diff options
15 files changed, 557 insertions, 909 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/check.icl b/frontend/check.icl
index 3709f49..d482f23 100644
--- a/frontend/check.icl
+++ b/frontend/check.icl
@@ -1635,6 +1635,7 @@ remove_function_conversion_table main_dcl_module_n dcl_modules
# dcl_modules = {dcl_modules & [main_dcl_module_n].dcl_conversions=Yes conversion_table}
-> (function_conversions,dcl_modules)
+// add_function_conversion_table :: {#Int} Int *(a DclModule) -> *(a DclModule) | Array a DclModule
add_function_conversion_table dcl_to_icl_function_conversions main_dcl_module_n dcl_modules
# (dcl_mod,dcl_modules) = dcl_modules![main_dcl_module_n]
= case dcl_mod.dcl_conversions of
diff --git a/frontend/checktypes.icl b/frontend/checktypes.icl
index 2000dee..8688713 100644
--- a/frontend/checktypes.icl
+++ b/frontend/checktypes.icl
@@ -867,7 +867,8 @@ where
check_context_types tc_class [] cs=:{cs_error}
= { cs & cs_error = checkError tc_class "type context should contain one or more type variables" cs_error}
check_context_types tc_class [((CV {tv_name}) :@: _):_] cs=:{cs_error}
- = { cs & cs_error = checkError tv_name "not allowed as higher order type variable in context" cs_error}
+ = cs
+// = { cs & cs_error = checkError tv_name "not allowed as higher order type variable in context" cs_error}
check_context_types tc_class [TV _ : types] cs
= cs
check_context_types tc_class [type : types] cs
@@ -1141,11 +1142,11 @@ where
addExistentionalTypeVariablesToSymbolTable :: !TypeAttribute ![ATypeVar] !*TypeHeaps !*CheckState
-> (![ATypeVar], !(!*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState))
addExistentionalTypeVariablesToSymbolTable root_attr type_vars heaps cs
- = mapSt (add_type_variable_to_symbol_table root_attr) type_vars (heaps, cs)
+ = mapSt (add_exi_variable_to_symbol_table root_attr) type_vars (heaps, cs)
- add_type_variable_to_symbol_table :: !TypeAttribute !ATypeVar !(!*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState)
+ add_exi_variable_to_symbol_table :: !TypeAttribute !ATypeVar !(!*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState)
-> (!ATypeVar, !(!*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState))
- add_type_variable_to_symbol_table root_attr atv=:{atv_variable=atv_variable=:{tv_name}, atv_attribute}
+ add_exi_variable_to_symbol_table root_attr atv=:{atv_variable=atv_variable=:{tv_name}, atv_attribute}
(heaps=:{th_vars,th_attrs}, cs=:{ cs_symbol_table, cs_error /* TD ... */, cs_x={x_type_var_position} /* ... TD */})
# tv_info = tv_name.id_info
(entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr tv_info cs_symbol_table
diff --git a/frontend/generics.icl b/frontend/generics.icl
index 9c3933c..5160b84 100644
--- a/frontend/generics.icl
+++ b/frontend/generics.icl
@@ -903,7 +903,7 @@ where
= ([fi:fis], [fd:fds], gs)
build_cons_info {ds_index,ds_arity} cons_num type_info_def_sym group_index common_defs gs
- # {cons_symb, cons_arity, cons_pos} = common_defs.com_cons_defs.[ds_index]
+ # {cons_symb, cons_pos} = common_defs.com_cons_defs.[ds_index]
# (fun_index, gs) = newFunIndex gs
# def_sym =
{ ds_ident = makeIdent ("cons_info_" +++ cons_symb.id_name)
@@ -3154,7 +3154,7 @@ copyExpr expr heaps=:{hp_var_heap, hp_expression_heap}
= (expr, {heaps & hp_var_heap = us_var_heap, hp_expression_heap = us_symbol_heap})
//---> ("copy Expr")
-mapExprSt :: (Expression .st->(Expression, .st)) Expression .st -> (Expression, .st)
+//mapExprSt :: (Expression .st->(Expression, .st)) Expression .st -> (Expression, .st)
mapExprSt f (App app=:{app_args}) st
# (app_args, st) = mapSt (mapExprSt f) app_args st
= f (App { app & app_args = app_args }) st
diff --git a/frontend/overloading.icl b/frontend/overloading.icl
index 9359529..868d40d 100644
--- a/frontend/overloading.icl
+++ b/frontend/overloading.icl
@@ -506,9 +506,13 @@ where
match defs (TA cons_id1 cons_args1) (TA cons_id2 cons_args2) type_heaps
| cons_id1 == cons_id2
= match defs cons_args1 cons_args2 type_heaps
-// # (succ1, type1, type_heaps) = tryToExpandTypeSyn defs cons_id1 cons_args1 type_heaps
+ # (succ1, type1, type_heaps) = tryToExpandTypeSyn defs cons_id1 cons_args1 type_heaps
# (succ2, type2, type_heaps) = tryToExpandTypeSyn defs cons_id2 cons_args2 type_heaps
+ | succ1 || succ2
+ = match defs type1 type2 type_heaps
| succ2
= case type2 of
TA cons_id2 cons_args2
| cons_id1 == cons_id2
@@ -516,6 +520,8 @@ where
-> (False, type_heaps)
-> (False, type_heaps)
= (False, type_heaps)
match defs (arg_type1 --> res_type1) (arg_type2 --> res_type2) type_heaps
= match defs (arg_type1,res_type1) (arg_type2,res_type2) type_heaps
@@ -928,6 +934,7 @@ where
{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info,fun_arity,fun_symb,fun_pos} = fun_def
(rev_variables, var_heap) = foldSt determine_class_argument st_context ([], var_heap)
+// ---> ("determine_class_argument", st_context)
error = setErrorAdmin (newPosition fun_symb fun_pos) error
(type_code_info, symbol_heap, type_pattern_vars, var_heap, error)
= convertDynamicTypes fun_info.fi_dynamics (type_code_info, symbol_heap, type_pattern_vars, var_heap, error) /* MV */ rev_variables
diff --git a/frontend/refmark.icl b/frontend/refmark.icl
index 275c915..6911fc2 100644
--- a/frontend/refmark.icl
+++ b/frontend/refmark.icl
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ where
refMarkOfVariable free_vars sel (VI_Occurrence var_occ) var_name var_info_ptr var_expr_ptr var_heap
# occ_ref_count = adjustRefCount sel var_occ.occ_ref_count var_expr_ptr
- = case var_occ.occ_bind of // ---> (var_name,var_expr_ptr,occ_ref_count,var_occ.occ_ref_count) of
+ = case var_occ.occ_bind of // ---> ("refMarkOfVariable", var_name,occ_ref_count,var_occ.occ_ref_count) of
OB_OpenLet let_expr
# var_heap = var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence { var_occ & occ_ref_count = occ_ref_count, occ_bind = OB_LockedLet let_expr })
-> refMark free_vars sel let_expr var_heap
@@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ where
= refMark free_vars NotASelector args (refMark free_vars NotASelector fun var_heap)
refMark free_vars sel (Let {let_strict_binds,let_lazy_binds,let_expr}) var_heap
| isEmpty let_lazy_binds
-// MW0 # new_free_vars = [ [ bind_dst \\ {bind_dst} <- let_strict_binds ] : free_vars]
# new_free_vars = [ [ lb_dst \\ {lb_dst} <- let_strict_binds ] : free_vars]
# (observing, var_heap) = binds_are_observing let_strict_binds var_heap
| observing
@@ -110,7 +109,6 @@ where
var_heap = refMark new_free_vars sel let_expr var_heap
= let_combine free_vars var_heap
= refMark new_free_vars sel let_expr (refMark new_free_vars NotASelector let_strict_binds var_heap)
-// MW0 # new_free_vars = [ [ bind_dst \\ {bind_dst} <- let_strict_binds ++ let_lazy_binds ] : free_vars]
# new_free_vars = [ [ lb_dst \\ {lb_dst} <- let_strict_binds ++ let_lazy_binds ] : free_vars]
var_heap = foldSt bind_variable let_strict_binds var_heap
var_heap = foldSt bind_variable let_lazy_binds var_heap
@@ -120,7 +118,6 @@ where
binds_are_observing binds var_heap
= foldr bind_is_observing (True, var_heap) binds
-// MW0 bind_is_observing {bind_dst={fv_info_ptr}} (observe, var_heap)
bind_is_observing {lb_dst={fv_info_ptr}} (observe, var_heap)
# (VI_Occurrence {occ_observing}, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
= (occ_observing && observe, var_heap)
@@ -134,11 +131,8 @@ where
comb_ref_count = parCombineRefCount (seqCombineRefCount occ_ref_count prev_ref_count) pre_pref_recount
= var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence { old_occ & occ_ref_count = comb_ref_count, occ_previous = occ_previouses })
-// MW0 bind_variable {bind_src,bind_dst={fv_info_ptr}} var_heap
bind_variable {lb_src,lb_dst={fv_info_ptr}} var_heap
# (VI_Occurrence occ, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
-// = var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence { occ & occ_bind = OB_OpenLet bind_src })
-// MW0 = var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence { occ & occ_ref_count = RC_Unused, occ_bind = OB_OpenLet bind_src })
= var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence { occ & occ_ref_count = RC_Unused, occ_bind = OB_OpenLet lb_src })
refMark free_vars sel (Case {case_expr,case_guards,case_default}) var_heap
@@ -151,7 +145,9 @@ where
field_number _
= NotASelector
refMark free_vars sel (Update expr1 selectors expr2) var_heap
- = refMark free_vars NotASelector expr2 (refMark free_vars NotASelector expr1 var_heap)
+ # var_heap = refMark free_vars NotASelector expr1 var_heap
+ var_heap = refMark free_vars NotASelector selectors var_heap
+ = refMark free_vars NotASelector expr2 var_heap
refMark free_vars sel (RecordUpdate cons_symbol expression expressions) var_heap
= ref_mark_of_record_expression free_vars expression expressions var_heap
@@ -203,6 +199,8 @@ instance refMark Selection
refMark free_vars _ (ArraySelection _ _ index_expr) var_heap
= refMark free_vars NotASelector index_expr var_heap
+ refMark free_vars _ _ var_heap
+ = var_heap
collectUsedFreeVariables free_vars var_heap
= foldSt collectUsedVariables free_vars ([], var_heap)
@@ -497,7 +495,6 @@ where
# variables = tb_args ++ fi_local_vars
(subst, type_def_infos, var_heap, expr_heap) = clear_occurrences variables subst type_def_infos var_heap expr_heap
var_heap = refMark [tb_args] NotASelector tb_rhs var_heap // (tb_rhs ---> ("makeSharedReferencesNonUnique", fun_symb, tb_rhs)) var_heap
- //tb_rhs var_heap //
position = newPosition fun_symb fun_pos
(coercion_env, var_heap, expr_heap, error) = make_shared_vars_non_unique variables coercion_env var_heap expr_heap
(setErrorAdmin position error)
@@ -517,6 +514,7 @@ where
-> (subst, type_def_infos, var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr,
VI_Occurrence { occ_ref_count = RC_Unused, occ_previous = [],
occ_observing = is_oberving, occ_bind = OB_Empty }), expr_heap)
+// ---> ("initial_occurrence",fv_name, fv_info_ptr, is_oberving)
-> (subst, type_def_infos, var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr,
VI_Occurrence { occ_ref_count = RC_Unused, occ_previous = [],
@@ -549,7 +547,7 @@ where
EI_Attribute sa_attr_nr
# (succ, coercion_env) = tryToMakeNonUnique sa_attr_nr coercion_env
| succ
-// ---> ("make_shared_occurrence_non_unique", free_var, var_expr_ptr)
+// ---> ("make_shared_occurrence_non_unique", free_var, var_expr_ptr, sa_attr_nr)
-> (coercion_env, expr_heap, error)
-> (coercion_env, expr_heap, uniquenessError (CP_Expression (FreeVar free_var)) " demanded attribute cannot be offered by shared object" error)
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.dcl b/frontend/syntax.dcl
index fcc788e..9bbdb19 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.dcl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.dcl
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ cIsALocalVar :== False
:: AP_Kind = APK_Constructor !Index | APK_Macro
-:: VarInfo = VI_Empty | VI_Type !AType !(Optional CoercionPosition) | VI_Occurrence !Occurrence | VI_UsedVar !Ident |
+:: VarInfo = VI_Empty | VI_Type !AType !(Optional CoercionPosition) | VI_FAType ![ATypeVar] !AType | VI_Occurrence !Occurrence | VI_UsedVar !Ident |
VI_Expression !Expression | VI_Variable !Ident !VarInfoPtr | VI_LiftedVariable !VarInfoPtr |
VI_Count !Int /* the reference count of a variable */ !Bool /* true if the variable is global, false otherwise */ |
VI_AccVar !ConsClass !ArgumentPosition /* used during fusion to determine accumulating parameters of functions */ |
@@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ cNonRecursiveAppl :== False
| (:@:) infixl 9 !ConsVariable ![AType]
| TB !BasicType
-// | TFA [ATypeVar] Type
+ | TFA [ATypeVar] Type /* Universally quantified types */
| GTV !TypeVar
| TV !TypeVar
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.icl b/frontend/syntax.icl
index 51d3bad..9bb74d3 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.icl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.icl
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ cIsALocalVar :== False
:: AP_Kind = APK_Constructor !Index | APK_Macro
-:: VarInfo = VI_Empty |VI_Type !AType !(Optional CoercionPosition) | VI_Occurrence !Occurrence | VI_UsedVar !Ident |
+:: VarInfo = VI_Empty | VI_Type !AType !(Optional CoercionPosition) | VI_FAType ![ATypeVar] !AType | VI_Occurrence !Occurrence | VI_UsedVar !Ident |
VI_Expression !Expression | VI_Variable !Ident !VarInfoPtr | VI_LiftedVariable !VarInfoPtr |
VI_Count !Int /* the reference count of a variable */ !Bool /* true if the variable is global, false otherwise */ |
VI_AccVar !ConsClass !ArgumentPosition /* used during fusion to determine accumulating parameters of functions */ |
@@ -789,7 +789,7 @@ cNotVarNumber :== -1
| (:@:) infixl 9 !ConsVariable ![AType]
| TB !BasicType
-// | TFA [ATypeVar] Type
+ | TFA [ATypeVar] Type
| GTV !TypeVar
| TV !TypeVar
@@ -1408,7 +1408,7 @@ where
instance <<< BoundVar
(<<<) file {var_name,var_info_ptr,var_expr_ptr}
- = file <<< var_name <<< '<' <<< ptrToInt var_info_ptr <<< '>'
+ = file <<< var_name <<< "<I" <<< ptrToInt var_info_ptr <<< ", E" <<< ptrToInt var_expr_ptr <<< '>'
instance <<< (Bind a b) | <<< a & <<< b
diff --git a/frontend/trans.icl b/frontend/trans.icl
index 6640d02..166339c 100644
--- a/frontend/trans.icl
+++ b/frontend/trans.icl
@@ -1352,7 +1352,7 @@ generateFunction fd=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info = {fi
(_, (st_args,st_result), ti_type_heaps)
= substitute (st_args,st_result) ti_type_heaps
(new_fun_args, new_arg_types_array, next_attr_nr,
- new_linear_bits, new_cons_args, uniqueness_requirements, subst, ti_type_heaps=:{th_vars, th_attrs},
+ new_linear_bits, new_cons_args, uniqueness_requirements, subst, ti_type_heaps=:{th_vars},
ti_symbol_heap, ti_fun_defs, ti_fun_heap, ti_var_heap)
= determine_args cc_linear_bits cc_args 0 prods opt_sound_function_producer_types tb_args
(st_args_array st_args)
@@ -1364,8 +1364,8 @@ generateFunction fd=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info = {fi
(createArray (inc (BITINDEX nr_of_all_type_vars)) 0, th_vars)
// | False--->("subst before", [el\\el<-:subst], "cons_vars", [el\\el<-:cons_vars])
// = undef
- # (subst, next_attr_nr, th_vars, ti_type_def_infos)
- = liftSubstitution subst ro.ro_common_defs cons_vars next_attr_nr th_vars ti_type_def_infos
+ # (subst, next_attr_nr, ti_type_heaps=:{th_attrs}, ti_type_def_infos)
+ = liftSubstitution subst ro.ro_common_defs cons_vars next_attr_nr { ti_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars } ti_type_def_infos
// | False--->("subst after lifting", [el\\el<-:subst])
// = undef
# coer_demanded
@@ -1385,7 +1385,7 @@ generateFunction fd=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info = {fi
uniqueness_requirements coercions
(subst, coercions, ti_type_def_infos, ti_type_heaps)
= foldSt (coerce_types ro.ro_common_defs cons_vars) uniqueness_requirements
- (subst, coercions, ti_type_def_infos, { ti_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs })
+ (subst, coercions, ti_type_def_infos, { ti_type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs })
// | False--->("cons_vars", [el\\el<-:cons_vars])
// = undef
// expansion_state
@@ -1883,11 +1883,14 @@ where
expand_type ro_common_defs cons_vars atype (coercions, subst, ti_type_heaps, ti_type_def_infos)
| is_dictionary atype ti_type_def_infos
- # (atype, subst) = arraySubst atype subst
+///* Sjaak */ # (atype, subst) = arraySubst atype subst
+ # (_, atype, subst) = arraySubst atype subst
= (atype, (coercions, subst, ti_type_heaps, ti_type_def_infos))
# es
= { es_type_heaps = ti_type_heaps, es_td_infos = ti_type_def_infos }
- (btype, (subst, es))
+/* Sjaak */
+ (_, btype, (subst, es))
+// (btype, (subst, es))
= expandType ro_common_defs cons_vars atype (subst, es)
{ es_type_heaps = ti_type_heaps, es_td_infos = ti_type_def_infos }
= es
diff --git a/frontend/type.dcl b/frontend/type.dcl
index e28ff04..28d8252 100644
--- a/frontend/type.dcl
+++ b/frontend/type.dcl
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ typeProgram ::!{! Group} !Int !*{# FunDef} !IndexRange !(Optional Bool) !Common
addPropagationAttributesToAType :: {#CommonDefs} !AType !*PropState -> *(!AType,Int,!*PropState);
+tryToExpand :: !Type !TypeAttribute !{# CommonDefs} !*TypeHeaps -> (!Bool, !Type, !*TypeHeaps)
:: PropState =
{ prop_type_heaps :: !.TypeHeaps
, prop_td_infos :: !.TypeDefInfos
@@ -28,6 +30,7 @@ instance unify AType
, ti_main_dcl_module_n :: !Int
-class arraySubst type :: !type !u:{!Type} -> (!type, !u:{! Type})
+class arraySubst type :: !type !u:{!Type} -> (!Bool,!type, !u:{! Type})
+//class arraySubst type :: !type !u:{!Type} -> (!type, !u:{! Type})
instance arraySubst AType
diff --git a/frontend/type.icl b/frontend/type.icl
index 8d974d5..232b2a5 100644
--- a/frontend/type.icl
+++ b/frontend/type.icl
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
implementation module type
import StdEnv
-import syntax, typesupport, check, analtypes, overloading, unitype, refmark, predef, utilities, compare_constructor
+import syntax, typesupport, check, analtypes, overloading, unitype, refmark, predef, utilities, compare_constructor // , RWSDebug
import cheat, compilerSwitches
import generics // AA
-//import RWSDebug
:: TypeInput =
{ ti_common_defs :: !{# CommonDefs }
, ti_functions :: !{# {# FunType }}
@@ -55,351 +53,130 @@ instance toString BoundVar
toString varid = varid.var_name.id_name
-class arraySubst type :: !type !u:{!Type} -> (!type, !u:{! Type})
-instance arraySubst AType
- arraySubst atype=:{at_type} subst
- # (at_type, subst) = arraySubst at_type subst
- = ({ atype & at_type = at_type }, subst)
-instance arraySubst Type
- arraySubst tv=:(TempV tv_number) subst
- #! type = subst.[tv_number]
- = case type of
- TE -> (tv, subst)
- _ -> arraySubst type subst
- arraySubst (arg_type --> res_type) subst
- # (arg_type, subst) = arraySubst arg_type subst
- (res_type, subst) = arraySubst res_type subst
- = (arg_type --> res_type, subst)
- arraySubst (TA cons_id cons_args) subst
- # (cons_args, subst) = arraySubst cons_args subst
- = (TA cons_id cons_args, subst)
- arraySubst (TempCV tv_number :@: types) subst
- #! type = subst.[tv_number]
- = case type of
- TE
- # (types, subst) = arraySubst types subst
- -> (TempCV tv_number :@: types, subst)
- _
- # (type, subst) = arraySubst type subst
- (types, subst) = arraySubst types subst
- -> (simplify_type_appl type types, subst)
- where
- simplify_type_appl :: !Type ![AType] -> Type
- simplify_type_appl (TA type_cons=:{type_arity} cons_args) type_args
- = TA { type_cons & type_arity = type_arity + length type_args } (cons_args ++ type_args)
- simplify_type_appl (cons_var :@: types) type_args
- = cons_var :@: (types ++ type_args)
- simplify_type_appl (TempV tv_number) type_args
- = TempCV tv_number :@: type_args
- simplify_type_appl (TempQV tv_number) type_args
- = TempQCV tv_number :@: type_args
- arraySubst type subst
- = (type, subst)
-instance arraySubst [a] | arraySubst a
- arraySubst l subst
- = mapSt arraySubst l subst
-instance arraySubst TempSymbolType
- arraySubst tst=:{tst_args,tst_result,tst_context} subst
- # (tst_args, subst) = arraySubst tst_args subst
- (tst_result, subst) = arraySubst tst_result subst
- (tst_context, subst) = arraySubst tst_context subst
- = ({tst & tst_args = tst_args,tst_result = tst_result,tst_context = tst_context}, subst)
-instance arraySubst TypeContext
- arraySubst tc=:{tc_types} subst
- # (tc_types, subst) = arraySubst tc_types subst
- = ({ tc & tc_types = tc_types}, subst)
- /*
- instance arraySubst OverloadedCall
- where
- arraySubst oc=:{oc_context} subst
- # (oc_context, subst) = arraySubst oc_context subst
- = ({ oc & oc_context = oc_context }, subst)
- */
-instance arraySubst CaseType
- arraySubst ct=:{ct_pattern_type,ct_result_type,ct_cons_types} subst
- # (ct_pattern_type, subst) = arraySubst ct_pattern_type subst
- (ct_result_type, subst) = arraySubst ct_result_type subst
- (ct_cons_types, subst) = arraySubst ct_cons_types subst
- = ({ ct & ct_pattern_type = ct_pattern_type, ct_result_type = ct_result_type, ct_cons_types = ct_cons_types }, subst)
+class arraySubst type :: !type !u:{!Type} -> (!Bool,!type, !u:{! Type})
instance arraySubst AType
arraySubst atype=:{at_type} subst
- # (changed,at_type, subst) = arraySubst2 at_type subst
+ # (changed, at_type, subst) = arraySubst at_type subst
| changed
- = ({ atype & at_type = at_type }, subst)
- = (atype, subst)
+ = (True, { atype & at_type = at_type }, subst)
+ = (False, atype, subst)
instance arraySubst Type
arraySubst tv=:(TempV tv_number) subst
#! type = subst.[tv_number]
= case type of
- TE -> (tv, subst)
- _ -> arraySubst type subst
- arraySubst type=:(arg_type0 --> res_type0) subst
- # (changed,arg_type, subst) = arraySubst2 arg_type0 subst
+ TE -> (False,tv, subst)
+ _
+ # (_, type, subst) = arraySubst type subst
+ -> (True, type, subst)
+ arraySubst type=:(arg_type --> res_type) subst
+ # (changed, (arg_type, res_type), subst) = arraySubst (arg_type, res_type) subst
| changed
- # (changed,res_type, subst) = arraySubst2 res_type0 subst
- | changed
- = (arg_type --> res_type, subst)
- = (arg_type --> res_type0, subst)
- # (changed,res_type, subst) = arraySubst2 res_type0 subst
- | changed
- = (arg_type0 --> res_type, subst)
- = (type, subst)
+ = (changed, arg_type --> res_type, subst)
+ = (False, type, subst)
arraySubst type=:(TA cons_id cons_args) subst
- # (changed,cons_args, subst) = arraySubst2 cons_args subst
+ # (changed, cons_args, subst) = arraySubst cons_args subst
| changed
- = (TA cons_id cons_args, subst)
- = (type, subst)
+ = (True, TA cons_id cons_args, subst)
+ = (False,type, subst)
arraySubst tcv=:(TempCV tv_number :@: types) subst
#! type = subst.[tv_number]
= case type of
- # (changed,types, subst) = arraySubst2 types subst
+ # (changed,types, subst) = arraySubst types subst
| changed
- -> (TempCV tv_number :@: types, subst)
- -> (tcv, subst)
+ -> (True, TempCV tv_number :@: types, subst)
+ -> (False, tcv, subst)
- # (type, subst) = arraySubst type subst
- (types, subst) = arraySubst types subst
- -> (simplify_type_appl type types, subst)
- where
- simplify_type_appl :: !Type ![AType] -> Type
- simplify_type_appl (TA type_cons=:{type_arity} cons_args) type_args
- = TA { type_cons & type_arity = type_arity + length type_args } (cons_args ++ type_args)
- simplify_type_appl (cons_var :@: types) type_args
- = cons_var :@: (types ++ type_args)
- simplify_type_appl (TempV tv_number) type_args
- = TempCV tv_number :@: type_args
- simplify_type_appl (TempQV tv_number) type_args
- = TempQCV tv_number :@: type_args
+ # (_, (type, types), subst) = arraySubst (type, types) subst
+ (ok, simplified_type) = simplifyTypeApplication type types
+ | ok
+ -> (True, simplified_type, subst)
+ -> (False, tcv, subst)
arraySubst type subst
- = (type, subst)
+ = (False, type, subst)
-instance arraySubst [a] | arraySubst2 a
+instance arraySubst (a,b) | arraySubst a & arraySubst b
+ arraySubst (x,y) subst
+ # (changed_x, x, subst) = arraySubst x subst
+ (changed_y, y, subst) = arraySubst y subst
+ = (changed_x || changed_y, (x,y), subst)
+instance arraySubst [a] | arraySubst a
arraySubst [] subst
- = ([],subst)
- arraySubst t=:[type0:types0] subst
- # (changed,types,subst) = arraySubst2 types0 subst
+ = (False, [], subst)
+ arraySubst t=:[type : types ] subst
+ # (changed, (type, types), subst) = arraySubst (type, types) subst
| changed
- # (changed,type,subst) = arraySubst2 type0 subst
- | changed
- = ([type:types],subst)
- = ([type0:types],subst)
- # (changed,type,subst) = arraySubst2 type0 subst
- | changed
- = ([type:types0],subst)
- = (t,subst)
+ = (True, [type : types ], subst)
+ = (False, t, subst)
instance arraySubst TempSymbolType
arraySubst tst=:{tst_args,tst_result,tst_context} subst
- # (changed,tst_args, subst) = arraySubst2 tst_args subst
+ # (changed, (tst_args, (tst_result, tst_context)), subst) = arraySubst (tst_args, (tst_result, tst_context)) subst
| changed
- # (changed,tst_result, subst) = arraySubst2 tst_result subst
- # (changed,tst_context, subst) = arraySubst2 tst_context subst
- = ({tst & tst_args = tst_args,tst_result = tst_result,tst_context = tst_context}, subst)
- # (changed,tst_result, subst) = arraySubst2 tst_result subst
- | changed
- # (changed,tst_context, subst) = arraySubst2 tst_context subst
- = ({tst & tst_result = tst_result,tst_context = tst_context}, subst)
- # (changed,tst_context, subst) = arraySubst2 tst_context subst
- | changed
- = ({tst & tst_context = tst_context}, subst)
- = (tst, subst)
+ = (True, {tst & tst_args = tst_args, tst_result = tst_result, tst_context = tst_context}, subst)
+ = (False, tst, subst)
instance arraySubst TypeContext
arraySubst tc=:{tc_types} subst
- # (changed,tc_types, subst) = arraySubst2 tc_types subst
- | changed
- = ({ tc & tc_types = tc_types}, subst)
- = ( tc, subst)
-instance arraySubst CaseType
- arraySubst ct=:{ct_pattern_type,ct_result_type,ct_cons_types} subst
- # (changed,ct_pattern_type, subst) = arraySubst2 ct_pattern_type subst
- | changed
- # (changed,ct_result_type, subst) = arraySubst2 ct_result_type subst
- # (changed,ct_cons_types, subst) = arraySubst2 ct_cons_types subst
- = ({ ct & ct_pattern_type = ct_pattern_type, ct_result_type = ct_result_type, ct_cons_types = ct_cons_types }, subst)
- # (changed,ct_result_type, subst) = arraySubst2 ct_result_type subst
- | changed
- # (changed,ct_cons_types, subst) = arraySubst2 ct_cons_types subst
- = ({ ct & ct_result_type = ct_result_type, ct_cons_types = ct_cons_types }, subst)
- # (changed,ct_cons_types, subst) = arraySubst2 ct_cons_types subst
- | changed
- = ({ ct & ct_cons_types = ct_cons_types }, subst)
- = (ct, subst)
-class arraySubst2 type :: !type !u:{!Type} -> (!Bool,!type, !u:{! Type})
-instance arraySubst2 AType
- arraySubst2 atype=:{at_type} subst
- # (changed,at_type, subst) = arraySubst2 at_type subst
- | changed
- = (True,{ atype & at_type = at_type }, subst)
- = (False,atype, subst)
-instance arraySubst2 Type
- arraySubst2 tv=:(TempV tv_number) subst
- #! type = subst.[tv_number]
- = case type of
- TE -> (False,tv, subst)
- _
- # (t,s) = arraySubst type subst
- -> (True,t,s)
- arraySubst2 type=:(arg_type0 --> res_type0) subst
- # (changed,arg_type, subst) = arraySubst2 arg_type0 subst
- | changed
- # (changed,res_type, subst) = arraySubst2 res_type0 subst
- | changed
- = (True,arg_type --> res_type, subst)
- = (True,arg_type --> res_type0, subst)
- # (changed,res_type, subst) = arraySubst2 res_type0 subst
- | changed
- = (True,arg_type0 --> res_type, subst)
- = (False,type, subst)
- arraySubst2 type=:(TA cons_id cons_args) subst
- # (changed,cons_args, subst) = arraySubst2 cons_args subst
- | changed
- = (True,TA cons_id cons_args, subst)
- = (False,type, subst)
- arraySubst2 tcv=:(TempCV tv_number :@: types) subst
- #! type = subst.[tv_number]
- = case type of
- TE
- # (changed,types, subst) = arraySubst2 types subst
- | changed
- -> (True,TempCV tv_number :@: types, subst)
- -> (False,tcv, subst)
- _
- # (type, subst) = arraySubst type subst
- (types, subst) = arraySubst types subst
- -> (True,simplify_type_appl type types, subst)
- where
- simplify_type_appl :: !Type ![AType] -> Type
- simplify_type_appl (TA type_cons=:{type_arity} cons_args) type_args
- = TA { type_cons & type_arity = type_arity + length type_args } (cons_args ++ type_args)
- simplify_type_appl (cons_var :@: types) type_args
- = cons_var :@: (types ++ type_args)
- simplify_type_appl (TempV tv_number) type_args
- = TempCV tv_number :@: type_args
- simplify_type_appl (TempQV tv_number) type_args
- = TempQCV tv_number :@: type_args
- arraySubst2 type subst
- = (False,type, subst)
-instance arraySubst2 [a] | arraySubst2 a
- arraySubst2 [] subst
- = (False,[],subst)
- arraySubst2 t=:[type0:types0] subst
- # (changed,types,subst) = arraySubst2 types0 subst
- | changed
- # (changed,type,subst) = arraySubst2 type0 subst
- | changed
- = (True,[type:types],subst)
- = (True,[type0:types],subst)
- # (changed,type,subst) = arraySubst2 type0 subst
- | changed
- = (True,[type:types0],subst)
- = (False,t,subst)
-instance arraySubst2 TempSymbolType
- arraySubst2 tst=:{tst_args,tst_result,tst_context} subst
- # (changed,tst_args, subst) = arraySubst2 tst_args subst
- | changed
- # (changed,tst_result, subst) = arraySubst2 tst_result subst
- # (changed,tst_context, subst) = arraySubst2 tst_context subst
- = (True,{tst & tst_args = tst_args,tst_result = tst_result,tst_context = tst_context}, subst)
- # (changed,tst_result, subst) = arraySubst2 tst_result subst
- | changed
- # (changed,tst_context, subst) = arraySubst2 tst_context subst
- = (True,{tst & tst_result = tst_result,tst_context = tst_context}, subst)
- # (changed,tst_context, subst) = arraySubst2 tst_context subst
- | changed
- = (True,{tst & tst_context = tst_context}, subst)
- = (False,tst, subst)
-instance arraySubst2 TypeContext
- arraySubst2 tc=:{tc_types} subst
- # (changed,tc_types, subst) = arraySubst2 tc_types subst
+ # (changed, tc_types, subst) = arraySubst tc_types subst
| changed
= (True,{ tc & tc_types = tc_types}, subst)
= (False, tc, subst)
-instance arraySubst2 CaseType
+instance arraySubst CaseType
- arraySubst2 ct=:{ct_pattern_type,ct_result_type,ct_cons_types} subst
- # (changed,ct_pattern_type, subst) = arraySubst2 ct_pattern_type subst
+ arraySubst ct=:{ct_pattern_type, ct_result_type, ct_cons_types} subst
+ # (changed, (ct_pattern_type, (ct_result_type, ct_cons_types)), subst) = arraySubst (ct_pattern_type, (ct_result_type, ct_cons_types)) subst
| changed
- # (changed,ct_result_type, subst) = arraySubst2 ct_result_type subst
- # (changed,ct_cons_types, subst) = arraySubst2 ct_cons_types subst
= (True,{ ct & ct_pattern_type = ct_pattern_type, ct_result_type = ct_result_type, ct_cons_types = ct_cons_types }, subst)
- # (changed,ct_result_type, subst) = arraySubst2 ct_result_type subst
- | changed
- # (changed,ct_cons_types, subst) = arraySubst2 ct_cons_types subst
- = (True,{ ct & ct_result_type = ct_result_type, ct_cons_types = ct_cons_types }, subst)
- # (changed,ct_cons_types, subst) = arraySubst2 ct_cons_types subst
- | changed
- = (True,{ ct & ct_cons_types = ct_cons_types }, subst)
- = (False,ct, subst)
+ = (False, ct, subst)
-class contains_var a :: !Int !a -> Bool
+class containsTypeVariable a :: !Int !a !{!Type} -> Bool
-instance contains_var [a] | contains_var a
+instance containsTypeVariable [a] | containsTypeVariable a
- contains_var var_id [elem:list]
- = contains_var var_id elem || contains_var var_id list
- contains_var var_id []
+ containsTypeVariable var_id [elem:list] subst
+ = containsTypeVariable var_id elem subst || containsTypeVariable var_id list subst
+ containsTypeVariable var_id [] _
= False
-instance contains_var AType
+instance containsTypeVariable AType
- contains_var var_id {at_type} = contains_var var_id at_type
+ containsTypeVariable var_id {at_type} subst = containsTypeVariable var_id at_type subst
-instance contains_var Type
+instance containsTypeVariable Type
- contains_var var_id (TempV tv_number)
- = var_id == tv_number
- contains_var var_id (arg_type --> res_type)
- = contains_var var_id arg_type || contains_var var_id res_type
- contains_var var_id (TA cons_id cons_args)
- = contains_var var_id cons_args
- contains_var var_id (type :@: types)
- = contains_var var_id type || contains_var var_id types
- contains_var _ _
+ containsTypeVariable var_id (TempV tv_number) subst
+ # type = subst.[tv_number]
+ | isIndirection type
+ = containsTypeVariable var_id type subst
+ = tv_number == var_id
+ containsTypeVariable var_id (arg_type --> res_type) subst
+ = containsTypeVariable var_id arg_type subst || containsTypeVariable var_id res_type subst
+ containsTypeVariable var_id (TA cons_id cons_args) subst
+ = containsTypeVariable var_id cons_args subst
+ containsTypeVariable var_id (type :@: types) subst
+ = containsTypeVariable var_id type subst || containsTypeVariable var_id types subst
+ containsTypeVariable _ _ _
= False
-instance contains_var ConsVariable
+instance containsTypeVariable ConsVariable
- contains_var var_id (TempCV tv_number)
- = var_id == tv_number
- contains_var var_id _
+ containsTypeVariable var_id (TempCV tv_number) subst
+ # type = subst.[tv_number]
+ | isIndirection type
+ = containsTypeVariable var_id type subst
+ = tv_number == var_id
+ containsTypeVariable var_id _ _
= False
type_error =: "Type error"
@@ -447,20 +224,20 @@ tryToOptimizePosition (fun @ _)
tryToOptimizePosition _
= No
+isIndirection TE = False
+isIndirection type = True
class unify a :: !a !a !TypeInput !*{! Type} !*TypeHeaps -> (!Bool, !*{! Type}, !*TypeHeaps)
-instance unify (a, b) | unify, arraySubst a & unify, arraySubst b
+instance unify (a, b) | unify a & unify b
unify (t1x, t1y) (t2x, t2y) modules subst heaps
# (succ, subst, heaps) = unify t1y t2y modules subst heaps
| succ
- # (t1x, subst) = arraySubst t1x subst
- (t2x, subst) = arraySubst t2x subst
= unify t1x t2x modules subst heaps
= (False, subst, heaps)
-//instance unify [a] | unify, arraySubst a
-instance unify [a] | unify, arraySubst, arraySubst2 a
+instance unify [a] | unify a
unify [t1 : ts1] [t2 : ts2] modules subst heaps
= unify (t1,ts1) (t2,ts2) modules subst heaps
@@ -473,14 +250,25 @@ instance unify AType
unify t1 t2 modules subst heaps = unifyTypes t1.at_type t1.at_attribute t2.at_type t2.at_attribute modules subst heaps
unifyTypes :: !Type !TypeAttribute !Type !TypeAttribute !TypeInput !*{! Type} !*TypeHeaps -> (!Bool, !*{! Type}, !*TypeHeaps)
-unifyTypes (TempV tv_number1) attr1 tv=:(TempV tv_number2) attr2 modules subst heaps
- = unifyTempVarIds tv_number1 tv_number2 subst heaps
-unifyTypes tv=:(TempV tv_number) attr1 type attr2 modules subst heaps
- | contains_var tv_number type
- = (False, subst, heaps)
- = (True, { subst & [tv_number] = type}, heaps)
+unifyTypes tv=:(TempV tv_number) attr1 type2 attr2 modules subst heaps
+ # (type1, subst) = subst![tv_number]
+ | isIndirection type1
+ = unifyTypes type1 attr1 type2 attr2 modules subst heaps
+ # (succ, subst) = unify_variable_with_type tv_number type2 subst
+ = (succ, subst, heaps)
+ where
+ unify_variable_with_type tv_number1 tv=:(TempV tv_number2) subst
+ # (type2, subst) = subst![tv_number2]
+ | isIndirection type2
+ = unify_variable_with_type tv_number type2 subst
+ | tv_number1 == tv_number2
+ = (True, subst)
+ = (True, { subst & [tv_number1] = tv})
+ unify_variable_with_type tv_number type subst
+ | containsTypeVariable tv_number type subst
+ = (False, subst)
+ = (True, { subst & [tv_number] = type})
unifyTypes type attr1 tv=:(TempV _) attr2 modules subst heaps
= unifyTypes tv attr2 type attr1 modules subst heaps
unifyTypes t1=:(TB tb1) attr1 t2=:(TB tb2) attr2 modules subst heaps
@@ -492,17 +280,17 @@ unifyTypes (arg_type1 --> res_type1) attr1 (arg_type2 --> res_type2) attr2 modul
unifyTypes t1=:(TA cons_id1 cons_args1) attr1 t2=:(TA cons_id2 cons_args2) attr2 modules subst heaps
| cons_id1 == cons_id2
= unify cons_args1 cons_args2 modules subst heaps
- # (succ1, t1, heaps) = tryToExpand t1 attr1 modules heaps
- (succ2, t2, heaps) = tryToExpand t2 attr2 modules heaps
+ # (succ1, t1, heaps) = tryToExpand t1 attr1 modules.ti_common_defs heaps
+ (succ2, t2, heaps) = tryToExpand t2 attr2 modules.ti_common_defs heaps
| succ1 || succ2
= unifyTypes t1 attr1 t2 attr2 modules subst heaps
= (False, subst, heaps)
unifyTypes (cons_var :@: types) attr1 type2 attr2 modules subst heaps
- # (_, type2, heaps) = tryToExpand type2 attr2 modules heaps
- = unifyTypeApplications cons_var types type2 modules subst heaps
+ # (_, type2, heaps) = tryToExpand type2 attr2 modules.ti_common_defs heaps
+ = unifyTypeApplications cons_var attr1 types type2 attr2 modules subst heaps
unifyTypes type1 attr1 (cons_var :@: types) attr2 modules subst heaps
- # (_, type1, heaps) = tryToExpand type1 attr1 modules heaps
- = unifyTypeApplications cons_var types type1 modules subst heaps
+ # (_, type1, heaps) = tryToExpand type1 attr1 modules.ti_common_defs heaps
+ = unifyTypeApplications cons_var attr2 types type1 attr1 modules subst heaps
unifyTypes t1=:(TempQV qv_number1) attr1 t2=:(TempQV qv_number2) attr2 modules subst heaps
= (qv_number1 == qv_number2, subst, heaps)
unifyTypes (TempQV qv_number) attr1 type attr2 modules subst heaps
@@ -510,13 +298,14 @@ unifyTypes (TempQV qv_number) attr1 type attr2 modules subst heaps
unifyTypes type attr1 (TempQV qv_number1) attr2 modules subst heaps
= (False, subst, heaps)
unifyTypes type1 attr1 type2 attr2 modules subst heaps
- # (succ1, type1, heaps) = tryToExpand type1 attr1 modules heaps
- (succ2, type2, heaps) = tryToExpand type2 attr2 modules heaps
+ # (succ1, type1, heaps) = tryToExpand type1 attr1 modules.ti_common_defs heaps
+ (succ2, type2, heaps) = tryToExpand type2 attr2 modules.ti_common_defs heaps
| succ1 || succ2
= unifyTypes type1 attr1 type2 attr2 modules subst heaps
= (False, subst, heaps)
-tryToExpand type=:(TA {type_index={glob_object,glob_module}} type_args) type_attr {ti_common_defs} type_heaps
+tryToExpand :: !Type !TypeAttribute !{# CommonDefs} !*TypeHeaps -> (!Bool, !Type, !*TypeHeaps)
+tryToExpand type=:(TA {type_index={glob_object,glob_module}} type_args) type_attr ti_common_defs type_heaps
#! type_def = ti_common_defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
= case type_def.td_rhs of
SynType {at_type}
@@ -527,67 +316,95 @@ tryToExpand type=:(TA {type_index={glob_object,glob_module}} type_args) type_att
tryToExpand type type_attr modules type_heaps
= (False, type, type_heaps)
-unifyConsVariables (TempCV tv_number1) (TempCV tv_number2) subst heaps
- = unifyTempVarIds tv_number1 tv_number2 subst heaps
-unifyConsVariables (TempCV tv_number1) (TempQCV tv_number2) subst heaps
- = (True, { subst & [tv_number1] = TempQV tv_number2}, heaps)
-unifyConsVariables (TempQCV tv_number1) (TempCV tv_number2) subst heaps
- = (True, { subst & [tv_number2] = TempQV tv_number1}, heaps)
-unifyConsVariables (TempQCV tv_number1) (TempQCV tv_number2) subst heaps
- = (tv_number1 == tv_number2, subst, heaps)
-unifyTempVarIds tv_number1 tv_number2 subst heaps
- | tv_number1 == tv_number2
- = (True, subst, heaps)
- = (True, { subst & [tv_number1] = TempV tv_number2}, heaps)
-constructorVariableToTypeVariable (TempCV temp_var_id)
- = TempV temp_var_id
-constructorVariableToTypeVariable (TempQCV temp_var_id)
- = TempQV temp_var_id
-unifyTypeApplications cons_var type_args type=:(TA type_cons cons_args) modules subst heaps
+toTV is_exist temp_var_id
+ | is_exist
+ = TempQV temp_var_id
+ = TempV temp_var_id
+toCV is_exist temp_var_id
+ | is_exist
+ = TempQCV temp_var_id
+ = TempCV temp_var_id
+simplifyTypeApplication :: !Type ![AType] -> (!Bool, !Type)
+simplifyTypeApplication (TA type_cons=:{type_arity} cons_args) type_args
+ = (True, TA { type_cons & type_arity = type_arity + length type_args } (cons_args ++ type_args))
+simplifyTypeApplication (cons_var :@: types) type_args
+ = (True, cons_var :@: (types ++ type_args))
+simplifyTypeApplication (TempV tv_number) type_args
+ = (True, TempCV tv_number :@: type_args)
+simplifyTypeApplication (TempQV tv_number) type_args
+ = (True, TempQCV tv_number :@: type_args)
+simplifyTypeApplication type type_args
+ = (False, type)
+unifyTypeApplications (TempCV tv_number) attr1 type_args type2 attr2 modules subst heaps
+ # (type1, subst) = subst![tv_number]
+ | isIndirection type1
+ # (ok, simplified_type) = simplifyTypeApplication type1 type_args
+ | ok
+ = unifyTypes simplified_type attr1 type2 attr2 modules subst heaps
+ = (False, subst, heaps)
+ = unifyCVwithType False tv_number type_args type2 modules subst heaps
+unifyTypeApplications (TempQCV tv_number) attr1 type_args type2 attr2 modules subst heaps
+ = unifyCVwithType True tv_number type_args type2 modules subst heaps
+unifyCVwithType is_exist tv_number1 type_args1 type=:(cv :@: type_args2) modules subst heaps
+ = case cv of
+ TempCV tv_number2
+ # (type2, subst) = subst![tv_number2]
+ | isIndirection type2
+ # (ok, simplified_type) = simplifyTypeApplication type2 type_args2
+ | ok
+ -> unifyCVwithType is_exist tv_number1 type_args1 simplified_type modules subst heaps
+ -> (False, subst, heaps)
+ -> unifyCVApplicationwithCVApplication is_exist tv_number1 type_args1 False tv_number2 type_args2 modules subst heaps
+ TempQCV tv_number2
+ -> unifyCVApplicationwithCVApplication is_exist tv_number1 type_args1 True tv_number2 type_args2 modules subst heaps
+unifyCVwithType is_exist tv_number type_args type=:(TA type_cons cons_args) modules subst heaps
# diff = type_cons.type_arity - length type_args
| diff >= 0
# (succ, subst, heaps) = unify type_args (drop diff cons_args) modules subst heaps
| succ
- # (rest_args, subst) = arraySubst (take diff cons_args) subst
- = unifyTypes (constructorVariableToTypeVariable cons_var) TA_Multi (TA { type_cons & type_arity = diff } rest_args) TA_Multi modules subst heaps
+ = unifyTypes (toTV is_exist tv_number) TA_Multi (TA { type_cons & type_arity = diff } (take diff cons_args)) TA_Multi modules subst heaps
= (False, subst, heaps)
= (False, subst, heaps)
-unifyTypeApplications cons_var1 type_args type=:(cons_var2 :@: types) modules subst heaps
- # arity1 = length type_args
- arity2 = length types
+unifyCVwithType is_exist tv_number type_args type modules subst heaps
+ = (False, subst, heaps)
+unifyCVApplicationwithCVApplication is_exist1 tv_number1 type_args1 is_exist2 tv_number2 type_args2 modules subst heaps
+ # arity1 = length type_args1
+ arity2 = length type_args2
diff = arity1 - arity2
| diff == 0
- # (succ, subst, heaps) = unifyConsVariables cons_var1 cons_var2 subst heaps
+ # (succ, subst) = unify_cv_with_cv is_exist1 tv_number1 is_exist2 tv_number2 subst
| succ
- # (type_args, subst) = arraySubst type_args subst
- (types, subst) = arraySubst types subst
- = unify type_args types modules subst heaps
+ = unify type_args1 type_args2 modules subst heaps
= (False, subst, heaps)
| diff < 0
# diff = 0 - diff
- (succ, subst, heaps) = unifyTypes (constructorVariableToTypeVariable cons_var1) TA_Multi (cons_var2 :@: take diff types) TA_Multi modules subst heaps
+ (succ, subst, heaps) = unifyTypes (toTV is_exist1 tv_number1) TA_Multi (toCV is_exist2 tv_number2 :@: take diff type_args2) TA_Multi modules subst heaps
| succ
- # (type_args, subst) = arraySubst type_args subst
- (types, subst) = arraySubst (drop diff types) subst
- = unify type_args types modules subst heaps
+ = unify type_args1 (drop diff type_args2) modules subst heaps
= (False, subst, heaps)
// | otherwise
- # (succ, subst, heaps) = unifyTypes (cons_var1 :@: take diff type_args) TA_Multi (constructorVariableToTypeVariable cons_var2) TA_Multi modules subst heaps
+ # (succ, subst, heaps) = unifyTypes (toCV is_exist1 tv_number1 :@: take diff type_args1) TA_Multi (toTV is_exist2 tv_number2) TA_Multi modules subst heaps
| succ
- # (type_args, subst) = arraySubst (drop diff type_args) subst
- (types, subst) = arraySubst types subst
- = unify type_args types modules subst heaps
+ = unify (drop diff type_args1) type_args2 modules subst heaps
= (False, subst, heaps)
-unifyTypeApplications cons_var type_args type modules subst heaps
- = (False, subst, heaps)
-:: CopyState =
- { copy_heaps :: !.TypeHeaps
- }
+ where
+ unify_cv_with_cv is_exist1 tv_number1 is_exist2 tv_number2 subst
+ | tv_number1 == tv_number2
+ = (True, subst)
+ | is_exist1
+ | is_exist2
+ = (False, subst)
+ = (True, { subst & [tv_number2] = TempQV tv_number1})
+ | is_exist2
+ = (True, { subst & [tv_number1] = TempQV tv_number2})
+ = (True, { subst & [tv_number1] = TempV tv_number2})
instance fromInt TypeAttribute
@@ -595,25 +412,12 @@ where
fromInt AttrMulti = TA_Multi
fromInt av_number = TA_TempVar av_number
-class freshCopy a :: !a !*CopyState -> (!a, !*CopyState)
+class freshCopy a :: !a !*TypeHeaps -> (!a, !*TypeHeaps)
instance freshCopy [a] | freshCopy a
freshCopy l ls = mapSt freshCopy l ls
-cDoExtendAttrEnv :== True
-cDontExtendAttrEnv :== False
-freshCopies :: !Bool ![a] !{# CommonDefs } !*CopyState -> (![a], !*CopyState) | freshCopy a
-freshCopies extend_env [] modules cs
- = ([], [], cs)
-freshCopies extend_env [t:ts] modules cs
- # (t, prop, cs) = freshCopy extend_env t modules cs
- (ts, props, cs) = freshCopies extend_env ts modules cs
- = ([t:ts], [prop:props], cs)
freshCopyOfAttributeVar {av_name,av_info_ptr} attr_var_heap
# (av_info, attr_var_heap) = readPtr av_info_ptr attr_var_heap
= case av_info of
@@ -642,10 +446,9 @@ freshCopyOfTypeAttribute attr attr_var_heap
cIsExistential :== True
cIsNotExistential :== False
-freshCopyOfTypeVariable {tv_name,tv_info_ptr} cs=:{copy_heaps}
- # (TVI_Type fresh_var, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr copy_heaps.th_vars
-// = (fresh_var, { cs & copy_heaps.th_vars = th_vars } ) // 2.0
- = (fresh_var, { cs & copy_heaps = { copy_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }})
+freshCopyOfTypeVariable {tv_name,tv_info_ptr} type_heaps=:{th_vars}
+ # (TVI_Type fresh_var, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
+ = (fresh_var, { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars })
freshConsVariable {tv_info_ptr} type_var_heap
# (tv_info, type_var_heap) = readPtr tv_info_ptr type_var_heap
@@ -658,29 +461,41 @@ freshConsVariable {tv_info_ptr} type_var_heap
instance freshCopy AType
- freshCopy type=:{at_type = CV tv :@: types, at_attribute} cs=:{copy_heaps}
- # (fresh_cons_var, th_vars) = freshConsVariable tv copy_heaps.th_vars
- (fresh_attribute, th_attrs) = freshCopyOfTypeAttribute at_attribute copy_heaps.th_attrs
- (types, cs) = freshCopy types { cs & copy_heaps = { copy_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs, th_vars = th_vars }}
- = ({type & at_type = fresh_cons_var :@: types, at_attribute = fresh_attribute }, cs)
- freshCopy type=:{at_type, at_attribute} cs=:{copy_heaps}
- # (fresh_attribute, th_attrs) = freshCopyOfTypeAttribute at_attribute copy_heaps.th_attrs
- (fresh_type, cs) = freshCopy at_type { cs & copy_heaps = { copy_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }}
- = ({ type & at_type = fresh_type, at_attribute = fresh_attribute }, cs)
+ freshCopy type=:{at_type = CV tv :@: types, at_attribute} type_heaps=:{th_vars,th_attrs}
+ # (fresh_cons_var, th_vars) = freshConsVariable tv th_vars
+ (fresh_attribute, th_attrs) = freshCopyOfTypeAttribute at_attribute th_attrs
+ (types, type_heaps) = freshCopy types { type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs, th_vars = th_vars }
+ = ({type & at_type = fresh_cons_var :@: types, at_attribute = fresh_attribute }, type_heaps)
+ freshCopy type=:{at_type, at_attribute} type_heaps=:{th_attrs}
+ # (fresh_attribute, th_attrs) = freshCopyOfTypeAttribute at_attribute th_attrs
+ (fresh_type, type_heaps) = freshCopy at_type { type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }
+ = ({ type & at_type = fresh_type, at_attribute = fresh_attribute }, type_heaps)
instance freshCopy Type
- freshCopy (TV tv) cs=:{copy_heaps}
- = freshCopyOfTypeVariable tv cs
- freshCopy (TA cons_id=:{type_index={glob_object,glob_module}} cons_args) cs
- # (cons_args, cs) = freshCopy cons_args cs
- = (TA cons_id cons_args, cs)
- freshCopy (arg_type --> res_type) cs
- # (arg_type, cs) = freshCopy arg_type cs
- (res_type, cs) = freshCopy res_type cs
- = (arg_type --> res_type, cs)
- freshCopy type cs
- = (type, cs)
+ freshCopy (TV tv) type_heaps
+ = freshCopyOfTypeVariable tv type_heaps
+ freshCopy (TA cons_id=:{type_index={glob_object,glob_module}} cons_args) type_heaps
+ # (cons_args, type_heaps) = freshCopy cons_args type_heaps
+ = (TA cons_id cons_args, type_heaps)
+ freshCopy (arg_type --> res_type) type_heaps
+ # (arg_type, type_heaps) = freshCopy arg_type type_heaps
+ (res_type, type_heaps) = freshCopy res_type type_heaps
+ = (arg_type --> res_type, type_heaps)
+ freshCopy (TFA vars type) type_heaps
+ # type_heaps = foldSt bind_var_and_attr vars type_heaps
+ (type, type_heaps) = freshCopy type type_heaps
+ = (TFA vars type, type_heaps)
+ where
+ bind_var_and_attr {atv_attribute, atv_variable = tv=:{tv_info_ptr}} type_heaps=:{th_vars,th_attrs}
+ = { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Type (TV tv)), th_attrs = bind_attr atv_attribute th_attrs }
+ where
+ bind_attr var=:(TA_Var {av_info_ptr}) attr_heap
+ = attr_heap <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Attr var)
+ bind_attr attr attr_heap
+ = attr_heap
+ freshCopy type type_heaps
+ = (type, type_heaps)
freshExistentialVariables type_variables state
= foldSt fresh_existential_variable type_variables state
@@ -688,32 +503,38 @@ where
fresh_existential_variable {atv_variable={tv_info_ptr}} (var_heap, var_store)
= (var_heap <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Type (TempQV var_store)), inc var_store)
+freshUniversalVariables type_variables state
+ = foldSt fresh_universal_variable type_variables state
+ fresh_universal_variable {atv_variable={tv_info_ptr}} (var_heap, var_store)
+ = (var_heap <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Type (TempQV var_store)), inc var_store)
freshAlgebraicType :: !(Global Int) ![AlgebraicPattern] !{#CommonDefs} !*TypeState -> (![[AType]],!AType,![AttrCoercion],!*TypeState)
freshAlgebraicType {glob_module, glob_object} patterns common_defs ts=:{ts_var_store,ts_attr_store,ts_type_heaps,ts_td_infos}
# {td_rhs,td_args,td_attrs,td_name,td_attribute} = common_defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
# (th_vars, ts_var_store) = fresh_type_variables td_args (ts_type_heaps.th_vars, ts_var_store)
(th_attrs, ts_attr_store) = fresh_attributes td_attrs (ts_type_heaps.th_attrs, ts_attr_store)
- copy_heaps = { ts_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }
- (cons_types, alg_type, ts_var_store, attr_env, copy_heaps)
- = fresh_symbol_types patterns common_defs.[glob_module].com_cons_defs ts_var_store copy_heaps
- = (cons_types, alg_type, attr_env, { ts & ts_var_store = ts_var_store, ts_attr_store = ts_attr_store, ts_type_heaps = copy_heaps })
+ type_heaps = { ts_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }
+ (cons_types, alg_type, ts_var_store, attr_env, type_heaps)
+ = fresh_symbol_types patterns common_defs.[glob_module].com_cons_defs ts_var_store type_heaps
+ = (cons_types, alg_type, attr_env, { ts & ts_var_store = ts_var_store, ts_attr_store = ts_attr_store, ts_type_heaps = type_heaps })
// ---> ("freshAlgebraicType", alg_type, cons_types)
- fresh_symbol_types [{ap_symbol={glob_object}}] cons_defs var_store copy_heaps
+ fresh_symbol_types [{ap_symbol={glob_object}}] cons_defs var_store type_heaps
# {cons_type = {st_args,st_attr_env,st_result}, cons_index, cons_exi_vars} = cons_defs.[glob_object.ds_index]
- (th_vars, var_store) = freshExistentialVariables cons_exi_vars (copy_heaps.th_vars, var_store)
- (attr_env, th_attrs) = fresh_environment st_attr_env ([], copy_heaps.th_attrs)
- (result_type, cs) = freshCopy st_result { copy_heaps = { copy_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs, th_vars = th_vars } }
- (fresh_args, cs) = freshCopy st_args cs
- = ([fresh_args], result_type, var_store, attr_env, cs.copy_heaps)
- fresh_symbol_types [{ap_symbol={glob_object}} : patterns] cons_defs var_store copy_heaps
- # (cons_types, result_type, var_store, attr_env, copy_heaps)
- = fresh_symbol_types patterns cons_defs var_store copy_heaps
+ (th_vars, var_store) = freshExistentialVariables cons_exi_vars (type_heaps.th_vars, var_store)
+ (attr_env, th_attrs) = fresh_environment st_attr_env ([], type_heaps.th_attrs)
+ (result_type, type_heaps) = freshCopy st_result { type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs, th_vars = th_vars }
+ (fresh_args, type_heaps) = freshCopy st_args type_heaps
+ = ([fresh_args], result_type, var_store, attr_env, type_heaps)
+ fresh_symbol_types [{ap_symbol={glob_object}} : patterns] cons_defs var_store type_heaps
+ # (cons_types, result_type, var_store, attr_env, type_heaps)
+ = fresh_symbol_types patterns cons_defs var_store type_heaps
{cons_type = {st_args,st_attr_env}, cons_index, cons_exi_vars} = cons_defs.[glob_object.ds_index]
- (th_vars, var_store) = freshExistentialVariables cons_exi_vars (copy_heaps.th_vars, var_store)
- (attr_env, th_attrs) = fresh_environment st_attr_env (attr_env, copy_heaps.th_attrs)
- (fresh_args, cs) = freshCopy st_args { copy_heaps = { copy_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs, th_vars = th_vars }}
- = ([fresh_args : cons_types], result_type, var_store, attr_env, cs.copy_heaps)
+ (th_vars, var_store) = freshExistentialVariables cons_exi_vars (type_heaps.th_vars, var_store)
+ (attr_env, th_attrs) = fresh_environment st_attr_env (attr_env, type_heaps.th_attrs)
+ (fresh_args, type_heaps) = freshCopy st_args { type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs, th_vars = th_vars }
+ = ([fresh_args : cons_types], result_type, var_store, attr_env, type_heaps)
fresh_type_variables type_variables state
@@ -751,16 +572,16 @@ cWithoutFreshContextVars :== False
freshSymbolType :: !Bool !SymbolType {#u:CommonDefs} !*TypeState -> (!TempSymbolType,![Int],!*TypeState)
freshSymbolType fresh_context_vars st=:{st_vars,st_args,st_result,st_context,st_attr_vars,st_attr_env,st_arity} common_defs
- # (th_vars, ts_var_store) = fresh_type_variables st_vars (ts_type_heaps.th_vars, ts_var_store)
+ # (th_vars, ts_var_store) = fresh_type_variables st_vars (ts_type_heaps.th_vars, ts_var_store)
(th_attrs, ts_attr_store) = fresh_attributes st_attr_vars (ts_type_heaps.th_attrs, ts_attr_store)
(attr_env, th_attrs) = freshEnvironment st_attr_env th_attrs
- cs = { copy_heaps = { ts_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }}
- (tst_args, cs) = freshCopy st_args cs
- (tst_result, cs) = freshCopy st_result cs
- (tst_context, ({copy_heaps}, ts_var_heap)) = freshTypeContexts fresh_context_vars st_context (cs, ts_var_heap)
+ type_heaps = { ts_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }
+ (tst_args, type_heaps) = freshCopy st_args type_heaps
+ (tst_result, type_heaps) = freshCopy st_result type_heaps
+ (tst_context, (type_heaps, ts_var_heap)) = freshTypeContexts fresh_context_vars st_context (type_heaps, ts_var_heap)
cons_variables = foldSt (collect_cons_variables_in_tc common_defs) tst_context []
= ({ tst_args = tst_args, tst_result = tst_result, tst_context = tst_context, tst_attr_env = attr_env, tst_arity = st_arity, tst_lifted = 0 }, cons_variables,
- { ts & ts_var_store = ts_var_store, ts_attr_store = ts_attr_store, ts_type_heaps = copy_heaps, ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap})
+ { ts & ts_var_store = ts_var_store, ts_attr_store = ts_attr_store, ts_type_heaps = type_heaps, ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap})
//---> ("freshSymbolType", st, tst_args, tst_result, tst_context)
fresh_type_variables :: .[TypeVar] *(*Heap TypeVarInfo,.Int) -> (!.Heap TypeVarInfo,!Int);
@@ -815,19 +636,19 @@ freshEnvironment [] attr_heap
freshTypeContexts fresh_context_vars tcs cs_and_var_heap
= mapSt (fresh_type_context fresh_context_vars) tcs cs_and_var_heap
- fresh_type_context fresh_context_vars tc=:{tc_types} (cs, var_heap)
- # (tc_types, cs) = mapSt fresh_context_type tc_types cs
+ fresh_type_context fresh_context_vars tc=:{tc_types} (type_heaps, var_heap)
+ # (tc_types, type_heaps) = mapSt fresh_context_type tc_types type_heaps
| fresh_context_vars
# (new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
- = ({ tc & tc_types = tc_types, tc_var = new_info_ptr }, (cs, var_heap))
- = ({ tc & tc_types = tc_types}, (cs, var_heap))
+ = ({ tc & tc_types = tc_types, tc_var = new_info_ptr }, (type_heaps, var_heap))
+ = ({ tc & tc_types = tc_types}, (type_heaps, var_heap))
- fresh_context_type (CV tv :@: types) cs=:{copy_heaps}
- # (fresh_cons_var, th_vars) = freshConsVariable tv copy_heaps.th_vars
- (types, cs) = freshCopy types { cs & copy_heaps = { copy_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}
- = (fresh_cons_var :@: types, cs)
- fresh_context_type type cs
- = freshCopy type cs
+ fresh_context_type (CV tv :@: types) type_heaps=:{th_vars}
+ # (fresh_cons_var, th_vars) = freshConsVariable tv th_vars
+ (types, type_heaps) = freshCopy types { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }
+ = (fresh_cons_var :@: types, type_heaps)
+ fresh_context_type type type_heaps
+ = freshCopy type type_heaps
freshAttributedVariable :: !u:TypeState -> (!AType, !u:TypeState)
freshAttributedVariable ts=:{ts_var_store,ts_attr_store}
@@ -1125,12 +946,25 @@ where
requirements ti {var_name,var_info_ptr,var_expr_ptr} (reqs, ts)
# (var_info, ts_var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr ts.ts_var_heap
ts = { ts & ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap }
- = (case var_info of
+ = case var_info of
VI_Type type _
- -> type
- _
+ -> (type, Yes var_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts))
+ VI_FAType vars type
+ # ts = foldSt bind_var_and_attr vars ts
+ (type, ts_type_heaps) = freshCopy type ts.ts_type_heaps
+ -> (type, Yes var_expr_ptr, (reqs, { ts & ts_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps }))
+ _
-> abort "requirements BoundVar " // ---> (var_name <<- var_info))
- , Yes var_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts))
+ where
+ bind_var_and_attr {atv_attribute, atv_variable = {tv_info_ptr}} ts=:{ts_var_store, ts_type_heaps}
+ = { ts & ts_var_store = inc ts_var_store, ts_type_heaps =
+ { ts_type_heaps & th_vars = ts_type_heaps.th_vars <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Type (TempQV ts_var_store)),
+ th_attrs = bind_attr atv_attribute ts_type_heaps.th_attrs }}
+ where
+ bind_attr (TA_Var {av_info_ptr}) attr_heap
+ = attr_heap <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Attr TA_TempExVar)
+ bind_attr attr attr_heap
+ = attr_heap
instance requirements App
@@ -1388,7 +1222,7 @@ where
= case result_type_symb of
Yes {glob_object={ds_ident,ds_index,ds_arity}, glob_module}
# (var, ts) = freshAttributedVariable ts
- (_,result_type, (reqs, ts)) = requirementsOfSelectors ti No expr selectors False var expr (reqs, ts)
+ (_, result_type, (reqs, ts)) = requirementsOfSelectors ti No expr selectors False var expr (reqs, ts)
tuple_type = MakeTypeSymbIdent { glob_object = ds_index, glob_module = glob_module } ds_ident ds_arity
non_unique_type_var = { at_attribute = TA_Multi, at_annotation = AN_None, at_type = TempV ts.ts_var_store }
@@ -1399,7 +1233,7 @@ where
-> (result_type, No, ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = req_type_coercions },
{ts & ts_var_store = inc ts.ts_var_store, ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute opt_expr_ptr TA_Multi ts.ts_expr_heap}))
- # (_,result_type, reqs_ts) = requirementsOfSelectors ti No expr selectors True expr_type expr (reqs, ts)
+ # (_, result_type, reqs_ts) = requirementsOfSelectors ti No expr selectors True expr_type expr (reqs, ts)
-> (result_type, opt_expr_ptr, reqs_ts)
requirements ti (Update composite_expr selectors elem_expr) reqs_ts
# (composite_expr_type, opt_composite_expr_ptr, reqs_ts) = requirements ti composite_expr reqs_ts
@@ -1473,6 +1307,7 @@ where
requirements _ expr reqs_ts
= (abort ("Error in requirements\n" ---> expr), No, reqs_ts)
requirementsOfSelectors ti opt_expr expr [selector] tc_coercible sel_expr_type sel_expr reqs_ts
= requirementsOfSelector ti opt_expr expr selector tc_coercible sel_expr_type sel_expr reqs_ts
requirementsOfSelectors ti opt_expr expr [selector : selectors] tc_coercible sel_expr_type sel_expr reqs_ts
@@ -1535,25 +1370,28 @@ possibly_accumulate_reqs_in_new_group position state_transition reqs_ts
makeBase _ _ [] [] ts_var_heap
= ts_var_heap
-makeBase fun_or_cons_ident arg_nr [{fv_name, fv_info_ptr}:vars] [type:types] ts_var_heap
- # optional_position = if (is_rare_name fv_name) (Yes (CP_FunArg fun_or_cons_ident arg_nr)) No
- ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Type type optional_position)
- = makeBase fun_or_cons_ident (arg_nr+1) vars types ts_var_heap
+makeBase fun_or_cons_ident arg_nr [{fv_name, fv_info_ptr} : vars] [type : types] ts_var_heap
+ | is_rare_name fv_name
+ = makeBase fun_or_cons_ident (arg_nr+1) vars types (bind_type fv_info_ptr type (Yes (CP_FunArg fun_or_cons_ident arg_nr)) ts_var_heap)
+ = makeBase fun_or_cons_ident (arg_nr+1) vars types (bind_type fv_info_ptr type No ts_var_heap)
+ where
+ bind_type info_ptr atype=:{at_type = TFA atvs type} _ ts_var_heap
+ = ts_var_heap <:= (info_ptr, VI_FAType atvs { atype & at_type = type})
+ bind_type info_ptr type optional_position ts_var_heap
+ = ts_var_heap <:= (info_ptr, VI_Type type optional_position)
attributedBasicType (BT_String string_type) ts=:{ts_attr_store}
= ({ at_annotation = AN_None, at_attribute = TA_TempVar ts_attr_store, at_type = string_type}, {ts & ts_attr_store = inc ts_attr_store})
attributedBasicType bas_type ts=:{ts_attr_store}
= ({ at_annotation = AN_None, at_attribute = TA_TempVar ts_attr_store, at_type = TB bas_type}, {ts & ts_attr_store = inc ts_attr_store})
unify_coercions [{tc_demanded,tc_offered,tc_position}:coercions] modules subst heaps err
- # (subst, heaps, err) = unify_coercions coercions modules subst heaps err
- (subst_demanded, subst) = arraySubst tc_demanded subst
- (subst_offered, subst) = arraySubst tc_offered subst
- (succ, subst, heaps) = unify subst_demanded subst_offered modules subst heaps
+ # (succ, subst, heaps) = unify tc_demanded tc_offered modules subst heaps
| succ
- = (subst, heaps, err)
- = (subst, heaps, cannotUnify subst_demanded subst_offered tc_position err)
+ = unify_coercions coercions modules subst heaps err
+ # (_, subst_demanded, subst) = arraySubst tc_demanded subst
+ (_, subst_offered, subst) = arraySubst tc_offered subst
+ = (subst, heaps, cannotUnify subst_demanded subst_offered tc_position err)
unify_coercions [] modules subst heaps err
= (subst, heaps, err)
@@ -1633,12 +1471,12 @@ where
# (dyn_info, expr_heap) = readPtr dyn_ptr expr_heap
= case dyn_info of
EI_Dynamic opt_dyn_type=:(Yes {dt_uni_vars,dt_type,dt_global_vars}) _
- # (th_vars, var_store) = fresh_existential_attributed_variables dt_uni_vars (type_heaps.th_vars, var_store)
- (th_vars, var_store) = fresh_type_variables dt_global_vars (th_vars, var_store)
- (tdt_type, {copy_heaps}) = freshCopy dt_type { copy_heaps = { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}
+ # (th_vars, var_store) = fresh_existential_attributed_variables dt_uni_vars (type_heaps.th_vars, var_store)
+ (th_vars, var_store) = fresh_type_variables dt_global_vars (th_vars, var_store)
+ (tdt_type, type_heaps) = freshCopy dt_type { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }
(contexts, expr_ptr, type_code_symbol, (var_heap, expr_heap, type_var_heap, predef_symbols))
- = determine_context_and_expr_ptr dt_global_vars (var_heap, expr_heap, copy_heaps.th_vars, predef_symbols)
- -> (var_store, { copy_heaps & th_vars = type_var_heap }, var_heap,
+ = determine_context_and_expr_ptr dt_global_vars (var_heap, expr_heap, type_heaps.th_vars, predef_symbols)
+ -> (var_store, { type_heaps & th_vars = type_var_heap }, var_heap,
expr_heap <:= (dyn_ptr, EI_TempDynamicType opt_dyn_type tdt_type contexts expr_ptr type_code_symbol), predef_symbols)
EI_Dynamic No _
# fresh_var = TempV var_store
@@ -1657,10 +1495,10 @@ where
EI_DynamicTypeWithVars loc_type_vars dt=:{dt_type,dt_global_vars} loc_dynamics
# (fresh_vars, (th_vars, var_store)) = fresh_existential_variables loc_type_vars (type_heaps.th_vars, var_store)
(th_vars, var_store) = fresh_type_variables dt_global_vars (th_vars, var_store)
- (tdt_type, {copy_heaps}) = freshCopy dt_type { copy_heaps = { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}
+ (tdt_type, type_heaps) = freshCopy dt_type { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }
(contexts, expr_ptr, type_code_symbol, (var_heap, expr_heap, type_var_heap, predef_symbols))
- = determine_context_and_expr_ptr dt_global_vars (var_heap, expr_heap, copy_heaps.th_vars, predef_symbols)
- -> fresh_local_dynamics loc_dynamics (var_store, { copy_heaps & th_vars = type_var_heap }, var_heap,
+ = determine_context_and_expr_ptr dt_global_vars (var_heap, expr_heap, type_heaps.th_vars, predef_symbols)
+ -> fresh_local_dynamics loc_dynamics (var_store, { type_heaps & th_vars = type_var_heap }, var_heap,
expr_heap <:= (dyn_ptr, EI_TempDynamicPattern loc_type_vars dt loc_dynamics fresh_vars tdt_type contexts expr_ptr type_code_symbol), predef_symbols)
fresh_local_dynamics loc_dynamics state
@@ -1856,9 +1694,6 @@ typeProgram ::!{! Group} !Int !*{# FunDef} !IndexRange !(Optional Bool) !Common
-> (!Bool, !*{# FunDef}, !IndexRange, {! GlobalTCType}, !{# CommonDefs}, !{# {# FunType} }, !*TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*File, !*File)
typeProgram comps main_dcl_module_n fun_defs specials list_inferred_types icl_defs imports modules used_module_numbers td_infos heaps=:{hp_var_heap, hp_expression_heap, hp_type_heaps} predef_symbols file out dcl_modules
-//typeProgram ::!{! Group} !Int !*{# FunDef} !IndexRange !(Optional Bool) !CommonDefs ![Declaration] !{# DclModule} !NumberSet !*Heaps !*PredefinedSymbols !*File !*File !{# DclModule}
-// -> (!Bool, !*{# FunDef}, !IndexRange, {! GlobalTCType}, !{# CommonDefs}, !{# {# FunType} }, !.TypeDefInfos, !*Heaps, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*File, !*File)
-//typeProgram comps main_dcl_module_n fun_defs specials list_inferred_types icl_defs imports modules used_module_numbers heaps=:{hp_var_heap, hp_expression_heap, hp_type_heaps} predef_symbols file out dcl_modules
#! fun_env_size = size fun_defs
# ts_error = {ea_file = file, ea_loc = [], ea_ok = True }
@@ -2007,7 +1842,7 @@ where
{ ts & ts_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps, ts_error = { ts_error & ea_ok = True }, ts_var_store = 0, ts_attr_store = FirstAttrVar})
# {ts_attr_store,ts_var_heap,ts_var_store,ts_expr_heap,ts_td_infos} = ts
(cons_var_vects, subst) = determine_cons_variables cons_variables (createArray (inc (BITINDEX nr_of_type_variables)) 0, subst)
- (subst, nr_of_attr_vars, th_vars, ts_td_infos) = liftSubstitution subst ti_common_defs cons_var_vects ts_attr_store ts_type_heaps.th_vars ts_td_infos
+ (subst, nr_of_attr_vars, ts_type_heaps, ts_td_infos) = liftSubstitution subst ti_common_defs cons_var_vects ts_attr_store ts_type_heaps ts_td_infos
coer_demanded ={{ CT_Empty \\ i <- [0 .. nr_of_attr_vars - 1] } & [AttrUni] = CT_Unique }
coer_offered = {{ CT_Empty \\ i <- [0 .. nr_of_attr_vars - 1] } & [AttrMulti] = CT_NonUnique }
coercion_env = build_initial_coercion_env fun_reqs {coer_demanded = coer_demanded, coer_offered = coer_offered }
@@ -2015,7 +1850,7 @@ where
(contexts, coercion_env, local_pattern_variables, dict_types,
{ os_type_heaps, os_var_heap, os_symbol_heap, os_predef_symbols, os_special_instances, os_error })
= tryToSolveOverloading over_info main_dcl_module_n ti_common_defs class_instances coercion_env
- { os_type_heaps = {ts_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars}, os_var_heap = ts_var_heap, os_symbol_heap = ts_expr_heap,
+ { os_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps, os_var_heap = ts_var_heap, os_symbol_heap = ts_expr_heap,
os_predef_symbols = predef_symbols, os_error = ts_error, os_special_instances = special_instances } modules
| not os_error.ea_ok
= (True, fun_defs, os_predef_symbols, os_special_instances, create_erroneous_function_types comp { ts & ts_type_heaps = os_type_heaps,
@@ -2169,7 +2004,7 @@ where
= (calls, subst_and_heap)
collect_and_expand_overloaded_calls [{ fe_context=Yes context, fe_requirements={req_overloaded_calls,req_case_and_let_exprs}, fe_location, fe_index}:reqs] calls (subst, expr_heap)
- # (context, subst) = arraySubst context subst
+ # (_, context, subst) = arraySubst context subst
subst_expr_heap = expand_case_or_let_types req_case_and_let_exprs (subst, expr_heap)
= collect_and_expand_overloaded_calls reqs [(Yes context, req_overloaded_calls, fe_location, fe_index) : calls]
(foldSt expand_type_contexts req_overloaded_calls subst_expr_heap)
@@ -2180,8 +2015,10 @@ where
expand_type_contexts over_info_ptr (subst, expr_heap)
# (EI_Overloaded info, expr_heap) = readPtr over_info_ptr expr_heap
- (oc_context, subst) = arraySubst info.oc_context subst
- = (subst, expr_heap <:= (over_info_ptr, EI_Overloaded { info & oc_context = oc_context })) //---> oc_context
+ (changed, oc_context, subst) = arraySubst info.oc_context subst
+ | changed
+ = (subst, expr_heap <:= (over_info_ptr, EI_Overloaded { info & oc_context = oc_context }))
+ = (subst, expr_heap)
expand_case_or_let_types info_ptrs subst_expr_heap
= foldSt expand_case_or_let_type info_ptrs subst_expr_heap
@@ -2189,21 +2026,25 @@ where
expand_case_or_let_type info_ptr (subst, expr_heap)
= case (readPtr info_ptr expr_heap) of
(EI_CaseType case_type, expr_heap)
- # (case_type, subst) = arraySubst case_type subst
- -> (subst, expr_heap <:= (info_ptr, EI_CaseType case_type))
+ # (changed, case_type, subst) = arraySubst case_type subst
+ | changed
+ -> (subst, expr_heap <:= (info_ptr, EI_CaseType case_type))
+ -> (subst, expr_heap)
(EI_LetType let_type, expr_heap)
- # (let_type, subst) = arraySubst let_type subst
- -> (subst, expr_heap <:= (info_ptr, EI_LetType let_type))
+ # (changed, let_type, subst) = arraySubst let_type subst
+ | changed
+ -> (subst, expr_heap <:= (info_ptr, EI_LetType let_type))
+ -> (subst, expr_heap)
expand_function_types :: ![Int] !*{!Type} *{! FunctionType} -> (!*{!Type}, *{! FunctionType})
expand_function_types [fun : funs] subst ts_fun_env
# (fun_type, ts_fun_env) = ts_fun_env![fun]
= case fun_type of
UncheckedType tst
- # (exp_tst, subst) = arraySubst tst subst
+ # (_, exp_tst, subst) = arraySubst tst subst
-> expand_function_types funs subst { ts_fun_env & [fun] = UncheckedType exp_tst}
SpecifiedType ft _ tst
- # (exp_tst, subst) = arraySubst tst subst
+ # (_, exp_tst, subst) = arraySubst tst subst
-> expand_function_types funs subst { ts_fun_env & [fun] = ExpandedType ft tst exp_tst}
expand_function_types [] subst ts_fun_env
= (subst, ts_fun_env)
diff --git a/frontend/type_io.dcl b/frontend/type_io.dcl
index 5c92fbd..aefe9f7 100644
--- a/frontend/type_io.dcl
+++ b/frontend/type_io.dcl
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ where
instance WriteTypeInfo CommonDefs, Char, [a] | WriteTypeInfo a
-instance WriteTypeInfo String
+instance WriteTypeInfo {#b} | Array {#} b & WriteTypeInfo b
diff --git a/frontend/type_io.icl b/frontend/type_io.icl
index 43bcc98..d06c040 100644
--- a/frontend/type_io.icl
+++ b/frontend/type_io.icl
@@ -386,18 +386,6 @@ where
= write_type_info type_arity tcl_file wtis
= (tcl_file,wtis)
-instance WriteTypeInfo String
- write_type_info s tcl_file wtis
- # tcl_file
- = fwritei (size s) tcl_file
- = (fwrites s tcl_file,wtis)
- // warning:
- // Should be identical to the code in Ident
// basic and structural write_type_info's
instance WriteTypeInfo Int
@@ -409,7 +397,7 @@ where
instance WriteTypeInfo {#b} | select_u, size_u, WriteTypeInfo b
-instance WriteTypeInfo {#b} | WriteTypeInfo b & Array {#} b
+instance WriteTypeInfo {#b} | Array {#} b & WriteTypeInfo b
write_type_info unboxed_array tcl_file wtis
diff --git a/frontend/typesupport.icl b/frontend/typesupport.icl
index e9b8b9d..acf4822 100644
--- a/frontend/typesupport.icl
+++ b/frontend/typesupport.icl
@@ -207,10 +207,6 @@ errorHeading error_kind err=:{ea_file,ea_loc = []}
errorHeading error_kind err=:{ea_file,ea_loc = [ loc : _ ]}
= { err & ea_file = ea_file <<< error_kind <<< ' ' <<< loc <<< ':', ea_ok = False }
-overloadingError class_symb err
- # err = errorHeading "Overloading error" err
- = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " internal overloading of class \"" <<< class_symb <<< "\" is unsolvable\n" }
contextError class_symb err
# err = errorHeading "Overloading error" err
= { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " unresolved class \"" <<< class_symb <<< "\" not occurring in specified type\n"}
@@ -329,7 +325,6 @@ where
clean_up_type_context tc=:{tc_types} (collected_contexts, env, error)
# (cur, tc_types, env) = cleanUpClosed tc.tc_types env
| checkCleanUpResult cur cUndefinedVar
-// = ([{ tc & tc_types = tc_types } : collected_contexts], env, overloadingError tc.tc_class.glob_object.ds_ident error)
= (collected_contexts, env, error)
| checkCleanUpResult cur cLiftedVar
= ([{ tc & tc_types = tc_types } : collected_contexts ], env, liftedContextError tc.tc_class.glob_object.ds_ident error)
diff --git a/frontend/unitype.dcl b/frontend/unitype.dcl
index 636d0e1..a5716d4 100644
--- a/frontend/unitype.dcl
+++ b/frontend/unitype.dcl
@@ -54,13 +54,15 @@ tryToMakeUnique :: !Int !*Coercions -> (!Bool, !*Coercions)
uniquenessError :: !CoercionPosition !String !*ErrorAdmin -> *ErrorAdmin
-liftSubstitution :: !*{! Type} !{# CommonDefs }!{# BOOLVECT } !Int !*TypeVarHeap !*TypeDefInfos -> (*{! Type}, !Int, !*TypeVarHeap, !*TypeDefInfos)
+liftSubstitution :: !*{! Type} !{# CommonDefs }!{# BOOLVECT } !Int !*TypeHeaps !*TypeDefInfos -> (*{! Type}, !Int, !*TypeHeaps, !*TypeDefInfos)
:: ExpansionState =
{ es_type_heaps :: !.TypeHeaps
, es_td_infos :: !.TypeDefInfos
-class expandType a :: !{# CommonDefs } !{# BOOLVECT } !a !*(!u:{! Type}, !*ExpansionState) -> (!a, !*(!u:{! Type}, !*ExpansionState))
+class expandType a :: !{# CommonDefs } !{# BOOLVECT } !a !*(!u:{! Type}, !*ExpansionState) -> (!Bool, !a, !*(!u:{! Type}, !*ExpansionState))
+//class expandType a :: !{# CommonDefs } !{# BOOLVECT } !a !*(!u:{! Type}, !*ExpansionState) -> (!a, !*(!u:{! Type}, !*ExpansionState))
instance expandType AType
diff --git a/frontend/unitype.icl b/frontend/unitype.icl
index cfb0088..c8926dd 100644
--- a/frontend/unitype.icl
+++ b/frontend/unitype.icl
@@ -44,21 +44,50 @@ isPositive :: !TempVarId !{# BOOLVECT } -> Bool
isPositive var_id cons_vars
= cons_vars.[BITINDEX var_id] bitand (1 << BITNUMBER var_id) <> 0
determineAttributeCoercions :: !AType !AType !Bool !u:{! Type} !*Coercions !{# CommonDefs }
!{# BOOLVECT } !*TypeDefInfos !*TypeHeaps
-> (!Optional (TypePosition, AType), !u:{! Type}, !*Coercions, !*TypeDefInfos, !*TypeHeaps)
determineAttributeCoercions off_type dem_type coercible subst coercions defs cons_vars td_infos type_heaps
- # (exp_off_type, es) = expandType defs cons_vars off_type (subst, { es_type_heaps = type_heaps, es_td_infos = td_infos})
- (exp_dem_type, (subst, {es_td_infos,es_type_heaps})) = expandType defs cons_vars dem_type es
+ # (_, exp_off_type, es) = expandType defs cons_vars off_type (subst, { es_type_heaps = type_heaps, es_td_infos = td_infos})
+ (_, exp_dem_type, (subst, {es_td_infos,es_type_heaps})) = expandType defs cons_vars dem_type es
(result, {crc_type_heaps, crc_coercions, crc_td_infos}) = coerce (if coercible PositiveSign TopSign) defs cons_vars [] exp_off_type exp_dem_type
{ crc_type_heaps = es_type_heaps, crc_coercions = coercions, crc_td_infos = es_td_infos}
- error_info
- = case result of
- No
- -> No
- Yes pos
- -> Yes (pos, exp_off_type)
- = (error_info, subst, crc_coercions, crc_td_infos, crc_type_heaps)
+ = case result of
+ No
+ -> (No, subst, crc_coercions, crc_td_infos, crc_type_heaps)
+ Yes pos
+ -> (Yes (pos, exp_off_type), subst, crc_coercions, crc_td_infos, crc_type_heaps)
+ = case result of
+ No
+ # (crc_coercions, copy_crc_coercions) = uniqueCopy crc_coercions
+ format = { form_properties = cMarkAttribute, form_attr_position = Yes ([], copy_crc_coercions) }
+ | file_to_true (stderr <:: (format, exp_off_type,No) <:: (format, exp_dem_type,No) <<< '\n')
+ ---> ("determineAttributeCoercions (OK)", off_type, exp_off_type, ('\n', dem_type, exp_dem_type))
+ -> (No, subst, crc_coercions, crc_td_infos, crc_type_heaps)
+ -> undef
+// -> (No, subst, crc_coercions, crc_td_infos, crc_type_heaps)
+ Yes pos
+ # (crc_coercions, copy_crc_coercions) = uniqueCopy crc_coercions
+ format = { form_properties = cMarkAttribute, form_attr_position = Yes ([], copy_crc_coercions) }
+ | file_to_true (stderr <:: (format, exp_off_type,No) <:: (format, exp_dem_type,No) <<< '\n')
+ ---> ("determineAttributeCoercions (NOK)", off_type, exp_off_type, ('\n', dem_type, exp_dem_type))
+ -> (Yes (pos, exp_off_type), subst, crc_coercions, crc_td_infos, crc_type_heaps)
+ -> undef
+file_to_true :: !File -> Bool
+file_to_true file = code {
+ .inline file_to_true
+ pop_b 2
+ pushB TRUE
+ .end
+ }
NotChecked :== -1
DummyAttrNumber :== -1
@@ -174,17 +203,17 @@ where
:: CoercionTreeRecord = { tree :: !.CoercionTree }
-liftSubstitution :: !*{! Type} !{# CommonDefs } !{# BOOLVECT } !Int !*TypeVarHeap !*TypeDefInfos -> (*{! Type}, !Int, !*TypeVarHeap, !*TypeDefInfos)
-liftSubstitution subst modules cons_vars attr_store type_var_heap td_infos
- # ls = { ls_next_attr = attr_store, ls_td_infos = td_infos, ls_type_var_heap = type_var_heap}
+liftSubstitution :: !*{! Type} !{# CommonDefs } !{# BOOLVECT } !Int !*TypeHeaps !*TypeDefInfos -> (*{! Type}, !Int, !*TypeHeaps, !*TypeDefInfos)
+liftSubstitution subst modules cons_vars attr_store type_heaps td_infos
+ # ls = { ls_next_attr = attr_store, ls_td_infos = td_infos, ls_type_heaps = type_heaps}
= lift_substitution 0 modules cons_vars subst ls
lift_substitution var_index modules cons_vars subst ls
| var_index < size subst
# (type, subst) = subst![var_index]
- # (type, subst, ls) = lift modules cons_vars type subst ls
+ # (_, type, subst, ls) = lift modules cons_vars type subst ls
= lift_substitution (inc var_index) modules cons_vars { subst & [var_index] = type } ls
- = (subst, ls.ls_next_attr, ls.ls_type_var_heap, ls.ls_td_infos)
+ = (subst, ls.ls_next_attr, ls.ls_type_heaps, ls.ls_td_infos)
adjustSignClass :: !SignClassification !Int -> SignClassification
adjustSignClass {sc_pos_vect,sc_neg_vect} arity
@@ -195,121 +224,21 @@ adjustPropClass prop_class arity :== prop_class >> arity
:: LiftState =
{ ls_next_attr :: !Int
- , ls_type_var_heap :: !.TypeVarHeap
+ , ls_type_heaps :: !.TypeHeaps
, ls_td_infos :: !.TypeDefInfos
liftTempTypeVariable :: !{# CommonDefs } !{# BOOLVECT } !TempVarId !*{! Type} !*LiftState
- -> (!Type, !*{! Type}, !*LiftState)
+ -> (!Bool, !Type, !*{! Type}, !*LiftState)
liftTempTypeVariable modules cons_vars tv_number subst ls
#! type = subst.[tv_number]
= case type of
- TE -> (TempV tv_number, subst, ls)
- _ -> lift modules cons_vars type subst ls
-class lift a :: !{# CommonDefs } !{# BOOLVECT } !a !*{! Type} !*LiftState -> (!a, !*{! Type}, !*LiftState)
-instance lift Type
- lift modules cons_vars t=:(TempV tv_number) subst ls
- #! type = subst.[tv_number]
- = case type of
- TE -> (t,subst, ls)
- _ -> lift modules cons_vars type subst ls
- lift modules cons_vars t=:(arg_type0 --> res_type0) subst ls
- # (changed,arg_type, subst, ls) = lift2 modules cons_vars arg_type0 subst ls
- | changed
- # (changed,res_type, subst, ls) = lift2 modules cons_vars res_type0 subst ls
- | changed
- = (arg_type --> res_type, subst, ls)
- = (arg_type --> res_type0, subst, ls)
- # (changed,res_type, subst, ls) = lift2 modules cons_vars res_type0 subst ls
- | changed
- = (arg_type0 --> res_type, subst, ls)
- = (t,subst, ls)
- lift modules cons_vars t0=:(TA cons_id=:{type_name,type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_arity,type_prop=type_prop0} cons_args) subst ls
- # ({tdi_kinds}, ls) = ls!ls_td_infos.[glob_module].[glob_object]
- # (changed,cons_args, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars cons_args tdi_kinds subst ls
- | changed
- # (type_prop, ls_type_var_heap, ls_td_infos) = typeProperties glob_object glob_module sign_classes prop_classes modules ls.ls_type_var_heap ls.ls_td_infos
- | equal_type_prop type_prop type_prop0
- = (TA cons_id cons_args, subst, { ls & ls_td_infos = ls_td_infos, ls_type_var_heap = ls_type_var_heap})
- = (TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args, subst, { ls & ls_td_infos = ls_td_infos, ls_type_var_heap = ls_type_var_heap})
- # (type_prop, ls_type_var_heap, ls_td_infos) = typeProperties glob_object glob_module sign_classes prop_classes modules ls.ls_type_var_heap ls.ls_td_infos
- | equal_type_prop type_prop type_prop0
- = (t0, subst, { ls & ls_td_infos = ls_td_infos, ls_type_var_heap = ls_type_var_heap})
- = (TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args, subst, { ls & ls_td_infos = ls_td_infos, ls_type_var_heap = ls_type_var_heap})
- where
- lift_list :: !{#CommonDefs} !{# BOOLVECT } ![AType] ![TypeKind] !*{!Type} !*LiftState
- -> (!Bool,![AType], ![SignClassification], ![PropClassification], !*{!Type}, !*LiftState)
- lift_list modules cons_vars [] _ subst ls
- = (False,[], [], [], subst, ls)
- lift_list modules cons_vars ts0=:[t0:ts] [tk : tks] subst ls
- # (changed,t,subst, ls) = lift2 modules cons_vars t0 subst ls
- | changed
- # (_,ts, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars ts tks subst ls
- | IsArrowKind tk
- # (sign_classes,prop_classes) = add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind t.at_type sign_classes prop_classes
- = (True,[t:ts],sign_classes,prop_classes,subst,ls)
- = (True,[t:ts],sign_classes,prop_classes,subst,ls)
- # (changed,ts, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars ts tks subst ls
- | changed
- | IsArrowKind tk
- # (sign_classes,prop_classes) = add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind t.at_type sign_classes prop_classes
- = (True,[t0:ts], sign_classes,prop_classes, subst, ls)
- = (True,[t:ts], sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls)
- | IsArrowKind tk
- # (sign_classes,prop_classes) = add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind t.at_type sign_classes prop_classes
- = (False,ts0, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls)
- = (False,ts0, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls)
- add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind (TA {type_arity,type_prop} _) sign_classes prop_classes
- = ([adjustSignClass type_prop.tsp_sign type_arity : sign_classes], [adjustPropClass type_prop.tsp_propagation type_arity : prop_classes])
- add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind (TempV tmp_var_id) sign_classes prop_classes
- | isPositive tmp_var_id cons_vars
- = ([PostiveSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes])
- = ([TopSignClass : sign_classes], [NoPropClass : prop_classes])
- add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind _ sign_classes prop_classes
- = ([TopSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes])
- lift modules cons_vars (TempCV temp_var :@: types) subst ls
- # (type, subst, ls) = liftTempTypeVariable modules cons_vars temp_var subst ls
- (_,types, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars types subst ls
- = case type of
- TA type_cons cons_args
- # nr_of_new_args = length types
- -> (TA { type_cons & type_arity = type_cons.type_arity + nr_of_new_args } (cons_args ++ types), subst, ls)
- TempV tv_number
- -> (TempCV tv_number :@: types, subst, ls)
- cons_var :@: cv_types
- -> (cons_var :@: (cv_types ++ types), subst, ls)
- where
- lift_list :: !{#CommonDefs} !{# BOOLVECT } ![a] !*{!Type} !*LiftState -> (!Bool,![a], !*{!Type}, !*LiftState) | lift2 a
- lift_list modules cons_vars [] subst ls
- = (False,[], subst, ls)
- lift_list modules cons_vars ts0=:[t0:ts] subst ls
- # (changed,t, subst, ls) = lift2 modules cons_vars t0 subst ls
- | changed
- # (_,ts, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars ts subst ls
- = (True,[t:ts], subst, ls)
- # (changed,ts, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars ts subst ls
- | changed
- = (True,[t0:ts], subst, ls)
- = (False,ts0, subst, ls)
- lift modules cons_vars type subst ls
- = (type, subst, ls)
-instance lift AType
- lift modules cons_vars attr_type=:{at_attribute,at_type} subst ls
- # (changed,at_type, subst, ls) = lift2 modules cons_vars at_type subst ls
- | changed
- | typeIsNonCoercible cons_vars at_type
- = ({attr_type & at_type = at_type },subst, ls)
- = ({attr_type & at_attribute = TA_TempVar ls.ls_next_attr, at_type = at_type}, subst, {ls & ls_next_attr = inc ls.ls_next_attr})
- | typeIsNonCoercible cons_vars at_type
- = (attr_type,subst, ls)
- = ({attr_type & at_attribute = TA_TempVar ls.ls_next_attr}, subst, {ls & ls_next_attr = inc ls.ls_next_attr})
+ TE
+ -> (False, TempV tv_number, subst, ls)
+ _
+ # (_, type, subst, ls) = lift modules cons_vars type subst ls
+ -> (True, type, subst, ls)
typeIsNonCoercible _ (TempV _)
= True
@@ -324,172 +253,152 @@ typeIsNonCoercible cons_vars (_ :@: _)
typeIsNonCoercible _ _
= False
-class lift2 a :: !{# CommonDefs } !{# BOOLVECT } !a !*{! Type} !*LiftState -> (!Bool,!a, !*{! Type}, !*LiftState)
+class lift a :: !{# CommonDefs } !{# BOOLVECT } !a !*{! Type} !*LiftState -> (!Bool,!a, !*{! Type}, !*LiftState)
+liftTypeApplication modules cons_vars t0=:(TA cons_id=:{type_name,type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_arity,type_prop=type_prop0} cons_args) subst ls
+ # ({tdi_kinds}, ls) = ls!ls_td_infos.[glob_module].[glob_object]
+ # (changed,cons_args, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls=:{ls_type_heaps}) = lift_list modules cons_vars cons_args tdi_kinds subst ls
+ | changed
+ # (type_prop, th_vars, ls_td_infos) = typeProperties glob_object glob_module sign_classes prop_classes modules ls_type_heaps.th_vars ls.ls_td_infos
+ ls = { ls & ls_td_infos = ls_td_infos, ls_type_heaps = {ls_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars}}
+ | equal_type_prop type_prop type_prop0
+ = (True, TA cons_id cons_args, subst, ls)
+ = (True, TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args, subst, ls)
+ # (type_prop, th_vars, ls_td_infos) = typeProperties glob_object glob_module sign_classes prop_classes modules ls_type_heaps.th_vars ls.ls_td_infos
+ ls = { ls & ls_td_infos = ls_td_infos, ls_type_heaps = {ls_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars}}
+ | equal_type_prop type_prop type_prop0
+ = (False, t0, subst, ls)
+ = (True, TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args, subst, ls)
+ where
+ lift_list :: !{#CommonDefs} !{# BOOLVECT } ![AType] ![TypeKind] !*{!Type} !*LiftState
+ -> (!Bool,![AType], ![SignClassification], ![PropClassification], !*{!Type}, !*LiftState)
+ lift_list modules cons_vars [] _ subst ls
+ = (False, [], [], [], subst, ls)
+ lift_list modules cons_vars ts0=:[t0:ts] [tk : tks] subst ls
+ # (changed, t, subst, ls) = lift modules cons_vars t0 subst ls
+ | changed
+ # (_, ts, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars ts tks subst ls
+ | IsArrowKind tk
+ # (sign_classes,prop_classes) = add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind t.at_type sign_classes prop_classes
+ = (True,[t:ts],sign_classes,prop_classes,subst,ls)
+ = (True,[t:ts],sign_classes,prop_classes,subst,ls)
+ # (changed, ts, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars ts tks subst ls
+ | changed
+ | IsArrowKind tk
+ # (sign_classes,prop_classes) = add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind t.at_type sign_classes prop_classes
+ = (True, [t0:ts], sign_classes,prop_classes, subst, ls)
+ = (True, [t:ts], sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls)
+ | IsArrowKind tk
+ # (sign_classes,prop_classes) = add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind t.at_type sign_classes prop_classes
+ = (False, ts0, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls)
+ = (False, ts0, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls)
+ add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind (TA {type_arity,type_prop} _) sign_classes prop_classes
+ = ([adjustSignClass type_prop.tsp_sign type_arity : sign_classes], [adjustPropClass type_prop.tsp_propagation type_arity : prop_classes])
+ add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind (TempV tmp_var_id) sign_classes prop_classes
+ | isPositive tmp_var_id cons_vars
+ = ([PostiveSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes])
+ = ([TopSignClass : sign_classes], [NoPropClass : prop_classes])
+ add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind _ sign_classes prop_classes
+ = ([TopSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes])
+liftTypeApplication modules cons_vars type subst ls
+ = lift modules cons_vars type subst ls
-instance lift2 Type
+instance lift Type
- lift2 modules cons_vars t=:(TempV tv_number) subst ls
- #! type = subst.[tv_number]
- = case type of
- TE -> (lift2_False,t,subst, ls)
- _ # (type,subst, ls) =lift modules cons_vars type subst ls
- -> (lift2_True,type,subst, ls)
- lift2 modules cons_vars t=:(arg_type0 --> res_type0) subst ls
- # (changed,arg_type, subst, ls) = lift2 modules cons_vars arg_type0 subst ls
+ lift modules cons_vars (TempV temp_var) subst ls
+ = liftTempTypeVariable modules cons_vars temp_var subst ls
+ lift modules cons_vars type=:(arg_type0 --> res_type0) subst ls
+ # (changed, arg_type, subst, ls) = lift modules cons_vars arg_type0 subst ls
| changed
- # (changed,res_type, subst, ls) = lift2 modules cons_vars res_type0 subst ls
+ # (changed, res_type, subst, ls) = lift modules cons_vars res_type0 subst ls
| changed
- = (lift2_True,arg_type --> res_type, subst, ls)
- = (lift2_True,arg_type --> res_type0, subst, ls)
- # (changed,res_type, subst, ls) = lift2 modules cons_vars res_type0 subst ls
+ = (True, arg_type --> res_type, subst, ls)
+ = (True, arg_type --> res_type0, subst, ls)
+ # (changed, res_type, subst, ls) = lift modules cons_vars res_type0 subst ls
| changed
- = (lift2_True,arg_type0 --> res_type, subst, ls)
- = (lift2_False,t,subst, ls)
- lift2 modules cons_vars t0=:(TA cons_id=:{type_name,type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_arity,type_prop=type_prop0} cons_args) subst ls
- # ({tdi_kinds}, ls) = ls!ls_td_infos.[glob_module].[glob_object]
- # (changed,cons_args, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars cons_args tdi_kinds subst ls
- | changed
- # (type_prop, ls_type_var_heap, ls_td_infos) = typeProperties glob_object glob_module sign_classes prop_classes modules ls.ls_type_var_heap ls.ls_td_infos
- | equal_type_prop type_prop type_prop0
- = (lift2_True,TA cons_id cons_args, subst, { ls & ls_td_infos = ls_td_infos, ls_type_var_heap = ls_type_var_heap})
- = (lift2_True,TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args, subst, { ls & ls_td_infos = ls_td_infos, ls_type_var_heap = ls_type_var_heap})
- # (type_prop, ls_type_var_heap, ls_td_infos) = typeProperties glob_object glob_module sign_classes prop_classes modules ls.ls_type_var_heap ls.ls_td_infos
- | equal_type_prop type_prop type_prop0
- = (lift2_False,t0, subst, { ls & ls_td_infos = ls_td_infos, ls_type_var_heap = ls_type_var_heap})
- = (lift2_True,TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args, subst, { ls & ls_td_infos = ls_td_infos, ls_type_var_heap = ls_type_var_heap})
+ = (True, arg_type0 --> res_type, subst, ls)
+ = (False, type, subst, ls)
+ lift modules cons_vars type=:(TA cons_id cons_args) subst ls=:{ls_type_heaps}
+ # (_, type, ls_type_heaps) = tryToExpand type TA_Multi modules ls_type_heaps
+ = liftTypeApplication modules cons_vars type subst {ls & ls_type_heaps = ls_type_heaps}
+ lift modules cons_vars type=:(TempCV temp_var :@: types) subst ls
+ # (changed, var_type, subst, ls) = liftTempTypeVariable modules cons_vars temp_var subst ls
+ (changed_types, types, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars types subst ls
+ | changed || changed_types
+ = case var_type of
+ TA type_cons cons_args
+ -> (True, TA { type_cons & type_arity = type_cons.type_arity + length types } (cons_args ++ types), subst, ls)
+ TempV tv_number
+ -> (True, TempCV tv_number :@: types, subst, ls)
+ cons_var :@: cv_types
+ -> (True, cons_var :@: (cv_types ++ types), subst, ls)
+ = (False, type, subst, ls)
- lift_list :: !{#CommonDefs} !{# BOOLVECT } ![AType] ![TypeKind] !*{!Type} !*LiftState
- -> (!Bool,![AType], ![SignClassification], ![PropClassification], !*{!Type}, !*LiftState)
- lift_list modules cons_vars [] _ subst ls
- = (False,[], [], [], subst, ls)
- lift_list modules cons_vars ts0=:[t0:ts] [tk : tks] subst ls
- # (changed,t,subst, ls) = lift2 modules cons_vars t0 subst ls
- | changed
- # (_,ts, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars ts tks subst ls
- | IsArrowKind tk
- # (sign_classes,prop_classes) = add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind t.at_type sign_classes prop_classes
- = (True,[t:ts],sign_classes,prop_classes,subst,ls)
- = (True,[t:ts],sign_classes,prop_classes,subst,ls)
- # (changed,ts, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars ts tks subst ls
- | changed
- | IsArrowKind tk
- # (sign_classes,prop_classes) = add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind t.at_type sign_classes prop_classes
- = (True,[t0:ts], sign_classes,prop_classes, subst, ls)
- = (True,[t:ts], sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls)
- | IsArrowKind tk
- # (sign_classes,prop_classes) = add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind t.at_type sign_classes prop_classes
- = (False,ts0, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls)
- = (False,ts0, sign_classes, prop_classes, subst, ls)
- add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind (TA {type_arity,type_prop} _) sign_classes prop_classes
- = ([adjustSignClass type_prop.tsp_sign type_arity : sign_classes], [adjustPropClass type_prop.tsp_propagation type_arity : prop_classes])
- add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind (TempV tmp_var_id) sign_classes prop_classes
- | isPositive tmp_var_id cons_vars
- = ([PostiveSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes])
- = ([TopSignClass : sign_classes], [NoPropClass : prop_classes])
- add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind _ sign_classes prop_classes
- = ([TopSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes])
- lift2 modules cons_vars (TempCV temp_var :@: types) subst ls
- # (type, subst, ls) = liftTempTypeVariable modules cons_vars temp_var subst ls
- (_,types, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars types subst ls
- = case type of
- TA type_cons cons_args
- # nr_of_new_args = length types
- -> (lift2_True,TA { type_cons & type_arity = type_cons.type_arity + nr_of_new_args } (cons_args ++ types), subst, ls)
- TempV tv_number
- -> (lift2_True,TempCV tv_number :@: types, subst, ls)
- cons_var :@: cv_types
- -> (lift2_True,cons_var :@: (cv_types ++ types), subst, ls)
- where
- lift_list :: !{#CommonDefs} !{# BOOLVECT } ![a] !*{!Type} !*LiftState -> (!Bool,![a], !*{!Type}, !*LiftState) | lift2 a
+ lift_list :: !{#CommonDefs} !{# BOOLVECT } ![a] !*{!Type} !*LiftState -> (!Bool,![a], !*{!Type}, !*LiftState) | lift a
lift_list modules cons_vars [] subst ls
- = (False,[], subst, ls)
+ = (False, [], subst, ls)
lift_list modules cons_vars ts0=:[t0:ts] subst ls
- # (changed,t, subst, ls) = lift2 modules cons_vars t0 subst ls
+ # (changed,t, subst, ls) = lift modules cons_vars t0 subst ls
| changed
- # (_,ts, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars ts subst ls
+ # (_, ts, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars ts subst ls
= (True,[t:ts], subst, ls)
- # (changed,ts, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars ts subst ls
+ # (changed, ts, subst, ls) = lift_list modules cons_vars ts subst ls
| changed
- = (True,[t0:ts], subst, ls)
- = (False,ts0, subst, ls)
- lift2 modules cons_vars type subst ls
- = (lift2_False,type, subst, ls)
-lift2_True :== True
-lift2_False :== False
+ = (True, [t0:ts], subst, ls)
+ = (False, ts0, subst, ls)
+ lift modules cons_vars type subst ls
+ = (False, type, subst, ls)
-instance lift2 AType
+instance lift AType
- lift2 modules cons_vars attr_type=:{at_attribute,at_type} subst ls
- # (changed,at_type, subst, ls) = lift2 modules cons_vars at_type subst ls
+ lift modules cons_vars attr_type=:{at_attribute,at_type} subst ls
+ # (changed, at_type, subst, ls) = lift modules cons_vars at_type subst ls
| changed
| typeIsNonCoercible cons_vars at_type
- = (True,{attr_type & at_type = at_type },subst, ls)
- = (True,{attr_type & at_attribute = TA_TempVar ls.ls_next_attr, at_type = at_type}, subst, {ls & ls_next_attr = inc ls.ls_next_attr})
+ = (True, {attr_type & at_type = at_type },subst, ls)
+ = (True, {attr_type & at_attribute = TA_TempVar ls.ls_next_attr, at_type = at_type}, subst, {ls & ls_next_attr = inc ls.ls_next_attr})
| typeIsNonCoercible cons_vars at_type
- = (False,attr_type,subst, ls)
- = (True,{attr_type & at_attribute = TA_TempVar ls.ls_next_attr}, subst, {ls & ls_next_attr = inc ls.ls_next_attr})
+ = (False, attr_type,subst, ls)
+ = (True, {attr_type & at_attribute = TA_TempVar ls.ls_next_attr}, subst, {ls & ls_next_attr = inc ls.ls_next_attr})
:: ExpansionState =
{ es_type_heaps :: !.TypeHeaps
, es_td_infos :: !.TypeDefInfos
-class expandType a :: !{# CommonDefs } !{# BOOLVECT } !a !*(!u:{! Type}, !*ExpansionState) -> (!a, !*(!u:{! Type}, !*ExpansionState))
+class expandType a :: !{# CommonDefs } !{# BOOLVECT } !a !*(!u:{! Type}, !*ExpansionState) -> (!Bool,!a, !*(!u:{! Type}, !*ExpansionState))
instance expandType AType
expandType modules cons_vars attr_type=:{at_type, at_attribute} (subst, es=:{es_type_heaps})
- # (changed,at_attribute, th_attrs) = expand_attribute at_attribute es_type_heaps.th_attrs
+ # (changed, at_attribute, th_attrs) = expand_attribute at_attribute es_type_heaps.th_attrs
| changed
- # (at_type, subst_and_es) = expandType modules cons_vars at_type (subst, {es & es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }})
- = ({ attr_type & at_type = at_type, at_attribute = at_attribute }, subst_and_es)
- # (changed,at_type, subst_and_es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars at_type (subst, {es & es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }})
+ # (_, at_type, subst_and_es) = expandType modules cons_vars at_type (subst, {es & es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }})
+ = (True, { attr_type & at_type = at_type, at_attribute = at_attribute }, subst_and_es)
+ # (changed, at_type, subst_and_es) = expandType modules cons_vars at_type (subst, {es & es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }})
| changed
- = ({ attr_type & at_type = at_type }, subst_and_es)
- = (attr_type, subst_and_es)
+ = (True, { attr_type & at_type = at_type }, subst_and_es)
+ = (False, attr_type, subst_and_es)
expand_attribute :: TypeAttribute *(Heap AttrVarInfo) -> (!.Bool,TypeAttribute,!.Heap AttrVarInfo);
expand_attribute (TA_Var {av_name,av_info_ptr}) attr_var_heap
= case (readPtr av_info_ptr attr_var_heap) of
(AVI_Attr attr, attr_var_heap)
- -> (True,attr, attr_var_heap)
+ -> (True, attr, attr_var_heap)
(info, attr_var_heap)
-> abort ("expand_attribute (unitype.icl)" )//---> (av_name <<- info ))
expand_attribute attr attr_var_heap
- = (False,attr, attr_var_heap)
-class expandType2 a :: !{# CommonDefs } !{# BOOLVECT } !a !*(!u:{! Type}, !*ExpansionState) -> (!Bool,!a, !*(!u:{! Type}, !*ExpansionState))
-instance expandType2 AType
- expandType2 modules cons_vars attr_type=:{at_type, at_attribute} (subst, es=:{es_type_heaps})
- # (changed,at_attribute, th_attrs) = expand_attribute at_attribute es_type_heaps.th_attrs
- | changed
- # (at_type, subst_and_es) = expandType modules cons_vars at_type (subst, {es & es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }})
- = (True,{ attr_type & at_type = at_type, at_attribute = at_attribute }, subst_and_es)
- # (changed,at_type, subst_and_es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars at_type (subst, {es & es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }})
- | changed
- = (True,{ attr_type & at_type = at_type }, subst_and_es)
- = (False,attr_type, subst_and_es)
- where
- expand_attribute :: TypeAttribute *(Heap AttrVarInfo) -> (!.Bool,TypeAttribute,!.Heap AttrVarInfo);
- expand_attribute (TA_Var {av_name,av_info_ptr}) attr_var_heap
- = case (readPtr av_info_ptr attr_var_heap) of
- (AVI_Attr attr, attr_var_heap)
- -> (True,attr, attr_var_heap)
- (info, attr_var_heap)
- -> abort ("expand_attribute (unitype.icl)" )//---> (av_name <<- info ))
- expand_attribute attr attr_var_heap
- = (False,attr, attr_var_heap)
+ = (False, attr, attr_var_heap)
-expandTempTypeVariable :: !TempVarId !*(!u:{! Type}, !*ExpansionState) -> (!Type, !*(!u:{! Type}, !*ExpansionState))
+expandTempTypeVariable :: !TempVarId !*(!u:{! Type}, !*ExpansionState) -> (!Bool, !Type, !*(!u:{! Type}, !*ExpansionState))
expandTempTypeVariable tv_number (subst, es)
#! type = subst.[tv_number]
= case type of
- TE -> (TempV tv_number, (subst, es))
- _ -> (type, (subst, es))
+ TE
+ -> (False, TempV tv_number, (subst, es))
+ _
+ -> (True, type, (subst, es))
IsArrowKind (KindArrow _) = True
IsArrowKind _ = False
@@ -497,41 +406,39 @@ IsArrowKind _ = False
equal_type_prop {tsp_sign=sign0,tsp_propagation=prop0,tsp_coercible=coerc0} {tsp_sign=sign1,tsp_propagation=prop1,tsp_coercible=coerc1}
= prop0==prop1 && coerc0==coerc1 && sign0.sc_pos_vect==sign1.sc_pos_vect && sign0.sc_neg_vect==sign1.sc_neg_vect
instance expandType Type
- expandType modules cons_vars t0=:(TempV tv_number) est=:(subst,es)
- #! type = subst.[tv_number]
- = case type of
- TE -> (t0, est)
- _ -> (type, est)
+ expandType modules cons_vars (TempV tv_number) est
+ = expandTempTypeVariable tv_number est
expandType modules cons_vars (TV {tv_info_ptr}) (subst, es=:{es_type_heaps})
# (TVI_Type type, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr es_type_heaps.th_vars
- = (type, (subst, {es & es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}))
+ = (True,type, (subst, {es & es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}))
expandType modules cons_vars t0=:(arg_type0 --> res_type0) es
- # (changed,arg_type, es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars arg_type0 es
+ # (changed,arg_type, es) = expandType modules cons_vars arg_type0 es
| changed
- # (res_type, es) = expandType modules cons_vars res_type0 es
- = (arg_type --> res_type, es)
- # (changed,res_type, es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars res_type0 es
+ # (changed,res_type, es) = expandType modules cons_vars res_type0 es
| changed
- = (arg_type0 --> res_type, es)
- = (t0, es)
+ = (True,arg_type --> res_type, es)
+ = (True,arg_type --> res_type0, es)
+ # (changed,res_type, es) = expandType modules cons_vars res_type0 es
+ | changed
+ = (True,arg_type0 --> res_type, es)
+ = (False,t0, es)
expandType modules cons_vars t0=:(TA cons_id=:{type_name, type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_prop=type_prop0} cons_args) (subst, es)
# ({tdi_kinds}, es) = es!es_td_infos.[glob_module].[glob_object]
(changed,cons_args, hio_signs, hio_props, (subst,es=:{es_td_infos,es_type_heaps})) = expand_type_list modules cons_vars cons_args tdi_kinds (subst, es)
| changed
# (type_prop, th_vars, es_td_infos) = typeProperties glob_object glob_module hio_signs hio_props modules es_type_heaps.th_vars es_td_infos
| equal_type_prop type_prop type_prop0
- = (TA cons_id cons_args,
+ = (True,TA cons_id cons_args,
(subst, { es & es_td_infos = es_td_infos, es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}))
- = (TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args,
+ = (True,TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args,
(subst, { es & es_td_infos = es_td_infos, es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}))
# (type_prop, th_vars, es_td_infos) = typeProperties glob_object glob_module hio_signs hio_props modules es_type_heaps.th_vars es_td_infos
| equal_type_prop type_prop type_prop0
- = (t0,
+ = (False,t0,
(subst, { es & es_td_infos = es_td_infos, es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}))
- = (TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args,
+ = (True,TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args,
(subst, { es & es_td_infos = es_td_infos, es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}))
expand_type_list :: !{#CommonDefs} !{# BOOLVECT } ![AType] ![TypeKind] !(!u:{!Type}, !*ExpansionState)
@@ -539,7 +446,7 @@ where
expand_type_list modules cons_vars [] _ es
= (False,[], [], [], es)
expand_type_list modules cons_vars ts0=:[t0:ts] [tk : tks] es
- # (changed,t, es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars t0 es
+ # (changed,t, es) = expandType modules cons_vars t0 es
| changed
# (_,ts, sign_classes, prop_classes, es) = expand_type_list modules cons_vars ts tks es
| IsArrowKind tk
@@ -566,134 +473,36 @@ where
add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind _ sign_classes prop_classes
= ([TopSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes])
- expandType modules cons_vars (TempCV temp_var :@: types) es
- # (type, es) = expandTempTypeVariable temp_var es
- (types, es) = expandType modules cons_vars types es
- = case type of
- TA type_cons=:{type_arity} cons_args
- # nr_of_new_args = length types
- -> (TA { type_cons & type_arity = type_arity + nr_of_new_args } (cons_args ++ types), es)
- TempV tv_number
- -> (TempCV tv_number :@: types, es)
- cons_var :@: cv_types
- -> (cons_var :@: (cv_types ++ types), es)
+ expandType modules cons_vars type=:(TempCV temp_var :@: types) es
+ # (changed_type, var_type, es) = expandTempTypeVariable temp_var es
+ (changed_types, types, es) = expandType modules cons_vars types es
+ | changed_type || changed_types
+ = case var_type of
+ TA type_cons=:{type_arity} cons_args
+ # nr_of_new_args = length types
+ -> (True, TA { type_cons & type_arity = type_arity + nr_of_new_args } (cons_args ++ types), es)
+ TempV tv_number
+ -> (True, TempCV tv_number :@: types, es)
+ cons_var :@: cv_types
+ -> (True, cons_var :@: (cv_types ++ types), es)
+ = (False, type, es)
expandType modules cons_vars type es
- = (type, es)
-instance expandType [a] | expandType,expandType2 a
- expandType modules cons_vars [] es
- = ([],es)
- expandType modules cons_vars types0=:[type0:types] es
- # (changed,type,es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars type0 es
- | changed
- # (types,es) = expandType modules cons_vars types es
- = ([type:types],es)
- # (changed,types,es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars types es
- | changed
- = ([type0:types],es)
- = (types0,es)
-instance expandType2 Type
- expandType2 modules cons_vars t0=:(TempV tv_number) est=:(subst,es)
- #! type = subst.[tv_number]
- = case type of
- TE -> (False,t0, est)
- _ -> (True,type, est)
- expandType2 modules cons_vars (TV {tv_info_ptr}) (subst, es=:{es_type_heaps})
- # (TVI_Type type, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr es_type_heaps.th_vars
- = (True,type, (subst, {es & es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}))
- expandType2 modules cons_vars t0=:(arg_type0 --> res_type0) es
- # (changed,arg_type, es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars arg_type0 es
- | changed
- # (changed,res_type, es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars res_type0 es
- | changed
- = (AexpandType2_True,arg_type --> res_type, es)
- = (AexpandType2_True,arg_type --> res_type0, es)
- # (changed,res_type, es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars res_type0 es
- | changed
- = (AexpandType2_True,arg_type0 --> res_type, es)
- = (AexpandType2_False,t0, es)
- expandType2 modules cons_vars t0=:(TA cons_id=:{type_name, type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_prop=type_prop0} cons_args) (subst, es)
- # ({tdi_kinds}, es) = es!es_td_infos.[glob_module].[glob_object]
- (changed,cons_args, hio_signs, hio_props, (subst,es=:{es_td_infos,es_type_heaps})) = expand_type_list modules cons_vars cons_args tdi_kinds (subst, es)
- | changed
- # (type_prop, th_vars, es_td_infos) = typeProperties glob_object glob_module hio_signs hio_props modules es_type_heaps.th_vars es_td_infos
- | equal_type_prop type_prop type_prop0
- = (AexpandType2_True,TA cons_id cons_args,
- (subst, { es & es_td_infos = es_td_infos, es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}))
- = (AexpandType2_True,TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args,
- (subst, { es & es_td_infos = es_td_infos, es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}))
- # (type_prop, th_vars, es_td_infos) = typeProperties glob_object glob_module hio_signs hio_props modules es_type_heaps.th_vars es_td_infos
- | equal_type_prop type_prop type_prop0
- = (AexpandType2_False,t0,
- (subst, { es & es_td_infos = es_td_infos, es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}))
- = (AexpandType2_True,TA { cons_id & type_prop = type_prop } cons_args,
- (subst, { es & es_td_infos = es_td_infos, es_type_heaps = { es_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }}))
- where
- expand_type_list :: !{#CommonDefs} !{# BOOLVECT } ![AType] ![TypeKind] !(!u:{!Type}, !*ExpansionState)
- -> (!Bool,![AType], ![SignClassification], ![PropClassification], !(!u:{!Type}, !*ExpansionState))
- expand_type_list modules cons_vars [] _ es
- = (False,[], [], [], es)
- expand_type_list modules cons_vars ts0=:[t0:ts] [tk : tks] es
- # (changed,t, es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars t0 es
- | changed
- # (_,ts, sign_classes, prop_classes, es) = expand_type_list modules cons_vars ts tks es
- | IsArrowKind tk
- # (sign_classes,prop_classes) = add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind t.at_type sign_classes prop_classes;
- = (True,[t:ts], sign_classes, prop_classes, es)
- = (True,[t:ts], sign_classes, prop_classes, es)
- # (changed,ts, sign_classes, prop_classes, es) = expand_type_list modules cons_vars ts tks es
- | changed
- | IsArrowKind tk
- # (sign_classes,prop_classes) = add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind t.at_type sign_classes prop_classes;
- = (True,[t0:ts], sign_classes, prop_classes, es)
- = (True,[t0:ts], sign_classes, prop_classes, es)
- | IsArrowKind tk
- # (sign_classes,prop_classes) = add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind t.at_type sign_classes prop_classes;
- = (False,ts0, sign_classes, prop_classes, es)
- = (False,ts0, sign_classes, prop_classes, es)
+ = (False, type, es)
- add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind (TA {type_arity,type_prop} _) sign_classes prop_classes
- =([adjustSignClass type_prop.tsp_sign type_arity : sign_classes],[adjustPropClass type_prop.tsp_propagation type_arity : prop_classes])
- add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind ( TempV tmp_var_id) sign_classes prop_classes
- | isPositive tmp_var_id cons_vars
- = ([PostiveSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes])
- = ([TopSignClass : sign_classes], [NoPropClass : prop_classes])
- add_sign_and_prop_of_arrow_kind _ sign_classes prop_classes
- = ([TopSignClass : sign_classes], [PropClass : prop_classes])
- expandType2 modules cons_vars (TempCV temp_var :@: types) es
- # (type, es) = expandTempTypeVariable temp_var es
- (types, es) = expandType modules cons_vars types es
- = case type of
- TA type_cons=:{type_arity} cons_args
- # nr_of_new_args = length types
- -> (AexpandType2_True,TA { type_cons & type_arity = type_arity + nr_of_new_args } (cons_args ++ types), es)
- TempV tv_number
- -> (AexpandType2_True,TempCV tv_number :@: types, es)
- cons_var :@: cv_types
- -> (AexpandType2_True,cons_var :@: (cv_types ++ types), es)
- expandType2 modules cons_vars type es
- = (False,type, es)
-AexpandType2_False :== False
-AexpandType2_True :== True
-instance expandType2 [a] | expandType,expandType2 a
+instance expandType [a] | expandType a
- expandType2 modules cons_vars [] es
+ expandType modules cons_vars [] es
= (False,[],es)
- expandType2 modules cons_vars types0=:[type0:types] es
- # (changed,type,es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars type0 es
+ expandType modules cons_vars types0=:[type0:types] es
+ # (changed, type, es) = expandType modules cons_vars type0 es
| changed
- # (types,es) = expandType modules cons_vars types es
- = (True,[type:types],es)
- # (changed,types,es) = expandType2 modules cons_vars types es
+ # (_, types, es) = expandType modules cons_vars types es
+ = (True, [type:types], es)
+ # (changed, types, es) = expandType modules cons_vars types es
| changed
- = (True,[type0:types],es)
- = (False,types0,es)
+ = (True, [type0:types], es)
+ = (False, types0, es)
instance toInt TypeAttribute
@@ -959,7 +768,7 @@ tryToExpandTypeSyn defs cons_vars cons_id=:{type_index={glob_object,glob_module}
= case td_rhs of
SynType {at_type}
# type_heaps = bindTypeVarsAndAttributes td_attribute attribute td_args type_args type_heaps
- (expanded_type, (_, {es_type_heaps, es_td_infos})) = expandType defs cons_vars at_type
+ (_, expanded_type, (_, {es_type_heaps, es_td_infos})) = expandType defs cons_vars at_type
({}, { es_type_heaps = type_heaps, es_td_infos = td_infos })
-> (True, expanded_type, clearBindingsOfTypeVarsAndAttributes attribute td_args es_type_heaps, es_td_infos)