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1 files changed, 56 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/scanner.icl b/frontend/scanner.icl
index c608d95..f3e06b9 100644
--- a/frontend/scanner.icl
+++ b/frontend/scanner.icl
@@ -4,16 +4,6 @@ import StdEnv, compare_constructor, StdCompare, general, compilerSwitches
from utilities import revCharListToString, isSpecialChar
-Known bug:
-functions names starting with '->' require a ';' after the type. Solutions:
-1) Make '->' an ordinary token. This implies that we have to write 'a-> .b' instead
- of 'a->.b'.
-2) re-scan token in new context. Requires substantial changes.
-3) Determine offsides before token is generated. Tricky since we do not know the
- actual context of the new token or/and have to take care of generating the right
- amount of offsides.
// RWS Proof ... :: SearchPaths :== [String]
:: SearchPaths =
{ sp_locations :: [(String, String)] // (module, path)
@@ -300,12 +290,26 @@ where
token_back input=:(Input {inp_pos,inp_stream=OldLine currentIndex string stream,inp_filename,inp_tabsize}) // one old token in wrong context.
| inp_pos.fp_line == lt_position.fp_line
# old_input
- = { inp_stream = OldLine lt_index string stream
+ = { inp_stream = OldLine (lt_index+1) string stream
, inp_filename = inp_filename
, inp_pos = lt_position
, inp_tabsize = inp_tabsize
} -->> ("token_back in input", lt_token)
- = nextToken newContext {ss_input = Input old_input, ss_offsides=ss_offsides, ss_scanOptions=ss_scanOptions, ss_tokenBuffer=ss_tokenBuffer}
+ # c = string.[lt_index]
+ # (token, inp) = Scan c old_input newContext
+ = ( token
+ , { ss_input = Input inp
+ , ss_tokenBuffer = store
+ { lt_position = lt_position
+ , lt_index = lt_index
+ , lt_token = token
+ , lt_context = newContext
+ }
+ (pop ss_tokenBuffer)
+ , ss_offsides=ss_offsides
+ , ss_scanOptions=ss_scanOptions
+ }
+ ) -->> ("renewed token",token,lt_position)
= ( lt_token
, {ss_input = input , ss_tokenBuffer = store token ss_tokenBuffer, ss_offsides=ss_offsides, ss_scanOptions=ss_scanOptions}
) -->> ("unable to push token_back in input; line is lost",(inp_pos.fp_line,lt_position.fp_line), lt_token)
@@ -359,7 +363,7 @@ where
ss_offsides=ss_offsides, ss_scanOptions=ss_scanOptions
- } //-->> (token,pos)
+ } -->> (token,pos)
mark_position {inp_stream=input=:(OldLine i _ _),inp_filename,inp_pos,inp_tabsize}
= {inp_stream=input, inp_filename=inp_filename, inp_pos={inp_pos &fp_col=1}, inp_tabsize=inp_tabsize}
@@ -403,15 +407,30 @@ where
notContextDependent :: !Token -> Bool
-notContextDependent NewDefinitionToken = True
-notContextDependent EndGroupToken = True
-notContextDependent EndOfFileToken = True
-// RWS ..
-notContextDependent InToken = True
-// ... RWS
-notContextDependent (ErrorToken _) = True
-notContextDependent (CodeBlockToken _) = True
-notContextDependent _ = False
+notContextDependent token
+ = case token of
+ NewDefinitionToken -> True
+ EndGroupToken -> True
+ EndOfFileToken -> True
+ InToken -> True
+ ErrorToken _ -> True
+ CodeBlockToken _ -> True
+ OpenToken -> True
+ CloseToken -> True
+ CurlyOpenToken -> True
+ CurlyCloseToken -> True
+ SquareOpenToken -> True
+ SquareCloseToken -> True
+ SemicolonToken -> True
+ CommaToken -> True
+ ExclamationToken -> True
+ ClassToken -> True
+ InstanceToken -> True
+ OtherwiseToken -> True
+ IfToken -> True
+ WhereToken -> True
+ WithToken -> True
+ _ -> False
class replaceToken state :: !Token !*state -> *state
@@ -603,12 +622,13 @@ Scan c0=:'.' input co // PK incorrect ?
-> ScanOperator 1 input [c1, c0] co
-> (DotToken, charBack input)
Scan '!' input TypeContext = (ExclamationToken, input)
-Scan '\\' input co
+Scan c0=:'\\' input co
# (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (BackSlashToken, input)
- | c == '\\' = (DoubleBackSlashToken, input)
+ | c == '\\' = possibleKeyToken DoubleBackSlashToken [c, c0] co input
+ | isSpecialChar c = ScanOperator 1 input [c, c0] co
= (BackSlashToken, charBack input)
-Scan c0=:'_' input=:{inp_stream=OldLine i line stream,inp_pos} co //PK ..
+Scan c0=:'_' input=:{inp_stream=OldLine i line stream,inp_pos} co
# size = size line
# end_i = scan_underscores i size line
@@ -630,16 +650,6 @@ Scan c0=:'_' input=:{inp_stream=OldLine i line stream,inp_pos} co //PK ..
# pos = {inp_pos & fp_col = inp_pos.fp_col + (end_i-i)}
# input = {input & inp_stream=OldLine end_i line stream,inp_pos=pos}
= (ErrorToken (line % (i-1,end_i-1)+++" is an illegal token"),input)
-/* PK
-Scan c0=:'_' input co
- # (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
- | eof = (WildCardToken, input)
- | IsIdentChar c1 co
-// = ScanIdent 1 input [c1, c0] co
- = ScanIdentFast 2 input co
-// | isSpecialChar c1 = ScanOperator 1 input [c1, c0] co
- = (WildCardToken, charBack input)
Scan c0=:'<' input TypeContext
# (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (ErrorToken "< just before end of file in TypeContext", input)
@@ -663,15 +673,11 @@ Scan c0=:'-' input co
# (eof, c1, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IdentToken "-", input)
-// # new = newExp input.inp_charBuffer
-// | IsDigit c1 && new = ScanNumeral 1 input [c1,c0]
| IsDigit c1 && new_exp_char previous_char
= ScanNumeral 1 input [c1,c0]
| c1 <> '>' = ScanOperator 0 (charBack input) [c0] co
- | co == TypeContext = (ArrowToken, input) // -> is a reserved symbol in a type context
- // Can cause an error when token (like ->.) is read in wrong context
+ | co == TypeContext = (ArrowToken, input)
# (eof, c2, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (ArrowToken, input)
| isSpecialChar c2 = ScanOperator 2 input [c2, c1, c0] co
@@ -704,25 +710,21 @@ Scan c0=:':' input co
= ScanOperator 1 (charBack input) [c1, c0] co
Scan c0=:'\'' input co = ScanChar input [c0]
Scan c0=:'\"' input co = ScanString 0 [c0] input
-// PK ..
Scan 'E' input TypeContext
# (eof,c1,input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IdentToken "E", input)
| c1 == '.' = (ExistsToken, input)
-// = ScanIdent 1 (charBack input) TypeContext
= ScanIdentFast 1 (charBack input) TypeContext
Scan 'A' input TypeContext
# (eof,c1,input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (IdentToken "A", input)
| c1 == '.' = (ForAllToken, input)
-// = ScanIdent 1 (charBack input) TypeContext
= ScanIdentFast 1 (charBack input) TypeContext
-// .. PK
Scan c input co
| IsDigit c = ScanNumeral 0 input [c]
| IsIdentChar c co
= ScanIdentFast 1 input co
-// = ScanIdent 0 input [c] co
| isSpecialChar c = ScanOperator 0 input [c] co
= (ErrorToken ScanErrIllegal, input)
@@ -787,7 +789,6 @@ CheckEveryContext s input
"generic" -> (GenericToken , input)
"otherwise" -> (OtherwiseToken , input)
"!" -> (ExclamationToken , input)
-// "::" -> (DoubleColonToken , input)
"*/" -> (ErrorToken "Unexpected end of comment, */", input)
"infixr" # (error, n, input) = GetPrio input
-> case error of
@@ -979,8 +980,8 @@ ScanChar input chars
# (eof, c, input) = ReadNormalChar input
| eof = (ErrorToken "End of file inside Char denotation", input)
| '\'' == c = (CharListToken "", input)
- | '\\' <> c = ScanEndOfChar 1 [c: chars] input
- = ScanBSChar 0 chars input ScanEndOfChar
+ | '\\' == c = ScanBSChar 0 chars input ScanEndOfChar
+ = ScanEndOfChar 1 [c: chars] input
ScanBSChar :: !Int ![Char] !Input (!Int ![Char] !Input -> (!Token, !Input)) -> (!Token, !Input)
ScanBSChar n chars input cont
@@ -1460,8 +1461,6 @@ openScanner file_name searchPaths files
, inp_filename = file_name
, inp_pos = {fp_line = 1, fp_col = 0}
, inp_tabsize = 4
-// , inp_charBuffer = Buffer0
- // , inp_curToken = []
, ss_offsides = [(1,False)] // to generate offsides between global definitions
, ss_scanOptions = 0
@@ -1528,7 +1527,6 @@ NewLineChar :== '\n'
LFChar :== '\xA'
CRChar :== '\xD'
-//isNewLine c :== c == LFChar || c == CRChar
isNewLine :: !Char -> Bool
isNewLine LFChar = True
isNewLine CRChar = True
@@ -1624,25 +1622,11 @@ checkOffside pos index token scanState=:{ss_offsides,ss_scanOptions,ss_input}
} -->> ("end group generated",pos) // insert EndGroupToken
| n == 1
- // # (new_offsides, scanState) = scanState!ss_offsides // for tracing XXX
+ // # (new_offsides, scanState) = scanState!ss_offsides // for tracing XXX
= (newToken, scanState) // -->> ("new offsides",new_offsides)
= gen_end_groups (dec n) scanState
| token == InToken
= (token, { scanState & ss_offsides = tl ss_offsides })
-/* # scanState = tokenBack { scanState & ss_offsides = tl ss_offsides }
- newToken = EndGroupToken
- = ( newToken
- , { scanState
- & ss_tokenBuffer
- = store
- { lt_position = pos
- , lt_token = newToken
- // , lt_context = FunctionContext
- }
- scanState.ss_tokenBuffer
- }
- ) -->> (token,"EndGroupToken generated: in",pos,ss_offsides)
-*/ // otherwise
= newOffside token scanState
newOffside token scanState=:{ss_offsides}
@@ -1682,12 +1666,10 @@ definesOffside WhereToken = True
definesOffside WithToken = True
definesOffside SpecialToken = True
definesOffside OfToken = True
-//definesOffside BarToken = True // There are too many BarTokens in Clean
definesOffside _ = False
needsNewDefinitionToken :: !Token -> Bool
needsNewDefinitionToken OfToken = True
-//needsNewDefinitionToken WithToken = True
needsNewDefinitionToken SpecialToken = True
needsNewDefinitionToken _ = False
@@ -1730,6 +1712,12 @@ get (Buffer1 x) = (x, Buffer0)
get (Buffer2 x y) = (x, Buffer1 y)
get (Buffer3 x y z) = (x, Buffer2 y z)
+pop :: !(Buffer x) -> Buffer x
+pop Buffer0 = Buffer0 //abort "pop from empty buffer"
+pop (Buffer1 x) = Buffer0
+pop (Buffer2 x y) = Buffer1 y
+pop (Buffer3 x y z) = Buffer2 y z
head :: !(Buffer x) -> x
head Buffer0 = abort "head of empty buffer"
head (Buffer1 x) = x
@@ -1756,7 +1744,6 @@ where
//--- Preprocessor ---//
freadPreprocessedLine :: !*File -> (!.{#Char},!*File)
freadPreprocessedLine file
#! (line, file) = freadline file