payment_key) {
echo "
The invoice could not be found.
} elseif (!$_offer->getPaymentEligibility()) {
echo "
This invoice is not eligible for online payment.
} elseif ($_offer->getPayment() != null) {
echo "
This invoice has already been paid.
} elseif (isset($_POST['payment_method_nonce'])) {
$nonce = $_POST['payment_method_nonce'];
$trans = Braintree_Transaction::sale([
'amount' => (string) $_offer->calculate(Calculatable::TOTAL),
'paymentMethodNonce' => $nonce,
'options' => [
'submitForSettlement' => true
if (!$trans->success) {
echo '
} else {
try {
$payment = $_offer->createPayment();
$payment->braintree_id = $trans->transaction->id;
echo '
Thank you for your payment. A confirmation has been sent to '.$_offer->getContact()->email.'.
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo '
} else {
$subtotal = Constants::invoice_valuta . $_offer->calculate(Calculatable::SUBTOTAL);
$total = Constants::invoice_valuta . $_offer->calculate(Calculatable::TOTAL);
Welcome to the checkout environment. Please review the invoice carefully.
Description |
Price excl. |
Price incl. |
getItems() as $item) {
echo '';
echo "
| ";
echo "".Constants::invoice_valuta."{$item->calculate(Calculatable::SUBTOTAL)} | ";
echo "{$item->VAT_percentage}% | ";
echo "".Constants::invoice_valuta."{$item->calculate(Calculatable::TOTAL)} | ";
echo '
Totals |
=$subtotal?> |
=$total?> |