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1 files changed, 2 insertions, 190 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/trans.icl b/frontend/trans.icl
index 390906d..b8456f6 100644
--- a/frontend/trans.icl
+++ b/frontend/trans.icl
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import StdEnv
import syntax, transform, checksupport, StdCompare, check, utilities
-import RWSDebug, StdDebug
+import RWSDebug
:: PartitioningInfo =
{ pi_marks :: !.{# Int}
@@ -1542,194 +1542,6 @@ accTypeVarHeap f type_heaps :== let (r, th_vars) = f type_heaps.th_vars in (r, {
createBindingsForUnifiedTypes :: !AType !AType ![TypeVar] !{#CommonDefs} !*TypeHeaps -> (![TypeVar], !.TypeHeaps)
createBindingsForUnifiedTypes type_1 type_2 all_type_vars common_defs type_heaps=:{th_vars}
- = undef
-createBindingsForUnifiedTypes2 :: !AType !AType ![TypeVar] !{#CommonDefs} !*TypeHeaps -> (![TypeVar], !.TypeHeaps)
-createBindingsForUnifiedTypes2 sub_type type all_type_vars common_defs type_heaps=:{th_vars}
-/* unify the two type arguments and generate new bindings. The resulting list of type variables should only
- contain variables that occur in the second type argument (the "demanded" type).
- # th_vars = foldSt (\tv th_vars -> th_vars <:= (tv.tv_info_ptr, TVI_Empty)) all_type_vars th_vars
- (type_heaps=:{th_vars}) = bind_and_unify_atypes sub_type type False [] common_defs { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }
-// th_vars = th_vars -!-> ""
-// th_vars = foldSt trace_type_var all_type_vars th_vars
- th_vars = foldSt (\ a b -> snd (bind_to_root a b)) all_type_vars th_vars
-// th_vars = th_vars -!-> ""
-// th_vars = foldSt trace_type_var all_type_vars th_vars
- (unbound_type_vars, th_vars) = foldSt get_unbound_var all_type_vars ([], th_vars)
-// th_vars = th_vars -!-> ""
-// th_vars = foldSt trace_type_var all_type_vars th_vars
- = (unbound_type_vars, { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars })
- where
- bind_and_unify_types (TV tv_1) (TV tv_2) common_defs type_heaps=:{th_vars}
- # (root_1, th_vars) = get_root tv_1 th_vars
- (root_2, th_vars) = get_root tv_2 th_vars
- maybe_root_tv_1 = only_tv root_1
- maybe_root_tv_2 = only_tv root_2
- type_heaps = { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }
- = case (maybe_root_tv_1, maybe_root_tv_2) of
- (Yes root_tv_1, No)
- -> appTypeVarHeap (bind_root_variable_to_type root_tv_1 root_2) type_heaps
- (No, Yes root_tv_2)
- -> appTypeVarHeap (bind_root_variable_to_type root_tv_2 root_1) type_heaps
- (Yes root_tv_1, Yes root_tv_2)
- | root_tv_1.tv_info_ptr==root_tv_2.tv_info_ptr
- -> type_heaps
- -> appTypeVarHeap (bind_roots_together root_tv_1 root_2) type_heaps
- (No, No)
- -> bind_and_unify_types root_1 root_2 common_defs type_heaps
- bind_and_unify_types (TV tv_1) type common_defs type_heaps=:{th_vars}
- | not (is_non_variable_type type)
- = abort ("compiler error in trans.icl: assertion failed (1) XXX"--->type)
- # th_vars = bind_variable_to_type tv_1 type th_vars
- = { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }
- bind_and_unify_types type (TV tv_1) common_defs type_heaps=:{th_vars}
- | not (is_non_variable_type type)
- = abort ("compiler error in trans.icl: assertion failed (2) XXX"--->type)
- # th_vars = bind_variable_to_type tv_1 type th_vars
- = { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }
- bind_and_unify_types (TA _ arg_types1) (TA _ arg_types2) common_defs type_heaps
- = bind_and_unify_atype_lists arg_types1 arg_types2 common_defs type_heaps
- bind_and_unify_types (l1 --> r1) (l2 --> r2) common_defs type_heaps
- = bind_and_unify_atypes r1 r2 common_defs (bind_and_unify_atypes l1 l2 common_defs type_heaps)
- bind_and_unify_types (TB _) (TB _) common_defs type_heaps
- = type_heaps
- bind_and_unify_types ((CV l1) :@: r1) ((CV l2) :@: r2) common_defs type_heaps
- = bind_and_unify_atype_lists r1 r2 common_defs (bind_and_unify_types (TV l1) (TV l2) common_defs type_heaps)
- bind_and_unify_types (TA type_symb r1) ((CV l2) :@: r2) common_defs type_heaps
- = bind_and_unify_atype_lists r1 r2 common_defs (bind_and_unify_types (TA type_symb []) (TV l2) common_defs type_heaps)
- bind_and_unify_types ((CV l1) :@: r1) (TA type_symb r2) common_defs type_heaps
- = bind_and_unify_atype_lists r1 r2 common_defs (bind_and_unify_types (TV l1) (TA type_symb []) common_defs type_heaps)
- bind_and_unify_types TE y common_defs type_heaps
- = type_heaps
- bind_and_unify_types x TE common_defs type_heaps
- = type_heaps
- bind_and_unify_types x y _ _
- = abort ("bind_and_unify_types"--->(x,y))
- bind_and_unify_atype_lists [] [] common_defs type_heaps
- = type_heaps
- bind_and_unify_atype_lists [x:xs] [y:ys] common_defs type_heaps
- = bind_and_unify_atype_lists xs ys common_defs (bind_and_unify_atypes x y common_defs type_heaps)
- bind_and_unify_atypes {at_type=TA type_symb_1 type_args_1, at_attribute = sub_attr}
- {at_type=TA type_symb_2 type_args_2} at_attribute = attr}
- is_plusmin_sign inequalities_accu common_defs type_heaps
- | type_symb_1==type_symb_2
- = bind_and_unify_atype_lists type_args_1 type_args_2 is_plusmin_sign
- (add_inequality is_plusmin_sign sub_attr attr inequalities_accu)
- common_defs type_heaps
- // otherwise further with next alternative ("functional GOTO")
-/* XXX
- bind_and_unify_atypes atype_1 atype_2 common_defs type_heaps
- # (mb_expanded_1, type_heaps) = try_to_expand atype_1 common_defs type_heaps
- (mb_expanded_2, type_heaps) = try_to_expand atype_2 common_defs type_heaps
- = bind_and_unify_types mb_expanded_1 mb_expanded_2 common_defs type_heaps
- where
- try_to_expand {at_type=actual_type=:TA {type_index={glob_object,glob_module}} actual_args, at_attribute=actual_type_attr}
- common_defs type_heaps
- #! type_def = common_defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[glob_object]
- = case type_def.td_rhs of
- SynType {at_type=rhs_type}
- -> expandTypeApplication type_def.td_args type_def.td_attribute rhs_type actual_args actual_type_attr type_heaps
- _
- -> (actual_type, type_heaps)
- try_to_expand {at_type} _ type_heaps
- = (at_type, type_heaps)
-:: TypeSymbIdent =
- { type_name :: !Ident
- , type_arity :: !Int
- , type_index :: !Global Index
- , type_prop :: !TypeSymbProperties
- }
-:: TypeSymbProperties =
- { tsp_sign :: !SignClassification
- , tsp_propagation :: !PropClassification
- , tsp_coercible :: !Bool
- }
- bind_to_root :: !TypeVar !*TypeVarHeap -> (!TypeVarInfo,!.TypeVarHeap);
- bind_to_root this_tv th_vars
- # (tv_info, th_vars) = readPtr this_tv.tv_info_ptr th_vars
- = case tv_info of
- TVI_Empty
- -> (tv_info, th_vars)
- (TVI_Type type)
- | is_non_variable_type type
- -> (tv_info, th_vars)
- -> case type of
- (TV next_tv)
- # (root_tvi, th_vars) = bind_to_root next_tv th_vars
- th_vars = th_vars <:= (this_tv.tv_info_ptr, root_tvi)
- -> (root_tvi, th_vars)
- get_unbound_var tv=:{tv_info_ptr} (unbound_type_vars_accu, th_vars)
- # (tv_info, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
- = case tv_info of
- TVI_Empty
- -> ([tv:unbound_type_vars_accu], th_vars)
- (TVI_Type type)
- -> (unbound_type_vars_accu, th_vars)
- only_tv :: Type -> Optional TypeVar
- only_tv (TV tv) = Yes tv
- only_tv _ = No
- is_non_variable_type (TA _ _) = True
- is_non_variable_type (_ --> _) = True
- is_non_variable_type (_ :@: _) = True
- is_non_variable_type (TB _) = True
- is_non_variable_type _ = False
- bind_variable_to_type tv type th_vars
- # (root, th_vars) = get_root tv th_vars
- = case (only_tv root) of
- (Yes tv) -> bind_root_variable_to_type tv type th_vars
- No -> th_vars
- bind_root_variable_to_type {tv_info_ptr} type th_vars
- = th_vars <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Type type)
- bind_roots_together :: TypeVar Type *(Heap TypeVarInfo) -> .Heap TypeVarInfo;
- bind_roots_together root_tv_1 root_type_2 th_vars
- = th_vars <:= (root_tv_1.tv_info_ptr, TVI_Type root_type_2)
- get_root :: TypeVar *(Heap TypeVarInfo) -> (Type,.Heap TypeVarInfo);
- get_root this_tv th_vars
- # (tv_info, th_vars) = readPtr this_tv.tv_info_ptr th_vars
- = case tv_info of
- TVI_Empty
- -> (TV this_tv, th_vars)
- (TVI_Type type)
- | is_non_variable_type type
- -> (type, th_vars)
- -> case type of
- (TV next_tv) -> get_root next_tv th_vars
- // XXX for tracing
- trace_type_var tv th_vars
- = trace_type_vars tv (th_vars -!-> "TYPE VARIABLE")
- trace_type_vars this_tv th_vars
- # th_vars = th_vars -!-> this_tv
- # (tv_info, th_vars) = readPtr this_tv.tv_info_ptr th_vars
- = case tv_info of
- TVI_Empty
- -> th_vars
- (TVI_Type type)
- | is_non_variable_type type
- -> (th_vars -!-> ("TVI_Type", type))
- -> case type of
- (TV next_tv) -> trace_type_vars next_tv th_vars
-// (TVI_FreshTypeVar root_type_var)
-// -> th_vars -!-> ("TVI_FreshTypeVar",root_type_var)
-createBindingsForUnifiedTypes :: !AType !AType ![TypeVar] !{#CommonDefs} !*TypeHeaps -> (![TypeVar], !.TypeHeaps)
-createBindingsForUnifiedTypes type_1 type_2 all_type_vars common_defs type_heaps=:{th_vars}
/* unify the two type arguments and generate new bindings. The resulting list of type variables should only
contain variables that occur in the second type argument (the "demanded" type).
@@ -1890,7 +1702,7 @@ createBindingsForUnifiedTypes type_1 type_2 all_type_vars common_defs type_heaps
(TV next_tv) -> trace_type_vars next_tv th_vars
// (TVI_FreshTypeVar root_type_var)
// -> th_vars -!-> ("TVI_FreshTypeVar",root_type_var)
transformFunctionApplication fun_def instances cc=:{cc_size, cc_args, cc_linear_bits} app=:{app_symb,app_args} extra_args ro ti
# (app_symb, app_args, extra_args) = complete_application app_symb fun_def.fun_arity app_args extra_args