. */ /** * A class for some constants */ class constants { /** @const db_prefix A prefix to add to the tables in the database (leave empty for none) */ const db_prefix = ''; /** @const files_folder The folder to store all files (appendices, invoices, etc.) in; with a trailing slash */ const files_folder = '/var/www/localhost/BusinessAdmin/files/'; /** @const files_folder_external The external URI to this folder; with a trailing slash */ const files_folder_external = 'http://localhost/BusinessAdmin/files/'; /** @const files_folder_trash The folder inside files_folder to use a trash, without any trailing slashes */ const files_folder_trash = 'trash'; /** @const url_external The external URI to this folder; with a trailing slash */ const url_external = 'http://localhost/BusinessAdmin/'; /** @const url_internal The URI without the domain name; with a slash at the beginning but not at the end */ const url_internal = '/BusinessAdmin'; /** @const my_name Name of this control panel */ const my_name = 'BusinessAdmin'; /** * @const invoice_name Your name or the name of your business * @const invoice_address_1 First address line * @const invoice_address_2 Second address line * @const invoice_address_3 Third address line * @const invoice_tax_nr Your tax number * @const invoice_iban Your IBAN number * @const invoice_bic The BIC code of your bank * @const invoice_tel_nr Your telephone number * @const invoice_email Your email address * @const invoice_valuta The valuta symbol (will be placed in front of amounts). You can use a symbol like $ or a code like USD */ const invoice_name = 'BusinessAdmin'; const invoice_address_1 = 'My Street 1'; const invoice_address_2 = '12345 My City'; const invoice_address_3 = 'My Country'; const invoice_tax_nr = 'XX123456789A00'; const invoice_iban = 'XX00 ABCD 1234 5678 90'; const invoice_bic = 'XXXX XXXX'; const invoice_tel_nr = '+31 6 1234 5678'; const invoice_email = 'my-email@domain.tld'; const invoice_valuta = '€'; /** @const fa_valuta see http://fontawesome.io/icons/#currency; the fa- postfix for valuta */ const fa_valuta = 'eur'; /** @const version Version of BusinessAdmin. Don't change this yourself! */ const version = '0.2.2'; }