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12 files changed, 263 insertions, 380 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/check.dcl b/frontend/check.dcl
index 77fb153..8bd8196 100644
--- a/frontend/check.dcl
+++ b/frontend/check.dcl
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ checkModule :: !ScannedModule !IndexRange ![FunDef] !Int !Int !(Optional Scanned
checkFunctions :: !Index !Level !Index !Index !*{#FunDef} !*ExpressionInfo !*Heaps !*CheckState -> (!*{#FunDef}, !*ExpressionInfo, !*Heaps, !*CheckState)
-determineTypeOfMemberInstance :: !SymbolType ![TypeVar] !InstanceType !Specials !*TypeHeaps -> (!SymbolType, !Specials, !*TypeHeaps)
+determineTypeOfMemberInstance :: !SymbolType ![TypeVar] !InstanceType !Specials !*TypeHeaps !(Optional *ErrorAdmin) -> (!SymbolType, !Specials, !*TypeHeaps, !Optional *ErrorAdmin)
arrayFunOffsetToPD_IndexTable :: !w:{# MemberDef} !v:{# PredefinedSymbol} -> (!{# Index}, !x:{#MemberDef}, !v:{#PredefinedSymbol}) , [w<=x]
diff --git a/frontend/check.icl b/frontend/check.icl
index bdbb68b..0b2ce97 100644
--- a/frontend/check.icl
+++ b/frontend/check.icl
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ where
checkSpecial :: !Index !FunType !Index !SpecialSubstitution (!Index, ![FunType], !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
-> (!Special, (!Index, ![FunType], !*Heaps, !*ErrorAdmin))
checkSpecial mod_index fun_type=:{ft_type} fun_index subst (next_inst_index, special_types, heaps, error)
- # (special_type, hp_type_heaps) = substitute_type ft_type subst heaps.hp_type_heaps
+ # (special_type, hp_type_heaps, error) = substitute_type ft_type subst heaps.hp_type_heaps error
(spec_types, error) = checkAndCollectTypesOfContexts special_type.st_context error
ft_type = { special_type & st_context = [] }
(new_info_ptr, hp_var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty heaps.hp_var_heap
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ checkSpecial mod_index fun_type=:{ft_type} fun_index subst (next_inst_index, spe
((inc next_inst_index), [{ fun_type & ft_type = ft_type, ft_specials = SP_FunIndex fun_index, ft_type_ptr = new_info_ptr} : special_types ],
{ heaps & hp_type_heaps = hp_type_heaps, hp_var_heap = hp_var_heap }, error))
- substitute_type st=:{st_vars,st_attr_vars,st_args,st_result,st_context,st_attr_env} environment type_heaps
- # (st_vars, st_attr_vars, [st_result : st_args], st_context, st_attr_env, _, type_heaps)
- = instantiateTypes st_vars st_attr_vars [ st_result : st_args ] st_context st_attr_env environment [] type_heaps
+ substitute_type st=:{st_vars,st_attr_vars,st_args,st_result,st_context,st_attr_env} environment type_heaps error
+ # (st_vars, st_attr_vars, [st_result : st_args], st_context, st_attr_env, _, type_heaps, Yes error)
+ = instantiateTypes st_vars st_attr_vars [ st_result : st_args ] st_context st_attr_env environment [] type_heaps (Yes error)
= ({st & st_vars = st_vars, st_args = st_args, st_result = st_result, st_attr_vars = st_attr_vars,
- st_context = st_context, st_attr_env = st_attr_env }, type_heaps)
+ st_context = st_context, st_attr_env = st_attr_env }, type_heaps, error)
checkDclFunctions :: !Index !Index ![FunType] !v:{#CheckedTypeDef} !x:{#ClassDef} !v:{#.DclModule} !*Heaps !*CheckState
-> (!Index, ![FunType], ![FunType], !v:{#CheckedTypeDef}, !x:{#ClassDef}, !v:{#DclModule}, !*Heaps, !*CheckState)
@@ -356,18 +356,18 @@ where
checkInstances :: !Index !*CommonDefs !u:{# DclModule} !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*CheckState
-> (![(Index,SymbolType)], !*CommonDefs, !u:{# DclModule}, !*VarHeap , !*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState)
-checkInstances mod_index icl_common=:{com_instance_defs,com_class_defs,com_member_defs,/*AA*/com_generic_defs} modules var_heap type_heaps cs=:{cs_error}
+checkInstances mod_index icl_common=:{com_instance_defs,com_class_defs,com_member_defs,com_generic_defs,com_type_defs} modules var_heap type_heaps cs=:{cs_error}
| cs_error.ea_ok
- # (instance_types, com_instance_defs, com_class_defs, com_member_defs, com_generic_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
- = check_instances 0 mod_index [] com_instance_defs com_class_defs com_member_defs /*AA*/com_generic_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
- = (instance_types, { icl_common & com_instance_defs = com_instance_defs,com_class_defs = com_class_defs,com_member_defs = com_member_defs, /*AA*/com_generic_defs = com_generic_defs },
+ # (instance_types, com_instance_defs, com_class_defs, com_member_defs, com_generic_defs, com_type_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
+ = check_instances 0 mod_index [] com_instance_defs com_class_defs com_member_defs /*AA*/com_generic_defs com_type_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
+ = (instance_types, { icl_common & com_instance_defs = com_instance_defs,com_class_defs = com_class_defs,com_member_defs = com_member_defs, /*AA*/com_generic_defs = com_generic_defs, com_type_defs = com_type_defs },
modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
= ([], icl_common, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
- check_instances :: !Index !Index ![(Index,SymbolType)] !x:{# ClassInstance} !w:{# ClassDef} !v:{# MemberDef} /*AA*/!w:{# GenericDef} !u:{# DclModule}
+ check_instances :: !Index !Index ![(Index,SymbolType)] !x:{# ClassInstance} !w:{# ClassDef} !v:{# MemberDef} /*AA*/!w:{# GenericDef} !nerd:{# CheckedTypeDef} !u:{# DclModule}
!*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*CheckState
- -> (![(Index,SymbolType)], !x:{# ClassInstance}, !w:{# ClassDef}, !v:{# MemberDef}, /*AA*/!w:{# GenericDef}, !u:{# DclModule}, !*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState)
- check_instances inst_index mod_index instance_types instance_defs class_defs member_defs generic_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
+ -> (![(Index,SymbolType)], !x:{# ClassInstance}, !w:{# ClassDef}, !v:{# MemberDef}, /*AA*/!w:{# GenericDef}, !nerd:{# CheckedTypeDef}, !u:{# DclModule}, !*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState)
+ check_instances inst_index mod_index instance_types instance_defs class_defs member_defs generic_defs type_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
| inst_index < size instance_defs
# ({ins_class,ins_members,ins_type, /*AA*/ins_generic}, instance_defs) = instance_defs![inst_index]
@@ -383,63 +383,65 @@ where
// AA..
| inst_index < size instance_defs
- # (instance_def=:{ins_is_generic}, instance_defs) = instance_defs![inst_index]
- # (instance_types, class_defs, member_defs, generic_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs) =
+ # (instance_def=:{ins_ident,ins_is_generic, ins_pos}, instance_defs) = instance_defs![inst_index]
+ # (instance_types, class_defs, member_defs, generic_defs, type_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs) =
(if ins_is_generic check_generic_instance check_class_instance)
- instance_def mod_index instance_types class_defs member_defs generic_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
- = check_instances (inc inst_index) mod_index instance_types instance_defs class_defs member_defs generic_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
+ instance_def mod_index instance_types class_defs member_defs generic_defs type_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
+ = check_instances (inc inst_index) mod_index instance_types instance_defs class_defs member_defs generic_defs type_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
// otherwise
- = (instance_types, instance_defs, class_defs, member_defs, generic_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
+ = (instance_types, instance_defs, class_defs, member_defs, generic_defs, type_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
- check_class_instance {ins_class,ins_members,ins_type} mod_index instance_types class_defs member_defs generic_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
+ check_class_instance {ins_pos,ins_class,ins_members,ins_type} mod_index instance_types class_defs member_defs generic_defs type_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
# ({class_members,class_name}, class_defs, modules) = getClassDef ins_class mod_index class_defs modules
class_size = size class_members
| class_size == size ins_members
- # (instance_types, member_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs) = check_member_instances mod_index ins_class.glob_module
- 0 class_size ins_members class_members ins_type instance_types member_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
- = (instance_types, class_defs, member_defs, generic_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
+ # (instance_types, member_defs, type_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
+ = check_member_instances mod_index ins_class.glob_module
+ 0 class_size ins_members class_members class_name ins_pos ins_type instance_types member_defs type_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
+ = (instance_types, class_defs, member_defs, generic_defs, type_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
// otherwise
# cs = { cs & cs_error = checkError class_name "different number of members specified" cs.cs_error }
- = (instance_types, class_defs, member_defs, generic_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
+ = (instance_types, class_defs, member_defs, generic_defs, type_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
- check_generic_instance {ins_class, ins_members, ins_generate} mod_index instance_types class_defs member_defs generic_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
+ check_generic_instance {ins_class, ins_members, ins_generate} mod_index instance_types class_defs member_defs generic_defs type_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
# ({gen_name, gen_member_name}, generic_defs, modules) = getGenericDef ins_class mod_index generic_defs modules
| ins_generate
- = (instance_types, class_defs, member_defs, generic_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
+ = (instance_types, class_defs, member_defs, generic_defs, type_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
| size ins_members <> 1
# cs = { cs & cs_error = checkError gen_name "generic instance must have one memeber" cs.cs_error }
- = (instance_types, class_defs, member_defs, generic_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
+ = (instance_types, class_defs, member_defs, generic_defs, type_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
# member_name = ins_members.[0].ds_ident
| member_name <> gen_member_name
# cs = { cs & cs_error = checkError member_name "wrong member name" cs.cs_error }
- = (instance_types, class_defs, member_defs, generic_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
+ = (instance_types, class_defs, member_defs, generic_defs, type_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
// otherwise
- = (instance_types, class_defs, member_defs, generic_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
+ = (instance_types, class_defs, member_defs, generic_defs, type_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
// ..AA
- check_member_instances :: !Index !Index !Int !Int !{#DefinedSymbol} !{#DefinedSymbol} !InstanceType ![(Index,SymbolType)]
- !v:{# MemberDef} !u:{# DclModule} !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*CheckState
- -> (![(Index,SymbolType)], !v:{# MemberDef}, !u:{# DclModule},!*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState)
+ check_member_instances :: !Index !Index !Int !Int !{#DefinedSymbol} !{#DefinedSymbol} Ident !Position !InstanceType ![(Index,SymbolType)]
+ !v:{# MemberDef} !blah:{# CheckedTypeDef} !u:{# DclModule} !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*CheckState
+ -> (![(Index,SymbolType)], !v:{# MemberDef}, !blah:{# CheckedTypeDef}, !u:{# DclModule},!*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState)
check_member_instances module_index member_mod_index mem_offset class_size ins_members class_members
- ins_type instance_types member_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
+ class_name ins_pos ins_type instance_types member_defs type_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs=:{cs_x={x_main_dcl_module_n}}
| mem_offset == class_size
- = (instance_types, member_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
+ = (instance_types, member_defs, type_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
# ins_member = ins_members.[mem_offset]
class_member = class_members.[mem_offset]
| ins_member.ds_ident <> class_member.ds_ident
- = check_member_instances module_index member_mod_index (inc mem_offset) class_size ins_members class_members ins_type
- instance_types member_defs modules var_heap type_heaps
+ = check_member_instances module_index member_mod_index (inc mem_offset) class_size ins_members class_members class_name ins_pos ins_type
+ instance_types member_defs type_defs modules var_heap type_heaps
{ cs & cs_error = checkError class_member.ds_ident "instance of class member expected" cs.cs_error}
| ins_member.ds_arity <> class_member.ds_arity
- = check_member_instances module_index member_mod_index (inc mem_offset) class_size ins_members class_members ins_type
- instance_types member_defs modules var_heap type_heaps
+ = check_member_instances module_index member_mod_index (inc mem_offset) class_size ins_members class_members class_name ins_pos ins_type
+ instance_types member_defs type_defs modules var_heap type_heaps
{ cs & cs_error = checkError class_member.ds_ident "used with wrong arity" cs.cs_error}
# ({me_type,me_class_vars}, member_defs, modules) = getMemberDef member_mod_index class_member.ds_index module_index member_defs modules
- (instance_type, _, type_heaps) = determineTypeOfMemberInstance me_type me_class_vars ins_type SP_None type_heaps
+ (instance_type, _, type_heaps, Yes cs_error) = determineTypeOfMemberInstance me_type me_class_vars ins_type SP_None type_heaps (Yes cs.cs_error)
+ (type_defs, modules, cs_error) = checkTopLevelKinds x_main_dcl_module_n True ins_pos class_name instance_type type_defs modules cs_error
(st_context, var_heap) = initializeContextVariables instance_type.st_context var_heap
- = check_member_instances module_index member_mod_index (inc mem_offset) class_size ins_members class_members ins_type
- [ (ins_member.ds_index, { instance_type & st_context = st_context }) : instance_types ] member_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
+ = check_member_instances module_index member_mod_index (inc mem_offset) class_size ins_members class_members class_name ins_pos ins_type
+ [ (ins_member.ds_index, { instance_type & st_context = st_context }) : instance_types ] member_defs type_defs modules var_heap type_heaps { cs & cs_error = cs_error }
getClassDef :: !(Global DefinedSymbol) !Int !u:{#ClassDef} !v:{#DclModule} -> (!ClassDef,!u:{#ClassDef},!v:{#DclModule})
@@ -468,27 +470,34 @@ getGenericDef {glob_module, glob_object={ds_ident, ds_index}} mod_index generic_
= (dcl_mod.dcl_common.com_generic_defs.[ds_index], generic_defs, modules)
// ..AA
-instantiateTypes :: ![TypeVar] ![AttributeVar] !types ![TypeContext] ![AttrInequality] !SpecialSubstitution ![SpecialSubstitution] !*TypeHeaps
- -> (![TypeVar], ![AttributeVar], !types , ![TypeContext], ![AttrInequality], ![SpecialSubstitution], !*TypeHeaps) | substitute types
-instantiateTypes old_type_vars old_attr_vars types type_contexts attr_env {ss_environ, ss_vars, ss_attrs, ss_context} special_subst_list type_heaps=:{th_vars, th_attrs}
+instantiateTypes :: ![TypeVar] ![AttributeVar] !types ![TypeContext] ![AttrInequality] !SpecialSubstitution ![SpecialSubstitution] !*TypeHeaps !(Optional *ErrorAdmin)
+ -> (![TypeVar], ![AttributeVar], !types , ![TypeContext], ![AttrInequality], ![SpecialSubstitution], !*TypeHeaps, !(Optional *ErrorAdmin)) | substitute types
+instantiateTypes old_type_vars old_attr_vars types type_contexts attr_env {ss_environ, ss_vars, ss_attrs, ss_context} special_subst_list type_heaps=:{th_vars, th_attrs} opt_error
# th_vars = clear_vars old_type_vars th_vars
(new_type_vars, th_vars) = foldSt build_var_subst ss_vars ([], th_vars)
(new_attr_vars, th_attrs) = foldSt build_attr_subst ss_attrs ([], th_attrs)
type_heaps = foldSt build_type_subst ss_environ { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }
- (new_ss_context, type_heaps) = substitute ss_context type_heaps
+ (ok1, new_ss_context, type_heaps) = substitute ss_context type_heaps
(inst_vars, th_vars) = foldSt determine_free_var old_type_vars (new_type_vars, type_heaps.th_vars)
(inst_attr_vars, th_attrs) = foldSt build_attr_subst old_attr_vars (new_attr_vars, type_heaps.th_attrs)
- (inst_types, type_heaps) = substitute types { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }
- (inst_contexts, type_heaps) = substitute type_contexts type_heaps
- (inst_attr_env, type_heaps) = substitute attr_env type_heaps
+ (ok2, inst_types, type_heaps) = substitute types { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }
+ (ok3, inst_contexts, type_heaps) = substitute type_contexts type_heaps
+ (ok4, inst_attr_env, type_heaps) = substitute attr_env type_heaps
(special_subst_list, th_vars) = mapSt adjust_special_subst special_subst_list type_heaps.th_vars
- = (inst_vars, inst_attr_vars, inst_types, inst_contexts ++ new_ss_context, inst_attr_env, special_subst_list, { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars })
+ opt_error = case ok1 && ok2 && ok3 && ok4 of
+ True -> opt_error
+ _ -> case opt_error of
+ No -> No
+ Yes error_admin
+ -> Yes (checkError "" "instance type incompatible with class type"
+ error_admin)
+ // e.g.:class c a :: (a Int); instance c Real
+ = (inst_vars, inst_attr_vars, inst_types, inst_contexts ++ new_ss_context, inst_attr_env, special_subst_list, { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }, opt_error)
clear_vars type_vars type_var_heap = foldSt (\tv -> writePtr tv.tv_info_ptr TVI_Empty) type_vars type_var_heap
@@ -501,7 +510,7 @@ where
-> (free_vars, type_var_heap)
build_type_subst {bind_src,bind_dst} type_heaps
- # (bind_src, type_heaps) = substitute bind_src type_heaps
+ # (_, bind_src, type_heaps) = substitute bind_src type_heaps
= { type_heaps & th_vars = writePtr bind_dst.tv_info_ptr (TVI_Type bind_src) type_heaps.th_vars}
build_var_subst var (free_vars, type_var_heap)
@@ -522,11 +531,11 @@ where
# (TVI_Type (TV new_tv), type_var_heap) = readPtr tv_info_ptr type_var_heap
= ({ bind & bind_dst = new_tv }, type_var_heap)
-substituteInstanceType :: !InstanceType !SpecialSubstitution !*TypeHeaps -> (!InstanceType,!*TypeHeaps)
-substituteInstanceType it=:{it_vars,it_attr_vars,it_types,it_context} environment type_heaps
- # (it_vars, it_attr_vars, it_types, it_context, _, _, type_heaps)
- = instantiateTypes it_vars it_attr_vars it_types it_context [] environment [] type_heaps
- = ({it & it_vars = it_vars, it_types = it_types, it_attr_vars = it_attr_vars, it_context = it_context }, type_heaps)
+substituteInstanceType :: !InstanceType !SpecialSubstitution !*TypeHeaps !*ErrorAdmin -> (!InstanceType,!*TypeHeaps,!.ErrorAdmin)
+substituteInstanceType it=:{it_vars,it_attr_vars,it_types,it_context} environment type_heaps cs_error
+ # (it_vars, it_attr_vars, it_types, it_context, _, _, type_heaps, Yes cs_error)
+ = instantiateTypes it_vars it_attr_vars it_types it_context [] environment [] type_heaps (Yes cs_error)
+ = ({it & it_vars = it_vars, it_types = it_types, it_attr_vars = it_attr_vars, it_context = it_context }, type_heaps, cs_error)
hasTypeVariables []
= False
@@ -535,79 +544,85 @@ hasTypeVariables [TV tvar : types]
hasTypeVariables [ _ : types]
= hasTypeVariables types
-determineTypeOfMemberInstance :: !SymbolType ![TypeVar] !InstanceType !Specials !*TypeHeaps -> (!SymbolType, !Specials, !*TypeHeaps)
-determineTypeOfMemberInstance mem_st class_vars {it_types,it_vars,it_attr_vars,it_context} specials type_heaps
+determineTypeOfMemberInstance :: !SymbolType ![TypeVar] !InstanceType !Specials !*TypeHeaps !(Optional *ErrorAdmin)
+ -> (!SymbolType, !Specials, !*TypeHeaps, !Optional *ErrorAdmin)
+determineTypeOfMemberInstance mem_st class_vars {it_types,it_vars,it_attr_vars,it_context} specials type_heaps opt_error
# env = { ss_environ = foldl2 (\binds var type -> [ {bind_src = type, bind_dst = var} : binds]) [] class_vars it_types,
ss_context = it_context, ss_vars = it_vars, ss_attrs = it_attr_vars}
- = determine_type_of_member_instance mem_st env specials type_heaps
+ (st, specials, type_heaps, opt_error)
+ = determine_type_of_member_instance mem_st env specials type_heaps opt_error
+ = (st, specials, type_heaps, opt_error)
- determine_type_of_member_instance mem_st=:{st_context} env (SP_Substitutions substs) type_heaps
- # (mem_st, substs, type_heaps) = substitute_symbol_type { mem_st & st_context = tl st_context } env substs type_heaps
- = (mem_st, SP_Substitutions substs, type_heaps)
- determine_type_of_member_instance mem_st=:{st_context} env SP_None type_heaps
- # (mem_st, _, type_heaps) = substitute_symbol_type { mem_st & st_context = tl st_context } env [] type_heaps
- = (mem_st, SP_None, type_heaps)
- substitute_symbol_type st=:{st_vars,st_attr_vars,st_args,st_result,st_context,st_attr_env} environment specials type_heaps
- # (st_vars, st_attr_vars, [st_result : st_args], st_context, st_attr_env, specials, type_heaps)
- = instantiateTypes st_vars st_attr_vars [ st_result : st_args ] st_context st_attr_env environment specials type_heaps
+ determine_type_of_member_instance mem_st=:{st_context} env (SP_Substitutions substs) type_heaps opt_error
+ # (mem_st, substs, type_heaps, opt_error)
+ = substitute_symbol_type { mem_st & st_context = tl st_context } env substs type_heaps opt_error
+ = (mem_st, SP_Substitutions substs, type_heaps, opt_error)
+ determine_type_of_member_instance mem_st=:{st_context} env SP_None type_heaps opt_error
+ # (mem_st, _, type_heaps, opt_error)
+ = substitute_symbol_type { mem_st & st_context = tl st_context } env [] type_heaps opt_error
+ = (mem_st, SP_None, type_heaps, opt_error)
+ substitute_symbol_type st=:{st_vars,st_attr_vars,st_args,st_result,st_context,st_attr_env} environment specials type_heaps opt_error
+ # (st_vars, st_attr_vars, [st_result : st_args], st_context, st_attr_env, specials, type_heaps, opt_error)
+ = instantiateTypes st_vars st_attr_vars [ st_result : st_args ] st_context st_attr_env environment specials type_heaps opt_error
= ({st & st_vars = st_vars, st_args = st_args, st_result = st_result, st_attr_vars = st_attr_vars,
- st_context = st_context, st_attr_env = st_attr_env }, specials, type_heaps)
+ st_context = st_context, st_attr_env = st_attr_env }, specials, type_heaps, opt_error)
determineTypesOfInstances :: !Index !Index !*{#ClassInstance} !*{# ClassDef} !*{# MemberDef}
!*{#DclModule} !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap !*CheckState
-> (![FunType], !Index, ![ClassInstance], !*{#ClassInstance}, !*{# ClassDef}, !*{# MemberDef}, !*{#DclModule}, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap, !*CheckState)
determineTypesOfInstances first_memb_inst_index mod_index com_instance_defs com_class_defs com_member_defs
- modules type_heaps var_heap cs=:{cs_error}
+ modules type_heaps var_heap cs=:{cs_error, cs_x={x_main_dcl_module_n}}
| cs_error.ea_ok
#! nr_of_class_instances = size com_instance_defs
# (memb_inst_defs, next_mem_inst_index, all_class_specials, com_class_defs, com_member_defs, modules, com_instance_defs, type_heaps, var_heap, cs_error)
- = determine_types_of_instances 0 nr_of_class_instances first_memb_inst_index mod_index [] com_class_defs com_member_defs
+ = determine_types_of_instances x_main_dcl_module_n 0 nr_of_class_instances first_memb_inst_index mod_index [] com_class_defs com_member_defs
modules com_instance_defs type_heaps var_heap cs_error
= (memb_inst_defs, next_mem_inst_index, all_class_specials, com_instance_defs, com_class_defs,
com_member_defs, modules, type_heaps, var_heap, { cs & cs_error = cs_error })
= ([], first_memb_inst_index, [], com_instance_defs, com_class_defs, com_member_defs, modules, type_heaps, var_heap, cs)
- determine_types_of_instances :: !Index !Index !Index !Index ![ClassInstance] !v:{#ClassDef} !w:{#MemberDef}
+ determine_types_of_instances :: !Index !Index !Index !Index !Index ![ClassInstance] !v:{#ClassDef} !w:{#MemberDef}
!x:{#DclModule} !*{#ClassInstance} !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap !*ErrorAdmin
-> (![FunType], !Index, ![ClassInstance], !v:{#ClassDef}, !w:{#MemberDef}, !x:{#DclModule}, !*{#ClassInstance}, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap, !*ErrorAdmin)
- determine_types_of_instances inst_index next_class_inst_index next_mem_inst_index mod_index all_class_specials
+ determine_types_of_instances x_main_dcl_module_n inst_index next_class_inst_index next_mem_inst_index mod_index all_class_specials
class_defs member_defs modules instance_defs type_heaps var_heap error
| inst_index < size instance_defs
# (instance_def, instance_defs) = instance_defs![inst_index]
# {ins_class,ins_pos,ins_type,ins_specials} = instance_def
- ({class_members}, class_defs, modules) = getClassDef ins_class mod_index class_defs modules
+ ({class_name, class_members}, class_defs, modules) = getClassDef ins_class mod_index class_defs modules
class_size = size class_members
- (ins_members, memb_inst_defs1, member_defs, modules, type_heaps, var_heap)
- = determine_instance_symbols_and_types next_mem_inst_index 0 mod_index ins_class.glob_module class_size class_members
- ins_type ins_specials ins_pos member_defs modules type_heaps var_heap
+ (ins_members, memb_inst_defs1, member_defs, modules, type_heaps, var_heap, error)
+ = determine_instance_symbols_and_types x_main_dcl_module_n next_mem_inst_index 0 mod_index ins_class.glob_module class_size class_members
+ ins_type ins_specials class_name ins_pos member_defs modules type_heaps var_heap error
instance_def = { instance_def & ins_members = { member \\ member <- ins_members }}
(ins_specials, next_class_inst_index, all_class_specials, type_heaps, error)
= check_instance_specials mod_index instance_def inst_index ins_specials next_class_inst_index all_class_specials type_heaps error
(memb_inst_defs2, next_mem_inst_index, all_class_specials, class_defs, member_defs, modules, instance_defs, type_heaps, var_heap, error)
- = determine_types_of_instances (inc inst_index) next_class_inst_index (next_mem_inst_index + class_size) mod_index all_class_specials
+ = determine_types_of_instances x_main_dcl_module_n (inc inst_index) next_class_inst_index (next_mem_inst_index + class_size) mod_index all_class_specials
class_defs member_defs modules { instance_defs & [inst_index] = { instance_def & ins_specials = ins_specials }} type_heaps var_heap error
= (memb_inst_defs1 ++ memb_inst_defs2, next_mem_inst_index, all_class_specials, class_defs, member_defs, modules, instance_defs, type_heaps, var_heap, error)
= ([], next_mem_inst_index, all_class_specials, class_defs, member_defs, modules, instance_defs, type_heaps, var_heap, error)
- determine_instance_symbols_and_types :: !Index !Index !Index !Index !Int !{#DefinedSymbol} !InstanceType !Specials !Position
- !w:{#MemberDef} !u:{#DclModule} !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap
- -> (![DefinedSymbol], ![FunType], !w:{#MemberDef}, !u:{#DclModule}, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap)
- determine_instance_symbols_and_types first_inst_index mem_offset module_index member_mod_index class_size class_members
- ins_type ins_specials ins_pos member_defs modules type_heaps var_heap
+ determine_instance_symbols_and_types :: !Index !Index !Index !Index !Index !Int !{#DefinedSymbol} !InstanceType !Specials Ident !Position
+ !w:{#MemberDef} !u:{#DclModule} !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap !*ErrorAdmin
+ -> (![DefinedSymbol], ![FunType], !w:{#MemberDef}, !u:{#DclModule}, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap, !.ErrorAdmin)
+ determine_instance_symbols_and_types x_main_dcl_module_n first_inst_index mem_offset module_index member_mod_index class_size class_members
+ ins_type ins_specials class_name ins_pos member_defs modules type_heaps var_heap cs_error
| mem_offset == class_size
- = ([], [], member_defs, modules, type_heaps, var_heap)
+ = ([], [], member_defs, modules, type_heaps, var_heap, cs_error)
# class_member = class_members.[mem_offset]
({me_symb,me_type,me_priority,me_class_vars}, member_defs, modules) = getMemberDef member_mod_index class_member.ds_index module_index member_defs modules
- (instance_type, new_ins_specials, type_heaps) = determineTypeOfMemberInstance me_type me_class_vars ins_type ins_specials type_heaps
+ (instance_type, new_ins_specials, type_heaps, Yes cs_error) = determineTypeOfMemberInstance me_type me_class_vars ins_type ins_specials type_heaps (Yes cs_error)
+ (_, modules, cs_error) = checkTopLevelKinds x_main_dcl_module_n False ins_pos class_name instance_type cDummyArray modules cs_error
(new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
inst_def = MakeNewFunctionType me_symb me_type.st_arity me_priority instance_type ins_pos new_ins_specials new_info_ptr
- (inst_symbols, memb_inst_defs, member_defs, modules, type_heaps, var_heap)
- = determine_instance_symbols_and_types first_inst_index (inc mem_offset) module_index member_mod_index
- class_size class_members ins_type ins_specials ins_pos member_defs modules type_heaps var_heap
- = ([{ class_member & ds_index = first_inst_index + mem_offset } : inst_symbols], [inst_def : memb_inst_defs], member_defs, modules, type_heaps, var_heap)
+ (inst_symbols, memb_inst_defs, member_defs, modules, type_heaps, var_heap, cs_error)
+ = determine_instance_symbols_and_types x_main_dcl_module_n first_inst_index (inc mem_offset) module_index member_mod_index
+ class_size class_members ins_type ins_specials class_name ins_pos member_defs modules type_heaps var_heap cs_error
+ = ([{ class_member & ds_index = first_inst_index + mem_offset } : inst_symbols], [inst_def : memb_inst_defs], member_defs, modules, type_heaps, var_heap, cs_error)
check_instance_specials :: !Index !ClassInstance !Index !Specials !Index ![ClassInstance] !*TypeHeaps !*ErrorAdmin
-> (!Specials, !Index, ![ClassInstance], !*TypeHeaps, !*ErrorAdmin)
@@ -617,7 +632,7 @@ where
= (SP_ContextTypes list_of_specials, next_inst_index, all_instances, type_heaps, error)
check_specials mod_index inst=:{ins_type} type_offset [ subst : substs ] list_of_specials next_inst_index all_instances type_heaps error
- # (special_type, type_heaps) = substituteInstanceType ins_type subst type_heaps
+ # (special_type, type_heaps, error) = substituteInstanceType ins_type subst type_heaps error
(spec_types, error) = checkAndCollectTypesOfContexts special_type.it_context error
special = { spec_index = { glob_module = mod_index, glob_object = next_inst_index }, spec_types = spec_types,
spec_vars = subst.ss_vars, spec_attrs = subst.ss_attrs }
@@ -638,6 +653,43 @@ where
= (tc_types, error)
+checkTopLevelKinds :: !Index !Bool !Position Ident !SymbolType n:{# CheckedTypeDef} !r:{# DclModule} !*ErrorAdmin
+ -> (!n:{# CheckedTypeDef}, !r:{# DclModule}, !*ErrorAdmin)
+checkTopLevelKinds x_main_dcl_module_n is_icl_module ins_pos class_ident st=:{st_args, st_result} type_defs modules cs_error
+ #! ok = all (\{at_type} -> kind_is_ok x_main_dcl_module_n is_icl_module type_defs modules 0 at_type) [st_result:st_args]
+ # cs_error
+ = case ok of
+ True
+ -> cs_error
+ _
+ # cs_error
+ = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition class_ident ins_pos) cs_error
+ cs_error
+ = checkError "" "instance types have wrong kind" cs_error
+ -> popErrorAdmin cs_error
+ = (type_defs, modules, cs_error)
+ where
+ kind_is_ok x_main_dcl_module_n is_icl_module type_defs modules demanded_kind type=:(TA {type_index={glob_object,glob_module}} args)
+ # {td_arity}
+ = if (glob_module==x_main_dcl_module_n && is_icl_module) type_defs.[glob_object]
+ modules.[glob_module].dcl_common.com_type_defs.[glob_object]
+ = demanded_kind == td_arity-length args
+ kind_is_ok _ _ _ modules 0 (_ --> _)
+ = True
+ kind_is_ok _ _ _ modules _ (_ :@: _)
+ = True
+ kind_is_ok _ _ _ _ 0 (TB _)
+ = True
+ kind_is_ok _ _ _ _ _ (GTV _)
+ = True
+ kind_is_ok _ _ _ _ _ (TV _)
+ = True
+ kind_is_ok _ _ _ _ _ (TQV _)
+ = True
+ kind_is_ok _ _ _ _ _ _
+ = False
consOptional (Yes thing) things
= [ thing : things]
@@ -2676,182 +2728,3 @@ possibly_write_expl_imports_of_main_dcl_mod_to_file imports_ikh dcl_modules cs
Yes {si_explicit}
-> writeExplImportsToFile "dcl.txt" si_explicit dcl_modules cs
-write_expl_imports_to_file file_name si_explicit dcl_modules cs
- | switch_port_to_new_syntax False True
- = abort "write_expl_imports_to_file is only used for portToNewSyntax"
- # (file, cs)
- = openFile file_name cs
- (dcl_modules, file)
- = foldSt (write_expl_import (flatten (map fst si_explicit))) (reverse si_explicit) (dcl_modules, file)
- = (dcl_modules, closeFile file cs)
-write_expl_import all_expl_imp_decls (declarations, _) (dcl_modules, file)
- # (declaration_strings, dcl_modules)
- = mapFilterYesSt (decl_to_opt_string all_expl_imp_decls) (reverse declarations) dcl_modules
- = (dcl_modules, fwriteNewSyntax declaration_strings file)
-// only for portToNewSyntax
-decl_to_opt_string all_expl_imp_decls decl=:{dcl_ident, dcl_index, dcl_kind=STE_Imported ste_kind def_mod_index}
- dcl_modules
- = imported_decl_to_opt_string all_expl_imp_decls dcl_ident dcl_index ste_kind def_mod_index
- dcl_modules
-decl_to_opt_string _ {dcl_ident, dcl_kind=STE_FunctionOrMacro _} dcl_modules
- = (Yes dcl_ident.id_name, dcl_modules)
-decl_to_opt_string all_expl_imp_decls decl dcl_modules
- = abort ("decl_to_opt_string failed"--->decl)
-// only for portToNewSyntax
-imported_decl_to_opt_string all_expl_imp_decls dcl_ident dcl_index STE_Constructor def_mod_index
- dcl_modules
- = (No, dcl_modules)
-imported_decl_to_opt_string all_expl_imp_decls dcl_ident dcl_index STE_Member def_mod_index
- dcl_modules
- = (No, dcl_modules)
-imported_decl_to_opt_string all_expl_imp_decls dcl_ident dcl_index STE_DclFunction def_mod_index
- dcl_modules
- = (Yes dcl_ident.id_name, dcl_modules)
-imported_decl_to_opt_string all_expl_imp_decls dcl_ident dcl_index STE_Class def_mod_index
- dcl_modules
- = (Yes ("class "+++dcl_ident.id_name+++"(..)"), dcl_modules)
-// AA..
-imported_decl_to_opt_string all_expl_imp_decls dcl_ident dcl_index STE_Generic def_mod_index
- dcl_modules
- = (Yes ("generic "+++dcl_ident.id_name+++"(..)"), dcl_modules)
-// ..AA
-imported_decl_to_opt_string all_expl_imp_decls dcl_ident dcl_index (STE_Instance _) def_mod_index
- dcl_modules
- # ({ins_type}, dcl_modules)
- = dcl_modules![def_mod_index].dcl_common.com_instance_defs.[dcl_index]
- = (Yes ("instance "+++dcl_ident.id_name+++" "+++
- separated " " (map type_to_string ins_type.it_types)), dcl_modules)
-imported_decl_to_opt_string all_expl_imp_decls dcl_ident dcl_index STE_Type def_mod_index
- dcl_modules
- # ({td_rhs}, dcl_modules)
- = dcl_modules![def_mod_index].dcl_common.com_type_defs.[dcl_index]
- dcl_string
- = ":: "+++(case td_rhs of
- AlgType constructors
- -> dcl_ident.id_name+++constructor_bracket def_mod_index all_expl_imp_decls constructors
- RecordType _
- -> dcl_ident.id_name+++"{..}"
- _
- -> dcl_ident.id_name)
- = (Yes dcl_string, dcl_modules)
-// only for portToNewSyntax
-type_to_string (TA {type_name} _) = possibly_replace_predef_symbols type_name.id_name
-type_to_string (TB type) = toString type
-type_to_string (TV {tv_name}) = tv_name.id_name
-type_to_string x = abort ("bug nr 945 in module check"--->x)
-possibly_replace_predef_symbols s
- | s=="_list"
- = "[]"
- | s % (0,5) == "_tuple"
- = (toString ['(':repeatn ((toInt (s%(6, (size s) - 1))) - 1) ','])+++")"
- | s=="_array"
- = "{}"
- | s=="_!array"
- = "{!}"
- | s=="_#array"
- = "{#}"
- = s
-instance toString BasicType
- where
- toString BT_Int = "Int"
- toString BT_Char = "Char"
- toString BT_Real = "Real"
- toString BT_Bool = "Bool"
- toString BT_Dynamic = "Dynamic"
- toString BT_File = "File"
- toString BT_World = "World"
- toString _ = abort "bug nr 346 in module check"
-// only for portToNewSyntax
-separated _ []
- = ""
-separated separator [h:t]
- = foldl (\l r->l+++separator+++r) h t
-constructor_bracket def_mod_index all_expl_imp_decls constructors
- # expl_imp_constructor_strings
- = [ ds_ident.id_name \\ {ds_ident} <- constructors
- | is_expl_imported_constructor def_mod_index ds_ident all_expl_imp_decls ]
- | isEmpty expl_imp_constructor_strings
- = ""
- = "("+++separated "," expl_imp_constructor_strings+++")"
-// only for portToNewSyntax
-is_expl_imported_constructor def_mod_index ds_ident []
- = False
-is_expl_imported_constructor def_mod_index ds_ident [{dcl_ident, dcl_kind=STE_Imported STE_Constructor def_mod_index2}:_]
- | dcl_ident==ds_ident && def_mod_index==def_mod_index2
- = True
- // GOTO next alternative
-is_expl_imported_constructor def_mod_index ds_ident [h:t]
- = is_expl_imported_constructor def_mod_index ds_ident t
-fwriteNewSyntax importStrings file
- | isEmpty importStrings
- = fwrites "import @#$@@!!" file
- # with_commas = (map (\s->s+++", ") (butLast importStrings))++[last importStrings+++";"]
- lines = split_in_lines 12 with_commas [] []
- lines = [hd lines:[["\t":line]\\ line<-tl lines]]
- line_strings = [ foldl (+++) " " (line++["\n"]) \\ line<-lines ]
- = fwrites (foldl (+++) "import" line_strings) file
- where
- max_line_length = 80
- split_in_lines i [] inner_accu outer_accu
- # accu = if (isEmpty inner_accu) outer_accu [reverse inner_accu:outer_accu]
- = reverse accu
- split_in_lines i [h:t] inner_accu outer_accu
- # s = size h
- | s+i>max_line_length
- | isEmpty inner_accu
- = split_in_lines (s+i) t [h] outer_accu
- = split_in_lines (s+cTabWidth) t [h] [inner_accu:outer_accu]
- = split_in_lines (s+i) t [h:inner_accu] outer_accu
-// only for portToNewSyntax
-butLast [] = []
-butLast [x] = []
-butLast [h:t] = [h: butLast t]
-// MW: fake..
-openFile file_name cs
- # world = bigBang
- (ok, newFile, world) = fopen file_name FWriteText world
- cs = forget world cs
- cs = case ok of
- True -> cs
- _ # cs_error = checkError "" ("can't open file \""+++file_name+++" in current directory.") cs.cs_error
- -> { cs & cs_error=cs_error }
- = (newFile, cs)
-closeFile file cs
- # world = bigBang
- (ok, world) = fclose file world
- = forget world cs
-bigBang :: .World
-bigBang = cast 1
-// creates a world from scratch
-forget :: !.x !.y -> .y
-forget x y = y
-cast :: !.a -> .b
-cast a
- = code
- {
- pop_a 0
- }
-// ..fake
-// END only for portToNewSyntax
-// END only for portToNewSyntax
-// END only for portToNewSyntax
-// END only for portToNewSyntax
-// END only for portToNewSyntax
-// END only for portToNewSyntax
-// END only for portToNewSyntax
diff --git a/frontend/checktypes.icl b/frontend/checktypes.icl
index cfa64cf..844a04a 100644
--- a/frontend/checktypes.icl
+++ b/frontend/checktypes.icl
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ instance bindTypes AType
bindTypes cti atype=:{at_attribute,at_type} ts_ti_cs
# (at_type, type_attr, (ts, ti, cs)) = bindTypes cti at_type ts_ti_cs
- (combined_attribute, cs_error) = check_type_attribute at_attribute type_attr cti.cti_lhs_attribute cs.cs_error
+ cs_error = check_attr_of_type_var at_attribute at_type cs.cs_error
+ (combined_attribute, cs_error) = check_type_attribute at_attribute type_attr cti.cti_lhs_attribute cs_error
= ({ atype & at_attribute = combined_attribute, at_type = at_type }, combined_attribute, (ts, ti, { cs & cs_error = cs_error }))
check_type_attribute :: !TypeAttribute !TypeAttribute !TypeAttribute !*ErrorAdmin -> (!TypeAttribute,!*ErrorAdmin)
@@ -60,6 +61,13 @@ where
try_to_combine_attributes _ _
= False
+ check_attr_of_type_var :: !TypeAttribute !Type !*ErrorAdmin -> .ErrorAdmin
+ check_attr_of_type_var TA_Unique (TV var) error
+ // the case "TA_Var" is catched by check_type_attribute
+ = checkError var "uniqueness attribute not allowed" error
+ check_attr_of_type_var attr _ error
+ = error
instance bindTypes TypeVar
bindTypes cti tv=:{tv_name=var_id=:{id_info}} (ts, ti, cs=:{cs_symbol_table /* TD ... */, cs_x={x_type_var_position,x_is_dcl_module} /* ... TD */ })
diff --git a/frontend/generics.icl b/frontend/generics.icl
index 4e3fb21..ad7b2c0 100644
--- a/frontend/generics.icl
+++ b/frontend/generics.icl
@@ -802,8 +802,8 @@ determineMemberTypes module_index ins_index
// determine type of the member instance
- # (symbol_type, _, hp_type_heaps) =
- determineTypeOfMemberInstance me_type me_class_vars ins_type SP_None hp_type_heaps
+ # (symbol_type, _, hp_type_heaps, _) =
+ determineTypeOfMemberInstance me_type me_class_vars ins_type SP_None hp_type_heaps No
# (st_context, hp_var_heap) = initializeContextVariables symbol_type.st_context hp_var_heap
# symbol_type = {symbol_type & st_context = st_context}
@@ -946,8 +946,8 @@ buildMemberType generic_def=:{gen_name,gen_type,gen_args} kind class_var type_he
#! (gen_type, type_heaps) = generate_member_type gen_type gen_args kind class_vars type_heaps
// run the real susbstitution
- #! (fresh_st_args, type_heaps) = substitute gen_type.st_args type_heaps
- #! (fresh_st_result, type_heaps) = substitute gen_type.st_result type_heaps
+ #! (_, fresh_st_args, type_heaps) = substitute gen_type.st_args type_heaps
+ #! (_, fresh_st_result, type_heaps) = substitute gen_type.st_result type_heaps
#! member_type = {gen_type &
st_vars = gen_type.st_vars ++ fresh_st_vars,
@@ -963,8 +963,8 @@ where
gen_type gen_args
kind class_vars type_heaps
#! (gen_type_varss, type_heaps) = subst_generic_vars gen_args class_vars kind type_heaps
- #! (fresh_st_args, type_heaps) = substitute gen_type.st_args type_heaps
- #! (fresh_st_result, type_heaps) = substitute gen_type.st_result type_heaps
+ #! (_, fresh_st_args, type_heaps) = substitute gen_type.st_args type_heaps
+ #! (_, fresh_st_result, type_heaps) = substitute gen_type.st_result type_heaps
#! gen_type_varss = transpose gen_type_varss
#! (arg_types, type_heaps) = generate_args gen_type gen_args kind gen_type_varss type_heaps
@@ -1738,10 +1738,10 @@ freshSymbolType postfix st type_heaps
# (new_st_vars, type_heaps) = subst_type_vars postfix st_vars type_heaps
# (new_st_attr_vars, type_heaps) = subst_attr_vars postfix st_attr_vars type_heaps
- # (new_st_args, type_heaps) = substitute st_args type_heaps
- # (new_st_result, type_heaps) = substitute st_result type_heaps
- # (new_st_context, type_heaps) = substitute st_context type_heaps
- # (new_st_attr_env, type_heaps) = substitute st_attr_env type_heaps
+ # (_, new_st_args, type_heaps) = substitute st_args type_heaps
+ # (_, new_st_result, type_heaps) = substitute st_result type_heaps
+ # (_, new_st_context, type_heaps) = substitute st_context type_heaps
+ # (_, new_st_attr_env, type_heaps) = substitute st_attr_env type_heaps
# new_st = { st &
st_vars = new_st_vars
diff --git a/frontend/overloading.icl b/frontend/overloading.icl
index 7f673b9..a81c1b9 100644
--- a/frontend/overloading.icl
+++ b/frontend/overloading.icl
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ where
= mapSt fresh_context contexts heaps
fresh_context tc=:{tc_types} (var_heap, type_heaps)
- # (tc_types, type_heaps) = substitute tc_types type_heaps
+ # (_, tc_types, type_heaps) = substitute tc_types type_heaps
// (tc_var, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap
// = ({ tc & tc_types = tc_types, tc_var = tc_var }, (var_heap, type_heaps))
= ({ tc & tc_types = tc_types }, (var_heap, type_heaps))
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ tryToExpandTypeSyn defs cons_id=:{type_name,type_index={glob_object,glob_module}
expandTypeSyn td_attribute td_args type_args td_rhs type_heaps
# type_heaps = bindTypeVarsAndAttributes td_attribute TA_Multi td_args type_args type_heaps
- (expanded_type, type_heaps) = substitute td_rhs type_heaps
+ (_, expanded_type, type_heaps) = substitute td_rhs type_heaps
= (expanded_type, clearBindingsOfTypeVarsAndAttributes td_attribute td_args type_heaps)
class match type :: !{# CommonDefs} !type !type !*TypeHeaps -> (!Bool, !*TypeHeaps)
@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ where
= type_var_heap <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Type type)
subst_context_and_generate_super_classes class_context (super_classes, type_heaps)
- # (super_class, type_heaps) = substitute class_context type_heaps
+ # (_, super_class, type_heaps) = substitute class_context type_heaps
| containsContext super_class super_classes
= (super_classes, type_heaps)
= generate_super_classes super_class ([super_class : super_classes], type_heaps)
@@ -854,7 +854,7 @@ where
# {tc_class={glob_object={ds_index},glob_module}} = tc2
{class_args,class_members,class_context,class_dictionary} = defs.[glob_module].com_class_defs.[ds_index]
th_vars = foldr2 (\{tv_info_ptr} type -> writePtr tv_info_ptr (TVI_Type type)) th_vars class_args tc2.tc_types
- (super_instances, type_heaps) = substitute class_context { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }
+ (_, super_instances, type_heaps) = substitute class_context { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }
= find_super_instance tc1 super_instances (size class_members) address glob_module class_dictionary.ds_index defs type_heaps
find_super_instance :: !TypeContext ![TypeContext] !Index ![(Int, Global DefinedSymbol)] !Index !Index !{#CommonDefs} !*TypeHeaps
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.dcl b/frontend/syntax.dcl
index c9427dc..f186ef8 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.dcl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.dcl
@@ -58,19 +58,10 @@ instance toString Ident
| STE_DictCons !ConsDef
| STE_DictField !SelectorDef
| STE_Called ![Index] /* used during macro expansion to indicate that this function is called */
- | STE_ExplImp !Bool !(Optional ImportDeclaration) !STE_Kind !Bool /* auxiliary used in module explicitimports. */
- /* 1st arg: initialized with False and set to True when the searched symbol has been found to indicate.
- 2nd arg: Yes: the ImportDeclaration with which it was intended to import the symbol.
- No: for symbols within a bracket (fields, constructors, members)
- 3rd arg: for error messages: the expected namespace of the intended imported symbol
- 4th arg: at first the idents for _all_ fields, constructors & members are added to the symbol table. In
- case of a selective import like "... import :: R {f1}" this bit is used to remove all
- fields different from "f1" from the symbol table again.
- */
| STE_ExplImpSymbol !Int
| STE_ExplImpComponentNrs ![ComponentNrAndIndex] ![Declaration]
/* stores the numbers of all module components that import the symbol from
- the "actual" dcl module. Further for each class the all encountered
+ the "actual" dcl module. Further for each class all encountered
instances are accumulated.
| STE_BelongingSymbol !Int
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.icl b/frontend/syntax.icl
index 42f11f5..ad5d362 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.icl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.icl
@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ where toString {import_module} = toString import_module
| STE_DictCons !ConsDef
| STE_DictField !SelectorDef
| STE_Called ![Index] /* used during macro expansion to indicate that this function is called */
- | STE_ExplImp !Bool !(Optional ImportDeclaration) !STE_Kind !Bool /* auxiliary used in module explicitimports. */
| STE_ExplImpSymbol !Int
| STE_ExplImpComponentNrs ![ComponentNrAndIndex] ![Declaration]
| STE_BelongingSymbol !Int
diff --git a/frontend/trans.icl b/frontend/trans.icl
index d683e36..d73e620 100644
--- a/frontend/trans.icl
+++ b/frontend/trans.icl
@@ -987,8 +987,8 @@ possibly_generate_case_function kees=:{case_info_ptr} aci=:{aci_free_vars} ro ti
{th_vars,th_attrs} = ti.ti_type_heaps
(type_variables, th_vars) = getTypeVars [ct_result_type:arg_types] th_vars
(fresh_type_vars, th_vars) = mapSt bind_to_fresh_type_variable type_variables th_vars
- (fresh_arg_types, ti_type_heaps) = substitute arg_types { th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }
- (fresh_result_type, ti_type_heaps) = substitute ct_result_type ti_type_heaps
+ (_, fresh_arg_types, ti_type_heaps) = substitute arg_types { th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }
+ (_, fresh_result_type, ti_type_heaps) = substitute ct_result_type ti_type_heaps
us = { us_var_heap = ti_var_heap, us_symbol_heap = ti_symbol_heap, us_opt_type_heaps = Yes ti_type_heaps,
us_cleanup_info=ti.ti_cleanup_info }
ui = {ui_handle_aci_free_vars = SubstituteThem, ui_convert_module_n= -1,ui_conversion_table=No }
@@ -1315,7 +1315,7 @@ generateFunction fd=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info = {fi
= foldSt bind_to_temp_attr_var st_attr_vars (FirstAttrVar, ti_type_heaps.th_attrs)
= { ti_type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs, th_vars = th_vars }
- ((st_args,st_result), ti_type_heaps)
+ (_, (st_args,st_result), ti_type_heaps)
= substitute (st_args,st_result) ti_type_heaps
(new_fun_args, new_arg_types_array, next_attr_nr,
new_linear_bits, new_cons_args, uniqueness_requirements, subst, ti_type_heaps=:{th_vars, th_attrs},
@@ -1507,7 +1507,7 @@ where
uniqueness_requirements, subst, type_heaps, symbol_heap, fun_defs, fun_heap, var_heap)
# (arg_type, arg_types)
= arg_types![prod_index]
- (int_class_type, type_heaps)
+ (_, int_class_type, type_heaps)
= substitute class_type type_heaps
= { ti_common_defs = ro.ro_common_defs
@@ -1568,7 +1568,7 @@ where
(next_attr_nr, th_attrs)
= foldSt bind_to_temp_attr_var st_attr_vars (next_attr_nr, th_attrs)
// prepare for substitute calls
- ((st_args, st_result), type_heaps)
+ (_, (st_args, st_result), type_heaps)
= substitute (st_args, st_result) { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }
= symbol.symb_arity
@@ -1726,9 +1726,9 @@ where
= mapSt bind_to_fresh_type_variable st_vars th_vars
(fresh_st_attr_vars, th_attrs)
= mapSt bind_to_fresh_attr_variable st_attr_vars th_attrs
- ([fresh_st_result:fresh_st_args], ti_type_heaps)
+ (_, [fresh_st_result:fresh_st_args], ti_type_heaps)
= substitute [st_result:st_args] { ti_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }
- (fresh_st_attr_env, ti_type_heaps)
+ (_, fresh_st_attr_env, ti_type_heaps)
= substitute st_attr_env ti_type_heaps
= (Yes { symbol_type & st_vars = fresh_st_vars, st_attr_vars = fresh_st_attr_vars, st_args = fresh_st_args,
st_result = fresh_st_result, st_attr_env = fresh_st_attr_env}, ti_type_heaps)
@@ -1873,7 +1873,7 @@ where
max_group_index_of_producer PR_Empty current_max fun_defs fun_heap cons_args
= current_max
max_group_index_of_producer (PR_Class {app_args} _ _) current_max fun_defs fun_heap cons_args
- = max_group_index_of_members app_args current_max fun_defs fun_heap cons_args
+ = foldSt (foldrExprSt (max_group_index_of_member fun_defs fun_heap cons_args)) app_args current_max
max_group_index_of_producer (PR_Curried {symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_object=fun_index, glob_module}}) current_max fun_defs fun_heap cons_args
| glob_module<>ro_main_dcl_module_n
= current_max
@@ -1890,32 +1890,31 @@ where
max_group_index_of_producer prod current_max fun_defs fun_heap cons_args
= abort ("trans.icl: max_group_index_of_producer" ---> prod)
ro_main_dcl_module_n = ro.ro_main_dcl_module_n
- max_group_index_of_member fun_defs fun_heap cons_args current_max
+ max_group_index_of_member fun_defs fun_heap cons_args
(App {app_symb = {symb_name, symb_kind = SK_Function { glob_object = fun_index, glob_module = mod_index}}})
+ current_max
| mod_index == ro_main_dcl_module_n
| fun_index < size cons_args
# {fun_info = {fi_group_index}} = fun_defs.[fun_index]
= max fi_group_index current_max
= current_max
= current_max
- max_group_index_of_member fun_defs fun_heap cons_args current_max
- (App {app_symb = {symb_name, symb_kind = SK_LocalMacroFunction fun_index}})
+ max_group_index_of_member fun_defs fun_heap cons_args
+ (App {app_symb = {symb_name, symb_kind = SK_LocalMacroFunction fun_index}})
+ current_max
| fun_index < size cons_args
# {fun_info = {fi_group_index}} = fun_defs.[fun_index]
= max fi_group_index current_max
= current_max
- max_group_index_of_member fun_defs fun_heap cons_args current_max
+ max_group_index_of_member fun_defs fun_heap cons_args
(App {app_symb = {symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_ptr _ }})
+ current_max
# (FI_Function {gf_fun_def={fun_info = {fi_group_index}}}) = sreadPtr fun_ptr fun_heap
= max fi_group_index current_max
- max_group_index_of_member fun_defs fun_heap cons_args current_max
- (App {app_symb = {symb_kind = SK_Constructor _}, app_args})
- = max_group_index_of_members app_args current_max fun_defs fun_heap cons_args
+ max_group_index_of_member fun_defs fun_heap cons_args _ current_max
+ = current_max
- max_group_index_of_members members current_max fun_defs fun_heap cons_args
- = foldl (max_group_index_of_member fun_defs fun_heap cons_args) current_max members
max_group_index_of_fun_with_fun_index fun_index current_max fun_defs
# fun_def = fun_defs.[fun_index]
= max fun_def.fun_info.fi_group_index current_max
@@ -2446,7 +2445,7 @@ expand_syn_types_in_TA rem_annots common_defs type_symb=:{type_index={glob_objec
SynType rhs_type
# ets_type_heaps = bind_attr td_attribute attribute ets.ets_type_heaps
ets_type_heaps = (fold2St bind_var_and_attr td_args types ets_type_heaps)
- (type, ets_type_heaps) = substitute_rhs rem_annots rhs_type.at_type ets_type_heaps
+ (_, type, ets_type_heaps) = substitute_rhs rem_annots rhs_type.at_type ets_type_heaps
-> expandSynTypes rem_annots common_defs type { ets & ets_type_heaps = ets_type_heaps }
# (types, ets) = expandSynTypes rem_annots common_defs types ets
@@ -2767,18 +2766,33 @@ mapExprSt map_expr map_free_var postprocess_free_var expr st :== map_expr_st exp
= map_expr let_expr st
st = foldSt (\{lb_dst} st -> postprocess_free_var lb_dst st) let_lazy_binds st
st = foldSt (\{lb_dst} st -> postprocess_free_var lb_dst st) let_strict_binds st
- = ( Let { lad & let_lazy_binds = combine lazy_free_vars lazy_rhss let_lazy_binds,
- let_strict_binds = combine strict_free_vars strict_rhss let_strict_binds,
- let_expr = let_expr
- }
- , st
- )
+ = map_expr ( Let { lad & let_lazy_binds = combine lazy_free_vars lazy_rhss let_lazy_binds,
+ let_strict_binds = combine strict_free_vars strict_rhss let_strict_binds,
+ let_expr = let_expr
+ })
+ st
map_expr_st (Selection a expr b) st
# (expr, st) = map_expr expr st
- = (Selection a expr b, st)
+ = map_expr (Selection a expr b) st
combine :: [FreeVar] [Expression] [LetBind] -> [LetBind]
combine free_vars rhss original_binds
= [{ original_bind & lb_dst = lb_dst, lb_src = lb_src}
\\ lb_dst <- free_vars & lb_src <- rhss & original_bind <- original_binds]
+foldrExprSt f expr st :== foldr_expr_st expr st
+ where
+ foldr_expr_st expr=:(Var _) st
+ = f expr st
+ foldr_expr_st app=:(App {app_args}) st
+ = f app (foldSt foldr_expr_st app_args st)
+ foldr_expr_st lad=:(Let {let_lazy_binds, let_strict_binds, let_expr}) st
+ # st
+ = foldSt (\{lb_src} st -> foldr_expr_st lb_src st) let_lazy_binds st
+ st
+ = foldSt (\{lb_src} st -> foldr_expr_st lb_src st) let_strict_binds st
+ st
+ = f let_expr st
+ = f lad st
+ foldr_expr_st sel=:(Selection a expr b) st
+ = f sel (foldr_expr_st expr st)
diff --git a/frontend/transform.icl b/frontend/transform.icl
index 51e45bf..8025976 100644
--- a/frontend/transform.icl
+++ b/frontend/transform.icl
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ unfoldVariable var=:{var_name,var_info_ptr} us
substitute_class_types class_types no=:No
= (class_types, no)
substitute_class_types class_types (Yes type_heaps)
- # (new_class_types, type_heaps) = substitute class_types type_heaps
+ # (_, new_class_types, type_heaps) = substitute class_types type_heaps
= (new_class_types, Yes type_heaps)
readVarInfo var_info_ptr us
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ where
= ({ app & app_args = app_args, app_info_ptr = new_info_ptr}, us)
substitute_EI_DictionaryType (EI_DictionaryType class_type) (Yes type_heaps)
- # (new_class_type, type_heaps) = substitute class_type type_heaps
+ # (_, new_class_type, type_heaps) = substitute class_type type_heaps
= (EI_DictionaryType new_class_type, Yes type_heaps)
substitute_EI_DictionaryType x opt_type_heaps
= (x, opt_type_heaps)
@@ -495,11 +495,11 @@ substitute_let_or_case_type (EI_Extended extensions expr_info) yes_type_heaps
# (new_expr_info, yes_type_heaps) = substitute_let_or_case_type expr_info yes_type_heaps
= (EI_Extended extensions new_expr_info, yes_type_heaps)
substitute_let_or_case_type (EI_CaseType case_type) (Yes type_heaps)
- # (new_case_type, type_heaps) = substitute case_type type_heaps
+ # (_, new_case_type, type_heaps) = substitute case_type type_heaps
= (EI_CaseType new_case_type, Yes type_heaps)
// = (EI_CaseType case_type, Yes type_heaps)
substitute_let_or_case_type (EI_LetType let_type) (Yes type_heaps)
- # (new_let_type, type_heaps) = substitute let_type type_heaps
+ # (_, new_let_type, type_heaps) = substitute let_type type_heaps
= (EI_LetType new_let_type, Yes type_heaps)
instance unfold CasePatterns
diff --git a/frontend/type.icl b/frontend/type.icl
index 048ceb0..e03c019 100644
--- a/frontend/type.icl
+++ b/frontend/type.icl
@@ -2308,8 +2308,8 @@ where
create_instance_type members array_members unboxed_array_type offset_table record_type member_index (array_defs, type_heaps)
# {me_type,me_symb,me_class_vars,me_pos} = array_members.[members.[member_index].ds_index]
- (instance_type, _, type_heaps) = determineTypeOfMemberInstance me_type me_class_vars {it_vars = [], it_attr_vars = [], it_context = [],
- it_types = [unboxed_array_type, record_type]} SP_None type_heaps
+ (instance_type, _, type_heaps, _) = determineTypeOfMemberInstance me_type me_class_vars {it_vars = [], it_attr_vars = [], it_context = [],
+ it_types = [unboxed_array_type, record_type]} SP_None type_heaps No
instance_type = makeElemTypeOfArrayFunctionStrict instance_type member_index offset_table
fun =
{ fun_symb = me_symb
diff --git a/frontend/typesupport.dcl b/frontend/typesupport.dcl
index 5505b3b..207dda3 100644
--- a/frontend/typesupport.dcl
+++ b/frontend/typesupport.dcl
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ beautifulizeAttributes :: !SymbolType !*AttrVarHeap -> (!SymbolType, !.AttrVarHe
updateExpressionTypes :: !SymbolType !SymbolType ![ExprInfoPtr] !*TypeHeaps !*ExpressionHeap -> (!*TypeHeaps, !*ExpressionHeap)
-class substitute a :: !a !*TypeHeaps -> (!a, !*TypeHeaps)
+class substitute a :: !a !*TypeHeaps -> (!Bool, !a, !*TypeHeaps)
instance substitute AType, Type, TypeContext, AttrInequality, CaseType, [a] | substitute a,
(a,b) | substitute a & substitute b
diff --git a/frontend/typesupport.icl b/frontend/typesupport.icl
index 0ebdfdd..d1aaef5 100644
--- a/frontend/typesupport.icl
+++ b/frontend/typesupport.icl
@@ -23,13 +23,15 @@ import syntax, parse, check, unitype, utilities, checktypes, RWSDebug
| UncheckedType !TempSymbolType | ExpandedType !SymbolType !TempSymbolType !TempSymbolType | EmptyFunctionType
-simplifyTypeApplication :: !Type ![AType] -> Type
+simplifyTypeApplication :: !Type ![AType] -> (!Bool, !Type)
simplifyTypeApplication (TA type_cons=:{type_arity} cons_args) type_args
- = TA { type_cons & type_arity = type_arity + length type_args } (cons_args ++ type_args)
+ = (True, TA { type_cons & type_arity = type_arity + length type_args } (cons_args ++ type_args))
simplifyTypeApplication (TV tv) type_args
- = CV tv :@: type_args
+ = (True, CV tv :@: type_args)
simplifyTypeApplication (CV tv :@: type_args1) type_args2
- = CV tv :@: (type_args1 ++ type_args2)
+ = (True, CV tv :@: (type_args1 ++ type_args2))
+simplifyTypeApplication (TB _) _
+ = (False, TE)
:: AttributeEnv :== {! TypeAttribute }
:: VarEnv :== {! Type }
@@ -104,7 +106,7 @@ where
# (type, cus) = cus!cus_var_env.[tempvar]
# (type, cus) = cleanUpVariable cui.cui_top_level type tempvar cus
(types, cus) = clean_up cui types cus
- = (simplifyTypeApplication type types, cus)
+ = (snd (simplifyTypeApplication type types), cus)
clean_up cui (TempQCV tempvar :@: types) cus
# (type, cus) = cus!cus_var_env.[tempvar]
# (TV tv, cus) = cleanUpVariable cui.cui_top_level type tempvar cus
@@ -178,7 +180,7 @@ where
| checkCleanUpResult cur1 cUndefinedVar
= (cur1, TempCV tv_number :@: types, env)
# (cur2, types, env) = cleanUpClosed types env
- = (combineCleanUpResults cur1 cur2, simplifyTypeApplication type types, env)
+ = (combineCleanUpResults cur1 cur2, snd (simplifyTypeApplication type types), env)
cleanUpClosed t env
= (cClosed, t, env)
@@ -439,13 +441,13 @@ where
# (info, expr_heap) = readPtr expr_ptr expr_heap
= case info of
EI_CaseType case_type
- # (case_type, type_heaps) = substitute case_type type_heaps
+ # (_, case_type, type_heaps) = substitute case_type type_heaps
-> (type_heaps, expr_heap <:= (expr_ptr, EI_CaseType case_type))
EI_LetType let_type
- # (let_type, type_heaps) = substitute let_type type_heaps
+ # (_, let_type, type_heaps) = substitute let_type type_heaps
-> (type_heaps, expr_heap <:= (expr_ptr, EI_LetType let_type))
EI_DictionaryType dict_type
- # (dict_type, type_heaps) = substitute dict_type type_heaps
+ # (_, dict_type, type_heaps) = substitute dict_type type_heaps
-> (type_heaps, expr_heap <:= (expr_ptr, EI_DictionaryType dict_type))
@@ -482,13 +484,13 @@ instance bindInstances AType
= bindInstances t1 t2 type_var_heap
-class substitute a :: !a !*TypeHeaps -> (!a, !*TypeHeaps)
+class substitute a :: !a !*TypeHeaps -> (!Bool, !a, !*TypeHeaps)
instance substitute AType
substitute atype=:{at_attribute,at_type} heaps
- # ((at_attribute,at_type), heaps) = substitute (at_attribute,at_type) heaps
- = ({ atype & at_attribute = at_attribute, at_type = at_type }, heaps)
+ # (ok, (at_attribute,at_type), heaps) = substitute (at_attribute,at_type) heaps
+ = (ok, { atype & at_attribute = at_attribute, at_type = at_type }, heaps)
instance substitute TypeAttribute
@@ -496,36 +498,36 @@ where
#! av_info = sreadPtr av_info_ptr th_attrs
= case av_info of
AVI_Attr attr
- -> (attr, heaps)
+ -> (True, attr, heaps)
- -> (TA_Multi, heaps)
+ -> (True, TA_Multi, heaps)
substitute TA_None heaps
- = (TA_Multi, heaps)
+ = (True, TA_Multi, heaps)
substitute attr heaps
- = (attr, heaps)
+ = (True, attr, heaps)
instance substitute (a,b) | substitute a & substitute b
substitute (x,y) heaps
- # (x, heaps) = substitute x heaps
- (y, heaps) = substitute y heaps
- = ((x,y), heaps)
+ # (ok_x, x, heaps) = substitute x heaps
+ (ok_y, y, heaps) = substitute y heaps
+ = (ok_x && ok_y, (x,y), heaps)
instance substitute [a] | substitute a
substitute [] heaps
- = ([], heaps)
+ = (True, [], heaps)
substitute [t:ts] heaps
- # (t, heaps) = substitute t heaps
- (ts, heaps) = substitute ts heaps
- = ([t:ts], heaps)
+ # (ok_t, t, heaps) = substitute t heaps
+ (ok_ts, ts, heaps) = substitute ts heaps
+ = (ok_t && ok_ts, [t:ts], heaps)
instance substitute TypeContext
substitute tc=:{tc_types} heaps
- # (tc_types, heaps) = substitute tc_types heaps
- = ({ tc & tc_types = tc_types }, heaps)
+ # (ok, tc_types, heaps) = substitute tc_types heaps
+ = (ok, { tc & tc_types = tc_types }, heaps)
substituteTypeVariable tv=:{tv_name,tv_info_ptr} heaps=:{th_vars}
# (tv_info, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
@@ -539,31 +541,27 @@ substituteTypeVariable tv=:{tv_name,tv_info_ptr} heaps=:{th_vars}
instance substitute Type
substitute (TV tv) heaps
- = substituteTypeVariable tv heaps
+ # (type, heaps) = substituteTypeVariable tv heaps
+ = (True, type, heaps)
substitute (arg_type --> res_type) heaps
- # ((arg_type, res_type), heaps) = substitute (arg_type, res_type) heaps
- = (arg_type --> res_type, heaps)
+ # (ok, (arg_type, res_type), heaps) = substitute (arg_type, res_type) heaps
+ = (ok, arg_type --> res_type, heaps)
substitute (TA cons_id cons_args) heaps
- # (cons_args, heaps) = substitute cons_args heaps
- = (TA cons_id cons_args, heaps)
-/* MW3 was
- substitute (CV type_var :@: types) heaps
- # (type, heaps) = substituteTypeVariable type_var heaps
- (types, heaps) = substitute types heaps
- = (simplifyTypeApplication type types, heaps)
+ # (ok, cons_args, heaps) = substitute cons_args heaps
+ = (ok, TA cons_id cons_args, heaps)
substitute (CV type_var :@: types) heaps=:{th_vars}
# (tv_info, th_vars) = readPtr type_var.tv_info_ptr th_vars
heaps = { heaps & th_vars = th_vars }
- (types, heaps) = substitute types heaps
+ (ok1, types, heaps) = substitute types heaps
= case tv_info of
TVI_Type tv=:(TempV i)
- -> (TempCV i :@: types, heaps)
+ -> (ok1, TempCV i :@: types, heaps)
# (type, heaps) = substituteTypeVariable type_var heaps
- -> (simplifyTypeApplication type types, heaps)
+ (ok2, simplified_type) = simplifyTypeApplication type types
+ -> (ok1 && ok2, simplified_type, heaps)
substitute type heaps
- = (type, heaps)
+ = (True, type, heaps)
instance substitute AttributeVar
@@ -571,24 +569,24 @@ where
#! av_info = sreadPtr av_info_ptr th_attrs
= case av_info of
AVI_Attr (TA_Var attr_var)
- -> (attr_var, heaps)
+ -> (True, attr_var, heaps)
- -> (av, heaps)
+ -> (True, av, heaps)
instance substitute AttrInequality
substitute {ai_demanded,ai_offered} heaps
- # ((ai_demanded, ai_offered), heaps) = substitute (ai_demanded, ai_offered) heaps
- = ({ai_demanded = ai_demanded, ai_offered = ai_offered}, heaps)
+ # (ok, (ai_demanded, ai_offered), heaps) = substitute (ai_demanded, ai_offered) heaps
+ = (ok, {ai_demanded = ai_demanded, ai_offered = ai_offered}, heaps)
instance substitute CaseType
substitute {ct_pattern_type, ct_result_type, ct_cons_types} heaps
- # (ct_pattern_type, heaps) = substitute ct_pattern_type heaps
- (ct_result_type, heaps) = substitute ct_result_type heaps
- (ct_cons_types, heaps) = substitute ct_cons_types heaps
- = ({ct_pattern_type = ct_pattern_type, ct_result_type = ct_result_type, ct_cons_types = ct_cons_types}, heaps)
+ # (ok1, ct_pattern_type, heaps) = substitute ct_pattern_type heaps
+ (ok2, ct_result_type, heaps) = substitute ct_result_type heaps
+ (ok3, ct_cons_types, heaps) = substitute ct_cons_types heaps
+ = (ok1 && ok2 && ok3, {ct_pattern_type = ct_pattern_type, ct_result_type = ct_result_type,
+ ct_cons_types = ct_cons_types}, heaps)
class removeAnnotations a :: !a -> (!Bool, !a)
@@ -654,7 +652,7 @@ where
expandTypeApplication :: ![ATypeVar] !TypeAttribute !Type ![AType] !TypeAttribute !*TypeHeaps -> (!Type, !*TypeHeaps)
expandTypeApplication type_args form_attr type_rhs arg_types act_attr type_heaps=:{th_attrs}
# type_heaps = bindTypeVarsAndAttributes form_attr act_attr type_args arg_types type_heaps
- (exp_type, type_heaps) = substitute type_rhs type_heaps
+ (_, exp_type, type_heaps) = substitute type_rhs type_heaps
= (exp_type, clearBindingsOfTypeVarsAndAttributes form_attr type_args type_heaps)
VarIdTable :: {# String}