diff options
7 files changed, 122 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/CLPM/Package.dcl b/CLPM/Package.dcl
index aed3c9a..4a070e2 100644
--- a/CLPM/Package.dcl
+++ b/CLPM/Package.dcl
@@ -103,4 +103,4 @@ resolveDependencies :: Repository Package -> MaybeErrorString [(Dependency, Vers
getRecursivePaths :: Package *World -> (MaybeErrorString [Path], *World)
optionsToFlags :: Options -> [String]
-install :: Dependency Version *World -> *(MaybeErrorString (), *World)
+install :: Dependency Version *World -> *(MaybeErrorString String, *World)
diff --git a/CLPM/Package.icl b/CLPM/Package.icl
index 82f4dad..1cfe4fa 100644
--- a/CLPM/Package.icl
+++ b/CLPM/Package.icl
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import System.File
import System.FilePath
import System.Platform
-from Text import class Text(indexOf,subString),
+from Text import class Text(indexOf,split,subString),
instance Text String, instance + String
import Text.JSON
@@ -71,24 +71,28 @@ where
Parse cs
| isMember ';' cs = Parse h >>= \h` -> Parse t >>= Ok o Compound h`
with (h,t) = span ((==) ';') cs
- Parse ['~':cs]
- | isEmpty r1 || isEmpty rev
- = Error "Unexpected end of Satisfy."
- | otherwise
- = p maj >>= \ma ->
- p min >>= \mi ->
- p rev >>= \re ->
- Ok $ Satisfy (ma,mi,re)
+ Parse ['~':cs] = Satisfy <$> Parse cs
+ Parse ['>=':cs] = AtLeast <$> Parse cs
+ Parse ['<=':cs] = AtMost <$> Parse cs
+ Parse [c:_] = Error $ "Unexpected character '" + {c} + "' in VersionRequirement."
+instance Parse (Maybe Int, Maybe Int, Maybe Int)
+ Parse cs
+ | isEmpty r1 || isEmpty rev = Error "Unexpected end of MaybeVersion"
+ = Parse maj >>= \m -> Parse min >>= \mi -> Parse rev >>= \r -> Ok (m,mi,r)
(maj,[_:r1]) = span ((<>) '.') cs
(min,[_:rev]) = span ((<>) '.') r1
- p :: [Char] -> MaybeErrorString (Maybe Int)
- p ['?'] = Ok Nothing
- p cs
- | all isDigit cs = Ok $ Just $ toInt $ toString cs
- | otherwise = Error "Unexpected character in Satisfy."
- Parse [c:_] = Error $ "Unexpected character '" + {c} + "' in VersionRequirement."
+instance Parse Version
+ Parse cs
+ | isEmpty r1 || isEmpty rev = Error "Unexpected end of Version"
+ = Parse maj >>= \m -> Parse min >>= \mi -> Parse rev >>= \r -> Ok (m,mi,r)
+ where
+ (maj,[_:r1]) = span ((<>) '.') cs
+ (min,[_:rev]) = span ((<>) '.') r1
:: StoredPackage
= { name :: Maybe PackageName
@@ -115,7 +119,6 @@ where
depName :: Dependency -> PackageName
depName (Package n _) = n
-// TODO
satisfies :: VersionRequirement Version -> Bool
satisfies (AtLeast r) v = r <= v
@@ -215,7 +218,10 @@ where
res chosen [] = Ok chosen
res chosen [d=:(Package p req):ds]
| isNothing chosen` = case
- [res [(d,riv.RepositoryItemVersion.version):chosen] ds \\ riv <- resolve p req rep] of
+ [res
+ [(d,riv.RepositoryItemVersion.version):chosen]
+ (ds ++ map (fromOk o parse) riv.RepositoryItemVersion.depends)
+ \\ riv <- resolve p req rep] of
[] = Error $ "No suitable version for " + p + ":" + toString req + "."
os = if (all isError os) (hd os) (hd $ filter isOk os)
# (Just chosen`) = chosen`
@@ -237,11 +243,16 @@ where
getPaths` ps pks [d:ds] w
| isMember (depName d) [p.Package.name \\ p <- pks]
= getPaths` ps pks ds w
- # (pkg,w) = readPackage (MODULE_DIR </> (depName d) </> PACKAGE_FILE) w
+ # (pkg,w) = readPackage (addDir PACKAGE_FILE) w
| isError pkg
= (Error $ fromError pkg, w)
# pkg = fromOk pkg
- = getPaths` (removeDup $ ps ++ pkg.Package.paths) [pkg:pks] ds w
+ = getPaths`
+ (removeDup $ ps ++ map addDir pkg.Package.paths)
+ [pkg:pks] (ds ++ pkg.Package.depends) w
+ where
+ addDir = (</>) (MODULE_DIR </> depName d) o fix
+ fix = foldl1 (</>) o split "/"
optionsToFlags :: Options -> [String]
optionsToFlags opts
@@ -252,25 +263,53 @@ optionsToFlags opts
++ ["-s " + toString opts.Options.stack_size + "k"]
++ opts.Options.extra_flags
-install :: Dependency Version *World -> *(MaybeErrorString (), *World)
+install :: Dependency Version *World -> *(MaybeErrorString String, *World)
install d v w
+# (clup,w) = cleanup w
+| isError clup
+ = (Error $ fromError clup, w)
+| not $ fromOk clup
+ = (Ok "Already up to date.", w)
# (tar,w) = doRequest req w
| isError tar
= (Error $ fromError tar, w)
-# (err,w) = writeFile (depName d + ".tar.gz") (fromOk tar).rsp_data w
+# (Ok tar) = tar
+| tar.HTTPResponse.rsp_code < 200 || 299 < tar.HTTPResponse.rsp_code
+ = (Error $ "Invalid response code " + toString tar.HTTPResponse.rsp_code + ".", w)
+# (err,w) = writeFile (depName d + ".tar.gz") tar.rsp_data w
| isError err
- = (Error $ toString (fromError err) + " while installing " + depName d + ".", w)
-# (err,w) = createDirectory (MODULE_DIR </> depName d) w
+ = (Error $ toString (fromError err) + err_append, w)
+# (err,w) = createDirectory dir w
| isError err
- = (Error $ snd (fromError err) + " while installing " + depName d + ".", w)
-# (r,w) = syscall ("tar xzf '" + depName d + ".tar.gz' -C '" + MODULE_DIR </> depName d + "' --strip-components=1\0") w
+ = (Error $ snd (fromError err) + err_append, w)
+# (r,w) = syscall ("tar xzf '" + depName d + ".tar.gz' -C '" + dir + "' --strip-components=1\0") w
# (err,w) = deleteFile (depName d + ".tar.gz") w
| r <> 0
= (Error $ "Failed to unpack " + depName d + ".tar.gz.", w)
| isError err
- = (Error $ snd (fromError err) + " while installing " + depName d + ".", w)
-= (Ok (), w)
+ = (Error $ snd (fromError err) + err_append, w)
+= (Ok "Installed.", w)
+ dir = MODULE_DIR </> depName d
+ pkg_json = dir </> PACKAGE_FILE
+ err_append = " while installing " + depName d + "."
+ cleanup :: *World -> *(MaybeErrorString Bool, *World)
+ cleanup w
+ # (ex,w) = fileExists dir w
+ | not ex = (Ok True, w)
+ # (ex,w) = fileExists pkg_json w
+ | not ex
+ # (err,w) = recursivelyRemove dir w
+ | isError err = (Error $ fromError err, w)
+ | otherwise = (Ok True, w)
+ # (pkg,w) = readPackage pkg_json w
+ | isError pkg = (Error $ "Corrupted " + PACKAGE_FILE + ".", w)
+ | (fromOk pkg).Package.version == v = (Ok False, w)
+ # (err,w) = recursivelyRemove dir w
+ | isError err = (Error $ fromError err, w)
+ | otherwise = (Ok True, w)
req =
{ newHTTPRequest
& req_path = "/repo/" + depName d + "/" + toString v + "/" + platform + ".tar.gz"
diff --git a/CLPM/Repository.dcl b/CLPM/Repository.dcl
index 8dcf751..97a568c 100644
--- a/CLPM/Repository.dcl
+++ b/CLPM/Repository.dcl
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ from CLPM.Package import
:: PackageName, :: Version, :: Description, :: Author, :: Url,
:: VersionRequirement
-REPOSITORY :== "clpm.camilstaps.nl"
+REPOSITORY :== "local.clpm.camilstaps.nl"
PORT :== 80
:: Repository :== [RepositoryItem]
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ PORT :== 80
:: RepositoryItemVersion
= { version :: Version
- , depends :: [(PackageName, String)]
+ , depends :: [String]
derive JSONDecode RepositoryItem, RepositoryItemVersion
diff --git a/CLPM/Util.dcl b/CLPM/Util.dcl
index 3e3a0c2..76583f0 100644
--- a/CLPM/Util.dcl
+++ b/CLPM/Util.dcl
@@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
definition module CLPM.Util
from Data.Error import :: MaybeError, :: MaybeErrorString
+from Data.Maybe import :: Maybe
from Internet.HTTP import :: HTTPRequest, :: HTTPResponse
+from System.FilePath import :: FilePath
class Parse a where Parse :: [Char] -> MaybeErrorString a
+instance Parse Int, (Maybe Int)
parse :: (String -> MaybeErrorString a) | Parse a
doRequest :: HTTPRequest *World -> *(MaybeErrorString HTTPResponse, *World)
syscall :: !String !*World -> !*(!Int, !*World)
+recursivelyRemove :: !FilePath !*World -> *(MaybeErrorString (), !*World)
diff --git a/CLPM/Util.icl b/CLPM/Util.icl
index 2d4004e..282c580 100644
--- a/CLPM/Util.icl
+++ b/CLPM/Util.icl
@@ -15,10 +15,26 @@ import Data.Tuple
import Internet.HTTP
+import System.Directory
+import System.File
+import System.FilePath
from Text import instance + String
TIMEOUT :== Just 10000
+instance Parse Int
+ Parse [] = Error "Empty string for Int."
+ Parse cs
+ | all isDigit cs = Ok $ toInt $ toString cs
+ | otherwise = Error "Unexpected character in Int."
+instance Parse (Maybe Int)
+ Parse ['?'] = Ok $ Nothing
+ Parse cs = Just <$> Parse cs
parse :: (String -> MaybeErrorString a) | Parse a
parse = Parse o fromString
@@ -68,3 +84,21 @@ syscall :: !String !*World -> !*(!Int, !*World)
syscall cmd w = code {
ccall system "s:I:A"
+recursivelyRemove :: !FilePath !*World -> *(MaybeErrorString (), !*World)
+recursivelyRemove fp w
+| isMember (last $ takeWhile ((<>) "") $ iterate (snd o splitFileName) fp)
+ [".", ".."] = (Ok (), w)
+# (inf,w) = getFileInfo fp w
+| isError inf = cast (inf, w)
+| not (fromOk inf).directory = cast $ deleteFile fp w
+# (fps,w) = readDirectory fp w
+| isError fps = cast (fps,w)
+# (rem,w) = appFst sequence $
+ seqList (map (recursivelyRemove o ((</>) fp)) (fromOk fps)) w
+| isError rem = (Error $ fromError rem,w)
+= cast $ removeDirectory fp w
+ cast :: (MaybeOSError a, *World) -> (MaybeErrorString (), *World)
+ cast (Error e, w) = (Error $ snd e, w)
+ cast (Ok _, w) = (Ok (), w)
diff --git a/clpm.icl b/clpm.icl
index b2fa764..a18c2cc 100644
--- a/clpm.icl
+++ b/clpm.icl
@@ -90,15 +90,15 @@ cmd_install pkg io w
= (io <<< fromError solv <<< "\r\n", w)
# (Ok solv) = solv
# io = io <<< "Installing dependencies:\r\n"
-# (io,w) = installAll solv io w
-= (io,w)
+= installAll solv io w
installAll :: [(Dependency, Version)] *File *World -> *(*File, *World)
installAll [] f w = (f,w)
installAll [(d,v):ds] f w
- # f = f <<< "Installing " <<< depName d <<< ":" <<< toString v <<< "...\r\n"
- # (err,w) = install d v w
+ #! f = f <<< "Installing " <<< depName d <<< ":" <<< toString v <<< "...\r\n"
+ #! (err,w) = install d v w
| isError err = (f <<< fromError err <<< "\r\n", w)
+ #! f = f <<< fromOk err <<< "\r\n"
= installAll ds f w
cmd_make :: [String] Package *File *World -> *(*File, *World)
@@ -109,9 +109,11 @@ cmd_make opts pkg io w
| isError ps
= (io <<< fromError ps <<< "\r\n", w)
# ps = fromOk ps
-# (r,w) = syscall (foldl (+) "clm" [" -I " + p \\ p <- ps] +
+# cmd = foldl (+) "clm" [" -I " + p \\ p <- ps] +
foldl (+) "" [" " + f \\ f <- optionsToFlags pkg.options ++ opts] +
- " " + fromJust pkg.main + " -o " + fromJust pkg.main) w
+ " " + fromJust pkg.main + " -o " + fromJust pkg.main
+#! io = io <<< cmd <<< "\r\n"
+#! (r,w) = syscall cmd w
= (io,w)
parseArgs :: (Arguments [String] -> ([String], Arguments))
diff --git a/clpm.json b/clpm.json
index 4517fa2..74f4f1d 100644
--- a/clpm.json
+++ b/clpm.json
@@ -6,16 +6,14 @@
"url": "https://github.com/camilstaps/clpm",
"main": "clpm",
"paths": [
- "$CLEAN_HOME/lib/clean-platform/OS-Linux-64",
- "$CLEAN_HOME/lib/clean-platform/OS-Linux",
- "$CLEAN_HOME/lib/clean-platform/OS-Posix",
- "$CLEAN_HOME/lib/clean-platform/OS-Independent",
- "$CLEAN_HOME/lib/clean-platform/OS-Independent/Deprecated/StdLib",
- "$CLEAN_HOME/lib/Generics",
"options": {
"show_result": false,
- "show_time": false
- }
+ "show_time": false,
+ "heap_size": 10000
+ },
+ "depends": [
+ "clean-platform:~0.?.?"
+ ]