_elem_p)->pcache_file_name,file_name)){
+ struct path_cache_list *pcache_elem;
+ pcache_elem=*pcache_elem_p;
+ *file_time_p=pcache_elem->pcache_dcl_time;
+ return &pcache_elem->pcache_file_blocks;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+struct file_block **get_file_blocks_p_of_dcl_file (char *file_name)
+ int hash_value;
+ struct path_cache_list **pcache_elem_p;
+ hash_value=simple_hash (file_name);
+ for (pcache_elem_p=&path_cache[hash_value]; *pcache_elem_p;
+ pcache_elem_p=&(*pcache_elem_p)->pcache_next)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp ((*pcache_elem_p)->pcache_file_name,file_name))
+ return &(*pcache_elem_p)->pcache_file_blocks;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void clear_path_cache (void)
+ int n;
+ for (n=0; n<32; ++n){
+ struct path_cache_list *pcache_elem,*next_pcache_elem;
+ pcache_elem=path_cache[n];
+ path_cache[n]=NULL;
+ while (pcache_elem!=NULL){
+ struct file_block *pcache_file_blocks,*next_pcache_file_block;
+ next_pcache_elem=pcache_elem->pcache_next;
+ pcache_file_blocks=pcache_elem->pcache_file_blocks;
+ Free (pcache_elem);
+ while (pcache_file_blocks!=NULL){
+ next_pcache_file_block=pcache_file_blocks->file_block_next;
+ Free (pcache_file_blocks);
+ pcache_file_blocks=next_pcache_file_block;
+ }
+ pcache_elem=next_pcache_elem;
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/path_cache.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/path_cache.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68718a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/path_cache.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+extern void cache_dcl_path (char *file_name,short wd_ref_num,short clean_system_files_wd_ref_num,
+ unsigned long file_time,char *path);
+struct search_dcl_path_in_cache_result {
+ short wd_ref_num;
+ short clean_system_files_wd_ref_num;
+ unsigned long file_time;
+ char * path;
+extern int search_dcl_path_in_cache (char *file_name,struct search_dcl_path_in_cache_result *r);
+extern struct file_block **get_file_blocks_p_of_dcl_file (char *file_name);
+extern struct file_block **get_file_blocks_p_and_time_of_dcl_file (char *file_name,FileTime *file_time_p);
+extern void clear_path_cache (void);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/pattern_match.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/pattern_match.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7952e37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/pattern_match.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2005 @@
+ File: pattern_match.c
+ Author: John van Groningen
+#define DEBUG_OUTPUT 0
+#if defined (applec) || defined (__MWERKS__) || defined (__MRC__)
+# define __ppc__
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "types.t"
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "pattern_match.h"
+#include "buildtree.h"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "statesgen.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "codegen_types.h"
+#define for_l(v,l,n) for(v=(l);v!=NULL;v=v->n)
+static void error_in_function (char *m)
+ ErrorInCompiler ("",m,"");
+char *node_id_name (NodeId node_id)
+ static char node_id_name_s[65];
+ if (node_id->nid_ident!=NULL && node_id->nid_ident->ident_name!=NULL)
+ return node_id->nid_ident->ident_name;
+ else {
+ sprintf (node_id_name_s,"i_%lx",(long)node_id);
+ return node_id_name_s;
+ }
+static NodeP new_switch_node (NodeIdP node_id,NodeP case_node,StateP state_p,NodeS ***root_l)
+ NodeP switch_node;
+ switch_node=CompAllocType (NodeS);
+ switch_node->node_kind=SwitchNode;
+ switch_node->node_node_id=node_id;
+ switch_node->node_arity=1;
+ switch_node->node_arguments=NewArgument (case_node);
+ switch_node->node_state=*state_p;
+ printf ("dec %s %d\n",node_id_name (node_id),node_id->nid_refcount);
+ --node_id->nid_refcount;
+ **root_l=switch_node;
+ *root_l=&case_node->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ return switch_node;
+static NodeP new_case_node (SymbolP symbol,int symbol_arity,NodeP node,NodeDefP **def_l
+ ,StrictNodeIdP **strict_node_ids_l
+ )
+ NodeP case_node;
+ case_node=CompAllocType (NodeS);
+ case_node->node_kind=CaseNode;
+ case_node->node_symbol=symbol;
+ case_node->node_arity=symbol_arity;
+ case_node->node_arguments=NewArgument (node);
+ case_node->node_su.su_u.u_case=CompAllocType (CaseNodeContentsS);
+ case_node->node_strict_node_ids=NULL;
+ case_node->node_node_id_ref_counts=NULL;
+ case_node->node_node_defs=**def_l;
+ **def_l=NULL;
+ *def_l=&case_node->node_node_defs;
+ case_node->node_strict_node_ids=**strict_node_ids_l;
+ **strict_node_ids_l=NULL;
+ *strict_node_ids_l=&case_node->node_strict_node_ids;
+ return case_node;
+struct root_and_defs_l {
+ NodeP ** root_l;
+ NodeDefP ** def_l;
+ StrictNodeIdP **strict_node_ids_l;
+ NodeDefP ** end_lhs_defs_l;
+struct root_and_defs {
+ NodeP root;
+ NodeDefP defs;
+ StrictNodeIdP strict_node_ids;
+static void add_new_lhs_node_id_to_lhs_node_defs (NodeIdP node_id_p,struct root_and_defs_l *root_and_defs_lp)
+ NodeDefP new_node_def_p;
+ new_node_def_p=CompAllocType (NodeDefS);
+ new_node_def_p->def_id=node_id_p;
+ new_node_def_p->def_mark=0;
+ new_node_def_p->def_node=node_id_p->nid_node;
+ **root_and_defs_lp->end_lhs_defs_l=new_node_def_p;
+ *root_and_defs_lp->end_lhs_defs_l=&new_node_def_p->def_next;
+static NodeP new_switch_and_case_node (NodeIdP node_id,StateP state_p,SymbolP symbol,int symbol_arity,struct root_and_defs_l *root_and_defs_lp)
+ NodeP case_node_p;
+ case_node_p=new_case_node (symbol,symbol_arity,**root_and_defs_lp->root_l,root_and_defs_lp->def_l
+ ,root_and_defs_lp->strict_node_ids_l
+ );
+ return new_switch_node (node_id,case_node_p,state_p,root_and_defs_lp->root_l);
+static NodeP new_default_node (NodeP node,NodeDefP node_defs
+ ,StrictNodeIdP strict_node_ids
+ )
+ NodeP default_node;
+ default_node=CompAllocType (NodeS);
+ default_node->node_kind=DefaultNode;
+ default_node->node_node_defs=node_defs;
+ default_node->node_arity=1;
+ default_node->node_arguments=NewArgument (node);
+ default_node->node_su.su_u.u_case=CompAllocType (CaseNodeContentsS);
+ default_node->node_strict_node_ids=strict_node_ids;
+ default_node->node_node_id_ref_counts=NULL;
+ return default_node;
+static NodeP new_push_node (Symbol symbol,int arity,ArgP arguments)
+ NodeP push_node;
+ push_node=CompAllocType (NodeS);
+ push_node->node_kind=PushNode;
+ push_node->node_arity=arity;
+ push_node->node_arguments=arguments;
+ push_node->node_record_symbol=symbol;
+ push_node->node_number=0; /* if !=0 then unique */
+ return push_node;
+static NodeP new_guard_node (NodeP if_node,NodeP node,NodeDefP node_defs
+ ,StrictNodeIdP strict_node_ids
+ )
+ NodeP guard_node;
+ ArgP arg1,arg2;
+ guard_node=CompAllocType (NodeS);
+ guard_node->node_kind=GuardNode;
+ guard_node->node_node_defs=node_defs;
+ guard_node->node_arity=2;
+ guard_node->node_guard_strict_node_ids=strict_node_ids;
+ arg1=NewArgument (if_node);
+ arg2=NewArgument (node);
+ guard_node->node_arguments=arg1;
+ arg1->arg_next=arg2;
+ return guard_node;
+static void transform_normal_pattern_node (NodeP node,StateP state_p,NodeIdP node_id,struct root_and_defs_l *root_and_defs_lp);
+static void transform_pattern_arguments (SymbolP symbol,ArgP arguments,int arity,NodeIdP node_id,struct root_and_defs_l *root_and_defs_lp)
+ NodeP push_node;
+ NodeIdListElementP *last_node_id_p;
+ ArgP arg,arg1,arg2;
+ arg2=NewArgument (**root_and_defs_lp->root_l);
+ arg1=NewArgument (NULL);
+ arg1->arg_next=arg2;
+ push_node=new_push_node (symbol,arity,arg1);
+ **root_and_defs_lp->root_l=push_node;
+ *root_and_defs_lp->root_l=&arg2->arg_node;
+ last_node_id_p=&push_node->node_node_ids;
+ for_l (arg,arguments,arg_next){
+ NodeIdP argument_node_id;
+ NodeP node;
+ node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (node->node_kind==NormalNode){
+ argument_node_id=NewNodeId (NULL);
+ argument_node_id->nid_refcount=-1;
+ argument_node_id->nid_lhs_state_p_=&arg->arg_state;
+ transform_normal_pattern_node (node,&arg->arg_state,argument_node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+ } else {
+ NodeP argument_node_id_node;
+ argument_node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ argument_node_id->nid_lhs_state_p_=&arg->arg_state;
+ argument_node_id_node=argument_node_id->nid_node;
+ if (argument_node_id_node){
+ argument_node_id->nid_node=NULL;
+ transform_normal_pattern_node (argument_node_id_node,&arg->arg_state,argument_node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+ }
+ argument_node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ if (argument_node_id->nid_node)
+ transform_normal_pattern_node (argument_node_id->nid_node,&arg->arg_state,argument_node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+ }
+ argument_node_id->nid_state_=arg->arg_state;
+ *last_node_id_p=CompAllocType (NodeIdListElementS);
+ (*last_node_id_p)->nidl_node_id=argument_node_id;
+ last_node_id_p=&(*last_node_id_p)->nidl_next;
+ }
+ *last_node_id_p=NULL;
+ arg1->arg_node=NewNodeIdNode (node_id);
+static void transform_normal_pattern_node (NodeP node,StateP state_p,NodeIdP node_id,struct root_and_defs_l *root_and_defs_lp)
+ SymbolP symbol;
+ NodeP switch_node,case_node;
+ NodeP **root_l;
+ NodeDefP **def_l;
+ symbol=node->node_symbol;
+ root_l=root_and_defs_lp->root_l;
+ def_l=root_and_defs_lp->def_l;
+ switch (symbol->symb_kind){
+ case definition:
+ case_node=new_case_node (symbol,node->node_arity,**root_l,def_l
+ ,root_and_defs_lp->strict_node_ids_l
+ );
+ switch_node=new_switch_node (node_id,case_node,state_p,root_l);
+ if (node->node_arity>0)
+ transform_pattern_arguments (symbol,node->node_arguments,node->node_arity,node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+ return;
+ case cons_symb:
+ case_node=new_case_node (symbol,2,**root_l,def_l
+ ,root_and_defs_lp->strict_node_ids_l
+ );
+ switch_node=new_switch_node (node_id,case_node,state_p,root_l);
+ transform_pattern_arguments (symbol,node->node_arguments,2,node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+ return;
+ case nil_symb:
+ case_node=new_case_node (symbol,0,**root_l,def_l
+ ,root_and_defs_lp->strict_node_ids_l
+ );
+ switch_node=new_switch_node (node_id,case_node,state_p,root_l);
+ return;
+ case tuple_symb:
+ case_node=new_case_node (symbol,node->node_arity,**root_l,def_l
+ ,root_and_defs_lp->strict_node_ids_l
+ );
+ switch_node=new_switch_node (node_id,case_node,state_p,root_l);
+ transform_pattern_arguments (symbol,node->node_arguments,node->node_arity,node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+ return;
+ case apply_symb:
+ case if_symb:
+ error_in_function ("transform_normal_pattern_node");
+ return;
+ case string_denot:
+ case_node=new_case_node (symbol,0,**root_l,def_l
+ ,root_and_defs_lp->strict_node_ids_l
+ );
+ switch_node=new_switch_node (node_id,case_node,state_p,root_l);
+ return;
+ default:
+ if (symbol->symb_kind < Nr_Of_Basic_Types)
+ error_in_function ("transform_normal_pattern_node");
+ else {
+ if (state_p->state_object==BasicSymbolStates [symbol->symb_kind].state_object){
+ case_node=new_case_node (symbol,0,**root_l,def_l
+ ,root_and_defs_lp->strict_node_ids_l
+ );
+ switch_node=new_switch_node (node_id,case_node,state_p,root_l);
+ return;
+ } else if (state_p->state_object==UnknownObj
+ || state_p->state_object==AbstractObj
+# endif
+ ){
+ case_node=new_case_node (symbol,0,**root_l,def_l
+ ,root_and_defs_lp->strict_node_ids_l
+ );
+ switch_node=new_switch_node (node_id,case_node,state_p,root_l);
+ return;
+ } else
+ error_in_function ("transform_normal_pattern_node");
+ }
+ }
+NodeIdRefCountListP new_node_id_ref_count (NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_list,NodeIdP node_id,int ref_count)
+ NodeIdRefCountListP new_node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ new_node_id_ref_count_elem=CompAllocType (NodeIdRefCountListS);
+ new_node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_next=node_id_ref_count_list;
+ new_node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_node_id=node_id;
+ new_node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count=ref_count;
+ return new_node_id_ref_count_elem;
+static NodeIdRefCountListP *insert_new_node_id_ref_count (NodeIdRefCountListP *node_id_ref_count_p,NodeIdP node_id,int ref_count)
+ NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ node_id_ref_count_elem=new_node_id_ref_count (NULL,node_id,ref_count);
+ *node_id_ref_count_p=node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ return &node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_next;
+static void remove_aliases_from_node_and_node_definitions (NodeP node_p,NodeDefP node_defs
+ ,StrictNodeIdP strict_node_ids
+ );
+static void remove_aliases_from_node (NodeP node)
+ switch (node->node_kind){
+ case NodeIdNode:
+ {
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_mark & NID_ALIAS_MASK)
+ node->node_node_id=node_id->nid_forward_node_id;
+ return;
+ }
+ case NormalNode:
+ case UpdateNode:
+ {
+ ArgP arg;
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ remove_aliases_from_node (arg->arg_node);
+ return;
+ }
+ case SelectorNode:
+ case MatchNode:
+ remove_aliases_from_node (node->node_arguments->arg_node);
+ return;
+ case IfNode:
+ {
+ ArgP cond_arg,then_arg;
+ int local_scope;
+ local_scope=node->node_if_scope+2;
+ cond_arg=node->node_arguments;
+ then_arg=cond_arg->arg_next;
+ remove_aliases_from_node_and_node_definitions (then_arg->arg_node,node->node_then_node_defs
+ ,node->node_then_strict_node_ids
+ );
+ remove_aliases_from_node_and_node_definitions (then_arg->arg_next->arg_node,node->node_else_node_defs
+ ,node->node_else_strict_node_ids
+ );
+ remove_aliases_from_node (cond_arg->arg_node);
+ return;
+ }
+ case PushNode:
+ {
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ ArgP arguments;
+ arguments=node->node_arguments;
+ node_id=arguments->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_mark & NID_ALIAS_MASK)
+ arguments->arg_node->node_node_id=node_id->nid_forward_node_id;
+ remove_aliases_from_node (arguments->arg_next->arg_node);
+ return;
+ }
+ case SwitchNode:
+ {
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_mark & NID_ALIAS_MASK)
+ node->node_node_id=node_id->nid_forward_node_id;
+ remove_aliases_from_node (node->node_arguments->arg_node);
+ return;
+ }
+ case CaseNode:
+ case DefaultNode:
+ remove_aliases_from_node_and_node_definitions (node->node_arguments->arg_node,node->node_node_defs
+ ,node->node_strict_node_ids
+ );
+ return;
+ case TupleSelectorsNode:
+ remove_aliases_from_node (node->node_node);
+ return;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("remove_aliases_from_node");
+ }
+static void remove_aliases_from_node_and_node_definitions (NodeP node_p,NodeDefP node_defs
+ ,StrictNodeIdP strict_node_ids
+ )
+ NodeDefP node_def;
+ remove_aliases_from_node (node_p);
+ for_l (node_def,node_defs,def_next)
+ if (node_def->def_node)
+ remove_aliases_from_node (node_def->def_node);
+ {
+ StrictNodeIdP strict_node_id_p;
+ for_l (strict_node_id_p,strict_node_ids,snid_next){
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ node_id=strict_node_id_p->snid_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_mark & NID_ALIAS_MASK)
+ strict_node_id_p->snid_node_id=node_id->nid_forward_node_id;
+ }
+ }
+static void transform_tuple_or_record_pattern_node (NodeP node,StateP state_p,NodeIdP node_id,struct root_and_defs_l *root_and_defs_lp);
+static void transform_tuple_or_record_pattern_arguments (SymbolP symbol,ArgP arguments,int arity,NodeIdP node_id,struct root_and_defs_l *root_and_defs_lp)
+ NodeP push_node;
+ NodeIdListElementP *last_node_id_p;
+ ArgP arg,arg1,arg2;
+ arg2=NewArgument (**root_and_defs_lp->root_l);
+ arg1=NewArgument (NULL);
+ arg1->arg_next=arg2;
+ push_node=new_push_node (symbol,arity,arg1);
+ **root_and_defs_lp->root_l=push_node;
+ *root_and_defs_lp->root_l=&arg2->arg_node;
+ last_node_id_p=&push_node->node_node_ids;
+ for_l (arg,arguments,arg_next){
+ NodeIdP argument_node_id;
+ NodeP node;
+ node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (node->node_kind==NormalNode){
+ argument_node_id=NewNodeId (NULL);
+ argument_node_id->nid_refcount=-1;
+ argument_node_id->nid_lhs_state_p_=&arg->arg_state;
+ arg->arg_node=NewNodeIdNode (argument_node_id);
+ if (node->node_symbol->symb_kind==tuple_symb || (node->node_symbol->symb_kind==definition && node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE)){
+ argument_node_id->nid_node=node;
+ add_new_lhs_node_id_to_lhs_node_defs (argument_node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+ transform_tuple_or_record_pattern_node (node,&arg->arg_state,argument_node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+ } else
+ transform_normal_pattern_node (node,&arg->arg_state,argument_node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+ } else {
+ argument_node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ if (argument_node_id->nid_node){
+ SymbolP argument_node_id_node_symbol;
+ argument_node_id_node_symbol=argument_node_id->nid_node->node_symbol;
+ if (argument_node_id_node_symbol->symb_kind==tuple_symb || (argument_node_id_node_symbol->symb_kind==definition && argument_node_id_node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE)){
+ add_new_lhs_node_id_to_lhs_node_defs (argument_node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+ transform_tuple_or_record_pattern_node (argument_node_id->nid_node,&arg->arg_state,argument_node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+ } else {
+ NodeP argument_node_id_node;
+ argument_node_id_node=argument_node_id->nid_node;
+ argument_node_id->nid_node=NULL;
+ transform_normal_pattern_node (argument_node_id_node,&arg->arg_state,argument_node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ argument_node_id->nid_state_=arg->arg_state;
+ *last_node_id_p=CompAllocType (NodeIdListElementS);
+ (*last_node_id_p)->nidl_node_id=argument_node_id;
+ last_node_id_p=&(*last_node_id_p)->nidl_next;
+ }
+ *last_node_id_p=NULL;
+ arg1->arg_node=NewNodeIdNode (node_id);
+static void transform_tuple_or_record_pattern_node (NodeP node,StateP state_p,NodeIdP node_id,struct root_and_defs_l *root_and_defs_lp)
+ NodeP switch_node;
+ switch_node=new_switch_and_case_node (node_id,state_p,node->node_symbol,node->node_arity,root_and_defs_lp);
+ transform_tuple_or_record_pattern_arguments (node->node_symbol,node->node_arguments,node->node_arity,node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+static void insert_push_node (SymbolP symbol,ArgP arguments,int arity,NodeIdP node_id,NodeP **root_l)
+ NodeP push_node;
+ NodeIdListElementP *last_node_id_p;
+ ArgP arg,arg1,arg2;
+ arg2=NewArgument (**root_l);
+ arg1=NewArgument (NULL);
+ arg1->arg_next=arg2;
+ push_node=new_push_node (symbol,arity,arg1);
+ **root_l=push_node;
+ *root_l=&arg2->arg_node;
+ last_node_id_p=&push_node->node_node_ids;
+ for_l (arg,arguments,arg_next){
+ NodeIdP argument_node_id;
+ NodeP node;
+ node=arg->arg_node;
+ argument_node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ argument_node_id->nid_state_=arg->arg_state;
+ *last_node_id_p=CompAllocType (NodeIdListElementS);
+ (*last_node_id_p)->nidl_node_id=argument_node_id;
+ last_node_id_p=&(*last_node_id_p)->nidl_next;
+ }
+ *last_node_id_p=NULL;
+ arg1->arg_node=NewNodeIdNode (node_id);
+static void transform_argument (ArgP arg_p,struct root_and_defs_l *root_and_defs_lp)
+ NodeP node;
+ node=arg_p->arg_node;
+ switch (node->node_kind){
+ case NormalNode:
+ if (arg_p->arg_state.state_type==TupleState || arg_p->arg_state.state_type==RecordState){
+ ArgP arg;
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ transform_argument (arg,root_and_defs_lp);
+ } else
+ {
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ node_id=NewNodeId (NULL);
+ node_id->nid_refcount=-1;
+ node_id->nid_lhs_state_p_=&arg_p->arg_state;
+ if (node->node_symbol->symb_kind==tuple_symb ||
+ (node->node_symbol->symb_kind==definition && node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE))
+ {
+ node_id->nid_node=node;
+ add_new_lhs_node_id_to_lhs_node_defs (node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+ transform_tuple_or_record_pattern_node (node,&arg_p->arg_state,node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+ } else
+ transform_normal_pattern_node (node,&arg_p->arg_state,node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+ node_id->nid_state_=arg_p->arg_state;
+ arg_p->arg_node=NewNodeIdNode (node_id);
+ }
+ break;
+ case NodeIdNode:
+ {
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_node!=NULL){
+ SymbolP node_id_nid_node_symbol;
+ node_id_nid_node_symbol=node_id->nid_node->node_symbol;
+ if (node_id_nid_node_symbol->symb_kind==tuple_symb ||
+ (node_id_nid_node_symbol->symb_kind==definition && node_id_nid_node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE))
+ {
+ add_new_lhs_node_id_to_lhs_node_defs (node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+# endif
+ transform_tuple_or_record_pattern_node (node_id->nid_node,&arg_p->arg_state,node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (arg_p->arg_state.state_type==TupleState || arg_p->arg_state.state_type==RecordState){
+ ArgP arg;
+ for_l (arg,node_id->nid_node->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ transform_argument (arg,root_and_defs_lp);
+ } else
+ {
+ transform_normal_pattern_node (node_id->nid_node,&arg_p->arg_state,node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+ node_id->nid_node=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ node_id->nid_lhs_state_p_=&arg_p->arg_state;
+ node_id->nid_state_=arg_p->arg_state;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("transform_argument");
+ }
+#if 0
+# include "dbprint.h"
+static void transform_and_merge_argument (ArgP arg_p,ArgP first_alt_arg_p,struct root_and_defs_l *root_and_defs_lp,
+ NodeIdRefCountListP **node_id_ref_count_list_h)
+ NodeP node;
+ node=arg_p->arg_node;
+ switch (node->node_kind){
+ case NormalNode:
+ if (arg_p->arg_state.state_type==TupleState || arg_p->arg_state.state_type==RecordState){
+ ArgP tuple_arg_p,first_alt_tuple_arg_p;
+ tuple_arg_p=node->node_arguments;
+ if (first_alt_arg_p->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ NodeIdP first_alt_node_id;
+ first_alt_node_id=first_alt_arg_p->arg_node->node_node_id;
+#if 1 /* added 9-4-1999 */
+ *node_id_ref_count_list_h = insert_new_node_id_ref_count (*node_id_ref_count_list_h,first_alt_node_id,-1);
+ if (first_alt_node_id->nid_node==NULL){
+ first_alt_node_id->nid_node=node;
+ for (; tuple_arg_p!=NULL; tuple_arg_p=tuple_arg_p->arg_next)
+ transform_argument (tuple_arg_p,root_and_defs_lp);
+ return;
+ } else
+ first_alt_tuple_arg_p=first_alt_node_id->nid_node->node_arguments;
+ } else
+ first_alt_tuple_arg_p=first_alt_arg_p->arg_node->node_arguments;
+ for (; tuple_arg_p!=NULL; tuple_arg_p=tuple_arg_p->arg_next,first_alt_tuple_arg_p=first_alt_tuple_arg_p->arg_next)
+ transform_and_merge_argument (tuple_arg_p,first_alt_tuple_arg_p,root_and_defs_lp,node_id_ref_count_list_h);
+ } else
+ {
+ NodeIdP first_alt_node_id;
+ first_alt_node_id=first_alt_arg_p->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ if (node->node_symbol->symb_kind==tuple_symb ||
+ (node->node_symbol->symb_kind==definition && node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE))
+ {
+ if (first_alt_node_id->nid_node!=NULL){
+ ArgP tuple_arg_p,first_alt_tuple_arg_p;
+ NodeP switch_node;
+ switch_node=new_switch_and_case_node (first_alt_node_id,&arg_p->arg_state,node->node_symbol,node->node_arity,root_and_defs_lp);
+ tuple_arg_p=node->node_arguments;
+ first_alt_tuple_arg_p=first_alt_node_id->nid_node->node_arguments;
+ insert_push_node (node->node_symbol,first_alt_tuple_arg_p,node->node_arity,first_alt_node_id,root_and_defs_lp->root_l);
+ for (; tuple_arg_p!=NULL; tuple_arg_p=tuple_arg_p->arg_next,first_alt_tuple_arg_p=first_alt_tuple_arg_p->arg_next)
+ transform_and_merge_argument (tuple_arg_p,first_alt_tuple_arg_p,root_and_defs_lp,node_id_ref_count_list_h);
+ } else {
+ first_alt_node_id->nid_node=node;
+ add_new_lhs_node_id_to_lhs_node_defs (first_alt_node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+ transform_tuple_or_record_pattern_node (node,&arg_p->arg_state,first_alt_node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ transform_normal_pattern_node (node,&arg_p->arg_state,first_alt_node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+ first_alt_node_id->nid_node=NULL;
+ }
+ /* JVG: added 4-10-95 */
+ ++first_alt_node_id->nid_refcount;
+ /* */
+ /* JVG: added 4 april 95 */
+ *node_id_ref_count_list_h = insert_new_node_id_ref_count (*node_id_ref_count_list_h,first_alt_node_id,-2);
+ /* */
+ }
+ return;
+ case NodeIdNode:
+ {
+ NodeId node_id;
+ node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ if (arg_p->arg_state.state_type==TupleState || arg_p->arg_state.state_type==RecordState){
+ if (node_id->nid_node==NULL){
+ if (first_alt_arg_p->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ NodeId first_alt_node_id;
+ first_alt_node_id=first_alt_arg_p->arg_node->node_node_id;
+# if 1 /* added 8-4-1999 */
+ *node_id_ref_count_list_h = insert_new_node_id_ref_count (*node_id_ref_count_list_h,first_alt_node_id,node_id->nid_refcount);
+# else
+ first_alt_node_id->nid_refcount += node_id->nid_refcount+1;
+# endif
+ node_id->nid_mark |= NID_ALIAS_MASK;
+ node_id->nid_forward_node_id_=first_alt_node_id;
+ } else {
+ NodeP node;
+ node=first_alt_arg_p->arg_node;
+ node_id->nid_node=node;
+ first_alt_arg_p->arg_node=arg_p->arg_node;
+ node_id->nid_state_=arg_p->arg_state;
+# endif
+ }
+ } else {
+ ArgP tuple_arg_p,first_alt_tuple_arg_p;
+ if (first_alt_arg_p->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ NodeIdP first_alt_node_id;
+ first_alt_node_id=first_alt_arg_p->arg_node->node_node_id;
+# if 1 /* added 20-4-1999 */
+ *node_id_ref_count_list_h = insert_new_node_id_ref_count (*node_id_ref_count_list_h,first_alt_node_id,node_id->nid_refcount);
+# else
+ first_alt_node_id->nid_refcount += node_id->nid_refcount+1;
+# endif
+ node_id->nid_mark |= NID_ALIAS_MASK;
+ node_id->nid_forward_node_id_=first_alt_node_id;
+ if (first_alt_node_id->nid_node==NULL){
+ ArgP tuple_arg_p;
+ first_alt_node_id->nid_node=node_id->nid_node;
+ tuple_arg_p=node_id->nid_node->node_arguments;
+ for (; tuple_arg_p!=NULL; tuple_arg_p=tuple_arg_p->arg_next)
+ transform_argument (tuple_arg_p,root_and_defs_lp);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ tuple_arg_p=node_id->nid_node->node_arguments;
+ first_alt_tuple_arg_p=first_alt_node_id->nid_node->node_arguments;
+ }
+ } else {
+ tuple_arg_p=node_id->nid_node->node_arguments;
+ first_alt_tuple_arg_p=first_alt_arg_p->arg_node->node_arguments;
+ node_id->nid_node=first_alt_arg_p->arg_node;
+ first_alt_arg_p->arg_node=arg_p->arg_node;
+ node_id->nid_state_=arg_p->arg_state;
+# endif
+ }
+ for (; tuple_arg_p!=NULL; tuple_arg_p=tuple_arg_p->arg_next,first_alt_tuple_arg_p=first_alt_tuple_arg_p->arg_next)
+ transform_and_merge_argument (tuple_arg_p,first_alt_tuple_arg_p,root_and_defs_lp,node_id_ref_count_list_h);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ NodeIdP first_alt_node_id;
+ first_alt_node_id=first_alt_arg_p->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ node_id->nid_mark |= NID_ALIAS_MASK;
+ node_id->nid_forward_node_id_=first_alt_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_node!=NULL){
+ SymbolP node_id_nid_node_symbol;
+ node_id_nid_node_symbol=node_id->nid_node->node_symbol;
+ if (node_id_nid_node_symbol->symb_kind==tuple_symb ||
+ (node_id_nid_node_symbol->symb_kind==definition && node_id_nid_node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE))
+ {
+ if (first_alt_node_id->nid_node!=NULL){
+ ArgP tuple_arg_p,first_alt_tuple_arg_p;
+ NodeP switch_node;
+ switch_node=new_switch_and_case_node (first_alt_node_id,&arg_p->arg_state,first_alt_node_id->nid_node->node_symbol,first_alt_node_id->nid_node->node_arity,root_and_defs_lp);
+ tuple_arg_p=node_id->nid_node->node_arguments;
+ first_alt_tuple_arg_p=first_alt_node_id->nid_node->node_arguments;
+ insert_push_node (first_alt_node_id->nid_node->node_symbol,first_alt_tuple_arg_p,first_alt_node_id->nid_node->node_arity,first_alt_node_id,root_and_defs_lp->root_l);
+ for (; tuple_arg_p!=NULL; tuple_arg_p=tuple_arg_p->arg_next,first_alt_tuple_arg_p=first_alt_tuple_arg_p->arg_next)
+ transform_and_merge_argument (tuple_arg_p,first_alt_tuple_arg_p,root_and_defs_lp,node_id_ref_count_list_h);
+ } else {
+ first_alt_node_id->nid_node=node_id->nid_node;
+ add_new_lhs_node_id_to_lhs_node_defs (first_alt_node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+ transform_tuple_or_record_pattern_node (node_id->nid_node,&arg_p->arg_state,first_alt_node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+ }
+ ++first_alt_node_id->nid_refcount;
+ *node_id_ref_count_list_h = insert_new_node_id_ref_count (*node_id_ref_count_list_h,first_alt_node_id,node_id->nid_refcount-1);
+ return;
+ } else
+ {
+ transform_normal_pattern_node (node_id->nid_node,&arg_p->arg_state,node_id,root_and_defs_lp);
+ first_alt_node_id->nid_node=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ *node_id_ref_count_list_h = insert_new_node_id_ref_count (*node_id_ref_count_list_h,first_alt_node_id,node_id->nid_refcount);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("transform_and_merge_argument");
+ }
+static NodeIdRefCountListP copy_node_id_ref_count_list (NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_list)
+ NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_elem,new_node_id_ref_count_list,*new_node_id_ref_count_list_p;
+ new_node_id_ref_count_list_p=&new_node_id_ref_count_list;
+ for_l (node_id_ref_count_elem,node_id_ref_count_list,nrcl_next){
+ NodeIdRefCountListP new_node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ node_id=node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_node_id;
+ new_node_id_ref_count_elem=new_node_id_ref_count (NULL,node_id,node_id->nid_refcount);
+ *new_node_id_ref_count_list_p=new_node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ new_node_id_ref_count_list_p=&new_node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_next;
+ printf ("copy %s %d %d ",node_id_name (node_id),node_id->nid_refcount,node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count);
+ node_id->nid_refcount += node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count+1;
+ }
+ printf ("\n");
+ *new_node_id_ref_count_list_p=NULL;
+ return new_node_id_ref_count_list;
+static void increment_ref_counts_of_node_id_ref_count_list (NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_list)
+ NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ for_l (node_id_ref_count_elem,node_id_ref_count_list,nrcl_next){
+ {
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ node_id=node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_node_id;
+ printf ("increment %s %d %d ",node_id_name (node_id),node_id->nid_refcount,node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count);
+ }
+ node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_node_id->nid_refcount += node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count+1;
+ }
+ printf ("\n");
+static void replace_global_ref_count_by_local_ref_count (NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_list)
+ NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ for_l (node_id_ref_count_elem,node_id_ref_count_list,nrcl_next){
+ int local_ref_count;
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ node_id=node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_node_id;
+ local_ref_count=node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count;
+ printf ("global_to_local %s %d %d ",node_id_name (node_id),node_id->nid_refcount,node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count);
+ node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count=node_id->nid_refcount - local_ref_count;
+ node_id->nid_refcount = local_ref_count;
+ }
+ printf ("\n");
+void set_local_reference_counts (NodeP case_node)
+ replace_global_ref_count_by_local_ref_count (case_node->node_node_id_ref_counts);
+static void replace_local_ref_count_by_global_ref_count (NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_list)
+ NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ for_l (node_id_ref_count_elem,node_id_ref_count_list,nrcl_next){
+ int local_ref_count;
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ node_id=node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_node_id;
+ local_ref_count=node_id->nid_refcount;
+ printf ("local_to_global %s %d %d ",node_id_name (node_id),node_id->nid_refcount,node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count);
+ node_id->nid_refcount = local_ref_count + node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count;
+ node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count=local_ref_count;
+ }
+ printf ("\n");
+void set_global_reference_counts (NodeP case_node)
+ replace_local_ref_count_by_global_ref_count (case_node->node_node_id_ref_counts);
+static NodeP merge_alternative_with_node (NodeP root,struct root_and_defs *root_and_defs_p,NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_list);
+ static void decrement_reference_count_of_switch_node_id (NodeIdP root_node_id,NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_list)
+ {
+ NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ for_l (node_id_ref_count_elem,node_id_ref_count_list,nrcl_next)
+ if (node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_node_id==root_node_id){
+ printf ("inc %s %d %d\n",node_id_name (root_node_id),root_node_id->nid_refcount,node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count);
+ ++node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (node_id_ref_count_elem==NULL){
+ /* possibly less efficient code if this happens */
+ }
+ }
+ static void merge_alternative_with_switch_node (NodeP root,struct root_and_defs *root_and_defs_p,NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_list)
+ {
+ NodeP default_node,node;
+ ArgP *arg_p,arg;
+ node=root_and_defs_p->root;
+ for (arg_p=&root->node_arguments; arg=*arg_p,arg!=NULL; arg_p=&arg->arg_next){
+ NodeP case_node;
+ case_node=arg->arg_node;
+ switch (case_node->node_kind){
+ case CaseNode:
+ break;
+ case DefaultNode:
+ ++root->node_node_id->nid_refcount;
+ replace_global_ref_count_by_local_ref_count (case_node->node_node_id_ref_counts);
+ case_node->node_arguments->arg_node
+ = merge_alternative_with_node (case_node->node_arguments->arg_node,root_and_defs_p,node_id_ref_count_list);
+ replace_local_ref_count_by_global_ref_count (case_node->node_node_id_ref_counts);
+ --root->node_node_id->nid_refcount;
+ return;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("merge_alternative_with_switch_node");
+ }
+ }
+ ++root->node_node_id->nid_refcount;
+ default_node=new_default_node (node,root_and_defs_p->defs
+ ,root_and_defs_p->strict_node_ids
+ );
+ default_node->node_node_id_ref_counts= node_id_ref_count_list;
+ if (root->node_arguments->arg_next==NULL) /* only one case or default ? */
+ root->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id_ref_counts=copy_node_id_ref_count_list (node_id_ref_count_list);
+ else
+ increment_ref_counts_of_node_id_ref_count_list (node_id_ref_count_list);
+ *arg_p=NewArgument (default_node);
+ remove_aliases_from_node_and_node_definitions (root_and_defs_p->root,root_and_defs_p->defs
+ ,root_and_defs_p->strict_node_ids
+ );
+ --root->node_node_id->nid_refcount;
+ }
+ static void merge_switch_alternative_with_switch_node (NodeP root,struct root_and_defs *root_and_defs_p,NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_list)
+ {
+ ArgP *arg_p,arg;
+ NodeP case_node;
+ for (arg_p=&root->node_arguments; arg=*arg_p,arg!=NULL; arg_p=&arg->arg_next){
+ NodeP case_arg_node;
+ case_arg_node=arg->arg_node;
+ switch (case_arg_node->node_kind){
+ case CaseNode:
+ break;
+ case DefaultNode:
+ ++root->node_node_id->nid_refcount;
+ replace_global_ref_count_by_local_ref_count (case_arg_node->node_node_id_ref_counts);
+ case_arg_node->node_arguments->arg_node= merge_alternative_with_node
+ (case_arg_node->node_arguments->arg_node,root_and_defs_p,node_id_ref_count_list);
+ replace_local_ref_count_by_global_ref_count (case_arg_node->node_node_id_ref_counts);
+ --root->node_node_id->nid_refcount;
+ return;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("merge_switch_alternative_with_switch_node");
+ }
+ }
+ case_node=root_and_defs_p->root->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ for (arg_p=&root->node_arguments; arg=*arg_p,arg!=NULL; arg_p=&arg->arg_next){
+ NodeP case_arg_node;
+ case_arg_node=arg->arg_node;
+ switch (case_arg_node->node_kind){
+ case CaseNode:
+ {
+ struct root_and_defs case_root_and_defs;
+ if (case_arg_node->node_arity!=case_node->node_arity)
+ break;
+ else {
+ if (case_arg_node->node_symbol==case_node->node_symbol){
+ if (case_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==real_denot){
+ merge_alternative_with_switch_node (root,root_and_defs_p,node_id_ref_count_list);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ int symbol_kind;
+ symbol_kind=case_node->node_symbol->symb_kind;
+ if (symbol_kind==int_denot || symbol_kind==char_denot || symbol_kind==string_denot){
+ if (strcmp (case_arg_node->node_symbol->symb_int,case_node->node_symbol->symb_int)!=0)
+ break;
+ } else
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ decrement_reference_count_of_switch_node_id (root->node_node_id,node_id_ref_count_list);
+ ++root->node_node_id->nid_refcount;
+ replace_global_ref_count_by_local_ref_count (case_arg_node->node_node_id_ref_counts);
+ case_root_and_defs.root=case_node->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ case_root_and_defs.defs=case_node->node_node_defs;
+ case_root_and_defs.strict_node_ids=case_node->node_strict_node_ids;
+ case_arg_node->node_arguments->arg_node = merge_alternative_with_node
+ (case_arg_node->node_arguments->arg_node,&case_root_and_defs,node_id_ref_count_list);
+ case_node->node_node_defs=NULL;
+ case_node->node_strict_node_ids=NULL;
+ replace_local_ref_count_by_global_ref_count (case_arg_node->node_node_id_ref_counts);
+ --root->node_node_id->nid_refcount;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ decrement_reference_count_of_switch_node_id (root->node_node_id,node_id_ref_count_list);
+ ++root->node_node_id->nid_refcount;
+ case_node->node_node_id_ref_counts= node_id_ref_count_list;
+ if (root->node_arguments->arg_next==NULL) /* only one case or default ? */
+ root->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id_ref_counts=copy_node_id_ref_count_list (node_id_ref_count_list);
+ else
+ increment_ref_counts_of_node_id_ref_count_list (node_id_ref_count_list);
+ *arg_p=NewArgument (case_node);
+ remove_aliases_from_node_and_node_definitions (case_node,root_and_defs_p->defs
+ ,root_and_defs_p->strict_node_ids
+ );
+ --root->node_node_id->nid_refcount;
+ }
+#define SEARCH_SWITCH 1
+static NodeP merge_alternative_with_node (NodeP root,struct root_and_defs *root_and_defs_p,NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_list)
+ NodeP node;
+ node=root_and_defs_p->root;
+ switch (root->node_kind){
+ case SwitchNode:
+ {
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ struct root_and_defs root_and_defs;
+ if (node->node_kind!=SwitchNode){
+ merge_alternative_with_switch_node (root,root_and_defs_p,node_id_ref_count_list);
+ return root;
+ }
+ root_and_defs=*root_and_defs_p;
+ node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_mark & NID_ALIAS_MASK){
+ node_id=node_id->nid_forward_node_id;
+ node->node_node_id=node_id;
+ }
+ if (node_id!=root->node_node_id){
+ NodeP next_switch_node,*next_switch_node_p,case_node;
+ NodeIdP next_node_id;
+ next_switch_node=node;
+ do {
+ case_node=next_switch_node->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ next_switch_node_p=&case_node->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ next_switch_node=*next_switch_node_p;
+ if (next_switch_node->node_kind==PushNode){
+ next_switch_node_p=&next_switch_node->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node;
+ next_switch_node=*next_switch_node_p;
+ }
+ if (next_switch_node->node_kind!=SwitchNode)
+ break;
+ next_node_id=next_switch_node->node_node_id;
+ if (next_node_id->nid_mark & NID_ALIAS_MASK)
+ next_node_id=next_node_id->nid_forward_node_id;
+ } while (next_node_id!=root->node_node_id);
+ if (next_switch_node->node_kind==SwitchNode && next_node_id==root->node_node_id){
+ NodeP next_case_node,*node_p;
+ next_case_node=next_switch_node->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ node_p=&next_case_node->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ if ((*node_p)->node_kind==PushNode)
+ node_p=&(*node_p)->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node;
+ if (next_case_node->node_node_defs!=NULL){
+ if (case_node->node_node_defs!=NULL)
+ error_in_function ("merge_alternative_with_node");
+ case_node->node_node_defs=next_case_node->node_node_defs;
+ next_case_node->node_node_defs=NULL;
+ }
+ if (next_case_node->node_strict_node_ids!=NULL){
+ if (case_node->node_strict_node_ids!=NULL)
+ error_in_function ("merge_alternative_with_node");
+ case_node->node_strict_node_ids=next_case_node->node_strict_node_ids;
+ next_case_node->node_strict_node_ids=NULL;
+ }
+# endif
+ *next_switch_node_p=*node_p;
+ *node_p=node;
+ node=next_switch_node;
+ next_switch_node->node_node_id=next_node_id;
+ node_id=next_node_id;
+ }
+ }
+ root_and_defs.root=node;
+ if (node_id==root->node_node_id)
+ merge_switch_alternative_with_switch_node (root,&root_and_defs,node_id_ref_count_list);
+ else
+ merge_alternative_with_switch_node (root,&root_and_defs,node_id_ref_count_list);
+ return root;
+ }
+ case PushNode:
+ {
+ ArgP node_arguments,root_arguments;
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ NodeIdListElementP root_node_id_list,node_id_list;
+ struct root_and_defs root_and_defs;
+ root_and_defs=*root_and_defs_p;
+ node_arguments=node->node_arguments;
+ root_arguments=root->node_arguments;
+ if (node->node_kind!=PushNode)
+ error_in_function ("merge_alternative_with_node");
+ node_id=node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_mark & NID_ALIAS_MASK){
+ node_id=node_id->nid_forward_node_id;
+ node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id=node_id;
+ }
+ if (root_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id!=node_id)
+ error_in_function ("merge_alternative_with_node");
+ root_node_id_list=root->node_node_ids;
+ node_id_list=node->node_node_ids;
+ while (root_node_id_list!=NULL){
+ NodeIdP node_id,root_node_id;
+ root_node_id=root_node_id_list->nidl_node_id;
+ node_id=node_id_list->nidl_node_id;
+ if (node_id!=root_node_id){
+ node_id_ref_count_list=new_node_id_ref_count (node_id_ref_count_list,root_node_id,node_id->nid_refcount);
+ node_id->nid_mark |= NID_ALIAS_MASK;
+ node_id->nid_forward_node_id_=root_node_id;
+ }
+ root_node_id_list=root_node_id_list->nidl_next;
+ node_id_list=node_id_list->nidl_next;
+ }
+ root_and_defs.root=node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node;
+ root_arguments->arg_next->arg_node=merge_alternative_with_node
+ (root_arguments->arg_next->arg_node,&root_and_defs,node_id_ref_count_list);
+ return root;
+ }
+ case GuardNode:
+ root->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node=merge_alternative_with_node
+ (root->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node,root_and_defs_p,node_id_ref_count_list);
+ return root;
+ case IfNode:
+ {
+ NodeP else_node;
+ else_node=root->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_next->arg_node;
+ while (else_node->node_kind==IfNode)
+ else_node=else_node->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_next->arg_node;
+ if (else_node->node_kind==NormalNode && else_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==fail_symb){
+ NodeP guard_node;
+ increment_ref_counts_of_node_id_ref_count_list (node_id_ref_count_list);
+ guard_node=new_guard_node (root,root_and_defs_p->root,root_and_defs_p->defs
+ ,root_and_defs_p->strict_node_ids
+ );
+ remove_aliases_from_node_and_node_definitions (node,root_and_defs_p->defs
+ ,root_and_defs_p->strict_node_ids
+ );
+ return guard_node;
+ } else
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ StaticMessage (False, "%S", "pattern will never match", CurrentSymbol);
+ return root;
+static void merge_node_id_ref_count_lists (NodeIdRefCountListP *list1_p,NodeIdRefCountListP list2)
+ while (list2!=NULL){
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ NodeIdRefCountListP next_list2,list1;
+ node_id=list2->nrcl_node_id;
+ while (list1=*list1_p,list1!=NULL && list1->nrcl_node_id<=node_id)
+ list1_p=&list1->nrcl_next;
+ if (list1==NULL){
+ *list1_p=list2;
+ return;
+ }
+ next_list2=list2->nrcl_next;
+ *list1_p=list2;
+ list2->nrcl_next=list1;
+ list1_p=&list2->nrcl_next;
+ list2=next_list2;
+ }
+static void sort_node_id_ref_count_lists (NodeIdRefCountListP *list_p)
+ NodeIdRefCountListP element1,element2,element3;
+ element1=*list_p;
+ if (element1==NULL)
+ return;
+ element2=element1->nrcl_next;
+ if (element2==NULL)
+ return;
+ element3=element2->nrcl_next;
+ if (element3==NULL){
+ if (element1->nrcl_node_id<=element2->nrcl_node_id)
+ return;
+ *list_p=element2;
+ element2->nrcl_next=element1;
+ element1->nrcl_next=NULL;
+ } else {
+ NodeIdRefCountListP list2,end_list1,end_list2;
+ list2=element2;
+ end_list1=element1;
+ end_list2=element2;
+ element1=element3;
+ do {
+ end_list1->nrcl_next=element1;
+ end_list1=element1;
+ element2=element1->nrcl_next;
+ if (element2==NULL)
+ break;
+ end_list2->nrcl_next=element2;
+ end_list2=element2;
+ element1=element2->nrcl_next;
+ } while (element1!=NULL);
+ end_list1->nrcl_next=NULL;
+ end_list2->nrcl_next=NULL;
+ sort_node_id_ref_count_lists (list_p);
+ sort_node_id_ref_count_lists (&list2);
+ merge_node_id_ref_count_lists (list_p,list2);
+ }
+static void add_sorted_node_id_ref_count_list (NodeIdRefCountListP *node_id_ref_count_list1_p,NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_list2)
+ NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_list1;
+ while (node_id_ref_count_list2!=NULL){
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ node_id=node_id_ref_count_list2->nrcl_node_id;
+ while (node_id_ref_count_list1=*node_id_ref_count_list1_p,node_id_ref_count_list1!=NULL && node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_node_id<node_id)
+ node_id_ref_count_list1_p=&node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_next;
+ if (node_id_ref_count_list1!=NULL && node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_node_id==node_id){
+ printf ("add %s %d %d %d\n",node_id_name (node_id),node_id->nid_refcount,node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_ref_count,node_id_ref_count_list2->nrcl_ref_count);
+ node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_ref_count += node_id_ref_count_list2->nrcl_ref_count+1;
+ node_id_ref_count_list1_p=&node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_next;
+ } else {
+ NodeIdRefCountListP new_node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ printf ("addnew %s %d %d\n",node_id_name (node_id),node_id->nid_refcount,node_id_ref_count_list2->nrcl_ref_count);
+ new_node_id_ref_count_elem=new_node_id_ref_count (node_id_ref_count_list1,node_id_ref_count_list2->nrcl_node_id,node_id_ref_count_list2->nrcl_ref_count);
+ *node_id_ref_count_list1_p=new_node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ node_id_ref_count_list1_p=&new_node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_next;
+ }
+ node_id_ref_count_list2=node_id_ref_count_list2->nrcl_next;
+ }
+/* JVG added 16-2-2000 */
+static void add_sorted_node_id_ref_count_list_for_case (NodeIdRefCountListP *node_id_ref_count_list1_p,NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_list2)
+ NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_list1;
+ while (node_id_ref_count_list2!=NULL){
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ node_id=node_id_ref_count_list2->nrcl_node_id;
+ while (node_id_ref_count_list1=*node_id_ref_count_list1_p,node_id_ref_count_list1!=NULL && node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_node_id<node_id)
+ node_id_ref_count_list1_p=&node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_next;
+ if (node_id_ref_count_list1!=NULL && node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_node_id==node_id){
+ printf ("add %s %d %d %d\n",node_id_name (node_id),node_id->nid_refcount,node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_ref_count,node_id_ref_count_list2->nrcl_ref_count);
+ node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_ref_count += node_id_ref_count_list2->nrcl_ref_count+1;
+ node_id_ref_count_list1_p=&node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_next;
+ } /* else do nothing*/
+ node_id_ref_count_list2=node_id_ref_count_list2->nrcl_next;
+ }
+ static NodeIdRefCountListP merge_sorted_node_id_ref_count_lists
+ (NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_list1,NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_list2)
+ {
+ NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_list,*node_id_ref_count_list_p;
+ node_id_ref_count_list_p=&node_id_ref_count_list;
+ while (node_id_ref_count_list2!=NULL){
+ NodeIdP node_id;
+ node_id=node_id_ref_count_list2->nrcl_node_id;
+ while (node_id_ref_count_list1!=NULL && node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_node_id<node_id){
+ NodeIdRefCountListP new_node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ {
+ char *node_id_name;
+ node_id_name="";
+ if (node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_node_id->nid_ident!=NULL && node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_node_id->nid_ident->ident_name!=NULL)
+ node_id_name=node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_node_id->nid_ident->ident_name;
+ printf ("from1 %s %d %d\n",node_id_name,node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_node_id->nid_refcount,node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_ref_count);
+ }
+ #endif
+ new_node_id_ref_count_elem=new_node_id_ref_count (NULL,node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_node_id,node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_ref_count);
+ *node_id_ref_count_list_p=new_node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ node_id_ref_count_list_p=&new_node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_next;
+ node_id_ref_count_list1=node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_next;
+ }
+ if (node_id_ref_count_list1!=NULL && node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_node_id==node_id){
+ NodeIdRefCountListP new_node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ {
+ char *node_id_name;
+ node_id_name="";
+ if (node_id->nid_ident!=NULL && node_id->nid_ident->ident_name!=NULL)
+ node_id_name=node_id->nid_ident->ident_name;
+ printf ("combine %s %d %d\n",node_id_name,node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_node_id->nid_refcount,node_id_ref_count_list2->nrcl_ref_count);
+ }
+ #endif
+ new_node_id_ref_count_elem=new_node_id_ref_count (NULL,node_id,
+ node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_ref_count+node_id_ref_count_list2->nrcl_ref_count+1);
+ *node_id_ref_count_list_p=new_node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ node_id_ref_count_list_p=&new_node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_next;
+ node_id_ref_count_list1=node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_next;
+ } else {
+ NodeIdRefCountListP new_node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ {
+ char *node_id_name;
+ node_id_name="";
+ if (node_id_ref_count_list2->nrcl_node_id->nid_ident!=NULL && node_id_ref_count_list2->nrcl_node_id->nid_ident->ident_name!=NULL)
+ node_id_name=node_id_ref_count_list2->nrcl_node_id->nid_ident->ident_name;
+ printf ("from2 %s %d %d\n",node_id_name,node_id_ref_count_list2->nrcl_node_id->nid_refcount,node_id_ref_count_list2->nrcl_ref_count);
+ }
+ #endif
+ new_node_id_ref_count_elem=new_node_id_ref_count (NULL,node_id_ref_count_list2->nrcl_node_id,node_id_ref_count_list2->nrcl_ref_count);
+ *node_id_ref_count_list_p=new_node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ node_id_ref_count_list_p=&new_node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_next;
+ }
+ node_id_ref_count_list2=node_id_ref_count_list2->nrcl_next;
+ }
+ while (node_id_ref_count_list1!=NULL){
+ NodeIdRefCountListP new_node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ {
+ char *node_id_name;
+ node_id_name="";
+ if (node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_node_id->nid_ident!=NULL && node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_node_id->nid_ident->ident_name!=NULL)
+ node_id_name=node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_node_id->nid_ident->ident_name;
+ printf ("from1 %s %d %d\n",node_id_name,node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_node_id->nid_refcount,node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_ref_count);
+ }
+ #endif
+ new_node_id_ref_count_elem=new_node_id_ref_count (NULL,node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_node_id,node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_ref_count);
+ *node_id_ref_count_list_p=new_node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ node_id_ref_count_list_p=&new_node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_next;
+ node_id_ref_count_list1=node_id_ref_count_list1->nrcl_next;
+ }
+ *node_id_ref_count_list_p=NULL;
+ return node_id_ref_count_list;
+ }
+static NodeIdRefCountListP duplicate_node_id_ref_count_list (NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_list)
+ NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_elem,new_node_id_ref_count_list,*new_node_id_ref_count_list_p;
+ new_node_id_ref_count_list_p=&new_node_id_ref_count_list;
+ for (node_id_ref_count_elem=node_id_ref_count_list; node_id_ref_count_elem!=NULL; node_id_ref_count_elem=node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_next){
+ NodeIdRefCountListP new_node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ new_node_id_ref_count_elem=new_node_id_ref_count (NULL,node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_node_id,node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count);
+ printf ("duplicate %s %d %d\n",node_id_name (node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_node_id),node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_node_id->nid_refcount,node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count);
+ *new_node_id_ref_count_list_p=new_node_id_ref_count_elem;
+ new_node_id_ref_count_list_p=&new_node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_next;
+ }
+ *new_node_id_ref_count_list_p=NULL;
+ return new_node_id_ref_count_list;
+static int determine_failing_cases_and_adjust_ref_counts (NodeP node,NodeIdRefCountListP *node_id_ref_count_list_p)
+ switch (node->node_kind){
+ case SwitchNode:
+ {
+ ArgP arg;
+ int switch_may_fail,default_may_fail;
+ int node_id_ref_count_list_sorted;
+ node_id_ref_count_list_sorted=0;
+ for (arg=node->node_arguments; arg!=NULL; arg=arg->arg_next)
+ if (arg->arg_node->node_kind!=CaseNode)
+ break;
+ default_may_fail=1;
+ if (arg!=NULL){
+ NodeP arg_node;
+ arg_node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node->node_kind!=DefaultNode)
+ error_in_function ("determine_failing_cases_and_adjust_ref_counts");
+ default_may_fail=determine_failing_cases_and_adjust_ref_counts (arg_node->node_arguments->arg_node,node_id_ref_count_list_p);
+ arg_node->node_number=default_may_fail;
+ if (default_may_fail){
+ /* NodeP default_rhs_node; */
+ sort_node_id_ref_count_lists (&arg_node->node_node_id_ref_counts);
+ if (!node_id_ref_count_list_sorted){
+ sort_node_id_ref_count_lists (node_id_ref_count_list_p);
+ node_id_ref_count_list_sorted=1;
+ }
+ /* JVG: maybe incorrect, optimisation: find simple case which can not fail and set node_id_refcounts
+ default_rhs_node=arg_node->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ if (default_rhs_node->node_kind==PushNode)
+ default_rhs_node=default_rhs_node->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node;
+ if (default_rhs_node->node_kind==SwitchNode && default_rhs_node->node_arguments->arg_next==NULL)
+ default_rhs_node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id_ref_counts
+ = duplicate_node_id_ref_count_list (arg_node->node_node_id_ref_counts);
+ */
+ add_sorted_node_id_ref_count_list (&arg_node->node_node_id_ref_counts,*node_id_ref_count_list_p);
+ node_id_ref_count_list_p=&arg_node->node_node_id_ref_counts;
+ /*
+ arg_node->node_node_id_ref_counts=merge_sorted_node_id_ref_count_lists (arg_node->node_node_id_ref_counts,*node_id_ref_count_list_p);
+ node_id_ref_count_list_p=&arg_node->node_node_id_ref_counts;
+ */
+ } else
+ node_id_ref_count_list_p=&arg_node->node_node_id_ref_counts;
+ }
+ switch_may_fail=1;
+ /* to do: if non failing case for every constructor, default not reachable */
+#if 1 /* added 8-4-1999 */
+ if (node->node_arguments->arg_next==NULL && node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_kind==CaseNode
+ && (node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==tuple_symb
+ || (node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==definition &&
+ node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE)))
+ {
+ int case_may_fail;
+ NodeP arg_node;
+ arg_node=node->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ case_may_fail=determine_failing_cases_and_adjust_ref_counts (arg_node->node_arguments->arg_node,node_id_ref_count_list_p);
+ arg_node->node_number=case_may_fail;
+ switch_may_fail=case_may_fail;
+ } else
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ NodeP arg_node;
+ arg_node=arg->arg_node;
+ switch (arg_node->node_kind){
+ case CaseNode:
+ {
+ int case_may_fail;
+ case_may_fail=determine_failing_cases_and_adjust_ref_counts (arg_node->node_arguments->arg_node,node_id_ref_count_list_p);
+ if (case_may_fail && node->node_arguments->arg_next!=NULL){
+ /* NodeP case_rhs_node; */
+ sort_node_id_ref_count_lists (&arg_node->node_node_id_ref_counts);
+ if (!node_id_ref_count_list_sorted){
+ sort_node_id_ref_count_lists (node_id_ref_count_list_p);
+ node_id_ref_count_list_sorted=1;
+ }
+ /* JVG: maybe incorrect, optimisation: find simple case which can not fail and set node_id_refcounts
+ case_rhs_node=arg_node->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ if (case_rhs_node->node_kind==PushNode)
+ case_rhs_node=case_rhs_node->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node;
+ if (case_rhs_node->node_kind==SwitchNode && case_rhs_node->node_arguments->arg_next==NULL)
+ case_rhs_node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id_ref_counts
+ = duplicate_node_id_ref_count_list (arg_node->node_node_id_ref_counts);
+ */
+ /* JVG changed 16-2-2000
+ add_sorted_node_id_ref_count_list (&arg_node->node_node_id_ref_counts,*node_id_ref_count_list_p);
+ */
+ add_sorted_node_id_ref_count_list_for_case (&arg_node->node_node_id_ref_counts,*node_id_ref_count_list_p);
+ /**/
+ /*
+ arg_node->node_node_id_ref_counts=
+ merge_sorted_node_id_ref_count_lists (arg_node->node_node_id_ref_counts,*node_id_ref_count_list_p);
+ */
+ }
+ arg_node->node_number=case_may_fail;
+ break;
+ }
+ case DefaultNode:
+ switch_may_fail=default_may_fail;
+ break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("determine_failing_cases_and_adjust_ref_counts");
+ }
+ }
+ return switch_may_fail;
+ }
+ case PushNode:
+ return determine_failing_cases_and_adjust_ref_counts (node->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node,node_id_ref_count_list_p);
+ case GuardNode:
+ return determine_failing_cases_and_adjust_ref_counts (node->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node,node_id_ref_count_list_p);
+ case IfNode:
+ {
+ NodeP else_node;
+ else_node=node->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_next->arg_node;
+ while (else_node->node_kind==IfNode)
+ else_node=else_node->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_next->arg_node;
+ return else_node->node_kind==NormalNode && else_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==fail_symb;
+ }
+ default:
+ return False;
+ }
+void determine_failing_cases_and_adjust_ref_counts_of_rule (RuleAltP first_alt)
+ NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_list;
+ if (first_alt->alt_kind!=Contractum)
+ return;
+ node_id_ref_count_list=NULL;
+ determine_failing_cases_and_adjust_ref_counts (first_alt->alt_rhs_root,&node_id_ref_count_list);
+# if 0
+ PrintRuleAlt (first_alt,4,StdOut);
+# endif
+#if 0
+#include "dbprint.h"
+void transform_patterns_to_case_and_guard_nodes (RuleAltP rule_alts)
+ RuleAltP rule_alt,first_alt;
+ ArgP arg;
+ struct root_and_defs_l root_and_defs_l;
+ NodeP *node_p;
+ NodeDefP *def_p;
+ StrictNodeIdP *strict_node_ids_p;
+ NodeDefP *end_lhs_defs_p;
+ first_alt=rule_alts;
+ if (first_alt->alt_kind!=Contractum)
+ return;
+ node_p=&first_alt->alt_rhs_root;
+ def_p=&first_alt->alt_rhs_defs;
+ strict_node_ids_p=&first_alt->alt_strict_node_ids;
+ end_lhs_defs_p=&first_alt->alt_lhs_defs;
+ root_and_defs_l.root_l=&node_p;
+ root_and_defs_l.def_l=&def_p;
+ root_and_defs_l.strict_node_ids_l=&strict_node_ids_p;
+ root_and_defs_l.end_lhs_defs_l=&end_lhs_defs_p;
+ for_l (arg,first_alt->alt_lhs_root->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ transform_argument (arg,&root_and_defs_l);
+ for_l (rule_alt,first_alt->alt_next,alt_next){
+ ArgP arg,first_alt_arg;
+ NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_list,*node_id_ref_count_list_p;
+ struct root_and_defs root_and_defs;
+ NodeP *node_p;
+ NodeDefP *def_p;
+ StrictNodeIdP *strict_node_ids_p;
+ node_p=&rule_alt->alt_rhs_root;
+ def_p=&rule_alt->alt_rhs_defs;
+ strict_node_ids_p=&rule_alt->alt_strict_node_ids;
+ arg=rule_alt->alt_lhs_root->node_arguments;
+ first_alt_arg=first_alt->alt_lhs_root->node_arguments;
+ node_id_ref_count_list=NULL;
+ node_id_ref_count_list_p=&node_id_ref_count_list;
+ root_and_defs_l.root_l=&node_p;
+ root_and_defs_l.def_l=&def_p;
+ root_and_defs_l.strict_node_ids_l=&strict_node_ids_p;
+ root_and_defs_l.end_lhs_defs_l=&end_lhs_defs_p;
+ for (; arg!=NULL; arg=arg->arg_next,first_alt_arg=first_alt_arg->arg_next)
+ transform_and_merge_argument (arg,first_alt_arg,&root_and_defs_l,&node_id_ref_count_list_p);
+ CurrentLine=rule_alt->alt_line;
+ printf ("line %d\n",CurrentLine);
+ root_and_defs.root=rule_alt->alt_rhs_root;
+ root_and_defs.defs=rule_alt->alt_rhs_defs;
+ root_and_defs.strict_node_ids=rule_alt->alt_strict_node_ids;
+ first_alt->alt_rhs_root=merge_alternative_with_node (first_alt->alt_rhs_root,&root_and_defs,node_id_ref_count_list);
+ }
+ *end_lhs_defs_p=NULL;
+ first_alt->alt_next=NULL;
+#if 0
+ PrintRuleAlt (first_alt,4,StdOut);
+ {
+ NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_list;
+ node_id_ref_count_list=NULL;
+ determine_failing_cases_and_adjust_ref_counts (first_alt->alt_rhs_root,&node_id_ref_count_list);
+ }
+# if 0
+ PrintRuleAlt (first_alt,4,StdOut);
+# endif
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/pattern_match.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/pattern_match.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcedc57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/pattern_match.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+extern void transform_patterns_to_case_and_guard_nodes (RuleAltS *alt);
+extern void set_local_reference_counts (struct node *case_node);
+extern void set_global_reference_counts (struct node *case_node);
+extern struct node_id_ref_count_list *new_node_id_ref_count (struct node_id_ref_count_list *node_id_ref_count_list,struct node_id *node_id,int ref_count);
+extern void determine_failing_cases_and_adjust_ref_counts_of_rule (RuleAltP first_alt);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/project.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/project.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ffad7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/project.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+extern Bool USE_ABCOPTIONS;
+extern char ROOTNAME[FileNameMax];
+extern Bool ROOTSET;
+extern Bool MakeVerbose;
+extern void AddDependency (char *fname);
+extern void AddABCInfo (unsigned nr_instr, unsigned nr_desc, unsigned nr_lab);
+extern void AddVersionAndOptions (unsigned version, CompilerOptions options);
+extern void AddStartLabel (char *label);
+extern void PrintProjectInfo (File f);
+extern void TouchProjectFile (char *fname);
+extern void TouchDependentProjectFiles (char *fname);
+extern void SetOptionsOfProjectNode (char *fname, CompilerOptions options);
+extern void SetCurrentProjectNode (char *fname);
+extern void SetRootOfProject (char *fname);
+extern void ConvertOptionsToString (CompilerOptions options, char *optstring);
+extern void ConvertOptionStringToOptions (char *optstring, CompilerOptions *options);
+extern void MakeOptionsFromCurrentOptions (CompilerOptions *options);
+extern void InitProject (void);
+extern Bool ProjectIsUpToDate (void);
+/* extern Bool BringProjectUpToDate (target_machine_type target_machine); */
+extern Bool BuildApplication (target_machine_type target_machine, int cg_flags,
+ long h_size, long ab_size, long c_size, long app_size, int link_flags,Bool uptodatemsg);
+extern Bool CompileModule (char *icl_file_name);
+extern Bool GenerateAssemblyFileForModule (char *file_name,target_machine_type target_machine,int cg_flags);
+extern void ResetProject (void);
+extern void FreeProject (void);
+/* extern int MakeMirandaToClean (void); */
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/refcountanal.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/refcountanal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56daec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/refcountanal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ Version 1.0 29/11/1994
+ Author: Sjaak Smetsers
+extern Bool DetermineRefCountInfoOfContractum (Node rhsroot, NodeId rhsrootid, StrictNodeIdP strict_ids, PolyList *observer_list);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/result_state_database.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/result_state_database.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d910db0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/result_state_database.c
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+ File: result_state_database.c
+ Author: John van Groningen
+ At: University of Nijmegen
+#if defined (applec) || defined (__MWERKS__) || defined (__MRC__)
+# define __ppc__
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "types.t"
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "result_state_database.h"
+struct state_tree {
+ struct state_tree * stt_left;
+ struct state_tree * stt_right;
+ struct state * stt_state_p;
+ int stt_label_number;
+ int stt_label_defined;
+static struct state_tree *state_tree;
+static int next_update_label_number;
+static int compare_states (struct state *state1_p,struct state *state2_p)
+ int r;
+ r=state1_p->state_type - state2_p->state_type;
+ if (r!=0)
+ return r;
+ switch (state1_p->state_type){
+ case SimpleState:
+ r=state1_p->state_kind - state2_p->state_kind;
+ if (r!=0)
+ return r;
+ return state1_p->state_object - state2_p->state_object;
+ case ArrayState:
+ return compare_states (state1_p->state_array_arguments,state2_p->state_array_arguments);
+ case TupleState:
+ {
+ int n;
+ r=state1_p->state_arity - state2_p->state_arity;
+ if (r!=0)
+ return r;
+ n=state1_p->state_arity;
+ state1_p=state1_p->state_tuple_arguments;
+ state2_p=state2_p->state_tuple_arguments;
+ while (n>0){
+ r=compare_states (state1_p,state2_p);
+ if (r!=0)
+ return r;
+ --n;
+ ++state1_p;
+ ++state2_p;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ case RecordState:
+ {
+ struct symbol_def *sdef1,*sdef2;
+ sdef1=state1_p->state_record_symbol;
+ sdef2=state2_p->state_record_symbol;
+ if (sdef1==sdef2)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ if (sdef1<sdef2)
+ return -1;
+ else
+ return 1;
+ }
+ default:
+ ErrorInCompiler ("compare_states","","");
+ return -1;
+ }
+static void store_state_in_database (struct state *state_p)
+ struct state_tree **state_node_h;
+ struct state_tree *state_node_p;
+ state_node_h=&state_tree;
+ while (state_node_p=*state_node_h,state_node_p!=NULL){
+ int state_compare_result;
+ state_compare_result=compare_states (state_p,state_node_p->stt_state_p);
+ if (state_compare_result==0){
+ if (state_node_p->stt_label_number==0){
+ state_node_p->stt_label_number=next_update_label_number;
+ ++next_update_label_number;
+ }
+ return;
+ } else
+ if (state_compare_result<0)
+ state_node_h=&state_node_p->stt_left;
+ else
+ state_node_h=&state_node_p->stt_right;
+ }
+ state_node_p=CompAllocType (struct state_tree);
+ state_node_p->stt_left=NULL;
+ state_node_p->stt_right=NULL;
+ state_node_p->stt_state_p=state_p;
+ state_node_p->stt_label_number=0;
+ state_node_p->stt_label_defined=0;
+ *state_node_h=state_node_p;
+void create_result_state_database (struct imp_rule *imp_rules)
+ struct imp_rule *rule;
+ state_tree=NULL;
+ next_update_label_number=1;
+ for (rule=imp_rules; rule; rule=rule->rule_next){
+ TypeAlts type_alt;
+ struct state *state_p;
+ if (rule->rule_root->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_over_arity!=0)
+ continue;
+ type_alt=rule->rule_type;
+ if (type_alt==NULL)
+ continue;
+#if 1
+ state_p=&rule->rule_state_p[-1];
+ state_p=&type_alt->type_alt_lhs->type_node_state;
+ if (state_p->state_type==SimpleState){
+ if (state_p->state_kind==OnB)
+ store_state_in_database (state_p);
+ } else
+ store_state_in_database (state_p);
+ }
+static int find_state_in_database (struct state *state_p,int mask,int *label_number_p)
+ struct state_tree *state_node_p;
+ state_node_p=state_tree;
+ while (state_node_p!=NULL){
+ int state_compare_result;
+ state_compare_result=compare_states (state_p,state_node_p->stt_state_p);
+ if (state_compare_result==0){
+ if (state_node_p->stt_label_number==0)
+ return 0;
+ *label_number_p=state_node_p->stt_label_number;
+ if ((state_node_p->stt_label_defined & mask)==0){
+ state_node_p->stt_label_defined|=mask;
+ return 1;
+ } else
+ return 2;
+ } else
+ if (state_compare_result<0)
+ state_node_p=state_node_p->stt_left;
+ else
+ state_node_p=state_node_p->stt_right;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ get_label_number_from_result_state_database returns:
+ 0: no label (state occurs only once)
+ 1: label not yet defined
+ 2: label already defined
+#if 1
+int get_label_number_from_result_state_database (StateP result_state_p,int mask,int *label_number_p)
+int get_label_number_from_result_state_database (TypeAlts type_alt,int mask,int *label_number_p)
+ struct state *state_p;
+ *label_number_p=0;
+#if 1
+ state_p=result_state_p;
+ if (type_alt==NULL)
+ return 0;
+ state_p=&type_alt->type_alt_lhs->type_node_state;
+ if (state_p->state_type==SimpleState){
+ if (state_p->state_kind==OnB)
+ return find_state_in_database (state_p,mask,label_number_p);
+ else
+ return 0;
+ } else
+ return find_state_in_database (state_p,mask,label_number_p);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/result_state_database.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/result_state_database.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..611b15b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/result_state_database.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+extern void create_result_state_database (struct imp_rule *imp_rules);
+#if 1
+extern int get_label_number_from_result_state_database (StateP result_state_p,int mask,int *label_number_p);
+extern int get_label_number_from_result_state_database (TypeAlts type_alt,int mask,int *label_number_p);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/sa.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/sa.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f26bf4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/sa.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5315 @@
+ Concurrent Clean Compiler: sa.c
+ ===============================
+ This file contains the strictness analyser. It can handle tuples
+ as well as list strictness. The file is divided in the following
+ parts:
+ General support, including a local storage allocator
+ Support for storage of strictness information
+ Operations on expressions
+ Converions for the internal representation of the syntax tree
+ The abstract reducer
+ Main (external) functions
+ Debugging support
+ Author: Eric Nocker
+ At: Department of Computer Science
+ University of Nijmegen
+ Version: 0.9
+ Date: Januari, 1995
+#undef _DB_
+#define _DB_STACK_
+#define DIVIDE_FUEL
+#define MORE_ANNOTS 1
+#include "system.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "sizes.h"
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "checker.h"
+#include "typechecker.h"
+#include "sa.t"
+#include "sa.h"
+#ifdef _DB_TEST_
+# include "saprint.h"
+#include "typechecker.h"
+#include "tctypes.t"
+#include "typeconv.h"
+#include "statesgen.h"
+#include "codegen_types.h"
+#define for_l(v,l,n) for(v=(l);v!=NULL;v=v->n)
+char *min_stack;
+int stack_source = 0;
+# define MaxNrAnnots 100
+# define MaxNrAnnots 10 /* the maximum nr of strict rhs annots */
+typedef int MyBool;
+#define MyFalse 0
+#define MyTrue 1
+#define MyMightBeTrue 2
+#define AreRelated 3
+#define False MyFalse
+#define True MyTrue
+#define MightBeTrue MyMightBeTrue
+Bool DoStrictExportChecks = False;
+Bool DoStrictRelated = False;
+#define Bool MyBool
+static Bool StrictWarning = False; /* general warnings */
+static Bool StrictAllWarning = True; /* warnings per function */
+static Bool StrictChecks = False; /* warns for strange strictness */
+static Bool StrictExportChecks = False; /* do export checks */
+static unsigned StrictFuel = 60; /* 20; */ /* amount of reductions to do */
+static unsigned min_d;
+static unsigned max_memuse; /* the maximum memory use */
+static char *CurrentName; /* current function name */
+#ifdef _DB_
+static Bool DBPrinting = False;
+Exp infp, botmemp, topmemp;
+#ifdef _DB_
+static Fun
+ * conssym, /* the cons id */
+ * nilsym, /* the nil id */
+ * apsym, /* the apply id */
+ * if_sym, /* the if id */
+ * true_sym, /* the true id */
+ * false_sym, /* the false id */
+ * selectsym[MaxNodeArity], /* the select ids */
+ * tuplesym[MaxNodeArity], /* the tuple ids */
+ * strict_sym[MaxNrAnnots], /* the strict ids */
+ * fail_sym, /* the fail id */
+ * inffunct_sym, /* the E2 id */
+ * botmemfunct_sym; /* the E3 id */
+static ExpRepr top;
+static ExpRepr bottom;
+static ExpRepr inf;
+static ExpRepr botmem;
+static ExpRepr topmem;
+General Support
+ - Debugging options
+ The following debugging options are available:
+ _DB_ general option, should always be set for the others
+ _DB_RED_ set on if reductions should be traced
+ _DB_EQ_ set on if comparison on expressions should be traced
+ output of the tracing is sent to the file "uit".
+ - Warnings Generation
+ - Storage allocator
+ In principle the storage allocator is quite simple: it supports a
+ fast allocation by allocating some large blocks if necessary. With
+ the functions 'Freeze..' and 'UnFreeze..' a basic part of the
+ storage (used for the function table and syntax tree) can be frozen.
+ Unfreezing releases all the other memory. The function 'MemUse' can
+ be used for obtaining the current memory usage.
+#ifdef _DB_
+ File outfile;
+# define Assume ProcAssume
+# define Assume2 ProcAssume
+ static void ProcAssume (Bool cond, char *err, char *proc)
+ {
+ Bool stop = False;
+ if (! cond)
+ { if (! stop)
+ FPrintF (StdError, "FATAL ERROR: %s in %s\n", err, proc);
+ else
+ DoFatalError ("%s in %s\n", err, proc);
+ }
+ }
+# ifdef _DB_TEST_
+# define Assume(A,B,C)
+# define Assume2 ProcAssume
+ static void ProcAssume (Bool cond, char *err, char *proc)
+ {
+ Bool stop = False;
+ if (! cond)
+ { if (! stop)
+ FPrintF (StdError, "FATAL ERROR: %s in %s\n", err, proc);
+ else
+ DoFatalError ("%s in %s\n", err, proc);
+ }
+ }
+# else
+# define Assume2(A,B,C)
+# define Assume(A,B,C)
+# endif
+ Warnings can be given during or after the analysis. If after, some
+ warnings that would be given during the analysis should be collected
+ into one warning. This is indicated by 'depth_warning' and
+ 'mem_warning'.
+static void error_in_function (char *m)
+ ErrorInCompiler ("sa.c",m,"");
+static Bool depth_warning; /* set True if a depth warning is given */
+static Bool mem_warning; /* set True if a memory warning is given */
+static Bool time_warning; /* set True if a time warning is given */
+static Bool export_warning; /* set True if an export warning is given */
+static Bool max_depth_reached; /* set True if max depth reached, no more
+ such warnings should be given */
+static Bool max_time_reached; /* set True if max time reached, no more
+ such warnings should be given */
+static Bool initialising = True; /* set True when building function table
+ this results in other warnings */
+static Bool instantiating = False; /* set True when copying an expression */
+static void GiveStrictWarning (char *f, char *msg)
+#if 1
+ CurrentLine=0;
+ if (f)
+ StaticMessage (False,"%s","%s",f,msg);
+ else
+ StaticMessage (False,"","%s",msg);
+ if (f)
+ FPrintF (StdError, "Warning [%s%s,%s]: %s\n", CurrentModule, CurrentExt, f, msg);
+ else
+ FPrintF (StdError, "Warning [%s%s]: %s\n", CurrentModule, CurrentExt, msg);
+ * The Storage Allocator for the strictness analysis *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+static char *SA_store [NR_BLOCKS]; /* the memory blocks */
+static unsigned n_allocated_blocks = 0; /* the nr of allocated blocks */
+static unsigned usedblocks = 0; /* the nr of blocks in use */
+static char *high = Null; /* current end position in block */
+static char *free_pos = Null; /* current free position in block */
+static unsigned fblocks = 0; /* the freezed nr of blocks */
+static char *ffree = Null; /* the freezed free position */
+static void NewBlock (void)
+ if (usedblocks < n_allocated_blocks)
+ usedblocks ++;
+ else if (n_allocated_blocks < NR_BLOCKS && (BLOCK_SIZE * (n_allocated_blocks+1)) < StrictMemUse){
+ if (! (free_pos = (char *) Alloc (BLOCK_SIZE, SizeOf (char))))
+ return;
+ SA_store[n_allocated_blocks] = free_pos;
+ n_allocated_blocks++;
+ usedblocks++;
+ } else {
+ free_pos = (char *) Null;
+ return;
+ }
+ free_pos = SA_store[usedblocks - 1];
+ high = free_pos + BLOCK_SIZE;
+static jmp_buf SAEnv, SAEnv2, SAEnv3;
+#define SAllocType(t) ((t*)SAlloc(sizeof(t)))
+#define SAllocArrayType(n,t) ((t*)SAlloc((n)*sizeof(t)))
+static char *SAlloc (unsigned n)
+ /* be sure to return an even address */
+ n = ReSize (n);
+ if (free_pos!=NULL && free_pos + n < high){
+ char *m;
+ m=free_pos;
+ free_pos = m+n;
+ return m;
+ } else
+ NewBlock ();
+ if (free_pos!=NULL && free_pos + n < high){
+ free_pos += n;
+ return (free_pos - n);
+ } else {
+ if (initialising)
+ longjmp (SAEnv, 1);
+ if (StrictAllWarning)
+ GiveStrictWarning (CurrentName, "out of memory (result approximated)");
+ else
+ mem_warning = True;
+ if (instantiating)
+ longjmp (SAEnv3, 1);
+ else
+ longjmp (SAEnv2, 1);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+static void FreezeAlloc (void)
+ ffree = free_pos;
+ fblocks = usedblocks;
+static void FreeUnFreezedBlocks (void)
+ usedblocks = fblocks;
+ free_pos = ffree;
+ high = SA_store[fblocks-1] + BLOCK_SIZE;
+void free_unused_sa_blocks (void)
+ int i;
+ for (i=usedblocks; i<n_allocated_blocks; ++i){
+ if (SA_store[i]!=NULL){
+ Free ((void *) SA_store[i]);
+ SA_store[i]=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ n_allocated_blocks = usedblocks;
+static unsigned MemUse (void)
+ long l;
+ if (n_allocated_blocks==0)
+ return 0;
+ if (! free_pos)
+ l = (long) (usedblocks-1) * BLOCK_SIZE;
+ else
+ l = (long) (usedblocks-1) * BLOCK_SIZE + ((long) free_pos - (long) SA_store[usedblocks-1]);
+ return (unsigned) ((l-1) / KBYTE) + 1;
+static void FreeBlocks (void)
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i = 0; i < n_allocated_blocks; i++){
+ if (SA_store[i]!=NULL){
+ Free ((void *) SA_store[i]);
+ SA_store[i]=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ n_allocated_blocks = usedblocks = fblocks = 0;
+ free_pos = ffree = Null;
+#define NewExpArgs(n) SAllocArrayType(n,Exp)
+static Exp NewExp (ExpKind kind, unsigned sym, Bool hnf, unsigned arity)
+ Exp e;
+ e = SAllocType (ExpRepr);
+ e->e_kind = kind;
+ e->e_sym = sym;
+ e->e_hnf = hnf;
+ e->e_spechnf= hnf;
+ e->e_hasind = False;
+ e->e_red = False;
+ e->e_mark = False;
+ e->e_mark2 = False;
+ e->e_imark = False;
+ e->e_fwd = Null;
+ e->e_deps = Null;
+ if (arity == 0)
+ e->e_args = NULL;
+ else
+ e->e_args = NewExpArgs (arity);
+#ifdef _DB_
+ e->e_mmark = False;
+ e->e_dmark = False;
+ e->e_shared = False;
+ e->e_add = 0;
+ return e;
+static Exp NewValueExp (Fun *fun, Bool hnf, unsigned arity)
+ Exp e;
+ e = SAllocType (ExpRepr);
+ e->e_kind = Value;
+ e->e_fun = fun;
+ e->e_hnf = hnf;
+ e->e_spechnf= hnf;
+ e->e_hasind = False;
+ e->e_red = False;
+ e->e_mark = False;
+ e->e_mark2 = False;
+ e->e_imark = False;
+ e->e_fwd = Null;
+ e->e_deps = Null;
+ if (arity == 0)
+ e->e_args = NULL;
+ else
+ e->e_args = NewExpArgs (arity);
+#ifdef _DB_
+ e->e_mmark = False;
+ e->e_dmark = False;
+ e->e_shared = False;
+ e->e_add = 0;
+ return e;
+#define NewTop() (NewExp (Top, 0, True, 0))
+static void InitExp (Exp e, ExpKind kind, unsigned sym, Bool hnf)
+ e->e_kind = kind;
+ e->e_sym = sym;
+ e->e_hnf = hnf;
+ e->e_spechnf= hnf;
+ e->e_hasind = False;
+ e->e_red = False;
+ e->e_mark = False;
+ e->e_mark2 = False;
+ e->e_imark = False;
+ e->e_fwd = Null;
+ e->e_deps = Null;
+#ifdef _DB_
+ e->e_mmark = False;
+ e->e_dmark = False;
+ e->e_shared = False;
+ e->e_add = 0;
+static void InitValueExp (Exp e,Fun *fun,Bool hnf)
+ e->e_kind = Value;
+ e->e_fun = fun;
+ e->e_hnf = hnf;
+ e->e_spechnf= hnf;
+ e->e_hasind = False;
+ e->e_red = False;
+ e->e_mark = False;
+ e->e_mark2 = False;
+ e->e_imark = False;
+ e->e_fwd = Null;
+ e->e_deps = Null;
+#ifdef _DB_
+ e->e_mmark = False;
+ e->e_dmark = False;
+ e->e_shared = False;
+ e->e_add = 0;
+static unsigned start_fuel;
+static void SetStartFuel (void)
+ start_fuel = StrictFuel;
+static Bool OutOfFuel (void)
+ if (start_fuel == 0)
+ return True;
+ --start_fuel;
+ return False;
+/* Operations on StrictInfos and contexts */
+static StrictKind MaxStrict (StrictKind s1, StrictKind s2)
+ if (s1 < s2)
+ return s2;
+ else
+ return s1;
+static Context SimpleContext (Context context, StrictKind kind, Bool spec)
+ if (! context)
+ context = SAllocType (ContextRepr);
+ context->context_arity = 1;
+ context->context_speculative = spec;
+ context->context_kind = kind;
+ context->context_args = NULL;
+ return context;
+static Context NewSimpleContext (StrictKind kind, Bool spec)
+ Context context;
+ context = SAllocType (ContextRepr);
+ context->context_arity = 1;
+ context->context_speculative = spec;
+ context->context_kind = kind;
+ context->context_args = NULL;
+ return context;
+static Context StrictInfoToContext (StrictInfo *s, Context curcontext, Bool resultinfo)
+ Context context;
+ if (! resultinfo && curcontext->context_kind == NotStrict)
+ return curcontext;
+ if (IsTupleInfo (s)){
+ StrictKind info_kind = GetTupleStrictKind (s);
+ if (info_kind == NotStrict){
+ if (resultinfo)
+ return curcontext;
+ context = SAllocType (ContextRepr);
+ context->context_arity = 1;
+ context->context_speculative = curcontext->context_speculative;
+ context->context_kind = NotStrict;
+ context->context_args = (Context *) Null;
+ }
+ else {
+ unsigned i, n;
+ Bool has_strict_arg = False;
+ Context subcontext;
+ n = s->strict_arity;
+ context = SAllocType (ContextRepr);
+ context->context_arity = s->strict_arity;
+ context->context_speculative = curcontext->context_speculative;
+ context->context_kind = HnfStrict;
+ context->context_args = SAllocArrayType (n,Context);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ { if (! resultinfo)
+ subcontext = curcontext;
+ else if (curcontext->context_arity > 1)
+ subcontext = curcontext->context_args[i];
+ else
+ subcontext = NewSimpleContext (NotStrict, curcontext->context_speculative);
+ context->context_args[i] = StrictInfoToContext (& GetTupleInfo (s, i), subcontext, resultinfo);
+ if (context->context_args[i]->context_kind != NotStrict)
+ has_strict_arg = True;
+ }
+ if (! has_strict_arg)
+ context->context_arity = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ StrictKind info_kind = GetStrictKind (s, ContextToIndex (curcontext->context_kind));
+ if (resultinfo){
+ if (info_kind <= curcontext->context_kind)
+ return curcontext;
+ context = SAllocType (ContextRepr);
+ context->context_arity = 1;
+ context->context_speculative = curcontext->context_speculative;
+ context->context_kind = info_kind;
+ context->context_args = NULL;
+ } else {
+ if (info_kind == curcontext->context_kind && curcontext->context_arity == 1)
+ return curcontext;
+ context = SAllocType (ContextRepr);
+ context->context_arity = 1;
+ context->context_speculative = curcontext->context_speculative;
+ context->context_kind = info_kind;
+ context->context_args = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return context;
+static Context CopyContext (Context curcontext)
+ Context context;
+ if (! curcontext || curcontext->context_kind == NotStrict)
+ return NULL;
+ context = SAllocType (ContextRepr);
+ context->context_arity = curcontext->context_arity;
+ context->context_speculative = False;
+ context->context_kind = curcontext->context_kind;
+ if (context->context_arity > 1){
+ unsigned i, n;
+ n = context->context_arity;
+ context->context_args = SAllocArrayType (n,Context);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ context->context_args[i] = CopyContext (curcontext->context_args[i]);
+ } else
+ context->context_args = NULL;
+ return context;
+/* Operations on expressions */
+static void InitValues (void)
+ static ExpRepr botmem1;
+ static ExpRepr botmem2;
+ static Exp infargs[2];
+ static Exp botmem1args[2];
+ static Exp botmem2args[2];
+ static Exp botmemargs[2];
+ static ExpRepr topmem1;
+ static ExpRepr topmem2;
+ static Exp topmem1args[2];
+ static Exp topmemargs[2];
+#ifdef _DB_
+ infp = & inf;
+ botmemp = & botmem;
+ topmemp = & topmem;
+ InitValueExp (&inf, conssym, True);
+ inf.e_args = infargs;
+ inf.e_args[0] = & top;
+ inf.e_args[1] = & inf;
+ InitValueExp (&topmem1, nilsym, True);
+ InitValueExp (&topmem2, conssym, True);
+ InitExp (&topmem, Lub, 2, True);
+ topmem.e_kind = Top;
+ topmem.e_args = topmemargs;
+ topmem.e_args[0] = & topmem1;
+ topmem.e_args[1] = & topmem2;
+ topmem2.e_args = topmem1args;
+ topmem2.e_args[0] = & top;
+ topmem2.e_args[1] = & topmem;
+ InitValueExp (&botmem1, conssym, True);
+ InitValueExp (&botmem2, conssym, True);
+ InitExp (&botmem, Lub, 2, True);
+ botmem.e_args = botmemargs;
+ botmem.e_args[0] = & botmem1;
+ botmem.e_args[1] = & botmem2;
+ botmem1.e_args = botmem1args;
+ botmem1.e_args[0] = & top;
+ botmem1.e_args[1] = & botmem;
+ botmem2.e_args = botmem2args;
+ botmem2.e_args[0] = & bottom;
+ botmem2.e_args[1] = & topmem;
+static void RemoveMark (Exp e)
+ unsigned n,i;
+ if (! e->e_mark)
+ return;
+ e->e_mark = False;
+ switch (e->e_kind){
+ case Top:
+ case Bottom:
+ case FunValue:
+ return;
+ case Ind:
+ RemoveMark (e->e_args[0]);
+ return;
+ case Argument:
+ return;
+ case Value:
+ n = e->e_fun->fun_arity;
+ break;
+ case Dep:
+ case Lub:
+ n = e->e_sym;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assume (False, "unknown case", "RemoveMark");
+ return;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ RemoveMark (e->e_args[i]);
+static Exp InstantiateExp2 (Exp e)
+ unsigned arity, i;
+ Exp new_e;
+ if (e->e_mark)
+ return e->e_fwd;
+ e->e_mark = True;
+ switch (e->e_kind){
+ case Top:
+ new_e = NewTop();
+ e->e_fwd = new_e;
+ break;
+ case Dep:
+ {
+ unsigned j;
+ Exp arg_e;
+ arity = e->e_sym;
+ new_e = NewExp (Dep, e->e_sym, e->e_hnf, arity);
+ e->e_fwd = new_e;
+ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < arity; i++){
+ arg_e = InstantiateExp2 (e->e_args[i]);
+ if (arg_e->e_kind == Bottom){
+ e->e_fwd = & bottom;
+ new_e = & bottom;
+ return new_e;
+ } else if (arg_e->e_kind == Top) /* || arg_e->e_hnf) */
+ /* simply skip it */
+ ;
+ else {
+ new_e->e_args[j] = arg_e;
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (j == 0){
+ new_e = NewTop();
+ e->e_fwd = new_e;
+ } else
+ new_e->e_sym = j;
+ break;
+ }
+ case Bottom:
+ e->e_fwd = & bottom;
+ new_e = & bottom;
+ break;
+ case FunValue:
+ e->e_mark = False;
+ e->e_fwd = e;
+ new_e = e;
+ break;
+ case Ind:
+ new_e = NewExp (Ind, 0, False, 1);
+ e->e_fwd = new_e;
+ new_e->e_args[0] = e->e_args[0];
+ break;
+ case Argument:
+ Assume2 (e->e_args[0] != Null, "argument not bound", "InstantiateExp");
+ e->e_fwd = new_e = e->e_args[0];
+ e->e_args[0] = NULL;
+ break;
+ case Value:
+ arity = e->e_fun->fun_arity;
+ new_e = NewValueExp (e->e_fun, e->e_hnf, arity);
+ e->e_fwd = new_e;
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++)
+ new_e->e_args[i] = InstantiateExp2 (e->e_args[i]);
+ break;
+ case Lub:
+ arity = e->e_sym;
+ new_e = NewExp (Lub, e->e_sym, True, arity);
+ e->e_fwd = new_e;
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++)
+ new_e->e_args[i] = InstantiateExp2 (e->e_args[i]);
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assume (False, "unknown case", "InstantiateExp");
+ return &top;
+ }
+ return new_e;
+static Exp InstantiateExp (Exp e)
+ Exp new_e;
+ instantiating = True;
+ if (setjmp (SAEnv3) != 0){
+ RemoveMark (e);
+ instantiating = False;
+ longjmp (SAEnv2, 1);
+ }
+ new_e = InstantiateExp2 (e);
+ RemoveMark (e);
+ instantiating = False;
+ return new_e;
+ During (Ext)LtExp2 a the addresses in Val/Dep expressions are determined for
+ which an AreRelated relation exists
+ the Bool CheckAreRelated should be (un)set before(after) LtExp is called
+static Bool CheckAreRelated = False;
+static Exp *s_exp1, *s_exp2, *q_exp;
+/* JVG */
+#define MAX_LT_EXP2_CALLS 100000
+static long lt_exp2_max_n_calls;
+/* */
+static Bool LtExp2 (Exp e1, Exp e2)
+ unsigned n, i;
+ char x;
+ if (&x < min_stack)
+ { printf ("Stack overflow in LtExp\n");
+#ifdef _DB_
+ FPrintF (outfile, "Stack overflow in LtExp\n");
+ return False;
+ }
+ if (e1 == e2)
+ return True;
+ if (e1->e_mark || e2->e_mark)
+ return MightBeTrue;
+ if (e2->e_kind == Top)
+ return True;
+ /* JVG */
+ if (++lt_exp2_max_n_calls >= MAX_LT_EXP2_CALLS)
+ return MightBeTrue;
+ /* */
+ switch (e1->e_kind){
+ case Bottom:
+ return True;
+ case Top:
+ return False;
+ case FunValue:
+ if (e2->e_kind == FunValue && e1->e_fun==e2->e_fun)
+ return True;
+ else
+ break;
+ case Ind:
+ e1->e_mark = True;
+ if (LtExp2 (e1->e_args[0], e2)){
+ e1->e_mark = False;
+ return True;
+ }
+ e1->e_mark = False;
+ break;
+ case Value:
+ case Dep:
+ {
+ int s_index;
+ s_index = -1;
+ if (e1->e_kind==Value){
+ if (e1->e_kind!=e2->e_kind || e1->e_fun!=e2->e_fun)
+ break;
+ n = e1->e_fun->fun_arity;
+ } else {
+ if (e1->e_kind!=e2->e_kind || e1->e_sym!=e2->e_sym)
+ break;
+ n = e1->e_sym;
+ }
+ e1->e_mark = True;
+ e2->e_mark = True;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
+ Bool b;
+ b = LtExp2 (e1->e_args[i], e2->e_args[i]);
+ switch (b){
+ case True:
+ continue;
+ case MightBeTrue:
+ e1->e_mark = False;
+ e2->e_mark = False;
+ return MightBeTrue;
+ case False:
+ case AreRelated:
+ if (CheckAreRelated && s_index < 0){
+ s_index = i;
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ e1->e_mark = False;
+ e2->e_mark = False;
+ return False;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ e1->e_mark = False;
+ e2->e_mark = False;
+ if (s_index >= 0){
+ s_exp1 = & e1->e_args[s_index];
+ s_exp2 = & e2->e_args[s_index];
+ return AreRelated;
+ } else
+ return True;
+ }
+ case Lub:
+ e1->e_mark = True;
+ n = e1->e_sym;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
+ Bool b;
+ b = LtExp2 (e1->e_args[i], e2);
+ if (b != True){
+ e1->e_mark = False;
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ e1->e_mark = False;
+ return True;
+ default:
+ Assume (False, "illegal case", "LtExp");
+ return False;
+ }
+ /* check if e2 is a lub or Ind */
+ if (e2->e_kind == Lub){
+ Bool result;
+ result = False;
+ e2->e_mark = True;
+ n = e2->e_sym;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
+ Bool b;
+ b = LtExp2 (e1, e2->e_args[i]);
+ if (b == True){
+ e2->e_mark = False;
+ return b;
+ } else if (b == MightBeTrue)
+ result = MightBeTrue;
+ }
+ e2->e_mark = False;
+ return result;
+ } else if (e2->e_kind == Ind){
+ e2->e_mark = True;
+ if (LtExp2 (e1, e2->e_args[0])){
+ e2->e_mark = False;
+ return True;
+ }
+ e2->e_mark = False;
+ }
+ return False;
+#ifdef _DB_
+#undef Bool
+Bool IsInAPath (Exp e1, Exp e2, APath p)
+#define Bool MyBool
+static Bool IsInAPath (Exp e1, Exp e2, APath p)
+ for ( ; p; p = p->ap_next){
+ if (e1 == p->ap_e1 && e2 == p->ap_e2)
+ return True;
+ }
+ return False;
+#ifdef _DB_
+APath AddToAPath (Exp e1, Exp e2, APath p)
+static APath AddToAPath (Exp e1, Exp e2, APath p)
+ APath new;
+ new = SAllocType (APathRepr);
+ new->ap_e1 = e1;
+ new->ap_e2 = e2;
+ new->ap_next = p;
+ return new;
+static Bool EqExp2 (Exp e1, Exp e2)
+ unsigned n, i;
+ if (e1 == e2)
+ return True;
+ if (e1->e_mark)
+ return MightBeTrue;
+ switch (e1->e_kind)
+ {
+ case Bottom:
+ if (e2->e_kind == Bottom)
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+ case Top:
+ if (e2->e_kind == Top)
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+ case FunValue:
+ if (e2->e_kind == FunValue && e1->e_fun==e2->e_fun)
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+ case Argument:
+ return False;
+ case Ind:
+ return (e2->e_kind == Ind && e1->e_args[0] == e2->e_args[0]);
+ case Value:
+ case Dep:
+ if (e1->e_kind!=e2->e_kind)
+ return False;
+ if (e1->e_kind == Value){
+ if (e1->e_fun != e2->e_fun)
+ return False;
+ n = e1->e_fun->fun_arity;
+ } else {
+ if (e1->e_sym != e2->e_sym)
+ return False;
+ n = e1->e_sym;
+ }
+ e1->e_mark = True;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ { Bool b = EqExp2 (e1->e_args[i], e2->e_args[i]);
+ if (b != True)
+ { e1->e_mark = False;
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ e1->e_mark = False;
+ return True;
+ case Lub:
+ if (e2->e_kind != Lub || e1->e_sym != e2->e_sym)
+ return False;
+ e1->e_mark = True;
+ n = e1->e_sym;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ { Bool b = EqExp2 (e1->e_args[i], e2->e_args[i]);
+/* JVG added: */
+ if (b!=True)
+ { e1->e_mark = False;
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ e1->e_mark = False;
+ return True;
+ default:
+ Assume (False, "illegal case", "EqExp");
+ return False;
+ }
+} /* EqExp2 */
+static Bool ExtEqExp2 (Exp e1, Exp e2, APath p)
+ unsigned n, i;
+ APath newp;
+ if (e1 == e2)
+ return True;
+ if (IsInAPath (e1, e2, p))
+ return True;
+ if (e1->e_mark && e2->e_mark)
+ return False;
+ newp = AddToAPath (e1, e2, p);
+ switch (e1->e_kind){
+ case Bottom:
+ if (e2->e_kind == Bottom)
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+ case Top:
+ if (e2->e_kind == Top)
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+ case FunValue:
+ if (e2->e_kind == FunValue && e1->e_fun==e2->e_fun)
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+ case Argument:
+ return False;
+ case Ind:
+ return (e2->e_kind == Ind && e1->e_args[0] == e2->e_args[0]);
+ case Value:
+ case Dep:
+ if (e1->e_kind != e2->e_kind)
+ return False;
+ if (e1->e_kind == Value){
+ if (e1->e_fun != e2->e_fun)
+ return False;
+ n = e1->e_fun->fun_arity;
+ } else {
+ if (e1->e_sym != e2->e_sym)
+ return False;
+ n = e1->e_sym;
+ }
+ e1->e_mark = True;
+ e2->e_mark = True;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ { if (! ExtEqExp2 (e1->e_args[i], e2->e_args[i], newp))
+ { e1->e_mark = False;
+ e2->e_mark = False;
+ return False;
+ }
+ }
+ e1->e_mark = False;
+ e2->e_mark = False;
+ return True;
+ case Lub:
+ if (e2->e_kind != Lub || e1->e_sym != e2->e_sym)
+ return False;
+ e1->e_mark = True;
+ e2->e_mark = True;
+ n = e1->e_sym;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ { if (! ExtEqExp2 (e1->e_args[i], e2->e_args[i], newp))
+ { e1->e_mark = False;
+ e2->e_mark = False;
+ return False;
+ }
+ }
+ e1->e_mark = False;
+ e2->e_mark = False;
+ return True;
+ default:
+ Assume (False, "unknown case", "ExtEqExp2");
+ return False;
+ }
+} /* ExtEqExp2 */
+#ifdef _DB_
+#undef Bool
+static Bool EqExp (Exp e1, Exp e2)
+#define Bool MyBool
+static Bool EqExp (Exp e1, Exp e2)
+#endif /* _DB_ */
+ Bool b;
+ b = EqExp2 (e1, e2);
+ if (b == MightBeTrue && StrictDoExtEq){
+ b = ExtEqExp2 (e1, e2, (APath) Null);
+ Assume (! ContainsMark (e1), "e1 is marked", "EqExp (Ext)");
+ Assume (! ContainsMark (e2), "e2 is marked", "EqExp (Ext)");
+ }
+ else
+ { Assume (! ContainsMark (e1), "e1 is marked", "EqExp");
+ }
+ if (b == True)
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+static Bool ExtLtExp2 (Exp e1, Exp e2, APath p)
+ if (e1 == e2)
+ return True;
+ if (e1->e_kind == Bottom || e2->e_kind == Top)
+ return True;
+ if (e1->e_kind == Top || e2->e_kind == Bottom)
+ return False;
+ if (IsInAPath (e1, e2, p))
+ return True;
+ switch (e1->e_kind){
+ case FunValue:
+ if (e2->e_kind == FunValue && e1->e_fun == e2->e_fun)
+ return True;
+ else
+ break;
+ case Ind:
+ {
+ APath newp;
+ newp = AddToAPath (e1, e2, p);
+ if (ExtLtExp2 (e1->e_args[0], e2, newp))
+ return True;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ case Value:
+ case Dep:
+ {
+ unsigned n, i;
+ int s_index;
+ APath newp;
+ if (e1->e_kind != e2->e_kind)
+ break;
+ if (e1->e_kind==Value){
+ if (e1->e_fun != e2->e_fun)
+ break;
+ n=e1->e_fun->fun_arity;
+ } else {
+ if (e1->e_sym != e2->e_sym)
+ break;
+ n=e1->e_sym;
+ }
+ s_index = -1;
+ newp = AddToAPath (e1, e2, p);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
+ Bool b = ExtLtExp2 (e1->e_args[i], e2->e_args[i], newp);
+ switch (b){
+ case True:
+ continue;
+ case False:
+ case AreRelated:
+ if (CheckAreRelated && s_index < 0){
+ s_index = i;
+ continue;
+ }
+ return False;
+ }
+ }
+ if (s_index >= 0){
+ s_exp1 = & e1->e_args[s_index];
+ s_exp2 = & e2->e_args[s_index];
+ return AreRelated;
+ } else
+ return True;
+ return True;
+ }
+ case Lub:
+ {
+ unsigned n, i;
+ APath newp;
+ n = e1->e_sym;
+ newp = AddToAPath (e1, e2, p);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
+ Bool b = ExtLtExp2 (e1->e_args[i], e2, newp);
+ if (b != True)
+ return False;
+ }
+ return True;
+ }
+ default:
+ Assume (False, "illegal case", "LtExp");
+ return False;
+ }
+ /* check if e2 is a lub */
+ if (e2->e_kind == Lub){
+ unsigned n, i;
+ APath newp;
+ n = e2->e_sym;
+ newp = AddToAPath (e1, e2, p);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
+ if (ExtLtExp2 (e1, e2->e_args[i], newp) == True)
+ return True;
+ }
+ } else if (e2->e_kind == Ind){
+ if (ExtLtExp2 (e1, e2->e_args[0], p))
+ return True;
+ }
+ return False;
+static Bool LtExp (Exp e1, Exp e2)
+ Bool b;
+#ifdef _DB_EQ_
+ if (DBPrinting)
+ { FPrintF (outfile, "Less then e1: ");
+ DumpExp (outfile, e1);
+ FPrintF (outfile, "\n e2: ");
+ DumpExp (outfile, e2);
+ FPutC ('\n', outfile);
+ }
+ /* JVG */
+ lt_exp2_max_n_calls=0;
+ /* */
+ b = LtExp2 (e1, e2);
+#ifdef _DB_EQ_
+ if (DBPrinting){
+ if (b == True)
+ FPrintF (outfile, "Result: True\n\n");
+ else if (b == MightBeTrue)
+ FPrintF (outfile, "Result: MightBeTrue\n\n");
+ else
+ FPrintF (outfile, "Result: False\n\n");
+ }
+ if (b == MightBeTrue && StrictDoExtEq){
+ b = ExtLtExp2 (e1, e2, (APath) Null);
+#ifdef _DB_EQ_
+ if (DBPrinting){
+ if (b == True)
+ FPrintF (outfile, "Result2: True\n\n");
+ else if (b == MightBeTrue)
+ FPrintF (outfile, "Result2: MightBeTrue\n\n");
+ else
+ FPrintF (outfile, "Result2: False\n\n");
+ }
+ }
+ return b;
+static Bool IsContainedIn (Exp e1, ExpP ep2)
+ Exp e2;
+ e2 = *ep2;
+ if (e2->e_mark2)
+ return False;
+ if (EqExp (e1, e2)){
+ q_exp = ep2;
+ return True;
+ }
+ switch (e2->e_kind){
+ case Value:
+ { unsigned n, i;
+ e2->e_mark2 = True;
+ n = e2->e_fun->fun_arity;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
+ if (IsContainedIn (e1, & e2->e_args[i])){
+ e2->e_mark2 = False;
+ return True;
+ }
+ }
+ e2->e_mark2 = False;
+ return False;
+ }
+ case Lub:
+ { unsigned n, i;
+ e2->e_mark2 = True;
+ n = e2->e_sym;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
+ if (! IsContainedIn (e1, & e2->e_args[i])){
+ e2->e_mark2 = False;
+ return False;
+ }
+ }
+ e2->e_mark2 = False;
+ return True;
+ }
+ default:
+ return False;
+ }
+static int SortLtExp (Exp e1,Exp e2)
+ ExpKind kind1, kind2;
+ kind1 = e1->e_kind;
+ kind2 = e2->e_kind;
+ if (kind1 == kind2){
+ if (kind1 == Value){
+ if (e1->e_hnf)
+ return -1;
+ else if (e2->e_hnf)
+ return -1;
+ else
+ return (e1->e_fun < e2->e_fun);
+ } else
+ return False;
+ } else
+ return (kind1 < kind2);
+#define LESS(a,b) (SortLtExp ((a),(b)))
+static void Sort (Exp *defs, unsigned high)
+ unsigned low,father, son;
+ Exp val;
+ low = high / 2;
+ while (high > 1){
+ val = defs[father = low];
+ for (;;){
+ son = 2 * father + 1;
+ if (son >= high)
+ { defs[father] = val;
+ break;
+ };
+ if (son == high - 1){
+ if (LESS (val, defs[son])){
+ defs[father] = defs[son];
+ defs[son] = val;
+ } else {
+ defs[father] = val;
+ };
+ break;
+ };
+ if (LESS (defs[son], defs[son + 1]))
+ son++;
+ if (!LESS (val, defs[son])){
+ defs[father] = val;
+ break;
+ };
+ defs[father] = defs[son];
+ father = son;
+ };
+ if (low > 0){
+ low--;
+ } else {
+ val = defs[0];
+ defs[0] = defs[--high];
+ defs[high] = val;
+ }
+ }
+static Bool ContainsExpOfKind (Exp e, ExpKind kind)
+ unsigned i;
+ Bool result = False;
+ for (i = 0; i < e->e_sym; i++)
+ { if (e->e_args[i]->e_kind == kind)
+ result = True;
+ else if (kind == Dep && e->e_args[i]->e_kind == Bottom)
+ { e->e_kind = Bottom;
+ e->e_hnf = True;
+ e->e_deps = Null;
+ return False;
+ }
+ else if (kind == Lub && e->e_args[i]->e_kind == Top)
+ { e->e_kind = Top;
+ e->e_hnf = True;
+ return False;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+static Bool IsInArgs (Exp *args, unsigned n, Exp e)
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ if (args[i] == e)
+ return True;
+ return False;
+static void RemoveExpOfKind (Exp e, ExpKind kind)
+{ unsigned i, j, k, n, new_n, new_done;
+ Exp *new_args;
+ /* count the new number of 'kind' args (the current args + the new ones) */
+ n = e->e_sym;
+ new_n = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ { if (e->e_args[i]->e_kind == kind)
+ new_n += e->e_args[i]->e_sym;
+ else
+ new_n += 1;
+ }
+ new_args = NewExpArgs (new_n);
+ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < n; i++)
+ { if (e->e_args[i]->e_kind == kind)
+ { int kind_n = e->e_args[i]->e_sym;
+ for (k = 0; k < kind_n; k++)
+ { if (! IsInArgs (e->e_args, j, e->e_args[i]->e_args[k]))
+ { new_args[j] = e->e_args[i]->e_args[k];
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (! IsInArgs (e->e_args, j, e->e_args[i]))
+ { new_args[j] = e->e_args[i];
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* put new arguments in original expression */
+ e->e_args = new_args;
+ e->e_sym = j;
+ new_done = n;
+ /* remove remaining subkind expressions */
+ if (ContainsExpOfKind (e, kind))
+ RemoveExpOfKind (e, kind);
+static void UpdateExp (Exp src, Exp dst);
+static void RemoveCycles (ExpP ep, ExpKind kind)
+{ unsigned i, n;
+ Exp e = *ep;
+ if (e->e_mark)
+ { *ep = & bottom;
+ e->e_mark = False;
+ return;
+ }
+ e->e_mark = True;
+ n = e->e_sym;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ { if (e->e_args[i]->e_kind == kind)
+ RemoveCycles (& e->e_args[i], kind);
+ }
+ e->e_mark = False;
+} /* RemoveCycles */
+static void SortExpOfKind (Exp e, ExpKind kind)
+{ unsigned n, j, i;
+ Bool remove;
+ Exp e2 = e; /* temp pointer: the pointer can be changed by RemoveCycles */
+ Assume2 (e->e_kind == kind, "No exp of right kind", "SortExpOfKind");
+ RemoveCycles (& e2, kind);
+ if (ContainsExpOfKind (e, kind))
+ RemoveExpOfKind (e, kind);
+ if (e->e_kind != kind)
+ return;
+ n = e->e_sym;
+ Sort (e->e_args, e->e_sym);
+ if (kind == Dep)
+ { for (i = n; i > 0; i--)
+ if (e->e_args[i-1]->e_kind != Top)
+ break;
+ n = i;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i+1 < n; )
+ { if (LtExp (e->e_args[i], e->e_args[i+1]) == True)
+ { remove = True;
+ e->e_args[i] = e->e_args[i+1];
+ }
+ else if (LtExp (e->e_args[i+1], e->e_args[i]) == True)
+ remove = True;
+ else
+ remove = False;
+ if (remove)
+ { for (j = i+1; j+1 < n; j++)
+ e->e_args[j] = e->e_args[j+1];
+ n--;
+ }
+ else
+ i++;
+ }
+ e->e_sym = n;
+ if (n > 20)
+ {
+#ifdef _DB_
+ FPrintF (StdOut, "SortLub %d:", n);
+ DumpExp (StdOut, e);
+ FPutC ('\n', StdOut);
+#endif /* _DB_ */
+ e->e_kind = Top;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (n == 1 && kind == Lub)
+ UpdateExp (e->e_args[0], e);
+ else if (n == 0 && kind == Dep)
+ e->e_kind = Top;
+static void CopyDeps (Dependency fromdep,Dependency *newdeps)
+ Dependency new;
+ for (;fromdep; fromdep = fromdep->dep_next){
+ new = SAllocType (DependencyRepr);
+ new->dep_exp = fromdep->dep_exp;
+ new->dep_next = *newdeps;
+ *newdeps = new;
+ }
+static Dependency AddDeps (Dependency fromdep, Dependency taildeps)
+{ Dependency new;
+ for (;fromdep; fromdep = fromdep->dep_next)
+ {
+ new = SAllocType (DependencyRepr);
+ new->dep_exp = fromdep->dep_exp;
+ new->dep_next = taildeps;
+ taildeps = new;
+ }
+ return taildeps;
+} /* AddDeps */
+static Dependency CombineDependencies (Dependency deps1, Dependency deps2)
+ Dependency new;
+ new = NULL;
+ if (! deps1 || ! deps2)
+ return NULL;
+ CopyDeps (deps1,&new);
+ CopyDeps (deps2,&new);
+ for (; deps1; deps1 = deps1->dep_next)
+ { Dependency dep;
+ Exp e;
+ e = deps1->dep_exp;
+ for (dep = deps2; dep; dep = dep->dep_next)
+ { if (e == dep->dep_exp)
+ { Dependency new2;
+ new2 = SAllocType (DependencyRepr);
+ new2->dep_exp = e;
+ new2->dep_next = new;
+ new = new2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return new;
+static Exp TakeLub (Exp e1, Exp e2)
+ Exp new_e;
+ unsigned n, i, j;
+ Dependency newdeps;
+ if (! e1 && ! e2)
+ return & bottom;
+ if (! e1 || e1->e_kind == Bottom)
+ return e2;
+ if (! e2 || e2->e_kind == Bottom)
+ return e1;
+ newdeps = CombineDependencies (e1->e_deps, e2->e_deps);
+ /* create a new Lub expression and copy all the elements */
+ if (e1->e_kind == Lub && e2->e_kind == Lub)
+ { new_e = NewExp (Lub, 0, True, e1->e_sym + e2->e_sym);
+ j = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < e1->e_sym; i++)
+ { if (e1->e_args[i]->e_kind == Bottom)
+ continue;
+ else if (e1->e_args[i]->e_kind == Top)
+ return NewTop();
+ else
+ { new_e->e_args[j] = e1->e_args[i];
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < e2->e_sym; i++)
+ { if (e2->e_args[i]->e_kind == Bottom)
+ continue;
+ else if (e2->e_args[i]->e_kind == Top)
+ return NewTop();
+ else
+ { new_e->e_args[j] = e2->e_args[i];
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ new_e->e_sym = j;
+ }
+ else if (e1->e_kind == Lub)
+ { n = e1->e_sym;
+ new_e = NewExp (Lub, 0, True, n + 1);
+ j = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ { if (e1->e_args[i]->e_kind == Bottom)
+ continue;
+ else if (e1->e_args[i]->e_kind == Top)
+ return NewTop();
+ else
+ { new_e->e_args[j] = e1->e_args[i];
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ new_e->e_args[j] = e2;
+ new_e->e_sym = j + 1;
+ }
+ else if (e2->e_kind == Lub)
+ { n = e2->e_sym;
+ new_e = NewExp (Lub, 0, True, 1 + n);
+ j = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ { if (e2->e_args[i]->e_kind == Bottom)
+ continue;
+ else if (e2->e_args[i]->e_kind == Top)
+ return NewTop();
+ else
+ { new_e->e_args[j] = e2->e_args[i];
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ new_e->e_args[j] = e1;
+ new_e->e_sym = j + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ { new_e = NewExp (Lub, 2, True, 2);
+ new_e->e_args[0] = e1;
+ new_e->e_args[1] = e2;
+ }
+ SortExpOfKind (new_e, Lub);
+ new_e->e_deps = newdeps;
+ return new_e;
+static void UpdateExp (Exp src, Exp dst)
+{ unsigned arity, i;
+ if (src == dst)
+ return;
+ dst->e_kind = src->e_kind;
+ dst->e_hnf = src->e_hnf;
+ dst->e_spechnf = src->e_spechnf;
+ dst->e_red = False;
+ switch (src->e_kind)
+ {
+ case Top:
+ dst->e_sym = src->e_sym;
+ arity = 0;
+ break;
+ case FunValue:
+ dst->e_fun = src->e_fun;
+ arity = 0;
+ break;
+ case Bottom:
+ dst->e_sym = src->e_sym;
+ dst->e_args = Null;
+ dst->e_deps = Null;
+ return;
+ case Ind:
+ dst->e_sym = src->e_sym;
+ arity = 1;
+ break;
+ case Value:
+ dst->e_fun = src->e_fun;
+ arity = src->e_fun->fun_arity;
+ break;
+ case Lub:
+ case Dep:
+ dst->e_sym = src->e_sym;
+ arity = src->e_sym;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assume (False, "unknown case", "UpdateExp");
+ dst->e_sym = src->e_sym;
+ arity = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ dst->e_args = NewExpArgs (arity);
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++)
+ dst->e_args[i] = src->e_args[i];
+ /* add dependencies of source to destination */
+ dst->e_deps = AddDeps (dst->e_deps, src->e_deps);
+ if (dst->e_kind == Lub)
+ SortExpOfKind (dst, Lub);
+ * The function table, initialisation *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+static Bool has_fail; /* the current alternative contains a Fail */
+#define IsTupleExp(A) ((A)->e_kind==Value && ((A)->e_fun>=tuplesym[0] && (A)->e_fun<=tuplesym[MaxNodeArity-1]))
+#define TypeArgsOfRecord(R) ((R)->sdef_type->type_constructors->cl_constructor->type_node_arguments)
+static Bool HasStrictAnnot (Annotation annot)
+ if (! StrictDoAnnots)
+ return False;
+ return annot==StrictAnnot;
+static Bool HasProcessAnnot (Annotation annot)
+ return False;
+ /* parallel annotations are only used in parallel compilation */
+ if (! DoParallel || ! annot)
+ return False;
+ switch (annot){
+ case ContinueAnnot:
+ case ParallelAnnot:
+ case ParallelAtAnnot:
+ case LazyParallelAnnot:
+ case InterleavedAnnot:
+ case LazyInterleavedAnnot:
+ case DeferAnnot:
+ case WaitAnnot:
+ case ContInterleavedAnnot:
+ case ParallelNFAnnot:
+ case InterleavedNFAnnot:
+ return True;
+ default:
+ return False;
+ }
+static Exp ConvertNode (Node node, NodeId node_id);
+static void ConvertToApplyNode (Exp e, Node node, unsigned arity)
+ if (arity==0){
+ e->e_fun = node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_sa_fun;
+ e->e_kind = FunValue;
+ e->e_hnf = True;
+ } else {
+ Exp left, right;
+ Args args;
+ unsigned i;
+ args = node->node_arguments;
+ left = NewValueExp (NULL,False,0);
+ ConvertToApplyNode (left, node, arity-1);
+ for (i = 1; i < arity; i++, args = args->arg_next)
+ ;
+ right = ConvertNode (args->arg_node, NULL);
+ e->e_fun = apsym;
+ e->e_kind = Value;
+ e->e_hnf = True;
+ e->e_args = NewExpArgs (2);
+ e->e_args[0] = left;
+ e->e_args[1] = right;
+ }
+static Exp ConvertNodeId (NodeId nid)
+ Exp e;
+ if (nid->nid_exp)
+ return nid->nid_exp;
+ if (nid->nid_refcount>=0){
+ if (nid->nid_node_def)
+ return ConvertNode (nid->nid_node_def->def_node, nid);
+ else {
+ DoFatalError ("ConvertNode (SA): no node or nid");
+ return & top;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (nid->nid_node)
+ return ConvertNode (nid->nid_node, nid);
+ e = NewExp (Argument, 0, False, 1);
+ e->e_args[0] = NULL;
+ nid->nid_exp_ = e;
+ return e;
+ }
+static Exp ConvertNodeDefs (Node root, NodeDefs defs, StrictNodeIdP strictids)
+ Exp e, rootexp;
+ int i, nr_strict;
+ NodeDefs node_def;
+ StrictNodeIdP ids;
+ /* convert node defs */
+ for_l (node_def,defs,def_next)
+ if (node_def->def_node!=NULL)
+ ConvertNode (node_def->def_node,node_def->def_id);
+ /* convert root node */
+ rootexp = ConvertNode (root,NULL);
+ /* convert strict node defs */
+ nr_strict = 0;
+ for_l (ids,strictids,snid_next)
+ nr_strict++;
+ if (nr_strict==0)
+ return rootexp;
+ e = NewValueExp (strict_sym [nr_strict - 1], False, nr_strict + 1);
+ for (i=0,ids=strictids; i< nr_strict; i++,ids=ids->snid_next)
+ e->e_args[i] = ConvertNode (ids->snid_node_id->nid_node,ids->snid_node_id);
+ e->e_args[i] = rootexp;
+ return e;
+static unsigned CountStrictArgs (TypeArgs args)
+ TypeNode node;
+ unsigned n = 0;
+ if (! args)
+ return 0;
+ for (; args; args = args->type_arg_next){
+ node = args->type_arg_node;
+ if (node->type_node_annotation!=StrictAnnot)
+ continue;
+ n += 1;
+ if (!node->type_node_is_var && node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind==tuple_type)
+ n += CountStrictArgs (node->type_node_arguments);
+ }
+ return n;
+static void ConvertStrictSelections (Exp exp, TypeNode node, Exp *e_args, unsigned *i)
+ if (!node->type_node_is_var && node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind==tuple_type){
+ TypeArgs typeargs;
+ unsigned j;
+ Exp selexp;
+ e_args[*i] = exp;
+ (*i) ++;
+ for (j = 0, typeargs = node->type_node_arguments; typeargs; typeargs = typeargs->type_arg_next, j++){
+ node = typeargs->type_arg_node;
+ if (node->type_node_annotation!=StrictAnnot)
+ continue;
+ selexp = NewValueExp (selectsym[j], False, 1);
+ selexp->e_args[0] = exp;
+ ConvertStrictSelections (selexp, node, e_args, i);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (exp->e_kind == Top || exp->e_hnf)
+ return;
+ e_args[*i] = exp;
+ (*i) ++;
+ }
+static void InitNode (Node node);
+static void InitNodeDefs (NodeDefs defs)
+ for ( ; defs; defs=defs->def_next){
+ if (defs->def_id)
+ defs->def_id->nid_exp_ = NULL;
+ InitNode (defs->def_node);
+ }
+static void InitNode (Node node)
+ if (! node)
+ return;
+ if (node->node_kind==NodeIdNode)
+ node->node_node_id->nid_exp_ = NULL;
+ else {
+ Args args;
+ if (node->node_kind==IfNode){
+ InitNodeDefs (node->node_then_node_defs);
+ InitNodeDefs (node->node_else_node_defs);
+ }
+ else if (node->node_kind==SwitchNode){
+ for_l (args,node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ NodeP node_p;
+ node_p=args->arg_node;
+ if (node_p->node_kind==CaseNode){
+ NodeP case_alt_node_p;
+ case_alt_node_p=node_p->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ if (case_alt_node_p->node_kind==PushNode){
+ NodeIdListElementP node_id_list;
+ for_l (node_id_list,case_alt_node_p->node_node_ids,nidl_next)
+ node_id_list->nidl_node_id->nid_exp=NULL;
+ case_alt_node_p=case_alt_node_p->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node;
+ }
+ InitNode (case_alt_node_p);
+ InitNodeDefs (node_p->node_node_defs);
+ } else if (node_p->node_kind==DefaultNode){
+ InitNode (node_p->node_arguments->arg_node);
+ InitNodeDefs (node_p->node_node_defs);
+ } else
+ error_in_function ("InitNode");
+ }
+ return;
+ } else if (node->node_kind==GuardNode){
+ InitNode (node->node_arguments->arg_node);
+ InitNode (node->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node);
+ InitNodeDefs (node->node_node_defs);
+ return;
+ }
+ for_l (args,node->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ InitNode (args->arg_node);
+ }
+static void InitAlternative (RuleAltS *alt)
+ NodeDefs nds;
+ InitNode (alt->alt_lhs_root);
+ for_l (nds,alt->alt_lhs_defs,def_next){
+ if (nds->def_id)
+ nds->def_id->nid_exp_ = NULL;
+ InitNode (nds->def_node);
+ }
+ if (alt->alt_kind==Contractum){
+ InitNode (alt->alt_rhs_root);
+ InitNodeDefs (alt->alt_rhs_defs);
+ }
+/* 'StrictUpdates' defines whether a record update is strict */
+#define StrictUpdates
+static Exp ConvertNode (Node node, NodeId nid)
+ Exp e;
+ unsigned arity, i;
+ Args arg;
+ if (nid==NULL){
+ if (node->node_kind==NodeIdNode)
+ return ConvertNodeId (node->node_node_id);
+ } else {
+ if (nid->nid_exp)
+ return nid->nid_exp;
+ if (node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ if (node->node_node_id==nid)
+ return ConvertNodeId (nid);
+ else
+ return ConvertNodeId (nid->nid_node->node_node_id);
+ }
+ }
+ if (HasProcessAnnot (node->node_annotation))
+ return & top;
+ e = NewValueExp (NULL,False,0);
+ if (nid)
+ nid->nid_exp_ = e;
+ switch (node->node_kind){
+ case NormalNode:
+ { arity = node->node_arity;
+ switch (node->node_symbol->symb_kind){
+ case tuple_symb:
+ e->e_fun = tuplesym[arity];
+ break;
+ case bool_denot:
+ if (node->node_symbol -> symb_bool)
+ e->e_fun = true_sym;
+ else
+ e->e_fun = false_sym;
+ e->e_hnf = True;
+ break;
+ case cons_symb:
+ e->e_hnf = True;
+ e->e_fun = conssym;
+ break;
+ case nil_symb:
+ e->e_hnf = True;
+ e->e_fun = nilsym;
+ break;
+ case apply_symb:
+ e->e_fun = apsym;
+ break;
+ case select_symb:
+ e->e_fun = selectsym[arity - 1];
+ arity = 1;
+ break;
+ case fail_symb:
+ has_fail = True;
+ e->e_fun = fail_sym;
+ return e;
+ case if_symb:
+ e->e_fun = if_sym;
+ if (arity != 3)
+ { e->e_kind = FunValue;
+ e->e_hnf = True;;
+ }
+ break;
+ case definition:
+ {
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ sdef = node->node_symbol->symb_def;
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind == INSTANCE)
+ DoFatalError ("Strictness analysis (ConvertNode): instance encounterred");
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==DEFRULE || sdef->sdef_kind==SYSRULE){
+ TypeAlts rule;
+ TypeArgs typeargs;
+ unsigned int i;
+ Exp exp;
+ rule = sdef->sdef_rule_type->rule_type_rule;
+ typeargs = rule->type_alt_lhs->type_node_arguments;
+ /* count the number of strict args in the type */
+ arity = CountStrictArgs (typeargs);
+ if (arity == 0){
+ e->e_kind = Top;
+ return e;
+ }
+ e->e_kind = Dep;
+ e->e_args = NewExpArgs (arity);
+ i = 0;
+ for (arg = node->node_arguments; arg; arg = arg->arg_next, typeargs = typeargs->type_arg_next){
+ if (typeargs->type_arg_node->type_node_annotation!=StrictAnnot)
+ continue;
+ exp = ConvertNode (arg->arg_node, NULL);
+ ConvertStrictSelections (exp, typeargs->type_arg_node, e->e_args, &i);
+ }
+ if (i == 0)
+ e->e_kind = Top;
+ else
+ e->e_sym = i;
+ return e;
+ } else {
+ e->e_fun = sdef->sdef_sa_fun;
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE ? arity==sdef->sdef_cons_arity : arity==sdef->sdef_arity)
+ e->e_kind = Value;
+ else {
+ ConvertToApplyNode (e, node, arity);
+ return e;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ e = & top;
+ if (nid)
+ nid->nid_exp_ = e;
+ return e;
+ }
+ e->e_args = NewExpArgs (arity);
+ for (i = 0,arg=node->node_arguments; arg!=NULL; arg=arg->arg_next,++i)
+ e->e_args[i] = ConvertNode (arg->arg_node, NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ case IfNode:
+ { arity = 3;
+ e->e_fun = if_sym;
+ e->e_args = NewExpArgs (arity);
+ /* conditional part */
+ arg = node->node_arguments;
+ e->e_args[0] = ConvertNode (arg->arg_node, Null);
+ /* then and else part */
+ arg = arg->arg_next;
+ e->e_args[1] = ConvertNodeDefs (arg->arg_node, node->node_then_node_defs,node->node_then_strict_node_ids);
+ arg = arg->arg_next;
+ e->e_args[2] = ConvertNodeDefs (arg->arg_node, node->node_else_node_defs,node->node_else_strict_node_ids);
+ break;
+ }
+ case SelectorNode:
+ {
+ int field_nr;
+ field_nr = node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_sel_field_number;
+ arg = node->node_arguments;
+ if (node->node_arity>=SELECTOR_U){
+ if (node->node_arity>=SELECTOR_L){
+ Exp tuple,record,result,tuple_result,selection;
+ tuple=ConvertNode (arg->arg_node,NULL);
+ record=NewValueExp (selectsym[0],False,1);
+ record->e_args[0]=tuple;
+ result=NewValueExp (selectsym[1],False,1);
+ result->e_args[0]=tuple;
+ selection=NewValueExp (selectsym [field_nr],False,1);
+ selection->e_args[0]=record;
+ tuple_result=NewValueExp (tuplesym[2],True,2);
+ tuple_result->e_args[0]=selection;
+ tuple_result->e_args[1]=result;
+ e->e_fun = strict_sym[1];
+ e->e_args = NewExpArgs (3);
+ e->e_args[0] = record;
+ e->e_args[1] = result;
+ e->e_args[2] = tuple_result;
+ } else {
+ Exp record,tuple_result,selection;
+ record=ConvertNode (arg->arg_node,NULL);
+ selection=NewValueExp (selectsym [field_nr],False,1);
+ selection->e_args[0]=record;
+ tuple_result=NewValueExp (tuplesym[2],True,2);
+ tuple_result->e_args[0]=selection;
+ tuple_result->e_args[1]=record;
+ e->e_fun = strict_sym[0];
+ e->e_args = NewExpArgs (2);
+ e->e_args[0] = record;
+ e->e_args[1] = tuple_result;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ e->e_fun = selectsym [field_nr];
+ e->e_args = NewExpArgs (1);
+ e->e_args[0] = ConvertNode (arg->arg_node, Null);
+ break;
+ }
+ case UpdateNode:
+ { int field_nr, arity;
+ Exp oldrecordexp, selexp, newrecordexp;
+ /* make a new exp node if a strict update is required */
+#ifndef StrictUpdates
+ newrecordexp = e;
+ newrecordexp = NewValueExp (NULL,False,0);
+ /* convert the old record */
+ arg = node->node_arguments;
+ oldrecordexp = ConvertNode (arg->arg_node, Null);
+ /* build a record expression for the new record node */
+ newrecordexp->e_fun = node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_sa_fun;
+ newrecordexp->e_kind = Value;
+ arity = node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_cons_arity;
+ /* initialise the arguments of the new record exp */
+ newrecordexp->e_args = NewExpArgs (arity);
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++)
+ newrecordexp->e_args[i] = NULL;
+ /* now fill in the updates of the new record */
+ for (arg = node->node_arguments->arg_next; arg; arg = arg->arg_next)
+ { field_nr = arg->arg_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_sel_field_number;
+ newrecordexp->e_args[field_nr] = ConvertNode (arg->arg_node->node_arguments->arg_node, Null);
+ }
+ /* finally, create selections for the parts which are not updated */
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++)
+ { if (newrecordexp->e_args[i])
+ continue;
+ selexp = NewValueExp (selectsym [i], False, 1);
+ selexp->e_args[0] = oldrecordexp;
+ newrecordexp->e_args[i] = selexp;
+ }
+ /* fill the strictness cell if necessary */
+#ifdef StrictUpdates
+ e->e_args = NewExpArgs (2);
+ e->e_fun = strict_sym[0];
+ e->e_args[0] = oldrecordexp;
+ e->e_args[1] = newrecordexp;
+ break;
+ }
+ case MatchNode:
+ {
+ Exp exp;
+ Symbol symbol;
+ exp = ConvertNode (node->node_arguments->arg_node, Null);
+ symbol=node->node_symbol;
+ if (symbol->symb_kind==definition && symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR &&
+ symbol->symb_def->sdef_arity==1)
+ {
+ Exp selexp;
+ selexp = NewValueExp (selectsym[0], False, 1);
+ selexp->e_args[0] = exp;
+ exp = selexp;
+ }
+ if (nid)
+ nid->nid_exp_ = exp;
+ return exp;
+ }
+ default:
+ DoFatalError ("ConvertNode (SA): unknown node kind");
+ return & top;
+ }
+ return e;
+static void convert_pattern_to_apply_node (Exp e,SymbolP symbol,NodeIdListElementP node_id_list,unsigned arity)
+ if (arity==0){
+ e->e_fun = symbol->symb_def->sdef_sa_fun;
+ e->e_kind = FunValue;
+ e->e_hnf = True;
+ } else {
+ Exp left,right;
+ unsigned i;
+ NodeIdListElementP node_id_list_elem;
+ left = NewValueExp (NULL,False,0);
+ convert_pattern_to_apply_node (left,symbol,node_id_list,arity-1);
+ node_id_list_elem=node_id_list;
+ i=1;
+ while (i<arity){
+ node_id_list_elem=node_id_list_elem->nidl_next;
+ ++i;
+ }
+ right = ConvertNodeId (node_id_list_elem->nidl_node_id);
+ e->e_fun = apsym;
+ e->e_kind = Value;
+ e->e_hnf = True;
+ e->e_args = NewExpArgs (2);
+ e->e_args[0] = left;
+ e->e_args[1] = right;
+ }
+static Exp convert_pattern (SymbolP symbol_p,int arity,NodeIdListElementP node_id_list)
+ NodeIdListElementP node_id_list_elem;
+ Exp e;
+ e = NewValueExp (NULL,False,0);
+ switch (symbol_p->symb_kind){
+ case tuple_symb:
+ e->e_fun = tuplesym[arity];
+ break;
+ case bool_denot:
+ if (symbol_p -> symb_bool)
+ e->e_fun = true_sym;
+ else
+ e->e_fun = false_sym;
+ e->e_hnf = True;
+ break;
+ case cons_symb:
+ e->e_hnf = True;
+ e->e_fun = conssym;
+ break;
+ case nil_symb:
+ e->e_hnf = True;
+ e->e_fun = nilsym;
+ break;
+ case definition:
+ {
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ sdef = symbol_p->symb_def;
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind == INSTANCE)
+ DoFatalError ("Strictness analysis (convert_pattern): instance encounterred");
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==DEFRULE || sdef->sdef_kind==SYSRULE){
+ TypeAlts rule;
+ TypeArgs typeargs;
+ unsigned int i;
+ Exp exp;
+ rule = sdef->sdef_rule_type->rule_type_rule;
+ typeargs = rule->type_alt_lhs->type_node_arguments;
+ /* count the number of strict args in the type */
+ arity = CountStrictArgs (typeargs);
+ if (arity == 0){
+ e->e_kind = Top;
+ return e;
+ }
+ e->e_kind = Dep;
+ e->e_args = NewExpArgs (arity);
+ i = 0;
+ for (node_id_list_elem=node_id_list; node_id_list_elem!=NULL; node_id_list_elem=node_id_list_elem->nidl_next,typeargs=typeargs->type_arg_next){
+ if (typeargs->type_arg_node->type_node_annotation==StrictAnnot){
+ exp = ConvertNodeId (node_id_list_elem->nidl_node_id);
+ ConvertStrictSelections (exp,typeargs->type_arg_node,e->e_args,&i);
+ }
+ }
+ if (i == 0)
+ e->e_kind = Top;
+ else
+ e->e_sym = i;
+ return e;
+ } else {
+ e->e_fun = sdef->sdef_sa_fun;
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE ? arity==sdef->sdef_cons_arity : arity==sdef->sdef_arity)
+ e->e_kind = Value;
+ else {
+ convert_pattern_to_apply_node (e,symbol_p,node_id_list,arity);
+ return e;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ e = & top;
+ return e;
+ }
+ e->e_args = NewExpArgs (arity);
+ {
+ unsigned int i;
+ for (i=0,node_id_list_elem=node_id_list; node_id_list_elem!=NULL; node_id_list_elem=node_id_list_elem->nidl_next,++i)
+ e->e_args[i] = ConvertNodeId (node_id_list_elem->nidl_node_id);
+ }
+ return e;
+static void convert_root_node (NodeP rhs_root_p,NodeDefs node_defs,StrictNodeIdP strict_node_ids,Alts fun_alt_p);
+static void convert_switch_node (NodeP switch_node_p,Alts fun_alt_p)
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ Alts *last_next_switch_alt_p;
+ fun_alt_p->fun_rhs = ConvertNodeId (switch_node_p->node_node_id);
+ fun_alt_p->fun_is_guard=0;
+ last_next_switch_alt_p=&fun_alt_p->fun_switch_alts;
+ for_l (arg_p,switch_node_p->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ Alts case_alt_p;
+ Bool old_has_fail;
+ NodeP case_alt_node_p,node_p;
+ case_alt_p=SAllocType (AltsRepr);
+ *last_next_switch_alt_p=case_alt_p;
+ last_next_switch_alt_p=&case_alt_p->fun_next;
+ node_p=arg_p->arg_node;
+ if (node_p->node_kind==CaseNode){
+ case_alt_node_p=node_p->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ if (case_alt_node_p->node_kind==PushNode){
+ case_alt_p->fun_lhs=convert_pattern (node_p->node_symbol,node_p->node_arity,case_alt_node_p->node_node_ids);
+ case_alt_node_p=case_alt_node_p->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node;
+ } else {
+ case_alt_p->fun_lhs=convert_pattern (node_p->node_symbol,0,NULL);
+ }
+ } else if (node_p->node_kind==DefaultNode){
+ case_alt_node_p=node_p->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ case_alt_p->fun_lhs=NULL;
+ } else
+ error_in_function ("convert_switch_node");
+ old_has_fail=has_fail;
+ has_fail=False;
+ convert_root_node (case_alt_node_p,node_p->node_node_defs,node_p->node_strict_node_ids,case_alt_p);
+ case_alt_p->fun_has_fail=has_fail;
+ if (old_has_fail)
+ has_fail=True;
+ }
+ *last_next_switch_alt_p=NULL;
+static void convert_guard_node (NodeP guard_node_p,NodeDefs node_defs,StrictNodeIdP strict_node_ids,Alts fun_alt_p)
+ Alts fail_alt_p;
+ fail_alt_p=SAllocType (AltsRepr);
+ fun_alt_p->fun_is_guard=1;
+ fun_alt_p->fun_switch_alts=fail_alt_p;
+ fun_alt_p->fun_rhs=ConvertNodeDefs (guard_node_p->node_arguments->arg_node,node_defs,strict_node_ids);
+ convert_root_node (guard_node_p->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node,guard_node_p->node_node_defs,guard_node_p->node_guard_strict_node_ids,fail_alt_p);
+static void convert_root_node (NodeP rhs_root_p,NodeDefs node_defs,StrictNodeIdP strict_node_ids,Alts fun_alt_p)
+ if (rhs_root_p->node_kind==SwitchNode){
+ NodeDefP node_def;
+ for_l (node_def,node_defs,def_next)
+ if (node_def->def_node!=NULL)
+ ConvertNode (node_def->def_node,node_def->def_id);
+ if (strict_node_ids!=NULL)
+ error_in_function ("convert_root_node");
+ convert_switch_node (rhs_root_p,fun_alt_p);
+ } else if (rhs_root_p->node_kind==GuardNode){
+ convert_guard_node (rhs_root_p,node_defs,strict_node_ids,fun_alt_p);
+ } else {
+ fun_alt_p->fun_rhs = ConvertNodeDefs (rhs_root_p,node_defs,strict_node_ids);
+ fun_alt_p->fun_switch_alts=NULL;
+ }
+static void ConvertAlternatives (Alts *funalts,RuleAlts rulealts)
+ Alts fun_alt_p;
+ if (! rulealts){
+ *funalts = NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+ fun_alt_p=SAllocType (AltsRepr);
+ *funalts = fun_alt_p;
+ InitAlternative (rulealts);
+ fun_alt_p->fun_lhs = ConvertNodeDefs (rulealts->alt_lhs_root,rulealts->alt_lhs_defs,NULL);
+ fun_alt_p->fun_lhs = ConvertNodeDefs (rulealts->alt_lhs_root,NULL,NULL);
+ has_fail = False;
+ if (rulealts->alt_kind==Contractum){
+ convert_root_node (rulealts->alt_rhs_root,rulealts->alt_rhs_defs,rulealts->alt_strict_node_ids,fun_alt_p);
+ fun_alt_p->fun_rhs = ConvertNodeDefs (rulealts->alt_rhs_root, rulealts->alt_rhs_defs, rulealts->alt_strict_node_ids);
+ } else {
+ /* code block */
+ fun_alt_p->fun_rhs = &top;
+ fun_alt_p->fun_switch_alts=NULL;
+ }
+ fun_alt_p->fun_has_fail = has_fail;
+ /* convert the following alternatives */
+ ConvertAlternatives (&fun_alt_p->fun_next, rulealts->alt_next);
+static StrictInfo *InitNewStrictInfos (unsigned arity, StrictKind s)
+ unsigned i;
+ StrictInfo *strict_infos;
+ strict_infos = SAllocArrayType (arity,StrictInfo);
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++){
+ strict_infos[i].strict_arity = 1;
+ InitStrictInfo (&strict_infos[i],s);
+ }
+ return strict_infos;
+static void InitStrictResult (StrictInfo *s)
+ s->strict_arity = 1;
+ InitStrictInfo (s, HnfStrict);
+static void ConvertStateToStrictInfo (TypeNode node, StrictInfo *s, Bool adopt_annots)
+ if (node->type_node_is_var || node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind!=tuple_type){
+ #ifdef _DB_
+ if (node->type_node_is_var)
+ printf ("ConvertStateToStrictInfo Var\n");
+ else {
+ if (node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind==definition)
+ printf ("ConvertStateToStrictInfo Definition %s\n",node->type_node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ else
+ printf ("ConvertStateToStrictInfo NoTuple %d\n",node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind);
+ }
+ #endif
+ s->strict_arity = 1;
+ if (adopt_annots && node->type_node_annotation==StrictAnnot)
+ InitStrictInfo (s, HnfStrict);
+ else
+ InitStrictInfo (s, NotStrict);
+ } else {
+ unsigned arity = node->type_node_arity;
+ unsigned i;
+ TypeArgs args = node->type_node_arguments;
+ s->strict_arity = arity;
+ #ifdef _DB_
+ printf ("ConvertStateToStrictInfo Tuple %d\n",arity);
+ #endif
+ if (adopt_annots && node->type_node_annotation==StrictAnnot)
+ GetTupleStrictKind (s) = HnfStrict;
+ else
+ GetTupleStrictKind (s) = NotStrict;
+ GetTupleInfos (s) = SAllocArrayType (arity,StrictInfo);
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++, args = args->type_arg_next)
+ ConvertStateToStrictInfo (args->type_arg_node, & GetTupleInfo (s, i),
+ adopt_annots);
+ }
+static void ConvertTypeArgsToStrictInfos (TypeArgs args, unsigned arity, StrictInfo **strict_args, Bool adopt_annots)
+ unsigned i;
+ *strict_args = SAllocArrayType (arity,StrictInfo);
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++, args = args->type_arg_next){
+ #ifdef _DB_
+ printf ("ConvertTypeArgsToStrictInfos %d\n",i);
+ #endif
+ ConvertStateToStrictInfo (args->type_arg_node, & (*strict_args)[i], adopt_annots);
+ }
+static void ConvertStateInfoToStrictInfos (TypeAlts rule_type_alts, unsigned arity, StrictInfo **strict_args,
+ StrictInfo *result, Bool adopt_annots)
+ TypeArgs args;
+ TypeNode node;
+ if (! rule_type_alts){
+ *strict_args = InitNewStrictInfos (arity, NotStrict);
+ InitStrictResult (result);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* do the arguments */
+ args = rule_type_alts->type_alt_lhs->type_node_arguments;
+ ConvertTypeArgsToStrictInfos (args, arity, strict_args, adopt_annots);
+ /* do the result */
+ node = rule_type_alts->type_alt_rhs;
+ if (node->type_node_is_var)
+ InitStrictResult (result);
+ else
+ ConvertStateToStrictInfo (node, result, True);
+ /* the result is of course always strict */
+ if (IsTupleInfo (result))
+ GetTupleStrictKind (result) = HnfStrict;
+ else
+ InitStrictInfo (result, HnfStrict);
+static void UpdateStateInfoWithStrictInfo (TypeNode node, StrictInfo *s,Bool *strict_added_p,Bool *warning)
+ Bool is_strict_annotated;
+ Bool local_strict_added;
+ local_strict_added = False;
+ is_strict_annotated = node->type_node_annotation==StrictAnnot;
+ if (IsTupleInfo (s)){
+ unsigned arity = s->strict_arity;
+ unsigned i;
+ TypeArgs args = node->type_node_arguments;
+ if (GetTupleStrictKind (s) == NotStrict){
+ if (StrictChecks && is_strict_annotated)
+ *warning = True;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (! is_strict_annotated){
+ node->type_node_annotation=StrictAnnot;
+ *strict_added_p = True;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++, args = args->type_arg_next)
+ UpdateStateInfoWithStrictInfo (args->type_arg_node,&GetTupleInfo (s,i),strict_added_p,warning);
+ UpdateStateInfoWithStrictInfo (args->type_arg_node,&GetTupleInfo (s,i),&local_strict_added,warning);
+ } else {
+#if 0
+ printf ("%d %d %d\n",GetStrictKind (s, 0),GetStrictKind (s, 1),GetStrictKind (s, 2));
+ if (GetStrictKind (s, 0) != NotStrict){
+ if (!is_strict_annotated){
+ node->type_node_annotation=StrictAnnot;
+ *strict_added_p = True;
+ }
+ } else if (StrictChecks && GetStrictKind (s, 0) == NotStrict && is_strict_annotated){
+ *warning = True;
+ }
+ }
+static void UpdateStateInfosWithStrictInfos (TypeAlts rule, unsigned arity, StrictInfo *strict_args,
+ StrictInfo *result, Bool *strict_added, Bool *warning)
+{ unsigned i;
+ TypeArgs args;
+ if (! rule)
+ return;
+ /* do the arguments */
+ args = rule->type_alt_lhs->type_node_arguments;
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++, args = args->type_arg_next)
+ UpdateStateInfoWithStrictInfo (args->type_arg_node,&strict_args[i], strict_added, warning);
+ /* the result has no sense at the moment */
+Bool IsListArg (Fun *f, unsigned n)
+ TypeArgs args;
+ TypeAlts typerule;
+ unsigned i;
+ if (f->fun_kind == Function)
+ typerule = f->fun_symbol->sdef_rule->rule_type;
+ else
+ /* ?? */
+ return False;
+ args = typerule->type_alt_lhs->type_node_arguments;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ args = args->type_arg_next;
+ return (! args->type_arg_node->type_node_is_var && args->type_arg_node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind==list_type);
+static Bool HasListResult (Fun *f)
+ TypeAlts typerule;
+ if (f->fun_kind == Function)
+ typerule = f->fun_symbol->sdef_rule->rule_type;
+ else
+ return False;
+ return (!typerule->type_alt_rhs->type_node_is_var && typerule->type_alt_rhs->type_node_symbol->symb_kind==list_type);
+static void BuildInfFunction (Fun *f)
+ Alts alt, alt2;
+ Exp lhs, rhs, arg_cons, arg_x, arg_y, nil_exp;
+ /* the following function is built:
+ E2 (Cons x y) = E2 y
+ E2 Nil = Nil
+ */
+ f->fun_symbol = Null;
+ f->fun_arity = 1;
+ f->fun_kind = Function;
+ f->fun_strictargs = InitNewStrictInfos (1, HnfStrict);
+ f->fun_single = False;
+ InitStrictResult (& f->fun_strictresult);
+ f->fun_alts = alt = SAllocType (AltsRepr);
+ alt2 = SAllocType (AltsRepr);
+ alt->fun_has_fail = False;
+ alt->fun_next = alt2;
+ alt2->fun_has_fail = False;
+ alt2->fun_next = Null;
+ nil_exp = NewValueExp (nilsym, True, 0);
+ arg_x = NewExp (Argument, 0, False, 1);
+ arg_y = NewExp (Argument, 0, False, 1);
+ arg_cons = NewValueExp (conssym, True, 2);
+ arg_cons->e_args[0] = arg_x;
+ arg_cons->e_args[1] = arg_y;
+ lhs = NewValueExp (inffunct_sym, False, 1);
+ lhs->e_args[0] = arg_cons;
+ rhs = NewValueExp (inffunct_sym, False, 1);
+ rhs->e_args[0] = arg_y;
+ alt->fun_lhs = lhs;
+ alt->fun_rhs = rhs;
+ lhs = NewValueExp (inffunct_sym, False, 1);
+ lhs->e_args[0] = nil_exp;
+ rhs = nil_exp;
+ alt2->fun_lhs = lhs;
+ alt2->fun_rhs = rhs;
+static void BuildBotmemFunction (Fun *f)
+ Alts alt, alt2;
+ Exp lhs, rhs, arg_cons, arg_x, arg_y, strict_rhs, nil_exp;
+ /* the following function is built:
+ E3 (Cons x y) = Strict x (E3 y)
+ E3 Nil = Nil
+ */
+ f->fun_symbol = Null;
+ f->fun_arity = 1;
+ f->fun_kind = Function;
+ f->fun_strictargs = InitNewStrictInfos (1, HnfStrict);
+ f->fun_single = False;
+ InitStrictResult (& f->fun_strictresult);
+ f->fun_alts = alt = SAllocType (AltsRepr);
+ alt2 = SAllocType (AltsRepr);
+ alt->fun_has_fail = False;
+ alt->fun_next = alt2;
+ alt2->fun_has_fail = False;
+ alt2->fun_next = Null;
+ nil_exp = NewValueExp (nilsym, True, 0);
+ arg_x = NewExp (Argument, 0, False, 1);
+ arg_y = NewExp (Argument, 0, False, 1);
+ arg_cons = NewValueExp (conssym, True, 2);
+ arg_cons->e_args[0] = arg_x;
+ arg_cons->e_args[1] = arg_y;
+ lhs = NewValueExp (botmemfunct_sym, False, 1);
+ lhs->e_args[0] = arg_cons;
+ rhs = NewValueExp (botmemfunct_sym, False, 1);
+ rhs->e_args[0] = arg_y;
+ strict_rhs = NewValueExp (strict_sym[0], False, 2);
+ strict_rhs->e_args[0]= arg_x;
+ strict_rhs->e_args[1]= rhs;
+ alt->fun_lhs = lhs;
+ alt->fun_rhs = strict_rhs;
+ lhs = NewValueExp (botmemfunct_sym, False, 1);
+ lhs->e_args[0] = nil_exp;
+ rhs = nil_exp;
+ alt2->fun_lhs = lhs;
+ alt2->fun_rhs = rhs;
+static void init_predefined_symbols (void)
+ unsigned i;
+ Fun *f,*funs;
+ unsigned nr_funs;
+ /* add entries for tuples (MaxTupleArity), selectors (MaxTupleArity),
+ strict functions (for strict annots), lists (2), conditional (4)
+ and the apply. Also for the two list functions if necessary.
+ */
+ nr_funs = MaxNodeArity + MaxNodeArity + MaxNrAnnots + 2 + 4 + 1;
+ if (StrictDoLists)
+ nr_funs += 2;
+ /* allocate enough space for the function table */
+ funs = (Fun *) SAlloc ((unsigned long) nr_funs * sizeof (Fun));
+ /* initialise the function table with tuples */
+ for (i = 0, f = funs; i < MaxNodeArity; i++, f++){
+ tuplesym[i] = f;
+ f->fun_symbol = Null; /* TupleDefs[i]; */
+ f->fun_arity = i;
+ f->fun_kind = Constructor;
+ f->fun_strictargs = Null;
+ f->fun_single = True;
+ InitStrictResult (& f->fun_strictresult);
+ }
+ /* initialise the function table with selectors and update functions */
+ for (i = 0; i < MaxNodeArity; i++,f++){
+ selectsym[i] = f;
+ f->fun_symbol = Null;
+ f->fun_arity = 1;
+ f->fun_kind = SelFunction;
+ f->fun_strictargs = InitNewStrictInfos (1, HnfStrict);
+ f->fun_single = False;
+ InitStrictResult (& f->fun_strictresult);
+ }
+ {
+ StrictInfo *shared_strict_infos;
+ shared_strict_infos=InitNewStrictInfos (MaxNrAnnots+1,HnfStrict);
+ /* initialise the function table with strict functions */
+ for (i = 0; i < MaxNrAnnots; i++,f++){
+ strict_sym[i] = f;
+ f->fun_symbol = Null;
+ f->fun_arity = i+2;
+ f->fun_kind = StrictFunction;
+ f->fun_strictargs = shared_strict_infos;
+ f->fun_strictargs = InitNewStrictInfos (i+2, HnfStrict);
+ f->fun_single = False;
+ InitStrictResult (& f->fun_strictresult);
+ }
+ }
+ /* initialise the function table with lists, conditional and apply */
+ nilsym = f;
+ f->fun_symbol = Null;
+ f->fun_arity = 0;
+ f->fun_kind = Constructor;
+ f->fun_strictargs = Null;
+ f->fun_single = False;
+ InitStrictResult (& f->fun_strictresult);
+ f++;
+ conssym = f;
+ f->fun_symbol = Null;
+ f->fun_arity = 2;
+ f->fun_kind = Constructor;
+ f->fun_strictargs = Null;
+ f->fun_single = False;
+ InitStrictResult (& f->fun_strictresult);
+ f++;
+ if_sym = f;
+ f->fun_symbol = Null;
+ f->fun_arity = 3;
+ f->fun_kind = IfFunction;
+ f->fun_strictargs = InitNewStrictInfos (3, NotStrict);
+ f->fun_single = False;
+ InitStrictInfo (f->fun_strictargs, HnfStrict);
+ InitStrictResult (& f->fun_strictresult);
+ f++;
+ true_sym = f;
+ f->fun_symbol = Null;
+ f->fun_arity = 0;
+ f->fun_kind = Constructor;
+ f->fun_strictargs = Null;
+ f->fun_single = False;
+ InitStrictResult (& f->fun_strictresult);
+ f++;
+ false_sym = f;
+ f->fun_symbol = Null;
+ f->fun_arity = 0;
+ f->fun_kind = Constructor;
+ f->fun_strictargs = Null;
+ f->fun_single = False;
+ InitStrictResult (& f->fun_strictresult);
+ f++;
+ fail_sym = f;
+ f->fun_symbol = Null;
+ f->fun_arity = 0;
+ f->fun_kind = FailFunction;
+ f->fun_strictargs = Null;
+ f->fun_single = False;
+ InitStrictResult (& f->fun_strictresult);
+ f++;
+ apsym = f;
+ f->fun_symbol = Null;
+ f->fun_arity = 2;
+ f->fun_kind = ApFunction;
+ f->fun_strictargs = InitNewStrictInfos (2, NotStrict);
+ f->fun_single = False;
+ InitStrictInfo (f->fun_strictargs, HnfStrict);
+ InitStrictResult (& f->fun_strictresult);
+ f++;
+ /* initialise the function table with the inf and botmem function function */
+ if (StrictDoLists){
+ inffunct_sym = f;
+ BuildInfFunction (f);
+ f++;
+ botmemfunct_sym = f;
+ BuildBotmemFunction (f);
+ f++;
+ }
+static void convert_imp_rule_type (SymbDef sdef)
+ Fun *f;
+ unsigned arity;
+ TypeAlts rule_type;
+ f=SAllocType (Fun);
+ sdef->sdef_sa_fun = f;
+ arity = sdef->sdef_arity;
+ f->fun_kind = Function;
+ f->fun_symbol = sdef;
+ f->fun_arity = arity;
+ rule_type = sdef->sdef_rule->rule_type;
+ #ifdef _DB_
+ printf ("ConvertStateInfoToStrictInfos %s\n",sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ #endif
+ ConvertStateInfoToStrictInfos (rule_type,arity, &f->fun_strictargs, &f->fun_strictresult, !StrictChecks);
+static void convert_imp_rule_alts (SymbDef sdef)
+ Fun *f;
+ f=sdef->sdef_sa_fun;
+ if (f->fun_kind==Function){
+ ImpRules rule;
+ rule = f->fun_symbol->sdef_rule;
+ ConvertAlternatives (&f->fun_alts,rule->rule_alts);
+ } else
+ f->fun_alts = NULL;
+static void ConvertSyntaxTree (Symbol symbols)
+ unsigned arity;
+ Symbol sym;
+ Bool annot_warning;
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ Fun *f;
+ annot_warning = False;
+ init_predefined_symbols();
+ /* initialise the function table with constructors */
+ for_l (sym,symbols,symb_next)
+ if (sym->symb_kind==definition){
+ sdef = sym->symb_def;
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==TYPE){
+ ConstructorList talts;
+ for_l (talts,sdef->sdef_type->type_constructors,cl_next){
+ SymbDef cdef;
+ f=SAllocType (Fun);
+ cdef = talts->cl_constructor->type_node_symbol->symb_def;
+ cdef->sdef_sa_fun = f;
+ f->fun_symbol = cdef;
+ arity = f->fun_arity = cdef->sdef_arity;
+ f->fun_single = False;
+ f->fun_kind = Constructor;
+ f->fun_single = cdef->sdef_type->type_nr_of_constructors == 1;
+ cdef->sdef_constructor=talts;
+ if (cdef->sdef_strict_constructor)
+ ConvertTypeArgsToStrictInfos (talts->cl_constructor->type_node_arguments,arity,&f->fun_strictargs, True);
+ else
+ f->fun_strictargs = NULL;
+ InitStrictResult (& f->fun_strictresult);
+ }
+ } else if (sdef->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE){
+ f=SAllocType (Fun);
+ sdef->sdef_sa_fun = f;
+ f->fun_symbol = sdef;
+ arity = f->fun_arity = sdef->sdef_cons_arity;
+ f->fun_kind = Constructor;
+ f->fun_single = True;
+ if (sdef->sdef_strict_constructor)
+ ConvertTypeArgsToStrictInfos (TypeArgsOfRecord (sdef), arity,&f->fun_strictargs, True);
+ else
+ f->fun_strictargs = Null;
+ InitStrictResult (& f->fun_strictresult);
+ }
+ }
+ /* initialise the function table with symbols with a definition */
+ for_l (sdef,scc_dependency_list,sdef_next_scc)
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==IMPRULE && sdef->sdef_over_arity==0)
+ convert_imp_rule_type (sdef);
+ /* convert the rules */
+ for_l (sdef,scc_dependency_list,sdef_next_scc)
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==IMPRULE && sdef->sdef_over_arity==0)
+ convert_imp_rule_alts (sdef);
+ /* give a warning for annotated functions */
+ if (annot_warning && StrictAllWarning)
+ GiveStrictWarning ((char *) Null, "no strictness analysis for functions with code blocks");
+static void update_function_strictness (SymbDef sdef)
+ Fun *f;
+ unsigned arity;
+ f=sdef->sdef_sa_fun;
+ arity = f->fun_arity;
+ if (f->fun_kind == Function){
+ TypeAlts rule;
+ Bool strict_added,warning;
+ rule = sdef->sdef_rule->rule_type;
+#if 0
+ printf ("%s\n",sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ strict_added = False;
+ warning = False;
+ UpdateStateInfosWithStrictInfos (rule, arity, f->fun_strictargs, &f->fun_strictresult,&strict_added, &warning);
+ if (strict_added && sdef->sdef_exported){
+ if (DoListStrictTypes && ! DoListAllTypes)
+ PrintType (sdef, rule);
+ else
+ export_warning = True;
+ }
+ if (warning && (StrictAllWarning || StrictChecks))
+ GiveStrictWarning (sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name, "not all user annotations could be derived");
+ if (export_warning && (StrictAllWarning || StrictExportChecks))
+ GiveStrictWarning (sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name, "function not annotated as being strict in definition module");
+ }
+static void UpdateSyntaxTree (void)
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ for_l (sdef,scc_dependency_list,sdef_next_scc)
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==IMPRULE && sdef->sdef_over_arity==0)
+ update_function_strictness (sdef);
+ * The Abstract Reducer *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+static Bool ReduceInContext (ExpP ep, Path p, Context context);
+static int rel_depth = 0;
+static Bool CheckRelation (Exp e, Path p, Context context)
+ Exp exp_new, exp_cq, exp_dum;
+ Bool result;
+ unsigned old_fuel;
+ /*
+ FPrintF (outfile, "\n\nAreRelated?");
+ FPrintF (outfile, "\ne: ");
+ DumpExp (outfile, e);
+ FPrintF (outfile, "\np->e: ");
+ DumpExp (outfile, p->p_exp);
+ FPrintF (outfile, "\nexp1: ");
+ DumpExp (outfile, *s_exp1);
+ FPrintF (outfile, "\nexp2: ");
+ DumpExp (outfile, *s_exp2);
+ FPrintF (outfile, "\n");
+ */
+ /* check if there is a common subexpression */
+ if (! IsContainedIn (*s_exp2, s_exp1))
+ return False;
+ /*
+ FPrintF (outfile, "Yes\nqexp: ");
+ DumpExp (outfile, *q_exp);
+ FPrintF (outfile, "\n\n");
+ */
+ rel_depth++;
+#ifdef _DB_EQ_
+ if (DBPrinting){
+ FPrintF (outfile, "Result: AreRelated (");
+ DumpExp (outfile, *s_exp1);
+ FPrintF (outfile, ", ");
+ DumpExp (outfile, *s_exp2);
+ FPrintF (outfile, ", ");
+ DumpExp (outfile, *q_exp);
+ FPrintF (outfile, ")\n\n");
+ }
+#endif /* _DB_EQ_ */
+ /* we have the following situation (e is a growing expression)
+ e = C[C"[q]]
+ p->e = C[q]
+ with
+ s_exp1 = C"[q]
+ s_exp2 = q (inside p->e)
+ q_exp = q (inside C"[q])
+ we will reduce
+ C[x : <q, C"[x]>]
+ */
+ /* fetch C"[q] from e (i.e. replace it by a copy) */
+ exp_cq = InstantiateExp (*s_exp1);
+ exp_dum = *s_exp1;
+ *s_exp1 = exp_cq;
+ exp_cq = exp_dum;
+ /* replace q by <expcq,q>, but only if q is not Bot */
+ if ((*q_exp)->e_kind == Bottom)
+ *q_exp = exp_cq;
+ else
+ { exp_dum = NewExp (Lub, 2, True, 2);
+ exp_dum->e_args[0] = exp_cq;
+ exp_dum->e_args[1] = *q_exp;
+ *q_exp = exp_dum;
+ SortExpOfKind (exp_dum, Lub);
+ }
+ /* create an expression to be reduced: C[q] becomes C[exp_cq] */
+ exp_dum = InstantiateExp (p->p_exp);
+ exp_new = p->p_exp;
+ p->p_exp = exp_dum;
+ *s_exp2 = exp_cq;
+ /* instantiate ?? */
+ exp_new = InstantiateExp (exp_new);
+#ifdef _DB_RED_
+ if (DBPrinting)
+ FPrintF (outfile, "Relation (%d) --> ", rel_depth);
+ old_fuel = start_fuel;
+ result = ReduceInContext (&exp_new, (Path) Null, CopyContext (context));
+ start_fuel = old_fuel;
+#ifdef _DB_RED_
+ if (DBPrinting)
+ FPrintF (outfile, "\n<-- End relation (%d)\n", rel_depth);
+ rel_depth--;
+ return result;
+static Bool IsInPath (Exp e, Path p, Exp *r, Context context)
+ for ( ; p; p = p->p_next){
+ Bool b;
+ CheckAreRelated = DoStrictRelated;
+ b = LtExp (e, p->p_exp);
+ CheckAreRelated = False;
+ if (b == True){
+ *r = p->p_root;
+ return True;
+ } else if (b == AreRelated){
+ if (CheckRelation (e, p, context)){
+ *r = p->p_root;
+ return True;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return False;
+static Path AddToPath (Exp e, Path p)
+ Path new;
+ if (! StrictDoPaths)
+ return p;
+ if (e->e_kind != Value || e->e_fun->fun_kind != Function)
+ return p;
+ if (! StrictDoAllPaths && p && p->p_exp->e_kind == Value && p->p_exp->e_fun->fun_symbol &&
+ p->p_exp->e_fun->fun_symbol->sdef_ancestor != e->e_fun->fun_symbol->sdef_ancestor)
+ return p;
+ new = SAllocType (PathRepr);
+ new->p_exp = InstantiateExp (e);
+ new->p_root = e;
+ new->p_next = p;
+ return new;
+static Path AddToPath (Exp e, Path p)
+{ Path new, p2;
+ if (! StrictDoPaths)
+ return p;
+ if (e->e_kind != Value || e->e_fun->fun_kind != Function)
+ return p;
+ if (! StrictDoAllPaths && p && p->p_exp->e_kind == Value && p->p_exp->e_fun->fun_symbol &&
+ p->p_exp->e_fun->fun_symbol->sdef_ancestor != e->e_fun->fun_symbol->sdef_ancestor)
+ return p;
+ new = SAllocType (PathRepr);
+ new->p_exp = InstantiateExp (e);
+ new->p_root = e;
+ new->p_next = Null;
+ if (! p)
+ return new;
+ for (p2 = p; p2->p_next; p2 = p2->p_next)
+ ;
+ p2->p_next = new;
+ return p;
+} AddToPath
+static MatchKind CombineWithPartialMatch (MatchKind m)
+ switch (m){
+ case InfiniteMatch:
+ case PartialInfiniteMatch:
+ return PartialInfiniteMatch;
+ case NoMatch:
+ return NoMatch;
+ case LubMatch:
+ return LubMatch;
+ case ReduceMatch:
+ return ReduceMatch;
+ default:
+ return PartialMatch;
+ }
+static void BindArgsToTop (Exp *args, unsigned arity, Bool *no_patterns)
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++){
+ switch (args[i]->e_kind){
+ case Argument:
+ args[i]->e_args[0] = NewTop();
+ continue;
+ case Value:
+ if (! args[i]->e_fun->fun_single)
+ *no_patterns = False;
+ BindArgsToTop (args[i]->e_args, args[i]->e_fun->fun_arity, no_patterns);
+ break;
+ case Lub:
+ Assume2 (False, "Lub in pattern", "BindArgsToExp");
+ default:
+ *no_patterns = False;
+ }
+ }
+static Bool ReduceDepExpression (Exp e, Path p, Context context)
+ unsigned arity, i;
+ arity = e->e_sym;
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++){
+ if (ReduceInContext (& e->e_args[i], p, NewSimpleContext (HnfStrict, context->context_speculative)))
+ return True;
+ }
+ SortExpOfKind (e, Dep);
+ if (e->e_kind == Bottom)
+ return True;
+ /* collect all dependencies, and replace by Top */
+ arity = e->e_sym;
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++)
+ { if (e->e_args[i]->e_kind != Bottom)
+ e->e_deps = AddDeps (e->e_args[i]->e_deps, e->e_deps);
+ }
+ e->e_kind = Top;
+ e->e_hnf = True;
+ return False;
+static Exp ConvertExpWithContext (Exp e, Context context)
+ if (context->context_arity != 1)
+ return e;
+ switch (context->context_kind){
+ case SpineStrict:
+ {
+ Exp new;
+ new = NewValueExp (inffunct_sym, False, 1);
+ new->e_args[0] = e;
+ return new;
+ }
+ case TailStrict:
+ {
+ Exp new;
+ new = NewValueExp (botmemfunct_sym, False, 1);
+ new->e_args[0] = e;
+ return new;
+ }
+ default:
+ return e;
+ }
+static Bool CheckStrictArgsOfFunction (Exp e, Path p, Context context)
+ unsigned arity, i;
+ Fun *f;
+ StrictInfo *strictargs;
+ Context newcontext;
+ Exp new, *args;
+ Dependency newdeps;
+ f = e->e_fun;
+ args = e->e_args;
+ newdeps = e->e_deps;
+ if (! (strictargs = f->fun_strictargs))
+ return False;
+ arity = f->fun_arity;
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++){
+ newcontext = StrictInfoToContext (& strictargs[i], context, False);
+ if (! IsStrictContext (newcontext))
+ continue;
+ new = ConvertExpWithContext (args[i], newcontext);
+ if (ReduceInContext (& new, p, newcontext))
+ return True;
+ CopyDeps (new->e_deps, & newdeps);
+ }
+ e->e_deps = newdeps;
+ return False;
+static Exp TakeContextLub (ExpP ep1, ExpP ep2, Path p, Context context)
+ if (*ep1){
+ if (ReduceInContext (ep1, p, context))
+ *ep1 = & bottom;
+ } else
+ *ep1 = & bottom;
+ if (*ep2){
+ if (ReduceInContext (ep2, p, context))
+ *ep2 = & bottom;
+ } else
+ *ep2 = & bottom;
+ return TakeLub (*ep1, *ep2);
+static MatchKind MatchArgs (Exp args_act[], Exp args_for[], unsigned n, Dependency *dep, ExpP *e_stopp);
+static MatchKind MatchExp (ExpP ep_act,Exp e_for,Dependency *dep,Exp **e_stopp)
+ MatchKind m;
+ if (e_for->e_kind==Argument){
+ e_for->e_args[0] = *ep_act;
+ return TotalMatch;
+ } else if (!(*ep_act)->e_hnf){
+ *e_stopp = ep_act;
+ return ReduceMatch;
+ } else if ((*ep_act)->e_kind == Bottom)
+ return InfiniteMatch;
+ else if ((*ep_act)->e_kind == Lub){
+ *e_stopp = ep_act;
+ return LubMatch;
+ }
+ /* the formal argument is a pattern, the actual argument a reduce, non-Bottom, non-Lub
+ value, so start the pattern matching
+ */
+ switch (e_for->e_kind){
+ case Top:
+ m = PartialMatch;
+ break;
+ case FunValue:
+ if ((*ep_act)->e_kind == FunValue){
+ if (e_for->e_fun == (*ep_act)->e_fun){
+ m = TotalMatch;
+ break;
+ } else
+ return NoMatch;
+ }
+ m = PartialMatch;
+ break;
+ case Value:
+ switch ((*ep_act)->e_kind){
+ case Top:
+ case Dep:
+ case Ind:
+ {
+ Bool no_patterns;
+ /* In case of a constructor with only one alternative we have a TotalMatch */
+ no_patterns = True;
+ BindArgsToTop (e_for->e_args, e_for->e_fun->fun_arity, &no_patterns);
+ if (no_patterns && e_for->e_fun->fun_single)
+ m = TotalMatch;
+ else
+ m = PartialMatch;
+ break;
+ }
+ case Value:
+ if ((*ep_act)->e_fun != e_for->e_fun)
+ return NoMatch;
+ m = MatchArgs ((*ep_act)->e_args, e_for->e_args, (*ep_act)->e_fun->fun_arity, dep, e_stopp);
+ if (m != PartialMatch && m != TotalMatch)
+ return m;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assume (False, "illegal case", "MatchExp");
+ return NoMatch;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assume (False, "illegal case", "MatchExp");
+ return NoMatch;
+ }
+ /* we have a partial or total match, test now for dependencies */
+ if ((*ep_act)->e_deps && (*ep_act)->e_kind != Bottom)
+ CopyDeps ((*ep_act)->e_deps, dep);
+ return m;
+static MatchKind MatchArgs (Exp args_act[],Exp args_for[],unsigned n,Dependency *dep,ExpP *e_stopp)
+ MatchKind m;
+ if (n == 0)
+ return TotalMatch;
+ m = MatchExp (&args_act[0],args_for[0],dep,e_stopp);
+ switch (m){
+ case LubMatch:
+ case ReduceMatch:
+ case NoMatch:
+ case InfiniteMatch:
+ case PartialInfiniteMatch:
+ return m;
+ case PartialMatch:
+ return CombineWithPartialMatch (MatchArgs (&args_act[1], &args_for[1], n-1, dep, e_stopp));
+ case TotalMatch:
+ return MatchArgs (&args_act[1], &args_for[1], n-1, dep, e_stopp);
+ default:
+ Assume (False, "unknown case", "MatchArgs");
+ return NoMatch;
+ }
+static MatchKind MatchAlternative (Exp *ep,Exp *args_act,Exp *args_for,Alts alt,unsigned n,Dependency rootdeps,Path p,Context context);
+static MatchKind MatchAlternative (Exp *ep,Exp *args_act,Exp *args_for,Alts alt,unsigned n,Dependency rootdeps,Path p,Context context)
+ MatchKind m;
+ ExpP e_stopp;
+ Dependency newdeps;
+ newdeps = NULL;
+ *ep = NULL;
+ m = MatchArgs (args_act,args_for,n,&newdeps,&e_stopp);
+ switch (m){
+ case LubMatch:
+ {
+ Exp next_e,*lub_args,e_stop;
+ unsigned k, i;
+ MatchKind next_m;
+ next_e = NULL;
+ /* store the Lub expression (it can be changed by future reductions, but the argument vector cannot) */
+ e_stop = *e_stopp;
+ lub_args = e_stop->e_args;
+ k = e_stop->e_sym;
+ m = NoMatch;
+ /* replace the Lub expression with all its elements */
+ for (i = 0; i < k; i++){
+ *e_stopp = lub_args[i];
+ next_m = MatchAlternative (&next_e, args_act, args_for, alt, n, rootdeps, p, context);
+ switch (next_m){
+ case NoMatch:
+ if (m == TotalMatch)
+ m = PartialMatch;
+ continue;
+ case InfiniteMatch:
+ case PartialInfiniteMatch:
+ if (m == NoMatch)
+ m = PartialInfiniteMatch;
+ continue;
+ case PartialMatch:
+ m = PartialMatch;
+ *ep = TakeContextLub (ep, &next_e, p, context);
+ break;
+ case TotalMatch:
+ if (m == NoMatch && i == 0)
+ m = TotalMatch;
+ else if (m != TotalMatch)
+ m = PartialMatch;
+ *ep = TakeContextLub (ep, &next_e, p, context);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* restore the original expression */
+ *e_stopp = e_stop;
+ /* return the match result */
+ if (m == LubMatch)
+ m = NoMatch;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ReduceMatch:
+ ReduceInContext (e_stopp, p, NewSimpleContext (HnfStrict, False));
+ return MatchAlternative (ep, args_act, args_for, alt, n, rootdeps, p, context);
+ case InfiniteMatch:
+ case PartialInfiniteMatch:
+ case NoMatch:
+ break;
+ case PartialMatch:
+ case TotalMatch:
+#ifdef _DB_
+ if (alt->fun_switch_alts==NULL)
+# endif
+ if (!ArgsBound (alt->fun_rhs)){
+ FPrintF (StdError, "WARNING!!!\n");
+ if (alt->fun_lhs==NULL)
+ FPutS ("NULL",StdError);
+ else
+ DumpExp (StdError, alt->fun_lhs);
+ FPutC ('\n', StdError);
+ DumpExp (StdError, alt->fun_rhs);
+ FPutC ('\n', StdError);
+ DumpExp (StdError, *args_act);
+ FPutC ('\n', StdError);
+ /* Assume (False, "Not all args bound", "MatchAlternative"); */
+ }
+ if (alt->fun_switch_alts==NULL){
+#ifdef _DB_
+ fprintf (outfile,"InstantiateExp: ");
+ DumpExp (outfile,alt->fun_rhs);
+ fprintf (outfile,"\n");
+ *ep = InstantiateExp (alt->fun_rhs);
+ if ((*ep)->e_kind!=Bottom){
+ CopyDeps (rootdeps,&newdeps);
+ (*ep)->e_deps = newdeps;
+ }
+#if 1 /* JVG */
+ if (m==TotalMatch && alt->fun_has_fail && (*ep)->e_kind==Value && (*ep)->e_fun->fun_kind==IfFunction){
+ (*ep)->e_red = True;
+ if (CheckStrictArgsOfFunction (*ep,p,context)){
+ UpdateExp (&bottom,*ep);
+ (*ep)->e_red = False;
+ return InfiniteMatch;
+ }
+ (*ep)->e_red = False;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!alt->fun_is_guard){
+ Exp switch_arg_exp,new_e,next_e;
+ Alts switch_alt;
+ MatchKind next_m;
+ switch_arg_exp=alt->fun_rhs;
+ if (switch_arg_exp->e_kind!=Argument)
+ error_in_function ("MatchAlternative");
+ switch_arg_exp=switch_arg_exp->e_args[0];
+ next_e=NULL;
+ new_e=NULL;
+ for_l (switch_alt,alt->fun_switch_alts,fun_next){
+ if (switch_alt->fun_lhs!=NULL){
+ next_m=MatchAlternative (&next_e,&switch_arg_exp,&switch_alt->fun_lhs,switch_alt,1,rootdeps,p,context);
+# if 0 && defined(_DB_)
+ fprintf (outfile,"MatchAlternative\nactual arg = ");
+ DumpExp (outfile,switch_arg_exp);
+ fprintf (outfile,"\nformal arg = ");
+ DumpExp (outfile,switch_alt->fun_lhs);
+ fprintf (outfile,"\n");
+# endif
+ } else
+ next_m=MatchAlternative (&next_e,&switch_arg_exp,&switch_alt->fun_lhs,switch_alt,0,rootdeps,p,context);
+ switch (next_m){
+ case NoMatch:
+ case PartialInfiniteMatch:
+ continue;
+ case InfiniteMatch:
+ if (new_e==NULL)
+ new_e=&bottom;
+ break;
+ case PartialMatch:
+ new_e=TakeContextLub (&new_e,&next_e,p,context);
+ if (new_e->e_kind==Top && new_e->e_deps==NULL)
+ break;
+ continue;
+ case TotalMatch:
+ new_e=TakeContextLub (&new_e,&next_e,p,context);
+ if (switch_alt->fun_has_fail)
+ continue;
+ break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("MatchAlternative");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ *ep=new_e;
+ } else {
+ Exp new_e,next_e,dummy_exp;
+ MatchKind next_m;
+ new_e = InstantiateExp (alt->fun_rhs);
+ if (new_e->e_kind!=Bottom){
+ CopyDeps (rootdeps,&newdeps);
+ new_e->e_deps = newdeps;
+ }
+ if (m==TotalMatch && new_e->e_kind==Value && new_e->e_fun->fun_kind==IfFunction){
+ new_e->e_red = True;
+ if (CheckStrictArgsOfFunction (new_e,p,context)){
+ UpdateExp (&bottom,new_e);
+ new_e->e_red = False;
+ *ep=new_e;
+ return InfiniteMatch;
+ }
+ new_e->e_red = False;
+ }
+ dummy_exp=NULL;
+ next_m=MatchAlternative (&next_e,&dummy_exp,&dummy_exp,alt->fun_switch_alts,0,rootdeps,p,context);
+ switch (next_m){
+ case NoMatch:
+ case PartialInfiniteMatch:
+ break;
+ case InfiniteMatch:
+ if (new_e==NULL)
+ new_e=&bottom;
+ break;
+ case PartialMatch:
+ new_e=TakeContextLub (&new_e,&next_e,p,context);
+ break;
+ case TotalMatch:
+ new_e=TakeContextLub (&new_e,&next_e,p,context);
+ break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("MatchAlternative");
+ }
+ *ep=new_e;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assume (False, "illegal case", "MatchAlternative");
+ }
+ return m;
+ * Support for indirections *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+static Bool ContainsIndirection2 (Exp e)
+ unsigned i,arity;
+ if (e->e_mark)
+ return False;
+ if (e->e_deps)
+ return True;
+ switch (e->e_kind){
+ case Bottom:
+ case Top:
+ case FunValue:
+ return False;
+ case Ind:
+ return True;
+ case Value:
+ e->e_mark = True;
+ arity = e->e_fun->fun_arity;
+ break;
+ case Dep:
+ case Lub:
+ e->e_mark = True;
+ arity = e->e_sym;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assume (False, "illegal case", "ContainsIndirection");
+ return False;
+ }
+ /* Only reached if kind is Value, Dep or Lub */
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++)
+ if (ContainsIndirection2 (e->e_args[i]))
+ return True;
+ return False;
+static Bool ContainsIndirection (Exp e)
+ Bool res;
+ res = ContainsIndirection2 (e);
+ RemoveMark (e);
+ return res;
+static Bool IsInEachAlt2 (Exp e, Exp root)
+ unsigned i;
+ if (e->e_mark)
+ return False;
+ if (e->e_deps){
+ Dependency deps;
+ for (deps = e->e_deps; deps; deps = deps->dep_next)
+ if (deps->dep_exp == root)
+ return True;
+ }
+ switch (e->e_kind){
+ case Bottom:
+ return True;
+ case Top:
+ case FunValue:
+ return False;
+ case Ind:
+ /* it is sufficient that there is an indirection.
+ let: t -> t' -> C[t,t']
+ and suppose we are solving indirections to t'.
+ Other indirections are to t, but since:
+ C[t,t'] -> C[t',t']
+ they can also be considered indirections to t'.
+ */
+ return True;
+ case Dep:
+ case Value:
+ {
+ int arity;
+ if (e->e_hnf && e->e_kind != Dep)
+ return False;
+ if (e->e_kind==Value)
+ arity=e->e_fun->fun_arity;
+ else
+ arity=e->e_sym;
+ e->e_mark = True;
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++){
+ if (IsInEachAlt2 (e->e_args[i], root)){
+ e->e_mark = False;
+ return True;
+ }
+ }
+ e->e_mark = False;
+ return False;
+ }
+ case Lub:
+ e->e_mark = True;
+ for (i = 0; i < e->e_sym; i++)
+ { if (! IsInEachAlt2 (e->e_args[i], root))
+ { e->e_mark = False;
+ return False;
+ }
+ }
+ e->e_mark = False;
+ return True;
+ default:
+ Assume (False, "illegal case", "IsInEachAlt2");
+ return False;
+ }
+static Bool IsInEachAlt (Exp e, Exp root)
+ Bool res;
+ res = IsInEachAlt2 (e, root);
+ return res;
+static void ReplaceIndByBottom (Exp e, Exp root)
+ unsigned i, arity;
+ if (e->e_imark)
+ return;
+ if (e->e_deps){
+ Dependency deps;
+ for (deps = e->e_deps; deps; deps = deps->dep_next){
+ if (deps->dep_exp == root){
+ e->e_kind = Bottom;
+ e->e_hnf = True;
+ e->e_deps = Null;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ switch (e->e_kind){
+ case Bottom:
+ case Top:
+ case FunValue:
+ return;
+ case Ind:
+ e->e_kind = Bottom;
+ e->e_hnf = True;
+ e->e_deps = Null;
+ return;
+ case Value:
+ e->e_imark = True;
+ arity = e->e_fun->fun_arity;
+ break;
+ case Lub:
+ case Dep:
+ e->e_imark = True;
+ arity = e->e_sym;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assume (False, "illegal case", "ReplaceIndByBottom");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Only reached if kind is Value or Lub */
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++)
+ ReplaceIndByBottom (e->e_args[i], root);
+} /* ReplaceIndByBottom */
+static void ReplaceIndByPtr (Exp *e, Exp root)
+ unsigned i, arity;
+ if ((*e)->e_imark)
+ return;
+ if ((*e)->e_deps)
+ { Dependency deps;
+ for (deps = (*e)->e_deps; deps; deps = deps->dep_next)
+ { if (deps->dep_exp == root)
+ { *e = root;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ switch ((*e)->e_kind){
+ case Bottom:
+ case Top:
+ case FunValue:
+ return;
+ case Ind:
+ if (root == (*e)->e_args[0])
+ *e = root;
+ return;
+ case Value:
+ (*e)->e_imark = True;
+ arity = (*e)->e_fun->fun_arity;
+ break;
+ case Lub:
+ case Dep:
+ (*e)->e_imark = True;
+ arity = (*e)->e_sym;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assume (False, "illegal case", "ReplaceIndByPtr");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Only reached if kind is Value or Lub */
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++)
+ ReplaceIndByPtr (& (*e)->e_args[i], root);
+} /* ReplaceIndByPtr */
+static void RemoveMarksAndLubs (Exp e)
+ unsigned arity, i;
+ if (! e->e_imark)
+ return;
+ e->e_imark = False;
+ switch (e->e_kind){
+ case Bottom:
+ case Top:
+ case Ind:
+ case FunValue:
+ Assume2 (False, "e is marked illegal", "RemoveMarksAndLubs");
+ return;
+ case Value:
+ arity = e->e_fun->fun_arity;
+ break;
+ case Lub:
+ case Dep:
+ arity = e->e_sym;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assume (False, "illegal case", "RemoveMarksAndLubs");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Only reached if kind is Value or Lub */
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++)
+ RemoveMarksAndLubs (e->e_args[i]);
+ if (e->e_kind == Lub)
+ SortExpOfKind (e, Lub);
+} /* RemoveMarksAndLubs */
+static void ResolveIndirections (ExpP rootp, Path p, Context context)
+ if (! (*rootp)->e_hasind)
+ return;
+ if (IsInEachAlt (*rootp, *rootp))
+ ReplaceIndByBottom (*rootp, *rootp);
+ else
+ ReplaceIndByPtr (rootp, *rootp);
+ RemoveMarksAndLubs (*rootp);
+ if ((*rootp)->e_kind == Value)
+ (*rootp)->e_hnf = False;
+ ReduceInContext (rootp, p, context);
+ * *
+ * Reduction functions for the various kinds of functions *
+ They are called by 'Reduce'. Note that right type of the expression
+ and reductions of strict arguments are checked by 'Reduce'
+ ReduceStrict
+ Strict !s1...!sn x -> x;
+ ReduceIf
+ If !Bool x x -> x;
+ ReduceAp
+ Ap !(x -> y) x -> y;
+ ReduceSelection
+ SelectN !(x1....xM) -> xN;
+ ReduceFunction
+ general function call
+ * *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+static Exp GetResultOfFunctionApplication (Exp e, Path p, Context context)
+ MatchKind m;
+ Exp new_e,next_e;
+ Alts alt;
+ Fun * f;
+#ifdef _DB_RED_
+ unsigned i;
+ new_e = NULL;
+ next_e = NULL;
+ f = e->e_fun;
+#ifdef _DB_RED_
+ for (alt = f->fun_alts, i = 1; alt!=NULL; alt = alt->fun_next, i++){
+ for_l (alt,f->fun_alts,fun_next){
+ m = MatchAlternative (&next_e,e->e_args,alt->fun_lhs->e_args,alt,f->fun_arity,e->e_deps,p,context);
+#ifdef _DB_RED_
+ if (DBPrinting){
+ DumpMatch (outfile, m);
+ FPrintF (outfile, " (%s, %d)\n", f->fun_symbol ? f->fun_symbol->sdef_ident->ident_name : "??", i);
+ }
+ switch (m){
+ case NoMatch:
+ case PartialInfiniteMatch:
+ continue;
+ case InfiniteMatch:
+ if (new_e)
+ return new_e;
+ else
+ return & bottom;
+ case PartialMatch:
+ new_e = TakeContextLub (&new_e, &next_e, p, context);
+ if (new_e->e_kind == Top && ! new_e->e_deps)
+ return new_e;
+ continue;
+ case TotalMatch:
+ new_e = TakeContextLub (&new_e, &next_e, p, context);
+ /* consider it as a partial match if the right hand side leads to a fail reduction */
+ if (alt->fun_has_fail)
+ continue;
+ return new_e;
+ default:
+ Assume (False, "unknown case", "GetResultOfFunctionApplication");
+ }
+ }
+ if (new_e)
+ return new_e;
+ else
+ return &bottom;
+static Exp ReduceFunction (Exp e, Path p, Context context)
+ Exp result;
+ StrictInfo *r;
+ Context newcontext;
+ r = &e->e_fun->fun_strictresult;
+ newcontext = StrictInfoToContext (r, context, True);
+ result = GetResultOfFunctionApplication (e, p, newcontext);
+/* JVG */
+ if (ReduceInContext (&result, p, newcontext))
+ if (ReduceInContext (&result, p, context))
+ return & bottom;
+ return result;
+static Exp ReduceStrictFunction (Exp e, Path p, Context context)
+ int arity;
+ arity = e->e_fun->fun_arity;
+ if (ReduceInContext (& e->e_args[arity-1], p, context))
+ return & bottom;
+ else
+ return e->e_args[arity-1];
+static Exp ReduceIfFunction (Exp e, Path p, Context context)
+ Exp cond;
+ cond = e->e_args[0];
+ if (cond->e_kind == Value){
+ Exp e2;
+ if (cond->e_fun==true_sym)
+ e2 = e->e_args[1];
+ else if (cond->e_fun==false_sym)
+ e2 = e->e_args[2];
+ else
+ return TakeContextLub (& e->e_args[1], & e->e_args[2], p, context);
+ if (ReduceInContext (& e2, p, context))
+ return & bottom;
+ else
+ return e2;
+ } else
+ return TakeContextLub (& e->e_args[1], & e->e_args[2], p, context);
+static Exp ReduceAp (Exp e, Path p, Context context)
+ Exp e2;
+ unsigned n;
+ /* walk through the left AP spine, note that this spine is in hnf !! */
+ for (e2 = e, n = 0; ; e2 = e2->e_args[0], n++){
+ if (e2->e_kind == Value && e2->e_fun->fun_kind == ApFunction)
+ continue;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (e2->e_kind){
+ case Top:
+ case Dep:
+ case Ind:
+ if (IsSpeculativeContext (context))
+ return e;
+ else
+ return NewTop();
+ case Lub:
+ { Exp new_e = Null, next_e;
+ unsigned arity;
+ /* if there is a lub, it should be the first element of the spine */
+ Assume2 (n == 1, "strange Lub in AP spine", "ReduceAp");
+ /* replace the top most AP by a Lub of reduced AP nodes */
+ arity = e2->e_sym;
+ for (n = 0; n < arity; n++){
+ next_e = NewValueExp (apsym, False, 2);
+ next_e->e_args[0] = e2->e_args[n];
+ next_e->e_args[1] = e->e_args[1];
+ new_e = TakeContextLub (& new_e, & next_e, p, context);
+ }
+ return new_e;
+ }
+ case Value:
+ case Bottom:
+ Assume2 (False, "first arg of AP not reduced, or type error", "ReduceAp");
+ return NewTop();
+ case FunValue:
+ {
+ unsigned arity;
+ Exp new;
+ arity = e2->e_fun->fun_arity;
+ if (arity != n){
+ e->e_hnf = True;
+ return e;
+ }
+ new = NewValueExp (e2->e_fun, False, arity);
+ for (e2 = e, n = arity; n > 0; e2 = e2->e_args[0], n--)
+ new->e_args[n-1] = e2->e_args[1];
+ if (ReduceInContext (& new, p, context))
+ return & bottom;
+ else
+ return new;
+ }
+ default:
+ Assume (False, "unknown case", "ReduceAp");
+ return NewTop();
+ }
+static Exp GetSelection (Exp tuple_exp, unsigned n, Path p, Context context)
+ switch (tuple_exp->e_kind){
+ case Top:
+ case Dep:
+ case Ind:
+ return NewTop();
+ case Bottom:
+ return & bottom;
+ case Value:
+ { ExpP argp;
+ if (n >= tuple_exp->e_fun->fun_arity)
+ return & bottom;
+ argp = & tuple_exp->e_args [n];
+ if (ReduceInContext (argp, p, context))
+ return & bottom;
+ else
+ return *argp;
+ }
+ default:
+ Assume (False, "illegal case", "GetSelection");
+ return &top;
+ }
+static Exp ReduceSelector (Exp e, Path p, Context context)
+ Exp tuple_exp, new_e;
+ unsigned i, arity;
+ tuple_exp = e->e_args[0];
+ if (tuple_exp->e_kind == Lub){
+ /* try to take the selections of the elements of the lub */
+ arity = tuple_exp->e_sym;
+ new_e = NewExp (Lub, arity, True, arity);
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++)
+ new_e->e_args[i] = GetSelection (tuple_exp->e_args[i], e->e_fun - selectsym[0], p, context);
+ if (new_e->e_kind == Lub)
+ SortExpOfKind (new_e, Lub);
+ return new_e;
+ }
+ else
+ return GetSelection (tuple_exp, e->e_fun - selectsym[0], p, context);
+/* The reduction engine */
+static void ReduceArguments (Exp e)
+ unsigned i, arity;
+ arity = e->e_fun->fun_arity;
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++){
+#ifdef _DB_
+ printf ("Reduce argument %d\n",i);
+ (void) ReduceInContext (& e->e_args[i], (Path) Null, NewSimpleContext (HnfStrict, True));
+#ifdef _DB_
+ printf ("End reduce argument %d\n",i);
+ }
+static Exp MakeIndirection (Exp e)
+ Exp new;
+ new = NewExp (Ind, 0, True, 1);
+ new->e_deps = SAllocType (DependencyRepr);
+ new->e_deps->dep_exp = e;
+ new->e_deps->dep_next = Null;
+ new->e_args[0] = e;
+ return new;
+static void Reduce (ExpP ep, Path p, Context context)
+ Exp e2,e;
+ e = *ep;
+ if (e->e_kind==Dep){
+ if (ReduceDepExpression (e, p, context)){
+ UpdateExp (& bottom, e);
+ e->e_red = False;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ Assume (e->e_kind == Value, "illegal expression kind", "Reduce");
+ /* mark the node is being under reduction. The marking should be removed
+ before returning
+ */
+ e->e_red = True;
+ {
+ unsigned int saved_fuel1,saved_fuel2;
+ saved_fuel1=(start_fuel>>2);
+ saved_fuel2=(start_fuel>>1);
+ start_fuel-=saved_fuel1;
+ if (CheckStrictArgsOfFunction (e, p, context)){
+ start_fuel+=saved_fuel1;
+ e = *ep;
+ UpdateExp (& bottom, e);
+ e->e_red = False;
+ return;
+ }
+ start_fuel+=saved_fuel1;
+ if (e->e_fun->fun_kind == Function && StrictDoEager){
+ if (start_fuel>saved_fuel2){
+ start_fuel-=saved_fuel2;
+ e = *ep;
+ ReduceArguments (e);
+ start_fuel+=saved_fuel2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* NOTE: the arguments have to be reduced before the next switches
+ statement, because 'ep' itself might be reduced by the above call
+ */
+ e = *ep;
+ if (e->e_kind != Value)
+ return;
+ switch (e->e_fun->fun_kind){
+ case Constructor:
+ e->e_red = False;
+ e->e_hnf = True;
+ return;
+ case Function:
+ e2 = ReduceFunction (e, p, context);
+ break;
+ case IfFunction:
+ e2 = ReduceIfFunction (e, p, context);
+ break;
+ case ApFunction:
+ e2 = ReduceAp (e, p, context);
+ break;
+ case SelFunction:
+ e2 = ReduceSelector (e, p, context);
+ break;
+ case StrictFunction:
+ e2 = ReduceStrictFunction (e, p, context);
+ break;
+ case FailFunction:
+ e2 = & bottom;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Assume (False, "illegal function kind", "Reduce");
+ return;
+ }
+ e->e_red = False;
+ UpdateExp (e2, e);
+static Bool CheckEndOfReductions (ExpP ep, Path p, Context context, Bool *result)
+ Exp root, e;
+ e = *ep;
+ /* check the reduction context */
+ if (! IsStrictContext (context))
+ return True;
+ /* check for hnf and simple context */
+ if (e->e_hnf){
+/* JVG ??? 2-10-1998 */
+ if (e->e_kind==Bottom){
+ *result = True;
+ return True;
+ }
+/* */
+ if (context->context_arity == 1){
+ *result = e->e_kind == Bottom;
+ return True;
+ }
+ }
+ /* check if expression is already evaluated in speculative context */
+ if (IsSpeculativeContext (context) && e->e_spechnf)
+ return True;
+ /* check if current exp is already under reduction */
+ if (e->e_red){
+ *ep = MakeIndirection (e);
+ (*ep)->e_hasind = True;
+#ifdef _DB_RED_
+ if (DBPrinting){
+ FPrintF (outfile, "Result is indirection: ");
+ DumpExp (outfile, *ep);
+ FPutC ('\n', outfile);
+ }
+ return True;
+ }
+#ifdef _DB_RED_
+ if (DBPrinting){
+ FPrintF (outfile, "Reduce (%u ", start_fuel);
+ DumpContext (outfile, context);
+ FPutS ("): ", outfile);
+ DumpExp (outfile, *ep);
+ FPrintF (outfile, "\n Path: ");
+ DumpPath (outfile, p);
+ FPutC ('\n', outfile);
+ }
+ /* check current reduction fuel */
+ if (OutOfFuel()){
+/* JVG added */
+ if (e->e_kind!=Bottom)
+/* */
+ UpdateExp (& top, e);
+ if (! max_time_reached){
+ if (StrictAllWarning)
+ GiveStrictWarning (CurrentName,"out of fuel (result approximated)");
+ else
+ time_warning = True;
+ max_time_reached = True;
+ }
+#ifdef _DB_RED_
+ if (DBPrinting)
+ FPrintF (outfile, "Result is approximated\n");
+ return True;
+ }
+ /* check if exp is in current path */
+ if (IsInPath (e, p, & root, context)){
+ *ep = MakeIndirection (root);
+ root->e_hasind = True;
+#ifdef _DB_RED_
+ if (DBPrinting){
+ FPrintF (outfile, "Result is Indirection: ");
+ DumpExp (outfile, *ep);
+ FPutC ('\n', outfile);
+ }
+ return True;
+ }
+ return False;
+static Bool ReduceInContext (ExpP ep, Path p, Context context)
+ Exp e;
+ Path newp;
+ Bool result = False;
+#ifdef _DB_RED_
+ unsigned e_fuel = start_fuel;
+ char x;
+ if (&x < min_stack){
+ printf ("Stack overflow in ReduceInContext\n");
+#ifdef _DB_
+ FPrintF (outfile, "Stack overflow in ReduceInContext\n");
+/* JVG added */
+ if ((*ep)->e_kind!=Bottom)
+/* */
+ UpdateExp (& top, *ep);
+ return False;
+ }
+ /* start with some checks which result in easy returns */
+ if (CheckEndOfReductions (ep, p, context, & result))
+ return result;
+ e = *ep;
+ newp = AddToPath (e, p);
+ if (! e->e_hnf){
+ e->e_hasind = False;
+ Reduce (ep, newp, context);
+ }
+ ResolveIndirections (ep, p, context);
+ e = *ep;
+ result = False;
+ if (e->e_kind == Bottom)
+ result = True;
+ else if (IsSpeculativeContext (context)){
+ e->e_spechnf = True;
+ result = (e->e_kind == Bottom);
+ } else {
+/* JVG */
+ if (e->e_kind==Value && e->e_fun->fun_kind!=Constructor && ! e->e_hnf && ! ContainsIndirection (e))
+ Bool cont_ind;
+ cont_ind = ContainsIndirection (e);
+ if (e->e_kind == Value && e->e_fun->fun_kind != Constructor && ! e->e_hnf && ! cont_ind)
+ UpdateExp (& top, e);
+ }
+#ifdef _DB_RED_
+ if (DBPrinting){
+ FPrintF (outfile, "Result (%d): ", e_fuel);
+ DumpExp (outfile, e);
+ FPutC ('\n', outfile);
+ FPutC ('\n', outfile);
+ }
+ if (result == True)
+ return True;
+ else if (context->context_arity == 1){
+ switch (context->context_kind){
+ case SpineStrict:
+ if (e->e_kind == Value && e->e_fun==conssym){
+ if (ReduceInContext (& e->e_args[1], p, context))
+ return True;
+ }
+ if (LtExp ((*ep), & inf) == True)
+ return True;
+ break;
+ case TailStrict:
+ if (e->e_kind == Value && e->e_fun==conssym){
+ if (ReduceInContext (& e->e_args[1], p, context))
+ return True;
+ if (ReduceInContext (& (*ep)->e_args[0], p, NewSimpleContext (HnfStrict, False)))
+ return True;
+ }
+ if (LtExp ((*ep), & botmem) == True)
+ return True;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return result;
+ }
+ } else {
+ unsigned i, arity = context->context_arity;
+ if (IsTupleExp (e)){
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++){
+ if (ReduceInContext (& e->e_args[i], p, context->context_args[i])){
+ (*ep) = (*ep)->e_args[i] = & bottom;
+ return True;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (e->e_kind == Lub){
+ for (i = 0; i < (*ep)->e_sym; i++){
+ if (!ReduceInContext (& (*ep)->e_args[i], p, context))
+ return False;
+ (*ep)->e_args[i] = & bottom;
+ }
+ return True;
+ } else
+ return False;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef _DB_RED_
+ if (DBPrinting){
+ FPrintF (outfile, "Result (%d): ", e_fuel);
+ DumpExp (outfile, *ep);
+ FPutC ('\n', outfile);
+ FPutC ('\n', outfile);
+ }
+ return result;
+/* The initialisation functions */
+static unsigned found_strict; /* the number of found strict args */
+static Fun * cur_funct; /* the current function id */
+static unsigned cur_argnr; /* the current argument number */
+static Exp BuildTupleExp (StrictInfo *s, Exp bottomelem)
+{ Exp e;
+ if (s->strict_arity < 0)
+ { s->strict_arity = -s->strict_arity;
+ e = bottomelem;
+ }
+ else if (! IsTupleInfo (s))
+ e = NewTop();
+ else
+ { unsigned arity, i;
+ arity = s->strict_arity;
+ e = NewValueExp (tuplesym[arity], True, arity);
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++)
+ e->e_args[i] = BuildTupleExp (& GetTupleInfo (s, i), bottomelem);
+ }
+ return e;
+static Exp BuildApplicationWithBottom (StrictKind argkind, StrictKind context)
+ Exp e, bottom_elem;
+ unsigned i;
+ unsigned arity;
+ arity = cur_funct->fun_arity;
+ /* set the general values of the expression */
+ bottom_elem = & bottom;
+ e = NewValueExp (cur_funct, False, arity);
+ /* set all arguments to top */
+ for (i = 0; i < arity; i++)
+ e->e_args[i] = NewTop();
+ /* set the right argument to bottom, inf ... */
+ switch (argkind){
+ case NotStrict:
+ return e;
+ case HnfStrict:
+ bottom_elem = & bottom;
+ break;
+ case SpineStrict:
+ Assume2 (IsListArg (cur_funct,cur_argnr), "BuildAppWithBot" , "??");
+ if (IsListArg (cur_funct,cur_argnr))
+ bottom_elem = & inf;
+ else
+ bottom_elem = & bottom;
+ break;
+ case TailStrict:
+ Assume2 (IsListArg (cur_funct,cur_argnr), "BuildAppWithBot" , "??");
+ if (IsListArg (cur_funct,cur_argnr))
+ bottom_elem = & botmem;
+ else
+ bottom_elem = & bottom;
+ break;
+ }
+ e->e_args[cur_argnr] = BuildTupleExp (&cur_funct->fun_strictargs[cur_argnr], bottom_elem);
+ /* set the outermost function */
+ switch (context){
+ case NotStrict:
+ case HnfStrict:
+ return e;
+ case SpineStrict:
+ { Exp e2;
+ e2 = NewValueExp (inffunct_sym, False, 1);
+ e2->e_args[0] = e;
+ return e2;
+ }
+ case TailStrict:
+ { Exp e2;
+ e2 = NewValueExp (botmemfunct_sym, False, 1);
+ e2->e_args[0] = e;
+ return e2;
+ }
+ }
+ return e;
+static void SetStrict (StrictInfo *s, StrictKind kind, unsigned k)
+ unsigned i;
+ if (s == &cur_funct->fun_strictargs[cur_argnr])
+ found_strict++;
+ if (IsTupleInfo (s))
+ GetTupleStrictKind (s) = kind;
+ else {
+ if (! IsListArg (cur_funct, cur_argnr) && kind != NotStrict)
+ kind = HnfStrict;
+ for (i = k; i < 3; i++)
+ GetStrictKind (s, i) = MaxStrict (GetStrictKind (s, i), kind);
+ }
+static Bool CheckIfStrict (StrictKind arg_kind, StrictKind context)
+ Bool result;
+ Exp e;
+ unsigned m;
+ SetStartFuel();
+ if (setjmp (SAEnv2) == 0){
+ e = BuildApplicationWithBottom (arg_kind, context);
+ result = ReduceInContext (& e, (Path) Null, NewSimpleContext (context, False));
+ } else
+ result = False;
+ m = MemUse ();
+ if (m > max_memuse)
+ max_memuse = m;
+ FreeUnFreezedBlocks();
+ return (result || e->e_kind == Bottom);
+static void FindStrictPropsOfStrictInfo (StrictInfo *s, StrictKind arg_kind, StrictKind context)
+ unsigned i,index;
+ if (! context)
+ return;
+ index = ContextToIndex (context);
+ if (IsTupleInfo (s)){
+ /* We allow no contexts for lists within a tuple at the moment */
+ if (context == SpineStrict || context == TailStrict)
+ return;
+ if (GetTupleStrictKind (s) == NotStrict){
+ s->strict_arity = - s->strict_arity;
+ if (CheckIfStrict (arg_kind, context))
+ SetStrict (s, HnfStrict, index);
+ }
+ /* Find strictness properties of arguments of tuple */
+ if (context != HnfStrict)
+ ;
+ else if (GetTupleStrictKind (s) == HnfStrict){
+ for (i = 0; i < s->strict_arity; i++)
+ FindStrictPropsOfStrictInfo (& GetTupleInfo(s, i), arg_kind, context);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (GetStrictKind (s, index) < arg_kind){
+ s->strict_arity = - s->strict_arity;
+ if (CheckIfStrict (arg_kind, context))
+ SetStrict (s, arg_kind, index);
+ }
+ }
+ if (s->strict_arity < 0)
+ s->strict_arity = - s->strict_arity;
+static void DeriveStrictness (Fun *f, unsigned arg, StrictKind arg_kind, StrictKind context)
+ cur_funct = f;
+ cur_argnr = arg;
+ FindStrictPropsOfStrictInfo (&f->fun_strictargs[arg], arg_kind, context);
+#define IsAnalysableFun(A) (! (A)->fun_symbol->sdef_no_sa &&\
+ (A)->fun_arity != 0 &&\
+ (A)->fun_kind == Function)
+static void FindStrictPropertiesOfFunction (Fun *f)
+ unsigned arity,n;
+ /* ContextRepr context; */
+ n = 0;
+ arity = f->fun_arity;
+ if (! IsAnalysableFun (f))
+ return;
+ max_depth_reached = False;
+ max_time_reached = False;
+ CurrentName = f->fun_symbol->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+#ifdef _DB_
+ DBPrinting = 1; /* strcmp ("catenate", CurrentName) == 0; */
+#ifdef _DB_STACK_
+ if (DBPrinting)
+ FPrintF (outfile, "--> %s\n", CurrentName);
+ /* Check if function might terminate, currently disabled since all args
+ have to be changed!! */
+ /* DeriveStrictness (f, 0, NotStrict, SimpleContext (&context, HnfStrict, False)); */
+ /* Check for normal strictness in argument */
+ for (n = 0; n < arity; n++)
+ DeriveStrictness (f, n, HnfStrict, HnfStrict);
+ /* Check for special kinds of strictness in the case of lists */
+ if (StrictDoLists){
+ Bool list_result;
+ list_result = HasListResult (f);
+ for (n = 0; n < arity; n++){
+ if (! IsListArg (f, n))
+ continue;
+ /* Hnf context */
+ DeriveStrictness (f, n, SpineStrict, HnfStrict);
+ DeriveStrictness (f, n, TailStrict, HnfStrict);
+ if (! list_result)
+ continue;
+ /* Spine context */
+ DeriveStrictness (f, n, SpineStrict, SpineStrict);
+ DeriveStrictness (f, n, TailStrict, SpineStrict);
+ /* Tail context */
+ DeriveStrictness (f, n, SpineStrict, TailStrict);
+ DeriveStrictness (f, n, TailStrict, TailStrict);
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef _DB_TEST_
+ if (StrictDoVerbose)
+ { FPrintF (StdOut, "(%4d)%15s ", (int) start_fuel, f->fun_symbol->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ DumpStrictInfoOfFunction (StdOut, f);
+ FPutC ('\n', StdOut);
+ }
+#ifdef _DB_TEST_
+static void PrintFoundStrictArgs (File w)
+ unsigned perc,nr_args;
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ nr_args = 0;
+ for_l (sdef,scc_dependency_list,sdef_next_scc)
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==IMPRULE && sdef->sdef_over_arity==0){
+ Fun *f;
+ f=sdef->sdef_sa_fun;
+ if (! StrictDoVerbose)
+ { FPrintF (StdOut, "%15s ", f->fun_symbol->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ DumpStrictInfoOfFunction (StdOut, f);
+ FPutC ('\n', StdOut);
+ }
+ nr_args += f->fun_arity;
+ }
+ if (nr_args == 0)
+ perc = 100;
+ else
+ perc = (100 * found_strict) / nr_args;
+ FPrintF (w, "\n%d strict arguments found (%d%%), %d Kbyte used\n", found_strict, perc, max_memuse);
+int init_strictness_analysis (ImpMod imod)
+ StrictWarning = DoStrictWarning;
+ StrictAllWarning = DoStrictAllWarning;
+ StrictChecks = DoStrictCheck;
+ StrictExportChecks = DoStrictExportChecks;
+ Verbose ("Strictness analysis");
+ /* Initialise all */
+#ifdef _DB_
+ cur_add = 1;
+ outfile = StdOut;
+/* StrictDoLists = True; */
+ DBPrinting = False;
+ max_memuse = 0;
+ found_strict = 0;
+ initialising = True;
+ FreeBlocks ();
+ /* to be inited before converting the syntaxtree */
+ InitExp (&top, Top, 0, True);
+ InitExp (&bottom, Bottom, 0, True);
+ if (setjmp (SAEnv) == 0){
+ ConvertSyntaxTree (imod->im_symbols);
+ /* other values are converted after syntaxconversion (because of cons symbol) */
+ InitValues ();
+ /*
+ dump the table (DB mode only)
+ DumpTable (StdOut);
+ return;
+ */
+ FreezeAlloc ();
+ initialising = False;
+ return True;
+ } else {
+ FreeBlocks ();
+ if (StrictWarning)
+ GiveStrictWarning (NULL,"not enough memory for strictness analysis");
+#ifdef _DB_
+/* FClose (outfile);
+ return False;
+ }
+void do_strictness_analysis (void)
+ char x;
+ min_stack = &x - 20*1024;
+ depth_warning = False;
+ time_warning = False;
+ export_warning = False;
+ mem_warning = False;
+ /* Do the analysis */
+ {
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ for_l (sdef,scc_dependency_list,sdef_next_scc)
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==IMPRULE && sdef->sdef_over_arity==0)
+ FindStrictPropertiesOfFunction (sdef->sdef_sa_fun);
+ }
+ UpdateSyntaxTree();
+#ifdef _DB_TEST_
+ PrintFoundStrictArgs (StdOut);
+#ifdef _DB_
+ FClose (outfile);
+#if 0
+ if (StrictWarning){
+ if (mem_warning || depth_warning || time_warning)
+ GiveStrictWarning (NULL, "derived strictness properties approximated");
+ } else
+ if (StrictAllWarning){
+ if (mem_warning)
+ GiveStrictWarning (NULL,"strictness analysis out of memory (result approximated)");
+ if (depth_warning)
+ GiveStrictWarning (NULL,"max depth reached in strictness analysis (result approximated)");
+ if (time_warning)
+ GiveStrictWarning (NULL,"max time needed in strictness analysis (result approximated)");
+ }
+ if (StrictWarning && export_warning)
+ GiveStrictWarning ((char *) Null, "not all derived strictness information is exported");
+ free_unused_sa_blocks();
+void finish_strictness_analysis (void)
+ if (n_allocated_blocks!=0){
+ if (bottom.e_kind!=Bottom || bottom.e_hnf!=True || top.e_kind!=Top || top.e_hnf!=True)
+ ErrorInCompiler ("sa","","Bottom or top changed");
+ FreeBlocks();
+ }
+void StrictnessAnalysis (ImpMod imod)
+ if (init_strictness_analysis (imod)){
+ do_strictness_analysis();
+ finish_strictness_analysis();
+ }
+int StrictnessAnalysisConvertRules (ImpRuleS *rules)
+ initialising = True;
+ if (setjmp (SAEnv)==0){
+ ImpRuleS *rule;
+ for_l (rule,rules,rule_next)
+ convert_imp_rule_type (rule->rule_root->node_symbol->symb_def);
+ for_l (rule,rules,rule_next)
+ convert_imp_rule_alts (rule->rule_root->node_symbol->symb_def);
+ FreezeAlloc();
+ initialising = False;
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ FreeUnFreezedBlocks();
+ return 0;
+ }
+void StrictnessAnalysisForRule (SymbDef sdef)
+ FindStrictPropertiesOfFunction (sdef->sdef_sa_fun);
+ update_function_strictness (sdef);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/sa.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/sa.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c489039
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/sa.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+extern Bool DoStrictExportChecks;
+extern Bool DoStrictRelated;
+extern void StrictnessAnalysis (ImpMod imod);
+extern int init_strictness_analysis (ImpMod imod);
+extern void do_strictness_analysis (void);
+extern void finish_strictness_analysis (void);
+extern int StrictnessAnalysisConvertRules (ImpRuleS *rules);
+extern void StrictnessAnalysisForRule (SymbDef sdef);
+extern void free_unused_sa_blocks (void);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/sa.t b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/sa.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be21c3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/sa.t
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+#define _DB_
+#define _DB_TEST_
+/* Debug Options */
+#ifdef _DB_
+# ifndef _DB_TEST_
+# define _DB_TEST_
+# endif
+# define _DB_RED_
+/* # define _DB_EQ_ */
+/* Expressions */
+typedef enum {
+ Bottom, Ind, FunValue, Value, Lub, Top, Argument, Dep
+} ExpKind;
+typedef struct _exp *Exp;
+typedef struct _dependency *Dependency;
+typedef struct _dependency {
+ Exp dep_exp;
+ Dependency dep_next;
+} DependencyRepr;
+typedef Exp *ExpP;
+typedef struct _exp {
+ union {
+ unsigned short u_sym;
+ struct _fun * u_fun; /* if a value, a function id */
+ } e_u;
+ ExpKind e_kind; /* the kind of expression */
+ unsigned char e_hnf:1, /* set if reduced to hnf */
+ e_spechnf:1, /* set if reduced in spec context */
+ e_hasind:1, /* used for indirections */
+ e_red:1, /* used for reductions */
+ e_imark:1, /* for marking use with Inds */
+ e_mark:1, /* for general use */
+ e_mark2:1; /* not for general use */
+ Exp *e_args; /* the arguments of the exp */
+ Exp e_fwd; /* for forwarding pointers */
+ Dependency e_deps; /* the current dependency list */
+#ifdef _DB_
+ unsigned e_mmark:1, /* used for testing */
+ e_dmark:1, /* used for dumping */
+ e_shared:1; /* used for dumping */
+ unsigned e_add; /* the address of the exp */
+#endif /* _DB_ */
+} ExpRepr;
+#define e_sym e_u.u_sym
+#define e_fun e_u.u_fun
+typedef enum {
+ Function, Constructor,
+ IfFunction, ApFunction, SelFunction,
+ StrictFunction, FailFunction
+} FunKind;
+typedef enum {
+ NotStrict = 0, HnfStrict = 1, SpineStrict = 2, TailStrict = 3
+} StrictKind;
+typedef struct _strictinfo {
+ int strict_arity;
+ union {
+ StrictKind info_kinds[3];
+ struct {
+ StrictKind info_kind;
+ struct _strictinfo *info_args;
+ } strict_tuple;
+ } strict_info;
+} StrictInfo;
+typedef struct _context *Context;
+typedef struct _context {
+ unsigned context_arity:8,
+ context_kind:2,
+ context_speculative:1;
+ Context * context_args;
+} ContextRepr;
+#define IsStrictContext(C) ((C)->context_kind != NotStrict)
+#define IsSpeculativeContext(C) ((C)->context_speculative)
+#define IsTupleInfo(A) ((A)->strict_arity != 1)
+#define GetTupleStrictKind(A) ((A)->strict_info.strict_tuple.info_kind)
+#define GetTupleInfos(A) ((A)->strict_info.strict_tuple.info_args)
+#define GetTupleInfo(A,B) ((A)->strict_info.strict_tuple.info_args[B])
+#define GetStrictKinds(A) ((A)->strict_info.info_kinds)
+#define GetStrictKind(A,B) ((A)->strict_info.info_kinds[B])
+#define InitStrictInfo(A,B) ((A)->strict_info.info_kinds[0] = \
+ (A)->strict_info.info_kinds[1] = \
+ (A)->strict_info.info_kinds[2] = (B))
+#define ContextToIndex(A) ((A) == NotStrict ? 0 : (A) - 1)
+typedef struct _alts *Alts;
+typedef struct _alts {
+ Exp fun_lhs;
+ Exp fun_rhs;
+ Alts fun_switch_alts;
+ Alts fun_next;
+ Bool fun_has_fail;
+ Bool fun_is_guard; /* if fun_switch_alts!=NULL */
+} AltsRepr;
+typedef struct _fun {
+ SymbDef fun_symbol;
+ StrictInfo* fun_strictargs;
+ Alts fun_alts;
+ StrictInfo fun_strictresult;
+ unsigned short fun_arity;
+ unsigned short fun_single:1; /* TRUE if pattern matching on symbol always succeeds */
+ FunKind fun_kind;
+} Fun;
+/* paths used in less-then operator */
+typedef struct _apath *APath;
+typedef struct _apath {
+ Exp ap_e1;
+ Exp ap_e2;
+ APath ap_next;
+} APathRepr;
+/* paths used during reduction */
+typedef struct _path *Path;
+typedef struct _path {
+ Exp p_exp;
+ Exp p_root;
+ Path p_next;
+} PathRepr;
+/* abstract matching results */
+typedef enum {
+ NoMatch, InfiniteMatch, PartialMatch, PartialInfiniteMatch,
+ TotalMatch, LubMatch, ReduceMatch
+} MatchKind;
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/scanner.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/scanner.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b550cc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/scanner.h
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | For each identifier stored in the symbol table a structure of |
+ | type 'Ident' is reserved. |
+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+extern char *ConvertNextTokenToString (void);
+ enum
+ {
+ IdentToken, IntToken, CharToken,
+ StringToken, RealToken, AnnotToken, InstructionToken,
+ EOFToken,
+ errorsym, barsym, strictsym, opensym,
+ closesym, opensquaresym, closesquaresym, colonsym,
+ typesym, semicolonsym, commasym, dotsym, openbracesym,
+ closebracesym, arrowsym, abstypesym,
+ arraysym, strictarraysym, unboxedarraysym,
+ atsym,boolsym, codesym, charsym,defsym,
+ falsesym, filesym, fromsym, ifsym, impsym,
+/* RWS */
+ allsym,
+ importsym, intsym, macrosym, modulesym, procidsym, redidsym,
+ realsym, rulesym, stringsym,
+ systemsym, truesym, typedefsym, applysym,
+ uniquesym, worldsym,
+ NumberOfKeywords /* make sure that this constant is the last one */
+ } KeywordKind;
+extern char **ReservedWords;
+ enum
+ {
+ /* 0 .. 255 are reserved for single ascii characters */
+ kTokenImport = 256, kTokenFrom, kTokenDefinition, kTokenImplementation,
+ kTokenSystem, kTokenModule,
+ kTokenLet, kTokenIn, kTokenCase, kTokenOf,
+ kTokenWith, kTokenWhere, kTokenEquals, kTokenEqualColon,
+ kTokenColonDoubleEqual, kTokenDoubleBackSlash,
+ kTokenDoubleRightArrow,
+ kTokenLeftArrow, kTokenLeftArrowColon, kTokenRightArrow,
+ kTokenInfix, kTokenInfixL, kTokenInfixR,
+ kTokenDotDot, kTokenDoubleColon,
+ kTokenProcessOpen, kTokenProcessClose,
+ kTokenChar, kTokenMultiChar, kTokenString, kTokenInt, kTokenReal,
+ kTokenLowerIdentifier, kTokenUpperIdentifier, kTokenUnderscoreIdentifier,
+ kTokenCode, kTokenInstruction,
+ kTokenFalse, kTokenTrue,
+ kTokenIf, kTokenAll,
+ kNoToken, kTokenEOF,
+ kTokenHashExclamationMark,
+ kTokenOverload, kTokenInstance, kTokenClass,
+ kTokenExport,
+#ifdef H
+ kTokenData, kTokenType, kTokenAtSign, kTokenThen, kTokenElse, kTokenInterface,
+ kTokenDefault, kTokenResync
+ };
+typedef unsigned int Token;
+STRUCT (tokenValue, TokenValue)
+ Token token;
+ long lineNumber;
+ union {
+ char *literal;
+ IdentStringP identString;
+ } value;
+typedef enum { kScanModeNormal,kScanModeTypes,kScanModeInstructions } ScanMode;
+extern IdentP RetrieveFromSymbolTable (char *name);
+extern IdentP PutStringInHashTable (char *string, TableKind tabkind);
+extern IdentP PutIdentStringInTable (IdentStringP identString, TableKind tabkind);
+extern void InitScanner (void);
+extern void ScanInit (void);
+extern void ScanSetMode (ScanMode scanMode);
+enum {kOffsideOnHardBrace = True, kNoOffsideOnHardBrace = False};
+extern void ScanSetOffside (Bool offsideOnHardBrace);
+extern Bool ScanUnsetOffside (void);
+extern void ScanSetLayoutOption (void);
+extern Bool ScanOpenFile (char *fileName, FileKind fileKind);
+extern Bool ScanOpenFileWithModificationTime (char *fileName, FileKind fileKind, FileTime *file_time_p);
+extern void ScanCloseFile (void);
+extern Bool ScanTokenToString (Token token, char *string);
+ ScanCleanToken fills the global structure gCurrentToken.
+extern void ScanInitialise (void);
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+extern void ScanInitIdentStringTable (void);
+extern void ScanCleanToken (void);
+extern TokenValueS gCurrentToken;
+extern void ScanInlineFile (char *fname);
+extern Bool gApplyLayoutRule;
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/scanner_2.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/scanner_2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e756907
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/scanner_2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,715 @@
+ Ronny Wichers Schreur
+ University of Nijmegen
+#pragma segment scanner
+# include <stdio.h>
+# include <string.h>
+# include <ctype.h>
+# include <limits.h>
+# undef H
+# include "compiledefines.h"
+# include "types.t"
+#if defined (applec) || (defined (__MWERKS__) && !defined (_WINDOWS_)) || defined (__MRC__)
+# define __ppc__
+# include "system.h"
+# include "syntaxtr.t"
+# include "comsupport.h"
+# include "scanner.h"
+# include "sizes.h"
+# if (defined (__MWERKS__) || defined (__MRC__)) && !defined _WINDOWS_ /* && !defined (MAKE_MPW_TOOL) */
+# else
+# endif
+char **ReservedWords;
+static IdentP
+NewIdent (TableKind tableKind, char *name)
+ IdentP ident;
+ ident = CompAllocType (struct ident);
+ ident->ident_table = tableKind;
+ ident->ident_name = name;
+ ident->ident_next = NULL;
+ ident->ident_environ = NULL;
+ ident->ident_symbol = NULL;
+ ident->ident_local_defs = NULL;
+ ident->ident_mark = 0;
+ return (ident);
+} /* NewIdent */
+#define CompAllocString(size) ((char*)CompAlloc(size))
+static char *
+AllocString (char *string, short length)
+ int i;
+ char *s, *newString;
+ s = newString = CompAllocString (length+1);
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ *s++ = *string++;
+ *s = '\0';
+ return (newString);
+} /* AllocString */
+# define kIdentStringTableSizeBits 10
+# define kIdentStringTableSize ((1 << kIdentStringTableSizeBits) - 1)
+static IdentStringP *gIdentStringTable;
+static IdentStringP
+StringInTable (char *string, short length)
+ int i;
+ unsigned long hash;
+ IdentStringP identString, *identStringPtr;
+ char *s;
+ hash = 0;
+ s = string;
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ {
+ hash <<= 2;
+ hash += *s++;
+ }
+ /* Compute (hash % kIdentStringTableSize) */
+ while (hash >= (kIdentStringTableSize<<1))
+ hash = (hash & kIdentStringTableSize) + (hash >> kIdentStringTableSizeBits);
+ if (hash >= kIdentStringTableSize)
+ hash -= kIdentStringTableSize;
+ identStringPtr = &gIdentStringTable [hash];
+ while ((identString = *identStringPtr) != NIL)
+ {
+ int compare;
+ compare = strncmp (identString->string, string, length);
+ if (compare == 0 && (compare = ((unsigned char *)identString->string) [length]) == 0)
+ /* found it */
+ break;
+ else if (compare > 0)
+ identStringPtr = &identString->left;
+ else /* if (compare < 0) */
+ identStringPtr = &identString->right;
+ }
+ if (identString == NIL)
+ {
+ identString = CompAllocType (struct ident_string);
+ identString->left = NIL;
+ identString->right = NIL;
+ identString->ident = NIL;
+ identString->string = AllocString (string, length);
+ *identStringPtr = identString;
+ }
+ return (identString);
+} /* StringInTable */
+PutIdentStringInTable (IdentStringP identString, TableKind tableKind)
+ IdentP ident;
+ for (ident = identString->ident; ident != NIL; ident = ident->ident_next)
+ if (ident->ident_table == tableKind)
+ break;
+ if (ident == NIL)
+ {
+ ident = NewIdent (tableKind, identString->string);
+ ident->ident_next = identString->ident;
+ identString->ident = ident;
+ }
+ return (ident);
+} /* PutIdentStringInTable */
+PutStringInHashTable (char *string, TableKind tableKind)
+ IdentStringP identString;
+ identString = StringInTable (string, strlen (string));
+ return (PutIdentStringInTable (identString, tableKind));
+} /* PutStringInHashTable */
+STRUCT (keyWordInfo, KeyWordInfo)
+ char *name;
+ Token token;
+static void
+PutKeyWordInTable (KeyWordInfoP keyWord)
+ IdentStringP identString;
+ IdentP ident;
+ identString = StringInTable (keyWord->name, strlen (keyWord->name));
+ ident = NewIdent (KeyWordTable, identString->string);
+ ident->ident_next = identString->ident;
+ ident->ident_environ = NIL;
+ ident->ident_symbol = (struct symbol *) keyWord->token;
+ identString->ident = ident;
+} /* PutKeyWordInTable */
+RetrieveFromSymbolTable (char *string)
+ char *s;
+ unsigned long hash;
+ IdentStringP identString;
+ IdentP ident;
+ hash = 0;
+ for (s = string; *s != '\0'; s++)
+ {
+ hash <<= 2;
+ hash += *s;
+ }
+ /* Compute (hash % 1023) */
+ while (hash >= 2046)
+ hash = (hash & 1023) + (hash >> 10);
+ if (hash >= 1023)
+ hash -= 1023;
+ identString = gIdentStringTable [hash];
+ while (identString != NIL)
+ {
+ int compare;
+ compare = strcmp (identString->string, string);
+ if (compare == 0)
+ /* found it */
+ break;
+ else if (compare > 0)
+ identString = identString->left;
+ else /* if (compare < 0) */
+ identString = identString->right;
+ }
+ if (identString != NIL)
+ {
+ for (ident = identString->ident; ident != NIL; ident = ident->ident_next)
+ if (ident->ident_table == SymbolIdTable)
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ ident = NIL;
+ return (ident);
+} /* RetrieveFromSymbolTable */
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | ReadInlineCode scans all the imported SYSTEM modules and stores the |
+ | the encountered inline instructions in the symbol table. |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+char NextLine[LineLength];
+/* has a command been read? */
+static char *IsCommand (char *com, char *p)
+ while (*com++ == *p++)
+ if (*com == '\0')
+ return (p);
+ return ((char *) NIL);
+/* scan a file for .inline-.end command pairs */
+char *InlineCodeBuffer;
+unsigned InlineBufferIndex, InlineBufferStart;
+struct inline_cache_list {
+ struct inline_cache_list * icache_next;
+ struct file_block * icache_file_blocks;
+#if defined (__MWERKS__) || defined (THINK_C) || defined (__MRC__)
+ char icache_file_name[];
+ char icache_file_name[0];
+#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024
+struct file_block {
+ int file_block_size;
+ struct file_block * file_block_next;
+ char file_block_data[BUFFER_SIZE];
+struct file_block **next_file_block_l;
+static int reading_from_cache=0;
+static struct inline_cache_list * inline_cache=NULL;
+static File inline_file;
+static int chars_left_in_buffer;
+static int end_of_file;
+static char *buffer_p;
+static int open_inline_file_for_block_reading (char *file_name)
+ struct inline_cache_list **icache_elem_p,*new_icache_elem;
+ int file_name_length;
+ chars_left_in_buffer=0;
+ end_of_file=0;
+ reading_from_cache=0;
+ for (icache_elem_p=&inline_cache; *icache_elem_p;
+ icache_elem_p=&(*icache_elem_p)->icache_next)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp ((*icache_elem_p)->icache_file_name,file_name)){
+ reading_from_cache=1;
+ next_file_block_l=&(*icache_elem_p)->icache_file_blocks;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ inline_file = FOpen (file_name, abcFile, "r");
+ if (inline_file==NULL)
+ return 0;
+#if defined (THINK_C) || defined (POWER)
+ setvbuf (inline_file,NULL,_IOFBF,8192);
+ file_name_length=strlen (file_name);
+ new_icache_elem=(struct inline_cache_list*)Alloc (1,sizeof (struct inline_cache_list)+file_name_length+1);
+ strcpy (new_icache_elem->icache_file_name,file_name);
+ new_icache_elem->icache_next=NULL;
+ new_icache_elem->icache_file_blocks=NULL;
+ *icache_elem_p=new_icache_elem;
+ next_file_block_l=&new_icache_elem->icache_file_blocks;
+ return 1;
+static int get_line_from_inline_file (char *line_buffer,int line_length)
+ char *line_buffer_p;
+ line_buffer_p=line_buffer;
+ for (;;){
+ while (chars_left_in_buffer>0){
+ char c;
+ c=*buffer_p++;
+ --chars_left_in_buffer;
+ if (line_length>1){
+ --line_length;
+ *line_buffer_p++=c;
+ }
+ if (c=='\n'){
+ *line_buffer_p=0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!reading_from_cache){
+ struct file_block *file_block;
+ if (end_of_file){
+ *line_buffer_p=0;
+ return line_buffer!=line_buffer_p;
+ }
+ file_block=(struct file_block*)Alloc (1,sizeof (struct file_block));
+ chars_left_in_buffer=FRead (file_block->file_block_data,1,BUFFER_SIZE,inline_file);
+ buffer_p=file_block->file_block_data;
+ file_block->file_block_size=chars_left_in_buffer;
+ file_block->file_block_next=NULL;
+ end_of_file = chars_left_in_buffer!=BUFFER_SIZE;
+ *next_file_block_l=file_block;
+ next_file_block_l=&file_block->file_block_next;
+ } else {
+ struct file_block *file_block;
+ file_block=*next_file_block_l;
+ if (file_block==NULL){
+ *line_buffer_p=0;
+ return line_buffer!=line_buffer_p;
+ }
+ chars_left_in_buffer=file_block->file_block_size;
+ buffer_p=file_block->file_block_data;
+ if (chars_left_in_buffer==0){
+ *line_buffer_p=0;
+ return line_buffer!=line_buffer_p;
+ }
+ next_file_block_l=&file_block->file_block_next;
+ }
+ };
+extern void clear_inline_cache (void);
+void clear_inline_cache (void)
+ struct inline_cache_list *icache_elem,*next_icache_elem;
+ icache_elem=inline_cache;
+ inline_cache=NULL;
+ while (icache_elem!=NULL){
+ struct file_block *icache_file_blocks,*next_icache_file_block;
+ next_icache_elem=icache_elem->icache_next;
+ icache_file_blocks=icache_elem->icache_file_blocks;
+ icache_elem->icache_file_blocks=NULL;
+ Free (icache_elem);
+ while (icache_file_blocks!=NULL){
+ next_icache_file_block=icache_file_blocks->file_block_next;
+ Free (icache_file_blocks);
+ icache_file_blocks=next_icache_file_block;
+ }
+ icache_elem=next_icache_elem;
+ }
+void ScanInlineFile (char *fname)
+ register char *tail, *instr, *importingModule, *importingExtension;
+ IdentP instrid;
+ int nrinstr;
+ File f;
+ importingModule = CurrentModule;
+ importingExtension = CurrentExt;
+ CurrentModule = fname;
+ CurrentExt = GetFileExtension (abcFile);
+ if (!open_inline_file_for_block_reading (fname))
+ if (! (f = FOpen (fname, abcFile, "r")))
+ { CurrentModule = importingModule;
+ CurrentExt = importingExtension;
+ return;
+ }
+# if defined (THINK_C) || defined (POWER)
+ setvbuf ((void*) f, NULL, _IOFBF, 8192);
+# endif
+ CurrentLine = 0;
+ CurrentPhase = NULL;
+ for (;;){
+ if (!get_line_from_inline_file (NextLine,LineLength))
+ if (! FGetS (NextLine, LineLength, f))
+ break;
+ for (tail = NextLine; isspace (*tail); tail++)
+ ;
+ /* if not at .inline reenter loop from top */
+ if ((tail = IsCommand (".inline", tail)) == NIL)
+ continue;
+ /* get the function name */
+ while (*tail == ' ' || *tail == '\t')
+ tail++;
+ /* terminate it with a '\0' */
+ for (instr = tail; ! isspace (*tail); tail++)
+ ;
+ if (instr == tail)
+ continue;
+ *tail = '\0';
+ if (! (instrid = RetrieveFromSymbolTable (instr)))
+ continue;
+ if (instrid->ident_environ!=importingModule)
+ continue;
+ if ((instrid->ident_mark & INLINE_MASK) != 0)
+ {
+ StaticMessage (True, "%s", "multiple .inline directives", instr);
+ continue;
+ }
+ instrid->ident_mark |= INLINE_MASK;
+ /* Open the buffer for the next instructions */
+ InlineBufferIndex = InlineBufferStart;
+ for (nrinstr = 0; nrinstr <= MaxInlineInstr;){
+ if (!get_line_from_inline_file (NextLine,LineLength)){
+ if (! FGetS (NextLine, LineLength, f)){
+ StaticMessage (False, "%s", "%s no .end found in this file", instrid->ident_name,fname);
+ break;
+ }
+ for (tail = NextLine; *tail == ' ' || *tail == '\t'; tail++)
+ ;
+ if (IsCommand (".end", tail))
+ break;
+ if (*tail != '\n' && *tail != '\0'){
+ instr = NextLine;
+ /* Copy this instruction into the buffer */
+ do
+ { if (InlineBufferIndex < InlineBuffSize-2)
+ InlineCodeBuffer [InlineBufferIndex++] = *instr++;
+ else
+ DoFatalError ("too many inline instructions");
+ } while (*instr != '\n' && *instr != '\0');
+ /* close the instruction with a newline character */
+ InlineCodeBuffer [InlineBufferIndex++] = '\n';
+ nrinstr++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (nrinstr > MaxInlineInstr){
+ StaticMessage (False, "%s", "%s file contains too many instructions", instrid->ident_name,fname);
+ }
+ /* save the list of inline instructions */
+/* if (InlineBufferIndex != InlineBufferStart){ */
+ instrid->ident_instructions = &InlineCodeBuffer [InlineBufferStart];
+ InlineBufferStart = InlineBufferIndex+1;
+ /* close the list with the NULL character */
+ InlineCodeBuffer [InlineBufferIndex] = '\0';
+/* } */
+ }
+ if (!reading_from_cache)
+ FClose (inline_file);
+ FClose (f);
+ CurrentModule = importingModule;
+ CurrentExt = importingExtension;
+ScanInitIdentStringTable (void)
+ int i;
+ /*
+ RWS +++ clean up symbols
+ */
+ ReservedWords = (char **) CompAlloc ((unsigned long) NumberOfKeywords * SizeOf (char *));
+ ReservedWords [(int) errorsym] = "Erroneous";
+ ReservedWords [(int) barsym] = "|";
+ ReservedWords [(int) strictsym] = "!";
+ ReservedWords [(int) opensym] = "(";
+ ReservedWords [(int) closesym] = ")";
+ ReservedWords [(int) opensquaresym] = "[";
+ ReservedWords [(int) closesquaresym] = "]";
+ ReservedWords [(int) colonsym] = ":";
+ ReservedWords [(int) typesym] = "::";
+ ReservedWords [(int) semicolonsym] = ";";
+ ReservedWords [(int) commasym] = ",";
+ ReservedWords [(int) dotsym] = ".";
+ ReservedWords [(int) openbracesym] = "{";
+ ReservedWords [(int) closebracesym] = "}";
+ ReservedWords [(int) arrowsym] = "->";
+ ReservedWords [(int) abstypesym] = "AbsType";
+ ReservedWords [(int) arraysym] = "{ }";
+ ReservedWords [(int) strictarraysym] = "{ ! }";
+ ReservedWords [(int) unboxedarraysym] = "{ # }";
+ ReservedWords [(int) atsym] = "at";
+ ReservedWords [(int) boolsym] = "Bool";
+ ReservedWords [(int) charsym] = "Char";
+ ReservedWords [(int) codesym] = "code";
+ ReservedWords [(int) defsym] = "definition";
+ ReservedWords [(int) falsesym] = "False";
+ ReservedWords [(int) filesym] = "File";
+ ReservedWords [(int) allsym] = "All";
+ ReservedWords [(int) fromsym] = "from";
+/* RWS ... hack */
+ ReservedWords [(int) ifsym] = "if ";
+/* ... RWS */
+ ReservedWords [(int) impsym] = "implementation";
+ ReservedWords [(int) importsym] = "import";
+ ReservedWords [(int) intsym] = "Int";
+ ReservedWords [(int) macrosym] = "macro";
+ ReservedWords [(int) modulesym] = "module";
+ ReservedWords [(int) procidsym] = "ProcId";
+ ReservedWords [(int) redidsym] = "RedId";
+ ReservedWords [(int) realsym] = "Real";
+ ReservedWords [(int) rulesym] = "rule";
+/* */
+ ReservedWords [(int) stringsym] = "_STRING";
+/* */
+ ReservedWords [(int) systemsym] = "system";
+ ReservedWords [(int) truesym] = "True";
+ ReservedWords [(int) typedefsym] = "type";
+ ReservedWords [(int) applysym] = "=>";
+ ReservedWords [(int) uniquesym] = "*";
+ ReservedWords [(int) worldsym] = "World";
+ gIdentStringTable = (struct ident_string**)CompAlloc (kIdentStringTableSize * sizeof (struct ident_string));
+ for (i = 0; i < kIdentStringTableSize; i++)
+ gIdentStringTable [i] = NIL;
+static KeyWordInfoS gKeyWords [] =
+ { "export", kTokenExport },
+ { "import", kTokenImport },
+ { "from", kTokenFrom },
+ { "definition", kTokenDefinition },
+ { "implementation", kTokenImplementation },
+ { "system", kTokenSystem },
+ { "module", kTokenModule },
+ { "let", kTokenLet },
+ { "in", kTokenIn },
+ { "case", kTokenCase },
+ { "of", kTokenOf },
+ { "if", kTokenIf },
+ { "with", kTokenWith },
+ { "where", kTokenWhere },
+ { "code", kTokenCode },
+ { "True", kTokenTrue },
+ { "False", kTokenFalse },
+/* { "overload", kTokenOverload }, */
+ { "instance", kTokenInstance },
+ { "default", kTokenDefault },
+ { "class", kTokenClass },
+ { "infix", kTokenInfix },
+ { "infixl", kTokenInfixL },
+ { "infixr", kTokenInfixR },
+ { "\\", '\\' },
+ { "\\\\", kTokenDoubleBackSlash },
+ { "#", '#' },
+ { "#!", kTokenHashExclamationMark },
+ { "=", '=' },
+ { "|", '|' },
+ { ".", '.' },
+ { "!", '!' },
+ { "&", '&' },
+ { "..", kTokenDotDot },
+ { "=:", kTokenEqualColon },
+#ifndef H
+ { ":", ':' },
+ { ":==", kTokenColonDoubleEqual },
+ { "=>", kTokenDoubleRightArrow },
+ { "<-", kTokenLeftArrow },
+ { "<-:", kTokenLeftArrowColon },
+ { "->", kTokenRightArrow }
+#ifdef H
+ ,{ "data", kTokenData }
+ ,{ "type", kTokenType }
+ ,{ "@", kTokenAtSign }
+ ,{ "then", kTokenThen }
+ ,{ "else", kTokenElse }
+ ,{ "interface", kTokenInterface }
+# define ArraySize(array) ((unsigned) (sizeof (array) / sizeof (array[0])))
+ScanInitialise (void)
+ int i;
+#ifndef CLEAN2
+ gCharTypeTable = (unsigned char*)CompAlloc (256 * sizeof (unsigned char)),
+ InitialiseCharTypeTable (gCharTypeTable);
+ gStateNormalTable = (ScanState*)CompAlloc (256 * sizeof (ScanState)),
+ InitialiseStateNormalTable (gStateNormalTable);
+ gStateInstructionsTable = (ScanState*)CompAlloc (256 * sizeof (ScanState)),
+ InitialiseStateInstructionTable (gStateInstructionsTable);
+ ScanSetMode (kScanModeNormal);
+ gInputBuffer = (unsigned char*)CompAlloc (kInputBufferSize);
+ ScanInitIdentStringTable();
+ for (i = 0; i < ArraySize (gKeyWords); i++)
+ PutKeyWordInTable (&gKeyWords [i]);
+} /* ScanInitialise */
+InitScanner (void)
+ InlineCodeBuffer = (char*)CompAlloc (InlineBuffSize);
+ InlineBufferStart = 0;
+} /* InitScanner */
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/set_scope_numbers.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/set_scope_numbers.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f68417c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/set_scope_numbers.c
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#include "system.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "buildtree.h"
+#include "codegen_types.h"
+#include "codegen1.h"
+#include "codegen2.h"
+#include "statesgen.h"
+#include "checker.h"
+#include "instructions.h"
+#include "optimisations.h"
+#include "sa.h"
+#include "set_scope_numbers.h"
+#define for_l(v,l,n) for(v=(l);v!=NULL;v=v->n)
+static int scope;
+static void set_node_id_scope_numbers (NodeDefP node_defs,int local_scope)
+ NodeDefP node_def_p;
+ for_l (node_def_p,node_defs,def_next)
+ node_def_p->def_id->nid_scope=local_scope;
+static void set_root_scope_numbers (NodeP node_p,int local_scope)
+ if (node_p->node_kind==IfNode){
+ int new_local_scope;
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ node_p->node_if_scope=local_scope;
+ new_local_scope=scope+2;
+ scope+=3;
+ arg_p=node_p->node_arguments;
+ set_root_scope_numbers (arg_p->arg_node,local_scope);
+ ++scope;
+ arg_p=arg_p->arg_next;
+ set_root_scope_numbers (arg_p->arg_node,new_local_scope);
+ set_node_id_scope_numbers (node_p->node_then_node_defs,new_local_scope);
+ ++scope;
+ arg_p=arg_p->arg_next;
+ set_root_scope_numbers (arg_p->arg_node,new_local_scope);
+ set_node_id_scope_numbers (node_p->node_else_node_defs,new_local_scope);
+ }
+void set_scope_numbers (RuleAltS *rule_alt_p)
+ scope=1;
+ set_root_scope_numbers (rule_alt_p->alt_rhs_root,0);
+ set_node_id_scope_numbers (rule_alt_p->alt_rhs_defs,0);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/set_scope_numbers.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/set_scope_numbers.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b73e759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/set_scope_numbers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+void set_scope_numbers (RuleAltS *rule_alt_p);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/settings.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/settings.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a09d306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/settings.c
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#include "system.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+ DoCode = True,
+ DoDebug = False,
+ DoListAllTypes = False,
+ DoListTypes = False,
+ DoShowAttributes = True,
+ DoParallel = False,
+ DoStackLayout = True,
+ DoStrictnessAnalysis = True,
+ DoVerbose = False,
+ DoWarning = True,
+ DoStrictWarning = True,
+ DoStrictAllWarning = False,
+ DoStrictCheck = False,
+ DoListStrictTypes = False;
+Bool ListOptimizations = False;
+Bool DoDescriptors = False;
+Bool ExportLocalLabels = False;
+Bool DoProfiling=False; /* no longer used by memory profiler */
+Bool DoTimeProfiling=False;
+Bool DoReuseUniqueNodes = False;
+Bool OptimizeLazyTupleRecursion=False;
+Bool OptimizeTailCallModuloCons=False;
+Bool WriteModificationTimes = False;
+unsigned StrictDepth = 10; /* 8; */
+Bool StrictDoLists = False;
+Bool StrictDoPaths = True;
+Bool StrictDoAllPaths = True;
+Bool StrictDoExtEq = True;
+Bool StrictDoLessEqual = True;
+Bool StrictDoEager = True;
+Bool StrictDoVerbose = False;
+Bool StrictDoAnnots = True;
+unsigned long StrictMemUse = NR_BLOCKS * BLOCK_SIZE;
+Bool FunctionMayFailIsError = False;
+Bool NotUsedIsError = False;
+Bool FunctionNotUsedIsError = False;
+Bool VERBOSE = True;
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/settings.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/settings.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee1048f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/settings.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ Compiler setttings
+ Note that changes are of influence for project.c !!
+extern Bool DoCode; /* not generated in abc file */
+extern Bool DoDebug;
+extern Bool DoParallel;
+extern Bool DoStackLayout;
+extern Bool DoStrictnessAnalysis;
+extern Bool DoVerbose;
+extern Bool DoWarning;
+extern Bool DoListTypes; /* not generated in abc file */
+extern Bool DoListAllTypes; /* not generated in abc file */
+extern Bool DoShowAttributes; /* not generated in abc file */
+extern Bool DoListStrictTypes; /* not generated in abc file */
+extern Bool DoStrictWarning; /* not generated in abc file */
+extern Bool DoStrictAllWarning; /* not generated in abc file */
+extern Bool DoStrictCheck; /* not generated in abc file */
+extern Bool DoDescriptors; /* not generated in abc file */
+extern Bool ListOptimizations;
+extern Bool ExportLocalLabels;
+extern Bool DoProfiling;
+extern Bool DoTimeProfiling;
+extern Bool DoReuseUniqueNodes;
+extern Bool OptimizeLazyTupleRecursion;
+extern Bool OptimizeTailCallModuloCons;
+extern Bool WriteModificationTimes;
+#define NR_BLOCKS 100
+#define BLOCK_SIZE (unsigned long) (16 * KBYTE)
+#define StrictDoRelated False
+extern unsigned StrictDepth;
+extern Bool StrictDoLists;
+extern Bool StrictDoPaths;
+extern Bool StrictDoAllPaths;
+extern Bool StrictDoExtEq;
+extern Bool StrictDoLessEqual;
+extern Bool StrictDoEager;
+extern Bool StrictDoVerbose;
+extern Bool StrictDoAnnots;
+extern unsigned long StrictMemUse;
+extern Bool VERBOSE;
+extern Bool FunctionMayFailIsError,NotUsedIsError,FunctionNotUsedIsError;
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/sizes.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/sizes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae644e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/sizes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#define kCopyStringLength 512
+#define MaxUnsigned 65535
+/* The maximum arity of tuples is defined by MaxTupleArity */
+#define MaxNodeArity 32
+#define MaxGeneratedIdentSize 512
+/* The scanner maintains a buffer for holding identifiers and literals whereof the
+ size is indicated by ScanBuffSize
+#define ScanBuffSize (KBYTE*32)
+/* Identifiers may cantain upto IdLength characters */
+#define IdLength 256
+/* The actual size of the id-buffer is greater than the IdLength.
+ This allows us to add extensions of length 4 to identifiers
+ (used in module names) */
+#define MaxIdLength ((SizeT) (IdLength + 4))
+#define MaxStrLength 256 /* maximum number of characters in a string */
+#define MaxCharLength 6 /* maximum number of chararcters in a character denotation */
+#define MaxNrOfDigits 80 /* maximum number of digits in a real */
+#define MaxNumLength (MaxNrOfDigits + 4) /* maximum number of characters in a real
+ or integer denotation */
+#define MaxInstrLength 256 /* maximum number of characters in an instruction */
+/* Identifiers and literals are stored in different tables. The size of these tables
+ are given below */
+#define SymbTabSize ((SizeT) KBYTE)
+#define NodeTabSize ((SizeT) KBYTE)
+#define ModTabSize ((SizeT) 32)
+#define LitTabSize ((SizeT) KBYTE)
+ Compsupport
+/* The compiler uses its own storage administration. When some storage is required
+ it is checked whether or not this storage is available. If not, a new memory
+ block of size MemBlockSize is allocated. Keeping the size large will slightly
+ increase the performance of the memory allocator.
+#ifdef __MWERKS__
+# define MemBlockSize ((SizeT) (16*KBYTE))
+# define MemBlockSize ((SizeT) (32*KBYTE))
+#define TH_BlockSize ((SizeT) (16*KBYTE))
+/* TypeChecker */
+/* For efficient internal garbage collection the type checker uses its own storage
+ administration. The constant TCWorkSpaceSize has the same function as MemBlockSize
+ in comsupport.
+#define TCWorkSpaceSize ((SizeT) (16*KBYTE))
+/* Code Generator */
+/* The size of objects expressed in amounts of stack entries are given below */
+#define SizeOfInt 1
+#define SizeOfBool 1
+#define SizeOfChar 1
+#define SizeOfReal REALSIZE
+#define SizeOfFile FILESIZE
+#define SizeOfVoid 1
+#define SizeOfProcId 1
+#define SizeOfAStackElem 1
+#define NrOfGlobalSelectors 6
+/* Inline instruction administration (part of the code generator) */
+#define LineLength 300 /* maximum number of charcters on one line */
+#define MaxInlineInstr 60 /* maximum number of instructions that may be
+ substituted for one system call */
+#define InlineBuffSize ((SizeT) KBYTE * 32) /* the size of the buffer
+ containing all the inline instructions */
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/statesgen.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/statesgen.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..534c405
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/statesgen.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3847 @@
+ (Concurrent) Clean Compiler: Generation of states
+ ==================================================
+ This module generates the (internal) states that are used during the code generation.
+ Authors: Sjaak Smetsers & John van Groningen
+ At: University of Nijmegen, department of computing science
+ Version: 1.1
+#pragma segment statesgen
+#include "system.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "buildtree.h"
+#include "codegen_types.h"
+#include "codegen1.h"
+#include "codegen2.h"
+#include "statesgen.h"
+#include "checker.h"
+#include "instructions.h"
+#include "optimisations.h"
+#include "sa.h"
+/* #include "dbprint.h" */
+#define FASTER_STRICT_IF /* also in codegen2.c */
+#define UNTUPLE_STRICT_TUPLES /* also in optimisations.c */
+#define for_l(v,l,n) for(v=(l);v!=NULL;v=v->n)
+#define for_la(v1,v2,l1,l2,n1) for(v1=(l1),v2=(l2);v1!=NULL;v1=v1->n1,++v2)
+#define for_li(v,i,l,n) for(v=(l),i=0;v!=NULL;v=v->n,++i)
+#define for_ll(v1,v2,l1,l2,n1,n2) for(v1=(l1),v2=(l2);v1!=NULL;v1=v1->n1,v2=v2->n2)
+#define for_lla(v1,v2,v3,l1,l2,a3,n1,n2) for(v1=(l1),v2=(l2),v3=(a3);v1!=NULL;v1=v1->n1,v2=v2->n2,++v3)
+static void error_in_function (char *m)
+ ErrorInCompiler ("statesgen.c",m,"");
+static char *Elhsannots = "annotations are not allowed at this position";
+static char *ECodeBlock = "missing type specification";
+static char *Wtypeannot = "only strict annotations in a type rule will be regarded";
+static char *Wparannot = "parallel annotations ignored in sequential mode";
+static char *Wrootannot = "root annotations are ignored";
+static char *Econflict = "conflicting parallel annotations";
+static char *WEorIoverrule = "strict annotation overruled by parallel annotation";
+static char *WStrictoverrule = "parallel annotation overruled by strict annotation";
+static char *Wapplannot = "parallel annotations on implicitly defined nodeids are ignored";
+static char *Wnonterm = "non-terminating rule specified";
+static char *Wunkannot = "unknown annotation";
+/* some routines for setting the state fields of an object */
+StateS BasicSymbolStates [Nr_Of_Predef_Types];
+int FirstStateIsStricter (StateS offered_state,StateS demanded_state)
+ if (offered_state.state_type==SimpleState){
+ if (IsSimpleState (demanded_state)){
+ switch (offered_state.state_kind){
+ case OnB:
+ case StrictOnA:
+ case StrictRedirection:
+ return 1;
+ case OnA:
+ case SemiStrict:
+ case LazyRedirection:
+ case Parallel:
+ case UnderEval:
+ return demanded_state.state_kind==OnA;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("FirstStateIsStricter");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (IsSimpleState (demanded_state))
+ return 1;
+ else if (offered_state.state_type==ArrayState && demanded_state.state_type==ArrayState)
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+#define BETWEEN(l,h,v) ((unsigned)((v)-(l)) <= (unsigned)((h)-(l)))
+int FieldArgumentNodeStatesAreStricter (ArgS *offered_args,ArgS *field_args,States record_states)
+ ArgS *offered_arg,*field_arg;
+ for_ll (offered_arg,field_arg,offered_args,field_args,arg_next,arg_next){
+ int node_kind;
+ Node arg_node;
+ int field_number;
+ field_number=field_arg->arg_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_sel_field_number;
+ arg_node=offered_arg->arg_node;
+ node_kind=arg_node->node_kind;
+ if (node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ if (node_kind==NormalNode && (BETWEEN (int_denot,real_denot,arg_node->node_symbol->symb_kind) || arg_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==string_denot))
+ ;
+ else
+ if (!FirstStateIsStricter (arg_node->node_state,record_states[field_number]))
+ return 0;
+ } else
+ if (!FirstStateIsStricter (arg_node->node_node_id->nid_state,record_states[field_number]))
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+void SetUnaryState (StateS *state_p,StateKind kind,ObjectKind object)
+ state_p->state_arity = 1;
+ state_p->state_kind = kind;
+ state_p->state_object = object;
+ state_p->state_type = SimpleState;
+ state_p->state_mark = 0;
+static void SetTupleState (StateS *state_p,States args,int arity)
+ state_p->state_arity = arity;
+ state_p->state_tuple_arguments = args;
+ state_p->state_type = TupleState;
+ state_p->state_mark = 0;
+static void SetUpdateableTupleState (StateS *state_p,States args,int arity)
+ state_p->state_arity = arity;
+ state_p->state_tuple_arguments = args;
+ state_p->state_type = TupleState;
+ state_p->state_mark = STATE_ELEMENTS_UPDATEABLE_MASK;
+static void SetRecordState (StateS *state_p,SymbDef record_sdef,int arity)
+ RecordStateDescr recdesc;
+ recdesc = (RecordStateDescr) CompAlloc (sizeof (struct record_state_descr) + (arity-1)*sizeof (struct state));
+ recdesc->rs_symb = record_sdef;
+ state_p->state_arity = arity;
+ state_p->state_record_desc = recdesc;
+ state_p->state_type = RecordState;
+ state_p->state_mark = 0;
+static void SetUnboxedArrayState (StateS *state_p,States arg)
+ state_p->state_arity = 0;
+ state_p->state_array_arguments = arg;
+ state_p->state_type = ArrayState ;
+ state_p->state_mark = 0;
+StateS LazyState,StrictState;
+#define NewArrayOfStates(n) (States) CompAlloc (sizeof (StateS)*(n))
+static States NewArrayOfUnaryStates (int arity, StateKind init)
+ int i;
+ States argstates;
+ argstates = NewArrayOfStates (arity);
+ for (i=0; i<arity; i++)
+ SetUnaryState (&argstates [i], init, UnknownObj);
+ return argstates;
+void ConvertAnnotationToState (Annotation annot,StateS *state_p)
+ if (annot==NoAnnot)
+ return;
+ else if (annot==StrictAnnot){
+ *state_p=StrictState;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ SetUnaryState (state_p, DoParallel ? Parallel : OnA, UnknownObj);
+ if (DoParallel)
+ state_p->state_mark |= STATE_PARALLEL_MASK;
+ return;
+ }
+static void GenRecordState (SymbDef sdef);
+void ConvertTypeToState (TypeNode type,StateS *state_p,StateKind kind)
+ Symbol symbol;
+ symbol=type->type_node_symbol;
+ if (symbol->symb_kind < Nr_Of_Predef_Types){
+ *state_p = BasicSymbolStates [symbol->symb_kind];
+ if (kind!=StrictOnA)
+ state_p->state_kind=kind;
+ } else if (symbol->symb_kind==definition && symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE){
+ if (kind==StrictOnA){
+ GenRecordState (symbol->symb_def);
+ *state_p=symbol->symb_def->sdef_record_state;
+ } else
+ SetUnaryState (state_p,kind,RecordObj);
+ } else
+ if (symbol->symb_kind==definition && symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==ABSTYPE)
+ SetUnaryState (state_p,kind,AbstractObj);
+ else
+ SetUnaryState (state_p,kind,UnknownObj);
+ if (type->type_node_attribute==UniqueAttr || (symbol->symb_kind==definition &&
+ (symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==TYPE || symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE) &&
+ symbol->symb_def->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_attribute==UniqueAttr))
+ {
+ state_p->state_mark |= STATE_UNIQUE_MASK;
+ }
+ if ((state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_MASK) && state_p->state_type==SimpleState){
+ if (symbol->symb_kind==list_type || symbol->symb_kind==tuple_type ||
+ (symbol->symb_kind==definition && (symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==TYPE || symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE)))
+ {
+ unsigned long unq_type_args;
+ TypeArgs type_arg;
+ int i;
+ unq_type_args=0;
+ for_li (type_arg,i,type->type_node_arguments,type_arg_next)
+ if (type_arg->type_arg_node->type_node_attribute==UniqueAttr)
+ unq_type_args |= 1<<i;
+ if (unq_type_args!=0){
+ state_p->state_mark |= STATE_UNIQUE_TYPE_ARGUMENTS_MASK;
+ state_p->state_unq_type_args = unq_type_args;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (kind==StrictOnA && IsSimpleState (*state_p)){
+ ObjectKind obj_kind;
+ obj_kind=state_p->state_object;
+ if (obj_kind==TupleObj){
+ int i;
+ TypeArgs arg;
+ SetTupleState (state_p, NewArrayOfStates (type->type_node_arity), type->type_node_arity);
+ for_li (arg,i,type->type_node_arguments,type_arg_next){
+ TypeNode arg_type_node;
+ arg_type_node=arg->type_arg_node;
+ if (!arg_type_node->type_node_is_var){
+ ConvertTypeToState (arg_type_node,&state_p->state_tuple_arguments[i],arg_type_node->type_node_annotation==NoAnnot ? OnA : StrictOnA);
+ arg_type_node->type_node_state=state_p->state_tuple_arguments[i];
+ } else
+ state_p->state_tuple_arguments[i] = arg_type_node->type_node_annotation==NoAnnot ? LazyState : StrictState;
+ }
+ } else if (obj_kind==UnboxedArrayObj || obj_kind==StrictArrayObj || obj_kind==ArrayObj){
+ TypeNode element_node;
+ element_node=type->type_node_arguments->type_arg_node;
+ state_p->state_arity = 1;
+ state_p->state_array_arguments = NewArrayOfStates (1);
+ state_p->state_type = ArrayState;
+ state_p->state_mark=0;
+ switch (obj_kind){
+ case ArrayObj:
+ SetUnaryState (& state_p->state_array_arguments [0], OnA, UnknownObj);
+ break;
+ case StrictArrayObj:
+ state_p->state_array_arguments [0] = StrictState;
+ break;
+ case UnboxedArrayObj:
+ if (element_node->type_node_is_var)
+ state_p->state_array_arguments [0] = StrictState;
+ else
+ ConvertTypeToState (element_node,&state_p->state_array_arguments [0],StrictOnA);
+ state_p->state_mark |= STATE_UNBOXED_ARRAY_MASK;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void GenRecordState (SymbDef sdef)
+ if (sdef->sdef_checkstatus < ConvertingToState){
+ Types rectype;
+ FieldList fields;
+ States fieldstates;
+ int i,oldline;
+ Symbol oldsymbol;
+ FlatType lhs;
+ int strict_record;
+ rectype = sdef->sdef_type;
+ lhs = rectype->type_lhs;
+ oldline = CurrentLine;
+ oldsymbol = CurrentSymbol;
+ CurrentSymbol = lhs->ft_symbol;
+ CurrentLine = rectype->type_line;
+ sdef->sdef_checkstatus = ConvertingToState; /* to detect cyclic strict field dependencies */
+ SetRecordState (&sdef->sdef_record_state, sdef, sdef->sdef_cons_arity);
+ fieldstates=sdef->sdef_record_state.state_record_arguments;
+/* rectype->type_constructors->cl_constructor->type_node_state = sdef->sdef_record_state; */
+ strict_record=0;
+ for_li (fields,i,rectype->type_fields,fl_next){
+ TypeNode field_type_node;
+ field_type_node = fields->fl_type;
+ if (field_type_node->type_node_annotation==StrictAnnot){
+ strict_record=1;
+ if (!field_type_node->type_node_is_var){
+ ConvertTypeToState (field_type_node,&fields->fl_state,StrictOnA);
+ if (fields->fl_state.state_type==RecordState
+ && !(fields->fl_state.state_arity==1)
+ )
+ {
+ SetUnaryState (&fieldstates[i], StrictOnA, RecordObj);
+ if (field_type_node->type_node_attribute==UniqueAttr)
+ fieldstates[i].state_mark |= STATE_UNIQUE_MASK;
+ } else
+ fieldstates[i]=fields->fl_state;
+ } else
+ fieldstates[i]=fields->fl_state=field_type_node->type_node_annotation==NoAnnot ? LazyState : StrictState;
+ if (field_type_node->type_node_attribute==UniqueAttr){
+ fieldstates[i].state_mark |= STATE_UNIQUE_MASK;
+ fields->fl_state.state_mark |= STATE_UNIQUE_MASK;
+ }
+ } else {
+ fieldstates[i] = LazyState;
+ if (field_type_node->type_node_attribute==UniqueAttr)
+ fieldstates[i].state_mark |= STATE_UNIQUE_MASK;
+ }
+ fields->fl_symbol->symb_def->sdef_sel_field = fields;
+ }
+ sdef->sdef_strict_constructor=strict_record;
+ sdef->sdef_checkstatus = ConvertedToState; /* to detect cyclic strict field dependencies */
+ CurrentSymbol = oldsymbol;
+ CurrentLine = oldline;
+ } else if (sdef->sdef_checkstatus == ConvertedToState)
+ return;
+ else
+ StaticMessage (True, "%S", "%s cyclic strict field dependencies are not allowed", CurrentSymbol, sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+static void GenResultStatesOfLazyFields (SymbDef sdef)
+ FieldList fields;
+ Types rectype;
+ int i;
+ rectype = sdef->sdef_type;
+ CurrentSymbol = rectype->type_lhs->ft_symbol;
+ CurrentLine = rectype->type_line;
+ for (i=0, fields = rectype->type_fields; fields; i++, fields = fields->fl_next){
+ TypeNode field_type_node = fields->fl_type;
+ if (field_type_node->type_node_annotation!=StrictAnnot){
+ if (field_type_node->type_node_is_var || field_type_node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind==apply_symb)
+ SetUnaryState (&fields->fl_state, LazyRedirection, UnknownObj);
+ else
+ ConvertTypeToState (field_type_node,&fields->fl_state,StrictOnA);
+ }
+ }
+static void ChangeFieldRecordStateForStrictAbsTypeFields (SymbDef icl_sdef,SymbDef dcl_sdef)
+ Types icl_type;
+ FieldList icl_field;
+ StateP icl_fieldstate_p,dcl_fieldstate_p;
+ icl_type = icl_sdef->sdef_type;
+ CurrentSymbol = icl_type->type_lhs->ft_symbol;
+ CurrentLine = icl_type->type_line;
+ icl_fieldstate_p=icl_sdef->sdef_record_state.state_record_arguments;
+ dcl_fieldstate_p=dcl_sdef->sdef_record_state.state_record_arguments;
+ for_l (icl_field,icl_type->type_fields,fl_next){
+ if (dcl_fieldstate_p->state_type==SimpleState &&
+ (icl_fieldstate_p->state_type!=SimpleState ||
+ icl_fieldstate_p->state_kind!=dcl_fieldstate_p->state_kind))
+ {
+ StaticMessage (False, "%S", "%S strict field is boxed because the field type is an abstract type",
+ CurrentSymbol, icl_field->fl_symbol);
+ *icl_fieldstate_p=*dcl_fieldstate_p;
+ }
+ ++icl_fieldstate_p;
+ ++dcl_fieldstate_p;
+ }
+static void GenerateStatesForConstructors (SymbDef sdef)
+ ConstructorList constructor;
+ CurrentLine = sdef->sdef_type->type_line;
+ for_l (constructor,sdef->sdef_type->type_constructors,cl_next){
+ int strict_constructor;
+ SymbDef constructor_sdef;
+ TypeNode type_node;
+ TypeArgs arg;
+ StateP state_p;
+ type_node=constructor->cl_constructor;
+ CurrentSymbol=type_node->type_node_symbol;
+ constructor_sdef=CurrentSymbol->symb_def;
+ state_p = NewArrayOfStates (constructor_sdef->sdef_arity);
+ constructor->cl_state_p = state_p;
+ constructor_sdef->sdef_constructor=constructor;
+ strict_constructor=0;
+ for_l (arg,type_node->type_node_arguments,type_arg_next){
+ TypeNode type_arg_node;
+ type_arg_node=arg->type_arg_node;
+ if (type_arg_node->type_node_annotation==StrictAnnot){
+ strict_constructor=1;
+ if (!type_arg_node->type_node_is_var){
+ ConvertTypeToState (type_arg_node,state_p,StrictOnA);
+ if (state_p->state_type==RecordState)
+ if (type_node->type_node_arguments->type_arg_next!=NULL)
+ if (!(state_p->state_arity==1))
+ SetUnaryState (state_p, StrictOnA, RecordObj);
+ } else {
+ *state_p=StrictState;
+ }
+ } else
+ *state_p=LazyState;
+ ++state_p;
+ }
+ constructor_sdef->sdef_strict_constructor=strict_constructor;
+ }
+static void ChangeElementStateForStrictAbsTypeFields (SymbDef icl_sdef,SymbDef dcl_sdef)
+ Types icl_type = icl_sdef->sdef_type, dcl_type = dcl_sdef->sdef_type;
+ ConstructorList icl_cons, dcl_cons;
+ CurrentLine = icl_type->type_line;
+ for (icl_cons = icl_type->type_constructors, dcl_cons = dcl_type->type_constructors; dcl_cons;
+ icl_cons = icl_cons->cl_next, dcl_cons = dcl_cons->cl_next)
+ {
+ TypeNode icl_node,dcl_node;
+ SymbDef icl_constructor,dcl_constructor;
+ icl_node=icl_cons->cl_constructor;
+ icl_constructor=icl_node->type_node_symbol->symb_def;
+ if (icl_constructor->sdef_strict_constructor){
+ TypeArgs icl_arg,dcl_arg;
+ StateP icl_arg_state_p,dcl_arg_state_p;
+ dcl_node=dcl_cons->cl_constructor;
+ CurrentSymbol=dcl_node->type_node_symbol;
+ dcl_constructor=CurrentSymbol->symb_def;
+ icl_arg=icl_node->type_node_arguments;
+ dcl_arg=dcl_node->type_node_arguments;
+ icl_arg_state_p=icl_cons->cl_state_p;
+ dcl_arg_state_p=dcl_cons->cl_state_p;
+ while (icl_arg!=NULL){
+ TypeNode icl_element_node,dcl_element_node;
+ icl_element_node=icl_arg->type_arg_node;
+ dcl_element_node=dcl_arg->type_arg_node;
+ if (dcl_arg_state_p->state_type==SimpleState &&
+ (icl_arg_state_p->state_type!=SimpleState || icl_arg_state_p->state_kind!=dcl_arg_state_p->state_kind))
+ {
+ StaticMessage (False, "%S", "%S element is boxed because its type is an abstract type",
+ CurrentSymbol, icl_element_node->type_node_symbol);
+ *icl_arg_state_p=*dcl_arg_state_p;
+ }
+ icl_arg=icl_arg->type_arg_next;
+ dcl_arg=dcl_arg->type_arg_next;
+ ++icl_arg_state_p;
+ ++dcl_arg_state_p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void GenerateStatesForRecords (Symbol symbols)
+ Symbol symb;
+ for_l (symb,symbols,symb_next)
+ if (symb->symb_kind==definition){
+ SymbDef def;
+ def=symb->symb_def;
+ if (def->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE){
+ GenRecordState (def);
+ GenResultStatesOfLazyFields (def);
+ if (def->sdef_exported){
+ SymbDef dcl_sdef;
+ dcl_sdef=def->sdef_dcl_icl;
+ if (dcl_sdef!=NULL && dcl_sdef->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE){
+ GenRecordState (dcl_sdef);
+ GenResultStatesOfLazyFields (dcl_sdef);
+ ChangeFieldRecordStateForStrictAbsTypeFields (def,dcl_sdef);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (def->sdef_kind==TYPE){
+ GenerateStatesForConstructors (def);
+ if (def->sdef_exported){
+ SymbDef dcl_sdef;
+ dcl_sdef=def->sdef_dcl_icl;
+ if (dcl_sdef->sdef_kind==TYPE){
+ GenerateStatesForConstructors (dcl_sdef);
+ ChangeElementStateForStrictAbsTypeFields (def,dcl_sdef);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static Bool AnnotHasDeferAttr (Annotation annotkind)
+ switch (annotkind){
+ case InterleavedAnnot:
+ case LazyInterleavedAnnot:
+ case ContinueAnnot:
+ case DeferAnnot:
+ case WaitAnnot:
+ case ContInterleavedAnnot:
+ case InterleavedNFAnnot:
+ return True;
+ default:
+ return False;
+ }
+static StateS DetermineStatesOfRuleType (TypeAlts ruletype,StateS *const function_state_p)
+ TypeNode lhsroot;
+ TypeArgs type_arg;
+ StateP arg_state_p;
+ lhsroot = ruletype->type_alt_lhs;
+ CurrentSymbol = lhsroot ->type_node_symbol;
+ CurrentLine = ruletype->type_alt_line;
+ if (lhsroot->type_node_annotation!=NoAnnot)
+ StaticMessage (False, "%S", Wrootannot, CurrentSymbol);
+ arg_state_p=function_state_p;
+ for_l (type_arg,lhsroot->type_node_arguments,type_arg_next){
+ if (!(type_arg->type_arg_node->type_node_annotation==NoAnnot || type_arg->type_arg_node->type_node_annotation==StrictAnnot))
+ StaticMessage (False, "%S", Wtypeannot, CurrentSymbol);
+ if (!type_arg->type_arg_node->type_node_is_var)
+ ConvertTypeToState (type_arg->type_arg_node,arg_state_p,type_arg->type_arg_node->type_node_annotation==NoAnnot ? OnA : StrictOnA);
+ else
+ *arg_state_p = type_arg->type_arg_node->type_node_annotation==NoAnnot ? LazyState : StrictState;
+ ++arg_state_p;
+ }
+ if (ruletype->type_alt_rhs->type_node_is_var || ruletype->type_alt_rhs->type_node_symbol->symb_kind==apply_symb){
+ function_state_p[-1] = StrictState;
+ function_state_p[-1].state_kind = StrictRedirection;
+ } else
+ ConvertTypeToState (ruletype->type_alt_rhs,&function_state_p[-1],StrictOnA);
+ return function_state_p[-1];
+typedef struct type_node *TypeNodeP;
+static void determine_unique_state_of_constructor_argument (StateP result_state_p,StateP type_state_p,TypeNodeP type_arg_node,int lhs_type_attribute)
+ if (type_arg_node->type_node_is_var){
+ if ((type_state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_TYPE_ARGUMENTS_MASK) &&
+ type_arg_node->type_node_tv->tv_argument_nr>=0 &&
+ (type_state_p->state_unq_type_args & (1<<(type_arg_node->type_node_tv->tv_argument_nr))))
+ {
+ result_state_p->state_mark |= STATE_UNIQUE_MASK;
+ }
+ } else {
+ AttributeKind arg_type_attribute;
+ arg_type_attribute=type_arg_node->type_node_attribute;
+ if (arg_type_attribute==UniqueAttr || (arg_type_attribute>=FirstUniVarNumber && arg_type_attribute==lhs_type_attribute))
+ result_state_p->state_mark |= STATE_UNIQUE_MASK;
+ if ((result_state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_MASK) && result_state_p->state_type==SimpleState){
+ Symbol symbol;
+ symbol=type_arg_node->type_node_symbol;
+ if (symbol->symb_kind==list_type || symbol->symb_kind==tuple_type || (symbol->symb_kind==definition &&
+ (symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==TYPE || symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE)))
+ {
+ unsigned long unq_type_args;
+ TypeArgs type_arg;
+ int i;
+ unq_type_args=0;
+ for_li (type_arg,i,type_arg_node->type_node_arguments,type_arg_next){
+ TypeNodeP type_arg_node_p;
+ type_arg_node_p=type_arg->type_arg_node;
+ if (type_arg_node_p->type_node_is_var){
+ if ((type_state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_TYPE_ARGUMENTS_MASK) &&
+ type_arg_node_p->type_node_tv->tv_argument_nr>=0 &&
+ (type_state_p->state_unq_type_args & (1<<(type_arg_node_p->type_node_tv->tv_argument_nr))))
+ {
+ unq_type_args |= 1<<i;
+ }
+ } else {
+ AttributeKind arg_type_attribute;
+ arg_type_attribute=type_arg_node_p->type_node_attribute;
+ if (arg_type_attribute==UniqueAttr || (arg_type_attribute>=FirstUniVarNumber && arg_type_attribute==lhs_type_attribute))
+ unq_type_args |= 1<<i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (unq_type_args!=0){
+ result_state_p->state_mark |= STATE_UNIQUE_TYPE_ARGUMENTS_MASK;
+ result_state_p->state_unq_type_args = unq_type_args;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# else
+static StateP determine_unique_state_of_constructor_argument (StateP type_state_p,TypeNodeP type_arg_node,int lhs_type_attribute)
+ if (type_arg_node->type_node_is_var){
+ if ((type_state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_TYPE_ARGUMENTS_MASK) &&
+ type_arg_node->type_node_tv->tv_argument_nr>=0 &&
+ (type_state_p->state_unq_type_args & (1<<(type_arg_node->type_node_tv->tv_argument_nr))) &&
+ (type_state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_MASK)==0)
+ {
+ StateP result_state_p;
+ result_state_p=CompAllocType (StateS);
+ *result_state_p=*type_state_p;
+ result_state_p->state_mark |= STATE_UNIQUE_MASK;
+ return result_state_p;
+ } else
+ return type_state_p;
+ } else {
+ AttributeKind arg_type_attribute;
+ StateP result_state_p;
+ arg_type_attribute=type_arg_node->type_node_attribute;
+ if (arg_type_attribute==UniqueAttr || (arg_type_attribute>=FirstUniVarNumber && arg_type_attribute==lhs_type_attribute)){
+ result_state_p=CompAllocType (StateS);
+ *result_state_p=*type_state_p;
+ result_state_p->state_mark |= STATE_UNIQUE_MASK;
+ type_state_p=result_state_p;
+ } else
+ result_state_p=NULL;
+ if ((type_state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_MASK) && type_state_p->state_type==SimpleState){
+ Symbol symbol;
+ symbol=type_arg_node->type_node_symbol;
+ if (symbol->symb_kind==list_type || symbol->symb_kind==tuple_type || (symbol->symb_kind==definition &&
+ (symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==TYPE || symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE)))
+ {
+ unsigned long unq_type_args;
+ TypeArgs type_arg;
+ int i;
+ unq_type_args=0;
+ for_li (type_arg,i,type_arg_node->type_node_arguments,type_arg_next){
+ TypeNodeP type_arg_node_p;
+ type_arg_node_p=type_arg->type_arg_node;
+ if (type_arg_node_p->type_node_is_var){
+ if ((type_state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_TYPE_ARGUMENTS_MASK) &&
+ type_arg_node_p->type_node_tv->tv_argument_nr>=0 &&
+ (type_state_p->state_unq_type_args & (1<<(type_arg_node_p->type_node_tv->tv_argument_nr))))
+ {
+ unq_type_args |= 1<<i;
+ }
+ } else {
+ AttributeKind arg_type_attribute;
+ arg_type_attribute=type_arg_node_p->type_node_attribute;
+ if (arg_type_attribute==UniqueAttr || (arg_type_attribute>=FirstUniVarNumber && arg_type_attribute==lhs_type_attribute))
+ unq_type_args |= 1<<i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (unq_type_args!=0){
+ if (result_state_p==NULL){
+ result_state_p=CompAllocType (StateS);
+ *result_state_p=*type_state_p;
+ }
+ result_state_p->state_mark |= STATE_UNIQUE_TYPE_ARGUMENTS_MASK;
+ result_state_p->state_unq_type_args = unq_type_args;
+ return result_state_p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return type_state_p;
+ }
+# endif
+static void GenStatesInLhsSubArguments (Node argnode,StateS states[]);
+static void GenStatesInLhsSubArg (Node argnode,StateP arg_state_p);
+static void GenStatesInLhsNode (Node node,StateP arg_state_p)
+ Args arg;
+ if (node->node_annotation!=NoAnnot)
+ StaticMessage (True, "%S", "%S %s",CurrentSymbol,node->node_symbol, Elhsannots);
+ if (node->node_kind==NormalNode){
+ Symbol symbol;
+ symbol=node->node_symbol;
+ if (symbol->symb_kind==definition){
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ sdef=symbol->symb_def;
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR){
+ AttributeKind lhs_type_attribute;
+ lhs_type_attribute=sdef->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_attribute;
+ if (lhs_type_attribute==UniqueAttr)
+ arg_state_p->state_mark |= STATE_UNIQUE_MASK;
+ if (sdef->sdef_arity==node->node_arity && (arg_state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_MASK)){
+ if (sdef->sdef_strict_constructor){
+ struct type_arg *type_arg_p;
+ StateP constructor_arg_state_p;
+ ArgS *arg;
+ for_lla (arg,type_arg_p,constructor_arg_state_p,
+ node->node_arguments,sdef->sdef_constructor->cl_constructor->type_node_arguments,symbol->symb_def->sdef_constructor->cl_state_p,
+ arg_next,type_arg_next)
+ {
+ Node arg_node;
+ arg->arg_state = *constructor_arg_state_p;
+ determine_unique_state_of_constructor_argument (&arg->arg_state,arg_state_p,type_arg_p->type_arg_node,lhs_type_attribute);
+ arg_node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ arg_node->node_node_id->nid_lhs_state_p_=&arg->arg_state;
+ arg_node=arg_node->node_node_id->nid_node;
+ if (!arg_node)
+ continue;
+ }
+ GenStatesInLhsSubArg (arg_node,&arg->arg_state);
+ }
+ } else {
+ struct type_arg *type_arg_p;
+ ArgS *arg;
+ for_ll (arg,type_arg_p,node->node_arguments,sdef->sdef_constructor->cl_constructor->type_node_arguments,arg_next,type_arg_next){
+ Node arg_node;
+ arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ determine_unique_state_of_constructor_argument (&arg->arg_state,arg_state_p,type_arg_p->type_arg_node,lhs_type_attribute);
+ arg_node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ arg_node->node_node_id->nid_lhs_state_p_=&arg->arg_state;
+ arg_node=arg_node->node_node_id->nid_node;
+ if (!arg_node)
+ continue;
+ }
+ GenStatesInLhsNode (arg_node,&arg->arg_state);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+# endif
+ if (sdef->sdef_strict_constructor && sdef->sdef_arity==node->node_arity){
+ GenStatesInLhsSubArguments (node,symbol->symb_def->sdef_constructor->cl_state_p);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else if (sdef->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE){
+ AttributeKind lhs_type_attribute;
+ lhs_type_attribute=sdef->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_attribute;
+ if (lhs_type_attribute==UniqueAttr)
+ arg_state_p->state_mark |= STATE_UNIQUE_MASK;
+ if (arg_state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_MASK){
+ StateP arg_state_p;
+ ArgS *arg;
+ FieldList field;
+ for_lla (arg,field,arg_state_p,node->node_arguments,
+ sdef->sdef_type->type_fields,sdef->sdef_record_state.state_record_arguments,arg_next,fl_next)
+ {
+ Node arg_node;
+ arg->arg_state = *arg_state_p;
+ determine_unique_state_of_constructor_argument (&arg->arg_state,arg_state_p,field->fl_type,lhs_type_attribute);
+ arg_node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ arg_node->node_node_id->nid_lhs_state_p_=&arg->arg_state;
+ arg_node=arg_node->node_node_id->nid_node;
+ if (!arg_node)
+ continue;
+ }
+ GenStatesInLhsSubArg (arg_node,&arg->arg_state);
+ }
+ } else
+# endif
+ GenStatesInLhsSubArguments (node,sdef->sdef_record_state.state_record_arguments);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (symbol->symb_kind==cons_symb && (arg_state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_MASK) && node->node_arity==2){
+ Node arg_node;
+ arg=node->node_arguments;
+ arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ if ((arg_state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_TYPE_ARGUMENTS_MASK) && (arg_state_p->state_unq_type_args & 1)){
+ arg->arg_state.state_mark |= STATE_UNIQUE_MASK;
+ }
+ arg_node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ arg_node->node_node_id->nid_lhs_state_p_=&arg->arg_state;
+ arg_node=arg_node->node_node_id->nid_node;
+ }
+ if (arg_node!=NULL)
+ GenStatesInLhsNode (arg_node,&arg->arg_state);
+ arg=arg->arg_next;
+ arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ arg->arg_state.state_mark |= STATE_UNIQUE_MASK;
+ if ((arg_state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_TYPE_ARGUMENTS_MASK) && (arg_state_p->state_unq_type_args & 1)){
+ arg->arg_state.state_mark |= STATE_UNIQUE_TYPE_ARGUMENTS_MASK;
+ arg->arg_state.state_unq_type_args = 1;
+ }
+ arg_node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ arg_node->node_node_id->nid_lhs_state_p_=&arg->arg_state;
+ arg_node=arg_node->node_node_id->nid_node;
+ }
+ if (arg_node!=NULL)
+ GenStatesInLhsNode (arg_node,&arg->arg_state);
+ return;
+ } else if (symbol->symb_kind==tuple_symb && (arg_state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_MASK)){
+ int i;
+ for_li (arg,i,node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ Node arg_node;
+ arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ if ((arg_state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_TYPE_ARGUMENTS_MASK) && (arg_state_p->state_unq_type_args & (1<<i))){
+ arg->arg_state.state_mark |= STATE_UNIQUE_MASK;
+ }
+ arg_node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ arg_node->node_node_id->nid_lhs_state_p_=&arg->arg_state;
+ arg_node=arg_node->node_node_id->nid_node;
+ }
+ if (arg_node!=NULL)
+ GenStatesInLhsNode (arg_node,&arg->arg_state);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+# endif
+ }
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ Node arg_node;
+ arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ arg_node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ arg_node->node_node_id->nid_lhs_state_p_=&arg->arg_state;
+ arg_node=arg_node->node_node_id->nid_node;
+ if (!arg_node)
+ continue;
+ }
+ GenStatesInLhsNode (arg_node,&arg->arg_state);
+ }
+static void GenStatesInLhsSubArg (Node arg_node,StateP arg_state_p)
+ if (arg_node->node_annotation!=NoAnnot)
+ StaticMessage (True, "%S", Elhsannots, CurrentSymbol);
+ switch (arg_state_p->state_type){
+ case RecordState:
+ GenStatesInLhsSubArguments (arg_node,arg_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_record_state.state_record_arguments);
+ return;
+ case TupleState:
+ GenStatesInLhsSubArguments (arg_node,arg_state_p->state_tuple_arguments);
+ return;
+ default:
+ GenStatesInLhsNode (arg_node,arg_state_p);
+ return;
+ }
+static void GenStatesInLhsSubArguments (Node node,StateS states[])
+ StateP arg_state_p;
+ ArgS *arg;
+ for (arg=node->node_arguments,arg_state_p=states; arg!=NULL; arg=arg->arg_next,++arg_state_p){
+ Node arg_node;
+ arg->arg_state = *arg_state_p;
+ arg_node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ arg_node->node_node_id->nid_lhs_state_p_=&arg->arg_state;
+ arg_node=arg_node->node_node_id->nid_node;
+ if (!arg_node)
+ continue;
+ }
+ GenStatesInLhsSubArg (arg_node,&arg->arg_state);
+ }
+static void DetermineLhsStatesOfRule (ImpRules rule)
+ RuleAlts alt;
+ StateP function_state_p;
+ function_state_p=rule->rule_state_p;
+ CurrentSymbol = rule->rule_root->node_symbol;
+ for_l (alt,rule->rule_alts,alt_next){
+ CurrentLine = alt->alt_line;
+ GenStatesInLhsSubArguments (alt->alt_lhs_root,function_state_p);
+ alt->alt_lhs_root->node_state = function_state_p[-1]; /* i.e. the result kind */
+ }
+unsigned next_def_number;
+void ExamineTypesAndLhsOfImpRuleSymbolDefinitionAgain (SymbDef def)
+ StateS rootstate;
+ rootstate = DetermineStatesOfRuleType (def->sdef_rule->rule_type,def->sdef_rule->rule_state_p);
+ DetermineLhsStatesOfRule (def->sdef_rule);
+ if (def->sdef_exported && def->sdef_dcl_icl!=NULL && def->sdef_dcl_icl->sdef_kind!=INSTANCE)
+ rootstate=def->sdef_dcl_icl->sdef_rule_type->rule_type_state_p[-1];
+ if (IsSimpleState (rootstate)){
+ if (rootstate.state_kind == OnA || rootstate.state_kind == StrictOnA){
+ def->sdef_calledwithrootnode = True;
+ def->sdef_returnsnode = True;
+ } else if (rootstate.state_kind == StrictRedirection){
+ def->sdef_calledwithrootnode = False;
+ def->sdef_returnsnode = True;
+ } else {
+ def->sdef_calledwithrootnode = False;
+ def->sdef_returnsnode = False;
+ }
+ } else {
+ def->sdef_calledwithrootnode = False;
+ def->sdef_returnsnode = False;
+ }
+#define allocate_function_state(arity) (((StateP)(CompAlloc (sizeof(StateS)*((arity)+1))))+1)
+void ExamineTypesAndLhsOfSymbolDefinition (SymbDef def)
+ StateS rootstate;
+ if (def->sdef_over_arity!=0)
+ return;
+ def->sdef_number = 0;
+ if (def->sdef_exported && def->sdef_dcl_icl!=def)
+ switch (def->sdef_kind){
+ case SYSRULE:
+ def->sdef_ident->ident_symbol = NULL;
+ def->sdef_ident->ident_environ = CurrentModule;
+ case DEFRULE:
+ if (def->sdef_isused){
+ def->sdef_rule_type->rule_type_state_p = allocate_function_state (def->sdef_arity);
+ rootstate = DetermineStatesOfRuleType (def->sdef_rule_type->rule_type_rule,def->sdef_rule_type->rule_type_state_p);
+ } else
+ return;
+ break;
+ case IMPRULE:
+ if (def->sdef_module==CurrentModule)
+ def->sdef_number = next_def_number++;
+ def->sdef_rule->rule_state_p = allocate_function_state (def->sdef_arity);
+ rootstate = DetermineStatesOfRuleType (def->sdef_rule->rule_type,def->sdef_rule->rule_state_p);
+ if (def->sdef_exported && def->sdef_dcl_icl!=NULL && def->sdef_dcl_icl->sdef_kind!=INSTANCE){
+ def->sdef_dcl_icl->sdef_rule_type->rule_type_state_p = allocate_function_state (def->sdef_arity);
+ rootstate = DetermineStatesOfRuleType (def->sdef_dcl_icl->sdef_rule_type->rule_type_rule,def->sdef_dcl_icl->sdef_rule_type->rule_type_state_p);
+ }
+ DetermineLhsStatesOfRule (def->sdef_rule);
+ break;
+ {
+ FieldList fields;
+ if (def->sdef_module==CurrentModule)
+ def->sdef_number = next_def_number++;
+ for_l (fields,def->sdef_type->type_fields,fl_next)
+ ExamineTypesAndLhsOfSymbolDefinition (fields->fl_symbol->symb_def);
+ rootstate = def->sdef_record_state;
+ break;
+ }
+ rootstate = def->sdef_sel_field->fl_state;
+ if (def->sdef_module==CurrentModule)
+ def->sdef_number = next_def_number++;
+ if (def->sdef_exported && def->sdef_dcl_icl!=NULL && def->sdef_dcl_icl->sdef_sel_field)
+ rootstate = def->sdef_dcl_icl->sdef_sel_field->fl_state;
+ break;
+ case TYPE:
+ if (def->sdef_module==CurrentModule)
+ def->sdef_number = next_def_number++;
+ rootstate = LazyState;
+ break;
+ if (def->sdef_module==CurrentModule)
+ def->sdef_number = next_def_number++;
+ rootstate = OnAState;
+ break;
+ default:
+ rootstate = OnAState;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (IsSimpleState (rootstate)){
+ if (rootstate.state_kind == OnA || rootstate.state_kind == StrictOnA){
+ def->sdef_calledwithrootnode = True;
+ def->sdef_returnsnode = True;
+ } else if (rootstate.state_kind == StrictRedirection){
+ def->sdef_calledwithrootnode = False;
+ def->sdef_returnsnode = True;
+ } else {
+ def->sdef_calledwithrootnode = False;
+ def->sdef_returnsnode = False;
+ }
+ } else {
+ def->sdef_calledwithrootnode = False;
+ def->sdef_returnsnode = False;
+ }
+void ExamineTypesAndLhsOfSymbols (Symbol symbs)
+ next_def_number = 1;
+ while (symbs!=NULL){
+ if (symbs->symb_kind==definition)
+ ExamineTypesAndLhsOfSymbolDefinition (symbs->symb_def);
+ symbs=symbs->symb_next;
+ }
+extern PolyList UserDefinedArrayFunctions;
+void ImportSymbols (Symbol symbols)
+ Symbol symbol;
+ PolyList array_fun;
+ for_l (array_fun,UserDefinedArrayFunctions,pl_next){
+ SymbDef fun_def;
+ fun_def = ((Symbol) array_fun->pl_elem)->symb_def;
+ if (fun_def ->sdef_mark & (SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK | SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK))
+ fun_def -> sdef_module = CurrentModule;
+ }
+ for_l (symbol,symbols,symb_next){
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ if (symbol->symb_kind==definition)
+ sdef=symbol->symb_def;
+ else
+ continue;
+ if (sdef->sdef_module!=CurrentModule){
+ if (sdef->sdef_isused && sdef->sdef_over_arity==0)
+ GenImport (sdef);
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE){
+ FieldList fields;
+ for_l (fields,sdef->sdef_type->type_fields,fl_next){
+ SymbDef field_sdef;
+ field_sdef=fields->fl_symbol->symb_def;
+ if (field_sdef->sdef_isused && field_sdef->sdef_over_arity==0)
+ GenImport (field_sdef);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static Bool ShouldDecrRefCount;
+static int roots_are_tuples_or_calls_to_this_function (NodeP node_p,NodeDefP node_defs,SymbDef function_sdef_p)
+ switch (node_p->node_kind){
+ case SwitchNode:
+ {
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ for_l (arg_p,node_p->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ if (!roots_are_tuples_or_calls_to_this_function (arg_p->arg_node->node_arguments->arg_node,arg_p->arg_node->node_node_defs,function_sdef_p))
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ case PushNode:
+ return roots_are_tuples_or_calls_to_this_function (node_p->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node,node_defs,function_sdef_p);
+ case GuardNode:
+ {
+ while (node_p->node_kind==GuardNode){
+ if (!roots_are_tuples_or_calls_to_this_function (node_p->node_arguments->arg_node,node_defs,function_sdef_p))
+ return 0;
+ node_defs=node_p->node_node_defs;
+ node_p=node_p->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node;
+ }
+ return roots_are_tuples_or_calls_to_this_function (node_p,node_defs,function_sdef_p);
+ }
+ case IfNode:
+ {
+ ArgP then_arg_p;
+ NodeP else_node_p;
+ then_arg_p=node_p->node_arguments->arg_next;
+ if (!roots_are_tuples_or_calls_to_this_function (then_arg_p->arg_node,node_p->node_then_node_defs,function_sdef_p))
+ return 0;
+ else_node_p=then_arg_p->arg_next->arg_node;
+ if (else_node_p->node_kind==NormalNode && else_node_p->node_symbol->symb_kind==fail_symb)
+ return 1;
+ return roots_are_tuples_or_calls_to_this_function (else_node_p,node_p->node_else_node_defs,function_sdef_p);
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ if (node_p->node_kind==NormalNode){
+ SymbolP node_symbol_p;
+ node_symbol_p=node_p->node_symbol;
+ if (node_symbol_p->symb_kind==tuple_symb)
+ return 1;
+ else if (node_symbol_p->symb_kind==definition && node_symbol_p->symb_def==function_sdef_p
+ && node_p->node_arity==node_symbol_p->symb_def->sdef_arity)
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void DecrRefCountCopiesOfArgs (Args args IF_OPTIMIZE_LAZY_TUPLE_RECURSION(int local_scope));
+static void DecrRefCountCopiesOfArg (Args arg IF_OPTIMIZE_LAZY_TUPLE_RECURSION(int local_scope))
+ Node node;
+ node=arg->arg_node;
+ if (node->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ if (OptimizeLazyTupleRecursion && node->node_kind==NormalNode && node->node_symbol->symb_kind==select_symb && node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode
+ && node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_scope==local_scope
+ ){
+ NodeId node_id;
+ node_id=node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_mark2 & NID_HAS_LAZY_SELECTOR_COUNTER){
+ ++node_id->nid_lazy_selector_ref_count;
+ if (node_id->nid_lazy_selector_ref_count==node_id->nid_refcount){
+ NodeP node_id_def_node;
+ node_id_def_node=node_id->nid_node_def->def_node;
+ if (node_id_def_node->node_kind==NormalNode && node_id_def_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==definition
+ && node_id_def_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==IMPRULE && IsLazyState (node_id_def_node->node_state)
+ && node_id_def_node->node_symbol==CurrentSymbol
+ ){
+ SymbDef function_sdef_p;
+ RuleAltP rule_alt_p;
+ function_sdef_p=node_id_def_node->node_symbol->symb_def;
+ rule_alt_p=function_sdef_p->sdef_rule->rule_alts;
+ if (roots_are_tuples_or_calls_to_this_function (rule_alt_p->alt_rhs_root,rule_alt_p->alt_rhs_defs,function_sdef_p)){
+ node_id->nid_node_def->def_id->nid_mark2 |= NID_CALL_VIA_LAZY_SELECTIONS_ONLY;
+ node_id_def_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_rule->rule_mark |= RULE_CALL_VIA_LAZY_SELECTIONS_ONLY;
+ if (ListOptimizations)
+ printf ("Optimize lazy tuple recursion of %s\n",node_id_def_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ node_id->nid_mark2 |= NID_HAS_LAZY_SELECTOR_COUNTER;
+ node_id->nid_lazy_selector_ref_count=1;
+ }
+ if (node_id->nid_ref_count_copy>0 && node_id->nid_node_def)
+ --node_id->nid_ref_count_copy__;
+ } else
+ DecrRefCountCopiesOfArgs (node->node_arguments IF_OPTIMIZE_LAZY_TUPLE_RECURSION(local_scope));
+ } else {
+ NodeId node_id;
+ node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_ref_count_copy>0 && node_id->nid_node_def)
+ --node_id->nid_ref_count_copy__;
+ }
+static void DecrRefCountCopiesOfArgs (Args args IF_OPTIMIZE_LAZY_TUPLE_RECURSION(int local_scope))
+ for (; args; args = args->arg_next)
+ DecrRefCountCopiesOfArg (args IF_OPTIMIZE_LAZY_TUPLE_RECURSION(local_scope));
+static StateS *RemoveUndefinedsFromTupleState (StateS *state_p,int arity)
+ int n;
+ StateS *element_state_p,*new_element_states;
+ element_state_p=state_p;
+ new_element_states=NULL;
+ for (n=0; n<arity; ++n, ++element_state_p){
+ if (IsSimpleState (*element_state_p)){
+ if (element_state_p->state_kind==Undefined){
+ if (new_element_states==NULL){
+ StateS *new_element_state_p,*old_element_state_p;
+ int i;
+ new_element_states=NewArrayOfStates (arity);
+ element_state_p=&new_element_states[n];
+ new_element_state_p=new_element_states;
+ old_element_state_p=state_p;
+ for (i=0; i<arity; ++i)
+ *new_element_state_p++ = *old_element_state_p++;
+ }
+ element_state_p->state_kind=OnA;
+ }
+ } else if (element_state_p->state_type==TupleState){
+ StateS *new_element_states_2;
+ new_element_states_2=RemoveUndefinedsFromTupleState
+ (element_state_p->state_tuple_arguments,element_state_p->state_arity);
+ if (new_element_states_2){
+ if (new_element_states==NULL){
+ StateS *new_element_state_p,*old_element_state_p;
+ int i;
+ new_element_states=NewArrayOfStates (arity);
+ element_state_p=&new_element_states[n];
+ new_element_state_p=new_element_states;
+ old_element_state_p=state_p;
+ for (i=0; i<arity; ++i)
+ *new_element_state_p++ = *old_element_state_p++;
+ }
+ element_state_p->state_tuple_arguments=new_element_states_2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return new_element_states;
+static Bool ChangeState (StateS *old_state_p,StateS newstate)
+ switch (old_state_p->state_kind){
+ case OnA:
+ case StrictOnA:
+ *old_state_p = newstate;
+ return True;
+ case Undefined:
+ *old_state_p = newstate;
+ return False;
+ default:
+ return False;
+ }
+static Bool AdjustState (StateS *old_state_p, StateS newstate)
+ if (IsSimpleState (newstate)){
+ if (IsSimpleState (*old_state_p)){
+ switch (newstate.state_kind){
+ case StrictOnA:
+ case OnB:
+ return ChangeState (old_state_p, newstate);
+ default:
+ return False;
+ }
+ } else
+ return False;
+ } else if (IsSimpleState (*old_state_p)){
+ if (newstate.state_type==TupleState &&
+ (old_state_p->state_kind==OnA || old_state_p->state_kind==StrictOnA || old_state_p->state_kind==Undefined))
+ {
+ StateS *element_states;
+ element_states=RemoveUndefinedsFromTupleState (newstate.state_tuple_arguments,newstate.state_arity);
+ *old_state_p=newstate;
+ if (element_states){
+/* CheckWarning ("undefined state in tuple state removed",NULL); */
+ old_state_p->state_tuple_arguments=element_states;
+ }
+ return old_state_p->state_kind!=Undefined;
+ }
+ return ChangeState (old_state_p,newstate);
+ } else if (newstate.state_type==TupleState){
+ int i, arity;
+ StateS argstate;
+ Bool new_arg_states;
+ arity = old_state_p->state_arity;
+ new_arg_states = False;
+ Assume (newstate.state_arity == arity, "statesgen", "AdjustState");
+ for (i=0; i<arity; i++){
+ argstate = old_state_p->state_tuple_arguments[i];
+ if (AdjustState (& argstate, newstate.state_tuple_arguments[i]) && ! new_arg_states){
+ int j;
+ States argstates;
+ new_arg_states = True;
+ argstates = NewArrayOfStates (arity);
+ for (j=0; j<arity; j++)
+ argstates[j] = old_state_p->state_tuple_arguments[j];
+ old_state_p->state_tuple_arguments = argstates;
+ }
+ old_state_p->state_tuple_arguments[i] = argstate;
+ }
+ return new_arg_states;
+ } else
+ return False;
+static void DetermineStateOfThenOrElse (Args t_or_e_args, NodeDefs *t_or_e_defs, StateS demstate,int local_scope)
+ Node node;
+ node=t_or_e_args->arg_node;
+ if (node->node_kind==NodeIdNode && *t_or_e_defs==NULL){
+ NodeId node_id;
+ node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_ref_count_copy>=0)
+ --node_id->nid_ref_count_copy__;
+ } else
+ DetermineStatesOfRootNodeAndDefs (node,t_or_e_defs,demstate, local_scope);
+ AdjustState (&t_or_e_args->arg_state,demstate);
+static void DecrementRefCountCopy (NodeId nid)
+ if (nid->nid_ref_count_copy>0)
+ --nid->nid_ref_count_copy__;
+#if 0
+# include "dbprint.h"
+static Bool AdjustStateOfSharedNode (NodeId nid, StateS demstate, int local_scope)
+ /*
+ Note that if the reference count of a node identifier smaller than one means that the corresponding node
+ has already been treated. In that case it would be dangerous to adjust the node state
+ */
+ if (nid->nid_ref_count_copy>=0){
+ NodeDefs nodedef;
+ nodedef = nid->nid_node_def;
+ if (nodedef!=NULL){
+ int node_id_scope;
+ if (ShouldDecrRefCount)
+ DecrementRefCountCopy (nid);
+ node_id_scope=nid->nid_scope;
+ if (node_id_scope<0)
+ node_id_scope=-node_id_scope;
+#if 0
+ printf ("AdjustStateOfSharedNode ");
+ DPrintNodeId (nid,StdOut);
+ printf (" %d %d\n",node_id_scope,local_scope);
+ if (node_id_scope>=local_scope){
+ Node argnode;
+ argnode = nodedef->def_node;
+ if (nid->nid_mark & ON_A_CYCLE_MASK)
+ AdjustState (&argnode->node_state, StrictState);
+ else
+ AdjustState (&argnode->node_state, demstate);
+ }
+ if (nodedef->def_node)
+ return (nodedef->def_node->node_state.state_mark & STATE_PARALLEL_MASK)!=0;
+ }
+#if 0
+ else {
+ printf ("AdjustStateOfSharedNode nid_node_def=NULL ");
+ DPrintNodeId (nid,StdOut);
+ printf (" %d %d\n",nid->nid_scope,local_scope);
+ }
+ }
+ return False;
+static Bool ArgInAStrictContext (Args arg, StateS demstate, Bool semistrict, int local_scope);
+static Bool DetermineStrictArgContext (Args arg, StateS demstate, int local_scope)
+ AdjustState (&arg->arg_state, demstate);
+ return ArgInAStrictContext (arg, arg->arg_state, False, local_scope);
+static StateP GetStateOfArguments (SymbDef sdef,int actual_arity)
+ int symbol_arity;
+ StateP state_p;
+ switch (sdef->sdef_kind){
+ case DEFRULE:
+ case SYSRULE:
+ state_p=sdef->sdef_rule_type->rule_type_state_p;
+ symbol_arity = sdef->sdef_arity;
+ break;
+ case IMPRULE:
+ state_p=sdef->sdef_rule->rule_state_p;
+ symbol_arity = sdef->sdef_arity;
+ break;
+ state_p=sdef->sdef_record_state.state_record_arguments;
+ symbol_arity = sdef->sdef_cons_arity;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (symbol_arity==actual_arity)
+ return state_p;
+ else
+ return NULL;
+static Bool ArgsInAStrictContext (StateP arg_state_p,Args argn, int local_scope)
+ Bool parallel;
+ parallel = False;
+ for (; argn!=NULL; argn=argn->arg_next){
+ if (! IsLazyState (*arg_state_p)){
+ if (DetermineStrictArgContext (argn,*arg_state_p,local_scope))
+ parallel = True;
+ } else if (ShouldDecrRefCount)
+ DecrRefCountCopiesOfArg (argn IF_OPTIMIZE_LAZY_TUPLE_RECURSION(local_scope));
+ ++arg_state_p;
+ }
+ return parallel;
+ static Bool UpdateNodeInAStrictOrSemiStrictContext (Node node,StateP demanded_state_p,int local_scope,Bool semi_strict)
+ static Bool UpdateNodeInAStrictOrSemiStrictContext (Node node,int local_scope,Bool semi_strict)
+ Bool parallel;
+ SymbDef record_sdef;
+ int type_arg_number;
+ ArgS *arg;
+ StateP record_arg_states;
+ parallel=False;
+ record_sdef=node->node_symbol->symb_def;
+ if (!semi_strict){
+ if (demanded_state_p->state_type==SimpleState &&
+ demanded_state_p->state_kind==StrictOnA &&
+ demanded_state_p->state_object==RecordObj)
+ {
+ node->node_state = *demanded_state_p;
+ } else
+ node->node_state = record_sdef->sdef_record_state;
+ }
+ arg=node->node_arguments;
+ if (semi_strict
+ ? ArgInAStrictContext (arg,StrictState,True,local_scope)
+ : DetermineStrictArgContext (arg, record_sdef->sdef_record_state,local_scope))
+ parallel = True;
+ type_arg_number=0;
+ record_arg_states=record_sdef->sdef_record_state.state_record_arguments;
+ while ((arg=arg->arg_next)!=NULL){
+ int selector_number;
+ Node selector_node;
+ selector_node=arg->arg_node;
+ selector_number=selector_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_sel_field_number;
+ while (type_arg_number!=selector_number){
+ ++type_arg_number;
+ }
+ if (!IsLazyState (record_arg_states[type_arg_number])){
+ if (semi_strict
+ ? ArgInAStrictContext (selector_node->node_arguments,StrictState,True,local_scope)
+ : DetermineStrictArgContext (selector_node->node_arguments,record_arg_states[type_arg_number],local_scope))
+ parallel = True;
+ } else if (ShouldDecrRefCount)
+ DecrRefCountCopiesOfArg (selector_node->node_arguments IF_OPTIMIZE_LAZY_TUPLE_RECURSION(local_scope));
+ }
+ if (parallel)
+ node->node_state.state_mark |= STATE_PARALLEL_MASK;
+ return parallel;
+int optimise_strict_tuple_result_functions;
+static Bool NodeInAStrictContext (Node node,StateS demanded_state,int local_scope)
+ Bool parallel;
+ parallel=False;
+ if (node->node_kind==NormalNode){
+ Symbol rootsymb;
+ rootsymb = node->node_symbol;
+ switch (rootsymb->symb_kind){
+ case cons_symb:
+ if (ShouldDecrRefCount)
+ DecrRefCountCopiesOfArgs (node->node_arguments IF_OPTIMIZE_LAZY_TUPLE_RECURSION(local_scope));
+ case nil_symb:
+ SetUnaryState (&node->node_state, StrictOnA, ListObj);
+ break;
+ case apply_symb:
+ node->node_state = StrictState;
+ node->node_state.state_kind = StrictRedirection;
+ parallel = DetermineStrictArgContext (node->node_arguments, StrictState, local_scope);
+ if (ShouldDecrRefCount)
+ DecrRefCountCopiesOfArg (node->node_arguments->arg_next IF_OPTIMIZE_LAZY_TUPLE_RECURSION(local_scope));
+ break;
+ case if_symb:
+ {
+ Args args;
+ args = node->node_arguments;
+ node->node_state = StrictState;
+ if (node->node_arity==3){
+ if (DetermineStrictArgContext (args, BasicSymbolStates[bool_type], local_scope))
+ parallel = True;
+ args = args->arg_next;
+ node->node_state=demanded_state;
+ if (DetermineStrictArgContext (args,demanded_state,20000/*local_scope+1*/))
+ parallel = True;
+ args=args->arg_next;
+ if (DetermineStrictArgContext (args,demanded_state,20000/*local_scope+1*/))
+ parallel = True;
+ break;
+ node->node_state.state_kind = StrictRedirection;
+ }
+ if (ShouldDecrRefCount)
+ for (; args; args = args->arg_next)
+ DecrRefCountCopiesOfArg (args IF_OPTIMIZE_LAZY_TUPLE_RECURSION(local_scope));
+ break;
+ }
+ case select_symb:
+ {
+ Args arg;
+ Node argnode;
+ arg=node->node_arguments;
+ SetUpdateableTupleState (&arg->arg_state, NewArrayOfUnaryStates (rootsymb->symb_arity, Undefined), rootsymb->symb_arity);
+ arg->arg_state.state_tuple_arguments [node->node_arity - 1] = demanded_state;
+ argnode=arg->arg_node;
+ if (argnode->node_kind!=NodeIdNode)
+ parallel = NodeInAStrictContext (argnode, arg->arg_state, local_scope);
+ else {
+ NodeId node_id;
+ node_id=argnode->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_ref_count_copy>=0 && node_id->nid_node_def){
+ int node_id_scope;
+ argnode = node_id->nid_node_def->def_node;
+ if (ShouldDecrRefCount)
+ DecrementRefCountCopy (node_id);
+ node_id_scope=node_id->nid_scope;
+ if (node_id_scope<0)
+ node_id_scope=-node_id_scope;
+#if 0
+ printf ("NodeInAStrictContext select_symb ");
+ DPrintNodeId (node_id,StdOut);
+ printf (" %d %d\n",node_id_scope,local_scope);
+ if (node_id_scope>=local_scope){
+ if (IsSimpleState (argnode->node_state)){
+ if (argnode->node_state.state_kind!=Parallel){
+ SetUpdateableTupleState (&argnode->node_state, NewArrayOfUnaryStates (rootsymb->symb_arity, OnA), rootsymb->symb_arity);
+ AdjustState (&argnode->node_state.state_tuple_arguments[node->node_arity-1],demanded_state);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((argnode->node_state.state_mark & STATE_ELEMENTS_UPDATEABLE_MASK)==0){
+ int i,arity;
+ States arg_states;
+ arity = argnode->node_state.state_arity;
+ arg_states = NewArrayOfStates (arity);
+ for (i=0; i<arity; ++i)
+ arg_states[i] = argnode->node_state.state_tuple_arguments[i];
+ argnode->node_state.state_tuple_arguments = arg_states;
+ argnode->node_state.state_mark |= STATE_ELEMENTS_UPDATEABLE_MASK;
+ }
+ AdjustState (&argnode->node_state.state_tuple_arguments[node->node_arity-1],demanded_state);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ node->node_state = demanded_state;
+ break;
+ }
+ case tuple_symb:
+ if (IsSimpleState (demanded_state)){
+ SetUnaryState (&node->node_state, StrictOnA, TupleObj);
+ if (ShouldDecrRefCount)
+ DecrRefCountCopiesOfArgs (node->node_arguments IF_OPTIMIZE_LAZY_TUPLE_RECURSION(local_scope));
+ } else {
+ Args arg; int i;
+ for (i=0, arg=node->node_arguments; arg!=NULL; arg=arg->arg_next, i++){
+ Bool par;
+ par = False;
+ if (!IsLazyState (demanded_state.state_tuple_arguments[i])){
+ if (DetermineStrictArgContext (arg,demanded_state.state_tuple_arguments[i],local_scope))
+ par = True;
+ } else if (ShouldDecrRefCount)
+ DecrRefCountCopiesOfArg (arg IF_OPTIMIZE_LAZY_TUPLE_RECURSION(local_scope));
+ arg->arg_state = demanded_state.state_tuple_arguments[i];
+ if (par){
+ arg->arg_state.state_mark |= STATE_PARALLEL_MASK;
+ parallel = True;
+ }
+ }
+ node->node_state = demanded_state;
+ }
+ break;
+ case definition:
+ {
+ StateP definition_state_p;
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ sdef = rootsymb->symb_def;
+ if (sdef->sdef_arfun!=NoArrayFun
+ && ( (sdef->sdef_arfun==_UnqArraySelectLastFun || sdef->sdef_arfun==_UnqArraySelectNextFun) && node->node_arity==2)
+ || (sdef->sdef_arfun==_ArrayUpdateFun && node->node_arity==3))
+ {
+ StateP function_state_p;
+ function_state_p=sdef->sdef_rule_type->rule_type_state_p;
+ if (!(function_state_p[0].state_type==SimpleState && function_state_p[0].state_object==UnknownObj)){
+ StateP arg_node_state_p;
+ NodeP arg_node_p;
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ arg_p=node->node_arguments;
+ if (sdef->sdef_arfun!=_ArrayUpdateFun){
+ parallel = ArgsInAStrictContext (function_state_p,arg_p,local_scope);
+ node->node_state = function_state_p[-1];
+ arg_node_p=arg_p->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node_p->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ arg_node_state_p=&arg_node_p->node_state;
+ if (arg_node_state_p->state_type==TupleState && arg_node_state_p->state_tuple_arguments[1].state_type!=SimpleState){
+ StateP tuple_state_args_p,tuple_result_state_args_p,result_state_p;
+ result_state_p=&arg_node_state_p->state_tuple_arguments[1];
+ tuple_state_args_p=CompAllocArray (2,StateS);
+ tuple_state_args_p[0]=arg_p->arg_state.state_tuple_arguments[0];
+ tuple_state_args_p[1]=*result_state_p;
+ arg_p->arg_state.state_tuple_arguments=tuple_state_args_p;
+ tuple_result_state_args_p=CompAllocArray (2,StateS);
+ tuple_result_state_args_p[0]=node->node_state.state_tuple_arguments[0];
+ tuple_result_state_args_p[1]=*result_state_p;
+ node->node_state.state_tuple_arguments=tuple_result_state_args_p;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ NodeP arg_node_p;
+ if (demanded_state.state_type!=SimpleState){
+ StateS arg_states[3],*update_arg_tuple_arg_states;
+ arg_states[0]=function_state_p[0];
+ arg_states[1]=function_state_p[1];
+ arg_states[2]=function_state_p[2];
+ update_arg_tuple_arg_states=NewArrayOfStates (2);
+ update_arg_tuple_arg_states[0]=arg_states[0].state_tuple_arguments[0];
+ update_arg_tuple_arg_states[1]=demanded_state;
+ arg_states[0].state_tuple_arguments=update_arg_tuple_arg_states;
+ parallel = ArgsInAStrictContext (arg_states,arg_p,local_scope);
+ node->node_state = demanded_state;
+ } else {
+ parallel = ArgsInAStrictContext (function_state_p,arg_p,local_scope);
+ node->node_state = function_state_p[-1];
+ arg_node_p=arg_p->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node_p->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ arg_node_state_p=&arg_node_p->node_state;
+ if (arg_node_state_p->state_type==TupleState && arg_node_state_p->state_tuple_arguments[1].state_type!=SimpleState){
+ StateP tuple_state_args_p,result_state_p;
+ result_state_p=&arg_node_state_p->state_tuple_arguments[1];
+ tuple_state_args_p=CompAllocArray (2,StateS);
+ tuple_state_args_p[0]=arg_p->arg_state.state_tuple_arguments[0];
+ tuple_state_args_p[1]=*result_state_p;
+ arg_p->arg_state.state_tuple_arguments=tuple_state_args_p;
+ node->node_state=*result_state_p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ definition_state_p = GetStateOfArguments (sdef,node->node_arity);
+ if (definition_state_p!=NULL){
+ if (sdef->sdef_module==DeltaBId->ident_name && node->node_arity==2){
+ if (sdef->sdef_ident==AndId){
+ ArgP arg1,arg2,false_arg;
+ NodeP false_node;
+ arg1=node->node_arguments;
+ arg2=arg1->arg_next;
+ /* if arg2 is a node_id, incorrect code if and on root (redirection with jmpevalupd) */
+ if (arg2->arg_node->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ node->node_symbol=IfSymbol;
+ node->node_arity=3;
+ false_node=NewNode (FalseSymbol,NULL,0);
+ false_node->node_state=LazyState;
+ false_arg=NewArgument (false_node);
+ false_arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ arg2->arg_next=false_arg;
+ return NodeInAStrictContext (node,demanded_state,local_scope);
+ }
+ } else if (sdef->sdef_ident==OrId){
+ ArgP arg1,arg2,true_arg;
+ NodeP true_node;
+ arg1=node->node_arguments;
+ arg2=arg1->arg_next;
+ /* if arg2 is a node_id, incorrect code if or on root (redirection with jmpevalupd) */
+ if (arg2->arg_node->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ node->node_symbol=IfSymbol;
+ node->node_arity=3;
+ true_node=NewNode (TrueSymbol,NULL,0);
+ true_node->node_state=LazyState;
+ true_arg=NewArgument (true_node);
+ true_arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ arg1->arg_next=true_arg;
+ true_arg->arg_next=arg2;
+ return NodeInAStrictContext (node,demanded_state,local_scope);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==IMPRULE && demanded_state.state_type==TupleState && definition_state_p[-1].state_type==TupleState
+ && !(sdef->sdef_rule->rule_mark & RULE_CAF_MASK) && sdef->sdef_rule->rule_alts->alt_kind==Contractum && optimise_strict_tuple_result_functions)
+ optimise_tuple_result_function (node,demanded_state);
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE)
+ node->node_state = sdef->sdef_record_state;
+ else
+ node->node_state = definition_state_p[-1];
+ parallel = ArgsInAStrictContext (definition_state_p,node->node_arguments,local_scope);
+ } else {
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR && sdef->sdef_strict_constructor && sdef->sdef_arity==node->node_arity){
+ SetUnaryState (&node->node_state,StrictOnA,UnknownObj);
+ parallel = ArgsInAStrictContext (sdef->sdef_constructor->cl_state_p,node->node_arguments,local_scope);
+ } else {
+ if (ShouldDecrRefCount)
+ DecrRefCountCopiesOfArgs (node->node_arguments IF_OPTIMIZE_LAZY_TUPLE_RECURSION(local_scope));
+ node->node_state = StrictState;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ if (rootsymb->symb_kind < Nr_Of_Predef_Types){
+ node->node_state = BasicSymbolStates [rootsymb->symb_kind];
+ node->node_state.state_kind = demanded_state.state_kind;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (node->node_kind==SelectorNode){
+ SymbDef ssymb;
+ ssymb = node->node_symbol->symb_def;
+ if (node->node_arity>=SELECTOR_U){
+ StateP record_state_p,tuple_arg_states;
+ record_state_p=&ssymb->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_symbol->symb_def->sdef_record_state;
+ tuple_arg_states=NewArrayOfStates (2);
+ if (node->node_arity>=SELECTOR_L){
+ StateS sel_arg_state,*sel_arg_tuple_arg_states;
+ NodeP arg_node_p;
+ sel_arg_tuple_arg_states=NewArrayOfStates (2);
+ sel_arg_tuple_arg_states[0]=*record_state_p;
+ if (demanded_state.state_type==TupleState && !IsLazyState (demanded_state.state_tuple_arguments[1])){
+ sel_arg_tuple_arg_states[1]=demanded_state.state_tuple_arguments[1];
+ tuple_arg_states[1]=demanded_state.state_tuple_arguments[1];
+ } else {
+ sel_arg_tuple_arg_states[1]=StrictState;
+ tuple_arg_states[1]=StrictState;
+ }
+ SetTupleState (&sel_arg_state,sel_arg_tuple_arg_states,2);
+ parallel = DetermineStrictArgContext (node->node_arguments,sel_arg_state,local_scope);
+ arg_node_p=node->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node_p->node_kind!=NodeIdNode && arg_node_p->node_state.state_type==TupleState
+ && arg_node_p->node_state.state_tuple_arguments[1].state_type!=SimpleState)
+ {
+ StateP result_state_p;
+ result_state_p=&arg_node_p->node_state.state_tuple_arguments[1];
+ tuple_arg_states[1]=*result_state_p;
+ sel_arg_tuple_arg_states[1]=*result_state_p;
+ }
+ } else {
+ parallel = DetermineStrictArgContext (node->node_arguments,*record_state_p,local_scope);
+ tuple_arg_states[1]=*record_state_p;
+ }
+ tuple_arg_states[0]=record_state_p->state_record_arguments[ssymb->sdef_sel_field_number];
+ SetTupleState (&node->node_state,tuple_arg_states,2);
+ } else {
+ parallel = DetermineStrictArgContext (node->node_arguments,
+ ssymb->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_symbol->symb_def->sdef_record_state,local_scope);
+ node->node_state=demanded_state;
+ }
+ } else if (node->node_kind==UpdateNode)
+ return UpdateNodeInAStrictOrSemiStrictContext (node,&demanded_state,local_scope,False);
+ return UpdateNodeInAStrictOrSemiStrictContext (node,local_scope,False);
+ else if (node->node_kind==MatchNode){
+ parallel = DetermineStrictArgContext (node->node_arguments,StrictState,local_scope);
+ node->node_state=demanded_state;
+ } else
+ error_in_function ("NodeInAStrictContext");
+ if (parallel)
+ node->node_state.state_mark |= STATE_PARALLEL_MASK;
+ return parallel;
+static Bool NodeInASemiStrictContext (Node node, int local_scope);
+static Bool ArgInAStrictContext (Args arg, StateS demstate, Bool semistrict, int local_scope)
+ Bool parallel;
+ Node argnode;
+ parallel = False;
+ argnode=arg->arg_node;
+ if (argnode->node_kind!=NodeIdNode){
+ if (semistrict && argnode->node_number<0){
+ parallel = NodeInASemiStrictContext (argnode,local_scope);
+ argnode->node_state.state_kind = SemiStrict;
+ } else
+ parallel = NodeInAStrictContext (argnode, demstate, local_scope);
+ } else
+ parallel = AdjustStateOfSharedNode (argnode->node_node_id, demstate, local_scope);
+ if (parallel)
+ arg->arg_state.state_mark |= STATE_PARALLEL_MASK;
+ return parallel;
+static Bool NodeInASemiStrictContext (Node node,int local_scope)
+ switch (node->node_kind){
+ case NormalNode:
+ {
+ Bool parallel;
+ Symbol symb;
+ symb = node->node_symbol;
+ parallel = False;
+ if (symb->symb_kind==definition){
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ StateP arg_state_p;
+ sdef=symb->symb_def;
+ arg_state_p = GetStateOfArguments (sdef,node->node_arity);
+ if (arg_state_p==NULL && sdef->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR &&
+ sdef->sdef_strict_constructor && sdef->sdef_arity==node->node_arity)
+ {
+ arg_state_p=sdef->sdef_constructor->cl_state_p;
+ }
+ if (arg_state_p!=NULL){
+ for_l (arg_p,node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ if (IsLazyState (*arg_state_p)){
+ if (ShouldDecrRefCount)
+ DecrRefCountCopiesOfArg (arg_p IF_OPTIMIZE_LAZY_TUPLE_RECURSION(local_scope));
+ } else
+ if (ArgInAStrictContext (arg_p,StrictState,True,local_scope))
+ parallel = True;
+ ++arg_state_p;
+ }
+ } else
+ DecrRefCountCopiesOfArgs (node->node_arguments IF_OPTIMIZE_LAZY_TUPLE_RECURSION(local_scope));
+ } else
+ DecrRefCountCopiesOfArgs (node->node_arguments IF_OPTIMIZE_LAZY_TUPLE_RECURSION(local_scope));
+ if (parallel)
+ node->node_state.state_mark |= STATE_PARALLEL_MASK;
+ return parallel;
+ }
+ case SelectorNode:
+ case MatchNode:
+ if (ArgInAStrictContext (node->node_arguments,StrictState,True,local_scope)){
+ node->node_state.state_mark |= STATE_PARALLEL_MASK;
+ return True;
+ } else
+ return False;
+ case UpdateNode:
+ return UpdateNodeInAStrictOrSemiStrictContext (node,&StrictState,local_scope,True);
+ return UpdateNodeInAStrictOrSemiStrictContext (node,local_scope,True);
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("NodeInASemiStrictContext");
+ return False;
+ }
+static void DetermineStatesOfNonIfRootNode (Node root,NodeId root_id,StateS demstate,int local_scope)
+ if (root->node_state.state_kind != OnA){
+ StaticMessage (False, "%S", Wrootannot, CurrentSymbol);
+ root->node_state.state_kind = OnA;
+ }
+ if (root_id)
+ root_id->nid_ref_count_copy_=-1; /* to indicate that this node has been examined */
+ if (root_id && (root_id->nid_mark & ON_A_CYCLE_MASK)){
+ (void) NodeInASemiStrictContext (root, local_scope);
+ root->node_state.state_kind = SemiStrict;
+ } else
+ NodeInAStrictContext (root, demstate, local_scope);
+static int scope;
+static void DetermineStatesOfGuardRootNode (Node node, NodeId nid, StateS demstate,int local_scope)
+ if (node->node_kind!=IfNode)
+ DetermineStatesOfNonIfRootNode (node, nid, demstate, local_scope);
+ else {
+ Args condpart;
+ int new_local_scope;
+ new_local_scope=scope+2;
+ scope+=3;
+ condpart = node->node_arguments;
+ AdjustState (&condpart->arg_state, BasicSymbolStates [bool_type]);
+ if (condpart->arg_node->node_kind!=NodeIdNode)
+ DetermineStatesOfGuardRootNode (condpart->arg_node, NULL,condpart->arg_state, local_scope);
+ else
+ /* the parallel state of the condition is not needed */
+ AdjustStateOfSharedNode (condpart->arg_node->node_node_id,condpart->arg_state,local_scope);
+ AdjustState (&node->node_state, demstate);
+ ++scope;
+ DetermineStateOfThenOrElse (condpart->arg_next,&node->node_then_node_defs,demstate,new_local_scope);
+ ++scope;
+ DetermineStateOfThenOrElse (condpart->arg_next->arg_next,&node->node_else_node_defs,demstate,new_local_scope);
+ }
+static void ParAnnotInAStrictContext (Node node,Annotation annot, int local_scope)
+ if (annot==ParallelAtAnnot){
+ Node at_node;
+ at_node=get_p_at_node (node);
+ if (at_node->node_kind!=NodeIdNode)
+ NodeInAStrictContext (at_node,BasicSymbolStates[procid_type],local_scope);
+ }
+static void DetermineStatesOfNodeDefs (NodeDefs firstdef, int local_scope)
+ NodeDefs next;
+ Bool ready;
+ for_l (next,firstdef,def_next)
+ if ((next->def_id->nid_mark & ON_A_CYCLE_MASK) && next->def_node!=NULL)
+ DecrRefCountCopiesOfArgs (next->def_node->node_arguments IF_OPTIMIZE_LAZY_TUPLE_RECURSION(local_scope));
+ /* examine all parallel annotated nodes */
+ for_l (next,firstdef,def_next){
+ Node node;
+ node=next->def_node;
+ if (node && node->node_annotation && node->node_state.state_kind==Parallel)
+ ParAnnotInAStrictContext (node,node->node_annotation, local_scope);
+ }
+ /* determine states */
+ do {
+ ready = True;
+ /* First we examine all the nodes that are not lazy anymore */
+ for_l (next,firstdef,def_next){
+ Node node;
+ node = next->def_node;
+ if (node && ! IsLazyState (node->node_state) &&
+ (next->def_id->nid_ref_count_copy==0 ||
+ (next->def_id->nid_ref_count_copy>=0 && (next->def_id->nid_mark & ON_A_CYCLE_MASK))))
+ {
+ /* to indicate that this node has already been examined: */
+ next->def_id->nid_ref_count_copy_ = -1;
+ ready = False;
+ /*
+ JVG: hack to remove undefined's in tuple state of tuples which are selected
+ and for which there are selectors and may be other references in a lazy context
+ (can lead to less efficient code)
+ */
+ if (next->def_id->nid_refcount>1 && node->node_kind==NormalNode
+ && node->node_symbol->symb_kind==select_symb
+ && node->node_state.state_type==TupleState)
+ {
+ StateS *element_states;
+ element_states=RemoveUndefinedsFromTupleState
+ (node->node_state.state_tuple_arguments,node->node_state.state_arity);
+ if (element_states)
+ node->node_state.state_tuple_arguments=element_states;
+ }
+ if (next->def_id->nid_mark & ON_A_CYCLE_MASK){
+ ShouldDecrRefCount = False;
+ NodeInASemiStrictContext (node,local_scope);
+ SetUnaryState (&node->node_state, SemiStrict, node->node_state.state_object);
+ } else {
+ ShouldDecrRefCount = True;
+ NodeInAStrictContext (node, node->node_state, local_scope);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ready){
+ for_l (next,firstdef,def_next){
+ if (next->def_node && IsLazyState (next->def_node->node_state) &&
+ ! (next->def_id->nid_mark & ON_A_CYCLE_MASK) && next->def_id->nid_ref_count_copy==0)
+ {
+ next->def_id->nid_ref_count_copy_ = -1;
+ ready = False;
+ DecrRefCountCopiesOfArgs (next->def_node->node_arguments IF_OPTIMIZE_LAZY_TUPLE_RECURSION(local_scope));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } while (! ready);
+ for_l (next,firstdef,def_next)
+ if (next->def_node)
+ if (! (next->def_id->nid_ref_count_copy<0 ||
+ (next->def_id->nid_ref_count_copy==0 && (next->def_id->nid_mark & ON_A_CYCLE_MASK))))
+ {
+ error_in_function ("DetermineStatesOfNodeDefs");
+ }
+static void set_push_node_id_states (NodeIdListElementP node_ids,StateS states[])
+ StateP arg_state_p;
+ for (arg_state_p=states; node_ids!=NULL; node_ids=node_ids->nidl_next,++arg_state_p){
+ NodeIdP node_id_p;
+ node_id_p=node_ids->nidl_node_id;
+ node_id_p->nid_lhs_state_p_=arg_state_p;
+ node_id_p->nid_ref_count_copy=node_id_p->nid_refcount;
+ }
+static void set_lazy_push_node_id_states (NodeIdListElementP node_ids)
+ for (; node_ids!=NULL; node_ids=node_ids->nidl_next){
+ NodeIdP node_id_p;
+ node_id_p=node_ids->nidl_node_id;
+ node_id_p->nid_lhs_state_p_=&LazyState;
+ node_id_p->nid_ref_count_copy=node_id_p->nid_refcount;
+ }
+static void DetermineStatesOfNodeAndDefs (Node root_node,NodeDefs node_defs,StateS demstate,int local_scope)
+ ShouldDecrRefCount = True;
+ if (root_node->node_kind==SwitchNode){
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ int old_scope;
+ old_scope=scope;
+ if (node_defs!=NULL)
+ error_in_function ("DetermineStatesOfNodeAndDefs");
+ root_node->node_state = *root_node->node_node_id->nid_lhs_state_p;
+ root_node->node_node_id->nid_ref_count_copy=root_node->node_node_id->nid_refcount;
+ for_l (arg_p,root_node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ NodeP arg_node_p;
+ arg_node_p=arg_p->arg_node;
+ scope=old_scope;
+ if (arg_node_p->node_kind==CaseNode){
+ NodeP case_alt_node_p;
+ case_alt_node_p=arg_node_p->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ if (case_alt_node_p->node_kind==PushNode){
+ NodeIdP node_id_p;
+ StateP node_id_state_p;
+ NodeIdListElementP node_ids;
+ node_id_p=case_alt_node_p->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ node_id_state_p=node_id_p->nid_lhs_state_p;
+ node_ids=case_alt_node_p->node_node_ids;
+ switch (node_id_state_p->state_type){
+ case RecordState:
+ set_push_node_id_states (node_ids,case_alt_node_p->node_record_symbol->symb_def->sdef_record_state.state_record_arguments);
+ break;
+ case TupleState:
+ set_push_node_id_states (node_ids,node_id_state_p->state_tuple_arguments);
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ Symbol symbol;
+ symbol=case_alt_node_p->node_record_symbol;
+ if (symbol->symb_kind==definition){
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ sdef=symbol->symb_def;
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR){
+ AttributeKind lhs_type_attribute;
+ lhs_type_attribute=sdef->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_attribute;
+ if (lhs_type_attribute==UniqueAttr && (node_id_state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_MASK)==0){
+ StateP unique_state_p;
+ unique_state_p=CompAllocType (StateS);
+ *unique_state_p=*node_id_state_p;
+ unique_state_p->state_mark |= STATE_UNIQUE_MASK;
+ node_id_state_p=unique_state_p;
+ node_id_p->nid_lhs_state_p=unique_state_p;
+ }
+ if (sdef->sdef_arity==case_alt_node_p->node_arity && (node_id_state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_MASK)){
+ NodeIdListElementP node_ids_elem;
+ if (sdef->sdef_strict_constructor){
+ struct type_arg *type_arg_p;
+ StateP constructor_arg_state_p;
+ for_lla (node_ids_elem,type_arg_p,constructor_arg_state_p,
+ node_ids,sdef->sdef_constructor->cl_constructor->type_node_arguments,symbol->symb_def->sdef_constructor->cl_state_p,
+ nidl_next,type_arg_next)
+ {
+ NodeIdP node_id_p;
+ node_id_p=node_ids_elem->nidl_node_id;
+ node_id_p->nid_ref_count_copy=node_id_p->nid_refcount;
+ node_id_p->nid_lhs_state_p_=determine_unique_state_of_constructor_argument (constructor_arg_state_p,type_arg_p->type_arg_node,lhs_type_attribute);
+ }
+ } else {
+ struct type_arg *type_arg_p;
+ for_ll (node_ids_elem,type_arg_p,node_ids,sdef->sdef_constructor->cl_constructor->type_node_arguments,nidl_next,type_arg_next){
+ NodeIdP node_id_p;
+ node_id_p=node_ids_elem->nidl_node_id;
+ node_id_p->nid_ref_count_copy=node_id_p->nid_refcount;
+ node_id_p->nid_lhs_state_p_=determine_unique_state_of_constructor_argument (&LazyState,type_arg_p->type_arg_node,lhs_type_attribute);
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+# endif
+ if (sdef->sdef_strict_constructor && sdef->sdef_arity==case_alt_node_p->node_arity)
+ set_push_node_id_states (node_ids,sdef->sdef_constructor->cl_state_p);
+ else
+ set_lazy_push_node_id_states (node_ids);
+ } else if (sdef->sdef_kind==RECORDTYPE){
+ AttributeKind lhs_type_attribute;
+ lhs_type_attribute=sdef->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_attribute;
+ if (lhs_type_attribute==UniqueAttr && (node_id_state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_MASK)==0){
+ StateP unique_state_p;
+ unique_state_p=CompAllocType (StateS);
+ *unique_state_p=*node_id_state_p;
+ unique_state_p->state_mark |= STATE_UNIQUE_MASK;
+ node_id_state_p=unique_state_p;
+ node_id_p->nid_lhs_state_p=unique_state_p;
+ }
+ if (node_id_state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_MASK){
+ NodeIdListElementP node_ids_elem;
+ StateP arg_state_p;
+ FieldList field;
+ for_lla (node_ids_elem,field,arg_state_p,node_ids,
+ sdef->sdef_type->type_fields,sdef->sdef_record_state.state_record_arguments,nidl_next,fl_next)
+ {
+ NodeIdP node_id_p;
+ node_id_p=node_ids_elem->nidl_node_id;
+ node_id_p->nid_ref_count_copy=node_id_p->nid_refcount;
+ node_id_p->nid_lhs_state_p_=determine_unique_state_of_constructor_argument (arg_state_p,field->fl_type,lhs_type_attribute);
+ }
+ } else
+# endif
+ set_push_node_id_states (node_ids,sdef->sdef_record_state.state_record_arguments);
+ } else
+ set_lazy_push_node_id_states (node_ids);
+ } else
+ if (symbol->symb_kind==cons_symb && (node_id_state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_MASK) && case_alt_node_p->node_arity==2){
+ NodeIdP node_id_p;
+ node_id_p=node_ids->nidl_node_id;
+ node_id_p->nid_ref_count_copy=node_id_p->nid_refcount;
+ if ((node_id_state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_TYPE_ARGUMENTS_MASK) && (node_id_state_p->state_unq_type_args & 1)){
+ StateP unique_state_p;
+ unique_state_p=CompAllocType (StateS);
+ *unique_state_p=LazyState;
+ unique_state_p->state_mark |= STATE_UNIQUE_MASK;
+ node_id_p->nid_lhs_state_p_=unique_state_p;
+ } else
+ node_id_p->nid_lhs_state_p_=&LazyState;
+ node_ids=node_ids->nidl_next;
+ node_id_p=node_ids->nidl_node_id;
+ node_id_p->nid_ref_count_copy=node_id_p->nid_refcount;
+ {
+ StateP unique_state_p;
+ unique_state_p=CompAllocType (StateS);
+ *unique_state_p=LazyState;
+ unique_state_p->state_mark |= STATE_UNIQUE_MASK;
+ if ((node_id_state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_TYPE_ARGUMENTS_MASK) && (node_id_state_p->state_unq_type_args & 1)){
+ unique_state_p->state_mark |= STATE_UNIQUE_TYPE_ARGUMENTS_MASK;
+ unique_state_p->state_unq_type_args = 1;
+ }
+ node_id_p->nid_lhs_state_p_=unique_state_p;
+ }
+ } else if (symbol->symb_kind==tuple_symb && (node_id_state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_MASK)){
+ NodeIdListElementP node_ids_elem;
+ int i;
+ for_li (node_ids_elem,i,node_ids,nidl_next){
+ NodeIdP node_id_p;
+ node_id_p=node_ids_elem->nidl_node_id;
+ node_id_p->nid_ref_count_copy=node_id_p->nid_refcount;
+ if ((node_id_state_p->state_mark & STATE_UNIQUE_TYPE_ARGUMENTS_MASK) && (node_id_state_p->state_unq_type_args & (1<<i))){
+ StateP unique_state_p;
+ unique_state_p=CompAllocType (StateS);
+ *unique_state_p=LazyState;
+ unique_state_p->state_mark |= STATE_UNIQUE_MASK;
+ node_id_p->nid_lhs_state_p_=unique_state_p;
+ } else
+ node_id_p->nid_lhs_state_p_=&LazyState;
+ }
+ } else
+# endif
+ set_lazy_push_node_id_states (node_ids);
+ }
+ }
+ DetermineStatesOfNodeAndDefs (case_alt_node_p->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node,arg_node_p->node_node_defs,demstate,local_scope);
+ } else
+ DetermineStatesOfNodeAndDefs (case_alt_node_p,arg_node_p->node_node_defs,demstate,local_scope);
+ } else if (arg_node_p->node_kind==DefaultNode){
+ DetermineStatesOfNodeAndDefs (arg_node_p->node_arguments->arg_node,arg_node_p->node_node_defs,demstate,local_scope);
+ } else
+ error_in_function ("DetermineStatesOfNodeAndDefs");
+ }
+ } else if (root_node->node_kind==GuardNode){
+ int old_scope;
+ old_scope=scope;
+ DetermineStatesOfNodeAndDefs (root_node->node_arguments->arg_node,node_defs,demstate,local_scope);
+ scope=old_scope;
+ DetermineStatesOfNodeAndDefs (root_node->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node,root_node->node_node_defs,demstate,local_scope);
+ } else {
+ if (root_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ NodeId node_id;
+ node_id=root_node->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_node==NULL || node_id->nid_ref_count_copy<0)
+ return;
+ DetermineStatesOfGuardRootNode (node_id->nid_node,node_id,demstate,local_scope);
+ } else
+ DetermineStatesOfGuardRootNode (root_node,NULL,demstate,local_scope);
+ if (node_defs)
+ DetermineStatesOfNodeDefs (node_defs,local_scope);
+ }
+void DetermineStatesOfRootNodeAndDefs (Node root_node,NodeDefs *rootdef,StateS demstate,int local_scope)
+ DetermineStatesOfNodeAndDefs (root_node,*rootdef,demstate,local_scope);
+ ShouldDecrRefCount = True;
+ if (root_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ NodeId node_id;
+ node_id=root_node->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_node==NULL || node_id->nid_ref_count_copy<0)
+ return;
+ DetermineStatesOfGuardRootNode (node_id->nid_node,node_id,demstate,local_scope);
+ } else
+ DetermineStatesOfGuardRootNode (root_node,NULL,demstate,local_scope);
+ if (*rootdef)
+ DetermineStatesOfNodeDefs (*rootdef,local_scope);
+ static void set_states_of_array_selects_in_pattern (RuleAlts alt)
+ {
+ StrictNodeIdP strict_node_id;
+ for_l (strict_node_id,alt->alt_strict_node_ids,snid_next){
+ if (strict_node_id->snid_array_select_in_pattern){
+ NodeP select_node,array_uselect_node;
+ NodeId node_id;
+ node_id=strict_node_id->snid_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==select_symb){
+ select_node=node_id->nid_node;
+ array_uselect_node=select_node->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ } else {
+ select_node=NULL;
+ array_uselect_node=node_id->nid_node;
+ }
+ if (array_uselect_node->node_state.state_type==TupleState){
+ StateP tuple_arg_states;
+ tuple_arg_states=NewArrayOfStates (2);
+ SetUnaryState (&tuple_arg_states[1],Undefined,UnknownObj);
+ tuple_arg_states[0]=array_uselect_node->node_state.state_tuple_arguments[0];
+ SetTupleState (&array_uselect_node->node_state,tuple_arg_states,2);
+ if (select_node!=NULL && select_node->node_state.state_type==SimpleState
+ && select_node->node_state.state_kind==StrictOnA
+ && select_node->node_arguments->arg_state.state_type==TupleState
+ && select_node->node_arguments->arg_state.state_tuple_arguments[0].state_type==SimpleState
+ && select_node->node_arguments->arg_state.state_tuple_arguments[0].state_kind==StrictOnA
+ ){
+ select_node->node_state=array_uselect_node->node_state.state_tuple_arguments[0];
+ SetTupleState (&select_node->node_arguments->arg_state,tuple_arg_states,2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void set_states_in_lhs (ArgP arguments,StateP states)
+ StateP arg_state_p;
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ for_la (arg_p,arg_state_p,arguments,states,arg_next){
+ Node arg_node;
+ arg_p->arg_state=*arg_state_p;
+ arg_node=arg_p->arg_node;
+ if (arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ NodeId node_id_p;
+ node_id_p=arg_node->node_node_id;
+ node_id_p->nid_lhs_state_p_=&arg_p->arg_state;
+ node_id_p->nid_ref_count_copy=node_id_p->nid_refcount;
+ arg_node=node_id_p->nid_node;
+ if (arg_node!=NULL){
+ if (arg_state_p->state_type==TupleState)
+ set_states_in_lhs (arg_node->node_arguments,arg_state_p->state_tuple_arguments);
+ else if (arg_state_p->state_type==RecordState)
+ set_states_in_lhs (arg_node->node_arguments,arg_state_p->state_record_arguments);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (arg_state_p->state_type==TupleState)
+ set_states_in_lhs (arg_node->node_arguments,arg_state_p->state_tuple_arguments);
+ else if (arg_state_p->state_type==RecordState)
+ set_states_in_lhs (arg_node->node_arguments,arg_state_p->state_record_arguments);
+ else
+ error_in_function ("set_states_in_lhs");
+ }
+ }
+void GenerateStatesForRule (ImpRuleS *rule)
+ SymbDef rule_sdef;
+ CurrentSymbol=rule->rule_root->node_symbol;
+ rule_sdef=CurrentSymbol->symb_def;
+ if (rule_sdef->sdef_over_arity==0){
+ RuleAlts alt;
+ StateP function_state_p;
+ function_state_p=rule->rule_state_p;
+ for_l (alt,rule->rule_alts,alt_next){
+ CurrentLine = alt->alt_line;
+ set_states_in_lhs (alt->alt_lhs_root->node_arguments,function_state_p);
+ alt->alt_lhs_root->node_state = function_state_p[-1]; /* i.e. the result state */
+ scope=1;
+ if (alt->alt_kind==Contractum){
+ DetermineStatesOfRootNodeAndDefs (alt->alt_rhs_root,&alt->alt_rhs_defs,alt->alt_lhs_root->node_state,0);
+ set_states_of_array_selects_in_pattern (alt);
+ } else if (rule->rule_type==NULL)
+ StaticMessage (True, "%S", ECodeBlock, CurrentSymbol);
+ }
+ }
+void GenerateStates (ImpRules rules)
+ ImpRuleS *rule;
+ for_l (rule,rules,rule_next)
+ GenerateStatesForRule (rule);
+static NodeDefS **RemoveLocallySharedNodeDefs (NodeDefS **start,NodeDefS **end,NodeDefS **loclist,int scope)
+ NodeDefS **newend,**current;
+ newend = start;
+ current = start;
+ while (current!=end){
+ int node_id_scope;
+ node_id_scope=(*current)->def_id->nid_scope;
+ if (node_id_scope<0)
+ node_id_scope=-node_id_scope;
+ if (node_id_scope>scope){
+ NodeDefP remove;
+ remove = *current;
+ *start = remove->def_next;
+ current = &remove->def_next;
+ *loclist = remove;
+ loclist = current;
+ } else {
+ current = start = &(*start)->def_next;
+ newend = start;
+ }
+ }
+ *loclist = NULL;
+ return newend;
+void DetermineNodeState (Node node)
+ if (node->node_annotation==NoAnnot)
+ node->node_state=LazyState;
+ else if (node->node_annotation==StrictAnnot)
+ node->node_state=StrictState;
+ else {
+ SetUnaryState (&node->node_state, DoParallel ? Parallel : OnA, UnknownObj);
+ if (DoParallel)
+ node->node_state.state_mark |= STATE_PARALLEL_MASK;
+ if (node->node_state.state_kind==Parallel){
+ if (DoParallel)
+ /* node->node_attribute = AnnotHasDeferAttr (node->node_annotation->annot_kind) */;
+ else {
+ StaticMessage (False, "%S", Wparannot, CurrentSymbol);
+ node->node_state.state_kind = OnA;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static int NodeIdCount;
+static NodeId NodeIdStackTop;
+static Bool MarkComponentNodesOnACycle (Node node,int group_number)
+ if (node->node_number!=0)
+ return node->node_number<0;
+ switch (node->node_kind){
+ case NodeIdNode:
+ {
+ NodeId node_id;
+ node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_mark & ON_A_CYCLE_MASK && node_id->nid_number==group_number){
+ node->node_number=-1;
+ MarkComponentNodesOnACycle (node_id->nid_node,group_number);
+ return True;
+ } else {
+ node->node_number=1;
+ return False;
+ }
+ }
+ case NormalNode:
+ case UpdateNode:
+ case SelectorNode:
+ case MatchNode:
+ {
+ ArgS *arg;
+ Bool on_a_cycle;
+ on_a_cycle=False;
+ node->node_number=1;
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ if (MarkComponentNodesOnACycle (arg->arg_node,group_number))
+ on_a_cycle=True;
+ if (on_a_cycle)
+ node->node_number=-1;
+ return on_a_cycle;
+ }
+ case IfNode:
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("MarkComponentNodesOnACycle");
+ return False;
+ }
+static void AddStrictLhsNodeIdsToNodeDefs (StrictNodeIdP strict_node_id,NodeDefs *defs_p)
+ while (strict_node_id){
+ NodeId node_id;
+ node_id=strict_node_id->snid_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_refcount<0){
+ NodeDefS *new_def;
+ new_def = NewNodeDef (node_id,NULL);
+/* node_id->nid_node_def = new_def; */
+ new_def->def_next=*defs_p;
+ *defs_p=new_def;
+ defs_p=&new_def->def_next;
+ } else if ((strict_node_id->snid_mark & STRICT_NODE_ID_OBSERVE_MASK) && node_id->nid_refcount>0 && node_id->nid_node!=NULL){
+ if (node_id->nid_node_def!=NULL)
+ node_id->nid_node_def->def_mark |= NODE_DEF_OBSERVE_MASK;
+ }
+ strict_node_id=strict_node_id->snid_next;
+ }
+static ImpRuleP new_rules_with_more_arguments,*last_new_rule_with_more_arguments_h;
+static int get_symbol_arity_or_zero (SymbolP symbol_p)
+ switch (symbol_p->symb_kind){
+ case definition:
+ {
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ sdef=symbol_p->symb_def;
+ switch (sdef->sdef_kind){
+ case DEFRULE:
+ case SYSRULE:
+ case IMPRULE:
+ return sdef->sdef_arity;
+ return sdef->sdef_cons_arity;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case cons_symb:
+ return 2;
+ case if_symb:
+ return 3;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static NodeP add_argument_to_node (NodeP rhs_root_p,NodeIdP new_node_id_p);
+static NodeP add_argument_to_if_node (NodeP rhs_root_p,NodeIdP new_node_id_p)
+ ArgP then_arg_p,else_arg_p;
+ NodeP else_node_p;
+ then_arg_p=rhs_root_p->node_arguments->arg_next;
+ else_arg_p=then_arg_p->arg_next;
+ else_node_p=else_arg_p->arg_node;
+ then_arg_p->arg_node=add_argument_to_node (then_arg_p->arg_node,new_node_id_p);
+ if (else_node_p->node_kind!=NormalNode || else_node_p->node_symbol->symb_kind!=fail_symb){
+ --new_node_id_p->nid_refcount;
+ else_arg_p->arg_node=add_argument_to_node (else_node_p,new_node_id_p);
+ }
+ return rhs_root_p;
+static NodeP add_argument_to_node (NodeP rhs_root_p,NodeIdP new_node_id_p)
+ ArgP new_arg1,new_arg2;
+ if (rhs_root_p->node_kind==NormalNode){
+ SymbolP root_symbol_p;
+ root_symbol_p=rhs_root_p->node_symbol;
+ if (root_symbol_p->symb_kind==if_symb && rhs_root_p->node_arity==3)
+ return add_argument_to_if_node (rhs_root_p,new_node_id_p);
+ else if (get_symbol_arity_or_zero (root_symbol_p) > rhs_root_p->node_arity){
+ ArgP *last_rhs_arg_h;
+ new_arg2=NewArgument (NewNodeIdNode (new_node_id_p));
+ last_rhs_arg_h=&rhs_root_p->node_arguments;
+ while (*last_rhs_arg_h)
+ last_rhs_arg_h=&(*last_rhs_arg_h)->arg_next;
+ *last_rhs_arg_h=new_arg2;
+ ++rhs_root_p->node_arity;
+ return rhs_root_p;
+ }
+ } else if (rhs_root_p->node_kind==IfNode)
+ return add_argument_to_if_node (rhs_root_p,new_node_id_p);
+ new_arg2=NewArgument (NewNodeIdNode (new_node_id_p));
+ new_arg1=NewArgument (rhs_root_p);
+ new_arg1->arg_next=new_arg2;
+ rhs_root_p=NewNode (ApplySymbol,new_arg1,2);
+ return rhs_root_p;
+static SymbolP copy_imp_rule_and_add_arguments (SymbDef rule_sdef,int n_extra_arguments)
+ SymbolP new_symbol_p;
+ SymbDef new_sdef_p;
+ ImpRuleP old_rule_p,new_rule_p,last_rule_version_p;
+ int n_wanted_arguments;
+ n_wanted_arguments=rule_sdef->sdef_arity + n_extra_arguments;
+ old_rule_p=rule_sdef->sdef_rule;
+ while (old_rule_p->rule_mark & RULE_HAS_VERSION_WITH_MORE_ARGUMENTS){
+ old_rule_p=old_rule_p->rule_next_function_with_more_arguments;
+ if (old_rule_p->rule_root->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_arity==n_wanted_arguments)
+ return old_rule_p->rule_root->node_symbol;
+ }
+ new_symbol_p=copy_imp_rule_and_type (rule_sdef);
+ new_sdef_p=new_symbol_p->symb_def;
+ new_rule_p=new_sdef_p->sdef_rule;
+ old_rule_p=rule_sdef->sdef_rule;
+ last_rule_version_p=old_rule_p;
+ while (last_rule_version_p->rule_mark & RULE_HAS_VERSION_WITH_MORE_ARGUMENTS)
+ last_rule_version_p=last_rule_version_p->rule_next_function_with_more_arguments;
+ last_rule_version_p->rule_mark |= RULE_HAS_VERSION_WITH_MORE_ARGUMENTS;
+ last_rule_version_p->rule_next_function_with_more_arguments=new_rule_p;
+ new_sdef_p->sdef_next_scc=rule_sdef->sdef_next_scc;
+ rule_sdef->sdef_next_scc=new_sdef_p;
+ copy_imp_rule_nodes (old_rule_p,new_rule_p);
+ {
+ struct type_alt *rule_type;
+ struct type_node *rhs_type_node_p;
+ struct type_arg **last_lhs_type_arg_p;
+ int n;
+ rule_type=new_rule_p->rule_type;
+ rhs_type_node_p=rule_type->type_alt_rhs;
+ last_lhs_type_arg_p=&rule_type->type_alt_lhs->type_node_arguments;
+ while (*last_lhs_type_arg_p)
+ last_lhs_type_arg_p=&(*last_lhs_type_arg_p)->type_arg_next;
+ for (n=0; n<n_extra_arguments; ++n){
+#if 0
+ if (rhs_type_node_p->type_node_is_var){
+ struct type_arg *new_type_arg_p;
+ new_type_arg_p=NewTypeArgument (NewTypeVarNode (NewTypeVar (NULL),NoAnnot,NoAttr));
+ *last_lhs_type_arg_p=new_type_arg_p;
+ last_lhs_type_arg_p=&new_type_arg_p->type_arg_next;
+ } else
+ if (rhs_type_node_p->type_node_is_var || rhs_type_node_p->type_node_symbol->symb_kind!=fun_type)
+ error_in_function ("copy_imp_rule_and_add_arguments");
+ {
+ struct type_arg *first_arg_p;
+ if (rhs_type_node_p->type_node_symbol->symb_kind!=fun_type)
+ error_in_function ("copy_imp_rule_and_add_arguments");
+ first_arg_p=rhs_type_node_p->type_node_arguments;
+ *last_lhs_type_arg_p=first_arg_p;
+ first_arg_p->type_arg_node->type_node_annotation=NoAnnot;
+ last_lhs_type_arg_p=&first_arg_p->type_arg_next;
+ rhs_type_node_p=first_arg_p->type_arg_next->type_arg_node;
+ }
+ }
+ *last_lhs_type_arg_p=NULL;
+ rule_type->type_alt_rhs=rhs_type_node_p;
+ rule_type->type_alt_lhs->type_node_arity += n_extra_arguments;
+ }
+ {
+ RuleAltP alt_p;
+ for_l (alt_p,new_rule_p->rule_alts,alt_next){
+ int n;
+ ArgP *last_lhs_arg_h;
+ last_lhs_arg_h=&alt_p->alt_lhs_root->node_arguments;
+ while (*last_lhs_arg_h)
+ last_lhs_arg_h=&(*last_lhs_arg_h)->arg_next;
+ for (n=0; n<n_extra_arguments; ++n){
+ NodeIdP new_node_id_p;
+ ArgP new_arg;
+ new_node_id_p=NewNodeId (NULL);
+ new_node_id_p->nid_refcount=-2;
+ new_arg=NewArgument (NewNodeIdNode (new_node_id_p));
+ *last_lhs_arg_h=new_arg;
+ last_lhs_arg_h=&new_arg->arg_next;
+ alt_p->alt_rhs_root=add_argument_to_node (alt_p->alt_rhs_root,new_node_id_p);
+ }
+ *last_lhs_arg_h=NULL;
+ alt_p->alt_lhs_root->node_arity += n_extra_arguments;
+ }
+ new_sdef_p->sdef_arity += n_extra_arguments;
+ }
+ new_rule_p->rule_next=NULL;
+ *last_new_rule_with_more_arguments_h=new_rule_p;
+ last_new_rule_with_more_arguments_h=&new_rule_p->rule_next;
+ return new_symbol_p;
+static int create_new_function_with_more_arguments (NodeP node_p,int determine_node_state)
+ NodeP function_node_p;
+ int n_extra_arguments;
+ n_extra_arguments=1;
+ function_node_p=node_p->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ if (function_node_p->node_kind==NodeIdNode && function_node_p->node_node_id->nid_refcount==1 && function_node_p->node_node_id->nid_node->node_annotation==NoAnnot){
+ function_node_p=function_node_p->node_node_id->nid_node;
+ node_p->node_arguments->arg_node=function_node_p;
+ }
+ while (function_node_p->node_kind==NormalNode && function_node_p->node_symbol->symb_kind==apply_symb){
+ ArgP next_function_node_p_arg;
+ next_function_node_p_arg=function_node_p->node_arguments;
+ function_node_p=next_function_node_p_arg->arg_node;
+ ++n_extra_arguments;
+ if (function_node_p->node_kind==NodeIdNode && function_node_p->node_node_id->nid_refcount==1 && function_node_p->node_node_id->nid_node->node_annotation==NoAnnot){
+ function_node_p=function_node_p->node_node_id->nid_node;
+ next_function_node_p_arg->arg_node=function_node_p;
+ }
+ }
+ if (function_node_p->node_kind==NormalNode){
+ SymbolP function_symbol_p;
+ function_symbol_p=function_node_p->node_symbol;
+ if (function_symbol_p->symb_kind==definition){
+ if (function_symbol_p->symb_def->sdef_kind==IMPRULE && !(function_symbol_p->symb_def->sdef_rule->rule_mark & RULE_CAF_MASK)){
+ if (function_node_p->node_arity <= function_symbol_p->symb_def->sdef_arity){
+ struct type_node *rhs_type_node_p;
+ SymbolP new_function_symbol;
+ SymbDef rule_sdef;
+ NodeP function_node_p2;
+ ArgP *arg_h;
+ int n_extra_function_arguments,n;
+ rule_sdef=function_symbol_p->symb_def;
+ rhs_type_node_p=rule_sdef->sdef_rule->rule_type->type_alt_rhs;
+ n_extra_function_arguments=n_extra_arguments+function_node_p->node_arity-rule_sdef->sdef_arity;
+ n=n_extra_function_arguments;
+ while (n>0){
+ if (rhs_type_node_p->type_node_is_var){
+#if 0
+ n=0;
+ break;
+ } else if (rhs_type_node_p->type_node_symbol->symb_kind==fun_type){
+ rhs_type_node_p=rhs_type_node_p->type_node_arguments->type_arg_next->type_arg_node;
+ --n;
+ } else
+ break;
+ }
+ if (n<=0){
+ if (n_extra_function_arguments>0){
+ new_function_symbol=copy_imp_rule_and_add_arguments (rule_sdef,n_extra_function_arguments);
+ node_p->node_symbol=new_function_symbol;
+ } else
+ node_p->node_symbol=function_node_p->node_symbol;
+ function_node_p2=node_p->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ node_p->node_arguments=node_p->node_arguments->arg_next;
+ while (function_node_p2!=function_node_p){
+ ArgP second_arg_p;
+ second_arg_p=function_node_p2->node_arguments->arg_next;
+ second_arg_p->arg_next=node_p->node_arguments;
+ node_p->node_arguments=second_arg_p;
+ function_node_p2=function_node_p2->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ }
+ arg_h=&function_node_p->node_arguments;
+ while (*arg_h!=NULL)
+ arg_h=&(*arg_h)->arg_next;
+ *arg_h=node_p->node_arguments;
+ node_p->node_arguments=function_node_p->node_arguments;
+ node_p->node_arity=function_node_p->node_arity+n_extra_arguments;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (function_symbol_p->symb_kind==if_symb && function_node_p->node_arity==3){
+ NodeP apply_node_p;
+ int n_lhs_node_id_applies;
+ n_lhs_node_id_applies=0;
+ apply_node_p=node_p;
+ while (apply_node_p->node_kind==NormalNode && apply_node_p->node_symbol->symb_kind==apply_symb){
+ ArgP apply_arg1;
+ NodeP apply_arg2_node_p;
+ apply_arg1=apply_node_p->node_arguments;
+ apply_arg2_node_p=apply_arg1->arg_next->arg_node;
+ if (apply_arg2_node_p->node_kind==NodeIdNode && apply_arg2_node_p->node_node_id->nid_refcount<0){
+ apply_node_p=apply_arg1->arg_node;
+ ++n_lhs_node_id_applies;
+ } else
+ break;
+ }
+ if (n_lhs_node_id_applies==n_extra_arguments){
+ int n;
+ for (n=0; n<n_extra_arguments; ++n){
+ int m;
+ apply_node_p=node_p;
+ for (m=0; m<n_extra_arguments-1-n; ++m)
+ apply_node_p=apply_node_p->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ function_node_p=add_argument_to_node (function_node_p,apply_node_p->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node->node_node_id);
+ }
+ *node_p=*function_node_p;
+ if (determine_node_state)
+ DetermineNodeState (node_p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static NodeDefs *CollectSharedNodeIdsInNode (Node* node_p,NodeId parent_node_id,NodeDefs *last)
+ Node node;
+ node=*node_p;
+ if (node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ NodeId node_id;
+ node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ if (node_id->nid_refcount>0){
+ if (!(node_id->nid_mark & SHARED_NODES_COLLECTED_MASK)){
+ node_id->nid_mark |= SHARED_NODES_COLLECTED_MASK;
+ node_id->nid_ref_count_copy_=node_id->nid_refcount;
+ if (node_id->nid_refcount>1 || node_id->nid_node->node_annotation){
+ int my_number;
+ my_number=NodeIdCount++;
+ node_id->nid_number=my_number;
+ node_id->nid_forward_node_id_=NodeIdStackTop;
+ NodeIdStackTop=node_id;
+ last = CollectSharedNodeIdsInNode (&node_id->nid_node,node_id,last);
+ if (/* node_id->nid_forward_node_id && */ parent_node_id)
+ parent_node_id->nid_number=MINIMUM (parent_node_id->nid_number,node_id->nid_number);
+ if (node_id->nid_number==my_number){
+ NodeId next_node_id;
+ NodeDefs newdef;
+ next_node_id = NodeIdStackTop;
+ NodeIdStackTop = next_node_id->nid_forward_node_id;
+ next_node_id->nid_forward_node_id_ = NULL;
+ newdef = NewNodeDef (next_node_id,next_node_id->nid_node);
+ next_node_id->nid_node_def_ = newdef;
+ *last=newdef;
+ last=&newdef->def_next;
+ if (next_node_id!=node_id){
+ next_node_id->nid_number=my_number;
+ next_node_id->nid_mark|=ON_A_CYCLE_MASK;
+ do {
+ next_node_id = NodeIdStackTop;
+ NodeIdStackTop = next_node_id->nid_forward_node_id;
+ next_node_id->nid_forward_node_id_ = NULL;
+ next_node_id->nid_number=my_number;
+ next_node_id->nid_mark|=ON_A_CYCLE_MASK;
+ newdef = NewNodeDef (next_node_id,next_node_id->nid_node);
+ next_node_id->nid_node_def_ = newdef;
+ *last=newdef;
+ last=&newdef->def_next;
+ } while (next_node_id!=node_id);
+ }
+ if (node_id->nid_mark & ON_A_CYCLE_MASK)
+ MarkComponentNodesOnACycle (node_id->nid_node,node_id->nid_number);
+ }
+ } else {
+ *node_p=node_id->nid_node;
+ last = CollectSharedNodeIdsInNode (node_p,parent_node_id,last);
+ }
+ } else
+ if (node_id->nid_forward_node_id){
+ node_id->nid_mark|=ON_A_CYCLE_MASK;
+ parent_node_id->nid_number=MINIMUM (parent_node_id->nid_number,node_id->nid_number);
+ }
+ } else
+ node_id->nid_ref_count_copy_=node_id->nid_refcount;
+ } else {
+ DetermineNodeState (node);
+ if (node->node_annotation==ParallelAtAnnot){
+ Node at_node;
+ at_node=get_p_at_node (node);
+ last = CollectSharedNodeIdsInNode (&at_node,parent_node_id,last);
+ }
+ if (node->node_kind!=IfNode){
+ ArgP arg;
+ if (node->node_kind==NormalNode && node->node_symbol->symb_kind==apply_symb)
+ (void) create_new_function_with_more_arguments (node,1);
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ last = CollectSharedNodeIdsInNode (&arg->arg_node,parent_node_id,last);
+ }
+ } else {
+ NodeDefs *shared;
+ Args cond_arg,then_arg,else_arg;
+ int local_scope;
+ cond_arg=node->node_arguments;
+ then_arg=cond_arg->arg_next;
+ else_arg=then_arg->arg_next;
+ local_scope=scope+1;
+ scope+=3;
+ cond_arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ /*{
+ Node root_node;
+ root_node=cond_arg->arg_node;
+ if (root_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode && root_node->node_node_id->nid_refcount==1)
+ root_node->node_node_id->nid_node->node_annotation=NoAnnot;
+ }*/
+ last = CollectSharedNodeIdsInNode (&cond_arg->arg_node,parent_node_id,last);
+ ++scope;
+ shared=last;
+ then_arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ /*{
+ Node root_node;
+ root_node=then_arg->arg_node;
+ if (root_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode && root_node->node_node_id->nid_refcount==1)
+ root_node->node_node_id->nid_node->node_annotation=NoAnnot;
+ }*/
+ last=CollectSharedNodeIdsInNode (&then_arg->arg_node,parent_node_id,last);
+ last=RemoveLocallySharedNodeDefs (shared,last,&node->node_then_node_defs,local_scope);
+ ++scope;
+ shared=last;
+ else_arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ /*{
+ Node root_node;
+ root_node=else_arg->arg_node;
+ if (root_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode && root_node->node_node_id->nid_refcount==1)
+ root_node->node_node_id->nid_node->node_annotation=NoAnnot;
+ }*/
+ last=CollectSharedNodeIdsInNode (&else_arg->arg_node,parent_node_id,last);
+ last=RemoveLocallySharedNodeDefs (shared,last,&node->node_else_node_defs,local_scope);
+ AddStrictLhsNodeIdsToNodeDefs (node->node_then_strict_node_ids,&node->node_then_node_defs);
+ AddStrictLhsNodeIdsToNodeDefs (node->node_else_strict_node_ids,&node->node_else_node_defs);
+ }
+ }
+ return last;
+static void CollectSharedAndAnnotatedNodesInRhs (NodeS **root_p,NodeDefS **defs_p,StrictNodeIdP strict_node_ids)
+ NodeDefS **last;
+ NodeP root_node;
+ scope=1;
+ NodeIdCount=1;
+ NodeIdStackTop = (NodeId)-1;
+ root_node=*root_p;
+ /* removed, causes crash if let! in other scope
+ if (root_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode && root_node->node_node_id->nid_refcount==1)
+ root_node->node_node_id->nid_node->node_annotation=NoAnnot;
+ */
+ while (root_node->node_kind==NormalNode &&
+ ((root_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==apply_symb && create_new_function_with_more_arguments (root_node,0)) ||
+ (root_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==definition && root_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_kind==IMPRULE)))
+ {
+ ImpRuleP imp_rule_p;
+ imp_rule_p=root_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_rule;
+ if ((imp_rule_p->rule_mark & RULE_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_MASK) &&
+ root_node->node_symbol->symb_def->sdef_arity==root_node->node_arity &&
+ imp_rule_p->rule_alts->alt_next==NULL
+ && ! (imp_rule_p->rule_alts->alt_rhs_root->node_kind==SwitchNode ||
+ imp_rule_p->rule_alts->alt_rhs_root->node_kind==GuardNode ||
+ imp_rule_p->rule_alts->alt_rhs_root->node_kind==IfNode)
+# endif
+ )
+ {
+ ArgP call_arg_p,lhs_arg_p;
+ for_l (lhs_arg_p,imp_rule_p->rule_alts->alt_lhs_root->node_arguments,arg_next)
+ if (lhs_arg_p->arg_node->node_kind!=NodeIdNode ||
+ lhs_arg_p->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_refcount==-1 ||
+ lhs_arg_p->arg_node->node_node_id->nid_node!=NULL)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (lhs_arg_p==NULL){
+ NodeP new_root_node;
+ PrintRuleNode (root_node,False,StdOut);
+ FPrintF (StdOut,"\n");
+ PrintRuleAlt (imp_rule_p->rule_alts,StdOut);
+ for_ll (call_arg_p,lhs_arg_p,root_node->node_arguments,imp_rule_p->rule_alts->alt_lhs_root->node_arguments,arg_next,arg_next){
+ NodeP call_node_p;
+ NodeIdP lhs_node_id_p,call_node_id_p;
+ lhs_node_id_p=lhs_arg_p->arg_node->node_node_id;
+ call_node_p=call_arg_p->arg_node;
+ if (call_node_p->node_kind==NodeIdNode)
+ call_node_id_p=call_node_p->node_node_id;
+ else {
+ NodeDefP new_node_def_p;
+ call_node_id_p=NewNodeId (NULL);
+ call_node_id_p->nid_refcount=1;
+ call_node_id_p->nid_ref_count_copy_=1;
+ call_node_id_p->nid_exp_=NULL;
+ call_node_id_p->nid_node=call_node_p;
+ new_node_def_p = NewNodeDef (call_node_id_p,call_node_p);
+ new_node_def_p->def_next=*defs_p;
+ *defs_p=new_node_def_p;
+ }
+ call_node_id_p->nid_mark &= ~SHARED_NODES_COLLECTED_MASK;
+ if (call_node_id_p->nid_refcount<0)
+ call_node_id_p->nid_refcount -= -2-lhs_node_id_p->nid_refcount;
+ else
+ call_node_id_p->nid_refcount += -2-lhs_node_id_p->nid_refcount;
+ lhs_node_id_p->nid_forward_node_id=call_node_id_p;
+ }
+ copy_rhs_node_defs_and_root (imp_rule_p->rule_alts,&new_root_node,defs_p);
+ PrintRuleNode (new_root_node,False,StdOut);
+ FPrintF (StdOut,"\n");
+ PrintNodeDefs (*defs_p,False,StdOut);
+ FPrintF (StdOut,"\n");
+ FPrintF (StdOut,"\n");
+ root_node=new_root_node;
+ *root_p=new_root_node;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ last=defs_p;
+ last = CollectSharedNodeIdsInNode (root_p,NULL,last);
+ *last = NULL;
+ AddStrictLhsNodeIdsToNodeDefs (strict_node_ids,defs_p);
+static void AnnotateStrictNodeIds (Node node,StrictNodeIdP strict_node_ids,NodeDefS **node_def_h)
+ StrictNodeIdP strict_node_id;
+ for_l (strict_node_id,strict_node_ids,snid_next){
+ NodeId node_id;
+ node_id=strict_node_id->snid_node_id;
+ if (strict_node_id->snid_array_select_in_pattern && node_id->nid_node->node_symbol->symb_kind==select_symb){
+ NodeP array_uselect_node;
+ SymbDef uselect_sdef;
+ TypeArg *type_arg;
+ array_uselect_node=node_id->nid_node->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ uselect_sdef=array_uselect_node->node_symbol->symb_def;
+ if (uselect_sdef->sdef_kind==IMPRULE)
+ type_arg=uselect_sdef->sdef_rule->rule_type->type_alt_lhs->type_node_arguments;
+ else
+ type_arg=uselect_sdef->sdef_rule_type->rule_type_rule->type_alt_lhs->type_node_arguments;
+ if (!type_arg->type_arg_node->type_node_is_var &&
+ (type_arg->type_arg_node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind==strict_array_type ||
+ type_arg->type_arg_node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind==unboxed_array_type)
+ ){
+ node_id->nid_node->node_annotation=StrictAnnot;
+ } else {
+ NodeIdP uselect_node_id_p;
+ NodeDefP new_def;
+ uselect_node_id_p=NewNodeId (NULL);
+ uselect_node_id_p->nid_refcount=1;
+ node_id->nid_node->node_arguments->arg_node=NewNodeIdNode (uselect_node_id_p);
+ array_uselect_node->node_annotation=StrictAnnot;
+ strict_node_id->snid_node_id=uselect_node_id_p;
+ new_def = NewNodeDef (uselect_node_id_p,array_uselect_node);
+ uselect_node_id_p->nid_node=array_uselect_node;
+ new_def->def_next=*node_def_h;
+ *node_def_h=new_def;
+ node_def_h=&new_def->def_next;
+ }
+ } else
+ if (node_id->nid_refcount>0 && node_id->nid_node)
+ node_id->nid_node->node_annotation=StrictAnnot;
+ }
+ if (node->node_kind==IfNode){
+ ArgS *arg;
+ arg=node->node_arguments;
+ AnnotateStrictNodeIds (arg->arg_node,NULL,NULL);
+ arg = arg->arg_next;
+ AnnotateStrictNodeIds (arg->arg_node,node->node_then_strict_node_ids,&node->node_then_node_defs);
+ arg = arg->arg_next;
+ AnnotateStrictNodeIds (arg->arg_node,node->node_else_strict_node_ids,&node->node_else_node_defs);
+ }
+static void DetermineSharedAndAnnotatedNodesOfRule (ImpRuleP rule)
+ SymbDef rule_sdef;
+ CurrentSymbol=rule->rule_root->node_symbol;
+ rule_sdef=CurrentSymbol->symb_def;
+ if (rule_sdef->sdef_over_arity==0){
+ RuleAlts alt;
+ for_l (alt,rule->rule_alts,alt_next)
+ if (alt->alt_kind==Contractum){
+ CurrentLine = alt->alt_line;
+ AnnotateStrictNodeIds (alt->alt_rhs_root,alt->alt_strict_node_ids,&alt->alt_rhs_defs);
+ CollectSharedAndAnnotatedNodesInRhs (&alt->alt_rhs_root,&alt->alt_rhs_defs,alt->alt_strict_node_ids);
+ }
+ }
+static void reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_node_defs (NodeDefS *node_def);
+static void reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_node (Node node)
+ if (node->node_kind==NodeIdNode){
+ NodeId node_id;
+ node_id=node->node_node_id;
+ node_id->nid_ref_count_copy_=node_id->nid_refcount;
+ node_id->nid_mark2 &= ~NID_HAS_LAZY_SELECTOR_COUNTER;
+ } else {
+ DetermineNodeState (node);
+ if (node->node_annotation==ParallelAtAnnot){
+ Node at_node;
+ at_node=get_p_at_node (node);
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_node (at_node);
+ }
+ if (node->node_kind!=IfNode){
+ ArgP arg;
+ for_l (arg,node->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_node (arg->arg_node);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Args cond_arg,then_arg,else_arg;
+ cond_arg=node->node_arguments;
+ then_arg=cond_arg->arg_next;
+ else_arg=then_arg->arg_next;
+ cond_arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_node (cond_arg->arg_node);
+ then_arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_node (then_arg->arg_node);
+ else_arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_node (else_arg->arg_node);
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_node_defs (node->node_then_node_defs);
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_node_defs (node->node_else_node_defs);
+ }
+ }
+static void reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_node_defs (NodeDefS *node_defs)
+ NodeDefS *node_def;
+ for_l (node_def,node_defs,def_next)
+ if (node_def->def_node!=NULL){
+ node_def->def_id->nid_ref_count_copy_=node_def->def_id->nid_refcount;
+ node_def->def_id->nid_node_def_=node_def;
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_node (node_def->def_node);
+ }
+static void reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_root_node (NodeP node_p)
+ if (node_p->node_kind==IfNode){
+ Args cond_arg,then_arg,else_arg;
+ DetermineNodeState (node_p);
+ cond_arg=node_p->node_arguments;
+ then_arg=cond_arg->arg_next;
+ else_arg=then_arg->arg_next;
+ cond_arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_root_node (cond_arg->arg_node);
+ then_arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_root_node (then_arg->arg_node);
+ else_arg->arg_state=LazyState;
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_root_node (else_arg->arg_node);
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_node_defs (node_p->node_then_node_defs);
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_node_defs (node_p->node_else_node_defs);
+ } else if (node_p->node_kind==SwitchNode){
+ ArgP arg_p;
+ for_l (arg_p,node_p->node_arguments,arg_next){
+ NodeP node_p;
+ node_p=arg_p->arg_node;
+ if (node_p->node_kind==CaseNode){
+ NodeP case_alt_node_p;
+ case_alt_node_p=node_p->node_arguments->arg_node;
+ if (case_alt_node_p->node_kind==PushNode){
+ NodeIdListElementP node_id_list;
+ for_l (node_id_list,case_alt_node_p->node_node_ids,nidl_next)
+ node_id_list->nidl_node_id->nid_ref_count_copy_=node_id_list->nidl_node_id->nid_refcount;
+ case_alt_node_p=case_alt_node_p->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node;
+ }
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_root_node (case_alt_node_p);
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_node_defs (node_p->node_node_defs);
+ } else if (node_p->node_kind==DefaultNode){
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_root_node (node_p->node_arguments->arg_node);
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_node_defs (node_p->node_node_defs);
+ } else
+ error_in_function ("reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_root_node");
+ }
+ } else if (node_p->node_kind==GuardNode){
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_root_node (node_p->node_arguments->arg_node);
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_root_node (node_p->node_arguments->arg_next->arg_node);
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_node_defs (node_p->node_node_defs);
+ } else
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_node (node_p);
+void reset_states_and_ref_count_copies (ImpRuleS *rule)
+ SymbDef rule_sdef;
+ CurrentSymbol=rule->rule_root->node_symbol;
+ rule_sdef=CurrentSymbol->symb_def;
+ if (rule_sdef->sdef_over_arity==0){
+ RuleAlts alt;
+ for_l (alt,rule->rule_alts,alt_next)
+ if (alt->alt_kind==Contractum){
+ CurrentLine = alt->alt_line;
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_root_node (alt->alt_rhs_root);
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_node (alt->alt_rhs_root);
+ reset_states_and_ref_count_copies_of_node_defs (alt->alt_rhs_defs);
+ }
+ }
+void DetermineSharedAndAnnotatedNodes (ImpRules rules,SymbolP *im_symbols_h)
+ ImpRuleP rule;
+ last_new_rule_with_more_arguments_h=&new_rules_with_more_arguments;
+ for_l (rule,rules,rule_next)
+ DetermineSharedAndAnnotatedNodesOfRule (rule);
+ if (new_rules_with_more_arguments!=NULL){
+ ImpRuleP *rule_h,new_rule_p;
+ rule_h=&rules;
+ while (*rule_h!=NULL)
+ rule_h=&(*rule_h)->rule_next;
+ while (*im_symbols_h)
+ im_symbols_h=&(*im_symbols_h)->symb_next;
+ while (new_rules_with_more_arguments!=NULL){
+ SymbolP new_symbol_p;
+ new_rule_p=new_rules_with_more_arguments;
+ DetermineSharedAndAnnotatedNodesOfRule (new_rule_p);
+ new_rules_with_more_arguments=new_rule_p->rule_next;
+ *rule_h=new_rule_p;
+ rule_h=&new_rule_p->rule_next;
+ new_symbol_p=new_rule_p->rule_root->node_symbol;
+ *im_symbols_h=new_symbol_p;
+ im_symbols_h=&new_symbol_p->symb_next;
+ }
+ *rule_h=NULL;
+ *im_symbols_h=NULL;
+ }
+void InitStatesGen (void)
+ SetUnaryState (& StrictState, StrictOnA, UnknownObj);
+ SetUnaryState (& LazyState, OnA, UnknownObj);
+ SetUnaryState (& BasicSymbolStates[int_type], OnB, IntObj);
+ SetUnaryState (& BasicSymbolStates[bool_type], OnB, BoolObj);
+ SetUnaryState (& BasicSymbolStates[char_type], OnB, CharObj);
+ SetUnaryState (& BasicSymbolStates[string_type], StrictOnA, StringObj);
+ SetUnaryState (& BasicSymbolStates[real_type], OnB, RealObj);
+ SetUnaryState (& BasicSymbolStates[file_type], OnB, FileObj);
+ SetUnaryState (& BasicSymbolStates[world_type], StrictOnA, WorldObj);
+ SetUnaryState (& BasicSymbolStates[procid_type], OnB, ProcIdObj);
+ SetUnaryState (& BasicSymbolStates[redid_type], OnB, RedIdObj);
+ SetUnaryState (& BasicSymbolStates[int_denot], OnB, IntObj);
+ SetUnaryState (& BasicSymbolStates[bool_denot], OnB, BoolObj);
+ SetUnaryState (& BasicSymbolStates[char_denot], OnB, CharObj);
+ SetUnboxedArrayState (& BasicSymbolStates[string_denot],&BasicSymbolStates[char_type]);
+ SetUnaryState (& BasicSymbolStates[real_denot], OnB, RealObj);
+ SetUnaryState (& BasicSymbolStates[array_type], StrictOnA, ArrayObj);
+ SetUnaryState (& BasicSymbolStates[strict_array_type], StrictOnA, StrictArrayObj);
+ SetUnaryState (& BasicSymbolStates[unboxed_array_type], StrictOnA, UnboxedArrayObj);
+ SetUnaryState (& BasicSymbolStates[fun_type], StrictOnA, UnknownObj);
+ SetUnaryState (& BasicSymbolStates[list_type], StrictOnA, ListObj);
+ SetUnaryState (& BasicSymbolStates[tuple_type], StrictOnA, TupleObj);
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+ SetUnaryState (& BasicSymbolStates[dynamic_type], StrictOnA, DynamicObj);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/statesgen.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/statesgen.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63c6bdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/statesgen.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#define IsLazyState(state) ((state).state_type==SimpleState && (state).state_kind>StrictOnA)
+#define IsLazyStateKind(statekind) ((statekind)>StrictOnA)
+extern StateS BasicSymbolStates[],LazyState,StrictState;
+extern int FirstStateIsStricter (StateS offered_state,StateS demanded_state);
+extern int FieldArgumentNodeStatesAreStricter (ArgS *offered_args,ArgS *field_args,States record_states);
+extern void ConvertAnnotationToState (Annotation annot, States state);
+extern void SetUnaryState (States state, StateKind kind, ObjectKind object);
+extern Bool HasExternalAnnot (Node node);
+extern void GenerateStatesForRecords (Symbol symbs);
+extern void InitStatesGen (void);
+extern void GenerateStates (ImpRules rules);
+extern void DetermineSharedAndAnnotatedNodes (ImpRules rules,SymbolP *im_symbols_h);
+extern void DetermineStateOfArrayElem (Symbol elemtype, States state);
+extern void ExamineTypesAndLhsOfSymbols (Symbol symbs);
+extern void ImportSymbols (Symbol symbols);
+extern void DetermineStatesOfRootNodeAndDefs (Node root_node,NodeDefs *rootdef,StateS demstate,int local_scope);
+extern unsigned next_def_number;
+extern void ExamineTypesAndLhsOfSymbolDefinition (SymbDef def);
+extern void ExamineTypesAndLhsOfImpRuleSymbolDefinitionAgain (SymbDef def);
+extern void GenerateStatesForRule (ImpRuleS *rule);
+extern void reset_states_and_ref_count_copies (ImpRuleS *rule);
+extern void DetermineNodeState (Node node);
+extern void ConvertTypeToState (TypeNode type,States state,StateKind kind);
+extern int optimise_strict_tuple_result_functions;
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/statesgen.print.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/statesgen.print.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f167195
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/statesgen.print.c
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+#define PrintAnnotation(annot)
+static void PrintUnaryState (StateKind kind, ObjectKind obj)
+ switch (kind)
+ { case OnB: FPutS ("OnB ", StdError); break;
+ case OnA: FPutS ("OnA ", StdError); break;
+ case StrictOnA: FPutS ("StrictOnA ", StdError); break;
+ case SemiStrict: FPutS ("SemiStrict ", StdError); break;
+ case StrictRedirection: FPutS ("StrictRedirection ", StdError); break;
+ case Parallel: FPutS ("Parallel ", StdError); break;
+ case Undefined: FPutS ("Undefined ", StdError); break;
+ case UnderEval: FPutS ("UnderEval ", StdError); break;
+ }
+ switch (obj){
+ case UnknownObj: FPutS ("???", StdError); break;
+ case IntObj: FPutS ("Int ", StdError); break;
+ case BoolObj: FPutS ("Bool ", StdError); break;
+ case CharObj: FPutS ("Char ", StdError); break;
+ case StringObj: FPutS ("String ", StdError); break;
+ case RealObj: FPutS ("Real ", StdError); break;
+ case FileObj: FPutS ("File ", StdError); break;
+ case TupleObj: FPutS ("Tuple ", StdError); break;
+ case ListObj: FPutS ("List ", StdError); break;
+ case ProcIdObj: FPutS ("ProcId ", StdError); break;
+ }
+} /* PrintUnaryState */
+static void PrintState (State state)
+ return;
+ if (ArityOfState (state) == 1)
+ PrintUnaryState (KindOfState(state),ObjectOfState(state));
+} /* PrintState */
+static void PrintNode (Node node, Bool brackets);
+static void PrintNodeId (NodeId nid, Node follow)
+ if (nid)
+ { if (nid -> nid_name)
+ FPrintF (StdError, "%d.%s",nid->nid_refcount, nid -> nid_name -> Name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (StdError, "%d.sel%ld",nid->nid_refcount, (long) nid);
+ if (follow)
+ FPutC (':', StdError);
+ }
+} /* PrintNodeId */
+static void PrintArgument (Args arg, Bool brackets)
+ PrintState (arg -> arg_state);
+ PrintNodeId (arg -> arg_id, arg -> arg_pattern);
+ if (arg -> arg_pattern)
+ PrintNode (arg -> arg_pattern, brackets);
+} /* PrintArgument */
+static void PrintArguments (Args args, char separator, Bool brackets)
+ if (args)
+ { PrintArgument (args, brackets);
+ for (args = args -> arg_next; args; args = args -> arg_next)
+ { FPutC (separator, StdError);
+ PrintArgument (args, brackets);
+ }
+ }
+} /* PrintArguments */
+static void PrintNodeDefs (NodeDefs defs, Bool brackets);
+static void PrintNode (Node node, Bool brackets)
+ if (IsOnACycle (node -> node_number))
+ FPutS ("<C>", StdError);
+ PrintState (node -> node_state);
+ if (node -> node_kind == NormalNodeKind)
+ { if (node->node_symbol -> symb_kind == tuple_denot)
+ { FPutC ('(', StdError);
+ PrintArguments (GetNodeArguments(node), ',', False);
+ FPutC (')', StdError);
+ }
+ else if (node->node_symbol -> symb_kind == list_type)
+ { FPutC ('[', StdError);
+ PrintArguments (GetNodeArguments(node), ',', False);
+ FPutC (']', StdError);
+ }
+ else
+ { if (brackets && GetNodeArguments(node))
+ FPutC ('(', StdError);
+ FPutS (ConvertSymbolToString (node->node_symbol), StdError);
+ if (GetNodeArguments(node))
+ { FPutC (' ', StdError);
+ PrintArguments (GetNodeArguments(node),' ', True);
+ if (brackets)
+ FPutC (')', StdError);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { Args elsepart, thenpart, condpart = GetIfArguments(node);
+ thenpart = condpart -> arg_next;
+ elsepart = thenpart -> arg_next;
+ if (brackets)
+ FPutC ('(', StdError);
+ FPutS ("IF ", StdError);
+ PrintArgument (condpart, True);
+ FPutC ('\n', StdError);
+ FPutS ("THEN ", StdError);
+ PrintArgument (thenpart, True);
+ if (node->node_then_node_defs)
+ { FPutS ("[", StdError);
+ PrintNodeDefs (node->node_then_node_defs, False);
+ FPutS ("]\nELSE ", StdError);
+ }
+ else
+ FPutS ("\nELSE ", StdError);
+ PrintArgument (elsepart, True);
+ if (GetElseShared(node))
+ { FPutS ("[\n", StdError);
+ PrintNodeDefs (GetElseShared(node), False);
+ FPutS ("]\n", StdError);
+ }
+ if (brackets)
+ FPutC (')', StdError);
+ }
+} /* PrintNode */
+static void PrintNodeDefs (NodeDefs defs, Bool brackets)
+ for ( ; defs; defs = defs -> def_next)
+ { FPrintF (StdError, "%d: ", (int) defs->def_number);
+ PrintNodeId (defs -> def_id, defs -> def_node);
+ if (defs -> def_node)
+ PrintNode (defs -> def_node, False);
+ FPutS ("\n", StdError);
+ }
+} /* PrintNodeDefs */
+static void PrintRuleAlt (RuleAlts rulealt)
+ PrintNode (rulealt -> alt_lhs -> def_node, False);
+ FPutS (" -> ", StdError);
+ if (rulealt -> alt_kind == Contractum)
+ PrintNodeDefs (rulealt -> alt_rhs.alt_rhs_graph, False);
+ else
+ FPutS (rulealt -> alt_rhs.alt_rhs_root -> redir_id -> nid_name -> Name,
+ StdError);
+ FPutS (";\n", StdError);
+} /* PrintRuleAlt */
+static void PrintRule (Rule rule)
+ RuleAlts rulealt = rule -> rule_alts;
+ for (; rulealt; rulealt = rulealt -> alt_next);
+ PrintRuleAlt (rulealt);
+} /* PrintRule */
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/syntax_tree_types.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/syntax_tree_types.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ded1bf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/syntax_tree_types.h
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+ Version 1.2 17 dec1996
+#define BASIC_TYPE_IDS_STRING "ibcrfswpvr" /* indexed by SymbKind */
+#define Type_Variable_Mark (1 << Nr_Of_Basic_Types)
+typedef enum
+{ NoUniAttr, NotUniqueAttr, UniqueAttr, ExistsAttr, UniqueVariable, FirstUniVarNumber
+} UniquenessAttributeKind;
+typedef unsigned AttributeKind;
+typedef struct poly_list
+{ void * pl_elem;
+ struct poly_list * pl_next;
+} * PolyList;
+typedef struct export_list
+ union
+ { IdentStringP exp_u_ident_string;
+ struct symbol_def * exp_u_class;
+ } exp_union;
+ unsigned long exp_type_vector;
+ unsigned exp_line;
+ struct export_list * exp_next;
+} *ExportList;
+#define exp_class exp_union.exp_u_class
+#define exp_ident exp_union.exp_u_ident_string
+typedef struct type_arg * TypeArgs, TypeArg;
+typedef struct type_node * TypeNode;
+typedef struct type_alt * TypeAlts;
+typedef struct
+{ BITVECT tac_uniprop;
+ BITVECT tac_possign;
+ BITVECT tac_negsign;
+} TypeArgClass;
+#define type_uniprop type_argclass.tac_uniprop
+#define type_possign type_argclass.tac_possign
+#define type_negsign type_argclass.tac_negsign
+typedef struct type_var *TypeVar;
+typedef struct type_var_list
+ TypeVar tvl_elem;
+ struct type_var_list * tvl_next;
+ AttributeKind tvl_attribute;
+ Bool tvl_exist_quant:1;
+ Bool tvl_cons_variable:1;
+} * TypeVarList;
+typedef struct flat_type
+ Symbol ft_symbol;
+ TypeVarList ft_arguments;
+ TypeVarList ft_exist_quant_arguments;
+ struct cons_var_list * ft_cons_vars;
+ struct uni_var_admin * ft_attr_vars;
+ AttributeKind ft_attribute;
+ int ft_arity;
+ int ft_exist_arity;
+} * FlatType;
+typedef enum { SLK_Symbol, SLK_TreeOfLists, SLK_ListNumber } SymbolListKind;
+STRUCT (symbol_list, SymbolList)
+ union
+ { struct symbol_def * sl_u_symbol;
+ IdentStringP sl_u_ident_string;
+ struct symbol_list * sl_u_next_tree;
+ int sl_u_class_number;
+ } sl_union;
+ struct symbol_list * sl_next;
+ SymbolListKind sl_kind;
+#define sl_symbol sl_union.sl_u_symbol
+#define sl_ident_string sl_union.sl_u_ident_string
+#define sl_next_tree sl_union.sl_u_next_tree
+#define sl_class_number sl_union.sl_u_class_number
+STRUCT (type_context, TypeContext)
+ SymbolList tyco_symbols;
+ int tyco_number;
+ TypeVar tyco_variable;
+ AttributeKind tyco_attribute;
+ unsigned long tyco_basic_instances;
+ struct type_context * tyco_next;
+typedef struct _instance
+ Symbol ins_overloaded_symbol;
+ Symbol ins_symbol;
+ TypeNode ins_type;
+ TypeContext ins_type_context;
+ struct type_alt * ins_type_alt;
+ struct type_cell * ins_over_vars;
+ union /* struct */
+ { struct type_cell * u1_ins_type_cell;
+ struct _instance * u1_ins_next;
+ } ins_union1;
+ union
+ { ImpRules u2_ins_imprule;
+ RuleTypes u2_ins_defrule;
+ } ins_union2;
+ int ins_context_arity;
+ unsigned ins_line;
+ Bool ins_exported:1;
+ Bool ins_unq_attributed:1;
+ Bool ins_is_default:1;
+ unsigned ins_kind:5;
+} * Instance;
+#define ins_type_cell ins_union1.u1_ins_type_cell
+#define ins_next ins_union1.u1_ins_next
+#define ins_imprule ins_union2.u2_ins_imprule
+#define ins_defrule ins_union2.u2_ins_defrule
+typedef struct type_list
+ TypeNode tl_type;
+ TypeContext tl_type_context;
+ Bool tl_is_default;
+ struct type_list * tl_next;
+} *TypeList;
+typedef struct dcl_instance
+ IdentStringP di_symbol;
+ TypeList di_types;
+ unsigned di_line;
+ struct dcl_instance * di_next;
+} * DclInstance;
+typedef struct icl_instance
+ IdentStringP ii_symbol;
+ TypeNode ii_type;
+ TypeContext ii_type_context;
+ PolyList ii_instances;
+ unsigned ii_line;
+ Bool ii_is_default;
+ struct icl_instance * ii_next;
+} * IclInstance;
+typedef struct overloaded
+ Symbol ol_symbol;
+ TypeVar ol_type_var;
+ TypeAlts ol_type;
+ Instance ol_instances;
+ Instance ol_generic_instance;
+ unsigned long ol_basic_instances;
+ struct overloaded * ol_next;
+ struct class_def * ol_class;
+ AttributeKind ol_attribute;
+ AttributeKind ol_next_attribute;
+ unsigned ol_line;
+ unsigned ol_number;
+ Bool ol_has_default_instance;
+} * Overloaded;
+typedef struct field_list
+ Symbol fl_symbol;
+ TypeNode fl_type;
+ StateS fl_state;
+ struct field_list * fl_next;
+} * FieldList;
+typedef struct member_list
+ Symbol ml_symbol;
+ Overloaded ml_rule;
+ struct member_list *ml_next;
+} * MemberList;
+typedef struct constructor_list
+ TypeNode cl_constructor;
+ FieldList cl_fields;
+ StateP cl_state_p; /* for constructors, union met cl_fields ? */
+ TypeVarList cl_exist_quant_typevars;
+ struct constructor_list * cl_next;
+} * ConstructorList;
+typedef struct type
+ FlatType type_lhs;
+ ConstructorList type_constructors;
+ struct type * type_next;
+ unsigned type_line;
+ int type_nr_of_constructors; /* 0 for records */
+ int type_number;
+ TypeArgClass type_argclass;
+ BITVECT type_exivars;
+ BITVECT type_univars;
+ BITVECT type_consvars;
+} * Types;
+#define type_fields type_constructors -> cl_fields
+#define type_symbol type_lhs -> ft_symbol
+typedef struct class_instance
+ union
+ { IdentStringP ci_u1_ident_string;
+ Symbol ci_u1_class_symbol;
+ } ci_union1;
+ Symbol ci_instance_symbol;
+ TypeNode ci_type;
+ TypeContext ci_type_context;
+ struct uni_var_admin * ci_attr_vars;
+ union
+ { struct class_instance * ci_u3_link;
+ struct type_cell * ci_u3_type_cell;
+ } ci_union3;
+ struct type_cell ** ci_over_vars;
+ union
+ { Instance ci_u2_member_instance_list;
+ Instance * ci_u2_member_instances;
+ } ci_union2;
+ int ci_context_arity;
+ struct class_instance * ci_next;
+ unsigned ci_line;
+ Bool ci_is_default:1;
+ Bool ci_is_imported:1;
+ Bool ci_is_member_instance_list:1;
+ unsigned ci_kind:5;
+} * ClassInstance;
+#define ci_class_symbol ci_union1.ci_u1_class_symbol
+#define ci_ident_string ci_union1.ci_u1_ident_string
+#define ci_member_instance_list ci_union2.ci_u2_member_instance_list
+#define ci_member_instances ci_union2.ci_u2_member_instances
+#define ci_link ci_union3.ci_u3_link
+#define ci_type_cell ci_union3.ci_u3_type_cell
+typedef struct class_def
+ Symbol cd_symbol;
+ TypeVar cd_variable;
+ AttributeKind cd_attribute;
+ TypeContext cd_context;
+ union
+ { MemberList cd_u_all_members;
+ Overloaded * cd_u_members;
+ } cd_union;
+ MemberList cd_derived_members;
+ SymbolList cd_context_classes;
+ ClassInstance cd_instances;
+ ClassInstance cd_generic_instance;
+ unsigned long cd_imported_basic_instances;
+ unsigned long cd_defined_basic_instances;
+ struct class_def * cd_next;
+ unsigned cd_line;
+ unsigned cd_nr_of_members;
+ Bool cd_has_default_instance:1;
+ Bool cd_internal:1;
+ Bool cd_is_member_list:1;
+} * ClassDefinition;
+#define cd_all_members cd_union.cd_u_all_members
+#define cd_members cd_union.cd_u_members
+struct rule_type
+{ TypeAlts rule_type_rule;
+ StateP rule_type_state_p;
+ TypeNode rule_type_root;
+ struct rule_type * rule_type_next;
+ unsigned rule_type_line;
+typedef struct syn_type SynType,*SynTypes;
+struct syn_type
+{ FlatType syn_lhs;
+ TypeNode syn_rhs;
+ TypeVarList syn_exist_quant_typevars;
+ struct syn_type * syn_next;
+ TypeArgClass syn_argclass;
+ BITVECT syn_univars;
+ BITVECT syn_consvars;
+ unsigned syn_line;
+#define syntype_uniprop syn_argclass.tac_uniprop
+#define syntype_possign syn_argclass.tac_possign
+#define syntype_negsign syn_argclass.tac_negsign
+#define syntype_exivars syn_exivars
+#define syntype_univars syn_univars
+#define syntype_symbol syn_lhs -> ft_symbol
+typedef struct abs_type
+{ FlatType abs_graph;
+ struct symbol_def * abs_impl;
+ struct abs_type * abs_next;
+ TypeArgClass abs_argclass;
+ BITVECT abs_exivars;
+ BITVECT abs_univars;
+ unsigned abs_line;
+ int abs_number;
+} *AbsTypes;
+#define abstype_uniprop abs_argclass.tac_uniprop
+#define abstype_possign abs_argclass.tac_possign
+#define abstype_negsign abs_argclass.tac_negsign
+#define abstype_exivars abs_exivars
+#define abstype_univars abs_univars
+#define abstype_symbol abs_graph -> ft_symbol
+#ifdef THINK_C
+#define DTypeNodeKind(v) \
+ (v==VariableTypeNode?"VariableTypeNode": \
+ v==NormalTypeNode?"NormalTypeNode": \
+ v==SelectorTypeNode?"SelectorTypeNode":"")
+struct type_node
+ union
+ { TypeVar contents_tv;
+ Symbol contents_symbol;
+ } type_node_contents;
+ struct type_arg * type_node_arguments;
+#if 0
+ StateS type_node_state;
+ AttributeKind type_node_attribute;
+ short type_node_arity;
+ Annotation type_node_annotation;
+ unsigned char type_node_is_var:1;
+#define type_node_symbol type_node_contents.contents_symbol
+#define type_node_tv type_node_contents.contents_tv
+struct type_arg
+{ TypeNode type_arg_node;
+ TypeArgs type_arg_next;
+typedef struct attr_kind_list
+{ AttributeKind akl_elem;
+ struct uni_var * akl_id;
+ struct attr_kind_list * akl_next;
+} * AttributeKindList;
+typedef struct uni_var_equats
+{ AttributeKind uve_demanded;
+ struct uni_var * uve_demanded_var;
+ AttributeKindList uve_offered;
+ struct uni_var_equats * uve_next;
+} * UniVarEquations;
+typedef struct type_alt
+ TypeNode type_alt_lhs;
+ TypeNode type_alt_rhs;
+ UniVarEquations type_alt_attr_equations;
+ TypeContext type_alt_type_context;
+ struct uni_var_admin * type_alt_attr_vars;
+ unsigned type_alt_line;
+} TypeAlt;
+typedef struct cons_var_list
+ TypeVar cvl_nodeid;
+ TypeArgClass * cvl_argclass;
+ struct cons_var_list * cvl_next;
+ int cvl_number;
+ int cvl_arity;
+} * ConsVarList;
+struct type_var
+ Ident tv_ident;
+ unsigned short tv_mark;
+ int tv_refcount;
+ int tv_number;
+ int tv_argument_nr;
+ int tv_overvar_arity;
+ union
+ { TypeVar u1_imp_tv;
+ TypeNode u1_subst_type;
+ struct cons_var_list * u1_cons_var_info;
+ } tv_u1;
+ union
+ { TypeVar u2_forward_tv;
+ struct type_cell * u2_type;
+ TypeNode u2_type_node;
+ struct type_context * u2_context;
+ PolyList u2_formal_type_vars;
+ } tv_u2;
+#define tv_type tv_u2.u2_type /* comparser,typechecker */
+#define tv_type_node tv_u2.u2_type_node /* typeconv */
+#define tv_forward_tv tv_u2.u2_forward_tv /* checker,transform */
+#define tv_type_context tv_u2.u2_context /* checktypedefs */
+#define tv_formal_type_vars tv_u2.u2_formal_type_vars/* checktypedefs */
+#define tv_imp_tv tv_u1.u1_imp_tv
+#define tv_subst_type tv_u1.u1_subst_type /* checktypedefs */
+#define tv_cons_var_info tv_u1.u1_cons_var_info /* checktypedefs */
+#define tv_imp_tv tv_u1.u1_imp_tv /* checktypedefs */
+#define TestMark(n,f,mask) (((n)->f & (mask)) != 0)
+#define SetMark(n,f,mask) ((n)->f |= (mask))
+#define ClearMark(n,f,mask) ((n)->f &= ~(mask))
+#define TV_INSTANTIATION_MASK (1 << 0) /* checktypedefs */
+#define TV_VERIFY_MASK (1 << 1) /* checktypedefs */
+#define TV_CONVERSION_MASK (1 << 2) /* typeconv */
+#define TV_EXISTENTIAL_ATTRIBUTE_MASK (1 << 3) /* checktypedefs, typeconv */
+#define TV_RHS_EXISTENTIAL_MASK (1 << 4) /* checktypedefs */
+#define TV_CONSTRUCTOR_VARIABLE_MASK (1 << 5) /* checktypedefs */
+#define TV_OVERLOADED_VARIABLE_MASK (1 << 6) /* comparser */
+#define TV_INIT_MASK (1 << 7) /* checktypedefs */
+#define TV_DUPLICATED (1 << 8) /* checktypedefs */
+#define TV_UNIQUE_MASK (1 << 9) /* checktypedefs */
+#define TV_CLASS_VARIABLE_MASK (1 << 10) /* checktypedefs */
+#define TV_CONS_VAR_WITH_ARGS (1 << 11) /* checktypedefs */
+#define TV_UNIQUE_VARIABLE_PRINT_MASK (1 << 12) /* typeconv */
+#define TV_NO_CONTEXT_VARIABLE_MASK (1 << 13) /* checktypedefs */
+#define TV_WITH_INST_RESTR (1 << 14) /* checktypedefs */
+#define TV_HAS_INST_MASK (1 << 15) /* checktypedefs */
+typedef struct uni_var
+ Ident uv_ident;
+ unsigned short uv_mark;
+ int uv_number;
+ struct uni_var * uv_next_uni_var;
+ UniVarEquations uv_equations;
+} * UniVar;
+#define UV_INSTANTIATION_MASK (1 << 0) /* checktypedefs */
+#define UV_CYCLE_MASK (1 << 1) /* checktypedefs */
+#define UV_CHECKED_MASK (1 << 2) /* checktypedefs */
+typedef struct uni_var_admin
+{ unsigned uva_next_number;
+ UniVar uva_list;
+} * UniVarAdministration;
+STRUCT (module_info, ModuleInfo)
+ Symbol mi_module_symbol;
+ struct class_conversion_table * mi_class_table;
+ int mi_next_class_number;
+ struct type_conversion_table * mi_type_table;
+ int mi_next_type_number;
+STRUCT (class_conversion_table, ClassConversionTable)
+{ int cct_number;
+ SymbolList cct_symbols;
+ struct class_conversion_table * cct_next;
+STRUCT (type_conversion_table, TypeConversionTable)
+{ int tct_number;
+ struct symbol_def * tct_type_symbol;
+ struct type_conversion_table * tct_next;
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/syntaxtr.t b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/syntaxtr.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa337bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/syntaxtr.t
@@ -0,0 +1,1134 @@
+ Version 1.1 23-1-1996
+#include "compiledefines.h"
+#define D 0
+#define class class_is_keyword
+#define new new_is_keyword
+#define STRUCT(struct_name,type_name) \
+ typedef struct struct_name type_name##S; \
+ typedef struct struct_name *type_name; \
+ typedef struct struct_name *type_name##P; \
+ struct struct_name
+typedef unsigned long BITVECT;
+typedef enum
+{ NoAttr, DeferAttr, CopyAttr
+} GraphAttributeKind;
+typedef enum
+{ NotUsed, UniquelyUsed, SelectivelyUsed, MultiplyUsed, ObservinglyUsed
+} OccurrenceKind;
+typedef enum {
+ TupleState, ArrayState, RecordState, SimpleState
+} StateType;
+/* the order of the StateKinds is used by IsLazyState and ExpectsResultNode */
+typedef enum {
+ OnB, LazyRedirection, StrictRedirection, /* strict states, no result node */
+ StrictOnA, /* strict state, result node */
+ OnA, SemiStrict, Parallel, Undefined, UnderEval /* lazy states, result node */
+} StateKind;
+typedef enum {
+ UnknownObj,
+ AbstractObj,
+ IntObj, BoolObj, CharObj, RealObj, FileObj, StringObj,
+ TupleObj, ListObj, RecordObj, ArrayObj, StrictArrayObj, UnboxedArrayObj,
+ WorldObj, ProcIdObj, RedIdObj
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+ ,DynamicObj
+ , NrOfObjects
+} ObjectKind;
+# define BASIC_ELEMS_STRING "uuibcrfsaaaaaaippa" /* index by ObjectKind */
+# define BASIC_ELEMS_STRING "uibcrfsaaaaaaippa" /* index by ObjectKind */
+typedef enum {
+ int_type, bool_type, char_type, real_type,
+ file_type, string_type,world_type, procid_type,
+ redid_type,
+ Nr_Of_Basic_Types,
+ int_denot, bool_denot, char_denot, real_denot,
+ Nr_Of_Basic_Denots,
+ string_denot,
+ fun_type, array_type, strict_array_type, unboxed_array_type, list_type, tuple_type, empty_type,
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+ dynamic_type,
+ Nr_Of_Predef_Types,
+ tuple_symb, cons_symb, nil_symb,
+ apply_symb, if_symb, fail_symb, all_symb,
+ select_symb,
+ Nr_Of_Predef_FunsOrConses,
+ definition, newsymbol, instance_symb, empty_symbol, field_symbol_list,
+ erroneous_symb
+} SymbKind;
+#ifdef THINK_C
+#define DSymbKind(v) ( \
+ v==definition?"definition": \
+ v==int_denot?"int_denot": \
+ v==tuple_symb?"tuple_symb": \
+ v==cons_symb?"cons_symb": \
+ v==nil_symb?"nil_symb": \
+ v==select_symb?"select_symb": \
+ v==apply_symb?"apply_symb": \
+ v==if_symb?"if_symb": \
+ v==newsymbol?"newsymbol": \
+ v==emptysymbol?"emptysymbol": \
+ v==field_symbol_list?"field_symbol_list": \
+ "")
+#if D
+STRUCT (state,State){
+ union {
+ struct {
+ StateKind arg_kind; /* for SimpleState */
+ ObjectKind arg_object;
+ } state_arg;
+ struct state * state_args; /* for TupleState and ArrayState */
+ struct record_state_descr * state_rs; /* for RecordState */
+ };
+ short state_arity;
+ unsigned char state_type; /* StateType */
+ unsigned char state_mark;
+#define state_kind state_arg.arg_kind
+#define state_object state_arg.arg_object
+#define state_record_symbol state_rs->rs_symb
+#define state_record_arguments state_rs->rs_args
+#define state_record_desc state_rs
+#define state_tuple_arguments state_args
+#define state_array_arguments state_args
+STRUCT (state,State){
+ union {
+ struct state * sd_args; /* for TupleState and ArrayState */
+ struct record_state_descr * sd_rs; /* for RecordState */
+ unsigned long sd_unq_type_args; /* for SimpleState with STATE_UNIQUE_TYPE_ARGUMENTS_MASK */
+ } state_descr;
+ short state_arity;
+ unsigned char state_kind:4; /* StateKind, for SimpleState */
+ unsigned char state_mark:4;
+ unsigned char state_object:6; /* ObjectKind, for SimpleState */
+ unsigned char state_type:2; /* StateType */
+#define state_unq_type_args state_descr.sd_unq_type_args
+# define state_record_symbol state_descr.sd_rs->rs_symb
+# define state_record_arguments state_descr.sd_rs->rs_args
+# define state_record_desc state_descr.sd_rs
+# define state_tuple_arguments state_descr.sd_args
+# define state_array_arguments state_descr.sd_args
+typedef struct state *States;
+#define STATE_UNBOXED_ARRAY_MASK 2 /* for ArrayState */
+#define STATE_ELEMENTS_UPDATEABLE_MASK 2 /* for TupleState */
+typedef struct record_state_descr {
+ struct symbol_def * rs_symb;
+ StateS rs_args[1];
+} *RecordStateDescr;
+typedef enum {
+ SymbolIdTable, TypeSymbolIdTable, TypeVarIdTable, ModuleIdTable, FieldIdTable, KeyWordTable, InternalIdTable
+} TableKind;
+typedef union symb_value {
+ struct ident * val_ident;
+ struct symbol_def * val_def;
+ char * val_int;
+ Bool val_bool;
+ char * val_char;
+ char * val_string;
+ char * val_real;
+ char * val_error_mess;
+ int val_arity;
+ struct symbol_type * val_type; /* for cons_symb, nil_symb apply_symbol ? */
+ struct symbol * val_symb; /* for field_symbol_list */
+ struct overloaded_instance * val_instance;
+} SymbValue;
+STRUCT (symbol,Symbol) {
+ SymbValue symb_val;
+ Symbol symb_next;
+ unsigned symb_kind:8; /* SymbKind */
+ Bool symb_infix:1;
+ unsigned symb_infix_priority:4;
+ unsigned symb_infix_assoc:2; /* Assoc */
+#define symb_ident symb_val.val_ident
+#define symb_def symb_val.val_def
+#define symb_int symb_val.val_int
+#define symb_bool symb_val.val_bool
+#define symb_char symb_val.val_char
+#define symb_string symb_val.val_string
+#define symb_real symb_val.val_real
+#define symb_arity symb_val.val_arity
+#define symb_type symb_val.val_type
+#define symb_arrfun symb_val.val_arrfun
+#define symb_symb symb_val.val_symb
+#define symb_instance symb_val.val_instance
+#define symb_member symb_val.val_member
+#define symb_error_mess symb_val.val_error_mess
+ char * ident_name;
+ char * ident_environ;
+ union{
+ Symbol ident_u1_symbol;
+ struct node_id * ident_u1_nodeid;
+ struct type_var * ident_u1_tv;
+ struct uni_var * ident_u1_uni_var;
+ char * ident_u1_instructions;
+ } ident_union1;
+ union{
+ struct local_def * ident_u2_local_defs;
+ struct module_info * ident_u2_mod_info;
+ } ident_union2;
+ struct local_def * ident_local_defs;
+ struct ident * ident_next;
+ unsigned char ident_table; /* TableKind */
+ unsigned char ident_mark;
+#define ident_symbol ident_union1.ident_u1_symbol
+#define ident_nodeid ident_union1.ident_u1_nodeid
+#define ident_tv ident_union1.ident_u1_tv
+#define ident_uni_var ident_union1.ident_u1_uni_var
+#define ident_instructions ident_union1.ident_u1_instructions
+#define ident_local_defs ident_union2.ident_u2_local_defs
+#define ident_mod_info ident_union2.ident_u2_mod_info
+#define IMPORT_MASK 1
+#define IMPORTED_MASK 2
+#define BOUND_MASK 4
+#define INLINE_MASK 8
+#define ID_UNIVAR_MASK (1 << 5)
+#define ID_TYPEVAR_MASK (1 << 6)
+#define ID_CLASSVAR_MASK (1 << 7)
+ The order in which the annotationkinds appear in the enum type
+ determines their priority
+typedef enum {
+ NoAnnot, StrictAnnot,
+ /* parallel annotations: */
+ ContinueAnnot, ParallelAnnot,
+ LazyParallelAnnot, InterleavedAnnot, LazyInterleavedAnnot,
+ ProcessAnnot,ParallelAtAnnot, DeferAnnot, ContInterleavedAnnot, WaitAnnot,
+ ParallelNFAnnot, InterleavedNFAnnot
+} Annotation;
+typedef enum { AssocNone=0, AssocLeft=1, AssocRight=2 } Assoc;
+typedef struct ident_string *IdentStringP;
+struct ident_string {
+ IdentStringP left;
+ IdentStringP right;
+ Ident ident;
+ char *string;
+typedef struct symb_list SymbElem,*SymbList;
+struct symb_list {
+ IdentStringP slist_ident_string;
+ SymbList slist_next;
+ unsigned slist_line;
+typedef struct def_repr DefRepr,*DefMod;
+typedef struct import_list ImportElem,*ImportList;
+struct import_list {
+ Symbol ilist_module;
+ Bool ilist_all;
+ unsigned ilist_line;
+ SymbList ilist_symbs;
+ DefMod ilist_def;
+ ImportList ilist_next;
+typedef struct node_def *NodeDefs;
+typedef struct {
+ short index_a;
+ short index_b;
+} Index;
+struct _exp;
+#if D
+extern void error (void);
+#define UNION_FIELD(type,field,field_i,field_n)\
+ inline type const &field (void){ return field_i!=field_n ? error(),_##field : _##field; };\
+ inline type &field##_ (void){ field_i=field_n; return _##field; }
+#define UNION2(i,t1,f1,t2,f2)\
+ union {\
+ t1 _##f1;\
+ t2 _##f2;\
+ };\
+ UNION_FIELD(t1,f1,i,1);\
+ UNION_FIELD(t2,f2,i,2)
+#define UNION4(i,t1,f1,t2,f2,t3,f3,t4,f4)\
+ union {\
+ t1 _##f1;\
+ t2 _##f2;\
+ t3 _##f3;\
+ t4 _##f4;\
+ };\
+ UNION_FIELD(t1,f1,i,1);\
+ UNION_FIELD(t2,f2,i,2);\
+ UNION_FIELD(t3,f3,i,3);\
+ UNION_FIELD(t4,f4,i,4)
+STRUCT (node_id,NodeId){
+ unsigned int nid_u1:4;
+ unsigned int nid_u2:4;
+ unsigned int nid_u3:4;
+ unsigned int nid_u4:4;
+ unsigned int nid_u5:4;
+ node_id (void) {
+ nid_u1=0;
+ nid_u2=0;
+ nid_u3=0;
+ nid_u4=0;
+ nid_u5=0;
+ };
+ Ident nid_ident;
+ unsigned short nid_mark;
+ unsigned short nid_mark2;
+ int nid_refcount;
+ int nid_number;
+ UNION4 (nid_u1,
+ struct node_id * ,nid_forward_node_id,
+ struct type_cell * ,nid_type,
+ Index ,nid_index,
+ struct node_id_ref_count_list * ,nid_node_id_ref_count_element /* pattern_match: graph */
+ );
+ #define nid_forward_node_id nid_forward_node_id()
+ #define nid_forward_node_id_ nid_forward_node_id_()
+ #define nid_type nid_type()
+ #define nid_type_ nid_type_()
+ #define nid_index nid_index()
+ #define nid_index_ nid_index_()
+ #define nid_node_id_ref_count_element nid_node_id_ref_count_element()
+ #define nid_node_id_ref_count_element_ nid_node_id_ref_count_element_()
+ union {
+ struct {
+ union {
+ struct node * s1_subst_node;
+ struct node_id * s1_subst_node_id;
+ struct reference_info * s1_ref_info;
+ };
+ int s1_ref_count_copy;
+ } nid_s1;
+ StateS _nid_state;
+ };
+ inline struct node *const &nid_subst_node (void){ return nid_u4!=1 ? error(),nid_s1.s1_subst_node : nid_s1.s1_subst_node; };
+ inline struct node * &nid_subst_node_ (void){ nid_u4=1; return nid_s1.s1_subst_node; }
+ #define nid_subst_node nid_subst_node()
+ #define nid_subst_node_ nid_subst_node_()
+ inline struct node_id *const &nid_subst_node_id (void){ return (nid_u4!=2 || nid_u5!=1) ? error(),nid_s1.s1_subst_node_id : nid_s1.s1_subst_node_id; };
+ inline struct node_id * &nid_subst_node_id_ (void){ nid_u4=2; return nid_s1.s1_subst_node_id; }
+ #define nid_subst_node_id nid_subst_node_id()
+ #define nid_subst_node_id_ nid_subst_node_id_()
+ inline struct reference_info *const &nid_ref_info (void){ return (nid_u4!=3 || nid_u5!=1) ? error(),nid_s1.s1_ref_info : nid_s1.s1_ref_info; };
+ inline struct reference_info * &nid_ref_info_ (void){ nid_u4=3; return nid_s1.s1_ref_info; }
+ #define nid_reference_info nid_ref_info()
+ #define nid_reference_info_ nid_ref_info_()
+ inline int const &nid_ref_count_copy (void){ return nid_u5!=1 ? error(),nid_s1.s1_ref_count_copy : nid_s1.s1_ref_count_copy; };
+ inline int &nid_ref_count_copy_ (void){ nid_u5=1; return nid_s1.s1_ref_count_copy; }
+ inline int &nid_ref_count_copy__ (void){ return nid_u5!=1 ? error(),nid_s1.s1_ref_count_copy : nid_s1.s1_ref_count_copy; };
+ #define nid_ref_count_copy nid_ref_count_copy()
+ #define nid_ref_count_copy_ nid_ref_count_copy_()
+ #define nid_ref_count_copy__ nid_ref_count_copy__()
+ inline StateS const &nid_state (void){ return (nid_u4!=4 || nid_u5!=2) ? error(),_nid_state : _nid_state; };
+ inline StateS &nid_state_ (void){ nid_u4=4; nid_u5=2; return _nid_state; }
+ inline StateS &nid_state__ (void){ return (nid_u4!=4 || nid_u5!=2) ? error(),_nid_state : _nid_state; };
+ #define nid_state nid_state()
+ #define nid_state_ nid_state_()
+ #define nid_state__ nid_state__()
+ int nid_scope;
+ struct node * nid_node;
+ UNION2(nid_u2,
+ struct _exp * ,nid_exp,
+ struct node_id* ,nid_lhs_tuple_node_id
+ );
+ #define nid_exp nid_exp()
+ #define nid_exp_ nid_exp_()
+ #define nid_lhs_tuple_node_id nid_lhs_tuple_node_id()
+ #define nid_lhs_tuple_node_id_ nid_lhs_tuple_node_id_()
+ UNION2(nid_u3,
+ NodeDefs ,nid_node_def, /* only for rhs */
+ struct state * ,nid_lhs_state_p /* only for lhs */
+ );
+ #define nid_node_def nid_node_def()
+ #define nid_node_def_ nid_node_def_()
+ #define nid_lhs_state_p nid_lhs_state_p()
+ #define nid_lhs_state_p_ nid_lhs_state_p_()
+#define nid_a_index nid_index.index_a /* codegen2,instructions */
+#define nid_a_index_ nid_index_.index_a /* codegen2,instructions */
+#define nid_b_index nid_index.index_b /* codegen2,instructions */
+#define nid_b_index_ nid_index_.index_b /* codegen2,instructions */
+STRUCT (node_id,NodeId){
+ Ident nid_ident;
+ unsigned short nid_mark;
+ unsigned short nid_mark2;
+ int nid_refcount;
+ int nid_number;
+ union {
+ struct node_id * inf2_forward_node_id;
+ struct type_cell * inf2_type;
+ Index inf2_index;
+ int inf2_lazy_selector_ref_count;
+ } nid_inf2;
+ union {
+ struct {
+ union {
+ struct node * u1_subst_node;
+ struct node_id * u1_subst_node_id;
+ struct reference_info * u1_ref_info;
+/* NodeDefs u1_nodedef; */
+ } s_u1;
+ int s_ref_count_copy;
+ } inf1_s;
+ StateS inf1_state;
+ } nid_inf1;
+ int nid_scope;
+ struct node * nid_node;
+ union {
+ struct _exp * u3_exp;
+ struct node_id* u3_lhs_tuple_node_id;
+ struct node_id_ref_count_list * u3_ref_count_element; /* pattern_match: graph */
+ } nid_u3;
+ union {
+ NodeDefs u4_node_def; /* only for rhs */
+ struct state * u4_lhs_state_p; /* only for lhs */
+ } nid_u4;
+#define nid_subst_node nid_inf1.inf1_s.s_u1.u1_subst_node /* macros */
+#define nid_subst_node_id nid_inf1.inf1_s.s_u1.u1_subst_node_id /* macros */
+#define nid_reference_info nid_inf1.inf1_s.s_u1.u1_ref_info /* refcountanal */
+/* #define nid_node_def nid_inf1.inf1_s.s_u1.u1_nodedef ** buildtree,sa,statesgen,optimisations */
+#define nid_ref_count_copy nid_inf1.inf1_s.s_ref_count_copy /* statesgen */
+#define nid_state nid_inf1.inf1_state /* codegen2,instructions */
+#define nid_type nid_inf2.inf2_type /* comparser,typechecker */
+#define nid_forward_node_id nid_inf2.inf2_forward_node_id /* checker,transform */
+#define nid_node_id_ref_count_element nid_u3.u3_ref_count_element /* pattern_match */
+#define nid_node_id_ref_count_element_ nid_u3.u3_ref_count_element /* pattern_match */
+#define nid_a_index nid_inf2.inf2_index.index_a /* codegen2,instructions */
+#define nid_b_index nid_inf2.inf2_index.index_b /* codegen2,instructions */
+#define nid_lazy_selector_ref_count nid_inf2.inf2_lazy_selector_ref_count/* statesgen */
+#define nid_type_ nid_inf2.inf2_type /* comparser,typechecker */
+#define nid_forward_node_id_ nid_inf2.inf2_forward_node_id /* checker,transform */
+#define nid_a_index_ nid_inf2.inf2_index.index_a /* codegen2,instructions */
+#define nid_b_index_ nid_inf2.inf2_index.index_b /* codegen2,instructions */
+#define nid_exp nid_u3.u3_exp /* sa */
+#define nid_lhs_tuple_node_id nid_u3.u3_lhs_tuple_node_id
+#define nid_node_def nid_u4.u4_node_def /* buildtree,sa,statesgen,optimisations */
+#define nid_lhs_state_p nid_u4.u4_lhs_state_p
+#define nid_ref_count_copy_ nid_ref_count_copy
+#define nid_ref_count_copy__ nid_ref_count_copy
+#define nid_node_def_ nid_node_def
+#define nid_state_ nid_state
+#define nid_state__ nid_state
+#define nid_lhs_tuple_node_id_ nid_lhs_tuple_node_id
+#define nid_subst_node_ nid_subst_node
+#define nid_subst_node_id_ nid_subst_node_id
+#define nid_exp_ nid_exp
+#define nid_lhs_state_p_ nid_lhs_state_p
+#define nid_reference_info_ nid_reference_info
+/* Masks for nid_mark */
+#define NID_ALIAS_MASK 2
+#define COPY_NODE_MASK 64
+#define ON_A_CYCLE_MASK 128
+#define NID_VERIFY_MASK 256 /* macros */
+#define NID_THEN_ELSE_NON_LOCAL_NODE_ID 512 /* pattern_match */
+#define NID_TYPE_CHECKED_MASK 1024 /* typechecker */
+#define NID_TYPE_ATTRIBUTED_MASK 2048 /* typechecker */
+#define NID_EXTRA_REFCOUNT_SUBTRACTED_MASK 4096 /* checker */
+#define NID_STRICT_LHS_TUPLE_ELEMENT_MASK 8192 /* codegen1,codegen2 */
+#define NID_LIFTED_BY_OPTIMISE 32768 /* optimisations */
+/* Masks for nid_mark2 */
+#define NID_HAS_REF_COUNT_INFO_MASK (1 << 0) /* refcountanal */
+#define NID_DETERMINE_REF_COUNT_MASK (1 << 1) /* refcountanal */
+#define NID_REF_COUNT_DETERMINED_MASK (1 << 2) /* refcountanal */
+#define NID_LHS_ROOT_ID (1 << 3) /* refcountanal */
+#define NID_READ_ONLY_ID (1 << 4) /* typechecker */
+#define NID_FIELD_NAME_MASK (1 << 5) /* typechecker */
+#define NID_COMPONENT_DETERMINED_MASK 256 /* optimise_lambda */
+#define NID_LIFTED_CONSTANT_CHECKED_MASK 512 /* checker */
+#define NID_LIFTED_MASK 1024 /* checker */
+#define NID_REFERENCE_NOT_COUNTED_MASK 2048 /* checker */
+#define NID_LHS_PUSHED 4096 /* codegen1 */
+#define NID_HAS_LAZY_SELECTOR_COUNTER 8192 /* statesgen */
+#define NID_CALL_VIA_LAZY_SELECTIONS_ONLY 16384 /* statesgen */
+typedef struct imp_rule *ImpRules;
+typedef struct rule_type *RuleTypes;
+STRUCT (strict_node_id,StrictNodeId){
+ union {
+ NodeId val_node_id; /* if snid_kind==0 */
+ Ident val_ident; /* if snid_kind==1 */
+ } snid_val;
+ struct strict_node_id * snid_next;
+ unsigned snid_mark:8;
+ unsigned snid_array_select_in_pattern:1;
+#define snid_node_id snid_val.val_node_id
+#define snid_ident snid_val.val_ident
+STRUCT (if_node_contents,IfNodeContents){
+ NodeDefs if_then_node_defs;
+ ImpRules if_then_rules;
+ union {
+ StrictNodeIdP u_strict_node_ids;
+ struct poly_list * u_observer_list;
+ struct node_id_ref_count_list * u_node_id_ref_counts;
+ } if_then_u;
+ NodeDefs if_else_node_defs;
+ ImpRules if_else_rules;
+ union {
+ StrictNodeIdP u_strict_node_ids;
+ struct poly_list * u_observer_list;
+ struct node_id_ref_count_list * u_node_id_ref_counts;
+ } if_else_u;
+ int if_local_scope;
+#define if_then_strict_node_ids if_then_u.u_strict_node_ids
+#define if_else_strict_node_ids if_else_u.u_strict_node_ids
+#define if_then_observer_list if_then_u.u_observer_list
+#define if_else_observer_list if_else_u.u_observer_list
+#define node_then_node_id_ref_counts node_contents.contents_if->if_then_u.u_node_id_ref_counts
+#define node_else_node_id_ref_counts node_contents.contents_if->if_else_u.u_node_id_ref_counts
+typedef enum {
+ IfNode, NormalNode, SelectorNode, NodeIdNode, UpdateNode, MatchNode, /* normal nodes */
+ RecordNode, IdentNode, ApplyNode, PrefixNode, ScopeNode, /* nodes in parser and checker */
+ IndirectionNode, /* nodes in optimise_lambda */
+ OverloadedNode, RecursionNode, UpdateNodeInTC, /* nodes in typechecker */
+ SwitchNode, CaseNode, DefaultNode, PushNode, GuardNode, TupleSelectorsNode, FillUniqueNode /* nodes in codegen */
+} NodeKind;
+#ifdef THINK_C
+#define DNodeKind(v) ( \
+ v==IfNode?"IfNode": \
+ v==NormalNode?"NormalNode": \
+ v==SelectorNode?"SelectorNode": \
+ v==NodeIdNode?"NodeIdNode": \
+ v==RecordNode?"RecordNode": \
+ v==UpdateNode?"UpdateNode": \
+ v==IdentNode?"IdentNode": \
+ v==ApplyNode?"ApplyNode": \
+ v==PrefixNode?"PrefixNode" \
+ :"")
+#define SELECTOR_U 2
+#define SELECTOR_F 3
+#define SELECTOR_L 4
+#define SELECTOR_N 5
+STRUCT (case_node_contents,CaseNodeContents){
+ struct node_id_ref_count_list * case_node_id_ref_counts;
+ StrictNodeIdP case_strict_node_ids;
+STRUCT (node,Node){
+ union {
+ struct if_node_contents * contents_if;
+ Symbol contents_symbol;
+ NodeId contents_node_id;
+ Ident contents_ident;
+ struct node * contents_node;
+ struct node_id_list_element *contents_node_ids;
+ StrictNodeIdP contents_guard_strict_node_ids;
+ } node_contents;
+ struct arg * node_arguments;
+ union {
+ StateS su_state;
+ struct {
+ union {
+ Symbol u_record_symbol; /* comparser,checker */
+ struct symbol_type * u_type_info; /* typechecker */
+ struct recursive_call * u_recursive_call; /* typechecker */
+ struct overloaded_function *u_overloaded_application; /* typechecker */
+ } s_u;
+ int s_line; /* size for PushNode */
+ } su_s;
+ struct {
+ struct node_def * u_node_defs; /* for CaseNode,DefaultNode and GuardNode */
+ struct case_node_contents * u_case;
+ struct node_id_ref_count_list * u_node_id_ref_counts;
+ } su_u;
+ struct {
+ struct node_def * scope_node_defs;
+ struct imp_rule * scope_imp_rules;
+ } su_scope; /* for ScopeNode */
+ } node_su;
+ short node_arity;
+ unsigned char node_kind; /* NodeKind */
+ signed char node_number:2; /* statesgen: -1,0 or 1,pattern_match ? */
+ Annotation node_annotation:6;
+# define node_node_id_ref_counts node_su.su_u.u_case->case_node_id_ref_counts
+# define node_strict_node_ids node_su.su_u.u_case->case_strict_node_ids
+# define node_node_id_ref_counts node_su.su_u.u_node_id_ref_counts
+#define node_state node_su.su_state
+#define node_record_symbol node_su.su_s.s_u.u_record_symbol
+#define node_type node_su.su_s.s_u.u_type_info
+#define node_recursive_call node_su.su_s.s_u.u_recursive_call
+#define node_overloaded_application node_su.su_s.s_u.u_overloaded_application
+#define node_line node_su.su_s.s_line
+#define node_node_defs node_su.su_u.u_node_defs
+#define node_symbol node_contents.contents_symbol
+#define node_node_id node_contents.contents_node_id
+#define node_ident node_contents.contents_ident
+#define node_node node_contents.contents_node
+#define node_node_ids node_contents.contents_node_ids
+#define node_guard_strict_node_ids node_contents.contents_guard_strict_node_ids
+#define node_then_node_defs node_contents.contents_if->if_then_node_defs
+#define node_then_rules node_contents.contents_if->if_then_rules
+#define node_then_strict_node_ids node_contents.contents_if->if_then_strict_node_ids
+#define node_else_node_defs node_contents.contents_if->if_else_node_defs
+#define node_else_rules node_contents.contents_if->if_else_rules
+#define node_else_strict_node_ids node_contents.contents_if->if_else_strict_node_ids
+#define node_if_scope node_contents.contents_if->if_local_scope
+#define node_scope_node_defs node_su.su_scope.scope_node_defs
+#define node_scope_imp_rules node_su.su_scope.scope_imp_rules
+#define node_then_observer_list node_contents.contents_if->if_then_observer_list
+#define node_else_observer_list node_contents.contents_if->if_else_observer_list
+STRUCT (arg,Arg){
+ Node arg_node;
+ struct arg * arg_next;
+ union {
+ StateS u_state;
+ unsigned long u_occurrence; /* OccurrenceKind */
+ } arg_u;
+typedef struct arg *Args;
+#define arg_state arg_u.u_state
+#define arg_occurrence arg_u.u_occurrence
+STRUCT (node_def,NodeDef){
+ union {
+ NodeId u1_id;
+ Node u1_pattern;
+ } def_u1;
+ Node def_node;
+ NodeDefs def_next;
+ int def_mark;
+#define def_id def_u1.u1_id
+#define def_pattern def_u1.u1_pattern
+#define NODE_DEF_MARKED 8
+typedef struct local_def {
+ union {
+ NodeId contents_node_id; /* ldef_node_id, if ldef_kind==0 */
+ Symbol contents_symbol; /* ldef_symbol, if ldef_kind==1 */
+ } ldef_contents;
+ struct local_def * ldef_next;
+ int ldef_scope;
+ char ldef_kind;
+ char ldef_lifted;
+} LocalDef,*LocalDefP;
+#define ldef_node_id ldef_contents.contents_node_id
+#define ldef_symbol ldef_contents.contents_symbol
+/* for implementing calls to C or the OS */
+typedef struct parameter Parameter,*Parameters;
+struct parameter {
+ union {
+ NodeId val_node_id; /* if par_kind == 0 */
+ Ident val_ident; /* if par_kind == 1 */
+ } par_val;
+ Ident par_loc;
+ Parameters par_next;
+ int par_kind;
+#define par_node_id par_val.val_node_id
+#define par_ident par_val.val_ident
+typedef struct instruction Instruction,*Instructions;
+struct instruction {
+ char * instr_this;
+ Instructions instr_next;
+STRUCT (code_block,CodeBlock){
+ Parameters co_parin;
+ Parameters co_parout;
+ Instructions co_instr;
+ Bool co_is_abc_code;
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+ Bool co_is_inline;
+typedef enum {
+ Contractum, ExternalCall
+} RhsKind;
+typedef struct rule_alt *RuleAlts;
+STRUCT (rule_alt,RuleAlt){
+ Node alt_lhs_root;
+ NodeDefs alt_lhs_defs;
+ union {
+ Node rhs_root;
+ CodeBlock rhs_code;
+ } alt_rhs;
+ NodeDefs alt_rhs_defs;
+ union {
+ StrictNodeIdP u_alt_strict_node_ids;
+ struct poly_list * u_alt_observer_list;
+ } alt_u;
+ struct lifted_node_id * alt_lifted_node_ids;
+ ImpRules alt_local_imp_rules;
+ RuleAlts alt_next;
+ unsigned alt_line;
+ BITVECT alt_used_arguments;
+#ifdef OS2
+ unsigned alt_kind:4; /* RhsKind */
+ unsigned alt_kind:3; /* RhsKind */
+ Bool alt_write_access:1;
+ Bool alt_may_fail:1;
+#define alt_rhs_root alt_rhs.rhs_root
+#define alt_rhs_code alt_rhs.rhs_code
+#define alt_strict_node_ids alt_u.u_alt_strict_node_ids
+#define alt_observer_list alt_u.u_alt_observer_list
+typedef struct macro Macro,*Macros;
+struct macro {
+ RuleAlts macro_rule;
+ Node macro_root;
+ unsigned macro_line;
+ Macros macro_next;
+typedef enum {
+} SDefKind;
+#define SDefKindSize 5
+#define DERIVEDRULE 16
+typedef enum {
+ Indefinite, CurrentlyChecked, TypeChecked,
+ Predefined, Expanded, TotallyExpanded,
+ ConvertingToState, ConvertedToState
+} CheckStatus;
+typedef enum {
+ CreateArrayFun, ArraySelectFun, UnqArraySelectFun, ArrayUpdateFun,
+ ArrayReplaceFun, ArraySizeFun, UnqArraySizeFun,
+ _CreateArrayFun,_UnqArraySelectFun,_UnqArraySelectNextFun,_UnqArraySelectLastFun,
+ _ArrayUpdateFun,
+ NoArrayFun
+} ArrayFunKind;
+#define ArrayFunKindBitSize 4
+#include "syntax_tree_types.h"
+STRUCT (imp_rule,ImpRule){
+ NodeP rule_root;
+ RuleAlts rule_alts;
+ struct type_alt * rule_type;
+ StateP rule_state_p;
+ ImpRules rule_next;
+ union {
+ struct depend_function *u_depend_functions;
+ ImpRuleP u_next_changed_function;
+ ImpRuleP u_next_used_function;
+ ImpRuleP u_next_function_with_more_arguments;
+ } rule_u;
+ struct node * rule_lazy_call_node;
+ struct node * rule_strict_call_node;
+ struct node * rule_strict_call_node2;
+ unsigned rule_line;
+ unsigned rule_mark;
+ unsigned rule_ref_count;
+#define RULE_CAF_MASK 2
+#define rule_depend_functions rule_u.u_depend_functions /* comparser,checker,macros */
+#define rule_next_changed_function rule_u.u_next_changed_function /* optimisations */
+#define rule_next_used_function rule_u.u_next_used_function /* optimisations */
+#define rule_next_function_with_more_arguments rule_u.u_next_function_with_more_arguments /* statesgen */
+STRUCT (symbol_def,SymbDef){
+ char *sdef_module;
+ Ident sdef_ident;
+ union
+ { Types u_type;
+ RuleTypes u_rule_type;
+ SynTypes u_syn_type;
+ AbsTypes u_abs_type;
+ ImpRules u_rule;
+ Macros u_macro;
+ Overloaded u_overloaded;
+ Instance u_instance;
+ ClassDefinition u_class;
+ ClassInstance u_class_instance;
+ SymbolList u_class_symb_list;
+ } sdef_u;
+ union
+ { struct symbol_type_info * sti_rule_type_info;
+ struct symbol_type * sti_type_cons_info;
+ unsigned long sti_class_instance_info;
+ StateS typeinfo_record_state;
+ struct
+ { FieldList fieldinfo_sel_field;
+ Node fieldinfo_sel_node;
+ int fieldinfo_sel_field_number;
+ } sdef_fieldinfo;
+ struct constructor_list * typeinfo_constructor; /* for CONSTRUCTOR */
+ } sdef_typeinfo;
+ unsigned sdef_number;
+ unsigned sdef_ancestor;
+ short sdef_arity;
+ short sdef_cons_arity;
+ short sdef_over_arity;
+ unsigned short sdef_nr_of_lifted_nodeids;
+ union {
+ struct _fun * u3_sa_fun; /* sa.c */
+ unsigned u3_instantiation_depth;
+ } sdef_u3;
+ struct symbol_def * sdef_dcl_icl; /* to dcl if sdef_exported, to icl if sdef_main_dcl */
+ union {
+ struct symbol_def * u1_next_scc;
+ Symbol u1_subst_symbol;
+ } sdef_u1;
+ union {
+ struct symbol_def * sdef_u2_parent;
+ struct member_item * sdef_u2_class_members;
+/* struct symbol_def * sdef_u2_aliases; */
+ struct type_cons_repr * sdef_u2_type_cons_repr;
+ struct symbol_def * sdef_u2_next_version; /* for IMPRULES */
+ } sdef_u2;
+ unsigned sdef_line;
+ int sdef_mark;
+ Bool sdef_isused:1;
+ Bool sdef_is_local_function:1;
+ Bool sdef_is_instantiated:1;
+ Bool sdef_no_sa:1;
+ Bool sdef_explicitly_imported:1;
+ Bool sdef_has_aliases:1;
+ Bool sdef_attributed:1;
+ Bool sdef_returnsnode:1;
+ Bool sdef_calledwithrootnode:1;
+ Bool sdef_has_inftype:1;
+ Bool sdef_typable:1;
+ Bool sdef_contains_freevars:1;
+ Bool sdef_noncoercible:1;
+ Bool sdef_unq_attributed:1;
+ Bool sdef_is_cyclic:1;
+ Bool sdef_is_redirection:1;
+ Bool sdef_is_observing:1;
+ Bool sdef_is_hyperstrict:1;
+ Bool sdef_with_uniqueness_variables:1;
+ Bool sdef_current_type_vars_mark:1; /* for TYPESYN */
+ Bool sdef_abstract_type_synonym:1; /* for TYPESYN */
+ Bool sdef_strict_constructor:1; /* for CONSTRUCTOR and RECORDTYPE */
+ Bool sdef_exported:1;
+ Bool sdef_main_dcl:1; /* if in .dcl of main .icl */
+ Bool sdef_first_group_element:1;
+ Bool sdef_infix:1;
+#ifdef OS2
+ int sdef_stupid_gcc;
+ SDefKind sdef_kind:SDefKindSize;
+ unsigned sdef_infix_priority:4;
+ unsigned sdef_checkstatus:4; /* CheckStatus */
+ unsigned sdef_prop_status:4; /* CheckStatus */
+ unsigned sdef_arfun:ArrayFunKindBitSize; /* ArrayFunKind */
+ unsigned sdef_infix_assoc:2; /* Assoc */
+ unsigned sdef_kind:SDefKindSize;
+ unsigned sdef_infix_priority:4;
+ unsigned sdef_infix_assoc:2; /* Assoc */
+ unsigned sdef_checkstatus:3; /* CheckStatus */
+ unsigned sdef_prop_status:3; /* CheckStatus */
+ unsigned sdef_arfun:ArrayFunKindBitSize; /* ArrayFunKind */
+#define sdef_type sdef_u.u_type
+#define sdef_rule_type sdef_u.u_rule_type
+#define sdef_syn_type sdef_u.u_syn_type
+#define sdef_abs_type sdef_u.u_abs_type
+#define sdef_rule sdef_u.u_rule
+#define sdef_macro sdef_u.u_macro
+#define sdef_rc sdef_u.u_rc
+#define sdef_overloaded sdef_u.u_overloaded
+#define sdef_instance sdef_u.u_instance
+#define sdef_class_instance sdef_u.u_class_instance
+#define sdef_class_symb_list sdef_u.u_class_symb_list
+#define sdef_class sdef_u.u_class
+#define sdef_instantiation_depth sdef_u3.u3_instantiation_depth
+#define sdef_sa_fun sdef_u3.u3_sa_fun
+#define sdef_next_scc sdef_u1.u1_next_scc
+#define sdef_subst_symbol sdef_u1.u1_subst_symbol /* macros */
+/* some macros to reuse bit fields */
+#define sdef_group_number sdef_ancestor
+#define sdef_has_instance_info sdef_used_as_instance
+#define sdef_parent sdef_u2.sdef_u2_parent
+#define sdef_class_members sdef_u2.sdef_u2_class_members
+#define sdef_aliases sdef_u2.sdef_u2_aliases
+#define sdef_type_cons_repr sdef_u2.sdef_u2_type_cons_repr
+#define sdef_next_version sdef_u2.sdef_u2_next_version
+#define sdef_constructor sdef_typeinfo.typeinfo_constructor
+#define sdef_rule_type_info sdef_typeinfo.sti_rule_type_info
+#define sdef_type_cons_info sdef_typeinfo.sti_type_cons_info
+#define sdef_class_instance_info sdef_typeinfo.sti_class_instance_info
+#define sdef_rule_cons_type_info sdef_rc->rc_type_info
+#define sdef_rule_cons_imprule sdef_rc->rc_imprule
+#define sdef_rule_cons_defrule sdef_rc->rc_defrule
+#define sdef_record_state sdef_typeinfo.typeinfo_record_state
+#define sdef_ar_fun_aps sdef_typeinfo.typeinfo_ar_fun_aps
+#define sdef_sel_field sdef_typeinfo.sdef_fieldinfo.fieldinfo_sel_field
+#define sdef_sel_node sdef_typeinfo.sdef_fieldinfo.fieldinfo_sel_node
+#define sdef_sel_field_number sdef_typeinfo.sdef_fieldinfo.fieldinfo_sel_field_number
+struct string_list {
+ char * sl_string;
+ struct string_list *sl_next;
+typedef struct {
+ Symbol im_name;
+ Symbol im_symbols;
+ ImportList im_imports;
+ Types im_types;
+ SynTypes im_syn_types;
+ ImpRules im_rules;
+ Macros im_macros;
+ struct symbol_def * im_start;
+ Bool im_main;
+ DefMod im_def_module;
+ ClassDefinition im_classes;
+ ClassInstance im_instances;
+ struct module_info * im_module_info;
+ struct string_list * im_imported_objs;
+ struct string_list * im_imported_libs;
+ FileTime im_modification_time;
+} *ImpMod, ImpRepr;
+struct def_repr {
+ Symbol dm_name;
+ Symbol dm_symbols;
+ ImportList dm_imports;
+ ExportList dm_exports;
+ Types dm_types;
+ SynTypes dm_syn_types;
+ AbsTypes dm_abs_types;
+ RuleTypes dm_rules;
+ Macros dm_macros;
+ Bool dm_system_module;
+ ClassDefinition dm_classes;
+ ClassInstance dm_instances;
+ struct module_info * dm_module_info;
+ FileTime dm_modification_time;
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/system.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/system.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d964ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/system.h
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+ system.h
+ Author: Eric Nocker
+ At: Department of Computer Science
+ University of Nijmegen
+#define _SYSTEM_
+#define _WINDOWS_
+#if defined (applec) || (defined (__MWERKS__) && !defined (_WINDOWS_)) || defined (__MRC__)
+# define _MAC_
+# define _STANDALONE_
+#define __ppc__
+#elif defined (THINK_C)
+# define _MACUSER_
+# define _STANDALONE_
+#define _DEBUG_
+#if defined (_MAC_)
+# include "mac.h"
+#elif defined (_MACUSER_)
+# include "macuser.h"
+#elif defined (_SUN_)
+# include "sun.h"
+#elif defined (OS2)
+# include "os2.h"
+#elif defined (_WINDOWS_)
+# include "windows_io.h"
+# include "standard.h"
+#include "types.t"
+# include "gensupport.h"
+#define MAXPATHLEN 1024
+extern char *PATHLIST;
+extern char *GetFileExtension (FileKind kind);
+extern File FOpen (char *wname, FileKind kind, char *mode);
+extern File FOpenWithFileTime (char *file_name,FileKind kind, char *mode,FileTime *file_time_p);
+extern int FDelete (char *fname, FileKind kind);
+extern int FClose (File f);
+#ifdef _MACUSER_
+/* const declarations required */
+ extern int FPrintF (File f, const char *fmt,...);
+ extern int FPutS (const char *s, File f);
+ extern size_t FWrite (const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t count, File f);
+extern int FPutS (char *s, File f);
+extern size_t FWrite (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t count, File f);
+# ifdef _VARARGS_
+extern int FPrintF (File f, char *fmt,...);
+# else
+extern int FPrintF (); /* (File w, char *fmt,...) */
+# endif
+#if defined (_MACUSER_)
+ extern File StdOut;
+ extern File StdError;
+ extern File StdVerboseH;
+ extern File StdVerboseL;
+ extern File StdListTypes;
+#ifndef __ppc__
+extern char *FGetS (char *s, int n, File f);
+extern size_t FRead (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t count, File f);
+extern int FSeek (File f, long offset, int origin);
+extern long FTell (File f);
+extern FileTime FGetFileTime (char *fname, FileKind kind);
+extern void FWriteFileTime (FileTime file_time,File f);
+extern Bool GetOptionsFromIclFile (char *fname, CompilerOptions *opts);
+#ifdef _VARARGS_
+ extern void DoError (char *fmt,...);
+ extern void DoFatalError (char *fmt,...);
+ extern void CmdError (char *errormsg,...);
+ extern void DoError ();
+ extern void DoFatalError ();
+ extern void CmdError ();
+extern void (*SetSignal (void (*f) (void))) (void);
+extern int CheckInterrupt (void);
+extern void *Alloc (unsigned long count, SizeT size);
+extern void Free (void *p);
+#ifdef THINK_C
+#define ReSize(A) (((A)+1) & ~1)
+#define ReSize(A) (((A)+3) & ~3)
+extern int System (char *s);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/tcsupport.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/tcsupport.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a28d85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/tcsupport.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Version 1.0 06/09/1995
+Author: Sjaak Smetsers
+extern jmp_buf ExitTypeComponent;
+extern int gNextTypeNumber;
+extern void OverloadingError (Symbol symbol, char *msg, TypeCell type, Bool make_jump);
+extern void Unify (TypeCell offtype, TypeCell demtype, Node uni_node, int argnr);
+extern UnificationStatus UnifyTypes (TypeCell offtype, TypeCell demtype);
+extern void UnifyError (UnificationStatus ustat, Node err_node, int err_argnr, TypeCell type1, TypeCell type2);
+extern void UniquenessError (UniquenessErrorKind err_kind, Node err_node, int err_argnr, TypeCell type, TypeCell sub_type);
+extern void ReportTypeError (Node err_node, int err_argnr, char *err_msg);
+extern TypeCell ExpandSynonymType (TypeCell synappl, SymbDef syndef);
+extern AttributeCellKind DetermineAttrkindOfTypeCell (TypeCell type);
+#define GetExistentionalVarsOfTypeCons(typecons) (typecons -> sdef_contains_freevars) ?\
+ typecons -> sdef_type -> type_exivars : ALLBITSCLEAR
+extern Symbol BuildNewSymbol (SymbDef old_symb_def, int id_nr, TypeCell ins_types [], int arity, TableKind table);
+extern Symbol BuildNewClassSymbol (SymbolList class_symbols);
+extern Ident BuildNewSymbolId (char *prefix, int id_nr, TypeCell ins_types [], int arity, TableKind table);
+extern TypeCell SkipTypeSynIndirection (TypeCell type);
+extern void PrepareTypesAndImportedInstances (Symbol symbs, char *icl_module);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/tcsupport_2.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/tcsupport_2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..173f6e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/tcsupport_2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+ Version 1.2 21/01/1997
+ Author: Sjaak Smetsers
+#pragma options (!macsbug_names)
+#include "system.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "sizes.h"
+#include "checker.h"
+#include "checksupport.h"
+#include "tctypes.t"
+#include "typechecker.h"
+#include "typechecker2.h"
+#include "typeconv.h"
+#include "tcsupport.h"
+#include "overloading.h"
+#include "scanner.h"
+#include "comparser.h"
+#include "buildtree.h"
+BITVECT DetermineUniPropOfTypeCons (SymbDef typecons)
+ if (typecons -> sdef_kind == TYPE || typecons -> sdef_kind == RECORDTYPE)
+ return (typecons -> sdef_type) ? typecons -> sdef_type -> type_uniprop : ALLBITSSET;
+ else
+ return (typecons -> sdef_kind == TYPESYN) ? typecons -> sdef_syn_type -> syntype_uniprop : ALLBITSSET;
+} /* DetermineUniPropOfTypeCons */
+BITVECT DetermineConsVarsOfTypeCons (SymbDef typecons, ConsVarList * cons_vars)
+ if (typecons -> sdef_kind == TYPE || typecons -> sdef_kind == RECORDTYPE)
+ { if (typecons -> sdef_type)
+ { * cons_vars = typecons -> sdef_type -> type_lhs -> ft_cons_vars;
+ return typecons -> sdef_type -> type_consvars;
+ }
+ else
+ { * cons_vars = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (typecons -> sdef_kind == TYPESYN)
+ { * cons_vars = typecons -> sdef_syn_type -> syn_lhs -> ft_cons_vars ;
+ return typecons -> sdef_syn_type -> syn_consvars;
+ }
+ else
+ { * cons_vars = NULL;
+ }
+} /* DetermineConsVarsOfTypeCons */
+TypeCell SkipIndirectionChain (TypeCell type)
+ MemoryCheck (type);
+ for (; type -> tc_kind == Indirection; type = type -> contents_indirect)
+ MemoryCheck (type);
+ return type;
+} /* SkipIndirectionChain */
+#define SubstitutedType(typeargs) ((typeargs)[-1])
+TypeCell SkipTypeSynIndirection (TypeCell type)
+ if (type -> tc_kind == ConstructorType && type -> tc_expanded)
+ { type = SubstitutedType (type -> contents_tc_args);
+ SkipIndirections (type);
+ }
+ return type;
+} /* SkipTypeSynIndirection */
+void PrintNodeSymbol (Node node, int arg_nr, File file)
+ Symbol rootsymb;
+ switch (node -> node_kind)
+ {
+ case IfNode:
+ switch (arg_nr)
+ {
+ case 1: FPutS ("condition part of guard or if rule", file);
+ return;
+ case 2: FPutS ("then part of guard or if rule", file);
+ return;
+ case 3: FPutS ("else part of guard or if rule", file);
+ return;
+ default: FPutS ("guard or if rule", file);
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case SelectorNode:
+ if (arg_nr == 1)
+ FPutS ("argument of selection", file);
+ else
+ FPutS ("selection", file);
+ return;
+ case MatchNode:
+ if (arg_nr == 1)
+ { FPutS ("rhs selection of", file);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ { FPutS ("rhs selection", file);
+ return;
+ }
+ case UpdateNode:
+ FPutS ("update of record", file);
+ break;
+ case NodeIdNode:
+ if (node -> node_node_id -> nid_ident != NULL)
+ { Ident id = node -> node_node_id -> nid_ident;
+ if (TestMark (node -> node_node_id, nid_mark2, NID_FIELD_NAME_MASK))
+ { SymbDef rec_symb = (SymbDef) id -> ident_environ;
+ FPrintF (file, "field %s of record %s", id -> ident_name, rec_symb -> sdef_ident -> ident_name);
+ }
+ else
+ FPutS (id -> ident_name, file);
+ }
+ else if (node -> node_node_id -> nid_node)
+ PrintNodeSymbol (node -> node_node_id -> nid_node, 0, file);
+ return;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ rootsymb = node -> node_symbol;
+ if (rootsymb -> symb_kind == select_symb)
+ { if (arg_nr == 1)
+ { FPrintF (file, "%d-tuple selection of ", rootsymb -> symb_arity);
+ PrintNodeSymbol (node -> node_arguments -> arg_node, 0, file);
+ }
+ else
+ FPrintF (file, "selection of the %d-th argument of a %d-tuple ", node -> node_arity, rootsymb -> symb_arity);
+ }
+ else if (rootsymb -> symb_kind == apply_symb)
+ { if (arg_nr == 1)
+ PrintNodeSymbol (node -> node_arguments -> arg_node, 0, file);
+ else
+ { Node argnode;
+ for (arg_nr = 1, argnode = node -> node_arguments -> arg_node;
+ argnode -> node_kind == NormalNode && argnode -> node_symbol -> symb_kind == apply_symb;
+ argnode = argnode -> node_arguments -> arg_node)
+ arg_nr ++;
+ PrintNodeSymbol (argnode, arg_nr, file);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (rootsymb -> symb_kind == tuple_symb)
+ { int tup_arity = node -> node_arity;
+ FPutS ("(_", file);
+ for (tup_arity--; tup_arity > 0; tup_arity--)
+ FPutS (",_", file);
+ FPutC (')', file);
+ }
+ else
+ { if (arg_nr > 0)
+ { if (rootsymb -> symb_kind == definition && rootsymb -> symb_def -> sdef_kind == IMPRULE)
+ { if (arg_nr <= rootsymb -> symb_def -> sdef_nr_of_lifted_nodeids)
+ { Args lifted_arg;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 1, lifted_arg = node -> node_arguments; i < arg_nr; i ++, lifted_arg = lifted_arg -> arg_next)
+ ;
+ if (lifted_arg -> arg_node -> node_kind == NodeIdNode)
+ FPrintF (StdError, "internal argument %s of ", lifted_arg -> arg_node -> node_node_id -> nid_ident -> ident_name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (StdError, "internal argument %d of ", arg_nr);
+ }
+ else
+ FPrintF (StdError, "argument %d of ", arg_nr - rootsymb -> symb_def -> sdef_nr_of_lifted_nodeids);
+ }
+ else
+ FPrintF (StdError, "argument %d of ", arg_nr);
+ }
+ PrintSymbol (rootsymb, file);
+ }
+} /* PrintNodeSymbol */
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/tctypes.t b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/tctypes.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c99828d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/tctypes.t
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+Version 1.0 26/08/1994
+Author: Sjaak Smetsers
+ internal representation for types used by the type checker
+STRUCT (symbol_type, SymbolType)
+ struct type_cell ** syt_args;
+ struct type_cell * syt_result;
+ unsigned long syt_unspec_args;
+ unsigned short syt_arity;
+ unsigned short syt_mark:1;
+ unsigned short syt_part_spec:1;
+STRUCT (type_alt_info, TypeAltInfo)
+ struct recursive_call * tai_recursive_calls;
+ struct overloaded_function * tai_overloaded_funs;
+ struct internal_call * tai_internal_calls;
+ struct type_alt_info * tai_next;
+ unsigned tai_line;
+struct lifted_arguments_info
+ struct overloaded_variable_list_elem * lai_overloaded_vars;
+ PolyList lai_type_vars;
+ PolyList lai_attribute_vars;
+} ;
+STRUCT (symbol_type_info,SymbolTypeInfo)
+ SymbolTypeP sti_type1;
+ SymbolTypeP sti_type2;
+ struct type_cell ** sti_overloaded_vars;
+ TypeAltInfo sti_type_alt_info;
+ union
+ { struct lifted_arguments_info * sti_u_lifted_args_info;
+ PolyList sti_u_lifted_over_vars;
+ } sti_union;
+} ;
+#define sti_lifted_args_info sti_union.sti_u_lifted_args_info
+#define sti_lifted_over_vars sti_union.sti_u_lifted_over_vars
+STRUCT (type_cons_repr, TypeConsRepr)
+ SymbDef tcr_symbol;
+ int tcr_arity;
+#define sdef_inf_type sdef_rule_type_info -> sti_type1
+#define sdef_predef_type sdef_rule_type_info -> sti_type2
+#define sdef_overloaded_vars sdef_rule_type_info -> sti_overloaded_vars
+#define sdef_type_alt_info sdef_rule_type_info -> sti_type_alt_info
+#define sdef_lifted_args_info sdef_rule_type_info -> sti_lifted_args_info
+#define sdef_lifted_temp_over_vars sdef_rule_type_info -> sti_lifted_args_info -> lai_overloaded_vars
+#define sdef_lifted_type_vars sdef_rule_type_info -> sti_lifted_args_info -> lai_type_vars
+#define sdef_lifted_attr_vars sdef_rule_type_info -> sti_lifted_args_info -> lai_attribute_vars
+#define sdef_lifted_over_vars sdef_rule_type_info -> sti_lifted_over_vars
+#define sdef_rc_inf_type sdef_rule_cons_type_info -> sti_type1
+#define sdef_rc_predef_type sdef_rule_cons_type_info -> sti_type2
+typedef unsigned int AttributeCellKind;
+ enum
+ { AC_Indirection = 0, AC_UnChanging = 0, AC_Unique, AC_Variable, AC_NotUnique
+ };
+#define AttributeCellKindSize 2
+#ifdef THINK_C
+#define DAttributeCellKind(v) (\
+ v == AC_Indirection ? "AC_Indirection" :\
+ v == AC_Unique ? "AC_Unique" :\
+ v == AC_Variable ? "AC_Variable" :\
+ v == AC_NotUnique ? "AC_NotUnique" :\
+ "Unknown")
+typedef struct plain_attr_var
+{ Bool pav_mark:1;
+ Bool pav_exi_quanti:1;
+ AttributeCellKind pav_varkind:AttributeCellKindSize;
+ struct temp_attr_var * pav_forward;
+} *PlainAttrVar;
+STRUCT (attr_var_with_equatuations, AttrVarWithEquations)
+{ struct
+ { Bool ave_bi_mark:1;
+ Bool ave_bi_coercible:1;
+ Bool ave_bi_present_mark:1;
+ Bool ave_bi_printed:1;
+ unsigned ave_bi_number;
+ } ave_bitinfo;
+ union
+ { struct temp_attr_var * ave_inf_forward;
+ struct simple_attr_equation * ave_inf_impl_equa;
+ } ave_info;
+ struct simple_attr_equation * ave_equations;
+} ;
+#define ave_mark ave_bitinfo.ave_bi_mark
+#define ave_coercible ave_bitinfo.ave_bi_coercible
+#define ave_present_mark ave_bitinfo.ave_bi_present_mark
+#define ave_printed ave_bitinfo.ave_bi_printed
+#define ave_number ave_bitinfo.ave_bi_number
+#define ave_refcount ave_bitinfo.ave_bi_refcount
+#define ave_offrefcount ave_bitinfo.ave_bi_offrefcount
+#define ave_forward ave_info.ave_inf_forward
+#define ave_impl_equa ave_info.ave_inf_impl_equa
+STRUCT (attr_equation_list, AttrEquationList)
+{ struct
+ { Bool ae_bi_mark:1;
+ Bool ae_bi_implicit:1;
+ } ae_bitinfo;
+ AttrEquationList ae_nextoffered;
+ struct temp_attr_var * ae_offered;
+ union
+ { struct attr_equation_list * ae_inf_nextdemanded;
+ AttrVarWithEquationsP ae_inf_forward;
+ } ae_info;
+ struct temp_attr_var * ae_demanded;
+#define ae_mark ae_bitinfo.ae_bi_mark
+#define ae_implicit ae_bitinfo.ae_bi_implicit
+#define ae_nextdemanded ae_info.ae_inf_nextdemanded
+#define ae_forward ae_info.ae_inf_forward
+STRUCT (simple_attr_equation, SimpleAttrEquation)
+{ Bool sae_mark:1;
+ AttrVarWithEquationsP sae_offattr;
+ struct simple_attr_equation * sae_next;
+STRUCT (temp_attr_var, TempAttrVar)
+{ Bool tav_mark: 1;
+ Bool tav_present: 1;
+ Bool tav_free: 1;
+ Bool tav_onstack: 1;
+ Bool tav_exi_quanti: 1;
+ Bool tav_non_coercible: 1;
+ AttributeCellKind tav_varkind: AttributeCellKindSize;
+ unsigned tav_number;
+ AttrEquationList tav_offered;
+ union
+ { AttrVarWithEquationsP tav_inf_forward;
+ AttrEquationList tav_inf_demanded;
+ TempAttrVar tav_inf_indirection;
+ SimpleAttrEquation tav_inf_impl_equa;
+ } tav_info;
+#define tav_forward tav_info.tav_inf_forward
+#define tav_demanded tav_info.tav_inf_demanded
+#define tav_indirection tav_info.tav_inf_indirection
+#define tav_impl_equa tav_info.tav_inf_impl_equa
+STRUCT (class_variable_info, ClassVariableInfo)
+ SymbolList cv_overloaded;
+ NodeId cv_nodeid;
+typedef union
+{ struct
+ { SymbolList tv_overloaded;
+ union
+ { struct type_cell * tv_u_forward;
+ TypeVar tv_u_type_var;
+ unsigned tv_u_number;
+ } tv_u;
+ } cc_variable;
+ Symbol cc_basic;
+ struct
+ { TypeConsRepr tcc_symbol;
+ struct type_cell ** tcc_args;
+ } cc_typeconstructor;
+ struct
+ { struct type_cell * fc_arg;
+ struct type_cell * fc_result;
+ } cc_funtype;
+ struct
+ { struct type_cell * sc_indirect;
+ struct type_cell * sc_arg;
+ } cc_strictnessinfo;
+ struct
+ { union
+ { struct type_cell * cv_u_forward;
+ TypeVar cv_u_type_var;
+ } cv_u;
+ ClassVariableInfo cv_info;
+ } cc_classvariable;
+ struct
+ { int cova_arity;
+ struct type_cell ** cova_types;
+ } cc_constructorvariable;
+ struct
+ { struct type_cell * void_forward;
+ } cc_voidtype;
+ struct
+ { struct type_cell * empty_forward;
+ } cc_emptytype;
+} CellContents;
+/* Don not change the order of constants in the next enumaration type */
+typedef unsigned int CellKind;
+ enum
+ { BasicType, VoidType, FunctionType, ConstructorType,
+ TypeVariable, ExistentialVariable, StrictnessCell,
+ ClassVariable, ConstructorVariable,
+ Indirection, EmptyType
+ };
+#define CellKindSize 4
+#ifdef THINK_C
+#define DCellKind(v) (\
+ v == BasicType ? "BasicType" :\
+ v == ConstructorType ? "ConstructorType" :\
+ v == FunctionType ? "FunctionType" :\
+ v == TypeVariable ? "TypeVariable" :\
+ v == VoidType ? "VoidType" :\
+ v == StrictnessCell ? "StrictnessCell" :\
+ v == Indirection ? "Indirection" :\
+ v == ExistentialVariable ? "ExistentialVariable" :\
+ v == ClassVariable ? "ClassVariable" :\
+ v == ConstructorVariable ? "ConstructorVariable" :\
+ "Unknown")
+#ifndef _NEW_ARRAY_
+typedef unsigned int StrictCellKind;
+ enum
+ { SC_Lazy, SC_Strict, SC_Var, SC_Indirection
+ };
+#define StrictCellKindSize 2
+#ifdef THINK_C
+#define DStrictCellKind(v) (\
+ v == SC_Lazy ? "SC_Lazy" :\
+ v == SC_Strict ? "SC_Strict" :\
+ v == SC_Var ? "SC_Var" :\
+ v == SC_Indirection ? "SC_Indirection" :\
+ "Unknown")
+typedef unsigned int AttrVarKind;
+ enum
+ { AVK_None, AVK_Plain, AVK_Equation, AVK_Temporarily
+ };
+#define AttrVarKindSize 2
+#ifdef THINK_C
+#define DAttrVarKind(v) (\
+ v == AVK_None ? "AVK_None" :\
+ v == AVK_Plain ? "AVK_Plain" :\
+ v == AVK_Equation ? "AVK_Equation" :\
+ v == AVK_Temporarily ? "AVK_Temporarily":\
+ "Unknown")
+#define MaxInstanciationDepth 8
+typedef struct
+{ Bool ci_removed: 1;
+ Bool ci_printed: 1;
+ Bool ci_free: 1;
+ Bool ci_mark: 1;
+ Bool ci_expanded: 1;
+ Bool ci_hidden: 1;
+ Bool ci_overloaded: 1;
+ Bool ci_class_var: 1;
+ Bool ci_strict: 1;
+ Bool ci_tmp_cell: 1;
+ Bool ci_copy_cell: 1;
+ Bool ci_with_insres: 1;
+ Bool ci_no_match: 1;
+ Bool ci_non_coercible: 1;
+ Bool ci_default: 1;
+ CellKind ci_kind: CellKindSize;
+ AttributeCellKind ci_attrkind: AttributeCellKindSize;
+ AttrVarKind ci_attrvarkind:AttrVarKindSize;
+ unsigned ci_instdepth: MaxInstanciationDepth;
+} CellInfo;
+STRUCT (overloaded_type, OverloadedType)
+{ TempAttrVar olt_tempvar;
+ struct type_cell * olt_forward;
+typedef union
+{ TempAttrVar cai_tempvar;
+ PlainAttrVar cai_plainvar;
+ AttrVarWithEquationsP cai_equvar;
+ struct type_cell * cai_forward;
+ OverloadedTypeP cai_overloadedtypes;
+} CellAttrInfo;
+typedef struct type_cell
+{ CellInfo tc_cellinfo;
+ CellContents tc_contents;
+ CellAttrInfo tc_attrinfo;
+} *TypeCell;
+#define tc_kind tc_cellinfo.ci_kind
+#define tc_removed tc_cellinfo.ci_removed
+#define tc_free tc_cellinfo.ci_free
+#define tc_mark tc_cellinfo.ci_mark
+#define tc_expanded tc_cellinfo.ci_expanded
+#define tc_hidden tc_cellinfo.ci_hidden
+#define tc_overloaded tc_cellinfo.ci_overloaded
+#define tc_class_var tc_cellinfo.ci_class_var
+#define tc_printed tc_cellinfo.ci_printed
+#define tc_tmp_cell tc_cellinfo.ci_tmp_cell
+#define tc_copy_cell tc_cellinfo.ci_copy_cell
+#define tc_strict tc_cellinfo.ci_strict
+#define tc_with_insres tc_cellinfo.ci_with_insres
+#define tc_no_match tc_cellinfo.ci_no_match
+#define tc_non_coercible tc_cellinfo.ci_non_coercible
+#define tc_default tc_cellinfo.ci_default
+#ifndef _NEW_ARRAY_
+#define tc_strictkind tc_cellinfo.ci_strictkind
+#define tc_attrkind tc_cellinfo.ci_attrkind
+#define tc_attrvarkind tc_cellinfo.ci_attrvarkind
+#define tc_instdepth tc_cellinfo.ci_instdepth
+#define tc_tempattrvar tc_attrinfo.cai_tempvar
+#define tc_plainattrvar tc_attrinfo.cai_plainvar
+#define tc_equattrvar tc_attrinfo.cai_equvar
+#define tc_forward tc_attrinfo.cai_forward
+#define tc_overloadedtypes tc_attrinfo.cai_overloadedtypes
+#define tv_forward tv_u.tv_u_forward
+#define tv_type_var tv_u.tv_u_type_var
+#define tv_number tv_u.tv_u_number
+#define contents_vc_number tc_contents.cc_variable.tv_number
+#define contents_vc_forward tc_contents.cc_variable.tv_forward
+#define contents_vc_type_var tc_contents.cc_variable.tv_type_var
+#define contents_overloaded tc_contents.cc_variable.tv_overloaded
+#define contents_indirect tc_contents.cc_variable.tv_forward
+#define contents_basic tc_contents.cc_basic
+#define contents_tc_symbol tc_contents.cc_typeconstructor.tcc_symbol
+#define contents_tc_symbdef contents_tc_symbol -> tcr_symbol
+#define contents_tc_arity contents_tc_symbol -> tcr_arity
+#define contents_tc_args tc_contents.cc_typeconstructor.tcc_args
+#define contents_ft_arg tc_contents.cc_funtype.fc_arg
+#define contents_ft_result tc_contents.cc_funtype.fc_result
+#define contents_si_indirect tc_contents.cc_strictnessinfo.sc_indirect
+#define contents_si_arg tc_contents.cc_strictnessinfo.sc_arg
+#define contents_cv_forward tc_contents.cc_classvariable.cv_u.cv_u_forward
+#define contents_cv_type_var tc_contents.cc_classvariable.cv_u.cv_u_type_var
+#define contents_cv_info tc_contents.cc_classvariable.cv_info
+#define contents_cv_overloaded contents_cv_info -> cv_overloaded
+#define contents_cv_nodeid contents_cv_info -> cv_nodeid
+#define contents_cova_arity tc_contents.cc_constructorvariable.cova_arity
+#define contents_cova_types tc_contents.cc_constructorvariable.cova_types
+#define contents_void_forward tc_contents.cc_voidtype.void_forward
+#define contents_empty_forward tc_contents.cc_emptytype.empty_forward
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/transform.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/transform.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c99698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/transform.h
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+extern void EliminateCodeSharing (ImpRules rules);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/typechecker.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/typechecker.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9dcced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/typechecker.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Version 1.0 25/04/1994
+Author: Sjaak Smetsers
+extern Bool TypeError;
+extern Bool TypeChecker (ImpMod imod);
+extern void ListTypes (ImpMod imod);
+extern SymbDef ListDef, TupleDefs [], ArrayDefs [];
+extern Symbol EmptySymbol;
+extern PolyList UserDefinedArrayFunctions;
+extern void InitTypeChecker (void);
+extern void PrintNodeSymbol (Node node, int arg_nr, File file);
+extern void PrintTCType (struct type_cell * type, struct type_cell * sub_type);
+extern unsigned ArityOfTypeSymbol (Symbol type_symb);
+extern unsigned long ConvertTypeToTypeVector (TypeNode type);
+extern FlatType RetrieveLhsOfTypeDefinition (SymbDef tdef);
+extern Ident IdentOfOverloadedInstance (Symbol inst_symb); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/typechecker2.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/typechecker2.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e0a7b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/typechecker2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+Version 1.0 25/04/1994
+Author: Sjaak Smetsers
+#undef _TYPESBUG_
+ Type definitions
+ enum
+ { US_OK, US_OrdinaryFailure, US_SpecificationError, US_UniquenessError, US_UniquenessSpecificationError,
+ US_StrictnessError, US_LiftedTypeVarError, US_LiftedAttrVarError, US_OverloadingError,
+ US_ExistentialError, US_ConstructorVarError
+ } UnificationStatus;
+ Global variables
+extern ImpRules *LastNewImpRule;
+extern SymbDef *LastNewDependency;
+extern Symbol *LastNewSymbol;
+typedef struct overloaded_variable_list_elem
+ TypeCell ovle_temp_type;
+ TypeCell ovle_copy_type;
+ struct overloaded_variable_list_elem * ovle_next;
+} *OverloadedVariableList;
+extern OverloadedVariableList OverloadedTypeVars;
+extern Bool DoDeriveUniAttributes;
+extern int ErroneousArgumentNumber;
+extern HeapDescr TCWorkSpace, TCTempSpace;
+extern void *AllocInTCWorkSpace (SizeT size);
+ Global functions
+#ifdef _MEMORY_CHECK_
+#define SkipIndirections(type) \
+ if (MemoryCheck (type), (type) -> tc_kind == Indirection)\
+ (type) = (TypeCell) SkipIndirectionChain ((type) -> contents_indirect)
+#define SkipIndirections(type) \
+ if ((type) -> tc_kind == Indirection)\
+ (type) = (TypeCell) SkipIndirectionChain ((type) -> contents_indirect)
+extern TypeCell SkipIndirectionChain (TypeCell type);
+#define SkipSC_Indirections(type) \
+ if ((type) -> tc_strict == SC_Indirection)\
+ (type) = (TypeCell) Skip_SCI_Chain ((type) -> contents_si_indirect)
+extern TypeCell Skip_SCI_Chain (TypeCell type);
+#define SkipAttrVarIndirections(avar) \
+ if ((avar) -> tav_varkind == AC_Indirection)\
+ (avar) = SkipAttrVarIndirectionChain ((avar) -> tav_indirection)
+extern TempAttrVar SkipAttrVarIndirectionChain (TempAttrVar avar);
+#ifdef _MEMORY_CHECK_
+extern void MemoryCheck (void * ptr);
+#define MemoryCheck(ptr)
+extern PlainAttrVar NewPlainAttrVar (void);
+extern TempAttrVar NewTempAttrVar (void);
+extern AttrVarWithEquations NewAttrVarWithEquations (unsigned attrnr);
+extern TypeCell NewTypeVariableCell (HeapDescr hd, AttributeCellKind attrkind);
+extern TypeCell NewConstructorTypeCell (SymbDef type_cons, int act_arity, AttributeCellKind attrkind);
+#define cAddExtraArgument True
+#define cDontAddExtraArgument False
+extern TypeCell NewTemporaryConstructorTypeCell (TypeConsRepr type_cons, int act_arity, AttributeCellKind attrkind, Bool extra_argument);
+extern BITVECT DetermineUniPropOfTypeCell (SymbDef cons_def, TypeCell cons_cell);
+extern BITVECT DetermineConsVarsOfTypeCons (SymbDef typecons, ConsVarList * cons_vars);
+extern BITVECT DetermineUniPropOfTypeCons (SymbDef typecons);
+extern BITVECT DetermineUniPropOfTypeConsVar (TypeArgClass arg_class [], int arity);
+extern void CreateAttributeEquationsForConstructorVariables (SymbDef cons_def, TypeCell arg_cells []);
+extern BITVECT DetermineUniVarsOfTypeCons (SymbDef typecons);
+extern AttributeCellKind DetermineAttrkindOfTemporaryTypeCell (TypeCell type);
+extern TypeCell NewAttributedTypeVariable (HeapDescr hd, AttrVarKind av_kind);
+extern TypeCell BasicCells [], UniqueBasicCells [], StrictBasicCells [Nr_Of_Basic_Types];
+extern TypeCell NewTypeCell (CellKind kind, HeapDescr hd);
+extern TypeCell NewBasicTypeCell (Symbol symbol, HeapDescr hd);
+extern TypeCell NewAttributedBasicTypeCell (Symbol symbol, HeapDescr hd, AttributeCellKind attrkind);
+extern TypeCell NewFunctionTypeCell (HeapDescr hd, AttributeCellKind attrkind);
+extern TypeCell NewVoidTypeCell (AttributeCellKind attrkind, HeapDescr hd);
+extern TypeConsRepr NewTypeConstructorRepr (SymbDef symbol, int arity, HeapDescr hd);
+extern TypeCell NewConstructorVariableCell (int arity, HeapDescr hd);
+extern TypeCell NewEmptyTypeCell (Bool is_strict, HeapDescr hd);
+extern SymbDef GetTupleDef (int arity);
+extern SymbolType NewSymbolType (HeapDescr hd, int arity);
+extern void DumpSymbolType (Symbol symbol, SymbolType stype, int arity);
+typedef enum { LhsConstructor, RhsConstructor, AnySymbol } SymbolApplKind;
+extern TypeCell CreateInstance (TypeCell type, Bool marking, SymbolApplKind symb_appl, int inst_depth, unsigned group_nr);
+extern TypeCell CreateInstanceOfTypeCell (TypeCell elemtype);
+extern SymbolType CreateInstanceOfSymbolType (SymbolType stype, int demarity, int offarity, SymbolApplKind symb_appl);
+extern Bool ExpandSynonymTypesIfNecessary (TypeCell *t1, TypeCell *t2);
+extern UnificationStatus CompareSymbolTypes (SymbolType orig_type, SymbolType temp_type);
+extern UnificationStatus SubstituteVariable (TypeCell alpha, TypeCell beta);
+extern Bool CopySymbolType (SymbDef fun_symb, SymbolType dst_type);
+extern TypeCell RetrieveInstanceOfTypeVar (TypeCell type_var);
+extern void AdjustOverloadedNode (Node old_node, Node new_node);
+extern void AdjustRecursionNode (Node old_node, Node new_node);
+extern void CheckMarkingsOfSymbolType (SymbolType stype);
+extern AttrEquationList NewAttributeEquation (TempAttrVar demvar, TempAttrVar offvar,
+ AttrEquationList nextdem, AttrEquationList nextoff, Bool implicit);
+#define cEquationIsImplicit True
+#define cEquationIsNotImplicit False
+extern void CreateAttributeEquation (TempAttrVar demvar, TempAttrVar offvar, Bool implicit);
+extern Bool AdjustDemandedAttributeList (TempAttrVar demvar);
+extern PolyList *CollectPropagatingTypeArgs (ConsVarList cons_var, TypeCell type_args [], int arity,
+ PolyList extra_args [], int nr_of_extra_args);
+extern Bool HasObservingResultType (TypeCell type);
+extern Bool AdjustAttributeOfTypeCell (TypeCell type, AttributeCellKind attr_kind);
+extern Bool MakeAttributeNotUnique (TypeCell type);
+extern SymbolType InstantiateRecordSelectorType (Symbol sel_symb, int sel_kind);
+typedef enum
+ { UEK_OK, UEK_MultiToUni, UEK_NonCoercible, UEK_UniqueRequired, UEK_EssentiallyUnique, UEK_ExistentionalAttr
+ } UniquenessErrorKind;
+extern UniquenessErrorKind DetermineAttributeDependencies (TypeCell demtype, TypeCell offtype, Bool write_access, Bool non_coercible);
+extern UniquenessErrorKind ExpandSubstitutedTypes (TypeCell type, TypeCell * result_cell_p);
+extern UniquenessErrorKind EquateAttributesOfType (TypeCell type1, AttributeCellKind attr1, TypeCell type2, AttributeCellKind attr2);
+extern TypeCell gErroneousTypeCell;
+extern Bool gDemandedIsErroneous;
+extern ModuleInfo gModuleInfo, gIclModuleInfo;
+extern ModuleInfo NewModuleInfo (Symbol module_symbol);
+extern int ConvertSymbolListToNumber (SymbolList class_symbols);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/typechecker2_2.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/typechecker2_2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f882816
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/typechecker2_2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+ Version 1.0 21/09/1994
+ Author: Sjaak Smetsers
+#include "system.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "scanner.h"
+#include "comparser.h"
+#include "sizes.h"
+#include "checker.h"
+#include "transform.h"
+#include "sa.h"
+#include "statesgen.h"
+#include "tctypes.t"
+#include "typechecker.h"
+#include "typechecker2.h"
+#include "tcsupport.h"
+#include "typeconv.h"
+#include "refcountanal.h"
+#include "overloading.h"
+#include "buildtree.h"
+static char *TC2 = "typechecker2";
+static TypeCell gSubType = NULL;
+static unsigned NextTypeVariable;
+static PolyList OverloadedTypeVariables;
+static void PrintAttributeEquationsOfTypes (TypeCell type);
+static Bool DPST = True, DPT = True;
+static void PrintTypeCell (TypeCell type, Bool brackets, Bool with_uni_attrs);
+static void PrintTypeCells (int arity, TypeCell typecells[], char separator, Bool brackets, Bool with_uni_attrs)
+ if (arity > 0)
+ { int i;
+ PrintTypeCell (typecells [0], brackets, with_uni_attrs);
+ for (i=1; i<arity; i++)
+ { FPutC (separator, StdError);
+ PrintTypeCell (typecells [i], brackets, with_uni_attrs);
+ }
+ }
+} /* PrintTypeCells */
+#define cDoPrintBrackets True
+#define cDoNotPrintBrackets False
+#define cDoPrintAttributes True
+#define cDoNotPrintAttributes False
+static void PrintAttributeVarWithEquations (AttrVarWithEquations avar)
+/** if (avar -> ave_coercible)
+ { switch (avar -> ave_refcount)
+ {
+ case RC_UsedOnceInLhs:
+ switch (avar -> ave_offrefcount)
+ {
+ case RC_NotUsed:
+ FPrintF (StdError, "<<%u>> ", avar -> ave_number);
+ break;
+ case RC_UsedOnceInLhs:
+ case RC_UsedInLhs:
+ FPrintF (StdError, "<%u> ", avar -> ave_number);
+ break;
+ default:
+ FPrintF (StdError, "%u ", avar -> ave_number);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RC_UsedInRhs:
+ case RC_UsedOnceInRhs:
+ if (AppearOnlyAsOfferedAttrsInTheRhs (avar -> ave_equations))
+ FPrintF (StdError, "|%u| ", avar -> ave_number);
+ else
+ FPrintF (StdError, "%u ", avar -> ave_number);
+ break;
+ default:
+ FPrintF (StdError, "%u ", avar -> ave_number);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else **/
+ FPrintF (StdError, "<%u> ", avar -> ave_number);
+} /* PrintAttributeVarWithEquations */
+static char *PrintVars = "abcdefghi";
+#define NrOfPrintVars 9
+static void PrintTypeVariable (TypeCell type_var)
+ if (type_var -> contents_vc_number < NrOfPrintVars)
+ FPutC (PrintVars [type_var -> contents_vc_number - 1], StdError);
+ else
+ FPrintF (StdError, "a%d", type_var -> contents_vc_number);
+} /* PrintTypeVariable */
+static void PrintTypeCell (TypeCell type, Bool brackets, Bool with_uni_attrs)
+ if (type == NULL)
+ FPutC ('_', StdError);
+ else
+ { TypeCell ind_type = type;
+ SkipIndirections (type);
+ if (gSubType != NULL)
+ type = SkipTypeSynIndirection (type);
+ if (type == gSubType)
+ FPutS ("^ ", StdError);
+ if (with_uni_attrs)
+ { if (ind_type -> tc_attrkind != AC_NotUnique)
+ { if (ind_type -> tc_attrkind == AC_Unique)
+ FPutS ("* ", StdError);
+ else
+ { switch (ind_type -> tc_attrvarkind)
+ {
+ case AVK_Plain:
+ FPrintF (StdError, "Plain %lu ", (unsigned long) ind_type -> tc_plainattrvar);
+ break;
+ case AVK_Equation:
+ PrintAttributeVarWithEquations (ind_type -> tc_equattrvar);
+ ind_type -> tc_equattrvar -> ave_present_mark = True;
+ break;
+ case AVK_Temporarily:
+ if (ind_type -> tc_tempattrvar -> tav_varkind == AC_Unique)
+ FPutS ("* ", StdError);
+ else if (ind_type -> tc_tempattrvar -> tav_varkind == AC_Variable)
+ FPrintF (StdError, "Temp %lu ", (unsigned long) ind_type -> tc_tempattrvar);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ switch (type -> tc_kind)
+ {
+ case BasicType:
+ PrintSymbol (type -> contents_basic, StdError);
+ return;
+ case ConstructorType:
+ { SymbDef def = type -> contents_tc_symbdef;
+ if (def -> sdef_ident == ListId)
+ { FPutC ('[', StdError);
+ if (type -> contents_tc_arity == 1)
+ PrintTypeCell (type -> contents_tc_args [0], cDoNotPrintBrackets, with_uni_attrs);
+ FPutC (']', StdError);
+ }
+ else if (def -> sdef_ident == TupleId)
+ { FPutC ('(', StdError);
+ PrintTypeCells (type -> contents_tc_arity, type -> contents_tc_args, ',', False, with_uni_attrs);
+ FPutC (')', StdError);
+ }
+ else
+ { ArrayInstance arr_inst;
+ for (arr_inst = 0; arr_inst < NrOfArrayInstances; arr_inst++)
+ { if (def == ArrayDefs [arr_inst])
+ { switch (arr_inst)
+ {
+ case LazyArrayInstance:
+ FPutC ('{', StdError);
+ break;
+ case StrictArrayInstance:
+ FPutS ("{!", StdError);
+ break;
+ case UnboxedArrayInstance:
+ FPutS ("{#", StdError);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (type -> contents_tc_arity == 1)
+ PrintTypeCell (type -> contents_tc_args [0], cDoNotPrintBrackets, with_uni_attrs);
+ FPutC ('}', StdError);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (brackets && type -> contents_tc_arity > 0)
+ FPutC ('(', StdError);
+ FPutS (def -> sdef_ident -> ident_name, StdError);
+ if (type -> contents_tc_arity > 0)
+ { FPutC (' ', StdError);
+ PrintTypeCells (type -> contents_tc_arity, type -> contents_tc_args, ' ', True, with_uni_attrs);
+ if (brackets)
+ FPutC (')', StdError);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ case FunctionType:
+ { TypeCell ft_arg = type -> contents_ft_arg;
+ if (brackets)
+ FPutC ('(', StdError);
+ PrintTypeCell (ft_arg, ft_arg -> tc_kind == FunctionType, with_uni_attrs);
+ FPutS (" -> ", StdError);
+ PrintTypeCell (type -> contents_ft_result, cDoNotPrintBrackets, with_uni_attrs);
+ if (brackets)
+ FPutC (')', StdError);
+ return;
+ }
+ case TypeVariable:
+ case ExistentialVariable:
+ if (! type -> tc_printed)
+ { type -> contents_vc_number = NextTypeVariable++;
+ type -> tc_printed = True;
+ if (type -> tc_overloaded)
+ OverloadedTypeVariables = NewPolyListElem (type, OverloadedTypeVariables, TCTempSpace);
+ }
+ PrintTypeVariable (type);
+ return;
+ case VoidType:
+ FPutS ("Void", StdError);
+ return;
+ case ConstructorVariable:
+ FPutC ('(', StdError);
+ PrintTypeCells (type -> contents_cova_arity + 1, type -> contents_cova_types, ' ', False, with_uni_attrs);
+ FPutC (')', StdError);
+ return;
+ default:
+ Assume (False, TC2, "PrintTypeCell");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+} /* PrintTypeCell */
+static void *AllocInTCTempSpace (SizeT size)
+ return TH_Alloc (TCTempSpace, size);
+} /* AllocInTCTempSpace */
+static void PrintSymbolList (SymbolList class_symbs)
+ SymbolList new_list = NULL;
+ ConvertClassSymbolTreeToList (class_symbs, & new_list, AllocInTCTempSpace);
+ FPutC (' ', StdError);
+ PrintTypeClass (new_list -> sl_symbol, StdError);
+ for (new_list = new_list -> sl_next; new_list; new_list = new_list -> sl_next)
+ { FPutS (" , ", StdError);
+ PrintTypeClass (new_list -> sl_symbol, StdError);
+ }
+} /* PrintTypeContext */
+static void PrintTypeContexts (PolyList over_vars)
+ for (;;)
+ { TypeCell next_var = (TypeCell) over_vars -> pl_elem;
+ PrintSymbolList (next_var -> contents_overloaded);
+ FPutC (' ', StdError);
+ PrintTypeVariable (next_var);
+ if ((over_vars = over_vars -> pl_next))
+ FPutS (" &", StdError);
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+} /* PrintTypeContexts */
+void PrintTCType (TypeCell type, TypeCell sub_type)
+ TypeCell prev_sub_type = gSubType;
+ gSubType = sub_type;
+ NextTypeVariable = 1;
+ OverloadedTypeVariables = NULL;
+ PrintTypeCell (type, cDoNotPrintBrackets, cDoNotPrintAttributes);
+ if (OverloadedTypeVariables)
+ { FPutS (" |", StdError);
+ PrintTypeContexts (OverloadedTypeVariables);
+ }
+ gSubType = prev_sub_type;
+} /* PrintTCType */
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/typechecker_2.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/typechecker_2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19a27c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/typechecker_2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ Version 1.2.3 26/03/1997
+ Author: Sjaak Smetsers
+#pragma options (!macsbug_names)
+#include "system.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "scanner.h"
+#include "comparser.h"
+#include "sizes.h"
+#include "checker.h"
+#include "checksupport.h"
+#include "transform.h"
+#include "sa.h"
+#include "statesgen.h"
+#include "tctypes.t"
+#include "typechecker.h"
+#include "typechecker2.h"
+#include "typeconv.h"
+#include "refcountanal.h"
+#include "overloading.h"
+#include "tcsupport.h"
+#include "buildtree.h"
+#include "version.h"
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+ static char *TC = "typechecker";
+#undef _TYPESBUG_
+#ifdef _PRINTRULES_
+#include "dbprint.h"
+SymbDef ArrayDefs [NrOfArrayInstances];
+void ListTypes (ImpMod imod)
+ if (DoListAllTypes)
+ { ImpRules irule;
+ for (irule = imod -> im_rules; irule; irule = irule -> rule_next)
+ { SymbDef imp_sdef = irule -> rule_root -> node_symbol -> symb_def;
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+ if (strncmp (imp_sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name, "_dictionary", 11) != 0 || imp_sdef->sdef_isused)
+ PrintType (imp_sdef, irule -> rule_type);
+ }
+ }
+} /* ListTypes */
+PolyList UserDefinedArrayFunctions;
+Bool TypeError;
+FlatType RetrieveLhsOfTypeDefinition (SymbDef tdef)
+ switch (tdef -> sdef_kind)
+ {
+ case TYPE:
+ return tdef -> sdef_type != NULL ? tdef -> sdef_type -> type_lhs : NULL;
+ case TYPESYN:
+ return tdef -> sdef_syn_type -> syn_lhs;
+ break;
+ case ABSTYPE:
+ return tdef -> sdef_abs_type -> abs_graph;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return NULL;
+ }
+} /* RetrieveLhsOfTypeDefinition */
+HeapDescr TCTempSpace;
+void InitTypeChecker (void)
+#ifndef CLEAN2
+ EmptySymbol = CompAllocType (SymbolS);
+ EmptySymbol -> symb_kind = empty_symbol;
+ InitialCellInfo.ci_removed = False;
+ InitialCellInfo.ci_free = False;
+ InitialCellInfo.ci_mark = False;
+ InitialCellInfo.ci_expanded = False;
+ InitialCellInfo.ci_printed = False;
+ InitialCellInfo.ci_hidden = False;
+ InitialCellInfo.ci_overloaded = False;
+ InitialCellInfo.ci_no_match = False;
+ InitialCellInfo.ci_class_var = False;
+ InitialCellInfo.ci_tmp_cell = False;
+ InitialCellInfo.ci_copy_cell = False;
+ InitialCellInfo.ci_strict = False;
+ InitialCellInfo.ci_with_insres = False;
+ InitialCellInfo.ci_non_coercible = False;
+ InitialCellInfo.ci_default = False;
+ InitialCellInfo.ci_kind = BasicType;
+ InitialCellInfo.ci_attrkind = AC_NotUnique;
+ InitialCellInfo.ci_attrvarkind = AVK_Plain;
+ InitialCellInfo.ci_instdepth = 0;
+ InitialTempAttrVar.tav_mark = False;
+ InitialTempAttrVar.tav_present = False;
+ InitialTempAttrVar.tav_free = False;
+ InitialTempAttrVar.tav_onstack = False;
+ InitialTempAttrVar.tav_exi_quanti = False;
+ InitialTempAttrVar.tav_non_coercible = False;
+ InitialTempAttrVar.tav_varkind = AC_Variable;
+ InitialTempAttrVar.tav_number = 0;
+ InitialTempAttrVar.tav_offered = NULL;
+ InitialTempAttrVar.tav_demanded = NULL;
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/typeconv.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/typeconv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..967c2dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/typeconv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+Version 1.0 25/04/1994
+Author: Sjaak Smetsers
+extern Bool ConvertTypesOfLiftedTypeVarsOrWildCards (TypeAlts type_alt, SymbolType symbtype, PolyList lifted_type_vars);
+extern TypeAlts ConvertSymbolTypeToRuleType (Symbol rule_symbol, SymbolType rtype, int arity,
+ TypeCell extra_args [], int nr_of_extra_args, TypeCell over_vars [], int over_arity);
+extern void PrintType (SymbDef tdef, TypeAlts type);
+extern Symbol ConvertSymbDefToSymbol (SymbDef sdef);
+extern void ConvertSymbolToType (SymbDef sdef, char * module_env);
+extern Bool ConvertTypeAltToTCType (SymbDef lhs_def, SymbolType result_type, TypeAlts type_alt,
+ unsigned nr_of_lifted_args, int over_arity, TypeCell over_vars []);
+extern void InitAttributeRow (void);
+extern void InitARC_Info (void);
+extern void ConversionError (Symbol which_symbol, char *which, char *error);
+extern SymbolTypeInfoP NewSymbolTypeInfo (void);
+extern void PrintTypeClass (SymbDef class_def, File file);
+#define NewTypeCells(n,hd) TH_AllocArray (hd,n,TypeCell)
+extern void ConvertTypeContextToNumbers (DefMod dmod);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/typeconv_2.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/typeconv_2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a1c0fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/typeconv_2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+Version 1.0 26/08/1994
+Author: Sjaak Smetsers
+#include "system.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "tctypes.t"
+#include "scanner.h"
+#include "comparser.h"
+#include "sizes.h"
+#include "checker.h"
+#include "transform.h"
+#include "sa.h"
+#include "typechecker.h"
+#include "typechecker2.h"
+#include "typeconv.h"
+#include "overloading.h"
+#include "checksupport.h"
+#include "statesgen.h"
+#include "buildtree.h"
+ struct attr_ref_count_info
+ { BITVECT arci_used;
+ BITVECT arci_multiply_used;
+ BITVECT arci_implicitly_attributed;
+ struct attr_ref_count_info * arci_next;
+ } * ARC_Info;
+static ARC_Info CurrentARC_Info;
+static ARC_Info NewARC_Info (void)
+ ARC_Info new = CompAllocType (struct attr_ref_count_info);
+ new -> arci_used = ALLBITSCLEAR;
+ new -> arci_multiply_used = ALLBITSCLEAR;
+ new -> arci_implicitly_attributed = ALLBITSCLEAR;
+ new -> arci_next = NULL;
+ return new;
+} /* NewARC_Info */
+static void ClearARC_Info (void)
+ ARC_Info next;
+ for (next = CurrentARC_Info; next; next = next -> arci_next)
+ { next -> arci_used = ALLBITSCLEAR;
+ next -> arci_multiply_used = ALLBITSCLEAR;
+ next -> arci_implicitly_attributed = ALLBITSCLEAR;
+ }
+} /* ClearARC_Info */
+static void UpdateRefCountInfo (int attr_var, Bool used_implicitly)
+ ARC_Info attrinfo = CurrentARC_Info;
+ while (attr_var >= 32)
+ { attr_var -= 32;
+ if (attrinfo -> arci_next == NULL)
+ attrinfo -> arci_next = NewARC_Info ();
+ attrinfo = attrinfo -> arci_next;
+ }
+ if (used_implicitly)
+ attrinfo -> arci_implicitly_attributed |= BIT (attr_var);
+ if (BITTEST (attrinfo -> arci_used, attr_var))
+ attrinfo -> arci_multiply_used |= BIT (attr_var);
+ else
+ attrinfo -> arci_used |= BIT (attr_var);
+} /* UpdateRefCountInfo */
+static Bool DetermineRefCountOfAttributeVarsInTypeVar (TypeNode type_var)
+ if (type_var -> type_node_attribute >= FirstUniVarNumber)
+ { if (type_var -> type_node_tv != NULL)
+ { if (! TestMark (type_var -> type_node_tv, tv_mark, TV_UNIQUE_VARIABLE_PRINT_MASK))
+ { SetMark (type_var -> type_node_tv, tv_mark, TV_UNIQUE_VARIABLE_PRINT_MASK);
+ UpdateRefCountInfo (type_var -> type_node_attribute - FirstUniVarNumber, False);
+ }
+ }
+ return True;
+ }
+ else
+ return False;
+} /* DetermineRefCountOfAttributeVarsInTypeVar */
+static BITVECT CombineTypeArguments (ConsVarList cons_var, int arity1, BITVECT args1, int arity2, BITVECT args2)
+ BITVECT combined_args = ALLBITSCLEAR;
+ int cons_var_arity = cons_var -> cvl_arity;
+ int i, j;
+ for (j = 0; j < cons_var_arity; j++)
+ { BITVECT cons_var_prop = cons_var -> cvl_argclass [j].tac_uniprop;
+ for (i = 0; i < arity1; i++)
+ { if (BITTEST (cons_var_prop, i) && BITTEST (args1, i))
+ combined_args |= BIT (j);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < arity2; i++)
+ { if (BITTEST (cons_var_prop, i+arity1) && BITTEST (args2, i))
+ combined_args |= BIT (j);
+ }
+ }
+ return combined_args;
+} /* CombineTypeArguments */
+static Bool DetermineRefCountOfAttributeVarsInNode (TypeNode type_node);
+static Bool DetermineRefCountOfAttributeVarsInTypeConsNode (TypeNode type_node, Symbol type_symb,
+ int nr_of_extra_args, BITVECT extra_prop_args)
+ TypeArgs type_args;
+ int arg_nr;
+ Bool contains_propating_univars = False;
+ ConsVarList cons_vars;
+ BITVECT uniprop, cons_var_vect, propagating_args = ALLBITSCLEAR;
+ if (type_symb -> symb_kind == definition)
+ { cons_var_vect = DetermineConsVarsOfTypeCons (type_symb -> symb_def, & cons_vars);
+ uniprop = DetermineUniPropOfTypeCons (type_symb -> symb_def);
+ }
+ else
+ { cons_var_vect = ALLBITSCLEAR;
+ cons_vars = NULL;
+ if (type_symb -> symb_kind == fun_type)
+ uniprop = ALLBITSCLEAR;
+ else if (type_symb -> symb_kind == apply_symb)
+ uniprop = BIT (0);
+ else
+ uniprop = ALLBITSSET;
+ }
+ for (type_args = type_node -> type_node_arguments, arg_nr=0; type_args;
+ type_args = type_args -> type_arg_next, arg_nr++)
+ { if (! BITTEST (cons_var_vect, arg_nr))
+ { if (DetermineRefCountOfAttributeVarsInNode (type_args -> type_arg_node))
+ { propagating_args |= BIT(arg_nr);
+ if (BITTEST (uniprop, arg_nr))
+ contains_propating_univars = True;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (type_args = type_node -> type_node_arguments, arg_nr=0; cons_vars; cons_vars = cons_vars -> cvl_next)
+ { for (; type_args != NULL && arg_nr < cons_vars -> cvl_number; arg_nr++, type_args = type_args -> type_arg_next)
+ ;
+ if (type_args != NULL)
+ { TypeNode cons_node = type_args -> type_arg_node;
+ if (cons_node -> type_node_is_var)
+ { if (DetermineRefCountOfAttributeVarsInTypeVar (cons_node) && BITTEST (uniprop, arg_nr))
+ contains_propating_univars = True;
+ }
+ else
+ { BITVECT comb_args_prop = CombineTypeArguments (cons_vars, type_node -> type_node_arity, propagating_args,
+ nr_of_extra_args, extra_prop_args);
+ if (DetermineRefCountOfAttributeVarsInTypeConsNode (cons_node, cons_node -> type_node_symbol,
+ cons_vars -> cvl_arity, comb_args_prop) && BITTEST (uniprop, arg_nr))
+ contains_propating_univars = True;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (! contains_propating_univars)
+ { extra_prop_args &= uniprop >> type_node -> type_node_arity;
+ for (arg_nr = 0; arg_nr < nr_of_extra_args; arg_nr ++)
+ { if (BITTEST (extra_prop_args, arg_nr))
+ { contains_propating_univars = True;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (type_node -> type_node_attribute >= FirstUniVarNumber)
+ { UpdateRefCountInfo (type_node -> type_node_attribute - FirstUniVarNumber, contains_propating_univars);
+ return True;
+ }
+ else
+ return contains_propating_univars;
+} /* DetermineRefCountOfAttributeVarsInTypeConsNode */
+static Bool DetermineRefCountOfAttributeVarsInNode (TypeNode type_node)
+ if (type_node -> type_node_is_var)
+ return DetermineRefCountOfAttributeVarsInTypeVar (type_node);
+ else
+ { Symbol typesymb = type_node -> type_node_symbol;
+ if (typesymb -> symb_kind < Nr_Of_Basic_Types)
+ { if (type_node -> type_node_attribute >= FirstUniVarNumber)
+ { UpdateRefCountInfo (type_node -> type_node_attribute - FirstUniVarNumber, False);
+ return True;
+ }
+ else
+ return False;
+ }
+ else
+ return DetermineRefCountOfAttributeVarsInTypeConsNode (type_node, typesymb, 0, ALLBITSCLEAR);
+ }
+} /* DetermineRefCountOfAttributeVarsInNode */
+static void DetermineRefCountOfAttributeVars (TypeAlts type)
+ TypeArgs type_args;
+ UniVarEquations attr_equas;
+ ClearARC_Info ();
+ for (type_args = type -> type_alt_lhs -> type_node_arguments; type_args; type_args = type_args -> type_arg_next)
+ DetermineRefCountOfAttributeVarsInNode (type_args -> type_arg_node);
+ DetermineRefCountOfAttributeVarsInNode (type -> type_alt_rhs);
+ for (attr_equas = type -> type_alt_attr_equations; attr_equas; attr_equas = attr_equas -> uve_next)
+ { AttributeKindList next;
+ UpdateRefCountInfo (attr_equas -> uve_demanded - FirstUniVarNumber, False);
+ for (next = attr_equas -> uve_offered; next; next = next -> akl_next)
+ UpdateRefCountInfo (next -> akl_elem - FirstUniVarNumber, False);
+ }
+} /* DetermineRefCountOfAttributeVars */
+static char *TypeConv = "typeconv";
+static unsigned RetrieveRefCountInfo (int attr_var, Bool *used_implicitly)
+ ARC_Info attrinfo = CurrentARC_Info;
+ unsigned newnumber = 0;
+ int i;
+ while (attr_var >= 32)
+ { attr_var -= 32;
+ for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
+ { if (BITTEST (attrinfo -> arci_multiply_used, i))
+ newnumber++;
+ }
+ attrinfo = attrinfo -> arci_next;
+ Assume (attrinfo != NULL, TypeConv, "RetrieveRefCountInfo");
+ }
+ if (BITTEST (attrinfo -> arci_multiply_used, attr_var))
+ { for (i = 0; i < attr_var; i++)
+ { if (BITTEST (attrinfo -> arci_multiply_used, i))
+ newnumber++;
+ }
+ *used_implicitly = False;
+ return newnumber + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ { *used_implicitly = BITTEST (attrinfo -> arci_implicitly_attributed, attr_var);
+ return 0;
+ }
+} /* RetrieveRefCountInfo */
+static char *PrintVars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrst";
+#define NrOfPrintVars 20
+static char *PrintUniVars = "uvwxyz";
+#define NrOfPrintUniVars 6
+#define cDoPrintAnnot True
+#define cDontPrintAnnot False
+static void PrintNode (TypeNode node, Bool brackets, Bool strict_context, Bool print_annot);
+static unsigned RetrieveRefCountInfo (int attr_var, Bool *used_implicitly);
+static void PrintAttributeVariable (unsigned attr_nr)
+ if (attr_nr <= NrOfPrintUniVars)
+ FPrintF (StdListTypes, "%c", PrintUniVars [attr_nr - 1]);
+ else
+ FPrintF (StdListTypes, "u%d", attr_nr - NrOfPrintUniVars);
+} /* PrintAttributeVariable */
+extern Bool DoShowAttributes;
+#define cDoPrintColon True
+static Bool PrintAttribute (AttributeKind attr, Bool print_colon)
+ if (attr == UniqueAttr)
+ { FPutC ('*', StdListTypes);
+ return True;
+ }
+ else if (DoShowAttributes)
+ { Bool used_implicitly;
+ unsigned attr_nr = RetrieveRefCountInfo (attr - FirstUniVarNumber, & used_implicitly);
+ if (attr_nr == 0)
+ { if (! used_implicitly)
+ { FPutC ('.', StdListTypes);
+ return True;
+ }
+ else
+ return False;
+ }
+ else
+ { PrintAttributeVariable (attr_nr);
+ if (print_colon)
+ FPutC (':', StdListTypes);
+ return True;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ return False;
+} /* PrintAttribute */
+#define cDoPrintAttribute True
+#define cDontPrintAttribute False
+#define cInAStrictContext True
+#define cNotInAStrictContext False
+#define cPrintBrackets True
+#define cDontPrintBrackets False
+static void PrintArgument (TypeArgs arg, Bool brackets, Bool strict_context, Bool print_attribute)
+ if (arg -> type_arg_node -> type_node_is_var)
+ { if (strict_context)
+# if 1
+ strict_context = arg -> type_arg_node -> type_node_annotation==StrictAnnot;
+# else
+ strict_context = !IsLazyState (arg -> type_arg_node -> type_node_state);
+# endif
+ strict_context = arg -> type_arg_node -> type_node_state.state_kind == StrictOnA;
+ if ( strict_context && (DoListAllTypes || DoListStrictTypes) &&
+# if 1
+ arg -> type_arg_node -> type_node_annotation==StrictAnnot)
+# else
+ !IsLazyState (arg -> type_arg_node -> type_node_state))
+# endif
+ arg -> type_arg_node -> type_node_state.state_kind == StrictOnA)
+ FPutC ('!', StdListTypes);
+ if (print_attribute && arg -> type_arg_node -> type_node_attribute > NoAttr)
+ PrintAttribute (arg -> type_arg_node -> type_node_attribute, arg -> type_arg_node -> type_node_tv != NULL);
+ if (arg -> type_arg_node -> type_node_tv)
+ { if (arg -> type_arg_node -> type_node_tv -> tv_ident)
+ FPutS (arg -> type_arg_node -> type_node_tv -> tv_ident -> ident_name, StdListTypes);
+ else
+ FPrintF (StdListTypes, "i%ld", arg -> type_arg_node -> type_node_tv);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ PrintNode (arg -> type_arg_node, brackets, strict_context, cDoPrintAnnot);
+} /* PrintArgument */
+static void PrintArguments (TypeArgs args, char separator, Bool brackets, Bool strict_context, FlatType form_type)
+ if (args)
+ { int arg_nr, nr_of_exi_vars;
+ TypeVarList form_type_vars;
+ if (form_type != NULL)
+ { nr_of_exi_vars = form_type -> ft_exist_arity;
+ form_type_vars = form_type -> ft_arguments;
+ if (nr_of_exi_vars > 0)
+ { FPutC (':', StdListTypes);
+ PrintArgument (args, cPrintBrackets, strict_context, cDoPrintAttribute);
+ }
+ else
+ { PrintArgument (args, brackets, strict_context, ! TestMark (form_type_vars -> tvl_elem, tv_mark, TV_EXISTENTIAL_ATTRIBUTE_MASK));
+ form_type_vars = form_type_vars -> tvl_next;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { nr_of_exi_vars = 0;
+ form_type_vars = NULL;
+ PrintArgument (args, brackets, strict_context, cDoPrintAttribute);
+ }
+ for (arg_nr = 1, args = args -> type_arg_next; args; args = args -> type_arg_next, arg_nr++)
+ { if (arg_nr == nr_of_exi_vars)
+ FPutS (": ", StdListTypes);
+ else if (arg_nr < nr_of_exi_vars)
+ { FPutC (',', StdListTypes);
+ PrintArgument (args, brackets, strict_context, cDoPrintAttribute);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ FPutC (separator, StdListTypes);
+ if (form_type_vars != NULL)
+ { PrintArgument (args, brackets, strict_context, ! TestMark (form_type_vars -> tvl_elem, tv_mark, TV_EXISTENTIAL_ATTRIBUTE_MASK));
+ form_type_vars = form_type_vars -> tvl_next;
+ }
+ else
+ PrintArgument (args, brackets, strict_context, cDoPrintAttribute);
+ }
+ if (arg_nr == nr_of_exi_vars)
+ FPutC (':', StdListTypes);
+ }
+} /* PrintArguments */
+static void PrintNode (TypeNode node, Bool brackets, Bool strict_context, Bool print_annot)
+ if (print_annot && strict_context && (DoListAllTypes || DoListStrictTypes) &&
+# if 1
+ node -> type_node_annotation==StrictAnnot)
+# else
+ !IsLazyState (node -> type_node_state))
+# endif
+ node -> type_node_state.state_kind == StrictOnA)
+ FPutC ('!', StdListTypes);
+ if (node -> type_node_attribute > NoAttr)
+ { if (PrintAttribute (node -> type_node_attribute, cDoPrintColon) &&
+ (node -> type_node_symbol -> symb_kind == fun_type || node -> type_node_symbol -> symb_kind == apply_symb))
+ brackets = True;
+ }
+ switch (node -> type_node_symbol -> symb_kind)
+ {
+ case tuple_type:
+ { int form_arity = node -> type_node_symbol -> symb_arity;
+ if (node -> type_node_arity == form_arity)
+ { FPutC ('(', StdListTypes);
+ PrintArguments (node -> type_node_arguments, ',', cDontPrintBrackets, strict_context, NULL);
+ FPutC (')', StdListTypes);
+ }
+ else
+ { int i;
+ if (brackets && node -> type_node_arguments)
+ FPutC ('(', StdListTypes);
+ FPutC ('(', StdListTypes);
+ for (i=1; i<form_arity; i++)
+ FPutC (',', StdListTypes);
+ FPutC (')', StdListTypes);
+ if (node -> type_node_arguments)
+ { PrintArguments (node -> type_node_arguments, ' ', cPrintBrackets, strict_context, NULL);
+ if (brackets)
+ FPutC (')', StdListTypes);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case list_type:
+ FPutC ('[', StdListTypes);
+ PrintArguments (node -> type_node_arguments, ',', cDontPrintBrackets, cNotInAStrictContext, NULL);
+ FPutC (']', StdListTypes);
+ break;
+ case array_type:
+ FPutS ("{", StdListTypes);
+ PrintArguments (node -> type_node_arguments, ',', cDontPrintBrackets, cInAStrictContext, NULL);
+ FPutS ("}", StdListTypes);
+ break;
+ case strict_array_type:
+ FPutS ("{!", StdListTypes);
+ PrintArguments (node -> type_node_arguments, ',', cDontPrintBrackets, cInAStrictContext, NULL);
+ FPutS ("}", StdListTypes);
+ break;
+ case unboxed_array_type:
+ FPutS ("{#", StdListTypes);
+ PrintArguments (node -> type_node_arguments, ',', cDontPrintBrackets, cInAStrictContext, NULL);
+ FPutS ("}", StdListTypes);
+ break;
+ case fun_type:
+ { TypeNode arg_type_node = node -> type_node_arguments -> type_arg_node;
+ if (brackets)
+ FPutC ('(', StdListTypes);
+ if ((! arg_type_node -> type_node_is_var) && arg_type_node -> type_node_symbol -> symb_kind == fun_type)
+ PrintArgument (node -> type_node_arguments, cPrintBrackets, cNotInAStrictContext, cDoPrintAttribute);
+ else
+ PrintArgument (node -> type_node_arguments, cDontPrintBrackets, cNotInAStrictContext, cDoPrintAttribute);
+ FPutS (" -> ", StdListTypes);
+ PrintArgument (node -> type_node_arguments -> type_arg_next, cDontPrintBrackets, cNotInAStrictContext, cDoPrintAttribute);
+ if (brackets)
+ FPutC (')', StdListTypes);
+ break;
+ }
+ case apply_symb:
+ if (brackets)
+ FPutC ('(', StdListTypes);
+ PrintArguments (node -> type_node_arguments, ' ', cPrintBrackets, strict_context, NULL);
+ if (brackets)
+ FPutC (')', StdListTypes);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (brackets && node -> type_node_arguments)
+ FPutC ('(', StdListTypes);
+ PrintSymbol (node -> type_node_symbol, StdListTypes);
+ if (node -> type_node_arguments)
+ { FlatType lhs_type;
+ if (node -> type_node_symbol -> symb_kind == definition)
+ lhs_type = RetrieveLhsOfTypeDefinition (node -> type_node_symbol -> symb_def);
+ else
+ lhs_type = NULL;
+ FPutC (' ', StdListTypes);
+ PrintArguments (node -> type_node_arguments,' ', cPrintBrackets, strict_context, lhs_type);
+ if (brackets)
+ FPutC (')', StdListTypes);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+} /* PrintNode */
+static void PrintAttributeEquations (UniVarEquations attr_equas)
+ FPutS (", [", StdListTypes);
+ for ( ; ; )
+ { AttributeKindList next;
+ Bool used_implicitly;
+ unsigned dem_attr_nr = RetrieveRefCountInfo (attr_equas -> uve_demanded - FirstUniVarNumber, & used_implicitly);
+ for (next = attr_equas -> uve_offered ; ; )
+ { unsigned off_attr_nr = RetrieveRefCountInfo (next -> akl_elem - FirstUniVarNumber, & used_implicitly);
+ PrintAttributeVariable (off_attr_nr);
+ if ((next = next -> akl_next))
+ FPutC (' ', StdListTypes);
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ FPutS (" <= ", StdListTypes);
+ PrintAttributeVariable (dem_attr_nr);
+ if ((attr_equas = attr_equas -> uve_next))
+ FPutS (", ", StdListTypes);
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ FPutC (']', StdListTypes);
+} /* PrintAttributeEquations */
+#include <ctype.h>
+void PrintTypeClass (SymbDef class_def, File file)
+ char * class_name = class_def -> sdef_ident -> ident_name;
+ if (*class_name == '.')
+ class_name++;
+ FPutS (class_name, file);
+} /* PrintTypeClass */
+static void PrintTypeContext (TypeContext context)
+ SymbolList class_symbs = context -> tyco_symbols;
+ TypeVar context_var = context -> tyco_variable;
+ PrintTypeClass (class_symbs -> sl_symbol, StdListTypes);
+ for (class_symbs = class_symbs -> sl_next; class_symbs; class_symbs = class_symbs -> sl_next)
+ { FPutS (" , ", StdListTypes);
+ PrintTypeClass (class_symbs -> sl_symbol, StdListTypes);
+ }
+ FPutC (' ', StdListTypes);
+ if (TestMark (context_var, tv_mark, TV_WITH_INST_RESTR))
+ FPutC ('.', StdListTypes);
+ FPutS (context_var -> tv_ident -> ident_name, StdListTypes);
+} /* PrintTypeContext */
+void PrintType (SymbDef tdef, TypeAlts type)
+ TypeNode lhs_root = type -> type_alt_lhs;
+ TypeArgs lhsargs = lhs_root -> type_node_arguments;
+ int i;
+ if (tdef -> sdef_unq_attributed && DoShowAttributes)
+ DetermineRefCountOfAttributeVars (type);
+ for (i=0; i<tdef -> sdef_nr_of_lifted_nodeids; i++)
+ lhsargs = lhsargs -> type_arg_next;
+ PrintSymbolOfIdent (tdef -> sdef_ident, tdef -> sdef_line, StdListTypes);
+ FPutS (" :: ", StdListTypes);
+ if (lhsargs)
+ { PrintArguments (lhsargs,' ', cPrintBrackets, cInAStrictContext, NULL);
+ FPutS (" -> ", StdListTypes);
+ }
+ if (type -> type_alt_rhs -> type_node_is_var)
+ { if (type -> type_alt_rhs -> type_node_attribute > NoAttr)
+ PrintAttribute (type -> type_alt_rhs -> type_node_attribute, cDoPrintColon);
+ FPutS (type -> type_alt_rhs -> type_node_tv -> tv_ident -> ident_name, StdListTypes);
+ }
+ else
+ { Bool rhs_brackets = (lhsargs == NULL) && (type -> type_alt_rhs -> type_node_symbol -> symb_kind == fun_type);
+ PrintNode (type -> type_alt_rhs, rhs_brackets, cInAStrictContext, cDontPrintAnnot);
+ }
+ if (type -> type_alt_type_context)
+ { TypeContext next_context;
+ FPutS (" | ", StdListTypes);
+ PrintTypeContext (type -> type_alt_type_context);
+ for (next_context = type -> type_alt_type_context -> tyco_next; next_context; next_context = next_context -> tyco_next)
+ { FPutS (" & ", StdListTypes);
+ PrintTypeContext (next_context);
+ }
+ }
+ if (DoShowAttributes && type -> type_alt_attr_equations)
+ PrintAttributeEquations (type -> type_alt_attr_equations);
+ FPutS (";\n", StdListTypes);
+ if (tdef -> sdef_nr_of_lifted_nodeids > 0)
+ { FPutS ("// internal argument types:", StdListTypes);
+ for (i=0, lhsargs = lhs_root -> type_node_arguments;
+ i<tdef -> sdef_nr_of_lifted_nodeids; i++, lhsargs = lhsargs -> type_arg_next)
+ { FPutC (' ', StdListTypes);
+ PrintArgument (lhsargs, cPrintBrackets, cInAStrictContext, cDoPrintAttribute);
+ }
+ FPutC ('\n', StdListTypes);
+ }
+} /* PrintType */
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/types.t b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/types.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74feca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/types.t
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#if !defined (_THE__TYPES_)
+#define _THE__TYPES_
+#define _WINDOWS_
+#if (defined (__MWERKS__) && !defined (_WINDOWS_)) || defined (__MRC__)
+# define POWER 1
+#define NIL 0L
+#define Null 0L
+#define REALSIZE 2
+#define FILESIZE 2
+#define KBYTE 1024L
+#ifdef THINK_C
+ typedef enum {
+ False = 0, True, MightBeTrue
+ } Bool;
+ typedef unsigned Bool;
+ enum {
+ False = 0, True, MightBeTrue
+ };
+typedef enum
+ {abcFile = 1, iclFile, dclFile, dumpFile, statFile,
+ stasFile, helpFile, applFile, assFile, sunAssFile,
+ obj00File, obj20File, obj81File,
+ otherFile,miraFile,miraExpFile
+ } FileKind;
+#define EndOfFile ((int) -1)
+#define FileNameMax 256
+#define FOpenMax 10
+#define SeekSet
+#define SeekCur
+#define SeekEnd
+typedef unsigned long SysTime;
+#define NR_OPTIONS 9
+typedef struct
+ unsigned opt_code:1,
+ opt_debug:1,
+ opt_inline:1,
+ opt_listalltypes:1,
+ opt_listtypes:1,
+ opt_parallel:1,
+ opt_stacklayout:1,
+ opt_strictnessanalysis:1,
+ opt_typecheck:1,
+ opt_verbose:1,
+ opt_warning:1,
+ opt_system:1,
+ opt_liststricttypes:1;
+} CompilerOptions;
+#ifdef _WINDOWS_
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#define FileTime FILETIME
+#ifdef __MWERKS__
+# include <x86_prefix.h>
+# define _X86_
+#include <windef.h>
+#include <winbase.h>
+typedef unsigned long FileTime;
+#define NoFile ((FileTime) 0)
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/version.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/version.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..473ba40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/version.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#include "version.h"
+int VERSION=916;
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/version.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/version.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0310a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/version.h
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+extern int VERSION; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/windows_io.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/windows_io.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..986d95e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/windows_io.c
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+#ifdef __MWERKS__
+# define _WINDOWS_
+#include "compiledefines.h"
+#include "system.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#ifdef __MWERKS__
+# include <x86_prefix.h>
+# define _X86_
+#include <windef.h>
+#include <winbase.h>
+char *GetFileExtension (FileKind kind)
+ switch (kind){
+ case abcFile:
+ return ".abc";
+ case obj00File:
+ case obj20File:
+ case obj81File:
+ return ".obj";
+ case iclFile:
+ return ".icl";
+ case dclFile:
+ return ".dcl";
+ case dumpFile:
+ return ".dmp";
+ case statFile:
+ return ".stt";
+ case stasFile:
+ return ".str";
+ case assFile:
+ return ".a";
+ case sunAssFile:
+ return ".s";
+ case helpFile:
+ case applFile:
+ case otherFile:
+ default:
+ return "";
+ }
+char clean_lib_directory[129] = ".";
+static int file_exists_with_time (char *file_name,FileTime *file_time_p)
+ WIN32_FIND_DATA find_data;
+ h=FindFirstFile (file_name,&find_data);
+ FindClose (h);
+ *file_time_p=find_data.ftLastWriteTime;
+ return True;
+ } else
+ return False;
+static int file_exists (char *file_name)
+ WIN32_FIND_DATA find_data;
+ h=FindFirstFile (file_name,&find_data);
+ FindClose (h);
+ return True;
+ } else
+ return False;
+static int use_clean_system_files_folder=1;
+extern char *path_parameter;
+static Bool find_filepath_and_time (char *fname,FileKind kind,char *path,FileTime *file_time_p)
+ char *s,*path_elem,c,*pathlist,*ext;
+ if (path_parameter==NULL)
+ pathlist=getenv ("CLEANPATH");
+ else
+ pathlist=path_parameter;
+ if (pathlist==NULL)
+ pathlist=".";
+ ext = GetFileExtension (kind);
+ if (! (fname[0]=='\\' || (fname[0]!=0 && fname[1]==':'))){
+ path_elem = pathlist;
+ s=path_elem;
+ for (;;){
+ c = *s;
+ if (c == ';' || c == '\0'){
+ char *from_p,*dest_p;
+ from_p=path_elem;
+ dest_p=path;
+ while (from_p<s)
+ *dest_p++ = *from_p++;
+ *dest_p = '\0';
+ strcat (path,"\\");
+ strcat (path,fname);
+ strcat (path,ext);
+ if (file_exists_with_time (path,file_time_p))
+ return True;
+ if (c == '\0')
+ break;
+ path_elem = ++s;
+ } else
+ ++s;
+ }
+ }
+ strcpy (path,fname);
+ strcat (path,ext);
+ return file_exists_with_time (path,file_time_p);
+static Bool findfilepath (char *fname,FileKind kind,char *path)
+ char *s,*path_elem,c,*pathlist,*ext;
+ int in_clean_system_files_folder;
+ if (path_parameter==NULL)
+ pathlist=getenv ("CLEANPATH");
+ else
+ pathlist=path_parameter;
+ if (pathlist==NULL)
+ pathlist=".";
+ ext = GetFileExtension (kind);
+ in_clean_system_files_folder=0;
+ if (use_clean_system_files_folder)
+ switch (kind){
+ case abcFile:
+ case obj00File:
+ case obj20File:
+ case obj81File:
+ in_clean_system_files_folder=1;
+ }
+ if (! (fname[0]=='\\' || (fname[0]!=0 && fname[1]==':'))){
+ path_elem = pathlist;
+ s=path_elem;
+ for (;;){
+ c = *s;
+ if (c == ';' || c == '\0'){
+ char *from_p,*dest_p;
+ from_p=path_elem;
+ dest_p=path;
+ while (from_p<s)
+ *dest_p++ = *from_p++;
+ *dest_p = '\0';
+ if (in_clean_system_files_folder)
+ strcat (path,"\\Clean System Files\\");
+ else
+ strcat (path,"\\");
+ strcat (path,fname);
+ strcat (path,ext);
+ if (file_exists (path))
+ return True;
+ if (c == '\0')
+ break;
+ path_elem = ++s;
+ } else
+ ++s;
+ }
+ }
+ if (in_clean_system_files_folder){
+ strcpy (path,"Clean System Files\\");
+ strcat (path,fname);
+ } else
+ strcpy (path,fname);
+ strcat (path,ext);
+ return file_exists (path);
+#include <share.h>
+ file=(File) _fsopen (path,mode,_SH_DENYNO);
+File FOpenWithFileTime (char *file_name,FileKind kind, char *mode,FileTime *file_time_p)
+ char path[MAXPATHLEN];
+ Bool res;
+ res=find_filepath_and_time (file_name, kind, path,file_time_p);
+ if (res || mode[0] != 'r')
+ return fopen (path, mode);
+ else
+ return NULL;
+File FOpen (char *fname,FileKind kind,char *mode)
+ char path[MAXPATHLEN];
+ Bool res;
+ if (fname[0]=='\\' || (fname[0]!=0 && fname[1]==':')){
+ strcpy (path,fname);
+ strcat (path,GetFileExtension (kind));
+ return fopen (path,mode);
+ }
+ if (mode[0]=='r'){
+ findfilepath (fname,kind,path);
+ return fopen (path,mode);
+ } else {
+ res=findfilepath (fname,dclFile,path);
+ if (!res)
+ res=findfilepath (fname,iclFile,path);
+ if (res){
+ char *p,*after_last_slash;
+ after_last_slash=NULL;
+ p=path;
+ while (*p)
+ if (*p++=='\\')
+ after_last_slash=p;
+ if (after_last_slash==NULL)
+ after_last_slash=path;
+ if (use_clean_system_files_folder){
+ strcpy (after_last_slash,"Clean System Files");
+ if (!file_exists (path)){
+ sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
+ sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
+ sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
+ CreateDirectory (path,&sa);
+ }
+ strcat (after_last_slash,"\\");
+ strcat (after_last_slash,fname);
+ } else
+ strcpy (after_last_slash,fname);
+ strcat (after_last_slash,GetFileExtension (kind));
+ return fopen (path,mode);
+ } else
+ return NULL;
+ }
+int FClose (File f)
+ return fclose ((FILE *) f);
+int FDelete (char *fname, FileKind kind)
+ char path[MAXPATHLEN];
+ Bool res;
+ res = findfilepath (fname,kind,path);
+ if (res)
+ return remove (path);
+ else
+ return -1;
+int FPrintF (File f, char *fmt, ...)
+{ int n;
+ va_list args;
+ va_start (args, fmt);
+ n = vfprintf ((FILE*)f, fmt, args);
+ va_end (args);
+ return n;
+size_t FWrite (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t count, File f)
+ return fwrite (ptr, size, count, (FILE *) f);
+size_t FRead (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t count, File f)
+ return fread (ptr, size, count, (FILE *) f);
+char *FGetS (char *s, int n, File f)
+ return fgets (s, n, (FILE *) f);
+int FPutS (char *s, File f)
+ return fputs (s, (FILE *) f);
+int FSeek (File f, long offset, int origin)
+ return fseek ((FILE *) f, offset, origin);
+long FTell (File f)
+ return ftell ((FILE *) f);
+SysTime GetSysTime (unsigned scale)
+ return 0;
+void StopTimer (void)
+void ResetTimer (void)
+void DoError (char *fmt, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ va_start (args, fmt);
+ (void) vfprintf (stderr, fmt, args);
+ va_end (args);
+void DoFatalError (char *fmt, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ va_start (args, fmt);
+ (void) vfprintf (stderr, fmt, args);
+ va_end (args);
+ exit (0);
+void CmdError (char *errormsg,...)
+ va_list args;
+ va_start (args, errormsg);
+ fputs ("Command line error: ", stdout);
+ vfprintf (stdout, errormsg, args);
+ fputc ('\n', stdout);
+ va_end (args);
+static void DoNothing (void)
+void (*SetSignal (void (*f) (void))) (void)
+ return DoNothing;
+int CheckInterrupt (void)
+ return 0;
+void *Alloc (long unsigned count, SizeT size)
+ if (size == 1){
+ if (count >= MAXUNSIGNED)
+ DoFatalError ("Allocate: severe memory allocation problem");
+ return (void *) malloc ((size_t) count);
+ }
+ else if (count >= (MAXUNSIGNED / size))
+ DoFatalError ("Allocate: severe memory allocation problem");
+ return (void *) malloc ((size_t) (count * size));
+void Free (void *p)
+ (void) free (p);
+void FWriteFileTime (FileTime file_time,File f)
+ SYSTEMTIME date_and_time;
+ FILETIME local_file_time;
+ FileTimeToLocalFileTime (&file_time,&local_file_time);
+ FileTimeToSystemTime (&local_file_time,&date_and_time);
+ fprintf (f,"%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d",
+ date_and_time.wYear,date_and_time.wMonth,date_and_time.wDay,
+ date_and_time.wHour,date_and_time.wMinute,date_and_time.wSecond);
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/windows_io.h b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/windows_io.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6567980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/windows_io.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+extern int MACVAR;
+#define CheckVersion if (MACVAR != VERSION) DoFatalError ("Wrong version number")
+typedef short TwoBytesInt;
+typedef int FourBytesInt;
+typedef unsigned short TwoBytesUnsigned;
+typedef unsigned int FourBytesUnsigned;
+typedef double EightBytesReal;
+typedef float FourBytesReal;
+#define SizeT unsigned long
+#define SizeOf(A) ((SizeT) sizeof (A))
+#include <limits.h>
+#define _VARARGS_
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#if defined (__MWERKS__) || defined (_WINDOWS_)
+# include <stdio.h>
+# include <unix.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+typedef FILE *File;
+/* special for MacIntosh command line support */
+extern void InitIO (void);
+extern void GetPreferences (char *fname);
+#define StdOut stdout
+#define StdError stderr
+#define StdVerboseH stdout
+#define StdVerboseL stdout
+#define StdTrace stdout
+#define StdDebug stdout;
+#define StdListTypes stdout
+#define FGetC(f) fgetc(f)
+#define FPutC(c,f) fputc(c,f)