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1 files changed, 25 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/type.icl b/frontend/type.icl
index 7a52c0f..8e00909 100644
--- a/frontend/type.icl
+++ b/frontend/type.icl
@@ -104,6 +104,12 @@ where
| ok
-> (True, simplified_type, subst)
-> (False, tcv, subst)
+ arraySubst tcv=:((cv=:CV _) :@: types) subst
+ // should occur only for A. type variables
+ # (changed,types, subst) = arraySubst types subst
+ | changed
+ = (True, cv :@: types, subst)
+ = (False, tcv, subst)
arraySubst type=:(TArrow1 arg_type) subst
# (changed, arg_type, subst) = arraySubst arg_type subst
| changed
@@ -134,7 +140,7 @@ where
| changed
= (True, [type : types ], subst)
= (False, t, subst)
instance arraySubst TempSymbolType
arraySubst tst=:{tst_args,tst_result,tst_context} subst
@@ -610,7 +616,7 @@ freshConsVariable {tv_info_ptr} type_var_heap
= abort "type.icl: to_constructor_variable, tvi\n" ---> tvi
instance freshCopy AType
freshCopy type=:{at_type = cv :@: types, at_attribute} type_heaps=:{th_attrs}
# (fresh_attribute, th_attrs) = freshCopyOfTypeAttribute at_attribute th_attrs
# (fresh_types, type_heaps) = freshCopy types { type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }
@@ -676,7 +682,6 @@ freshCopyOfTFAType vars type type_heaps
clear_attr attr attr_heap
= attr_heap
freshExistentialVariables type_variables var_store attr_store type_heaps
= foldSt fresh_existential_variable type_variables ([], var_store, attr_store, type_heaps)
@@ -847,7 +852,6 @@ freshSymbolType is_appl fresh_context_vars st=:{st_vars,st_args,st_result,st_con
fresh_attribute {av_info_ptr} (attr_heap, attr_store)
= (attr_heap <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Attr (TA_TempVar attr_store)), inc attr_store)
clear_attributes :: [AttributeVar] !*AttrVarHeap -> *AttrVarHeap
clear_attributes attributes attr_heap
= foldSt clear_attribute attributes attr_heap
@@ -855,7 +859,6 @@ freshSymbolType is_appl fresh_context_vars st=:{st_vars,st_args,st_result,st_con
clear_attribute {av_info_ptr} attr_heap
= attr_heap <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Empty)
collect_cons_variables_in_tc common_defs tc=:{tc_class=TCClass {glob_module,glob_object={ds_index}}, tc_types} collected_cons_vars
# {class_cons_vars} = common_defs.[glob_module].com_class_defs.[ds_index]
= collect_cons_variables tc_types class_cons_vars collected_cons_vars
@@ -870,10 +873,9 @@ freshSymbolType is_appl fresh_context_vars st=:{st_vars,st_args,st_result,st_con
= case type of
TempV temp_var_id
-> collect_cons_variables tc_types (class_cons_vars >> 1) (add_variable temp_var_id collected_cons_vars)
-// ---> ("collect_cons_variables", temp_var_id)
-> collect_cons_variables tc_types (class_cons_vars >> 1) collected_cons_vars
add_variable new_var_id []
= [new_var_id]
add_variable new_var_id vars=:[var_id : var_ids]
@@ -930,13 +932,11 @@ freshSymbolType is_appl fresh_context_vars st=:{st_vars,st_args,st_result,st_con
clear_binding_of_attr_var av_info_ptr attr_var_heap
= attr_var_heap <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Empty)
addToExistentialVariables pos [] exis_variables
= exis_variables
addToExistentialVariables pos new_exis_variables exis_variables
= [(pos, new_exis_variables) : exis_variables]
freshInequality :: AttrInequality *(Heap AttrVarInfo) -> (!AttrCoercion,!.Heap AttrVarInfo);
freshInequality {ai_demanded,ai_offered} attr_heap
@@ -1091,11 +1091,9 @@ addPropagationAttributesToType modules (arg_type --> res_type) ps
addPropagationAttributesToType modules (type_var :@: types) ps
# (types, ps) = addPropagationAttributesToATypes modules types ps
= (type_var :@: types, ps)
addPropagationAttributesToType modules (TArrow1 arg_type) ps
# (arg_type, prop_class, ps) = addPropagationAttributesToAType modules arg_type ps
= (TArrow1 arg_type, ps)
addPropagationAttributesToType modules type ps
= (type, ps)
@@ -1159,7 +1157,7 @@ where
determineSymbolTypeOfFunction :: CoercionPosition Ident Int SymbolType (Ptr VarInfo) {#CommonDefs} *TypeState -> *(!TempSymbolType,!*TypeState);
determineSymbolTypeOfFunction pos ident act_arity st=:{st_args,st_result,st_attr_vars,st_attr_env} type_ptr common_defs ts=:{ts_var_heap}
# (type_info, ts_var_heap) = readPtr type_ptr ts_var_heap
- ts = { ts & ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap }
+ ts = {ts & ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap}
= case type_info of
VI_PropagationType symb_type
# (copy_symb_type, ts) = freshSymbolType (Yes pos) cWithFreshContextVars symb_type common_defs ts
@@ -1179,11 +1177,9 @@ determineSymbolTypeOfFunction pos ident act_arity st=:{st_args,st_result,st_attr
standardFieldSelectorType pos {glob_object={ds_ident,ds_index},glob_module} {ti_common_defs} ts=:{ts_var_store,ts_attr_store,ts_type_heaps,ts_exis_variables}
# (st=:{sd_type,sd_exi_vars}) = ti_common_defs.[glob_module].com_selector_defs.[ds_index]
(new_exis_variables, ts_var_store, ts_attr_store, ts_type_heaps) = freshExistentialVariables sd_exi_vars ts_var_store ts_attr_store ts_type_heaps
-// -?-> (not (isEmpty sd_exi_vars), ("standardFieldSelectorType", sd_exi_vars, st))
ts_exis_variables = addToExistentialVariables pos new_exis_variables ts_exis_variables
ts = { ts & ts_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps, ts_var_store = ts_var_store, ts_attr_store = ts_attr_store, ts_exis_variables = ts_exis_variables }
= freshSymbolType (Yes pos) cWithFreshContextVars sd_type ti_common_defs ts
-// ---> ("standardFieldSelectorType", ds_ident, inst)
standardTupleSelectorType pos {ds_index} arg_nr {ti_common_defs} ts
#! {cons_type} = ti_common_defs.[cPredefinedModuleIndex].com_cons_defs.[ds_index]
@@ -1195,7 +1191,6 @@ standardRhsConstructorType pos index mod arity {ti_common_defs} ts
cons_type = { ct & st_vars = st_vars, st_attr_vars = st_attr_vars }
(fresh_type, ts) = freshSymbolType (Yes pos) cWithFreshContextVars cons_type ti_common_defs ts
= currySymbolType fresh_type arity ts
-// ---> ("standardRhsConstructorType", fresh_type)
add_vars_and_attr {atv_variable, atv_attribute} (type_variables, attr_variables)
= ([ atv_variable : type_variables ], add_attr_var atv_attribute attr_variables)
@@ -1208,11 +1203,9 @@ where
standardLhsConstructorType pos index mod {ti_common_defs} ts=:{ts_var_store,ts_attr_store,ts_type_heaps,ts_exis_variables}
# {cons_ident, cons_type, cons_exi_vars } = ti_common_defs.[mod].com_cons_defs.[index]
(new_exis_variables, ts_var_store, ts_attr_store, ts_type_heaps) = freshExistentialVariables cons_exi_vars ts_var_store ts_attr_store ts_type_heaps
-// -?-> (not (isEmpty cons_exi_vars), ("standardLhsConstructorType", cons_exi_vars, cons_type))
ts_exis_variables = addToExistentialVariables pos new_exis_variables ts_exis_variables
ts = { ts & ts_type_heaps = ts_type_heaps, ts_var_store = ts_var_store, ts_attr_store = ts_attr_store, ts_exis_variables = ts_exis_variables }
= freshSymbolType No cWithFreshContextVars cons_type ti_common_defs ts
-// ---> ("standardLhsConstructorType", cons_ident, fresh_type)
:: ReferenceMarking :== Bool
@@ -1234,7 +1227,7 @@ getSymbolType pos ti=:{ti_functions,ti_common_defs,ti_main_dcl_module_n} {symb_k
UncheckedType fun_type
# (fun_type_copy, ts) = currySymbolType fun_type n_app_args ts
-> (fun_type_copy, [], ts)
- SpecifiedType fun_type lifted_arg_types _
+ SpecifiedType fun_type lifted_arg_types _
# (fun_type_copy=:{tst_args,tst_arity}, ts) = freshSymbolType (Yes pos) cWithoutFreshContextVars fun_type ti_common_defs ts
(fun_type_copy, ts) = currySymbolType { fun_type_copy & tst_args = lifted_arg_types ++ fun_type_copy.tst_args,
tst_arity = tst_arity + length lifted_arg_types } n_app_args ts
@@ -1280,7 +1273,7 @@ getSymbolType pos ti=:{ti_functions,ti_common_defs,ti_main_dcl_module_n} {symb_k
-> abort ("getSymbolType SK_LocalMacroFunction: "+++toString symb_ident+++" " +++toString glob_object)
// -> abort "getSymbolType (type.icl)" ---> (symb_ident, glob_object, fun_type)
-getSymbolType pos ti=:{ti_common_defs} { symb_kind = SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_module,glob_object}} n_app_args ts
+getSymbolType pos ti=:{ti_common_defs} {symb_kind = SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_module,glob_object}} n_app_args ts
# {me_ident, me_type,me_type_ptr} = ti_common_defs.[glob_module].com_member_defs.[glob_object]
(fun_type_copy, ts) = determineSymbolTypeOfFunction pos me_ident n_app_args me_type me_type_ptr ti_common_defs ts
= (fun_type_copy, [], ts)
@@ -1303,7 +1296,7 @@ instance requirements BoundVar
requirements ti {var_ident,var_info_ptr,var_expr_ptr} (reqs, ts)
# (var_info, ts_var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr ts.ts_var_heap
- ts = { ts & ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap }
+ ts = {ts & ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap}
= case var_info of
VI_Type type _
-> (type, Yes var_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts))
@@ -1389,8 +1382,8 @@ where
(cons_types, reqs_ts) = requirements_of_guarded_expressions case_guards ti case_expr expr_type opt_expr_ptr fresh_v (reqs, ts)
(reqs, ts) = requirements_of_default ti case_default case_default_pos fresh_v reqs_ts
ts_expr_heap = ts.ts_expr_heap <:= (case_info_ptr, EI_CaseType { ct_pattern_type = expr_type, ct_result_type = fresh_v, ct_cons_types = cons_types })
- = (fresh_v, No, ({ reqs & req_case_and_let_exprs = [case_info_ptr : reqs.req_case_and_let_exprs]},
- { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap }))
+ = (fresh_v, No, ({reqs & req_case_and_let_exprs = [case_info_ptr : reqs.req_case_and_let_exprs]},
+ {ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap}))
requirements_of_guarded_expressions (AlgebraicPatterns alg_type patterns) ti=:{ti_common_defs} match_expr pattern_type opt_pattern_ptr
goal_type (reqs, ts)
@@ -1497,7 +1490,7 @@ where
= (reqs, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap })
# reqs = { reqs & req_type_coercions = [ type_coercion : reqs.req_type_coercions], req_overloaded_calls = [dyn_expr_ptr : reqs.req_overloaded_calls ]}
= (reqs, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap <:=
- (dyn_expr_ptr, EI_Overloaded { oc_symbol = type_code_symbol, oc_context = dyn_context, oc_specials = [] }) })
+ (dyn_expr_ptr, EI_Overloaded {oc_symbol = type_code_symbol, oc_context = dyn_context, oc_specials = []}) })
requirements_of_default ti (Yes expr) case_default_pos goal_type reqs_ts
= possibly_accumulate_reqs_in_new_group
@@ -1534,7 +1527,7 @@ where
(reqs, ts) = requirements_of_binds let_binds var_types NoPos [] reqs ts
(res_type, opt_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts)) = requirements_of_let_expr let_expr_position ti let_expr (reqs, ts)
ts_expr_heap = writePtr let_info_ptr (EI_LetType var_types) ts.ts_expr_heap
- = ( res_type, opt_expr_ptr, ({ reqs & req_case_and_let_exprs = [let_info_ptr : reqs.req_case_and_let_exprs]},{ ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap }))
+ = (res_type, opt_expr_ptr, ({ reqs & req_case_and_let_exprs = [let_info_ptr : reqs.req_case_and_let_exprs]},{ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap}))
make_base [{lb_src, lb_dst={fv_ident, fv_info_ptr}}:bs] var_types ts=:{ts_var_heap}
@@ -2021,14 +2014,14 @@ where
= (vars, ts)
# (var, ts) = freshAttributedVariable ts
= fresh_attributed_type_variables (dec n) [var : vars] ts
+ /*
fresh_non_unique_type_variables :: !Int ![AType] !*TypeState -> (![AType], !*TypeState)
fresh_non_unique_type_variables n vars ts
| n == 0
= (vars, ts)
# (var, ts) = freshNonUniqueVariable ts
= fresh_non_unique_type_variables (dec n) [var : vars] ts
+ */
fresh_dynamics dyn_ptrs state
= foldSt fresh_dynamic dyn_ptrs state
@@ -2170,8 +2163,7 @@ where
# (clean_fun_type, type_var_env, attr_var_env, ts_type_heaps, ts_var_heap, ts_expr_heap, ts_error)
= cleanUpSymbolType is_start_rule cSpecifiedType exp_fun_type type_contexts type_ptrs coercion_env
attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env ts.ts_type_heaps ts.ts_var_heap ts.ts_expr_heap ts.ts_error
- ts_error
- = check_caf_context (newPosition fun_ident fun_pos) fun_kind clean_fun_type ts_error
+ ts_error = check_caf_context (newPosition fun_ident fun_pos) fun_kind clean_fun_type ts_error
| ts_error.ea_ok
# (ts_fun_env, attr_var_env, ts_type_heaps, ts_expr_heap, ts_error)
= check_function_type fun_type tmp_fun_type clean_fun_type type_ptrs defs ts.ts_fun_env attr_var_env ts_type_heaps ts_expr_heap ts_error
@@ -2181,8 +2173,7 @@ where
# (clean_fun_type, type_var_env, attr_var_env, ts_type_heaps, ts_var_heap, ts_expr_heap, ts_error)
= cleanUpSymbolType is_start_rule cDerivedType exp_fun_type type_contexts type_ptrs coercion_env
attr_partition type_var_env attr_var_env ts.ts_type_heaps ts.ts_var_heap ts.ts_expr_heap ts.ts_error
- ts_error
- = check_caf_context (newPosition fun_ident fun_pos) fun_kind clean_fun_type ts_error
+ ts_error = check_caf_context (newPosition fun_ident fun_pos) fun_kind clean_fun_type ts_error
th_attrs = ts_type_heaps.th_attrs
(out, th_attrs)
= case list_inferred_types of
@@ -2208,11 +2199,9 @@ where
| equi
# type_with_lifted_arg_types = addLiftedArgumentsToSymbolType fun_type tst_lifted st_args st_vars st_attr_vars st_context
(type_heaps, expr_heap) = updateExpressionTypes clean_fun_type type_with_lifted_arg_types type_ptrs type_heaps expr_heap
- = ({ fun_env & [fun] = CheckedType type_with_lifted_arg_types}, attr_var_env, type_heaps, expr_heap, error)
- // ---> ("check_function_type", clean_fun_type, fun_type, type_with_lifted_arg_types)
+ = ({fun_env & [fun] = CheckedType type_with_lifted_arg_types}, attr_var_env, type_heaps, expr_heap, error)
# (printable_type, th_attrs) = beautifulizeAttributes clean_fun_type type_heaps.th_attrs
# (printable_type1, th_attrs) = beautifulizeAttributes fun_type th_attrs
= (fun_env, attr_var_env, { type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }, expr_heap, specification_error printable_type printable_type1 error)
add_lifted_arg_types arity_diff args1 args2
@@ -2443,7 +2432,7 @@ where
# (start_index, predef_symbols) = get_index_of_start_rule predef_symbols
// # (functions, fun_defs) = show_component comp fun_defs
# (predef_symbols, ts) = CreateInitialSymbolTypes start_index ti_common_defs comp (predef_symbols, ts)
- | not ts.ts_error.ea_ok // ---> ("typing", functions)
+ | not ts.ts_error.ea_ok
= (True, predef_symbols, special_instances, out, create_erroneous_function_types comp
{ ts & ts_var_store = 0, ts_attr_store = FirstAttrVar, ts_cons_variables = [], ts_exis_variables = [],
ts_error = { ts.ts_error & ea_ok = True } })
@@ -2631,7 +2620,7 @@ where
collect_and_expand_overloaded_calls [] calls subst_and_heap
= (calls, subst_and_heap)
- collect_and_expand_overloaded_calls [{ fe_context=Yes context, fe_requirements={req_overloaded_calls,req_case_and_let_exprs}, fe_location, fe_index}:reqs] calls (subst, expr_heap)
+ collect_and_expand_overloaded_calls [{fe_context=Yes context, fe_requirements={req_overloaded_calls,req_case_and_let_exprs}, fe_location, fe_index}:reqs] calls (subst, expr_heap)
# (_, context, subst) = arraySubst context subst
subst_expr_heap = expand_case_or_let_types req_case_and_let_exprs (subst, expr_heap)
= collect_and_expand_overloaded_calls reqs [(Yes context, req_overloaded_calls, fe_location, fe_index) : calls]
@@ -2729,8 +2718,7 @@ where
= ( { fe_location = fe_location, fe_context = if (has_option fun_type) (Yes temp_fun_type.tst_context) No, fe_index = fun_index,
fe_requirements = { rhs_reqs & req_type_coercions = [], req_type_coercion_groups = req_type_coercion_groups }
- ({ ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap }))
-// ---> ("type_function", fun_ident, tb_args, tb_rhs, fun_info.fi_local_vars)
+ {ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap})
has_option (Yes _) = True
has_option No = False