
\def\href#1#2{\oldhref{#1}{\color{cloogledark!50!clooglemain} #2}}

\subtitle{A programming language search engine and its applications}
\author[Camil Staps]{\texorpdfstring{Camil Staps\\[1em]\footnotesize\mailto{camil@cloogle.org}}{Camil Staps}}
\date{January 5\textsuperscript{th}, 2018}

\setbeamertemplate{itemize item}[triangle]
\setbeamertemplate{itemize subitem}[circle]




% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/23522/23992

		\frametitle{Table of Contents}



\subsection{Why build a search engine?}
			What is wrong with this code?

				incAll :: [Int] -> [Int]
				incAll []     = []
				incAll [x:xs] = [x+1:incAll xs]

				incAll = map ((+) 1)
	Lack of abstraction due to...

		\item Poor conceptualisation of the programmer?
		\item Poor knowledge of the standard libraries?

			\quad\enquote{There is this function \texttt{map}, but where is it defined?}

	Solution: build a search engine!

	\begin{tabular}{l l}
		\imagetop{\includegraphics[width=.45\textwidth]{scrot-search-name}} & \pause
		\imagetop{\includegraphics[width=.45\textwidth]{scrot-search-unify}} \pause\\
		\imagetop{\includegraphics[width=.45\textwidth]{scrot-search-typedef}} \pause&

\subsection{Efficient unification search}
\begin{frame}{Efficient unification search}
		\item With $\pm15,000$ functions, brute force unification search takes too long
		\item Grouping types together still gives $\pm13,000$ unique types
		\item If type $t$ generalises $u$, any $v$ that unifies with $u$ will also unify with $t$
		\item This gives a partial order on types:

				\begin{tikzpicture}[level distance=2em]
					\tikzstyle{level 1}=[sibling distance=14em]
					\tikzstyle{level 2}=[sibling distance=7em]
					\tikzstyle{level 3}=[sibling distance=2em]
					\node {$a$}
						child {node {$a \rightarrow b$}
							child {node {$Int \rightarrow m~a$} child {node {\vdots}}}
							child {node {$a~a \rightarrow a$} child {node {\vdots}} child {node {\vdots}}}}
						child {node {$f~Real$}
							child {node {$Maybe~Real$}}
							child {node {$Either~a~Real$} child {node {\vdots}}}};

		\item Early pruning speeds up unification search with a factor of $2-3$!

\begin{frame}[shrink]{Efficient unification search}
		\item I would show you the real tree, but it is too large for most viewers
		\item Here is a detail of the tree for 5,000 functions:


	\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={draw,block}]
		\useasboundingbox (-5,-4) rectangle (3.5,4);

\subsection{Running locally: cloogle-tags}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{What if we want to run Cloogle locally?}
		\item Most common use case: finding definitions in personal libraries
		\item Many editors support \emph{tagfiles}:

				drop    StdList.dcl    46
				fopen   StdFile.dcl    27
\begin{frame}{Running locally: old architecture}
	\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={draw,block}]
		\useasboundingbox (-5,-4) rectangle (3.5,4);
\begin{frame}{Running locally: new architecture}
	\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={draw,block}]
		\useasboundingbox (-5,-4) rectangle (3.5,4);

\section*{The end}


	Cloogle was conceived and built by:

		\item Camil Staps
		\item Mart Lubbers

	With contributions by:

		\item Erin van der Veen
		\item Koen Dercksen


		\item The Clean compiler (the Clean team)

	With thanks to:

		\item All users, for new ideas and bug reports (explicitly or in the query log)

	Authors of clients:

		\item CLI app: Koen Dercksen
		\item IRC bot: Mart Lubbers
		\item vim-clean, Telegram bot, email client: Camil Staps
		\item Visual Studio Code plugin: Lucas Franceschino




\subsection{Can I use Cloogle for language X?}
\begin{frame}{Can I use Cloogle for language X?}
		\item It will work best on a language with the Hindley-Milner type system
				\item It can still be useful to less strongly typed languages
				\item It would be interesting to develop a search engine for dependent types
		\item The search system is language-agnostic, but you need a tool to index source code into our JSON format
		\item Also see: \https{neilmitchell.blogspot.nl/2011/03/hoogle-for-your-language-ie-f-scala-ml.html}
		\item Contact me!

				\item Database

					\begin{description}[Syntax constructs]
						\item[Modules] 750
						\item[Functions] 15,297
						\item[Unique types] 13,571
						\item[Type tree depth] 8
						\item[Type definitions] 2,195
						\item[Classes] 262
						\item[Instances] 1958
						\item[Derivations] 1,182
						\item[Syntax constructs] 35
				\item Lines of code\footnotemark
					% cloc --exclude-dir=clean-compiler,CleanRep.2.2_files,CleanRep.2.2.css,storage,cache,Clean\ System\ Files,types.json,typetree.dot,cloogle.log,tags .

					\begin{description}[Bourne Shell]
						\item[Clean] 4,739
						\item[JavaScript] 1,657
						\item[PHP] 831
						\item[HTML] 569
						\item[CSS] 406
						\item[Python] 110
						\item[Bourne Shell] 71

		\item Visitor statistics: \https{cloogle.org/stats/longterm.html}

	\footnotetext{On the web frontend and submodules, excluding the Clean compiler}

	\textbf{Core system:}
	\begin{description}[VS Code plugin]
		\item[API] \https{github.com/clean-cloogle/libcloogle}
		\item[Core] \https{github.com/clean-cloogle/Cloogle}
		\item[Web] \https{github.com/clean-cloogle/cloogle.org}
		\item[JS highlighter] \https{github.com/clean-cloogle/clean.js}
		\item[Pygments lexer] \https{github.com/clean-cloogle/pygments-lexer-clean}
		\item[Pretty printer] \https{github.com/clean-cloogle/CleanPrettyPrint}
		\item[Type unifier] \https{github.com/clean-cloogle/CleanTypeUnifier}

	\begin{description}[VS Code plugin]
		\item[vim-clean] \https{github.com/camilstaps/vim-clean}
		\item[CLI app] \https{github.com/clean-cloogle/cloogle-cli}
		\item[Telegram bot] \https{telegram.me/CloogleBot}; \https{github.com/clean-cloogle/CloogleBot}
		\item[IRC bot] \#cloogle on \https{freenode.net}; \https{github.com/clean-cloogle/clean-irc}
		\item[Email client] \mailto{query@cloogle.org}; \https{github.com/clean-cloogle/cloogle-mail}
		\item[VS Code plugin] \https{github.com/W95Psp/CleanForVSCode}

	\begin{description}[Pygments lexer]
		\item[cloogle-tags] \https{github.com/clean-cloogle/cloogle-tags}
		\item[These slides] \https{github.com/clean-cloogle/presentation-NL-FP-2018}

