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1 files changed, 60 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/parse.icl b/frontend/parse.icl
index 16f4f6b..1ad3a95 100644
--- a/frontend/parse.icl
+++ b/frontend/parse.icl
@@ -2325,15 +2325,33 @@ where
tryBrackSAType :: !ParseState -> (!Bool, SAType, !ParseState)
tryBrackSAType pState
// type of constructor argument
- # (_, annot, attr, pState) = optionalAnnotAndAttr pState
- # (succ, atype, pState) = trySimpleType attr pState
- = (succ, {s_annotation=annot,s_type=atype}, pState)
+ # (succ, annot, attr, pState) = optionalAnnotAndAttr pState
+ | succ
+ # (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
+ # (result, atype, pState) = trySimpleTypeT token attr pState
+ # sa_type = {s_annotation=annot,s_type=atype}
+ | result==ParseOk
+ = (True, sa_type, pState)
+ | result==ParseFailWithError
+ = (False, sa_type, pState)
+ = (False, sa_type, parseError "constructor type" (Yes token) "type" pState)
+ # (succ, atype, pState) = trySimpleType attr pState
+ = (succ, {s_annotation=annot,s_type=atype}, pState)
tryBrackSATypeWithPosition :: !ParseState -> (!Bool, SATypeWithPosition, !ParseState)
tryBrackSATypeWithPosition pState
- # (_, annot, attr, pState) = optionalAnnotAndAttrWithPosition pState
- # (succ, atype, pState) = trySimpleType attr pState
- = (succ, {sp_annotation=annot,sp_type=atype}, pState)
+ # (succ, annot, attr, pState) = optionalAnnotAndAttrWithPosition pState
+ | succ
+ # (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
+ # (result, atype, pState) = trySimpleTypeT token attr pState
+ # sa_type_wp = {sp_annotation=annot,sp_type=atype}
+ | result==ParseOk
+ = (True, sa_type_wp, pState)
+ | result==ParseFailWithError
+ = (False, sa_type_wp, pState)
+ = (False, sa_type_wp, parseError "symbol type" (Yes token) "type" pState)
+ # (succ, atype, pState) = trySimpleType attr pState
+ = (succ, {sp_annotation=annot,sp_type=atype}, pState)
instance want AType
@@ -2464,10 +2482,16 @@ tryBrackAType pState
# (_, attr, pState) = warnAnnotAndOptionalAttr pState
= trySimpleType attr pState
+:: ParseResult :== Int
trySimpleType :: !TypeAttribute !ParseState -> (!Bool, !AType, !ParseState)
trySimpleType attr pState
# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
- = trySimpleTypeT token attr pState
+ # (result,atype,pState) = trySimpleTypeT token attr pState
+ = (result==ParseOk,atype,pState)
is_tail_strict_list_or_nil pState
# (square_close_position, pState) = getPosition pState
@@ -2482,15 +2506,15 @@ is_tail_strict_list_or_nil pState
= (True,pState)
= (False,pState)
-trySimpleTypeT :: !Token !TypeAttribute !ParseState -> (!Bool, !AType, !ParseState)
+trySimpleTypeT :: !Token !TypeAttribute !ParseState -> (!ParseResult, !AType, !ParseState)
trySimpleTypeT (IdentToken id) attr pState
| isLowerCaseName id
# (typevar, pState) = nameToTypeVar id pState
(attr, pState) = adjustAttribute attr typevar pState
- = (True, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = typevar}, pState)
+ = (ParseOk, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = typevar}, pState)
| otherwise // | isUpperCaseName id || isFunnyIdName id
# (type, pState) = stringToType id pState
- = (True, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = type}, pState)
+ = (ParseOk, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = type}, pState)
trySimpleTypeT SquareOpenToken attr pState
# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
# (head_strictness,token,pState) = wantHeadStrictness token pState
@@ -2509,34 +2533,34 @@ trySimpleTypeT SquareOpenToken attr pState
# (tail_strict,pState) = is_tail_strict_list_or_nil pState
| tail_strict
# list_symbol = makeTailStrictListTypeSymbol HeadLazy 0
- = (True, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA list_symbol []}, pState)
+ = (ParseOk, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA list_symbol []}, pState)
# list_symbol = makeListTypeSymbol head_strictness 0
- = (True, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA list_symbol []}, pState)
+ = (ParseOk, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA list_symbol []}, pState)
# list_symbol = makeListTypeSymbol head_strictness 0
- = (True, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA list_symbol []}, pState)
+ = (ParseOk, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA list_symbol []}, pState)
| token==ExclamationToken
# (token,pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
| token==SquareCloseToken
# list_symbol = makeTailStrictListTypeSymbol head_strictness 0
- = (True, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA list_symbol []}, pState)
- = (False, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TE}, parseError "List type" (Yes token) "]" pState)
+ = (ParseOk, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA list_symbol []}, pState)
+ = (ParseFailWithError, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TE}, parseError "List type" (Yes token) "]" pState)
# (type, pState) = wantAType (tokenBack pState)
(token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
| token == SquareCloseToken
# list_symbol = makeListTypeSymbol head_strictness 1
- = (True, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA list_symbol [type]}, pState)
+ = (ParseOk, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA list_symbol [type]}, pState)
| token==ExclamationToken
# (token,pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
| token==SquareCloseToken
# list_symbol = makeTailStrictListTypeSymbol head_strictness 1
- = (True, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA list_symbol [type]}, pState)
- = (False, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TE}, parseError "List type" (Yes token) "]" pState)
+ = (ParseOk, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA list_symbol [type]}, pState)
+ = (ParseFailWithError, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TE}, parseError "List type" (Yes token) "]" pState)
// otherwise // token <> SquareCloseToken
- = (False, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TE}, parseError "List type" (Yes token) "]" pState)
+ = (ParseFailWithError, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TE}, parseError "List type" (Yes token) "]" pState)
trySimpleTypeT OpenToken attr pState
# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
= trySimpleTypeT_after_OpenToken token attr pState
@@ -2544,51 +2568,51 @@ trySimpleTypeT CurlyOpenToken attr pState
# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
| token == CurlyCloseToken
# array_symbol = makeLazyArraySymbol 0
- = (True, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA array_symbol []}, pState)
+ = (ParseOk, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA array_symbol []}, pState)
| token == HashToken
# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
| token == CurlyCloseToken
# array_symbol = makeUnboxedArraySymbol 0
- = (True, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA array_symbol []}, pState)
+ = (ParseOk, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA array_symbol []}, pState)
// otherwise // token <> CurlyCloseToken
# (atype, pState) = wantAType (tokenBack pState)
pState = wantToken TypeContext "unboxed array type" CurlyCloseToken pState
array_symbol = makeUnboxedArraySymbol 1
- = (True, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA array_symbol [atype]}, pState)
+ = (ParseOk, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA array_symbol [atype]}, pState)
| token == ExclamationToken
# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
| token == CurlyCloseToken
# array_symbol = makeStrictArraySymbol 0
- = (True, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA array_symbol []}, pState)
+ = (ParseOk, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA array_symbol []}, pState)
// otherwise // token <> CurlyCloseToken
# (atype,pState) = wantAType (tokenBack pState)
pState = wantToken TypeContext "strict array type" CurlyCloseToken pState
array_symbol = makeStrictArraySymbol 1
- = (True, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA array_symbol [atype]}, pState)
+ = (ParseOk, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA array_symbol [atype]}, pState)
// otherwise
# (atype,pState) = wantAType (tokenBack pState)
pState = wantToken TypeContext "lazy array type" CurlyCloseToken pState
array_symbol = makeLazyArraySymbol 1
- = (True, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA array_symbol [atype]}, pState)
+ = (ParseOk, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA array_symbol [atype]}, pState)
trySimpleTypeT StringTypeToken attr pState
# type = makeStringType
- = (True, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = type}, pState)
+ = (ParseOk, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = type}, pState)
trySimpleTypeT (QualifiedIdentToken module_name ident_name) attr pState
| not (isLowerCaseName ident_name)
# (module_id, pState) = stringToQualifiedModuleIdent module_name ident_name IC_Type pState
# type = TQualifiedIdent module_id ident_name []
- = (True, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = type}, pState)
+ = (ParseOk, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = type}, pState)
trySimpleTypeT token attr pState
# (bt, pState) = try token pState
= case bt of
- Yes bt -> (True , {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TB bt}, pState)
- no -> (False, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TE} , pState)
+ Yes bt -> (ParseOk , {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TB bt}, pState)
+ no -> (ParseFailWithoutError, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TE} , pState)
-trySimpleTypeT_after_OpenToken :: !Token !TypeAttribute !ParseState -> (!Bool, !AType, !ParseState)
+trySimpleTypeT_after_OpenToken :: !Token !TypeAttribute !ParseState -> (!ParseResult, !AType, !ParseState)
trySimpleTypeT_after_OpenToken CommaToken attr pState
# (tup_arity, pState) = determine_arity_of_tuple 2 pState
tuple_symbol = makeTupleTypeSymbol tup_arity 0
- = (True, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA tuple_symbol []}, pState)
+ = (ParseOk, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA tuple_symbol []}, pState)
determine_arity_of_tuple :: !Int !ParseState -> (!Int, !ParseState)
determine_arity_of_tuple arity pState
@@ -2601,8 +2625,8 @@ trySimpleTypeT_after_OpenToken CommaToken attr pState
trySimpleTypeT_after_OpenToken ArrowToken attr pState
# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
| token == CloseToken
- = (True, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TArrow}, pState)
- = (False,{at_attribute = attr, at_type = TE},
+ = (ParseOk, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TArrow}, pState)
+ = (ParseFailWithError,{at_attribute = attr, at_type = TE},
parseError "arrow type" (Yes token) ")" pState)
trySimpleTypeT_after_OpenToken token attr pState
# (annot_with_pos,atype, pState) = wantAnnotatedATypeWithPosition (tokenBack pState)
@@ -2613,7 +2637,7 @@ trySimpleTypeT_after_OpenToken_and_type CloseToken annot_with_pos atype attr pSt
# type = atype.at_type
(attr, pState) = determAttr attr atype.at_attribute type pState
pState = warnIfStrictAnnot annot_with_pos pState
- = (True, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = type}, pState)
+ = (ParseOk, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = type}, pState)
trySimpleTypeT_after_OpenToken_and_type CommaToken annot_with_pos atype attr pState
// TupleType
# (satypes, pState) = wantSequence CommaToken TypeContext pState
@@ -2621,9 +2645,9 @@ trySimpleTypeT_after_OpenToken_and_type CommaToken annot_with_pos atype attr pSt
satypes = [{s_annotation=(case annot_with_pos of NoAnnot -> AN_None; StrictAnnotWithPosition _ -> AN_Strict),s_type=atype}:satypes]
arity = length satypes
tuple_symbol = makeTupleTypeSymbol arity arity
- = (True, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TAS tuple_symbol (atypes_from_satypes satypes) (strictness_from_satypes satypes)}, pState)
+ = (ParseOk, {at_attribute = attr, at_type = TAS tuple_symbol (atypes_from_satypes satypes) (strictness_from_satypes satypes)}, pState)
trySimpleTypeT_after_OpenToken_and_type token annot_with_pos atype attr pState
- = (False, atype, parseError "Simple type" (Yes token) "')' or ','" pState)
+ = (ParseFailWithError, atype, parseError "Simple type" (Yes token) "')' or ','" pState)
instance try BasicType