diff options
9 files changed, 156 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/check.icl b/frontend/check.icl
index a0ca8dc..8380695 100644
--- a/frontend/check.icl
+++ b/frontend/check.icl
@@ -1537,7 +1537,7 @@ where
checkExpression free_vars (PE_Ident id) e_input e_state e_info cs
= checkIdentExpression cIsNotInExpressionList free_vars id e_input e_state e_info cs
checkExpression free_vars expr e_input e_state e_info cs
- = abort "checkExpression (check.icl, line 1433)" <<- expr
+ = abort "checkExpression (check.icl, line 1433)" // <<- expr
:: LastSelection = LS_Update | LS_Selction | LS_UniqueSelection
@@ -2128,7 +2128,7 @@ where
= (fun_defs, symbol_table)
get_calls (STE_FunctionOrMacro [x:xs]) = (x,xs)
- get_calls ste_kind = abort "get_calls (check.icl)" <<- ste_kind
+ get_calls ste_kind = abort "get_calls (check.icl)" // <<- ste_kind
checkFunctions :: !Index !Level !Index !Index !*{#FunDef} !*ExpressionInfo !*Heaps !*CheckState -> (!*{#FunDef}, !*ExpressionInfo, !*Heaps, !*CheckState)
@@ -2375,7 +2375,7 @@ where
# ({ste_kind,ste_index}, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr ds_ident.id_info cs.cs_symbol_table
| ste_kind == req_kind
= ({ ds & ds_index = ste_index }, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table })
- # cs_error = checkError "definition module" ("conflicting definition in implementation module"->>("ste_kind",ste_kind,ptrToInt ds_ident.id_info))
+ # cs_error = checkError "definition module" "conflicting definition in implementation module"
(setErrorAdmin (newPosition ds_ident pos) cs.cs_error)
= ({ ds & ds_index = ste_index }, { cs & cs_error = cs_error, cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table })
diff --git a/frontend/convertcases.icl b/frontend/convertcases.icl
index 377420f..e472dad 100644
--- a/frontend/convertcases.icl
+++ b/frontend/convertcases.icl
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ where
# ((let_binds,let_expr), ci) = convertCases (addLetVars let_binds let_type bound_vars) group_index common_defs (let_binds,let_expr) ci
-> ({ lad & let_binds = let_binds, let_expr = let_expr }, ci)
- -> abort "convertCases [Let] (convertcases 53)" <<- let_info
+ -> abort "convertCases [Let] (convertcases 53)" // <<- let_info
addLetVars [{bind_dst} : binds] [bind_type : bind_types] bound_vars
= addLetVars binds bind_types [ (bind_dst, bind_type) : bound_vars ]
@@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ where
{ cp_info & cp_free_vars = [ (var_info_ptr, type) : cp_info.cp_free_vars ],
cp_var_heap = cp_var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_FreeVar var_name new_info_ptr 1 type) })
- -> abort "copy [BoundVar] (convertcases, 612)" <<- (var_info ---> (var_name, ptrToInt var_info_ptr))
+ -> abort "copy [BoundVar] (convertcases, 612)" // <<- (var_info ---> (var_name, ptrToInt var_info_ptr))
instance copy Expression
@@ -1274,9 +1274,8 @@ where
# (let_info, di_expr_heap) = readPtr let_info_ptr di_expr_heap
ok = case let_info of
EI_LetTypeAndRefCounts let_type ref_counts -> True
- x -> abort ("abort [distributeLets (EI_LetTypeAndRefCounts)]" ->> x)
+ x -> abort ("abort [distributeLets (EI_LetTypeAndRefCounts)]") // ->> x)
| ok
- // ---> ("distributeLets", ptrToInt let_info_ptr, [ x.bind_dst \\ x <- let_binds])
# (EI_LetTypeAndRefCounts let_type ref_counts) = let_info
di_var_heap = set_let_expression_info depth let_strict let_binds ref_counts let_type di_var_heap
(let_expr, dl_info) = distributeLets depth let_expr { dl_info & di_var_heap = di_var_heap, di_expr_heap = di_expr_heap }
diff --git a/frontend/overloading.icl b/frontend/overloading.icl
index d0e1417..6b839b4 100644
--- a/frontend/overloading.icl
+++ b/frontend/overloading.icl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ implementation module overloading
import StdEnv
-import syntax, check, type, typesupport, utilities, unitype, predef, RWSDebug
+import syntax, check, type, typesupport, utilities, unitype, predef // , RWSDebug
:: InstanceTree = IT_Node !(Global Index) !InstanceTree !InstanceTree | IT_Empty
@@ -582,6 +582,7 @@ getDictionaryConstructor {glob_module, glob_object = {ds_ident,ds_index}} defs
(RecordType {rt_constructor}) = defs.[glob_module].com_type_defs.[class_dictionary.ds_index].td_rhs
= rt_constructor
simplifyOverloadedCall {symb_kind = SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_module,glob_object}, symb_arity} expr_info_ptr [class_appl:class_appls]
defs has_context contexts type_heaps var_heap symbol_heap error
# mem_def = defs.[glob_module].com_member_defs.[glob_object]
@@ -603,7 +604,7 @@ where
= determineContextAddress tc has_context contexts defs type_heaps var_heap error
{class_dictionary={ds_index}} = defs.[glob_module].com_class_defs.[glob_object]
selector = selectFromDictionary glob_module ds_index me_offset defs
- = (EI_Selection (generateClassSelection address [RecordSelection selector me_offset]) (createBoundVar class_context) class_exprs,
+ = (EI_Selection (generateClassSelection address [RecordSelection selector me_offset]) class_context.tc_var class_exprs,
contexts, (type_heaps, var_heap, symbol_heap), error)
adjust_member_application _ _ (CA_GlobalTypeCode {tci_index,tci_contexts}) _ defs has_context contexts heaps error
@@ -655,8 +656,8 @@ where
# (class_context, context_address, contexts, type_heaps, var_heap, error)
= determineContextAddress tc has_context contexts defs type_heaps var_heap error
| isEmpty context_address
- = (Var (createBoundVar class_context), (contexts, (type_heaps, var_heap, expr_heap), error))
- = (Selection No (Var (createBoundVar class_context)) (generateClassSelection context_address []), (contexts, (type_heaps, var_heap, expr_heap), error))
+ = (ClassVariable class_context.tc_var, (contexts, (type_heaps, var_heap, expr_heap), error))
+ = (Selection No (ClassVariable class_context.tc_var) (generateClassSelection context_address []), (contexts, (type_heaps, var_heap, expr_heap), error))
convert_class_appl_to_expression defs has_context (CA_LocalTypeCode new_var_ptr) contexts_heaps_error
= (TypeCodeExpression (TCE_Var new_var_ptr), contexts_heaps_error)
convert_class_appl_to_expression defs has_context (CA_GlobalTypeCode {tci_index,tci_contexts}) contexts_heaps_error
@@ -689,19 +690,18 @@ where
(app_info_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr (EI_ClassTypes instance_types) expr_heap
rc_record = App { app_symb = record_symbol, app_args = rc_exprs ++ rcs_exprs, app_info_ptr = app_info_ptr }
= (rc_record, (contexts, (type_heaps, var_heap, expr_heap), error))
createBoundVar :: !TypeContext -> BoundVar
createBoundVar {tc_class={glob_object={ds_ident}}, tc_var}
-/* | isNilPtr tc_var
- = abort ("createBoundVar : NIL ptr" ---> ds_ident)
-*/ = { var_name = { id_name = "_v" +++ ds_ident.id_name, id_info = nilPtr }, var_info_ptr = tc_var, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }
+ = { var_name = { id_name = "_v" +++ ds_ident.id_name, id_info = nilPtr }, var_info_ptr = tc_var, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }
createFreeVar :: !TypeContext -> FreeVar
createFreeVar {tc_class={glob_object={ds_ident}}, tc_var}
| isNilPtr tc_var
= abort ("createFreeVar : NIL ptr" ---> ds_ident)
= { fv_name = { id_name = "_v" +++ ds_ident.id_name, id_info = nilPtr }, fv_info_ptr = tc_var, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = -1 }
determineContextAddress :: !TypeContext !Bool ![TypeContext] !{#CommonDefs} !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap !*ErrorAdmin
-> (!TypeContext, ![(Int, Global DefinedSymbol)], ![TypeContext], !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap, !*ErrorAdmin)
@@ -750,6 +750,10 @@ where
-> find_super_instance context tcs (inc tc_index) address dict_mod dict_index defs type_heaps
+getClassVariable var_info_ptr var_heap
+ # (VI_ClassVar var_name new_info_ptr count, var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
+ = (var_name, new_info_ptr, var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_ClassVar var_name new_info_ptr (inc count)))
updateDynamics :: ![Int] ![TypeContext] ![LocalTypePatternVariable] !*{#FunDef} !*ExpressionHeap !*TypeCodeInfo !*VarHeap !*ErrorAdmin
-> (!*{#FunDef}, !*ExpressionHeap, !*TypeCodeInfo, !*VarHeap, !*ErrorAdmin)
updateDynamics funs type_contexts type_pattern_vars fun_defs symbol_heap type_code_info var_heap error
@@ -766,46 +770,63 @@ where
= update_dynamics funs type_contexts fun_defs symbol_heap type_code_info ltp error
# (type_code_info, symbol_heap, ltp) = convertDynamicTypes fi_dynamics (type_code_info, symbol_heap, ltp)
(TransformedBody tb) = fun_body
- (tb_rhs, {ui_instance_calls, ui_symbol_heap, ui_fun_defs})
- = updateExpression fi_group_index [] tb.tb_rhs { ui_instance_calls = [], ui_symbol_heap = symbol_heap, ui_fun_defs = fun_defs }
+ (tb_rhs, {ui_instance_calls, ui_symbol_heap, ui_var_heap, ui_fun_defs}) = updateExpression fi_group_index [] tb.tb_rhs
+ { ui_instance_calls = [], ui_symbol_heap = symbol_heap, ui_fun_defs = fun_defs, ui_var_heap = ltp.ltp_var_heap }
fun_def = { fun_def & fun_body = TransformedBody {tb & tb_rhs = tb_rhs}}
- = update_dynamics funs type_contexts { ui_fun_defs & [fun] = fun_def } ui_symbol_heap type_code_info ltp error
+ = update_dynamics funs type_contexts { ui_fun_defs & [fun] = fun_def } ui_symbol_heap type_code_info { ltp & ltp_var_heap = ui_var_heap } error
removeOverloadedFunctions :: ![Int] ![(Optional [TypeContext], IdentPos)] ![TypeContext] ![LocalTypePatternVariable] !*{#FunDef} !*ExpressionHeap
!*TypeCodeInfo !*VarHeap !*ErrorAdmin
-> (!*{#FunDef}, !*ExpressionHeap, !*TypeCodeInfo, !*VarHeap, !*ErrorAdmin)
removeOverloadedFunctions funs opt_spec_contexts type_contexts type_pattern_vars fun_defs symbol_heap type_code_info var_heap error
| error.ea_ok
- = remove_overloaded_functions funs opt_spec_contexts type_contexts fun_defs symbol_heap type_code_info
- { ltp_var_heap = var_heap, ltp_variables = type_pattern_vars} error
- = (fun_defs, symbol_heap, type_code_info, var_heap, error)
- remove_overloaded_functions :: ![Int] ![(Optional [TypeContext], IdentPos)] ![TypeContext] !*{#FunDef} !*ExpressionHeap !*TypeCodeInfo
- !*LocalTypePatternVariables !*ErrorAdmin
- -> (!*{#FunDef}, !*ExpressionHeap, !*TypeCodeInfo, !*VarHeap, !*ErrorAdmin)
- remove_overloaded_functions [] opt_contexts type_contexts fun_defs symbol_heap type_code_info ltp error
- = (fun_defs, symbol_heap, type_code_info, ltp.ltp_var_heap, error)
- remove_overloaded_functions [fun:funs] [(opt_context, location):opt_contexts] type_contexts fun_defs symbol_heap type_code_info ltp error
- #! fun_def = fun_defs.[fun]
- # {fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info,fun_arity,fun_symb} = fun_def
+ # (_, fun_defs, symbol_heap, type_code_info, ltp, error)
+ = fold2St (remove_overloaded_function type_contexts) funs opt_spec_contexts
+ (False, fun_defs, symbol_heap, type_code_info, { ltp_var_heap = var_heap, ltp_variables = type_pattern_vars}, error)
+ = (fun_defs, symbol_heap, type_code_info, ltp.ltp_var_heap, error)
+ remove_overloaded_function derived_context fun_index (opt_context, location)
+ (refresh_variables, fun_defs, symbol_heap, type_code_info, ltp, error)
+ # (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun_index]
+ {fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info,fun_arity,fun_symb} = fun_def
+ (refresh_variables, rev_variables, ltp_var_heap) = determine_class_arguments refresh_variables opt_context derived_context ltp.ltp_var_heap
error = setErrorAdmin location error
- (type_code_info, symbol_heap, ltp) = convertDynamicTypes fun_info.fi_dynamics (type_code_info, symbol_heap, ltp)
- tb_args = determine_class_arguments opt_context type_contexts tb_args
- (tb_rhs, {ui_instance_calls, ui_symbol_heap, ui_fun_defs}) = updateExpression fun_info.fi_group_index type_contexts tb_rhs
- { ui_instance_calls = [], ui_symbol_heap = symbol_heap, ui_fun_defs = fun_defs }
+ (type_code_info, symbol_heap, ltp) = convertDynamicTypes fun_info.fi_dynamics (type_code_info, symbol_heap, { ltp & ltp_var_heap = ltp_var_heap })
+ (tb_rhs, {ui_instance_calls, ui_symbol_heap, ui_var_heap, ui_fun_defs}) = updateExpression fun_info.fi_group_index rev_variables tb_rhs
+ { ui_instance_calls = [], ui_symbol_heap = symbol_heap, ui_var_heap = ltp.ltp_var_heap, ui_fun_defs = fun_defs }
+ (tb_args, ltp_var_heap) = foldSt retrieve_class_argument rev_variables (tb_args, ui_var_heap)
fun_def = { fun_def & fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args = tb_args, tb_rhs = tb_rhs},
fun_arity = length tb_args, fun_info = { fun_info & fi_calls = fun_info.fi_calls ++ ui_instance_calls } }
- = remove_overloaded_functions funs opt_contexts type_contexts { ui_fun_defs & [fun] = fun_def } ui_symbol_heap type_code_info ltp error
- determine_class_arguments (Yes spec_context) _ tb_args
- = mapAppend (\tc -> createFreeVar tc) spec_context tb_args
- determine_class_arguments No type_contexts tb_args
- = mapAppend (\tc -> createFreeVar tc) type_contexts tb_args
+ = (refresh_variables, { ui_fun_defs & [fun_index] = fun_def }, ui_symbol_heap, type_code_info, { ltp & ltp_var_heap = ltp_var_heap }, error)
+ determine_class_arguments fresh_variables (Yes spec_context) _ var_heap
+ # (rev_variables, var_heap) = foldSt set_variable spec_context ([], var_heap)
+ = (fresh_variables, rev_variables, var_heap)
+ determine_class_arguments fresh_variables No derived_context var_heap
+ | fresh_variables
+ # (rev_variables, var_heap) = foldSt set_fresh_variable derived_context ([], var_heap)
+ = (True, rev_variables, var_heap)
+ # (rev_variables, var_heap) = foldSt set_variable derived_context ([], var_heap)
+ = (True, rev_variables, var_heap)
+ set_fresh_variable {tc_class={glob_object={ds_ident={id_name}}}, tc_var} (variables, var_heap)
+ # (new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
+ = ([tc_var : variables], var_heap <:= (tc_var, VI_ClassVar (build_var_name id_name) new_info_ptr 0))
+ set_variable {tc_class={glob_object={ds_ident={id_name}}}, tc_var} (variables, var_heap)
+ = ([tc_var : variables], var_heap <:= (tc_var, VI_ClassVar (build_var_name id_name) tc_var 0))
+ build_var_name id_name
+ = { id_name = "_v" +++ id_name, id_info = nilPtr }
+ retrieve_class_argument var_info_ptr (args, var_heap)
+ # (VI_ClassVar var_name new_info_ptr count, var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
+ = ([{fv_name = var_name, fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = count } : args], var_heap)
convertDynamicTypes dyn_ptrs update_info
= foldSt update_dynamic dyn_ptrs update_info
- update_dynamic dyn_ptr (type_code_info, expr_heap, local_type_pattern_vars)
+ update_dynamic dyn_ptr (type_code_info, expr_heap, ltp)
# (dyn_info, expr_heap) = readPtr dyn_ptr expr_heap
= case dyn_info of
EI_TempDynamicType (Yes {dt_global_vars, dt_uni_vars, dt_type}) _ _ expr_ptr _
@@ -814,47 +835,43 @@ where
EI_TypeCodes type_codes
# type_var_heap = fold2St (\{tv_info_ptr} type_code -> writePtr tv_info_ptr (TVI_TypeCode type_code))
dt_global_vars type_codes type_code_info.tci_type_var_heap
- (uni_vars, (type_var_heap, ltp_var_heap)) = new_type_variables dt_uni_vars (type_var_heap, local_type_pattern_vars.ltp_var_heap)
+ (uni_vars, (type_var_heap, ltp_var_heap)) = new_type_variables dt_uni_vars (type_var_heap, ltp.ltp_var_heap)
(type_code_expr, type_code_info) = toTypeCodeExpression dt_type { type_code_info & tci_type_var_heap = type_var_heap }
- -> (type_code_info, expr_heap <:= (dyn_ptr, EI_TypeOfDynamic uni_vars type_code_expr), {local_type_pattern_vars & ltp_var_heap = ltp_var_heap})
+ -> (type_code_info, expr_heap <:= (dyn_ptr, EI_TypeOfDynamic uni_vars type_code_expr), { ltp & ltp_var_heap = ltp_var_heap})
- # (uni_vars, (type_var_heap, ltp_var_heap)) = new_type_variables dt_uni_vars (type_code_info.tci_type_var_heap, local_type_pattern_vars.ltp_var_heap)
+ # (uni_vars, (type_var_heap, ltp_var_heap)) = new_type_variables dt_uni_vars (type_code_info.tci_type_var_heap, ltp.ltp_var_heap)
(type_code_expr, type_code_info) = toTypeCodeExpression dt_type { type_code_info & tci_type_var_heap = type_var_heap }
- -> (type_code_info, expr_heap <:= (dyn_ptr, EI_TypeOfDynamic uni_vars type_code_expr), {local_type_pattern_vars & ltp_var_heap = ltp_var_heap})
+ -> (type_code_info, expr_heap <:= (dyn_ptr, EI_TypeOfDynamic uni_vars type_code_expr), {ltp & ltp_var_heap = ltp_var_heap})
EI_TempDynamicType No _ _ expr_ptr _
# (expr_info, expr_heap) = readPtr expr_ptr expr_heap
-> case expr_info of
EI_TypeCode type_expr
- -> (type_code_info, expr_heap <:= (dyn_ptr, EI_TypeOfDynamic [] type_expr), local_type_pattern_vars)
+ -> (type_code_info, expr_heap <:= (dyn_ptr, EI_TypeOfDynamic [] type_expr), ltp)
EI_Selection selectors record_var _
- -> (type_code_info, expr_heap <:= (dyn_ptr, EI_TypeOfDynamic [] (convert_selectors selectors record_var)), local_type_pattern_vars)
+ # (_, var_info_ptr, ltp_var_heap) = getClassVariable record_var ltp.ltp_var_heap
+ -> (type_code_info, expr_heap <:= (dyn_ptr, EI_TypeOfDynamic [] (convert_selectors selectors var_info_ptr)), { ltp & ltp_var_heap = ltp_var_heap })
EI_TempDynamicPattern type_vars {dt_global_vars, dt_type} loc_dynamics temp_local_vars _ _ expr_ptr _
# (expr_info, expr_heap) = readPtr expr_ptr expr_heap
-> case expr_info of
EI_TypeCodes type_codes
# type_var_heap = fold2St (\{tv_info_ptr} type_code -> writePtr tv_info_ptr (TVI_TypeCode type_code)) dt_global_vars type_codes type_code_info.tci_type_var_heap
- (var_ptrs, local_type_pattern_vars) = mapSt addLocalTCInstance temp_local_vars local_type_pattern_vars
+ (var_ptrs, ltp) = mapSt addLocalTCInstance temp_local_vars ltp
type_var_heap = fold2St (\{tv_info_ptr} var_ptr -> writePtr tv_info_ptr (TVI_TypeCode (TCE_Var var_ptr))) type_vars var_ptrs type_var_heap
(type_code_expr, type_code_info) = toTypeCodeExpression dt_type { type_code_info & tci_type_var_heap = type_var_heap }
- -> convert_local_dynamics loc_dynamics (type_code_info, expr_heap <:= (dyn_ptr, EI_TypeOfDynamicPattern var_ptrs type_code_expr), local_type_pattern_vars)
+ -> convert_local_dynamics loc_dynamics (type_code_info, expr_heap <:= (dyn_ptr, EI_TypeOfDynamicPattern var_ptrs type_code_expr), ltp)
- # (var_ptrs, local_type_pattern_vars) = mapSt addLocalTCInstance temp_local_vars local_type_pattern_vars
+ # (var_ptrs, ltp) = mapSt addLocalTCInstance temp_local_vars ltp
type_var_heap = fold2St (\{tv_info_ptr} var_ptr -> writePtr tv_info_ptr (TVI_TypeCode (TCE_Var var_ptr))) type_vars var_ptrs type_code_info.tci_type_var_heap
(type_code_expr, type_code_info) = toTypeCodeExpression dt_type { type_code_info & tci_type_var_heap = type_var_heap }
- -> convert_local_dynamics loc_dynamics (type_code_info, expr_heap <:= (dyn_ptr, EI_TypeOfDynamicPattern var_ptrs type_code_expr), local_type_pattern_vars)
+ -> convert_local_dynamics loc_dynamics (type_code_info, expr_heap <:= (dyn_ptr, EI_TypeOfDynamicPattern var_ptrs type_code_expr), ltp)
convert_local_dynamics loc_dynamics state
= foldSt update_dynamic loc_dynamics state
- convert_local_dynamics (Yes loc_dynamics) state
- = update_dynamic loc_dynamics state
- convert_local_dynamics No state
- = state
- convert_selectors [type_code_selector] {var_info_ptr}
+ convert_selectors [type_code_selector] var_info_ptr
= TCE_Var var_info_ptr
- convert_selectors selectors {var_info_ptr}
+ convert_selectors selectors var_info_ptr
= TCE_Selector (init selectors) var_info_ptr
new_type_variables uni_vars heaps
@@ -900,10 +917,12 @@ where
:: UpdateInfo =
{ ui_instance_calls :: ![FunCall]
, ui_symbol_heap :: !.ExpressionHeap
+ , ui_var_heap :: !.VarHeap
, ui_fun_defs :: !.{# FunDef}
-class updateExpression e :: !Index ![TypeContext] !e !*UpdateInfo -> (!e, !*UpdateInfo)
+class updateExpression e :: !Index ![VarInfoPtr] !e !*UpdateInfo -> (!e, !*UpdateInfo)
instance updateExpression Expression
@@ -915,24 +934,32 @@ where
= case symb_info of
| is_recursive_call group_index symb_kind ui.ui_fun_defs
- # app_args = strictMapAppend (\tc -> Var (createBoundVar tc)) type_contexts app_args
- -> (App { app & app_symb = { symb & symb_arity = length type_contexts + symb_arity }, app_args = app_args }, ui)
+ # (symb_arity, app_args, ui_var_heap) = foldSt build_context_arg type_contexts (symb_arity, app_args, ui.ui_var_heap)
+ -> (App { app & app_symb = { symb & symb_arity = symb_arity }, app_args = app_args }, { ui & ui_var_heap = ui_var_heap })
-> (App { app & app_args = app_args }, ui)
EI_Instance inst_symbol context_args
+ # (context_args, ui_var_heap) = adjustClassExpressions context_args [] ui.ui_var_heap
-> (build_application inst_symbol context_args app_args symb_arity app_info_ptr,
- examine_calls context_args (new_call inst_symbol.glob_module inst_symbol.glob_object.ds_index ui))
+ examine_calls context_args (new_call inst_symbol.glob_module inst_symbol.glob_object.ds_index
+ { ui & ui_var_heap = ui_var_heap }))
EI_Selection selectors record_var context_args
- # all_args = context_args ++ app_args
- select_expr = Selection No (Var record_var) selectors
+ # (all_args, ui_var_heap) = adjustClassExpressions context_args app_args ui.ui_var_heap
+ (var_name, var_info_ptr, ui_var_heap) = getClassVariable record_var ui_var_heap
+ select_expr = Selection No (Var { var_name = var_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }) selectors
| isEmpty all_args
- -> (select_expr, ui)
- -> (select_expr @ all_args, examine_calls context_args ui)
+ -> (select_expr, { ui & ui_var_heap = ui_var_heap })
+ -> (select_expr @ all_args, examine_calls context_args { ui & ui_var_heap = ui_var_heap })
EI_Context context_args
- # app = { app & app_symb = { symb & symb_arity = length context_args + symb_arity }, app_args = context_args ++ app_args}
- -> (App app, examine_calls context_args ui)
+ # (app_args, ui_var_heap) = adjustClassExpressions context_args app_args ui.ui_var_heap
+ # app = { app & app_symb = { symb & symb_arity = length context_args + symb_arity }, app_args = app_args}
+ -> (App app, examine_calls context_args { ui & ui_var_heap = ui_var_heap })
+ build_context_arg var_info_ptr (arity, args, var_heap)
+ # (var_name, var_info_ptr, var_heap) = getClassVariable var_info_ptr var_heap
+ = (inc arity, [ Var { var_name = var_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr } : args ], var_heap)
is_recursive_call group_index (SK_Function {glob_module,glob_object}) fun_defs
| glob_module == cIclModIndex
#! fun_def = fun_defs.[glob_object]
@@ -991,25 +1018,6 @@ where
# (expr, ui) = updateExpression group_index type_contexts expr ui
(selectors, ui) = updateExpression group_index type_contexts selectors ui
= (Selection is_unique expr selectors, ui)
- where
- update_selections group_index type_contexts is_unique selectors ui
- = foldl (update_selection group_index type_contexts is_unique) state selectors
- update_selection group_index type_contexts is_unique (expr, ui) (ArraySelection selector expr_ptr index_expr)
- # (index_expr, ui) = updateExpression group_index type_contexts index_expr ui
- #! symb_info = sreadPtr expr_ptr ui.ui_symbol_heap
- = case symb_info of
- EI_Instance array_select []
- -> (App {app_symb = { symb_name = glob_object.ds_ident,
- symb_kind = SK_Function { glob_module = glob_module, glob_object = glob_object.ds_index },
- symb_arity = glob_object.ds_arity + 2 },
- app_args = context_args ++ [expr,index_expr], app_info_ptr = expr_ptr }, ui)
- EI_Selection selectors record context_args
- -> (Selection is_unique record selectors @ [expr,index_expr], ui)
- update_selection group_index type_contexts is_unique (expr, ui) (RecordSelection selector field_nr)
- = (Selection is_unique expr [RecordSelection selector field_nr], ui)
updateExpression group_index type_contexts (Update expr1 selectors expr2) ui
# (expr1, ui) = updateExpression group_index type_contexts expr1 ui
(selectors, ui) = updateExpression group_index type_contexts selectors ui
@@ -1078,8 +1086,10 @@ where
= case symb_info of
EI_Instance array_select []
-> (ArraySelection array_select expr_ptr index_expr, ui)
- EI_Selection selectors record context_args
- -> (DictionarySelection record selectors expr_ptr index_expr, ui)
+ EI_Selection selectors record_var context_args
+ # (var_name, var_info_ptr, ui_var_heap) = getClassVariable record_var ui.ui_var_heap
+ -> (DictionarySelection { var_name = var_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr } selectors expr_ptr index_expr,
+ { ui & ui_var_heap = ui_var_heap })
updateExpression group_index type_contexts selection ui
= (selection, ui)
@@ -1106,7 +1116,21 @@ instance updateExpression [e] | updateExpression e
updateExpression group_index type_contexts l ui
= mapSt (updateExpression group_index type_contexts) l ui
+adjustClassExpressions exprs tail_exprs var_heap
+ = mapAppendSt adjustClassExpression exprs tail_exprs var_heap
+adjustClassExpression (App app=:{app_args}) var_heap
+ # (app_args, var_heap) = adjustClassExpressions app_args [] var_heap
+ = (App { app & app_args = app_args }, var_heap)
+adjustClassExpression (ClassVariable var_info_ptr) var_heap
+ # (var_name, var_info_ptr, var_heap) = getClassVariable var_info_ptr var_heap
+ = (Var { var_name = var_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr }, var_heap)
+adjustClassExpression (Selection opt_type expr selectors) var_heap
+ # (expr, var_heap) = adjustClassExpression expr var_heap
+ = (Selection opt_type expr selectors, var_heap)
+adjustClassExpression expr var_heap
+ = (expr, var_heap)
class equalTypes a :: !a !a !*TypeVarHeap -> (!Bool, !*TypeVarHeap)
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.dcl b/frontend/syntax.dcl
index 944a0a2..23a8728 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.dcl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.dcl
@@ -471,6 +471,7 @@ cIsALocalVar :== False
VI_Alias !BoundVar /* used for resolving aliases just before type checking (in transform) */ |
/* used during elimination and lifting of cases */
VI_FreeVar !Ident !VarInfoPtr !Int !AType | VI_BoundVar !AType | VI_LocalVar |
+ VI_ClassVar !Ident !VarInfoPtr !Int /* used to hold dictionary variables during overloading */ |
VI_Forward !BoundVar | VI_LetVar !LetVarInfo | VI_LetExpression !LetExpressionInfo | VI_CaseVar !VarInfoPtr |
VI_CorrespondenceNumber !Int | VI_SequenceNumber !Int |
VI_Used | /* for indicating that an imported function has been used */
@@ -601,7 +602,8 @@ cNonRecursiveAppl :== False
| EI_Overloaded !OverloadedCall /* initial, set by the type checker */
| EI_Instance !(Global DefinedSymbol) ![Expression] /* intermedediate, used during resolving of overloading */
- | EI_Selection ![Selection] !BoundVar ![Expression] /* intermedediate, used during resolving of overloading */
+// | EI_Selection ![Selection] !BoundVar ![Expression] /* intermedediate, used during resolving of overloading */
+ | EI_Selection ![Selection] !VarInfoPtr ![Expression] /* intermedediate, used during resolving of overloading */
| EI_Context ![Expression] /* intermedediate, used during resolving of overloading */
/* For handling dynamics */
@@ -983,8 +985,6 @@ cIsNotStrict :== False
| (@) infixl 9 !Expression ![Expression]
| Let !Let
| Case !Case
-// | RecordSelect !SelectorKind !(Global DefinedSymbol) !Int !Expression
-// | ArraySelect !SelectorKind !ArraySelector !Expression !Expression
| Selection !(Optional (Global DefinedSymbol)) !Expression ![Selection]
| Update !Expression ![Selection] Expression
| RecordUpdate !(Global DefinedSymbol) !Expression ![Bind Expression (Global FieldSymbol)]
@@ -999,7 +999,8 @@ cIsNotStrict :== False
| MatchExpr !(Optional (Global DefinedSymbol)) !(Global DefinedSymbol) !Expression
| FreeVar FreeVar
- | Constant !SymbIdent !Int !Priority !Bool /* auxiliary clause used during checking */
+ | Constant !SymbIdent !Int !Priority !Bool /* auxiliary clause used during checking */
+ | ClassVariable !VarInfoPtr /* auxiliary clause used during overloading */
| DynamicExpr !DynamicExpr
// | TypeCase !TypeCase
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.icl b/frontend/syntax.icl
index b25b345..6623652 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.icl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.icl
@@ -427,6 +427,7 @@ cIsALocalVar :== False
VI_Alias !BoundVar /* used for resolving aliases just before type checking (in transform) */ |
/* used during elimination and lifting of cases */
VI_FreeVar !Ident !VarInfoPtr !Int !AType | VI_BoundVar !AType | VI_LocalVar |
+ VI_ClassVar !Ident !VarInfoPtr !Int /* used to hold dictionary variables during overloading */ |
VI_Forward !BoundVar | VI_LetVar !LetVarInfo | VI_LetExpression !LetExpressionInfo | VI_CaseVar !VarInfoPtr |
VI_CorrespondenceNumber !Int | VI_SequenceNumber !Int |
VI_Used | /* for indicating that an imported function has been used */
@@ -547,7 +548,7 @@ cNotVarNumber :== -1
| EI_Overloaded !OverloadedCall /* initial, set by the type checker */
| EI_Instance !(Global DefinedSymbol) ![Expression] /* intermedediate, used during resolving of overloading */
- | EI_Selection ![Selection] !BoundVar ![Expression] /* intermedediate, used during resolving of overloading */
+ | EI_Selection ![Selection] !VarInfoPtr ![Expression] /* intermedediate, used during resolving of overloading */
| EI_Context ![Expression] /* intermedediate, used during resolving of overloading */
/* For handling dynamics */
@@ -936,7 +937,8 @@ cIsNotStrict :== False
| MatchExpr !(Optional (Global DefinedSymbol)) !(Global DefinedSymbol) !Expression
| FreeVar FreeVar
- | Constant !SymbIdent !Int !Priority !Bool /* auxiliary clause used during checking */
+ | Constant !SymbIdent !Int !Priority !Bool /* auxiliary clause used during checking */
+ | ClassVariable !VarInfoPtr /* auxiliary clause used during overloading */
| DynamicExpr !DynamicExpr
// | TypeCase !TypeCase
@@ -1375,7 +1377,9 @@ where
(<<<) file (AnyCodeExpr input output code_sequence) = file <<< "code\n" <<< input <<< "\n" <<< output <<< "\n" <<< code_sequence
(<<<) file (FreeVar {fv_name}) = file <<< "FREEVAR " <<< fv_name
- (<<<) file expr = abort ("<<< (Expression) [line 1290]" <<- expr)
+ (<<<) file (ClassVariable _) = file <<< "ClassVariable "
+ (<<<) file expr = abort ("<<< (Expression) [line 1290]" )//<<- expr)
instance <<< TypeCase
diff --git a/frontend/trans.icl b/frontend/trans.icl
index 4ea972a..cd4eef8 100644
--- a/frontend/trans.icl
+++ b/frontend/trans.icl
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ where
ai_cur_ref_counts = { ai_cur_ref_counts & [arg_position]=min (ref_count+1) 2 }
= (temp_var, False, { ai & ai_cur_ref_counts=ai_cur_ref_counts })
continuation var_info ai=:{ai_cur_ref_counts}
- = abort ("consumerRequirements" ---> (var_name <<- var_info))
+ = abort ("consumerRequirements" ---> (var_name))// <<- var_info))
// continuation vi ai
// = (cPassive, ai)
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ instance consumerRequirements Expression where
consumerRequirements EE _ ai
= (cPassive, False, ai)
consumerRequirements expr _ ai
- = abort ("consumerRequirements " <<- expr)
+ = abort ("consumerRequirements ") // <<- expr)
requirementsOfSelectors selectors common_defs ai
= foldSt (reqs_of_selector common_defs) selectors ai
diff --git a/frontend/transform.icl b/frontend/transform.icl
index a60978a..58185f5 100644
--- a/frontend/transform.icl
+++ b/frontend/transform.icl
@@ -1373,7 +1373,7 @@ where
-> (var, [{fv_name = var_name, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0} : free_vars ],
{ cos & cos_var_heap = writePtr var_info_ptr (VI_Count 1 is_global) cos.cos_var_heap })
- -> abort "collectVariables [BoundVar] (transform, 1227)" <<- (var_info ---> var_name)
+ -> abort "collectVariables [BoundVar] (transform, 1227)" // <<- (var_info ---> var_name)
// XXX
instance <<< FreeVar
diff --git a/frontend/typesupport.icl b/frontend/typesupport.icl
index 1890ac0..7d859b5 100644
--- a/frontend/typesupport.icl
+++ b/frontend/typesupport.icl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
implementation module typesupport
import StdEnv, StdCompare
-import syntax, parse, check, unitype, utilities, RWSDebug
+import syntax, parse, check, unitype, utilities // , RWSDebug
// MW: this switch is used to en(dis)able the fusion algorithm
SwitchFusion fuse dont_fuse :== dont_fuse
@@ -799,7 +799,7 @@ where
= file <<< '*'
| isNonUniqueAttribute av_number coercions
= file
- = file <<< '.'
+ = file <<< '.' <<< "[[" <<< av_number <<< "]]"
instance <:: Type
diff --git a/frontend/unitype.icl b/frontend/unitype.icl
index f56fa7e..cf204be 100644
--- a/frontend/unitype.icl
+++ b/frontend/unitype.icl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ implementation module unitype
import StdEnv
-import syntax, analunitypes, type, utilities
+import syntax, analunitypes, type, utilities // , RWSDebug
import cheat
@@ -64,6 +64,16 @@ determineAttributeCoercions off_type dem_type coercible position subst coercions
-> (subst, crc_coercions, crc_td_infos, crc_type_heaps, error)
+ No
+ # (crc_coercions, copy_crc_coercions) = uniqueCopy crc_coercions
+ format = { form_properties = cMarkAttribute, form_attr_position = Yes ([], copy_crc_coercions) }
+ | file_to_true (stderr <:: (format, exp_off_type) <:: (format, exp_dem_type) <<< '\n')
+ ---> ("determineAttributeCoercions", exp_off_type, exp_dem_type)
+ -> (subst, crc_coercions, crc_td_infos, crc_type_heaps, error)
+ -> undef
NotChecked :== -1
DummyAttrNumber :== -1
:: AttributeGroups :== {! [Int]}
@@ -525,6 +535,7 @@ makeNonUnique attr {coer_demanded, coer_offered}
# (dem_coercions, coer_demanded) = replace coer_demanded attr CT_Empty
coer_offered = { coer_offered & [attr] = CT_NonUnique }
= make_non_unique dem_coercions {coer_offered = coer_offered, coer_demanded = coer_demanded}
+// ---> ("makeNonUnique", attr)
make_non_unique (CT_Node this_attr ct_less ct_greater) coercions
# coercions = makeNonUnique this_attr coercions
@@ -549,8 +560,8 @@ Success (Yes _) = False
instance coerce AType
coerce sign defs cons_vars tpos at1=:{at_attribute=attr1,at_type=type1} at2=:{at_attribute=attr2,at_type=type2} cs=:{crc_coercions}
- # sign = adjust_sign sign type1 cons_vars
- (succ, crc_coercions) = coerceAttributes attr1 attr2 sign crc_coercions
+ # attr_sign = adjust_sign sign type1 cons_vars
+ (succ, crc_coercions) = coerceAttributes attr1 attr2 attr_sign crc_coercions
| succ
# (succ, cs) = coerce sign defs cons_vars tpos type1 type2 { cs & crc_coercions = crc_coercions }
| Success succ
@@ -651,7 +662,8 @@ where
= coerce sign defs cons_vars tpos dem_type off_type { cs & crc_type_heaps = crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos = crc_td_infos }
= (No, { cs & crc_type_heaps = crc_type_heaps, crc_td_infos = crc_td_infos })
coerce sign defs cons_vars tpos (arg_type1 --> res_type1) (arg_type2 --> res_type2) cs
- # (succ, cs) = coerce (NegativeSign * sign) defs cons_vars [0 : tpos] arg_type1 arg_type2 cs
+ # arg_sign = NegativeSign * sign
+ # (succ, cs) = coerce arg_sign defs cons_vars [0 : tpos] arg_type1 arg_type2 cs
| Success succ
= coerce sign defs cons_vars [1 : tpos] res_type1 res_type2 cs
= (succ, cs)
@@ -731,4 +743,12 @@ where
| del_char == ident.[del_pos]
= del_pos
= find_delimiter del_char (inc del_pos) ident
+file_to_true :: !File -> Bool
+file_to_true file = code {
+ .inline file_to_true
+ pop_b 2
+ pushB TRUE
+ .end
+ }