# Botleagues This is a work in progress. Please go away. ## Backyard ### Java engine (java) In the java folder there's the java engine or GameController. It lets bots compete against each other. To run, cd into `/backyard/java/trunk/GameController/bin` and do: java nl.camilstaps.botleagues.MyGame /path/to/bot1/package.mybot.MyBot /path/to/bot2/package.mybot.MyBot ... For example, for the example bot in `/backyard/java-bot/trunk`, that would mean: java nl.camilstaps.botleagues.MyGame ../../../../java-bot/trunk/bin/nl.camilstaps.botleagues.bot.BotStarter ../../../../java-bot/trunk/bin/nl.camilstaps.botleagues.bot.BotStarter Note that you can add as many bots as you want. Also, you can add multiple bots of the same type (like in the example). That's not really a feature, but it is useful for debugging.